TBS News - Temple Beth Shmuel
TBS News - Temple Beth Shmuel
T B S New s The Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation Newsletter Miami Beach. October - November - December 2009 In This Edition: by Raul Gorfinkel President’s Message P. 3 Rabbi’s Message P. 4 Montessori School P. 5 Women’s League P. 6 Social Events P. 7,8,9 Middle East P. 10 Sección en Español P.20,21 Cards Donations P. 22 Yarzeit Donations P. 23 Birthdays & Anniversaries P. 24,25 Calendars Tropical Night 2009 P. 26,27 On August 15th, we had our traditional Tropical Night in the Olemberg Ballroom. This time it was a bit different because we honored two special people from our community, our Ofelia Ruder and Rabbi Mayer Abramowitz. A proclamation and a plaque were given to both of them by Commissioner Ed Tobin and Mayor Matti Herrera Bower. Harriet Carter r e p r e s e n t i n g Ileana Ros-Lehtinen spoke about o ur honorees. A Video of the “History of the Cuban Jewish MIDDLE EAST "The end result Our members enjoying. Community and the Cuban Hebrew Congregation - Temple Beth Shmuel” was shown. Jasmin delighted the audience with her charm as always Photo: Avi Ashkenazi making everybody get up and dance. Guayaberas were given to all attendees, courtesy of Natural Collection of Los Angeles. Continues on page 9 The weak Western strategy in Middle East by George Chaya While continuing to insist that the creation of a Palestinian state will bring security to the region, the events of recent weeks do not think that is going to be easy to achieve calm and stability with the sole creation of such a state. of wisdom is... page 10 good deeds." The Talmud La muerte de un profeta SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL por el Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski Page: 20 Page 2 The Cuban Hebrew Congregation Concert Series presents Metropolitan Klezmer Ensemble Paul Posnak, Artistic Director Saturday, February 20th, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. Main Sanctuary (1701 Lenox Ave. Miami Beach) General Adult Admission: Reserved Section (Front Rows): Student Admission: Children under 12: $18.00 $25.00 $ 5.00 Free For information and reservation Please call: 305 - 534 - 7213 Tickets can be purchased in advance by check or credit card, and at the door. Parking available in Temple’s Parking Lot at the Michigan Ave. entrance or Municipal Parking across the street. Please Call For Reservations Now Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Sunday thru Tuesday 7:30 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El Wednesday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. & Saturdays 9:15 a.m. at Temple Beth Shmuel 1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach, FL 33139 .Phone: (305) 534-7213 / Fax: (305) 534-5143 e-mails: contact@cubanhebrew.com / bethshmuel@bellsouth.net http://www.cubanhebrew.com Printed at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. c All rights reserved TBS - News Editors: Avi Ashkenazi Tere Ben-Hain Ofelia Ruder Graphics and design: Avi Ashkenazi MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear members: Interestingly, the Jewish New Year holidays, the first of the 5770 decade, has come and passed; and the Gregorian year 2009, the last year of first decade of the twenty first century that guides our daily lives, is coming to an end in 62 days, at the time of this writing. According to the table of numbers of the Cuban Chinese parallel lotto system “La Charada,” well known to Cuban Jews, the number 62 means “matrimonio” or marriage. It is obvious that the end of this decade has been probably the worst that we have lived since we arrived from Cuba in the 1960s; and for Americans, the worst since 1929. These very difficult years have brought more personal and financial pains that we ever want to remember. For many, this period has lasted longer than the seven bad years written in the Torah in Genesis: 41, (Parashat Miketz) if we start counting since March 2000, when the stock market started its first decline of this century. Consequently it is important that, as we enter this new decade in both calendars, that we all “marry” into an attitude of positive thinking, as it is said in Spanish, “a mal tiempo, buena cara”, or in Hebrew, “Yiie Tov”. According to a recent Federal Reserve Bank study, the recession is over, although employment is still lagging. It is said that before we can change our lives, we need to change the way we think. Recent psychological studies also show that constant negative thinking is detrimental to the mental and physical health of the individual thinking negatively and those with whom he/she associates. The current term for negativity is called “toxic.” It is as unhealthy as influenza, first or second hand smoking, or uncontrollable drinking. The term is also applied in finance to uncollectible loans and investments, which are referred to as “toxic assets” which banks, companies and individuals carry in their portfolios today. It is even recommended that we review our friendships and even separate from “toxic” friends in our lives. Undoubtedly, we need to change the way we think. Each one of us is the average of the five persons with whom we associate. Therefore, we have to come to the realization that none of us can afford to have “toxic friends”. We all have a genius inside of us. Some get to “discover it” during their lives, others die without ever finding it simply because of negative thinking. With regards to our Congregation, for the last several years, there have been a very small number of members or past members making negative comments about our future. Yet, we are still here and the last High Holiday or Yamim Noraim services were incredibly spiritually joyous. Just about everyone that attended stated how beautiful and inspiring they were, even when we had a “new” Rabbi and Hazzan. Rabbi Richard Chizever, Cantor Stephen Texon, and Baal Korah Jacques Malka excelled with their Page 3 chanting, sermons and readings, that remain memorable. What was most remarkable was the high level of coordination, cooperation, professionalism and harmony among the three of them that was felt by everyone coming up to the bimah or listening from their respective sanctuary chairs. Also, we are fortunate to have individuals on the Board of Directors and members who are positive thinkers and forward looking. Thanks to the efforts and dedication of Berta Edery, Sylvia Gurinsky, Albert Asis and Avi Ashkenazi, we have leapfrogged to the 21th century in communication with our members and the outside world. You can find us now on the web (internet) at www.cubanhebrew.com. Albert Asis donated the significant number of hours that it took him personally to design the site, and Berta and Sylvia have voluntarily invested uncountable hours in reading, reviewing, writing, translating and selecting historical and current content which will continue to expand. Avi Ashkenazi, as web-master, put it all together. The mission is to provide a very current, informative and historical site that members and prospective members and their families, (whether young or old) rabbis, and other members of the clergy, historians, academicians, and anyone else interested in our faith, our activities and accomplishments can quickly refer to it. Any organization, in order to survive and thrive must refresh its leadership. Therefore, we must transfer “our torch” “Le Dor va Dor”, from generation to generation. The time has come for the younger ones to start actively participating, whether in person, or through the web. In contrast to any other Congregation, which is primarily strong in a neighborhood, we are a community that is proud of its Jewish and Cuban roots while living as part of “main street America”, because as Cuban Jews, we live not only in Miami, but also in many cities throughout the United States and other countries, including Israel. The reason for the above paragraph is, that according to our By-Laws, the term of office of the current Board of Directors, and my tenure as President, will end on December 31, 2009 at midnight. As you know, this was the second time since 1992 that you have entrusted to me since October 2007 the responsibilities of this Community, and I thank you for the confidence bestowed in me. This Board has made progress. I wish the new President and Board the best in carrying on our mission. As Immediate Past President, I will continue as a member of the Board and Executive Committee. You have all received in the mail a letter for nomination to the 2010 Board of Directors. Please contact Michael Glinsky, CPA, Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Be a positive thinker, be proactive, and join the Board. Approach a younger member to carry “our flag, our banner, our torch”. We should all be proud of the Cuban Jewish Community. We are “hot.” We are constantly being written about or being researched, even after 50 years of being in America. Interestingly, the Jewish Museum of Florida Page 4 in South Beach has plans to have an exhibit on the Cuban Jews in the spring of 2010. Moreover, become a co-producer of the first historical video of our Community since our arrival in 1960. The Board of directors wants to take this opportunity to thank Lucia Kelton for the 25 years of dedicated service to the Congregation, and to Becky Kobrowski-Cohen, Tere Ben-Hain and Josephine Rubin for their volunteer dedication to the administrative and financial duties in the office so that the Congregation can continue its mission. Our vision for 2010 and beyond should be to increase all our activities, and especially for our successful Montessori School to continue expanding, and for these children to obtain their Jewish education in higher grades in our premises. And when they reach Bar-Bat Mitzvah age, they can celebrate their Simcha in one of the most famous places on earth today, South Beach, the area many Israeli soldiers dream of visiting when they finish their military service. Let’s be visionary and marry into the positive thinking of the Torah and the Magic of Thinking Big, a 1959 best-seller book which is still available, authored by the late Dr. David J. Schwartz, who was my Professor of Marketing at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia. Or more recently, Stephen R. Covey’s 1989 best seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. On behalf of the Board of Directors and Council of Presidents, our best wishes for a great 5770 / 2010 decade filled with health, joy, nachas and parnose (parnasa). Shalom U Bracha, Chazak V Eematz. Afectos y Abrazos, Kindest personal regards, Marcos A. Kerbel President November 18, 2009 Message from our visiting Rabbi When I told my colleagues and friends that I would be the rabbi at The Cuban Hebrew Congregation for the high holidays, I was immediately asked the question, “Do you have to give the sermon in Spanish? Obviously, the answer I s no. But the warm hospitality I received was very “Cuban.” So my daughter Sophia, who made the sanctuary and bimah like her home, as well as me thank you for your warm reception. There is that famous Jewish saying: Jews say goodbye, but never leave. Though the High Holydays are over, I have yet to leave Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation. I am still conducting services on Shabbat, my daughter is still running up and down the synagogue aisle, and additionally, I am providing a rabbinic presence to the school children at the synagogue’s Montessori school. So far, we have had three great programs two Friday morning Tot Shabbats and a Kabbalat Shabbat family service/Pizza in the Hut for Sukkot. There are many more exciting programs planned for the future for both the synagogue and school, so please be sure to attend in order to make them a success! As Chanukah is just around the corner, I would like to convey this thought: Our Chanukkiot (remember, a Menorah has seven branches, a Chanukkiah has eight plus one for the shamesh) have been taken out of the closet, the candles have been bought, and presents have been purchased. When we light our Chanukkiah, we follow the teaching of the great rabbinic sage Hillel - we light the number of candles that correspond to that day of Chanukah. So, on the first day we light one candle, and on the eighth day we light eight candles. Now Hillel’s counterpart is Shammai. And Shammai taught that we light the Chanukkiah the exact opposite way – we start with eight candles, and each day we take one away. This “diminishing” effect is analogous to the diminishing amount of oil. Why do we follow the teaching of Hillel, over that of Shammai’s? The reason is simple. As the Talmud teaches, we go up in holiness not down. And each day of Chanukah brought with it a bigger miracle - that the oil lasted yet another day. We still are surrounded by miracles, but many of them go unnoticed. Nature, the birth process, a beautiful sunrise, a romantic sunset, the love between parents and children & husband and wife – these are but some of the many miracles we wake up to each and every morning. May this holiday season for you and your family be full of health, happiness, and many miracles! B’Shalom Rabbi Richard S. Chizever Page 5 MONTESSORI SCHOOL Message from the School Committee We have had a wonderful start in our 2009-2010 school year. So far we have had an exciting new year filled with new activities, new materials, new families and many new friends. We have many wonderful teachers and staff, including our extra-curricular activities’ teachers, such as our dance teacher Miss Corin, our music teacher Mr. Danny, our art teacher Miss Fabiana, and our Karate teacher Master Sam. We have a very strong and active PTA this year. They have been working very hard on our first Mitzvah project. We are collecting baby items for Shari Daniels, a very well known and dedicated midwife. She is currently helping women deliver babies in Somalia and they are in great need of supplies. On November 17th, our PTA held a holiday Bazaar where goods such as jewelry, children’s items, stationery, cosmetics, and much more was sold from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the temple’s cocktail room and 20% of all vendor’s proceeds was given back to the school. It was very well attendant. Our Sukkot Party Friday, October 2nd, 2009 Page 6 WOMEN’S LEAGUE Message from the Women’s League We take pride in our work every year as we get ready for the High Holidays. We are in charge of having the Torah Covers and Mantelpieces cleaned and ready to be changed to “All White” before the High Holidays Services. We also make sure that we have apples to be distributed after the Rosh Hashana Services and sponge cake with apple juices after the Yom Kippur Services. We organized a Break-The-Fast Dinner right after Havdallah services during Yom Kippur Day which was enjoyed by a number of our congregants. During the month of October, we followed with a Dinner Under the Sukkah offered to the members and congregants sponsored by our group. It was a very enjoyable evening having services first in our main sanctuary and then sitting outdoors and enjoying each other’s company. Rabbi Chizever, Rabbi Malka and Cantor Texon made the evening very religiously fulfilling. by Tere Ben-Hain Again, we are starting our continued effort to get all our members to participate in a variety of activities but we need all of you to volunteer your time and come and join us in the preparations and give us your ideas. We would like to invite you to please email us at bethshmuel@bellsouth.net, Attention: Women’s League, any ideas or suggestions you might have for a get-together. Also, if you would like to sponsor any Shabbat Kiddush during the year, celebrating a happy occasion, please let us know. Our Gift Shop is located near the main office and will be receiving new items. Why don’t you stop by and select some gifts for your families and friends, especially now that Hannukah is coming up. We would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions: • Polita and Mario Chyzyk for donating the apples during Rosh Hashana Services in memory of their parents. • Estela Wainstein, Eva Babil and Lucia Kelton for donating chocolates and candy for the children during babysitting services during the High Holidays Services. • All members and non-members who contributed to our annual Mother’s and Father’s Day Journals. • To our sponsors for their donations to our annual women’s luncheon raffle. • To all who donated funds for our Food for the Needy campaign to provide holiday packages to Jewish families in the community. Celebrate a Simcha Sponsor a Kiddush Please call our office at (305) 534-7213 to honor a loved one on their birthday, anniversary or any special occasion. Page 7 SOCIAL EVENTS SLEEPLESS NIGHT On November 7th, the Cuban Hebrew Congregation was proud to participate in the yearly Cultural event of the City of Miami Beach, called “Sleepless Night”, held on multiple venues throughout the City from South Beach to the North end of Miami Beach. We had our Temple Open House from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and were happy to receive over 200 visitors eager to see our facilities and the video about the History of the Cuban Jews and their journey from Eastern Europe, Turkey and Spain to Cuba and then to the United States. The video, which was developed by our president Marcos Kerbel and Rabbi Abramowitz’ daughter Rina, held our guests enthralled from start to finish and clarified many misconceptions they had about the Cuban Jews and about our Temple. Our visitors, young and old came from different areas of South Miami, North Miami and Miami Beach as well as from other states like New Mexico, New Jersey, North Carolina and New York. After each showing of the video, our hosts answered questions and gave our visitors a tour of the Sanctuary and the Olemberg Ballroom and some of their comments were: “Amazing sanctuary”, “Beautiful Ballroom, “Beyond our expectations”. They were also surprised to know that our religious services and books were in English. Several expressed interest in coming to our services. My wife Anita and I want to thank the volunteers that helped us throughout the night: Nancy Brook, Polita and Mario Chyzyk, Ina and Bruce Melceras, Mara Torres, Miriam and Carlos Waserstein. In all, it was a very successful event and great exposure for the Cuban Hebrew Congregation. Oscar Sklar Event Chairman Special Shabbat in honor of Rabbi Abramowitz On July 25th, 2009, we held a Special Shabbat in honor of our Rabbi Abramowitz and his wife Rachel. He had decided to “finally” retire and spend time with his family. We had several speakers from the congregation talk about his rabbinical time with us at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation and how we all felt sad about his leaving. We honored him with a lovely Birkat Habait Art piece by Reuven Masel, an Israeli artist, that will be displayed at his home. He knows he will be always be welcome at our synagogue. A special Kiddush luncheon followed our services sponsored by the Women’s League. TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: We would like again to stress the importance of having a daily minyan. Your attendance is vital in order to provide our congregants with the opportunity to honor the memory of family and friends. Thank you for your cooperation SOCIAL EVENTS Page 8 2nd Concert Series by Oscar Sklar The second Concert of our “Cuban Hebrew Congregation Concert Series” was held on Saturday Night, September 5th, in the Main Sanctuary. It was very well attended by our members and a new young crowd of music lovers. Paul Posnak, Michael Klotz and Audience. Photo: Avi Ashkenazi Oscar Sklar (Event Moderator). Photo: Avi Ashkenazi The attendees had again a treat of a World Class Concert that featured, Michael Klotz on the Violin, Jason Calloway on the Cello and accompanied by the fabulous Piano performance of our Artistic Director Dr. Paul Posnak. The Third Concert of our 2009-2010 Series will be held on February 20th, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple Main Sanctuary and it will feature “The Metropolitan Klezmer Band” coming from New York and which is considered to be one of the top Bands of Klezmer Music in the world. Please make your Reservations now for this great event since we expect a full house. Sponsorships are also available for this Concert for which you will have your name acknowledged in the Program the day of the event. Please call Ofelia for Reservations and Sponsorships. They all gave top quality performances to satisfy the most demanding Classical Music connoisseurs with their renditions of music composed by: Felix Mendelssohn, Ernest Bloch, Josef Achron, Gideon Klein, Leo Zeitlin, Oedeon Partos and MIeczyslaw Weinberg all Jewish Composers from which we learned very interesting anecdotes of their lives told by the Musicians. Audience. Photo: Avi Ashkenazi THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT. Michael Klotz, Violin, Paul Posnak, Piano and Jason Calloway, Cello. Photo: Avi Ashkenazi Page 9 Tropical Night 2009 by Raul Gorfinkel Continued from page 1 I would like to thank all our sponsors of the event: Mojito by Natural Collection, Sentir Cubano, Lidia & Jimmy Resnick, Nieves & Isaac Olemberg, Rosita & Oscar Boruchin, Cila & Salomon Gold, Perry Ellis International, Dulce & Jose Blacher, Becky & Simon Cohen, Norma & Elias Kobrowski, Dimsa Distributing Co., Rebeca & Jimmy Sobie and Bacardi U.S.A. Ofelia Ruder and Raul Gorfinkel. Matti Herrera Bower, Miami Beach Mayor; Ofelia Ruder and Ed Tobin, Miami Beach Commissioner. Rabbi Mayer Abramowitz and Ofelia Ruder. Ofelia Ruder and Becky Cohen. Marcos Kerbel, Harriet Carter and Rabbi Abramowitz Marcos A. Kerbel and Ofelia Ruder. Photo: Roberto Koltun Photos: Roberto Koltun MIDDLE EAST Page 10 The weak Western strategy in Middle East While continuing to insist that the creation of a Palestinian state will bring security to the region, the events of recent weeks do not think that is going to be easy to achieve calm and stability with the sole creation of such a state. At present, the West continues at an impasse, implement policies that will not solve the problem of the Arab-Israeli conflict, but which are advertised as the path to victory for the West on Islamic fundamentalism in the war on terror. In fact, the Arab-Israeli conflict itself - the central point and often single USA policy toward the Middle East or Western - is articulated in the global confrontation against terrorism embodied by Ben Laden and those who financed with millions still Europe Euros from the European Union. The trends of today's world, globalization, tec hnolog y, secularism and basically the universal desire of human beings to live in freedom and participate in public affairs are not likely to be defeated by Islamic fundamentalists who yearn to restore traditions of the century VII. Fundamentalism, regardless of what is heard in the Arab street or in the Western press addicted to it, is rejected by moderate Muslims and will not be able to take hold in this enlightened era in which all religions are in retreat versus progress of science and technology. The caveat is that Islamic fundamentalism was imposed by force. The serious threat posed by Islamic fundamentalism is not so much the attractiveness of its ideology, but the potential eventually to destructive means to try to impose worldwide. The story is foolproof, since time immemorial, all international and regional conflicts have had repercussions in the Middle East. Noting the region's history from 1870 to today, are clearly identifiable recurring cycles and the like. For complex reasons having to do with religion-government relationship and their political, social and historical, the history of the area is characterized by alternating between periods of calm and instability and deep decline, closely linked and parallel to the alternation of power game that seems to define the tone and reflect the conflict between the two fronts of all time: West and East. Therefore, the so-called battle "to win the hearts and minds" of Muslims worldwide who want some in the West is waging a futile battle, because the average person, including the vast majority of Muslims do not want live under the advice of Islamic fundamentalism and its oligarchs. We all know, and it is common sense that if human beings are given a choice, never chooses any kind of oppression. The real battle at the global level is, unfortunately, mostly military, active and preventive, rather than ideological or economic. In other words, while the Islamic fundamentalists were neutralize the ability to attack and conducting large-scale massacres such as those of Sept. 11, Atocha, London, Bali or other so there is little to fear the future. The fundamentalist cause is lost by definition. Therefore, without downplaying the issue, and although in the by George Chaya short term could still cause much damage, long-term turbulence is not eternal, only t em p or a r y, c yc l i c a l a n d d em ons tr a t e d t hr ou g h out history. Provided that the conditions that historically have been met, which are not exactly sitting down to await the passing turbulence or giving speeches while politically correct European capitals wake every morning with a new jihad´s cell off, at best, cases. American Chronicle Courtesy of Orientemedio.net George Chaya is a BA in Science of History, writer and journalist. He worked at the Safe Democracy Foundation, in Madrid, Spain, as an International Politics Analyst specializing in matters of the Middle East and the region´s ethnic and religious conflicts and even more specifically, in the subject of counter-terrorism and its impact in Latin America. As a political analyst, he has been interviewed by national and international media, including: LBC – Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., Abu Dhabi TV, New TV SAT (Lebanon), Al Jazzera TV, America TV, Caracol Group, Channel 26 TV for Latin America. At present, he serves as an Affairs Specialist on Islamic Fundamentalis m and as a Counter-terrorism Expert Analyst for the World Security Network Foundation in Munich, Germany and the American Chronicle in United States of America. Chaya is a political columnist for Miami´s International Radio and also an Adviser for The Academic Council of GEES Radio from Madrid. He is also a contributor to several newspapers in Spanish as Diario ABC and La Razón in Madrid, Diario Exterior, and for the US newspaper America´s Daily. Page 11 Congratulations to my grandchildren, Ronnie and Brad On the birth of their daughter ftuÜ|Çt WÉÇ UxÇàÉyy May she always bring you both lots of naches, joy and happiness. Love, Bobe Fañe Feliz Cumpleaños a nuestro querido esposo, padre y zaide XÄ|tá ^ÉuÜÉãá~| Tu eres muy especial para todos nosotros y te queremos con todo el alma. Nuestro cariño hacia ti crece más cada día. Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ti y te deseamos salud, felicidad y todo lo bueno que tu te mereces. Norma, Becky y Simon Ellie y Bernie Page 12 Mazal Tov to our dear grandson YÜxwÜ|v~ ftâÄ fâÄàtÇ on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah We wish him that the years ahead be filled with happiness, and his striving for knowledge serve as the path of life in the years to come. We are very proud of you! Love you, Grandparents Moises & Raquel Spil Page 13 In honor of our 50th Wedding Anniversary We were thrilled to be able to celebrate this joyous occasion with our family and so many special friends. Thank you for being such an important part of our lives. May the joy of this wonderful affair remain forever in our hearts. Love, Ita and Meyer Oleksnianski Page 14 On the joyous occasion of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of `xçxÜ 9 \àt bÄx~áÇ|tÇá~| A plaque will be dedicated in their honor on the Jack Chester Western Wall by their friends: William & Eva Babil Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Mario & Polita Chyzyk Sergio & Sofia Grobler Elias & Ida Kabak Lucia Kelton Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Ofelia Ruder Estela Wainstein Mazal Tov!!! In celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary On September 13, 2009 A plaque will be dedicated in honor of `xçxÜ 9 \àt bÄx~áÇ|tÇá~| on the Jack Chester Western Wall by Gaby & Esther Oleksnianski Jaya & Abraham David & Jaya Abecassis Zachary, Ariel & Lea Congratulations!!! Page 15 Mazal Tov to Thanks to \á| Z|ÄytÜu 9 etÖâxÄ UxÜÅtÇ Oscar & Anita Sklar, Jerry & Teresa Coleman on their 70th Birthdays for their donations in honor We thank Rosita & Isi for their donation on behalf of this happy occasion, and wish them that every day should bring something wonderful to enjoy and to be shared by family and friends. of We are proud to announce the arrival of our new granddaughter Jacob & Miriam Gutt, `xçxÜ 9 \àt bÄx~áÇ|tÇá~| on their 50th Wedding Anniversary We extend our sincere thanks to our family and friends for their support, Sabrina Don Bentoff telephone calls May she always bring sunshine and donations into our lives on behalf of Mazel Tov to our children, Elsa’s recovery Ronnie and Brad Your caring With Love, meant a lot to us. Carlos and Lydia Don Isaac & Elsa Silberberg Page 16 Congratulations to bávtÜ 9 TÇ|àt f~ÄtÜ on their 45th Wedding Anniversary We thank them for their donation to our Synagogue. On this happy occasion, we wish them all the best for a year filled with health, fond memories and nachas from their family. Our sincere thanks to atà{tÇ 9 ]Éáxyt Tuâá|xã|xé for their donation to our Synagogue on behalf of their great-granddaughters Kylie & Samantha’s recovery They are joining in their parents Shari & Jim Lane grandparents Sandra & Jack Budyszewick to send them their good wishes that all the years ahead be blessed with happiness and good health. Love you, great-grandparents Nathan & Josefa Abusiewiez Page 17 We thank Elena Kolker for her donation to our synagogue in memory of Dr. Irwin M. Roth z”l He was a great human being who loved his family and friends. A cover for the reading table in our Main Sanctuary will be dedicated in memory of Isidoro Lerman z”l By his family, Luisa Jorge & Renee, Stacy, Ben & Matt Aida & Charles, Richard, Stuart & Karie His spirit and kindness will live with us forever. Page 18 Cecilia “Cyrl” Silber z”l will remain in our hearts forever as we remember the wonderful moments we shared together. We, her family, gratefully appreciate your kindness and sympathy during our time of sorrow. Jaime & Fanny Bemoiras Morris & Ruthie Kurkin Saul & Netty Silber and families A Yahrzeit Plate has been dedicated in our chapel in honor of Cecilia Silber z”l by Jacobo & Raquel Bender Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Rosita Berenthal Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Nancy Brook Mario & Polita Chyzyk Simon & Becky Cohen Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel Felicia Gorodetzky Guta Huppert Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Dina Klaiman Donna Klein Elias & Norma Kobrowski Benny & Rebeca Kozolchik Jack, Diana & Eric Kuper William & Esther Litwin Yacob & Frances Lubin Albert & Gisela Lusky Fabio & Male Nick Bertha Rabinovich Jose & Elisa Raij Isaac & Clarita Raijman Moises & Susy Rapport Amalia Reuben Joseph & Aida Roisman Frida Sapoznik & family Johnny & Lidia Schwartzbaum Heather Silber & fiancé Nicholas Helen Sobie Esther (Fira) Teitelbaum Faña Treibich Rae Yamali Thank you for your donations Page 19 Congratulations to: • Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel, Dennis & Rina Kerbel on the birth of their grandson and son Salomon Dan Kerbel. • Fabio & Male Nick and family on the birth of their grandson Andrew Jacob Montvelesky. • Charles & Rosa Papir, Pincho & Ofelia Papir and Clara Sapoznik on the birth of their grandson and great-grandson Noah Soren Haspel. • Jaime & Marcia Kopel and family on the birth of their granddaughter Daniella Etty Reiman. • Carlos & Lydia Don and Fañe Treibich on the birth of their granddaughter and great-granddaughter Sabrina Don Bentoff. • Steven & Donna Feig on the birth of their grandson. • Sophia Diatlo on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Jake Daniel Eden. • Drs. Isidoro, Alberto, Isabel & Sarita Morjaim on her special birthday. • Isi Gilfarb & Raquel Berman on their special birthdays. • Jeff & Lillian Rosenberg, Moises & Susy Rapport on the engagement of their daughter and granddaughter Allison. • Ralph & Perla Kier on the upcoming marriage of their daughter Tania to Dr. Richard Schwartz. • Guta Huppert and family on the marriage of her granddaughter Stephanie Berman to Seth Eisenberg. • Mario & Rachel Sapoznik, Clara Sapoznik & Franco family on the marriage of their son and grandson Isaac Steven to Aliza Stimmel. • Meyer & Ita Oleksnianski on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Thanks for your donations: • Moises & Raquel Spil in honor of their grandson Fredrick Saul Sultan’s Bar Mitzvah. • Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain in honor of his recovery. • Heather Silber & fiancée Nicholas in memory of Cecilia Silber z”l • Rebeca Taragano, Ziba Bitton, Golde Kubiliun & families in memory of Rosa Kovalskis z”l Condolences to the families of: Berta Berman z”l Rosa Kovalskis z"l Leah Jean Brener z"l Dr. Irwin M. Roth z”l Gene Chajet z”l Anita Rotmil z"l Katherine Cosicher z"l Max Sherman z”l Dr. Enrique Eiber z"l Cecilia Silverman z"l Claire Fox z”l Crecia Stein z"l Enrique Gran z"l Jacobo Taubenfeld z"l Monica Honowitz z"l Salomon Vilk z"l Isaac Kaufman z"l Get Well: Pola Faigenblat Olga Givner Isaac Gurinsky Luisa Lerman Masza Rok Lazaro Sapoznik Sofia Schwartzbaum Luisa Waksman Tete Wenguer Sidur Hadash Book Fund In honor of Meyer & Ita Oleksnianski’s 50th Wedding Anniversary by Henry, Lana & Carie Esquenazi SECCIÓN SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Page 20 La muerte de un profeta El 2 de agosto de 1940, moría sin poder ver realizado su sueño, Zeev Jabotinsky. Al cumplirse 69 años de su m u e r t e, e l c a s i m í t i c o Presidente de Israel Shimon Peres se refería a este acontecimiento frente a su tumba en el Monte Herzl. “Es probable que los grandes líderes estén destinados a cometer grandes errores”, decía el interminable Peres, refiriéndose a que Jabotinsky no acertó respecto a los límites geográficos que tendría el futuro Estado. Es indudable que en cuanto a “ambas márgenes del Jordan” como límites del territorio soberano de Israel, Jabotinsky se equivocó. Pero fue una picardía del Presidente, que atribuyo a reminiscencias de su socialista y lejana juventud, resaltar ese aspecto, pues es uno de los muy pocos conceptos en los que Jabotinsky no predijo con exactitud el futuro. En todos los demás, la visión de Jabotinsky fue de una clarividencia tal, que para muchos (entre los cuales me incluyo) estamos ante la presencia de un verdadero profeta moderno. Si bien su figura está rodeada de prejuicios, éstos no se basan en el conocimiento real de su pensamiento político, sino en los eslóganes que utilizaban sus detractores. Siempre estuvo convencido de que un Estado judío era una necesidad histórica que habría de llegar. Por ello propuso en 1931 que el 17º Congreso Sionista definiera que su objetivo era el establecimiento de un Estado judío a ambas márgenes del Jordán. Pero los delegados que se negaron a hacerlo, no lo hicieron por una discrepancia geográfica, sino por el Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski por una diferencia conceptual, pues apenas se animaban a hablar tímidamente de un Hogar Nacional Judío. Demás está decir, que a Jabotinsky le asistió la razón en cuanto a la necesidad de la existencia de un Estado, mientras otros líderes sionistas se conformaban con mucho menos que eso. Entendía que el idioma hebreo era un elemento central en la construcción de la nación. Muchos habían abogado por el uso de otros idiomas. Predijo explícitamente la Shoá. Llamó a terminar con la diáspora antes que la diáspora terminara con los judíos. Emitía sus mensajes en un tono de urgencia que no era compartido por los demás líderes sionistas. Acaecido el Holocausto no hace falta ahondar sobre quién tenía razón. Al estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial propuso la creación de una legión judía que apoyara a los aliados en la liberación de Palestina de manos de los otomanos, para luego ganar el derecho a exigir la creación de un Estado judío independiente. En cambio, el liderazgo sionista oficial apoyaba la neutralidad. El propio Ben Gurión se opuso a la creación del “Cuerpo de Muleteros de Sión”. Sin embargo con la Declaración Balfour, cambió su posición al punto de integrarse él mismo como soldado a dicha brigada. No parece haberse equivocado tampoco, cuando exigió a las autoridades sionistas modificar sus moderadas políticas respecto a la imposición de restricciones a la inmigración judía a Palestina (Libro Blanco) por parte del Mandato Británico, liderando algunos de los primeros intentos por rescatar judíos en forma clandestina. Pero más allá de acontecimientos históricos puntuales, quien transite hoy por el Israel moderno, verá un país cuyas características s on ta les c om o pr evi ó Jabotinsky y definitivamente diferentes a las que concebían sus rivales políticos contemporáneos. El liderazgo sionista tenía una concepción socialista, colectivista, extremadamente estatista. Su objetivo era representar los intereses de la clase obrera y veían con malos ojos la propiedad privada. Jabotinsky en cambio ponía en la cúspide de la jerarquía al individuo. La función del Estado debía ser servir al individuo y no viceversa. A pesar de las acusaciones de sus adversarios, se consideraba a sí mismo acérrimo enemigo del fascismo. El Estado debía proveer al individuo l a s at is f ac c i ó n d e s us necesidades básicas, independientemente de si tenía trabajo o no. Para los judíos “no sólo el que trabaja debe comer sino todo el que ronda hambriento”. Consideraba a la democracia como el mejor sistema político para expresar la voluntad de un pueblo e imprescindible para respetar a las minorías. Para él lo esencial de la democracia era la libertad. Creía que el liberalismo tiene sus raíces en la naturaleza humana, a diferencia del régimen socialista que la contradice. Por eso, a su entender, la humanidad no se dirigía hacia el socialismo, como sostenían sus oponentes, sino en la dirección contraria. Estaba en contra del concepto marxista de lucha de clases y proponía el arbitraje nacional para la conciliación de los diferentes intereses en la sociedad. Aspiraba a un Page 21 sistema de gobierno parlamentarista y consideraba a la iniciativa privada el factor determinante en la conformación de una sociedad. Entendía a los prejuicios racistas como patologías que no podían ser curadas por medio del Derecho, sino que debían serlo por la educación general obligatoria. Todos los habitantes del futuro Estado debían tener los mismos derechos sin distinciones de raza, credo o nacionalidad. Respecto al rol de la mujer expresaba que no existe función o profesión que no confiaría a una mujer. Creía en la separación entre el Estado y la religión, pues ésta debía ser una cuestión privada. Por otro lado, el Estado Judío debía basarse en la tradición judía para erigirse en un Estado ideal y asimismo velar por su continuidad y desarrollo. Entendía que la calidad de la producción no depende de la naturaleza sino del hombre, por ello Suiza producía chocolates de calidad sin poseer cacao. En esta era de la tecnología, ¿quién puede hoy negar esa aseveración? Respecto a la guerra, pensaba que era una enfermedad de la cual la humanidad alguna vez se curaría, pero mientras tanto era necesario tener un ejército poderoso con capacidad de acción y disuasión. Las negociaciones de paz con los árabes solo resultarían exitosas, cuando éstos llegaran al pleno convencimiento que no sería posible mediante las armas deshacerse de los judíos. Entonces y sólo entonces perderían influencia los grupos extremistas. Es improbable que haya imaginado que su nombre sería el que más se reitera en las calles de todas las ciudades de Israel. Pero sobre las características que tendría el futuro Estado, su fisonomía, sistema político, sociedad, economía, idioma, ejército, problemas existenciales, sus predicciones tuvieron una exactitud asombrosa. Cortesía de Orientemedio.net Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski es Miembro del Ejecutivo Sionista Mundial y Presidente de COSLA (Confederación Sionista Latinoamericana) Merkel: una bomba nuclear en manos de Iran "no es aceptable." En un discurso al Congreso americano celebrando el 20º aniversario de la caída del Muro de Berlín, Merkel dijo que permitir a Irán tener armas nucleares, especialmente con un líder que niega el Holocausto, "no es negociable." "Una bomba nuclear en manos de un presidente iraní que niega el Holocausto, amenaza a Israel y niega el derecho de Israel a existir no es aceptable", dijo. Merkel dijo que acepto que era "enfrentar esta directamente... si es a través de duras económicas." Alemania importante amenaza necesario, sanciones En el primer discurso de una canciller alemana al Congreso desde Konrad Adenauer en 1957, Merkel también exhortó al mundo a "derribar los muros de hoy" y llegar a un acuerdo para combatir el calentamiento global. Ella también reiteró el compromiso de su país a fomentar la seguridad en Afganistán, y siguió para poner es p ec i a l é nf as is e n l a necesidad de un acuerdo global sobre cambio climático - uno que ella dijo esperaba pudiera ser forjado en una conferencia internacional el mes próximo en Copenhague. Merkel se reunió en la Casa Blanca con el Presidente Barack Obama antes de su discurso para la sesión conjunta del Congreso. Luego de su reunión en la Casa Blanca, Obama dijo, "Los EEUU, Alemania y países alrededor del mundo, pienso, están comenzando a reconocer por qué es tan importante que trabajemos en conjunto a fin de arrancar la catástrofe potencial que puede resultar si nosotros continuamos viendo el calentamiento global no disminuido", dijo Obama. El también dijo que apreciaba "los sacrificios de los soldados alemanes en Afganistán." Fuente: Associated Press CARDS DONATIONS Page 22 CARDS DONATIONS Ramon & Meche Bakalchuk Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Dra. Clara Benson Rosita Berenthal Abraham & Eugenia Berezdivin Berta Bernstein Oscar & Rosita Boruchin Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Nancy Brook & family Abraham & Elisa Cano Shirley J. Charles Benzy & Mina Cherches Sarita Chiz Mario & Polita Chyzyk Simon & Becky K.Cohen Sophie Diatlo Isaac & Clarita Eli Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Dr. Jose & Raquel Esquenazi Guillermo & Aida Freixas Roberto & Beatriz Gambach Manuel & Sofia Garmizo Lucy Gol Salomon & Cila Gold Sari L. M. Gold Dr. Jacob & Rosita Goldstein Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel Felicia Gorodetzky Marcos & Emilita Grabb Alex & Julia Greber Danny & Florence Halberstein Guta Huppert Leo & Martha Jarecki Dr. William & Rhoda Julius Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Dina Klaiman Donna Klein Hyman & Mary Klocman Elias & Norma Kobrowski Elena Kolker Daniel & Marcia Kokiel Benny & Rebeca Kozolchik Jack, Diana & Eric Kuper Lily Lafarga Luisa Lerman Jorge & Renee Lerman & family David & Giselle Levy William & Esther Litvin Yacob & Frances Lubin Alberto & Gisela Lusky Namy & Maria Lusky David & Bertha Miller Fabio & Male Nick Meyer & Ita Oleksnianski Pincho & Ofelia Papir Charles & Rosa Papir Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter Jaime & Judith Pozo Alan Pozo Jose & Elisa Raij Isaac & Clarita Raijman Moises & Susy Rapport Col. Donald & Sarita Reed Jimmy & Lidia Resnick Amalia Reuben Joseph & Aida Roisman Masza Rok Bruce Rosenstein Lori & Lucy Rozencwaig Steven & Jennifer Rozencwaig Bryan & Karen Rozencwaig Raquel Sandler Samy & Gladys Sapayo Frida & Marcia Sapoznik Janet L. Schiff Johnny & Lidia Schwartzbaum Bemi & Sary Shafir Oscar & Ana Sklar Isaac & Berta Sklar Leon Sklawer Gerty Sobie Helen Sobie Moises & Raquel Spil Efraim & Clara Tache Esther (Fira)Teitelbaum Veronica Trachter Faña Treibich Celia Tuchman Tete Wenguer & family Herbie & Libby Winikor Hilda Winikor Alfredo Zacroisky Martha Zeisel Our deepest gratitude to our family and friends for their kindness on the loss of our beloved Jacobo Zeligman z”l He was very special to all of us and will always be in that part of our heart where most precious memories are kept. Rebecca Zeligman Salti & Jaime Children Brothers Jason & Mindy Mario & Sergio Page 23 YARZEIT DONATIONS YARZEIT DONATIONS Chaia Abusiewiez Juanita Alter Perez & Zoila Altman Ethel Amster Oscar Baisman Alberto & Esther Bejar Joseph & Regina Bender Maria Berek Causey Sara Berezdivin Beril & Fraddy Bliach Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Lily W.Brodey Mario & Polita Chyzyk Howard & Judith Cohen Simon & Becky K. Cohen Jeffrey J. Cohen Victor & Rosita Dickstein Eva Don Dr. Jaime & Jenny Edelstein Dr. Jose & Meri Edelstein Berta Edery Isaac & Clara Eli Isaac & Dora Epelbaum George Feldenkreis Sonia Finkelman Eva Friedman Ana & Luisa Friedman Roberto & Beatriz Gambach Manuel & Sofia Garmizo Irwin Gartenbaum Ana Gartenbaum Rose Gelber Michael Gelbs Saul & Bertha Ginzburg Guillermo & Silvia Glatzer Lucy Gol Jaime & Hela Goldberg Julia Goldberg Elena Gomez Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel Felicia Gorodetzky Sara Goser Alex & Julia Greber Rose Greenberg Jaime & Rosita Guralnik Lidia Guterman Jacob & Miriam Gutt Alberto & Miriam Hattem Robert & Judith Herman Moises & Ofelia Hersman Abel & Fana Holtz Samuel & Lily Jurkevich Mickey & Miriam Karpel Natan Kaufman Ralph & Pearl Kier Elena Klaiman Hyman & Mary Klocman Jaime & Marcia Kopel Sofia Kress Moises & Lidia Kriger Pola Kubiliun Jack & Diana Kuper Geña Laufer Enrique & Blanca Laufer Felicia Laufer Alberto & Gisela Lusky Bruce & Ina Melceras Dr. Solomon Mikowsky Gadles Harold & Sara Milkes Nahum & Julia Miller Karl N. Mindlin Bernardo & Chifre Mintz Sal & Sarah Mitchel Jules & Bertha Mitnick Isaac Moncarz Henry & Victoria Nahoum Nujim & Esther Nepomechie Dr. John & Mary Niven Mina Novick Drs. Sal & Luisa Nussbaum David & Esther Orlowsky Dora Osinski Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter Sylvia Peroff Jaime & Judith Pozo Isidoro Ptachewich Sarita Rabinovich Jose & Haya Reiser Mario & Miriam Rembalsky Masza Rok Boris & Jeannie Rosen Isaac & Hilda Rosenbaum Mario & Selma Rosenfeld Mary Rosenstein Esther Rosenthal Dr. Simon & Hilda Rozen Lori & Lucy Rozencwaig Eva Saltz Samy & Gladys Sapayo Frida Sapoznik Clara Sapoznik Zoila Satanosky Janet L. Schiff Ann Schless Ofelia Schwarz Alfredo & Judith Schwarz Sam & Sofia Schwartzbaum Prof. Ysrael & Fanny Seinuk Eva Shaftal Jaime & Sarita Shapiro Noel & Elsa Shapiro Berta Sherman Sarita Silverstein Isaac & Berta Sklar Oscar & Anita Sklar Gerty Sobie Helen Sobie Saul & Rita Srebnick Luis & Bell Stabinski Anita Stone Sara Sztylerman Pedro Szwarc Faña Treibich Ramon & Sura Wainer Gregory & Maria Waksman Luisa Waksman Paulino Waserman Morris & Berta Wodnicki Alfredo Zacroisky Samuel & Sara Zands Sergio & Rosita Zelcer Salomon & Ana Zelonker Olga Zwaig Leon Zwick We thank our family and friends for their warm support and kind donations made in memory of our beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Rosa Kovalskis z”l May it comforts us, that she is not really gone, she is just away Rebeca, Ziba, Goldie & Families Page 24 BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Juanita Alter Arianna F. Backer Rossana Bender Isaac Ben-Hain Jeannie R. Ben-Hain Leah Benson Masha Benson Eva Berman Naum Berman Raquel A. Berman Maria Blumin Scott Brandon Miguel Brazlavsky Julio Brener Sandra Budyszewick Steven Chyzyk Murray Cort Annette N. Cuba Clara Delaster Raquel Dennis Gabe Dickstein Shari Don Stuart Don Richard Edelstein Alan Esquenazi Rosita Faigenblat Raquel Feldman Abram Gavcovich Samuel Gilfarb Matilde Givner Olga Givner Guillermo Glatzer Berta Glezer Silvia Gurinsky Hannah Gutman Ofelia Hersman Joel Hoppenstein Monica Hoppenstein Ida Kabak Elias Kobrowski Nelson Kriger Rachel Lapidot Steven Maiman Salomon Meles Eileen Migden Bertha Miller Lance Nossen Sarita Nossen Jessica Nusbaum Charles Papir Anita Perelmuter Zeke Rosenfeld Jacobo Rosenhoch Steven M. Rozencwaig Jeremy Ruder Abe Rudman Rachel Sapoznik Rebeca Saruski Boris Schnaider Michael Shafir Elsa Silberberg Isaac Silberberg Laura Szwarc Betty Taubenfeld Isaac Taubenfeld Jason Taubenfeld Salomon Terner Jacob Tobin Faña Treibich Sura Wainer Joanne Weiss Roma Werbin Esther Winer Leon Winikor Joel Yelin Lazaro Zaidspiner Loly Zelcer OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES Abraham & Sima Baikovitz Jose & Amalia Gutman Angel & Josefina Kerbel Carlos & Fannie Kochen Harold & Sara Milkes Nahum & Julia Miller Jose & Elisa Raij Isaac & Clarita Raijman Col. Donald & Sarita Reed Samuel & Sofia Schwartzbaum Laurence & Tenny Sharoff Carlos & Miriam Waserstein Dr. Samuel & Eva Yelin NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Johana Z. Abraham Alberto Bejar Moises Bejar Ruben Berezdivin Mario Chyzyk Andrea Dickstein Oscar P. Dickstein Esther Englander Marcos Fiegler Sonia Finkelman Doris Fintz Daniel J. Gilfarb Mario Ginzburg Elena Goldberg Hannah Gorfinkel Rosita Gorfinkel Danny Halberstein Andrew J. Kapustin Gina E. Kapustin Josefina Kerbel Esther E. Klepach Sofia Kress Zoila Levin Jessica Lichter Lorraine Lusky Jesse Milkes Clara Morjain Victoria Nahum Esther Nepomechie Mina Novick Dr. Lynn Nusbaum Nieves Olemberg Sarita Papir Jeffrey Percal Selma Rosenfeld Joel Rosenhoch Jennifer L. Rozencwaig Karen B. Rozencwaig Jeffrey Rudman Jessica Sapoznik Lon Schwartz Olga Shames Ruben Sklar Annie Slatkoff Bell Stabinski Jama Sylvain Daren Taubenfeld Edward Tobin Yvette T. Tobin Avi Tuchman Isaac Tuchman Vivian Tuchman Kevin A Vaks Ramon Wainer Luisa Waksman Carlos Waserstein Jaime Waserstein Simone Weissman Steven Weissman Eddy Werbin Isaac Zelcer Rosa Zelcer Salomon Zelonker Page 25 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Beril & Fraddy Bliach Robert & Marion Brandon Mario & Polita Chyzyk Simon & Becky K. Cohen Alex & Julia Greber Mickey & Miriam Karpel Hyman & Mary Klocman Jose & Rosa Lisitzky Alberto & Gisela Lusky Scott & Dana Miller Jacobo & Clara Morjain Isaac & Raquel Rembalsky Isaac & Hilda Rosenbaum Samy & Gladys Sapayo Alberto & Betty Taubenfeld Ramon & Sura Wainer Dr. Michael & Lishka Wittels DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Arie Y. Abraham Rebba R. Abraham Michelle Arregoitia Eva Babil William Babil Alegre Barrocas Dr. Isaac Bassan Manes Bejar Dr. Bernardo Benes Jaime Benson Eugenia Berezdivin Phillip Berger Adam Bick Fraddy Bliach Oscar L. Boruchin Rosita Boruchin Linda Brafman Madeleine Brandon Michelle Brook Paulina Budner Elliot Denis Victor Dickstein Gisela Epelbaum Nelson Epelbaum Zoila Fiegler Debbie Friedman Luisa Friedman Bernardo Garazi Esther Garazi Samuel Garmizo Bertha Ginzburg Enrique Ginzburg Anita Givner Jay Goldberg Marvin Greber Amalia Gutman Geña Gutman Jenny Horn Berta Jove Teresa Kapi Rafael Kapustin Fanny Kerbel Perla Kier Mary Kirou Carlos Kochen Luis S. Konski Esther Kopel Rachel Laoul Lidia Lechtman Luisa Lerman Andie Migden Julia Miller Karl N. Mindlin Renne Mitchel Isaac Moncarz Jacobo Morjain Amalia Nick Basilia Nick Dr. Bernardo Nusbaum Jaya Oleksnianski Flora Osin Abraham Osofsky Johnny Percal David Rabinovich Arlene Raijman Susy Rapport David Reed Jonathan Rembalsky Ellie Sarah Roisman Regan Roisman Anita Rosenkoff Susan P. Ruder Frank Rudman Mimi Rudman Eva Saltz Lazaro Sapoznik Julio Schniadoski Rosa Schwartz Steven Schwartzbaum Prof.Ysrael A. Seinuk Abraham Shafir Mariita H. Srebnick Simona Sutnick Luis Stabinski Jim Taubenfeld Raquel Tennen Dora Topp Estela Wainstein Albert Waksman Ben Waksman Elena Weck Ana Zelonker Leon Zwick DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Dr. Isaac & Betty Bassan Victor & Rosa Dickstein Bernardo & Lilia Epelbaum Manuel & Gisela Epelbaum Isaac & Esther Gurinsky Abel & Fana Holtz Michael & Lidia Lechtman Namy & Maria Lusky Fernando & Cora Nusbaum Morris & Susy Rapport Frank & Mimi Rudman Saul & Rita Srebnick Leon & Sylvia Winikor Thanks to Yt©x gÜx|u|v{ for her donation to our Synagogue in honor of her 92nd Birthday 16 Cheshvan 10 2 15 Cheshvan 9 22 Cheshvan 16 29 Cheshvan 23 6 Kislev 30 13 Kislev 1 14 Cheshvan 8 21 Cheshvan 15 28 Cheshvan 22 5 Kislev 29 12 Kislev 7 Kislev 24 30 Cheshvan Rosh Chodesh 1st Day Montessori’s Bazaar 9:00 AM-4:00 PM 17 23 Cheshvan 3 Mon Tue 8 Kislev 25 1 Kislev Rosh Chodesh 2nd Day 18 24 Cheshvan 11 17 Cheshvan 4 Wed November 2009 Sun Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami. Inc Temple Beth Shmuel 9 Kislev 26 2 Kislev 19 25 Cheshvan 12 18 Cheshvan 5 Thu 10 Kislev 27 3 Kislev 20 26 Cheshvan 13 19 Cheshvan 6 Fri 11 Kislev Vayetzay 28 4 Kislev Toledot 21 27 Cheshvan Chayei Sarah 14 20 Cheshvan Vayera 7 Sat Cheshvan - Kislev 5770 20 Kislev 14 3rd Day of Chanukkah 27 Kislev 21 4 Tevet 28 19 Kislev 13 2nd Day of Chanukkah 26 Kislev 20 3 Tevet 27 10 Tevet 11 Tevet 7 6 Fast 10th of Tevet Mon Sun Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami. Inc Temple Beth Shmuel 15 Kislev 14 Kislev 12 Tevet 29 5 Tevet 22 28 Kislev 4th Day of Chanukkah 15 21 Kislev 13 Tevet 30 6 Tevet 23 29 Kislev 5th Day of Chanukkah 16 22 Kislev 9 2 1 8 Wed Tue December 2009 14 Tevet 31 7 Tevet 24 30 Kislev R. Chodesh. 1st Day Montessori’s Chaukkah Party 9:30 AM 17 23 Kislev 10 16 Kislev 3 Thu 8 Tevet 25 1 Tevet Rosh Chodesh 2nd Day th 7 Day of Chanukkah 18 9 Tevet Vayigash 26 2 Tevet Miketz 8th Day of Chanukkah 19 25 Kislev Vayeshev 1st Day of Chanukkah Erev Chanukkah 24 Kislev 12 18 Kislev Vayishlach 5 Sat 11 17 Kislev 4 Fri Kislev - Tevet 5770 To celebrate growing older, lessons life taught me. 1 - Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. 2 - When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3 - Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4 - Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. 5 - You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 6 - Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. 7 - It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 8 - Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 9 - Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks. 10 - Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 11 - When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer. 12 - No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 13 - What other people think of you is none of your business. 14 - Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. 15 - However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 16 - Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. Temple Beth Shmuel Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. 1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach. FL 33139