- Knowledge Sector Initiative
- Knowledge Sector Initiative
Agenda THE KNOWLEDGE SECTOR CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP 2012 TRACING INDONESIA’S NEW PATH: REVITALISING KNOWLEDGE TO REDUCE POVERTY DEVELOPING INFLUENTIAL THINK TANKS: WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE ONE? SUSUNAN ACARA SECTOR CONFERENCE, 2 OCTOBER 2012 2 October 2012 09:30 –10:00 10:00 –10:30 10:30 –11:00 11:00 –11:30 11:30 –12:45 12:45 –13:45 13:45 –14:15 14:15 –15:30 15:30 –15:45 15:45 –16:45 16:45 –17:00 REGISTRATION Opening of ‘Tracing Jacqui De Lacy (Head of AusAID Indonesia) Indonesia’s New Path: BAPPENAS: Prof. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana (State Minister Revitalising Knowledge To for National Development Planning/Head of BAPPENAS)* Reduce Poverty’ Prof. Dr. Pratikno (Rector, Gadjah Mada University) Key Note: Greg Moriarty, Australian Ambassador ‘Indonesia at the Crossroads’ Morning Tea & Press Conference for AusAID; BAPPENAS; UGM SESSION I: Knowledge Flash talk: Indonesia in the Global Knowledge Economy, And Indonesia’s Future (Anies R. Baswedan, Paramadina University) Prosperity TALK SHOW: Moderator/ Host: 1. Fasli Jalal (Former Vice Minister of Education and Culture) Irma Natalia Hutabarat 2. Dewi Fortuna Anwar (VP Office) 3. Edwin Utama (BCG) 4. Deddy Indrayana (Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights) Lunch Angklung: Performance and Interactive Play SESSION II: Democracy Flash talk: Rizal Sukma (CSIS) And Debate: The Role Of Knowledge TALK SHOW: 1. R. Siti Zuhro, LIPI Moderator/Host: 2. Harry Azhar Azis, Parliament Member Desi Anwar (Metro TV) 3. Nicolas Ducote (Argentine Republic) 4. Yuna Farhan (FITRA) (TBC) Afternoon Tea SESSION III: Investing In Flash talk: Suahasil Nazara (TNP2K) Research For Indonesia’s Future TALK SHOW: 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Musliar Kasim, M.S. (Vice Minister, Moderator/Chair: Kemendikbud)* Bima P. Santosa 2. Martin Lardone (expert on research financing) (Paramadina University) 3. Fritz Simandjuntak (Rajawali) 4. Sangkot Marzuki (AIPI) Closing Remarks – Where to next for Indonesia’s Petra Karetji (AusAID) Knowledge Sector? *To be confirmed SECTOR WORKSHOP, 3-4 OCTOBER 2012 3 October 2012 08.30-09.00 09.00-09.30 09.30-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12.30 Welcome Remarks Workshop Orientation and Introductions Debate: What are the most effective ways to influence policy? AusAID INSPIRIT Learning from International Think Tanks Antonia Mutoro (IPAR Rwanda) Arun Mahizhnan (IPS Singapore) Martine Letts (Lowy Institute Australia) Goran Buldioski (Think Tank Fund Hungary) 12.30-13.30 13.30-14.30 Lunch Learning from Indonesian Think Tanks 14.30-15.30 Policy and Decision-making in Indonesia 15.30-16.00 16.00-17.30 19.00 Identifying Strengths of Think Tanks in Indonesia Evening Reception followed by Dinner PRESENTATION: Enrique Mendizabal (on think tanks blog author and Independent Consultant) PANEL DISCUSSION: Natalia Subagjo (Transparency International Indonesia)* Dodi Ambardi (Lembaga Survei Indonesia)* Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro (Centre for Health Service Management UGM) Coffee All Rizal Sukma (CSIS) Ilham Candekia Srimarga (Pattiro) Daniel Dhakidae (LP3ES) Nurul Widyaningrum (Akatiga) Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti, MSc, PhD (Wamen MenKes) Vivi Yulaswati (Bappenas) Raden Siliwanti (Bappenas)* Coffee INSPIRIT Information Market and Exhibition. Display area to be prepared for participants to share their work. *To be confirmed 4 October 2012 08.30-09.00 09.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-13.30 13.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-17.00 17.00-17.30 17.30 Recap and Review of Day 1 Visioning Indonesia’s Think Tanks of the Future Change for Engagement: What Needs to Happen for Indonesia’s Think Tanks to Successfully Influence Indonesian Public Policy Think Tank Clinic 1: Research and Writing Skills 1. Writing a Research Proposal 2. Writing a Policy Brief 3. Setting a Research Agenda Think Tank Clinic 2: Communication and Engagement 4. Producing a useful communication strategy 5. Writing in the media 6. Linking with policy makers Participants Reflections Closing Remarks INSPIRIT INSPIRIT Coffee INSPIRIT Lunch 1. Martin Lardone; Sutoro Eko Yunanto (IRE); Saiful Mahdi (ICAIOS); and Asep Suryahadi (SMERU) 2. Antonia Mutoro; Ali Ghufron Mukti (KPMAK); and Purnama Sidhi (Mitra Samya) 3. Arun Mahizhnan; Goran Buldioski; Bondan Sikoki (SurveyMETER); Rakhmat Hidayat (Komunitas Konservasi Indonesia Warsi) Coffee 1. Enrique Mendizabal; J. Danang Widoyoko (ICW); Wahyu Candra (Jurnal Celebes) 2. Arun Mahizhnan; Irwansyah (PUSKAPOL UI); Yuna Farhan (SEKNAS FITRA) 3. Antonia Mutoro; Caroline Tupamahu (JIKTI/ BAKTI); Syamsudin Alimsyah (KOPEL Makassar) INSPIRIT AusAID
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