uk adaptive optics market and supply chain study
uk adaptive optics market and supply chain study
Photonics Knowledge Transfer Network UK ADAPTIVE OPTICS MARKET AND SUPPLY CHAIN STUDY A REPORT FOR THE STFC UK ASTRONOMY TECHNOLOGY CENTRE © Photonics KTN Geddes House • Kirkton North • Livingston • EH54 6GU T +44 1506 497228 E EMES CONSULTING LTD, 2009 FOR THE PHOTONICS KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER NETWORK UK ADAPTIVE OPTICS MARKET AND SUPPLY CHAIN STUDY A REPORT FOR THE STFC UK ASTRONOMY TECHNOLOGY CENTRE EMES CONSULTING LTD, 2009 FOR THE PHOTONICS KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER NETWORK CONTENTS 1 Executive summary................................................................................................5 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................7 3 2.1 Structure and scope of this report ...............................................................7 2.2 What is adaptive optics? ..............................................................................7 2.3 Adaptive optics technologies......................................................................8 2.3.1 Wavefront sensor .....................................................................................8 2.3.2 Wavefront modulator ...........................................................................14 2.3.3 Control system........................................................................................18 Global applications.............................................................................................20 3.1 Astronomy......................................................................................................22 3.2 Biomedical.....................................................................................................26 3.2.1 Ophthalmology......................................................................................26 3.2.2 Confocal microscopy ...........................................................................30 3.2.3 Cell analysis ............................................................................................31 3.3 Defence and security ..................................................................................32 3.3.1 Laser missile defence ............................................................................33 3.3.2 Surveillance ............................................................................................35 3.3.3 Defence communications ...................................................................36 3.3.4 Security ....................................................................................................37 3.4 Manufacturing and industrial inspection..................................................38 3.4.1 Manufacturing .......................................................................................38 3.4.2 Industrial inspection...............................................................................39 3.5 Consumer devices .......................................................................................41 3.6 Communications and sensing....................................................................42 2 4 3.6.1 Communications ...................................................................................42 3.6.2 Sensing ....................................................................................................43 UK specific.............................................................................................................44 4.1 Astronomy......................................................................................................47 4.1.1 Current activities and organisations ...................................................47 4.1.2 Near market opportunities ...................................................................51 4.1.3 Longer term market opportunities ......................................................51 4.2 Biomedical.....................................................................................................52 4.2.1 Current activities and organisations ...................................................52 4.2.2 Near market opportunities ...................................................................55 4.2.3 Longer term market opportunities ......................................................56 4.3 Defence and security ..................................................................................56 4.3.1 Current activities and organisations ...................................................56 4.3.2 Near market opportunities ...................................................................57 4.3.3 Longer term market opportunities ......................................................57 4.4 Manufacturing and industrial inspection..................................................57 4.4.1 Current activities and organisations ...................................................57 4.4.2 Near market opportunities ...................................................................58 4.4.3 Longer term market opportunities ......................................................58 4.5 Consumer devices .......................................................................................59 4.5.1 Current activities and organisations ...................................................59 4.5.2 Near market opportunities ...................................................................59 4.5.3 Longer term market opportunities ......................................................59 4.6 Communications and sensing....................................................................59 4.6.1 Current activities and organisations ...................................................59 4.6.2 Near market opportunities ...................................................................60 3 4.6.3 4.7 5 6 Longer term market opportunities ......................................................60 Other applications .......................................................................................61 4.7.1 Optical storage......................................................................................61 4.7.2 Laser scanning .......................................................................................61 4.7.3 Laser fusion .............................................................................................61 Market analysis and conclusions.......................................................................63 5.1 Astronomy......................................................................................................64 5.2 Biomedical.....................................................................................................66 5.3 Defence and security ..................................................................................67 5.4 Manufacturing and industrial inspection..................................................68 5.5 Consumer devices .......................................................................................70 5.6 Communications and sensing....................................................................71 5.7 Summary ........................................................................................................72 5.8 Conclusions for UK Photonics......................................................................73 Annex – Organisations active in adaptive optics worldwide.......................75 6.1 Academic/governmental institutions .......................................................75 6.2 Commercial organisations..........................................................................77 4 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Adaptive optics is a technology in which optical performance is improved by quickly manipulating the shape of a lens or mirror to correct for unwanted disturbances (or to introduce wanted disturbances). Adaptive optics systems generally consist of three subsystems: a wavefront sensor, to detect the state of the wavefront; a wavefront modulator, to correct distortions in the wavefront; and a control system to link the two. Since the 1950s, astronomy has sought adaptive optics techniques to remove the effects of atmospheric turbulence. More recently, enabled by increases in computing power, similar techniques have been applied in a range of other sectors such as ophthalmology, defence, manufacturing, consumer devices and communications. Adaptive optics is not to be found in routine use everywhere, however, and there are a number of reasons for this: • Adaptive optics systems are still relatively large. More work is needed to reduce the size and cost of components and systems • The wider market lacks knowledge of the capabilities that adaptive optics could bring • There is still no interchangeable plug-and-play standard which would remove the need for every development to be a one-off It is curious that there has been little impetus to overcome the DIY culture of adaptive optics, and this suggests that there is still a role for some integrating activity at a higher level, connecting academic and high-end industrial research to new applications and users. With a defined standard, and the easy availability of standard plug-and-play components, exploitation of stand-alone adaptive optics technologies will become increasingly practical, stimulating a wide range of applications that will help to drive volumes and reduce costs. The UK has a well-developed academic and industrial base in adaptive optics. Of the 90 commercial organisations identified, 14 are in the UK (second most behind US which has 45). The market sectors attracting interest from the greatest number of companies are: Biomedical (51 worldwide, 9 UK), Astronomy (45 worldwide, 7 UK), Defence (38 worldwide, 6 UK) and Communications (33 worldwide, 7 UK). There are two particularly promising global market sectors, both of which the UK has the potential to exploit: 5 • Biomedical. Adaptive optics offers a range of useful technologies for ophthalmology and microscopy. Growing spending on healthcare in the west to cater for the ageing population will make this an increasingly attractive market. • Communications. The demand for communications services is growing at a rate greater than the infrastructure can match. Free space optical communications using adaptive optics may complement optical fibre networks in the future 6 2 2.1 INTRODUCTION STRUCTURE AND SCOPE OF THIS REPORT This report is a market and supply chain study for the technology of adaptive optics or ‘AO’. The report begins in Section 2.2 by defining what we mean by adaptive optics, in order to put later information into context. As a market and supply chain study, this report considers both the opportunities for exploiting the technology of adaptive optics (i.e. the market for those interested in buying adaptive optics enabled technologies) and the necessary components or subsystems of a successful adaptive optics system and the organisations involved in delivering these (i.e. the supply chain). Initially, in Section 3, we provide a broad overview of adaptive optics from a global perspective. Then, in Section 4, we focus on UK activities, providing some highlights of what is going on in academia and government laboratories, as well as in commercial organisations. The breadth of the field and its evolving nature means that this study cannot possibly be comprehensive. Nevertheless, we have attempted to capture the activities of as many organisations as possible within the time available. Section 5 presents an analysis of the global market opportunities in adaptive optics, with some conclusions for the UK adaptive optics community based on the findings of the study. The report concludes with an annex (Section 6) which presents tables of academic/governmental and commercial organisations interested in adaptive optics on a country-by-country basis. 2.2 WHAT IS ADAPTIVE OPTICS? In ‘classical’ optics, light rays are reflected or refracted by mirrors or lenses with fixed surfaces. These surfaces generally have simple continuous shapes based on spheres, but even more complex shapes are designed for specific purposes. Thus, changing the optical performance of a system requires moving or even replacing fixed optical objects. It is possible to move optical devices around using actuators, and systems using these are classified as having ‘active’ optics. This capability of 7 movement is used for correcting focus, changing magnification, etc. More advanced than these, are systems where the optical surfaces themselves can be modified — these are ‘adaptive optics’. Adaptive optics systems are generally chosen for two purposes: 1. Correction of optical aberrations to improve performance Since the 1950s, astronomy has sought adaptive optics techniques to remove the effects of atmospheric turbulence 1 . More recently, similar techniques have been applied in a range of other sectors such as ophthalmology and defence. 2. Introducing optical aberrations to improve performance Sometimes optical aberrations are deliberately introduced to exploit some beneficial property. Adaptive optics can be used to manipulate the shape of a laser resonator’s beam, for example, with applications in laser material processing. Adaptive optics was first envisioned by Horace W. Babcock as far back as 1953, but it took until the 1990s for computing power to make the technique practical. First used on astronomical telescopes, techniques and capabilities have continued to expand and now adaptive optics finds many diverse applications as explored in this report. 2.3 ADAPTIVE OPTICS TECHNOLOGIES Adaptive optics systems generally consist of three subsystems: 1. Wavefront sensor (WFS) 2. Wavefront modulator (WFM) 3. Control system These are discussed in the sections below. 2.3.1 WAVEFRONT SENSOR In adaptive optics, the role of the wavefront sensor is to estimate the aberrations to which the measured wavefront has been subjected. Ideally, A. Greenaway and J. Burnett, 2004, Technology Tracking: Industrial and Medical Applications of Adaptive Optics, IOP Publishing 1 8 this estimate would be obtained without any a priori knowledge of the input wavefront and would work equally well with any type of light source, reflected or direct. The electromagnetic field strength across the wavefront is quite complex, and the various phase relationships need to be preserved. Unfortunately, most detection techniques available for use with signals at optical and higher frequencies are energy sensitive and do not preserve this phase information. It is the relative phase across a wavefront that contains information about both the object structure (i.e. the image) to be reconstructed and the aberrations to which the radiation has been subjected. Wavefront sensing techniques therefore form part of the general class of techniques for phase reconstruction from energy (intensity) measurements, which occur in X-ray diffraction, nuclear scattering, microscopy, aperture synthesis and optical imaging. The wavefront sensor generally characterises the wavefront shape through estimation of the phase as a function of position on the wavefront. Imaging and other non-interferometric optical methods are insensitive to overall phase changes and the phase measured is the deviation of the test wavefront from a plane wave. In adaptive optics these deviations are then corrected (or at least mitigated) by a wavefront modulator which is programmed to impose on the wavefront equal and opposite distortions, thereby improving instrument performance. Interestingly, wavefront sensors for use in adaptive optics systems don’t have to be combined with algorithms that reconstruct the wavefront shape. Most wavefront sensors can be operated so that the output (control signal) from the wavefront sensor is null when the wavefront is a plane wave. In this case the wavefront sensor is required to indicate where, and preferably in what direction, the wavefront modulator should change the wavefront shape. In this way, different types of wavefront sensor will work optimally with different types of wavefront modulator. In fact, wavefront sensors have many applications beyond the requirements of adaptive optics systems. The deviation of wavefront shape from the known shape of a probe wavefront can be used to characterise the profile of optical components and other surfaces and to characterise the heterogeneity of the refractive index of materials. Further, the measured curvature and relative inclination of an input wavefront can be used to estimate the distance (range) and the bearing (direction) of a source from the observer. Finally, measurement of the shape of a wavefront after 9 passage through an optical system provides a powerful diagnostic on system quality. SHACK-HARTMANN WAVEFRONT SENSORS The Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor is widely used with success in many applications and is the wavefront sensor of choice in terrestrial astronomy. This sensor works by estimating the wavefront shape by using a set of straightline segments, which are in effect planes which can be tilted in 3 dimensions) as shown schematically in Figure 1. Each segment characterises the slope of the wavefront over a small section. The segment positions are defined by a lenslet array through which the incoming wavefront is passed. This sensor is a modification of the Hartmann mask, using the lenses to improve performance when working with faint sources. Figure 1: Schematic of the principle of the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. Each lens in an array of lenses forms an image of a compact source. The images behind the lenslet array should form an even grid in line with the axis of each lens (a). A distortion in the wavefront will alter the image position (b), and this displacement is indicative of the slope of the straightline segments by which the wavefront shape is approximated. The Shack-Hartmann sensor is photometrically efficient and, since each lenslet can be achromatic, is suitable for broad-band operation if the wavefront shape is colour independent. The scheme generally uses a single spatially-resolved detector and allocates only a few pixels for the measurement of the image formed through each lenslet. This is sufficient to permit the centroid of each image to be determined with suitable precision. 10 The operation is usually described in terms of an integration of the twodimensional slope data in order to reconstruct the wavefront, but the sensor can be operated as a null sensor. Used as a null sensor, a deformable mirror in an adaptive optics system is driven to maintain the position of the image formed through each lenslet in the appropriate (and carefully calibrated) axial location for that lens. If the illumination source is a compact object, such as a star, the image centroid is well defined and easy to determine. However, if the scene observed is extended and does not have dominant glint features or other point-object components, the relative tilts of the images formed through each lenslet must be evaluated from cross-correlations between the images formed through each lenslet. The evaluation of such correlations requires more pixels in each image and substantially more computational effort and/or power than is required for evaluation of the centroid of the images of compact objects. PHASE-DIVERSITY AND CURVATURE WAVEFRONT SENSORS A plane wavefront propagating through a homogeneous medium will focus uniformly in one place. If the medium has variations in refractive index, then parts of an image will focus ahead of or behind other parts. One can think of this in terms of the average intensity —where a uniformly focused image has brighter or darker spots in it instead of having a uniform intensity. Hence the propagation of a wavefront can be described using an Intensity Transport Equation (ITE). Phase diversity is usually implemented in the image plane and compares the intensity map of images ahead of and behind that plane, allowing the distortion of the wavefront to be inferred from the variation in intensity. The wavefront curvature method has been implemented using a vibrating membrane mirror to obtain the intensity distribution on either side of the measurement plane. Recent implementations of the phase-diversity approach have used Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs). This particular implementation has the disadvantage that the use of the DOE restricts the optical bandpass but the corrected image and the wavefront sensor data can be delivered to a common detection plane, reducing the likelihood of non-common-path errors. The principles of these wavefront sensors are best explained by considering the operation in the plane of the objective lens. 11 Figure 2: Schematic of the principle of the phase-diversity wavefront sensor. Corrugations in the wavefront in the measurement plane (centre) will alter the local intensities of the wavefront as it propagates: a convex corrugation will cause the wavefront to converge and hence become more intense. This change in intensity is a measure of the local wavefront curvature and may be used to reconstruct the wavefront. Wavefront curvature techniques are still being explored for astronomical applications, but are proving very successful for metrology applications. IMAGE SHARPNESS SENSORS Image sharpness methods depend on the fact that the maximum values of various image sharpness criteria, such as the integral of the square of the image intensity, reach a global maximum value if the optical system producing the image is diffraction limited. An adaptive optics system can be constructed by optimising these sharpness measures using a multi-dither or hill-climbing approach. The iterative and sequential nature of the optimisation means that this approach is generally viable only for systems with relatively few actuators. Thus this method has found widespread application in the optimisation of laser beam delivery, where the sharpest image can be sought using simple deformable mirrors with a few control elements. The method also has the distinct advantage that it does not require the use of flux from the test wavefront for the wavefront sensing operation, but can use the directly-detected image data if that is read sufficiently rapidly. A further advantage is that, because it uses the image data, there is no possibility of non-common path errors between the optical path through the wavefront sensor and that through the imaging system – a feature that can be usefully exploited in combination with other wavefront sensors. 12 WAVEFRONT SENSING IN METROLOGY As mentioned earlier, wavefront sensing can also be used as an enabling technology in metrology: • • • • • • in optical metrology for determination of surface shape (using a reflected beam) measurement of heterogeneity in transparent materials measurement of the thickness and parallelism of transparent laminate structures determination of distance through measurement of wavefront curvature (note, here, that sensitivity is a quadratic function of distance, so good accuracy is achievable only at short range) measurement of the properties of individual optical components and complete optical assemblies validation of the performance of optical signal processing filters. WAVEFRONT SENSING IN MICROSCOPY As may be expected, there are a number of roles for adaptive optics to play in microscopy, where the control of optical aberrations is critical to improving image resolution. A more exacting application occurs when considering two, or multi-photon techniques, and confocal techniques. In the former, fluorescence is stimulated by the addition of energy from multiple photons whose individual energy is otherwise insufficient to provoke this. This is a useful mechanism where higher energy photons would otherwise be damaging to the tissue under investigation. In the latter case, both the field of view of a specimen and the illumination source are tightly limited by a pinhole so that out-of-focus information is greatly reduced. With scanning, this spot can then reconstruct 3D information to some degree. In both of these techniques, the light is of course also passing through a specimen, which will introduce aberrations. There is therefore a role for adaptive optics here in both measuring these aberrations, and in some systems pre-distorting the illumination sources such that the aberrations through the specimen are nullified. A further refinement of this is delivered by coherence gated wavefront sensing (CGWS). The simplest way of measuring the optical characteristics of a specimen is to use bright illumination and fluorescence, but this has the effect of bleaching the fluorophors added to the specimen, and also of course possibly damaging the specimen itself. In CGWS, there is no dependence on fluorescence; instead backscattered light is largely rejected by a coherence gate such that only light that has been scattered very near to the focus is retained. This means that the information 13 necessary to calculate the wavefront correction parameters can be gathered at much lower light intensities; the method then also works with samples which are completely non-fluorescent. 2.3.2 WAVEFRONT MODULATOR Wavefronts can be modified, or ‘modulated’, by reflective or transmissive techniques, typically using deformable mirrors or liquid crystal (LC) lenses. Reflective techniques are conceptually simpler, arguably better developed for end-user applications, and most commonly found in high power handling systems – such as laser machining applications – and systems with requirements for high fidelity such as astronomy. Transmissive systems using LCD cells are less advanced from a market perspective, and suffer losses – including from polarisation sensitivity – but allow for completely different capabilities, such as 3D volumetric display. REFLECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Reflective, or ‘mirror’ surfaces may be made adaptable by segmenting them into smaller sections that can be separately adjusted for tip, tilt and piston. Segmented mirrors have been produced with over 1000 actuators, but a few hundred is more common (see Figure 3). Alternatively, the mirror surface or may be continuous – known as a ‘facesheet’- that is thin enough to be deformed by actuators. In a typical application, a thin glass facesheet mirror will be deformed by the action of piezoelectric actuators. A smaller sized deformable mirror can be made by an arrangement of thin layers of piezoelectric material, and membrane mirrors can be made using the principle of electrostatic distortion of a thin metallic membrane. Figure 3: Segmented mirror used in the Common-User Adaptive Optics Facility at the William Herschel Telescope of the Isaac Newton Group 2 NAOMI – Nasmyth Adaptive Optics for Multi-Purpose Instrumentation – is a joint project of the Isaac Newton Group, the STFC UK Astronomical Technology Centre and the University of Durham 2 14 These mirrors typically range from a few centimetres to a few tens of centimetres in diameter, but much larger systems are often deployed in active mirror control. The largest application area for segmented mirrors has followed from the development of micro mirrors manufactured using Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. The mirror is made using techniques developed from silicon chip production technology where micro-electro-mechanical actuators are produced on a silicon wafer using photo-lithography and etching processes. Owing to the small size and close packing of the components, this technology has the potential of producing mirrors with thousands of actuators at relatively low cost, and this is the technology found in, for example, the Texas Instruments DLP chips used in projection displays. On a larger scale, there is interest in developing deformable mirrors of several metres in size for the next generation of large astronomical telescopes. The choice of substrate for such a mirror is an important one. Current research into large adaptive mirror technology has focused on conventional materials, such as glass or nickel coated aluminium. Both of these have their limitations owing to their relatively high mass and in the case of glass its susceptibility to brittle fracture. Carbon fibre composite materials offer a potentially disruptive improvement, with lower mass, high stiffness and thermal stability, but there are still problems to be overcome in producing an acceptable surface finish. The utility of adaptive optics extends far beyond the specific case of correcting for atmospheric turbulence. Deformable mirror technology can be used to produce lightweight optical systems with high imaging performance. This has applications in space and aviation systems, where mass is a major cost driver. For example, though the operational environment of a spacecraft is relatively benign, mechanically speaking, the launch trauma is significant; the steps taken to mitigate this in the design of the optics and structure add significant mass to the system. A deformable mirror has not only the potential of being lighter, but by being able to correct in orbit for thermal distortions and alignment errors, can achieve a much higher imaging performance whilst relaxing the satellite design constraints, hence reducing overall cost. Again, carbon fibre materials have advantages for such mirror systems. 15 TRANSMISSIVE TECHNOLOGIES As a fundamental optical component, the applications of a lens are of course virtually limitless, but a particular attraction of a ‘solid state’ variable lens is its potential for lightness and reliability. A compound lens system which could zoom and focus without any moving parts would be ideal for a lightweight, compact, reliable camera for many applications including CCTV, consumer products, and machine vision. Also, in intelligent imaging systems where software agents are used to interpret images, or aid an operator in doing so, a range of adaptations enabled by an adaptable lens system could be built into the image analysis algorithms. A number of techniques have been explored for making adaptable lenses, including piezoelectric, acousto-optic techniques and even water-filled systems. Liquid crystal phase devices have, however, proved to be the most promising type of solid state technology because of the relatively large changes of refractive index that are achievable for low voltages. There are a variety of ways of producing a switchable liquid crystal lens, and these enable lenses to be made outside of the typical spherical optics. In short, the effective refractive index of a liquid crystal can be varied by applying an electric field, as we see in display applications. So the first thought for making a lens would be to echo the pixellated layout and have individual control over the electric field in each. Another method uses patterned holed electrodes whereby fringing fields are used to define the phase profile over a small hole in the liquid crystal electrode. This is a simple approach to lens construction, but it can only be used to produce micro-lenses (approximately tens of microns in diameter). The combination of a liquid crystal layer with a fixed lens allows the construction of lenses with small f-ratios; the lens construction and liquid crystal alignment is not trivial, however. It is also possible to make liquid crystal Fresnel lenses, but these have very short focal lengths along with the usual problems of multiple foci and poor off-axis performance. A ‘modal addressing’ technique has been developed by the University of Durham, with the key advantage that the liquid crystal can be controlled without pixels over a large area, and therefore a low order phase structure can be produced very simply and easily. A liquid crystal lens is like a conventional liquid crystal cell, but with only one ‘pixel’. The key difference is that one of the electrodes has a very high resistance (~MΩ/square). As shown in Figure 4(a) it consists of a thin liquid crystal layer (~20µm) placed between glass plates which are coated with 16 electrodes. The electrical analogue of this circuit, as shown in Figure 4(c), is similar to a transmission line, or an array or RC filters. If a voltage is applied to each then the voltage in the centre of the cell will be less than the supply voltages at the edges. By carefully controlling the electrical parameters, a voltage and hence phase profile can be produced which is lens-like. The precise shape of the lens depends on the cell parameters, and the amplitude, frequency and spectral content of the applied voltages. Figure 4: Design of a modal liquid crystal lens. (a) shows the cell cross-section construction (not to scale). A thin film of liquid crystal material is sandwiched between 2 glass plates. Transparent electrodes allow an electric field to be applied across the cell. The light would be transmitted through the cell from top to bottom. (b) shows a plan view of a circular lens. (c) shows the electrical analogue of the cell. The capacitance, c, and (small) conductance, g, is formed by the liquid crystal layer, and the resistance, ρ, is formed by the top high resistance electrode. LC lenses produced in this way are currently 5mm in diameter and have focal lengths varying from infinity down to about 50cm. Interestingly; lenses with astigmatism and spherical aberration can be produced (for aberration correction). The major disadvantage of this type of lens is its relative 17 weakness, and there is current work investigating methods for increasing the optical power. Figure 5: Example interferograms obtained using a modally addressed liquid crystal lens. The focal length is increasing from left to right. Typically, a liquid crystal lens power varies from 0 to 2 dioptres. 2.3.3 CONTROL SYSTEM Connecting the parts of any active or adaptive optics system will be a control system, usually operating in a closed-loop way to achieve the necessary correction. In the most straightforward cases, the type of wavefront sensor is congruent to the wavefront modulation methodology: hence a Shack-Hartmann sensor’s individual poles are mapped to discrete actuators on a one-to-one basis, and the motion of the actuator is determined by a fixed algorithm. These systems can work very well with DSP or FPGA approaches, and can be fast, though speed of correction is always a factor determining the ultimate performance of the system. For atmospheric correction, it is the closed-loop bandwidth of system which determines the wavelengths at which the system is useful: 10Hz, for example, for near infrared. With shortening observed wavelength, the closed-loop bandwidth required increases steeply. Factors which affect the speed at which corrections can be computed are integration time, actuator performance, transfer function complexity and computational horsepower. The read-out rate of the wavefront sensor will be limited by the number of pixels that need to be shifted, and their sensitivity to the incoming light. In fainter light the integration time will increase, hence reducing the read-out cycle. The number of pixels will have an effect, especially in detectors which are read out serially. The processing algorithm will have to take as much account as possible of the behaviour of a given actuator for a given input. The less accurately the actuator behaves, the more cycles of correction will be needed to complete the correction. Along with the physical performance 18 of the actuator (in terms of speed) it will therefore also be limited by any nonlinearities or hysteresis. The trend of continually increasing computational horsepower at any given price point is very helpful in increasing the potential performance of adaptive optics systems, and also in widening their potential application space (as more cost-sensitive applications become viable). Of course not all systems are closed-loop in nature, and are not necessarily fast: the other extreme would be cases such as thermal compensation. In these cases, the control problem is not so directly challenging, but the lack of much in the way of standards or ‘plug-and-play’ devices does mean that each new application will need some degree of customisation. 19 3 GLOBAL APPLICATIONS There are at least 90 companies active in exploiting adaptive optics technologies worldwide 3 . The geographic distribution of these companies is shown in Figure 6. Each company has been classified as one of three types: • Small, niche adaptive optics component suppliers (turnover < £7.5m) • Medium-sized adaptive optics systems suppliers (£7.5m < turnover < £37.5m) • Large companies that have some adaptive optics capability (turnover > £37.5m) Most of the interesting information on applications and market trends come from the medium-sized adaptive optics system suppliers. These companies also give the best available indication of the likely size of adaptive optics markets (since revenues attributable to adaptive optics for large companies are difficult to obtain). 50 45 Number of companies 40 35 30 L 25 M S 20 15 10 5 0 Australia France Germany Israel Italy Japan Netherlands Russia Switzerland UK US Figure 6: Number of companies active in adaptive optics by country (S = small, turnover <£7.5m, M = medium, turnover <£37.5m, L = large) Estimating the total size of the market for adaptive optics products is problematic, since most of the organisations (and all of the very large ones) 3 and various other sources 20 involved in adaptive optics receive only a small proportion of their income from adaptive optics focused business. The global application of adaptive optics can generally be grouped under the following headings: 1. Astronomy. Adaptive optics is being used to correct for atmospheric distortion. 2. Biomedical – Ophthalmology and Microscopy. Adaptive optics is being used to correct eyewear, and for improved results of laser eye surgery. Adaptive optics is used to improve microscope performance by correcting for aberrations introduced by tissue. The ability for certain wavelengths of light to penetrate skin to some degree can exploited to perform optical coherence tomography, and there are companies exploring adaptive optics techniques for delivering optical coherence tomography machines that will be effective at discovering skin cancers. 3. Defence and Security. Adaptive optics is being explored as a method for improving the effectiveness of directed energy weapons, and for retinal scanning, and there is a strong interest in finding ways to apply atmospheric correction horizontally, to improve long distance surveillance capability, target identification, etc. 4. Manufacturing and Industrial Inspection. Adaptive optics is used for welding, laser micromachining, etc. Adaptive optics is also being used for metrology. An emerging field is the use of holographic ‘tweezers’ to manipulate nano-scale particles. Though not yet a routine technique of commercial value, significant improvements in the usability of such systems through the work of groups such as those at Glasgow University and the University of Bristol are making such systems much more practical. 5. Consumer devices. Adaptive optics is used to improve the quality of a displayed image for devices that incorporate digital cameras, and is a fundamental part of CD and DVD players, and likely to prove critical in new higher-density optical storage media. 6. Communications. Adaptive optics is being used to improve the transfer of data using free space optics. Other uses of adaptive optics that don’t fit under the headings above are also considered. 21 A summary of the academic and commercial organisations active in adaptive optics is included in the Annex in Section 6. For the commercial organisations, application areas of specific interest are identified using the six industry sectors above. 60 Number of companies 50 40 30 L M S 20 10 0 Astronomy Biomedical Defence / Security Manufacturing / Industrial Inspection Consumer Devices Communications Figure 7: Number of global companies by size with interests in different sectors (S = small, turnover <£7.5m, M = medium, turnover <£37.5m, L = large) Note that ‘Laser’ and ‘Imaging’ have not been included as application areas since they cut across the industry categories used above. Laser applications, for example, feature in astronomy (adaptive optics for laser guide-stars), biomedical (adaptive optics for refractive eye surgery), defence and security (airborne laser), manufacturing and industrial inspection (laser machining/welding), consumer devices (use of lasers for adaptive optics in 3D optical data storage) and communications (free space optical communications). 3.1 ASTRONOMY For the basic functioning of a telescope, simple, predictable distortions – such as ‘sag’ caused by gravity as a large mirror’s orientation is changed – can be solved by using active optics techniques; more complex distortions, such as those caused by temperature gradients across the system call for adaptive optics. For large ground-based telescopes, and possibly for future space telescopes, any opportunity to relax the mechanical design constraints by the use of adaptive optics is likely to lead to significant mass savings. For 22 different reasons, both of these applications benefit greatly from reduced mass. There is therefore an opportunity to save cost for delivering optics of a given size, or to increase the available aperture for a given budget. In both cases, the increased complexity is also a factor, but as the benefit is significant this is usually an acceptable cost. For certain space applications the availability of such techniques may be enabling. For example, certain space missions may have such exacting mass constraints that there is no way of meeting them without using these advanced techniques. One such mission under consideration is ‘Solar Orbiter’, and individual instrument budgets for this are a matter of a few kg, owing to the capability of the launchers available. The velocity imparted to the spacecraft is known as the ‘velocity increment’, or ∂v, and the implied energy that would get a 12,000kg payload to low Earth orbit, would only achieve 125kg to direct solar orbit. Along with the capability of the launcher to impart the right ∂v for a given payload, the need for increasingly large apertures is also limited by the dimensions of the launcher’s payload bay. This implies the need for segmented optical systems, which will require lightweight approaches as well as correct and accurate positioning of the mirror segments. Adaptive optics will play a part in all aspects of such optical systems, from metrology of the segments in manufacture, to control during deployment and operations. For ground based observatories, almost all new 8m or larger diameter telescopes will incorporate adaptive optics, and systems are being retrofitted to many smaller instruments. Examples of adaptive optics systems in regular use for astronomical research include the two 10m Keck telescopes in Hawaii, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Calar Alto Telescopes in Andalucía, Spain. A large amount of information on the adaptive optics employed by the Keck telescopes (and proposed upgrades) is available on the Keck website 4 . Though largely associated with professional astronomy, products for the amateur astronomy market are already available, such as the AO-7 system from SBIG 5 . These are primarily aimed at the stabilization of faint images, though it might be expected that as the cost of computing power continues to fall, this market could expand both in reach and performance. 4 5 23 French company ALPAO offers a continuous membrane mirror deformed using voice-coil actuators as shown in mirror Figure 8 and Figure 9. Here a set of magnets is attached to a continuous membrane in front of solenoids, and displacement is directly proportional to the currents applied. Figure 8: ALPAO Low-speed deformable mirror 6 This approach yields typical linearity errors below 3%. Moreover, as forces do not depend on material properties, mirrors work in a large range of environmental conditions and a high stroke can be achieved (up to 25 mechanical µm), as the membrane is not attached to the actuators. Various coatings can be deposited on the membrane. Standard products come with silver protected coating ensuring 95% power reflection from 500nm to 2.5µm. The stroke and optical quality of this solution makes it suitable for atmospheric correction on large telescopes. Figure 9: Variation in deformable mirror surface 7 ALPAO are also exploring a new architecture for closed-loop adaptive optics systems, using modular software and hardware. The company is using an open architecture approach to allowed end users to easily integrate their own hardware and algorithms using high level tools such as Matlab, IDL or sciLab. Another French company, CILAS, has provided equipment for the COME-ON, NAOS and VLT projects of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), for the GEMINI telescope in the United States, and for the SUBARU telescope in Japan. 6 7 Image courtesy of Alpao, 24 Excerpt from Keck press release 7th October 2003 Adaptive optics is a technique that has revolutionized ground-based astronomy through its ability to remove the blurring of starlight caused by the earth’s atmosphere. Its requirement of a relatively bright “guide star” in the same field of view as the scientific object of study has generally limited the use of AO to about one percent of the objects in the sky. To overcome this restriction, in 1994 the W.M. Keck Observatory began working with Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) to develop an artificial guide star system. By using a laser to create a “virtual star,” astronomers can study any object in the vicinity of much fainter (up to 19th magnitude) objects with adaptive optics and reduce its dependence on bright, naturally occurring guide stars. Doing so will increase sky coverage for the Keck adaptive optics system from an estimated one percent of all objects in the sky, to more than 80 percent. “This new capability of using a laser guide star with a large telescope has invited astronomers to start exploring the night sky in a much more comprehensive manner,” said Adam Contos, optics engineer at the W.M. Keck Observatory.“In the future, I ld t t j b t i t b i t lli i il t t t k Figure 10: Keck observatory, Hawaii 8 8 Image courtesy Tom Connell, Wildlife Art/Weldon-Owen, Inc. 25 Figure 11: Comparison of images of Io with and without adaptive optics and image from Galileo orbiter. Upper Left: Io image taken with Keck adaptive optics; K-band, 2.2micron. Upper Right: Io image based on visible light taken with Galileo spacecraft orbiter. Lower Left: Io image taken with Keck adaptive optics; L-band, 3.5micron. Lower Right: Io image taken without Keck adaptive optics. 3.2 BIOMEDICAL Adaptive optics has a number of biomedical applications, including eyerelated issues where the problems of imaging the retina through the vitreous humour are directly analogous to astronomical imaging through the atmosphere, and for which similar corrections can be made. Metrological applications of adaptive optics are also very relevant to the eye, and the class-leading laser-vision correction surgical techniques use wavefrontsensing techniques to guide the surgeon. Aside from imaging and metrology applications, application of adaptive optics techniques is enabling the effective use of optical coherence tomography for examination of subsurface tissue for cancer. 3.2.1 OPHTHALMOLOGY Many companies now sell commercial wavefront sensors for assessing a patient’s vision. Sometimes this extends to performing customised laser eye surgery. The market is particularly well developed in the US, unsurprisingly 26 since the US expenditure on healthcare accounts for over 43% of the world market 9 . The world-wide market for autorefractors is approximately 6000. Figure 12: Total Expenditure on Health, 2006 VISION ASSESSMENT Many companies such as Abbot Medical Optics, Alcon, Bausch and Lomb, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Nidek and Wavefront Sciences sell wavefront sensors for assessing vision before and after laser eye surgery. Some of these have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for controlling the laser surgery itself. This enables higher-order aberrations in the eye to be detected and corrected than could be achieved with conventional technology. 9 World Health Organisation statistics, 2006 27 Figure 13: Abbott Medical Optics Wavescan Wavefront System 10 ADAPTIVE OPTICS EYEWEAR Adaptive Eyecare Ltd in the UK has designed water-filled lenses that can be tuned by the wearer. 10000 pairs of these glasses have been made in China and distributed to people that need them in Africa. Figure 14: Adaptive Eyecare Glasses RETINAL IMAGING As with viewing through the atmosphere, retinal imaging is limited in resolution and contrast by the imperfections in the cornea and crystalline lens, as well as by the viscous and heterogeneous nature of the vitreous humour in the eye. The limits on resolution that these effects place on imaging through the eye render important cellular structures invisible. Adaptive optics can be used to improve the resolution of retinal images to reveal individual photoreceptors. Research is being carried out by City University and Optos plc to develop an adaptive optics scanning laser 10 Image courtesy of Abbott Medical Optics 28 ophthalmoscope 11 , and Kestrel Corporation in the US has developed an Adaptive Optics Fundus Imager 12 . Imagine Eyes is also developing a commercial retinal camera using adaptive optics technologies 13 . Adaptive optics off Adaptive optics on Figure 15: Results from City University adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope Other improvements are promised by US-based MEMX, Inc., a spin-off from Sandia National Laboratories’ MEMS programme, which is developing lowcost MEMS deformable mirrors that may deliver an order of magnitude improvement in retinal imaging capability. MEMX estimated in 2004 that the market for these wavefront correctors could be $20m per year. CORNEA ASSESSMENT Kestrel corporation has developed a donor cornea characterisation system which uses wavefront sensing to identify corneas that have been modified by refractive surgery. This is useful because such corneas are unsuitable for transplant because they are structurally weak and may collapse during surgery. Without this system (which could be automated), surgeons must rely on patients’ records and visual assessment. 11 SLO.html 12 13 29 OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY Professor Wolfgang Drexler of the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, and his team have used Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT), enhanced with Imagine Eyes’ patented adaptive optics technology, to develop new clinical imaging techniques dedicated to improving early detection and treatment options for retinal pathologies. The team has unveiled some of the first ever, high-definition, 3dimensional images of the retinal microstructures of a living human eye. These images were produced without any damage or discomfort to the subjects that participated in the study. Michelson Diagnostics is a UK start-up company with a novel multi-beam approach to OCT. 3.2.2 CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY Conventional microscopes illuminate a specimen uniformly through its depth. Confocal microscopes instead focus the light beam into a tight spot that is raster-scanned through the specimen. By imaging through an aperture with a size matched to the resolution of the imaging system, the single point imaged at each scan position is clearly defined in both position and depth. Since shifting the focus of the illumination system relative to the data collection system leads to a significant loss of signal through the aperture, confocal microscopy yields high resolution in all three axes. This approach is especially effective for imaging turbid media, in which scattering from other depths lead to very confused images using conventional microscopes. A threedimensional scan can be completed quickly enough to capture objects that are slowly moving or changing. Adaptive optics is used in confocal microscopy to maintain precisely the focus of both the beam delivery and the data collection systems during scanning. Wavefront sensing techniques can also be used to check the focal depths, scan the beam and compensate for aberrations within the specimen. ADAPTIVE SCANNING OPTICAL MICROSCOPE A problem encountered in wide-field microscopy and all high-power microscopes is the need to image larger samples at higher magnifications, when higher magnification traditionally restricts microscopic field of view. Existing solutions to this problem include the fast-scanning microscope stage and the fast-scanning lens. Fast-scanning stages serve to move different regions of the sample under the objective in an attempt to obtain snap shots 30 that can be stitched together to form a complete image. Often, however, the moving mechanics themselves introduce new image aberrations. The fast-scanning lens, on the other hand, does not rely on a moving stage, yet traditionally requires expensive and complex optics to overcome inherent image blurring caused by off-axis lens aberrations. As an alternative to these solutions, Dr. Benjamin Potsaid's team at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute created the Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope, which uses fastscanning lens technology coupled with an economical mini-deformable mirror to compensate for off-axis aberrations. Figure 16: Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (Thorlabs ASM9600) 14 The effect is the ability to correct aberrations caused by optical imperfections but at a greatly reduced cost when compared to a typical high-powered, wide field-of-view scanning microscopes. The ASOM (shown in Figure 16) has been licensed by Thorlabs and is commercially available. 3.2.3 CELL ANALYSIS Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) is a novel imaging technology in which the phase or wavefront information in light is captured, thereby adding shape and form to an image and enabling otherwise invisible objects to be imaged. It is the world's first digital phase/wavefront technique allowing for the capture of high resolution digital wavefront images. Iatia Vision Sciences in Australia has developed an algorithm for QPI that enables extraction of phase information from incoherent, polychromatic radiation without needing special optical components. Two conventional 14 Image courtesy of Thorlabs, Inc. 31 bright field images taken at slightly different focal planes are needed to recover phase information. The algorithm returns phase and intensity information independently, and provides quantitative, absolute phase (with DC offset). It works with non-uniform and partially coherent illumination, offers relaxed beam conditioning, and solves the twin image problem of holography. In 2004, GE Healthcare incorporated QPI into its IN Cell 1000 cell analyzer, an automated cell imager providing high-throughput image analysis for use in basic research, assay development and drug discovery applications. The use of QPI in the IN Cell 1000 allows phase contrast images to be generated without needing to incorporate costly and cumbersome optical systems. It also allows bright field data to be captured simultaneously with phase contrast images without needing to change optical configurations and slow down throughput. A further benefit is that segmentation for automated postcapture analysis is improved by using pure phase (optical thickness) data. Figure 17: GE Healthcare’s IN Cell 1000 15 3.3 DEFENCE AND SECURITY A number of adaptive optics organisations have their roots in the US Air Force Research Laboratory (US-AFRL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. These include AMO Wavefront Sciences, which has developed a wavefront sensor for ophthalmic applications, Baker Associates, which specialises in deformable mirror technology, and Kestrel, which has worked on phase-diversity wavefront sensors with QinetiQ. Some companies have developed adaptive display technologies with applications that include defence. For example, Germany company Holoeye supplies LCOS micro-displays for Head Mounted Displays (HMD) and Heads 15 Image courtesy of Iatia Vision Sciences 32 Up Display (HUD), with applications in automotive, aerospace, and defence sectors. There are, however, three main defence applications that employ adaptive optics: • Laser missile defence • Surveillance • Defence communications There are also security applications such as using adaptive optics for access control through iris recognition technology. These are described in turn below. 3.3.1 LASER MISSILE DEFENCE Adaptive optics is incorporated in both ground-based and airborne missile defence systems, which focus laser beam energy on incoming missiles. Adaptive optics can also be used to compensate for thermal blooming, in which a high-power beam transmitted through the atmosphere is caused to deviate upwind due to the cooler, higher density air on the upwind side of the beam. There is a significant amount of literature in particular on the US Airborne Laser (ABL) programme. Under development for long-range missile defence (the laser has an effective range of over 100 miles), ABL consists of a modified Boeing 747-400F aircraft with a megawatt-class chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) emitting a 1.315-micron beam. The ABL is intended to detect and track missiles near their launch site, then aim and fire the laser beam to destroy them. The laser contains six modules, each the size of a large car. A 3m turret mounted on the aircraft nose contains a 1.5m telescope, and aims the laser so the pilot doesn’t have to turn the plane to fire at a missile. 33 Figure 18: Boeing 747 with airborne laser 16 The ABL depends on adaptive optics techniques for more than one aspect of successful operations, which proceed as follows. Firstly, six infrared sensors detect the exhaust plume of a missile. Then, a kilowatt-class laser system is used to track the missile. During this phase, a second kilowatt-class laser measures disturbances in the atmosphere. This is then fed to a further adaptive optics system to compensate for atmospheric tilt and phase distortions, using a deformable mirror containing 341 actuators and a closedloop bandwidth of about 1 kHz. Finally, the ABL directs the COIL’s megawatt beam onto a pressurised area of the missile and holds it there for three to five seconds, until the missile breaks apart. 16 Image courtesy of Boeing, 34 Press Release: Boeing Airborne Laser Team Begins Weapon System Flight Tests EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., April 24, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], industry teammates and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency have begun Airborne Laser (ABL) flight tests with the entire weapon system integrated aboard the ABL aircraft. ABL, a heavily modified Boeing 747-400F aircraft, completed its functional check flight April 21 from Edwards Air Force Base with the beam control/fire control system and the high-energy laser onboard, confirming the aircraft is airworthy, ready for more airborne tests, and on track for its missile-intercept demonstration this year. "With ABL's return to flight, we are on the verge of fully demonstrating the unprecedented speed, mobility, precision and lethality that ABL could provide to America's warfighters," said Michael Rinn, Boeing vice president and ABL program director. ABL would deter potential adversaries and provide speed-of-light capability to destroy all classes of ballistic missiles in their boost phase of flight. Eliminating missiles in their boost phase would reduce the number of shots required by other elements of the layered ballistic missile defense system. ABL also has the potential to be employed for other missions, including destroying aircraft and surface-to-air missiles. The program has logged many accomplishments over the past several years. In 2007, ABL completed almost 50 flight tests that demonstrated its ability to track an airborne target, measure and compensate for atmospheric conditions, and deliver a surrogate high-energy laser beam on the target. In 2008, the team completed installing the high-energy laser onboard the aircraft and, for the first time, operated the entire weapon system at high power levels. Boeing is the prime contractor and overall systems integrator for ABL, and provides the modified aircraft and battle management system. Northrop Grumman supplies th hi h l d L kh d M ti id th b t l/fi t l 3.3.2 SURVEILLANCE Adaptive optics has been used for space-object imaging at the US Air Force base at Maui, Hawaii, for two decades. Other surveillance applications have received less attention, but discussions of target identification and tracking have been published. The ranges here are generally much shorter than for the ABL, but it is often undesirable to use laser illumination. Instead, passive observation in the infrared is generally employed, where adaptive optics can play a role in compensating for atmospheric turbulence. Where laser illumination is used, for example for burst illumination in the near infrared, adaptive optics can be exploited to control divergence of the 35 illumination probe. The likelihood of laser interrogation being detected can be minimised by using adaptive optics to concentrate the beam onto a very small target area. Iatia's Quantitative Phase Imaging technology provides passive and covert depth imaging for defence and homeland security applications for the Australian Department of Defence, including: • Passive ranging. By utilising available light or heat signatures, Iatia's technology is able to generate target ranging information passively and covertly without the expense and power requirements of active systems such as lasers. • Shape detection (camouflage negation). QPI is capable of detecting the shape of camouflaged objects independent of their colour or brightness contrast. Figure 19: Quantitative Phase Imaging for camouflage negation 17 3.3.3 DEFENCE COMMUNICATIONS Modern warfare requires secure, reliable, high-capacity communications networks. A main objective for deployed forces is a communication system that permits on-the-move, over- the-horizon, sharing of data throughout the chain of command. These networks must also be able to provide efficient communications for both manned and unmanned airborne and groundbased systems. The objective is to provide a strategic and tactical network linking airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets, tasking, processing, exploitation and dissemination centres and ground-based force elements. 17 Image courtesy of Iatia Vision Sciences 36 To meet projected future military requirements, Free-Space Optical Communications (FSOC) and RF systems in higher frequency bands will need to be employed to alleviate bandwidth bottlenecks. AOptix Defense Lasercom uses adaptive optics in FSOC to seamlessly extend static fibre-optic networks to include airborne sensors, command platforms and deployed tactical units, offering 40 Gbps data rates over a distance of 150km 18 . Figure 20: AOptix LCT-5 Lasercom Terminal 19 3.3.4 SECURITY AOptix Iris Biometrics has developed a technology which uses adaptive optics for automated iris imaging. Operating at a nominal stand-off distance of 2m, the InSight™ adaptive optics system uses multi-stage, real time, closed loop control to automatically find the subject within a very large capture zone, avoiding rigid subject positioning requirements of conventional systems. Using a powerful microprocessor, InSight finds and tracks a subject’s eye in real time, enabling automation of enrolment or recognition processes. The value of adaptive optics is that it provides 3D localisation information from a 2D sensor, so the system “knows” where the subject’s eye is located anywhere within the large capture volume during the entire process. As a result, the iris images are always centred and focused, improving accuracy. Applications include border and airport security, issuing of ID cards, office access control and law enforcement. 18 19 Images courtesy of AOptix Technologies, Inc. 37 3.4 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION 3.4.1 MANUFACTURING Laser percussion drilling is a precision manufacturing technique in which small holes are drilled in a material using laser beams. For example, BAE Systems is interested in using laser percussion drilling to perforate aerofoils with holes of high regularity and good quality, since porous aerofoils may reduce consumption of aviation fuel by up to 10%. Aircraft turbine blades could be machined in the same way to reduce turbulence and so increase turbine efficiency. The quality of holes is highly sensitive to the laser beam quality, and intracavity adaptive optics could be exploited to measure and control the quality of laser pulses, ensuring the holes produced are of the optimum size and shape. Intracavity adaptive optics can control both the length of a laser pulse and the distribution of energy within it. This is of particular value for femtosecond laser pulses, which can be used for delicate laser materials processing. By removing material in an ablative process, this provided a much finer finish than the melt-ejection processes typical of laser percussion drilling. Femtosecond lasers could be important for machining surgical instruments and prosthetic joints, since form and texture are thought to be important for extending their lifetime. Finally, these very short pulse lasers are set to form a key manufacturing capability for photovoltaic cell massproduction, where the reduced sub-surface damage that they leave is critical for cutting and splicing actions. Laser hole drilling, perforation, ablation and surface texturing are amongst the laser materials processing applications of Swiss microlens array manufacturer SUSS MicroOptics. Adaptive optics has a role to play in annealing, welding, engraving, forming, cutting and other laser-based manufacturing processes, since beam quality and focus are vital for obtaining good results. By controlling the beam focus with extracavity adaptive optics, the beam can be delivered over a larger area and the need to reposition the workpiece is reduced; this increases the speed and accuracy of the process. It is sometimes possible that material removed by the laser re-attaches to the workpiece. This would normally require the workpiece to be rescanned with a low intensity beam. A better approach using adaptive optics would be to create a beam shape with a central sharp peak to perform the drilling and a lower intensity ‘skirt’ to prevent re-attachment of ejected material. Adaptive 38 optics can also be used to ensure the beam quality is maintained when an industrial laser is transmitted over long distances. In rapid manufacturing, continuously adjustable focusing optics can be used for laser-assisted direct metal deposition (DMD™) processes. Adaptive mirror arrangements and beam movement enables variable deposition width and geometry. This allows increased deposition rate while maintaining dimensional tolerances. The focusing optics and method are adapted under closed-loop feedback, so complicated features can be fabricated with close tolerance stress and microstructure control to improve lead-time and design flexibility. Used by BMW for automotive manufacturing, scanner welding technology developed by German company TRUMPF employs adaptive optics by guiding a laser beam using mobile mirrors. This makes welding in series production faster, more accurate, and more cost-effective than traditional welding processes. By incorporating an additional lens system, the focus point can also be offset dynamically, allowing three-dimensional components to be processed completely without moving either the processing head or the part. The high speed of translation movements means that downtime is nearly eliminated, with the laser working during nearly 100% of the available fabrication time. Scanner optics can also be guided over the workpiece during welding, with movements synchronised with a robot in real time. The use of a robot significantly increases the workspace, permitting true threedimensional part processing. The value of adaptive optics in Europe is recognised in the Photonics21 organisations’ Work Group 2: “Industrial Production / Manufacturing and Quality”. Photonics21 is a stakeholder group with industrial, academic and governmental participation across 49 countries. 3.4.2 INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION Wavefront sensors are a viable alternative to interferometric techniques usually used for optical metrology – i.e. measurements of distance, direction, surface shape and media-induced wavefront distortions. A range of commercial products for wavefront-sensing based metrology is available from French company Imagine Optic (Figure 21), offering wavefront (as seen by the sensor) measurement accuracies of λ/100 to λ/1000 for visible wavelengths. 39 HASO 3 FIRST ShackHartmann Wavefront Sensor HASO HP-26 Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor HASO X-EUV Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor Figure 21: Imagine Optic Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensors In 2005, Imagine Optic introduced the world's first X-EUV wavefront sensor in response to customer demand in synchrotron metrology and nanolithography, and in 2007 they released a new version of their award winning HASO sensor line and adaptive optics software package. They have also developed a sensor for x-ray and extreme ultraviolet metrology. Phasics manufactures high resolution wavefront sensors (SID4) based on new, patented technology – 4 wave lateral shearing interferometry. The effects of SID4 are shown in Figure 22. This offers good design features for laser characterisation and optical metrology: sensitivity, high resolution and dynamic range measurement. Phasics adaptive optics systems promise to optimise beam focusing and beam shaping in real time. Their OASys product line includes the SID4 wave front sensor, a deformable mirror and the software to drive both the analyser and the deformable mirror. The OASys software is dedicated to control the wavefront modulator and is linked to the SID4 main interface software. Intensity Phase Usual wavefront sensor Intensity Phase Phasics wavefront sensor 40 Figure 22: Effect of Phasics SID4 wavefront sensor 20 Phasics also offer technology for measuring lens quality. Their Kaleo system simultaneously measures aberrations, focal length, point spread function and modulation transfer function for spherical and aspherical optics. This allows characterisation of highly opened optics (up to f/1.6) without a relay lens. 3.5 CONSUMER DEVICES ‘Consumer devices’ represents a new sector for the application of adaptive optics, and a potentially exciting one given the seemingly insatiable appetite amongst the public for electronic gadgets. So far, application of adaptive optics in this sector has been limited, probably because size and cost are key differentiators in this market. One company that has entered this sector is Varioptic, producing liquid lenses based on the electrowetting phenomenon for camera phones and other consumer and business devices. In electrowetting (see Figure 23), a drop of water is deposited on a metal substrate covered by a thin insulating layer. A voltage is then applied to the substrate, changing the contact angle of the water drop. The liquid lens uses two liquids of the same density – one insulator and one conductor. A change to the applied voltage changes the curvature of the liquid-liquid interface, thereby modifying the lens’ focal length. Figure 23: Varioptic lenses based on electrowetting 21 The key advantages of this technology are: 20 Images courtesy of Phasics, 21 Image courtesy of Varioptic 41 • Large inverse focal length range • Ruggedness (no moving parts) • Fast response • Good optical quality • Good transparency in the visible range • Wide operating temperature range • Good stability of the optical axis • Low power consumption • Cheap construction Over the last few years, camera phones have revolutionised the mobile phone market, with cameras developing from nice-to-have features, to musthave features for most market segments. More than half of all mobile phones sold in 2006 came with an embedded camera, and camera phone sales could hit the 1 billion mark by 2010 22 . Mobile phone handset manufacturers have recognised that there is an opportunity not only to serve the changing demands of mobile phone customers, but in doing so to capture part of the market for low end digital still cameras. For this to be possible, mobile phone handsets need to offer a similar level of image quality to that promised by low end dedicated cameras. This is difficult to achieve using conventional technology, since the space available in mobile phone handsets is very limited compared to that in dedicated cameras, which makes the liquid lens technology develop by Varioptic particularly promising. 3.6 COMMUNICATIONS AND SENSING 3.6.1 COMMUNICATIONS Free-space optical communications (FSOC) technology is of interest in several areas, ranging from military communications (see Section 3.3.3) to rapid deployment of high-bandwidth commercial communications links over short distances, such as for live external broadcasting. Free-space optics systems are particularly valuable where laying of fibre-optic cables would be 22 42 difficult, but in most urban environments, physical constraints, absorbent surfaces and heated or air-conditioned buildings can reduce beam quality over even quite short distances. Adaptive optics helps by focusing the beam tightly onto a small area detector, and by correcting for atmospheric turbulence, atmospherically-induced beam spread/wander, and speckle effects. Adaptive optics cannot correct for scattering caused by fog and aerosols, however, which limit the useful range of FSOC. AOptix Commercial Lasercom offers an adaptive optics-based system for the point to point transmission of data, with significant benefits over RF links. These include an order of magnitude higher bandwidth with the capability of 10 Gbps over distances of 5 km. One of the first applications for this technology will be for the wireless transmission of high-definition film and video production on remote location shoots. This approach can simplify deployment, reduce set-up time, lower power requirements and reduce hardware costs. It also offers new options in wireless network configurations that would have been too slow and costly before. 3.6.2 SENSING Adaptive optics can correct for effects of atmospheric turbulence in imaging applications, such as sports photography, wildlife and other long-distance photography, imaging in furnaces and reactor vessels, underwater imaging and aerial imagery. It is hard to imagine any one of these applications promising a large enough market on its own to justify the necessary investment to develop a compact, robust adaptive optics system for a price that the market will bear. If low cost technology were developed for highend consumer cameras, however, this market sector may develop as a spinoff. 43 4 UK SPECIFIC The number of UK companies interested in adaptive optics is shown in Figure 24. The distribution of companies by application sector is strikingly similar to that for the global picture shown in Figure 7. It seems reasonable to assert, therefore, that the UK supply chain for adaptive optics is fairly similar to the US supply chain (which dominates global activity since it has by far the largest number of companies interested in adaptive optics). 10 9 Number of companies 8 7 6 5 L 4 M S 3 2 1 0 Astronomy Biomedical Defence / Security Manufacturing / Industrial Inspection Consumer Devices Communications Figure 24: Number of UK companies by size with interests in different sectors (S = small, turnover <£7.5m, M = medium, turnover <£37.5m, L = large) As we have explained in Section 3 above, adaptive optics has many roles it can play beyond its classical origins in professional astronomy. Significant steps towards the move from big-budget programmes in defence and astronomy have been made, owing in part to the reduction in cost of computing and sensing devices, and also to the growth of the use of lasers in manufacturing processes, where they are not just a new type of cutting or welding machine, but also offer new capabilities for fabrication that are changing the way that things are designed. Other growth areas include surveillance and medical diagnostics, but adaptive optics is not to be found in routine use everywhere, and there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, systems are still relatively large. More work is needed to reduce the size and cost of components and systems. Secondly, there is still a question of 44 getting the knowledge of the capabilities that adaptive optics could bring to the wider market. Finally, though attempts at toolkits for adaptive optics have been made in the past, and have led to some very cost-effective unit parts, there is still no interchangeable plug-and-play standard which would remove the need for every development to be a one-off. Critical to this will be the development of standardised interfaces and a protocol that enables different components to work together. It is curious that there has been little impetus to overcome the DIY culture of adaptive optics, and this suggests that there is still a role for some integrating activity at a higher level, connecting academic and highend industrial research to new applications and users. With a defined standard, and the easy availability of standard plug-and-play components, exploitation of stand-alone adaptive optics technologies will become increasingly practical. Some existing applications already make use of a single adaptive optics element of course, beam shaping or metrology for instance, but the emergence of plug-and-play components with standard inputs and outputs will stimulate a wider range of applications that will help to drive volumes and reduce costs. For wavefront sensors, there is interesting activity at Nottingham University making an on-chip integrated wavefront sensor using their capabilities with custom chip fabrication. This sort of device will be decisively useful in reducing the size and cost of wavefront sensors. The same goes for work at Heriot-Watt University, where they are exploring other low-cost techniques for phase-diversity/wavefront-curvature sensors. 45 Figure 25: Texas Instruments DLP For wavefront modulators, there are promising developments in low-cost membrane mirrors and MEMS devices. These last are proliferating as the technology of choice for projector devices, with the Texas Instruments DLP (shown in Figure 25) being the most famous device. The main technology for transmissive wavefront modulation is still the liquid crystal cell, but there are still issues with achieving significant optical power in these as the aperture increases, and their polarising effect may be problematic in some applications. Although strictly speaking some adaptive optics components are easily purchased off-the-shelf, production volumes are still small, and hence the price and supply are respectively too high and too unreliable. Another byproduct of this tends to be relatively poor documentation, and as with other applications for COTS products in high reliability systems, this is a barrier to uptake. A degree of translation is required for the methods and abilities and applications techniques for adaptive optics components, and they need to be as routinely available as any other section in a generic optical components catalogue. The following sections present some details about the companies and institutions researched for this report. Where practical they are separated by 46 domains, though some of their capabilities may have multiple applications. The list is not exhaustive. 4.1 ASTRONOMY 4.1.1 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATIONS COMMERCIAL Andor Andor are based in Northern Ireland, and are a spin-out from Queen’s University Belfast. The company was set up in 1989 with the mission of producing scientific cameras, and they have particular IP in very low light and high sensitivity devices. These can be useful for wavefront sensing, where a very high readout rate can mean that even in bright light, the number of photons in each readout frame may be small. Figure 26: Andor iXon camera Their ultra fast iXon DV860-BV EMCCD camera has been applied as the wavefront sensor in a new optical system for profiling of atmospheric turbulence strength with altitude, based on low-light level stellar wavefront sensing. The detector has a peak quantum efficiency of 92 percent at 550nm, and a maximum EM gain of 1000 times which yields an effective RMS read noise of <0.1 electron. Frame rates of up to 500Hz (full frame 128 x 128 pixels with no binning) are possible. Typically frame rates of approximately 200Hz are used for slope detection and ranging (SLODAR, a method for assessing atmospheric turbulence), with exposure times of 1-2 ms. The system comprises a Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor mounted on a Meade 47 40cm Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. The WFS is made up of a collimating lens, a lenslet array, and a short pass filter (550nm cut-off), in a compact tube mounting attached directly to the EMCCD head. This system was commissioned by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and constructed by the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation (CfAI) at the University of Durham, UK. It is currently installed at the ESO observatory at Cerro Paranal in Chile (Figure 27). The camera, operated through Linux, performs optimally in relation to low light level wavefront sensing in astronomy. Figure 27: Atmospheric Measurements at the ESO observatory at Cerro Paranal, Chile The advent of small electron-multiplying CCDs is potentially very useful for adaptive optics applications, but standard desktop PCs are still short of the sort of computational horsepower that is needed, and Andor is also working on DSP solutions for the image processing. Figure 28: Andor Newton camera BAE SYSTEMS BAE Systems have interests in many areas which could benefit from adaptive optics, including laser and imaging systems. In many of these applications even small improvements can lead to meaningful size, energy and cost savings. BAE Systems are actively engaged in developing all aspects of practical adaptive optics systems, and a particular interest at their Advanced Technology Centre in Great Baddow is in deformable mirrors and their control systems. One design has a gold coated mirror approximately 90 mm in 48 diameter which can be reshaped up to 1000 times every second in order to correct for very fast movement of the atmosphere. e2v With a history dating back to 1947, e2v is as world-leading sensor development company, with interests in aerospace & defence. e2v sensor technology includes products for military surveillance, targeting and guidance, space-based imaging and astronomy, radar, electronic warfare, and broadband data converters and microprocessors for aerospace applications. e2v’s L3 CCD (‘Low Light Level’) camera is a Queen’s award winning device with imaging sensors so sensitive that they can detect individual photons even when running at high speed. e2v routinely provides image sensors for the most demanding applications in space, astronomy and scientific imaging; as well as medical, industrial machine vision, security and professional broadcast, cinematography and digital still camera markets. Observatory Sciences Observatory Sciences was founded in 1998 by a number of scientists formerly at the Royal Greenwich observatory. They are an independent specialist developer and supplier of hardware and software for the control of telescopes and other complex applications. Observatory Sciences have worked on a number of adaptive optics systems around the world. Starpoint Starpoint Adaptive Optics is a small company formed specifically to exploit the wide range of commercial opportunities emerging for adaptive optics technologies. The company offers low-cost, solution-level adaptive optics products and design services to the optical systems industry and to the applied optics research community. Starpoint's key products are Quicksilver, an all-in-one board-level adaptive optics system, and AmpArray[32]™, a 32-channel HV amplifier for driving adaptive mirrors, and the AmpArrayLV™, a 37-channel deformable mirror drive intended for continuous facesheet mirrors with very high actuator capacitance. ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENTAL 49 STFC UK Astronomy Technology Centre The UK Astronomy Technology Centre is funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council, and is located at the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh. The facility is the UK’s centre for large astronomy projects and has significant capabilities for project management and technology integration. Durham Now associated with the university’s Centre for Advanced Instrumentation, the work at Durham spans the full range of academic interests in this domain. Their work is very much rooted in astronomical applications, and currently includes: • Multi-conjugate adaptive optics • Laser guide stars • Very high-order systems (that is, systems with very large numbers of actuators) • SLODAR • Liquid crystal lenses Applications for the liquid crystal lenses for astronomy are largely in the domain of simulation of atmospheric turbulence. Nottingham The applied optics group at the Department of Electrical and Engineering , Nottingham University are mainly concerned at the integration level with optics, ultrasonics electronics and lasers, and mainly in applications such as medicine and materials, however their work on an integrated wavefront sensor is very applicable to astronomy. This project integrates a ShackHartmann sensor and the processing onto a single chip. This has advantages for size, and also processing throughput and communications bandwidth as the majority of the functional processing takes place on board the sensor chip. Imperial The applied photonics group is mainly active in non-astronomical adaptive optics domains such as ophthalmology. The group’s interest in low-cost adaptive optics is very relevant to the amateur and small observatory markets, and they have undertaken projects in these areas. 50 University College London Part of UCL’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Optical Science Laboratory has heritage in working on astronomical applications. This group undertakes work in deformable mirrors including novel materials, and novel approaches such as the embedding of fibre-Bragg gratings into deformable elements such that the strain measurement can be used to calculate deformations. 4.1.2 NEAR MARKET OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities for development in professional astronomy amount to: producing instrumentation for existing telescopes, limited then by the various nations’ budgets; and equipping new generations of telescopes. Telescope programmes under consideration at the moment include an ‘Extremely Large Telescope’ for ESO, the European Southern Observatory, and a 4m aperture Solar Observatory for the NSF in the USA. 4.1.3 LONGER TERM MARKET OPPORTUNITIES The following areas are of significant interest: Wavefront Sensors Smaller and cheaper sensors will facilitate entry and growth in the smaller observatory market, and ultimately the market for amateur astronomers; more sensitive detectors (which can be read out faster) will allow faster closed-loop correction, and this will make adaptive optics effective at progressively smaller wavelengths. Wavefront Modulators Continuous facesheet mirrors of increasing size will need more actuators, and will have exponentially more computationally intensive control systems. The business cases for extremely large telescopes in Europe and US are dependent on the use of adaptive optics as their apertures extend beyond the sensible limit for even the best atmospheric ‘seeing’. Lighter materials for optics 51 These will probably be new materials such as carbon fibre, and will enable deployment of large mirrors in other applications, such as volumetric display. For spacecraft use, the use of adaptive optics systems to allow relaxation of specifications for thermal and mechanical design will lead to significant overall mass savings. Larger space telescopes are required for earth observation (note, there is not a role for adaptive optics in atmospheric correction through the atmosphere in reverse), and for remote sensing using LiDAR. 4.2 BIOMEDICAL 4.2.1 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATIONS COMMERCIAL Adaptive Eyecare Adaptive Eyecare was founded by Joshua Silver, Professor of Physics at University of Oxford, with the specific aim of bringing improved vision to people in the third world. Their product seems orthogonal to traditional adaptive optics, nevertheless as a transmissive device in which fluid pressure is altered to provide a change in optical behaviour for the correction of aberrations elsewhere in the optical chain (i.e. the eye) then this is certainly an adaptive optics product. The company is aiming to manufacture a billion products, and is working with the University’s Centre for Vision in the Developing World. Figure 29: Joshua Silver (left) demonstrating two versions of his company’s liquid filled eyewear 52 Davin Optronics Davin Optronics is a components and systems supplier, and provide primarily eye inspection systems. Other bespoke system designs are carried out inhouse. e2v Alongside e2v's broad range of standard and custom CCD imaging devices, their L3Vision EMCCD sensors and cameras offer an extended capability in very low light imaging. The image signal is amplified on the chip while still in the charge domain. This allows the sensor to operate in real time with subelectron equivalent readout noise, enabling very dim sources to be imaged. Performance can be further extended by the use of shielded anti-blooming, which maintains full well capacity for the pixels and high quantum efficiency whilst minimising leakage from cell to cell from strong light sources in the object being imaged. This makes their cameras particularly suitable for integration into adaptive optics systems designed for the detection of fluorescent and luminescent markers in life sciences. Epigem Epigem manufactures customised replica microlens arrays for a wide variety of optical and opto-electronic applications. Michelson Diagnostics Michelson Diagnostics has developed a novel high-resolution imaging technology using multi-beam Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) that provides a breakthrough in imaging performance. Multi-Beam OCT is able to produce images of the sub-surface detail in soft and hard biological tissue, silicon and some plastics and ceramics, in real time, and at microscopic resolution (better than 10 μm). The machines produced by Michelson Diagnostics are simple to set up, and are small – ultimately hand-held. Being able to examine sub-surface detail in this way will be particularly helpful in the early detection (and hence treatment) of skin cancers. Optos PLC Optos is a leading medical technology company that designs and manufactures retinal imaging devices. The company exploits adaptive optics to improve the diagnostic capability and resolution of retinal images, and provides machines around the world for opticians to use for screening and 53 record-keeping purposes. As mentioned earlier in this report, the capability for adaptive optics to improve observations through the vitreous humour means that, along with the health of the eye itself, it is also possible to make direct observations of the impact and effectiveness of emerging pharmaceutical therapies for the leading causes of blindness and certain, major systemic diseases, including diabetes, vascular and neurological disorders. QinetiQ Arden and QinetiQ are working to develop commercial products based on the Image Multiplex (IMP) diffraction grating, designed at QinetiQ as a phase-diversity wavefront sensor for atmospheric adaptive optics systems. Arden sells an IMP-based wavefront sensor, the AWS-50, for metrology applications. QinetiQ is also working with Kestrel Corp in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to medical imaging systems based on the IMP grating. This system measures corneas that have been reserved for transplantation before the surgical procedure takes place. Thorlabs Thorlabs makes an Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope which exploits adaptive optics technology to provide the world’s first optical imaging microscope that avoids the trade-off between field of view (FOV) and image resolution. By combining a large-area fast steering mirror, a large-aperture scan lens, and a 32 kHz deformable mirror, their microscope is capable of imaging a 1250 mm2 field of view while providing a uniform resolution of 1.5 μm throughout the entire viewing area. ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENTAL Cardiff University The school of optometry at Cardiff University have interests in wavefront sensing in the eye, and are also leading players in the application of Optical Coherence Tomography. City University City University are a leading group in the UK for wavefront sensing in the eye, and have shown that adaptive optics makes a decisive contribution to the 54 improvement in resolution that is possible especially in eyes with significant defects. University of Durham The University of Durham has interests in the application of adaptive optics to microscopy, and particularly to wide-field imaging. Heriot-Watt University Allied to their work applying adaptive optics to pulse shaping in femtosecond lasers, Heriot-Watt are also using this for 2D and 3D microscopy applications. Imperial College Imperial College’s interests in this domain include optical tomography, tear film topography and ophthalmology. Institute of Photonics (University of Strathclyde) The IOP interests include application of adaptive optics techniques to highresolution microscopy, and have worked on a technique where the wavefront distortions are not directly measured, but instead the image itself is used as a basis for the improvement algorithm applied via a membrane mirror. The group have also been investigating the applicability of adaptive optics to coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy (CARS). University of Oxford The university of Oxford have worked with the Institute of Photonics (above) in the areas of image based algorithms and techniques to improve microscope performance, and are also working on techniques for 3D microscopy and the use of light for cell stimulation and initiation of chemical reactions. 4.2.2 NEAR MARKET OPPORTUNITIES There is a growing public interest in, and understanding of the value of retinal examination and record keeping for diagnosis of eye and other ailments for which the eye is a good indicator. Local opticians are already offering retinal photographs, and further extension of the quality of these through adaptive optics enhanced systems such as those on offer from Optos will give a competitive edge. 55 Another area of strong growth is Optical Coherence Tomography. The publishers of BioOptics World report the current global market as worth $200M, with annual growth rate of 34%. This field is seen as ‘recession-proof’, and set to top $800M by 2012. The technique is popular because the hardware is now becoming very cost-effective compared with the value of the diagnosis – and concomitant treatment savings. 4.2.3 LONGER TERM MARKET OPPORTUNITIES The ageing population will increase demand for medical care. One application of interest for adaptive optics is increased demand for corrective laser surgery. The worldwide market for refractive surgery was estimated to exceed £2B in 2008 23 . By 2020 over 1 billion people will be aged 60 or over (currently over 700m). 4.3 DEFENCE AND SECURITY 4.3.1 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATIONS COMMERCIAL Andor Defence is a major market for Andor, whose cameras are suitable for high resolution through the atmosphere, potentially working well with adaptive optics for correction. BAE SYSTEMS As per the description in the astronomy section, BAE Systems research and deployment spans a number of activities in adaptive optics space, particularly aiming at improving performance. For laser systems the interests are in beam forming and control, especially for directed energy weapons. For imaging there is of course an interest in correction of atmospheric aberrations, and this has many applications in surveillance, remote sensing and target identification. QinetiQ 23 Ophthalmology Times - September 15, 2006, cited at Lasik Surgery News, 56 QinetiQ is a large company working in core markets of defence and security, and they execute a very wide range of research and technology development. Relevant to adaptive optics, these include MEMS design and fabrication capabilities, and novel sensor development capabilities. As well as developing underpinning technology, QinetiQ has customers with interests in complex remote sensing applications where adaptive optics techniques are enabling new capability. These include large area optical searching and tracking multiple targets, lightweight optics for remote sensing and surveillance. ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENTAL None 4.3.2 NEAR MARKET OPPORTUNITIES The UK has a very large and still growing CCTV market, with 450,000 cameras shipped in 2008. This is a very price sensitive market, but the cameras require skill to install and there is an opportunity for adaptive optics devices to de-skill installation and hence save costs in deployment. 4.3.3 LONGER TERM MARKET OPPORTUNITIES The hot topics for defence and security are about long-range imaging. While there are still open questions about the limits of what can be achieved for correction through the horizontal atmosphere, a lot of potential exists for improved imaging at distance, and hence face, or target recognition. A further key interest is in adding 3-D contextual data to thermal and low-light imaging. Note that these markets also share an interest in larger lightweight optics with the astronomy market. 4.4 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION 4.4.1 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATIONS COMMERCIAL Arden Arden supply curvature wavefront sensors for measurement and profiling of lasers. Optisense 57 OptiSense have developed a compact adaptive optics control system for general use. Thorlabs Thorlabs supply a number of adaptive optics related components, including a development toolkit for end user experimentation. ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENTAL STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is conducting experiments in materials research using adaptive optics. 4.4.2 NEAR MARKET OPPORTUNITIES The laser cutting and welding market is generally supplied by high-power lasers fabricated in China and elsewhere. Developments in the use of adaptive optics for beam forming will upscale the capabilities of lower-power lasers and this presents an opportunity for lower cost systems. The University of Strathclyde has demonstrated a low-cost system capable of improving brightness by a factor of 10. A growth area of great potential for the UK is the ‘speciality laser’, particularly ultra-fast lasers which are sought for cutting and scribing silicon wafers. With these lasers the very short pulses reduce the subsurface damage, and they are seen as a critical technology for scaling up the manufacture of photovoltaic cells. 4.4.3 LONGER TERM MARKET OPPORTUNITIES Longer term, increased interest in machine vision for manufacturing presents an opportunity for adaptive optics. This is especially true in automated processes with parts moving in 3-dimensional space where control of optical aberrations is critical. There may also be opportunities in the fabrication of 3-dimensional electronic devices where elements are structured into different layers. This requires the capability to image or print though a substrate with well-controlled magnification and optical qualities, and with no optical distortion. Wavefront sensing techniques could also provide automatic inspection of 3D circuits. Modern wavefront-based metrology techniques are becoming increasingly robust to scintillation and other problems and could offer a cost-effective 58 mechanism for monitoring the alignment of parts prior to, say, welding and for monitoring the quality of welds in real time. 4.5 CONSUMER DEVICES 4.5.1 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATIONS None 4.5.2 NEAR MARKET OPPORTUNITIES None 4.5.3 LONGER TERM MARKET OPPORTUNITIES Digital still cameras and mobile phones with cameras may benefit from smallscale, cheap adaptive optics technologies, such as those developed by Varioptic. In the absence of an established UK R&D or manufacturing base for such technologies, however, it is hard to see any developments in this sector for at least a few years. 4.6 COMMUNICATIONS AND SENSING 4.6.1 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATIONS COMMERCIAL Epigem Epigem is a leading company in polymer-based micro-engineering, and has design and fabrication capabilities in micro-optics. CIP Formed from the former BT Research labs, CIP has foundry capability and is very active in micro-optics communications device research. QinetiQ QinetiQ are extensively involved in detector development across a number of methodologies and application areas. For the communications industry their unique (in the UK) MEMS fabrication capability may prove decisively useful. Cablefree 59 Cablefree is a UK SME with extensive experience at delivering free space optical links, and have worked with Starpoint and the Universities of Strathclyde and Durham in the application of adaptive optics to improve performance and reliability of links over increasing distances. ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENTAL University of Strathclyde Through the Institute of Photonics, the University of Strathclyde is continuing with developments of the application of adaptive optics to free-space optical communications, and is currently working on a follow-up project to ALFONSO, using funding from the European Framework programme. 4.6.2 NEAR MARKET OPPORTUNITIES As elsewhere in the world, the UK is seeing increasing pressure on digital services, and the sorts of symmetrical bandwidths being sought can only be supplied by optical techniques. The challenges will be to get the optical components’ system-level costs to be comparable to the equivalent electronic systems: the gap is currently about a factor of 10. There is therefore a rich opportunity for emerging technologies to play a part in components for switching and coupling and in laser beam forming for fibre-optic systems. There is also a role for improvement in the deployment of free-space optical links which will be a part of rolling out the new infrastructure. 4.6.3 LONGER TERM MARKET OPPORTUNITIES A good candidate for solving switching problems would be a Reflective Spatial Light Modulator (RSLM), built using MEMS mirrors. This would enable alloptical switching in an optical router: switching beams of light between fibres using miniature mirrors. MEMS devices like this will also be applicable to FSO beam-forming. Practical devices will need to provide large numbers of pixels and at a > 90% fill-factor (typically 1 million addressable mirrors, modulated at a rate >100kHz). Supporting the traffic to control the MEMS spatial light modulator would then exceed 100Gbit/s, implying the need for innovations in the accompanying electronics systems also. 60 In a sensing industry estimated to be worth £25 billion per annum 24 , the general list of performance improvements, aside from size and cost, are: spectral, spatial and temporal resolution, sensitivity, and width of spectral coverage. Thus, along with improving existing capabilities, new interests will start to be met such as the desire to be able to use remote sensing to detect ‘intent’, so, in a crowd of people for example, you might care to be alerted to any people noticeably hotter than others. 4.7 OTHER APPLICATIONS 4.7.1 OPTICAL STORAGE Along with the increasing use of digital media for high-definition content, the call for reliable storage and distribution media is increasing. The challenge, as everywhere, is to come up with reliable techniques that are easy to implement and cheap. For optical storage, holographic techniques are functional but not easily applied to manufacturing techniques. Imperial College London is working on a non-holographic multiplexing technique which makes pressable discs with potentially 1TB capacity, about 4 times the density of Blu-ray. The college has patented IP in this through Imperial College Innovations Ltd. 4.7.2 LASER SCANNING In large flat-bed scanners as used in the printing industry, it is important that the resolution is the same across the whole scanning area. UK optical specialist Davin Optronics is looking into using extracavity adaptive optics to adjust the focus of the beam to maintain the same spot size and shape across a scanned area. This can be achieved without adaptive optics, since a direct feedback to monitor the focus condition can be calculated in advance, but using a wavefront sensor enables focus to be monitored and adjusted quickly to correct for small variations in system geometry. 4.7.3 LASER FUSION Adaptive optics may have a role to play in laser fusion, the process of using a very high power laser to generate a brief thermonuclear reaction. Whilst the number of projects employing such high power (~ trillion watt) lasers is very small (two of note are the National Ignition Facility at the US Lawrence 24 Sensors Knowledge Transfer Network 61 Livermore National Laboratory, and HiPER, a proposed European High Power Energy Research facility), the budget for each project will be large and the potential role for adaptive optics is significant (such as beam shaping, beam quality and focus monitoring). 62 5 MARKET ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS Adaptive optics is not a clearly defined market sector. It is the name of an approach to improving optical performance using a closed-loop feedback system; its potential applications therefore span almost the entire photonics sector. The world market for photonics components was estimated to be £214B in 2006 (and growing at 13% per annum), and the market for products enabled by photonics was a further £146B (growing at 16% per annum) 25 . 70 60 Revenues(£B) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Optical lens and Optical fibre Optical storage laser communications Optical I/ O devices Flat panel displays Optical components Solid state lighting Figure 30: Market for photonics components, 2006 (OIDA, 2006) Market opportunities for adaptive optics fall into three broad categories: 1. The ability to improve optical performance at a reasonable price 2. The ability to maintain optical performance and reduce price significantly Lebby, M., 2007, “OIDA’s grand challenges in optoelectronics and the future of the industry for the Emerging Technologies Workshop”, Grasmere, UK 25 63 3. The ability to maintain optical performance at a reasonable price, whilst adding other benefits (such as reduced size, improved reliability, etc.) Performance In fact, adaptive optics may pave the way for ‘disruptive innovations’, that introduce novel benefits (or much lower cost) whilst reducing optical performance slightly in the short term as shown in Figure 31. The expectation here is that future technology developments will enable performance to catch up with or surpass the incumbent technology 26 . Pace of technologic al progress Sustaining innovations Performanc e that average customer can utilise Disruptive innovations Time Figure 31: Disruptive innovations may compromise performance in the short term whilst introducing other beneficial features (or lower cost) So far, most adaptive optics applications have provided the first of these benefits. It could be argued that in order for adaptive optics to succeed in mass-market applications such as consumer devices, advances in the second or third categories will be necessary. We will now consider the attractiveness of the different application areas presented in Sections 3 and 4 for the application of adaptive optics. Note that ‘Astronomy’ and ‘Biomedical’ sectors are much more specialist than the other categories. This means that the sector sizes presented in the summary tables below are much smaller, but that the share of the market that is relevant to adaptive optics is much higher than for other sectors. 5.1 ASTRONOMY Astronomy, whilst clearly benefitting enormously from adaptive optics, cannot be considered a market with significant growth potential since 26 Christensen, Clayton M. (2003), The innovator's dilemma, New York, HarperCollins 64 volumes for large systems are low. For amateur astronomers there may be some cross-over of technologies between the astronomy and consumer devices sectors. The potential for using some form of adaptive optics to improve further the quality of images captured by handheld digital cameras, for example, is an exciting prospect. The total world consumer market for telescopes, binoculars and related accessories is estimated to be around $200m 27 or £136m. At present, the use of adaptive optics in consumer markets is very limited, though. Adaptive optics is much more common for large telescopes. For extremely large telescopes such as Keck, and the proposed European Extremely Large Telescope, Giant Magellan Telescope, and Thirty Meter Telescope, inclusion of adaptive optics is almost a certainty. It is difficult to obtain a precise figure for the total value of the adaptive optics systems on large telescopes, but the proposed Next Generation Adaptive Optics for Keck is budgeted at $47m (including contingency) 28 . Major new telescopes and major adaptive optics upgrades of existing facilities seem to be occurring at a global rate of around one per year, so it seems reasonable to estimate the value of the market for adaptive optics on major telescopes to be of the order of $50m or £34m per annum. Astronomy Size of market sector 29 Share of market addressable by adaptive optics technologies 30 27 Very Small (£7B) High (100%) Steve Muellner, CEO Meade instruments, 2007 W.M. Keck Observatory Next Generation AO System Build-to-Cost Review Committee Report, April 6, 2009 28 US Office of Management and Budget,, The ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap: A strategic plan for European Astronomy,, estimate for rest of world spending based on relative share of world health spending 29 This is a rough order of magnitude estimate of the proportion of sector spend that might benefit in some way from some sort of adaptive optics technology. This is not as estimate of the likely sales from adaptive optics activities, which may be one or more orders of magnitude lower 30 65 Astronomy Growth of market segment Very low Potential impact of adaptive optics Very high Maturity of adaptive optics systems Very high Table 1: Summary of attractiveness of astronomy sector for adaptive optics 5.2 BIOMEDICAL The spending on medicine worldwide is estimated to be around £3200B per year, or 7.7% of world GDP 31 . Of this, the ophthalmic market is estimated to be worth £19B per annum, and growing at about 7% per annum 32 . With an ageing population, expenditure on ophthalmology is likely to continue to rise. This, coupled with the increasing demand for digital technologies in healthcare to facilitate storage and sharing of information, makes this sector particularly attractive for adaptive optics technologies. Refractive laser surgery is a particularly well established market with adaptive optics technologies already in place (the worldwide market for refractive surgery was estimated to exceed £2B in 2008 33 ) . The UK prospects may be better in digital ophthalmology, however, with Optos already investigating the possibility of developing an adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope. The market for microscopy is more modest at £2B, but is growing at 9.1% per annum 34 . 31 World Health Organisation, 2006 BCC Research, September 2006, The U.S. Market for Prescription Ophthalmic Drugs, Devices, Diagnostics, and Surgical Equipment, and World Health Organisation data 32 33 Ophthalmology Times - September 15, 2006, cited at Lasik Surgery News, 34 BCC Research, June 2007, Microscopy: The Global Market 66 Biomedical Size of market sector 35 Small (£21B) Share of market addressable by adaptive optics technologies High (100%) Growth of market segment High Potential impact of adaptive optics High Maturity of adaptive optics systems Medium Table 2: Summary of attractiveness of biomedical sector for adaptive optics 5.3 DEFENCE AND SECURITY In the US, defence is a major market for adaptive optics. Public records on US government defence contracts show that ten specialist (small or mediumsized) adaptive optics companies in the US have won defence contracts in the last three years, with an average value of $2.5m per company per annum. Specific data for adaptive optics contracts for large defence companies could not be obtained, and some small and medium sized companies perform adaptive optics as a small part of their overall business. Therefore, in the absence of more accurate data, if we assume the $2.5m per annum is representative of all US companies with defence interests, the total for the 27 companies comes to $68m per annum. The US is estimated to account for 55% of global defence spending, so the global defence market for adaptive optics is somewhere in the region of $122m, or £83m. Whilst defence spending in the US is relative stable, the more modest market for security is certainly growing. 35 Global ophthalmic market is estimated to be £19B, microscopy market is £2B 67 Defence and Security Size of market sector 36 Share of market addressable by adaptive optics technologies Growth of market segment Large (£962B) Low (<1%) Low Potential impact of adaptive optics Medium Maturity of adaptive optics systems High Table 3: Summary of attractiveness of defence and security sector for adaptive optics 5.4 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION Whilst manufacturing is an enormous market sector worldwide (11% of global GDP), the ability of adaptive optics to have a major impact seems limited to niche activities like specialist laser machining. £825B defence, £136B security. Sources: CIA factbook 2009, International Monetary Fund 2008, 36 68 1600 1400 Revenues(£m) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Biomedical Manufacturing Consumer Devices Communications Other Figure 32: Worldwide commercial laser revenues, 2008 (£4.8B total) 37 According to Laser Focus World’s Optoelectronics Report, the world laser market has been significantly affected by the worldwide economic downturn, with 2009 revenues expected to more than 10% lower than in 2008. The laser manufacturing sector is estimated to be worth about £1.4B per annum. Although the share of the manufacturing market relevant to adaptive optics is currently extremely small (less than 0.1%), there is the potential for adaptiveoptics-enabled laser-based manufacturing to grow significantly in the future. Manufacturing and industrial inspection Size of market sector 38 Share of market addressable by adaptive optics technologies 37 Large (£6600B) Low (<1%) Optoelectronics Report 7, January 1 2009, UN data for 2007 for top 12 countries. Rest of the world estimated from relative share of GDP 38 69 Manufacturing and industrial inspection Growth of market segment 39 Medium Potential impact of adaptive optics Low Maturity of adaptive optics systems Medium Table 4: Summary of attractiveness of manufacturing sector for adaptive optics 5.5 CONSUMER DEVICES In mass-produced optical devices like digital cameras for the consumer market, a major factor in the overall performance of the device is the systemlevel optimisation – i.e. the appropriate matching of individual components to deliver the best overall system properties. Consumer devices Size of market sector 40 Share of market addressable by adaptive optics technologies Medium (£476B) Medium (10%) Growth of market segment Very high Potential impact of adaptive optics Medium Maturity of adaptive optics systems Low Table 5: Summary of attractiveness of consumer devices sector for adaptive optics 39 Very high in China and other parts of the Far East, very low in Europe/US Of which about £70B mobile phone handsets, £16B digital cameras, £33B optical storage. Sources: Industry Insight to World Consumer Electronics (2004-2009), Consumer Electronics Association, 40 70 Performing this matching can be a costly process, and this represents an opportunity for adaptive optics to add value. Wavefront sensing technologies could be used in the manufacture of consumer devices to automatically match components. In addition, if adaptive optics systems can be made small enough and cheap enough, the market for incorporating adaptive optics into consumer devices could be an attractive one, particularly for devices that offer high levels of optical zoom. Demand for consumer electronics seems to be growing at an ever-increasing rate, so there would be a high reward for providing adaptive optics technologies for this market. 5.6 COMMUNICATIONS AND SENSING The telecommunications market is growing exponentially with ever-increasing demand for bandwidth choking existing networks. The use of adaptive optics for free-space optical communications to increase bandwidth either for specialist or mass-market applications seems to be an attractive proposition. Sensors play a key role in many technologies including environmental monitoring, drug discovery, structural integrity assessment, automotive safety and energy saving, and the global sensing market is estimated to be worth more than £25B per annum 41 . Adaptive optics can play a part in particular for remote-sensing applications, where distortions introduced by the atmosphere need to be measured or compensated. Communications and sensing Size of market sector 42 Large (£1045B) Share of market addressable by adaptive optics technologies Medium (10%) Growth of market segment 41 Very high Sensors Knowledge Transfer Network World Trade Organization, 42 71 Communications and sensing Potential impact of adaptive optics High Maturity of adaptive optics systems Medium Table 6: Summary of attractiveness of communications sector for adaptive optics 5.7 SUMMARY The application of adaptive optics has broadened from its birth in astronomy to embrace a range of new areas. We have outlined in the sections above some of the factors that will determine how attractive different market sectors will be. Globally, adaptive optics will be of greatest commercial value in those sectors that have the largest (or possibly fastest growing) addressable markets, and at the same time derive most added value or impact from adaptive optics technology. Figure 33 is an approximate attempt to categorise different sectors according to these two dimensions. Arrows indicate expected growth of market size (not to scale). 72 Figure 33: Attractiveness of different market sectors (global) 5.8 CONCLUSIONS FOR UK PHOTONICS The UK photonics sector has established activities in adaptive optics across a broad range of applications. With the global nature of today’s business, there is little to be gained by looking at a technology’s prospects in the UK or even European market in isolation (except in the case where patents of limited geographic scope apply). Of course, in planning route to market, it makes sense to roll out production on a limited scale initially, and in doing so it makes sense to bear in mind the relative sizes of potential markets. A useful predictor in this case for relative sizes of different regions is share of global GDP, which breaks down as: UK (4.4%), rest of EU (26%), US (24%), Japan (8.1%), China (7.3%), rest of world (31%) 43 . With reference to Figure 33, the sectors that UK photonics should ideally seek to exploit are those markets with good global prospects and ideally an 43 International Monetary Fund, 2008 73 established UK capability. Communications and Biomedical sectors (especially ophthalmology) are particularly attractive commercially, as these promise large markets in which adaptive optics could make a real difference. The Biomedical sector is probably the more exciting short-term prospect for the UK with companies like Optos already well established, but Communications may offer an even bigger opportunity in the longer term given the increasing demand. Consumer Devices and Manufacturing represent large potential markets (and are growing fast in the case of Consumer Devices), but the value proposition for adaptive optics in these sectors is weaker. Defence is a fairly mature market for adaptive optics, and will continue to provide interesting applications, possibly providing spin-out opportunities to other sectors (such as technologies for communications and sensing). It is unlikely to grow significantly, however, and the UK research base does not seem particularly active in this area. Astronomy is a smaller and more tightly defined sector than the others presented here, and the one with the clearest benefit from adaptive optics. Although it is relatively small, there is still potential for growth with some ambitious adaptive optics projects underway for extremely large telescopes, and the potential for developing the modest market for amateur astronomy. A key to unlock this market will be the development of smaller, lower-cost adaptive optics systems. If this can be achieved, there will be the added benefit of open up the much larger market for consumer devices like digital cameras. 74 6 ANNEX – ORGANISATIONS ACTIVE IN ADAPTIVE OPTICS WORLDWIDE 6.1 ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTIONS Countr y Organisation Activities ANU Research School of Astron. and Astrophys. Univ. of Adelaide, School of Chemistry & Physics Univ. of Sydney, School of Physics Astronomical AO. Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Astronomical AO. Laval University, COPL Liquid deformable mirrors. Ryerson University, Dept. of Mech. & Industrial Eng. University of Victoria, LACIR MEMS micromirrors for AO in vision science. Institute of Optics and Electronics, C.A.S. AO for inertial confinement fusion & ophthalmoscopy. Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU) Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (LAOG) Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) Laboratoire pour L'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses Observatoire de Paris, Meudon Astronomical AO. ONERA AO systems development. European Southern Observatory, AO Team Fraunhofer-Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik Astronomical AO. Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Univ. of Heidelberg Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie AO for biomedical optics. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik Münster University of Applied Sciences Astronomical AO. Astronomical Observatory of Padova Astronomical AO. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Astronomical AO. N.U.I. Galway, Applied Optics AO research. Technion, Physics Dept. Multi-conjugate AO; Ocular AO. Australi a Active optics for gravitational wave interferometry. Adaptive optics for astronomy and confocal microscopy. Canad a MEMS AO for astronomy. China France Astronomical AO. MOEMS deformable mirrors. AO for high power lasers. Astronomical AO. Germany Micromechanical mirror devices. AO for Solar astronomy. Astronomical AO. Intra-cavity laser AO. Italy Ireland Israel Japan Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan The Netherlands Solid-state sodium guide star laser for astronomical AO. Astronomical AO. Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA) Sterrewacht Leiden Astronomical AO instrumentation. T.U. Delft, Optical Microsystems Group Micro-machined deformable mirrors; Liquid crystal SLMs. Astronomical AO instrumentation. 75 Countr y Organisation Activities Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk General AO; Atmospheric optics. Institute on Laser and Information Technologies Moscow State University, Lab. of Adaptive Optics Deformable mirrors for high power lasers. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Astronomical AO. Universidad de Murcia, Laboratorio de Optica AO for ophthalmology. Institute for Solar Physics, Stockholm Univ. AO for Solar astronomy. Lund Observatory Astronomical AO. Russia AO for ophthalmology; Wavefront sensors. Spain Swede n Switzerland Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL) AO for Solar astronomy. United Kingdom Cardiff University, Optometry & Vision Sciences City University, Dept. of Optometry & Visual Science Imperial College, Photonics AO optical coherence tomography for retinal imaging. Heriot-Watt Univ., Applied Optics and Photonics STFC, UK Astronomy Technology Centre Wave-front sensing; Optical metrology, laser beam pulse shaping, microscopy Astronomical AO instrumentation. STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Large deformable mirrors University College London, O.S.L. Adaptive secondary mirrors; X-ray active optics, novel facesheet materials Astronomical & industrial AO R&D, microscopy Univ. of Durham, CfAI. University of Nottingham, Dept. of Elec Eng. University of Oxford, Dept. of Engineering Science Univ. of Strathclyde, Inst. of Photonics AO for vision science. Astronomical and industrial AO R&D. Integrated wavefront sensors, microscopy with ultrasonics and infra-red fusion Microscopy AO for ophthalmology & FSO communications, microscopy United States Air Force Maui Optical & Supercomputing Site A.F. Research Laboratory, Starfire Optical Range American Museum of Natural History Imaging of satellites; astronomy. Boston University Photonics Center MOEMS deformable mirrors. DARPA Microsystems Technology Office MOEMS devices. Gemini Observatory Astronomical AO. Georgia Institute of Technology Liquid crystal diffractive lenses for eyeglasses. Indiana University School of Optometry AO optical coherence tomography for retinal imaging. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Laser guide stars. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Astronomical AO; Adaptive optics for optical communication. Large segmented mirrors, high energy laser beam directors. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center SOMTC Mount Wilson Observatory Laser guide star adaptive optics. Exoplanetary coronograph. Astronomical AO. National Solar Observatory / Sacramento Peak Princeton University, Mech. and Aerospace Dept. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, CATS AO for Solar astronomy. Univ. of Arizona, Steward Observatory Astronomical AO. Univ. of Arizona, Centre for Astron. Adaptive Optics Univ. of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry Univ. of California, Center for Adaptive Optics Astronomical AO. AO coronography, exoplanet detection. Adaptive scanning microscope. AO for high resolution retinal imaging. Wide-ranging AO research. 76 Countr y Organisation Activities U.C. Davis, Dept. of Ophthalmology and Vision Science UCO Lick Observatory, Laboratory for Adaptive Optics Univ. of Central Florida, College of Optics & Photonics Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Astron. & Astroph. Univ. of Hawaii AO for ophthalmology. Univ. of Houston, College of Optometry AO scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Univ. of Illinois Laser guide star AO. Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, Dept. of Physics Univ. of Puerto Rico, Physics Wavefront sensing; atmospheric turbulence. Univ. of Rochester, Centre for Visual Science Univ. of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics W.M. Keck Observatory Ophthalmic AO research. Astronomical AO. Adaptive-focus liquid and liquid crystal lenses. Astronomical AO; laser guide stars. Astronomical AO. AO for astronomical interferometry. Deformable mirrors for laser fusion. Astronomical AO. Source: 6.2 COMMERCIAL ORGANISATIONS Organisati on Description Technologies Applications A S T R O N Australia Iatia Melbourne Founded in 1999, Iatia Limited develops digital wavefront imaging solutions for visualization and measurement. Iatia's QPI technology enables the visualization and measurement of invisible or hard to see objects from transparent biological cells, optics of the human eye to hidden and camouflaged objects in military and security operations B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V Digital wavefront imaging using quantitative phase imaging • • • Technologies Applications C O M M S • Turnover £480k Organisati on Description A S T R O N France ALPAO Grenoble ALPAO is a spin-off company of the Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble) and Floralis. ALPAO supplies exclusive and patented magnetic actuator deformable mirrors, highly sensitive wavefront sensors for closed loops and adaptive optics systems. Customers include European Southern Observatory (ESO) and other observatories, and the French Aerospace lab (Onera) Cilas Orleans CILAS is 63% owned by EADS Astrium, 37% owned by AREVA. CILAS develops, manufactures and sells lasers and deformable mirrors based on the piezoelectric effect. 50% of business is military, 50% civilian. 70% of sales are within France, 30% exports. Deformable mirrors, wavefront sensors, adaptive optics systems • Laser rangefinding, laser amplifiers, deformable mirrors, particle size analysers, optical coatings, optical ceramics, nanotechnology • B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • • • 77 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N France Imagine Eyes Orsay (nr Paris) Imagine Optic Orsay (nr Paris) Imagine Eyes is a spinout of Imagine Optic. Imagine Eyes develop, manufacture and market advanced ophthalmic medical devices that use Shack-Hartmann wavefront and adaptive optics technologies to respond to market needs that cannot effectively be addressed using other methods Founded in Orsay, France in 1996. Imagine Optics' clients are among the world's top companies and include Sony, Nikon, Thomson, Zeiss, NASA, the U.S. Air Force, Essilor, Aliena (Alcatel Space), EADS, the European Southern Observatory, the European Space Agency (ESA), amongst others. Turnover £2.1m, 23 employees Memscap Grenoble MEMSCAP manufactures MEMS components, such as radiofrequency switches, variable capacitors, inductors, optical switches and attenuators, and sensors. It caters to a wide variety of markets, including network and medical equipment suppliers, aircraft manufacturers, research institutes and universities, and cosmetic businesses Phasics Turnover £14m Palaiseau (nr Paris) Shaktiware Phasics offers laser characterisation and optical metrology, using patented wavefront analysis technology. Marseilles Founded in 2000, Shaktiware offers system design and software solutions for adaptive optics applications in areas such as health, transport and construction, finance, food, leisure, and communications Varioptic Turnover £2.2m Lyon Varioptic's vision is to establish liquid lenses alongside glass and plastic lenses as the core building blocks of optical systems. Varioptic is a privately owned company financed by venture capital and equity companies Organisati on Description Ocular wavefront metrology, vision simulation, retinal imaging, electromagnetic deformable mirrors, command and control software Provides ShackHartmann wavefront sensing technologies for adaptive optics, quality control and optical measurement. In 2005, Imagine Optic introduced the world's first X-EUV wavefront sensor for synchrotron metrology and nanolithography. MEMS deformable mirrors Munich Carl Zeiss Meditec Founded in 1999 by Dr. Frieder Loesel, and Prof. Dr. Josef Bille. Josef Bille is widely renowned as the "Wavefront Guru". He is the visionary who first used wavefront technology as well as adaptive optics for measuring and correcting refractive errors of the eye in the late 80's. Both founders are further well known as key innovators in the field of ultrashort pulse laser surgery. Sold rights to WaveScan product line to VISX (now Abbott Medical Optics) in 2003. Carl Zeiss Meditec is an integrated medical technology D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • • • • • • • Adaptive optics control systems and software. High voltage amplifier for deformable mirrors • • • • • • Liquid lenses based on electrowetting and associated software drivers Technologies Applications A S T R O N B I O M E D Uses 4-wave lateral shearing interferometry for wavefront analysis Germany 20/10 Perfect Vision Applications B I O M E D Wavefront sensors and integrated adaptive optics systems as an input to refractive eye surgery • Wavefront analysis, refractive surgery systems • D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S 78 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N Germany Jena Holoeye Berlin Jenoptik Jena Turnover £134m Founded in Berlin in 1999 to provide industry with microstructured and diffractive optical structures or components, and create new industrial applications. Developed the first real "Plug-and-Play" Liquid Crystal device that can be directly plugged to a personal computer to enable active spatial light modulation. Partnerships with several microdisplay manufacturers enable Holoeye to offer Liquid Crystal microdisplay components as OEM-solution in higher quantities. Major manufacturer of lasers, optical components and systems for a wide range of applications Optocraft Erlangen Founded in 2001 by graduates of the chair for optics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Physik Instrumente Trumpf Ditzingen B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S company focused on ophthalmology and more recently neuro/ear, nose, throat surgery Turnover £475m, 3436 employees Karlsruhe Applications Delivers micro- and nanopositioning solutions for all major hightech markets: Semiconductors; Data Storage; Photonics, Fiber Optics, Telecom; Biotechnology and Medicine; Laser, Optics, Microscopy; Aerospace Engineering; Precision Machining; Astronomy; Microsystems Technology 350 employees Founded in 1923, TRUMPF is a world leader in industrial lasers and laser system technology • • • • • Spatial light modulator systems, diffractive optical elements (DOEs), LCOS microdisplays Lasers and optics, photonics, mechatronics. Diffractive optical elements, liquid crystal modulators, integrated optical modulators Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors, diffractive optical elements, metrology services, interferometry Piezo tip/tilt mirrors, large custom piezo steering mirrors, piezo actuators/phase shifters • • • • • • • • • • • Laser scanner welding system using AO mirror Turnover £375m, 1805 employees Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N Israel Ophir Optronics Jerusalem Applications Established in 1976, Ophir Optronics is a global leader in precision IR optics components and laser measurement equipment. In January 2006, Ophir acquired Spiricon Inc., a USbased world leader in the Laser Beam Profile market with sister company, Spiricon GmbH in Germany, and is now the world's largest manufacturer in this sector. Beam profilers incorporating ShackHartmann wavefront sensors B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • • 79 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N Italy Adaptica Padova Designs and manufactures adaptive optics components and systems, deformable optical elements and high performance, easy to integrate, opto-electronic devices for the optimization and enhancement of optical systems. ADS International Lecco Microgate Bolzano Spot Optics ADS International is an engineering company working in the field of telescope and radiotelescope design as well as the design and production of innovative scientific instrumentation. Engineering division of Microgate , small Italian-based firm specialising in timing equipment for sport and control systems for adaptive optics. 25 employees • • Deformable mirrors for telescopes and system design • Development and production of sophisticated control systems for adaptive optics and telescopes control • • Padova Founded in 1996 in Padova, with a focus on wavefront sensors and applications to both industry and R&D Organisati on Description Technologies Japan Hamamatsu City Founded in 1953, main product lines are Photomultiplier Tubes, Light Sources, Imaging Tubes, Opto-Semiconductor, Imaging and Analyzing System Wakoshi Nidek Gamagori Turnover £574m, 2580 employees Founded 1996 for R&D, manufacture and sale of solid-state lasers Founded in 1971, NIDEK has grown into a leading supplier of surgical and diagnostic products for vision care. Based in Gamagori, Japan, NIDEK is today firmly established in over 90 countries through a network of wholly owned subsidiaries and specialist independent distributors. D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • • Applications A S T R O N Hamamatsu B I O M E D Deformable mirrors, embedded adaptive optics systems, lcdbased products Wavefront sensor systems based on the Shack-Hartmann principle MegaOpto Applications B I O M E D Liquid crystal spatial light modulators • • Solid state sodium guidestar lasers • D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • OPD-Scan II for wavefront analysis and corneal topography • Technologies Applications Turnover £255m, 1453 employees Organisati on Description A S T R O N Netherlands Flexible Opto Delft Founded in 1997, Flexible Optical B.V. is a small Dutch business operating in the field of research and application-oriented development of high resolution optical systems based on wave-front sensing and aberration correction Complete closed-loop adaptive optical systems for real-time correction of optical aberrations and generation of precision B I O M E D • • D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • 80 Organisati on Description Technologies Applications A S T R O N Netherlands B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S wavefronts; HartmannShack Sensor; Micromachined membrane deformable mirrors (MMDM); liquid crystal lenses Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N Russia Adaptive Optics Ltd (Night N optics) Moscow Founded in 1999, main interest is the design of complex AO systems to be used to control and shape high power laser beams (incl. Femto second ones), adaptive imaging systems, and also to build adaptive laser interferometers. TURN Ltd Moscow Private developer, manufacturer, and worldwide exporter of night optics, electronic optical devices, adaptive optics, components and accessories, products, modern equipment and technologies since 1991 Complete closed-loop adaptive optical systems, bimorph mirrors, ShackHartmann wavefront sensors, M2 sensors, interferometers, human eye aberrometers Deformable mirrors and control units; closed loop systems including Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and deformable mirror Organisati on Description Technologies Alcon Hunenberg Founded in 1945 in Fort Worth, Texas. 75% owned by Nestle. Develops, manufactures and distributes eye care products in more than 180 countries. Business organised into three divisions: Surgical, Pharmaceutical and Consumer Vision Care. Kaegiswil Heptagon Zurich Turnover £4300m, 15000 employees A division of Leister. Axetris is a designer and manufacturer of micro-technology (MEMS) based components and modules in the areas of micro-optics, infrared sources for gas detection and mass-flow sensors / controllers 500 employees Founded 1993, offers wafer scale CMOS imaging lens technology. Experts in micro-optics and diffractive optics design. Heptagon is a privately held Swiss-Finnish manufacturer of diffractive and refractive micro-optical products. Heptagon's components are used in optical communication equipment, miniature displays, and a number of optical sensors. Heptagon supplies high fill-factor microlens arrays for the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor in ESO (European Southern Observatory) telescopes. B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S • • • • • C O N D E V C O M M S Applications A S T R O N Switzerland Axetris Applications B I O M E D Wavefront guided laser eye surgery • Shack-Hartmann microlens arrays, microoptics, fast and slow axis collimators for high power laser diode bars, fibre micro-lens arrays, aspheric micro-lenses and arrays Micro-optics and diffractive optics, microlens arrays for Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor • • D E F / S E C M A N / I N S • C O N D E V C O M M S • • • 81 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N Switzerland SUSS MicroOptics Neuchatel Organisati on Founded 1999, a division of SUSS MicroTec Oxford Andor Technology Plc, Belfast Arden Photonics Ltd, Birmingham BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre Northampto n Cablefree Solutions Hampton Hill Davin Optronics Watford B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V Refractive microlens arrays in 200mm fused silica and silicon wafers • Technologies Applications C O M M S • Turnover £1.6m Description A S T R O N United Kingdom Adaptive Eyecare Ltd, Applications Adaptive Eyecare Limited is a UK company formed to research, develop and apply adaptive ophthalmic lenses. The company was founded by Oxford physics professor Joshua Silver in 1996. Designed water-filled lenses that can be tuned by the wearer. 10000 pairs of these glasses have been made in China and distributed to people that need them in Africa. Set up in 1989 out of Queen's University in Belfast and has 15 offices worldwide. Turnover £25m, 190 employees Founded in 2001, specialising in instrumentation for the measurement and profiling of lasers, LEDs, optical fibers, and optical components. Also provides technical marketing. ancedTechnologyCentre BAE Systems ATC provides research and development, consultancy, specialist manufacturing and technology brokering services into defence, aerospace and commercial markets. Turnover £42m, 450 employees Founded in 1997, CableFree Solutions is a designer and manufacturer of products for high performance wireless connectivity. Products include Free Space Optics (FSO) and Broadband Radios which are installed in over 50 countries worldwide. Founded in 1973, designs and manufactures precision optical systems and components for industries including laser, thermal imaging, defence, simulation, electronic pre-press, machine vision and medical D E F / S E C C O N D E V C O M M S • • • • • • • • Free space optical communications Optical, mechanical, electronics and software design; precision optics manufacturing; thin film coating; optomechanical assembly and test M A N / I N S • Adaptive ophthalmic lenses High performance digital cameras; CCD, EMCCD and ICCD detectors and spectrographs; Electron multiplying CCD cameras for wavefront sensing Curvature wavefront sensors for optical and surface metrology; Laser beam profiling; Optical fiber technology; Software design; Optical design Bimorph deformable mirrors; AO systems development B I O M E D • • 82 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N United Kingdom e2v Technologie s Plc Chelmsford Founded in 1947, e2v has headquarters in the UK and a global network of sales and technical support offices. e2v design and supply specialised components and sub-systems for medical and science, aerospace and defence, and commercial and industrial markets. Turnover £205m, 1800 employees Epigem Ltd Redcar Established in 1995, specialists in polymer based microengineering. Observatory Sciences Ltd Cambridge OptiSense Horsham Optos Plc Dunfermline QinetiQ Farnborough Starpoint Adaptive Optics Ltd County Durham Thorlabs Ltd Cambridge Founded in 1998, provides consultancy, systems and services, specialising in developing software for control systems used by telescopes and scientific instruments Specialists in designing and developing scientific instruments, including electronics, optics, software and user interface Applications CCD and CMOS detectors; Specialist semiconductors; high performance electron devices; advanced Imaging sensors and cameras; sensing products including Xray detectors and thermal imaging Microlens arrays; microfluidic devices; ultra high resolution flexible circuit boards; polymer waveguides Instrument control software for large AO systems B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V • • • • • • C O M M S • • • • • Light detection, gas detection • • AO for retinal imaging Founded in 1992, with headquarters in Scotland and operations in the US, Canada, UK and Germany. Optos Plc makes devices that produce ultra wide field, high resolution images of the retina. Turnover £69m, 400 employees AO systems research • • • • Deformable mirror drive electronics; Integrated AO systems • • • Adaptive Optics Toolkit, deformable mirrors, Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors, Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope • Technologies Applications Qinetiq operates principally in the UK and North America and has recently entered the Australian defence consulting market. They provide research, technical advice, technology solutions and services to the defence and security sector. 19% owned by MOD. Turnover £1,366m, 13000 employees Formed in 2001 from the adaptive optics research programme at the University of Durham, Starpoint offers adaptive optics products and services, at both component and system level, notably its range of multi-channel high voltage amplifier systems which can drive the majority of deformable mirrors available today. Thorlabs' UK design and manufacturing facility adds nanopositioning products for high precision alignment applications and optical tables and specialized vibration isolation products to Thorlabs' (worldwide) range. • 500 employees. Organisati on United States Description A S T R O N B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S 83 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N United States Abbott Medical Optics Santa Ana, CA Active Optical Systems LLC Albuquerqu e, NM Adaptive Optics Associates, Inc. Cambridge, MA AlcatelLucent Bell Labs Murray Hill, NJ AMO Wavefront Sciences, Inc. Albuquerqu e, NM AOptix Technologie s Inc. Campbell, CA Axsys Technologie s Inc. Rocky Hill, CT Baker Adaptive Optics Albuquerqu e, NM Applications Founded in 1888, and acquired adaptive optics specialist company Advanced Medical Optics in Feb 2009. Abbott Medical Optics is a global leader in ophthalmic care, comprised of three segments: cataract surgery/intraocular lens (IOL), laser vision correction and eye care products. Turnover £816m Active Optical Systems started in 2005 by developing the lowest-cost high-quality deformable mirror on the market. AOS then developed the low-cost wavefront sensor products on the market today by leveraging the advances in USB and FireWire (1394) interface cameras. By combining these technologies AOS developed both conventional wavefront-sensor adaptive optics systems and metric AO systems. Subsidiary of Northrop Grumman Space Technology. Adaptive Optics Associates (AOA) was founded in 1978 and designs, develops and manufactures a wide variety of standard and custom electro-optic and opto-mechanical products. Since its inception, AOA has steadily expanded its engineering and manufacturing capabilities to provide its customers with the highest quality products, systems and services. It has generated more than 33,000 patents since 1925 and has played a pivotal role in inventing or perfecting key communications technologies, including transistors, digital networking and signal processing, lasers and fiber-optic communications systems, communications satellites, cellular telephony, electronic switching of calls, touch-tone dialing, and modems. In January 2007, WaveFront Sciences was acquired by Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. (now Abbott). WaveFront Sciences was founded to commercialise advancements in the area of diffractive optics technologies. The primary mission of the company is the development of versatile, optics-based products which may be applied either directly as stand-alone instruments or embedded into industrial applications. Founded in 2000, with core technology expertise in the application of advanced adaptive optics, they develop iris biometrics based identification solutions and free space optical communications solutions for both government and commercial markets Turnover £1.8m, 25 employees Founded in 1959. Vision – to be the premier supplier of optical solutions for surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting applications in markets ranging from ground to space. Turnover £167m, 991 employees Though started in 1991, Baker Adaptive Optics was created in its present form in 1998 with the construction of an unusually well equipped, grant-funded adaptive optics laboratory. B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S D E V C O M M S • Wavescan Wavefront system uses ShackHartmann wavefront sensor to measure eye imperfections to high accuracy Membrane deformable mirrors, ShackHartmann wavefront sensors, metric adaptive optics systems • • • • Large AO systems, wavefront sensors • • • • MEMS adaptive optics systems; MEMS spatial light modulator Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors C O N • • • • Curvature deformable (adaptive) mirrors, curvature wavefront sensors and associated high-speed controls Fast scanning mirrors, laser and microinspection systems, and integrated optical lens assemblies • • • MEMS sensors, Deformable Mirrors, Wavefront Sensors, Control systems, Systems Engineering • • • 84 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N United States Ball Aerospace & Technologie s Corp. Boulder, CO Founded 1956, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (commonly Ball Aerospace) is a manufacturer of spacecraft, components, and instruments for defence, civil space and commercial space applications. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ball Corp. Bausch & Lomb Turnover £508m, 3000 employees px Rochester, NY Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Washington, D.C. Bossa Nova Technologie s Venice, CA Boston Micromachi nes Corp. Cambridge, MA Boulder Nonlinear Systems Lafeyette, CO CSA Engineering Mountain View, CA Tucson, AZ EOS Technologie s, Inc. Tucson, AZ FASORtronic s LLC Albuquerqu e, NM Fast-steering mirrors B I O M E D • D E F / S E C M A N / I N S • C O N D E V C O M M S • • Wavefront guided laser vision correction Founded in 1853, Bausch & Lomb offers a comprehensive portfolio of eye health products from contact lenses to laser eye surgery equipment. Turnover £1600m, employees 13000 Represents over 50% of Boeing's total turnover ($60.9B in 2008). Turnover £21760m, 72000 employees US distributor for Imagine Optic Founded in 1999, Boston Micromachines Corporation is a leading provider of advanced MEMS-based mirror products for use in commercial AO systems. Founded in 1988. Experienced in liquid crystal design and manufacturing. Founded in 1982. Part of MOOG group. Working under contract from Boeing on vibro-acoustic suppression and jitter mitigation for the Airborne Laser. Turnover £9.5m Engineering Synthesis Design Applications Incorporated in 1996, Engineering Synthesis Design, Inc. (ESDI) is a developer of metrology instrumentation and software serving companies of all sizes, major research laboratories, and universities worldwide. EOST is an Arizona corporation founded in 1995. Although part of the EOS Group in Australia, EOST is an independent business with separate management and financial structures. The mission of FASORtronics is to provide the astronomy community with affordable, reliable and timely guidestar lasers for use in adaptive optical systems. Prime contractor for airborne laser attached to Boeing 747-400F (a US Missile Defense Agency programme). Uses AO for beam control (Lockheed Martin). Distributor of ShackHartmann wavefront sensors • • • • • • MEMS deformable mirrors, Adaptive Optics Toolkit with Thorlabs • • • • Analog liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulators, polarization rotators and optical shutters • • • Simulation, analysis, design, and control using fast steering mirrors and deformable mirrors and advanced sensors. Beamwalk control with beamwalk mirrors. Point diffraction interferometer (PDI) for wavefront sensing • • • Large AO systems for astronomy • Sodium guidestar lasers for AO systems • • 85 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N United States Goodrich ISR Systems Chelmsford, MA Holochip, Corp. Albuquerqu e, NM Iris AO, Inc. Goodrich ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) Systems is a division of Goodrich Goodrich, a Fortune 500 company, and a leading global supplier of systems and services to the aerospace and defense industry. Turnover £4800m (for company as a whole) Goal is to become a leading adaptive lens manufacturer with products including: OEM zoom lens modules for camera and camera-module manufacturers; Adaptive singlet lenses for optical research and engineering; Complete optical solutions for military, medical, automotive and a host of other industries. Berkeley, CA Manufacturing process is designed from the outset to enable extremely large stroke, low cost, small size and scalability to meet requirements of imaging applications. Kestrel Corp. Albuquerqu e, NM Founded in 1993, Kestrel Corporation is a high technology company that is dedicated to product development and commercialization through R&D and design engineering. Lexitek, Inc. Wellesley, MA Founded in 1996.Lexitek works with a wide range of customers: aerospace companies, government laboratories, universities and other research institutions, and small businesses. Lite Cycles, Inc. Tucson, AZ Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologie s Louisville, CO Mad City Labs, Inc. Madison, WI Meadowlark Optics, Inc. Fredercik, CO MEMS Optical, Inc. Huntsville, AL Applications Lite Cycles, Inc. (LCI) is a leader in the design and development of advanced Electro-Optical (EO) systems with an emphasis on 3-D Light/Laser Detection and Ranging (LIDAR/LADAR). LCI was founded in 1995 Building on its more than 20-year history, LMCT will extend its reach by becoming the center of excellence for laser radar within Lockheed Martin's Space Systems Company, offering programs throughout the corporation access to the latest in laser technology. Turnover £5400m (Lockheed Martin Space Systems) Mad City Labs, Inc is a leading manufacturer of flexure based nanopositioning systems capable of sub-nanometer positioning resolution In 1979, Tom Baur, researcher for the National Center for Atmospheric Research, needed a solution that resulted in his invention of the Pockels cells. With that flagship product, Meadowlark Optics came to be, establishing a world standard for innovative, ultrahigh-quality polarization optics. MEMS Optical, LLC, began operation in 1997, inheriting an existing market in diffractive and refractive micro-optics obtained from TBE. In 2006 MEMS Optical was wholly acquired by JENOPTIK Laser, Optik, Systeme GmbH Area cameras, linescan cameras, focal plane arrays, large AO systems B I O M E D • D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • Adaptive polymer lenses • • • Small scale, microelectro-mechanical (MEMS) based AO systems. Deformable mirrors, high voltage drive electronics. Ophthalmic AO systems. Distorted grating wavefront sensor. Ophthalmic AO • • • • • • • Turbulence phase plates, which allow well-characterized wavefront aberrations to be created in a lab, to assist in AO system development. Diode-pumped laser transmitters. Laser guidestar sources for AO. • • • • Solid-state sodium guidestar laser for astronomical AO. Beam control system for airborne laser (with Boeing and Northrop Grumman) • • Nanopositioning, tip-tilt mirrors • • Liquid crystal spatial light modulators • • MEMS scanning twoaxis tilt mirrors; beam splitters/shapers; microlens arrays • • • • • • 86 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N United States MEMX, Inc. Albuquerqu e, NM Moog MEMX inc. was formed in October of 2000 as a spin-off from Sandia National Laboratories’ MEMS’ programme. Sandia National Laboratories is a Government laboratory focused on developing technology in support National Security applications. East Aurora, NY Founded in 1951, Moog is a premier precision motion control solutions provider for today’s space and defence platforms. MZA Associates Corp Albuquerqu e, NM Northrop Grumman Directed Energy Systems Redondo Beach, CA Ophthonix Vista, CA Optics in Motion LLC Turnover £1300m, 8800 employees MZA was formed in 1991 to meet a need for advanced simulation and analysis of adaptive optics systems at what is now the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). yst/laser_technology/beam_control.html Part of Northrop Grumman Space Technology. Founded in December 2000, Ophthonix, Inc. has introduced the first ever wavefront-guided correction solution that addresses the vision problems associated with the higher order aberrations of the eye. Long Beach, CA Optikos Wakefield, MA Optikos Corporation is a manufacturer of equipment for the measurement of optical image quality and a leading provider of optical engineering and product development services. Optikos offers complete solutions for both component and system level tests on imaging systems operating from the ultraviolet to the far infrared Bedford, MA Physical Sciences, Inc. Andover, MA Pixeloptics, Inc. Roanoke, VI D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • MEMS deformable mirrors Fast steering mirrors for free space optics communication B I O M E D • • • • • Patented adaptive dynamic range wavefront sensor (ADRWFS); simulation and modelling software for AO. Supplier for Boeing Airborne Laser Airborne laser with Lockheed Martin and Boeing • Turnover £2100m, 9300 employees (Northrop Grumman Space Technology) Optics In Motion LLC. was founded in 2003 with the aim of developing, manufacturing and selling innovative products for the photonics industry. We specialize in innovative solutions for all types of electro-optical systems. Optron Systems, Inc. Applications Optron Systems is a research and development firm specializing in the creation of active VLSI-MEMS membrane mirror light modulators (VLSI-MMLM), with applications in adaptive optics and optical projection systems in multiple frequency bands. Founded in 1973, Physical Sciences Inc. focuses on providing contract research and development services in a variety of technical areas to both government and commercial customers. Interests range from basic research to technology development, with an emphasis on applied research. Turnover £26m PixelOptics was founded in 2005 as the world’s first composite lens company. Our unique and proprietary approach to lens design combines sound lens design principles and well-known, proven lens materials to create entirely new categories of eyeglass lenses. • Binocular wavefront aberrrometer Fast steering mirrors Wavepro wavefront sensor, optical metrology • • • • • • • hybrid VLSI-MEMS membrane mirror light modulators Tracking scanning laser ophthalmoscope • Electro-active lens technology: dynamic lenses with changeable focus • 87 Organisati on Description Technologies A S T R O N United States SBIG Santa Barbara, CA SciMeasure Analytical Systems, Inc. Decatur, GA Stellar Products San Diego, CA The Optical Sciences Company Anaheim, CA Trex Enterprises, Corp. San Diego, CA Umachines, Inc. Altadena, CA Xinetics Devens, MA Applications Santa Barbara Instrument Group. Goal is to design and manufacture the best astronomical instrumentation in the world, at a price an amateur can afford Founded as a consulting business in 1981, incorporated in 1989. Developing a video mixer and morphometry software for an Apple II computer in 1981, SciMeasure was one of the first companies to develop imaging systems for the IBM PC. Since then, SciMeasure has become more specialized in the field of low noise CCD cameras. Founded in 1992 by Chief Scientist, Dr. Donald G. Bruns, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Moved to San Diego in 1994. Stellar Products was the first company to manufacture standard adaptive optics systems to both amateur and professional astronomers. The Optical Sciences Company performs work in the general area of theoretical and experimental military electro-optics. Offers Adaptive Optics Toolbox as MATLAB add-on. Established in 1978 as Western Research Corporation in San Diego, California. From 1988 until 2000 were part of Thermo Electron Corporation. In 2000, employees bought ThermoTrex’s R&D division and became Trex Enterprises Corporation. Today is a privately-held company 200 Employees In 1997 a group of Caltech and UCLA engineers formed United Micromachines to develop and market commercial applications for MEMS-based technologies. The company secured contracts to develop devices for clients such as the US Navy and NASA. In 1999 the founders began to investigate other applications for MEMS devices and formed Umachines to pursue opportunities within the optical networking field. Part of Northrop Grumman Space Technology. Xinetics was founded in 1993 to preserve critical defence-related active materials technologies and develop them into commercial precision motion-control products. Xinetics started in Littleton, Massachusetts at a single 2,500 square foot facility. The company now occupies five buildings with a total of 90,000 square feet in Devens, Massachusetts. Adaptive optics systems for CCD cameras for amateur astronomy B I O M E D D E F / S E C M A N / I N S C O N D E V C O M M S • • High speed, low-noise CCD controller • Adaptive optics systems for amateur astronomy, to provide image stabilisation, and correction of defocus and astigmatism. • Adaptive optics systems analysis, real time control. MATLAB Adaptive Optics Toolbox • • • AO systems; Segmented adaptive mirrors • • • Optical switches, MEMS mirrors • • • Deformable mirrors, closed loop wavefront control systems with integrated dedicated tilt control loops • • 88 Photonics Knowledge Transfer Network UK ADAPTIVE OPTICS MARKET AND SUPPLY CHAIN STUDY A REPORT FOR THE STFC UK ASTRONOMY TECHNOLOGY CENTRE © Photonics KTN Geddes House • Kirkton North • Livingston • EH54 6GU T +44 1506 497228 E EMES CONSULTING LTD, 2009 FOR THE PHOTONICS KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER NETWORK