Long Island Herpetological Society, Inc.
Long Island Herpetological Society, Inc.
HERPETOFAUNA Journal Support the LIHS JOIN / RENEW NOW Membership $25.00 of the Long Island Herpetological Society, Inc. October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 Photo: provided by Susan Jacob NEXT LIHS MEETING: Sunday, November 21st Speaker: TBA TOPIC Page TOPIC Page LIHS 2010 - 2011 Executive Board Nominations Joining / Renewing Your LIHS Membership Gut Loading LIHS Executive Board & Contact Information LIHS Executive Board Nominations / Elections Don’t Mess with My Pet THANK YOU LIHS 21st Show Volunteers LIHS Show Winners 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 KIDS OPEN CATEGORY Show Winners LIHS Show Photos Literature & Media Reviews The Herp Marketplace LIHS Membership Application About the LIHS LIHS MEETING DATES & INFORMATION 18 21 29 33 39 40 41 LIHS EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS/ELECTION - 2010 - 2011 LIHS 2010/2011 Executive Board Nominations President ~ Vin Russo Vice-President ~ John Heiser 2nd Vice-President ~ Kirk Peters Treasurer ~Rich Hume Sergeant-At-Arms ~ Mike Russo Programs Coordinator ~ Rich Meyer, Jr. Secretary ~ Glenn Bartley Secretary ~ Tara Noseworthy JOINING the LIHS or RENEWING an LIHS Membership You can JOIN the LIHS or RENEW an LIHS Membership in several manners. Join or Renew at a meeting or LIHS Event or MAIL your completed LIHS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION with $25.00 payment ( cash [ meetings only ], check or money order ) made to the LIHS. Print out an LIHS membership application from our website at: http://www.lihs.org/files/member.htm or “CLICK” on LIHS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION or at the back of the journal. Fill it out and bring to a meeting or mail it to: LIHS 476 North Ontario Avenue Lindenhurst, New York 11757-3909 Not sure if your RENEWAL is due?? Email me at < Gojiira@Optonline.net > As ALL LIHS JOURNALS will now be sent ELECTRONICALLY, so, PLEASE make sure that I have your EMAIL ADDRESS when you join or renew. LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 ~ www.LIHS.org Page 2 GUT LOADING Hi All, A couple of quick items… This issue offers a quick look at the 21st Annual LIHS Reptile and Amphibian Show.. I wanted to get it out in time for Halloween, but rest assured, the next issue will feature more articles.. Another show has come and gone, and many of you were a part of it.. It really came together nicely, and we will continue to expand on the educational aspect of the hobby.. Thanks to the NYS Parks Department, Eric Powers, Turtle Rescue of Long Island and others who helped make the show a success.. The same goes for the vendors who continue to support us every year.. I have included many photos from the show, and will publish more next issue. We have our Annual LIHS Executive Board elections at the November 21st meeting. Also, last issue, I printed that the HOLIDAY Get-Together was December 9th, when in fact it is December 12th. I will also be posting the 2011 meeting dates in the next issue THANKS to Glenn Bartley for his presentation on Herping in Arizona at the September meeting, and to Jerry Kruse for his presentation on Lampropeltis zonata at the October meeting. Great job guys, very information and entertaining. Rich Meyer, Jr. LIHS Programs Coordinator/Editor LIHS Executive Board 2009 / 2010 President: Vice-President: 2nd Vice-President: Secretary: Sergeant-at-Arms: Treasurer: Programs Coordinator: Herpetofauna Editor: LIHS Herpetofauna Journal Vin Russo John Heiser Kirk Peters Ed Bennett Mike Russo Rich Hume Rich Meyer, Jr. Rich Meyer, Jr. Contact the LIHS Web: www.LIHS.org E-mail: info@LIHS.org Tel: ( 631 ) 884-5447 Mail: 476 North Ontario Avenue Lindenhurst, New York 11757-3909 ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 ~ www.LIHS.org Page 3 Don’t Mess with My Pet™ Protect responsible pet ownership Since 1970, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) has protected pets and the pet industry – promoting responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, fostering environmental stewardship, and ensuring the availability of pets. PIJAC members include retailers, companion animal suppliers, manufacturers, wholesale distributors, manufacturers’ representatives, pet hobbyist groups, and other trade organizations. Through the combined voice of these people, PIJAC serves the best interests of the entire pet industry. For more information, please visit www.pijac.org. You love your pet. You take good care of your pet. How would you feel if the government tried to limit your ability to have pets in your life? ...Angry? ...Scared? ...Betrayed? ...Well, it’s happening. Each year, local, state and federal governments propose thousands of laws that would restrict your ability to own pets – to include pets as vital members of your family. While we believe that some regulations are warranted to ensure that pets are well care for, we also believe that responsible pet ownership should be applauded, supported, and encouraged, not limited! Unfortunately, many government officials don’t understand how their bills might affect you, the responsible pet owner. Furthermore, they may be basing their decisions on propaganda that, while it seems to call for better pet care, is actually part of an agenda to end pet ownership. Help us protect responsible pet ownership by defending you and your pets against misdirected and poorly crafted legislation. Support the “Don’t Mess with My Pet™” campaign by becoming a Member of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC). Your $25 contribution you will help us guard responsible pet ownership…on behalf of you and your non-human family members. As a thank you from us, you’ll receive a free campaign t-shirt. Visit these links: "Don't Mess With My Pet" Video "Don't Mess With My Pet" Website or http://www.dontmesswithmypet.org/ PIJAC Government Affairs or http://www.pijac.org/governmentaffairs/ LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 ~ www.LIHS.org Page 4 We needed VOLUNTEERS!!! …. And we got them….. THANK YOU!!! Just a quick note of THANKS to those of you who made the 21st ANNUAL LIHS Reptile and Amphibian Show a success…. We couldn’t have done it without you.. Many of you were either involved in setting up, running or breaking down the hall, and many more entered their animals in the JUDGED SHOW. Cecilia Acosta Joe Acosta Joseph Acosta Glenn Bartley Ed Bennett Tony Carrozza Daniel Collins Noelle’s ( Dunlop ) Mom and Dad Clara Dunlop Noelle Dunlop Harry Faustmann John Heiser Rich Hume Ben Kelly Mike Kelly Dakota ( Cody ) Kennedy Tom Kennedy Chris Link Tara Noseworthy Ann Ott Kirk Peters Robert Rivard Mike Russo Vin Russo Christian Scheidt, Jr. Barbara Slater Brandon Slater Corey Slater Debbie Vega Ed Vega Mike Villalta Special THANKS to Dr. Cindy Meyer & John Collins who helped defray the cost of the trophies Special THANKS to our judges, Mike Villalta and Oliver Kuepper who did an excellent job ( even if I didn’t win a trophy ) of judging the show and infused some new blood into the judging. A great big THANKS to the vendors and non-profit organization that attended the show and supported the society…. LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 ~ www.LIHS.org Page 5 2010 LIHS Reptile & Amphibian Show Winners SNAKES Colubrid ( American rat snakes, Corn snakes, Kingsnakes, Pine snakes, Gophers, etc. ) 1. Red-sided Blood-red Corn snake 2. Tessera Corn snake 3. California Kingsnake Rich Hume Rich Hume Ed Vega Tri or Bi-color Colubrid ( Grey bands, Milk snakes, etc. ) 1. Scarlet Kingsnake 2. Grey Banded Kingsnake Ed Vega Wayne King Boas & Pythons 1. Amazon Tree Boa 2. Amazon Tree Boa Wayne King Tom Kennedy LIZARDS Monitors & Tegus 1. Red Tegu 2. Argus Monitor Rich Meyer, Jr. Demetrius Madonia Iguanids 1. Chuckwalla 2. Chuckwalla Mike Villalta Mike Villalta Agamids 1. Bearded Dragon John J. Libretti Chameleons 1. Four Horned Chameleon ( Male ) Wayne King Geckos 1. California Banded Gecko 2. Rhacodactylus chahoua 3. Leopard Gecko – High Yellow Wayne King Chris Link Ed Vega Misc. Lizards 1. Plated Lizard Rich Meyer, Jr. TURTLES & TORTOISES Aquatic 1. Florida Soft-shell Rich Meyer, Jr. Semi-Aquatic 1. Central American Wood Turtle 2. Malaysian Box Turtle 3. Malaysian Box Turtle Harry Faustmann Harry Faustmann Rich Meyer, Jr. Tortoises 1. Hermann’s ( Female ) 2. Hermann’s ( Male ) 3. Cherry-head redfoot Glenn Bartley Glenn Bartley Harry Faustmann LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 6 AMPHIBIANS Frogs & Toads 1. River Toad 2. White’s Tree Frog 3. Fire Bellied Toad Rich Meyer, Jr. Rich Meyer, Jr. Glenn Bartley Salamanders, Newts, Sirens, etc 1. Anderson’s Aquatic Salamander 2. Blue Tailed 3. Iberian Ribbed Newt Glenn Bartley Glenn Bartley Glenn Bartley 1st Place Agamids Male Super Orange Hypo Bearded Dragon John J. Libretti 2nd Place Colubrid Tessera Corn snake Rich Hume LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 7 2nd Place Geckos Rhacodactylus chahoua Chris Link 3rd Place Tortoise Cherry-headed Redfoot Tortoise Harry Faustmann LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 8 ABOVE: 1st Place Semi-Aquatic Turtle Central American Wood Turtle Harry Faustmann LEFT: 1ST Place Colubrid Pied Sided Blood-red Corn snake Rich Hume LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 9 2nd Place Newt/Salamander Blue Tailed Newt Glenn Bartley ABOVE: 1ST Place Colubrid Pied Sided Blood Red Corn Snake Rich Hume LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 10 “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” Seasonal “Halloween” Cage Set-up by Tara Noseworthy Housing her Reverse Okeetee Corn Snake LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 11 Above: 1ST Place Monitors & Tegus Red Tegu Rich Meyer, Jr. Anyone seen Ed Bennett? LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 12 Best Snake Amazon Tree Boa Wayne King LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 13 Best Lizard California Banded Gecko Wayne King LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 14 Best Turtle / Tortoise Hermann’s Tortoise Glenn Bartley LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 15 Best Amphibian Andersen’s Aquatic Salamander Glenn Bartley LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 16 Grand Champion California Banded Gecko Wayne King LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 17 KIDS OPEN CATEGORY (13 & under) 2010 LIHS Reptile & Amphibian Show Winners SNAKES Colubrid ( American rat snakes, Corn snakes, Kingsnakes, Pine snakes, Gophers, etc. ) 1. Corn snake 2. California Kingsnake Clara Dunlop Dakota ( Cody ) Kennedy Boas & Pythons 1. Rosy Boa Dakota ( Cody ) Kennedy Miscellaneous Snakes ( Garters, etc. ) 1. Western Hognose Clara Dunlop LIZARDS Geckos 1. Viper 2. Leopard 3. Leopard Clara Dunlop Clara Dunlop Eric Brennan TURTLES & TORTOISES Semi-Aquatic 1. Red-eared Slider 2. Red-eared Slider LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 Eric Brennan Eric Brennan www.LIHS.org Page 18 Best in Kids Open Class 1st Place Viper Gecko Clara Dunlop Best in Kids Open Class 2nd Place Leopard Gecko Clara Dunlop LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 19 Best in Kids Open Class 3rd Place Western Hognose Snake Clara Dunlop LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 20 PHOTOS from the LIHS Expo/Show LEFT: LIHS Member Clara Dunlop showing one of her Viper Geckos BELOW: Several LIHS Members gather prior to the opening of the show. Among others; Ed Bennett, Rich Hume, Mike Dempsey, Ken and Jake Siffert LEFT: Mike Villalta and Chris Link of Gex-Co. LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 21 ABOVE: The guys from SME ( Snakeman’s Exotics ) ABOVE: Mike Dempsey, Ken and Jake Siffert LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 22 LEFT: Turtle Rescue of Long Island ABOVE: Connection to Nature LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 23 ABOVE: Nancy Ho of “LADY SILKWORM”, and Eric Powers of “CONNECTION TO NATURE” Right: Brian Kaczmarzyk of the “Reptile Deli” LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 24 ABOVE: NY STATE PARKS: Environmental and Education RIGHT: Our front end people; Barbara and Ann greet show attendees LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 25 ABOVE: Tessie from “DALE’S BEARDED DRAGONS” ( perhaps our youngest vendor ) RIGHT: Seven Star Reptile LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 26 ABOVE: Tony Carrozza of “Exotic Snakes” RIGHT: Samantha Heath of Heath’s Frog Farm with her Sunglow motley corn snake LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 27 ABOVE: Always glad to see Paul from Slither N Swim JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO INTO THE WATER ……. LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 28 LITERATURE AND MEDIA REVIEW(S) “The Frogs and Toads of North America: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification, Behavior, and Calls” “The Frogs and Toads of North America: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification, Behavior, and Calls” ( Paperback ) is an amazing book. A beautiful and comprehensive photo-filled guide that is the first to show all of the frogs of North America and includes a CD of their calls. Colorful and noisy early indicators of environmental distress, frogs and toads are fascinating to casual nature lovers as well as expert herpetologists. Covering all 101 species in the United States and Canada, this book contains natural history information, identification tips, range and habitat information, summaries of behavior, and descriptions of calls. A 70-minute audio compact disc includes the calls of nearly every species and makes fascinating listening for any nature lover. The book also has sections on conservation issues, public participation in census programs, photography and sound recording, and keeping frogs and toads as pets. From the olive-and-black Pig Frog, which gets its name from its low-pitched, pig-like grunt, to the X-marked and familiar-sounding Spring Peeper, the superb photographs and high-quality field recordings combine with the informative text to make this a must-have book for every naturalist. Publisher: Mariner Books; Pap/Com edition ( March 17, 2009 ) Paperback: 344 pages ISBN-10: 0618663991 Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0618663996 Over 350 color photographs List price: $19.95 ( found cheaper ) Location maps ER to PR: Veterinary Medicine on the Run By Dr. Robert Monaco, DVM, DABVP Informative and funny, ER to PR: Veterinary Medicine on the Run is like a modern day James Herriot novel with New York wit and supercharged with adrenaline. If you love pets, running or just enjoy a good laugh, you will love this book. Critics give it two paws up! Dr. Monaco, first time author, long time veterinarian and runner will take you on a journey through the exciting world of veterinary medicine and racing. Never before has this been done. So, lace up your sneakers, grab your pet and start reading! Check out the book at http://www.ertopr.com/ $13.95 plus NY sales tax for NY residents ( 8.625% ). Shipping and handling is $5.00 inside the US ( up to 2 books ). Avoid shipping costs and purchase a copy at Old Country Animal Clinic, 669 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803, ( 516 ) 938-7218. Website: http://oldcountryanimalclinic.com/index.html LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 29 LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 30 LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 31 LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 32 The Herp Marketplace Reptology Habitat Enclosures for Reptiles and Amphibians. Penn-Plax Inc., announces three new lines of Reptology Habitat Enclosures for Reptiles and Amphibians. Classic Glass Habitats are the company’s traditional terrarium line; Natural Wood Habitats are similar in design but with beautiful wood frames; and Decorator Habitats are designed to look like pieces of furniture, according to the manufacturer. The company adds that the habitats are made with quality materials and designed with numerous features that encourage healthy and natural living environments. www.pennplax.com ReptiSun Terrarium Hood . Zoo Med Laboratories presents the ReptiSun Terrarium Hood. The product includes a low profile hood that holds a NatureSun or T8 ReptiSun linear fluorescent lamp, and the hood has an electronic ballast for maximum light output and increased energy efficiency, the company reports. The ReptiSun Terrarium Hoods are low profile hoods designed to hold one T8 size linear fluorescent lamp. The ReptiSun Terrarium Hoods feature a built-in reflector which allows for deeper penetration of visible light and UVB .Convenient on/off switch. The LF-62 fits terrariums that are 30 in. wide and up ( 20 gallons long or larger ) and fits a 24in. T8 lamp, while the LF-60 fits terrariums that are 20 in. wide and up ( 10 gallons or larger ) and holds an 18-in. T8. www.zoomed.com The Exo Terra Mayan Rainforest Habitat Kit, is an all-in-one reptile terrarium package with a background design inspired by art found in Mayan temples. Measuring 18x18x24 in. and made of black polystyrene, each kit includes an Exo Terra Glass Terrarium and Compact Top, along with a hygrometer, thermometer and water dish. Among the Central-America-simulating items in the kit are Plantation Soil made of compressed coconut husk fiber, as well as plant accessories, such as the Large Jungle Fern and Jungle Vines, according to the manufacturer. Rolf C. Hagen (USA) Corp www.exo-terra.com LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 33 The Herp Marketplace Diamondback Trading Cards - Diamondback Trading Cards manufactures unique trading cards for the natural history enthusiast of all ages. Watch their video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8wVCrNsnoI More information, click around to browse current stock and upcoming releases. 'Reptiles Series 1', ‘SS – Alterna’, 'Frogs and Toads' 'Reptiles Series 2' 'Arthropods' http://www.diamondbacktradingcards.com/Home Reptology Large Turtle Pier. Penn-Plax is proud to introduce the Reptology Large Turtle Pier. This turtle basking platform automatically adjusts to your water level and is designed for medium-large aquatic turtles as well as frogs, newts and salamanders. The platform is 16” x 11” and with the eight extension pylons included, you can adjust the height up to 16” tall! Designed to look like an “authentic pier”, The Reptology Large Turtle Pier will provide an ideal platform for your turtles to bask. For more information and product videos, please visit www.pennplax.com. www.pennplax.com LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 34 The Herp Marketplace Natural Cricket Care with added vitamins and minerals is formulated to provide a nutrient-filled gut-load for the optimum health of crickets and the herps that eat them. The product comes in 1 3/4 - and 10-oz. sizes, and its particles come finely ground for all sizes of crickets, according to the company. www.zoomed.com The NATURE ZONE Humidi-Mat helps raise the humidity level in your enclosure by controlled evaporation of water. They are made from a tough simulated leather fabric combined with a special osmotic fabric which allows the release of fine water vapor. Soak in water 12-24 hours to activate, then place in terrarium. The nontoxic gel inside pouch slowly releases water vapor without saturating the terrarium ( or drowning insects ). Remove and reactivate when dry. An easy and hassle-free way to create a humid microclimate for your reptile. Convenient mat provides essential moisture to your reptile's terrarium. A great way to offer moisture to insects without drowning them. The mats have heat fused seams making them extremely durable and allow them to be used over and over again. Easily activated by simply soaking in water. ideal for tropical animals such as Rainbow Boas, Ball Pythons, Dart Frogs, Chameleons, Skinks, Salamanders or any other humidity loving reptile or animal. Two sizes: Small: 7.25" x 3" and Medium: 12” x 3.5” www.NatureZonePet.com REPTOLOGY Shale Step Ledge & Cave Hide-Out – Small; REP 181, and Medium; REP 182 Penn Plax Pet Products LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 35 The Herp Marketplace Exo Terra Turtle Heater maintains an ideal water temperature ( 78°F ) for aquatic turtles and most other aquatic reptiles and amphibians. The high-impact plastic casing and the stainless steel power cord protector keeps aquatic reptiles and amphibians safe. Included is a mounting bracket with two oversized suction cups for easy mounting in any aquatic habitat setup. Can heat up to 30 gallons. Preset submersible heater Rugged construction for safety Two sizes: 25W ( PT3700 ) and 50W ( PT3702 ) www.exo-terra.com FLUKERS Cricket Quencher ( no calcium ) or FLUKERS Cricket Quencher Calcium: Provides crickets and other feeder insects with a safe, clean water source - as well as offering a good source of calcium for "gut-loading" insects prior to feeding them to your reptile. 16 ounces. FLUKERS Orange Cubes: Formulated to be easily digested by all feeder insects. Use of orange cube will drastically reduce the number of drowned, dehydrated and nutrient deficient crickets. Made from nutritious items such as kelp, spirulina, and brewer's yeast. Also packed with Vitamins E, B-12, A, D3, and calcium carbonate. 6 ounces and 12 ounces FLUKERS High Calcium Cricket Diet: Designed for "gut-loading" crickets to increase their vitamin/mineral content prior to offering them as prey, Fluker's Cricket Feed allows insect-eating pets to benefit from the nutritional value of the insect itself, and from the insect's nutrient-rich gut contents as well. 13 ounces. www.flukerfarms.com/ REPTOLOGY Terrarium Hide-Outs - Fossil Cave™ Hide-A-Way Home - For Small Animals & Reptiles; REP 180 Penn Plax Pet Products LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 36 The Herp Marketplace San Francisco Bay Brands “Healthy Herp” INSTANT MEALS. From the company that for years has brought aquarist live brine shrimp and numerous frozen foods comes the “Herp Healthy” line of FREEZE-DRIED Instant Meals. Healthy Herp™ INSTANT MEALS are All Natural, contains no preservatives and are healthy and nutritious. The meals have been formulated and specifically mixed for Herbivorous, Omnivorous, or Carnivorous reptiles. The formula mix when rehydrated returns to its natural state making it irresistible to reptiles. Natural colors Natural aroma Pre cut ( where applicable ) A healthy meal No preservatives No refrigeration Feeding Instructions: Remove lid ( for bulk fill cup with food ), fill cup halfway with warm water, and wait 5-8 minutes. Drain excess water and place in Stepping Stone Feeding Dish™ or dump into food dish. Remove any uneaten food after 24 hours and discard. This product has been lightly dusted with calcium, because different reptiles have different needs, please be familiar with your animal’s requirements and supplement accordingly. This product can be used as a daily diet, in addition to the daily diet or as a treat. Available in several varieties, and sizes (SM Cup; LG Cup; Bulk Jar; LG Bulk Jar ). OPTIONAL Stepping Stone Feeding Dish available ( SM and LG size available ). Additional information at http://www.sfbb.com/pdf-intro/hh_intro.pdf or http://www.sfbb.com/whatsnew.asp Veggie Mix Instant Meal Fruit Mix Instant Meal Meat Mix Instant Meal Box Turtle Food Instant Meal Tortoise Food Instant Meal Dragon Food Instant Meal Adult Optional Stepping Stone Feeding Dish LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 37 The Herp Marketplace San Francisco Bay Brands “Healthy Herp” Frozen Rodents. Four sizes available; Pinky ( 3 ), Fuzzy ( 3 ), Hopper ( 2 ), Adult (2 ) and ( 50 ) packs. Healthy Herp Frozen Rodents are safe and easy to feed. Each fuzzy is individually wrapped to lock in freshness. They are accepted by snakes, turtles, tortoises, lizards and frogs. Just thaw and feed. http://www.sfbb.com/whatsnew.asp# San Francisco Bay Brand, “Healthy Herp” FROZEN Natural Formulated Reptile Diets. Healthy Herp™ Formulas are formulated with whole fresh ingredients, which provide an excellent mix of animal and plant proteins ( where applicable ), vitamins and calcium. • • • • • Natural ingredients Frozen fresh Scent and color attracts reptiles A healthy meal No mess easy pop out cubes Simply thaw and feed. Available in Aquatic Turtle Diet Adult Formula; Aquatic Turtle Diet Juvenile Formula; Carnivore Carnage™; Dragon Delight™, Adult Formula; Dragon Delight™, Juvenile Formula; Fantastic Fruit™; Garden Gumbo™; and Tortoise T’weeds™. Additional information is available at http://www.sfbb.com/frozen.asp# www.sfbb.com/home.asp LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 38 Long Island Herpetological Society 476 North Ontario Avenue Lindenhurst, New York 11757 Web: www.LIHS.org Email: info@LIHS.org Tel: (631) 884-LIHS LONG ISLAND HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION To join the Long Island Herpetological Society, Print this page, fill out the following application form and mail with your $25.00 check or money order ( made payable to the L.I.H.S. ) to the following address: Long Island Herpetological Society 476 North Ontario Avenue, Lindenhurst, New York 11757 NEW MEMBER: PREVIOUS MEMBER: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY NAME: : / DATE / ADDRESS CITY: PHONE ( Optional ) STATE: ( ZIP: ) Area Code Email ( needed to receive the LIHS Herpetofauna Journal and LIHS Updates: @ Types Of Herps You Keep Or Have Kept \ Specialty Area: Where Did You Hear About The LIHS? ( please circle any that apply ): 1. NEWSPAPER ( paper name ) 2. NEWSPAPER COMMUNITY SECTION ( paper name ) 5. TELEVISION or RADIO SHOW ( program/station ) LIHS Herpetofauna Journal 6. REPTILE MAGAZINE (name) 3. FRIEND ( who ) 7. PUBLIC EXHIBITION ( where ) ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 4. PET SHOP ( name ) 8. OTHER www.LIHS.org Page 39 The Long Island Herpetological Society, Inc. ( LIHS, Inc. ) is a New York State registered, not-forprofit organization formed in 1987 to educate the members of the organization and the public with respect to the conservation, ecological role and captive care of reptiles and amphibians. This encompasses all aspects of herpetology. The membership is composed primarily of hobbyists; however amongst our many members are some of the finest herpetologists, herp veterinarians, professional reptile breeders, active conservationists and biological researchers. The LIHS advocates the sale, trade, and ownership of captive bred & born reptilian & amphibian companion pets. Members generally may bring their pets to all meeting and venues, provided that such animals are adequately housed, legal, not endangered ( unless proper legal permits are displayed and permission is granted by the LIHS Executive board ), and not venomous ( venomous Reptiles are illegal to own in New York State ). Members of the LIHS are currently engaged in the breeding of numerous species, including Rat snakes, rare Boas and Pythons, Corn snakes, Kingsnakes, Milk snakes, exotic geckos, turtles, tortoises, and Bearded Dragons. The LIHS runs an Annual REPTILE & AMPHIBIAN SHOW. The show, scheduled for early fall, is an incredible opportunity to see many beautiful species of reptiles and amphibians, which otherwise might only be viewed on television, in books, zoos or in Specialty Reptile shops. The show is open to the public. The LIHS has been featured on local and national television shows including; Long Islands' Cablevision 12 show, "THE FAMILY PET" with Dr. Jonathan Greenfield, "LIVE - Regis & Kathie Lee" and "Today in New York". We have also been featured in the NY Times, NY Newsday, and the NY Daily News. The LIHS often conducts public displays for the Cub/Boy/Girl Scouts, local schools, N.Y. State and other institutions ( time and weather permitting ). The LIHS is one of the largest herp societies in the tri-state area. Swap meets are often held at each meeting, so members can often purchase or trade captive bred herps. Captive bred animals are always a plus, as it ensures that you are buying a quality animal, and not removing an animal from the wild. Even though wild-collected reptiles are still being offered in the hobby, we truly believe that a captive bred and raised animal makes a superior pet. Membership in the LIHS is a bargain. Where else can you get years worth of education and fun for only $25.00? This price is either for an individual or a family - a further bargain. What exactly do you get for your $25.00? ( A ) Meetings - the Long Island Herpetological Society meets once a month from September to June. Our meetings are "OPEN" to the public, so bring your friends ( perhaps, a new member ). At each meeting there is generally a guest speaker, a raffle, and often a swap meet. Meeting Dates, Times & Locations: Most meetings are held at Farmingdale State College, which is centrally located on Long Island. For up-coming meeting dates or directions to our "OPEN to the Public" monthly meetings check our website < www.LIHS.org > or call (631) 884-LIHS. Meetings are generally held on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-4:00 PM. There is always plenty of "Free Parking". ( B ) Herpetofauna Journal - you will also receive the LIHS Herpetofauna Journal as published throughout the year as part of your membership. As of 2009, we will be transmitting the journal electronically. For those of you who do not have access to the internet or a computer, we may be able to make special arrangements. The journal contains husbandry articles, stories, tips, and cartoons all pertaining to the care and well being of your reptiles and amphibians. Members are encouraged to submit articles, short stories, tips, newspaper & magazine articles, drawings, cartoons, and any other items of herpetological nature ( they need not be of a scientific nature ). ( C ) Field Trips and Additional Benefits - Field trips may be planned during the year. These trips are exclusively for "members only". These trips are for viewing animals in nature only. The LIHS also can refer members to Veterinarians who treat exotics (not all " VETS " do this). Members (only) may participate in swap meets and are admitted to the annual show at a reduced cost. Books and husbandry equipment may also be available to LIHS members at a "Special" rate. LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 40 LIHS MEETING DATES & INFORMATION LIHS Meeting Dates Speaker / Topic November 21st, 2010 th December 12 , 2010 January – June 2011 TBA Holiday Get-Together MEMBERS ONLY Dates to be announced shortly ( on-line and in the next journal ) ALL Meetings ( unless otherwise noted ): Are OPEN and FREE to the PUBLIC ( UNLESS NOTED )… Bring your friends and family. Will start at 1:00 PM. They may end earlier than the 4:00 end time, so please be on time. Will be held at the Farmingdale State College Conference Center on the SUNY Farmingdale College Campus. DIRECTIONS to SUNY Farmingdale: http://www.lihs.org/files/meetingplace.htm SUNY Farmingdale College Campus Map: http://www.lihs.org/files/FSUNY_MAP.jpg As WINTER approaches, in case of inclement weather, please check the LIHS Website < www.LIHS.org > or your e-mail ( or both ) for any potential meeting cancellations Speakers will be updated as they are scheduled. You will receive meeting updates via email, the Herpetofauna Journal, REMINDER POSTCARDS, or for the most Current Information, please check the LIHS Website: www.LIHS.org LIHS Herpetofauna Journal ~ October 2010 Volume 20, Issue 10 www.LIHS.org Page 41
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