
Thank you for subscribing to
“A View From Aloft”
February 2015
edition 5
BaySail’s Annual Meeting
February 24 at the
DoubleTree Hotel in Bay City
5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $40
Summer Camp Kick-Off
March 14 at Midland Center
for the Arts
12 p.m. – 3p.m.
Free to attend.
Earth Day Expo
April 11 at Midland Center
for the Arts
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Free to attend.
Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 12 – 18
Volunteers can stop by the
BaySail office for a special
Science Under Sail
April 27 – May 1 in Detroit.
May 6 – Mid-June in Bay
City. A limited number of
programs are still available.
Contact us for more info.
Public Sailing begins
Memorial Day
Check out our full schedule
Welcome Aboard!
Welcome to the February 2015 edition of ‘A View from Aloft’. It’s been one year
since our inaugural issue of BaySail’s quarterly newsletter and we’ve heard great
things from our readers. If you’re new to our newsletter or ever want to reread an
old issue, visit our page on Scribd. You’ll find the four issues from volume 1 and the
current issue from volume 2.
As always, there’s a list of upcoming events in the left column on this page.
BaySail’s Annual Meeting is coming up on February 24th and we’d love to have you
join us. Our Annual Meeting is a time to showcase our achievements from the past
year and let everyone know what exciting things we’re planning for the upcoming
season. We also take time to celebrate our dedicated volunteers and the commitment
they’ve made to our organization. Tickets can be purchased online here or by calling
our office at (989) 895-5193.
-Scott Ellis, Marketing, Communications & Special Projects
How do you plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo? This year on May 5th BaySail will
be participating in a new and exciting fundraiser called Give Local Bay. Hosted by
the Bay Area Community Foundation, Give Local Bay is a 24-hour online fundraising
competition for nonprofit organizations in Bay and Arenac counties.
“At the end of the giving day, $50,000 in matching incentive
money will be distributed to each participating nonprofit based
on how much they generate for themselves.”
All of the funds BaySail raises during the Give Local Bay event will be used to build
up our endowment fund at the Bay Area Community Foundation. An endowment fund
Article continued on Page 2
BaySail |107 5th St, 2nd Floor | Bay City, MI 48708 | 989.895.5193 |
24-HOUR FUNDRAISING COMP. Cont. from Page 1
is an investment fund created by an institution which allows for annual withdrawals of capital gains to support ongoing
operations or special projects. BaySail created an endowment fund at the BACF in 1996 with contributions from the
Bay City Times and other individual donors. Since that time, our endowment fund has generated $76,262 to support
BaySail’s operations.
At the end of the giving day, $50,000 in matching incentive money will be distributed to each participating nonprofit
based on how much they generate for themselves.
The more we raise, the more we gain!
Keep an eye out for more details in a few weeks.
We’ll make regular posts on our Facebook page and
we’ll send email reminders. If you haven’t already,
please: ‘like’ our page and sign up for our mailing list.
-Scott Ellis, Marketing, Communications &
Special Projects Manager
Two Heads are Better than One
If you’ve been travelling around
downtown Bay City this winter, you’ve
likely seen the Appledore IV moored at her
usual location in Wenonah Park. Because
of all the plastic sheeting on her deck,
Appledore IV resembles a floating hoop
house, the kind of facility you’d build to
grow plants under shelter. While nothing
could be better in the dead of winter than
fresh, home-grown vegetables, what’s
really happening under all that plastic is far
less glamorous.
We’re installing a second head!
Michigan Baseball Foundation allowed
BaySail to move forward with phase two
of the project. We’ve reconfigured the
Captain’s cabin, added an additional head
to the midships area and modified the main
salon to accommodate a new doorway.
Phase three will involve additional
modifications to the main salon and galley.
Funding permitting, phase three will be
accomplished during winter 2015 in time
for TALL SHIPS® CHALLENGE port visits
in the summer of 2016.
Two heads are indeed better than
one, especially when you regularly have
35 grade school students for education
programs, 45 people for day sail programs
and 12 young people for overnight
voyaging programs. That second head
makes all these experiences much more
enjoyable for our passengers and our crew.
Appledore IV boasted two heads
(restrooms) when BaySail bought her and
brought her to Bay City 16 years ago. At that
time, she had been used as a floating bed
and breakfast and had the capacity to sleep
ten people. That isn’t very many for a vessel
her size (65-foot hull) and it isn’t enough
to support a robust sail training program
Longtime BaySail volunteers and
where as many as 16 people could be living master craftsmen Bill Bauer and Bill
aboard the ship for 7 to 10 days.
Coberly contributed much time and talent
At the end of the 2012 sailing season, to this project and we are forever grateful
with a grant from the Morley Foundation, for their assistance. They bring with them
work began on a three phase refit project a vast amount of woodworking knowledge
to increase sleeping capacity and create an and attention to detail which means you’ll
interior space more suited to the needs of be hard pressed to tell the difference
the ship. Phase one involved removing a between the original and the remodeled
head and shower from the forward cabin areas. I challenge you to come aboard and
area and installing five additional bunks.
-Captain David Leanza,
Two years later a grant from the
Director of Operations
BaySail |107 5th St, 2nd Floor | Bay City, MI 48708 | 989.895.5193 |
It really isn’t
always sunny
in Philadelphia
I groaned out loud when I
heard last year that the 2015
Tall Ships America annual
conference would be held in
Philadelphia the first week of
February. Really? Philadelphia?
Last year the conference was
in San Diego! Despite all my
misgivings about winter travel to
a state with a similar climate and
weather pattern as our own dear
Michigan, the experience was—
as always—inspirational.
Not having been to the City of
Brotherly Love before, I took
advantage of free time to explore
historic neighborhoods around
the hotel and to visit iconic
destinations like Independence
Hall and the Liberty Bell. There
is an indescribable feeling you
get when you realize you are
standing in the very room where
the Declaration of Independence
was adopted and in the courtyard
where it was read aloud for the
first time. But my truly inspiring
Philadelphia experiences came
from interacting with the
dedicated, talented and creative
people who operate tall ships
throughout North America (and
some in Europe).
The Tall Ships America annual
conference features tracks that
focus on vessel operations,
educational programming and
the logistics of being a host port
series of races and rallies. We
learned about safety protocols
for going aloft, the impact of
citizen science on environmental
research, powerful ways to
incorporate STEM education on
sailing vessels and so much more.
We visited the Independence
Seaport Museum, interacted
with students from the New York
Harbor School and heard how
the Ocean Classroom Foundation
is reinventing itself so it can
continue to offer life-changing
educational programs aboard
tall ships.
I always return to Bay City
after these conferences with a
renewed sense of pride in our
organization and the programs
we offer and a long list of ideas
that might be made to work
for us. We will constantly
evaluate opportunities for our
organization, our vessel and our
programs because we want to
be the best we can be for our
customers, our members and
our regional community.
Shirley Roberts,
Executive Director
BaySail |107 5th St, 2nd Floor | Bay City, MI 48708 | 989.895.5193 |