Implant Tools - US Dental Depot
Implant Tools - US Dental Depot
Implant Tools - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 Implant Tools Bone Collectors TITANIUM SUCTION AND BONE COLLEC T SET - MCT TITANIUM SUCTION AND BONE COLLECT SET - MCT Titanium Suction Set * All Components can be sterllized. * It is processed by titanium to prevent static electricity and not to distrub healing up of implants. * This is a light suction line easy for long-term surgery. Titanium Bone Collector Set * It can solve suction and bone collecting at one shot. * It is disinfect bone collector net, not a disposable bone collector net. Titanium Suction & Bone Collector Set Components: * * * * * Titanium Suction Tip 2EA Titanium Bone Collector Tip Bone Collector Net Suction line Adapters Price + 120989 Code MCT - MCT - Titanium Suction & Bone Collector Set / Kit Set - # Tsb-01 ... Name US$ 250.80 +Info 120988 MCT - MCT - Titanium Bone Collector Set / Kit Set - # Tbc-01 ... US$ 171.00 +Info Implant Tools Bone Split Technique 13/02/2016 / 4566 1 Implant Tools Bone Split Technique - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 BONE CRESTER SERIE - MCT BONE CRESTER SERIE - MCT It maintains the initial fixing power of implant to increase success rate of implant without long stretched ridge when multi-implanting with narrow bone width. Price + 120975 Code MCT - MCT - Bone Crester / Kit Set - # Bct-01 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 285.00 +Info 120976 MCT - MCT - Bone Crester Master / Kit Set - # Bct-02 ... US$ 399.00 +Info BONE EXPANDER SERIE - MCT BONE EXPANDER SERIE - MCT It used for single implant with narrow bone width or weak bone to expand bone or upgrade bone. Code 2 Price + 120973 MCT - MCT - Bone Expander / Kit Set - # Sbe-01 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 285.00 +Info 120974 MCT - MCT - Bone Expander Master - # Sbe-02 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 570.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Bone Split Technique - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 PREMIUM RIDGE SPLIT KIT SET - M CT PREMIUM RIDGE SPLIT KIT SET - MCT Code 120977 Name MCT - MCT - Premium Ridge Split Kit / Kit Set - # Prs-01 ... Price + US$ 1,060.20 +Info SAW/ SAW COVER SET - MCT SAW/ SAW COVER SET - MCT This kit contains: Code 120980 13/02/2016 / 4566 Name MCT - MCT - Saw & Saw Cover Set / Kit Set - # Saw-set ... Price + US$ 513.00 +Info 3 Implant Tools Bone Split Technique - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 SPLIT MASTER SERIE - MCT SPLIT MASTER SERIE - MCT Product Combination for Single Implanting and Multi Implanting. Price + 120972 Code MCT - MCT - Split & Sinus Master / Kit Set - # Sas-01 ... Name US$ 779.00 +Info 120971 MCT - MCT - Split Master Ii / Kit Set - # Ssm-02 ... US$ 665.00 +Info 120970 MCT - MCT - Split Master / Kit Set - # Ssm-01 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 448.40 +Info Implant Tools Burs & Drills for Implants IMPLANT DRILLS INITIAL BUR / DRILLS Price + 115849 Code XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Initial ( Flindman ) Pilot / drill ( Opener ) - Specially ... Name US$ 57.00 +Info 115850 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Intermediate 2.5mm - ( middle burr ) Specially templated that ... US$ 57.00 +Info 115877 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Intermediate 3.0mm - ( middle burr ) Specially templated that ... US$ 57.00 +Info HEX FINAL BURS Code 4 Price + 115852 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur HEX for 3.3mm ( 2.8mm diameter bur ) - Specially templated that... Name US$ 57.00 +Info 115878 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur HEX for 3.75mm ( 3.3mm diameter bur ) - Specially templated tha... US$ 57.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Burs & Drills for Implants - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 115853 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur HEX for 4.1mm ( 3.5mm diameter bur ) - Specially templated that... US$ 57.00 +Info 115854 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur HEX for 5.0mm ( 4.2mm diameter bur ) - Specially templated that... US$ 57.00 +Info TRILOBE & MORSE FINAL BUR / DRILLS Price + 115986 Code XPS - XPS Implant Bur Set for Trilobe Conical Implants ( 12 pcs ) Fresa para implante... Name US$ 630.00 +Info 115984 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 3.5mm x 11.5mm lengh Specially templated t... US$ 57.00 +Info 115985 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 3.5mm x 13mm lengh Specially templated tha... US$ 57.00 +Info 115851 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 3.5mm x 15mm lengh Specially templated th... US$ 57.00 +Info 115978 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 4.3mm x 10mm lengh Specially templated t... US$ 57.00 +Info 115979 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 4.3mm x 11.5mm lengh Specially templated ... US$ 57.00 +Info 115980 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 4.3mm x 13mm lengh Specially templated th... US$ 57.00 +Info 115809 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 4.3mm x 15mm lengh Specially templated th... US$ 57.00 +Info 115977 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 4.3mm x 8mm lengh US$ 57.00 +Info 115982 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 5.0mm x 10mm lengh Specially templated th... US$ 57.00 +Info 115983 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 5.0mm x 11.5mm lengh Specially templated... US$ 57.00 +Info 115848 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 5.0mm x 15mm lengh Specially templated t... US$ 57.00 +Info 115981 XPS - XPS- Implant Bur Conical for Trilobe 5.0mm x 8mm lengh Specially templated th... US$ 57.00 +Info Specially templated t... Implant Tools Fixtures & Screw Removers FIXTURE AND SCREW REMOVER S ERIE - MCT FIXTURE AND SCREW REMOVER SERIE - MCT Fixture Remover Kit * * * * Excellent combination of Remover and Trephine Bur Trephine bur that can remove implant without bone loss. One remover applicable to all sizes of implants Solid durability Screw Remover Kit * Pick certain guide for used abutment. * Attach the guide and hold it with guide holder.(SRG-H) * Use screw remover drill to make hold in the core of broken screw in reverse way. * Use Tap drill to remove the broken screw in reverse way. Price + 120983 Code MCT - MCT - Fixture&screw Remover Kit / Kit Set - # Fsrk-01 ... Name US$ 866.40 +Info 120984 MCT - MCT - Screw Remover Kit / Kit Set - # Srk-01 ... US$ 722.00 +Info 120982 MCT - MCT - Fixture Remover Kit / Kit Set - # Frk-01 ... US$ 532.00 +Info Implant Tools Implant Holders 13/02/2016 / 4566 5 Implant Tools Implant Holders - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 IMPLANT HOLDERS Price + 115976 Code XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder Set - ( one each leng and one each platform ... Name US$ 0.00 +Info 115960 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 3.5 x 11-5mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115961 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 3.5 x 13mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115963 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 4.3 x 8mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115965 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 4.3 x 10mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115967 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 4.3 x 11.5mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115969 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 4.3 x 13mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115971 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 4.3 x 15mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115964 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 5.0 x 8mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115966 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 5.0 x 10mm US$ 16.00 +Info 115968 XPS - XPS TRILOBE Titanium Implant Holder for 5.0 x 11.5mm US$ 16.00 +Info Implant Tools Implant Instruments XPS - N-29165-1 Adjustable Torque Wrench Prost US$ 247.50 ADJUSTABLE TORQUE WRENCH PROSTHETIC #N-29165-1 Mfg #XPN-N-29165-1 Autoclavable. No lubrication, Ratchet Mechanism and CE Mark. Torque setting lock into select location for accuracy and repeatability Ratchet clutch disengages (slips) when torque is applied to avoid over torquing. Torque setting for use with all implant systems , up to 70 Newtons . Wrench head accepts the standard 4mm square connection. XPS - N-29165 Manual Torque Wrench Prostheti US$ 120.00 XPS Manual Torque Wrench Prosthetic ( N-29165 ) Criquet Manual sin regulacion de torque 6 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Implant Instruments - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 115745 WYNMAN CROWN GRIPPER US$ 33.35 WYNMAN CROWN GRIPPER Wynman crown gripper removes, places crowns with the advantage of tungsten carbide FEATURES: 18K Gold-Plated Ring Handles Carbide Jaws Sterilizable 6.5in Long Serrated Tungsten - Grip crowns firmly and securely without slippage with the Italian-made Wynman Crown Gripper. - Its serrated carbide tips make it ideal for removing temporary crowns and also for placing crowns in tight spaces. - 18K gold-plated ring handles allow for easy identification. Fully sterilizable. 6 1/2" long.- It's a curved hemostat with a 60 degree curve rather than 30 degree, with narrower but thicker working end constructed of a stronger, tougher alloy than conventional hemostats & inlaid with a carbide serrated tip for gripping wet glass, such as porcelain restorations. Implant Tools Implant Intermediates Carriers XPS - 115936 Implant Carrier for HEX US$ 24.00 XPS- HEX Implant Carrier for 4.3 ( External Hexagon ) Porta Implante HEX XPS - 115939 Intermed HEX & TRILOBE to CA US$ 62.00 XPS Intermediary Short for HEX & TRILOBE Implants to CA ( contrangle ) ( External Hxagon & Trilobe ) Intermediario contrangulo a porta implante HEX 13/02/2016 / 4566 7 Implant Tools Implant Intermediates Carriers - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 115938 Intermediary MORSE to Handle US$ 58.00 XPS Intermediary for MORSE Implant Carrier to Wrtench Intemdiario Llave fija a porta implante de conical ( Morse ) XPS - 117600 MORSE Handle Wrench unlocker US$ 68.00 XPS MORSE Handle Wrench unlocker each XPS - 116161 Short Intermed HEX & TRILOBE US$ 62.00 XPS Intermediary Short for HEX & TRILOBE Implants to Handle or Wrench ( External Hxagon & Trilobe ) Intermediario Corto rachet a porta implante HEX o Trilobe XPS - 115987 Star HEX Carrier 4.0 to Wrench US$ 67.00 XPS STAR-HEX Carrier to Wrench 4.0 - Also can be used as a Digital Carrier - 8 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Implant Intermediates Carriers - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 115937 Star TRILOBE Carrier 4 Wrench US$ 72.00 XPS STAR TRILOBE Implant 3.5 & 4.3 Diameter Carrier for Wrench Handle - Comptaible with Nobel Replace NP 3.5 ( ( can replace with 115956 ) Porta Implante Estrella TRILOBE para Criket XPS - 115990 STAR-HEX Long for 4.0 to Ra US$ 58.00 XPS STAR HEX 14 mm Long Star Implant Carrier for 4.0 implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench - XPS - 115991 STAR-HEX Long for 5.0 to Ra US$ 58.00 XPS STAR HEX 14mm Long Star Implant Carrier for 5.0 implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench - XPS - 117364 STAR-INTHEX for RP & NP to Ra US$ 64.00 XPS STAR INTHEX 14 mm Long Star Implant Carrier for NP & RP implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench - ( Compatible with Mis ) 13/02/2016 / 4566 9 Implant Tools Implant Intermediates Carriers - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 115956 STAR-TRLB Short for 4.3 to Ra US$ 72.00 XPS STAR TRILOBE Short Implant Carrier for 3.5 & 4.3 implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench Intermediario ( Porta) Implante Estrella Trilobe Corto conexion a Contrangulo XPS - 115975 STAR-TRLB Short for 5.0 to Ra US$ 72.00 XPS STAR TRILOBE Short Implant Carrier for 5.0 implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench Intermediario ( Porta) Implante Estrella Trilobe Largo conexion a Contrangulo Implant Tools Membrane Tolls 10 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Membrane Tolls - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 BONE SCREW SERIE - MCT BONE SCREW SERIE - MCT Mini Screws for use with our Titanium Membrane Fixation Screw Kit. 1.2 SIZE Price + 121007 Code MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.2 * 4mm - # Au-12-004 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 14.00 +Info 121008 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.2 * 6mm - # Au-12-006 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121009 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.2 * 7mm - # Au-12-007 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121010 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.2 * 8mm - # Au-12-008 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121011 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.2 * 10mm - # Au-12-010 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 121012 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.2 * 12mm - # Au-12-012 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 1.4 SIZE Price + 121013 Code MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.4 * 4mm - # Au-14-004 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 14.00 +Info 121014 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.4 * 6mm - # Au-14-006 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121015 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.4 * 7mm - # Au-14-007 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121016 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.4 * 8mm - # Au-14-008 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121017 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.4 * 10mm - # Au-14-010 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 121018 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.4 * 12mm - # Au-14-012 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 1.6 SIZE Price + 121019 Code MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.6 * 4mm - # Au-16-004 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 14.00 +Info 121020 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.6 * 6mm - # Au-16-006 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121021 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.6 * 7mm - # Au-16-007 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121022 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.6 * 8mm - # Au-16-008 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121023 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.6 * 10mm - # Au-16-010 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 121024 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.6 * 12mm - # Au-16-012 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 1.8 SIZE Price + 121025 Code MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.8 * 4mm - # Au-18-004 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121026 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.8 * 6mm - # Au-18-006 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121027 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.8 * 7mm - # Au-18-007 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121028 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.8 * 8mm - # Au-18-008 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Name 11 Implant Tools Membrane Tolls - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 121029 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.8 * 10mm - # Au-18-010 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 121030 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw 01.8 * 12mm - # Au-18-012 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 2.0 SIZE Price + 121031 Code MCT - MCT - Bone Screw .0 * 4mm - # Au-20-004 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 14.00 +Info 121032 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw .0 * 6mm - # Au-20-006 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121033 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw .0 * 7mm - # Au-20-007 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121034 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw .0 * 8mm - # Au-20-008 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 14.00 +Info 121035 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw .0 * 10mm - # Au-20-010 ... US$ 14.00 +Info 121036 MCT - MCT - Bone Screw .0 * 12mm - # Au-20-012 ... US$ 14.00 +Info BONE SCREW UNITS - MCT BONE SCREW UNITS - MCT Code Name Price + US$ 1,216.00 +Info MCT - MCT - Block Bone Screw Set (54ea) - # Tms-03 ... US$ 950.00 +Info MCT - MCT - Membrane Fixed Screw Set (54ea) - # Tms-02 ... US$ 855.00 +Info 121004 MCT - MCT - Titanium Bone Screw Master(screw 75ea) - # Tms-01 ... 121006 121005 Parts Code 12 Price + 121047 MCT - Autoclaveable Case For Bone Sc Name US$ 190.00 +Info 121046 MCT - Screw Black Block For Bone Scr US$ 152.00 +Info 121045 MCT - Screw Driver Handle US$ 114.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Membrane Tolls - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 BONE TAC SERIE - MCT Price + 120995 Code MCT - MCT - Titanium Bone Tac Master(3.5:21ea- 4.5:21ea) - # Tbm-01 ... Name US$ 665.00 +Info 120996 MCT - MCT - Bone Tac Case(with 21ea Bone Tac)+bone Tac Holder - # Tbm-02 ... US$ 285.00 +Info 121000 MCT - MCT - Bone Tac Case(with 21ea Bone Tac) - # Bt-case2 ... US$ 228.00 +Info 121002 MCT - MCT - Bone Tac Holder - # Bt-hd [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 114.00 +Info 120999 MCT - MCT - Bone Tac Case - # Bt-case1 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 95.00 +Info 121001 MCT - MCT - Mallet 20mm - # Mal-01 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 79.80 +Info 120997 MCT - MCT - Bone Tac 3.5mm - # Bt-3.5 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 6.65 +Info 120998 MCT - MCT - Bone Tac 4.5mm - # Bt-4.5 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 6.65 +Info DRIVE SHAFT SERIE - MCT DRIVE SHAFT SERIE - MCT Drive shaft use for Handpiece for Bone Screw Master. Price + 121042 Code MCT - MCT - Driver Shaft 1(for Handpiece) - # Iha-04 ... US$ 57.00 +Info 121043 MCT - MCT - Driver Shaft 2(for Handpiece) - # Iha-05 ... US$ 57.00 +Info 121044 MCT - MCT - Driver Shaft 3(for Handle) - # Iha-06 ... US$ 57.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Name 13 Implant Tools Membrane Tolls - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 PILOT DRILL SERIE - MCT PILOT DRILL SERIE - MCT Price + 121037 Code MCT - MCT - Pliot Drill 01.0 - # Pld-1.0 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) Name US$ 38.00 +Info 121038 MCT - MCT - Pliot Drill 01.2 - # Pld-1.2 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 38.00 +Info 121039 MCT - MCT - Pliot Drill 01.4 - # Pld-1.4 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 38.00 +Info 121040 MCT - MCT - Pliot Drill 01.6 - # Pld-1.6 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 38.00 +Info 121041 MCT - MCT - Pliot Drill 01.8 - # Pld-1.8 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) US$ 38.00 +Info Implant Tools Screw Drivers XPS - 113599 Screwdriver Hex .035in 18mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver Hex 0.035in - 18 mm lenght - For hand and Wrench use - Square engagement - ( xxmm x xxmm ) ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador Hex 0.035 in - 18 mm XPS - 113596 Screwdriver Hex .048in 22mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver Hex 0.048in - 22 mm lenght - For hand and Wrench use - Square engagement - ( Mfg: CDHC1224/Q ) ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador Hex 0.048 in - 22 mm 14 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Screw Drivers - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 113600 Screwdriver Hex .035in 22mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver Hex 0.035in - 22mm lenght - For hand and Wrench use - Square engagement - ( xxmm x xxmm ) ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador Hex 0.035 in - 22 mm XPS - 113595 Screwdriver Hex .048in 18mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver Hex 0.048in - 18 mm lenght - For hand and Wrench use - Square engagement - ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador Hex 0.048 in - 18 mm 13/02/2016 / 4566 15 Implant Tools Screw Drivers - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 113601 Screwdriver RA Hex.048in 24mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver RA Hex 0.048in - 24 mm lenght - For Contrangle use - ( Mfg: CTH1224/Q ) [ RePlant - Re-Plus ReActive components ] ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador RA Hex 0.048 in - 24 mm XPS - 113598 Screwdriver SQ .050in 18mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver Square 0.050in - 18 mm lenght - For hand and Wrench use - Square engagement - ( Mfg: CDQC1220/Q ) ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador Cuadrado 0.050 in - 18 mm 16 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Screw Drivers - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 113597 Screwdriver SQ .050in 22mm US$ 40.50 XPS- Screwdriver Square 0.050in - 22 mm lenght - For hand and Wrench use - Square engagement - ( Mfg: CDQC1224/Q ) ( Puntas Torquimetro - Destronillador - Exagono ) Destornillador Cuadrado 0.050 in - 22 mm Implant Tools Sinus Surgery HYDRO LIFT SYSTEM - MCT HYDRO LIFT SYSTEM - MCT * Maxillary sinus membrane can be easily by hydrostatic pressure. * Various size of aqua tip(2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0) * Compatible to a variety of maxillary sinus elevation drill. * Sanitary membrane elevation due to use of a disposable syringe. * Because treatment of creastal approach is possible within 3mm in residual bone, the time and cost is reduced. * Desired amount of bone can be easily implanter. Code 120969 13/02/2016 / 4566 Name MCT - MCT - Hydro Lift System / Kit Set - # Wsl-01 ... Price + US$ 361.00 +Info 17 Implant Tools Sinus Surgery - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 MAGNETIC LATERAL APPOACH DRI LL KIT - MCT MAGNETIC LATERAL APPOACH DRILL KIT - MCT Kit Contents: * Window Trephine Drill 1 x 1mm and 1 x 2mm * Window Magnetic drill 1 x 1mm and 1 x 2mm * Diamond drill 03 and 1 x remover. Code 120990 Name MCT - MCT - Magnetic Lateral Appoach Drill Kit / Kit Set - # Mla-01 ... Price + US$ 475.00 +Info SINUS MASTER KITS - MCT SINUS MASTER KITS - MCT * Maxillary bone can be drilled efficiently with Sinus Master Kit. * After measuring the cortical bone length, steadily approach with Crest Drill with stopper until last 1mm. * For the last 1mm, finish with Crest Reamer with 1mm Stopper joined. Drill mainly relies on the Diamond particles. * Use sinus lift instruments to lift up the sinus membrane. Code 18 Price + 120979 MCT - MCT - Sinus Master Kit Iii / Kit Set - # Smk3-01 ... Name US$ 931.00 +Info 120978 MCT - MCT - Sinus Master Kit Ii / Kit Set - # Smk2-01 ... US$ 779.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Sinus Surgery - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 TISSUE PUNCH / TREPHINE BUR - M CT TISSUE PUNCH / TREPHINE BUR - MCT Price + 120991 Code MCT - MCT - Tissue Punch & Trephine Bur * Saw Set / Kit Set - # Tat-01 ... Name US$ 589.00 +Info 120992 MCT - MCT - Tissue Punch & Trephine Bur * Saw Mini Set / Kit Set - # Tat-02 ... US$ 285.00 +Info Implant Tools Surgical Kits SURGICAL IMPLANTS KITS - MCT SURGICAL IMPLANTS KITS - MCT Can be configured as a set of desired product Code Name 120993 MCT - MCT - Implant Basic Set / Kit Set - # Ibs-set ... 120981 MCT - MCT - First Surgery Kit / Kit Set - # Fs-kit ... Price + US$ 1,003.20 +Info US$ 570.00 +Info Implant Tools Tool Kits 13/02/2016 / 4566 19 Implant Tools Tool Kits - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 114248 14 pcs Laboratory Tool Kit US$ 599.00 XPS - Laboratory Tool Kit - 14 pcsTool Kits# 114248 Features- 1 Adjustable Wrench - 1 Manual Hex Screw driver 360- 1Manual Hex Screw Driver -1 Manual Square Screw Driver - 1 Manual Flas Screw Driver - 1 Ca Hex Screw driver 360 - 1 Ca Hex Screw driver - 1 Ca Square Screw driver - 1 Ca Flat Screw driver - 1 Hex Wrench Screw driver 360 - 1 Hex Wrench Screw driver 1 Square Wrench Screw driver - 1 Flat Wrench Screw driver GBR KIT - MCT GBR KIT - MCT Product Combination of Bone Screw, Bone Chip Maker, Mesh Kit contains: * Driver handle and shaft * 2 x shafts to use with handpiece * Pilot drill 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 * Saw: 7,10, 8 * Mesh in diameters 1.3, 0.25 sizes 30*30, 20*15 (one in each diameter) * Stopper:5mm, 7mm, 10mm, 11.5mm * Bone chip maker 3.4, 3.9, 4.2, 5.2. * Various screws for fixing membrane and block bone. Code 120994 Name MCT - MCT - Gbr-kit -with Bcm- (75ea) - # Gbr-kit ... Price + US$ 1,330.00 +Info GOLD MILL KIT SET - MCT GOLD MILL KIT SET - MCT Existing Crusher not only gives anxiety - provoking noises from the hitting sounds occurring when crushing bones but also reduces the volume of the bones. In addition, existing bone mills result in a lot of bone losses due to the large size of the shaft. On a contrary, our Gold Mill is small enough to be completely grasped by hand and compact with simple system, which minimized bone loss as well as is very easy to use, maintain wash Code 20 Price + 120966 MCT - MCT - Gold Mill(large) / Kit Set - # Gdm-01 ... Name US$ 399.00 +Info 120967 MCT - MCT - Gold Mill(small) / Kit Set - # Gdm-02 ... US$ 323.00 +Info 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Tool Kits - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 XPS - 116005 Implant Surgical Box Large US$ 1,450.00 XPS-Implant Surgical Box Large - Clear Acylic l - ( 5 Helicoidal burs + 1 pin set + 1 adjustable wrench + 2 screw drivers + 1 Flat Wrench ) Caja Quirurica Grande XPS - 115955 Implant Surgical Box Standard US$ 1,150.00 XPS-Implant Surgical Box Standard - Stainless steel - ( 5 Helicoidal burs + 1 pin set + 1 adjustable wrench + 2 screw drivers + 1 Flat Wrench ) Caja Quirurica CompactaXPS - Implant Surgical Box StandardTool Kits# 115955 FeaturesEverything you need to place your first implants Box Contains* 1 initial bur ( pin Set * 2 Intermediate burs* 3 final Helicoidakl Burs ( for 3.75 - 4.1 & 5.0 implants ) * 1 Adjustable Wrench ( torquimeter) * 1 Flat Wrench* 2 Screw Hexagon drivers (0.48 & 0.36 ) - Made in Stainless Steel IRRIGATION SYSTEM - KIT SET - MCT IRRIGATION SYSTEM - KIT SET - MCT Advantages of Irrigation System: * * * * * It can be easily installed onto unit chair right arm. It can irrigation to 1000cc cell line without recharging It can be used without recharging syringe when opening the maxillary sinus window on implant fixture. Convenient Sterilization (Handle and Line can be sterilized) Detachable irrigation Tip How to use the Irrigation System: * Put 1000cc of cell line into the Irrigation Pack* Connect the tack of Irrigation Handle to cell line * Lock the valve and inject air to increase air pressure of the pack * When the gauge turns green, lock the stopper to prevent air discharge. * The line should be sterilized wrapped by cotton gauze and the irrigation needle should be detached for handle for sterilizing Code 120987 13/02/2016 / 4566 Name MCT - MCT - Irrigation System / Kit Set - # Irr-01 ... Price + US$ 285.00 +Info 21 Implant Tools Tool Kits - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 MASAI DRILL SET II KIT SET - MCT MASAI DRILL SET II KIT SET - MCT Magnetic Drill It is magnetic drill which delete maxillary bone without damage of sinus membrane. Using Alnico Magnet which can bearable with 400C, magnetic of drill is not change with autoclave temperature. Character of Magnetic Drill - Three Kinds Safety devices * Blade of drill have groove in the diamond bar, safety and cutting force is excellent, and even though drill reach sinus membrance, membrance is not damaged. * Masai drill are tripped against sill which made by initial drill, and even if presssed at moment of bone punching, masai drill did not go through into the hole. * At the moment of bone punching, upper part of masai drill was separate from the Lower part by magnet force and stop operate. It can perceive by hand, also can confirm through separation of gear. Code 120968 Name MCT - MCT - Masai Drill Set Ii / Kit Set - # Mas2-01 ... Price + US$ 1,140.00 +Info PRF BOX - MCT PRF BOX - MCT Character of PRF BOX * Prevent from infection by not using gauze * Can use Growth Factor which collected by PRF BOX while Bone Grafting. It is helpful for formation of bone. Direction for Use * * * * Draw 5cc blood from patients. Extract PRF Gel by centrifuge. Put the yellow part of PRF Gel. And press by press board. Use PRF membrane which is detached from liquid. Code 120986 Name MCT - MCT - Composition Of Prf Box / Kit Set - # Prf-box ... XPN - 115957 STAR-TRLB Long for 4.3 to Ra Price + US$ 193.80 +Info US$ 58.00 XPN- STAR TRILOBE Long Implant Carrier for 3.5 & 4.3 implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench - Intermediario ( Porta) Implante Estrella Trilobe Largo conexion a Contrangulo 22 13/02/2016 / 4566 Implant Tools Tool Kits - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 SMART MIXER KIT SET - MCT SMART MIXER KIT SET - MCT * Cement is not harden during mixing due to shorted mixing time. * Aways maintain best proerties of matter with mixing of correct ratio. * Avoid waste of material with silicones containers, and can sabe cost of material. * Operator can directly mix without assistant staf. Code 120985 Name MCT - MCT - Smart Mixer / Kit Set - # Cmr-02 [ implant instruments & tools ] ( china ) XPN - 115974 STAR-TRLB Long for 5.0 to Ra Price + US$ 216.60 +Info US$ 58.00 XPN- STAR TRILOBE Long Implant Carrier for 5.0 implants to Ra ( Contrangle ) - Also conects to Wrench - Intermediario ( Porta) Implante Estrella Trilobe Largo conexion a Contrangulo 13/02/2016 / 4566 23 - - 1 1-866-625-5558 - 1-954-874-6325 Catalog Index / Indice del Catálogo Bone Collectors Bone Split Technique Burs & Drills for Implants Fixtures & Screw Removers Implant Holders Implant Instruments Implant Intermediates Carriers Membrane Tolls Screw Drivers Sinus Surgery Surgical Kits Tool Kits 24 1 1 4 5 5 6 7 10 14 17 19 19 13/02/2016 / 4566
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