Name: Sarah Jo Ward
Name: Sarah Jo Ward
In play a child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behavior; in play it is as though he were a head taller than himself. (Vygotsky,1978) but what about adults? and if adults, what about communities? KNOWING BEING DOING BECOMING If human activity is to produce novelty, it includes play at its core. (Valsiner) Adults accepting boundaries and playing within them Kids looking for the boundaries through play (A child’s) play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has acquired. (Vygotsky, 1978) Play bears little resemblance to what it leads to, and only a profound internal analysis makes it possible to determine its course of movement. (Vygotsky, 1966) Time’s Up! • About you: – – – – – Name: Sarah Jo Ward Department: Learning Sciences Contact Information: Twitter/URL:; Quick bio: Sarah Jo Ward is a writer, researcher, educator, and community experience designer. She completed her M.Ed with a certificate in Museology and is currently working on her Ph.D in Learning Sciences. Exploring the use of ethnography and play as a starting point for design, development, and social practice, her current research focuses on museums and their community engagement initiatives. In addition to scholastic and creative projects, she is co-founder of the museum consulting company, Sparling + Ward. Feedback Time • About you: – – – – – Name: Sarah Jo Ward Department: Learning Sciences Contact Information: Twitter/URL:; Quick bio: Sarah Jo Ward is a writer, researcher, educator, and community experience designer. She completed her M.Ed with a certificate in Museology and is currently working on her Ph.D in Learning Sciences. Exploring the use of ethnography and play as a starting point for design, development, and social practice, her current research focuses on museums and their community engagement initiatives. In addition to scholastic and creative projects, she is co-founder of the museum consulting company, Sparling + Ward.
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