Banglalink Phone Backup FAQ
Banglalink Phone Backup FAQ
Banglalink Phone Backup FAQ 1. What is Banglalink Phone Backup? Banglalink Phone Backup is a service that safeguards all data of your mobile phone including Contacts, Calendar, SMS, Photos, Videos and Music. The Phone Backup service copies your mobile phone’s data in a secure manner to Banglalink’s secure Phone Backup system, and also enables you to restore the saved data on your phone (New / Existing) whenever you change your phone or in case you lose the data accidentally. 2. What are the features available on Banglalink Phone Backup service? Banglalink Phone Backup service enables you to: • Easily & quickly backup all your mobile data • View, manage and edit all your data through secure internet website • Copy/Restore all your saved/backed-up data to your phone (New or Existing) 3. What kind of data can be saved using Banglalink Phone Backup service? You can save the following categories of data depending on your phone model: • Contacts List • Events & Tasks • Photos • Videos • Music • SMS 4. Can I use Banglalink Phone Backup service from any Banglalink connection, be it pre-paid or post-paid? Yes you can use Banglalink Phone Backup service from your pre-paid as well as your postpaid connection depending on GPRS activated on your Phone. 5. a. What are the subscription charges? The charges are and Tk. 20/month (i.e. Tk. 23 including VAT) for Client based (for GPRS enabled handset) package and Tk. 10/month (i.e. Tk. 11.5 including VAT) for SMS based package, on 30 day renewable basis. Client Based (Rich & SyncML client) Package: • Rich client supports EDGE/GPRS enabled, high end handsets, where the backup & restore takes place through a wap application downloaded and stored in the handset • SyncML client supports EDGE/GPRS enabled, medium handsets, where the backup & restore takes place by synchronizing the phone with the Phone Backup website. SMS Based Package: • SMS backup supports all type of handset i.e. both EDGE/GPRS enabled and nonenabled handset. b. What are the charges to send SMS? The charges are Tk. 2 +VAT per SMS (i.e. Tk. 2.30, including VAT, per SMS). 6. Can I use any phone handset to save/backup my data? Yes, you can use any mobile phone to save/backup your data. Your phone handset model will be categorized in the following category: • GPRS capability phones - If you have GPRS phones you can save all your Contacts List, Event & Tasks, SMS, Photos, Videos and Music. You will use Rich client (Backup Option) or Native SyncML (Synchronize) options for using the Banglalink Phone Backup service. For using the Phone Backup service in GPRS enabled phones, blwap is the APN that needs to be used. • Non-GPRS capability phones – you can save your contacts list using SMS based Phone Backup. 7. How do I know if my mobile phone is GPRS enabled or not? The Banglalink Phone Backup system automatically detects your handset’s capability of being GPRS enabled or not and accordingly sends you the appropriate message and settings to your mobile phone handset. 8. What is GPRS? GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service. It is an enhancement to the GSM mobile communications system, which allows internet browsing on a mobile phone as well as connecting to data services. For using the Phone Backup service, blwap is the APN that needs to be used. 9. If my mobile phone has GPRS capability how do I get GPRS activated on my mobile phone? Banglalink Phone Backup works on basic GPRS called ‘Bangalinkwap’. Please call customer care at 121 to get Banglalinkwap settings on your handset. blwap is the Banglalinkwap APN and that needs to be set as the default access point. 10. How can I register to Banglalink Phone Backup service using my GPRS capability phone? To start, ensure that you have GPRS, ‘Banglalinkwap’ enabled on your phone. Once GPRS is activated, you can register to the Banglalink Phone Backup service by any one of the following methods: 1. Send SMS ‘BACKUP’ to 6600 2. Open your mobile phone’s web browser, type and access the WAP Portal. 3. Call 121, customer care will guide the customer to send SMS ‘Backup’ to 6600 to activate the service. 4. Open the web browser with and click on “Sign Up”. 11. How do I download and install the Banglalink Phone Backup application on my GPRS phone? Once you receive the SMS confirming your registration, you will receive an SMS containing a link. Then follow these steps: 1. Open the SMS and click on the in the SMS. 2. This will redirect you to the WAP page where the automatic download of the application will start. (Note: If the automatic download does not start, then select the link “Click Here” which is displayed on the WAP Page, to initiate the phone backup client download). 3. The phone will prompt you to ‘install’ the application on your mobile phone 4. You need to select ‘Yes’ to install the application on your mobile phone 5. Once installed, Banglalink Phone Backup icon will appear in your 'Phone Menu' or 'Games Folder' or 'Application Folder' depending on your phone model 6. You will also receive a SMS with the Internet URL link of your Phone Backup account, the Account User ID, which is your phone number in 880xxxxxxxxxx format and the password for Web-login. (For details, refer to FAQ No. 31) 12. How do I download and install the Banglalink Phone Backup application by directly accessing the WAP Portal from my GPRS phone? If you have directly accessed the WAP Portal by typing on your phone’s web browser, then you will be prompted to download the application directly on to your mobile phone and installation will happen automatically. Once installed, Banglalink Phone Backup icon will appear in your 'Phone Menu' or 'Games Folder' or 'Application Folder' or ‘My Own’ folder depending on your phone model. 13. Will the Banglalink Phone Backup application be downloaded on all GPRS phones? No, all GPRS enabled phones do not support auto-download of the Banglalink Phone Backup application. Only if it is a JAVA or Symbian phone handset, the Banglalink Phone Backup application will be directly downloaded to your mobile phone. To know what type is your handset call customer care 121 or refer to FAQ No. 39. If your phone is a JAVA or Symbian phone handset then please proceed to FAQ No. 14. In case your phone is not a JAVA or Symbian phone handset, then you will be sent appropriate SMS with settings for using the mobile phone’s inbuilt SyncML (Synchronize) option to connect to Banglalink Phone Backup service. (For details, refer to FAQ No.19) 14. How do I launch Banglalink Phone Backup application on my GPRS (JAVA & Symbian) phone? Open the folder in which the Banglalink Phone Backup application has been saved and click on the Banglalink Phone Backup icon to launch it. Once launched the Banglalink Phone Backup shows a home screen with options like Backup, Schedule, Restore and Settings. 15. Are there any other settings that I need to change before using Banglalink Phone Backup from my GPRS (JAVA or Symbian) phone? Yes, you have to ensure that following settings are done for JAVA or Symbian phone handsets as case may be, before attempting to use Banglalink Phone Backup service. • For JAVA phones change settings in below-mentioned to ‘Always Allowed’: a. Phone Backup > Options > App. Access >Communication > Network Access b. Phone Backup > Options > App. Access >Communication > Connectivity c. Phone Backup > Options > App. Access >Auto-start d. Phone Backup > Options > App. Access > Data Access > Add and edit data e. Phone Backup > Options > App. Access > Data Access > Read user data 16. How do I save/backup my mobile phone’s data using my GPRS (JAVA or Symbian) phone? Once you have done the settings mentioned in FAQ No. 15 as per JAVA or Symbian phone type, and then click on Backup. On the screen you will get option of selecting the data to save/backup. You will see Contacts, Events, Tasks, Photos, Videos and Music. You can select the data type that you want to save/backup and click backup to initiate backup process. The application will show you when the selected data has been successfully and securely saved/backed-up on to the Banglalink Phone Backup web-server. For Symbian Phones: For Java Phones: 17. How can I restore my data from Banglalink Phone Backup Web-server using my GPRS (JAVA or Symbian) phone? You can click open the Banglalink Phone Backup icon to launch the application as explained in FAQ No. 14. On the screen you will see options of Backup, Schedule, Restore and Settings. Then click on Restore function on the screen. On the screen you will get option to select which data to restore on to your phone. You will see Contacts, Events, Tasks, Photos, Videos and Music etc depending on the phone model. You can select the data type that you want to restore and click restore to initiate restore process. The application will prompt you to enter your Password (The password that you use to login to web interface). The application will show you when the selected data has been successfully and securely restored on to your mobile phone. For Symbian Phones: For Java Phones: 18. Can I schedule automatic backup of my GPRS (JAVA or Symbian) phone’s data? Yes you surely can. You can click on the Banglalink Phone Backup icon to launch the application as explained in FAQ No. 14. On the screen you will see options of Backup, Schedule, Restore and Settings. The Schedule option when clicked will show you options of Daily, Weekly, Monthly and keeping the schedule option as ‘OFF’. You can select desired timing and also the desired content that you want to save/backup during the scheduled time. (By default the Schedule option is kept as ‘OFF’ i.e. feature is disabled) For Symbian Phone: For Java Phones: 19. How will I use a GPRS phone supporting SyncML option to launch the Banglalink Phone Backup service? When the user clicks on the wap link , it displays the wap page with the option to send the sync settings to that user. User gets a message with username and password, another message with the link of Banglalink Phone Backup instruction page. And then an SMS with sync settings which it needs to save into the mobile phone by entering the code “1234” while prompting for the same. A new sync profile with Phone Backup is created. Now the user needs to go to options and select Synchronize. This starts the synchronization between the phone and backup server. In few of the handsets automatic sync settings are not saved. For that we need to create the sync profile manually. When a user select Motorola V3i on web. The message displayed on the web page is This phone doesn’t support automatic setup. The next step will walk you through what to do to configure it manually. Click on the button below to go to the next step. On the next page, user will get settings of how to create manual sync profile After saving the above settings user can start sync process on his/her mobile. 20. How will I save/backup my phone data using a GPRS (SyncML) phone? After creating or saving sync profile go to options and select synchronize. This will start synchronization between mobile and phone backup server. The process checks the difference between the phone data and the server data and synchronizes the unavailable data. Through Synchronization backup and restore completes in a single process. 21. How will I restore data from the Banglalink Phone Backup Web-server using a GPRS (SyncML) phone? In GPRS (SyncML) phone while synchronization backup and restore completes in a single process. It means both the data will get available at both the server and phone ends. 22. How can I schedule an automatic backup from my GPRS (SyncML) phone? In GPRS (SyncML) process scheduling is not possible as it is not supported by any phone. 23. What if my GPRS connectivity breaks at any point while doing Backup or Restore functions? If the GPRS connectivity breaks at anytime during backup or restore functions then appropriate error message of ‘Network Connection Failed’ will be shown and you will be prompted to ‘Try again’. In case you exited Banglalink Phone Backup application without retrying, then the next time that you click on the Banglalink Phone Backup application, it will automatically show you a message asking you to either resume the earlier transaction or do it later or suspend the transaction permanently. Based on your choice the application will proceed. 24. What if I receive a call or SMS while doing backup or restore functions? If you receive a call or SMS while doing backup or restore functions the backup/restore process is kept on hold temporarily and resumes as soon as the call is completed. However if the call takes too long to complete then an error message ‘Network Connection Failed’ is displayed and you will be prompted to ‘Try again’. Remaining steps are same as given above in FAQ No. 23. 25. Can I use the Banglalink Phone Backup service if I do not have a GPRS capability Phone? You can use the SMS based package. 26. How can I subscribe to the Banglalink Phone Backup service if I do not have a GPRS capability Phone? To subscribe to the SMS based package, type REG and send SMS to 6600. 27. What happens after you get subscribed? The SMS based package can backup and restore phone contacts. 28. How will I save/backup my phone’s data using SMS? You can use following two methods to save/backup your phone contacts to the Banglalink Phone Backup Web-server: 1. Send your contacts as Business Cards to 6600. 2. You can send SMS in format ‘ADD Name1 Phone1, Name2 Phone2,…’ to 6600 29. How can the user restore the data to his phone? You can use following two methods to restore the saved/backed-up data to your phone: 1. You can restore all the backed up data on to your phone by sending SMS with keyword ‘RESTORE’ to 6600 2. Individual contacts can be restored by sending SMS with keyword ‘GET Name1, Name2,…’ to 6600 30. Can I view the data which I saved/backed-up using phone on to the Banglalink Phone Backup Web-server? Yes, you can access and manage your Banglalink Phone Backup service account using this link on from the internet 31. What will be my Banglalink Phone Backup account’s Web-login User ID and Password? Your phone backup Account User ID will by default be your phone number in 880xxxxxxxxx format while the initial password is auto-generated by the Banglalink Phone Backup server and sent as a SMS to you. 32. How do I change my Phone backup account password? Whenever you first log-on to your Banglalink Phone Backup account from the internet, using the internet URL .You can change your password after logging into the web account from “Your account” tab. 33. What if I forget the password to my Banglalink Phone Backup Web-server account? You can retrieve the password from web interface using forgot password option. The password will be sent by SMS to your mobile phone. 34. Why can’t I restore after changing my password on Phone Backup Web-server account? If you change your password from web-login, you have to use same password While restoring your data in the Banglalink Phone Backup application installed. 35. What features are available on the Banglalink Phone Backup web-server account? This will make available your data over the web and you can access or use it when your mobile phone is not available with you. You can completely manage your saved/backed-up data using the phone backup internet account. You can add, delete, edit/modify following: • • • • • • Contacts Events & Tasks Photos Videos Audio SMS Once these changes are made then you can restore or sync your phone and you will get the updated data from the Banglalink Phone Backup service. Even with Web login user can able to send sync settings for their mobile phone. 36. What happens if I lose my phone or if I change my mobile handset/device? If you lose your phone do not panic, simply perform a Change Handset/Device action as given below. Similarly in case you buy a new handset/change handset but are using your old SIM (Old Mobile No.), follow the registration and download procedure as mentioned in FAQ No. 10 or FAQ No. 26 depending on the type of your new/changed handset. When you send SMS with keyword ‘BACKUP’ to 6600 you will receive a ‘Welcome Back’ message with requisite settings. You can also change your mobile handset/device using the Phone Backup account from the internet. 37. How can I unsubscribe and deactivate the Banglalink Phone Backup service? You can unsubscribe/deactivate the Banglalink Phone Backup service by: 1. Sending a SMS with keyword ‘UNSUB’ to 6600 and then sending a confirmation keyword ‘Yes’ to 6600 after being asked to do so. 2. Your data will be kept on Banglalink Phone Backup secure server for 30 days from the day of deactivation. 38. Where can I get more Help if required? You can request more Help for using the Banglalink Phone Backup service by calling customer care at 121. You can also send HELP on how to use service by sending ‘HELP’ to 6600. 39. What are the handsets which support the Banglalink Phone Backup GPRS client? Rich Client Symbian: Manufacturer Model LG KS10 (JoY) LG KT610 LG KT615 LG KT770 Nokia 3230 Nokia 3250 Nokia 5530 Nokia 6260 Nokia 6290 Nokia 6600 Nokia 6620 Nokia 6630 Nokia 6650 Nokia 6670 Nokia 6680 Nokia 6681 Nokia 6682 Nokia 5320 XpressMusic Nokia 5500 Sport Nokia 5630 XpressMusic Nokia 5700 XpressMusic Nokia 5730 XpressMusic Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Nokia 6110 Navigator Nokia 6120 Classic Nokia 6120c Nokia 6122 Classic Nokia 6124 Classic Nokia 6210 Navigator Nokia 6220 Classic Nokia 6710 Navigator Nokia 6720 Classic Nokia 6730 Classic Nokia E50 Nokia E51 Nokia E52 Nokia E55 Nokia E60 Nokia E61 Nokia E61i Nokia E62 Nokia E63 Nokia E65 Nokia E66 Nokia E70 Nokia E71 Nokia E71x Nokia E72 Nokia E75 Nokia N70 Nokia N71 Nokia N72 Nokia N73 Nokia N75 Nokia N76 Nokia N77 Nokia N78 Nokia N79 Nokia N80 Nokia N81 Nokia N81 8GB Nokia N82 Nokia N85 Nokia N86 8MP Nokia N90 Nokia N91 Nokia N92 Nokia N93 Nokia N93i Nokia N95 Nokia N95-3 NAM Nokia N95-8Gb Nokia N96 Nokia N96-3 Nokia N97 Samsung SGH-i455L Samsung GT-i7110 Samsung GT-i8510 Samsung SGH-D710 Samsung SGH-G810 Samsung SGH-G818 Samsung SGH-i400 Samsung SGH-i408 Samsung SGH-i450 Samsung SGH-i455 Samsung SGH-i458 Samsung SGH-i520 Samsung SGH-i550 Samsung SGH-i560 Samsung SGH-i590 Samsung SGH-i8510 Samsung SGH-L870 Samsung SGH-L878E JAVA: Manufacturer Model Nokia 880 Nokia 3155 Nokia 3555 Nokia 5200 Nokia 5300 Nokia 6085 Nokia 6102 Nokia 6111 Nokia 6125 Nokia 6126 Nokia 6131 Nokia 6133 Nokia 6136 Nokia 6233 Nokia 6234 Nokia 6263 Nokia 6267 Nokia 6270 Nokia 6275 Nokia 6280 Nokia 6282 Nokia 6288 Nokia 6300 Nokia 6301 Nokia 6555 Nokia 7373 Nokia 7390 Nokia 8800 Nokia 2700 Classic Nokia 2865i Nokia 3109 Classic Nokia 3110 Classic Nokia 3120 Classic Nokia 3155i Nokia 3500 Classic Nokia 3600 slide Nokia 3610 fold Nokia 5130 XpressMusic Nokia 5220 XpressMusic Nokia 5310 XpressMusic Nokia 5610 XpressMusic Nokia 6155i Nokia 6208 Classic Nokia 6212 Classic Nokia 6275i Nokia 6300i Nokia 6303 Classic Nokia 6500 Classic Nokia 6500 Slide Nokia 6600 Fold Nokia 6600 Slide Nokia 6700 Classic Nokia 7210 Supernova Nokia 7310 Supernova Nokia 7500 Prism Nokia 7510 Supernova Nokia 7610 Supernova Nokia 7900 Prism Nokia 8600 Luna Nokia 8800 Arte Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte Nokia 6600 i-Slide Nokia 2720 Fold Nokia 2730 Classic Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition SonyEricsson Aino SonyEricsson C510a SonyEricsson C702 SonyEricsson C901 SonyEricsson C902 SonyEricsson C905 SonyEricsson G502 SonyEricsson G705 SonyEricsson K310i SonyEricsson K320i SonyEricsson K510i SonyEricsson K530i SonyEricsson K550i SonyEricsson K610i SonyEricsson K618i SonyEricsson K630i SonyEricsson K660i SonyEricsson K770i SonyEricsson K790i SonyEricsson K800i SonyEricsson K810i SonyEricsson K818c SonyEricsson K850i SonyEricsson K858 SonyEricsson S500i SonyEricsson S600i SonyEricsson T650i SonyEricsson T658 SonyEricsson T700 SonyEricsson T715 SonyEricsson V630i SonyEricsson V640i SonyEricsson W200i SonyEricsson W300i SonyEricsson W350i SonyEricsson W380i SonyEricsson W550i SonyEricsson W580i SonyEricsson W595i SonyEricsson W600i SonyEricsson W610i SonyEricsson W660i SonyEricsson W700i SonyEricsson W705a SonyEricsson W710i SonyEricsson W760i SonyEricsson W810i SonyEricsson W830i SonyEricsson W850i SonyEricsson W880i SonyEricsson W888 SonyEricsson W890i SonyEricsson W898c SonyEricsson W900i SonyEricsson W902 SonyEricsson W908c SonyEricsson W910i SonyEricsson W980i SonyEricsson Z310i SonyEricsson Z520i SonyEricsson Z530i SonyEricsson Z550i SonyEricsson Z555i SonyEricsson Z558i SonyEricsson Z610i SonyEricsson Z710i SonyEricsson Z750i SonyEricsson Z770i SonyEricsson Z780i Windows: Manufacturer Model Asus G910 Asus M530W Asus P320 Asus P525 Asus P526 Asus P527 Asus P535 Asus P550 Asus P552 Asus P735 Cingular 8100 Cingular 8125 Dopod 595 Dopod 830 Dopod 838 Dopod 818 Pro Dopod Touch T3238 Dopod 577W Dopod 710 (StrTrk S300) Dopod 838 Pro Dopod C500 Dopod C720W Dopod C730 Dopod C800 Dopod D600 Dopod D810 Dopod M700 Dopod P800W Dopod P860 Doopod S900 Dopod S1 - Enhanced Version Dopod Touch Viva T2222 Dopod CHT9000 Dopod U1000 E-Ten Glofiish M600+ E-Ten Glofiish M700 E-Ten Glofiish M750 E-Ten Glofiish M810 E-Ten Glofiish X500 E-Ten Glofiish X600 E-Ten Glofiish X610 E-Ten Glofish G500+ E-Ten InfoTouch G500 HTC AT&T Tilt 8925 HTC MTeoR HTC P3300 HTC P3350 HTC P3400 HTC P3400i HTC P3450 HTC P3452 HTC P3452 - Touch Enhanced Version HTC P3470 HTC P3600 HTC P3650 HTC P3700 HTC P4350 HTC P4351 HTC P4500 HTC P4550 HTC P5500 HTC P6300 HTC P6500 HTC P6550 HTC S310 HTC S420 HTC S620 HTC S710 HTC S730 HTC S740 HTC T2223 Touch Viva HTC T3232 Touch 3G HTC T8282 Touch HD HTC Touch Find HTC Windows Mobile-PPC50 HTC Windows Mobile-PPC52 HTC Windows Mobile-SPV50 HTC Windows Mobile-SPV52 HTC Hermes iMate JAMin iMate JASJAM iMate K-JAM iMate SP5M iMate Ultimate 8502 LG KS20 Motorola Q11 MOTO Motorola Q Motorola Q9 Samsung SCH-i760 Samsung SCH-M490 Samsung SCH-M495 Samsung SGH-i200 Samsung SGH-i320 Samsung SGH-i600 Samsung SGH-i607 BlackJack Samsung SGH-i616 Samsung SGH-i640 Samsung SGH-i710 Samsung SGH-i718 Samsung SGH-i740 Samsung SGH-i760 Samsung SGH-i900 Samsung SGH-U900t SonyEricsson XPERIA X1 SyncML: Manufacturer Model LG GD900 LG HB620 LG KB770 LG KC550 LG KC910 LG KF310 LG KF500 LG KF600 LG KF700 LG KF750 LG KF900 LG KP501 LG KS10 (JoY) LG KS360 LG KS500 LG KT520 LG KT525 LG KT770 LG KU250 LG KU311 LG KU380 LG KU580 LG KU730 LG KU800 LG KU990 LG L600v LG U300 LG U400 LG U8100 LG U8110 LG U8120 LG U8130 LG U8200 LG u8290 LG U8330 LG U8360 LG u8500 LG U8550 LG U880 LG U900 Motorola EM30 MOTOROKR Motorola V9x MOTORAZR2 Motorola W6 MOTOACTV Motorola W760r Motorola A1000 Motorola A1600 MOTOMING Motorola A630 Motorola A728 Motorola A760 Motorola A768 Motorola A780 Motorola A835 Motorola A920 Motorola A925 Motorola C398 Motorola C975 Motorola E1 MOTOROKR Motorola E1000 Motorola E1070 Motorola E1075 Motorola E380 Motorola E398 Motorola E550 Motorola E680 Motorola E8 MOTOROKR Motorola K1 MOTOKRZR Motorola K3 MOTOKRZR Motorola L2 Motorola L6/L6i MOTOSLVR Motorola L7 MOTOSLVR Motorola L7i MOTOSLVR Motorola L9 MOTOSLVR Motorola Razr2 Motorola T191e Motorola T192 Motorola T720 Motorola U6 MOTOPEBL Motorola U9 Motorola V1050 Motorola V190 Motorola V195 Motorola V235 Motorola V3 MOTORAZR Motorola V300 Motorola V360 Motorola V365 Motorola V3i MOTORAZR Motorola V3m MOTORAZR Motorola V3r MOTORAZR Motorola V3x MOTORAZR Motorola V3xx MOTORAZR Motorola V400 Motorola V500 Motorola V525 Motorola V547 Motorola V557 Motorola V560 Motorola V6 MOTORAZR maxx Motorola V600 Motorola V620 Motorola V635 Motorola V80 Motorola V9 MOTORAZR2 Motorola V950 Motorola V975 Motorola V980 Motorola V9m MOTORAZR2 Motorola VE66 Motorola W490 MOTO Motorola W510 MOTO Motorola Z10 MOTORIZR Motorola Z3 MOTORIZR Motorola Z6 MOTOROKR Motorola Z6m MOTOROKR Motorola Z6w MOTOROKR Motorola Z8 MOTOROKR Motorola Z9 Motorola ZN5 MOTOZINE Nokia 880 Nokia 2630 Nokia 2660 Nokia 2760 Nokia 3120 Nokia 3220 Nokia 3230 Nokia 3250 Nokia 3285 Nokia 3300 Nokia 3555 Nokia 3595 Nokia 3600 Nokia 3620 Nokia 3660 Nokia 5000 Nokia 5070 Nokia 5140 Nokia 5200 Nokia 5300 Nokia 6010 Nokia 6020 Nokia 6021 Nokia 6070 Nokia 6080 Nokia 6085 Nokia 6101 Nokia 6102 Nokia 6103 Nokia 6108 Nokia 6111 Nokia 6125 Nokia 6126 Nokia 6131 Nokia 6133 Nokia 6136 Nokia 6151 Nokia 6155 Nokia 6170 Nokia 6200 Nokia 6220 Nokia 6230 Nokia 6233 Nokia 6234 Nokia 6260 Nokia 6263 Nokia 6267 Nokia 6270 Nokia 6280 Nokia 6282 Nokia 6288 Nokia 6290 Nokia 6300 Nokia 6301 Nokia 6500 Nokia 6555 Nokia 6600 Nokia 6620 Nokia 6630 Nokia 6650 Nokia 6651 Nokia 6670 Nokia 6680 Nokia 6681 Nokia 6682 Nokia 6730 Classic Nokia 6800 Nokia 6810 Nokia 6820 Nokia 6822 Nokia 7200 Nokia 7250 Nokia 7260 Nokia 7270 Nokia 7280 Nokia 7360 Nokia 7370 Nokia 7373 Nokia 7390 Nokia 7610 Nokia 7650 Nokia 8800 Nokia 8801 Nokia 9210 Nokia 9290 Nokia 9300 Nokia 9500 Nokia 1680 Classic Nokia 2323 Classic Nokia 2330 Classic Nokia 2600 Classic Nokia 2700 Classic Nokia 3109 Classic Nokia 3110 Classic Nokia 3120 Classic Nokia 3500 Classic Nokia 3610 fold Nokia 5130 XpressMusic Nokia 5140i Nokia 5220 XpressMusic Nokia 5310 XpressMusic Nokia 5320 XpressMusic Nokia 5330 XpressMusic Nokia 5500 Sport Nokia 5530 Nokia 5610 XpressMusic Nokia 5630 XpressMusic Nokia 5700 XpressMusic Nokia 5730 XpressMusic Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Nokia 6102i Nokia 6110 Navigator Nokia 6120 Classic Nokia 6121 Classic Nokia 6122c Nokia 6124 Classic Nokia 6208 Classic Nokia 6210 Navigator Nokia 6212 Classic Nokia 6220 Classic Nokia 6230i Nokia 6260 Slide Nokia 6275i Nokia 6300i Nokia 6303 Classic Nokia 6500 Classic Nokia 6500 Slide Nokia 6600 Fold Nokia 6600 Slide Nokia 6610i Nokia 6700 Classic Nokia 6710 Navigator Nokia 6720 Classic Nokia 7070 Prism Nokia 7100 Supernova Nokia 7210 Supernova Nokia 7250i Nokia 7310 Supernova Nokia 7500 Prism Nokia 7510 Supernova Nokia 7610 Supernova Nokia 7900 Prism Nokia 8600 Luna Nokia 8800 Arte Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition Nokia 9210i Nokia 9300i Nokia E50 Nokia E51 Nokia E55 Nokia E60 Nokia E61 Nokia E61i Nokia E62 Nokia E63 Nokia E65 Nokia E66 Nokia E70 Nokia E71 Nokia E72 Nokia E75 Nokia E90 Nokia N70 Nokia N71 Nokia N72 Nokia N73 Nokia N75 Nokia N76 Nokia N77 Nokia N78 Nokia N79 Nokia N80 Nokia N81 Nokia N81 8GB Nokia N82 Nokia N85 Nokia N86 8MP Nokia N90 Nokia N91 Nokia N92 Nokia N93 Nokia N93i Nokia N95 Nokia N95-3 NAM Nokia N95-8Gb Nokia N96 Nokia N96-3 Nokia N97 Samsung GT-i7110 Samsung GT-i8510 Samsung GT-M8800 Pixon Samsung GT-S8300 Player Ultra Samsung SGH-D700 Samsung SGH-D710 Samsung SGH-D720 Samsung SGH-D730 Samsung SGH-i450 Samsung SGH-i520 Samsung SGH-i550 Samsung SGH-i560 Samsung SGH-L870 Samsung SGH-T109 Samsung SGH-T119 Samsung SGH-T129 Samsung SGH-T219 Samsung SGH-T229 Samsung SGH-T239 Samsung SGH-T339 Samsung SGH-T349 Samsung SGH-T409 Samsung SGH-T419 Samsung SGH-T429 Samsung SGH-T439 Samsung SGH-T459 Samsung SGH-T519 Samsung SGH-T539 Samsung SGH-T619 Samsung SGH-T629 Samsung SGH-T649 Samsung SGH-T729 Samsung SGH-T739 Samsung SGH-T819 Samsung SGH-T919 Samsung SGH-U800 Samsung SGH-U900 SonyEricsson C510a SonyEricsson C702 SonyEricsson C901 SonyEricsson C902 SonyEricsson C903 SonyEricsson C905 SonyEricsson CS5 SonyEricsson CS8 SonyEricsson D750i SonyEricsson F500i SonyEricsson G502 SonyEricsson G700 SonyEricsson G705 SonyEricsson G900 SonyEricsson J300i SonyEricsson K111i SonyEricsson K300i SonyEricsson k310i SonyEricsson K320i SonyEricsson K500i SonyEricsson K508i SonyEricsson K510i SonyEricsson K530i SonyEricsson K550i SonyEricsson K550im SonyEricsson K600i SonyEricsson K608i SonyEricsson K610i SonyEricsson K618i SonyEricsson K630i SonyEricsson K660i SonyEricsson K700i SonyEricsson K750i SonyEricsson K770i SonyEricsson K790i SonyEricsson K800i SonyEricsson K810i SonyEricsson K818c SonyEricsson K850i SonyEricsson K858 SonyEricsson P1 SonyEricsson P800 SonyEricsson P900 SonyEricsson P910i SonyEricsson S500i SonyEricsson S600i SonyEricsson S700i SonyEricsson S710a SonyEricsson T610 SonyEricsson T616 SonyEricsson T62u SonyEricsson T630 SonyEricsson T637 SonyEricsson T650i SonyEricsson T658 SonyEricsson T68i SonyEricsson T68ie SonyEricsson T700 SonyEricsson T707 SonyEricsson TM506 SonyEricsson V600i SonyEricsson V630i SonyEricsson V640i SonyEricsson V800 SonyEricsson W200i SonyEricsson W300i SonyEricsson W350i SonyEricsson W380i SonyEricsson W395i SonyEricsson W508i SonyEricsson W550i SonyEricsson W580i SonyEricsson W595i SonyEricsson W600i SonyEricsson W610i SonyEricsson W660i SonyEricsson W700i SonyEricsson W705a SonyEricsson W710i SonyEricsson W715i SonyEricsson W760i SonyEricsson W800i SonyEricsson W810i SonyEricsson W830i SonyEricsson W850i SonyEricsson W880i SonyEricsson W888 SonyEricsson W890i SonyEricsson W898c SonyEricsson W900i SonyEricsson W902 SonyEricsson W908 SonyEricsson W910i SonyEricsson W960i SonyEricsson W980i SonyEricsson W995i SonyEricsson Z1010 SonyEricsson Z310i SonyEricsson Z500i SonyEricsson Z520i SonyEricsson Z525i SonyEricsson Z530i SonyEricsson Z550i SonyEricsson Z555i SonyEricsson Z558i SonyEricsson Z600i SonyEricsson Z610i SonyEricsson Z710i SonyEricsson Z750i SonyEricsson Z770i SonyEricsson Z780i SonyEricsson Z800i 40. I am unable to access the Banglalink Phone Backup service. What all settings should I check on the mobile handset? The following service settings you need to check: 1. GPRS (JAVA & Symbian) Rich Client Users: • Check the Subscription Status, whether Active, or Deactivated • Check whether your GPRS service, ‘Banglalinkwap’ is working properly or not • Check for the Client Settings • Check whether the username and password for both the web login and handset are the same and are entered in the handset. 2. SyncML Users: • Check the Subscription Status, whether Active, or Deactivated • Check whether your phone’s GPRS service, ‘Banglalinkwap’ is working properly or not. • Check for the SyncML Settings 41. How is my subscription renewed? When your subscription period of one month gets over the Banglalink Phone Backup system checks for the pre-paid balance in the your Mobile Account and on receipt of subscription fee extends the subscription for a period of one month. If there are issues of insufficient balance in your mobile’s pre-paid account then the system keeps trying for next three days. During this period your Phone Backup account will be suspended. After three days if subscription confirmation is not received by the Banglalink Phone Backup due to insufficient balance the service gets deactivated automatically. In case you have a post-paid mobile connection, then automatically on expiry of a month’s time after subscription date, the Banglalink Phone Backup service is renewed.