Piaget`s Conservation Tasks: The Logical and Developmental
Piaget`s Conservation Tasks: The Logical and Developmental
JOURSAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSfCIiOLOGY Piaget’s Conservation Developmental Priority 8, 234-249 (l%%) Tasks: The Logical and of Identity Conservation’ FRAP;K H. HOOPER Tl;esf. I’irginia Tlniversity The present research has investigated Elkind’s conceptual distinction between identity conservation and equivalence conservation. Although Piaget’s description and analysis of conservation acquisition rests primarily on considerations of identity conservation, his assessment format has been exclusively equivalence conservation. The prrsent argument contends that equivalence conservation subsumra identity conserration ability, but also includes a necessary logical deduction sequence for adequate equivalence conservation performance. Accordingly, identity conservation should he an earlier developmental acquisition than equivalence conservation. Appropriate settings were devised for identity and equivalence conservation assessment which equated the two conservatjion tasks in terms of perceptual cues and memory requiremmts. The tasks were administered. in a nonrepeated measures design, to equal numbers of males and females at the kindergarten, first, and second grade levels. A nonparametric multiple contingency analysis revealed tha,t the main effects of conservation task type, age levels, and the sex dichotomy were significant. It, was concluded that identity conservation definitely precedes equivalence conservation as a developmental achievement. Accordingly, Piaget’s view of identity and equivalence conservation as simultaneous or concommitant. drvclopments is erroneous. Identity conservation cannot be adequately assessed in the conventional paired-stimulus format, and care should be taken in considering identity processes or explanatory concepts as a complete description of equivalence conservation achievement. The Piagetian conservat,ion task format has been the subject of detailed analysis with regard to its logical requirements (Elkind, 1967). Elkind’s analysis distinguishes between identity conservation (the conservation of a given stimulus attribute, e.g., substance, weight, or volume, across a reversible transformation and with regard t’o a single stimulus ‘This study is based on a dissertation submitted by the author to Wayne State University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. The author is grateful to Dr. Irving E. Siegel of the Merrill-Palmer Institute and Drs. Eli Salts and Charles Solley of Wayne State University for their helpful advice in the preparation of this manuscript. The author also wishes to thank the administrators, teachers, and pupils of the Mt. Clemens, Michigan, Community School District for their courtesy and assistance in t.he present research. 234 PIAGET’S CONSERVATION TASKS 235 item alone) and equivalence conservation (the invariance of a quantitative relationship across a reversible transformation of one of the elements of that relationship). This conceptual distinction and the suggested developmental progression from identity to equivalence conservation achievement is the major focus of the present research. The major aspects of the conventional conservation task may be outlined as follows: Given: Two stimulus items A and B ; e.g., containers with equal amounts of small seeds and three separate points or intervals in the conservation setting. Time 1: A = B (A and B are judged as containing equal amounts of seeds) ; Time 2; B + C (The contents of B are transferred or transformed to a container of a different shape, C) ; Time S: A ? C (The S is questioned as to the relationship, equality, or difference of amount, between the standard stimulus A and the comparison stimulus C) . If the S, when questioned at Time 3, responds that A = C, the E infers that B and C were in fact judged equal in amount. In contrast, the response A #B results in the E’s inference that B # C, hence a nonconservation judgment is assessed. Note that in the convent.ional conservation set’ting outlined above (designated equivalence conservation by Elkind) , the S is never actually required to judge overtly the relationship of stitnuli B and C. Yet, the realization that’ the property at issue, i.e., the substance-amount, weight or volume of the stimulus array does not alter following the transformation of B to C, is patently essential to a correct solution of the criteria1 task. Obviously, a S who does not judge B = C is not likely to “conserve” the relationship of A = B; therefore, A = C as outlined above. Identity conservation is defined as the realization that the single stimulus transformation B into C does not alter a fundamental property of the quantity in question. Piaget’s explanation and description of the processeswhereby the child gradually passes from a &age of nonconservation to an intuitive and transitional stage and finally achieves the third stage of completely logically justified conservation performance is based directly on consideration of this identity case. Thus, the three major post-facto rationales which are logically adequate and consistent for Piaget, e.g., addition-subtraction schemas--“nothing has been added or taken away”; reversibility--“if you poured the seeds bac.k to the first container, they would have the same amount”; and compensationproportionality or the compensation of relations--“that glass of seeds is shorter but narrower too,‘? refers to the relationship of B to C as cited above. The later explanation category, the compensation of relations, plays a primary role in Piaget’s conceptualization of conservation acquisition. While identity conservation is the focus of Piaget’s theoret- 236 FRANK H. HOOPER ical explanation and forms the hasis for his description of the stages his assessment format is of conservation and quantifying coordination, primarily the paired-stimulu :: equivalence &ting. Although the post-frccfo explanations or justifications cited above may well be veridical reflections of t)he processesleatling to identity conservation, they do not subsume or describe the total solution to the convent#ional equivalence conservation problem. In the equivalence case, the child’s successful completion of the problem demantls two components: (1) A recognition of t,he B = C invariance, and (2) the logical deduction of A = B, B = C; therefore. A = C, or the maintenance of a quantit,at#ive relationship across the irrelevant t)ransformation of one element in this relationship. It is this quantitative relationship which is the essenceof the equivalence paradigm, and the only logical means to its solut’ion. If the S (adult or child’) is presented with only .I, and C, and asked to make a judgment, concerning t,heir relative amounts, under- ot overestimation of one of t#he stimuli generally occurs (Elkind, 1967). The S is faced wit,h an illusion situation and a logical solution to the judgment, questions is not, possible without the previous information regarding an equality relationship. Since equivalence conservation requires the additional deduction sequence, it should be a later cognitive achievement than identity conservation. It also follows that identity conservation should be a necessary hut not’ a sufficient prerequisite condition for adequate equiralenrc conscrvat~ion performance. In contrast, Piaget, apparently assumes “that, identity and equivalence conservation arc simultaneous in time, and that the age of equivalence conservation is also the age of identity conservnt’ion, so t,hat’ it is legit,imate to infer the age of the latter from the age at which the former is attained” (Elkind, 1967, p. 23). From Piaget’s view, there is no contradiction in discussing identity conservation processeswhile assessingperformance in an equivalence setting. In assessingt’he relationship of identity and equivalence conservation, certain conceptual and methodological distinctions must be considered. These distinctions center upon the task requirements specific to each conservation setting. Ideally, equivalence conservation should differ from the identity case only with regard to the additional logical deduction sequence. Our problem becomes one of equat’ing the identity and equivalence tasks in terms of all task requirements and perceptual features except for the latter tasks’ postulated deduction sequence. Identity conservation involves a single stimulus array, subjected to a number of reversible, physical transformations. For example, colored seeds will be poured from the initial, st,andard container (A) to a comparison container (C) of taller and narrower dimensions. Following this transforma- PIAGET’S CONSERVATION TASKS 237 tion, the S will be questioned as to the relative amounts of seeds prcsently in container C as compared to the amount previously in container A. This conception of identity conservation assessment differs in two important aspects from equivalence conservation as measured in the conventional paired-stimulus format. The latter type of conservation includes the additional deduction sequence described earlier and presents the S with an immediate perceptual display in which standard container A and comparison container C “appear” markedly different. This perceptual disparity (heights or levels of seeds in the present setting) is considered an essent.ial aspect of valid conservation assessment for Piaget. The S must demonstrate via his logical explanations, that the same amount of material is present in both containers in spite of the perceptual incongruity. The present identity conservation task requires the S to “remember” the situation prior to transformation or pouring of the seeds, e.g., how the seeds appeared in standard container A, level attained, etc. Piaget and Elkind have suggested drawing a reference point or “guideline” on the standard container to assist the S in recalling the previous seed level thus equating the identity task with conventional equivalence conservation assessment. Another possible solution is to remove the standard stimulus array from the S’s immediate perceptual field; e.g., place the standard container A behind an opaque screen immediately prior to t,he transformation of the seeds in container B to comparison container C, thus requiring the S to “remember” the appearance of container A. This procedure (termed equivalence conservation I) will be used in the present research. It is comparable to the identity conservation task format in terms of memory requirements and perceptual cues presented to the S. In addition, a conventional paired-stimulus format (termed equivalence conservation II) as used by Piaget and other researchers will be included. In this case, all the stimulus arrays will be kept in full view of the S. Since the t,wo equivalence tasks share the criteria1 logical deduction sequence, the number of conserving Ss is not expected to differ for these conditions. Accordingly, in the analysis to follow, if equivalence conservation I is not found to differ significantly from equivalence conservation II, these settings will bc combined to form a single, overall equivalence conservation condition. Since the perceptual incongruity between standard and comparison containers is an integral aspect of the conservation tasks (identity and equivalence cases), it seems appropriate to examine the effects of varying degrees of perceptual disparity upon each of the present conservation task settings. Piaget has cited cases of chiIdren at the transitional or intermediate stage II level who conserve when presented with moderate 238 FRANK H. HOOPER of ~~~weptual dis~~~trity. ht. who break down and claim different amounts of mat,erinl are present, when extreme transformations are performed. This appealY to be one of t,he major aspects of the transitionary stage description; i.e., “an int’crmediate st’agc in which the child achieves conservation in the simple case, but resorts to intuitive perception for the extreme deformations” (Piaget and Inhelder, 1962, p. 21; author’s translation). If the amount of conflict,ing perceptual cues is a major factor, a conservation task with an extreme physical change should be more difficult than one involving a moderate physical change. Accordingly, each of the three major conservation tasks conditions, identity, equivalence I, and equivalence II, will include two degrees of perceptual transformation or deformation, a moderate and an extreme romparison container. tlegrces METHOD Subjects Subjects were drawn from the kindergarten, first, and second grade classrooms of two clement.ary schools in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. The schools a,rc in predominantly white, middle-class neighborhoods. Eighteen males and eighteen females from each grade level were randomly assigned to the various conservation task conditions. The age means for the three grades involved were 6, 7, and 8 years, respectively. Teacher-administered Primary Ment,al Abilities (from 7-1901, revised 1964) test scores indicated IQ means and standard deviations of 111.4 (12.47), 111.8 (12.88)) and 109.2 (12.07) for the kindergarten, first, and second grades. Task Materials The basic task format included plastic bottles containing equal amounts of small seeds dyed four different colors and glass containers of constant volume and varying shape. The containers used in each of the conservation task conditions are described below. Container --__-_____ Standard 5%ml beaker Moderate transformation 50-ml graduate cylinder Extreme transformation 50-ml graduate cylinder Dimensions Height Diameter 2 inches 13$ inches 2 inches Iv4 inches 8 inches a/4inches In addition, a plastic funnel, an opaque screen, and a tape recorder were used. PIAGET’S CONSERVATION TASKS 239 Procedure An attempt was made to creat,e a relaxed atmosl>here to insure maximal verbalizations from the children. The Ss received a preliminary “warm up” experience to familiarize them with the E, the container.5 and seeds, the procedure of seed-pouring, etc. This introductory expci,ience used a loo-ml beaker and two smaller 30-1~~1 containers. After the S had poured the white seeds into the loo-ml beaker, the E poured unequal amounts of these seeds into the two 30-ml containers. The S was then asked, “What can you tell me about the seeds in these t’wo glasses?” Following the S’s indication that one container had more seeds than the other, the E poured additional seeds into one of the containers, thus equalizing the amounts. The S again was asked “What can you tell me about the seeds in these two glasses?” A record was kept, of those Ss who spontaneously used the terms “same” or ‘<equal amounts” of seeds. If the S failed to conclude spontaneously that the glasses contained equal amounts of seeds, this was pointed out, with special emphasis on the term “amount.” In this manner, at least a rudimentary understanding of the criteria1 phrases “more seeds” and “same amount of seeds” was insured for each S. Following this orientation, the S received three experimental trials, each dealing with different colored seeds. In each inst’ance, the S personally poured t,he seeds from the plastic bottles to the standartl containers and from these containers to the appropriate comparison glasses. M7hen the initial seed pouring was completed (and an amount-equality judgment agreed upon by the S and E for the equivalence conservation casts), the transfer to the comparison container took place. Following this, the criteria1 question specific to each experimental condition was presented, container) have the e.g., “Does this glass (gesture to the comparison same amount of seeds or more seeds than this glass (gesture toward standard container) has?” The position of the LLmore” and “same” phrases were alternated from trial to trial in each experimental condition. The S’s objective response and the supporting reasons and explanat,ions for this judgment were tape-recorded. All test administration was done in a room separate from the child’s classroom setting. Total admit)istration time was lo-15 minutes. Procedures specific to the three major conservation task-formats were as follows: (A) Identity Conservation-This case centers on a single, fixed amount of seeds which was transferred from the standard 50-m] beaker to either a graduate cylinder 4 inches in height (moderate transformation) or a graduate cylinder 8 inches in height (extreme transformation). Following each transformation, the S was asked, “Does t,his glass (ges- 240 FRANK H. HOOPER ture tmowarcl comparison container) have the snrrr(’ mm~~nt of seeds 01 ‘more s(yxls than this glns;s (gesture towtrcl the stnntlwrd container! had before?” This procedure was repeated with different colored seeds to yield three Separate trials. (B) Equivalence Conservation I-This case centers upon two identical 50-ml beakers (A and B) with equal amounts of seeds poured into each. Following S-E agreements regarding this equality, container A was moved behind the opaque screen and the contrnts of container B were poured into container C (representing either a “moderate” or “extreme” transformat,ion as described above). The S was then asked, “Does this glass (gesture toward comparison container c’) have the s(l?tle n~lo~nt of seeds or more seeds t,han this glass (gesture toward standard container behind the screen) has?” This procedure was repeated with clifferent colored seeds to yield three separat,c trials. (C) Equivalence Conservation II-This case refers to the conventional paired-stimulus conservation sctt’ing. Identically shaped containers A and B (50-ml beakers) were filled with equal amounts of seeds. The contents of B were transferred by the S to container C (repThe S was resenting either a “moderate” 01 ‘(extreme” transformation). t,hen asked, “Does this glass (gesture toward comparison container C) have the same nrno~~~.ntof seeds or ?11ore se& than this glass (gesture toward standard cont,ainer A) has?” In this condition, all the containers were kept in full view of the S. This procedure was repeated with different colored seeds to pick1 t,hree separate trials. Scoring All the task sessions were tape-recorded in their entirety and the final determination of response categorization was done at a later time. Thr same scoring criteria were applied to all the experimental conditions, and this included t,he objective response, more or same amount, and the associated rationales offered by the S. In order to pass a given trial, the S had to make an equality judgment, e.g., same amount of seeds, and support this estimate with an adequate explanation. The 8s’ explanations were classified as inadequate, e.g., reasons based upon the immediate, perceptual features of the t.ask setting or irrelevant statemcnt,s, ot adequate, e.g., Reversibility: “You can pour the seeds bsck into the first glass and they would have the same amount”; Statement of the operations performed: “I just poured these seeds into this glass so they still have the same amount”; Addition-subtraction.: “I didn’t add any see&“: or “We didn’t spill any seeds” or “That glass (comparison container) didn’t have any seeds in it before we poured these seeds into it”; Compensatory Relations-Proportionalit!/: “That glass is short and fat. PIAGET’S CONSERVATION 241 TASKS but this one is tall and skinny so they have the same amount”; “Xameness” of seeds: “These are the same seedshere (comparison container) as we had in here (standard container) “; and References to the previous amount of seeds or the previous state of equality between containers A and B: “This glass has the same amount of seedsas this one (refers to standard container A and comparison container C) because these two glasses (refers to standard containers A and B) had the same amount of seedswhen we started.” Conservation performance in the present study is viewed as an essentially discontinuous, all or none achievement. Ss who passed two or three trials are scored as conservers, and this criterion is in accord with the pass/fail specifications of a number of previous investigators, c.g., Kooistra (1964), Shantz and Sigel (1967)) Sigel, Roeper, and Hooper (1966). No attempt was made to designate an intermediate category or stage. RESULTS Two issues of initial concern are the relationship of equivalence conservation I and equivalence conservation II, and the possibility of distinctive male vs. female performance patterns. Table 1 presents the number of males and females passing the conservation tasks for the various experimental conditions and age-grade levels. Considering, first, the relationship of the equivalence conservation casesTable 1 indicates very little difference in the number of conserving Ss for each of these conditions. For all ages combined, the percentages of Ss passing equivalence conservation I and II are noticeably similar, e.g., 44.470 and 41.6%, THE KUMBER TABLE 1 OF MALES AND FEMALES PAMING THE CONSERVATION THE VARIOUS COSDITIONS AND AGE LEVELS Types Identity Degree of transformation: Age levels Kindergarten First Second Grade grade Male Female Male Female Male Female of conservation TASKS FOR Equivalence II task Equivalence I ext.. Moder. ext. 3 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 0 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 I Moder. 1 2 2 Moder. 0 ext. 0 0 2 1 3 1 242 PRANK H. HOOPEH respectivcJy, (Chi-hquarr, = .056. 1 crf, p < .YO). Considering the various age levels separately, 66.7%’ of the secorltl graders passed equiralence I and 66.7O/opassed cquivalcncrl II. For t,he first gradt,rs the values are 50 and 58.3% of the equivalence. I and equivalence II task:: t Chi-square 17 .168, 1 df, p < .70). Although none of the kindergarten Ss passed equivalence II, while 16.7% passed equivalence I, this difference also fails to reach significance (Chi-square = 2.182, 1 df, p < .20). WC may conclude, therefore, that t.he two cquivalcncc t,ask formats which share the criteria1 logical deduction scquencc do not differ significantly for the present sample. Male/female differences, however, are clearly evident in the present results. Across all conditions and age levels, 64.8% of the male Ss and 37% of t,he female Ss were conscrvers (Chi-square = 7.262, I df, p < .Ol) . Consequently, male and female performances will be considered separately in the following analysis. For all age levels and task conditions combined, 50.9% of the Ss were claesetl a8 conscrvcrs and 49.1% as nonconservers. A form of an:+i: appropriate to this pass/fail classification is the multidimensional Chisquare analysis suggested by Sutcliffe (1957) and Wirier (1962, pp. 629632). The present design conforms to Sutcliffe’s case 2b with certain restricted classifications and ccrt,ain parameters estimated from the observed data. The partitioning of the overall Chi-square dcrircd from Table 1 indicated significant main effects for the age-grade levels (Chisquare = 18.301, 2 CEf, ??= < .OOl) , the type of conservation tasks; idcntit.y condition compared to combined equivalence conditions (Chisquare = 5.353, 1 df? p = < .05), and the male/female dichotomy (Chisquare = 7.262, 1 df, p = < .Ol) . None of the various interaction values approached significance. The significant positive relationship between age-grade levels and conservation ability is primarily due to the differential performance of kindergarten Ss compared t’o the first and second graders. For all conservat.ion t’ask conditions combined, 22.2, 61.1, and 69.4% of the kindergarten, first and second grade Ss were conservers. Individual comparisons indicated significant differences between the kindergarten and first grade (Chi-square = 11.10, 1 df, p = <.OOl) and between the kindergarten and second grade (Chi-square = 16.17, 1 df, p = < .OOl) . The first grade/ second grade differences wcrc not significant, e.g., Chi-square = .551, 1 df( p = < .50. Considering the t.ype of consrrvution task, for all ages combined. 66.7% of the identity Ss conserved, compared to 43.170 of those Ss in the equivalence conservation condit’ions. Thus, equivalence conservation is a more difficult behavioral achievement than identity conservations, AIt,hough the age/lcrels conservation task-type int,eraction values did not PIAGET’S CONSERVATION TASKS 243 approach significance in the overall contingency analysis, there is some indication the relationship of identity and equivalence conservation alters over the present age range. 9.1, 54.2, and 66.7% of the kindergarten, first, and second grade subsamples passed equivalence conservation. These values may be compared to the percentages of Ss passing identity conservation, e.g., 50, 75, and 75% for the kindergarten, first, and second grades, respectively. While all these differences favor the identity conservation case, only the comparison for the kindergarten Ss is significant, e.g., Chi-square = 8.026, 1 df, p = <.Ol. Thus, the differences between identity and equivalence conservation are most notable at the lower age level, and they tend to diminish as the first and second grade levels are reached. This is especially true of male subsamples in which the numbers of equivalence and identity conservers are markedly different at the kindergarten level, but are very closely matched by the second grade. As indicated above, male and female performance patterns differ markedly in the present study. Inspection of the pass/fail patterns and the absence of any significant interactions indicates a consistent male performance superiority. Considering the identity/equivalence distinction, male identity conservation performance is uniform (83.3% passing) for all three age-grade levels. Adequate equivalence conservation performance, in contrast, increases sharply from the kindergarten (8.3%) to the first grade (67.7%) to the second grade (91.7%). The female Ss show a similar increase in the number of conservers from kindergarten to first grade for both identity and equivalence conservation subtypes, e.g., 20-67.7s for identity and 8.3-41.7s for equivalence conservation. However, the number of female Ss achieving either type of conservation does not alter from the first grade to the second grade. It was expected that greater numbers of conservers would be found for the moderate degree of physical transformat:on as compared to the extreme transformation cases. This is clearly not the case, for the degree of physical transformation shows a notahlc lack of influence on both identity and equivalence conservation performance. Across all age-grade levels, task conditions, and subsamples 51.870 of the Ss in the moderate transformation conditions conserved as compared to 5C17~ in the extreme transformation cases. In addition to the preceding considerations, it is possible to examine the three conservation task-types in terms of the logical explanations offered by the SS. The adequate rationales supporting an objective response of “same amount” may be classified into various sub-categories. Table 2 gives the relative percentage of satisfactory explanations for the identity, equivalence I and equivalence IT conservation tasks. The per- 244 FRANK H. TABLE PERCENTAGES OF THE THREE MA.J~R BASIC ADEQUATE HOOPER 2 K~TJON.~LE COXSERVATIOS TASK CATE~:ORIEY FOR TIIBJ COKIIITIOSS Type of conservation task Explanation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. category Reversibility Statement, of the operations performed Addit,ion-subtraction Compensatory relations-proportionality “Sameness” of seeds Reference to the previous state Identity Equiv. I Equiv. 11 4.8 11.1 50.8 25.4 7.9 4.3 - 2.2 - 2.2 17.4 6.5 69.6 6.7 13.3 77.8 in this table are based upon the total number of primary or final explanations offered by the Ss in question. Children occasionally offered supplementary explanations in conjunction with the primary justifications represented in Table 2. There were 17, 7, and 9 of these mixed response instances in the identity, equivalence I, and equivalence II conservation cases, respectively. The patterns for equivalence I and equivalence II are clearly similar. The type of explanation predominantly given in the equivalence conservation formats is a reference to the previous state of equality between stimuli arrays A and B. Compensatory relations-proportionality, and addition-subtraction explanations also appear as reversibility, justification for equivalence conservation but in much lower proportions. In contrast, the most frequent adequate rationale appearing in the centages identity conservation case centers on addition-subtraction schemas, e.g., “No seedswere added or taken away.” This type of rationale accounts for only 2.2 and 6.7% of the total number of adequate explanations offered for equivalence I and equivalence II conservation. Compensatory relations-proportionality explanations also appear more frequently in identity conservation as compared to the equivalence cases. DISCUSSION The present investigation has indicated a conceptual distinction within conventional Piagetian conservation tasks. Identity conservation, as Elkind (1967) has shown, is logically prior to equivalence conservation. The present results indicate that identity conservation is developrrlentally prior to equivalence conservation. Adequate identity conservation performance occurred more frequently than equivalence conservation for all age levels assessed.We may conclude that for discontinuous quantity, identity conservation is an earlier developmental acquisition than equivalence conservation. PIAGET’S CONSERVATION TASKS 246 The type of explanations offered in support of objective conservation judgments also indicate distinctions between identity and equivalence conservation. As Table 2 indicated, the predominant explanation categories for the identity and equivalence cases were noticeably different. Approximately 50% of the identity explanations focused upon additionsubtraction schemas, e.g., “no seeds were added or taken away.” This response has generally been considered an explicit, logically consistent justification and unequivocal evidence of successful conservation performance, e.g., Piaget (1952)) Piaget and Inhelder (1962), and Smedslund (1961). Its differential appearance in the present 8s identity explanations adds further support to the developmental priority of identity over equivalence conservation. The equivalence conservation case, in contrast, is usually “solved” by a reference to the previous state of equality between standard containers A and B. Acknowledging the dangers of an uncritical acceptance of young children’s introspective rationales, e.g., Piaget (1954)) Werner (1957), it is noteworthy how often the present equivalence subjects offered reasons closely approximating a logical deduction sequence. For example, Subject D. H. (Male, 1st grade, Equivalence II) : ‘Cause this glass and this glass (gesture to standard containers) had the same amount and you poured this glass into there and it’s skinnier so it looks like more. No it doesn’t have more because these two (gesture toward standard containers) had the same amount to start out with.” Subject S. M. (Female, 1st grade, Equivalence II) : “Because that one was the same amount and we poured it into here-and the glass is thinner so it makes it look a little bit more but it’s still the same amount. Because it was the same as that one (gesture to standard) before in that glass.” Thus, the primary explanation underlying equivalence conservation focuses upon the original equality relationship which is an integral aspect of the postulated logical argument. As described ea’rlier, it is this logical deduction sequence which formed the basis for a conceptual distinction between the identity and equivalence conservation cases. The present research indicates, in cont,rast to Piaget’s position, that identity and equivalence are not simultaneous or concommitant developments. Piaget is incorrect in attempting to explain equivalence conservation acquisition solely in terms of identity conservation mechanisms or processes. Also, it is clear that the equivalence conservation task format is not the most appropriate means of valid identity conservation assessment. In view of the heavy emphasis previous investigators have assigned to perceptual cues in conservation task formats. The lack of difference between moderate and extreme transformations is surprising. Although the present results may he specific to the particular container sizes and 246 FRANK H. HOOPER mat,erials used, they arc in csscntial accord wit’h Fiegenbaum’s (19631 finding that no relationship) wa:: prcecnt bctw-cen tliticrc~ntiai comparison container size and conservation problem solution. If we accept the validity of Piaget’s stage descriptions, e.g.. Piaget and Inhclder (1962, p. 21)) the transitional or intuitive I stage II B‘) lcvcl is not rcprescnted by the present 8s’ performances. Conservation ability was tither complctelp absent or present in the final. gcncralized stage which is not subject to variat.ions in perceptual disparity or task complexity. The role of perceptual cues is also involved in the lack of differences found between equivalence conservation I and cquivalencc conservation II. The screening of t,he standard stimulus container prior to t,hc transformation had virtually no effect on conservation performance. Apparently, the “image” of the hidden container was sufficient to produce the perceptual incongruity essential to equivalence conservation assessment. There is also the possibility that subjects utilized the empty standard container B as a guideline or reference in judging the A-C rclationship. It should be made clear that the present screening procedure differs from Bruner’s format which screened the comparison container ant/ the results of the transformation, e.g., Bruncr, Olvcr, and Greenfield (1966). Nonetheless, reduction of immediate pcrccptual cues was not an important factor in the present study.’ In addition to these primary considerations, the present research has revealed notably different male and female patterns. While male and female Primary Mental Abilities IQ scores were not significantly different for any age-grade level, male Ss were consistently superior for all task conditions and age levels. Not only are the absolute frequency levels different’, but, of perhaps greater importance, the relationship between identity and equivalence conservation is not the same for males and females. For the kindergarten girls, identity and equivalence conservation performances are at the same lcvcl. The frequency of both conservation types increases from the kindergarten t,o first grade level piit identity showing a marked superi0rit.y. Neither case shows any increase from the first to second grade level. Thus, the priority of identity conservation as compared to equivalence conservation is not, evident until the first’-second grade levels for female 8s. For males, in contrast, the ‘At the conclusion of the equivalence I tasks, each S was asked to indicate the approximate level the seeds would reach if the contents of the hidden container *-I were poured into the empty standard container B. 91.7% of the Ss nnticipate(1 the level accurately. thus indicating a reasonably clear idea or image of the screened container’s level. There was lit,tle relationship between correct anticipation and conservation achievement. This agrees with Inhelder’s (1965) report that correct anbripations of transformation outcomes precede adequa.te conservation performance PIAGET'S CONSERVATION TASKS 247 greatest difference between identity and equivalence conservation tasks is at the kindergarten level. As mentioned previously, male equivalence conservation performance levels converge with identity conservation at the second grade. In terms of absolute score superiority and developmental progression, the male Ss appear more advanced than their female counterparts. The problem of an adequate understanding and use of the criterion relational terms “more” and “same amount” may also be related to the present sex differences. Thirteen Ss, nine girls and four boys spontaneously and appropriately used the term “same amount” in the orientation session which preceded the conservation tasks proper. All four males passed their respective conservation tasks. Eight of the nine females failed to conserve. Apparently, the presence of the relational terms in the 8s’ vocabulary has a different functional significance for males as compared to females. This lack of prediction between operational usage of the relational terms and conservation performance for the female Ss supports an earlier finding by Shantz and Sigel (1967). It should be emphasized that the present distinction between identity and equivalence conservation differs considerably from Piaget’s (1968) recent statements concerning identity concepts. Piaget distinguishes the conservation of quantitative invariants, i.e., substance, weight, volume, number, etc., from qualitative invariants which are preoperational in nature, The latter category is termed preconservational identity by virtue of its lack of quantitative composition (compensation of relations, for example) and is demonstrated by Ss who assert that, the amount of water has changed following a reversible transformation but who maintain it is the “same water” as before. Piaget states, “In this case, the invariant is obtained without quantitative composition ; there is simply a dissociation between a permanent quality (the same water . . .) and the variable qualities (the shape or size), but there is no composition of these variations” (Piaget, 1968, p. 19). This position is essentially similar to the Bruner et al. (1966) views on identity concepts as distinct from conservation concepts. The present author’s viewpoint in contrast, to Piaget and Bruner, distinguishes between two varieties of conservation acquisition (identity vs. equivalence) within the conventional conservation task format. The present ident.ity/equivalence distinction should be examined in additional content areas and task material settings. Insofar as quantity concepts are concerned, it is probably true that identity conservation performance will vary depending upon the concept, area in question and the specific task material used. This has been t,he case with conventional equivalence conservation, e.g., the horizontal dkcalage of substance, 248 FRANK H. HOOPER and vohm~c, and t,he greater difficulty presented by continuous stimulus material settings a,s compared to discontinuous materials. The relationship between identity and equivalence conservation, however. would not be expected to vary as a function of the conceptual areas 01 task materials. Methodologically, a more stringent test of the logical and developmental priority of identity conservation would involve a repeated measures design with the Ss receiving both identity and equivalence conservation tasks. Assuming adequate statistical control or evaluation of task carry-over effects a significant number of Ss who pass identity and fail equivalence would support the present relationship. Conversely. a sizeable number of Ss failing identity and suc,ceeding on equivalence conservation would be a clear-cut refutation of the present position. A recent assessment of rural Appalachian children (Hooper and Marshall, 1968) evaluated the identity/equivalence conservation relationship utilizing similar task materials and scoring criteria in a repeated measures design. Eighty five- and six-year-old Ss were tested, and 25% succeeded on the identity task compared to 13.7570 for the equivalence conservation case. More importantly, while 75% of the Ss failed both tasks, 13.7570 passed both tasks, and 11.25% passed identity and failed equivalence, no Ss passed equivalence and failed identity conservation. These results add considerable support to the present contentions. Finally, the position of identity conservation as a central element within the equivalence task requirements suggests a possible training or enrichment program for promoting conventional, equivalence conservation acquisition. Since identity conservation may he viewed as a necessary but not sufficient prerequisite for equivalence conservat,ion performance, it would seem appropriate to train children on identity task settings. This could focus upon the critical physical alteration of stimulus B to C in the identity setting. A possible training procedure stressing the discrimination of similar spatio-temporal stimulus transformations has been proposed by Watson (1968). General discrimination-memory training of this type has been found to influence quantity and number conservation acquisition, e.g., Shantz and Sigel (1967). weight, REFERENCES J. S., OLVER, ROSE R., AND GREENFIELD, PATRICIA M. ,%&es grourth. New York: Wiley, 1966. ELKIND, D. P&et’s conservation problems. Child Development, 1967, FEICENBAUM, K. D. Task complexity and I.&. as variables in Piaget’s conservation. Child Development, 1963, 34, 423-432. HOOPER, F. H., AND MARSHALL, W. H. 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