2016 MEDIA KIT OUR MESSAGE + OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE + Albuquerque, NM - More than 60 Indigenous artists and art-related professionals representing the U.S., Canada and Latin America will participate in a full day event to share their talents, skills and knowledge in 8 creative arenas. Event sections titled“Movement”,“Design”,“Inspiration”,“Voice”, “Vision”, “Expression” and “Exchange” will feature various disciplines and creative activities. REZILIENCE INDIGENOUS ARTS EXPERIENCE will be an immersive, all ages experience that focuses on modern Indigenous Art processes. Artists include both National and Locally recognized Entertainers, Muralists, Multimedia Artists and Poets. Executive Director Warren Montoya, stated that, “This event is a movement based in creativity. It is our creative practices that have facilitated cultural longevity, community building, knowledge growth and healing for generations. REZILIENCE will be the new model of unity for indigenous cultures, worldwide.” Featured musicians include award-winning Native American Hip Hop artists Frank Waln and Supaman, Filipino rapper Ruby Ibarra, Island Reggae Fusion duo Jordan T and AOK, and Latin band Radio La Chusma. Featured Visual Artists include Yatika Fields, Jaque Fragua, Jaycee Beyale & many more! Filmmakers and poets, such as Tanaya Winder, Mercedez Holtry and Steven Paul Judd will fill the atmosphere with their expressive, resilient voices, as art, community, and culture collide. There will be a contemporary Indigenous art market showcasing a variety of styles and a Rio-Rez Run to kick of the festivities. Founded on values of collaboration, social entrepreneurship and resource sharing, REZILIENCE will have an activity planned for everyone, regardless of age or background. This powerful event will take place at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (1701 4th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM) from 7am to 12am. The key focus on building this community event is to promote an all-inclusive space through an alcohol and drug-free atmosphere. Purchase your tickets at the NHCC Box Office and visit the official website: for more information. OUR AUDIENCE + NEW MEXICO has the 3rd highest population of Native Americans in the country (10.7%), & the total population in the State is 47.7% Hispanic/Latino. + CHANGEMAKERS Rezilience supporters are lifelong learners, avid travelers, art enthusiasts, and - above all - passionate advocates for innovative cultural exchange, wellness and strong indigenous communities. People under the age of twenty-one make up over a quarter of the U.S. population. It has been estimated that 32 percent of Natives in America are under the age of 18, and the median age for Natives on reservations is 26 years old. Using this data, we can assume that the crowd we attract will be a YOUTHFUL crowd, between the ages of 18 and 30 years old. When engaging younger audiences, the Arts have proven to be the greatest draw because art is often flexible, and offers multiple platforms for activity. REZILIENCE was designed to provide an equal exchange of tangible benefits that are mutually rewarding, balancing artistic expression with wellness of the body, mind and spirit. At sunrise, the event will kick-off with a 5k run at the Rio Grande running trails to celebrate life and longevity. Immediately afterward, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, participants will be welcomed to engage in a carefully curated selection of visual experiences that will guide them through art illustrations, film screenings, musical performances, and varied discussions about the changing shape of indigenous art. Through collaboration, and the exchange of information + ideas, we work to encourage future expressions of cultural resilience. OUR VISION DATE & TIME Saturday, April 30, 2016 Run at 7:00 am - 9:00 am Event 9:00am - 12:00 am LOCATION The National Hispanic Cultural Center (1701 4th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM) & Rio Grande running trails BOX OFFICE & ATTENDANCE Ticket agent - NHCC Box Office Attendance - 6,000 + /17 hours Alcohol-free/ Drug-free /All ages event TICKET PRICES Event Entry: $5 Entry + Film: $20 Entry + Concert: $50NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER All event pass: $70 (includes preferred seating) VIP Pass: $160 (includes VIP seating, Artist meet1701 4th Street SW and-greet before concert, Swag bag , Photos, AutoAlbuquerque, NM graphs, and access to a delicious spread of indigenous cuisine by 5-star chef, Ray Naranjo) Youth under 7 years old - FREE Photos courtesy of the National Hispanic Cultural Center - www. EVENT EXPERIENCE MOVEMENT - Morning run and wellness session DESIGN - Visual arts / Murals / Installations Artists Jaque Fragua Yatika Fields Cheyenne Randall Jody Herrera Jaycee Beyale Saba Rene Palomares Dwayne Manuel Poets INSPIRATION - Workshops / Art Activities VOICE - Musical performances Rowie Shebala Mercedez Holtry Marlon Footracer Lyla June Johnston Tanaya Winder Lee Francis Hakim Bellamy Orlando White Performers VISION - Film showcase EXPRESSION - Poetry performances Radio La Chusma Innastate DEF-I Ruby Ibarra Nataanii Means Christian ‘Supaman’ Parrish Jordan T & AOK Frank Waln (With Special Guests) Filmographers TBA EXCHANGE - Food, art, education & non-profits WWW.REZARTX.COM Supporters of REZILIENCE Organizers /BUJPOBM)JTQBOJD$VMUVSBM$FOUFSt8BSSFO.POUPZBt"MJDJB0SUFHBt+PTFQI)PQLJOTt4IBXOB4VOSJTFt"MFY 1BSBNPt"ESJBO.BOZHPBUTt3PDLZ5BOPt%FJESB1FBDIFTt+BLF)PZVOHPXBt+POBUIBO/FMTPOt,JSB-VOBt"MJDJB -JUUMFCFBSt3BOEZ-#BSUPOt.BSMPO'PPUSBDFSt8FOEZ4BOEJEHFt%VTUJO.BSUJOt3PCFSUP3FZFTt%XBZOF.BOVFM t.BY#BQUJTUFt/BUIBOJFM'VFOUFTt,JN%FMöOB(MFBTPOt5BOBZB8JOEFSt1BVMB3JWFSBt7BMBSJF-ZPOt1FUFS)PMUFS t#SJBO7BMMPt+BDPC.FEFSTt%JBOF3FZOBt+PSHF(PO[BMFTt4FBO5SVKJMMPt$IBE(SVCFSt+PIO-FB×PT Artists and Creative Professionals +BRVF'SBHVBt(SFHH%FBMt:BUJLB4UBSS'JFMETt'JZB#SVYBt$IFZFOOF3BOEBMMt+PEZ)FSSFSBt3FOÏ1BMPNBSJTt +BZDFF#FZBMFt3BOEZi4"#"w4BCBRVFt5IPTI$PMMJOTt'SBOL8BMOt/BUBBOJ.FBOTt*OOBTUBUFt%FG*t3BEJP-B $IVTNBt1P$FFt4UFWFO1BVM+VEEt.BSL%8JMMJBNTt(FPSHF"MFYBOEFSt+PTJF4FZNPVSt'SBOL#VòBMP)ZEFt 3ZBO4JOHFSt$PVSUOFZ-FPOBSEt,BUIZ&ML8PNBOt%BSZM#FHBZBOE.03& Organizations /FX.FYJDP$PNNVOJUZ$BQJUBMt/BUJWF1FPQMFT.BHB[JOFt1BQFS3PDLFU1SEJTPVDUPOt0CTJEJBO*ODt1/5% %;35"SU#PVUJRVFt8BSCJSE1SFTTt#BEXJOETt5XP8PSMETE'JMN5IFBUSFBO#VSOJOH8BHPO1SPEVDUJPOTt/BUJWF "NFSJDBO$PNNVOJUZ"DBEFNZt8JOHTPG"NFSJDBt'JSTU"NFSJDBO"SU.BHB[JOFt#FZPOE#VDLTLJOt8F"SF5IJT $JUZt/PUBCPWF+FXFMSZt*OEJHFOPVT'JOF"SUT.BSLFUBOE.03& Creating an immersive and inclusive environment that allows artful Indigenous expression, uncensored storytelling, and bold celebrations of culture is a large responsibility and undertaking. Our vision is large but realistic. We commit to manifesting this event completely. With this event, we aim to create a space where people can voice, express, perform, share, and LIVE THEIR REZILIENCE in ways that are true to them. Our goals are to have this inaugural event be the introduction to an annual program, be known as the exceptional example for collaboration and community building, and to help answer the very complex issues that indigenous people face world-wide. We strive for unity, knowledge, and healing through art and activity. Our team is composed of individuals from various backgrounds and age groups with tremendous experience and depth of talent. We proudly represent our diverse cultures and have come together to bring this dream to life; we need your support and financial backing to achieve this. Together, we will live our REZILIENCE! Thank You . E-MAIL: PHONE #: (505)289-0475 WEBSITE: www. FACEBOOK: RezilienceArtX TWITTER: @rezilienceartx INSTAGRAM: RezlienceArtX YOUTUBE: RezArtX GOOGLE +: RezArtX