AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates
AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates
AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates General presentation AQUASORB is a water retainer that, when incorporated into a soil or a substrate, absorbs and retains large quantities of water and nutrients. Unlike most products that become hydrated, AQUASORB has the property of easily releasing the absorbed water and nutrients, thereby allowing the plant to have water and nutrients available at will as a function of the absorption – release cycles. AQUASORB l Increases the Water Holding Capacity of soils l Enhances plant growth. Water and nutrients are available in the root zone for optimal absorption by plants. l Provides a buffer effect against climatic hazards There are many applications in agriculture: tree planting, nurseries, transplanting, landscaping, large scale farming etc… COMPOSITION AQUASORB is a superabsorbent anionic polyacrylamide polymer. It is a crosslinked copolymers of acrylamide and potassium acrylate that is water insoluble. HOW IT WORKS The AQUASORB has the property of absorbing up to four hundred times its weight in distilled water and it becomes gel. n m CH2 CH CH2 CH C=O C=O NH2 O-K+ n m In contact with water, the polymer network expands thanks to an osmosis process and stores the liquid into its structure. Into the soil, the AQUASORB swells in wet conditions and readily releases the liquid in dry conditions. This liquid absorption/desorption cycle enhances the water availabiliy to the roots and reduces hydric stress. AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 1 AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates Methods of incorporation Three main methods of incorporation are proposed according to the application considered. Forestation The AQUASORB pre-hydrated is implemented directly in the field, by hand or with specific tools (forestation; landscaping). 1 2 3 Aquasorb hydrated Tap water Potting mixes AQUASORB is incorporated into a substrate (dry or hydrated), the “mixed” being used for nurseries or potting mix. 2 AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 4 AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates Large scale farming The AQUASORB is implemented in the sowing coulter during the crops sowing, by using a pneumatic micro granular spreader. Whatever the mode of incorporation is, the product has to be properly buried into the soil, to be protected from UV radiations. Applications Forestery AQUASORB is effective in the planting of trees, it makes it possible to reduce the mortality rate due to transplanting shock and to enhance root development and therefore bring about more rapid growth and production. Its efficiency for Eucalyptus or coffee trees plantations is widely recognized. Moreover, innovative methods have been developed to incorporate the product into the soil, with a reduced cost and a daily gain in working time. Implementation of Eucalyptus with pre hydrated gel (Hrydroplan, Brazil). AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 3 AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates AQUASORB also open up new doors to rehabilitate areas submitted to major pedo-climatic constraints. “Biodiversity hotspots” could be implemented in dry areas with poor soils which present important implications for environmental projects, like the African green barrier for instance. At countries level, it provides new keys for land use planning. Horticulture Mixed into a substrate, AQUASORB permits an efficient use of water and nutrients which are concentrated in the product. It ensures that cuttings and transplants take root better, that seedlings grow faster and root systems develops in a homogeneous way. It allows to free itself from problems of hydric stress and from deficiencies. It is an ideal solution of substrates for containers, fruits and vegetable productions and houseplants. With AQUASORB, field capacity of substrate increase and so strecht out period before to reach the permanent wilting point. Thus, free water is easily available, watering frequencies are commonly reduced by 30 to 50 %, which likewise reduces labor costs and the amount of water used. Furthermore, during transport, AQUASORB maintains sufficient moisture and reduces hydric stress. Large scale farming AQUASORB has shown its effectiveness in large scale farming, especially at the time of germination and development of the root network. The water (from rain or irrigation) is stored and released to the grains and the young plants, which delays the wilting point. It makes possible for the plants to be well established while waiting for the water regime to become adequate. During the growing season, the “absorption/release” cycles are beneficial to the global plants health. Hydrogel on corn rooting system 4 AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates By buffering climatic hazards the agronomic performances are stabilized over time, which make these technologies very attractive for farmers, all the more so that they can implement their crops early. It facilitates the organization of the work at farm scale: access to land for the machines, human resources availability etc… When incorporated with a microgranulator, the financial investment is reasonable, the quantity of product applied being low (5 to 50 kg/ha). It has been developed for corn, the same implementation method can be considered for other annual crops (wheat; sunflower; cotton etc…) and has to be adapted according to the local situations. AQUASORB application with corn seed drill. Hydroseeding AQUASORB is commonly used in hydroseeding to stabilize newly graded soils. Mixed with cellulose mulch and soil conditioners (Flobond range), it makes it possible to maintain a minimum of surface water. Increased moisture in the mulch mix prevents the product from drying out quickly and provides additional moisture for seed germination and stand establishment. Adding AQUASORB also increases the consistency of the slurry mix and allows the hydroseeding applicator to cover more ground by “shooting” the mix further and more uniformed. Then, the vegetation cover develops over the whole treated surface, there are no dry spots without grass. Hydroseeding application (Euro-Tec, France) AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 5 AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates Technical results from some users of SAP Impact of SAP use on Eucalyptus urophylla survival rate during the implementation phase (Brazil) Eucalyptus Survival Rate (%) 100 80 60 75.7 85.7 85.7 90.4 97.3 Control 0g Dry 2g Dry 4g Hydrated 2g Hydrated 4g 40 20 0 Impact of SAP use on corn yield (China Agricultural University) Corn Yield (t/ha) 10 8 6 6.8 7.6 8.1 8.8 Control 0 kg/ha 7.5 11.3 15.0 Dose kg/ha 4 2 0 Impact of AQUASORB on corn yield on large scale plots (product applied with a microgranulator during the crop sowing) Control Corn Yield (t/ha) 6 5 4 10 kg/ha 3 2.94 4.17 4.42 2 1 0 6 Control 0 10 20 Dose kg/ha AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 15 kg/ha AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates Silage corn- dry biomass (t/ha), Mexico Corn Dry Matter (t/ha) 30 25 20 19.5 26.5 Control 0 12.5 27.8 15 10 5 0 25 Dose kg/ha Impact of AQUASORB on tomato production (Pakistan) Tomato Weight (g) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 88 180 262 498 Control 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 Dose g Ind. Blank nb leaves/plant 84.67 nb branches/plant 10.0 fresh weight/plant 12.4 0.25% 110.0 12.3 36.5 0.75% 200.0 16.0 44.6 1.25% 348.3 20.0 90.9 AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 7 AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates AQUASORB physico-chemical properties Granular size AQUASORB is offered in different particle sizes depending on the conditions in the soil environment. In addition to water retention, the absorption/desorption cycle of the AQUASORB creates soil porosity improving aeration balance. Water absorption capacity The water holding capacity of the AQUASORB is highly dependent on the electrolyte concentration in water. The absorption capacity of AQUASORB in substrates varies between 100-200 times its weight. Influence of electrolytes on the swelling capacity absorption (g/g) 400 Solution of NaCl Solution of CaCl2 300 200 100 0 0 0,1 salt concentration (g/L) 0,5 Delayed Wilting Point AQUASORB makes it possible to increase the water holding capacity of soils and to delay the wilting point. A sandy soil treated with 3 grams of AQUASORB/kg of soil holds water twice as long as untreated soil. Drying speed in sandy soil 25 Operating Conditions Drying temperature: 22°C 50% Relative Humidity Initial dry substrate weight: 2kg 1L of water was initially added into substrates 20 Soil Humidity (%) Standardized Sand + AQUASORB @3 kg/m3 Standardized Sand 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Drying time in days 8 AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 70 80 90 SNF SAS ZAC de Milieux 42163 Andrézieux Cedex - FRANCE Phone: + 33 (0)4 77 36 86 00 Fax: + 33 (0)4 77 36 86 96 email: web: 10-31-1247 While SNF makes reasonable efforts to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date, SNF makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or any other aspect of the information on this document and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation or license to use AQUASORB™ Water retainers for Soils and Substrates 11 any information found that conflicts with any patent, trademark or copyright of SNF or others, and SNF makes no representations or warranties, express or implied that any use of this information will not infringe any such patent, trademark or copyright All rights reserved - Publishing : Altavia St Etienne - Photos Credits: Fotolia, Hydroplan, Euro-Tec - January 2014 AQUASORB™ Water Retainers for Soils and Substrates