The Fellowship for British Hairdressing


The Fellowship for British Hairdressing
The Fellowship for British Hairdressing
StrEngth thrOUgh QUaLity
Due to the popularity of many of our Fellowship events, please book your
ticket for the following to avoid disappointment!
Colour Project – 5 September 2011
Monday 14 November 2011
A Day with Carolyn Newman
Power Night with Beverly C
Venue: L'Oréal Academy, Hammersmith
Venue: Wella World Studio
Sunday 11 September 2011
F.A.M.E. Team 2012 semi-final and
F.A.M.E. Team Members’ Night
Monday 5 December 2011
Fellowship Luncheon
Venue: The Dorchester
Venue: L'Oréal Academy, Hammersmith
Colour Project – 19 September 2011
Photo shoot with Richard Miles
Venue: Ask Academy
Sunday 18 September 2011
ClubStar Competition- First Heats
Venue: Alan d Academy, London
Project X – 19 September 2011
Monday 26 September 2011
Creative Cutting with Mahogany
Ken Picton Workshop
Venue: Ask Academy
Venue: Ken Picton Salon, Cardiff
15-17 October 2011
Salon International
Venue: ExCel
Monday 17 October 2011
ClubStar Competition Final
Venue: ExCel
Monday 7 November 2011
Monday 31 October 2011
Evening with Mahogany
Nottingham Cutting Workshop
Venue: Mahogany Salon, London
Venue: K H Salon, Castle Gate
Monday 28 November 2011
Project X – 7 November 2011
Finale Evening
Venue: L’Oréal Academy, Hammersmith
Look and Learn demonstration
with Chris Foster
Venue: L’Oréal Academy, Hammersmith
F.A.M.E. Team’s
photo shoot –
The F.A.M.E. Team will certainly be celebrating their recent
collaboration with ghd. The results of their photographic shoot
with Jack Eames entitled FILM NOIR ticked all the boxes for
all those involved.
Showcasing what could be achieved with the revolutionary
stylers, the theme of the shoot was strongly influenced by FILM
NOIR and the 60’s, with a strong, moody edge reminiscent of
Jean-Loup Sieff’s powerful black and white images.
Errol Douglas MBE, mentor and art director for The Fellowship’s
F.A.M.E. Team 2011 commented: “We wanted a look that had
some history, yet wasn’t period looking – keeping the key element
fresh and young like the F.A.M.E. Team themselves”.
Creating her look Leah Walton from The Colour Room opted for a
glamorous and expensive look – high gloss and high fashion, for
her second look an up-do with a fabulous soft quiff – textured and
airy – you could almost see each wisp of hair which is exactly the
result she was looking for. Halo’s Joseph Ferraro was next to
showcase his two very different looks. An accomplished
hairdresser he made use of the fabulous array of electrical
appliances made available to him. Altin Ismaili from Marc Antoni
opted for shine and sheer sexiness whilst George’s Natalia
Maxwell chose a very natural, subtle look.
“We wanted a look that had
some history, yet wasn’t
period looking – keeping the
key element fresh and young
like the F.A.M.E. Team
themselves.” Errol Douglas
Hair by: The Fellowship for British Hairdressing F.A.M.E. Team 2011 – Leah Walton; Natalia Maxwell; Joseph Ferraro and Altin Ismaili in
collaboration with ghd Make up: Maddie Austin Fashion by: Bernard Connolly Photography: Jack Eames Art Director: Errol Douglas MBE
FM 03
Recent weeks have seen an incredible calendar
of events, offering members an abundance of
artistic inspiration. There’s motivation aplenty –
in particular, our brands aimed at inspiring our
aspiring younger members
It’s fast approaching... the time of year most of us in this
wonderful profession refer to as the ‘silly season’! The year’s
final three months when we gear-up for our busiest period and
work to capacity and when some of us – most of our
membership in fact – start preparing for Salon International.
With that in mind, I must put into the spotlight someone we all
know and love – Ann Herman. I extend my kindest thanks to
Ann for all of the hard work and energy she’s put into this project
throughout the summer months. As Show & Team coordinator,
Ann has worked tirelessly to ensure our Salon International stage
has a back-to-back line-up of sheer quality which will, as always,
present the Fellowship’s excellence to the hairdressing universe,
ensuring our organisation stays No1 in the world of artistically
focused hairdressing.
Recent weeks have seen an incredible calendar of events,
offering members an abundance of artistic inspiration. There’s
motivation aplenty – in particular, our brands aimed at inspiring
our aspiring younger members. ClubStar, F.A.M.E. Team,
Project X and Colour Project are all at full throttle, each group
eagerly preparing to show and share newly acquired skills and
knowledge in stage presentations at Salon International. I’ve just
spent an incredible day with Colour Project 2011/12 and put
simply, there’s no better way to feel the force and energy these
future superstars bring to our industry. The camaraderie and
continual creativity these groups exude is a true benefit for
everybody within our craft and are an absolute must for any salon
serious about education and creativity.
Check out their latest activities reported in this issue of FM and
consider rewarding your key staff with membership to one of
these elite groups; you’ll not regret it! To feel the energy first
hand, make a date to attend one of the events; come along as a
guest and see exactly how your entire salon could benefit from
one of your junior stylists joining one of the Fellowship’s most
exciting educational groups. A word of warning though:
I guarantee you’ll leave feeling truly inspired by what this fine
organisation offers. Let’s create!
Mark Creed
Chairman’s Review by Kevin Arkell
Publishing our eighth issue of FM 2011 marks a change of
season: farewell summer, welcome autumn! Autumn is a season
packed full of Fellowship activities, including seeing the latest
Signature Style collection being published in hair and consumer
press. The autumn/winter collection was created by another
fantastic line-up of Fellowship members – Errol Douglas MBE,
Richard Ward and Charles Worthington.
Each of these iconic hairdressers gave us a very valuable, and
much valued, day of their time to reveal and recreate their
proposed Signature Style for autumn. Our Fellowship Hairdresser
of the Year, Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck, was also at the photo shoot,
arriving straight from London Fashion Week runway shows to
create new looks fresh from the catwalk.
All the styles were captured by legendary photographer
Andrew O’Toole and will be available to view on the Fellowship
website from September. We can also look forward to seeing them
FM 04
in print in our trade media, from the oldest title, Hairdressers
Journal, through to the youngest title, Tribute (a magazine which
grabbed Sacha’s pictures hot off the press and has made a big
splash on her creativity.) The Signature Style imagery also
supports The Fellowship’s special hair colour promotion soon to
go live in consumer hair-focused magazines including Blonde,
Hair, Hair Matters, Hairflair, Hairstyles Only, Hair Now, Perfect Hair
And Your Hair. A very big Fellowship thank you for this wonderful
coverage and to Julie Bellinger-Gibb for her hard
work in securing it all in the first place.
So with autumn still top of mind, Salon
International is looming on the horizon, and this
year, The Fellowship stage and line-up of stars
promises to be bigger, better and even more
impressive than ever, so I’m very much
looking forward to seeing you all there!
The Fellowship’s Colour Night, held at the Toni&Guy Academy
was an event celebrating real artistry and skilful technique.
Eight fabulous colour experts, including our very own President
Mark Creed, took to the stage for Colour Night to share their
consummate knowledge of colouring and demonstrate their latest
techniques on two models each. An exciting array of tones and
shades were shown, from bright turquoise juxtaposed with white
blonde, to colour blocking in purple and cherry red.
Joining Mark Creed were Jo O’Neill, Mariesa Ferraro,
Eduardo Paludo, Chris Williams, Sharon Cox, Edward Darley
and Tim Scott-Wright. A highlight of the evening was the audience
being treated to an on-stage interview with the queen of colour,
the legendary Annie Humphreys.
International Colour Ambassador for Davines, Eduardo Paludo,
presented a look focused on the grown out ombré summer look:
dark roots and light ends which he coloured to morph into a
perfect, flawless graduation of colour. Inspired by girls who’ve
achieved the look naturally, courtesy of the sun, Eduardo also
looks to the elements for his influences. “I look at plants, the
changing of the seasons,” he said. “For example, when winter
defrosts into spring, there’s a graduation of colour from which I
can draw inspiration.”
HOB Educator and Art Team member, Mariesa Ferraro, showed
her colour blocking technique inspired by autumn/winter fashion
trends. Mariesa’s colours featured a palette of rioja reds with ruby
tones painted through the fringe. Mariesa looks to the street for
inspiration. “Street fashion plays a huge part, but what is most
important is for the cut and colour to work together,” she said.
“Colour the cut, not the other way around. You always have to
keep the client in mind too and think about how you can progress
a client’s colour.”
Sassoon’s colour genius, Edward Darley impressed the audience
with his models reflecting the company’s Tribe 2 Collection which
feature a technique called ‘mono blocking’. This method uses
three tones from the same colour family to create a beautiful yet
strong effect. Emphasising the nuances of the technique,
FM 05
It is crucial not to overpower any one colour. The colours need to be used
to create shape and balance and even volume to accentuate the cut.
Edward said: “It is crucial not to overpower any one colour.
The colours need to be used to create shape and balance and
even volume to accentuate the cut.”
with colour and depth at the roots of the hair using solid crazy
colouring in turquoise. “With crazy colours you have to go in gently
as they produce such bright hues,” Tim warned.
International Technical Director for Toni&Guy, Jo O’Neill, showed a
model with a fresh stance on the ubiquitous blonde. Taking note
from Giles Deacon’s spring/summer collection, Jo wove soft
pastel shades throughout the style, creating a beautiful fluidity of
colour throughout the hair. She then took five panels of hair,
painting them in rose, lilac and gun metal shades to create a
fusion of different tones. Enlightening the audience on Toni&Guy’s
collection process, Jo explained: “When we put a collection
together, we ensure the techniques are quick and commercial,
ready for salon work.”
Educational Director for Sanrizz, Sharon Cox, left no doubt where
her passions lie. “I just love colour and a great haircut is naked
without it,” she said with passion. Sharon worked with a deep
violet shade flashed over the model’s disconnected, geometric
precise haircut. Working with standards of perfectionism,
Sharon insists on clean and orderly working methods, creating
compact foils to ensure a clean sharp panel of colour.
Although trained primarily to cut, Tim Scott-Wright is now Art
Director of the Lisa Shepherd Salon group. Treating the audience
to looks from the Back to my Roots collection, Tim played around
FM 06
International Colour Director for Rush, Chris Williams, revealed
a steady hand as he painted on colour to create graphic shapes
and a strong form of colour banding around a haircut.
He stressed the need to paint the colour into the natural fall of the
hair, otherwise the shape would be lost. Having trained as a
colourist 16 years ago, Chris says he wouldn’t start cutting now:
“Being a colourist allows you a sense of creative freedom.”
Director of Philosophy Hairdressing, Mark Creed, was keen to
promote the technical aspect of colouring. “Tonight is about hardcore colour technique and trying to create curves and shapes into
the haircut via colour,” he said. His inspiration was the children’s
art toy called Spirograph, and the outcome was successful in
creating beautiful curvatures. With a career spanning 25 years,
he explained he has not cut hair in all those years apart from
when being trained. “Colour is a profession in its own right,”
he said with conviction.
How fitting then for the evening’s guest speaker to be the woman
who pioneered colouring as a profession all its own – the
inspirational Annie Humphreys. Describing Annie as Sassoon’s
right-hand man, Mark interviewed her, chat-show style for the
benefit of an audience eager to hear all.
With a career beginning in 1955, Annie has consistently
transformed the world of colour. “In those times we were writing
the rule book, remember back then you could do serious damage,
we were working with raw ammonia and 100 volume peroxide.
I was pushing the boundaries commercially, creating all things
new.” Extolling the virtue of colour and its ability to make a cut
‘pop’ she also explained not to colour just for the sake of it, which
can detract from the value of a haircut unless it’s done in a
sensitive and complementary way.
With such a vast wealth of experience under her belt, Mark asked
why Annie had never opened her own salon; “Why would I?” She
responded. “I worked with the best in the business, they created
canvasses for me, but I couldn’t take them all with me. It is crucial
to remember that colouring is a team effort, we’re not a one man
band, everyone is important.”
Tonight is about hard-core colour technique and trying to create curves and
shapes into the haircut via colour. Colour is a profession in its own right.
FM 07
Mark Creed
Chris Williams
Eduardo Paludo
Edward Darley
Vidal Sassoon
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
A natural aptitude and eye for all
things colourful! When I started
training I saw hair colouring was
in its infancy, that there would
be huge developments in
product technology to facilitate
a more artistic approach to
colouring hair.
It was the only way to get my
foot in the door as at the time,
only colourists were being
recruited. So I took the position
without really knowing what it
meant; but having said that,
I wouldn’t change things.
It was the right decision and
I absolutely love it.
Well I started with both in Milan.
But it was when I moved to
London that I fell in love with
colouring. It’s beautiful, I didn’t
realise how creative it could be.
The icons! Sassoon has a very
definite and famous team of
colourists. I was led into it by
the greats.
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
When laced in micro fine splices
through top layers, they add a
movement and sheen that
screams modernity and warms
and flatters a winter complexion.
The more daring will opt for
larger ribbons of colour
delicately placed through the
focal points of the haircut.
Two things for the consumer:
One, we will be staying with
the current gold theme, but
introducing a softer, more
natural vibe and two, dip dying
will thrive, but we’ll see it move
into a grungier, brighter
What are you presenting
What are you presenting
A new technique which involves
precision colouring very fine hair
slices using four different red
hues to create shape – colour
arcs which create focal points
within the haircut.
Like everyone I have two
models, and I’m presenting an
interpretation of the ombré look,
umber colours playing with
reddish browns and copper
tones. I am colour blocking my
other model with violets and
greys, leaving clean ends.
FM 08
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
We will move away from colour
panelling into a more natural
look where very fine strands of
hair will be given bright vibrant
colour, using strong shades.
This will ultimately enhance the
overall effect while looking
What are you presenting
Tonight I’ll be presenting two
looks from the Davines Nattura
collection which draws its
inspiration from nature. You’ll
see how the change of the
seasons has influenced the
way in which shades
transitionally graduate.
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
The exciting thing is the
dip dye; we’re seeing it
everywhere. What’s good
about it is it celebrates
What are you presenting
Two looks from the Sassoon
Tribe 2 collection. Tribe 2 is all
about looking at fashion for the
individual and creating singular
specific looks tailored to this.
Tonight, look one is from
‘home’ with a hippy folk vibe
and look two is from ‘zen’
which is all about minimalism.
The Fellowship Colour Night July audience enjoyed an
all-star line-up of hair colourists extraordinaire. FM
snuck into the host’s backstage area (the Toni&Guy’s
London Academy) to get up close-and-personal with
the iconic colourists before they began sharing their
skills with Fellowship members...
Tim Scott-Wright
Jo O’Neil
Sharon Cox
Marissa Ferraro
Lisa Shepherd
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Why did you choose colour
over cutting?
Technically I do both, but since
working at Lisa Shepherd I have
become more of a colourist as we
are a colour-specialist salon.
I did both for nine years but I
was drawn into colouring. It is
innately more fascinating, allows
for a different way of using your
mind and a different technique
of dispensing ideas. For
example, you see the shimmer
of water or metal and think:
‘How can I put that into hair?’
I just love colour. It is a great
way to accentuate the form of
a haircut, as the shape acts
like a blank canvas. My
philosophy is that colour is the
perfect accessory for any
I have always had a paintbrush
in my hand; art continues to
inspire me to colour.
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
I think we’ll see lots of solid
colour, undercut toning and
jewel colours.
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
Block blonde – think along the
lines of January Jones! Girls will
be enjoying a full head of high
lift tint. I also think it will be about
making reds and coppers more
interesting by working with more
depth at the roots.
What are you presenting
Working with the roots is tonight’s
agenda. I’ll be putting turquoise
into the roots while keeping the
underneath a full head bleach.
The second look is more
commercial as it is a dip dye of
copper on a brunette base.
I’m afraid I can’t say! As it’s
our new collection I couldn’t
possibly divulge.
What are you presenting
Tonight’s work is from Project 10
which features shades of the
blonde spectrum presented in
a playful, fun way.
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
What are you presenting
I will be applying the Sanrizz
colour technique and toying
with geometry around the head
What are your predictions
for autumn/winter 2011?
Colour blocking will be big,
and jewel-like tones will stay
strong. We will also continue to
translate looks from the
What are you presenting
Tonight I will feature
autumn/winter 2011 colours
inspired by beautiful, rich,
saturated tones.
Iridescence is key this season as fashion dictates combinations of rich
berry tones. Blackberry and blackcurrant meshes fuse together perfectly
to give a stunning ‘tonic fabric’ finish to hair. Mark Creed, Philosophy
FM 09
Karine Jackson generously shared her skills and
wisdom at this year’s inaugural Colour Project day.
Happy and smiling: this year’s Colour Project group
Colour Project aims to give Fellowship members access to the
best possible learning resources to drive their imaginations and
fire their abilities beyond what they thought ever possible.
And at the July event at Wella Professionals’ London Studio – top
colourist Karine Jackson certainly didn’t disappoint! As one of the
UK’s best colour experts, London salon owner Karine pulled out all
the stops, encouraging the new Colour Project students to push the
boundaries of their colour work.
Karine Jackson shares her Lotus Flower colour technique
Karine then demonstrated her new Lotus Flower colouring technique
on two live models.
The Lotus Flower technique takes large, oval, petal shaped sections
around the crown area, each ‘petal’ being subtly coloured in slightly
different tonal variations to achieve a lovely natural flow of colour.
The afternoon session saw members putting Karine’s Lotus Flower
technique into practice on models provided by Karine.
Karine, assisted by her Artistic Team’s Creative Director, Arash,
began the course by presenting her colour collections both past and
present, explaining the inspiration behind them and explaining how to
put together a collection from start to finish.
The Colour Project team’s co-leader, Tanya Hennessey, was blown
away by the results. “The colour technique in Karine’s latest collection
mixes a palette of beautiful colours which the students recreated
using their individual artistry,” said Tanya. “A truly sensational day was
had by all.”
She spoke of the importance of staying ahead of the game in a very
competitive world, where salons offer similar services. She explained
that success rests on maintaining a balance of commerciality with
unparalleled craftsmanship. Explaining the importance of revitalising
colour services to inspire both the colourist and the salon clientele,
Karine was full of positivity about the day’s attendees: “This year’s
Colour Project Team is a mix of all ages and everyone is really
interested in learning something new,” said Karine. “Their enthusiasm
and passion for colour and affable personalities make them a pleasure
to work with. I know they’re in for a good year.”
FM 10
Watching the
Creative Masters
at work
Graphic cutting is the call of the night! Every model that sashays
past wears her hair in a geometric form of precision and style.
Box bobs, with strength and movement adorn the heads of the
fashionable at the moment, so it is no wonder that The Fellowship
of British Hairdressing have chosen to dedicate a Masterclass to
honing the craft of the graphic.
Edgy blunt lines of simplicity were contrasted with colour that
popped, from pink to burnt orange which advanced the classic
geometric shapes into cutting edge fashion.
The Fellowship are known for showcasing excellence, and taking
sheer talent that mould the future of hair with modern innovation.
And that is exactly what occurred on Monday 1st August at Regents
Park’s Holiday Inn. Stylists including Dan Spiller from Marc Antoni,
Tracey Devine from Angels, Leonardo Rizzo from Sanrizz, Ben Moth
from Brooks and Brooks, Karine Jackson from Karine Jackson,
Natalie Houston from Mahogany, Luke Anderson from Philosophy,
Andy Heasman from Rush, Robert Eaton from Russell Eaton,
Deni Toledo Martinez from Sassoon and Indira Schauwecker from
Toni and Guy, all took to the podium to demonstrate the art of
precision cutting. The audience were free to walk around and inspect
the performance, ensuring an up close and personal endeavour for
the hairstylists, that enabled them to really show off their skill.
FM 11
The Fellowship are known
for showcasing excellence,
and taking sheer talent that
mould the future of hair
with modern innovation
This hub of inspiration didn’t end with the stylists however as the
iconic and legendary Daniel Galvin OBE appeared as a guest
speaker. The hair colourist has recently marked his fiftieth year in the
business, yet the Galvin name has been synonymous with
hairdressing for over a century. Daniel's grandfather and father were
both hairdressers and while Daniel was still at school, he spent his
Saturdays sweeping the floors and hanging up the towels at his
father's London salon. “All I can do is hair!” Daniel says, “I still remain
fascinated by hair colour and its power to transform the way we look.”
FM 12
It is fair to call Daniel an innovator in the colour field, he was one of
the first of his kind, and he paved the way for those who wish to
advance hair styling further than the scissors. “I almost got fired
every day for a year” Daniel muses, “Everything was an experiment,
I would pick up cuttings from the floor and create my own colour
Daniel is iconic in the hair world: “I developed a technique called
brick work highlighting, until then highlights were simply painted on,
with varying results! The first model I tried it on was an unknown
Twiggy, well her success speaks for itself, it launched her career!”
In Daniel’s own words “Fashion comes and goes, but style is
forever”, and never a truer word spoken, as those stylists
performing tonight proved. It is another success from
The Fellowship, yet again providing a platform for the inspired
and the ever-inventive hair stylists.
FM 13
Project X
styles it out
Project X protégées just loved getting stuck into some serious session
styling with the talented Zoe Irwin as their mentor for the day.
The Fellowship’s Project X 2011 students enjoyed a brilliantly
inspiring day in July, courtesy of session and celebrity stylist
Zoe Irwin – one of the original founders of the course.
Zoe’s day involved an editorial shoot themed around ‘texture’.
Every student produced a look, practising techniques to achieve
a range of different textures, creating looks as diverse as
ponytails, braids and ultra-glam waves – all with an editorial feel
and a commercial application.
Zoe – who is currently studying a ‘creative collage’ module at St
Martin’s College of Fashion – gave the Project X team invaluable
advice on mood board creation and presentation, as well as a
Q&A session on understanding the concept of ‘catwalk to client’.
Said student Jodie Williams: “We learned so many tips and tricks –
I just can’t wait to share them with my team back at the salon.”
Fellow student Aaron Brewer agreed. “Thanks to Zoe, I really do
now believe I can do session hair and understand how to adapt it
to create commercial looks – amazing!”
Explaining her approach to the day, Zoe said: “I wanted the group
to think like creative directors and they were just great. Project X is
all about the talent of tomorrow. It’s an opportunity for students to
springboard their careers and the day I spent with them was very
reassuring for me – there really is some amazing future talent
coming through!”
Big thanks go to the rest of the team who made the day such
a success: photographer Richard Miles, make-up artist Sally
Crouch, fashion stylist Bernard Connelly, his assistant Laurent
Richer and Ray Bird for behind the scenes reportage pictures.
And watch this space; next month the Project X team spends
a day with Toni&Guy’s Gary France.
FM 14
Meet the Member
Peter Prosser
After three decades of local salon success,
Peter Prosser Hairdressing was founded in
early 2000 in Hereford by husband and
wife team, Peter and Tracey Prosser.
A decade later and Peter Prosser boasts
three hugely successful Hereford city
centre salons – a brand flourishing like
mad, courtesy of hairdressing excellence
and unfailing customer care, delivered by
a 54-strong team of creative and dedicated
professionals. The team regularly
participates in high profile events such
as London Fashion Week for Wella
Professionals, while Peter is regularly
invited to judge top industry competitions
such as the Wella Professionals Trend
Vision Award.
What do you see outside your
office window?
From the view in Church Street I just see
rooftops but from my office in Commercial
Road I have views overlooking the City of
What's the best thing about the
area where your salon’s located?
It is in a small quintessential lane leading
to the Cathedral.
Describe your salon in three
Welcoming, friendly and buzzing.
What's the first thing you do
when you get into the salon?
Before I go inside I check the outside to
make sure it is clean and tidy.
What do you see outside your
window at home?
Rolling fields.
Describe your home in three
Edwardian country home.
New or vintage?
Shower or bath?
Tea or coffee?
What's the first thing you do
when you get home?
Talk to my children Charles and Emily
about their day.
What's for dinner tonight?
Tuna steak and salad.
What's your favourite fragrance?
Paul Smith.
How do you relax?
What's your favourite
Walking my black Labrador, Tilly.
Meditation or conversation?
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac.
What's on your bedside table?
Jenson Button’s autobiography.
FM 15
Students keen to know more about how to handle men’s
hairdressing were in for a treat at the July Men’s Trend Workshop.
Course attendees rocking up to London’s Alan d Academy to
for the Men’s Trend Workshop had a great evening in store.
Mentoring the event was twice Men’s Hairdresser of the Year
Award Winner, Toni&Guy’s Jody Taylor, along with Alan d
Education’s Ebru Alkaya and Mauro Bedola, Sassoon’s
Deni Toledo, Errol Douglas’s right hand man Jamie Stevens,
The Foss Academy’s Chris Foster and Marc Antoni’s Marcus
Giamattei. Phew! What a line up of top notch specialists!
An inspiring talk from Jody and Fellowship Vice President,
Toni&Guy’s Gary France, led to students getting on with their
models. Each master mentored two students, guiding them to
create sharp and stylish cuts while dispensing plenty of advice
for them to take back and share in their salons.
Explained Sassoon’s Deni Toledo: “With guys it’s really important
to get to know their personality, their lifestyle, how they manage
their hair on a daily basis. You really don’t want to give them
something they can’t handle!”
And when it comes to men’s fashions, Alan d’s Ebru Alkaya said
keeping your finger on the pulse is vital. “A vintage vibe is really
hot at the moment, as well as guy’s wearing their hair as if they’ve
just woken up. Fashion and tastes change, you must always keep
up to date.” Jamie Stevens – also a twice-winner of the Men’s
Hairdresser of the Year Award – said as we go into winter, we’ll
see a lot more waves, movement, and length on top.
With guys it’s really
important to get to know
their personality, their
lifestyle, how they manage
their hair on a daily basis.
Ciente salon’s Liam Bray was thrilled to attend a Fellowship event
that focused on men’s cutting. “I am very impressed with this event. I
think there is a stigma that barbering is easy and that anyone can do
it, but courses like these keep you up-to-date and motivate you to
think outside of the box with your clients.”
Another student who came away inspired was Maxwell’s salon’s
Hayley Lawrence. “Courses like tonight are extremely beneficial to
develop yourself as a hairdresser – more people need to attend
nights like these otherwise you are just standing still.”
Fellowship show-coordinator, Ann Herman, was very happy with the
evening too. “Tonight was an idea that Past President Terry Calvert
and I brought forward last year. It seems to have been a huge
success – the enthusiasm of the students here tonight is incredible
and moving forward, there will be a lot more of these events, we’re
planning on taking it to the next level, so watch this space!”
FM 16
Meet the
Bruno Marc Giamattei
Bruno is a director of award-winning Marc Antoni –
the south of England’s top hairdressing group –
founded in Henley-on-Thames 26 years ago by the
Giamattei brothers, Bruno, Marcus, Simon and Aaron.
The talented foursome has worked with dedication,
drive and passion to develop a seven-strong salon
group. A hairdresser for 30 years, 2007 Southern
Hairdresser of the Year Bruno works on the floor of
the Henley salon’ is a firm fixture on Wella
Professionals’ shows and teaching seminar agendas,
and a passionate leader of creative teams, is the
current F.A.M.E. Team manager.
One of my first hairdressing memories...
...Is being aged 18 and working at the Vidal Sassoon Academy
when Vidal walked in. Like an army platoon, everyone stood to
attention when he walked past, as if he was the Queen. I was
amazed at how much respect a hairdresser could command.
Shopping is a pleasure as it allows…
...Actually I hate shopping. I’m not good at it and only shop when
I need to. And when I do, I’m very focused on getting exactly what
I’ve set out to buy as quickly as I can!
One of the most treasured items in my
wardrobe is…
...My True Religion jeans, an absolute staple item in my wardrobe.
Some pieces are too good to let go...
...I’ve got a hand-made, deep violet, silk Ozwald Boateng shirt
which I thought was cool at the time, but you wouldn’t catch me
wearing it now! It is hand crafted and tailored to fit with a
matching tie, so it’s just too good to let go!
One of my favourite memories...
...Is when my wife telephoned me at work to say: “Do you want
the good or bad news first?” The good news was all was OK with
her pregnancy, the ‘bad news’ was we were going to have twins!
My client at the time asked if I was calm enough to do her hair as
I couldn’t stop jumping up in the air!
I first became aware of The Fellowship...
...When I was about 32 I was introduced to Ann Herman by Stephen
Messias. I told her about Marc Antoni and where we wanted to go.
Ann has been really supportive, giving us opportunities to show case
our work, for which we’re always appreciative.
As a hairdresser I use my instincts...
The British hairdressing scene... ensure my work is fresh and inspirational.
...I’ve judged competitions in plenty of countries and worked
overseas from Austria to Australia and in my opinion, the British
hairdressing scene is the strongest and most exciting in the
world. Being a part of it stretches you – you’ve got to compete
with the best to make yourself the best.
One hairdressing moment I won’t forget...
Discovering new talent is exciting...
I've loved managing the F.A.M.E. Team. Watching them grow
throughout each year – both individually and as a team – it's been
both amazing and rewarding. Having said that there is nothing
more rewarding than growing your own! The Marc Antoni team is
my passion and the greatest award to date has been for their
work to be recognised in the finals on the British Hairdressing
Awards 2011.
...when I won a Fellow with Distinction award in 2010! I felt
amongst friends – a very intense and emotional moment for me.
If I could swap lives for the day...
...Moses, so I could rewrite those tablets.
The least fashionable thing I do...
...I really enjoy going to car boot sales.
I am not very good at...
...standing still.
My trade mark is...
...I do not feel I can answer this question as the diversities in hair
are always evolving.
FM 17
An Evening
with Ken Picton
The ClubStar team have been a busy bunch over the last few
months. One of the biggest highlights for the members was the
opportunity to enjoy an evening with the fabulous Ken Picton.
Ken, whose Cardiff salon was named Salon of the Year last
December at the Fellowship for British Hairdressing Luncheon
and Awards, and who has been shortlisted for no less than
four British Hairdressing Awards this year, is a great inspiration
to the members of ClubStar.
The night was one of general recognition for one of the team’s
biggest role models, and the young members of ClubStar were
given the chance to be photographed with one of the leading
lights of British Hairdressing.
August has also seen the beginning of the auditions for the hotly
anticipated new ClubStar Art Team. The grueling process of
choosing between the many applicants was kick-started this
month and will continue throughout the next few months.
The next heats will take place on the 18th September and tickets
are already available for those who would like to come along and
support the aspiring new talent, who compete to become part of
the prestigious ClubStar Art Team and showcase their own
creative work. Entrance is free for ClubStar members, so take full
advantage of the opportunity to bear witness to the countries
latest and greatest!
FM 18
My Working Day
Darren Messias joined KH Hair – the
largest hairdressing group in the east
Midlands – as a trainee, and was
recognised as a rising star early on in
his career by securing a place in the
Fellowship’s F.A.M.E. Team. Working
across many of the group’s salons,
he became a director of the Leicester
branch and has progressed to now
be both a board director and creative
director of KH Hair, responsible for
the group’s marketing and
creative strategies.
My alarm goes off... son Noah is my alarm clock these
days; unfortunately he wakes up at around
The first thing I do when I wake up... remove my cat Alfie from my chest.
On an average day I wear... depends on what meetings we have,
but I can categorically say it won’t be a
My skincare regime involves...
...well that’s simple; just soap and water.
Before walking out of the front door...
...I kiss my fiancé Heidi and Noah.
After leaving home...
...I shake my head at the horrific extension
being built over the road from our house.
On my way to work...
...I start planning and thinking about the
day ahead and listen to the radio.
My mornings...
...answering my emails and business
planning with my co-director Tim.
My salon essentials include... MacBook Pro, paper, pen and a
glass of water.
At lunchtime...
... I eat a sandwich and some fruit. I don’t
really snack, I try to eat healthily.
On my to-do list today... sort out some generic marketing
templates for the salons, arrange a
franchisee meeting and plan the agenda
for it. Talk to our PR agency and hopefully
squeeze a run in at some point.
I leave work... around 5:30pm and usually stop
somewhere to buy something to cook in
the evening.
If I’m staying in I’ll wear... little as possible!
And if I’m going out...
...Paul Smith Jeans, Vivienne Westwood
shirt, Trickers shoes and Acqua Di Parma
My bedtime grooming regime... clean my teeth.
The last thing I do before I go to
...kiss Heidi and tell her I love her.
I dream about...
...I wish I could remember!
My perfect Sunday... a Sunday roast or a barbeque
(when we have the weather!) for friends
and family.
My favourite way to wind down after
work..., much to Heidi’s delight.
FM 19
The best of British..!
An awesome numbers of Fellowship members dominate the list of
this year’s finalists in the British Hairdressing Awards.
FM Magazine was over the moon when
Hairdressers Journal International announced
finalists for the 2011 British Hairdressing Awards.
Of the six names listed for each of the nine regional
and six specialist categories, virtually every one is a
Fellowship member!
And in the premier list of the eight hairdressing
supremos nominated for the ultimate award –
British Hairdresser of the Year – every single one is
a Fellowship member. What a talented organisation
we are! Congratulations to all and fingers crossed
for the night of all nights when winners are
announced at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park
Lane, London, on Monday 28th November.
Right: Creative collective! The 2010 British
Hairdressing Award winners
Eastern Hairdresser of the Year Christopher Appleton, George’s Hairdressing, Leicester • Paul Falltrick, Paul Falltrick
Hairdressing, Romford • Terri Kay, Mark Leeson Hair Body & Mind, Mansfield • Nathan Jasztal, Silhouette Du Barry,
Chelmsford • Angelo Vallillo, Zullo and Holland, Nottingham • Kai Wan, P.Kai Hair, Peterborough London Hairdresser of
the Year Efi Davies, Toni&Guy, Covent Garden, London • Ben Moth & Valerie Benavides, Brooks & Brooks, London
Richard Mannah, Toni&Guy, Sloane Square, London • Desmond Murray, Atherton Cox, London • Cos Sakkas, Toni&Guy,
Brompton Road, London • Jamie Stevens, Errol Douglas Salon, London Midlands Hairdresser of the Year Anya
Dellicompagni, Francesco Group, Stafford • Nick Malenko & Ashley Gamble, Royston Blythe, Compton • Katie Mulcahy,
Lisa Shepherd Salons, Birmingham • Peter Prosser, Peter Prosser Hairdressing, Hereford • Sean Tetlow, The Colour Room,
Stockport North Eastern Hairdresser of the Year Lindsay Burr, The Goodys Group, North Molton • Rebecca Dickenson
& Adele Bourne, The Vanilla Rooms, Bawtry, Doncaster • Joseph Ferraro, Halo, Harrogate • Hannah Gordon, Paul Gordon,
Scunthorpe • Julian Holland, The Mark Hill Salon, Kirk Elle • Marcus King, Hooker & Young, Wynyard Northern Ireland
Hairdresser of the Year Julie Cherry, Shane Bennett Salon, Hillsborough • Kevin Kahan, Kevin Kahan, Bangor North
Western Hairdresser of the Year Carly Aplin, CRC Cutting Room Creative, Leeds • Adam Bryant, Ethos Hairdressing,
Northern Quarter, Manchester • Amie Dunn, Andrew Collinge Hairdressing, Manchester • Marcello Moccia, Room 97
Creative Hairdressing, Wakefield Scottish Hairdresser of the Year Suzie McGill, Rainbow Room International, Uddingston
Janer Stewart, Angels, Aberdeen Southern Hairdresser of the Year Seung Ki Baek, RUSH Hair, Epsom • Leo Bancroft,
Leo Bancroft Salon, Weybridge • Bruno Marc Giamattei, Marc Antoni, Henley-on-Thames • Simon Grigg, Toni&Guy,
Winchester • Paul Hawes, Review, Petersfield • Gary Gill, Monroe Hairdressing, Leatherhead Wales & South West
Hairdresser of the Year Jess Gaylard & Teresa Heaney, Jamie Stevens Hair, Woolavington • Joshua Goldsworthy,
Goldsworthy’s, Swindon • Ken Picton, Ken Picton, Cardiff Bay, Wales • Steven Smart, Smart Est 73, Weston-Super-Mare
Louise Smith, Toni&Guy, Salisbury Afro Hairdresser of the Year Patrick Forini, Toni&Guy Sloane Square, London
Alero May, Atherton Cox, London • Jamie Stevens, Errol Douglas Salon, London • Michelle Thompson, Francesco Group,
Stafford Artistic Team of the Year • FAME Team • Haringtons Art Team • HOB Salons • Marc Antoni • Mark Leeson
Artistic Team • RUSH Artistic Team Avant-Garde Hairdresser of the Year Johanna Cree Brown, Trevor Sorbie, London
Leonardo Rizzo, Sanrizz, Guildford • Skyler McDonald, Seanhanna Putney, London • Chie Sato, Toni&Guy Covent Garden,
London • Indira Schauwecker, Toni&Guy Covent Garden, London • Anne Veck, Anne Veck Salons, Oxford Men’s
Hairdresser of the Year Russell Crane, Brooks & Brooks, London • Tracey Devine, Angels, Aberdeen, Scotland
Jon Redman, Atherton Cox, London • Jim Shaw, Essensuals Men, Billericay • Jamie Stevens, Errol Douglas Salon, London
Ross Strong, D&J Ambrose, Pinner • Jody Taylor, Toni&Guy, Covent Garden, London Newcomer of the Year Kelly
Craven-Salvatelli, Toni&Guy, Salisbury • Ryan Harris, Angels, Aberdeen, Scotland • Sophia Hilton, Brooks & Brooks,
London • Jasmine Redstone, RUSH Croydon • Ryuta Saiga, Toni&Guy, Sloane Square, London • Donna Tovey, P.Kai Hair,
Peterborough Schwarzkopf Professional British Colour Technician of the Year Claire Chell, Francesco Group, Stafford
Francesco Fontana, Toni&Guy, Sloane Square, London • Gary Hooker & Michael Young Hooker & Young, Gosforth Park,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne • Mark Leeson, Mark Leeson Hair Body & Mind, Mansfield • Christel Lundqvist, HOB Salons, London
• Dorothy Sturgeon, Shane Bennett Salon, Hillsborough British Hairdresser of the Year Nominees In first name
alphabetical order! Akin Konizi, Andrew Barton, Angelo Seminara, Errol Douglas, Gary Hooker & Michael Young,
Mark Hayes, Mark Leeson, Tim Hartley.
FM 20
Fellowship News Round Up...
hairdressing icons and meet some of the
hottest new hairdressing talent in an
intimate, private environment.
Barrie Stephen Hair in Leicestershire
is to partner with the Francesco
Group Academy for the training of its
apprentices to NVQ Level 2.
Each private soirée will feature a keynote
presentation, followed by discussions and
informal networking with fellow HUSH
event attendees. Said Wella Professionals
Partnership Service Manager, Sheila
Jackson: “HUSH will present the latest
trends and current industry issues in a
relaxed and informal setting, where guests
can meet and mingle and tap into the
creativity and knowledge of those
Barrie Stephen (left) and Craig Davies,
Training Manager, Francesco Group
The Francesco Group – an Ofsted 1 NVQ
accredited training provider – is
experienced and equipped to manage
apprentice training for hairdressing
businesses sharing its core values in
quality standards for commercial
hairdressing and service.
Says Craig Davies, Francesco Group
Training Manager: “With our proven
curricula, first-class facilities and
accredited training structure, we are now
expanding our work based learning
division with a regional offering, giving
salons the opportunity to tap into our
extensive resources. Barrie Stephen says
the organisation is the perfect choice.
“We take our staff training very seriously
and the relevance and professionalism of
the Francesco Group gives me complete
peace of mind.”
September sees Wella Professionals
launching HUSH – a series of
exclusive evening events to motivate
and excite hairdressers with a mix of
business and creativity.
To be held in the Wella Professionals
World Studio in London, HUSH events will
explore new directions in style, design
and creativity. Guests will be able to meet
internationally-renowned industry figures,
get up-close-and-personal with top
Future events include Fellowship members
Toni&Guy, HOB, Marc Antoni, Cheynes,
Michael Van Clarke and Sassoon’s Edward
Darley and Bruce Masefield. For info, call
Wella Professionals World Studios
– 020 7637 7172.
Berlin Fashion Week was the latest
hot spot for UK ghd creative board
member Zoe Irwin and top ghd stylist
Jo Martin.
L-R: Hania Attar from ghd UK, model
Shermine Sharivar and Zoe Irwin
The creative duo joined the company’s
German team to host a ‘ghd styling suite’ at
Soho House. They created ghd looks and
talked trends with more than 50 VIP beauty
editors, models, designers and celebrities.
“It was a great day” says Zoe. “Our VIPs
were so excited at seeing the latest catwalk
trends come to life using ghd’s.”
The skills of the seanhanna artistic
team to style models showcasing new
men’s and women’s designer
fashions were requested by London’s
top department store, Harvey Nichols
in Knightsbridge.
R_L: Zoe working on model Shermine
Sharivar, watched by ghd’s Hania Attar
Busy styling models in Harvey Nichols –
seanhanna’s Darren Read
At the show – held at London’s OXO
Tower – seanhanna’s Executive Director
Darren Read led the team to create
clean-cut, preppy haircuts for the guys
and USA-style big, blown out looks for
the girls. “We had a fantastic time working
with Harvey Nichols – a brand that
represents modernity with high fashion
lifestyle, so being asked to style for them
was an honour,” says Darren.
Congratulations to Anne Veck,
shortlisted for the Haute Coiffure
Françoise Award, chosen on the
strength of her multi-textured, multitonal blonde image entry, taken from
her 2011 Double Impact Collection.
“As a French woman living and working in
the UK, I’m particularly thrilled to be
shortlisted. To be recognised by Haute
Coiffure Françoise means so much to
me,” says Anne. The winner will be
announced on 11th September at a big
event at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.
FM 21
Paul Corbett – a talented, skilful hairdresser
who completed his Francesco Group training
in just two years and has gone on to enjoy a
catalogue of achievements ever since..!
Book that changed my life
Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life. I just loved reading about him as
he fought so hard for his beliefs.
Recurring dream
I always used to dream about a theme park and would always wake
up just as I was about to fly off a ride! Really bizarre, but it's been a
while since I had that one.
Most loved fairy tale
Does The Incredible Hulk count as a fairy tale? Nope? Ummm...
Song known by heart
Literally any song by The Smashing Pumpkins. I grew up with them
constantly on repeat!
Will never throw away
My Dad's golden scissors which he received when he qualified as a
stylist at Raymond’s. They even have the letter 'R' engraved on them
in fancy writing.
Dream lunch dates
The Marx Brothers. I love their films and would love to have been
around them at the height of their fame.
Favourite film
Dick Tracy. It has an amazing cast and the villains’ grotesque
make-up still fascinates me.
Worth fighting for
Contentment. There’s a lot to be said for just being content with your lot.
Brains or beauty?
Why not both? Be ambitious!
ColdPlay or The Killers?
The Killers purely for Brandon Flowers dress sense.
Aston Kutcher or Christian Bale?
Christian Bale.
Personal motto
Ad astra per aspera. It means: To the stars through trials.
Favourite destination
Disney World in Florida. I've been lots!
Most proud of
My two beautiful daughters Scarlett and Pearl. They are, and always
will be, the greatest achievement in my life.
Here lies Paul – soon to be haunting a hair salon near you!
Would like to meet
Tim Hartley. I'd love to hear about his career with Vidal Sassoon.
Favourite Villain
Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York. An absolutely fascinating
character to watch.
Worth staying in for
My wife and kids, every day of the week.
People are surprised that I... Used to be a singer/guitarist in a
grunge rock band called The Zombies in X-Ray Specs.
Beauty is... in the eye of the beholder, I truly believe that.
Success... is when you appreciate what you have.
Happiness is... contentment. When you stop continually struggling
for the next thing, everything you need comes your way.
FM 22
© Fellowship for British Hairdressing 2011
Mark Creed
Bruno Marc & Gary France
Kevin Arkell
Edward Hemmings
David Drew
Errol Douglas MBE
& Bruno Marc
Karine Jackson
Mark Creed, Jo O’Neill
& Tanya Gabriel Hennessey
Carol Spencer
Fellowship for British
Hairdressing, Bloxham Mill,
Barford Road, Bloxham
Banbury, Oxfordshire
OX15 4FF
Tel 01295 724579
Fax 01295 724580
Ann Herman
Tel 01923 855213
Fax 01923 855166
Denise Simkins
Tel 01295 724579
Pam Haynes
Tel 01295 724580
Ray Guzenda
GD Associates
Tel 01608 646677
Julie Allen
JOOLS PR, College House,
College Drive, Thames Ditton,
Surrey KT7 0LB
Harriet Evans
FLINT, The Atrium Business
Centre, Curtis Road, Dorking,
RH4 1XA Tel 01306 646343
Julie Bellinger-Gibb
Gorgeous PR, The Steading,
18 Coombe Road, Steyning,
West Sussex BN44 3LF
Tel 01903 816493
11th Sept
F.A.M.E. Team Selection 2012 – L'Oréal
18th Sept
ClubStar Competition (First Heats)
at Alan d Academy, London
26th Sept
ClubStar – Workshop with Ken Picton, Cardiff
15th Oct
Salon International
16th Oct
Salon International
17th Oct
Salon International
31st Oct
Workshop – Nottingham – KH Hair
7th Nov
ClubStar – Mahogany Event, London
14th Nov
Power Night with Beverly C
28th Nov
ClubStar Look and Learn Demonstration with
Chris Foster at L’Oréal International Academy
5th Dec
Luncheon & Awards
Sally Learmouth
Gloss Communications,
Gable House, 18-24 Turnham
Green Terrace, Chiswick, W4 1QP.
Johnny Paterson
Catalyst Consultancy
Oasis Camden
85-87 Bayham Street
London NW1 0AG
Tel 0207 788 4091
Ellie Adams, Julie Allen, Matthew Batham, Errol Douglas MBE,
Geri Green, Gemma Nash, Jacki Wadeson; Leah Walton,
Maria Weijers.
This is just a taster of our fantastic events planned for
next year and full details will be published as soon as
possible. Remember to check the website regularly for
the up-to-date information. •
FM 23