Reference Guide – Transacting on your account
Reference Guide – Transacting on your account
Reference Guide – Transacting on your account FirstChoice Investment products Issue No 2013/1, dated 11 June 2013 Issued by Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352 AFS Licence 232468 The name and contact details for the products referred to in this document are: Contents Transacting on your account 1 Receiving income 4 Transactions, unit pricing and auto-rebalancing 5 Accessing information on your account 8 Terms and conditions 10 FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products terms and conditions 12 Additional information about transacting on FirstRate Term Deposit products 15 Regulatory information 17 Privacy information 18 Colonial First State Investments Limited 11 Harbour Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone13 13 36 Facsimile (02) 9303 3200 this document forms part of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the following products Product name Referred to in this document as FirstChoice Investments FirstChoice Investment products FirstChoice Wholesale Investments This Reference Guide contains statements and information incorporated by reference and must be read in conjunction with the FirstChoice Investment products PDS. A reference to ‘the PDS’ in this Reference Guide is a reference to the PDS, the Investment Options Menu and all statements and information incorporated by reference as described in the FirstChoice Investment products PDS. A reference to an investment option offered through a FirstChoice product includes a reference to the ‘Wholesale’ offering of that investment option (as relevant to the investment you hold). For example, a reference to the Colonial First State Cash option on page 5 includes the Colonial First State Wholesale Cash option (as relevant to the investment you hold). This document also provides information about: •• FirstRate Term Deposits and FirstRate Wholesale Term Deposits (referred to as ‘FirstRate Term Deposit products’) •• FirstRate Saver and FirstRate Wholesale Saver (referred to as ‘FirstRate Saver products’) •• FirstRate Investment Deposits and FirstRate Wholesale Investment Deposits (referred to as ‘FirstRate Investment Deposit products’). You should read the separate PDS for FirstRate Investment Deposit products and the relevant offer term sheet. These are collectively referred to as ‘FirstRate products’. FirstChoice Other information Investments in FirstChoice Investment products are offered by Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352 AFS Licence 232468 (‘Colonial First State’ or ‘the responsible entity’). Other information about FirstChoice products and the role of service providers and investment managers can be found in the PDS, including on the inside cover of the PDS. These products are collectively referred to as ‘FirstChoice products’. The responsible entity may change any of the terms and conditions contained or referred to in the PDS and, where a change is material, the responsible entity will notify you in writing within the timeframes provided for in the relevant legislation. You should note that unless an investment option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, you may withdraw from an investment option in accordance with our normal processes. Colonial First State is a subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFS Licence 234945 (‘the Bank’). The Bank and its subsidiaries do not guarantee the performance of FirstChoice products or the repayment of capital by these products. Apart from FirstRate products, investments in FirstChoice products are not deposits or other liabilities of the Bank or its subsidiaries. Investment-type products are subject to investment risk including loss of income and capital invested. FirstRate products FirstRate products offered under the FirstChoice Investment products are deposit products of the Bank. The issue of FirstRate products in the PDS is authorised solely by the Bank. To the extent permitted by law, neither Colonial First State nor any of its subsidiaries are responsible for any statement or information contained within the PDS (for FirstChoice Investment products) that relates to FirstRate products. Colonial First State does not guarantee the performance or return of capital on investments in FirstRate products. The information contained in the PDS is general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should read the PDS carefully and assess whether the information is appropriate for you and consider talking to a financial adviser before making an investment decision. Taxation considerations are general and based on present taxation laws, rulings and their interpretation as at 11 June 2013. You should seek independent professional tax advice before making any decision based on this information. FirstChoice and FirstNet are trademarks of Colonial First State. Transacting on your account To make it easy for you to keep up-to-date and transact on your investment, we provide you with a number of transaction options: Internet Telephone 13 13 36 (toll free) Direct credit and Bpay® Telephone and internet banking – Bpay® Contact your bank or financial institution to make this payment from your cheque, savings, debit or transaction account. More info: F ax (02) 9303 3200 Mail Colonial First State, Reply Paid 27, Sydney NSW 2001 The easiest way to monitor and transact on your account is to use our secure internet service, FirstNet. Managing your investments through FirstNet means your transaction is processed immediately. You can access FirstNet by visiting our website. The table below provides you with information on how to set up and transact on your account and the options available to you. For further information on how your transactions are processed, please refer to page 5. We recommend you contact your financial adviser to discuss your needs before any transaction. Guide to transacting on your account Information I need to know1 Transaction options Things to be aware of How do I Set up an account? A minimum investment is required to establish an account in FirstChoice Investment products. Refer to the PDS for details. Complete the application form included with or accompanying the PDS and send it to us. Alternatively, you can complete the online application, sign it and send it to us or send it via e-Post. A minimum account balance applies. Completed applications received on a NSW business day prior to 3pm (Sydney time) will be processed using that day’s unit price. We will require information to establish your identity. In certain circumstances, your application may be delayed or we may be unable to process your application to set up an account. How do I Make regular investments from my bank account?2 A minimum amount applies. Refer to the PDS for details. Funds are drawn from your bank account on the first NSW business day after the 19th of each month and valued using the unit price for that NSW business day. You can choose to have your regular investment automatically increased each year by a percentage based on the Consumer Price Index (or 3%, whichever is the greater).3 Please nominate this on the application form. To use any of these options you must have previously provided a direct debit authorisation to allow us to draw from your Australian financial institution account. Please obtain a regular investment form from our website or call us on 13 13 36. You cannot make automatic regular investments to FirstRate Term Deposit products. Please inform us how you would like your regular investment plan to be allocated. If you don’t provide an instruction, we will allocate as per your previous transaction. If you are using the auto-rebalancing facility, your regular investment plan will be established in the same weightings. ® Registered to Bpay Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518. 1A completed request (which includes a correctly completed form, together with any material we may ask for to establish your identity), received in our office on a New South Wales (NSW) business day prior to 3pm (Sydney time), will be processed as at the date of receipt of the completed request. Funds will be debited from your nominated account on the day we process your completed request. We may not be able to process your transaction if prior transactions exist on the same day. 2Unless an option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, regular investments are accepted in accordance with the PDS current at the time of the relevant investment. A copy of the current PDS is available free of charge on request. We may terminate this facility if the direct debit fails three times in any 12-month period. Please note that any changes to this facility must be received prior to the last business day prior to the 19th of the month for the change to take effect for that month. 3We will notify you in writing prior to the increase in August each year. If you opened your account between February and August, the first increase will happen in August of the following year. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 1 Guide to transacting on your account Information I need to know1 Transaction options Things to be aware of How do I Make additional investments to my account? No minimum amount applies. If you wish to make additional investments using direct credit from your bank account, please refer to the details below. Direct Debit Additional investments will attract the same contribution fee as your previous investment unless we receive a valid instruction to the contrary. BSB: 062-778 You should tell us the investment options in which you wish to invest your additional investment. Account number:Last 9 digits of your FirstChoice account number You can make a future investment selection and nominate your preferred investment options for all your additional investments on FirstNet or by contacting us. Account name: Alternatively, if you do not provide us your preferred investment selection we will set your future investment selection in line with your most recent transaction (excluding any allocation to FirstRate Term Deposit products). If your Telephone and most recent transaction was a: internet banking •• deposit, we will set your future investment selection and invest your additional investment in the same investment Contact your bank or financial options of your most recent deposit institution to make •• switch, we will set your future investment selection and this payment invest your additional investment in the same investment from your cheque, option weightings as a result of this switch savings, debit •• withdrawal, that closed one or more of your investment or transaction options, we will set your future investment selection and account. More info: invest your additional investment in the investment option weightings as a result of this withdrawal. Refer to your Australian financial institution for payment of funds. You will need to quote the relevant biller code as provided in your Welcome Kit or available online at In extraordinary circumstances where an investment option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, additional investments may not be processed or may not be processed without a significant delay. First name Surname Please note: Over the counter branch deposits cannot be accepted. To use these options you will have previously supplied a direct debit authorisation to allow us to draw from your Australian financial institution account. Please complete an additional and regular investment form or letter, accompanied by a cheque made payable to ‘FirstChoice Investments, <Investor name>’ or the direct debit authority in the application forms section. When you make an additional investment into a FirstRate Term Deposit product with the same investment term option, this will create multiple individual FirstRate Term Deposit products records, each with its own interest rate and maturity date. How do I Switch between options? No minimum amount applies. Switching may have tax implications. Switch requests received on a NSW business day prior to 3pm (Sydney time) will be processed at that day’s unit prices. If not transacting online, please provide us with a completed switch form from our website or by calling us on 13 13 36. Alternatively, provide us with a signed written request. Please ensure you have read a current PDS before making your switch. Switches that withdraw from FirstRate Term Deposit products may incur early withdrawal interest adjustments. In extraordinary circumstances where an option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, switches may not be processed or not be processed without a significant delay. When you switch an amount into a FirstRate Term Deposit product with the same investment term option, this will create multiple individual FirstRate Term Deposit products records, each with its own interest rate and maturity date. How do I Automatically rebalance my investment options? If you turn on or change your auto-rebalancing facility, it will immediately rebalance your account balance to your selected investment option weightings, excluding FirstRate Term Deposit products. It will also set this same allocation for your future investment selection and invest all additional investments and regular investment plan (if applicable) in the same investment options selected by you. See page 7 for more details on how the auto-rebalancing facility works. You can choose to have your account rebalanced either: •• quarterly (on the first business day after 14 February, 14 May, 14 August and 14 November), or •• annually (on the first business day after 14 May each year). 2 Investments in FirstRate Term Deposit products, FirstRate Investment Deposit products or suspended, restricted or unavailable investment options are excluded from rebalancing, which means they will not be affected by the auto-rebalancing facility. Because auto-rebalancing switches your account balance between investment options, transaction costs apply. If you request a transaction that is not in line with your selected investment weightings, we will cancel your autorebalancing facility. There are also other circumstances where the auto-rebalancing facility may be cancelled. Generally though, you can turn it back on by nominating your new selected investment option weightings. Please refer to page 7 for further information on the auto-rebalancing facility. FirstChoice Investment products Guide to transacting on your account Information I need to know1 Transaction options Things to be aware of How do I Make a withdrawal? No minimum amount applies, subject to minimum account balance requirements. Withdrawals can be paid to your previously nominated bank account or by cheque. Please provide us with a signed written request or a completed withdrawal form from our website or by calling 13 13 36. Bank details are to be provided on a signed request. Payments can only be made to an Australian financial institution. Withdrawal requests received on a NSW business day prior to 3pm (Sydney time) will be processed using that day’s unit price and in normal circumstances generally paid within seven working days. Withdrawals from FirstRate Term Deposit products may incur early withdrawal interest adjustments. Refer to page 16 for further details. Cheque withdrawal requests can only be accepted if we receive a request signed by the investor(s) or an authorised person (eg Power of Attorney). In extraordinary circumstances, withdrawals could be suspended or restricted. See page 5 for further details. How do I Make a regular withdrawal? A minimum withdrawal amount applies, subject to minimum account balance requirements. Refer to the PDS for details. Please obtain a regular withdrawal form from our website or by calling 13 13 36. Please note that aspects of the regular withdrawal plan need careful consideration, particularly in an option that is subject to volatility. You can choose to withdraw either: •• monthly, or •• quarterly in March, June, September and December. If an option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, your regular withdrawal plan from this option will stop. Your regular withdrawal plan will, however, be paid from the next investment option available, according to a default order. This generally starts from your most conservative option. Funds are directed to your nominated bank account on the 20th of each month or quarter using the unit price of that day. Where the 20th falls on a non-NSW business day, funds will be directed on the NSW business day immediately preceding the 20th and the unit price for the NSW business day following the 20th will be used. Your regular withdrawal plan will be cancelled or reduced if the withdrawal will reduce the balance of any option you are withdrawing from to zero. You cannot make automatic regular withdrawals from FirstRate Term Deposit products. How do I Change my personal details? Please contact us on 13 13 36 and advise your change. Alternatively, you can complete a Change of Details form, available on our website, or change them via FirstNet. Certain types of changes will require a signed written request, accompanied by certified documentation. Please note that a signed written request will also be required subsequent to your telephone advice. How do I Cancel a request? Please provide us with a signed written request on or before the day of the receipt of the original request by the cut-off time shown on page 6. How do I Appoint a financial adviser to transact online on my behalf? By appointing an adviser to manage your account on your behalf you are giving that adviser, and any person acting on behalf of that adviser, authority to update your personal details and transact on your account(s) online. You can choose multiple accounts which your adviser can manage. Please complete the Adviser Online Transaction Authority in the application forms section to allow your adviser to manage your account(s) online. In certain circumstances, we may need to establish the identity of the adviser before they can update your personal details and transact on your account(s) online. 1A completed request (which includes a correctly completed form, together with any material we may ask for to establish your identity), received in our office on a New South Wales (NSW) business day prior to 3pm (Sydney time), will be processed as at the date of receipt of the completed request. Funds will be debited from your nominated account on the day we process your completed request. We may not be able to process your transaction if prior transactions exist on the same day. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 3 Receiving income Any income that you receive from your investment, other than FirstRate products, will be in the form of distributions. Your distribution may include income such as interest, dividends and realised capital gains. FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products will pay interest only. The payment of interest credited will follow the distribution choices you make on your FirstChoice Investment products account. Refer to page 12 of this Reference Guide for information about FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products or the FirstRate Investment Deposit products PDS (whichever is applicable). Distributions are based on the number of units you hold in a particular option, in proportion to the number of units held by all unitholders, at the distribution date. You must hold units on the day prior to any distributions being paid in order to be eligible for a distribution. Distributions are not prorated for investors who were not unitholders for the whole period. The type of income you receive depends on the asset classes in which each option invests. Option Distribution frequency1 Multi-sector Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Cash Monthly FirstRate Saver and FirstRate Term Deposit products Refer to page 12 FirstRate Investment Deposit products Refer to the separate PDS Fixed Interest2 Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Enhanced Yield Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Property and Infrastructure Securities Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Global Property and Infrastructure Securities Half-yearly (D, J) Australian Share3 Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Australian Share – Boutique4 Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Australian Share – Small Companies5 Half-yearly (D, J) Global Share Half-yearly (D, J) Global Specialist and Alternatives Half-yearly (D, J) Australian Share – Geared Quarterly (S, D, M, J) Global Share – Geared Half-yearly (D, J) Distributions are calculated on 30 June, and generally the last Sunday of the month they fall due, and are normally paid within 14 days. The dates on which distributions are calculated are available online or by calling Investor Services on 13 13 36. In some circumstances, we may vary the distribution timing and frequency without notice to investors (for example, to take into account days that fall on a public holiday). What are your distribution choices? You can choose to have your distributions: •• automatically reinvested, with no transaction costs payable. The additional units are purchased using the net asset value per unit applicable immediately after the distribution, or •• directly credited to your Colonial First State Premier CMT, Colonial First State Cash Management Trust, or Australian financial institution account. Please nominate your choice on your application form. Your nominated distribution method will apply to all the options in which you invest. If you do not make a choice, then your distributions will be automatically reinvested. In extraordinary circumstances, where an option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, we may not permit some or all of the income distributions to be reinvested. What happens if you invest just before a distribution? Please note that the unit price of a particular option will fall by the amount of any distribution (per option) immediately after the distribution is paid. If you invest just prior to a distribution, then that distribution effectively represents a return of your investment. Depending on your circumstances, this may have certain taxation implications and we recommend that you speak with a financial adviser or tax adviser to determine the impact of the distribution on your investment. Distribution dates should be checked prior to transacting on your account. 1 (S) September, (D) December, (M) March, (J) June. 2 The Colonial First State Global Credit Income and the Macquarie Income Opportunities options distribute income monthly. 3 The Colonial First State Australian Share – Core option distributes income half-yearly. 4 The Acadian Australian Equity Long Short option distributes income half-yearly. 5 The Colonial First State Future Leaders and the Colonial First State Developing Companies options distribute income quarterly. 4 FirstChoice Investment products Transactions, unit pricing and auto-rebalancing FirstRate products FirstRate products are deposit products of the Bank. They do not have a unit price and apply credit interest on the balance. Transaction cut-off and processing times apply, subject to additional information in FirstRate Saver and FirstRate Term Deposits on pages 12 to 16 or the separate FirstChoice Investment Deposit products PDS (whichever is applicable). How are your transactions processed? Applications To ensure your applications are processed efficiently it is important that you complete all sections of the application form and provide us with all documentation we request (refer to the checklist in the application forms section). on a NSW business day will receive the following day’s entry unit price. However, for funds received electronically, either by direct debit, EFT, Bpay or transfers from another institution, the unit price used will be the one effective the date the funds are received in our bank account. In extraordinary circumstances, we may suspend or restrict applications and we may also reject applications at our discretion. If we receive an application which includes a suspended, restricted or unavailable option, we will invest that allocation into the Colonial First State Cash option and notify you with your confirmation. Switches A switch is treated as a withdrawal from one option and an investment into another. Funds are withdrawn at the exit unit price and the new units invested at the entry unit price. These two transactions are completed on the same business day, unless your switch is from or into a suspended, restricted or unavailable option. In this case your switch may not be processed and if any payment is to be made, then the exit price used to calculate this payment will be the one determined at the time the payment is made. In the event that certain information is not provided, the following will apply: •• if no investment option or an invalid option is selected for management cost rebates to be paid, we will credit any applicable rebate to the first option invested in, as outlined in the application forms section •• if no investment option or an invalid option is selected for deducting the adviser service fee or insurance premiums, we will deduct from the first option invested in, as outlined in the application forms section •• unless otherwise specified, additional deposits and applicable fees will be invested in line with your most recent transaction, excluding any allocation to FirstRate Investment Deposits, FirstRate Term Deposit products and/or a regular investment plan. If you switch the full balance from FirstRate products, your switch amount will include any interest accrued up to the effective date of the transaction. In certain situations, if all information is not provided we may not be able to proceed with your request until the required information is received. In these situations we may: •• attempt to contact you and/or your adviser (if applicable) •• hold your application monies in a non-interest bearing account until we receive the required information. For FirstChoice Investment products, switching may have capital gains tax implications. Funds are held for a maximum period of 30 days (in a non‑interest bearing account) commencing on the day we receive the funds. After this period, your funds will be returned to the source of payment. Withdrawals cannot be processed until application monies are cleared and all necessary documentation is provided. When we receive your completed application, we deduct from your investment amount any applicable contribution fee. The balance will then be divided by the determined entry unit price for that date. For completed applications received in our office prior to 3pm (Sydney time) on a NSW business day, the unit price used will be the one effective that day; completed applications received in our office after 3pm (Sydney time) Reference Guide – Transacting on your account Switches that withdraw from FirstRate Term Deposit products and FirstRate Investment Deposits may incur early withdrawal adjustments. Refer to pages 15 to 16 and the separate FirstChoice Investment Deposit products PDS (whichever is applicable) for details. If your switch request includes an investment into a suspended, restricted or unavailable option, we will invest that allocation into the Colonial First State Cash option and notify you with your confirmation. When switching, you must ensure you have a copy of the current PDS, which you should retain for future reference. Withdrawals This is a complex area and has tax implications. If you need further explanation regarding any of the terms used in this section, please discuss with your financial adviser. In the event that certain information is not provided, the following will apply: •• if no payment method is selected, a cheque will be provided •• if no investment options are selected for withdrawal, we will redeem in line with your existing investment weightings •• payments can only be made to Australian financial institutions. Overseas accounts will not be accepted. If a request is made to transfer funds to an overseas account, a cheque will be provided. 5 When we receive your completed withdrawal request, together with any documentation that we may require to establish your identity, the proceeds are calculated at the next determined exit unit price. If you withdraw the full balance from FirstRate products, your withdrawal amount will include any interest accrued up to the effective date of the transaction. In extraordinary circumstances, we may suspend withdrawals. Withdrawals from FirstRate Term Deposit products and FirstRate Investment Deposits may incur early withdrawal adjustments. Refer to pages 15 to 16 and the separate FirstChoice Investment Deposit products PDS (whichever is applicable) for details. Where an option is suspended, restricted or unavailable we may not process withdrawal requests. Any decisions whether to process withdrawals or partial withdrawals will be made in the best interests of investors as a whole, and if any payment is to be made, then the exit price used to calculate this payment will be the one determined at the time the payment is made. Transaction cut-off times If your complete transaction request is received in our office before 3pm (Sydney time) on a NSW business day, it will be processed that day using the next determined unit price. If your complete transaction request is received after the cut-off time shown above, your transaction will be processed on the following NSW business day. Transaction processing and unit prices We calculate unit prices each NSW business day. If your complete investment, switch or withdrawal request is received by the relevant cut-off time, you will receive the next determined unit price. Except for FirstRate products, the next determined unit price for any NSW business day is calculated at the close of trading of all markets on that day. Therefore, the next determined unit price is not known until the following business day. It is important to consider this when making your transaction request. Please note: If you ask for a unit price, accrued interest or investment valuation, we can provide an historical unit price interest amount or investment valuation only. How are unit prices calculated? When you invest, you are allocated a number of units in each option you have selected. Each of these units represents an equal part of the market value of the portfolio of investments that the option holds. As a result, each unit has a dollar value, or ‘unit price’. Except for the FirstRate products, the unit price is calculated by taking the total market value of all of an option’s assets on a particular day, adjusting for any liabilities and then dividing the net option value by the total number of units held by all investors on that day. Although your unit balance in an option will stay constant (unless there is a transaction on your account), the unit price will change, according to changes in the market value of the investment portfolio or the total number of units issued for the option. We determine the market value of each option based on the information we have most recently available. 6 We may exercise certain discretions that could affect the unit price of units on application or withdrawal in each option. For FirstChoice Investment products, the types of discretions that we may exercise, in what circumstances, our policies on how we exercise the discretions and the reasons why we consider our policies are reasonable, are set out in our Unit Pricing Permitted Discretions Policy. If we exercise a discretion in a way that departs from the policies set out in our Unit Pricing Permitted Discretions Policy, we are required to keep a record of this in a Register of Exceptions. You can obtain a copy of our Unit Pricing Permitted Discretions Policy or Register of Exceptions, or both, free of charge, by calling us on 13 13 36. What is the difference between entry and exit unit prices? There may be a difference between the entry and exit unit price for an option, quoted on any business day. This difference relates to the option’s transaction costs from buying investments (when money is added to the option), and selling investments (when withdrawals are made) and is often called a ‘buy/sell’ spread. So existing investors do not continually bear the transaction costs resulting from investments or withdrawals that you make, all investors pay a set, average amount (a ‘buy/sell’ spread) when they transact. This is calculated according to the particular types of investments an option holds. Not all new investments or withdrawals cause transaction costs to be payable to an option; for example, where an investment does not incur any significant costs, or when a new investment coincides with a withdrawal by someone else. However, to be consistent, we generally apply transaction costs to all new investments and withdrawals from an option. Refer to the Fees and other costs section in the PDS for the transaction costs (‘buy/sell’ spreads) that apply to each option. Unit pricing adjustment policy There are a number of factors used to calculate unit prices. The key factors include asset valuations, liabilities, debtors, the number of units on issue and, where relevant, transaction costs. When the factors used to calculate the unit price are incorrect, an adjustment to the unit price may be required. We generally use a variance of 0.30% (0.05% for a cash investment option) in the unit price before correcting the unit price. If a unit pricing error is greater than or equal to these variances, we will: •• compensate your account balance if you have transacted on the incorrect unit price or make other adjustments as we may consider appropriate, or •• where your account is closed we will send you a payment if the amount of the adjustment is more than $20. These tolerance levels are consistent with regulatory practice guidelines and industry standards. In some cases, we may compensate where the unit pricing error is less than the tolerance levels. FirstChoice Investment products Can you automatically rebalance your investment options? What is auto-rebalancing? The auto-rebalancing facility automatically realigns your account balance to your selected investment option weightings. It works by switching amounts between investment options, excluding FirstRate Term Deposit products and FirstRate Investment Deposits. Your first rebalance will occur on the business day after we process your valid request to turn on the facility and thereafter you can select whether auto-rebalancing applies quarterly or annually. If your investment option balance is within 1% of your selected weighting on the auto-rebalance date then no automatic switch will occur. However, auto-rebalancing will remain active on your account for the next rebalance date. If you turn on your auto-rebalancing facility, we will also set your future investment selection and regular investment plan (if applicable) to this same investment option weighting. This means that any additional investments you make will be invested in line with your selected auto-rebalancing investment option weightings. For example: You initially invest into investment option A, option B and in a FirstRate Term Deposit product. Excluding the investment in your FirstRate Term Deposit product, your initial investment is 30% in investment option A and 70% in investment option B and you set the auto-rebalancing facility to switch to these weightings annually. Unless you tell us otherwise, any additional investments you make during the year will also be allocated 30% to option A and 70% to option B. On the annual auto-rebalancing date, your investment option weightings will almost certainly have changed because of the different performances of each investment option. Assume option A is now worth 35% and option B is worth 65% of your account balance, excluding your FirstRate Term Deposit products. The auto-rebalancing facility will switch an amount between investment option A and option B, rebalancing your account to your nominated 30%:70% investment option weighting, without affecting your investment in the FirstRate Term Deposit products. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account Fees and costs associated with auto-rebalancing Although there are no fees associated with using the autorebalancing facility, it will withdraw an amount from one investment option and invest into another, so transaction costs will apply. Please refer to the PDS, section 5 for further details on transaction costs. When auto-rebalancing can be cancelled We will immediately turn off your auto-rebalancing facility if: •• you tell us to invest an additional investment and select a different investment option weighting •• you change your future investment selection to a different investment option weighting •• you make a withdrawal in different proportions to your selected investment option weightings (excluding your regular pension payments which will not affect your auto-rebalancing facility) •• you switch all or part of your account balance between investment options, or •• an investment option you hold becomes suspended, restricted or unavailable. If your auto-rebalancing facility is cancelled, generally you can turn it back on and nominate new investment option weightings. The rebalancing will then exclude your investments in any suspended, restricted or unavailable investment option(s). We will notify you of your new selected investment option weightings for your auto-rebalancing facility (and your future investment selection) or if your auto-rebalancing facility has been cancelled. Using the example above, if you make an additional investment and instruct us to invest 45% in investment option A, 45% in investment option B and 10% in a new FirstRate Term Deposit product, we will cancel your autorebalancing because this allocation is different to your selected auto-rebalancing weightings. You may wish to re‑establish the facility and provide us with new weightings. We recommend you consult your financial adviser before choosing to use the auto-rebalancing facility, as there may be tax consequences. 7 Accessing information on your account Annual reports Up-to-date information on your account is easily accessible An annual report detailing the financial position and performance of the fund over the last financial year will be made available on our website, annual reports, by 30 September each year. If you would prefer to have a copy emailed or mailed to you free of charge, please contact us. After you invest, we will ensure you are kept informed about your investment by sending you the following information. For each type of communication, you can elect on the application form whether to receive it by email or mail.1 When you transact on your account A confirmation for each investment, switch or withdrawal (excluding regular investments). Half-yearly A statement showing your transactions and the value of your investment at the end of June and December each year. If you have FirstRate products, you will receive a consolidated statement including all your investment transactions. Where can you obtain the latest information about FirstChoice? It is important that you keep up-to-date with the latest information on FirstChoice. Information on FirstChoice, the investment options, their performance and historical unit prices can be obtained by: •• visiting our internet site at •• phoning Investor Services on 13 13 36 for the cost of a local call within Australia. A paper copy of the most recent information will be sent to you free of charge on request. Yearly A tax statement (if applicable) providing information to assist you in preparing your tax return. Periodically Educational and promotional material may be sent from time to time which provides you with information on general investing, superannuation and our products (you can elect not to receive this material by writing to us or indicating on the application form). 1From time to time we may still need to send you letters in the post. You can vary your nominated email address or change your communication preferences, at any time, either via FirstNet, by writing to us or by contacting Investor Services on 13 13 36. 8 FirstChoice Investment products How do you access information on your investment? •• manage your term deposit maturity instructions •• buy, sell and switch your investment •• open a new account online •• submit scanned forms or documents •• update some of your personal details •• change your password •• view tax and distribution information (if applicable). To find out current information and/or manage your investment, you can: •• Use FirstNet to access your investment easily – online at An Online Identity Number (OIN) and password for access to FirstNet will be sent to you shortly after your investment is received (you can elect not to receive this on the application form). Call Investor Services and request a copy of ‘Access your account anytime – 24/7’. •• Use FirstLink, our automated telephone service FirstNet Investor is our secure internet service which provides you with personalised information about your investments as well as the ability to make changes to your account and transact online. To access your information by phone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. •• Call Investor Services on 13 13 36 You can speak to an Investor Services representative Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm (Sydney time). •• Email us at With FirstNet Investor, you can: •• access your account balance and transaction history •• make additional investments (if applicable) •• set up regular investment plans (if applicable) How to access information on your investment FirstNet2 FirstLink3 Investor Services Email 13 13 36 13 13 36 • • • • • • • • • • General enquiries Product information Performance figures FirstRate products interest rates Unit prices Annual (financial) reports • • • • • • • Account enquiries Portfolio information Details of account facilities Transaction history (including recent transactions and statements) • • • • • • • • 2To enquire and transact you will need to be registered and log in using your OIN and password. Transaction access is automatically given to investors (unless you elect not to receive this on the application form). You will be required to provide us with an Australian financial institution account to enable the transaction facility. 3If your account includes FirstRate products, FirstLink enquiries are not available. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 9 Terms and conditions These terms and conditions apply when you open an account with us and when you instruct us by phone, fax or electronically or when you access FirstNet or FirstLink. It is important that you read them carefully before you provide us with instructions so that you know what will apply to your transactions. Limitation of liability •• All other representations and warranties relating to these services are excluded except for any term that is implied by law, which is taken to be included in these terms and conditions. To the extent permitted by law, our liability for breach of that term is limited to resupplying the service or paying the reasonable cost of having the service provided again. However, our liability may be greater where we are negligent or fraudulent, but this liability may be reduced to the extent that you caused or contributed to the loss. •• Subject to the paragraph above, to the extent permitted by law, we are not liable in any way for any losses that you suffer through using or supplying information electronically or by phone, fax, FirstNet or FirstLink. •• You acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable to you for any loss you suffer (including consequential loss) caused by an inability to transact with you or other persons including where we comply with any law or legislation or choose to exercise a discretion available to us, including in circumstances where we reasonably believe that you are a Proscribed Person. ‘Inability to transact’ may include delaying, blocking, freezing or refusing to process a transaction or ceasing to provide you with a product or service. A ‘Proscribed Person’ means any person or entity who the Group reasonably believes to be (i) in breach of the laws of any jurisdiction prohibiting money laundering or terrorism financing, or (ii) on a list of persons with whom dealings are proscribed by Australian laws or the laws of another recognised jurisdiction. A ‘Proscribed Person’ includes any person or entity who the Group reasonably believes to act on behalf, or for the benefit of, a person or entity referred to in (i) and/or (ii). 10 •• You agree to use these services only in accordance with these terms and conditions and your other legal obligations. We are not liable for, and you release and indemnify us against, any liabilities, claims, losses or costs arising from our acting in accordance with any communication that we receive by phone, fax or electronically about your account or investments with us or arising from the use of FirstNet or FirstLink by you or any person using your Online Identity Number (OIN) and password. •• •• Use of telephone and fax and electronic communications Security of phone, fax and electronic requests •• We have procedures in place to reduce the risk of fraud, but we cannot guarantee that someone trying to impersonate you will not contact us about your account and change your details or make a withdrawal. We may dispute liability for any losses which happen because we have acted on instructions that you have not authorised but which appear to be authorised by you. •• All our customers are automatically given access to communicate with us by phone or fax and electronically. You need to tell us if you do not want us to accept any future instructions over the phone, by fax or electronically by sending us an original signed request. •• We will block access to your account for phone, fax and electronic instructions by the second business day after we receive that request. Until this happens, these terms and conditions for phone, fax and electronic communications will still apply to your account. •• If you are a joint account holder, any of the joint account holders may give us instructions about the account. •• If the account holder is a company, any director of the company may give us instructions about the account, provided we have previously been notified in writing of the list of directors. Information received by phone, fax or electronically •• If the details that we receive over the phone, in a fax or electronically do not match the details that we have previously received for the account, •• •• •• then we will not proceed with the request. We also will not process a request if the instructions we receive are incomplete or illegible or appear to contain errors. This is to ensure that the transaction we perform is exactly what you were requesting. Fax machines may be convenient, but they are not always reliable. If a query arises over what information we received by fax, we will not accept a fax transmission report from your machine as evidence that we received the fax. This is because, although your fax machine may have confirmed that the fax was sent, we may not have received the complete fax at our end. We can change or cancel these terms for phone, fax and electronic communications at any time as long as we give you 14 days written notice. Apart from these terms and conditions, we may have other requirements for receiving instructions from time to time. You will be notified if this affects you or your request. If you do not accept changes to these terms, you may permanently stop instructing us by phone, fax or electronically without fee or charge by providing us with an original signed request, as outlined under the heading ‘Security of phone, fax and electronic requests’. Use of FirstNet and FirstLink OIN and password •• You must keep your OIN and password secret. You should not disclose them to anyone or record them in a way which could affect their confidentiality. •• If you give someone else permission to use your OIN and password, you are responsible for any transactions they perform or changes they make to your account information, or anything that happens because you gave them that permission. •• Anyone can access FirstNet or FirstLink if they have a valid OIN and password. This means that if someone else has your OIN and password, they can access your account information and make transactions, even if you have not authorised them to use your OIN and password. We are not responsible to you and will not pay for any losses that may happen because we acted on any instructions received through FirstChoice Investment products FirstNet or FirstLink which used your OIN and password, whether or not these instructions were authorised by you. •• You must tell us immediately if you think that someone has accessed your account without your permission or if you think that someone else may know your OIN and password. We will stop access to the account and issue a new password. Access to FirstNet and FirstLink •• You can tell us if you want to permanently stop using FirstNet and FirstLink by sending us an original signed request. We will block FirstNet and FirstLink access to your account on the second business day after we receive that request. Until this happens, these terms and conditions will still apply to your account. •• We will do our best to maintain the operation of this service in accordance with the information you have received about it. However, we may suspend or restrict your access to the service at any time including, but not limited to, in circumstances where we have reasonable certainty of unauthorised transactions or fraud. •• We do not guarantee or warrant that the use of FirstNet or FirstLink will be uninterrupted or error free. We also do not warrant that it is suitable for any particular purpose or has any performance, functionality or security features, except what we are legally obliged to provide. •• We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the information that you access through FirstNet or FirstLink is up‑to-date and correct. •• When you are joint account holders, and one of you registers for FirstNet transaction access, both of you are taken to have agreed to any transactions on your account through FirstNet. Transacting on FirstNet and FirstLink •• ‘Transaction access’ means the ability to review, modify or update your contact details and accounts online; apply for, withdraw and switch units between funds or options and set up automatic facilities or features. •• You agree to use this service in accordance with these terms and conditions. •• We will only act on transaction requests that are complete and received in full, are legible and do not appear to contain any error. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account •• For FirstNet, a transaction reference onscreen is evidence that the communication has been completed. •• We are not liable for any losses or delays that occur because we did not receive an instruction. •• If there are any government fees and charges incurred by us in relation to your use of FirstNet or FirstLink, we can debit these from your account. •• You must only use FirstNet to obtain information that you are properly authorised to access and you must use this information only for lawful purposes. •• We can change these terms and conditions at any time by placing the changes on our website. When making any changes, we will act reasonably and, so far as possible, in accordance with prevailing market conditions and regulatory requirements for accounts of this type at that time. We may ask you to read and accept any amended terms and conditions so you can keep using FirstNet or FirstLink, but, unless otherwise required by law, once we have placed them on the website, they are binding on you, even if you have not read them. If you do not accept these changes, you may permanently stop using FirstNet or FirstLink without fee or charge by providing us with an original signed request, as outlined under the heading ‘Access to FirstNet and FirstLink’. We recommend that you check these terms and conditions on a regular basis. These terms and conditions include any instructions for using these services provided to you or placed on our website from time to time. Can we vary these terms and conditions? A Changes we can make We may from time to time: a add fees or charges within the limits prescribed by the fund Constitution b remove fees or charges c change the amount of any fee or charge within the limits prescribed by the fund Constitution d vary the distribution timing and frequency e vary or cancel the terms for use of phone, fax or electronic communications and for transacting on FirstNet or FirstLink, and f vary or cancel your direct debit arrangement. ach of the changes in paragraphs (a) E to (f) is a separate right and this clause A is to be read as if such change was a separately expressed right. B Changes to terms and conditions We may from time to time change any of the terms and conditions to: a change the frequency with which fees are debited b add new concessions or benefits c change or remove any concessions or benefits d adopt or implement any legal requirement, decision, recommendation, regulatory guidance or standard of any court, tribunal, ombudsman service or regulator e accommodate changes in the needs or requirements of our customers, such as new product features or services f correct errors, inconsistencies, inadvertent omissions, inaccuracies or ambiguities g in the event that any part of the terms and conditions contained or referred to in the PDS are found to be void or unenforceable, achieve (as far as possible) the intention of the original provision without it being void or unenforceable h bring us into line with our competitors, industry or market practice or best practice in Australia or overseas, or i reflect changes in technology or our processes including our computer systems. ach of the changes in paragraphs (a) E to (i) is a separate right and this clause B is to be read as if such change was a separately expressed right. C Without limiting our rights under clauses A and/or B, we may from time to time change any of the terms and conditions contained or referred to in the PDS. How will we notify you of changes to your account features and terms and conditions? The responsible entity may change any of the terms and conditions contained or referred to in the PDS and, where a change is material, the responsibility entity will notify you in writing within the timeframes provided for in the relevant legislation. Not happy with the change? Unless the fund is suspended, restricted or unavailable, you can withdraw from the fund in accordance with our normal processes if we make a change which you do not like. 11 FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products terms and conditions Terms and conditions for FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products are set out below and are in two parts: Part 1 – Your agreement with the Bank (Deposit Agreement). Part 2 – Your authorisation to CFS. When you, or a person you authorise, requests to set up FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products, you declare that you have read and are bound by the terms and conditions of each of the agreements and authorisations contained in Parts 1 and 2. In Part 1, ‘the Bank’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’ refers to Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. ‘CFS’ refers to Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352. In Parts 1 and 2: (i)FirstRate Saver products means FirstRate Saver and/or FirstRate Wholesale Saver, as relevant to the investment you hold (ii)FirstRate Term Deposit products means FirstRate Term Deposits and/or FirstRate Wholesale Term Deposits, as relevant to the investment you hold (iii)FirstChoice Investment products means FirstChoice Investments and/or FirstChoice Wholesale Investments, as relevant to the investment you hold (iv)‘you’ or ‘your’ means the person or persons or entity in whose name FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products are held, and, where the context permits, includes any person you authorise to give instructions on your behalf. Any of the terms and conditions in Parts 1 and 2 which cancel, limit or modify the Bank’s liability to you, do so only to the maximum extent permissible by law. These terms and conditions do not exclude or modify any rights which cannot be excluded or modified under legislation. You should read these terms and conditions carefully before lodging funds in a FirstRate Saver product or FirstRate Term Deposit product, and keep them for your future reference. You will then know what to expect from us and what we expect from you before becoming bound by the terms and conditions. You can ask us questions about any of the terms and conditions that you do not understand, and so avoid misunderstandings. In addition, you should read the Bank’s information booklet ‘The Better Banking Book’, copies of which may be obtained by telephoning the Bank on 13 2221 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), contacting your relationship manager, visiting our website at or from any branch of the Bank. The relevant provisions of the Code of Banking Practice apply to a FirstRate Saver product or FirstRate Term Deposit product if the FirstRate Saver product or FirstRate Term Deposit product is held by an individual, either alone or jointly with another individual, or by a small business customer. 12 Part 1 – Your agreement with the Bank (Deposit Agreement) 1Role of CFS 1.1CFS will administer FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products on behalf of the Bank including collection of information, provision of statements of account and handling questions and complaints. You must address any issues you have with FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products directly with CFS. 2Eligibility, account opening procedures and joint accounts 2.1To be eligible for either FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products and allow deposits to and withdrawals from your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products you must also hold in the same name a FirstChoice Investment products account. New investors must complete and sign the application form in the FirstChoice Investment products PDS and otherwise meet the conditions set out in the FirstChoice Investment products PDS to establish and maintain a FirstChoice Investment products account. 2.2If you open a joint account, CFS will accept instructions from either one of you. We are not obliged to enquire into the circumstances of any instructions you give in relation to the conduct of your joint FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. We are not liable for any loss or damage you or anyone else suffers due to us acting on those instructions in good faith, unless it is proved that we were negligent. If one of you dies, the balance of FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products is transferred to the survivor(s). 3Making deposits 3.1CFS will, on behalf of the Bank, establish FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products in your name and deposit money on your behalf when: (i)you are eligible under 2.1, and (ii)you provide CFS with a request to deposit funds to FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. 3.2You can only make deposits by instructing CFS to transfer money through your FirstChoice Investment products account. Your instruction to CFS must be made through an investment allocation instruction in the same form as that relating to other investment allocations for your FirstChoice Investment products account. 3.3You are not permitted to make deposits to FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products in any other way other than as set out in 3.2 above. In particular, you are not permitted to make deposits (cash or cheques) at any branch of the Bank, through the Bank’s ATMs or at agencies of the Bank. 3.4The effective date of your deposit will be the date the instruction is received by CFS subject to the transaction processing and cut-off times that apply to applications and switch requests on page 6 of this document. 4Making withdrawals 4.1You can make a withdrawal by directing CFS to transfer money from FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products to your FirstChoice Investment products account by way of direct debit. 4.2You provide CFS a direct debit authority to authorise such transfers (see Part 2 – Your authorisation to CFS of the FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products terms and conditions). 4.3You cannot make withdrawals in any way other than as specified in 4.1. In particular, you cannot make withdrawals at any Bank branch, through the Bank’s ATMs or at agencies of the Bank; or by electronic transfer or direct debit (other than CFS transferring money to your FirstChoice Investment products account). 4.4The effective date of withdrawals from FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products will be the date the instruction is received by CFS and is subject to the transaction processing and cut-off times that apply to withdrawal and switch requests on page 6 of this document. Early withdrawals can only be made at the discretion of the Bank. 4.5Early withdrawals from FirstRate Term Deposit products (in advance of maturity) will incur an early withdrawal interest adjustment. For partial withdrawals the adjustment will change the interest accrued in your FirstRate Term Deposit products. If you withdraw the full balance, your adjusted interest will be paid with your withdrawal proceeds. 4.6Early withdrawal interest adjustments applying to early withdrawals from FirstRate Term Deposit products are calculated by the Bank taking into account the amount withdrawn, the length of time since the deposit was lodged as a percentage of the original term, and the application of an adjusted rate of interest. Information about the current method of adjusting interest is available on page 16. 5Payment of interest 5.1Interest on FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products is calculated daily on the closing balance of your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. 5.2Interest is credited to your FirstRate Saver products effective on the last calendar day each month and when the full balance is withdrawn. 5.3Interest is credited to your FirstRate Term Deposit products at maturity or when the full balance is withdrawn. FirstChoice Investment products 5.4If you have instructed CFS to direct credit distributions received from your FirstChoice Investment products account to another nominated account with an Australian financial institution, CFS will ensure any interest credited to FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products is also transferred (by transferring funds equal to the interest amount from FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products to your FirstChoice Investment products account and then to the nominated account). 5.5If CFS processes your request to withdraw or transfer interest to you under 5.4, payments are subject to the processing times that apply to FirstChoice Investment products. You will not receive interest on these amounts from the effective date they are withdrawn from FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. 5.6FirstRate Saver products rates of interest are variable at our discretion. Details of the current interest rates are available on the CFS website,, or by contacting CFS Investor Services on 13 13 36. 5.7FirstRate Term Deposit products rates of interest are fixed at the time of deposit in accordance with 3.5, and apply until the maturity date subject to 4. Details of the current interest rates are available on the CFS website, colonialfirststate., or by contacting CFS Investor Services on 13 13 36. 6FirstRate Term Deposit products – maturity 6.1Maturity dates are calculated by taking the effective date of your deposit and adding the investment term (in months), except where the date calculated is: (i)an invalid date or a non-business day in NSW; in this case, the maturity date will be the following business day in NSW, or (ii)is a date between 1 July and 9 July; in this case, the maturity date will be the business day in NSW following 9 July. 6.2At maturity, your FirstRate Term Deposit products will be withdrawn and proceeds paid to your FirstChoice Investment products account. 6.3You may instruct CFS (under Part 2 – Your authorisation to CFS) of your maturity instructions. 6.4Under 6.3, where your instruction is to establish a new FirstRate Term Deposit product, the new FirstRate Term Deposit product will receive an interest rate then applicable and terms and conditions then applying to new FirstRate Term Deposit products. 7Fees and charges 7.1Subject to section 8, there are no fees or charges for FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. 8Changes to terms and conditions – FirstRate Saver products only 8.1On giving you at least 30 days prior notice in writing, we may: •• introduce a fee or charge in relation to the operation or maintenance of FirstRate Saver products Reference Guide – Transacting on your account maturing. This notice will seek your instructions for your maturing FirstRate Term Deposit products. You may, however, instruct us at any time prior to maturity of your FirstRate Term Deposit products. •• vary the method by which interest is calculated or the frequency with which interest is credited •• introduce or change a minimum balance to which an account keeping fee applies, or •• vary the balance ranges within which interest rates apply, except where we cannot locate you. 8.2If we otherwise vary these terms and conditions, or vary our fees and charges or any interest rate, we will notify you either in writing or by advertisement in the national media, no later than the day on which the variation takes effect. 9Government charges 9.1We will notify you of the introduction or variation of any Government charge either in writing or by advertisement in the national or local media, unless the Government, Government agency or representative body has already published the introduction or variation. 10Closing FirstRate Saver products 10.1If you do not make a deposit or withdrawal to FirstRate Saver products for three years, we will, as required by law, close the account without notice to you and transfer the credit balance to an unclaimed monies account administered by ASIC where it may earn interest after 1 July 2013. You may, at any time, apply to ASIC for the return of the transferred balance. 10.2You can at any time by written notice to CFS, close FirstRate Saver products, provided you also close your FirstChoice Investment products account, in which case your remaining balance will be transferred through your FirstChoice Investment products account. 10.3We may close your FirstRate Saver products account at any time by giving notice which is reasonable in all the circumstances. 11Limitation of liability 11.1We are not obliged to enquire into the circumstances of any instructions you give to CFS to transfer money in or transfer money out of FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. 11.2We are not liable for any loss or damage you or anyone else suffers due to actions taken (or not taken) by CFS under the authority you have provided in Part 2 – Your authorisation to CFS, unless it is proved that we were negligent. 12Statements of account and notices 12.1CFS will send you a consolidated statement of account including transaction details for FirstChoice Investment products and FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products at least every six months as set out on page 8 of this document. 12.2CFS will send you the statements of account to your nominated postal address, unless you instructed CFS to send statements of account electronically to your nominated email address. 12.3CFS will send you a Maturity Notification approximately one week prior to your FirstRate Term Deposit products 12.4CFS will send you other notices under this agreement by mail or as allowed by law. 13Account combination – FirstRate Saver products only 13.1You agree that the Bank may combine or set-off the balance of a FirstRate Saver products account with any other on demand account or with any loan account for which the Bank holds security that you have or may have in the future with us. The Bank’s rights under this Clause do not extend to any account which has a facility which is regulated by the National Credit Code. In such cases, the Bank may still exercise its banker’s right of account combination. ‘The Better Banking Book’ contains more information on the consequences of account combination. If the Bank elects to combine your accounts it will observe any applicable requirements of the Code of Operation for Centrelink Direct Credit Payments. 14 Complaint handling procedures 14.1If you believe that an error has occurred, you must address any complaints to CFS in its capacity as administrator of FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products, refer to the PDS for further details on CFS’s complaint handling procedures. 15Anti-Money Laundering and Counter‑Terrorism Financing laws and Sanctions laws 15.1We may be required to report information about you to the relevant authorities (including acting on instructions or directions from relevant authorities regarding your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products). We may not be able to tell you when this occurs. 15.2Notwithstanding any right you may have under this Deposit Agreement, we may not be able to transact with you or other persons associated with your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. This may include: (a)delaying, blocking, freezing or refusing to process a transaction, or (b)closing your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products at any time (in the event that we reasonably believe you or any other person associated with your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products is a Proscribed Person). This may impact on your investment and could result in a loss of income or capital invested. You acknowledge and agree we will not be liable to you or other persons for any loss suffered (including consequential loss) for such action taken in good faith including in compliance or purported compliance with any legal requirement in relation to a Proscribed Person. 13 15.3‘Proscribed Person’ means: 3Transactions 3.1Subject to conditions applying on FirstRate Term Deposit products set out in 4 below, transactions you instruct us to undertake on FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products are subject to the same conditions that apply to instructions you give us in relation to FirstChoice Investment products, including: (a)any person or entity who we reasonably believe to be: (i)a proscribed person or entity under the Charter of United Nations Act 1945 (Cth) (ii)in breach of the laws of any jurisdiction prohibiting money laundering or terrorism financing (iii)on a list of persons with whom dealings are proscribed by the government or a regulatory authority of any jurisdiction •• transaction processing and cut-off times (see page 6 of this document) •• withdrawal processing times. Note that if you withdraw immediately following 30 June or at any other time, payment may take longer than usual to process. You will not receive interest on the withdrawn monies subject to this delay which could be up to 14 days (b)any person or entity who appears to us to act on behalf, or for the benefit of, a person or entity listed in (a) (i) to (iii) above. 16 Privacy policy 16.1You agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set out on page 18 – Privacy information, when you set up FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. •• distribution and interest payment processing times. If you elect to have distributions on your FirstChoice Investment products transferred to your nominated financial institution, this will also apply to FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products interest payments. Note: The transfer may take up to 14 days from the effective date of the interest payment. You will not receive any further interest on monies subject to this delay 17 Financial Claims Scheme 17.1The Financial Claims Scheme, under the Banking Act, covers deposit amounts you hold in a bank in aggregate up to a statutory prescribed limit (please note that for the purposes of calculating this total joint accounts are considered to be held in equal shares). You may be entitled to a payment in some circumstances. Payments under the scheme are subject to a limit for each depositor. Information about the Financial Claims Scheme can be obtained from the APRA website at www. and the APRA hotline on 1300 55 88 49 (if calling from within Australia) or +61 2 9210 3480 (if calling from outside Australia). Part 2 – Your authorisation to CFS In Part 2, ‘CFS’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’ refers to Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352. 1What do you authorise CFS to do? 1.1You authorise us to act on your instructions for the purpose of: (a)depositing money into FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products (b)withdrawing money from FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products by way of direct debit through your FirstChoice Investment products account, and (c)nominating maturity instructions for your FirstRate Term Deposit products. 1.2When you give instructions to us as set out above, we are acting on your behalf and not in our capacity as administrator of FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products. 2 Direct debit authorisation 2.1You authorise us to arrange for monies to be withdrawn from your FirstRate Saver products or FirstRate Term Deposit products for the purposes set out in 1.1(b) above. 5FirstRate Term Deposit products maturity instructions 5.1Maturity instructions that you request us to undertake on FirstRate Term Deposit products are subject to the same conditions that apply to instructions you give us in relation to FirstChoice Investment products. 5.2You can instruct us to pay the proceeds from your matured FirstRate Term Deposit products to one of the following: (i)a new FirstRate Term Deposit product with the same investment term (ii)a new FirstRate Term Deposit product with a different investment term (iii)FirstRate Saver products (iv)your FirstChoice Investment products account future investment allocation. 5.3If your instructions are not received prior to the maturity date, 5.2(i) will apply. 5.4Where 5.2(i) applies, the maturing FirstRate Term Deposit products proceeds will be credited to your FirstRate Saver products then, on the same day, this amount will be withdrawn from your FirstRate Saver products and the proceeds deposited to your new FirstRate Term Deposit products. •• we will only accept deposits from and pay withdrawals to an Australian financial institution. 3.2If you instruct us to close your FirstChoice Investment products account, we will also close FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products. 3.3If you have previously authorised your financial adviser to transact online on your behalf (and this authority remains current), you extend the authority to include instructions relating to FirstRate Saver products and FirstRate Term Deposit products. 4FirstRate Term Deposit products – conditions when requesting a deposit 1 July to 9 July 4.1The following conditions only apply to requests you make to deposit monies to FirstRate Term Deposit products in the period 1 July to 9 July. 4.2 From 1 July to 9 July: (i)We will apply any application or switch monies that you request to deposit into FirstRate Term Deposit products to FirstRate Saver products. (ii)FirstRate Term Deposit products will not be available for you to select as a destination to deposit funds via our internet services. 4.3Where 4.2(i) applies, on the business day following 9 July we will complete your request to commence a new FirstRate Term Deposit product by switching the proceeds from your FirstRate Saver products. 2.2This authorisation cannot be revoked. 14 FirstChoice Investment products Additional information about transacting on FirstRate Term Deposit products How do I invest? Investing in FirstRate Term Deposit products can be done by selecting any of the three, six, nine or 12-month investment term options in your investment or switch allocation. Please note: Special conditions apply when applying for FirstRate Term Deposit products options between 1 July and 9 July. If we receive funds for a FirstRate Term Deposit product during this time, we will deposit your investment in FirstRate Saver products until the NSW business day following 9 July. When is the maturity date? The maturity date is calculated from the date of your deposit in FirstRate Term Deposit products plus your investment term (in months). If the maturity date falls on a weekend or public holiday in NSW, the maturity date will be the next NSW business day. Please note: Special rules apply if the maturity date would fall on a date between 1 July and 9 July, in which case, the maturity date will be set to the NSW business day following 9 July. How is interest calculated? Interest is calculated daily on your FirstRate Term Deposit products using the simple interest formula: Interest = Deposit amount × Interest rate (pa) × (Term in days/365) ‘Term in days’ is calculated including the date you start your term deposit and exclusive of the maturity day. What happens to my FirstRate Term Deposit products at maturity? At maturity of a FirstRate Term Deposit product, interest will be credited and the balance of that term deposit withdrawn. We will send you a maturity notice showing your current maturity instructions approximately one week prior to the FirstRate Term Deposit product’s maturity date. You should refer to the current PDS and interest rates (both available at prior to your FirstRate Term Deposit product’s maturity as they will apply on any reinvestment. You can instruct us if you would like to invest the proceeds from your matured FirstRate Term Deposit product, using one of the following options: •• invest in a new FirstRate Term Deposit product for the same investment term •• invest in a new FirstRate Term Deposit product for a different investment term •• invest in the FirstRate Saver products option •• invest in line with your future investment selection. Unless you instruct us otherwise, the maturity proceeds will be reinvested in the FirstRate Term Deposit products option for the same investment term at the interest rates prevailing on the date of maturity. This may vary significantly from the interest rate that applied to the matured term deposit. Your instruction must be received by us prior to 3pm (Sydney time) on the day of maturity. Withdrawing prior to maturity (early withdrawals) The fixed interest rate on FirstRate Term Deposit products is based on you investing the funds until the maturity date. If you need to withdraw before the maturity date, the interest you receive will be reduced. Refer to ‘Early withdrawal interest adjustments’ on page 16. Early withdrawals can only be made at the discretion of the Bank. You can withdraw from your FirstRate Term Deposit products by withdrawing from or switching within your FirstChoice portfolio and specifying the proceeds to be transferred from any of the FirstRate Term Deposit products options. Using FirstRate Term Deposit products with your FirstChoice account Due to the fixed investment term that applies for FirstRate Term Deposit products, there are some tools that FirstChoice normally provides you and your adviser to manage your portfolio that will be restricted when you invest in FirstRate Term Deposit products. This is primarily to help you manage your term deposits and avoid early withdrawals. •• Future investment selection and regular investment plans – where you nominate an allocation for your regular investment plan, regular withdrawal plan or Bpay, EFT or other uninstructed additional investments, you will not be able to select FirstRate Term Deposit products options. Where your future investment selection is updated following a transaction that you request, any allocation that would have applied to FirstRate Term Deposit products will be applied proportionally across any other investment options in your future investment selection. •• Automatic rebalancing – if you make an investment in FirstRate Term Deposit products, we will cancel any existing auto-rebalancing facility. You can re-establish the facility and nominate a new investment weighting. Refer to page 7 for further details. •• Other automated transactions – we recommend you do not nominate FirstRate Term Deposit products for deduction of any adviser service fees or insurance premiums (as that will create early withdrawals). At the time that any rebates are credited, if you hold FirstRate Term Deposit products, rebates will be credited to FirstRate Saver products. What interest rate will apply? The interest rate that will apply will be set on the date of your investment or switch into the FirstRate Term Deposit products option. Current interest rates are available at or by contacting us on 13 13 36. FirstRate Term Deposit products options deposit monies with the Bank. The Bank may, at its absolute discretion, agree to pay the trustee an interest rate higher than the published FirstRate Term Deposit products interest rate depending on the amount of individual term deposits. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 15 Early withdrawal interest adjustments Early withdrawals can only be made at the discretion of the Bank. When you invest in FirstRate Term Deposit products, the fixed interest rate is based on the funds being invested until the maturity date. If you make any early withdrawals from your deposit, the rate of interest on the amount that you withdraw is reduced. The reduction in the interest rate will depend on the percentage of the original term elapsed when your withdrawal is made as outlined in the chart below. % of the investment term elapsed % of the interest rate that applies 0% to less than 20% 10% 20% to less than 40% 20% 40% to less than 60% 40% 60% to less than 80% 60% 80% to less than 100% 80% Example 1 – full withdrawal1 You deposit $10,000 in FirstRate Term Deposit products with a 12-month investment term. The fixed interest rate is 5%. Assuming you hold the full deposit to maturity, the interest payable is $500 ($10,000 × 5%). After six months or 50% of the investment term has elapsed, the interest accrued is $250 ($500 × 50%). If you withdraw at this time, the interest rate that will apply will be 40% of the original interest rate or 2% (40% × 5%). The interest paid with your full withdrawal proceeds is $100 ($10,000 × 2% × 50%). Example 2 – partial withdrawal1 Instead of withdrawing the full balance as in example 1, you make a partial withdrawal of $6,000. The interest rate that will apply on the $6,000 that you have withdrawn will again be 40% of the original interest rate or 2% (40% × 5%). Therefore, the interest payable on this $6,000 is $60 ($6,000 × 2% × 50%). The $4,000 remaining in the deposit will receive the original 5% interest rate (assuming there are no other withdrawals made). The interest payable on this amount is $200 ($4,000 × 5%). Early withdrawals across multiple FirstRate Term Deposit products If you hold multiple FirstRate Term Deposit products in the same investment term option and withdraw part of the option balance, you can specify in writing, or by contacting us on 13 13 36, how you would like the withdrawal applied across each individual term deposit. The table and examples below explain the order that will apply to all switch transactions or a withdrawal when you have not provided a specific instruction. If the withdrawal amount is Rule applied Less than the balance of the next term deposit to mature 100% from the next term deposit to mature Greater than or equal to the next term deposit to mature Deducted from all term deposits in a proportional weighting Example1 You have a total of $15,000 invested in FirstRate Term Deposit products – three-month terms. The total is made up of two term deposits as detailed below: Term deposit no. Maturity date 1 10 August 2 5 September Amount $10,000.00 $5,000.00 Total $15,000.00 If you were to partially withdraw: •• $9,000, the full $9,000 will be deducted from the term deposit maturing in August. •• $12,000, the proceeds will be deducted from both term deposits proportionally ($12,000/$15,000 = 80%). Therefore, the withdrawal will be processed as follows: Term deposit no. Balance prior to withdrawal % to be withdrawn Amount to be withdrawn 1 $10,000.00 80% $8,000.00 2 $5,000.00 80% $4,000.00 $15,000.00 80% $12,000.00 Total Therefore, in this example, at maturity, your total interest received would be $260. 1Examples are for illustrative purposes only. 16 FirstChoice Investment products Regulatory information What are our reporting requirements? What is the Constitution? If any option is a disclosing entity under the Corporations Act, the option is subject to regular reporting and continuous disclosure obligations. Copies of documents we lodge with ASIC to fulfil these obligations may be obtained from, or inspected at, an ASIC office. Each of the options is governed by a Constitution (which is substantially the same for each option). Together with the Corporations Act and some other laws, the Constitution sets out the terms and conditions under which the option operates and the rights, responsibilities, powers, discretions and duties of the responsible entity and investors. The Constitution deals with a number of issues including: •• your rights as a holder of units •• option termination, and •• our broad powers to invest, borrow, receive fees and other payments and generally manage the options. The Constitution states that your liability is limited to the amount you paid for your units, but the courts are yet to determine the effectiveness of provisions of this kind. You can inspect a copy of the Constitution at our head office or we will provide you with a copy free of charge. The Constitution gives us a number of rights, including a number of discretions relating to unit pricing and option termination. You can obtain a copy of our Unit Pricing Permitted Discretions Policy, free of charge, by calling us on 13 13 36. We may alter the Constitution if we, as the responsible entity, reasonably consider the amendments will not adversely affect investors’ rights. Otherwise we must obtain investors’ approval at a meeting of investors. We may retire or be required to retire as responsible entity (if investors vote for our removal). Your rights to requisition, attend and vote at meetings are mainly contained in the Corporations Act. Can you appoint an agent? As an investor, you are entitled to appoint an agent to act on your behalf. This person could be your financial adviser, solicitor, or someone else that you trust to act on your behalf. We will only accept your appointment of an agent if (among other things) we have successfully established the identity of this agent. In order for us to do this, you will need to complete an appointment of agent form. If you have more than one agent or signatory and you are a non-individual investor (eg company, trust or other entity type), you can appoint a verifying officer to identify your agents or signatories. To appoint a verifying officer, you will need to complete the verifying officer form. Copies of these forms can be obtained from our website or by calling 13 13 36. Please note that by appointing an agent to act on your behalf, you are giving that person full authority over your account. You also have a right to request a copy of certain documents from us when they become available, and we must send you a copy (free of charge) as soon as practicable and in any event within five days. Your request will be fulfilled in the way you choose – by email, fax or post, or you can collect it from our offices. The documents are: •• the annual financial report for an option most recently lodged with ASIC, and •• any half-year financial report lodged with ASIC and any continuous disclosure notice given for each option after the lodgement of the annual financial report for each option and before the date of this document. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing laws and Sanctions laws We are required to comply with these laws, including the need to establish your identity (and, if relevant, the identity of other persons associated with your account). Instructions for completing the identification process are included with the application forms. Additionally, from time to time, we may require additional information to assist with this process. We may be required to report information about you to the relevant authorities. We may not be able to tell you when this occurs. We may not be able to transact with you or other persons. This may include delaying, blocking, freezing or refusing to process a transaction or ceasing to provide you with a product or service. Refer to the terms and conditions on page 10. This may impact on your investment and could result in a loss of income and principal invested. Custody A professional custodian generally holds the assets of each option. The custodian is appointed by Colonial First State and is responsible only to us. The custodian may be changed from time to time and we may change the custodian where we are satisfied that the proposed new custodian meets all regulatory requirements. You will not be notified of a change in custodian. If the custodian is another company in the Commonwealth Bank Group then we would have to: •• satisfy ASIC that we are able to separate each option’s assets from our own, and •• satisfy ourselves that holding each option’s assets in this way would be cost-effective for investors. If you would like details of our custodian, please contact us. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 17 Privacy information How is your personal information dealt with? The privacy of your personal information is important to us. We form part of the Commonwealth Bank Group of companies (‘the Group’), a well-known financial services organisation. The Group offers a broad range of products and services. We collect personal information so that you can be provided with the products and services you request. We may also share personal information with other Group companies so that you and the Group can have access to an integrated view of the relationship. The Group may also tell you about other products and services that might suit your financial, lifestyle or electronic needs. The law also requires us to collect personal information. We may disclose personal information to other parties (confidentiality arrangements apply) for certain purposes that we outsource, including bulk mailing, market research and information technology support and in order to comply with our legal obligations. We also seek expert help from time to time to help us improve our systems, products and services. Your personal information may be disclosed to these third parties in such circumstances. Your personal information will not be shared with other third parties (except with our related bodies for prudential and risk management purposes or as otherwise set out in this statement). The law also requires us to collect and verify personal information about you. We may also collect and verify information about persons who act on your behalf. The collection and verification of information about identity helps us to protect against identity theft, money laundering and other illegal activities. Depending on whether you are an individual or an organisation, the information we collect will vary. During the course of your dealings with us, we may also collect and verify further information about you or other persons who act on your behalf. We may be permitted or required to disclose customer information by law, eg under Court Orders or Statutory Notices pursuant to taxation or social security laws or under laws relating to sanctions, money laundering or terrorism financing, or as required to comply with our obligations to foreign or domestic regulators. If you notify us that you have a personal financial adviser, then details of your investment will be provided to them. If you hold our products and services through a Commonwealth Financial Planner, who is part of the Group, personal information may be used by other Group companies for marketing purposes. We will disclose your personal information to the insurer to enable it to assess your insurance application, and to provide and administer cover. Personal information may also be disclosed to medical practitioners, claim investigators, reinsurers and insurance reference bureaux. We aim to ensure that the personal information we retain about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you provide us with incomplete or inaccurate information, you may be in breach of the law and we may not be able to provide you with the products or services you have requested. If you have concerns about the completeness or accuracy of the information we have about you or would like to access or amend your information, simply call us on 13 13 36 or send an email to au. You can contact us if you do not want to receive any marketing information from us. You may be contacted by telephone unless you ask us not to do so. To stop receiving telemarketing, please call 13 13 36. We may monitor and record telephone calls for any purpose including training, account management and security. If you would like a copy of our Privacy Policy Statement, visit our website at or call the above number. You will be taken to agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set out above when you apply to make an investment. Changes to the law There have been some changes to the current privacy laws which will commence in March 2014. Our policy and procedures may need to change at that time. Please ensure you view our most up-to-date Privacy Policy Statement on our website. Your personal information may also be used by us to administer, monitor and evaluate products and services, gather, aggregate and report statistical information, assist you with any queries and take measures to detect and prevent fraud and other illegal activity. We may also be allowed or obliged to disclose or receive information by law and to report on prudential or risk management matters. 18 FirstChoice Investment products wholesale Investment option registered option name1 FirstChoice Wholesale Defensive Commonwealth Multi-Manager Defensive Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Conservative Commonwealth Multi-Manager Conservative Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Moderate Commonwealth Multi-Manager Moderate Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Balanced Commonwealth Balanced Fund 2 FirstChoice Wholesale Growth Commonwealth Multi-Manager Growth Fund FirstChoice Wholesale High Growth Commonwealth Multi-Manager High Growth Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Geared Growth Plus Commonwealth Multi-Manager Geared Growth Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Fixed Interest Commonwealth Multi-Manager Fixed Interest Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Property Securities Commonwealth Multi-Manager Property Securities Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Global Property Securities Commonwealth Multi-Manager Global Property Securities Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Global Infrastructure Securities Commonwealth Multi-Manager Global Infrastructure Securities Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Lower Volatility Australian Share Commonwealth Alternative Australian Shares Blended FirstChoice Wholesale Australian Share Commonwealth Multi-Manager Australian Share Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Australian Small Companies Commonwealth Multi-Manager Small Companies Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Global Share Commonwealth Multi-Manager Global Shares Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Global Share – Hedged Commonwealth Global Share Fund 15 FirstChoice Wholesale Asian Share Commonwealth Multi-Manager Asian Share Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Emerging Markets Commonwealth Multi-Manager Emerging Markets Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Geared Australian Share Commonwealth Multi-Manager Geared Australian Shares Fund FirstChoice Wholesale Multi-Index Conservative Commonwealth Diversified Fund 2 FirstChoice Wholesale Multi-Index Diversified Commonwealth Diversified Fund 3 FirstChoice Wholesale Multi-Index Balanced Commonwealth Diversified Fund 7 Colonial First State Wholesale Conservative Colonial First State Wholesale Conservative Fund Perpetual Wholesale Conservative Growth Commonwealth Diversified Fund 1 Colonial First State Wholesale Balanced Colonial First State Wholesale Balanced Fund Perpetual Wholesale Diversified Growth Commonwealth Diversified Fund 4 BT Wholesale Active Balanced Commonwealth Diversified Fund 5 Colonial First State Wholesale Diversified Colonial First State Wholesale Diversified Fund Perpetual Wholesale Balanced Growth Commonwealth Diversified Fund 6 Colonial First State Wholesale High Growth Colonial First State Wholesale High Growth Fund Perpetual Wholesale Split Growth Commonwealth Diversified Fund 8 Colonial First State Wholesale Cash Colonial First State Wholesale Cash Fund Aberdeen Wholesale Australian Fixed Income Commonwealth Fixed Interest Fund 3 Colonial First State Wholesale Australian Bond Colonial First State Wholesale Australian Bond Fund Colonial First State Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Colonial First State Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Fund abn 19 883 274 412 099 920 804 abn 36 602 092 821 arsn 099 920 126 abn 99 466 790 169 arsn 099 919 856 abn 74 406 057 461 arsn 134 827 900 abn 38 496 857 425 arsn 099 920 171 abn 84 954 613 321 arsn 099 920 064 abn 69 558 203 189 arsn 129 252 982 abn 51 418 082 779 arsn 099 920 153 abn 34 686 149 455 arsn 099 921 301 abn 16 937 655 357 arsn 113 916 331 abn 76 860 873 761 arsn 117 954 319 abn 58 717 904 457 arsn 108 230 691 abn 67 404 668 797 arsn 099 919 936 abn 87 349 547 362 arsn 102 587 619 abn 48 501 859 905 arsn 099 920 313 abn 70 341 498 218 arsn 113 917 203 abn 17 362 826 490 arsn 123 800 751 abn 53 032 492 165 arsn 129 252 722 abn 23 912 817 052 arsn 123 809 432 abn 58 838 819 303 arsn 099 919 338 abn 54 963 445 032 arsn 099 919 669 abn 47 087 240 433 arsn 099 941 456 abn 90 805 018 399 arsn 087 559 037 abn 86 962 027 605 arsn 099 919 810 abn 15 393 700 684 arsn 087 559 493 abn 69 089 305 529 arsn 099 919 623 abn 88 005 811 699 arsn 099 919 632 abn 91 373 707 482 arsn 087 559 868 abn 53 786 910 792 arsn 099 919 767 abn 33 898 634 834 arsn 087 561 984 abn 66 027 431 176 arsn 099 941 563 abn 93 508 337 224 arsn 087 558 674 abn 45 772 316 932 arsn 099 940 226 abn 98 852 084 690 arsn 087 570 885 abn 24 258 154 801 arsn 087 570 634 arsn 1The registered option names, ABN and ARSN details shown above are for FirstChoice Wholesale Investments only. FirstRate Wholesale products are deposit products offered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 19 wholesale Investment option registered option name1 Colonial First State Wholesale Global Credit Income abn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Corporate Debt Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Index Australian Bond abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Fixed Interest Fund 8 arsn Macquarie Wholesale Income Opportunities abn Commonwealth International Fixed Interest Fund 9 arsn abn Perpetual Wholesale Diversified Income Commonwealth Fixed Interest Fund 21 arsn PIMCO Wholesale Global Bond abn Commonwealth International Fixed Interest Fund 10 arsn Schroder Wholesale Credit Securities abn Commonwealth Specialist Fund 5 arsn abn UBS Wholesale Diversified Fixed Income Commonwealth International Fixed Interest Fund 3 arsn Acadian Wholesale Quant Yield abn Commonwealth Specialist Fund 19 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Enhanced Yield abn Colonial First State Wholesale Enhanced Yield Fund arsn Goldman Sachs Wholesale Income Plus abn Commonwealth Fixed Interest Fund 14 arsn PM Capital Wholesale Enhanced Yield abn Commonwealth Fixed Interest Fund 11 arsn abn BT Wholesale Property Investment Commonwealth Property Fund 2 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Index Property Securities abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Property Securities Fund 7 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Property Securities abn arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Property Securities Fund Goldman Sachs Wholesale Australian Infrastructure abn Commonwealth Australian Infrastructure Fund 1 arsn Principal Wholesale Property Securities abn Commonwealth Property Securities Fund 8 arsn RREEF Wholesale Property Securities abn Commonwealth Property Fund 6 arsn SG Hiscock Wholesale Property Securities abn Commonwealth Property Securities Fund 11 arsn AMP Capital Wholesale Global Property Securities abn Commonwealth Global Property Securities Fund 5 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Property Securities abn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Property Securities Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Listed Infrastructure Securities abn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Listed Infrastructure Securities Fund arsn BlackRock Wholesale Scientific Australian Equity abn Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 3 arsn BT Wholesale Core Australian Share abn Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 10 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Australian Share – Core abn Colonial First State Wholesale Australian Share Fund – Core arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Australian Share Long Short – Core abn Colonial First State Global Asset Management Equity Trust 1 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Concentrated Australian Share abn Colonial First State Wholesale Leaders Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Equity Income abn Colonial First State Global Asset Management Equity Trust 2 arsn abn Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Index Australian Share abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Australian Share Fund 20 arsn Fidelity Wholesale Australian Equities abn Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 24 arsn Maple-Brown Abbott Wholesale Imputation abn Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 8 arsn abn Perpetual Wholesale Australian Share Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 11 arsn Perpetual Wholesale Industrial Share abn Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 4 arsn Realindex Wholesale Australian Share abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Australian Share Fund 26 arsn Schroder Wholesale Australian Equity abn Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 9 arsn abn UBS Wholesale Australian Share Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 5 arsn 17 818 879 429 093 045 713 91 520 636 212 109 434 915 33 826 720 447 134 829 011 58 098 862 422 149 309 179 62 921 231 593 162 718 612 46 828 348 012 108 230 486 48 707 971 442 099 912 562 24 237 254 829 118 583 976 97 149 229 395 112 736 491 65 858 700 892 113 916 537 95 494 685 234 110 773 254 34 749 044 373 099 940 922 20 741 136 258 109 434 522 53 841 877 511 087 570 429 98 278 120 256 123 987 011 70 315 264 494 110 772 579 89 571 376 002 101 476 779 54 739 017 543 118 583 823 51 230 513 990 140 776 772 64 902 971 632 108 688 777 99 485 137 517 125 199 411 71 207 285 785 099 920 000 50 792 991 567 099 920 493 33 966 521 852 091 478 956 62 234 212 688 127 702 130 16 013 751 245 087 569 640 56 802 915 282 129 259 552 70 261 123 727 087 569 980 20 042 760 290 109 434 737 14 857 837 635 117 954 186 16 060 847 502 099 919 310 89 989 864 770 099 920 439 83 050 830 559 099 919 927 94 101 108 400 132 950 862 48 964 946 377 099 920 635 28 388 562 556 099 919 230 1The registered option names, ABN and ARSN details shown above are for FirstChoice Wholesale Investments only. FirstRate Wholesale products are deposit products offered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. 20 FirstChoice Investment products wholesale Investment option registered option name1 Acadian Wholesale Australian Equity abn Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 23 arsn Acadian Wholesale Australian Equity Long Short abn Commonwealth Specialist Fund 9 arsn Antares Wholesale Elite Opportunities abn Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 31 arsn abn Ausbil Wholesale Australian Active Equity Commonwealth Australian Shares Fund 6 arsn Integrity Wholesale Australian Share abn Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 12 arsn abn Investors Mutual Wholesale Australian Share Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 14 arsn abn Ironbark Karara Wholesale Australian Share Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 16 arsn Merlon Wholesale Australian Share Income abn Commonwealth Specialist Fund 18 arsn Perennial Value Wholesale Australian Share abn Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 17 arsn Solaris Wholesale Core Australian Equity abn Commonwealth Australian Share Fund 15 arsn Ausbil Wholesale Australian Emerging Leaders abn Commonwealth Small Companies Fund 8 arsn abn Celeste Wholesale Australian Small Companies Commonwealth Small Companies Fund 7 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Developing Companies abn Colonial First State Wholesale Developing Companies Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Future Leaders abn Colonial First State Wholesale Future Leaders Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Small Companies – Core abn Colonial First State Wholesale Small Companies Fund – Core arsn Realindex Wholesale Australian Small Companies abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Small Companies Fund 10 arsn Acadian Wholesale Global Equity abn Colonial First State Wholesale Acadian Global Equity Fund arsn Acadian Wholesale Global Managed Volatility Equity abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Global Share Fund 28 arsn Altrinsic Wholesale Global Equity abn Commonwealth Global Share Fund 11 arsn BT Wholesale Core Global Share abn Commonwealth Global Share Fund 8 arsn Capital International Wholesale Global Share abn Commonwealth Global Shares Fund 7 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Share abn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Share Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Index Global Share abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Global Share Fund 14 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Index Global Share – Hedged abn Commonwealth Global Share Fund 16 arsn DWS Wholesale Global Equity Thematic abn Commonwealth Global Share Fund 20 arsn MFS Wholesale Global Equity abn Commonwealth Global Shares Fund 6 arsn Perpetual Wholesale International abn Commonwealth Global Share Fund 5 arsn abn Realindex Wholesale Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Global Share Fund 22 arsn Realindex Wholesale Global Share – Hedged abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Global Share Fund 23 arsn Zurich Investments Wholesale Global Thematic Share abn Commonwealth Global Share Fund 25 arsn Acadian Wholesale Global Equity Long Short abn Commonwealth Specialist Fund 10 arsn abn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Emerging Markets Select Commonwealth Emerging Markets Fund 5 arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Resources abn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Resources Fund arsn Colonial First State Wholesale Global Resources Tactical abn Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – arsn Global Resources Long Short Fund Colonial First State Wholesale Global Soft Commodity abn Commonwealth Specialist Fund 27 arsn abn Generation Wholesale Global Share Commonwealth Specialist Fund 15 arsn Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 22 818 155 689 116 418 958 59 986 016 584 117 032 327 23 784 079 351 108 730 329 18 683 764 786 099 919 169 25 007 948 910 102 587 404 23 648 727 492 108 230 155 91 956 133 231 108 230 280 80 783 652 947 123 809 469 22 101 687 863 108 230 306 85 215 608 587 108 230 244 35 129 083 472 113 916 984 35 674 894 963 113 917 481 59 274 748 029 109 434 406 70 756 716 919 109 434 620 65 030 712 109 089 460 891 84 638 841 220 132 951 725 68 428 167 928 113 916 724 15 635 711 642 162 718 194 21 178 984 183 108 230 628 19 928 293 272 099 912 366 23 280 104 586 099 912 133 96 983 861 913 087 563 755 23 476 141 985 109 434 844 51 088 397 023 113 916 868 53 470 128 982 129 259 516 19 079 599 636 099 911 985 93 760 591 690 099 911 378 85 342 160 045 132 950 577 58 766 242 179 132 950 059 54 702 740 488 149 307 746 40 778 687 289 117 032 176 37 056 918 081 140 777 251 18 143 761 492 087 561 500 66 251 405 216 162 717 982 69 004 831 423 149 307 568 98 987 100 847 108 230 655 21 wholesale Investment option registered option name1 Goldman Sachs Wholesale Global Small Companies Commonwealth Global Share Fund 12 Magellan Wholesale Global Share Commonwealth Specialist Fund 26 Platinum Wholesale Asia Commonwealth Asian Share Fund 4 Platinum Wholesale International Commonwealth Specialist Fund 4 PM Capital Wholesale Absolute Performance Commonwealth Specialist Fund 11 Realindex Wholesale Emerging Markets Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Emerging Markets Fund 6 Aspect Wholesale Diversified Futures Colonial First State – FirstChoice Wholesale Investments – Specialist Fund 23 Acadian Wholesale Geared Global Equity Commonwealth Specialist Fund 13 Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Global Property Securities Commonwealth Specialist Fund 14 Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Australian Share – Core Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Australian Share Fund – Core Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Global Share Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Global Share Fund Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Share Colonial First State Wholesale Geared Share Fund abn 63 717 884 570 108 230 539 abn 58 123 297 194 arsn 149 601 954 abn 87 795 936 645 arsn 140 776 950 abn 60 811 557 433 arsn 102 587 548 abn 52 019 883 387 arsn 117 954 524 abn 27 289 314 337 arsn 140 972 863 abn 77 320 556 736 arsn 141 696 728 abn 66 203 879 330 arsn 123 809 334 abn 60 804 535 769 arsn 123 801 178 abn 41 815 808 212 arsn 108 689 050 abn 72 207 461 927 arsn 096 392 031 abn 28 307 328 147 arsn 087 563 924 arsn 1The registered option names, ABN and ARSN details shown above are for FirstChoice Wholesale Investments only. FirstRate Wholesale products are deposit products offered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. 22 FirstChoice Investment products Investment option registered option name2 FirstChoice Defensive Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Defensive Blended abn FirstChoice Conservative Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Conservative Blended abn FirstChoice Moderate Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Moderate Blended abn FirstChoice Balanced Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Balanced Fund 2 abn FirstChoice Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Growth Blended abn FirstChoice High Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – High Growth Blended abn FirstChoice Geared Growth Plus Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Multi-Manager Geared Growth Fund abn FirstChoice Fixed Interest Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Blended abn FirstChoice Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Blended abn FirstChoice Global Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Multi-Manager Global Property Securities Fund abn FirstChoice Global Infrastructure Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Multi-Manager Global Infrastructure Securities Fund abn FirstChoice Lower Volatility Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Alternative Australian Shares Blended abn FirstChoice Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Shares Blended abn FirstChoice Australian Small Companies Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Small Companies Blended abn FirstChoice Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Shares Blended abn FirstChoice Global Share – Hedged Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 15 abn FirstChoice Asian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Multi-Manager Asian Share Fund abn FirstChoice Emerging Markets Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Multi-Manager Emerging Markets Fund abn FirstChoice Geared Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Multi-Manager Geared Australian Shares Fund abn FirstChoice Multi-Index Conservative Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Conservative Fund Number 1 abn FirstChoice Multi-Index Diversified Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Moderate Fund Number 1 abn FirstChoice Multi-Index Balanced Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Growth Fund Number 3 abn Colonial First State Conservative Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Conservative Fund Number 3 abn Perpetual Conservative Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Conservative Fund Number 2 abn Colonial First State Balanced Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Moderate Fund Number 3 abn Perpetual Diversified Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Moderate Fund Number 2 abn BT Active Balanced Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Growth Fund Number 1 abn Colonial First State Diversified Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Growth Fund Number 4 abn Perpetual Balanced Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Growth Fund Number 2 abn Colonial First State High Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – High Growth Fund Number 2 abn Perpetual Split Growth Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – High Growth Fund Number 1 abn Colonial First State Cash Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Cash abn arsn arsn 14 484 953 930 100 134 665 69 289 516 766 100 133 453 65 434 138 538 100 131 940 arsn 23 645 763 286 134 827 731 arsn 76 559 028 951 100 131 333 arsn 42 221 075 176 100 132 778 arsn 82 607 802 426 129 253 158 arsn 75 341 264 070 100 131 833 arsn 52 882 575 314 100 134 245 arsn 96 262 436 816 113 917 301 arsn 34 025 531 642 123 798 881 arsn 37 696 816 861 108 230 726 arsn 59 091 486 085 100 134 736 arsn 67 713 269 418 102 587 306 arsn 80 038 241 224 100 134 834 arsn 75 863 082 399 117 953 581 arsn 57 895 338 512 123 799 020 arsn 42 831 056 757 132 950 746 arsn 99 148 284 183 123 800 233 arsn 20 612 273 812 100 133 793 arsn 86 435 943 685 100 134 325 arsn 81 252 317 575 100 132 947 arsn 78 358 809 191 100 133 471 arsn 88 692 143 471 100 133 659 arsn 53 957 582 247 100 134 129 arsn 40 114 037 474 100 134 281 arsn 98 239 006 123 100 129 637 arsn 58 916 249 076 100 133 220 arsn 23 271 423 665 100 130 756 arsn 44 213 188 307 100 129 691 arsn 88 918 438 155 100 129 673 arsn 91 616 893 307 100 131 422 arsn 2The registered option names, ABN and ARSN details shown above are for FirstChoice Investments only. FirstRate products are deposit products offered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Reference Guide – Transacting on your account 23 Investment option registered option name1 Aberdeen Australian Fixed Income Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Fund Number 3 abn Colonial First State Diversified Fixed Interest Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Fund Number 1 abn Colonial First State Global Credit Income Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – International Fixed Interest Fund 4 abn Macquarie Income Opportunities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – International Fixed Interest Fund 9 abn Perpetual Diversified Income Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Fund 21 abn PIMCO Global Bond Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – International Fixed Interest Fund 10 abn Schroder Credit Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 5 abn UBS Diversified Fixed Income Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – International Fixed Interest Trust 3 abn Acadian Quant Yield Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 19 abn Colonial First State Enhanced Yield Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Fund 12 abn Goldman Sachs Income Plus Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Fund 14 abn PM Capital Enhanced Yield Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Fixed Interest Fund 11 abn BT Property Investment Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund Number 2 abn Colonial First State Index Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund 7 abn Colonial First State Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund Number 3 abn Goldman Sachs Australian Infrastructure Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Infrastructure Fund 1 abn Principal Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund 8 abn RREEF Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund Number 1 abn SG Hiscock Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund 11 abn AMP Capital Global Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Listed Property Fund 5 abn Colonial First State Global Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Property Securities Fund 9 abn Colonial First State Global Listed Infrastructure Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Infrastructure Fund 3 abn BlackRock Scientific Australian Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 3 abn BT Core Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 10 abn Colonial First State Australian Share – Core Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 7 abn Colonial First State Australian Share Long Short – Core Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 16 abn Colonial First State Equity Income Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 17 abn Colonial First State Imputation Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 1 abn Colonial First State Index Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 2 abn Fidelity Australian Equities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 24 abn Maple-Brown Abbott Imputation Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 8 abn Perpetual Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 11 abn Perpetual Industrial Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 4 abn 34 393 029 986 100 130 970 arsn 37 796 446 008 100 131 244 arsn 33 166 403 371 108 230 324 arsn 53 541 360 113 134 828 096 arsn 14 510 668 308 157 875 593 arsn 78 268 619 903 162 716 896 arsn 79 932 510 795 108 230 459 arsn 64 138 129 920 134 828 827 arsn 19 201 046 084 113 917 758 arsn 47 937 251 247 113 916 466 arsn 58 408 682 022 113 917 605 arsn 57 194 154 322 110 773 138 arsn 13 530 846 025 100 134 012 arsn 73 488 691 001 110 772 364 arsn 19 595 681 109 100 134 487 arsn 46 185 546 500 113 917 874 arsn 86 710 018 752 110 772 766 arsn 89 509 855 605 100 133 908 arsn 19 038 321 043 123 986 694 arsn 86 537 431 151 149 310 547 arsn 21 608 856 437 110 772 926 arsn 94 006 058 550 129 259 454 arsn 90 796 992 004 100 131 717 arsn 63 138 310 092 100 132 625 arsn 37 009 267 087 100 132 152 arsn 24 417 270 687 108 230 440 arsn 13 575 350 109 113 918 620 arsn 73 231 123 042 100 133 015 arsn 30 990 242 073 100 133 186 arsn 87 209 910 792 117 953 894 arsn 97 284 189 031 100 132 269 arsn 39 714 348 191 157 875 762 arsn 32 853 765 225 100 131 440 arsn 1The registered option names, ABN and ARSN details shown above are for FirstChoice Investments only. FirstRate products are deposit products offered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. 24 FirstChoice Investment products Investment option registered option name1 Realindex Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 26 abn Schroder Australian Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 9 abn UBS Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 5 abn Acadian Australian Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 23 abn Acadian Australian Equity Long Short Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 9 abn Antares Elite Opportunities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 7 abn Ausbil Australian Active Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund Number 6 abn Integrity Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 12 abn Investors Mutual Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 14 abn Ironbark Karara Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 16 abn Merlon Australian Share Income Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 18 abn Perennial Value Australian Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 17 abn Solaris Core Australian Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Australian Share Fund 15 abn Ausbil Australian Emerging Leaders Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Small Companies Fund 8 abn Celeste Australian Small Companies Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Small Companies Fund 7 abn Colonial First State Developing Companies Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Small Companies Fund 5 abn Colonial First State Future Leaders Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Small Companies Fund 4 abn Realindex Australian Small Companies Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Small Companies Fund 10 abn Acadian Global Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 19 abn Altrinsic Global Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 11 abn BT Core Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 4 abn Capital International Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 7 abn Colonial First State Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 1 abn Colonial First State Index Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 2 abn Colonial First State Index Global Share – Hedged Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 16 abn DWS Global Equity Thematic Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 20 abn MFS Global Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 6 abn Perpetual International Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 5 abn Realindex Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 22 abn Realindex Global Share Hedged Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 23 abn Zurich Investments Global Thematic Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 25 abn Acadian Global Equity Long Short Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 10 abn Acadian Global Managed Volatility Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 28 abn Colonial First State Global Emerging Markets Select Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Emerging Markets Fund 5 abn Reference Guide – Transacting on your account arsn 31 343 395 759 132 950 979 87 776 711 808 100 132 447 arsn 81 490 281 665 100 131 548 arsn 18 302 159 044 117 954 006 arsn 33 082 975 789 117 952 762 arsn 69 648 413 273 108 730 454 arsn 36 718 218 395 100 132 063 arsn 69 663 995 103 102 587 057 arsn 93 322 004 921 108 230 833 arsn 50 030 695 334 108 230 771 arsn 91 352 881 815 113 918 022 arsn 84 577 419 178 108 230 735 arsn 83 551 729 133 108 230 780 arsn 61 375 695 994 113 918 219 arsn 38 932 386 627 113 918 111 arsn 32 653 759 620 108 230 824 arsn 75 229 007 417 108 230 842 arsn arsn 65 067 142 491 132 950 497 83 477 954 560 113 918 380 arsn 66 324 273 183 108 230 413 arsn 94 070 029 709 100 129 708 arsn 75 220 608 273 100 129 940 arsn 96 318 874 835 100 130 318 arsn 25 077 627 600 100 130 425 arsn 57 960 195 271 117 952 959 arsn 88 646 284 025 129 252 811 arsn 26 758 700 731 100 129 851 arsn 30 067 840 630 100 130 292 arsn arsn arsn arsn 59 289 521 841 132 952 571 45 388 962 599 132 950 700 59 799 587 729 149 310 378 71 443 996 735 123 798 694 arsn 15 635 711 642 162 716 636 arsn 73 354 936 553 140 776 585 arsn 25 Investment option registered option name1 Colonial First State Global Resources Tactical Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Resources Long Short Fund abn Colonial First State Global Resources Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund Number 3 abn Colonial First State Global Soft Commodity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 27 abn Generation Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 15 abn Goldman Sachs Global Small Companies Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Global Share Fund 12 abn Magellan Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 26 abn Platinum Asia Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Asian Share Fund 4 abn Platinum International Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 4 abn PM Capital Absolute Performance Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 11 abn Realindex Emerging Markets Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Emerging Markets Fund 6 abn Aspect Diversified Futures Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 23 abn Acadian Geared Global Equity Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 13 abn Colonial First State Geared Global Property Securities Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 14 abn Colonial First State Geared Australian Share – Core Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund 6 abn Colonial First State Geared Global Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund Number 2 abn Colonial First State Geared Share Colonial First State – FirstChoice Investments – Specialist Fund Number 1 abn 60 241 055 252 162 716 485 arsn 69 117 013 976 100 131 119 arsn arsn 59 260 240 945 149 309 893 61 068 117 065 113 918 719 arsn 23 549 396 512 108 230 360 arsn arsn 84 540 956 580 149 309 615 62 977 049 368 140 776 389 arsn 62 365 614 485 102 587 191 arsn arsn arsn 50 172 925 475 117 953 769 94 836 177 935 134 828 381 20 028 879 935 141 696 666 arsn 42 124 274 355 123 800 528 arsn 23 550 159 742 123 800 617 arsn 43 895 392 681 108 688 900 arsn 15 767 938 774 100 130 872 arsn 64 078 254 763 100 130 167 arsn 1The registered option names, ABN and ARSN details shown above are for FirstChoice Investments only. FirstRate products are deposit products offered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. 26 FirstChoice Investment products This page has been left blank intentionally. 27 This page has been left blank intentionally. 28 © Colonial First State 2013_19003/FS5111/0613
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