The Companion - Canine Companions for Independence


The Companion - Canine Companions for Independence
The Companion
Holiday 2014, issue nineteen
Southeast Edition
Words Cannot Express
he stage lights were bright in Kathleen’s eyes,
making it hard to see the audience that was
As the numbness and weakness worsened, doctors decided
to run additional tests. Kathleen expected that she would
seated before her. But it didn’t matter, as she
need surgery, but the news she received was far
could have taken every step and made every turn
worse. She had multiple sclerosis (MS). “Not
blindfolded. She knew each move by heart as she
knowing what MS was, I asked the doctor
gracefully glided across the stage. As a professional
if I could still dance,” shares Kathleen. “He
dancer, Kathleen conveyed feelings, entertained and
explained that MS was an unpredictable,
told stories through motion; things words could not
often disabling disease of the central
express. During Kathleen’s dancing career, she worked
nervous system that disrupts the flow
with some of the best in the business. Kathleen even
of information within the brain, and
met her husband dancing; they met when paired as
between the brain and the body.
dance partners. It was her life.
For many dancers, injuries are a harsh reality
of the job. Kathleen occasionally experienced
numbness and weakness in
her legs. Her doctors
deter mined t he
It has no known cause and no
known cure and I wouldn’t
be able to dance again. I lost
my identity that day in the
Over the next 20 years
sy mptoms to
the disease progressed and
Kathleen started using a
by a slipped
wheelchair. She found it
disc, a com-
difficult to ask for help.
mon dancing
“Daily life is not easy
injury. So she
for people living with
just kept dancing.
a disability.” It would
Continued on page 3
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 1
10/27/14 6:21 PM
Strong Partnerships, Big Changes
As we come to the end of the year, we reflect on what we’ve
these psychological benefits. The Department of Veterans Affairs
accomplished and where we are headed for 2015. We’re delighted
(VA) has selected Canine Companions to participate in a study
to share with you the good news that this year we’ve placed
to determine the benefits of canine support for veterans with
over 290 assistance dogs, completely free of charge. These new
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Again, Canine Compan-
teams will join our Canine Companions family to help us
ions is at the forefront of canine assistance. This study is a perfect
reach nearly 2,000 active graduate teams, and will receive free
opportunity to support veterans and provide insight into the
lifetime support from our professional trainers.
benefits of highly trained assistance dogs for people who live
We are able to place so many dogs this year
with PTSD. Read more about this groundbreaking
and every year thanks to our dedicated group
study on page three.
of puppy raisers. Their numbers have never
Additionally, we’ve broken ground on a
been stronger—in fact Canine Compan-
new training center thanks to our collabo-
ions is fortunate to have waiting lists of
ration with Baylor Scott & White Health.
volunteers in every single region. These
This is the first time an assistance dog
dedicated volunteers are eager to receive
organization and a healthcare system
the puppies they will care for, love and
have partnered together. See our progress
train for the next year and a half, in
update on page four.
hopes of enhancing independence for
Soon we will be opening our new
people with disabilities.
Canine Whelping Center. The center will
As an example of the life changing impact
better support the amazing volunteers who
of a Canine Companions assistance dog, consider
care for our female breeder dogs and their puppies
the story a graduate shared with us recently. In the
for the pups’ first eight weeks of life.
two months since receiving her assistance dog, her world has
Next year we will be celebrating 40 years of creating
changed. Beyond the support her dog gives her with tasks, our
more hopeful futures for adults, children and veterans with
graduate finds she no longer needs anti-anxiety medications. Her
disabilities. We’ve been providing our highly trained assistance
assistance dog reduced her stress and helped heal her psyche
dogs to help increase independence since 1975. None of these
as well.
milestones and accomplishments would be possible without
Our current graduates are not the only ones who notice
your generous support. Thank you!
Anne Gittinger
Chair, Canine Companions
National Board
Corey Hudson
CEO, Canine Companions
Board Welcomes New Chair
As we go to press, some major changes are coming to Canine Companions. Anne Gittinger's
term as board chair is ending and we welcome long-time supporter and board member
John Miller as the new chair. We thank Anne for her dedication as board chair for the past
seven years. Additionally, after 24 years, Corey Hudson is retiring as CEO and the search
for his replacement continues. As we prepare to celebrate 40 years of matching exceptional
people with exceptional dogs, we are carefully searching for the right match to lead Canine
Companions into the future.
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 2
Incoming National Board Chair John Miller
Canine Companions for Independence
10/27/14 6:21 PM
With Aruba’s help, what used to take an hour now only takes three minutes. Aruba tugs
Kathleen’s legs off the bed using a special strap wrapped around her ankles.
PTSD assistance dog in training practicing the
“search” command.
New PTSD Assistance
Dog Training Study
Canine Companions has been chosen as a
Cover Story continued
take Kathleen an hour to get out of bed every day. “I had to very slowly inch
each leg closer and closer to the edge of the bed, until I could get my legs off.”
One day, Kathleen saw a TV program about assistance dogs and decided
she should apply. Being home alone all day, Kathleen knew she could use a
helper, but she couldn’t afford to spend thousands of dollars for an assistance dog.
Then Kathleen found out that Canine Companions for Independence provides
assistance dogs and follow up support for free.
contractor to furnish dogs for a study to be
In August 2013, Kathleen found herself on stage
performed by the Department of Veterans
again, with the bright lights shining on her. But
Affairs (VA). The study will determine the
she wasn’t dancing. This time she was at a Canine
benefits of canine support for veterans with
Companions graduation ceremony, receiving Ser-
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
vice Dog Aruba. Aruba laid by her side faithfully
“Canine Companions is always at the
as Kathleen spoke to the audience. “Everything at
forefront of canine assistance and therapy,”
Canine Companions is professional and accessible—
states Paul Mundell, national director of
the way it should be,” Kathleen said.
canine programs at Canine Companions.
Today Aruba is Kathleen’s constant companion,
“This study is an opportunity to support
helping pick up any items Kathleen might drop and
our veterans and provide insight into the
assisting her while out in public. But for Kathleen,
potential benefits of a highly trained assis-
one of the biggest changes has simply been getting
tance dog for individuals living with PTSD.”
out of bed each morning. With Aruba’s help, what
We’ve begun training PTSD service
used to take an hour now only takes three minutes.
dogs to complete five specific tasks that will
Aruba tugs Kathleen’s legs off the bed using a special
potentially help veterans. One example is the
strap wrapped around her ankles.
“search” command; a dog is trained to enter
“While training to receive Aruba, I remembered
a room before their handler, turn on lights
the Canine Companions van. On the side it said,
and sweep the perimeter for the presence of
‘Raise a puppy, change a life.’ Aruba has truly
another person. Additionally, the dogs will
changed my life,” says Kathleen. “Aruba has been
be trained for public access and obedience.
a delight. She took to our family perfectly, as if she had always been here. I’m
We will continue to work collaboratively
no longer afraid to go by myself to appointments or the store.”
with the VA in this ground-breaking and
mutually beneficial project.
The Companion
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 3
Holiday 2014
Her husband, Ted, couldn’t agree more, “Words cannot express what Aruba
has done for our family.”
10/27/14 6:22 PM
First Teams Graduate in Texas
In partnership with Baylor Scott & White Health, initial
A groundbreaking ceremony was held September 5th in
construction of our sixth training center in Texas, the South
Irving, Texas, along with our first graduation ceremony of four
Central Region, began in October 2014.
teams thanks to the use of a temporary facility. See photos of
“This collaboration with Baylor Scott & White Health
the new graduates on page 15.
will allow Canine Companions for Independence to continue
“Baylor Scott & White continually looks for innovative ways
changing lives by providing highly trained assistance dogs and
to achieve our mission: to serve all people by providing personal-
ongoing follow-up services to adults, children, and veterans, all
ized health and wellness through exemplary care, education and
free of charge, for generations to come,” said Corey Hudson,
research as a Christian ministry of healing,” said Joel Allison,
CEO of Canine Companions for Independence. “An expansion
CEO of Baylor Scott & White Health. “Through this unique
to Texas in 2015—our 40th anniversary year—is an essential
extension of care, Baylor Scott & White Health and Canine
step and proof that we’ll continue to be the innovators and
Companions for Independence desire to give people with physical
advocates we’ve always been, standing at the vanguard of the
or developmental disabilities an enhanced quality of life.”
assistance dog service sector.”
Decade of Devotion Culminates in $1.2 Million Journey
In Memory of Joan Solon
When asked to describe her dear friend Joan Solon, former
first, the Vail gala grew and has now raised almost $1.2 million
National Board member Anne Roberts smiles, “She certainly
to support Canine Companions.
was a force to be reckoned with, a true champion of Canine
After losing Joan last October, Anne and Bob decided to host
Companions, and one of my dearest friends.” The Canine
a virtual event, Journey to Independence, in Joan’s honor. People
Companions mission has captivated Anne, Joan and widower
were asked to stay home so someone with a disability could
Bob Solon for more than a decade.
leave theirs. The “phantom event” was wonderfully successful.
“We can’t fix the problems of the world,” says Bob. “But
Supporters gave nearly $175,000 in donations and pledges to
we can make people’s lives better—one at a time. And that is
honor Joan’s extraordinary kindness to Canine Companions and
what Joanie was all about.”
provided us with an enduring and inspiring legacy.
Propelled by their belief in our mission to help people with
disabilities live with greater independence, Anne, Joan and Bob
To make an honor or memorial gift for Joan or someone
you love, please visit
have made it their personal mission to get as many people
involved as possible. And no one threw a party like Joan.
After moving to Colorado in 2000, Anne realized
no one in the Vail Valley area of Colorado knew about
Canine Companions. “My first event was small. We
had about only 20 people,” remembers Anne. “And
then I met Joan and Bob and we were off and
Since 2004, pulling together friends and neighbors, mostly those they met out on dog walks at
Anne Roberts, Bob Solon, Lee Solon,
Jill Weiser and Colorado graduate
Bryan with Service Dog Yang II at a
thank you reception hosted by the Solon
family for supporters that donated in Joan’s
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 4
Canine Companions for Independence
10/27/14 6:22 PM
This is Not My Dog
By Kay Jones
My name is Kay Jones and this is not my dog. His name is
after ten faithful years, we retired her and received assistance
Weaver and he probably thinks he’s my dog. He lives with
dog Cortez.
me and I care for and train him. But he belongs to someone I
Travis and Cortez went off to college together, moved to
have never met. Someone who at this moment is waiting for
California all on their own, and got a job designing computer
this dog to change their life. But I am starting in the middle of
games. They lived the good life until age caught up with Cortez
my story. Let me take you back to the beginning.
too. He passed five years ago.
Over thirty years ago I heard the words that would set
The next part of the story…the one that leads to Weaver
my feet on a path I never thought I would travel. “It’s a boy.
is equally as transformative, but perhaps not quite so obvious.
There’s something wrong with his arms and legs.” The boy was
Travis had grown up and moved away. I found myself newly
Travis and he had arthrogryposis multiplex congentia, which
single and without the driving force that ran my life for the
blocks the development of muscles in utero.
last 23 years. Canine Companions was the answer—I became
Travis required surgery after surgery after surgery. Sixteen
a volunteer puppy raiser.
in all. It wasn’t long before I realized it was going to take more
I think puppy raisers are the world’s only living heart
than just a great surgeon to allow Travis to live independently.
donors. We give our hearts up every time we turn in a pup.
When Travis was five years old, I read a letter written to
But then I think about Travis and his nightly plea, “Please let
Ann Landers asking if she could recommend a good charity
tomorrow be the day I get my dog.”
to donate to. Her response was brief, “Canine Companions
When you realize that someone has been waiting for this
for Independence trains dogs to assist the physically disabled.”
dog it becomes not a question of how can you give the dog
This was in pre-internet 1986, but once I received Canine
up, but how can you not?
Companions’ literature in the mail I knew an assistance dog
Weaver is the 11th dog I have raised for Canine Compan-
was something I wanted for my son. So we applied for a dog.
ions. He is named in honor of Carole Weaver, the Florida
Since Canine Companions relies solely on donations, the
GFWC President, who has selected Canine Companions as
need far outweighs the supply. For three years I listened to my
her president’s project with a goal to raise $300,000 over the
son say every night, “Dear God, please let tomorrow be the
next two years.
day I get my dog.” And then there was Kosmic.
The physical tasks Kosmic performed were impressive. She
carried Travis’ lunchbox, picked up dropped items, and helped
Travis up when he fell. When Kosmic’s health started to fail
The Companion
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 5
Holiday 2014
Someone once asked me how long I would go on raising
puppies. We don’t get many opportunities to truly change a
person’s life. Do it once and you will want to do it forever.
To learn more about puppy raising, visit
10/27/14 6:22 PM
Photo courtesy of Skipper Productions
Making a Life-Changing Impact
Catherine Rupp was at the Canine Companions TEAM 2014
to attend the TEAM Volunteer Conference for the first time.
Volunteer Conference when she raised her hand to participate
“It was a very inspiring conference,” Catherine says. “I’ve
in a story telling exercise. She stood up in front of the group
read all of the stories on the website, but hearing people talk
and pulled out two laminated photos of Canine Companions
at length about how their lives have been made better by
assistance dogs she had raised with their human partners.
Canine Companions assistance dogs was incredibly moving. I
“People ask how I can give up the dog in a way that expresses
encourage all volunteers to attend a conference at some point
they feel sorry for me,” Catherine tells the other volunteers
to get a better understanding of the entire organization, beyond
at the conference as she shows them the photos. “There is
our chapters, groups and regions.”
no reason to feel sorry for me. I carry these photos with me
Catherine has been involved with Canine Companions
wherever I go, in case I’m asked this question. I can give up
since 2010 and is currently raising her third puppy, Gonzo
the dogs because of the people they will help.”
II. “Being involved gives me a chance to make a life-changing
A two-day event celebrating collaboration, education and
impact for someone with a disability,” Catherine explains. “And
inspiration, this was the third year for the annual TEAM
I have a lot of fun doing it. It’s incredibly rewarding. I’ve met
Volunteer Conference. And 2014 was by far the largest confer-
some tremendous, giving people. And I’ve had the privilege to
ence yet, with over 160 volunteers and staff from across the
work with supremely talented dogs whose place in the world
country in attendance. After stepping up to lead the Chicago
is to be with people with disabilities. These dogs are bred to
area volunteer group earlier this year, Catherine was eager
love to work and they love what they do.”
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 6
Canine Companions for Independence
10/27/14 6:22 PM
Cathy’s Corner
I’d love to share with you the benefits and power of two simple words. Thank You.
Can such small words hold life-changing power? Yes! Gratitude has the power
to transform our health, happiness and success. Research shows that people who are
thankful are happier, have less stress and better relationships and health.
In this spirit, here are four things I am thankful for every day of the year:
Puppy Raisers—Our volunteer puppy raisers fully understand the meaning of love
and giving back. They help us fulfill our mission when they welcome an
8-week-old bundle of fur into their homes and I extend my gratitude and thanks
for their dedication of our donors to help others in need.
Donors—The generosity and dedication to our mission enables us to provide our
highly trained assistance dogs and our services free of charge. Their hearts are
giving and they are changing lives!
Graduates—I am thankful to get to know those extraordinary and inspiring people
who travel to our campus four times a year and trust us to find them a perfect
dog that will provide them with independence and hope.
Staff—Our dedicated staff at the Southeast region works tirelessly to provide Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People®. I couldn’t be more proud to work with
such an amazing group of people.
I enjoyed reading A. A. Milne’s stories to my son when he was young and this quote
is very memorable, “Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it
could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.” I hope this quote provides you with
inspiration on your gratitude journey.
I’m thankful for all of you—our wonderful Canine Companions family, which
is rich and wonderful and is made up of donors, puppy raisers, graduates, board
members, staff and many volunteers around our region. I am thankful to be a part
of the Canine Companions community and that you are all part of it too.
Southeast Region
Board of Directors
Christine O’Neal
SeaWorld—Aquatica—Discovery Cove
Cathy Fischer
Universal Parks & Resorts
Bill White
Darden Restaurants, Inc.
Robin Sanchez
Community Advocate
Norm Abramson
L3 Communications & U.S. Air Force (Retired)
Judy Albertson
Albertson-Peterson Art Consultants
Ashley Bacot
Andrea Batchelor
Community Advocate
Nancy Baumann
Powerful Pathways
Jason Brewer
Cynthia Brumback
The Monogram Merchant
Trish Chard Walsh
TRISHchard Fitness
Michael Gaich
The Michael Gaich Company
Nick Heldreth
Harris Corporation (Retired)
Moody McCall, DVM
San Pablo Animal Hospital
Michelle Murrell
Eastern Florida State College
Cathy Benson
Executive Director, Southeast Region
The Companion
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 7
Holiday 2014
Bill Sarantis
Law Enforcement Officer (Retired)
Tom Zastrow
U.S. Department of Labor (Retired)
10/27/14 6:22 PM
Record Breaking Year for
the Tales & Tails Gala
More than $310,000 raised!
Spirits were high and celebration, entertainment and hope were the
event buzzwords at the Music City Experience—a Tales & Tails
Gala event. Almost 600 supporters came together and enjoyed
bidding on an array of items in the silent and live auctions, a
delicious dinner from the talented chefs at the Rosen Shingle Creek
and a special live performance by Blue Sky Riders.
Following dinner the crowd gave its attention to Jason Morgan
who took the stage to share his journey to independence. Jason,
a retired U.S. Air Force veteran, was injured when his military
vehicle was ambushed during a special operations narcotics mission
in South America. “When you go through a disability like mine
it completely changes your life in every way. Napal and Rue, my
Canine Companions assistance dogs, have made my tough days so
much easier,” Jason told the crowd. “They have been the biggest
contributors to my well being and my way of life since my injury
more than 14 years ago.”
We would like to extend a special thank you to our sponsors:
Event Sponsor
Emerald Paws Sponsors
Rosen Shingle Creek
Nancy & Jeff Baumann
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
SeaWorld Orlando
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 8
SunDance Marketing
MLB Creative
The Event Source
Canine Companions for Independence
10/27/14 6:22 PM
DogFest Walk ‘n Roll
This has been an exciting year in the Southeast region for
as well as dinner and music. DogFest Orlando took over the
Canine Companions’ signature national event, DogFest Walk n’
University of Central Florida on November 9th for a DogFest
Roll! We are thankful for our many great volunteers who have
festival and Jacksonville DogFest returns to the Riverwalk Arts
taken on the planning and execution of DogFests in Atlanta,
Market on November 22nd.
Cocoa Beach, Nashville, Orlando and for the second year in a
Join the fun in 2015 at DogFest Walk n’ Roll as we raise
row, Jacksonville! We kicked off 2014 in the spring with two
money to support Canine Companions. Our 2015 schedule
incredible events in Atlanta, Georgia and Cocoa Beach, Florida.
includes new events in Panama City, Florida; Charlotte, North
Both walks were run entirely by volunteer committees whose
Carolina; and South Florida. And, returning in 2015 are Atlanta,
energy and passion helped attracted over 250 participants and
Nashville, Orlando and Jacksonville. If you are interested in
raised $50,000!
starting a walk or would like to volunteer at a walk, please
Fall was full of “tail wagging good times” as we celebrated
at DogFest Walk n’ Roll Nashville, with afternoon festivities
don’t hesitate to contact us at
For more information go to
Inspired to Give
Known throughout Central Florida for their philanthropic
the Tales & Tails Gala, the Taylors have become passionate
efforts, Scott and Elaine Taylor give of their time, energy,
advocates for our mission. Scott recently spent months working
resources and leadership to create an even bigger impact and
on a new corporate video for Canine Companions and spent
support causes close to their hearts.
hours interviewing graduates, puppy raisers and getting lots
For Scott, this spirit of generosity has almost become a
of shots of cute puppies!
full time job as he shares his time and talents by helping local
In addition to their volunteer work, Scott and Elaine
non-profits with video work. Scott has always had a passion for
made a multi-year financial commitment to support Canine
story telling—starting with his professional career in corporate
Companions. Because of their benevolence, they are helping
communications in New York City.
to ensure that Canine Companions will be able to continue
Since learning about Canine Companions after attending
The Companion
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 9
Holiday 2014
to provide our services free of charge for future generations.
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GFWC Does Good for Others
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said,
work on the Southeast Training Center’s
There is no more uplifting environment
“Life’s most persistent and urgent
campus, and it was a testament to what
to be in than a group of people doing
question is: ‘What are you doing for
can be achieved with many hands! More
good deeds and using their own time
than 35 women volunteered and spruced
and energy because they feel passionate
up our campus, cleaned dorm rooms
about an issue! We are deeply grateful
and provided office assistance.
to General Federation of Women’s Clubs
This past September, the Florida
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
(GFWC) answered that question and
Service is an integral part of life
had fun doing it. They came together to
that gives meaning to everything we do.
for their passion for our mission.
Orlando Solar Bears Calendar
Canine Companions and the Orlando Solar Bears are collaborating for a second
year to produce an extraordinary wall calendar. The 2015 calendar is filled with
beautiful photos featuring our exceptional dogs posing with Orlando Solar Bears
players. You will delight in the heartwarming photos, which remind us that we
need to smile more, play hard and love without inhibition.
The calendar also features the Orlando Solar Bears 2014-2015 schedule, important
dates and events for Canine Companions, and holidays. The large format wall
calendar features daily grids with ample room for jotting appointments, birthdays
and reminders
The calendar is on sale for $10 at all Orlando Solar Bears home games or by
calling the Southeast Training Center at 407-522-3300.
Your purchase will help support our work and will allow us to place more
Exceptional Dogs with Exceptional People®. This is a great gift for both dog lovers
and hockey fans!
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 10
Canine Companions for Independence
10/27/14 6:22 PM
Advances in Canine Cognition
Science at Canine Companions for Independence
Have you ever wondered what your dog was thinking as they
differences in dog psychology can predict which dogs will be
gaze at you while you give a command? There is little doubt
successful in the program, or help to match dogs with specific
that the bond between a Canine Companions assistance dog
assistance roles.
and their partner is special, just as each bond between a pet
Student researchers test our dogs through a series of fun
and their owner is special. Dogs’ attentiveness and ability to
and in-depth games, similar to those you might play with a
read our gestures makes us feel special and connected with
child. “By discovering the strengths of a dog’s cognitive profile,
our canine friends.
Canine Companions hopes to better understand why dogs
In North Carolina, Duke University’s Canine Cognition
make mistakes and how we can adapt our training methods
Center’s research suggests that dogs are quite bright and in
to help each canine learn more effectively,” says Paul Mundell,
some ways, very unique. The Canine Cognition Center is
national director of canine programs for Canine Companions.
one of the few research labs that focuses on how dogs think
“We want to give each dog the best path to a successful career.”
and learn. It has partnered with Canine Companions for
“It is very similar to vocational aptitude testing for people,”
Independence to measure problem solving skills, memory and
explains Evan MacLean, Ph.D, senior research scientist and
communication in our dogs.
co-director of Duke Canine Cognition Center. “It is not an
Canine Companions and Duke Canine Cognition Center
intelligence test. You might have one dog that has a great
began partnering in this groundbreaking research four years
memory, but isn’t as skilled at communicating to their handler.
ago at our Northwest Training Center and recently expanded to
Or you might have another dog that is just the opposite. Just
include dogs at our Southeast Training Center. To date, Duke has
like people, dogs can problem-solve differently and by knowing
studied 275 dogs in professional training at Canine Companions.
a dog’s strengths and weaknesses, we can try to determine
By studying our dogs, researchers hope to determine if individual
what role they might be best suited for.”
The Companion
2014 Winter Companion r8.indd 11
Holiday 2014
10/27/14 6:22 PM
New Dean Koontz Book to Support Canine Companions
8.125 × 8.25
SPINE: 0.5 FLAPS: 3.5
Dog confidante and advisor, Anna Koontz, golden retriever and companion to #1 New
ewest (four-legged)
ent from the
oontz Family!
“Anna, what makes dogs
“What about tug toys?”
What about long walks?”
we’re going to the
age store.”
about peanut butter?”
or peanut butter raises
ical issues.
n that.”
“What about tennis balls?”
Advice for the
Furry and Forlorn
and his dog
$20.00 U.S
York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz debuts her talent as advice columnist
$22.00 CAN
It’s long been suspected
that dogs are smarter
than humans.
Now we know it’s true
to her species in her seminal work “Ask Anna: Advice for the Furry and Forlorn.”
Dear Reader,
Anna helps all sorts of dogs with all sorts of problems, questions and, well, issues.
My dad, Dean Koontz, is a writer, as
you might be aware. For years his first
golden retriever, Trixie, also wrote books,
With her superior intellect, sharp wit, a warm and fuzzy heart, Anna assists dogs in
which sometimes made the best-seller
list. I vowed never to be a writer.
I barely have enough time for all the
finding their inner canine. Some of her best advice: take time daily for ball-chasing
belly rubs, ball chasing, bird chasing,
tug-of-war, and posing cutely that is
required of me as a golden retriever, not
and belly rubs—the keys (along with sausages) to true canine joy.
to mention all of my non-professional
interests, such as the new translation
of Proust that I have undertaken, and
learning to pilot a hot-air balloon.
Anna Koontz was raised by Canine Companions for Independence. After leaving
Nevertheless, I have written a book
of advice for dogs. It’s not a matter of
ego, which anyone who knows a golden
the program due to a slight issue with birds, Anna was adopted by the Koontz family
retriever will attest. It’s not about money,
because I’m being paid in sausages.
What it’s about is giving back to my
and she’s now found her true calling as a writer (surprised?!), and 100% of what she
community—which I feel obliged to do
especially because of all the park grass
I’ve ruined with little round brown spots.
I hope you enjoy my book—and learn
and Dean receive from the sale of “Ask Anna” will be donated to Canine Companions.
something about our fine species.
Anna Koontz, Dog
Anna lives in Southern California with her parents, Gerda and Dean Koontz.
8/7/14 4:20 PM
The Koontz family has been a major supporter of Canine Companions since the early 1990s with donations in excess of $9 million dollars. Now 100% of
what the author receives from the sale of “Ask Anna” will be donated to Canine Companions for Independence.
Bret Michaels Makes Donation
for Wounded Veterans
Bret Michaels rocked the house during a live TV appearance on “Fox and Friends” on
PetSmart is now offering a
special Yellow Ribbon Stencil
in Grooming Salons across the
country. With each purchase
of the Yellow Ribbon Stencil,
PetSmart will donate $1 to
Canine Companions Wounded
Veterans Initiative. This is
made possible by PetSmart
for Patriots, a joint endeavor
between PetSmart and Canine
Companions to help partner
assistance dogs with the military veterans who need them.
Visit your local PetSmart store
to learn more.
July 18 in New York City, but the greatest applause during the early morning might
have been when Sergeant Sam Cila (U.S. Army Retired) and Captain James Van Thach
(U.S. Army Retired) strode onto the stage with their service dogs Gillian and Liz. The
two Canine Companions Wounded Veterans Initiative graduates accepted a $10,000
check from Bret’s Life Rocks Foundation. “This is what we do,” Bret said after greeting
Cila and Thach on-stage. “To be able to give $10,000 back to Canine Companions for
Independence, we love them…this is what matters, right here.”
The crowd roared their approval!
Also thanks to our partner PetSmart for Patriots,
Capt. Thach and Liz received rock star treatment during
a live guest appearance on the NBC Today Show
on Memorial Day weekend with PetSmart CEO
David Lenhardt and hosts Willie Geist and Natalie
To learn more about PetSmart for Patriots and
Canine Companions Wounded Veteran Inititiatve
Bret Michaels meets two Canine Companions
puppies at a special event in Columbus, Ohio.
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Canine Companions for Independence
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Leading Assistance Dogs International
Assistance Dogs International, an association of non-profit
assistance dog organizations, announced a new president for
its North American group. Our own National Director of
Canine Programs Paul Mundell will take over the helm to
guide the coalition that provides education about assistance
dogs, advocates for the legal rights of people with disabilities partnered with assistance dogs, and sets standards and
Pledge to Stop
Service Dog Fraud
More than 28,000 people have
signed on to stop service dog
fraud and show their support.
Thank you!
But the problem persists. Take
the Pledge To Stop Service Dog
Fraud to help Canine Companions
in the fight against discrimination
and make sure that people who
have a legitimate need for an
guidelines for assistance dog training.
“I’m pleased to assist the members of Assistance Dogs
International in increasing public education and strengthening their organizations’
skills and standards in order to provide people with disabilities a highly-trained
assistance dog,” states Paul.
Paul joined Canine Companions in 1989 as an instructor in the Northeast Region
after studying at Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg in Germany. Since that time,
Paul has made far-reaching and critically important contributions to the profile of the
ideal Canine Companions assistance dog, and is today a nationally and internationally
recognized authority in the field of canine genetics and behavior. Paul’s particular
focuses include breeding and selection, training and behavior, and developing and
improving the puppy raising program. Additionally, Paul is a consultant for the
United States Marine Corps, assisting to develop specialized search dogs that will
remotely detect improvised explosive devices.
assistance dog can continue to
have access to all public places
and public transportation that is
H & E Litters
required by law.
You’ve watched our puppy webcams and
Visit to learn
seen the progress the pups make in just
why it matters and to sign the
eight short weeks. Now the E and Hero
petition. If you’ve already signed,
Litters are hard at work to become assis-
visit the site to learn more about
tance dogs. While the Hero Litter is just
how you can further create
beginning their first holiday season with
their puppy raisers, some of the E Litter
puppies are looking towards graduation
in November or February as they work
with professional Canine Companions
Eliza is busy learning over 40 commands
in professional training with the hopes of
becoming an assistance dog.
Stay up-to-date with all of the happenings of these two special litters, both
sponsored by Eukanuba, by following our blog at
2015 Calendar Available Now
Each month of this special 2015 calendar will warm your heart and make you smile
with a different fabulous photo of Canine Companions puppies. The photos are sure to
brighten your day, month and year. Visit to receive your calendar
free with a $25 donation.
The Companion
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2014 Team Training Yearbook
Northwest Region
➊ June Joann with Brooklyn II;
Danielle with Nadia V; Penny with
Baylynn; Meriah with Kianna; Janet with
Rizzo II; Lori with Reagan III
Your support makes
each of these teams possible.
➋ August Erika, Logan & Steven with
Daimon; Melissa with Chevy III; Lisa &
Josh with Princess II; Susan with Alanis
II; Richard with Patriot; Skye with Phelps
II; Dominic with Tami II; Kevin, Theresa &
Maria with Eve V; Kristin, Ed & Jack with
Nasira II; Jessica, Gabe & Andrew with
Billings; Phillip with Faber
To make more teams possible go
to or use the enclosed
envelope to mail your donation.
➌ August Connie with Marijke;
Ashley with Lovey II; Courtney with Lolly
III; Priscilla with Wilkes II; Marilyn with
Boudia; Jennifer with Delilah IV
➍ October Jim with Doreen III; Ann
with Ruthann; Mark with Roper; Karen
with Farley VI; Susan with Herbert; Forest
with Oasis III
Southwest Region
➎ August Patrick, Elena & Clare with
Murphy VII; Charlie with Devon III; Curren
& Ariane with Éclair II; Hannah & Julie
with Obrien; Eric with Dusty V; Veren &
Verlene with Cherokee III;
➏ Ashley & Cathy with Prodigy
Visit to
join us for an upcoming
graduation ceremony.
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Southwest Region
➊-➌ Side placements Bobbi with
Breezy; Michael with Trista IV; Tim, Jason &
Nancy with Taran
North Central Region
➍ August Olivia & Patty with Gaddy;
Courtney with Rolo II; Amy with Portland II;
Dennis with Wicket; Marge with Lamar II;
Kyle with Ramsey IV; Tammy with Gage III;
Bonnie with Gadget; Lisa with Tahiti; Doug
& Alexis with Partner; Richard with Iris V;
Kenzie & Brenda with Coreen II
Southeast Region
➎ August Shelly, Marie & David with
Gaucho; Kendall & Christina with Felix III;
Andi & Maureen with Barley IV; Anthony &
Nicole with Declan II; Landon & Nicole with
Lara III; Katie & Susan with Padynn; Emma
& Michele with Joy VII
Northeast Region
➏ August Kara with Indy III; David with
Lombard; Jane with Diego IV; Barbara with
Nash III; Ginny, Steve & Rachel with Pebbles
II; Teresa & Thomas with Ronan II; Melissa &
Alexandra with Ponyo; Paula with Newcomb;
Fernando with Clay IV; Arlene & Danielle
with Pip III; Jill, Len & Tyler with Randall II;
Joann, Gerry & Gerard with Indigo III
South Central Region
➐-➓ September Brian with Brindle;
Stacey with Fuchsia II; Mackenzie, Allen &
Lisa with Illia; Melanie with Hillary V
The Companion
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Board Members
John Miller
Chair, Garden City, NY
John McKinney
Vice Chair, Healdsburg, CA
Bob Street
Colorado Springs, CO
Pauline Parry, PhD
Secretary, San Mateo, CA
Joann Elliott
Naperville, IL
John Elliott
Naperville, IL
Anne Gittinger
Board Chair Emeritus
Seattle, WA
Mel Gottlieb
Double Bay, Australia
Barrie Graham
Novato, CA
Russ Gurevitch, DVM
Penngrove, CA
Leslie Hennessy
Colorado Springs, CO
John Hopen
Sebastopol, CA
Carolyn Hrach
Mars, PA
Chris Kittredge
Santa Rosa, CA
Jill Leverton, MD
Napa, CA
Rob Patterson
Doylestown, PA
Jim Purton, ex-officio
Fredericksburg, VA
Juergen Rottler
Saratoga, CA
Nancy Sawhney
Sacramento, CA
Jean Schulz
Board Chair Emeritus
Santa Rosa, CA
Dennis Sproule
Fullerton, CA
William White
Winter Park, FL
Emily Williams
Santa Rosa, CA
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
By Canine
for Independence
PO Box 446
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-0446
Address Service Requested
If you receive duplicate issues, please
contact us and pass extras along to friends.
Corey Hudson, CEO, Santa Rosa, CA
Honorary & Associate Board Members
Judy Allen
Santa Rosa, CA
Jack Hanna
Powell, OH
Dean & Gerda Koontz
Newport Beach, CA
Terry Levin
San Francisco, CA
Madeleine Paulson
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Jon Provost
Santa Rosa, CA
Jason Taylor
Bruce Thorn
National Headquarters & Northwest Training Center
Santa Rosa, CA
Southwest Training Center
Oceanside, CA
Southwest Advancement Offices
Colorado Springs, CO; Denver, CO
Southeast Training Center
Orlando, FL
Northeast Training Center
Medford, NY
North Central Training Center
Delaware, OH
North Central Advancement Office
Chicago, IL
South Central Training Center, Coming Soon
Irving, TX
Web Site:
Phone: 1-800-572-BARK (2275)
Credits ©2014 Canine Companions for Independence, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Canine Companions for
Independence,® its logo, and Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional
People® are trademarks of Canine Companions for Independence, Inc.
Editor: Erin Thompson
Printer: The Goode Co. Printing
Design: Combustion Creative
Sixth Training Center Begins Construction
Baylor Scott & White Health and Canine Companions for Independence
announce plans to build the first Canine Companions training center in Texas
and the first in the nation to be connected to a health care system. Learn more
about the South Central Region on page four.
National Strategic Partners
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