european industrial paints - BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, sro
european industrial paints - BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, sro
EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL PAINTS Tradition Dynamics Quality Innovation BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s r.o. is a modern middle size company that produces paints according to the latest technical and ecological standards. The company is a member of the Association of Paint Manufacturers, has ISO 9001 certificate and part of its production bears the trademark Environmental Friendly Product. Tradition and Experience Chemical engineer B. Jeřábek bought a mill on the river Svitava and founded TELURIA – LETOVICE, The Company of Paints and Varnishes, in 1910. The subject of business was mining of raw materials and their processing into natural paints. The interwar portfolio was created by: powder paints, façade paints, opaque white, cement and natural paints, iron oxides, paints for glue, lime and oil. The company was nationalized in 1948 and became a part of the state enterprise BARVY A LAKY. Privatization and return to the original name came in 1993. A new sales network was intensively built and the production program was enlarged under the new conditions. Teluria became part of BARVY A LAKY HOSTIVAŘ in 2003. Lines of products were ideally interconnected and the position of the company was significantly strengthened. Foreign trade continues the TELURIA reputation and long-term cooperation with our partners. We have ensured sales in Poland using own daughter company BAL TELURIA POLSKA since 2007. Page 1 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 CONTENT Page PRODUCT OVERVIEW 2 CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CORROSIVITY Basic atmospheric corrosivity categories Corrosivity categories for water and soil DURABILITY OF PAINTING SYSTEM SURFACE PREPARATION Degreasing Standard surface preparation grades for surface without coat and surface after complete removing of previous coats Surface preparation by abrasive blasting methods Surface preparation by hand and power tool cleaning Cleaning by flame Surface preparation grades after high pressure water jetting Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections Surfaces preparation of hot dipped galvanized steel SELECTION OF PAINTING SYSTEM Manual for selection of suitable painting system Painting systems for coating of surfaces from low alloyed carbon steel APPLICATION PRINCIPLES USEFUL DEFINITION 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 12 13 Revision 28/01/2014 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ALKYD AND ALKYD URETHANE PAINTS TELKYD P 100 TELKYD P 110 TELKYD S 200 TELKYD S 200 TIX TELKYD S 200 TM TELKYD T 300 TELKYD T 370 TELKYDUR T 300 Anticorrosive primer Anticorrosive primer for airless spraying Anticorrosive semi-gloss single coat Anticorrosive thixotropic single coat Anticorrosive single coat Glossy enamel Special heat-resistant enamel Uretanized glossy enamel TWO-COMPONENT EPOXY (EP) PAINTS TELPOX P 100 TELPOX P 110 TELPOX P 120 TELPOX S 200 TELPOX T 300 Two-component EP anticorrosive primer Two-component EP anticorrosive zinc primer Two-component EP primer with iron mica Two-component EP anticorrosive semi-matt single coat Two-component EP glossy enamel POLYURETHANE TWO-COMPONENT (PU) PAINTS TELPUR P 100 TELPUR P 110 TELPUR P 120 TELPUR P 150 TELPUR S 200 TELPUR S 210 TELPUR S 250 TELPUR T 300 TELPUR T 310 TELPUR T 340 TELPUR T 350 Two-component PU anticorrosive primer Two-component PU anticorrosive primer Two-component alkydurethane anticorrosive primer Two-component PU anticorrosive primer Two-component PU anticorrosive matt single coat Two-component PU anticorrosive single coat Two-component alkydurethane anticorrosive semi-gloss single coat Two-component PU enamel Two-component alkydurethane glossy enamel Two-component PU glossy enamel Two-component alkydurethane matt enamel ACRYLATE PAINTS TELCRYL P 100 Acrylate anticorrosive paint PASTES FOR INDUSTRIAL PAINTS TELCOLOR P 2013 Tinting concentrates for system HOSTEMIX HARDENERS FOR INDUSTRIAL PAINTS TELHARD POX TELHARD POX RAPID TELHARD PUR TELHARD PUR 2 Hardener for EP paints TELPOX Hardener for EP paints TELPOX for low temperatures Hardener for PU paints TELPUR Hardener for PU paints TELPUR THINNERS FOR INDUSTRIAL PAINTS TELSOL Thinners Page 2 of 15 Page 3 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 INTRODUCTION Unprotected steel is in atmosphere, water or in soil exposed to corrosion, which destroys not only steel and iron, but also alloy, zinc and copper. In natural conditions the presence of oxygen and water is necessary for corrosion, in industrial and urban environment there are also other negative influences e.g. sulphur and nitrogen oxides and other chemical aggressive substances. Thus it is necessary to protect these construction materials against unfavourable influences and one of protection is coating of structural materials with suitable painting system. CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CORROSIVITY For selection of suitable painting system it is important to determine quality of environment, in which the coated constructions will be exposed. Enviromental corrossivity is according to standard EN ISO 12944-2 classified with six degrees for atmosphere and with three degrees for water and soil. Basic atmospheric corrosivity categories Corrosivity category Example of typical outdoor environment Example of typical indoor environment Heated buildings with a clean atmosphere, e.g. offices, schools, shops, hotels C1 Very low C2 low Atmosphere contaminated to a small extent, mainly rural regions Buildings which are not heated, where condensation may occur e.g. storehouses, sports halls. C3 medium Industrial and urban atmosphere with an average sulphur oxide (IV) contamination level. Inshore areas of low salinity. Production space of high humidity and certain air contamination e.g. foodstuff plants, laundries, breweries, dairies. C4 high Industrial areas and inshore areas of medium salinity. Chemical plants, swimming pools, ship repair yards. C5 – I Very high (industrial) Industrial areas of high humidity and aggressive atmosphere. Buildings and areas of almost constant condensation and high contamination. C5 – M Very high (marine) Inshore areas and offshore areas of high salinity. Buildings and areas of almost constant condensation and high contamination. Page 4 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 Corrosivity categories for water and soil Corrosivity category Environment Examples of typical environments and structures Im 1 Fresh water River installations, hydroelectric power plants Im 2 Sea water or brackish water Seaports with the following structures: sluice gate, locks (water steps), water stilts, piers, offshore structures Im 3 Soil Underground tanks, steel stilts, pipelines DURABILITY OF PAINTING SYSTEM Lifetime of painting system is the time, when after its expiration it is necessary to carry out the first maintenance of coat by reason of anticorrosive protection, especially when the degree of corrosion Ri 3 was reached (i.e. area with 1 % of corrosion occurrence) according to EN ISO 4628-3. Lifetime of painting system depends on many parameters, e.g. type of painting system, construction solution, state of surface before its preparation, degree of surface preparation, work level during coat application, conditions during coat application and exposure conditions after coat application. Lifetime is not „warranty period“, it is only technical information, which should help to the device owner to set the maintenance schedule. The warranty period is a legal expression, which is a subject of contract conditions and it is generally shorter than the lifetime. On the basis of the standard EN ISO 12944-5 the lifetime is divided into three zones: LOW (L) 2 up to 5 years MEDIUM (M) 5 up to 15 years HIGH (H) more than 15 years SURFACE PREPARATION The most important condition for achieving quality and resistant surface treatment of construction is the surface preparation. That means, not only removing corrosive products, degreasing and cleaning from old coats, but if the long-term lifetime and resistance in aggressive environment are required, it is also necessary the surface blasting or chemical pre-preparation, e.g. at the material, which cannot be blasted (sheet metal). Other important condition is the application of the primer as soon as possible, preferably immediately after surface blasting. We differentiate two basic types of the surface preparation: primary (total) surface treatment, i.e. removing of scales, rust, polluting matters so that the cleaned surface is pure metal partial surface treatment, i.e. removing of rust and polluting matters so that the intact coats or other protective coats stay maintained. Page 5 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 Degreasing Oil, grease, salts, dust and other similar impurities must be, if it is possible before following operation, removed from the surface by use of suitable method: - Cleaning with water is the cleaning of surface with direct stream of water with the content of suitable detergent. Required pressure of water depends on impurities, which must be removed, as water-soluble matters, inadhesive rust, heavy oils and poorly adhering old coats, - Vapour cleaning serves for removing of rough impurities and grease including dried or burnt. Thermal and pressure effect is combined with dosing of suitable detergent, - Emulsion cleaning is performed by dipping, coating or spraying, when organic solvent, emulsifier, soaking agent or alcohols and water with alkalic additive, with inhibitor of corrosion etc. affect simultaneously or alternately on the polluted surface. - Alkalic cleaning is performed by dipping at increased temperature or by spraying, when alkalic solution wets metal surface, emulsifies or saponifies greasy matters and disperses inorganic substances. Most often alkalic solutions contain hydroxides, carbonates, phosphates, silicates and surface-active substances, - Cleaning with organic solvents is especially used, when it is not possible to use alkalic degreasing agents. The petrol is used most often, because it dissolves most of grease types. Of course the basic condition of surface cleanness achieving is frequent change of solution. After finishing of degreasing process it is necessary the washing with clean water (with the exception of cleaning with organic solvents and cleaning with clean water vapour). Standard surface preparation grades for surface without coat and surface after complete removing of previous coats according to the standard EN ISO 8501-1. Surface preparation by abrasive blasting methods Surface preparation by abrasive blasting is indicated „Sa“. Before blasting the thick layers of rust must be removed by shaking and visible layers of oil, grease and impurities must be also removed. After blasting the surface must be purified from dust. Sa 1 Light blast-cleaning When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill 1 scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter . Sa 2 Thorough blast-cleaning When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from most of the mill scale, 1 rust, paint coatings and foreign matter . Any residual 2 contamination shall be firmly adhering 1 Sa 2 /2 Very thorough blast-cleaning When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from mill scale, rust, paint 1 coatings and foreign matter . Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only as slight stains in the form of spots or stripes. Page 6 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 Sa 3 Blast-cleaning to visually clean steel When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and shall be free from mill scale, 1 rust, paint coatings and foreign matter . It shall have a uniform metallic colour. 1. The term ‘foreign matter’ may include water-soluble salts and welding residues. These contaminants cannot always be completely removed from the surface by dry blast-cleaning, hand and power tool cleaning or flame cleaning; wet blast-cleaning may be necessary. 2. Mill scale, rust or a paint coating is considered to be poorly adhering if it can be removed by lifting with a blunt putty knife. Surface preparation by hand and power tool cleaning Surface preparation by manual and mechanized cleaning as scraping, scrubbing with wire brush, machine brushing and grinding is indicated „St“. Before manual and mechanized cleaning the strong layers of rust must be removed and visible layers of oil, grease and impurities must be also removed. After manual and mechanized cleaning the surface must be purified from dust. St 2 Thorough hand and power tool cleaning When viewed without magnification, the surfaces shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill 1 scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter St 3 Very thorough hand and power tool cleaning As for St 2, but the surface shall be treated much more thoroughly to give a metallic sheen arising from the metallic substrate. Cleaning by flame Surface preparation by flame cleaning is indicated „Fl“. Before cleaning by flame the thick layers of rust must be removed by shaking. After cleaning by flame the surface must be cleaned by machine brushing. Fl – cleaning by flame When viewed without magnification, the surfaces shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill 1 scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter . All residual contamination must be only as colour changes on the surface (shades of various colours). Surface preparation grades after high pressure water jetting are defined by EN ISO 8501-4. This standard specifies range of surface preparation grades after partial or absolute removing of polluting water-soluble matters, rust, previous coats and strange matters by high pressure water jetting. The standard specifies various surface preparation grades and furthermore specifies condition of surface and grade of flash rust after cleaning. Page 7 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 Description of surface appearance after cleaning Wa 1 Light high pressure water jetting When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil and grease, loose or defective paint, loose rust and other foreign matter. Any residual contamination shall be randomly dispersed and firmly adherent. Wa 2 Thorough high pressure water jetting When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt and most of the rust, previous paint coatings and other foreign matter. Any residual contamination shall be randomly dispersed and can consist of firmly adherent coatings, firmly adherent foreign matter and stains of previously existent rust. 1 Wa 2 /2 Very thorough high pressure water jetting When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from all visible rust, oil, grease, dirt, previous paint coatings and, except for slight traces, all other foreign matter. Discoloration of the surface can be present where the original coating was not intact. The grey or brown/black discoloration observed on pitted and corroded steel cannot be removed by further water jetting. Assessment of preparation grades after high pressure water jetting must be carried out, when the surface is dry and before arising of any flash rusting. It is necessary to repeat whole process of surface preparation, when flash rusting occurs (corrosion grades are specified in EN ISO 8501-4, article 6, table 3). Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings are defined by the standard EN ISO 8501-2. Preparation grades are marked with letter „Sa“, „St“ or „Ma“ for indication of cleaning method used. Letter „P“ before Sa, St or Ma marks only local cleaning. P Sa 2 Thorough localized blastcleaning Tightly adhesive coats must not be damaged. The surface of other parts must be during checking without magnification free of oils, grease, impurities and inadhesive coats, almost without scales, rust and strange matters. All residuals of impurities must 2 be tightly adhesive . P Sa 2 1/2 Very thorough localized blast-cleaning Tightly adhesive coats must not be damaged. The surface of other parts must be during checking without magnification free of oils, grease, impurities, peeling off coats, scales, rust and strange matters. All residual marks of impurities must be only as light shades in the form of stains or strips. Revision 28/01/2014 Page 8 of 15 P Sa 3 Localized blast-cleaning to visually clean steel Tightly adhesive coats must not be damaged during checking without magnification. The surface of other parts must be free of oils, grease, impurities, peeling off coats, scales, rust and strange matters. The surface must have uniform metal appearance. P St 2 Thorough localized hand and power tool cleaning Tightly adhesive coats must not be damaged during checking without magnification. Other surfaces must be free of oils, grease and impurities including inadhesive layers of coats, scales, rust and strange matters. P St 3 Very thorough localized hand and power tool cleaning It corresponds to degree P St 2, but cleaning of surface must be more thorough and the surface must show metallic shade given by surface. P Ma Localized machine grinding Tightly adhesive coats must not be damaged. The surface of other parts must be during checking without magnification free of oils, grease, impurities, scales, rust, inadhesive coats and strange matters. All residual marks of impurities must be only as light shades in the form of stains or strips. Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections are defined by the standard EN ISO 8501-3. There are specified three preparation grades of steel surface with visible imperfections suitable for paint coating P1 Light preparation No or only minimal necessary preparation before coat application – surface must be free of all loose balls splashing after welding, without slag, loose scales, without lifting material and foreign rolled material P2 Thorough preparation Most of defects are removed – surface must be free of loose and slightly sticky balls splashing after welding, without slag, loose scales, without visible interferences, flakes, free of sharp or deep notches, without sharp edges and fins, without foreign rolled material P3 Very thorough preparation Surface is without significant visible defects – surface must be free of all balls splashing after welding, without slag, loose scales, without visible interferences, flakes, free of sharp or deep notches, without foreign rolled material, surface must be absolutely smooth, edges must be rounded, surface must be free of pits and craters Revision 28/01/2014 Surfaces preparation of hot dipped galvanized steel Page 9 of 15 The surfaces, where the weather ageing did not occur, must be before the coat application cleaned from grease, flux rests and other impurities (e.g. zinc dust). It is possible to carry out the cleaning with the mixture of clean water and ammoniac water in ratio 20:1 with addition of detergent. This solution is applied on the surface and after 10 minutes of working it is spread with fleece up to creation of metallic grey foam. Next the perfect washing with clean hot water follows. Alternatively it is possible to use for cleaning the mixture of clean water with content of detergent with subsequent washing with clean hot water. Zinc coats can be slightly blasted with non-metallic blast-cleaning preparations (sweep blasting) for ensuring of better adhesion of the painting system (EN ISO 12944-4, art. 12.1). The surfaces, which were exposed to the atmosphere, must be before the coat application cleaned from corrosion products (white rust), some salts and other impurities. It is possible to carry out the cleaning with clean water with content of detergent and with using of abrasive material applied on plastic carrier (brush) with subsequent washing with hot water. Alternatively it is possible to use for cleaning hot water, water under pressure, vapour, manual or mechanized cleaning. Light blast-cleaning with non-metallic abrasive material (sweeping) improves adhesion of the painting system (EN ISO 12944-4, art. 12.2). It is possible to use the given procedures also for preparation of aluminous surfaces. SELECTION OF PAINTING SYSTEM For anticorrosive protection of steel constructions the using of many painting systems is widespread. When selecting the painting system it is necessary to follow the requirements for complete painting system and take into account the mutual compatibility of individual layers. According to the application the paints are divided in water-borne, solvent-borne or solvent-free. They are divided especially in two main groups according the way of drying and curing, and also they are divided in subgroups according to type of binder and mechanism of curing. reversible coats – the film hardens by evaporation of solvents, i.e. the process is reversible and the dry film remains soluble in its original solvent (chlorinated rubber, vinyl chloride copolymers, acrylic polymers) irreversible coats – first the dry film hardens by evaporation of solvents and next the chemical reaction follows. The process is irreversible, i.e. the coat cannot be solved with original solvent. Air-drying paints (oxypolymerization) – the film hardens by evaporation of solvents with subsequent reaction of binder with air oxygen (alkyd, alkyd-urethane, epoxy ester) Water-borne paints – the film hardens by evaporation of water and coalescence of binder (acrylic polymers, vinyl polymers, polyurethane resins) Chemically curing paints – the paint consists of base element and curing agent. The film cures by evaporation of solvents and subsequent chemical reaction between base and curing agent (epoxy, polyurethane) Moisture curing paints – the film dries by solvent evaporation and is curing by chemical reaction with moisture from the air (polyurethane single-component, ethyl silicate single-component and two-component) Manual for selection of suitable painting system - The effect of environmental corrosivity (macroclimate), where the structure will be placed, is determined - It is found, if there are special conditions (microclimate), which can effect an increasing enviroment corrosivity grade (corrosion inside buildings, corrosion in hollow elements, special stress, chemical stress, mechanical stress in water and air, stress due to condensation, stress due to temperature,…) Page 10 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 - Defined painting system is found according to standard EN ISO 12944-5 - The painting system of required lifetime is found - The optimal painting system is selected according to method of surface preparation and possibility of painting system maintenance - The selection is consulted with the paint producer Painting systems for coating of surfaces from low alloyed carbon steel Category of corrosive aggressivity C1/C2 Thickness of painting system; TDFT Application System lifetime 1 80 µm Brush, roller, air spray., airless spraying L, low 1 120 µm Brush, roller, air spray., airless spraying M, medium 1 80 µm Brush, roller, air spraying L, low St 2 / Sa 2 /2 1 120 µm Brush, roller, air spraying M, medium Binder Recommended painting system Surface preparation Thickness of painting system; TDFT Application System lifetime Alkyd TELKYD S 200 TIX 1 x 120 µm Sa 2 /2 1 120 µm Brush, airless spraying L, low Alkyd TELKYD S 200 TIX 2 x 80 µm Sa 2 /2 1 160 µm Brush, airless spraying M, medium Alkyd, alkyd urethane TELKYD P 100 2 x 40 µm TELKYDUR T 300 1 x 40 µm Sa 2 /2 120 µm Brush, roller, air spraying L, low Alkyd, alkyd urethane TELKYD P 100 2 x 40 µm TELKYDUR T 300 2 x 40 µm Sa 2 /2 Polyurethane TELPUR S 200 2 x 80 µm Sa 2 /2 Polyurethane TELPUR P 110 2 x 40 µm TELPUR T 340 2 x 40 µm Sa 2 /2 Binder Recommended painting system Surface preparation Alkyd TELKYD S 200 2 x 40 µm St 2 / Sa 2 /2 Alkyd TELKYD S 200 3 x 40 µm St 2 / Sa 2 /2 Alkyd TELKYD P 100 1 x 40 µm TELKYD T 300 1 x 40 µm St 2 / Sa 2 /2 Alkyd TELKYD P 100 1 x 40 µm TELKYD T 300 2 x 40 µm Category of corrosive aggressivity C3 1 1 160 µm Brush, roller, air spraying, airless spraying M, medium 1 160 µm Brush, airless spraying M, medium 1 160 µm Brush, airless spraying M, medium Page 11 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 Polyurethane TELPUR S 210 120 µm Sa 2 /2 Acrylate TELCRYL P100 2 x 80 µm 1 120 µm Brush, airless spraying L, low Sa 2 /2 1 160 µm Airless spraying, brush M, medium Thickness of painting system; TDFT Application System lifetime 1 160 µm Air spraying, airless spraying L, low 1 240 µm Air spraying, airless spraying M, medium 1 200 µm Air spraying, airless spraying M, medium 1 200 µm Air spraying, airless spraying M, medium 1 240 µm Airless spraying M, medium 1 240 µm Airless spraying M, medium 1 240 µm Airless spraying M, medium Category of corrosive aggressivity C4 Binder Recommended painting system Surface preparation Epoxy, polyurethane (epoxy) TELPOX P 100 1 x 80 µm TELPUR T300 (T340) (TELPOX T 300) 2 x 40 µm Sa 2 /2 Epoxy, polyurethane (epoxy) Epoxy, polyurethane (epoxy) TELPOX P 100 1 x 80 µm TELPUR T300 (T340) (TELPOX T300) 4 x 40 µm TELPOX P 110 1 x 80 µm TELPUR T 300 (TELPOX T300) 3 x 40 µm Sa 2 /2 Sa 2 /2 Epoxy, polyurethane TELPOX P 110 1 x 40 µm TELPOX P 120 1 x 80 µm TELPUR T 300 2 x 40 µm Sa 2 /2 Acrylate, polyurethane TELCRYL P100 1 x 80 µm TELPUR S200 ( S210 ) 2 x 80 µm Sa 2 /2 Polyurethane TELPUR S 210 3 x 80µm Sa 2 /2 Epoxy TELPOX S 200 3 x 80µm Sa 2 /2 Page 12 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 APPLICATION PRINCIPLES For coating / spraying outside the suitable weather forecast is necessary. During rain, fog, creation of condensation water, effect of aggressive gases and during wind with strong content of dust the coating work must be suspended and can be restart after absolute drying of surface-treated material. The coating work depending on paints used are not permissible below +5 °C and surface temperature must be minimally 3 °C above the dew point, if it is not stated otherwise in technical conditions of the paint producer. Before direct application it is necessary to stir the paint properly, thin and filter it, if necessary. Viscosity and thinning of the paint usually depend on the method of application and type of application device. Unless otherwise stated, the recommended viscosity for application of the paint by brush and roller is generally 50 – 80 s (thinning 0 – 5%), for conventional spraying (air spraying) 20 – 35 s (thinning 5 – 15 %), for application by dipping 30 – 40 s (thinning 5 – 10 %). It is not necessary to thin the paint during application by the airless spraying. On blasted surfaces according to momentary atmospheric conditions it is necessary to keep specified time intervals between time after blast-cleaning and subsequent coating: in dry indoor areas up to 8 hours, in outdoor areas up to 4 hours and under shelter during humid weather up to 30 minutes. It is recommended to apply first layer of the painting system only by brush or spraying; roller can be used, if it is determined for the paint, and only in subsequent layers. Next it is necessary to keep recommendation of the producer regarding the intervals between applications of individual layers during the system application. Too short time between individual coats can lead to lifting the substrate / surface, too long time results in impaired adhesion between layers. Application conditions – relation among dew point, surface temperature, air temperature and relative humidity Air temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%) Minimal surface temperature (°C) Dew point (°C) Relation among air temperature, relative humidity and surface temperature Page 13 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 USEFUL DEFINITIONS Content of non-volatile compounds (dry matter) in % of weight – given weight content of non-volatile portion obtained from vaporizing (drying) under specified conditions of test in the paints. Content of non-volatile compounds (dry matter) in % of volume – given volume rest, which occurred by hardening or drying of tested paint under specified conditions. VOC otherwise volatile organic compound is in principle any organic liquid self-evaporating at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure, and which has boil point lower than 250 °C 2 2 Theoretical consumption SRT gives the number of m , which can be coated from one litre (m /l) or from 2 one kilogram (m /kg) of the paint at zero loss and on ideal smooth surface (data are usually given for thickness of one optimal layer) 2 SRT = 10 x volume dry matter (%) / DFT (µm) 2 3 SRT (m /l) / density (kg/m ) [m /l] 2 [m /kg] Practical consumption SRP is calculated as a theoretical consumption multiplied by loss factor (according to application method) 2 2 SRP = SRT (m /l) x loss factor LF) 2 SRP = SRT (m /kg) x loss factor LF) % of losses LF loss factor 10 0.9 [m /l] 2 [m /kg] 20 0.8 30 0.7 40 0.6 50 0.5 60 0.4 70 0.3 2 Theoretical consumption of the paint [m /l] depending on dry matter content (CS) and dry film thickness (DFT) Dry matter content (% of volume) Required dry film thickness (m) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 40.0 38.0 36.0 34.0 32.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 13.3 12.7 12.0 11.3 10.7 10.0 9.03 8.07 8.0 7.3 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 8.0 7.6 7.2 6.8 6.4 6.0 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 6.7 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.7 5.7 5.4 5.1 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.1 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.8 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.8 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.7 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.6 Page 14 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 50 45 40 35 30 25 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 6.7 6.0 5.3 4.7 4.0 3.3 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 4.0 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.4 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.83 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.92 0.77 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.86 0.71 2 Theoretical consumption PCT indicates amount of the paint, which is necessary for coating on 1 m of surface at zero loss and on ideal smooth surface (data are usually given for thickness of one optimal layer). PCT = DFT (µm) / (10 x volume dry matter (% of volume)) 2 3 PCT (l/m ) x density (kg/m ) 2 [l/m ] 2 [kg/m ] Practical consumption PCP is calculated as a theoretical consumption divided by loss factor (according to application method) 2 2 PCP = PCT (l/m ) / loss factor LF 2 3 PCP = PCT (l/m ) x density (kg/m ) [l/m ] 2 [kg/m ] Surface roughness is mean value from absolute heights of five biggest peaks and depths of five lowest hollows of profile within the range of basic length. Dead volume is the amount of coat necessary for filling of rough surface arising from blast-cleaning. In case, when the dry film thickness (DFT) is specified, it is a thickness, which must be achieved regardless of the surface roughness. If we want to determine the real consumption of the paint, it is necessary to determine amount of paints, which will fill surface roughness and this amount must be added to real consumption plus losses. Application losses Dead area Amount of paint for filling of dead area corresponds to 1/2Rz. This is same also for measurement of the coat thickness (see ISO 2808) Page 15 of 15 Revision 28/01/2014 Wet film thickness (WFT) depending on dry matter content and dry film thickness (DFT) Content of dry matter (volume %) Required dry film thickness DFT (m) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 20 20 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 31 33 36 40 44 50 57 67 100 30 32 33 35 38 40 43 46 50 55 60 67 75 86 100 150 40 42 44 47 50 53 57 62 67 73 80 89 100 114 133 200 50 53 56 59 63 67 71 77 83 91 100 111 125 143 167 250 75 79 83 88 94 100 107 115 125 136 150 167 188 214 250 375 100 105 111 118 125 133 143 154 167 182 200 222 250 286 333 500 125 132 139 147 156 167 179 192 208 227 250 278 313 357 417 150 158 167 176 188 200 214 231 250 273 300 333 375 429 175 184 194 206 219 233 250 269 292 318 350 389 438 200 211 222 235 250 267 286 308 333 364 400 444 225 237 250 265 281 300 321 346 375 409 450 250 263 278 294 313 333 357 385 417 455 300 316 333 353 375 400 429 462 500 350 368 389 412 438 467 500 538 Content of dry matter before thinning (volume %) Reduction of dry matter content during thinning . (CSr = 100 CS/(100+Vt) [volume %]; Vt = addition of thinner [volume %]) 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 Amount of thinner added (volume %) 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 98 93 88 83 78 74 69 64 59 54 49 44 39 34 29 25 87 83 78 74 70 65 61 57 52 48 43 39 35 30 26 22 85 81 77 73 68 64 60 56 51 47 43 38 34 30 26 21 83 79 75 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38 33 29 25 21 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 77 73 69 65 62 58 54 50 46 42 38 35 31 27 23 19 74 70 67 63 59 56 52 48 44 41 37 33 30 26 22 19 95 90 86 81 76 71 67 62 57 52 48 43 38 33 29 24 93 89 84 79 75 70 65 61 56 51 47 42 37 33 28 23 91 86 82 77 73 68 64 59 55 50 45 41 36 32 27 23 89 85 80 76 71 67 63 58 54 49 45 40 36 31 27 22 TELKYD P 100 Anticorrosive primer Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive pigments in synthetic binder. Characteristics and use Universal primer with excellent anticorrosive properties, quick drying and universal applicability. Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), metal plate constructions, machines, metal furniture, doorframes. Shades According to recommendation and BAL colour chart Physical properties Emission limits excellent adhesion to steel surfaces excellent anticorrosive properties universal applicability quick drying suitable for indirect food contact suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density min. 120 s min. 71 % of weight 53 % of volume 25 °C 3 1455 - 1520 kg/m VOC: 0.25 – 0.29 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.22 – 0.25 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning degree 1 - 2 degree 4 - 5 degree 0 10 °C 30 min 1h 30 µm 57 30 ca 12 75 40 ca 9 150 80 ca 4.5 15 °C 10 min 1h 30 µm 23 °C 10 min 1h 30 µm 23 °C 10 min 1h 60 µm Airless spraying (without thinning ) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 10% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Roller (recommended viscosity 50-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) TELSOL SP1 (spraying), TELSOL BR 6 (brush, roller) or another recommended thinners BALT Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be prepared according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom. To thin and filter if it necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD P 100 Anticorrosive primer higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during an application and a drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2 x paint TELKYD P 100, final dry film thickness of primer should be at least 40 - 80 m. Optimal dry thickness of one layer is 40 µm, drying of one layer 24 hours. Drying on metal subjects can be accelerated by temperature increasing up to 80 °C; 2. Sanding of bonded places with sand paper no. 280 while wet; 3. 1-2 x enamel TELKYD T 300 or enamel TELKYDUR T 300. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Application data Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009 inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - red 200/74 (mesh/ µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability Disposal of packing and waste Safety and health protection The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized heavy and zinc phosphate. It contains 2-butanone oxime. Hazard communication: H226, H315, H336, H411, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYD P100 - Shades Recommendation: prime coat – white, interlayer, top enamel TELKYD P 110 Anticorrosive primer for airless spraying Composition Dispersion of inorganic pigments and Zn-phosphate in solution of alkyd resin in organic solvents. Characteristics and use Universal primer with excellent anticorrosive properties and quick drying. It is suitable especially for application with airless spraying. excellent anticorrosive properties it stays on vertical surfaces (possibility to apply up to 150 µ of dry film for one application) quick drying suitable for indirect food contact excellent adhesion to steel surfaces Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), steel constructions, machines, metal furniture, steel gates, columns. Shades 0110 grey, 0840 russet, 0199 black Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.25 – 0.29 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.22 – 0.25 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application slightly thixotropic min. 71 % of weight 53 % of volume 25 °C 3 1450 - 1520 kg/m degree 1 - 2 degree 4 - 5 degree 0 75 40 ca 9 10 °C 30 min 3h 30 µm 150 80 ca 4.5 15 °C 20 min 3h 30 µm 23 °C 15 min 2h 30 µm Airless spraying (without thinning ) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 10% thinning) Thinning TELSOL BR 5 or TELSOL BR 6 or another recommended thinners BALT Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD P 110 Anticorrosive primer for airless spraying higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2 x primer TELKYD P 110 final dry film thickness of primer should be at least 40 - 80 m. Optimal dry thickness of one layer is 40 µm, drying of one layer 24 hours. Drying on metal subjects can be accelerated by temperature increasing up to 80 °C; 2. Sanding of bonded places with sand paper no. 280 while wet; 3. 1-2 x enamel TELKYD T 300 or enamel TELKYDUR T 300. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009 inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - red 200/74 (mesh/ µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic and zinc phosphate. It contains 2-butanone oxime. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H335, H336, H411, EUH 066, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYD S 200 Anticorrosive semi-gloss single coat Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive pigments in solution of alkyd resin in organic solvent with addition of driers and additives. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive single coats of steel objects for aggressive, corrosive environment C1-C3, i.e. municipal and industrial atmosphere with moderate pollution with sulphur dioxide. The paint film has silky semi-gloss surface. It is produced in wide colour range including RAL shades. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces quick drying suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX suitable for indirect food contact paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), transport containers, metal plate and steel constructions, fencing, metal sheet garages, gates, small metal objects. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density 30 – 50 / 6mm Ford min. 56 % of weight according to shade min. 50 % of volume 25 °C 3 1110 - 1160 kg/m Emission limits VOC: 0.33 – 0.41 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.29 – 0.37 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24h Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Application Thinning Surface preparation Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT degree 1 - 2 at least 60% degree 0-1 min. 8% 90 - 100 40 9 - 10 10 °C 45 min 24 h 40 µm 180 - 195 80 4.5 - 5 15 °C 45 min 20 h 40 µm 23 °C 45 min 16 h 40 µm 270 - 290 120 3 – 3.5 23 °C 60 min 24 h 80 µm Airless spraying (without thinning ) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) TELSOL BR 5; TELSOL BR 6 or another recommended thinners BALT For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD S 200 Anticorrosive semi-gloss single coat Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system By spraying or brush 2-3 x coat (spraying) with paint TELKYD S 200, final dry film thickness should be at least 80 m. In cases, where it is necessary, recoating is possible after 24 hours or by the system so-called “wet into wet”. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 80 µm DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 120 µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 22 – 28 Mpa (220 – 280 atm.; 3200 – 4100 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl acetate and zinc phosphate. It contains 2-butanone oxime and hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, cobalt salt. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYD S 200 TIX Anticorrosive thixotropic single coat Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive pigments in solution of alkyd resin in organic solvents with addition of driers and additives. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive single coats of steel objects for aggressive, corrosive environment C1-C3, i.e. municipal and industrial atmosphere with moderate pollution with sulphur dioxide. It is possible to use the paint also as a primer under top synthetic paints. Thixotropic character enables application in very strong coats, it is possible to apply up to 400 µm of wet film at the same time by the airless spraying (according to the type of application device and application conditions). It is produced in two qualities – SEMI-GLOSS or MATT. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces it stays on vertical surfaces possibility to apply in thick coats suitable for indirect food contact paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), transport containers, metal plate and steel constructions, fencing, metal plate garages, gates, small metal objects. Shades MATT – RAL 7035, RAL 9002, RAL 3009 SEMI-GLOSS – suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX according to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.28 – 0.32 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.22 – 0.25 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24h min. 70 % of weight ca. 54 % of volume 25 °C 3 1250 - 1350 kg/m Cupping test degree 1 - 2 MATT < 20%; SEMI-GLOSS 30 – 50% degree 0 - 1 min. 8% at DFT 30 – 40 µm min. 4% at DFT 100 µm min. 5 mm Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) 75 40 10 - 11 Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning Surface preparation 23 °C 45 min 16 h 40 µm 150 80 5 – 5.5 225 120 3.3 – 3.6 23 °C 60 min 24 h 80 µm Airless spraying (without thinning ) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) TELSOL BR 5; TELSOL BR 6 or another recommended thinners BALT For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be prepared according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD S 200 TIX Anticorrosive thixotropic single coat It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system By spraying or brush 2-3 x coat (spraying) with paint TELKYD S 200 TIX, final dry film thickness should be at least 80 m. In cases, where it is necessary, recoating is possible after 24 hours or by the system socalled “wet into wet”. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 80 µm DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 120 µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 120 µm DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 160 µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 22 – 28 Mpa (220 – 280 atm.; 3200 – 4100 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture) and zinc phosphate. It contains 2-butanone oxime. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYD S 200 TM Anticorrosive single coat Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive pigments in solution of acrylate resin and thixotropic alkyd in organic solvent with addition of driers and additives. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive single coats of steel objects for aggressive, corrosive environment C1-C3, i.e. municipal and industrial atmosphere with moderate pollution with sulphur dioxide. The paint film has silky semi-gloss surface. It is produced in wide colour range including RAL shades. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces quick drying suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX possibility to apply in thick coats suitable for indirect food contact paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), transport containers, metal and steel constructions, fencing, metal sheet garages, gates, small metal objects. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density min. 250 s 50 - 55 % of weight according to shade 36 – 38 % of volume 25 °C 3 1150 - 1250 kg/m Emission limits VOC: 0.45 – 0.50 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.41 – 0.46 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24h Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning Surface preparation degree 1 - 2 degree 3 - 4 degree 0 - 1 min. 10% 210 - 220 80 3.5 - 4 320 - 330 120 2.4 – 2.7 23 °C 15 min 3h 40 µm 23 °C 25 min 5h 80 µm Airless spraying (without thinning ) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) TELSOL BR 5 or another recommended thinners BALT For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be prepared according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD S 200 TM Anticorrosive single coat conditions It is necessary to mix the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1-2 x spraying with paint TELKYD S 200 TM, final dry film thickness should be at least 80 m. In cases, where it is necessary, recoating is possible after 24 hours or by the system so-called “wet into wet”. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 80 µm DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 120 µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 22 – 28 Mpa (220 – 280 atm.; 3200 – 4100 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl acetate and zinc phosphate. It contains 2-butanone oxime and hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, cobalt salt. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYD T 300 Glossy enamel Composition Mixture of pigments and fillers in solution of synthetic resins in organic solvents with addition of additives and driers. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for top coats in interior and exterior on wood and metal surfaces. The enamel has excellent environmental resistance, quick drying, good spreading and good and easy workability. very good environmental resistance universal applicability quick drying suitable for indirect food contact suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), metal and steel constructions and halls, small metal objects, metal furniture, gates, doorframes, fencing, boxpalletes, metal fittings, trailers and industrial objects. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) /s/ Content of non-volatile substances /% of weight/ Content of non-volatile substances /% of volume/ Flash point / °C / 3 Density / kg/m / Emission limits Properties of dried coat Spreading capacity Drying time Application MATT SEMI-GLOSS 30 - 50; Ø6mm > 58 100 - 220; Ø4mm >55 53 41 - 45 46 25 1455 – 1520 25 1100 – 1200 25 1000 – 1250 MATT SEMI-GLOSS ≥120; Ø4mm > 71 VOC /kg/kg of paint/ 0.25 – 0.29 0.33 – 0.41 TOC /kg/kg of paint/ 0.22 – 0.25 0.29 – 0.37 This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Covering power (shades - brightly yellow and red) Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ), 24h /%/ /degree/ /%/ Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT GLOSS GLOSS 0.20 – 0.41 0.17 – 0.35 MATT SEMI-GLOSS 1–2 3 min. 60 min. 8 1–2 3 min. 80 min. 8 MATT SEMI-GLOSS GLOSS 1–2 3 max. 20 min. 12 75 40 9 MATT 10 min 1h 40 µm 90 - 100 40 9 - 10 SEMI-GLOSS 45 min 24 h 40 µm GLOSS 90 40 9.5 – 11.5 GLOSS 100 min 24 h 40 µm Airless spraying (without thinning ) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 15% thinning) Brush and roller (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Thinning TELSOL BR 5; TELSOL BR 6 or another recommended thinners BALT Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be prepared according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD T 300 Glossy enamel 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application condition It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom. To thin and filter if it necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during an application and a drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2 x paint TELKYD P 100, final dry film thickness of primer should be at least 40 - 80 m. Optimal dry thickness of one layer is 40 µm, drying of one layer is 24 hours. Drying on metal subjects can be accelerated by temperature increasing up to 80 °C; 2. Sanding of bonded places with sand paper no. 280 while wet; 3. 1-2 x enamel TELKYD T 300, optimal dry thickness of one layer is 35 – 40 µm, drying of individual layers of system 24 hours. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle /inch (mm)/ MATT 0.011 (0.28) 0.013 (0.33) Pressure on nozzle / MPa / 19 - 22 Spraying angle 20 - 60 Filter Yellow / Red It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. SEMI-GLOSS 0.011 (0.28) 0.013 (0.33) 22 - 28 20 - 60 Yellow / Red GLOSS 0,009 (0.23) 0,011 (0.28) 17 - 22 20 - 60 Yellow / Red Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), petrol fraction, heavy, desulphurized by hydrogenation process, 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate and Zn3(PO4)2. It contains 2-butanone oxime and hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, cobalt salt. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYD T 370 Special heat-resistant enamel Composition Mixture of pigments and fillers in solution of alkyd-silicone resin in organic solvents with addition of additives and driers. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for top coats in interior and exterior on metal surfaces, mainly where the resistance to permanent thermal stress is required. The enamel is resistant to permanent thermal stress up to 250°C, for a short time up to 350 °C and has an excellent environmental resistance. The coat is resistant very well to salt solutions, mineral oils, diluted sulphur acid, and for a short time to organic solvents, organic acids and hydrochloric acid. It is produced in two qualities – TELKYD T 370 shade 9110 aluminium and TELKYD T 370 shade 0840 russet, which is used as a anticorrosive primer. very good environmental resistance long-term heat resistance up to 250°C short-term heat resistance up to 350°C suitable for indirect food contact quick drying Application area Exterior and interior, metal objects exposed to permanent thermal stress, e.g. shell of drying kiln, warm-water and steam piping, sheeting of chimney, technological piping. Shades 9110 – aluminium (top enamel), 0840 – russet (primer) Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density min. 130 s min. 52 % of weight / shade 0910 min. 68 % of weight / shade 0840 ca. 36 % of volume / shade 0910 ca. 48 % of volume / shade 0840 30 °C 3 950 - 1350 kg/m Emission limits VOC: 0.32 – 0.45 kg/kg of enamel TOC: 0.27 – 0.38 kg/kg of enamel This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 5 days Spreading capacity Drying time Application Thinning Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT degree 1 degree 5 degree 0 - 1 min. 8% shade 0840 85 40 9.0 shade 0910 110 40 9.0 15 °C 4h 16 h 30 µm 23 °C 2h 8h 30 µm Airless spraying (recommended viscosity 120 – 150s/ cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Brush (0 – 5% thinning) Roller (recommended viscosity 50-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 4 – 10% thinning) TELSOL BR 6 or another recommended thinners BALT Surface preparation For corrosive environment C1 – C2 the surface must be before the prime coat application clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. Galvanized surfaces must be cleaned with ammoniac water or water with detergent. Application It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYD T 370 Special heat-resistant enamel conditions the bottom. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1 - 2x paint TELKYD T 370, shade 0840, total dry film thickness of prime coat is 40 - 80 µm, drying of individual layers 24 hours. 2. sanding with sandpaper 3. 1 -2x enamel TELKYD T 370, shade 9110, total dry film thickness of top enamel is 40 - 80 μm, drying of individual coats of system 24 hours. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle 17 - 22 Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009 inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle 17 -22Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 40° Filter of spraying gun -red 200/74 (mesh / µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains hydrocarbons, C9-C11, n-alcanes, isoalcanes, cyclic and zinc phosphate. It contains 2-butanone oxime and cobalt bis(2-ethylhexanoate). Hazard communication: H226, H336, H411, EUH 066, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELKYDUR T 300 Uretanized glossy enamel Composition Mixture of pigments and fillers in solution of uretanized alkyd resin in organic solvents with addition of driers and additives. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for top glossy coating of industrial products, constructions, machines and various devices from metals and other materials. The product has an excellent covering power, high gloss, excellent environmental resistance. The coating films dry very well. The product has long-term storability, during which the enamel capabilities do not change. very good environmental resistance high gloss increased heat resistance suitable for indirect food contact quick drying Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), coating of doorframes, construction elements, trailers, columns, gates. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.41 – 0.45 kg/kg of enamel TOC: 0.37 – 0.39 kg/kg of enamel This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24h Cupping test (Erichsen) 100 – 220 s min. 55 % of weight 46 % of volume 25 °C 3 1000 - 1250 kg/m degree 1 – 2, shades – brightly red and yellow, degree 3 degree 1 - 2 min. 8% 8 mm 90 40 9.5 – 11.5 180 80 4.8 – 5.8 15 °C 180 min 30 h 40 µm 23 °C 100 min 24 h 40 µm Airless spraying (recommended viscosity 120 – 150s/ cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Brush and roller (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 4 – 8% thinning) Thinning TELSOL SP 1 (spraying) TELSOL BR5, TELSOL BR 6 (brush, roller) or another recommended thinners BALT Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be prepared according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELKYDUR T 300 Uretanized glossy enamel conditions bottom. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 5 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x paint TELKYD P 100, dry film thickness 40 µm 2. local bonding with putty e.g. BKP Rapid, sanding of bonded surface with sandpaper; 3. 1x paint TELKYD P 100; dry film thickness 40 µm 4. sanding with sandpaper no. 280-320 while wet; 5. 1 – 2 x enamel TELKYDUR T 300, optimal thickness of one layer is 35 – 40 µm, drying of individual layers of system 24hours. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle 17 – 22 Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009 inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle 17 – 22 Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 40° Filter of spraying gun - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), solvent naphtha light aromatic and 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl acetate. It contains 2-butanone oxime and hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, cobalt salt. Hazard communication:H226, H312, H315, H332, H412. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPOX P 100 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive primer Composition Mixture of inorganic pigments and fillers in solution of medium molecular epoxy resin in organic solvents with addition of additives and Zn phosphate. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive primers of metals, where it ensures perfect adhesion and anticorrosive protection of painting system. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. The temperature during drying must not decrease below 10 °C. excellent adhesion to steel and galvanized surfaces excellent anticorrosive properties very good chemical resistance Application area Exterior and interior with medium and high corrosive stress (production halls, laundry rooms, chemical plants) possibility to use especially on metal tanks, piping, machines, operating constructions, bridge constructions. Shades 0110 - grey and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density of product Density of hardened mixture medium, short /thixotropic character/ ca. 75 % of weight 51 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 24 °C 3 ca. 1490 kg/m 3 ca. 1380 kg/m Emission limits VOC: 0.25 kg/kg of mixture TOC: 0.21 kg/kg of mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Cupping test Bend test ( cylindrical mandrel ø 2 mm ) Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24h Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning 10 °C 2h 15 h 30 µm degree 1 degree 4-5 degree 0 5 mm perfect min. 20% 80 40 8 15 °C 1.5 h 8h 30 µm 160 80 4 235 120 2.7 23 °C 1h 5h 30 µm 23 °C 2h 24h 60 µm Airless spraying (0-5% thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 10% thinning) TELSOL POX or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD POX Hardening ratio: TELPOX P 100 – 100 weight parts : TELHARD POX – 17 weight parts. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 8 hours ( 20°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. Hot sprayed surfaces must be sealed with e.g. epoxide varnish in advance. For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. Galvanized surfaces must be cleaned with BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 3 TELPOX P 100 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive primer ammoniac water or water with detergent. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x two-component epoxy primer TELPOX P 100. Recoating is possible after 24 hours (20°C). Drying and maturing of coat can be accelerated by drying at the temperature 60 - 100°C during 60 – 30 minutes. 2. a) interior: 1 – 2x two-component epoxy enamel TELPOX T 300 b) exterior: 2 – 3x two-component polyurethane glossy enamel TELPUR T 300 The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 160 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 25 – 33 Mpa (250 – 330 atm.; 3600 – 4800 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), 2-butoxyethan-1-ol, 2methylpropan-1-ol and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H318, H332, H411. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 3 TELPOX P 100 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive primer i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 3 of 3 TELPOX P 110 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive zinc primer Composition Mixture of zinc dust in solution of medium molecular epoxy resin with addition of additives. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for prime coats of painting systems (epoxy and polyurethane) of steel surfaces, where there are high requirements for anticorrosive protection. After drying the paint TELPOX P 110 provides anticorrosive coat able to protect steel painted by the cathodic way. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. The temperature during drying must not decrease below 10 °C. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces cathodic protection of steel suitable for environment with high corrosive stress Application area Exterior and interior with medium and high corrosive stress (production halls, laundry rooms, chemical plants) possibility to use especially on steel blasted constructions, bridges, pylons, halls, metal piping. Shades 0110 - grey Physical properties Emission limits Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density immeasurable, medium viscose liquid ca. 86 % of weight 55 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 24 °C 3 2900 kg/m VOC: 0.13 – 0.15 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.10 – 0.12 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24h degree 1 degree 4-5 degree 0-1 min. 25% Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT 10 °C 2h 15 h 30 µm 75 40 4.7 15 °C 1.5 h 8h 30 µm 145 80 2.4 220 120 1.6 23 °C 1h 5h 30 µm 23 °C 2h 24h 60 µm Application Airless spraying (0-5% thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 15% thinning) Brush (without thinning) Thinning TELSOL POX or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD POX Hardening ratio: 100 weight parts TELPOX P 110: 5 weight parts TELHARD POX. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 8 hours ( 20°C ). Surface preparation Application conditions For corrosive environment C3 and C4 the steel surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Interval between blasting and coating must be as shortest as possible, maximally 4 hours in exterior and 8 hours in workshop. If shop primer were applied on previously blasted surface, they must be removed again by blasting before the coating. The same procedure must be carried out when “flash rust” occurs. For its removal the blasting must be repeated. It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPOX P 110 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive zinc primer bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x anticorrosive zinc primer TELPOX P 110. Drying 24 hours (20°C), optimal dry film thickness of zinc primer should be approximately 35-40 µm. 2. 1x two-component epoxy primer with iron mica TELPOX P 120. Drying 24 hours (20°C), recommended dry film thickness is 80 µm. The temperature during drying must not decrease below 10°C. 3. 2x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 300 or two-component epoxy enamel TELPOX T 300. Thickness of one layer is 40 µm (total 80 µm). The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 40µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT undercoat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 Nozzle with bigger diameter, e.g. 23 Air pressure 3 – 3.5 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.015 inch (0.38 mm) Pressure on nozzle 25 – 33 Mpa (250 – 330 atm.; 3600 – 4800 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. For application of this paint by high pressure airless spraying we recommend removing the filters from the device. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains zinc, xylene (isomers mixture), 2-methylpropan-1-ol and 2-butoxyethan-1ol. Hazard communication: H226, H315, H317, H318, H410. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPOX P 120 Two-component epoxy primer with iron mica Composition Mixture of inorganic pigments, fillers and iron mica in solution of medium molecular epoxy resin in organic solvents with addition of additives. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for undercoats (interlayer) of painting system of steel surfaces, where there are high requirements for anticorrosive protection. The paint contains special type of filler – iron mica, which ensures barrier protection of painting systems with e.g. epoxy, polyurethane and other paints. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. The temperature during drying must not decrease below 10 °C. excellent anticorrosive properties barrier protection with iron mica it ensures long-term lifetime of painting systems Application area Exterior and interior with medium and high corrosive stress, e.g. steel constructions, pylons, bridges, halls, chemical plants. Shades 0517 – green, 0660 – beige Physical properties Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density of mixture medium, short /thixotropic character/ ca. 77 % of weight 65 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 24 °C 3 1760 kg/m Emission limits VOC: 0.30 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.25 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT degree 1 degree 4-5 degree 0-1 125 80 4.6 10 °C 2h 8h 80 µm 15 °C 2h 6h 80 µm 23 °C 1h 5h 80 µm Application Airless spraying (without thinning ) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 10% thinning) Brush (without thinning) Thinning TELSOL POX or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD POX Hardening ratio: TELPOX P 120 - 100 weight parts: TELHARD POX - 13 weight parts. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 8 hours (20°C). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C3 and C4 the steel surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). The blasted surface must be provided with prime epoxy coat with content of zinc dust, respectively with ethylsilicate coat with content of zinc dust. Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPOX P 120 Two-component epoxy primer with iron mica higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x epoxy zinc primer TELPOX P 110. Dry film thickness ca. 40 µm. 2. 1-2x epoxy primer with iron mica TELPOX P 120. Recommended dry film thickness is 80 µm. The temperature during drying must not decrease below 10°C. Drying can be accelerated during 60 minutes at the temperature 60°C, 45 minutes at 80°C. 3. 2x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 300 or two-component epoxy enamel TELPOX T 300. Thickness of one layer is ca. 40 µm. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C4: 40µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT undercoat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 Nozzle with bigger diameter, e.g. 23 Air pressure 3 – 3.5 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) or 0.015 inch (0.38 mm) Pressure on nozzle min. 22 Mpa (220 atm.; 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. For application of this paint by high pressure airless spraying we recommend removing the filters from the device. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture), 2-methylpropan-1-ol and 2-butoxyethan-1-ol. Hazard communication: H226, H312+332, H315, H317, H318. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPOX S 200 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive semi-matt single coat Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and Zn phosphate in solution of low molecular epoxy resin in organic solvents. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for protective anticorrosive coating of steel surfaces and for protective coating of mineral surfaces. It is not suitable for coating of glazed or monolithic concrete surfaces. Coating with paint TELPOX S 200 is resistant to influence of many chemical substances, humidity and mechanical wearing. The coat is not resistant to environmental effects, due to weather the premature flouring of surface can occur. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. The final properties of coat are achieved after complete maturing ca. 7 days. If the coat is not fully hardened, it must not be treated mechanically or chemically. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces high chemical and mechanical resistance resistant to dry heat 70 – 120 °C suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX it stays on vertical surfaces paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work Application area Interior, e.g. metal tanks, reservoirs for oil and fuels, piping, machines, washable surface of walls, coating of concrete floors, operating constructions. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Density 120 - 160 s / Ø 6mm Ford min. 72 % of weight /not hardened mixture/ min. 68 % of weight /hardened mixture/ 60 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 24 °C 3 1350 - 1550 kg/m /not hardened product/ 3 1200 - 1350 kg/m /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.32 – 0.37 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.28 – 0.33 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 5 days Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) 75 40 10 – 11.5 220 120 3.4 – 3.8 Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT 23 °C <150 min 24 h 120 µm 23 °C <90 min 10h 40 µm Drying time Application degree 1-2 40 – 60% from 30% Airless spraying (0-10% thinning depending on type of device) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 15 – 25% thinning) On small areas brush can be used (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Thinning TELSOL POX or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD POX Hardening ratio: TELPOX S 200 – 100 weight parts : TELHARD POX – 25 weight parts. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 8 hours ( 23°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 1 of 3 TELPOX S 200 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive semi-matt single coat mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3 before application of the prime coat. Galvanized surfaces must be cleaned with ammoniac water with detergent. Mineral surface must be matured (min. 30 days), compact, without dust, grease and other impurities. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces and if necessary to apply the prime coat. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 2 m. Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1-2x spraying with two-component epoxy single coat TELPOX S 200. Recoating is possible after 24 hours of drying (20°C). Drying and maturing of coat can be accelerated by drying at the temperature 60 - 100°C during 60 – 30 minutes. The final dry film thickness must be at least 120m. Mineral surface must be penetrated (strengthen) (it is possible to use TELPOX S 200 thinned with thinner TELSOL POX in ratio 1:2 or with varnish TELPOX I 400 thinned with thinner TELSOL POX in ratio 1:1). The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C3: 120 µm DFT TELPOX S 200 (lifetime up to 5 years); 160 µm DFT TELPOX S 200 (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 160µm DFT TELPOX S 200 (lifetime up to 5 years); 240 µm DFT TELPOX S 200 (lifetime up to 10 years) Optimal thickness of layer on mineral surfaces is 120 µm DFT. Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) or 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle 17 - 25 Mpa (170 - 250 atm.; 2500 - 3700 psi); Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains technical xylene - mixture, hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic, butan-1-ol, epoxy resin from Bisfenol A and epichlorohydrin and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H315, H317, H318, H335, H411. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 2 of 3 TELPOX S 200 Two-component epoxy anticorrosive semi-matt single coat to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 3 of 3 TELPOX T 300 Two-component epoxy glossy enamel Composition Mixture of inorganic pigments and fillers in solution of low molecular epoxy resin in organic solvents. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for top glossy coating of wood, metals, walling, some plastics etc. Before use the enamel is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio. Dried coat is resistant to humidity, various chemical substances (especially alkali), oils, fuels and many types of solvents. It is resistant to temperatures up to 120 °C. Due to environmental effects the coat flouring and gloss loss can occur. The coat can be smoothed and shined with paste, polish. very good mechanical resistance very good chemical resistance resistant to dry heat 70 – 120 °C high lifetime of coat suitable for direct food contact ( selected shades ) suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Interior (due to environmental effects flouring and gloss loss can occur), e.g. metal tanks, reservoirs for oil and fuels, piping, machines, washable surface of walls, coating of concrete floors, operating constructions. Shades Physical properties According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements. Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Density 100 - 140 s min. 65 % of weight 50 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 24 °C 3 1200 - 1300 kg/m /not hardened product/ 3 1100 - 1210 kg/m /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.31 – 0.38 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.26 – 0.34 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 5 days Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application degree 1-2 degree 1-2 from 30% 80 40 10.3 – 11.3 10 °C 4h 16 h 35 µm 15 °C 3h 12 h 35 µm 160 80 5.2 – 5.7 23 °C 1h 8h 35 µm Airless spraying (0-5% thinning depending on type of device) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 15 – 25% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 2 – 5% thinning) Thinning TELSOL POX or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD POX Hardening ratio: TELPOX T 300 – 100 weight parts : TELHARD POX – 25 weight parts. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 8 hours ( 23°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3 before application of the prime coat. Galvanized BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPOX T 300 Two-component epoxy glossy enamel surfaces must be cleaned with ammoniac water with detergent. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces and if necessary to apply the prime coat. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 2 m. Application conditions Typical painting system Optimal thickness of system Application data It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. 1.1x epoxide two-component epoxy primer TELPOX P 100. Recoating is possible after 24 hours of drying (20°C). Drying and maturing of coat can be accelerated by drying at the temperature 60 - 100°C during 60 – 30 minutes. 2. 2-3x two-component epoxy enamel TELPOX T 300. Recoating is possible after 24 hours of drying. Drying of coat can be accelerated by drying at the temperature 60 - 100°C during 60 – 30 minutes. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 160 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) or 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 - 25 Mpa (190 - 250 atm.; 2700 - 3700 psi); Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm), for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains technical xylene, hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic, 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethylacetate and butan-1-ol. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H317, H318, H332, H335, H373, H412. Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR P 100 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive primer Composition Mixture of inorganic pigments and fillers in solution of synthetic resins in organic solvents with addition of additives and Zn phosphate. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for prime anticorrosive coats of metals, where it ensures perfect adhesion and anticorrosive protection of painting system in demanding environment. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. excellent adhesion to steel, galvanized surfaces (also non-oxidized), aluminium, brass, copper excellent anticorrosive properties Application area Exterior and interior with medium and high corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, industrial zones, coating of machines, piping, operating constructions, bridge constructions, roof constructions. Shades 0100 - white and the others according to individual customer requirements. Physical properties Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density medium, short ca. 70 % of weight 50 - 52 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 23 °C 3 1450 - 1500 kg/m /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.28 – 0.29 kg/kg of mixture TOC: 0.20 - 0.21 kg/kg of mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT degree 1-2 degree 4-5 at least 20% after 2 days at least 25% after 5 days 80 40 8.5 10 °C 3h 24 h 40 µm 15 °C 2h 15 h 40 µm 23 °C 1h 10h 40 µm Application Airless spraying (recommended viscosity 50 – 60s/ cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 2% thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 8 – 10% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 50-60s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 3% thinning) Thinning TELSOL PUR 3 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD PUR Hardening ratio: 100 weight parts TELPUR P 100 : 11 weight parts TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 2,5 hours ( 23°C ). Surface preparation Application conditions For corrosive environment C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR P 100 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive primer Typical painting system Optimal thickness of system Application data above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. 1. 1x two-component polyurethane primer TELPUR P 100; ( DFT 40 µm) 2. local bonding with polyester putty (e.g. Rapid). Sanding of bonded places; 3. sanding with sandpaper no. 280-320; 4. 1-3x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 300. (one layer DFT 40 µm). Recoating is possible in interval 4-24 hours at 20°C. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Environment C3: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 2x40 µm DFT top enamel TELPUR T 300 (lifetime up to 5 years); 40 µm DFT prime coat + 3x40 µm DFT top enamel TELPUR T 300 (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 40µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm undercoat TELPUR S 200 + 2x40 µm top enamel TELPUR T 300 (lifetime up to 10 years); 40µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm undercoat TELPUR S 200 + 1x40 µm top enamel TELPUR T 300 (lifetime up to 5 years) Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011- 0.015 inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle 25 – 27 Mpa (250 – 270 atm.; 3600 – 4000 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun K90 - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm) Storability Disposal of packing and waste Safety and health protection It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. The product contains xylene (isomers mixture), 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl-acetate, butylacetate and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H312+332, H315, H411 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR P 110 Two-component polyurethane primer Composition Mixture of inorganic pigments and fillers in solution of acrylic resin in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic isocyanate. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive coating of metals, where it ensures perfect adhesion and anticorrosive protection of painting system in demanding environment. The paint can be used for surface treatment of steel, galvanized and aluminous surfaces. It is resistant to the temperature up to 140°C. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces and light metals increased heat resistance quick drying Application area Exterior and interior with medium and high corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, industrial zones, coating of machines, piping, operating constructions, bridge constructions. Shades 0100 – white, 0110 – grey, 0840 – russet Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.40 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.37 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Hardness ( Persoz ) after 5 days Adhesion with crosshatch test Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning Hardening Surface preparation 60 - 120 s / 4mm min. 58 % of weight min. 38 % of volume /mixture/ 26 °C 3 1380 - 1450 kg/m degree 1-2 min. 25% degree 0-1 105 40 6.5 - 7 210 80 3.3 – 3.5 23 °C 50 min 24 h 40 µm Airless spraying (without thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 5% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) TELSOL PUR 3 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardener: TELHARD PUR Hardening ratio: 100 weight parts TELPUR P 110 : 11 weight parts TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 3 hours ( 23°C ). For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. Galvanized surfaces must be cleaned with ammoniac water or water with detergent. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR P 110 Two-component polyurethane primer Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2x paint TELPUR P 110, final dry film thickness of primer should be at least 40 - 80 m. Second layer can be applied by brush after 24 hours of drying. 2. 1-2x enamel TELPUR T 300, dry film thickness of enamel 40 - 80 µm. Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-17 Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011inch(0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 17 – 22 Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm) for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl-acetate and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR P 120 Industrial alkydurethane two-component anticorrosive primer Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive pigments in synthetic binder, hardened with aliphatic isocyanate. Characteristics and use Universal primer with excellent anticorrosive properties, quick drying and universal applicability. Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), metal sheet, steel and cast-iron constructions, machines, metal furniture, doorframes. Shades 0110 – grey and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties excellent adhesion to steel surfaces excellent anticorrosive properties universal applicability quick drying Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Density min. 120 s min. 70 % of weight 53 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 25 °C 3 1455 - 1520 kg/m 3 1430 - 1490 kg/m /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.25 – 0.29 kg/kg of mixture TOC: 0.22 – 0.25 kg/kg of mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT degree 2 degree 4-5 degree 0 57 30 ca. 11 - 12 10°C 30 min 1h 30 µm 15°C 10 min 1h 30 µm 75 40 ca. 9 150 80 ca. 4.5 23°C 10 min 1h 30 µm 23°C 10 min 1h 60 µm Application Airless spraying (without thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 5 -10% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Roller (recommended viscosity 50-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Thinning TELSOL PUR 4 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD PUR 2 Hardening ratio: TELPUR P 120 - 20 weight parts : TELHARD PUR 2 - 1 weight part. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 1 hour ( 23°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be cleaned by sand blasting to degree Sa 2 ½ according to ČSN EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to ČSN EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR P 120 Industrial alkydurethane two-component anticorrosive primer conditions bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2x paint TELPUR P 120, final dry film thickness of primer should be at least 40 - 80 m. Optimal thickness of one layer is 40 m, drying of one layer 24 hours. 2. sanding of bonded places with sand paper no. 280 while wet; 3. 1-2x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 310 or TELPUR T 350. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Application data Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm) for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009 inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 5 years from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), solvent naphtha light aromatic, 2methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl-acetate and zinc phosphate. It contains butanonoxim. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR P 150 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive primer Composition Mixture of inorganic pigments and fillers in solution of acrylic resin in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic polyisocyanate. Characteristics and use The paint TELPUR P 150 is determined for high build prime coats on metal and steel surfaces. Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. Temperature during drying must not decrease under 10°C, drying can be accelerated at the temperature 60°C during 30 minutes. The paint is sandable after ca. 4 hours of drying at the temperature 23°C. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces and light metals quick drying sandable already after 4 hours it stays on vertical surfaces Application area Exterior and interior with medium and high corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, industrial zones, coating of traffic devices. Shades 0100 – white, 0110 – grey, 0660 – sandy Physical properties Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Flash point Density of product Density /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.35 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.32 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning Hardening Surface preparation Application conditions thixotropic min. 60 % of weight min. 40 % of volume > 25 °C 3 1390 - 1430 kg/m 3 1390 - 1430 kg/m degree 1-2 degree 5 min. 25% 100 40 7.5 – 8.1 200 80 3.8 – 4.1 15 °C 30 min 1.5 h 40 µm 23 °C 15 min 45 min 40 µm Airless spraying (0 – 10% thinning depending on the type of device) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; 20 - 30% thinning) TELSOL PUR 3 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardener: TELHARD PUR Hardening ratio: 20 weight parts TELPUR P 150 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 4 hours (23°C). For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR P 150 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive primer Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x two-component epoxy anticorrosive primer TELPOX P 100. Drying 24 hours (20°C), optimal dry film thickness is 35 - 40 µm. 2. 1x two-component polyurethane primer TELPUR P 150. Drying 24 hours (20°C), recommended dry film thickness is 80m. Temperature during drying must not decrease below 10°C. 3. 2x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 300 or two-component epoxy enamel TELPOX T 300. Optimal dry film thickness of one layer is 40µm (total 80m). 1. 1x two-component polyurethane primer TELPUR P 150. Drying 24 hours (20°C), recommended dry film thickness is 80m. Temperature during drying must not decrease below 10°C. 2. 2x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 300 or two-component epoxy enamel TELPOX T 300. Optimal dry film thickness of one layer is 40µm (total 80m). The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST) Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle 25 – 33 Mpa (250 – 330 atm.; 3600 – 4800 psi) Spraying angle 20 – 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/ µm) for angle of spraying 60 °C filter - red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic, nbutyl-acetate and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR S 200 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive matt single coat Composition Mixture of pigments in solution of synthetic resins in organic solvents, hardened with hardener on a basis of polyamine adduct of epoxy resin. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive matt surface treatment of steel surfaces, where there are high requirements desired on painted objects in various environments. The paint is possible to use as single coat or anticorrosive polyurethane primer under suitable finish top coat. The coat is resistant to weather, yellowing, flouring, effects of various chemical substances, humidity and mechanical wear. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces good chemical and mechanical resistance suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX it stays on vertical surfaces paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work Application area Shades Physical properties Emission limits Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), hydraulic cylinders and similar machineries, possibly constructions. According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density VOC: 0.32 – 0.38 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.24 – 0.29 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning thixotropic min. 64 % of weight 50 - 55 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 32 °C 3 1250 - 1350 kg/m /hardened mixture/ degree 1-2 degree 4-5 degree 0-1 at least 20% 130 - 140 70 5.3 – 6.3 180 - 200 100 3.7 – 4.4 220 - 240 120 3.1 – 3.7 10°C 2–3h 48 h 70 µm 15°C 2–3h 24 – 30 h 70 µm 23°C 1h 16 – 20 h 70 µm Airless spraying (without thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 15 -25% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 10% thinning) TELSOL PUR or another recommended thinners BALT, to thin after hardening Hardening Hardener: TELHARD PUR Hardening ratio: 10 weight parts TELPUR S 200 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 5 hours ( 23°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR S 200 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive matt single coat surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1-2x coating (spraying) with paint TELPUR S 200, final dry film thickness should be at least 120 m. If necessary, recoating is possible after 4 hours, at the latest until 24 hours. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 120 DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 120µm DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 160µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Pressure on nozzle: 19 – 25 Mpa (190 – 250 atm.; 2800 – 3600 psi) Nozzle 0.011inch, 0.013 (0.28 mm, 0.33 mm) Spraying angle: 20 and 40° Filter of spraying gun 100/149 mesh/µm (yellow) Spraying angle: 60 °C Filter of spraying gun 200/74 mesh/µm (red) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene) and 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethylacetate. It contains butanonoxim. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H412, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR S 210 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive single coat Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and Zn phosphate in solution of acrylatic resin in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic polyisocyanate. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive single coats of steel, where it ensures to the painting system anticorrosive protection in various demandingly exposed environments. The coat is resistant to weather, yellowing, humidity and mechanical wear. The paint is possible to use also as anticorrosive prime coat under suitable finish top coat (e.g. under TELPUR T 340). Before use the paint is mixed properly with the hardener in specified ratio and thin as necessary. The final properties of coat are achieved after complete maturing ca. 7 days. excellent adhesion to steel and galvanized surfaces, including fresh galvanized iron quick drying paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work it stays on vertical surfaces suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Exterior and interior with medium and higher corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, industrial zones, coating of machines, piping, metal sheet and steel constructions. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Viscosity Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Flash point Density of product Density /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.34 – 0.40 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.29 – 0.34 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning thixotropic character min. 60 % of weight 48 - 50 % of volume > 25 °C 3 1150 - 1250 kg/m 3 1100 - 1230 kg/m degree 1-2 40 – 60% min. 12% 85 40 9.7 – 11.4 170 80 4.8 – 5.7 23°C 25 min 5h 40 µm 23°C 30 min 7h 70 µm Airless spraying (0-10% thinning depending on type of device) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 15 -25% thinning) Brush and roller (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 8 – 10% thinning) TELSOL PUR 3 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD PUR. Hardening ratio: 10 weight parts TELPUR S 210 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 3 hours ( 23°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR S 210 Two-component polyurethane anticorrosive single coat surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1-2x coating (spraying) with paint TELPUR S 210, final dry film thickness should be at least 120 m. If necessary, recoating is possible after 24 hours, or after 20 minutes by the system so-called “wet into wet”. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 120 DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 120µm DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 160µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) or 0.015 inch (0.38 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 25 – 33 Mpa (250 – 330 atm.; 3600 – 4800 psi); Spraying angle: 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic, 2methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl-acetate and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR S 250 Two-component alkydurethane anticorrosive semi-gloss single coat Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive substances in solution of synthetic resin in organic solvent with addition of additives, hardened with aliphatic isocyanate. Characteristics and use The paint is determined for anticorrosive single coats of steel objects for aggressive corrosive environment C1-C3, i.e. municipal and industrial atmosphere with moderate pollution with sulphur dioxide. The paint is possible to use also as semi-gloss top enamel on prime coats with similar composition (e.g. TELPUR P 120). The paint film has silky semi-gloss surface. It is produced in range scale of shades including RAL shades. excellent adhesion to steel surfaces quick drying suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX paint 2 in 1 for cost-saving work Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), transport containers, metal and steel constructions, fencing, metal sheet garages, gates, small metal objects. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density 30 – 50 / 6mm Ford min. 58 % of weight according to shade 41 - 45 % of volume /hardened mixture/ 25 °C 3 1100 - 1150 kg/m /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.33 – 0.41 kg/kg of paint /hardened TOC: 0.29 – 0.37 kg/kg of paint /hardened mixture/ mixture/ This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Adhesion with crosshatch test Hardness ( Persoz ) after 24 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning degree 1-2 40 – 60% degree 0-1 min. 10% 90 - 100 40 9 – 10 10°C 45 min 24 h 40 µm 180 – 195 80 4.5 – 5 15°C 45 min 20 h 40 µm 270 – 290 120 3 – 3.5 23°C 45 min 16 h 40 µm 23°C 60 min 24 h 80 µm Airless spraying (without thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 10 -15% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) TELSOL PUR 4 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD PUR 2 Hardening ratio: 10 weight parts TELPUR S 250 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR 2. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 2 hours (23°C). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the surface must be prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR S 250 Two-component alkydurethane anticorrosive semi-gloss single coat For corrosive environment C1 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system By spraying or brush 2-3x coating (spraying) with single coat TELPUR S 250, final dry film thickness should be at least 80 m. If necessary, recoating is possible after 24 hours. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Application data Environment C1/C2: 80 DFT (lifetime up to 5 years); 120µm DFT (lifetime up to 10 years) Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 22 – 28 Mpa (220 – 280 atm.; 3200 – 4100 psi) Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl-acetate and zinc phosphate. It contains butanonoxim and hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, cobalt salt. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR T 300 Two-component polyurethane enamel Composition Mixture of pigments in solution of synthetic resins in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic polyisocyanate. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for finish surface treatment, where there are high requirements desired on painted objects in demanding conditions in various environments. The coat is resistant to weather, yellowing, flouring, effects of various chemical substances, humidity and mechanical wear. It is produced in two qualities – GLOSS and MATT. excellent weather resistance chemical resistance colour stability suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Exterior and interior with medium and higher corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, ship yards, industrial zones, coating of locomotives, machines, piping, metal sheet and steel constructions. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Flash point Density /hardened mixture/ GLOSS 60 – 130s / 4mm 56 % of volume MATT min. 75s / 6mm 50 – 55% of volume 25 °C 1170 - 1270 32 °C 1250 - 1350 Emission limits VOC: 0.32 – 0.38 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.24 – 0.29 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Thinning Hardening MATT degree 1-2, degree 3 – bright red and yellow shades degree 1 degree 4-5 at least 25% at least 20% GLOSS 72 40 11 – 12 Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Application GLOSS GLOSS 15°C 23°C 3h 150 min 48 h 24 h 40 µm 40 µm MATT 72 - 80 40 9 – 11 15°C 2h 24 h 40 µm MATT 23°C 1h 16 h 40 µm Airless spraying: GLOSS – recommended viscosity 120 – 150s / cup Ford 4mm; ca. 5-8% dilution; MATT - without thinning Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 15 -25% thinning) Brush and roller (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 10% thinning) TELSOL PUR 3 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardener: TELHARD PUR. Hardening ratio GLOSS: 5.5 weight parts TELPUR T 300 GLOSS : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR. Hardening ratio MATT: 10 weight parts TELPUR T 300 MATT : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 4 hours ( 23°C ). For corrosive environment C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 3 TELPUR T 300 Two-component polyurethane enamel Surface preparation prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x TELPOX P 110 two-component epoxy zinc primer; 2. Local bonding with polyester putty (e.g. Rapid). Sanding of bonded places; 3. 1x TELPOX P 120 two-component epoxy primer with iron mica – undercoat. 4. Sanding with sandpaper no. 280-320. 5. 2-3x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 300. Individual layers of paint system are applied in interval 24 hours at 20°C. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Optimal thickness of system Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm undercoat + 80 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 160 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 22 – 25 Mpa (220 – 250 atm.; 3200 – 3700 psi); Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 22 – 25 Mpa (220 – 250 atm.; 3200 – 3700 psi); Spraying angle 20 - 40° Filter of spraying gun – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene) and 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethylacetate. It contains butanonoxim. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H412, EUH 208 BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 3 TELPUR T 300 Two-component polyurethane enamel Hazard pictograms : Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 3 of 3 TELPUR T 310 Two-component alkydurethane glossy enamel Composition Mixture of pigments in solution of synthetic resins in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic polyisocyanate. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for top coats in interior and exterior on wooden and metal surfaces. The enamel has excellent weather resistance, quick drying, good spreading and good and easy workability. very good weather resistance universal applicability quick drying suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), metal and steel constructions and halls, small metal objects, metal furniture, gates, doorframes, fencing, box palletes, metal armatures, trailers and industrial objects. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Flash point Density /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.20 – 0.41 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.17 – 0.35 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT 100 – 220; 4mm Ford at least 46% of volume 25 °C 3 980 - 1200 kg/m degree 1-2, degree 3 – bright red and yellow shades at least 80% at least 10% 90 40 9.5 – 11.5 10°C 3h 26 h 40 µm 175 80 5–6 15°C 2h 20 h 40 µm 23°C 100 min 10 h 40 µm Application Airless spraying (recommended viscosity 120 – 150s / cup Ford 4mm; ca. 0-5% thinning Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 5 -15% thinning) Brush and roller (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 4 – 10% thinning) Thinning TELSOL PUR 4 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardening Hardener: TELHARD PUR 2. Hardening ratio: 9 weight parts TELPUR T 310 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR 2. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 2 hours ( 23°C ). Surface preparation For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. For corrosive environment C1 – C2 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3 before application of the prime coat. Galvanized surfaces must be cleaned with ammoniac water or water with detergent. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . Application It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR T 310 Two-component alkydurethane glossy enamel conditions bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2x TELPUR P 120 two-component alkydurethane primer; dry film thickness is 40 – 80 µm 2. Local bonding with polyester putty (e.g. Rapid). Sanding of bonded places; 3. 2-3x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 310. Individual layers of paint system are applied in interval 24 hours at 20°C, optimal thickness of one coat is 35 – 40 µm. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 17 – 22 Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 17 – 22 Mpa (170 – 220 atm.; 2500 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 - 40° Filter of spraying gun – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene) and 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethylacetate. It contains 2-butanonoxim and hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, cobalt salt. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H412, EUH 208 Hazard pictogramsl: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR T 340 Two-component polyurethane glossy enamel Composition Mixture of pigments in solution of acrylic resin in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic polyisocyanate. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for surface treatment, where there are high requirements desired on painted objects in demanding conditions in various environments. The coat is resistant to weather, yellowing, flouring and effects of various chemical substances and humidity. excellent weather resistance chemical resistance colour stability suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Exterior and interior with medium and higher corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, industrial zones, coating of machines, piping, metal sheet and steel constructions. Shades According to BAL and RAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Flash point Density of product Density /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.39 – 0.46 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.33 – 0.40 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness (Persoz) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning Hardening Surface preparation 100 – 150 s / 4mm Ford min. 54% of weight min. 48% of volume > 25 °C 1050 - 1250 1050 - 1220 degree 1-2 degree 1-2 min. 25% 100 40 8.2 – 9.5 200 80 4.1 – 4.8 15°C 25 min 6h 40 µm 23°C 15 min 4h 40 µm Airless spraying (without thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 15 -25% thinning) Brush and roller (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 5 – 10% thinning) TELSOL PUR 3 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardener: TELHARD PUR. Hardening ratio: 10 weight parts TELPUR T 340 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 4 hours ( 23°C ). For corrosive environment C2, C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces and if necessary to treat with suitable prime coat. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the producer or carry out test reference coating on 2 surface of 1 m . BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR T 340 Two-component polyurethane glossy enamel Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1x TELPUR P 110 two-component polyurethane primer or TELPOX P 100 two-component epoxy primer; 2. Local bonding with polyester putty (e.g. Rapid). Sanding of bonded places; 3. 2-3x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 340. Individual layers of painting system are applied in interval 24 hours at 20°C. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Optimal thickness of system Environment C3: 80 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C4: 40µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm undercoat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 160 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 22 – 25 Mpa (220 – 250 atm.; 3200 – 3700 psi); Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 22 – 25 Mpa (220 – 250 atm.; 3200 – 3700 psi); Spraying angle 20 - 40° Filter of spraying gun – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic and 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl-acetate. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H412 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELPUR T 350 Two-component alkydurethane matt top enamel Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and anticorrosive pigments in solution of synthetic resins in organic solvents, hardened with aliphatic polyisocyanate. Characteristics and use The enamel is determined for top coatings in interior and exterior on wooden and metal surfaces. The enamel has excellent weather resistance, quick drying, good spreading and good and easy workability. quick drying universal applicability suitable for the tinting system HOSTEMIX Application area Exterior and interior with medium corrosive stress (laundry rooms, cellars, industrial areas, workshops), metal constructions, machines, metal furniture, doorframes. Shades According to BAL colour chart and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances /hardened mixture/ Flash point Density /hardened mixture/ Emission limits VOC: 0.25 – 0.29 kg/kg of hardened mixture TOC: 0.22 – 0.25 kg/kg of hardened mixture This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 48 hours Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT Application Thinning Hardening Surface preparation Application conditions min. 120 s min. 71% of weight at least 53% of volume 25 °C 3 1430 - 1500 kg/m degree 1-2 < 20% at least 15% 75 40 ca. 9 10°C 45 min 2h 40 µm 150 80 ca. 4.5 15°C 30 min 2h 40 µm 23°C 10 min 1h 40 µm Airless spraying (without thinning) Conventional spraying (recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 5 -10% thinning) Brush (recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) Roller (recommended viscosity 50-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 0 – 5% thinning) TELSOL PUR 4 or another recommended thinners BALT Hardener: TELHARD PUR 2. Hardening ratio: 10 weight parts TELPUR T 350 : 1 weight part TELHARD PUR 2. The pot life of the hardened mixture is 2 hours ( 23°C ). For corrosive environment C2 and C3 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to ČSN EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. For corrosive environment C1 – C2 the surface must be clean, dry, free of grease and rust rest, mechanically cleaned to degree St 2 – St 3 before application of the prime coat. Galvanized surfaces must be cleaned with ammoniac water or water with detergent. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces and if it is necessary to coat with suitable prime coat. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the producer or carry out test reference coating 2 on surface of 1 m . It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 2 TELPUR T 350 Two-component alkydurethane matt top enamel bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2x TELPUR P 120 two-component alkydurethane primer; dry film thickness is 40 – 80 µm 2. Local bonding with polyester putty (e.g. Rapid). Sanding of bonded places; 3. 2-3x two-component polyurethane enamel TELPUR T 350. Individual layers are applied in interval 24 hours at 20°C, optimal dry film thickness of one layer is 35 – 40 µm. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). It is not recommended using free adjustable nozzle. Optimal thickness of system Environment C1/C2: 40 µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Environment C3: 80µm DFT prime coat + 40 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT prime coat + 80 µm DFT top enamel (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20 Air pressure 2.5 – 3 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.011inch (0.28 mm) or 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Nozzle 0.009inch (0.23 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 19 – 22 Mpa (190 – 220 atm.; 2800 – 3200 psi) Spraying angle 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (isomers mixture + ethylbenzene), low-boiling hydrogenated petrol, 2-methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl-acetate and Zn3(PO4)2. It contains butanonoxim. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H332, H411, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 2 of 2 TELCRYL P 100 Acrylate anticorrosive paint Composition Mixture of pigments, fillers and Zn phosphate in solution of styrene-acrylic resin in organic solvents. Characteristics and use The paint is determined as anticorrosive primer or anticorrosive single coat of steel and light metals (including fresh galvanized steel), where it ensures to the painting system anticorrosive protection in various demandingly exposed environments. Anytime it is possible to overcoat the paint with various types of top enamels, e.g. synthetic air-drying, polyurethane or epoxide enamels. excellent adhesion to steel, aluminous, copper and galvanized surfaces, including fresh galvanized iron quick drying high corrosion resistance Application area Exterior and interior with medium and higher corrosive stress, e.g. chemical plants, industrial zones, coating of machines, piping, metal sheet and steel constructions, metal containers, metal pallets. Shades 0110 grey, 0199 black (only for airless spraying) and the others according to individual customer requirements Physical properties Viscosity 0199 0110 Content of non-volatile substances Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density of product Thixotropic 50-60s / Ford Ø 6mm min. 55 % of weight min. 38% of volume > 25 °C 3 ca. 1280 kg/m Emission limits VOC: 0.42 – 0.44 kg/kg of paint TOC: 0.36 – 0.38 kg/kg of paint This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Properties of dried coat Covering power Gloss Hardness ( Persoz ) after 1 day Spreading capacity Wet film thickness WFT (µm) Dry film thickness DFT (µm) 2 Theoretical spreading capacity (m /kg) Drying time Surface temperature Dried against dust Dried Dry film thickness DFT degree 1-2 degree 5 min. 20% 105 40 7.4 210 80 3.7 15°C 30 min 5h 40 µm 23°C 15 min 3h 40 µm Application Airless spraying (5 – 10% thinning) Conventional spraying (only for shade 0110) - recommended viscosity 25 – 30s/ cup Ford 4mm; ca. 15 -25% thinning By brush and roller (only for shade 0110) - recommended viscosity 60-80s / cup Ford 4mm; 10 – 15% thinning) Thinning TELSOL BR 5 or another recommended thinners BALT Surface preparation For corrosive environment C3 and C4 the steel surface must be before the prime coat application prepared by blast-cleaning to degree Sa 2 ½ according to EN ISO 8501-1 (welds and edges must be finished according to EN ISO 8501-3). Galvanized and aluminous surfaces must be treated according to EN ISO 12944-4, čl. 12.1. and 12.2. It is necessary to clean, degrease and remove poorly adhering old coats from previously painted surfaces. To ensure compatibility of new coat with old coat it is recommended to contact the 2 producer or carry out test reference coating on surface of 1 m . BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 1 of 2 TELCRYL P 100 Acrylate anticorrosive paint Application conditions It is necessary to stir the paint properly before application so that there will be no sediment on the bottom and harden. To thin and filter if necessary. Minimal air temperature for application is 10 °C, temperature of painted surface must be 3 °C above dew point. Temperature and relative humidity must be measured in proximity of painted surface. The surface temperature must not be higher than 40°C. Relative humidity must not be higher than 75%. Lower temperature and higher humidity during application and drying and high thickness of applied coats markedly slow down drying and hardening of the paint film. Imperfectly dried surface can cause problems with adhesion of paint to surface or with adhesion between individual coats. In addition it can negatively affect overall appearance of the paint film. Typical painting system 1. 1-2x TELCRYL P 100 acrylate paint; (optimal dry film thickness of one layer 40µm), drying of one layer is 2 hours. 2. Local bonding with polyester putty (e.g. Rapid). Sanding of bonded places; 3. Sanding with sandpaper no. 280-320; 4. 1-3x polyurethane enamel TELPUR (T 340, T 300 or S 210), optimal dry film thickness of one layer 40µm. Individual layers are applied in interval 4-24 hours at 20°C. As single coat, the paint can be applied in minimal required thickness 120 µm. The paint is applied by cross spraying or in parallel strips to achieve a final uniform layer. First it is necessary to treat problematic places (corners, edges, welds, surface defects). Optimal thickness of system Environment C3: 80µm DFT TELCRYL P100 + 80µm DFT top enamel TELPUR T 340 (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT TELCRYL P100 + 120µm DFT top enamel TELPUR T 340 (lifetime up to 10 years);120 µm DFT TELCRYL P100 (lifetime up to 5 years) Environment C4: 80µm DFT TELCRYL P100 + 120µm top enamel TELPUR T 340 (lifetime up to 5 years); 80µm DFT TELCRYL P100 + 80µm undercoat TELPUR S 210 + 80µm DFT top enamel TELPUR T 340 (lifetime up to 10 years) Application data Data for conventional spraying Spraying gun e.g. EST 311, EST 314 or EST 115 Nozzle according to desired capacity 14-20; Air pressure 1.5 – 2 atm. Data for airless spraying, e.g. VYZA VARIO 56-45 (EST); Nozzle 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) Pressure on nozzle: 28 – 36 Mpa (280 – 360 atm.; 4000 – 5200 psi); Spraying angle: 20 - 60° Filter of spraying gun - yellow 100/149 (mesh/µm) for spraying angle 60 °C filter – red 200/74 (mesh/µm) Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains hydrocarbons, C9, aromatic and zinc phosphate. Hazard communication: H226, H335, H336, H411, EUH 066 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9. 2013 Page 2 of 2 TELCOLOR P 2013 Tinting concentrates for system HOSTEMIX Composition Mixture of pigments and fillers in solution of aldehyde resin in organic solvents. Characteristics and use Universal tinting concentrate, which is compatible almost with most paints on various basis (synthetic air-drying paints, baking paints, polyurethane paints, epoxide paints). It is recommended to use only in tintng system HOSTEMIX. Shades 12 basic shade concentrates + 2 filler concentrates (for alkyd and polyurethane paints) Physical properties Emission limits Name Shade Color index Density 3 g/cm P2013/1800 P2013/1801 P2013/1830 P2013/1841 P2013/1859 P2013/1867 P2013/1868 P2013/1878 P2013/1880 P2013/1883 P2013/1888 P2013/1898 P2013/1899 P2013/1900 P2013/9110 Filler A white violet blue green ochre yellow orange russet red maron black black Filler P aluminous PW 6 PV 23 PB 15:3 PG 7 PY 42 PY53+PY74 PO 67 PR 101 PR 254 PR 52:2 PB 7 PB 7 - 1.35 2.03 1.03 1.11 1.19 1.80 1.27 1.12 1.96 1.16 1.12 1.09 1.21 2.09 1.28 ONL % of weight 63 83 49 56 59 76 72 62 80 66 57 61 67 82 61 VOC kg/kg TOC kg/kg 370 270 510 440 410 240 280 380 200 340 430 390 330 180 390 333 95 312 266 244 141 166 239 110 233 241 209 186 104 270 VOC: 0.18 – 0.44 kg/kg of paste TOC: 0.10 – 0.33 kg/kg of paste This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Storability The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains solvent naphtha light aromatic (Ind. No. 649-356-00-4), xylene (Ind. no. 601-022-00-9) and 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate (Ind. no. 607-195-00-7). It contains butanonoxim. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H 332, H336, H412, EUH 208 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 1 TELHARD POX Hardener for epoxy paints TELPOX Composition The product is solution of modified hardener on basis of adduct of polyalkylenpolyamine and medium molecular epoxy resin in mixture of organic solvents. Characteristics and use The product is determined only for hardening of epoxy paints TELPOX. Addition of the hardener TELHARD POX is various for individual types of paints and it is stated in respective subject standards of the products, including time of the mixture workability. Only such amount of the hardened mixture is prepared, which can be consumed during the pot life of hardened mixture. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.48 kg/kg of hardener TOC: 0.41 kg/kg of hardener This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Storability Disposal of packing and waste Safety and health protection 60 – 250 s 23 °C 3 960 kg/m The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. The product contains xylene /mixture of ethylbenzene + xylene/, 2-methylpropane-1-ol and diethylentriamine. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H317, H318, H32, H335, H373 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 1 TELHARD POX RAPID Hardener for epoxy paints TELPOX Composition The product is solution of modified hardener on basis of adduct of modified polyamine and medium molecular epoxide resin in mixture of organic solvents. Characteristics and use The product is determined for rapid hardening of epoxy paints TELPOX. The product is fully functional also at the temperature 0°C and it is resistant to humidity during hardening. The hardener has excellent anticorrosive properties and it ensures good adhesive properties on problematic surfaces. Addition of the hardener TELHARD POX RAPID is various for individual types of paints and it is stated in respective subject standards of the products, including time of the mixture workability. Example: Hardening ratio TELPOX P 100 –100 weight parts : TELHARD POX RAPID - 7.5 weight parts Only such amount of the hardened mixture is prepared, which can be consumed during the pot life of hardened mixture. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.36 kg/kg of hardener TOC: 0.30 kg/kg of hardener This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. Storability 70 – 450 s 32 °C 3 940 kg/m The product keeps the product qualities 24 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene /mixture of isomers/, 1-butanol and Alkyl Phenol Polyamine. It can cause allergic reaction. It has effect as alkali /pH 10.5/. Hazard communication: H226, H312 + H332, H315, H317, H318 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: DANGER. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 1 TELHARD PUR Hardener for polyurethane paints TELPUR Composition The product is solution of aliphatic polyisocyanate in organic solvents. Characteristics and use The product is determined only for hardening of polyurethane paints TELPUR. Addition of the hardener TELHARD PUR is various for individual types of paints and it is stated in respective subject standards of the products, including time of the mixture workability. Only such amount of the hardened mixture is prepared, which can be treated during lifetime of the mixture. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.25 kg/kg of hardener TOC: 0.17 kg/kg of hardener This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. 35 – 60 s ca. 75% of weight 38 °C 3 1070 kg/m Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (mixture of isomers + ethylbenzene), 2-methoxy-1-methylethylacetate and hexymetylen-1.6-diisocyanate homopolymer. Hazard communication: H226, H312, H315, H317, H332, UEH 204 Hazard pictograms: Signal word: WARNING. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 1 TELHARD PUR 2 Hardener for polyurethane paints TELPUR Composition The product is solution of aliphatic polyisocyanate in organic solvents. Characteristics and use The product is determined only for hardening of polyurethane paints TELPUR. Addition of the hardener TELHARD PUR is various for individual types of paints and it is stated in respective subject standards of the products, including time of the mixture workability. Only such amount of the hardened mixture is prepared, which can be consumed during the pot life of hardened mixture. Physical properties Flow time ( cup Ford ) Content of non-volatile substances Flash point Density Emission limits VOC: 0.85 kg/kg of hardener TOC: 0.77 kg/kg of hardener This product is for professional use only. Not for residential use. 35 – 60 s ca. 15% of weight > 25 °C 3 980 kg/m Storability The product keeps the product qualities 12 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Disposal of packing and waste Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. Safety and health protection The product contains xylene (mixture of isomers) and polyisocyanate. It can cause allergic reaction. See information provided by the producer. Classification of preparation: Harmful. Irritating. Flammable. Identification with hazard symbol: Xn – Harmful. Further see the product safety data sheet. These data are only for information and their accuracy is influenced by the properties of individual materials and unpredictable factors during application. The user is responsible for correct use of the product according to the direction for use and for correct application of painting system, i.e. he must always evaluate all conditions of application, which could influence final quality of the top treatment. Therefore we always recommend to the user to carry out the test for actual working conditions and type of surface applied. Above mentioned data are data, which influence individual working conditions and therefore they do not establish a legal claim. It is necessary to consult information outside the terms of this catalogue sheet with the producer. The producer stipulates the right for the change in the catalogue sheets without previous notification. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID.: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 1 TELSOL Thinners TELSOL SP 1 Composition Use TELSOL BR 5 Composition Use TELSOL BR 6 Composition Use TELSOL POX Composition Use Classification Mixture of organic solvents (low-boiling hydrogenated petrol and toluene) Thinning of synthetic air-drying paints TELKYD and TELKYDUR, applied by spraying Classification Hazard communication: H225, H304, H315, H336, H361d, H373 Hazard pictograms: GHS02, GHS07, GHS08, GHS09 3 Density in kg/m TOC in kg/kg of product Flammable liquid ca. 825 0.89 I. class of risks Xylene – mixture of isomers Thinning of synthetic air-drying paints TELKYD and TELKYDUR, determined for application by spraying, brush or dipping Classification Hazard communication: H226, H304,H312, H315, H319, H332, H335, H373 Hazard pictograms: GHS02, GHS07, GHS08 3 Density in kg/m TOC in kg/kg of product Flammable liquid ca. 862 0.91 II. class of risks Mixture of organic solvents ( low-boiling hydrogenated petrol and xylen ) Thinning of synthetic air-drying paints TELKYD and TELKYDUR, determined for application by roller, brush or dipping Classification Hazard communication: H226, H304, H312+H332, H315, H319, H335, H336, H373, H411, EUH 066 Hazard pictograms: GHS02, GHS07, GHS08, GHS 09 3 Density in kg/m TOC in kg/kg of product Flammable liquid ca. 805 0.87 II. class of risks Mixture of organic solvents (xylene, butylacetate, 2-butoxyethanol, butan-1-ol) Thinning of two-component epoxy paints TELPOX Hazard communication: H226, H302, H304,H312, H315, H318, H332, H335, H336, H373, EUH 066 Hazard pictograms: GHS02, GHS05, GHS07, GHS08 3 Density in kg/m TOC in kg/kg of product Flammable liquid ca. 854 0.75 II. class of risks TELSOL PUR 3 TELSOL PUR 4 Storability Disposal of packing and waste Composition Use Classification Mixture of organic solvents (methoxy acetoxy propane and xylene) Thinning of two-component polyurethane paints TELPUR Hazard communication: H226, H304,H312, H315, H319, H332, H335, H373 Hazard pictograms: GHS02, GHS07, GHS08 3 Density in kg/m TOC in kg/kg of product Flammable liquid ca. 910 0.73 II. class of risks Composition Use Classification Mixture of organic solvents (methoxy acetoxy propane and xylene) Thinning of two-component polyurethane paints TELPUR Hazard communication: H226, H304,H312, H315, H319, H332, H335, H373 Hazard pictograms: GHS02, GHS07, GHS08 3 Density in kg/m TOC in kg/kg of product Flammable liquid ca. 862 0.91 II. class of risks The product keeps the product qualities 36 months from production date in original unopened packing. To store in dry storage at the temperature of 5-25 °C. Hand over the used, properly empty packing at the collection point of the packing waste. Dispose the packing with the product rest at the place determined by the town for disposal of hazardous waste or hand over to the person authorized for hazardous waste disposal. Further see the product safety data sheet. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, s.r.o. Skrchov 1, 679 61 Letovice, the Czech Republic ID: 43420371, phone: +420 516 474 211, fax.: +420 516 474 257 e-mail:,, Catalogue sheet 25.9.2013 Page 1 of 1 Dynamics and Development The turning point was the moving of the synthetic paints production from Prague to the new plant in our company in 2008. The brand new technology is based on simplicity, repeatability and flexibility with the aim to satisfy various needs of customers. Energy efficiency is ensured by waste heat recovery, unclean solvents regeneration and low emissions by regenerative thermal oxidation. We opened dispatch warehouse for 3000 pallets in 2009 and joined the parent company with company name and logo. Significant part of company development is driven by effort to increase export for not only CEE. Quality and Innovation The company BARVY A LAKY TELURIA is a modern firm that uses 100 years of experience with manufacturing and sale of paints and varnishes for DIY, industrial and professional use. The product quality has been in accordance with system ISO 9001 since 2002. We produce 13 500 tons of paints and varnishes that include: water and solvent based paints, polyurethane and epoxy paints, interior and façade paints, plasters, spatulas, adhesives, hardeners, thinners, insulating varnishes and many other materials. More important is continuous development of tinting system HOSTEMIX and TELURMIX. We offer specialized research and development, selling and service departments and therefore we are able to customize. We provide after sales and consulting services, organize training programs for our clients with the aim to offer a comprehensive service. We offer wide range of products for professional and industrial use for metal in product series: TELKYD, TELPOX, TELPUR TELCRYL and TELSOL, which are used in companies, e.g.: ARCELOR MITTAL, VÍTKOVICE STEEL, BOSCH, OKD, TATRA etc. The company cooperates with universities, research institutes and many renowned suppliers. The products are certified in accredited test rooms and the part of them also bear trademark Ecologically Friendly Product. BARVY A LAKY TELURIA, S.R.O. | SKRCHOV 1 | 679 61 LETOVICE | CZECH REPUBLIC | WWW.TELURIA.CZ