company profile


company profile
Zagreb, April 2013.
Company profile
OIKON Ltd., Institute of Applied Ecology
Update 10.05.2013.
Tel.:+385 1 5507-100 / Fax: +385 1 5507-101
Personal Identification No. (OIB): 63588853294
Account No: 2360000-1101330724
FIELD OF WORK ...................................................................................................................... 6
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ..................................................................................................... 7
Program and project management services ................................................................................ 7
Environmental protection ............................................................................................................... 7
Industrial ecology ............................................................................................................................. 8
Environmental Medicine .................................................................................................................. 8
Renewable Energy Resources ......................................................................................................... 9
Nature Protection ............................................................................................................................ 9
Natural Resource Management .................................................................................................... 10
Landscape Architecture ................................................................................................................ 11
IT and GIS ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Remote sensing and Telemetry ................................................................................................... 12
Environmental modeling ............................................................................................................... 12
Energy Audits and Building Certification ................................................................................... 12
OUR CUSTOMERS .................................................................................................................. 12
OUR STAFF ............................................................................................................................. 12
COMPANY POLICY ................................................................................................................. 13
QUALITY ASSURANCE........................................................................................................... 14
LICENCES ................................................................................................................................ 14
MEMBERSHIPS ........................................................................................................................ 18
PRODUCT REPRESENTATIONS ............................................................................................ 20
ITT Visual Information Solutions .................................................................................................. 20
3DNature LLC .................................................................................................................................. 20
Lakes Environmental Software..................................................................................................... 20
Topsonic Systemhaus GmbH ......................................................................................................... 20
AWARDS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... 20
EMPLOYEES ............................................................................................................................ 22
Organisation Chart ......................................................................................................................... 22
Employee list .................................................................................................................................. 23
Expert structure of employees .................................................................................................... 25
Registered research scientists ..................................................................................................... 25
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 27
Management Plans of protected nature areas .......................................................................... 27
Specialist Studies ........................................................................................................................... 27
Remote Sensing .............................................................................................................................. 31
GIS projects and cartography....................................................................................................... 32
IT/GIS projects ............................................................................................................................... 33
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) .................................................................................... 35
Nature impact assessments .......................................................................................................... 43
Industrial ecology ........................................................................................................................... 45
Energetics ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Strategic environmental documentation ................................................................................... 46
Environmental monitoring ............................................................................................................ 47
Landscape architecture................................................................................................................. 49
Natural resource management .................................................................................................... 50
Consultancy services...................................................................................................................... 55
Long term and Scientific projects ............................................................................................... 56
Participation ................................................................................................................................... 57
Equipment delivery ........................................................................................................................ 57
Donations ......................................................................................................................................... 57
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
PUBLISHED PAPERS .............................................................................................................. 61
CONFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 61
EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................ 63
Hardware ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Software........................................................................................................................................... 64
Other equipment ............................................................................................................................ 66
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Company name
Oikon Ltd.- Institute for Applied Ecology
Trg senjskih uskoka 1-2, HR-10020 Zagreb
+385 1 5507 100
+385 1 5507 101
Head of the Institute
Dalibor Hatić, (
Year of establishment
No. of employees
Registration No.
MBS 080183498
Personal Identification No. (OIB)
ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
OHSAS 18001:2007
Oikon Ltd. business activities range from environmental consultancy services to provision of integral
specialist studies and research in the field of applied ecology. The company was registered on
November 17th 1997, at the Croatian Court of Commerce under registration number MBS 080183498.
Specialties of the company include environmental and nature protection, sustainable development,
forestry and applied forest research, agriculture, ecological modelling, marine biology, landscape
ecology, geostatistics, remote sensing and GIS. Oikon Ltd. is also Soil Associations - Woodmark
representative in Croatia for FSC Certification of forests and wood processing industry.
At the Croatian Court of Commerce, Oikon Ltd. is registered for the following services:
of services
Services and activities
73.1 Research and experimental development in natural, technical and technological sciences
* Research and provision of knowledge and information to business
* Environmental protection expertise
* Environmental impact assessment studies, ecological research, surveys and measurements,
environmental pollution control and sanitary control projects, geological research, geodesic
surveys, cartography
* Education of environmental protection professionals
* Hydrographic works, such as hydrographic measurements, marine geodesy, coastal, and
marine object scanning
* Detailed physical planning services and provision of thematic data sets for issuing location
* Technical documentation for research, exploitation and processing of rocks and minerals
* Landscape design and implementation of landscape design programmes
* Nature protection expertise
* Air quality protection expertise, air quality monitoring, air emissions monitoring
* Noise protection expertise
2 Forest management services
1 Agriculture and hunting expertise
* Wild animals protection and breeding programmes
72 IT services
22.1 Publishing
* Foreign investment works and cession of investment works to the foreign person in Republic
of Croatia
* Public and road transport, both domestic and international
71 Machinery and equipment renting services, excluding handler and items for personal use and
33 Production of medical, precise and optical instruments and watches
74.13 Market and public opinion research
74.14 Management and business consultancy services
92.72 Other recreational activities
* Building, building design and building sites supervision
* Crewed airplane rental services
* Trading and trading procurement on domestic and foreign markets
* Commodities acquisition and sales
* Foreign companies procurement
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Program and project management services
(Overall life-cycle project management; advisory and technical support for EU or globally funded
Overall (life-cycle) project management:
Program/Project initialization and planning services
• Feasibility studies
• Business case analysis
• Client scope, schedule and cost estimation
• Procurement planning (supplier evaluation)
• Project charter and proposal preparation
• Project evaluation (program, portfolio level)
Program/Project execution related services
• Project hosting
• Monitoring and surveillance
• Quality assurance/Quality control
• Program/Project Key Resource Allocation
Program/Project risk management
• Risk identification and classification
• Risk severity matrix (probability/impact assessment)
• Risk qualitative and quantative analysis
• Risk mitigation and control (strategy, risk plan, monitoring and control)
Contract management
• Tendering related consulting
• Supplier management
• Subcontractor management
Program/Project process related services
• Program/project process related consultancy
• Program/Project office infrastructure, management and support
• Meetings, workshops planning and facilitation
• Stakeholder analysis
• Participatory surveys, interviews (traditional, web enabled)
Advisory and technical support for EU or globally funded projects application (CARDS, Life, ISPA,
Environmental protection
(reports, studies, assessments, monitoring)
• Environment Impact Assessment (development of EIS for developments in terestic and
marine environment, procedural support trough acceptance procedure)
• Implementation of integrated procedures (environment, nature, integrated conditions for
environment protection)
• „Request for requirement assessment for EIA“ (screening process)
• „Request for EIA content instructions“ (scoping process)
• Strategic Environment impact Assessment (SEA) for plans and programs (development of
studies and procedural support)
• Permitting support services
• Due diligence reports
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Design, development, implementation and maintenance of environmental monitoring
Reports about condition of environment (counties, municipalities, cities)
Environment protection programs (counties, municipalities, cities)
Environment protection reports
Environment management plans
Selection of environmentally most appropriate locations for industrial, power production
and communal developments
Field survey planning
In situ data collection: terrestrial and marine (i.e. see current measurements, bathymetry,
various samplings, etc)
Solid waste cadastre development
Solid waste management planning
Environmental expenditure tracking and analysis
Legal harmonization support with EU acquis
Development of thematic data layers for Physical planning needs
Industrial ecology
(Reports, studies, assessments, design and supervision)
Feasibility studies
Pre-investment studies
Investment studies
Business plans
Location studies
Site investigation planning
Conceptual design
Preliminary design
Main design
Implementation design
As-built documentation
Project scheduling (time, financial, resource)
Professional opinions, reports and revisions
Energy audits
Deployment programs
Deployment instructions
Technical, financial and commercial investment consulting
Project management
Construction supervision
Quality assurance
Plant deployment
Design nostrificaton (as per legal requirement in case design was developed by foreign
Engineering supervision
Development of programs for reduction of green house gases
Techno-economic analysis of implemented reduction measures
Implementation of flexible Kyoto protocol mechanisms (ET, JI, CDM)
Cooperation with international expert teams
Energy efficiency projects
Full support for implementation of IPPC directive
Environmental Medicine
(research, ecotoxicology, bioindication)
• Planning, design, implementation and supervision of research regarding relationship
between environmental and health risk
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Assessment and management of risks (human and ecological biomonitoring)
Teaming, coordination and management of multidisciplinary scientific research teams
Development and implementation of informative, educative and training programs in the
field of Environmental medicine/Industrial ecology
Renewable Energy Resources
(reports, studies, resource assessments)
• Feasibility studies
• Pre-investment studies
• Investment studies
• Business plans
• Location studies
• Site investigation planning
• Conceptual design
• Preliminary design
• Main design
• Implementation design
• As-built documentation
• Deployment programs
• Deployment instructions
• Technical, financial and commercial investment consulting
• Project scheduling (time, financial, resource)
• Technical, financial and commercial investment consulting
• Project management
• Construction supervision
• Quality assurance
• Plant deployment
• Design nostrificaton (as per legal requirement in case design was developed by foreign
• Engineering supervision
• Cooperation with international expert teams
Nature Protection
(reports, studies, assessments, research, inventories, monitoring)
• Nature impact analysis (appropriate assessment) of various developments (terrestrial and
• Analysis and valorization of biological, landscape and geological diversity
• Evaluation of ecological risk and health status of ecosystems
• Advisory support in design of infrastructural and industrial objects aiming at reduction of
impact on biological and landscape diversity
• Selection of optimal locations for building of “green bridges”
• Cost-benefit analysis of developments in relation to expected changes in ecosystems and
impacts on protected natural values
• Advanced statistical and analytical support in solving Nature protection issues
• Assessment of baseline (“zero”) status of nature (flora, fauna, fungi, marine biocenosis)
• Population density assessment for rare, endemic and protected species
• Design, development, implementation and maintenance of monitoring systems for
biological, chemical and physical indicators
• Inventory of fauna and habitats (ornithofauna, mammals, herpetofauna, benthic biocenosis,
marine benthic species, fungi, terrestrial habitats, biospeleological supervision) and
monitoring by different scientifically approved methods (foto-traps, ultrasound detectors,
GPS collars/chips for marking and tracking of animals, biological surveys and sampling
(bathymetry, granulometry, etc.) using SCUBA diving equipment (“down” to 70 m))
• Thematic mapping of various scales and methodology (CORINE, MedWet, urban habitats,
• Design of ecological networks
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Development of management plans for protected areas of nature
Natural Resource Management
(forestry, game management and agriculture)
Development and revision of forest management plans
Preparation and supervision of forest management works
Preparation and supervision of forest protection works (insects and fungi, forest fires, and
other natural disasters)
Preparation and supervision of harvesting
Preparation and supervision of horticultural, forest ecology, forest biodiversity protection
Preparation, implementation and supervision of timber marking and management of private
Research of forest ecology
Forest protection (design of anti-erosion measures, design of watershed protection
measures, design of forest fire protection measures)
Inventories of forest resources of various thematic/spatial detail and coverage – from single
forest units to regional/national scale (design, implementation, analysis, reporting)
Development of tariffs, growth and yield models, biomass models
Field measurements and investigations (biomass, standing volume, increment, crown
coverage, competition, etc.)
Evaluation of forest productivity and stability
Evaluation of economic value of the forests (timber, non-timber values)
Evaluation of forest fire risk
Evaluation and planning of forest roads network
Evaluation of forest soil productivity
Soil suitability for planting and timber species selection planning
Monitoring of forest ecosystem health status
Dendrochronology and dendroecology
Harvesting location plans
Feasibility studies and development of plans for short-rotation forestry
Game management
Development and revision of game management plans
Game animals protection planning
Implementation and implementation supervision of game management plans
Design and development of documentation for implementation of game management plans
Mapping support (game management units)
Posters for hunting houses
Game management unit borders identification (on map and in the field)
Habitat productivity evaluation for various game animal species
Specialist studies and research
Education and training in game management methods and techniques
Site evaluation for agricultural production
Productivity evaluation of agricultural land
Inventarisation and analysis of meadows for grassing purposes
Inventarisation of land use of areas suitable for agriculture
Evaluation of impacts of agricultural production on nature and environment
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Landscape Architecture
(analysis, planning, design, visualization)
Development of thematic data layers for landscape design projects
Conceptual landscape design for various developments/areas
Main landscape designs
Planning of “green systems” for cities
Planning of protection of horticultural objects in cities
Monitoring of health status vegetation in urban environments
Mapping and analysis of land use
View shed analysis
Landscape inventarisation and mapping
Landscape diversity analysis
Valuation of landscapes aiming at identification of landscapes to be proposed for protection
Landscape impact analysis
Determination of guidelines for protection, improvement and management of landscapes
IT and GIS
(consulting, application development, implementation and support, training)
Development of GIS and IT solutions in nature and environment protection
• GIS software evaluation and selection services
• GIS database modeling
• Internet based GIS applications development
• Nature protection information systems definition, design, programming, implementation,
testing, documentation writing and user training
• Environment protection information systems definition, design, programming,
implementation, testing, documentation writing and user training
• IT solution post-implementation technical support
GIS training
• GIS related training consulting services (training needs assessment, training plan
development, curriculum development)
• Trainers and users training
• Application of GIS in nature and environment protection
• 2D visualization and cartography
• 3D visualization
related consulting services
Spatial data conversion
Spatial data migration
User requirements specification
Consulting services in relation to selection, acquisition, customization and implementation
of GIS and IT solutions, covering all phases of project delivery
Software vendors’ partner
• Microsoft registered partner (in process of golden partnership for visualization competence)
• ITT Visual Information Solutions ( )
• 3D Nature ( )
• Lakes Environmental Software ( )
• Topsonic Systemhous GmbH ( )
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Remote sensing and Telemetry
(aerial/satellite, analysis, training)
Sampling design and purchase of images (aero and satellite)
Geo-referencing and orthorectification of various image types
Production of orthophoto images
Expert visual interpretation of images
Computer supported interpretation of images (controlled and non-controlled classification)
Vegetation monitoring with remote sensing methods
Inventarisations (forestry, nature, other natural resources with remote sensing methods
Following of movements and behaviour of wild animals with telemetric methods
Education and training in remote sensing methodology and techniques
Environmental modeling
(geostatistics, spatio-temporal modelling, raster GIS)
Raster-GIS analysis
Digital geo-morphometry
Modelling of biological populations density in time/space
Calculation of productivity parameters and forest health status
Calculation of pollution emissions
Hydrological modelling of water levels ion open water bodies and ground water
Hydrodynamic modeling of currents and waves in sea
Modelling of surface runoff in natural water catchments and in open watercourse
Calculation of macro-climatic and topo-climatic parameters
Simulations of meteorological parameters
Calculation of pollution dispersion in see, water, air and soil
Noise propagation modelling
Energy Audits and Building Certification
Our customers are companies who use and/or control the use of natural resources, mostly public
organizations and state and local governments. Recently, our customer base significantly grew as a
result of demand by private investors for our services. Often, Oikon Ltd. is subcontracted by
engineering companies for large infrastructure design and modelling projects (freeways, power
plants, industrial and commercial sites, etc.).
In the foreign markets Oikon has provided services to customers from the UK, Romania and Albania.
Also, R&D projects financed from European development stimulation funds (e.g. LIFE third
countries) provide Oikon the chance to work in cooperation with the Ministry for Environment
Protection and Physical Planning within the EU regulatory framework.
The European Development Fund (i.e. Life third world countries) has authorized OIKON to work
within the regulatory framework of EU in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical
Oikon Ltd. is a company consisting of thirty-six full time employees, which forms the core of basic
expertise necessary for project and company management. The Company also employs numerous
(more than 200) external consultants from other scientific institutions and academia, from both
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Croatia and abroad. Among our staff, there are seven employees with PhD degrees, two with MSc
degrees, twenty five postgraduates, two with bachelor’s degrees in Science and seven with high
school. Our staff’s academic backgrounds are very diverse and interdisciplinary, including
biology/ecology, forestry, physics, chemistry, geology, mathematics, metallurgy, IT, landscape
architecture, architecture, civil engineering, economy and mechanical engineering.
Among Oikon’s employees, there are 9 research scientists registered with the Ministry of Science
and Technology, 4 engineers registered with the Croatian Chamber of Architects and Engineers
(architect, civil engineer, landscape architect and mechanical engineer), 5 certified Croatian
Chamber of Forest and Wood Technology Engineers, 4 certified project managers (certificates
issued by the Project Management Institute, USA), 1 certified project leader in chemical
engineering research and exploitation for gas and oil, 2 MCTS ( Microsoft Certified Technology
Specialists), 2 MCITP-Microsoft Certified IT Professionals, 2 MCAD - Microsoft Certified Application
Developer and 2 MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional.
Oikon’s staff has, other than performing their regular duties, published several dozens of
professional research papers on natural sciences at an international level and has participated in
over a hundred science congresses and professional scientific conferences.
Our vision: to become the region’s leading Consultancy Company in the area of applied ecology
whose scientific development and engineering solutions greatly contribute to the upbuilding of
human society in harmony with nature. In firm belief in the attainability of that vision and
determined to work in the aspiration of that goal, we, Oikon Ltd. – Institute for Applied Ecology
maintain and develop a efficient, great, and innovative business system that allows the creation and
application of knowledge necessary for environmental protection and sustainable management of
natural resources, and the conservation of nature and cultural heritage. That is our goal. All
activities undertaken for the fulfillment of our mission are based on the following principles and
We believe in and encourage success founded on knowledge and the innovativeness of our
employees and business partners
Our relationships with users, business partners and employees are honest, open and
In our company environment, we work diligently, as a team, merriment and goal oriented
Our business results and customer satisfaction are indicators of our work
In our work, we absolutely respect national laws and bylaws, as we do international treaties
and recommendations from our area of expertise, and we encourage our partners and users
We continuously encourage our employees to have a responsible attitude towards the
nature protection and the environment and sustainable use of natural resources
We support socio-economical development based on ecologically sustainable principles and
socially responsible business.
Persistent improvement of effectiveness and excellence our existing business system in compliance
with the requirements of HRN EN ISO 9001:2000 and HRN EN ISO 14001:2004 standards, as with the
creation of new knowledge and their application in the achievement of quality and functional
solutions for our users, is our strategic goal.
Oikon has acquired current results with knowledge, skills, innovativeness and experience of its staff
and business partners, and with the dedication to the quality of its services and products. Our
priority strategy is to continue with team work in an encouraging environment of experience and
youth that creates a synergy of inter and multi-disciplinary approach and with continuous
investment in learning and exchange of acquired knowledge.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
During the first fourteen years of existence, on the value bases of our policy, we’ve built one of the
largest companies dedicated to applied ecology in this part of Europe. Our staff is acquainted with
company policy and they are required to perform in accordance to it in all of their professional
activities. Values and principles on which that policy is based on, is promoted amongst our
subcontractors and business partners, as well the wider public. The same policy will be carried out
in the future, determined in our further development, to be a model to others doing similar work,
and to contribute to ecologically sustainable development of the wider society.
Oikon Ltd. - Institute for Applied Ecology dedicates special attention to quality assurance and
quality control in its work and production processes. The best indicator of success in
implementation procedures related to the quality of our products and services is the large number
of clients that continuously come back to us with new requests and projects.
ISU - Integrated management system
While performing its work Oikon applies Integrated management system for quality, environment,
occupational health and safety harmonized with international standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO
14001:2004* and OHSAS 18001:2007 in the following activities:
research, engineering and consulting in environmental and nature protection,
renewable energy management and
natural resource management.
Certified judgment of Oikon’s Integrated management system was implemented by the Swiss
company SGS Société Général de Surveillance SA, Zurich.
Project management
Certified project leaders/managers (PMI - Project Management Professional - PMP), certified
according to the methodology of international organisation of project managers - Project
Management Institute ( are also certified, within their accreditation, for knowledge
and competency in project leading and management according to the ISO 17024 standards.
For the consultancy services Oikon possesses "Statement of compliance with Principle 7" to confirm
that Forest Management Plans produced by Oikon are in compliance with Principle 7 according to
the conditions of Forest Stewardship Council A.C.
Certified judgement of Oikon’s work on Forest Management Plans was implemented by the company
EcoSylva Ltd. according to the Woodmark standard produced by Soil Association Certification Ltd.
The Code of Business Ethics
On February 8th 2010 Oikon Ltd. signed the Code of Business Ethics, initiated and created by the
Croatian Chamber of Commerce. In that way Oikon confirmed its determination to manage projects
in a socially responsible way.
The following licenses of compliance for the performance of professional environmental protection
and physical planning services have been issued to OIKON Ltd. by the Ministry of Environmental
Protection, Physical Planning and Construction:
I.) Performance in the field of nature protection relating to professional activities
(Class: UP/I 351-02/10-08/111; Reg. No: 531-14-1-1-06-10-4;
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Consent duration: 30/12/2010. – 30/12/2013.) :
1. Development of strategic studies on major assessment of the acceptability plans and programs
for the ecological network;
2. Development of project reports on previous major eligibility assessment plans and programs for
the ecological network;
3. Development of project reports on previous major eligibility assessment operations for the
ecological network;
4. Development of study on major eligibility assessment operations for the ecological network;
5. Preparation and processing of documentation for the implementation of the process of
determining the prevailing public interest and compensation conditions according to special
regulations in the field of nature protection;
6. Development of nature protection programs, management and action plans, also reports on
nature protection state
7. Development of study on assessment of introduction risks, the reintroduction and cultivation of
wild species
8. Monitoring states in the field of nature protection related to the professional development of
studies on the influence of operations on the environment, development of study on major
eligibility assessment operations for the ecological network, also the preparation and
processing of documentation for the implementation process of determining the prevailing
public interest and compensation conditions according to special regulations in the field of
nature protection;
II) Performance of professional environmental protection tasks
(Class: UP/I 351-02/10-08/133; Reg. No: 531-14-1-1-06-10-2;
consent duration: 27/09/2010. – 27/09/2013.) :
1. Development of strategic studies;
2. Development of study on the influence of operations on the environment, including tasks of
preparation and processing documentation with review request about the necessity of
evaluating the influence of operations on the environment and tasks of preparation and
processing documentation along with a request for issuing instructions on the content of the
3. Project report on environmental protection relating to operations where an evaluation of
environmental impact is not mandatory, including a project report on environmental
4. Development of proposals on product group standards
5. Project report on compliance with product standards in the environmental label award
6. Development report on security which includes development of internal plans
7. Development, including tasks of producing remediation programs and tasks of developing
studies on the removal of environmental damage and threatening dangers
8. Development, revision (verification) and monitoring analysis of individual tasks and groups
of tasks from the field of environmental protection and for the needs of the Pollution
Performance of professional environmental protection tasks
(Class: UP/I 351-02/10-08/197; Reg. No: 531-14-1-1-06-10-2;
consent duration: 02/11/2010. – 02/11/2013.):
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
1. Development of action plans on environmental protection, or action plans for protection of
environmental components (air, land, sea, etc.) and pollution control (waste management,
2. Development of environmental protection program
3. Preparation of reports on the state of the environment
4. Monitoring the situation in the field of environmental protection - sampling, testing,
measurements, etc. for the protection of individual components of the environment and
protection of over burdening, except for tasks of monitoring air quality and air emissions
Performance of professional environmental protection tasks
(Class: UP/I 351-02/10-08/222, Reg. No: 531-14-1-1-06-10-2;
consent duration: 16/11/2010. – 16/11/2011.):
1. Development of technological solutions for installations in relation to integrated
environmental protection which includes developing studies on technical and technological
solutions for installations in relation to integrated environmental protection and the
preparation and processing of documentation related to the request for establishing
protection requirements including the preparation of analysis and study report that
preceded the request
Performing professional environmental protection tasks
(Class: UP/I 351-02/10-08/110; Reg. No: 531-14-1-1-06-10-2,
consent duration: 29/09/2010. – 29/09/2013.):
1. Development of technological solutions for installations in relation to integrated
environmental protection that includes study report on technical and technological solutions
for installations in relation to integrated environmental protection and the preparation and
processing of documentation related to the request for establishing protection requirements
including the preparation of analysis and study that preceded the request
Performing professional environmental protection tasks
(Class: UP/I 351-02/10-08/83, Reg. No: 531-14-1-1-06-10-4,
consent duration: 10/12/2010. – 10/12/2013.):
1. Preparation of special studies and reports for the environmental components; development
budget report (inventory) emissions of greenhouse gases and other emissions of pollutants
into the environment; development budget projections for the components of the
environment and report on the implementation of policies and measures
Conducting energy audits and energy certification of buildings
(Class: UP/I -360-02/10-18/97; Reg. No: 531-01-10-6, consent duratation: 15/11/2010. –
Conducting energy audits of residential and non-residential building with a simple technical
Energy certification of residential and non-residential building with a simple technical
Conducting energy audits of residential and non-residential buildings with complex technical
system in part related to mechanical part of the technical building systems and systems of
automatic regulation and management of technical building systems;
Energy certification of residential and non-residential buildings with complex technical
Preparation of detailed plans and technical basis for issuing location permits
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
(Class: UP/I-350-02/04-07/08; Reg. No: 531-09-04-2/BV)
The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports has issued the Certificate of registration in the
Register of scientific organizations of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports under number
0273 in the scientific fields: natural sciences and biotechnology (Class: UP/I 640-02/03-10/10; Reg.
No: 533-12/800-03-3, since 10/15/2003.) to Oikon Ltd.
The following licenses were issued to Oikon Ltd. by the Ministry of Culture:
1) Habitat mapping in the special ornithological reserve „Krapje Đol“ and surrounding area
within the Nature Park “Lonjsko polje” (Class: UP/I-612-07/10-33/818; Reg. No. 532-08-0202/1-10-02, consent duration: 08/2010 – 08/2011);
2) Capturing, radio-collar tagging and telemetric monitoring of wolves (Canis lupus), lynx (Lynx
lynx) and wild cats (Felis silvestris) on Croatian territory (including protected areas) within
the scientific research programs of the Institute entitled ''Anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial
macrofauna with a focus on protected taxa in the Republic of Croatia ZIN2/08'' (Class: UP/I612-07/10-33/0654; Reg. No: 532-08-01-01/1-10-02, consent duration: 25/05/2010. –
3) Research and monitoring populations and habitats of species Spermophilus citellus - tekunica
on Croatian territory (Class: UP/I-612-07/10-33/0409; Reg. No: 532-08-01-01/3-10-02; consent
duration 012/04/2010.– 20/04/2011.);
4) Inventorying and monitoring of bats on Croatian territory in connection with the preparation
of environmental impact studies, impact assessment of the nature, projects, inventory and
manufacturing management plans and other projects for which it is necessary to conduct
research (Class: UP/I-612-07/10/10-33/0242; Reg. No: 532-08-01-01/3-10-02; consent
duration: 09/03/2010. – 20/03/2011.);
5) Inventorying, tagging and monitoring of brown bears (Ursus arctos) on Croatian territory
(including protected areas) within the Project "Anthropogenic impacts on land markrofauna
with focus on the protected taxa in the Republic of Croatia” (Class: UP/I-612-07-/11-33/0015;
Reg. No: 532-08-01-01/3-11-02; consent duration: 19/01/2011. – 19/01/2012.)
6) Research and monitoring of wild animals on the wildlife overpasses within its own program
called "Anthropogenic impacts on land markrofaunu with a focus on protected taxa in Croatia
– ZIN2/08”, through two projects: Monitoring of wildlife crossing''on routes II, III and IV. of the
gas systems of Lika and Dalmatia'' financed by “Croatian Motorways Ltd.”, for the purpose of
monitoring the state and efficiency of the wildlife crossing (Class: UP/I-612-07/11-33/0188;
Reg. No: 532-08-01-01/1-10-02, consent duration: 04/03/2011. – 31/03/2011.)
7) Research of flora and fauna around the area of the Mirna River and its tributaries “Bracana,
Drage, Rečica and Butonige” within the project ''Defining environmentally acceptable flow of
Mirna River” financed by “Hrvatske vode”. (Class: UP/I-612-07/10-33/0141, Reg. No: 532-0801-01/3-10-02; consent duration: 22/02/2011. – 22/02/2012.);
8) Speleological research to determine pre-existing condition of caves discovered during
construction of the main high pressure gas-pipeline systems of Lika-Dalmatia (Sections II and
III) and Pula-Karlovac (gas-pipelines Vodnjan-Umag and Kukuljanovo-Omišalj) and
reconnaissance of the main high pressure gas-pipeline system of Lika-Dalmatia (Sections IV) to
determine existence of caves and their habitat value for speleofauna, as well as to define
measures for their protection (Class: UP/I-612-07/09-33/0787, Reg. No. 532-08-02-03/1-09-2 )
The following licenses were issued to Oikon Ltd. by the Ministry of Regional Development,
Forestry and Water Management
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
1) In the study of brown bears (Ursus arctos L.) in the space of his dwelling, capturing a bear
in a way that does not injure him, tagging with radio-transmitters, and telemetric
monitoring (Class: UP/ I-323-03/11-01/10; Reg. No: 538-08-1/0169-11-2; consent duration:
20/01/2011. – 31/12/2011.);
2) In the study of golden jackals (Canis Aures L.) in the area of their presence, capturing golden
jackals in a way that it does not injure them, tagging with radio transmitters and telemetric
monitoring (Class: UO/I-323-03/11-01/9; Reg. No: 538-08/09-11-02; consent duration:
20/01/2011. – 31/12/2011.);
3) In the study of brown bears (Ursus arctos L.) in state hunting No.IX/37 – “VRH JELOVI'',
setting traps to capture 1 brown bear, the immobilization of the captured bear by injection
gun or blower, tagging collar with a radio transmitter and telemetric monitoring (Class:
UP/I-323-03/10-01/140; Reg. No.: 538-08/09-10-02; consent duration: 11/10/2010. –
4) In the study of brown bears (Ursus arctos L.) in state hunting No.IX/14 - 'NORTH VELEBIT'',
setting traps to capture 1 brown bear, the immobilization ther captured bear by injection
gun or blower, tagging collar with a radio transmitter and telemetric monitoring (Class:
UP/I-323-03/10-01/141; Reg. No: 538-08/09-10-02; consent duration: 11/10/2010. –
Croatian chamber of forestry and wood processing engineers issued Oikon Ltd. License No. 0280
for: development of Forest management plans; development of Game management plans;
preparation and supervision of silvicultural works; preparation and supervision of works on forest
protection from harmful organisms, forest fires and natural disasters; preparation (up to 10.000 m3
of total annual volume) and supervision (up to 20.000 m3 of total annual volume) of timber
harvesting works; preparation and supervision of urban forestry works; works on forest ecology and
forest biodiversity protection; preparation, implementation and supervision (up to 20.000 m3 of
total volume) of timber marking for harvesting works and management of private forests – under the
condition to comply to required number of certified engineers by 24th of January 2009, as required
by Ordinance on type of forest works, minimal conditions for their implementation and works that
could be undertaken by forest owners alone (National Gazette 74/07, 29/08); (Class: UP/I-32101/08-15/280; – Reg. No. 349-01/07-165/7; since 10/09/2008. – 01/24/2013.)
Oikon Ltd. is registered with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization -UN) consultant organization,
under Ref. number 41787/3782.
Considering that OIKON Ltd. applies and implements projects within the Seventh Framework
Programme (FP7), after successful registration in European Commission’s Unique Registration
Facility (URF), Oikon was assigned a Participant Identification Code (PIC) - 998582118. Oikon Ltd.'s
UNGM registration number is 180,681 and PADOR identification number is - EuropeAid ID is HR2009-CFV-2003559291.
Oikon Ltd. is registered as a scientific organization number 0273 in the register of scientific
research organization of Croatian, which is led by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Oikon g is a member of the following scientific and professional international organizations:
AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia)
EARSL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories)
ENDL (European Network of Dendrochronological Laboratories)
IUFRO (International Union of Forestry Research Organizations)
UN Global Compact
Knowledge Intensive Services (KIS) 100 Club
Oikon Ltd. is a co-founder of the following professional organizations:
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Croatian association of nature and environment protection professionals
Croatian business council for sustainable development
Our employees are individual members of the following scientific and professional national and
international organizations:
American Paleontological Society
Association for bat conservation “Tragus”
Croatian association of entrepreneurs
Croatian association of IT professionals
Croatian biological society (HBD)
Croatian biometricians society
Croatian biospeleological society
Croatian botanical society (HBoD)
Croatian cartographic society
Croatian chamber of architects and engineers in civil engineering
Croatian diving society (HRS)
Croatian ecological society (HED)
Croatian ecosocial forum (ESFH)
Croatian geodetic society – cartographic section
Croatian geological society
Croatian pedological society
Croatian scientific association for traffic
Croatian society for chemical engineers and technologists (HDKI)
Croatian society for neuro-science
Croatian society for operational research
Croatian society for organisational learning (HDOU)
Croatian society for protection of Air
Croatian society for protection of waters
Croatian society for simulation modeling
Croatian society of oil engineers (HUNIG)
Croatian society of speleo-divers (HSRD)
Croatian speleological federation - Speleological club Samobor
European Archaeological Association
European Landscape Architecture Student Association (ELASA)
European marine interdisciplinary network (EMIN)
European Quaternary Mammal Research Association (EUROMAM)
Institute of Foresters of Australia
International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE)
International Working Group on Medical Geology
National Geographic Society
New York Academy of Science
Ostalpin-Dinarische Gesellschaft fur Vegetationskunde
Petroleum Environmental Research Fund (USA PERF)
Project Management Institute
PMI chapter Zagreb, Croatia
Scientific council for oil HAZU-oil mining section
Scientific council for remote sensing and photo interpretation HAZU
Societas herpetologica slovenica
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Society for protection and study of amphibians and reptiles of Croatia «Hyla»
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
State committee for spatial planning and environment protection
UN/ECE Convention on Long - range Transboundary Air Pollution Mapping - ICP Vegetation
UNEP Chemicals - The Global Mercury Assessment Working Group
Although Oikon Ltd. is primarily oriented to providing services in applied research and consulting,
we have decided to enable Croatian and other South-east European markets access to carefully
selected software solutions and equipment from leading developers through the representation of
their products. We would like to highlight that our orientation in this activity is to provide «highend» software solutions and equipment that are mostly analytical and predictive tools, which aid
responsible decision making in nature and environment protection. We only offer tools that we have
tested in our work!
ITT Visual Information Solutions
ITT Visual Information Solutions ( is a producer of high-end software solutions for
data analysis and visualization in medicine, remote sensing, research and development and in
academic circles. Their flagship products are IDL (object oriented programming language for data
analysis and visualization) and ENVI (remote sensing application for analysis of satellite and aerial
photo images). Today, RSI is the fastest growing company in the world (with products from subject
area) with more then 200.000 users ranging from NASA to ESA, and from various universities to many
research institutes.
3DNature LLC
3D Nature LLC ( is a leading producer of software solutions for photo realistic
3D landscape visualization fully based on real data about terrain, it's cover, existing and planned
infrastructure, etc. 3D Nature LLC develops and supports it's two leading products "World
Construction Set" and "Visual Nature", as well as, the whole set of additional applications which
enable more productive use of mentioned applications or expand their capabilities. 3DNature
software solutions are used in cartography, civil engineering, spatial planning, GIS, forestry, natural
resource management, scientific visualizations, park design and other landscape planning
Lakes Environmental Software
Lakes Environmental Software ( is a producer of robust software solutions for
Air pollution modelling developed for use by consulting companies, industry, government agencies
and academic circles. Introduction of Lakes graphic interfaces revolutionized the use computer
models, while their leading solution for Environmental risk analysis is still on the cutting edge
among similar solutions. Software solutions developed by Lakes Environmental Software are being
continuously technologically improved and aligned with the progress in relevant scientific fields.
Topsonic Systemhaus GmbH
Topsonic GmbH ( is a leading world manufacturer of airport noise measurement
and modelling systems (Airport Noise Monitoring and Flight Track Monitoring Systems). It specialized
in development, installation and sales of integral noise measurement and modelling systems, using
the most advanced technologies, selling it in configurations adapted to the customer needs.
Topsonic's stationary and mobile systems have been installed in more than 70% German airports, as
well as in numerous airports across Europe and worldwide.
On the occasion of the World Environment Day 2000, Oikon Ltd. received acknowledgement from
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning for achievement in environmental
protection, in the field of agriculture and forestry, for specialist study „Hydroelectric power plant
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
”Novo Virje”: Groundwater regime acceptable for forest survival after the building of the
hydroelectric power plant”.
In the year 2009, Marija Bajica, PMP, received from Project Management Institute - PMI chapter
Zagreb, Croatia, acknowledgment for the professional approach and obtained results in project
management in the year 2008, for the project “Inventory and Sustainable Use of Landscape
Diversity in Project Demo-Sites”.
At the closing ceremony of the Project “Index of CSR” (corporate social responsibility) Oikon Ltd.
was awarded the prize for corporate social responsibility in the year 2009 in the category of small
enterprises. The Project “Index of CSR” was initiated by Croatian Chamber of Commerce and
Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development, with the support of the UNDP office in
Croatia and AED, to develop methodology for evaluation of CRS practices of Croatian companies.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Organisation Chart
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Employee list
Associate, Business services
Mathematician inf., PMP
Landscape architect, CE
Business services manager, Business
Associate, Biomonitoring and
environment protection division,
Department for landscape architecture
Associate, Environment Protection
division, Department of Industrial
Head of industrial ecology division,
Industrial ecology division
Associate, Environment protection
Associate, Environmental Protection
Senior Research Associate for EU
Programs, environmental Protection
Associate, Biomonitoring and nature
protection division
Metallurgical engineer
Mechanical engineer, CE
Forestry engineer
M.Sc., PMP
Forestry engineer, CE
PhD. in
PhD. in Physics, PMP
Forestry engineer, CE
Forestry engineer
Biologist/ecologist prot.nat.
Biologist/ecologist prot.nat.
Civil engineer, CE, PMP
Forestry engineer
PhD. in Forestry, CE
Senior Associate, Biomonitoring and
nature protection division
Senior Associate for EU Programs,
Environment protection division
President of the Board
Associate, Environmental Protection
Project manager, Environment protection
Associate, Biomonitoring and nature
protection division
Member of the Board, Head of Ecological
engineering division, Environment
protection division
Member of the Board, Head of natural
resources division, Natural
resources division,,
M.Sc. in Applied
Forestry engineer, C.E.
Senior Associate, Biomonitoring and
nature protection division
Senior Associate, Natural resources
Tool technician
Associate, Business services
Biologist/ecologist prot.nat.
PhD. in Biology/Ecology
Biologist/ecologist prot.nat.,
Forestry engineer
Associate, Biomonitoring and nature
protection division
Associate, Biomonitoring and nature
protection division
Senior Associate, Biomonitoring and
nature protection division
Landscape architect
Senior Associate in Traffic Modelling
division, Nature protection division
Project manager, Environment protection
Senior associate, Biomonitoring and
nature protection division
Associate, Natural Resources Division
Associate, Biomonitoring and nature
protection division, Department for
landscape architecture
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Civil engineer
Associate, Environment protection
Associate, Business services
PhD. in Chemistry
Chemical engineer
Senior Associate, Industrial ecology
Institute Director, Department of
Environmental Medicine
Senior Associate, Biomonitoring and
nature protection division, Department
for landscape architecture
Landscape architect,CE
Mathematical technician
Mathematical technician
Senior Associate, Business services
Senior Associate, Business services
Associate,System administrator, Business
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Expert structure of employees
Chemical Engineering:
Civil Engineering:
Eco Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering:
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
with university
degree, 2 CE landscape architects
degree, thereof 3 PhD.
degree, thereof 1 with PhD.
degree, thereof 1 with PhD.
degree, 1 certified civil engineer
degree of which 4 CE, 1 PhD.
degree, thereof 1 with PhD.
degree, 1 with PhD.
degree, 1 certified civil engineer
degree, thereof 1 with PhD., 1
Doctors of Science:
9 (geology 1, chemical engineering 1, chemistry 1, biology 3, forestry 1,
physics 1, applied mathematics 1)
Master of Science:
1 (Environmental Protection Technology)
Registered research scientists
Gužvica Goran, 189965, PhD.
Haramina Tomi, 290886, PhD.
Kušan Vladimir, 137004, PhD.
Mesić Zrinka, 321596, PhD.
Peternel Hrvoje, 306996, PhD.
Šorgić Božica, 213170, PhD.
Špirić Zdravko, 162660, PhD.
Aleksandar Popijač, 232950, PhD.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Management Plans of protected nature areas
1. 2011 – Preparation of the Management Plans for Kozara Nacional Park, Janj and Lom protected areas
and preparation of an update of the Management plan for Sutjeska National Park, Financier: Ministry of
Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of the Republic of Serbia
2. 2011 –Preparation of study for Management Plans for the protected natural value of the Vjeternica cave
and for part of Popova fields in the Ravno municipality, in cooperation with: IGH – Mostar Ltd., Financier:
Ravno municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3. 2010 – Preparation of management plans for Blidinje Nature Park. Financier: Federal Ministry of
Environment and Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Specialist Studies
2012 – Sectoral studies Pedological features (forest areas) and Current state of forest ecosystems for
the purpose of Impact Assessment of Multipurpose hydrotechnical system for regulation of
environmental waters and lands in Osijek, Financier: Osijek-Baranja County
2012 – Service aquisition upgrade of existing CORINE database, validation of thematic database
generated by interpretation on satellite images and WEB GIS browser creation, Financier:
Environmental Protection Agency
2012 – Study on Pedological characteristics of Marjan Forest Park in Split Pedološke karakteristike
park šume Marjan u Splitu, Financier: Split – Dalmatia County
2012 – State of Environment Report – Zadar County, Financier: Zadar County
2012 – Infrastructure Projects Facility Technical Assistance Window (IPA TA)
(EuropeAid/128073/C/SER/MULTI), Feasibility Study and EIA&SIA: Ionian – Adriatic Pipeline, Financier:
Dvokut-Ecro d.o.o., Investitor: COWI-IPF Joint Venture
(EuropeAid/128073/C/SER/MULTI) LNG RV Conceptual Solution, Feasibility Study and EIA/SIA and
Conceptual Design, Financier: COWI-IPF Joint Venture
2012 – Investigation works for assessment of HE Ombla for the ecological network – Impact assessment
of construction of HE Ombla on bat fauna: Elektroprojekt JSC
2012 – Life cycle Assessment for pre-defined material / Ten types of noise barriers, including
RUCONBAR, Financier: University of Civil Engineering, Zagreb
2012 - EU Natura 2000 Integration Project - consulting services for environmental assessment no.
MENP/NIP/SSS/11/04, Financier: Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection
10. 2012 -COASTAL CITIES WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROJECT 2 IBRD Loan No. 7640/HR - HV/SSS/GEFC3: Consulting Services for Environmental Impact Assessment & Monitoring Program of 2 Wastewater
Treatment Plants, Financier: Hrvatske vode
11. 2011 – Preparation of feasibility study „Analysis of possible agricultural biomass production in the
Zagreb County area for the production of biogas“, Financier: Zagreb County
12. 2011 – Preparation of feasibility study and Project Application for: Sewerage and purification of
wastewater agglomerations Varazdin, Financier: Hrvatske Vode
13. 2011 – Preparation of land cover and land management study of Primorje Gorski Kotar County based
on database CORINE LAND COVER for Croatia for the years: 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2006. Financier:
Public Institution for Spatial Planning Primorje Gorski Kotar County
14. 2011 – Preparation of environmental studies for the project of rehabilitation of the coastal zone in
Starigrad-Paklenica in the length of approx. 600 m, Financier: Starigrad County
15. 2010 - Defining environmentally acceptable flow of Mirna River, Financier: Hrvatske vode
16. 2010 – EU IPA 2007 – TAIB/TAF: Identification and setting-up of the marine part of Natura 2000
network in Croatia – marine NATURA 2000 (Republic of Croatia) Project No: 2007-0404-010901 IPA
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2007, Client: The State Institute for Nature Protection, Collaboration: NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. i Orbicon
Orbicon I Leif Hansen A/S
17. 2010 - EU Natura 2000 Integration Project (NIP) – Environmental Assessment and Development of a
Resource Access Restriction Process Framework No. MOC/PPA/CQ/10/01, Financier: Ministry of Culture
(Project Preparation Facility Advance from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
18. 2010 - Preparation of feasibility study for protected natural value cave of Vjetrenica and part of
Popovo polje area in Municipality of Ravno, Financier: Municipality of Ravno
19. 2010 – Analysis of the possibilities of building solar power plants in Primorsko-goranska county,
Financier: Public Institution „Institute for Physical Planning of Primorsko-goranska county“
20. 2010 - Investigation works on potential locations for Zagreb County waste management center,
Financier: Zagreb County
21. 2010 - Framework agreement: Development of register of environment pollution; Financier: Ministry of
Defence of Republic of Croatia
22. 2009 - World Bank Project „A Study of Best Practices in Financing Protected Areas in Croatia“,
Financier: ERM Ltd. (UK)
23. 2009 - Site suitability evaluation for white fish farming north from the island of Plavnik, Financier:
Labrax adria Ltd.
24. 2009 - Analysis of data on underground water quality in Zagreb area, Financier: Faculty of Mining,
Geology and Petroleum Engineering
25. 2009 - Development of program for investigation works on potential locations for Zagrebačka county
waste management center, Financier: Zagreb County
26. 2009 - Development of private owned forests management model and assessment of market potential
for private owned forests management services, Financier: PRO SILVA Ltd.
27. 2009 - Development of bathymetry model in Croatian territorial waters of Adriatic Sea in spatial
resolution 300 x 300 m, based on the available naval maps, Financier: D.I.I.V. Ltd.
28. 2009 - Addendum of EIS for multipurpose channel Danube – Sava; monitoring in forest ecosystems,
Financier: Agency for Inland waterways, Vukovar
29. 2009 - CROATIA - Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Dalmatian coast trough
greening coastal development – COAST; UNDP-GEF Project 00050301 – component: Integration of the
National Ecological Network and Natura 2000 in coastal area management – LOT 1: More detailed
elaboration of NEN: proposals for integration of nature protection measures into physical plans and
proposals for sustainable use, Collaboration: Faculty of Science, Financier: UNDP
30. 2009 - CROATIA - Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Dalmatian coast trough
greening coastal development – COAST; UNDP-GEF Project 00050301 – component: Integration of the
National Ecological Network and Natura 2000 in coastal area management – LOT 2: Support to SINP on
introduction of NIA practices in coastal areas, Collaboration: Faculty of Science, Financier: UNDP
31. 2009 - CROATIA - Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Dalmatian coast trough
greening coastal development – COAST; UNDP-GEF Project 00050301 – component: Integration of the
National Ecological Network and Natura 2000 in coastal area management – LOT 3: Inventarisation
and mapping of Natura 2000 habitat types of natural beaches in Dalmatia, Collaboration: Faculty of
Science, Financier: UNDP
32. 2009 - Coastal cities water pollution control project IBRD 7226/HR and Croatia coastal nutrient
reduction project GEF component to support the implementation of the coastal cities water pollution
control project: Environmental impact assessment and monitoring program of 3 wastewater
treatment plants (Poreč-Materada, Cres and Opuzen), Collaboration: Faculty of civil engineering
(University of Zagreb), Financier: Hrvatske Vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
33. 2008 - Technical Assistance for management and protection of potential NATURA 2000 sites in the
northern part of Cyprus (EuropeAid/125695/C/SER/CY), Collaboration: NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. (PL), NEPCon
(DK), GOPA Consultants (DE), Financier: European Commission DG Enlargement Unit A3 (Task Force for the
Turkish Cypriot community)
34. 2008 - PHARE 2005 „Vessel Traffic Management Information System“Europeaid/119444/SV/HR ,
Collaboration: Thetis S.p.A., Financier: Ministry of finance
35. 2008 - Site suitability evaluation of little power plant Primišlje on Korana River, Financier: GEP-AE Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
36. 2008 - Human Development Report for Croatia – A Climate for Change: Climate change and its impacts
on society and economy in Croatia (Selected chapters), Financier: UNDP
37. 2008 - Evaluation of spatial data for building areas by satellite image analysis according to the
classification standard CORINE in Republic of Croatia, Financier: Croatian Environment Agency
38. 2008 - Acquisition and analysis of sea current data at two locations in Bay of Rijeka, Financier: ADRIA
LNG Ltd.
39. 2007 - Baseline study of marine environment in Plomin bay for the needs of EIA for Powerplant Plomin
C500, Financier: HEP JSC
40. 2007 - Assessment of required data, development of criteria and methodology for building of solar
power plants in Republic of Croatia, Financier: HEP obnovljivi izvori energije Ltd. (HEP Renewable
Energy Sources)
41. 2007 - Strategic assessment of energy potential of privately owned forests in Republic of Croatia as a
source of biomass for energy production, Financier: HEP – obnovljivi izvori energije Ltd. (HEP Renewable
Energy Sources)
42. 2007 - Risk assessment from traffic and winter services on motorway Zagreb - Lipovac for surface and
pore water quality in forest complex Spačva, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
43. 2007 - Implementation of CORINE Land Cover - CLC2006 in the West Balkan Countries, Collaboration:
GeoVille Environmental Services Sarl, Financier: European Environmental Agency
44. 2007 - Site suitability evaluation of wind-farms developments in terms of the nature protection,
Financier: HEP – obnovljivi izvori energije Ltd. (HEP renewable energy sources)
45. 2007 - Site suitability evaluation of wind-farms developments in terms of the environment protection,
Financier: HEP – obnovljivi izvori energije Ltd. (HEP renewable energy sources)
46. 2007 - CROATIA - Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Dalmatian coast trough
greening coastal development – COAST; UNDP-GEF Project 00050301 – component: Terrestrial
Biodiversity Mapping – Habitat Mapping, Financier: UNDP
47. 2007 - Analysis of resources and possibilities for building of cogeneration plants based on biomass for
area of Gornja Posavina, Financier: HEP – obnovljivi izvori energije Ltd. (HEP Renewable Energy Sources)
48. 2006 - National forest inventory of the Republic of Croatia: Continuation of implementation of
national forest resources inventory of the Republic of Croatia and integration of pilot project with the
beginning of implementation of national inventory , Collaboration: Faculty of Forestry, Financier:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
49. 2006 - Channel Danube – Sava: forest component (Revision of original EIS), Financier: IGH JSC
50. 2006 - Channel Danube – Sava: Feasibility study for the construction of VKDS – forest component,
Financier: Hrvatske Vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
51. 2006 - Investigation works with monitoring in forest ecosystems for area of potential impacts of future
channel Danube – Sava and design of final report, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement
52. 2005 - Waste Management Plan for Šibenik-Zadar Counties, Collaboration: COWI A/S Denmark,
Financier: UNDP/UNOPS
53. 2005 - Technical Assistance for Project Preparation of the ISPA Application for a Regional Waste
Management Centre "Bikarac", Šibenik, Collaboration: Jacobs GIBB Ltd., Financier: EC
54. 2005 - Technical Assistance for Project Preparation and the Completion of an ISPA Application for the
Sewerage System and Wastewater Treatment Plan for the City of Ogulin, Collaboration: Parsons
Brinckerhoff Ltd., Financier: EC
55. 2005 - Waste Management Study for Peterkov laz landfill near Čabar, Financier: City of Čabar
56. 2005 - Project LIFE04TCY/CRO000028 “Development of guidelines for the needs of implementation of
waste management plan for the Republic of Croatia”; Task 1. item 2: Elaboration of landfill sites
(281+), Financier: APO Ltd.
57. 2005 - Evaluation of baseline in bay of Sutomišćica, Financier: Plava Vala Ltd.
58. 2005 - National forest inventory of the Republic of Croatia – Pilot project in district office Senj,
Collaboration: Faculty of Forestry, Financier: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
59. 2005 - Master plan for closure and remediation of landfills in the counties of Šibenik – Knin and Zadar,
Collaboration: COWI A/S Denmark, Financier: UNDP/UNOPS
60. 2005 - Expertise in the area of “Impact of Global Climate on Terrestrial Ecosystems – from National
Report on Climate Change for the period 1996 – 2003”, Collaboration: Faculty of Maths and Natural
Sciences, Financier: Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Construction
61. 2005 - Background study "Land cover changes" for the needs of Report about the state of Environment
of Republic of Croatia, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
62. 2005 - Feasibility Study for New Sanitary Landfill in the County of Zadar, Collaboration: COWI A/S
Denmark, Financier: UNDP/UNOPS
63. 2005 - CARDS 2003 Project “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Guidelines and Training”
Europeaid/119444/SV/HR, Collaboration: ERM Ltd. (UK), Financier: European Commission
64. 2004 - Integrated ecosystem management of the Neretva and Trebišnjica river basin project:
Technical assistance for "Rapid economic assessment of the competing users of water resources in the
Neretva and Trebišnjica river basin (NTRB), Financier: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Government of Republic
of Srpska, Ministry of spatial planning, Civil engineering and Ecology of Republic of Srpska (financiering
IBRD, Grant No. TF-052845, Grant ID: GE-P084608), Collaboration with Institute for Urbanism of the
Republic of Serbia.
65. 2004 - Hydro-accumulation Križ potok: Background studies and provision of layouts necessary for the
issuing of the basic permit for the accumulation Križ potok: Study of biological restoration of the
accumulation banks, Collaboration: Hidroinženjering Ltd. Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water
mangement entity)
66. 2003 - Location adequacy assessment for future tuna fish farm located between islets Fulija and
Kudica, Financier: KALI TUNA Ltd.
67. 2003 - Research of wolf population in Lika region for the purposes of LIFE III Project "Conservation
and management of wolves in Croatia“(LIFE 02/TCY/CRO/014), Financier: Ministry of Environmental
Protection and Physical Planning
68. 2003 - Analysis of the impact on bee keeping of different motorway layout variants for Adriatic
motorway, section between Šibenika and Prgomet, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
69. 2002 - Background studies of the natural environment for physical plan of Nature Park Vransko
jezero, Financier: Department for physical planning of Zadar County
70. 2002 - Background studies of the natural environment for physical plan of Nature Park Telašćica,
Financier: Department for physical planning of Zadar County
71. 2002 - Preliminary geo-morphological analysis of the state territory of the Republic of Croatia for the
needs of implementation of new Law about mountainous areas, Financier: Ministry for public works,
reconstruction and building
72. 2002 - CORINE Land Cover Database for Republic of Croatia, Collaboration with MEPPP and GISDATA
Ltd., Financier: European Commission – Environment DG and Ministry for Environment Protection and
Physical Planning
73. 2002 - Building - up the national ecological network as a part of the pan – European ecological
network & the NATURA 2000 network, Collaboration with MEPPP, Financier: European Commission –
Environment DG and Ministry for Environment Protection and Physical Planning
74. 2001 - Development of preliminary national ecological network as a pre-condition for accession to
development of ecological network of extended “Višegrad group”, Financier: Ministry for Environment
Protection and Physical Planning
75. 2001 - Land covers analysis of the Republic of Croatia for the needs of development of National water
management strategy, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
76. 2000 - Mapping of habitats of the Republic of Croatia, Financier: Ministry for Environment Protection and
Physical Planning
77. 2000 - Channel Danube - Sava: Design of monitoring in forest ecosystems influenced by planned
multipurpose channel Danube - Sava, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
78. 2000 - Channel Danube - Sava: Groundwater regime acceptable for forest survival after the building of
planned multipurpose channel Danube - Sava, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
79. 2000 - Channel Danube - Sava: Meliorative role of planned multipurpose channel Danube - Sava on
forest ecosystems in the floodplain, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
80. 2000 - Channel Danube - Sava: Economic analysis of changes in forest ecosystems influenced by
planned multipurpose channel Danube - Sava, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement
81. 1999 - Work campus Ogulin (Otok Oštarijski): Assessment of the health risk caused by physical
environment, Financier: Bechtel International Inc.
82. 1999 - Hydro-accumulation “Križ potok”: Load of aero - pollutants in soils of Križ stream catchment
and forest health status – pilot study, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
83. 1999 - Hydroelectric power plant “Novo Virje”: Groundwater regime acceptable for forest survival
after the building of the hydroelectric power plant, Financier: HEP P.O. (Croatian Electricity company)
84. 1997 - Selection of environmentally most acceptable variant of the sewer system of island Rab (cession
from Atanor Ltd. – London), Financier: City of Rab
Remote Sensing
2012 – High definition satellite images (southern part of Krk, Goli, Prvić and Ilok, and Lošinj),
Financier: Teaching Institute of Public Health, Primorje - Gorski Kotar County
2006 – Development of digital ortophoto with accuracy 1:5000 for the area Mojanka – Kukuzovac –
Sinj, Financier: Ekonerg Ltd.
2006 – Supply and ortorectification of satellite photos “ASTER” for the area of Varaždin County,
Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
2005 – Detailed bathymetry survey and mapping (sea bottom morphology) along the transect area of
proposed sea waste water outfall in Novigrad Istarski, Financier: Interplan Ltd.
2005 – Development of digital ortophoto with accuracy 1:5000, and maps with forest types for the
whole area of Nature Park Biokovo, Financier: Natural Park Biokovo Authority
2005 – Supply and ortorectification of satellite photos “ASTER” for the purpose of development of the
Forest management plan, Financier: Croatian Forest Authority
2005 – Digital ortophoto for road – Popovec – M. Bistrica – Zabok in scale 1:25 000 and 1:5000,
Financier: PB Palmotićeva 45 Ltd.
2003 – Stenhouse: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest area,
Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
2003 – Holmhead South: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest
area, Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
10. 2003 – Holmhead North: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest
area, Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
11. 2003 – Digital ortophoto of road D-33 – Tromilja near Šibenik, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
12. 2003 – Digital ortophoto for two roads on Pelješac Island, Financier: PB Palmotićeva 45 Ltd.
13. 2002 – Knockendoch: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest
area, Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
14. 2002 – Glenkin & Ardnadam: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of
forest area, Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
15. 2002 – Dunans: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest area,
Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
16. 2002 – Cassock Hill: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest
area, Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
17. 2002 – Cassenvey: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest area,
Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
18. 2002 – Bainloch: Aerial photo interpretation, mapping and GIS database development of forest area,
Financier: TILHILL Forestry Ltd. (Scotland)
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
GIS projects and cartography
2012 – GIS processeing and Cartography for: Area Definition under influence of natural or other
specific restrictions in agriculture with calculations, Financier: Ministry of Agriculture
2011 – Satellite images, Financier: Public Institution Nature Rijeka
2010 – Mapping of habitats of Krapje Đol ornithological reserve and impact zone (accuracy 1:5000),
Financier: Nature Park Lonjsko polje
2010 – Project No BA0003.01 „Europe's Living Heart phase III: Project Coordinator“ – habitat mapping
of protected area Tajan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with training of local experts on habitat mapping
methodology, Financier: WWF European Policy Programme
2009 – Development of recent vegetation map of Biokovo Nature Park and contact zone in digital
form, Financier: Nature Park Biokovo
2007 – Mapping of habitats of Nature Park Medvednica (accuracy 1:25 000) Financier: Nature Park
2007 – Mapping of game management units in digital format for the needs of Ministry of agriculture,
forestry and water management, Financier: Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management
2007 – Mapping of all common game management units in Karlovac County in digital format with
accuracy 1:25 000, Financier: Karlovačka County
2006 – Field measurement of the parcel conture and calculation of its area at location Zemunik – 1st
phase, Financier: Pregrad Ltd.
10. 2006 – Mapping of state and common hunting management units, Financier: Plodovi Bilogore Ltd.
11. 2006 – Mapping of habitats and land use on the project INTERREG IIIA HR-69 KAM, Financier: Nature
Park Učka
12. 2006 – Project LIFE05TCY/CRO/000111 “Mapping of habitats and land use” Financier: Nature Park
Lonjsko polje
13. 2006 – Mapping of hunting management units, Financier: Zagreb County
14. 2006 – Mapping of game management units in digital format for the needs of Ministry of agriculture,
forestry and water management, Financier: Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management
15. 2006 – Design and implementation of WebGIS interface for the Register of hazardous industrial
facilities, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
16. 2006 – Tourist map layout design for Nature park Lonjsko polje, Financier: Nature Park Lonjsko polje
17. 2006 – Design of database of damage of forest ecosystems with design and implementation of WebGIS
interface, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
18. 2005 – Training: GIS in environmental protection II, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
19. 2005 – Training: Using GIS-a in forestry, Financier: Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water
20. 2005 – Addendum of the GIS database of waste disposal locations in Republic of Croatia considering
field data from 160 locations within 10 counties; integration of collected data into the Information
System in Environment Protection, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
21. 2005 – Digitalization of boarders and preparation of maps for county hunting areas in digital format
and “hard copy” for Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management, Financier: Ministry of
agriculture, forestry and water management
22. 2005 – First class road Popovec – M. Bistrica – Zabok – preparation of cadastre layer, Financier: PB
Palmotićeva 45
23. 2004 – Training: GIS in environmental protection, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
24. 2004 – Training: Using GIS database of waste disposal locations in Republic of Croatia Financier: Agency
for special waste
25. 2004 – Handbook: using GIS in environmental protection (for training purpose), Financier: Croatian
Environment protection agency
26. 2004 – Development of GIS database of waste disposal locations in Republic of Croatia, Financier:
Agency for special waste
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
27. 2004 – Addendum of the GIS database of waste disposal locations in Republic of Croatia considering
field data from 115 locations within 10 counties; integration of collected data into the Information
System in Environment Protection, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
28. 2004 – Digitalisation of borders and mapping of state game management units in digital and analogue
format for the needs of Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management, Financier: Ministry of
agriculture, forestry and water management
29. 2003 – Development and provision of spatial data about forest resources of Republic of Croatia,
Financier: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water
30. 2003 – Use of GIS in decision making and management in protected Nature areas, course (24.02. –
21.03.), Financier: Nature park Lonjsko polje within the project LIFE 00/TCY/0076-project “Towards Wise
Use in Lonjsko polje Nature Park, Croatia”
31. 2003 - “Croatia - Karst Ecosystem Conservation Project - Consulting Services for Biodiversity Studies”,
Contract n° IBRD/GEF TF N° 050539 HR – Habitat and land cover mapping of 5 national and nature parks,
Collaboration: Agriconsulting, Financier: Ministry for Environment Protection and Physical Planning
32. 2003 – Development of Vegetation map of Nature park Žumberak - Samoborsko gorje in digital form
with analysis of existing flora and with minimal mapping unit of 2,25ha, Financier: Nature park public
administration Žumberak - Samoborsko gorje.
33. 2003 – GIS services for Sustainable development programs of Croatian Islands, Financier: Ministry for
public works, reconstruction and building
34. 2003 – Repair of differential GPS system Trimble 4000 Rsi, Financier: Ministry of defence
35. 2003 – GIS overview of Adriatic coast aero-photo database in Department of spatial planning,
Financier: Ministry for Environment Protection and Physical Planning
36. 2003 – Digitising Project of West Highland Forest District, Scotland, Financier: TillHill UK
37. 2002 – Technical assistance in GIS and cartographic analysis for the preparation of forest management
plan for the management unit Sava, Sisak-Novska, Financier: Mirta Sesvete Ltd.
38. 2002 – GIS overview of geographic database in Department of spatial planning, Financier: Ministry for
Environment Protection and Physical Planning
39. 2002 – GIS overview of aero-photo database in Department of spatial planning, Financier: Ministry for
Environment Protection and Physical Planning
40. 2002 – Digitising Project of South West Scotland Forest District, Financier: TillHill UK
41. 2002 – Digitising Project of Central Borders Forest District, Scotland, Financier: TillHill UK
42. 2000 – GIS of National Park Krka, Collaboration: Faculty of Science, Financier National Park Krka
IT/GIS projects
2013 – Verification and professional works for the Environmental Pollution Register for Međimurje
County 2012, Financier: Međimurje County
2012 – Maintenance of computer programs and databases of 8 stations from the State network for air
quality monitoring, Financier: State Hydrological Institute
2012 – Upgrading services for EPR (Environmental Pollution Register) – 3rd development phase and
proactive and reactive system maintenance for the next three months since impementation,
Financier: Environmental Protection Agency
2012 – Preventive and corrective maintenance of application system „Environmental Pollution
Registry“ for 2012, Financier: Agency for Environmental Protection
2012 – Verification and professional services for the needs of The Registry of Environmental Pollution
for the area of Međimurska County for the year 2011., Financier: Međimurska County
2011 – Prevention and correction maintenance of application system „Environmental Pollution
Registry“ for the year 2011, Financier: Agencija za zaštitu okoliša (Agency for Environmental Protection)
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2011 – Management Plan for Neretva and Trebisnjica (Grant No.: TF 091969): Development of information
system basin including GIS, equipment and training; Collaboration: Institut za hidrotehniku Sarajevo,
Financier: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina in collaboration
with Hrvatske Vode
2011 – Production of reference „ Establishing an integrated management information system in Zadar
County“. Financier: County of Zadar.
2010 – Register of environment pollution (ROO) - database upgrade, Financier: Croatian Environment
Agency (AZO)
10. 2010 – Register of environment pollution (ROO) - technical support, Financier: Croatian Environment
Agency (AZO)
11. 2009 – Design and implementation of presentation layer for the Fleet management system using
Microsoft data vizualization solutions, Financier: (Ecotech)
12. 2008-2009 – Design and implementation of Register of environment pollution (ROO) web-based
application; user training and 12 month’s technical support, Financier: Croatian Environment Agency
2008 – Coordinates and GIS attribute conversion tool (MS SQL Server with ArcSDE environment),
Financier: Croatian Environment Agency (AZO)
2007 – Maintenance and technical support for the server and communication part of KEC project
information system developed during KEC project; Financier: Ministry of Culture
15. 2007 – Design and implementation of Web GIS interface for the Register of hazardous industrial
facilities - Design and development of web GIS interface for the database of hazardous industrial facilities
and it’s integration in the Agency’s Environmental Information System (platform: Windows OS; ESRI
ArcIMS, ArcSDE with MS SQL Server database); Financier: Croatian Environment Agency
16. 2006-2007 – Design and implementation of National Soil Information System (HIST), Design of
information system concept, IT architecture, database model; its development and implementation as
part of Agency’s IS; design, development and implementation of data entry system and web GIS interface,
user training and technical support; Collaboration: Database design based on object and attribute
description as defined by Faculty of Agriculture (Department of Soil Sciences) – University of Zagreb,
Croatia; Financier: Croatian Environment Protection Agency
17. 2006-2007 - IT/GIS training - Part of KEC project - Use of IT/GIS tools for the management planning of
protected areas (Use of KEC system), web GIS client (MapAccel); Use of web enabled KEC collaboration
site (MS Sharepoint) for 5 national parks’ and Ministry of culture representatives; Financier: GEF/WB and
Ministry of culture (MoC)
18. 2006-2007 – National Environment protection Information System (NEPIS) - IT/GIS services; Financier:
Croatian Environment Agency (CEA); Collaboration: CEA experts, APO
19. Landfill geodatabase – Development of legal landfill geodatabase and its integration in the Agency’s
Environmental Information System; Migration of GIS layers and selected waste management data in CEA
Information system
20. Biodiversity database - Cadastre of protected and strictly protected species
21. 2006 – Education/Training: Enterprise GIS – Specialized course on using WEB GIS server (ESRI ArcIMS),
Financier: Environment Agency
22. 2006 - Design of database of damage of forest ecosystems with design and implementation of Web GIS
interface and it’s integration in the Agency’s Environmental Information System, Damage data model
is designed using defoliation, discoloration and forest condition monitoring standards as defined by EU and
UN Economic Commission for Europe; Financier: Croatian Environment Agency
23. 2006 – IT/GIS consulting services – CARDS project: Institutional Strengthening of the State Institute for
Nature Protection – clarification of KEC IT/GIS system functionality and biodiversity database,
clarification of Croatian Ecological network system functionality and giodatabase; Financier:
Consortium – GOPA consultants, Covi A/S, Oikos
24. 2005 – ongoing - Development, implementation and maintenance of Association's web site; Financier:
Croatian Association of Experts in Environment and Nature Protection (HUSZPO)
25. 2005 – ongoing - Project management and risk management training as part of PMI certification training;
Financier: IBM Croatia
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
26. 2005 –ongoing - Drypis - Journal for applied ecology - Development, implementation and maintenance
of on-line scientific journal, Financier: Oikon Ltd.
27. 2005 – National forest inventarisation project - Design and implementation of forest inventarization
database (field measurements’ data entry, analysis and reporting capability), Financier: Ministry of
agriculture, forestry and water management (MPŠVG)
28. 2005 – Web site development, implementation and maintenance for EIA Guidelines and Training
Project, Financier: ERM Ltd. (UK)
29. 2003 – Implementation of HP OpenView system for control and management of IT resources in
telecommunication company Vipnet Ltd. – project management, Collaboration: Coting Ltd., Financier:
Vipnet Ltd.
30. 2003-2007 – Croatia - KEC project: Karst Ecosystem Conservation Project - GIS/IT system, biodiversity
database and web interface (Windows platform, RDBMS , web enabled Enterprise GIS) development,
implementation and maintenance, user education and GIS training; Financier: GEF/WB and Ministry of
culture (MoC); Collaboration: Agriconsulting s.p.a.- prime contractor, leading consultant, Croatian
biodiversity inventory teams, MoC– nature protection and IT depts, protected areas representatives
31. 2003-2006 – Development of Methods and Technologies and development of Pilot Database for the
Environmental Information System with Web Interface, development of concept of Agency’s
Information System for Environment Protection (ISZO) based on RDBMS and enterprise GIS
technologies, Financier: Croatian Environment Protection Agency
32. 2003-2005 Cro-nen Life III project - Building-up the national ecological network as part of panEuropean ecological network and NATURA 2000 network (Cro-nen geodatabase design, harmonization
of selected EU databases ( MedWet, Emerald, NATURA 2000), Financier: Ministry of culture – State
Institute for Nature Protection (DZZP)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
2013 – EIA for 2 construction sand and gravel exploitation fields: EF Zljebic and EP Hrušćik, Financier:
Hrvatske Šume Ltd.
2013 – EIA for sewage and wastewater agglomerations „Virovitica“: pedological characteristics,
Financier: Institut IGH JSC
2013 – EIA for Appropriate Assessment request, Financier: Sukošan County
2013 – Report for EIA procedure - coastal area of Kamen in Tučepi and for the coastal areas of
beaches Donji Ratac in Tučepi, Financier: Tučepi County
2013 – Appropriate Assessment Request for existing white fish farm – capacity 80 t in Mala Lamajana,
Financier: Cromaris JSC
2013 - Appropriate Assessment Request for existing white fish farm at Lamjana zone Z2 in Zadar
County, Financier: Cromaris JSC
2013 – EIA for existing fish farm in Peleš, Rogoznica Municipality, Financier: Klismar Split ltd.
2012 – EIA and implementation of proceses for the Croatian section of international gas pipline Sotin –
Bačko Novo Selo (Srb) DN 1200/100 BAR, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2012 – EIA on Environemntal Development Projects within the period of 2012 – 2014, Financier:
Plinacro Ltd.
10. 2012 – Sectoral studies: Izrada sektorskih studija: Pedological features (forest areas) and Current state
of forest ecosystems for the purpose of Impact Assessment of Multipurpose hydrotechnical system for
regulation of environmental waters and lands in Osijek, Financier: Osijek-Baranja County
11. 2012 – EIA for construction of Bol port, Financier: Bol Municipality
12. 2012 – EIA screening for construction of traffic and municipal economy zone Caporice-West, Financier:
City of Trilj
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
13. 2012 – EIA for larger capacity of fishfarm Velo Zalo on Dugi Otok, Financier: Dalmar Ltd.
14. 2012 –Geodetic project documentation, Geodetic Survey, EIA Screening process, Conceptual
Construction Design for revitalization of old riverbed Sava in Višnjići, Financier: Hrvatske Vode
15. 2012 – Geodetic Survey project documentation, Screening, Conceptual Design for Screening process,
Location Permit for „Construction of System Donja Jelenska and Zalopić from waters of Sava and
Vlahinićka steams“ Financier: Hrvatske vode
16. 2012 – Geodetic and geomechanic project documentation, Geodetic Survey, Screening, Conceptual
Design for Screening process, Constuction Design for location Permit, as well as for „Analysisi of state
and revitalization proposal for significat waterway Slunjčica“, Financier: Hrvatske Vode
17. 2012 – EIA of drainage system and waste water purification aglomaration „VRBOVEC“– year 2012 - for
EU funds, Financier: Prostor Ltd. Investor: Komunalac Vrbovec Ltd
18. 2012 – Renewal of EIA screening for capacity enlargement of fishfarm in Bezdija Vela to 85T annually,
Financier: Rudan & Co Ltd.
19. 2012 – EIA screening for reconstruction of fish sorting, processing and distribution factory in Gazenici,
Financier: Cromaris JSC., Zagreb
20. 2012 – Professional baseline for EIA for Potok Polje streams in Lisani Ostovacki, Financier: Regulacije
21. 2012 – Investigation works and EIA for the expansion of ACI Marina Dubrovnik, Financier:
HIDROINŽENJERING Ltd, Investitor: Adriatic Croatia Internantional Club JSC.
22. 2012 – Application for EIA screening of Sava coast on locations: Okunscak, Rugvica, Oborovo, upstream
of Prevlaka floodgate, downstream of Prevlaka floodgate, upstream of Dubrovcak, Financier: Hrvatske
23. 2012 – EIA screening for water flows regime project and multipurpose usage of Karasica river,
Financier: Hrvatske vode
24. 2012 – Application for EIA screening (Left Sava river bank from Luznice to Sava mouth), Financier:
Vodoprivredno-projektni biro JSC
25. 2012 – EIA (screening, ecological network screening, EIA) – project documentation for construction of
open traffic port Trogir-Soline, Financier: Port Authority of Split-Dalmatia County
2012 – EIA for Sports port Sv. Martin –Podstrana County, Financier: Split University, Faculty of
Construction, Architecture and Geodesy
2012 – Investigation works for assessment of HE Ombla for the ecological network – Impact
assessment of construction of HE Ombla on bat fauna, Financier: Elektroprojekt JSC
2012 – EIA for WF Fuzine, Financier: Prodomo Ltd.
2012 – EIA for construction upgrading of Bol port, Financier: Bol Municipality
2011 – EIA for construction of HPP Kosinj and HPP Senj with compensation pool Gusić field,
Financier: HEP JSC
2011- EIA for construction on nautical tourism port Lovran, Financier: Marina Lovran Ltd.
2011 – EIA – Review for need of route change on international pipeline Slobodnica – Bosanski Brod DN
1000/75 (Croatian section of pipeline), Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2011 – EIA – Maximization of manufacturing capacity on white fish fishfarm in bay waters Veli bok on
Cres, Financier: Ribarstvo F Ltd.
2011 – Preparation of conceptual design on EIA, Desicion on environmental acceptability for the
bypass Drnis (length: approx. 5 km), Financier: Hrvatske ceste
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2011 – EIA – Maximizing capacity of devices for treatment of wastewater agglomerations Varazdin to
200.00 ES with 3rd degree upgrading of wastewater treatment and primary sedimentation tank
(preparation of project documentation for EU project), Financier: Hrvatske vode
2011 – EIA – Amendment to study on exploitation field ''Sjeverni Jadran''; Financier: INA GIP Ltd.
2011 – EIA – Modification of international section of pipeline Slobodnica - Bosanski Brod DN 1000/75
(Croatian section of pipeline), Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2011 – EIA – Reconstruction of existing railway and construction of other state border railway –
Zagreb - Karlovac, construction of new railway Karlovac – Rijeka, Financier: Institute IGH JVC
2011 – EIA – fishfarm in Zrnovici, Financier: Salmo Trota Ltd.
2011 – EIA for new bypass in City of Zagreb, section II: Horvati – Ivanic City, Financier: Institute IGH
2011 – EIA for transmission line 2x220 kV connection to thermal power plant Sisak on transmission
line 220 kV Mraclin – Prijedor, Financier: HEP – Operater prijenosnog sustava Ltd.
2010 - EIA - Modernization and electrification of regionally important railway R201 Zaprešić Varaždin - Čakovec, section Zaprešić – Zabok, Financier: HŽ (Croatian railways) - Infrastructure Ltd.
2010 – EIA for the conduction of the need for environmental impact – Rehabilitation of the right
bank of Neretva in Komin, Financier: Hrvatske vode
2010 – EIA screening for the reconstruction and upgrading of the Gredelj complex in Vukomerec area
(approx. 35 ha), Financier: Railway Vehicles Factory, Gredelj Ltd.
2010 – EIA environmental screening of building stone in expoitation field II Rasaska, Financier: Rudar
2010 – EIA on sewage and wastewater treatment agglomeration “Vrbovec” for EU Funds, Financier:
Prostor Ltd.
2010 - EIA on sewage and wastewater treatment agglomeration “Križevci” for EU Funds, Financier:
Dippold & Gerold Hydroproject Ltd.
2010 - EIA – International high pressure gas-pipeline Lička Jesenica – Bihać DN 5
00/75, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2010 - Site investigation works in ACI marina Žut and ACI marina Palmižana for the purposes of EIS
preparation, Financier: Dvokut Ecro Ltd.
2010 - Conceptual design and EIA for the Čukur and Klašnice exploitation fields, Financier: Croatian
forests Ltd., FA (forest administration) Požega
2010 - Conceptual design and EIA for exploitation field Starča, Financier: Croatian forests Ltd., FA
(forest administration) Nova Gradiška
2010 - EIA – Railway bypass of Bibinje city, Financier: HŽ (Croatian railways) - Infrastructure Ltd.
2010 - EIA – White fish farm in Magna bay on the island of Rab, Financier: Malin-marine Ltd.
2010 - EIA – Marina “Bilo idro” in Sveta Nedjelja village on the island of Hvar, Financier: Zlatan otok
2010 - EIA screening for capacity extension of fish farm owned by Sajtija Ltd. in Vela Luka bay on
the island of Šolta, Financier: Maring Ltd.
2009 - EIA – Reconstruction of Osijek –Strizivojna/Vrpolje railway (revision, nostrification and EIA
procedure management), Financier: Tehno-ing Ltd.
2009 - EIA – High speed road Varaždin-Ivanec-Krapina (Začretje), Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2009 - EIA – Eastern bypass of the city of Gospić, Croatian Road Authority
2009 - EIA – Exploitation field “Crna glava”, Osijek-Baranja County, Financier: CRNA GLAVA SEONA
2009 - EIA – Aquaparq Dalmatia Dugopolje, Financier: IPZ Uniprojekt TERRA Ltd.
2009 - EIA and purchasing of protection measures documentation for road bypass of Gornje Selo city
on the state road D111, on the island of Šolta (cca 1.00 km), Financier: Croatian Road Authority
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2009 - EIA and purchasing of protection measures documentation for road bypass of Grohote city on
the state road D111, on the island of Šolta (cca 0.7 km), Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2009 - EIA – Extension of waterway Privlački gaz, Financier: PLOVPUT Ltd. Split
2009 - EIA – Subsystem 1 of Donja Neretva irrigation system pilot project, Financier: Hrvatske vode
(Croatian water mangement entity)
2009 - EIA – Subsystem 2 of Donja Neretva irrigation system pilot project, Financier: Hrvatske vode
(Croatian water mangement entity)
2009 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Donji Miholjac – Osijek DN 800/75, Financier:
Plinacro Ltd.
2009 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Osijek – Vukovar DN 800/75, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2009 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Vukovar – Negoslavci DN 800/75, Financier: Plinacro
2009 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Ploče – Dubrovnik DN 1000/75, Financier: Plinacro
2009 - EIA – The international main high pressure gas-pipeline Dubrovnik – Prevlaka – Dobreč
(Montenegro) DN 1000/75, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2009 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Zlobin – Bosiljevo DN 1000/100, Financier: Plinacro
2009 - EIA – Road bypass of Orebić city on the state road D-414, cca 7,5 km long, Financier: PB
Palmotićeva 45 Ltd.
2009 - EIA – Medical tourism zone „Ninsko blato“, Financier: RTC NIN Ltd.
2009 - Sea current measurements and basic statistical analysis of currents near Jadrija harbour
(Šibenik) for the purposes of EIS preparation, Financier: City of Šibenik
2009 - EIA screening for production zone „Vukovac“, Financier: Ražanac Municipality
2009 - EIA screening for capacity extension of 8 fish farms on 7 locations: Iž, Pašman, RogoznicaRažanj, Rogoznica-Movar, Šolta, Pelješac and Pag, Financier: “Marikultura” Cluster, Affiliation of fish
2009 - EIA screening for modernization and electrification of regionally important railway R201
Zaprešić - Varaždin - Čakovec, section Zaprešić – Zabok, Financier: HŽ (Croatian railways) Infrastructure Ltd.
2009 - Site investigation works in the Tkon harbour for the purposes of EIS preparation, Financier:
Tkon Municipality
2009 - Site investigation works in the Pirovac harbour for the purposes of EIS preparation, Financier:
Pirovac Municipality
2008 - EIA – Windfarm “Otrić”(EIS revision and EIA procedure management), Financier: Tehno-ing
2008 - EIA – Windfarm “Bruvno” (EIS revision and EIA procedure management), Financier: Tehno-ing
2008 - EIA – Water supply system Krka, Subsystem Ponikve - Phase II, Financier: Hidroinženjering Ltd.
2008 - EIA – Wind farm on location Boraja, Financier: EHN Ltd.
2008 - EIA for the existing facilities and technological processes as well as additional reconstruction,
storage space expansion and installation of recuperating facility of the "ALUFLEXPACK" Company,
Financier: ANT laboratory for analytics and and toxicology
2008 - EIA – Commercial zone Kostanje, Financier: City of Omiš
2008 - EIA – Marina in area Rakotine near Nečujam, island of Šolta Financier: IGH JSC-PC Split
2008 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Split – Ploče, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2008 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Slobodnica – Bosanski Brod, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2008 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Slobodnica - Sotin, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2008 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Kutina – Dobrovac, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2008 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Kukuljanovo – Omišalj, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2008 - EIA – Exploitation field Loskunja, County of Karlovac, Financier: Rudar Ltd.
2008 - EIA – Exploitation field Grabovac, County of Karlovac, Financier: Rudar Ltd.
2008 - EIA – Exploitation field Duboka, Požeško – Slavonia County, Financier: Rudar Ltd.
2008 - EIA – Exploitation field Batnoga, County of Karlovac, Financier: Rudar Ltd.
2008 - EIA – New concrete and asphalt production facility in industrial zone Donja Lomnica,
Financier: IPZ Uniprojekt TERRA Ltd.
2008 - EIA – Complex of wind farms on location Udbina, Financier: Lika-Feniks gospodarsko interesno
udruženje and Adriatic – energija vjetra Ltd.
2008 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Zlobin – Rupa DN 1000/100, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2008 - EIA and associated field investigation for main pier in port of Makarska, Financier: City of
2008 - EIA – First pilot project for irrigation in Poreč region, area Červar Porat - Bašarinka, Financier:
County of Istria
2008 - EIA – Adriatic Motorway, Sector: Ploče – Dubrovnik; Section Doli – Osojnik (Dubrovnik),
Colaboration: IGH JSC, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority.
2008 - EIA – Seaport ‘‘Vrnaža’’, Šibenik, Financier: City of Šibenik
2008 - EIA screening of irrigation system for the agricultural fields Valtura, Financier: County of Istria
2008 - EIA screening of business centre and hotel complex in Savska Street, Zagreb Financier:
Verdispar Ltd.
2008 - EIA screening for enlargement of Solidum centre, Financier: Rusan arhitektura Ltd.
2008 - Baseline study and EIA for seaport in Ražanac, County of Zadar; Financier: Municipality of
2008 - Conceptual design and EIA for high-speed road Šibenik-Drniš-Knin-state border BiH, section:
Tromilja-state border BiH (cca 60 km), Collaboration: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Financier: Croatian
Road Authority
2007 - EIA – Shopping mall Segro in Žitnjak, Zagreb, Financier: Segro Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Shopping mall in Lanište, Zagreb, Financier: Trigranit Lanište Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Zone for mariculture Z1 – Košara – Žižanj with Baselinestudy and Space Alocation study,
Financier: Zadar County
2007 - EIA – EIA for tuna fish farm located near islets Fulija and Kudica in Zadar County, Financier:
Kali tuna Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Construction of tourist resort “Villa San Lorenzo” near Fažana, Financier: Proficio JSC
2007 - EIA – EIA for construction of tourist resort in the area of Mačjak – Šumjak (Prtljug) on Island
Ugljan, Financier: Urbing Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Common tuna fish farm located in Srednji kanal (Lavdara, Zadar County), Financier:
Dalmacija ribolov Ltd., Dalmacija tuna Ltd., Mardešić Ltd., Riba Kali Ltd., Teši tunolov Ltd., Zadar-tuna
2007 - EIA – Reconstruction of signal and safety units of Zagreb railway terminal, Financier: Croatian
railways Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Reconstruction of Osijek – Đakovo – Vrpolje railway, Financier: Croatian railways Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Enlargement of tuna fish farm on location near islet Gira in Zadar County, Financier:
Jadran tuna Ltd.
2007 - EIA – High speed railway Zagreb- Rijeka, Financier: Croatian railways Ltd.
2007 - EIA – Marina Valdibora in Rovinj, Financier: Titan građenje Ltd.
2007 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Section MRS Pula (Vodnjan) – MRS Umag, Financier:
Plinacro Ltd.
122. 2007 - EIA – Hydro-accumulation Kotao in Zadar County, Financier: VPB JSC
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2007 - EIA – High-speed road Kloštar Vojakovački - Koprivnica – Gola, Financier: Croatian Road
2007 - EIA –The main high pressure gas-pipeline Bosiljevo – Split, Section 4: PČ/MRS Benkovac - MRS
Split, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2007 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Bosiljevo – Split, Section 3: MČS Gospić - PČ/MRS
Benkovac, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2007 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Bosiljevo – Split, Section 2: BS-2 Josipdol – MČS
Gospić, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2007 - EIA – The main high pressure gas-pipeline Bosiljevo – Split, Section 1: OPČS Podrebar – BS-2
Josipdol, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Wind farm on location Visoka, Financier: EHN Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Wind farm on location Jelinak, Financier: EHN Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Wind farm on location Perun, Financier: EHN Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Wind farm on location Čemernica, Financier: EHN Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Sea bream fish farm at location Veli Bok bay (island Cres, Primorsko-goranska county),
Financier: RIBARSTVO F Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Mariculture (sea brass and see bream) on location Velo Žalo on Dugi otok, in Zadar
county, Financier: DALMAR Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Sewage system of city of Prelog – enlargement, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water
mangement entity)
2006 - EIA – Connection road Zabok (D24) – Krapina (D1), total length cca 14 km, Financier: Croatian
Road Authority.
2006 - EIA – Connection road Ploče 1 – Ploče 2, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
2006 - EIA – Connection road: Motorway A1 (Ravča) – D8 (Drvenik), Financier: Croatian Road Authority.
2006 - EIA – Waste water treatment plant “Donja Dubrava”, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water
mangement entity)
2006 - EIA – Fiolić company butchery in Hrašće, Financier: Meat Industry Fiolić Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Waste water treatment plant and sewage system of costal area of municipality Dobrinj
on island Krk, Financier: Hidroinženjering Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Terminal for bulk carriers in marine harbour Ploče – sediment analysis, Financier:
Ekonerg Ltd
2006 - EIA – Cattle farm building extension on the location Jelas, Hrvatska Dubica, Financier: Farma
Jelas Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Concrete plant (capacity 40+80 m3/h) within industrial zone Galižana, Financier:
Kapeloto Ltd.
2006 - EIA – Motorway A1: Section Ravča – Ploče; north alternative, Financier: Croatian Motorway
2006 - EIA – Burdelj accumulation, Financier: VPB JSC
2006 - EIA – Motorway Zagreb – Sisak, section Jakuševac – Velika Gorica (south), Financier: IGH JSC
2006 - EIA – Flood prevention hydro-technical scheme in water catchment Krapinice upstream from
Đurmanec hydro-system, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian Water Authotity)
2006 - EIA – Modernization of the first class railway – I 101 Zaprešić – Varaždin – Čakovec, segment
from Zaprešić to Zabok, Financier: Croatian railways Ltd.
2006 - EIA for relocation of the state road D306 to bypass road for Nin and Privlaka (segment length
around 6,5km), Financier: Ingris Ltd.
2006 - Field survey for preparation of baseline data for EIA of marine outfall in Novalja, Financier:
Komunalije Ltd.
2005 - EIA – Wind farm on location Goli, Financier: EHN Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2005 - EIA – Tuna fish farm – 1.500 t capacity on location in Tun channel in Zadar County, Financier:
2005 - EIA – Remediation of the landfill Peterkov Laz near Čabar, Financier: City of Čabar
2005 - EIA – Construction of the bulk terminal in Ploče harbour – marine biology, Financier: Ekonerg
2005 - EIA – Construction of the marina in Slano - aspect of marine biology (benthos), Financier:
University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Center for ecological research
2005 - EIA – Construction of the port of Povljani - aspect of marine biology (benthos) and sea current
measurements with ADCP current profiler, Financier: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval
2005 - EIA – Repair of main railway Novska-Tovarnik-D.G., section Vinkovci – Jankovci, Financier:
Croatian railways Ltd.
2005 - EIA – ''Kokirevo'' landfill in Vojnić Municipality, Financier: Vojnić Municipality
2005 - EIA – Adriatic motorway, section Šestanovac – Zagvozd, tunnel Grabovac, Croatian Road
2005 - EIA – Development of Highway Planning Study documentation in corridor Vc through Bosnia
and Herzegovina –Lot 4, Collaboration: IGH JSC, Zagreb; IPZ Ltd., Zagreb; Rijeka-projekt Ltd., Rijeka;
Palmotićeva 45 Ltd., Zagreb; Institute for physical planning Ltd., Osijek; Dalekovod Ltd., Zagreb;
Brodarski Institute , Zagreb; IPSA, Sarajevo; Urbanistic Institute of the Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Sarajevo; The Institute for urbanism of the Republic of Serbia, Banja Luka; Institute od
architecture, urbanism and physical planning, Sarajevo; Hydro-Engineering Institute, Sarajevo; Zavod za
saobračaj, Sarajevo; Integra, mostar; IGH, Mostar; Divel, Sarajevo i Traser, Sarajevo, Financier: Ministry
of Communication and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 - EIA – Ogulin retention, Hrvatske vode (Croatian Water Authotity)
2004 - EIA – Northern road bypass of the city of Pula, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2004 - EIA – Adriatic motorway, section Osojnik – Debeli brijeg, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2004 - EIA – Construction of the marina in Seget Donji, Financier: Ekonerg Ltd., Zagreb
2004 - EIA – Vrbovec – Križevci - Kloštar Vojakovački road, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2004 - EIA – Stobreč – Omiš road with ancillary roads, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2004 - EIA – New asphalt production facility in industrial zone of city of Okučani, Financier: Granit
2004 - EIA – Enlargement of the port of Pakoštane, Financier: Juština Ltd.
2004 - EIA – Bridge mainland – Pelješac peninsula with ancillary roads, Financier: Croatian Road
2003 - EIA – Road D-112 (from quay Rogač – D-111) on island Šolta, Financier: Geoprojekt JSC
2003 - EIA – Reconstruction of seaport in Betina, Murter Island, Financier: Tisno Municipality
2003 - EIA – Adriatic motorway, section Križišće – Žuta Lokva, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – New seaport in Sv. Nedjelja on Island of Hvar, Financier: City of Hvar
2003 - EIA – Building of second runway on highway DC-1; section tunnel Mihovilović – intersection
Podi, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – “Istrian Y” motorway, section Vodnjan – Pula, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Intersection Pirovac – D27, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Road D-33 – Tromilja near Šibenik, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – New concrete production facility in industrial zone Kukuljanovo in city of Rijeka,
Financier: Holcim Ltd.
2003 - EIA – Motorway Zagreb – Sisak, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – New asphalt production facility in industrial zone of city of Kutina, Financier: Zebra Com
2 Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2003 - EIA – Flood prevention hydro technical scheme in water catchment Topličina, Financier:
Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
2003 - EIA – Reconstruction of supplementary structures in seaport of Murter (marine biology),
Financier: Municipality Murter
2003 - EIA – Reconstruction and capacity enlargement of seaport in Mandre, Island Pag, Financier:
Ekonerg Ltd. Zagreb
2003 - EIA – Building of regional road on Prevlaka, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Cage farming of tuna fish on location near islet Gira in Zadar County, Financier: JADRAN
2003 - EIA – Reconstruction of road D-106, section Posedarje – Ražanac, Financier: Croatian Road
2003 - EIA – Enlargement of heifer farm on location Čeminac, Financier: Heltom – inženjering Ltd.
2003 - EIA – Road bypass of the city of Opatija, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Adriatic motorway, section Dugopolje – Zagvozd, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Adriatic motorway, section Zagvozd – Ploče, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Adriatic motorway, section Ploče - Dubrovnik, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Road D-507, section Krapinske toplice – Čret, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Road D-9, Road bypass around Metković, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Road D-118, section Dubova - Kapja on island Korčula, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Road bypass of the city of Vinkovci, Financier Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Building of second runway on motorway Rijeka-Zagreb; section Kikovica – Oštrovica,
Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2003 - EIA – Reconstruction and enlargement of Istrian dock in Zadar, Financier: Lučka uprava Zadar
2002 - EIA – Cage farming of tuna fish on location under Mrđina in Zadar county, municipality Kali,
Financier: KALI TUNA Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Cage farming of tuna fish on location Orud – Drvenik Veli, Financier: ZANKI SUB Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Waste-water treatment plant on island Krk – city of Krk, Financier: Ponikve Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Waste-water treatment plant on island Krk – city of Malinska-Njivice, Financier: Ponikve
2002 - EIA – Waste-water treatment plant on island Krk – city of Omišalj, Financier: Ponikve Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Waste-water treatment plant on island Krk – city of Dobrinj, Financier: Ponikve Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Tunnel Sv. Ilija – Biokovo with access roads, Financier: Splitsko-Dalmatinska County
2002 - EIA – Road bypass around Vranje villageFinancier: Croatian Road Authority Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Road bypass around Petrovija village, Financier: Croatian Road Authority Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Quay completion on location Sv. Duh on island Pag, Financier: Ekonerg Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Road between Novigrad – Ponte Porton, Financier: Croatian Road Authority Ltd.
2002 - EIA – Motorway Zagreb – Lipovac, section Županja – Lipovac, Croatian Road Authority
2002 - EIA – Motorway Zagreb – Macelj, section Zaprešić – Jankomir, Financier: Croatian Road
2001 - EIA – Cage farming of Rainbow trout in Velebit channel – location 1. Lukovo Šugarje, Financier:
Karlsen-Riba Ltd.
2001 - EIA – Cage farming of Rainbow trout in Velebit channel – location 2. Jablanac, Financier:
Karlsen-Riba Ltd.
2001 - EIA – Cage farming of Rainbow trout in Velebit channel – location 5. Jurjevo, Financier:
Karlsen-Riba Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2001 - EIA – Road Vrbovec – Križevci - Koprivnica, section: Vrbovec - Gradec, Financier: Croatian Road
2001 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2/3 Josipdol – Otočac and IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv.
Rok; from tunnel Kapela – Žuta Lokva – Otočac – Ličko Lešće, extended variant B, Financier: Croatian
Road Authority
2001 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2/3 Josipdol – Otočac and IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv.
Rok; from tunnel Kapela – Žuta Lokva – Otočac – Ličko Lešće, variant E, Financier: Croatian Road
2001 - EIA – Reconstruction of the section of the seaport in Ston; Financier: City of Ston
2001 - EIA and monitoring programme – marine environment: Hydroelectric power plant
“Dubrovnik”, production capacity extension, Financier: HEP P.O.
2000 - EIA – Reconstruction of the section of the seaport in Sali; Financier Municipality Sali
2000 - EIA – Hydroelectric power plant “Novo Virje” (Summary – field: Forestry), Financier: HEP P.O.
2000 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2/3 Josipdol – Otočac and IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv.
Rok; from tunnel Kapela – Žuta Lokva – Otočac – Ličko Lešće, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
1999 -EIA – Hydroaccumulation “Križ potok”, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian Water Authotity) P.O.
1999 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA1 Bosiljevo – Josipdol, Financier: Croatian
Road Authority
1999 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2 Josipdol – Jezerane, Financier: Croatian
Road Authority
1999 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA3 Jezerane – Žuta Lokva, Jezerane - Otočac,
Financier: Croatian Road Authority
1999 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIB1 Otočac – Lički Osik, Financier: Croatian Road
1999 - EIA – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv. Rok, Financier: Croatian Road
Nature impact assessments
2013 – Appropriate Assessment for 2 construction sand and gravel exploitation fields: EF Zljebic and
EP Hrušćik, Financier: Hrvatske Šume Ltd.
2013 - Appropriate Assessment Request for existing white fish farm at Lamjana zone Z2 in Zadar
County, Financier: Cromaris Ltd.
2013 – Drainage of excess water from Vrgorsko polje – Appropriate Assessment Financier: Hrvatske
2013 – EIA Screening and NIA Screening for reconstruction of left Sava flood bank to Svilaja (l=5km),
Financier: Geokon-Zagreb JSC
2012 – Appropriate Assessment: Conceptual Solution for retention within the Virovitica Lakes area,
Financier: Hrvatske vode
2012 – Appropriate Assessment, Project Hydrological Analysis: Erdutsko-daljskog Danubeca Plan,
Financier: Hrvatske vode
2012 – Appropriate Assessment for maintenance of Mura riverbed at rkm 5, Financier: Hrvatske vode
2012 – Appropriate Assessment for irrigation system Novi Gradac-Detkovac, Financier: Virovitica
Podravina County
2012 - Year long implementation of bird and bat monitoring, EIA including Procedure and Main
Assessment for windfarm Ripenda 12 x 1,5MW, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 – Year long implementation of bird and bat monitoring, EIA including Procedure and Main
Assessment for windfarm Goli, 48 x 1,5MW, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 –Impact Analysis on protected species and habitats of ecological network Natura 2000 in
proximity of railway II Dugo Selo – Krizevci under reconstruction and construction, Financier: HŽInfrastruktura Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2012 – Appropriate Assessment – sanation of right bank of Drava River, location Nehaj RKM 37 to RKM
40, Financier: Hrvatske vode
2012 – NIA Screening Request for construction of coastal defence on the Sava River at the locations:,
Rugvica, Oborovo, upsteam from Prevlaka floodgate, downstream from floodgate Dubrovčak,
Financier: Hrvatske vode
10. 2012 – Appropriate Assessment and Main Assessment „Technical Maintenance of Waterways Plan“
Financier: Inland Waterways Agency
11. 2012 – Appropriate Assessment: maintenance of Bednja riverbed by highway, Financier: Hrvatske vode
12. 2012 – Appropriate Assessment: reparation of damaged lining of Drava bank from rkm 289+500 to rkm
291+500, Financier: Hrvatske vode
13. 2012 – Investigation works for Impact Assessment of WF Ombla construction for the ecological network
– Impact Assessment of WF Ombla on bat fauna, Financier: Elektroprojekt JSC
14. 2012 – EIA, Project Documentation for construction of public traffic port Trogir – Soline, Financier:
Split – Dalmatia Port Authority
15. 2012 – EIA for WF Fužine, Financier: Prodomo Ltd.
16. 2012 – Ornithologic research on wind farm Mesihovina, Financier: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA HZHB JSC
17. 2012 – Appropriate Assesment on cable replacement 110kv Crikvenica – Krk on ecological network,
Financier: HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. – PP Rijeka
18. 2011 –National Environmental Action Plan for the Republic of Croatia, Financier: Ministry of
Environmental Protection, Physical Planing and Construction
19. 2011 – Appropriate assessment for the ecological network of construction of specialized purpose port
– nautical tourism port Marina Lovran, Financier: Marina Lovran Ltd.
20. 2011 – Appropriate assessment on marine biology on the mountain area and existing port, analysis of
elcological network on area of operation, Financier: Bol Municipality
21. 2011 – Bird research and appropriate assessment for needs of environmental impact assessment on
the location of Strazbenica, Financier: HEP – Obnovljivi izvori energije d.o.o. (HEP Renewable energy
Sources JVC)
22. 2011 – Bat research and appropriate assessment for needs of environmental impact assessment on the
location of Strazbenica, Financier: HEP – Obnovljivi izvori energije d.o.o. (HEP Renewable energy Sources
23. 2011 – Appropriate assessment for Amendments to the Spatial Plan of Zadar County for the ecological
network, Financier: Zadar County
24. 2011 – Works on previous assessment of acceptability of ecological network for the position MHE
Bakici, Financier: V.D. Futura Ltd.
25. 2011- Appropriate assessment for acceptability of ecological network on construction of ski lift and
resort in the area of Sports and Recreational „SKI“ zone „Jelenca“ – Phases 1A and 1B, Financier: S.P.
Fužine Ltd.
26. 2011 – Appropriate assessment on acceptability of ecological network:
1. Sanation of existing Drava revetments by sports hall Varazdin;
2. Sanation of two Drava revetments on right bank of Drava River (reventment 1 on rkm 280+800
and reventment 2 on rkm 290+700), Finacier: Vodogradnja JVC
27. 2011 – Construction works on main appropriate assessment of ecological network for MHE Barilovici
position, Financier: V.D. Futura Ltd.
28. 2011 – Appropriate assessment on acceptability of operation „Zičara Učka“ (Medveja - Vojak)'' for
ecological network, Financier: Zicara Ucka Ltd.
29. 2011 – Appropriate assessment – Construction of bank wall in ACI port Skradin for ecological network,
Financier: Adriatic Croatia International Club JVC
30. 2010 – Appropriate assessment - Stabilization of the left bank of river Butisnica (250 m) Financier:
Hrvatske Vode
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
31. 2010 – Report on reasons of overriding public interest with the proposal of compensation terms of the
project – extraction of sediment from the gravel bed of the river Mura at the mouth of Drava river
rkm 236, Financier: Hrvatske vode
32. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Medical tourism zone “Ninsko blato”, Financier: RTC NIN Ltd.
33. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Extension of potable water pumping capacity from B-1 well of waterfilling station “Kustura” in Ličko Lešće, Financier: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
34. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Eastern bypass of the city of Gospić, Financier: Croatian Road
35. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Wind farm on location Boraja, Financier: EHN Ltd.
36. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Subsystem 1 of Donja Neretva irrigation system pilot project,
Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
37. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Subsystem 2 of Donja Neretva irrigation system pilot project,
Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
38. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Wind farm on location Čemernica, Financier: EHN Ltd.
39. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - Sand excavation activities on location Bokroš of river Drava rkm 30 –
rkm 33, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
40. 2009 - Appropriate assessment - The main high pressure gas-pipeline Zlobin – Rupa, Financier: Plinacro
41. 2008 - Appropriate assessment - High-speed road Šibenik-Drniš-Knin-state border BiH, section:
Tromilja-state border BiH (cca 60 km), Colaboration: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Financier: Croatian
Road Authority
42. 2008 - Appropriate assessment - Wind farm “Bruvno” (revision and procedure management),
Financier: Tehno – ing Ltd.
43. 2008 - Appropriate assessment - Wind farm “Otrić” (revision and procedure management), Financier:
Tehno-ing Ltd.
44. 2008 - Appropriate assessment - The main high pressure gas-pipeline Split – Ploče, Financier: Plinacro
45. 2008 - Appropriate assessment - Gravel excavation activities on location Mura mouth into the river
Drava (rkm 236), Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
Industrial ecology
2013 – Verification and professional works for the Environmental Pollution Register for Međimurje
County 2012, Financier: Međimurje County
2012 – Preparation of documentation in accordance with Regualtion on procedure for determining
integrated environmental protection requirements and the Environmental Protection Act for plant at
Kantrida location in Rijeka, Financier: DLS Ltd.
2012 – Development application for the attainment of integrated environmental protection conditions,
Financier: TLM-TVP Ltd.
2012 Verification and professional services for the needs of The Registry of Environmental Pollution
for the area of Međimurska County for the year 2011., Financier: Međimurska County
2011 Development report on methods of alignment of existing facilities, appropriate assessment and
opinion on study, development of application for obtaining integrated environment permit for
installation of companies within the Genera Group; Financier: Genera JVC
2011 –Development report on safety of terminals: Omišalj, Sisak, Virje and Žiznjak, Financier:
Jadranski naftovod JSC
2011 –Development plan for ideal solution to noise protection of test station at diesel locomotive
factory in Gredelj. Financier, Gredelj Ltd.
2009 Environmental compliance audit relating to IPPC permitting procedure, gap analysis,
determining the best available techniques, preparation of required IPPC application document and
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
participation in administrative procedure of IPPC permitting for the company „ALUFLEXPACK“ Ltd.,
facility in Umag, Financier: „ALUFLEXPACK“ Ltd., Umag
2009 - Environmental compliance audit relating to IPPC permitting procedure, gap analysis and
determining the best available techniques for Genera Group companies' facilities, Financier: Veterina
Usluge Ltd.
2012 – Renewable energy resources usage plan within Dubrovnik- Neratva County, Financier: Dubrovnik
– Neratva County
2012 – Investigation works for assessment of HE Ombla for the ecological network – Impact assessment
of construction of HE Ombla on bat fauna, Financier: Elektroprojekt JSC
2012 – Project asssignment for spatial, procedural and financial possibility realization of renewable
energy sources within Zagreb County, Financier: Zagreb County.
2011 – Management Plan for the introduction of ecological calculation systems in prodcution power
plants, Financier: HEP – PROIZVODNJA Ltd.
Strategic environmental documentation
2012 – Harmonization of Strategic Study and Waste Management of the City of Zagreb, Financier: City
of Zagreb
2012 – Air Quality Improvement Action Plan for the Bakar area, Financier: Bakar City
2011 – Environmental condition report of Zapresic City for the period of 2007 – 2010, Financier: City of
2011 – Study of usage and protection of sea and seabed in the Split – Dalmatia Couty area – emphasis
on multisectoral activity in maricultural context of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) SDC,
Financier: Split – Dalmatia County
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
2011 – Strategic environmental assessment study of the draft proposal of the Waste management plan
for the City of Zagreb up to 2015 including appropriate assessment, Financier: City of Zagreb
2010 - Study of Strategic Environmental Assessment on the significant impact of the Operational
Programme for Environment and Energy 2012-2013, Financier: Ministry of Environmental Protection,
Physical Planning and Construction
2010 - Nature Protection Program for Osijek - Baranja County, Financier: Public Institution Agency for
the Management of Protected Natural Values in the Area of Osijek-Baranja County
2009 - Environmental Protection Program for City of Zagreb, Financier: City of Zagreb
10. 2009 - Transboundary management program of river Una, Financier: Sisak – Moslavina County
11. 2009 - State of the Environment Report and Environmental Protection Program for Šibenik – Knin
County, Financier: Šibenik – Knin County
12. 2006 - Environmental Protection Program for Split - Dalmatia County, Financier: Split - Dalmatia County
13. 2004 - Study of social and economic importance, need, relevance of exploitation of mineral resources
within the area of Zagreb County, Financier: Zagreb County
14. 2004 - Environmental Protection Program for Istria County, Financier: Istria County
15. 2004 - Environmental Protection Program for Osijek - Baranja County, Financier: Osijek-Baranja County
16. 2004 - Environmental Protection Program for Zadar County, Financier: Zadar County
17. 2004 - State of the Environment Report for Zadar County, Financier: Zadar County
18. 2004 - Priority assessment study – Strategic environmental assessment of Albanian 1995 Coastal zone
management plan, Financier: METAP/World bank
19. 2004 - Contingency plan in environmental protection for Karlovac County, Financier: Physical planning
and environment protection department - Karlovac County
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
20. 2003 - Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Phase 1, Financier: Zadar County
21. 2003 - Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Phase 2, Financier: Zadar County
22. 2003 - Environmental Protection Program for Zagreb County, Financier: Zagreb County
Environmental monitoring
2013 – Monitoring of forest eco-systems for 2013 – Multipurpose chanel Danube – Sava Financier:
Agency for Inland Waters
2013 – Monitoring and noise level analysis (within environmental protection measures during
production) at WF Jelinak, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 – Year long implementation of bird and bat monitoring, EIA including Screening Procedure and
Main Assessment for windfarm Ripenda 12 x 1,5MW, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 – Year long implementation of bird and bat monitoring, EIA including Procedure and Main
Assessment for windfarm Goli, 48 x 1,5MW, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 – Compensation research for spring aspect assessment of baseline ornitofauna condition (prior to
WF Jelinak construction), Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 – Monitoring of fishfarm „Gira“ for the period of 01 July to 31 December 2012, Financier:
Jadrana tuna Ltd.
2012 - Monitoring of forest ecosystems for 2012 – Multipurpose chanel Danube-Sava, Financier: Agency
for Inland Waters
2012 – Implementation of regulative environmental protection measures towards fauna, flora and
forest ecosystems for wind farm Jelinak, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
2012 – Ornnithologic research for WF Mesihovina, Financier: JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA HZHB JSC MOSTAR,
10. 2012 – Monitoring of wildlife overpasses on motorway, Financier: Hrvatske autoceste Ltd.
11. 2012 – Monitoring of ihtiofauna, Financier: Hrvatske autoceste Ltd.
12. 2012 – Monitoring of forest ecosystems, Financier: Hrvatske autoceste Ltd.
13. 2011- Contract on use of funds for funding of education, research and development studies in
environmental protection project: „Optimization of monitoring endangered fauna in support of the
evaluation of sites for wind farms“ by subsidy provision, Financier: Fund for Environmental Protection
and Energy Efficiency Zagreb
14. 2011 – Impact monitoring of landfills on the population of jackals (Canis aureus) area of Nature Park
Lonjsko Polje, Financier: Public Institution Nature Park Lonjsko Polje
15. 2011 – Environmental monitoring for tuna fish farm on location „Gira“ dfor the peiod of 01 July 2011 –
31.December 2011, Financier: Jadran Tuna Ltd.
16. 2011 - Monitoring of forest ecosystems in the year 2011 – multipurpose channel Danube - Sava,
Financier: Agency for Inland waterways
17. 2010 – Neretva Trebišnjica managment project: Monitoring and biodiversity Inventory for Hutovo Blato
Nature Park, Financier: Agency for watershed of Adriatic Sea Mostar, Federation ministry of agriculture,
water management and forestry
18. 2010 - One-year bird and bat monitoring on the potential location of wind-farm Fužine, Financier:
Promodo Ltd.
19. 2010 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islet Gira from 1.1.2010 to 31.12.2010,
Financier: JADRAN TUNA Ltd.
20. 2010 - Monitoring of forest ecosystems in the year 2010 – multipurpose channel Danube - Sava,
Financier: Agency for Inland waterways
21. 2009 - Monitoring of protected wildlife on the Dravski ritovi area, motorway Beli Manastir –Osijek –
Svilaj - Ploče, section Beli Manastir - Osijek, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
22. 2009 - Monitoring of water, air, noise, motorway permeability for wildlife, forest ecosystems, soil and
ichthyofauna, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
23. 2009 - Monitoring of waters on motorway Zagreb - Sisak, section Velika Gorica (south) - Lekenik,
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
24. 2009 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda, near island Drvenik for the
year 2009, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
25. 2009 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islet Gira from 1.7.2009 to 31.12.2009,
Financier: JADRAN TUNA Ltd.
26. 2009 - One-year bat monitoring on the potencial location of wind-farm complex Čemernica, Financier:
EHN Ltd.
27. 2008 - Speleological monitoring of the main high pressure gas-pipelines systems of Lika and Dalmatia –
Sections II, III and IV, Vodnjan-Umag and Kukuljanovo-Omišalj, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
28. 2008 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda, near island Drvenik for the
year 2008, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
29. 2008 - Monitoring of wildlife overpasses on the route of main high pressure gas-pipeline for Lika and
Dalmatia: section II, III and IV, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
30. 2008 - Monitoring of wildlife overpasses on the motorway Zagreb - Split – Dubrovnik, section Bosiljevo
- Šestanovac, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
31. 2008 - Monitoring of beaver in forest Žutica near Ivanić-Grad, Financier: City of Ivanić-Grad.
32. 2007 - Numerical forecast of chosen pollutant concentrations at measuring station "Mirogojska 16",
Financier: Zagreb public Health Institute
33. 2007 - Monitoring of water ecosystems in forest Žutica, Financier: University of Zagrebu, Faculty of
34. 2007 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islet Gira for the year 2007 and 2008,
Financier: JADRAN TUNA Ltd.
35. 2007 - Monitoring of wildlife overpasses on the route of main high pressure gas-pipeline for Lika and
Dalmatia: section I., Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
36. 2007 - Design of monitoring activities for waters on motorway Zagreb – Sisak, Section Jakuševac –
Velika Gorica (south), Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
37. 2006 - Numerical forecast of chosen pollutant concetrations at measuring station "Mirogojska 16",
Financier: Zagreb public Health Institute
38. 2006 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda, near island Drvenik from
01.01.2007 – 31.12.2007, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
39. 2006 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda, near island Drvenik from
01.12.2005 – 31.12.2006, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
40. 2006 - Design of monitoring activities for waters on motorway Zagreb – Sisak, Section Jakuševac –
Velika Gorica and on motorway Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac, junction Kosnica on Zagreb bypass,
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority.
41. 2005 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islets Fulija and Kudica, Financier: KALI TUNA
42. 2005 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda and bay Mala luka, near island
Drvenik from 1.6.2005 – 31.5.2006, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
43. 2005 - Survey with monitoring of forest ecosystems in potential impact area of the planned Danube –
Sava channel – for 2004 – 2006., Financier: VPB JSC
44. 2004 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islets Fulija and Kudica, Financier: KALI TUNA
45. 2004 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda and bay Mala luka, near island
Drvenik, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
46. 2004 - Research on the measures and methods of monitoring of the state of environment for the
whole network of freeways in Republic of Croatia – Phase 1: collection of data and information,
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
47. 2004 - Research on the measures and methods of monitoring of the state of environment for the
whole network of freeways in Republic of Croatia – Phase 2: Development of optimized proposal for
monitoring, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
48. 2003 - Monitoring at existing fish farms located near island Školjić Veli, Financier: BADIOLI I MAKSAN
49. 2003 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islets Fulija and Kudica, Financier: KALI TUNA
50. 2003 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islet Gira, including establishment of the
baseline environmental status, Financier: JADRAN TUNA Ltd.
51. 2003 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farms located near island Kluda and bay Mala luka, near island
Drvenik, Financier: DRVENIK TUNA Ltd.
52. 2003 - Site investigation works and monitoring of forest ecosystems within the potential impact area
of future channel Danube – Sava, Financier: VPB JSC
53. 2002 - Monitoring at existing tuna fish farm located near islets Fulija and Kudica, Financier: KALI TUNA
Landscape architecture
1. 2013 – Partial development of Landscape design for Zagreb County – general landscaping type/area
level, Financier: Physical Planning Department of Zagreb County
2012 – Landscape design for Kalje Village, located at Hartovski Vrh, Financier: Žarko Andričević
2012 Rehabilitation of the Coal Mine Complex Vihovići, Mostar:, Financier: Fichtner Water &
Transportation GmbH, Gemany - Grad Mostar, FBiH
2012 – Expert supervision of works on expansion of West bank of City port Split – Phase III: Engineering
supervision for landscape architecture, Financier: Kozina Projekti Ltd.
2012 – Landscape design for Sveta Nedjelja City, Financier: Sveta Nedjelja City
2010 – Master landscape design project for the partition of the first stage of the accumulation of Križ
potok, Financier: landscaping of partion area, first phase of accumulation of Križ Potok, Financier:
2010 – Master landscape design project for coverage in Slavetić village, Financier: Agro Slavetić Ltd.
2010 - Master landscape design project and monitoring program for retention and dam Kraljevac II,
Financier: Geokon-Zagreb JSC
2009 - Classification and valorization of forest landscapes in Zagreb City area, Financier: City of
Zagreb, Office for Strategic Planning and Development of the City
2009 - Master landscape design project for retention Smiljanova Graba, Financier: Hrvatske vode
(Croatian water mangement entity)
10. 2009 - Master landscape design project for main high pressure gas-pipeline Kukuljanovo – Omišalj DN
500/100, Financier: INP Ltd.
11. 2009 - Master landscape design project for Croatian part of international high pressure gas-pipeline
Dravaszerdahely - Donji Miholjac DN 800/75, Financier: INP Ltd.
12. 2008 - Architectural-urban and landscape preliminary, master and constructional design project of
park Šparić in Rijeka, Financier: City of Rijeka
13. 2008 - Master landscape design project for retention Burnjak in municipality Gornja Stubica,
Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water mangement entity)
14. 2008 - CROATIA - Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Dalmatian coast trough
greening coastal development – COAST; UNDP-GEF Project 00050301 – component: Inventory and
Sustainable Use of Landscape Diversity in Project Demo-Sites, Financier: UNDP
15. 2007 - Landscape design project for retention Kalanjevac, Financier: Hrvatske vode (Croatian water
mangement entity)
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
16. 2005 - Production of main design for noise protection and main landscape design for the bridge across
the river Spačva with ancillary ramps in Lipovac, with appendices for the conceptual design as well as
for the elaborate for location permit, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
17. 2004 - Development of project documentation for noise protection barriers on Motorway Zagreb –
Lipovac, section Lužani – Brodski Stupnik - Slavonski Brod west – Slavonski Brod east – Oprisavci –
Velika Kopanica, Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
18. 2004 - Study of landscape for city area "Savski park zapad, Remetinec - Rotor, Tromostovje"
(Landscape analysis), Financier: Physical planning and environment protection department – City of
19. 2004 - Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Dobra",
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
20. 2004 - Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Brloška
Dubrava", Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
21. 2004 - Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area “Ličko Lešće”,
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
22. 2004 - Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area “Modruš”,
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
23. 2004 - Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Jezerane",
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
24. 2004 - Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Brinje",
Financier: Croatian Motorway Authority
Natural resource management
2013 – Revized management plan for common hunting ground (MU Hreljin, Podplanina Klana, Bribir),
Financier: Hrvatske šume Ltd.
2012 – Revized maangement plan for common hunting management unit No.: XVI/21 Tromeđa (area
4634 ha), Financier: Tromeđa Ltd.
2012 – Game management plan for 6 hunting management units, Collaboration: PRO SILVA Ltd,
Financier: Hrvatske šume d.o.o. (Croatian Forests)
2012 –Revized management plan for common hunting mamagenet unit No.: /139 Novo Čiče (area 4787
ha), Financier: Hunting Society ''TRČKA''
2012 – Horticulture works in trafo stations PrP-Zagreb (2 year Agreement), Financier: Croatian
transmission system operator company HEP- Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (HEP-OPS)
2012 – Revized management plan for hunting unit VIII/5 Sveti Grgur, Financier: Ministry of Agriculture
2012 - Revized management plan for hunting unit VIII/5 Goli Otok, Financier: Ministry of Agriculture
2011- Applications for forest management of forest owners, Financier: Hrvatske šume Ltd. (Croatian
Forestry Entity)
2011 – Game management plan for common hunting management unit No.: XVI/151 ''Šiškovka'',
Financier: Hunting Society “Zec” Šiškovci
10. 2011 – Game management ground for common hunting management unit No.: IX/123 Donji Lapac,
Financier: Hunting Society “OZEBLIN” Donji Lapac
11. 2010 – Forest management plan for forests under Sava – Zagreb Management Unit, Financier: “Hrvatske
12. 2010 - Execution of work, supervision, organization and implementation of activities on timber sales
along pipelines: Bosiljevo - Split, Vodnjan - Umag- Plinacro, Financier: PRO SILVA Ltd.
13. 2010 – Forestry management plan for forest owners in the area of Istria County, Financier: “Croatian
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
14. 2010 – Forestry management plan for forest owners in the area Primorje Gorski Kotar County
Financier: “Croatian Forests” (Šumarska savjetodavna služba)
15. 2010 – Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/4 ''Dubrava'', Financier:
Hunting Society ''Jastreb'' S. Jankovci
16. 2010 – Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/133 ''Asađ'', Financier:
Hunting Society: ''Šljuka'' Antin
17. 2010 – Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/134 ''Cerić'', Financier:
Hunting Society ''Vepar'' Cerić
18. 2010 – Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/135 “Grabnik”,
Financier: Hunting Society: “Srndać” Marinci
19. 2009 - Forest clearing and geodetic survey on main high pressure gas-pipeline and it`s extensions in
Plinacro Ltd.
20. 2009 - Forest clearing and geodetic survey on main high pressure gas-pipelines Kukuljanovo – Omišalj,
Dravaszerdahely – Donji Miholjac, Slobodnica – Bosanski brod and Slobodnica – Donji Miholjac,
21. 2009 - Revision of Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. VII/108
''Trojstvo Dobrovita'', Financier: Unit concessionaire LU „Veliko Trojstvo” Veliko Trojstvo
22. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. I/126 ''Kupčinsko polje'',
Financier: Hunting society ''Šljuka'' Donja Kupčina
23. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. I/110 ''Molvička šuma –
Svetonedeljski breg'', Financier: Hunting society ''Šljuka'' Sv. Martin pod Okićem
24. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. I/120 ''Okić'', Financier: Unit
concessionaire Lovačko – Streljačka udruga ''Fazan'' Okić, Jastrebarsko
25. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. I/125 ''Pisarovina Jamnica'', Financier: Unit concessionaire LU ''Vepar'' Okić, Jamnica Pisarovinska
26. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. I/124 ''Bratina'', Finacier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Srnjak'' Bratina
27. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/150 ''Vidraš'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Jelen'' Ostrovo
28. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/132 ''Šomođ'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Orao'' Tordinci
29. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/131 ''Zverinjak'',
Financier: Unit concessionaire LD ''Sokol'' Nuštar
30. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/148 ''Miljac'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Jelen'' Gaboš
31. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/147 ''Aljmaš'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Fazan'' Orolik
32. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/130 ''Crepov dol'',
Financier: Unit concessionaire LU ''Sokol'' Bogdanovci
33. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/146 ''Revenica'',
Financier: Unit concessionaire LD ''Sokol'' Srijemske Laze
34. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/127 ''Badnjara'',
Financier: Unit concessionaire LU ''Sokol'' Lovas
35. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/145 ''Panjik'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Orao'' Novi Jankovci
36. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/144 ''Međe'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Šljuka'' Slakovci
37. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/125 ''Prima'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Zec'' Ilača
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
38. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/133 ''Asađ'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Šljuka'' Antin
39. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/134 ''Cerić'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Vepar'' Cerić
40. 2009 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVI/135 ''Grabik'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Srndać'' Marinci
41. 2009 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. III/14 ''Kotar šuma'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Fazan'' Petrinja
42. 2009 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XVI/3 ''Dionica'', Financier: Unit
concessionaire LD ''Šljuka'' Slakovci
43. 2009 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XVI/4 ''Dubrave'', Financier:
Unit concessionaire LD ''Jastreb'' Stari Jankovci
44. 2008 - Revision of Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. XVIII/120
''Blatnica'' Financier: Unit concessionaire LU ''FAZAN'' Kaštelir – Vižinada
45. 2008 - Revision of Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. IX/123 ''Donji
Lapac'' Financier: Unit concessionaire LD “OZEBLIN” Donji Lapac
46. 2008 - Printing of maps for state hunting management unit No. XII/9 Međustrugovi and No. XIV/17
Jelas- Đol, Financier: Croatian Hunting Assocciation
47. 2008 - Printing of maps for 20 open hunting management units (No. XX/101 – XX/120), state hunting
management unit No. XX/1 Dubrava and management unit No. XX/109 Mala Subotica, Financier: Huting
Assocciation of Međimurje County – Čakovec and Hunting society Prepelica Mala Subotica
48. 2008 - Maintenance of the state and county hunting management units database Republic of Croatia,
Financier Minister of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management, Directorate for Hunting.
49. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Lanišće in
Istra County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
50. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Lanišće II
in Istra County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
51. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Jelovica in
Istra County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
52. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Gornje
Dubrave u Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
53. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Slunjske
šume in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
54. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit
Kestenovac - Miholjsko in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
55. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Utinjske
šume in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
56. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Netretić Piščetke in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
57. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Mrzljaki Rosopajnik in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
58. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Ozaljske
šume in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
59. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Jelsa Zadobarje in Karlovac County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
60. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Humsko
prigorje in Krapina-Zagorje County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
61. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Belec in
Krapina-Zagorje County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
62. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Kuna gora
- Vinagora in Krapina-Zagorje County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
63. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Šaša in
Varaždin County, Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
64. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Očura Rinkovec in Varaždin County Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
65. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit
Lepoglavska Ivančica in Varaždin County Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
66. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Kamenica
- Jerovec in Varaždin County Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
67. 2007 - Preparation of management plans of private owned forests for the management unit Višnjica in
Varaždin County Financier: Forestry Consulting Agency
68. 2007 - Game management plan for common hunting management No. IV/113 ''Šišljavić'' Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''ZEC'' ŠIŠLJAVIĆ
69. 2006 - Thematic layers and data for forming of breeding areas for dear, goat, boar in Croatia,
Financier: Faculty of forestry
70. 2006 - Area calculation of wildlife management districts, Financier: Faculty of Forestry
71. 2006 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XII/124 ''Gajevi'', (total area
1870 ha), Financier: Unit concessionaire LU ''Šljuka'' Nova Gradiška
72. 2006 - Game management plan for county hunting management unit ''Staza'' Financier: Unit
concessionaire ''STAZA'' STAZA
73. 2006 - Game management plan for county hunting management unit ''Glinsko Novo Selo'' Financier:
Unit concessionaire ''HRVATSKI DRAGOVOLJAC'' GLINA
74. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit No. 50 “Kuplensko”, Financier:
Unit concessionaire Josip Bedeković Zagreb
75. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit „Burdelj“, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU “FAZAN” VUKOJEVAC
76. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Posavlje gornje lijevo”
Financier: Unit concessionaire LU “PREPELICA” MAHOVO
77. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Piškornjač”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''STARI GAJ'' SISAK
78. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Sunja”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''POSAVINA'' SUNJA
79. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Grmušani”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''VEPAR'' DVOR
80. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Glina”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''ŠLJUKA'' GLINA
81. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Stankovac”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''JELEN'' STANKOVAC
82. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Bučica”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''LANE'' BUČICA
83. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Lasinja”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''ŠLJUKA'' LASINJA
84. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Gvozd”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''ŠLJUKA'' LASINJA
85. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Vojnić”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire LU ''ŠLJUKA'' LASINJA
86. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Divuša”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire ''JELEN'' DIVUŠA
87. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Hrv. Čuntić”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire ''LJEŠTARKA'' JABUKOVAC
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
88. 2006 - Game management plan for common hunting management unit “Gora”, Financier: Unit
concessionaire ''SRNA'' GORA
89. 2006 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. III/15 '''Kremešnica'', Financier:
LU ''Vepar'' Jastrebarsko
90. 2006 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XVII/11 ''Osoje'' Financier: Unit
concessionaire ''ZEC'' ZAGVOZD
91. 2006 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XIII/120 ''Ljubač'' Financier:
Unit concessionaire ''KOBAC'' RAŽANAC
92. 2006 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XVII/17 ''Vidova gora'' Financier:
Unit concessionaire ''VIDOVA GORA'' SUPETAR
93. 2006 - Preparation of maps for hunting areas of Primorsko-goranska County, Financier: Primorsko–
goranska county
94. 2006 - Project of private forests management units and districts establishment on the base of spatial
distribution of private forests in Croatia, Financier: Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water
95. 2005 - Project “Spatial distribution of private forests in Croatia”, Financier: Ministry of agriculture,
forestry and water management
96. 2005 - Program for farming of game on breeding site No. XIX/3 «Mrčara – Prežba», Financier: "Morski
konjic" Ltd. Split
97. 2005 - Program for farming of game on breeding site No. XVII/13 „Pelegrin“, total area 589 ha.,
Financier: “Villa Floriana” Ltd. Split
98. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. I/7 "Sopot", Financier: Hunting
society "Šljuka" Donja Kupčina
99. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. III/7 "Crnčina 1", Financier:
Dragan Vugić Popovača
100. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No.III/4 "Bukova greda“, Financier:
Mijo Leško Kutina
101. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XXI/1 «Obreški lug», Financier:
Hunting society "Lane Novi Zagreb”
102. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. III/17 «Lipovac», Financier:
Hunting society "Fazan”
103. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XII/4 «Gradiška brda»,
Financier: LU "Šljuka Nova Gradiška
104. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XXI/2 ''Stupnički lug'',
Financier: Ivan Konjušić Zagreb
105. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. VII/13 ''Virovitička bilogora'',
Financier: Industrogradnja JSC Zagreb
106. 2005 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. V/2 ''Trakošćan'', Financier:
''Lovišta Diana'' Ltd. Zagreb
107. 2004 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XI/12 "Krndija III", Financier:
Boro Bahnjik Zagreb
108. 2004 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XI/8 "Krivi javor III", Financier:
Tomislav Kasanić Zagreb
109. 2004 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. XIII/36 "Zapuntel", Financier:
Dubravko Ratkajec Zagreb
110. 2000 - Game management plan for state hunting management unit No. III/27 "Popov Gaj", Financier:
Kvazar - Bedeković Ltd. Zagreb
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Consultancy services
2013 – Development of new mathematical model for EIA expansion of nautical port Pakoštane,
Financier: Juština Ltd.
2013 –Nature protection project report 7 NIA for reconstruction of left sava protection bank from
Oprisavac to Svilaja (l=5 km), Financier: Geokon-Zagreb JSC
2012 – Feasability stuy, Cost-benefit analysis and Application construction Podsused Tvornica Samobor - Bregana i Gradec - Sveti Ivan Žabno railway (branch Vb of railway corridor), modernization
of section Zaprešić – Zabok, Financier: HŽ Infratsruktura d.o.o. (Croatian Railways)
2012 – Project documentation for western bypass Vetova (Kutjevo city) project, as a segment of
necessary IPARD tender application documentation, Financier: Kutjevo City
2012 –Project documentation required for IPARD tender, Financier: OPG Gorana Jankov
2012 - Nature protection Project report for allocation of funds from IPARD program for Measure 301
and attainment of Certificate of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection on investment
compliance with relevant national standards required for application of building unclassified Mandari
roads (Gajani 2) – Banovina, Financier: Cerovlje County
2012 – Nature protection Project report for allocation of funds from IPARD program for Measure 301
and attainment of Certificate of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection on investment
compliance with relevant national standards required for application of building sewerage treatment
and waste water plants project in Vranje village, Financier: Lupoglav County
2012 – Nature protection Project report for allocation of funds from IPARD program for Measure 301
and attainment of Certificate of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection on investment
compliance with relevant national standards required for application of building sewerage treatment
and waste water plants project in Vranje village, Financier: Groznjan County
2012 – Implementation of regulative environmental protection measures towards fauna, flora and
forest ecosystems for WF Jelinak, Financier: EURUS Ltd.
10. 2012 - Environmental due dilligence of building in Paromlinskoj 2, Zagreb – Phase I., Financier:
Zagrebačka banka JSC (Bank of Zagreb)
11. 2011 – Project documentation for sanation of coastal belt in Starigrad-Paklenica (l600m); Financier:
Strarigrad County
12. 2011 – Development of project and other documentation for „Improvement and restoration of the
railway line on the section of Dugo Selo – Novska, Phase I“, Financier: Zeljeznicko projektno drustvo
13. 2011 – Project dokumentation for construction of l.n.r. Sava from mouth of Luznica to mouth of Sutla,
Preliminary environmental impact assessment on ecological network, Financier: VPB JVC
14. 2011 – Overview of business practices Zito Hrvatska for environmental and social aspects, Finacier:
ERM Ltd.
15. 2011 – Investigation works for the purpose of construction of nautical tourism port Lapad, port open
to public traffic Batala and expansion of coastline road, Financier: Atlanska plovidba JVC
16. 2011 – Development of urban housing conditions and the construction of 5 locations of solar power
plants in the area of Kvarner County, Financier: Public Institution Bureau for Spatial Planning Primorje
Goranski County
17. 2010 - Site investigation works and Study on the impact of Bol harbour upgrade on the hydrodynamics
of the planned harbour's coastal area and “Zlatni rat” beach, including analysis of the wider area’s
coastal edge and sea bed geological structure, Financier: Bol Municipality
18. 2009 - Consulting services and preparation of project task for reports on wind wave climate and sea
current in the area of planned nautical tourism harbour and “Zlatni rat” beach, for existing state and
disrupted state according to the IGH concept design, Financier: Bol Municipality
19. 2009 - Sea current measurements in the harbour of Bol, data analysis and report preparation,
Financier: Bol Municipality
20. 2009 - Comparison of state of environment on the location of tuna fish farm near island Kluda with
the state before establishment of the farm and study on preparation of new proposal for
environmental monitoring program, Financier: Drvenik tuna Ltd.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
21. 2008 - Expert opinion on nature protection for transmission line, section from Plat to Imotica (cca 60
km), Financier: Dalekovod JSC
22. 2008 - Proposal of graphic design solution for Croatian version of the International Nuclear and
Radiological Event Scale (INES) leaflet, Investor: State office for Nuclear Safety (SONS)
23. 2008 - Permitting support services for the construction of LNG terminal, Financier: Adria LNG Ltd.
24. 2008 - Preparation of publication „Land cover and land use in Republic of Croatia – situation and
trend“, Financier: Croatian Environment Agency
25. 2008 - Expert opinion on environmental impact for international pipeline Dravaszerdahely – Donji
miholjac DN 800/75, Financier: Plinacro Ltd.
26. 2008 - Expert opinion on environmental impact for Highway Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik, Section:
Zagvozd – Ravča, Financier: IPZ JSC
27. 2008 - Study on the localization of RODOS system (Real time Online Decision Support System for
nuclear emergency management) for the use in Republic of Croatia Investor: State office for Nuclear
Safety (SONS)
28. 2007 - Expert opinion on environmental impact for locations Radić Dolac, Srijane and Široki Vrh; on
Highway Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik, Financier: IGH JSC
29. 2007 - Compliance revision of applied environmetal protection measures on motorway Bosiljevo Sveti Rok, Financier: Apo Ltd.
30. 2006 - Workshops on habitat mapping on the basis of EU Habitat Directive from the project
LIFE05TCY/CRO/000111, Financier: JUPP Lonjsko polje
31. 2006 - Waste Management plan for Croatian Motorway Authority, Financier: Croatian Motorway
32. 2006 - SAPARD Expert opinion on environmental impact for dairy cows shed in Stupovača, Financier:
P.O. Ratarstvo Stupovača
33. 2006 - SAPARD Expert opinion on environmental impact for building of cold storage, Financier: Jadran
tuna Ltd.
34. 2006 - Expert opinion on environmental impact for enlargement of recycling plant for plastic waste in
industrial area of Sveta Nedelja, capacity less than 10.000 t/year, Financier: Brković Ltd.
35. 2006 - Expert opinion on environmental impact for Palata well, Financier: Osted Ltd.
36. 2005 - … ongoing engagement – Consulting and education services in project management for IBM
Croatia or IBM business partner network (Combis Ltd., Croz Ltd.,…) - concepts of project
management for managers, principles of project management, risk management, contracts
management, financial management, PMI PMP certification preparation,…
37. 2005 - Study of waste water channel from the main building in Radićeva street to the connecting main
collector: technical aspects – surway of system, measuring, photo-documenting, Financier: SAS
strojogradnja Ltd.
38. 2004 - Expert opinion on environmental impact of asphalt production facility in industrial zone near
Samobor (capacity 30 t/h), Financier: Samoborka Ltd.
39. 2004 - Project CRO/03/G41/A/1G/99 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian
Coast through Greening Coastal Development – COAST: Biodiversity and GIS aspects (5 consultants),
Financier: GEF/UNDP
40. 2004 - Report on ecological acceptance and sustainability of dry ice (CO2) cleaning technology,
Financier: SINACO Ltd.
41. 2002 - Report for air quality aspects – airport Lošinj, Financier: Ministry of Maritime, Transport and
Long term and Scientific projects
2012 – Faunistics and ecology of stoneflies (Insecta: Plecopter) in the Krka National Park Financier:
Krka National Park
2011 – Research on presence of „Umbra krameri“ in the area of Nature Park Lonjsko Polje; Financier:
Public Institution Nature Park Lonjsko Polje
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2011 – Contract on the allocation of resources within the EUREKA program for E!54600 EURONVIRON
WEBAIR-2 project, Financier: Poslovno-inovacijski centar Hrvatske - Bicro Ltd.
2010 – Research on air pollution by means of moss in Crostia, Financier: Oikon Ltd.
2009-ongoing – REACT - Supporting Research on Climate friendly Transport (EU FP7 -TPT-2008-RTD 1), Financier: Commission of the European Communities
2009-ongoing – Spatial and temporal changes of biological, landscape and environmental diversity of
Republic of Croatia (ZIN4/08), Financier: Oikon Ltd.
2009-ongoing – Parameters of forest ecosystems' productivity and stability (ZIN3/08), Financier: Oikon
2009-ongoing – Anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial macrofauna with emphasis on protected species
in Republic of Croatia (ZIN2/08), Financier: Oikon Ltd.
2008 – Identification and proposal of mitigation measures for anthropogenic impact on population
terrestrial carnivores in Croatia, Financier Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
10. 2008 – Preliminary paleontological and sedimentological research on cave ‘’Pod zubom Buljme’’ in NP
Paklenica, Financier: National Park Paklenica
11. 2007-ongoing – E! 3266 EUROENVIRON WEBAIR “Web-based Air Quality Assessment and Management”
Development and research project EUREKA, Support: Ministry of science, education and sports; Project
coordination: ESS – Environmental Software and Services GmbH Austria
12. 2007-ongoing – Bioindication of air pollution in terrestrial ecosystems, Support: Ministry of science,
education and sports
13. 2006-ongoing – Anthropogenic impacts on sea and freshwater ecosystems (ZIN1/06), Financier: Oikon
14. 2006-ongoing – PHIME – Public Health Impact of Long-Term, Low-Level Mixed Element Exposure in
Susceptible Population Strata (EU FP6 integrated project), Financier: Commission of the European
15. 2006 – Project "Mitigation of the negative anthropogenic influence on the populations of carnivores in
Croatia“, Financier: Ministry of Culture
16. 2005-2006 – Research of air pollution with mosses as biomonitors in Croatia Financier: Oikon Ltd.
17. 1999-ongoing – Tree growth and environmental changes in Croatia (TGECC), Financier: Oikon Ltd.
2000 – Collaboration in the preparation of the first “National report on Climate change”,
Collaboration: Ministry for Environment Protection and Physical Planning and Ekonerg Ltd.
1999 – Temporary management plan of wolf in Croatia (GIS support), Financier: Ministry for Environment
Protection and Physical Planning
1999 – Application of GIS in sustainable forest management and forest ecology on the case study for
“Repaš – Gabajeva greda” management unit, Financier: Hrvatske šume P.O. and Oikon Ltd.
1999 – Review of the biological ad landscape diversity of Croatia with the strategy and protection
action plans (GIS support), Financier: Ministry for Environment Protection and Physical Planning
1999 – Geochemical atlas of the Medvednica mountain: Natural distribution of elements in stream
sediments (GIS support), Financier: IGI
Equipment delivery
2006 – Delivery of wild warn reflectors, Financier: Croatian Road Authority
2006 – ENVI and IDL license, Financier: Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies, Slovenia
2006 – ENVI and IDL license, Financier: Croatian Environment protection agency
2012 – Donation of necessary equipment for student dorms in the Department of Biology, Osijek
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
2012 – Co-financing of book „HYDROGEOLOGY – Application in Construction“, by Bačani & Vlahović
2012 – Donation to the Student Scholarship Fund of the National Trustfund for student and student
standard support, and the Rijeka University Trustfund
2012 – Sponsorship for educational and popular – research portal
2012 – Donation for the publication of Children's Colouring Book, within the framework of project lead
by International Police Association in the area of Novi Zagreb neigbourhood, with the goal of children
casuality prevention in traffic
2012- Donation of 5 Garmin GPS transmitors to the Hiking Guide Station, Zagreb
2011 – Donation to the „Kirijas“ Association from Baške Oštarije for the organization of maifestation
„Šlajs – the Olympics of Ancient Sports“
2011 – Donation to Engineer Graduates and Friends Association of the Chemical and Technological
faculty AMACIZ
2011 – Donation to the Women's Expedition on Ismoil Somoni – 7495 m point of Pamir in Tajikistan
(Hiking Club „Vertikal“)
10. 2011 – Donation to Forest Owner's Society „Robur“
11. 2011 – Sponsorship for the publication of technical book „Environmental Protection-practice
viewpoint“, author: Mario Zovko
12. 2011 – Sponsorship for educational and popular – research portal
13. 2011 – Sponsorship of the 5th conference of PMI project managers forum (November 2011)
14. 2011 – Sponsorhip for the Croatian Association of Animal Protectors „Noah's Ark“
15. 2011 – Sponsorship for educational and popular – research portal
16. 2011 – Sponsorship for the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, textbook publication “Sanation of
Contaminated Soil”
17. 2010 - Sponsorship for the 4th conference of PMI project managers forum (November 2010)
18. 2010 - Humanitarian action – Korak u život” (Step in to life) –Leo Nucci and Zagreb Philharmonia
19. 2010 – Unicef – Help children in Haiti
20. 2010 – Sponsorship of 40th Anniversary Earth Day Celebration (17-25 April 2010, Zagreb (several
locations) and Medvednica mountain (Puntijarka)); Organised by Biology Students' Association “BIUS” and
Ecogreen Europe Ltd.
21. 2010 – Donation to Association of voluntary blood donors Plovput Ltd.
22. 2010 – Sponsorship for educational and popular – research portal
23. 2010 – Sponsorship for educational and popular – research portal
24. 2010 – Sponsorship for 2nd Croatian NIPP and INSPIRE day and 6th Council on Cartography and
geoinformation, Organised by the Croatian Cartography Society
25. 2010 – Sponsorship (Bronze Sponsor) PMI forum 2010
26. 2009 – Humanitarian action – Korak u život” (Step in to life) –Jose Carreras and guests in concert
27. 2009 – Donation to exhibition „Croatian Rivers“(4-21 June 2009, Students Centre, Zagreb),
Organisers/authors: Goran Šafarek and Tomislav Šolić for the national campaign on protection of Croatian
28. 2009 – Donation to Second Croatian Female Climbing Expedition to Mount Everest (8850 m), Organised
by Croatian Mountaineering Association
29. 2007 – Donation to scientific research project „Inventorying and mapping of fungi in Croatia“,
Organised by Croatian Mycological society
30. 2007 – Donation to First Croatian Female Climbing Expedition to Cho Oyu (8201 m) in Tibet, Organised
by Croatian Mountaineering Association
31. 2006 – Donation to scientific research project „Inventorying and mapping of fungi in Croatia“,
Organised by Croatian Mycological society
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
32. 2004 – Donaton to professional development in Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Organised by Faculty of
Science, University of Zagreb
33. 2003 – Sponsorship to Kuterevo bear’s shelter
34. 2003 – Sponsorship (Silver sponsor) of Annual award ceremony for environmental protection
accomplishments and Symposium «The Adriatic – a Central European Sea under Pressure», (4-6 June
2003, Zadar), Organised by Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical planning
35. 2003 – Sponsorship (Bronze sponsor) of «GLOBE learning expedition Šibenik 2003 Croatia», (29 June 4 July 2003, Šibenik), Organised by Ministry of Education and Sports
36. 2003 – Donation to internship in Mexico, Organised by International Association of Students in
Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS
37. 2002 – Sponsorship to MAR – SUB Diving Club, Activities on the occasion of World Water Day – cleaning of
Lake Jarun
38. 2002 – Donation to 45th IAAS World Congress, Organised by International Association of Students in
Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS)
39. 2001 – Sponsorship to MAR – SUB Diving Club, Activities on the occasion of World Water Day – cleaning of
Lake Jarun
40. 2001 – Humanitarian action «Let them hear»
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
A list of published papers of company’s employees from its registration until today, including papers
published through research/project activities of the company alone or through the cooperation with
other scientific and professional institutions, is given at
Oikon’s employees have published more then 92 scientific and professional papers.
A list of attended scientific and professional conferences with contribution of company's employees
from its registration until today, including contributions published through research/project
activities of company alone or through the cooperation with other scientific and professional
institutions is given at
Oikon's employees have held more than 200 oral and poster presentations at scientific and
professional conferences.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
A prerequisite for the use of the most modern methods is adequate technical equipment. Since it's
establishment, Oikon Ltd. has invested in supplying and building the technical basis for it's work, and
today Oikon's employees use the following equipment:
35 x desktop computers (IBM i DELL)
DELL PowerVault NF500 2U – server
DELL PowerVault 114T - tape
DELL PowerEdge 1600SC server (2 x Xeon)
DELL PowerEdge 1800SC server (2 x Xeon)
IBM xSeries 220 server (Pentium III)
IBM Netfinity 3000 server (Pentium II)
28 x laptops (IBM, HP, Lenovo)
2 x Network Attached Storage, 1 TB, RAID 5
UPS SUA 1500
APC Smart-UPS 1500 - rack
100 Mbps IBM advanced network
2 x 3COM hub 24-port 10/100 Mbit
2 x 3COM switch 3300XM 48-port 10/100 Mbit
4 x 3Com Switch – 4200 – 28 port (SuperStack3)
D-Link router
U.S. Robotics Sportster 56K modem
Zyxel Prestige 202 ISDN router
2 x Zyxel ZyWall 2 Plus
Canyon 8-port Switch
Permanent Network connection (2 mbps)
ADSL (10mbps/512kbps)
2 x APC Smart UPS 1500
Output units:
HP Designjet 450C plotter (A0 – 90 cm)
HP Designjet 5500psuv plotter (B0 – 107 cm)
HP Deskjet 1120C A3+ printer
HP DeskJet 990Cxi printer
RICOH Aficio 3800c color laser printer
RICOH Aficio 7200cl color laser printer
RICOH Aficio MP C2000 color laser printer/ copier /scanner
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
RICOH Aficio 1035 BW laser printer
RICOH Aficio fax/copier/printer
HP Color LaserJet 1600
Printer Fax Samsung SCX-4521F
Printer Ricoh Aficio GX 5050N
Printer Ricoh Aficio GX 3050 SFN
LCD projektor Toshiba TLP260
LCD projektor Epson EMP-S42
Input units:
Epson A3+ high resolution scanner, (specially calibrated to become measuring instrument for
dendrochronological applications and aerophoto scanning)
Microtek A3 high resolution scanner
Epson A4 color scanner
4 x Olympus Camedia digital camera
Sony digital camera
3x Canon digital camera
Digital video camera Sony DCR-TRV17E
7x Benq DC C740i digital camera
2x Benq DC C850i digital camera
1x Benq DC C1060 digital camera
Other HW
2 x ESRI ArcGis 8.3 Desktop
GIS application
ABBY FineReader 9.0 Professional Edition
application for OCR
software for ordination analysis
CMS IntelliCAD 4 Premium Edition v4.0
emission and dispersion modeling system
ENVI 4.0
3 x ENVI 4.3
ESRI ArcView 3.1
GIS application
Golden software, Surfer 32, v. 8.0
surface mapping system
IBM Lotus DOMINO v 4.6
IBM Lotus NOTES v 4.6.1
IDL 6.0
IDRONAUT Srl. REDAS 3.13 Real time Data Aquisition Software for CTD sonde
ISC-AERMOD View from Lakes Environmental Software Inc.
LLC 3D Nature
RoxMap 32 Scientific
sea bottom classification software
Sontek SonUtils v2.50
Sontek View ADP Standard v3.92
SOUND PLAN 6.0 (incl. MISKAM modul)
StatSoft STATISTICA 6.0 Edition
StatSoft STATISTICA Neural Networks 4.0
Surfer 32, v. 8.0
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
WhereIsIt Windows application
2x WinCELL v 5.4
WinDENDRO 2001a
Other specialist software (Quantum GIS, Postgres SQL, Map Server, MAP Window GIS, Saga,…)
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 SP2
Microsoft Office 97, Professional
Microsoft Office SBE 2003 x 20
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 x 25
Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003 x 5
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 R2, x32 Ed.
Windows Server 2003 R2, x64 Ed.
Windows Server 2008 Std/Ent – KMS
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard or Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x 2
Microsoft Windows NT Server
Microsoft Windows NT WorkStation x 15
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Enterprise Edition (single processor) x 1
Microsoft MapPoint 2009 North America & Microsoft MapPoint Europe Maps x 25
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition x 1
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition CALs 5,14 x 25
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Standard Edition CALs 5,14 x 25
Microsoft Business Contact Manager x 25
Microsoft Office Groove Server 2007 x 1
Microsft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 x 1
Microsft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 CALs5 x 25
Microsft Office Project Professional 2007 x 25
Microsft Office Project Server 2007 x 1
Microsft Office Project Server 2007 CALs 5 x 25
Microsft Office SharePoint Server 2007 x1
Microsft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise Edition CALs (includes Standard Edition CALs)5 x 25
Microsft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Internet Sites x 1
Microsft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Search Enterprise Edition x 1
Microsft Office Visio Professional 2007 x 25
Microsoft Search Server 2008 x 1
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard or SQL Server 2008 Enterprise (x86, x64) x 1
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 CALs 5 x 25
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 (server) x 1
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Enterprise Data Protection ML x 1
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Standard Data Protection ML x 1
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 - Client Data Protection ML x 25
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 (server) x 1
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Client ML x 25
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Enterprise Server ML x 1
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Standard Server ML x 1
Microsoft System Center Essentials 2007 2 x 1
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Client ML x 25
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Server x 1
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Enterprise ML x 1
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Standard Server ML x 1
Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Enterprise License x1
Windows HPC Server 20083 x32
Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) CALs for Windows Server 2008 x 25
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x 4
Windows Web Server 2008 R2 x 1
Windows Server 2008 CALs (not edition specific)5 x 25
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Server CALs4, 5 x 25
Windows Small Business Server 2008 Standard x 1
Windows Small Business Server 2008 CALs 5,6 x 10
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Standard x 1
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Windows Essential Business Server 2008 CALs5,6 x 25
Windows 7 Enterprise x 50
Other equipment
Trimble GeoExplorer 1 GPS
9x Garmin e-trex Summit GPS
12x Garmin GPS 60
Garmin GPS 62 s
2xGarmin Oregon 550
PDA + GPS; 2x
Digital dendrochronological laboratory
HTZ field work equipment
Terrain vehicles: 1 x Nissan Terrano, 3x Subaru Forester, Suzuki Ignis, 6x Suzuki Jimny, Nissan Navara, Land
Rover Defender
Other vehicles: Renault Laguna, Citroen C5
Winder for car 5x
rubber dinghy ZODIAC FUTURA 420 with motor TOHATSU 25KS
kayak with electrical drive unit
Idronaut OCEAN SEVEN 316 oceanic multiprobe
2 x SonTek ADP current profiler
Teledin - current profiler
La Grange float bowls (for measurement of horizontal motion of sea water (depth 0m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 40m)
2 x Benthos acoustic release 875A
Benthos acoustic deck set DS8750
RoxAnn Groundmaster with dual frequency Furuno sonar
System for hemispheric photography (Sigma Fisheye 8mm F4 / Manfroto 055PROB/329L)
Plant Stress Detection Glasses; 10x
Stereomicroscope KONUS Diamond with camera adapters
Caving equipment for several people, 2 sets, Edelweiss Superstatic rope 10mm (100m, 70m and 50m)
2x snow shoes
Secchi disks
Free water sampler Niskin 5 liters (by Hydrobios)
Sension2 Portable pH/ISE Meter by HACH
Measuring instruments for dendrometric measuring and dendrometric sampling (milimeter caliper (1x Nestle (80
cm), 3x Haglöf (102cm), 4x Haglöf (80 cm)), SUUNTO altimeter, 2x compass 6 x SUUNTO kompas, 2x SUUNTO
tandem, 1x altimeter HAGLOF VERTEX III, 6x altimeter HAGLOF VERTEX IV, 7x telemeter HAGLOF DME 201, 11
transponders, 7 Haglöf sticks with adapters, 5x tree marking equipment, binoculars, precise caliper, 7x Pressler
drill + 3 replacement drills, 4x motorized Pressler drills, counters, geodesic chain, DUFTZAUN foam applicator,
10x Bitterlich plate, etc.)
Tree marking equipment 6x (tree scriber, barking spud, set of brass template lines, numbers and letters)
Equipment for marking and measuring logs( (1x forestry measuring tape, 3x measuring stick (instrument), 3x
stamp hammer, ID tags, 3x capsule set for ID tags)
Sokkia mirror stereoscope (MS27)
Steiner binoculars
Night binocular Davos 212
32 x IC sensors Trailmaster TM1550
Trailmaster TM Data collector and Stat Pack software for interpretation and communication with Trailmaster
22 x Digital Cuddeback Game Camera
Bat detector Peterson BatSoundPro 4.0 real time software
MicroChip scanner
1x jabstick Dan-inject, 1x jab stick Dist Inject
3x GPS - collar Televilt
2x Antena Telonics, 1x Antena Televilt, 1x VHF receiver Telonics
3x live beaver traps, 1x live wild cat and linx trap, 6x live bear traps Belisle, 6x live wolf traps Belisle
Pocket Weather Tracker – Kestrel 4000
Soil moisture measurement system (Aqua-Pro Sensors); 20x/1x
Universal Oven (stabilizer) 60L - 1 x
Walkie-talkie (Binaton - range 8 km); 2/1x
3DMapper DDPS™V3, Digital stereophotogramethry
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology
Binocular Swarovski EL 8,5x42 WB
Telescope Swarovski ATS 80, with photo-accessories
WTW – Multiline F/SET-3 – instruments for measurement water parameters
3x autonomous diving sets
2x silver Vyper diving watches
Oxygen apparatus AKD-R
3x Protective Musto suit
2x Diving lamps subatec 180 pro
Underwater lighting xtx 100 din
6x Diving tanks 15L
6x Peli boxes
Light trinocular research microscope SMW-8D4A (povećanje 40-1600X) with adapter for photography
Trinocular zoom stereo microscope SMW-3400 (magnification 7-45X) with adapter for photography
Gas and liquid flow measurer DOSTMANN electronic P 770-LOG
Electric engine for ichthyological research Electrofisher SAMUS-725MP
UWITEC Euro-Kick-Net manual benthos "crutcher" net eye diameter of 0,5 mm with metal frame 25x25 cm
attached to metal holder, with additional folding metal frame 25x25 cm (additional function of Surber frame)
5x Chest waders
4x Hip boot
4x polarized fishing sunglasses
6x fish landing nets
Aluminium telescopic leveling rod (5m) Geomax TS5
Laser distance measuring (250 m) Bosch GLM 250 VF Professional
Open and collaborative concept of Oikon Ltd. - Institute for Applied Ecology enables our experts
access to other specialist equipment, hardware and software used either by our consultants, partner
organisations or clients. We continuously invest in our equipment and therefore, this list is never
fully up to date.
Company profile OIKON Ltd., Institute for Applied Ecology

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