council meeting agenda - Port Augusta City Council
council meeting agenda - Port Augusta City Council
COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday 23 March 2009 7:00pm Council Chambers 4 Mackay Street, Port Augusta MICA0303 23/03/09 Civic Centre: 4 Mackay Street Port Augusta South Australia 5700 Telephone (08) 8641 9100 Facsimile (08) 8641 0357 Postal Address: PO Box 1704 Port Augusta South Australia 5700 1. WELCOME & OPENING PRAYER “Almighty God, we humbly beseech thee to grant thy blessing upon the work of this Council. To direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of this City. And for the true and lasting welfare of the people of this Municipality. Amen” 2. RECEIPT OF APOLOGIES Nil 3. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MICA0302 - Council Meeting (+ Confidential) 23/02/09 4. BIRTHS Ava Press Karleigh Snowden Maya Fuller-Crabtree 5. CONDOLENCES Lyall Turner Avis Boully Arthur Martin Herbert Kniesberg Frank Jackson 6. Bridie Struck-Lukich Ari Crabbe-McKerlie Corbin Russell-Dalla Santa Dennis Berg Rosie Brady Shirley Turner Raymond Crombie MAYOR’S REPORT 6.1 To be tabled at the meeting 7. ELECTED MEMBERS REPORTS Nil 8. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Nil 9. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 10. NOTICE OF MOTION Nil 11. MINUTES OF KEY COMMITTEES/REFERENCE GROUPS 12. 11.1 MIFA0185 - City Management Committee 10/03/09 11.2 MIWA0191 - Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee 16/03/09 11.3 MIOA1603 - Port Augusta Junior Sports Foundation 18/02/09 11.4 MIOA1607 - Port Augusta Marine Advisory Committee 03/03/09 11.5 MIOA1606 - Port Augusta Alcohol Management Group 10/03/09 REPORTS 12.1 MICA0303 23/03/09 REPA4789 – Election of LGA President -2- 13. CORRESPONDENCE REPORT 13.1 REPA4795 - Correspondence Items 14. LEAVE OF ABSENCE NIL 15. CONFIDENTIAL ISSUES 15.1 16. MIFA0185 10/03/09 CLOSE OF MEETING GREG PERKIN CITY MANAGER MICA0303 23/03/09 Confidential City Management Committee Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF CITY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2009 PRESENT Chairperson, Cr A Morris, Deputy Mayor, Cr P Greagen, Crs K McLean, P Solomon, T Mitchell, S Johnson and C Pycroft. OFFICERS PRESENT City Manager, Mr G Perkin, A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, Mrs L Heron, A/Director – Aged & Children’s Services, Mrs A O’Reilly and Executive Assistant, Ms M.J. Jenkins. The Chairperson declared the meeting open at 5:32pm and acknowledged and paid respect to the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands and seas we are meeting on here today. APOLOGIES Crs Greagen/Mitchell that the following apologies be received: Her Worship the Mayor, Mrs N.J. Baluch Cr E Ellis Cr F Paynter CARRIED QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE (1406) Cr McLean – illegal dumping of rubbish – very prominent in the Quorn Road area. (0461) Cr McLean – disruptive tenant at the Housing SA units located at the rear of the Augusta Hotel. (2502) Cr Solomon – update on the Railway Museum concept. (The A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services advised that work is progressing towards the formulation of a Feasibility Study by Brown Falconer Architects). (2698) Cr Johnson – logo being placed on all Council vehicles (sedans) consistent with Council’s plant/machinery & equipment. (The City Manager advised that he will investigate and make arrangements for this to be undertaken). (2381) Cr Johnson – presentations to Council by political people. (The A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services to formulate a policy covering this request). (2430) Cr Morris – introduction of parking meters at the Whyalla Airport. (1734) Cr Morris – World’s Greatest Shave happening on Friday 13 March 1pm (Gladstone Square). CITY MANAGER’S REPORT – MARCH 2009 MEETING (2429) (2129) (2423) (2417) MIFA0185 10/03/09 The following questions/comments were raised by Members: Crs Johnson/Greagen that City Management Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4793) dated 27 February 2009 submitted by the City Manager, concerning “City Manager’s Report – March 2009 Meeting”, including the following attachments: REPA4800 - Monthly Activities – A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services (Feb 2009) REPA4802 – Monthly Activities – Wadlata/AALBG (Feb 2009) REPA4801 – Monthly Activities – Co-ordinator, Community Harmony (Feb 2009) -2(2433) REPL0053 - Monthly Activities – Library & Community Information Service (Feb 2009) RECC0001 - Monthly Activities – Cultural Centre Gallery Arts Officer (Feb 2009) REPP0524 - Monthly Activities – Planning (Feb 2009) REPA4804 - Monthly Activities – Contracts, Projects & Events (Feb 2009) (2458) (2001) (2461) 2. Endorses the action taken by the Mayor and City Manager in signing and affixing the Council Corporate Seal on documents as outlined within this report. CARRIED U-TURN WORX PROJECT (2759) Crs Mitchell/McLean that City Management Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPF0757) dated 3 March 2008, submitted by the A/Director Community Services, concerning “UTurn Worx Project”. 2. Agrees to apply for grant funding through the Proceeds of Crime Act funding round closing on 20th March 2009 and support the administrative and financial processes associated with the grant on the condition that a Memorandum of Understanding is signed by all parties that clearly acknowledges Council’s role as auspicing body only, and further states that there is no expectation of Council to drive this initiative or be responsible for any future funding shortfall associated with this project. CARRIED QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE – FEEDBACK ON PROGRESS OF PROMOTIONAL/ MARKETING VIDEO (1568) Crs Johnson/Greagen that City Management Committee recommends Council receives and notes the report (REPA4796) dated 2 March 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Question Without Notice – Feedback on progress of Promotional/Marketing Video”. NOTICE OF MOTION – DEVELOPER INITIATED PROPOSAL PROCESS REVIEW (2381) Crs Greagen/Johnson that City Management Committee recommends Council: CARRIED 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4790) dated 25 February 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Notice of Motion – Developer Initiated Proposal Process Review”. 2. Approves the City Manager, Mr Greg Perkin undertaking an internal review of the Developer Initiated Proposal process in the first instance and have this vetted by Council’s Lawyers for Council on the findings and recommendations. CARRIED MIFA0185 10/03/09 -3- CDAP – COMPLAINT HANDLING POLICY 2.7.08 (2546) Crs Johnson/McLean that City Management Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4797) dated 4 March 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “CDAP – Complaint Handling Policy 2.7.08”. 2. Notes Policy 2.7.08 – CDAP Complaint Handling Policy was adopted by the Council Development Assessment Panel at its meeting held on Tuesday 3rd March 2009. CARRIED ESTABLISHMENT OF A STRATEGIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY COMMITTEE AND REVIEW OF COMMITTEES AND PANELS POLICY 1.1.05 (2146) Crs Greagen/Johnson that City Management Committee recommends Council receives and notes the report (REPA4791) dated 26 February 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Establishment of a Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committee and Review of Committees and Panels Policy 1.1.05”. CARRIED Crs Pycroft/McLean that City Management Committee recommends Council: 1. Adopts Policy 1.1.05 ‘Committees and Panels’ (Appendix B) as amended. 2. Approves the establishment of the Strategic Planning & Development Policy Committee. 3. Determines that the Strategic Planning & Development Policy Committee will meet on an as needs basis, at the conclusion of either the City Management Committee (second Monday of the month) or Corporate Services & Infrastructure Meeting (third Monday of the month). 4. Approves the Rules (Structure & Operation) of the Strategic Planning & Development Policy Committee (RULA0094) (Appendix A). 5. Endorses the agenda format (including a heading for Questions without Notice) of the Strategic Planning & Development Policy Committee (Appendix C). CARRIED 4:2 Crs Johnson & Greagen recorded their votes against the motion. DRAFT POLICY 1.2.09 – ACKNOWLEDGING TRADITIONAL CUSTODIANS (2381) MIFA0185 10/03/09 Crs Greagen/Mitchell that City Management Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4799) dated 2 March 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Draft Policy 1.2.09 – Acknowledging Traditional Custodians”. -4- 2. Adopts Policy 1.2.09 – Acknowledging Traditional Custodians, as amended. CARRIED CONFIDENTIAL ORDER – SALE OF ALLOTMENT 38 TOWN OF PORT AUGUSTA (DISTRICT COURTHOUSE) (2177) Crs Greagen/Mitchell that City Management Committee recommends Council: 1. Orders (pursuant to the provisions of Section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999), that the public, with the exception of Council Staff who are hereby permitted to remain, as is necessary to receive, discuss and consider in confidence, information contained within confidential report (REPA4766) submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Sale of Allotment 38 Town of Port Augusta (District Courthouse)”, be issued on grounds contained within: Section 90(3)(b) information the disclosure of which – 2. (i) could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council; and (ii) would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest. Specifies (pursuant to the provisions of Section 91(7) of the Local Government Act 1999), that the order issued by the Council covering reports, discussions and minutes concerning “Sale of Allotment 38 Town of Port Augusta (District Courthouse)” remain in force until the 30th June 2009, in accordance with Section 90(3)(b). CARRIED The Confidential session commenced at 6:35pm. CONFIDENTIAL ORDER REMOVAL – OPAL (EPODE) PROGRAM (2749) Crs Mitchell/Johnson that City Management Committee recommends Council removes the current confidential order on the Opal (Epode) Program report (REPF0749), to enable immediate media coverage. CARRIED The Meeting closed at 6:47pm. MIFA0185 10/03/09 MINUTES OF CORPORATE SERVICES & INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 16 MARCH 2009 PRESENT Chairperson, Cr K McLean, Deputy Mayor, Cr P Greagen, Crs P Solomon, F Paynter, T Mitchell, S Johnson, A Morris and C Pycroft. OFFICERS PRESENT City Manager, Mr G Perkin, Director – Corporate Services, Mr M.J. Dunemann, Director – Infrastructure & Environment, Mr H Hart, A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, Mrs L Heron, A/Director – Community Services, Mrs A O’Reilly and Executive Assistant, Ms M.J. Jenkins. The Chairperson declared the meeting open at 5:30pm. APOLOGIES Cr P Greagen Cr R Ellis QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE (2332) The following questions/comments were raised by Members: Cr Pycroft – Northern Drag & Motor Sport Association Motor Show (14/03/09) closure time query. Note: The Event Organisers request was for the Show to be held from 10am until 6:00pm. (2302) Cr Pycroft – Homestead Park Pioneer Museum lease, future development and more particularly the Port Augusta Model Engineers Society. (The A/Director – Governance & Economic Development advised that the lease for the Museum has recently been renewed with the Bungala Aboriginal Corporation for a 2 year term subject to 6 monthly inspections being undertaken). Note: The Port Augusta Model Engineers Society has a 20 year lease (for portion of Homestead Park) which is due to expire on 13/11/09. (2485) PROPOSED MARINA & RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, PORT AUGUSTA WEST – LAND ISSUES (REVOCATION PROPOSAL, LONG TERM LEASE OF COMMUNITY LAND & SALE OF COUNCIL LAND) (2096) MIWA0191 16/03/09 Cr Pycroft – Port Augusta Christmas Lighting Festival and Committee. Expressed an interest to be involved in the Committee. Crs Morris/Johnson that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4785) dated 16 February 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Proposed Marina & Residential Development, Port Augusta West – Land Issues (Revocation Proposal, Long Germ Lease of Community Land & Sale of Council Land)”. 2. Approves Ms Christine Arnold & Mr Aaron Morgan making a representation to Council on this issue. 3. Undertakes further negotiations, in the first instance, with the State Government to ascertain: 3.1 Possible availability of Allotment 335 (CR5442/489) and Section 299 (CR5435/443 – salt lake area along Caroona Road) including sale options to support a marina & residential development; and 3.2 support for long term lease of community land Allotment 336 (CR5305/78); and -2- 3.3 undedication options in regard to Allotment 335 (CR5442/489) and Allotment 299 (CR5435/443); and 3.4 future plans for expansion of the National Highway One Bridge which would ultimately affect any development within Allotment 8-10 and a portion of Allotment 100 (closed portion of La France Terrace road reserve). Cr Morris expressed his personal offence at the comments contained within the letter from Mr Ian Collins attached to the above report. The Chairperson advised that Mr Collins had advised that he is unable to address members due to illness. The motion was CARRIED. Her Worship the Mayor, Mrs N.J. Baluch AM entered the meeting at 5:40pm. The Chairperson invited Ms Christine Arnold to address Members. Ms Arnold was not present at the meeting. The Chairperson then invited Mr Aaron Morgan to address Members. Mr Morgan’s address included background information in regard to the Marina issues and the associated areas. This included his previous proposal seeking support/funding for infrastructure to establish a small scale marina. Several documents were tabled. He also focused on the importance of tourism and the need for an interim measure (smaller proposal) to take place until a final proposal and location could be supported by all concerned. For the purpose of the gallery, the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services briefly outlined the recommendation. The A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services left the meeting at 5:50pm. MONTHLY REPORT, DIRECTOR – CORPORATE SERVICES (FEB 2009) (2281) (2213) (2333) (2513) (2465) (2504) Crs Morris/Pycroft that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council receives and notes the report (REPF0760) dated 5 March 2009, submitted by the Director – Corporate Services, concerning “Monthly Report, Director – Corporate Services (Feb 2009)”, including the following attachments: REPF0759 – Monthly Activities – Aged & Children’s Services (Feb 2009) REPF0762 – Monthly Activities – Port Augusta Outdoor Adventure Centre (Feb 2009) REPF0761 – Monthly Activities – Ryan Mitchell Swim Centre (Feb 2009) REPE0637 – Monthly Activities – be active Filed Officer (Feb 2009) REPD0052 – Monthly Activities – General Inspectors/Animal Control (Feb 2009) CARRIED COMMUNITY GRANT APPLICATION – VIETNAM VETERANS “WALK FOR CHARITY” (2391) MIWA0191 16/03/09 Crs Mitchell/Paynter that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPF0756) dated 3 March 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Community Services, concerning “Community Grant Application – Vietnam Veterans “Walk for Charity”. -3- 2. Agrees to provide a Community Grant of $500 toward the cost of accommodation and meals to the participants and crew on the condition that the “Walk for Charity” takes place, the Port Augusta City Council’s contribution is recognised publicly at every opportunity and a full report on the event is received by Council within 60 days of the event taking place. CARRIED COMMUNITY GRANTS 2008/2009 UPDATE (PE 03/03/09) (2391) Crs Morris/Pycroft that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council receives and notes the report (REPF0758) dated 4 March 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Community Services, relating to “Community Grants 2008/20098 Update (PE 03/03/09)”. CARRIED MONTHLY REPORT, DIRECTOR – INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT (FEB 2009) (2132) (2130) (2060) (2330) Crs Morris/Johnson that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council receives and notes the report (REPE0636) dated 6 March 2009, submitted by the Director – Infrastructure & Environment, concerning “Monthly Report, Director – Infrastructure & Environment (Feb 2009)”, including the following attachments: REPH0253 – Monthly Activities, Manager – Environmental Health Services (Feb 2009) REPB0123 – Monthly Activities, Development Officer – Building (Feb 2009) REPG0525 – Monthly Activities, Strategic Co-ordinator – AALBG/Parks (Feb 2009) CARRIED PORT AUGUSTA HARNESS RACING CLUB INC – ADVERTISING SIGNS CENTRAL OVAL (2559) Crs Paynter/Pycroft that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4807) dated 10 March 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Port Augusta Harness Racing Club Inc – Advertising Signs Central Oval”. 2. Approves commencing a review of the Permit (PERA0031) between Council and the Port Augusta Harness Racing Club Inc which captures a portion of land within Central Oval. 3. Appoints Crs Solomon and McLean to be involved in the review process. CARRIED CINEMA AUGUSTA SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES LICENCE (2415) Crs Mitchell/Morris that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4806) dated 5 March 2009, submitted by the Co-ordinator – Community Harmony, concerning “Cinema Augusta Special Circumstances Licence”. 2. Supports the application by Cinema Augusta for a Special Circumstances Licence. CARRIED Cr Pycroft recorded her vote against the motion. MIWA0191 16/03/09 -4- FIRE HAZARD/ CONDITION OF LAND, 4 YON STREET, PORT AUGUSTA (0855) Crs Mitchell/Mayor Baluch that Corporate Services & Infrastructure Committee recommends Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4787) dated 23 February 2009, submitted by the Human Resource Manager, concerning “Fire Hazard/Condition of Land, 4 Yon Street, Port Augusta”. 2. Notes the failure by the owners of the said land to comply with the requirements of the notice served upon them on 8 October 2008, under Section 56(2) of the Fire & Emergency Services Act 2005. 3. Determines, pursuant to Section 56(10) of the Fire & Emergency Services Act 2005, to proceed to carry out the requirements of the said Section 56(2) notice and in this regard authorise the Human Resource Manager to take all steps necessary to carry out the requirements including by the use of contractors in accordance with relevant Council policies The Chairperson introduced Mr Graeme Carn, Proprietor of C & C Salvage and invited him to address Members. Mr Carn provided background history in regard to his recycling business and the associated operational challenges and issues. He sought additional time from Council to clean up and reduce the materials stored at 4 Yon Street. Members raised questions throughout the presentation. The motion was put to the vote and CARRIED. Meeting closed 6:47pm. MIWA0191 16/03/09 MINUTES OF PAJSF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2009 PRESENT Debra Klingberg (Chairperson/PA & Districts Little Athletics Club), Craig Dearlove (Deputy Chairperson), Shirley Pearce (PA Volleyball Association), Chris Pycroft (PA City Council), Jason Di Paolo (PA Swimming Club), and Neil Finlay (PA Tennis Association). Martin Burch attended as a proxy for Kevin Freeman (PA Judo Club). The meeting was declared open by the Chairperson at 6pm. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Kevin Freeman (PA Judo Club), Luke Snowden (PA Softball Association), Sherrie Fuller (PA Basketball Association), Jan Black (PA Netball Association) and Gary Rowbottom (PA Golf Club). MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meetings held in December have been issued to Members, and provided to Council for endorsement. BUSINESS FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Levels of Competition – Mapping of Criteria to achieve Levels This issue is on-going, with members to provide their completed information to Debra as soon as practicable. These matrix will assist us in our determination of financial assistance applications, and provide better overview of an athletes pathway to higher levels of achievement. Representative/Committee Member – PA Golf Club Gary is still seeking a new representative for Golf. Marketing/Identification of Members Craig offered suggestions for a Polo style shirt which can be worn by Reps at Presentations and local club events. Further discussion and decisions to be made. Financial Statement Craig is working on a review of the Foundation’s budget, and how the Foundation can best serve the whole community. He outlined a couple of suggestions for consideration :• the Foundation should strive to represent all sporting groups in Port Augusta; • should we consider expanding to assist older athletes?; • should we review the makeup of the Management Committee? Federal Government member, Rowan Ramsey MP, has also outlined a program to support junior stars throughout our region. Letters to sporting clubs/groups not affiliated To be drafted. “Team Award” nomination form Jayne submitted a draft for consideration by Foundation (FORA0259). Members were happy with the format and information requested. PAJSF recommends Council endorses the new nomination form (FORA0259) “Team Award”. CARRIED Representative to address Council It was recommended at a previous meting that a representative on the Management Committee of the Foundation attend a Council meeting to address Mayor, Councillors and staff on what the PAJSF strives for/achieves. PAJSF 18/02/09 MIOA1603 -2- Kevin Freeman has indicated that he will attend Council. The Chairperson to confirm arrangements. Representative to liaise with Executive Assistant, Melanie Jenkins 86419144 to arrange attendance. MONTHLY INCENTIVE AWARDS The following were nominated and listed on the Agenda for the “Monthly Incentive” Award for December 2008 and January 2009 :DECEMBER 2008 JUDO – Sam Parnanzini (150078) PONY CLUB – Jessica Freeman (150077) JANUARY 2009 ATHLETICS – Chloe Brusnahan (150074), Dylan Morgan (150075) Neil/Shirley that PAJSF recommends Council awards to each nominee a “Monthly Incentive” Award for nominated month. CARRIED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Darcy Noll – Tennis (150076) “Foundation Cup Interstate Challenge” 19-23/01/09, Melbourne Vic Chris/Jason that PAJSF recommends Council allocates $450 for attendance and participation in the “Foundation Cup Interstate Challenge” tournament (cheque to be forwarded to the PAJSF representative). CARRIED OUTSTANDING MATTER - FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Jason Parsons - Tennis (147980) 1. Memorial Drive Open Clay Championships, 4-7/09/08, Adelaide 2. Adelaide Open Clay Championships, 11-14/09/08, Adelaide. Neil Finlay provided additional information to allow Committee to consider Jason’s application. Chris/Jason that PAJSF recommends Council allocates $120 for attendance and participation at both tournaments (cheque to be forwarded to the PAJSF representative). (Jason to be advised that his application was considered as an Open class Zone 1 attendance, as per the Foundation’s matrix.) CARRIED GEOFF BOTTEN SCHOLARSHIP – ROUND #5 Matthew Freeman – Judo (150078) Chris/Neil that PAJSF recommends Council allocates $1,000 to Matthew to assist him continue to compete in Judo and to improve his potential to enable him to reach the highest level possible in Judo SA. The Foundation to endeavour to arrange a presentation around 23 March 2009, with Mayor/Media exposure CARRIED 2009 PRESENTATION EVENING General discussion took place regarding the 2009 Presentation evening. It was agreed the date to be 22 August 2009, with Craig to approach South Football Club to ascertain availability of that venue. Attendance numbers of 160-180 expected, which will comprise of representatives and their guest, “Sportsperson of the Year” nominees, “Geoff Botten Scholarship” award winners, plus an allocated number of invited guests/Incentive winners from each affiliated club (numbers to be determined). Several suggestions were made for guest speaker, with those people to be approached as soon as possible, to ascertain their availability. Matt Leonard to be invited to be MC. PAJSF 18/02/09 MIOA1603 -3- OTHER BUSINESS Chris suggested the Foundation invite Greg Perkins (new City Manager) to the next meeting, and encouraged all representatives to attend. NEXT MEETING 18 March 2009 @ 6pm in Wadlata Meeting Room. Deadline of items to Secretary (Amy Olsson, Civic Centre, 4 Mackay Street) is 12noon, 11 March 2009. CLOSE PAJSF 18/02/09 Meeting closed at 7:30pm. MIOA1603 MINUTES OF PORT AUGUSTA MARINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 3 MARCH 2009 Meeting #15 PRESENT Cr Peter Solomon (Chairperson) Robin Sharp (Deputy Chairperson) Greg Perkin, City Manager Rieck Shine, Strategic Co-ordinator AALBG/Parks Peter Huxtable Brett Munns Aaron Morgan Peter Cahalan Rebekah Rasheed David Pearce Melanie Jenkins, Executive Assistant WELCOME The Chairperson, Cr Solomon declared the meeting open at 7:06pm and welcomed those present. (Prior to the meeting being declared open the new City Manager, Greg Perkin was introduced to members). APOLOGIES Robin Sharp/Peter Huxtable that the following apologies be received: David Powell Deb Allen Ted Gade CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Robin Sharp/Peter Huxtable that the Minutes of the previous Meeting (#14 - MIOA1607) held on 3 February 2009 be received, (These Minutes were confirmed by Council on 23/02/09) CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING SA Marine Parks – Outer Boundaries Consultation David Pearce provided brief update. Road-shows covering all destinations in the State have finished with range of attendances from 30 up to and over 150. All went well with many concerns being raised. Robin Sharp/Peter Huxtable that the Port Augusta Marine Advisory Committee recommends Council submits a submission supporting the Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park (#10) being split north of Douglas Bank to enable Port Augusta people to have greater input into the planning of their section of the Marine Park. CARRIED ‘Swimming Prohibited’ Signage - Inconsistencies The Chairman advised he will set up a meeting with the Director – Infrastructure & Environment, Brett Munns and David Powell. BHP Billiton – Unloading Facility & Purpose Built Road The City Manager advised that he was meeting with BHP representatives on 13/03/09. Environmental Impact Study is expected to be released in May. (The Committee previously supported Council engaging a professional to interpret the EIS). MARINE ADVISORY MIOA1607 03/03/09 File: 2227 -2- Robin Sharp highlighted an incident with regard to someone being given a warning by a Department of Transport Inspector about anchoring in the main shipping channel and could be subject to an on the spot fine. There was a need for clarity in regard to the definition of the channel boundaries. There could also be an impact in regard to the BHP Billiton proposal. The issue of several of the navigational markers located in the northern part of the gulf being out of line (inconsistencies detected on various mapping methods) was also raised. (This issue was previously brought forward by Bob Telfer). Action: The City Manager raises the inconsistencies associated with the channel boundaries and navigational markers with BHP representatives at the meeting on 13/03/09. Northern Spencer Gulf Introduced Invasive Pearl Oyster Funding opportunities via NRM to date have not been successful. Rebekah Rasheed advised that when opportunities present themselves, funding will be further pursued. Yacht Club Boat Ramp - Condition Council work request issued on 26/02/09 to repair scour from pipe. Ramp is an unapproved construction undertaken by the Port Augusta Yacht Club a number of years ago. It is not a public ramp and is not Council’s responsibility to maintain. Members believed Council should assist with this matter. CORRESPONDENCE ITEMS Mobil Transcontinental Decontamination Discussion took place on this issue with concerns being raised by Members. Members spoke on the importance of marine related issues being brought to the attention of the Marine Advisory Committee for their guidance and input. This issue was an example highlighted. The EPA have advised that the water being pumped into the gulf poses no risk to the Spencer Gulf. The process of treating the water had not started yet. The process had been looked at by the EPA and their team of marine biologists and that it would pose minimal environmental effect on the gulf (provided it goes via a treatment plant). Action: The City Manager seeks further information from the EPA as to how they are to measure the impact on the marine environment. OTHER BUSINESS NRM Community Grants Rebekah Rasheed provided an update – could not give exact confirmation of projects that have been successful in obtaining funding, but there were 38 projects from the Northern Yorke Region, 6 from Port Augusta. At least 80% should expect positive news. Funding for Estuarine Monitoring (& related Workshop) in USG has been approved – just waiting for confirmation. Members will be invited to attend the Workshop. MARINE ADVISORY MIOA1607 03/03/09 File: 2227 -3- Other projects included Management Plan for Port Augusta Coastal Homes, Westside Beach (staircase/beach access/walkways), Blanche Harbour Group education displays etc and City Council Weed Program. Sampling of Crab Species Project (Stephanie Baggalley) This project is ready to commence. Additional NRM funding has been sought for this project. Arrangements will be put in place for Stephanie to provide a presentation on her findings to the Committee. Reclamation of Treated East Side Sewer Water Rieck Shine provided an update with regard to a proposal by the Port August Prison to pump wastewater into the Central Oval Waste Treatment Plant. Launching Ramp Concerns were again brought forward in regard to the need for urgent underwater maintenance of the launching ramp and in particular the extended delays associated with the proposed Marina Development. The idea of installing a temporary berthing facility at the end of the launching ramp was put forward and discussed. (This temporary facility could possibly be incorporated into the Marina development). Action: Aaron Morgan, Brett Munns, Peter Calahan and the Director – Infrastructure & Environment, Hayden Hart, discuss this proposal with the Marina Developer, Andrew Chapman. SA Marine Parks – Outer Boundaries David Pearce advised that nominations for the Local Advisory Groups close this Friday 06/03/09. (If the Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park is to be split, more Groups would be required). Timeframe may need to be extended if not enough nominations are received. Submissions for the outer boundaries close on Friday 27/03/09. In regard to concerns previously raised by Members relating to Mobile Transcontinental decontamination, David Pearce highlighted that these are exactly the same concerns that the Marine Advisory Committees are trying to capture. Linear Coastal Park Style Guide & Blue Print for the City Rieck Shine advised that meetings will be taking place with a grant funding body to endeavour to progress this issue as part of a larger style guide for the City. Caring for our Country Funding Rieck Shine advised that a Federal Government Facilitator will be visiting Council before the end of the month to discuss this funding round with submission due in early April. The Coastal Homes Association (shack area) Master Plan if completed and adopted by Council would have been the basis of seeking funding in this round. The current status of this Master Plan does not allow for this process to be acted upon, therefore if funding is sought for any coastal projects/works in this round of funding, it will have to be agreed to by Council before being submitted. MARINE ADVISORY MIOA1607 03/03/09 File: 2227 -4- Estuarine Monitoring Check in USG Rieck Shine advised of an invitation extended to Sam Gaylard from the EPA to attend the next meeting to inform members of estuarine monitoring techniques that are carried out by the EPA. THANK YOU The Chairperson thanked both Rebekah Rasheed and Rieck Shine for their efforts and endeavours in seeking grants for various projects. NEXT MEETING Tuesday 7 April 2009 @ 7pm. CLOSE 8:16pm. MARINE ADVISORY MIOA1607 03/03/09 File: 2227 MINUTES OF PORT AUGUSTA ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT GROUP MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2009 Meeting #11 PRESENT Douglas Longmore (Community Harmony Co-ordinator PACC) - Chair Allan Liew (DASSA) Ray Willis (DFC) Marie Williams Chris Thompson (OLGC) Glenice Coulthard (PAH&RHS) Richard Trevena (ICC) Bernadette Reichstein (Administrative Officer) APOLOGIES David Watts (DASSA) Sharon Platt (ARRD) Louise Osborne (Des’s Cabs) Luke Brougham Cr Phil Greagen (Deputy Mayor) Karyn Reid Ian Feltus (SAPOL) Tony Lawrence (AFSS) Lee Heron (PACC) Inspector Mark Syrus (SAPOL) Ros McRae (PAH&RHS) Mark Davies Phil Meagher (DASSA) Alwyn McKenzie (ARRD) Garnett Brady John Hills (Northern Alarms) WELCOME The Chairperson, Douglas Longmore declared the meeting open at 10:40am and welcomed all who were present. Douglas acknowledged and paid respect to the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands and seas we are meeting on here today. MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Moved Ray Willis/Alan Liew that minutes from previous meeting (10/02/09) be accepted CARRIED GENERAL BUSINESS Refer to meeting action sheet below. Marie Williams entered meeting at 11:00am. Douglas Longmore handed out a “MAP Canine Report” to provide feedback on the Security (Canine) Patrol (refer ATTACHMENT) NEXT MEETING Tuesday 21st April, 10:30am at Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden. **Please note this date has changed from the initial date set for April (due to Easter)** Meeting closed at 11:35am. ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT MIOA1606 10/03/09 File: 2678 -2Recommendation Discussion/Actions 1. The PACC through the PAAMG, advocate for a Total Dry Zone for Port Augusta for a further period of at least 12mths but preferably 2 years. Draft Action Plan (Strategy 1.1.1) 2. A ‘Community Alcohol Management Plan’ is developed for Port Augusta. Development of the plan to be the responsibility of the Alcohol Management Group (AMG), with the PACC taking the leadership role for this task. Consultation with the community be undertaken to endorse this plan Community Involvement. ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT MIOA1606 Timeframe • Douglas, Sharon, Mark & Ray have met regarding the Action Plan. Have agreed it is an action plan for the PAAMG but also indirectly for the community. • Final draft to be finalised before presenting to this group. • G Coulthard – Asked if the action plan was an “evolving” document, as we work through actions i.e. “it needs to be a living document” (Douglas – Answered that no, it isn’t an evolving document, however it will run along side a “monitoring” document to capture progress/changes. • R Willis – Stated that when Project Officer position is up & running, they can provide progress updates to the community periodically. • R Willis – Noted that expected increased homeless rates due to economic situation will have an effect. Secure Taxi Rank (Strategy 2.1.2) • Has been successful (feedback from community & MAPS). • Provides place of safety, so lengthy waiting times not such an issue. • Not enough taxis, still an issue. Taxi companies doing their best. • R Willis – Due to lack of drivers available to work at night time, can we approach Taxi Companies and promote to them the safer working environment for drivers at night due to the Secure Taxi Rank? ACTION: Douglas to talk to the taxi companies about the increased security for drivers, as suggested. • Douglas met with Louise Osborne (Des’s Cabs) to request information regarding the possibility of running a bus on Friday/Saturday nights i.e. costings/availability/times etc. Awaiting response. • Gathering stats – some handed out at meeting. 10/03/09 File: 2678 Responsibility Outcomes -3Liquor Licencing Accord Steering Group – Executive Summary (Strategy 2.1.1) • Ian Feltus to introduce/share information from meetings when appropriate. • D Longmore – Noted that 1 pub was displaying a sandwich board promoting a “happy hour”. ACTION: Douglas to bring this issue up at the next Liquor Licencing Accord Steering Group meeting. • C Thompson – The Code of Conduct works towards not promoting excess drinking. Opening Hours of Port Augusta Liquor Outlets (Strategy 2.1.1) • Douglas has a list – please let him know if you require a copy. • SAPOL & AHA will both provide periodical feedback. Sergeant Ian Feltus – SAPOL Representative (Strategy 2.1.1) • Ian will be reporting to this group as needed. Australian Hotels Association (SA Branch) & Clubs SA – Invitation to Participate in PAAMG (Strategy 2.1.1) • Have been invited to attend meetings, will attend when available. Public Feedback on Effectiveness of Total Dry Zone (Strategy 2.1.1) • Public drinking reduced. • 1 comment from public noted that Dry Zone is a “good thing”. • A Liew – Is it possible to put feedback/opinions in the media? ACTION: Douglas will look into options of promoting in the media. • M Williams – Port Augusta City Council should call a public meeting before another “term” i.e. 6 months prior. ACTION: Chris will write to PACC to ask/remind regarding this required consultation. ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT MIOA1606 10/03/09 File: 2678 -4Project Officer – Port Augusta Alcohol Management Group (Strategy 2.1.1) 3. The name, focus & Terms of Reference of the AMG is changed to reflect more local representation, and the responsibility for the development & oversight of a comprehensive & coordinated strategic approach & response to alcohol related issues & planning for drug & alcohol treatment services in the city. • D Longmore – Is working on an application to “Proceeds of Crime Act” and this is partially completed (i.e. $220,000 3 years). ACTION: Douglas will meet with Richard soon, to go through the application and get some feedback prior to submitting. • M Williams - Application to “Proceeds of Crime” closes 5pm 20/3/09. • R Trevena – A J&P Description would be beneficial to “back up” our application for funding. ACTION: Douglas & Glenice to look into producing a J&P document i.e. will look at other organisations existing documents & gain advice from Anthony McCoy (PACC HR) if required. • Will need to look at options for location for the Project Officer. • D Longmore – Does anyone have any other ideas about funding options for the Project Officer position? (No ideas given at meeting). Rehabilitation Centres (Strategy 3.1.1) • D Longmore – No further information at this stage, awaiting further information/confirmation of funding to come through (hopefully by next meeting). ACTION: Ray to follow up on this. • R Willis – Are the Rehabilitation & Day Centre linked? (No, will be located separately and are funded differently also). 4. The AMG continues to monitor the effectiveness & assess the impact of the Total Dry Zone (for other Dry Area regulations that may be in effect) as part of the Terms of Reference of the Committee. ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT MIOA1606 10/03/09 File: 2678 -55. A data set to be determined that enables the collection of key indices that will effectively monitor the outcomes of the Total Dry Zone & specific consequences of the regulation. Individual agencies to be responsible for the collection, collation & presentation of this data to the AMG on a regular & agreed basis. In addition, a formal evaluation should be carried out at the end of a 2 year period. Office of Crime Statistics & Research (Strategy 5.1.1) • D Longmore – Details have been given out previously, but contact Douglas if you need the information. Ongoing Data from Agencies Used in “Living on Dry Ground” Report (Strategy 5.1.2) • D Longmore – No responses to letters requesting data as yet, though Port Augusta Hospital has provided some information/data. ACTION: Await responses to letters. Douglas & Bernie to follow up. 6. Consultation with the Aboriginal community concerning any further Dry Zone proposal is planned & conducted through the AMG, Aboriginal Reference Group & the Aboriginal Consultative Forum. 7. Any further marketing & promotional strategies in relation to the Total Dry Zone include local Aboriginal participation. ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT MIOA1606 10/03/09 File: 2678 ATTACHMENT ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT MIOA1606 10/03/09 File: 2678 Filename: REPA4789 FILE REF: 2439 - LGA DATE: 25th February 2009 TO: Her Worship the Mayor & Councillors FROM: A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services via MG SUBJECT: Election of LGA President SUB GOAL 6.1 A PROFESSIONAL EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT & CUSTOMER FOCUSED ORGANISATION, RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY 1.0 2.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Nominations for the position of LGA President have closed with nominations being received from 2 candidates. A ballot must now be undertaken to elect a President. 1.2 Council must determine (by resolution) which candidate it wishes to elect. 1.3 The Council’s Delegate to LGA General Meetings appointed pursuant to Rule 7 of the LGA Constitution shall mark the ballot paper by placing the number 1 in the square opposite the name of the candidate of the Council’s choice and may place the number 2 in the square opposite the name of the other candidate if so determined by the Council. 1.4 The ballot paper should then be placed in the envelope marked ‘Ballot Paper President’ and then seal the envelope. This envelope should then be placed in the second (larger) envelope addressed to the ‘Returning Officer’ and write the name of the Council on the inside flap of this envelope. This envelope should then be posted or delivered to the Returning Officer at the Local Government Association. 1.5 Ballot papers must be received by the Returning Officer by 5pm on Friday 3rd April 2009. DISCUSSION 2.1 The two candidates who have nominated for the position of LGA President are: 1) 2) SMITH, Miriam Mayor – City of Tea Tree Gully LEWIS, Felicity-ann Mayor – City of Marion Copies of candidate profiles are attached for Elected Members’ perusal and consideration. 3.0 BUDGET IMPLICATIONS Not applicable. 2 4.0 RESPONSIBLE OFFICER/S 4.1 5.0 Lee Heron, A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services. RECOMMENDATION Council: 1. Receives and notes the report (REPA4789) dated 25th February 2009, submitted by the A/Director – Governance, Economic & Cultural Services, concerning “Election of LGA President”. 2. Undertakes a vote to elect one of the two candidates to the position of LGA President. LEE HERON 3 4 Filename: REPA4795 FILE REF: 2106 – Correspondence Items DATE: 27 February 2009 TO: Her Worship the Mayor & Councillors FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Correspondence Items SUB GOAL 6.1 A PROFESSIONAL EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT & CUSTOMER FOCUSED ORGANISATION, RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY The following items of correspondence are attached for members information: 1. Port Augusta Youth Support Service budget update as at the end of December 2009. (2403/150963) 2. Report by Sonja Tilbrook, PAYSS Co-ordinator, Families SA, for the Port Augusta Youth Support Service for the month of January 2009. (2403/151429) 3. Letter from Mark Searle, Chief Executive Officer, City of Marion, seeking support of Mayor Lewis in becoming the next President of the Local Government Association. (2439/151430) 4. Two Letters from LG Gaghan, re Canine Security Patrol. (2272/151711 & 151762) 5. Email from Michele Herriot, Director, Health Promotion Branch, Statewide Service Strategy, SA Health, re Launch of Opal. (2749) 6. Letter from Hon Mike Rann, Premier of SA, re signing of Climate Change Agreement with the SA Anglican Church. (2347) 7. Letter from Geoff Lake, President, Australian Local Government Association, re $42 billion stimulus package. (2733) 8. Letter from Mitch Williams MP, Shadow Minister for Environment & Conservation, re proposed Marine Parks legislation. (2227) 9. Notice of Australia Day Council of SA Inc Annual Generl Meeting to be held on 29 April 2009. (2142) 10. Report by Sonja Tillbrook, PAYSS Co-ordinator, Families SA, for the Port Augusta Youth Support Service date 17/03/09. (2403) RECOMMENDATION Council receives and notes the report (REPA4795) dated 27 February 2009, submitted by the City Manager, concerning “Correspondence Items”. GREG PERKIN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27