Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol


Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol
For God and Nation
Za Boha a Národ
Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol
Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offices
PASSAIC, N.J., JULY 25, 2012
Preparing for our 46th International Slet
Supreme Clinic - Kurz Attracts Representatives
from 7 Groups at Slippery Rock University
Shown above are the male and female representatives of six of our organization’s Groups who participated in the Supreme Clinic -Kurz at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pa., June 27
- July 1 in preparation for next summer’s 46th International Slet.
The Supreme Clinic or Kurz as it
is known in Slovak, in preparation
for our 46th International Slet was
held from June 27 to July 1, 2012
at Slippery Rock University in
Slippery Rock, Pa. Slippery Rock
is a town located about one hour ’s
drive north of Pittsbur gh. Slippery
Rock University is a comprehen-
sive university of fering a broad
selection of hot foods, fried foods, a
array of under graduate and select
salad bar and a dessert bar.
graduate programs.
The Clinic opened on WednesThe campus of Slippery Rock
day, June 27th with the arrival of the
was a new site for the Clinic, held
members of the Supreme Physical
biennially in preparation for the
Fitness Board. The Supreme PhysiSlet. The university boasts an
cal Fitness Board includes Supreme
eight-lane track, fully revamped
Physical Director Dusan Dorich,
residence halls and many amenities Supreme Physical Directress Kaththat enhanced the Clinic for the par- leen S. Watkins, Supreme Assistant
Physical Director
The staff on
John M. UnderaStory by
campus was very
tion, Supreme AsKathleen S. Watkins
accommodating Supreme Physical Directress sistant Physical Diand put the Surectress Katie Swift
Photos by
preme Physical Fitand the following
James C. Matlon
ness Board at ease Supreme Assistant Director female Members,
making themselves
Denise DiMartino,
of Sports and Athletics
available to address
Nancy Kropolinsky
any questions or concerns we had.
and Jennifer A. Romine and male
The Clinic participants were housed members, Martin Degnan, Frank P .
in the suites in Building B of the
Laury, III and Damian J. Suess.
residence halls. The suites consistThe Supreme Physical Fitness
ed of either two or four bedrooms,
Board arrived in the afternoon on
including two bathrooms, a kitchen Wednesday to review the drills
area and a living area as well. The and work on the choreography of a
goal of the Supreme Physical Fitnew closing mass drill. Following
ness Board for next year’s 46th Slet the drill review and practice, there
is to house all participants in one
was an opening meeting to discuss
dorm building, since each dorm can the weekly schedule and finalize all
hold up to 350 participants.
events for the Clinic.
Morrow Field House, consistOn Thursday, June 28th, the
ing of a main gym and the dance
Clinic participants arrived. Each
studio was perfect for practicing
participant was given a welcome
and learning the drills. We were packet or folder which included
able to utilize the Boozel Dining
such things as a campus map, the
Center, where all our meals were
weekly schedule, the names and
enjoyed. The dining hall had a large
(Continued on page 8)
If you wish to continue receiving the
Slovak Catholic Falcon,
You must ACT NOW!
At the most recent Board of Directors meeting inWilkes-Barre, PA on
July 12-15, 2012, we once again discussed the importance of cutting costs
by encouraging our members to sign up to receive theFalcon electronically. For the betterment of the organization, we are committed to decreasing
the number of mailings by requiring each member to return a form if they
wish to continue receiving theFalcon. By the end of this year, you will no
longer receive the Falcon if you have not completed the enclosed form
and mailed it back to home office.
1. We are committed to deliver the Falcon through electronic media where possible; therefore, as of April 1, 2012, new members
joining the society that provide an email address, will receive the
Falcon by email, those without will receive a hard copy of the
Falcon, one per family.
2. We are requesting all members with an email address receive the
Falcon through email. Please send your request to
or mail in the enclosed form. Please reference the Falcon in the
subject line and ask to have the regular mailed issue discontinued.
3. We understand that some of our members do not have e-mail or
internet access. You can still request a mailed copy of the Falcon.
Below you will find a form to complete. You can decide whether
you wish to receive the Falcon electronically or via the regular
to respond by October 15, 2012.
NOTE: IF you have already signed up for e-mail or have already sent
back the previous request to have the Falcon mailed to your home, you
can disregard the enclosed form.
There are many benefits to receiving the Falcon electronically ….
• You receive it sooner (especially helpful to our Canadian members who usually have to wait two weeks to receive the paper)
• It is easier to read and save.
• You will be doing your part to conserve our natural resources by
eliminating the printing of paper and mailing.
• You will be helping the organization to reduce the excessive cost
of printing and shipping.
• The quality of the paper is better.
• Since it is electronic, it can also be accessed at the Slovak Catholic Sokol website
How do you wish to receive the Slovak Catholic Falcon?
Please write your name in the space provided and check one of the following options.
Name: __________________________________________________
_____I wish to receive the Falcon electronically at the following e-mail
address: _________________________________________________
I wish to continue receiving the Falcon via regular mail at the following
Mail to: Slovak Catholic Sokol --- EFALCON
205 Madison Street, P.O. Box 889, Passaic, N.J. 07055
Int roducing our
ne we st members
Ryan Michael Iskra, born December 17, 2010, is the son of
David S. and Amy Lynn Reilly
Iskra, Sr. of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
He was enrolled as a member of
Assembly 59 in Wilkes-Barre,
Chase Edward Seifert, born
April 11, 2012, is the son of
Charles and Alaina Hawranko
Seifert, III of Crofton, Md. He
was enrolled as a member of
Assembly 16 in Pittsburgh, Pa.
MAY 2012
Jack Quillete
Sohia Farris
Shea Skwortz
JUNE 2012
Sam Reichl
Chase Seifert
Andrew Ziska
Adam Evanoff
Rylee Silinski
Alena Matlon
Miriam Matlon
Carissa Hoeck
FOUR FREEDOMS: The first is
freedom of speech and expression
- everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to
worship God i his own way - everywhere in the world. The third is
freedom from want....everywhere
in the world. the fourth is freedom
from fear....anywhere in the world.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Carissa Nancy Hoeck, born
April 13, 2012, is the daughter
of Bradley and Lisa Zeman
Hoeck of Pewaukee, Wis. She
was enrolled as a member of
Wreath 93 in Milwaukee, Wis.
Group 17 Family Fun
Day set for August 5th
Group 17 “Rev. Francis Skutil” will host its first-ever Track
& Field and Family Fun Day on
Sunday, August 5 at the Austintown Fitch School Track located at 4560 Falcon Drive in
Youngstown, Ohio. All Group 17
Sokols and Sokolky of every age
are cordially invited to attend.
Children will have the oppor tunity to practice their running
skills, learn about track and field,
and make new friends. With next
summer’s 46th International Slet
scheduled for Slippery Rock
University in Slippery Rock, Pa.,
it will be an opportunity for our
Group 17 Physical Fitness Board
to explain the role of track and
field events at a Slet.
Members of all ages are welcome either as a competitor or
as a spectator. A day of track and
field events as well as summer
fun activities have been planned.
Following the events at the track,
a box lunch will be enjoyed by
all. In order to make the necessary preparations for the Fun Day,
we ask that those planning to attend contact any of the following: Group 17 President James
Jerek at (330)718-2253, Group
17 Sports Director Mindy Shirilla (330)782-7989, or Group 17
Physical Fitness Board members
Nancy Kropolinsky (330)7936061 or Edith Babik (330)7829555. When making reservations
it is important that the names,
ages and telephone numbers of
all those planning to attend be
provided for event planning and
refreshment purposes. Our Fun
Day will be a wonderful oppor tunity to enjoy a summer Sunday
celebrating Group 17 Sokol fellowship and camaraderie at its
best. Looking forward to seeing
all our track stars out on the field,
may I remain
Zdar Boh!
Nancy Kropolinsky
Member, Supreme
Physical Fitness Board
Wreath 111 fraternal activists
Stephen and Anna Gaydosh celebrate
50th Wedding Anniversary in Amherst, Oh.
Our well-known Group 5
couple, Stephen and Anna Gaydosh of Amherst, Ohio recently
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. The couple renewed
their marriage vows during a
Mass of thanksgiving celebrated
at St. Joseph Church in Amherst
with the Rev. Lawrence Martello
officiating. Following the liturgy,
the couple was honored at a reception in the parish hall with
family and friends.
Stephen Gaydosh and the for mer Anna Meade exchanged
their marriage vows on June 2,
1962 in the Church of St. Vincent
dePaul in Elyria, Ohio. The Rev.
Bernard Brady officiated at their
The marriage has been blessed
by God with three children and
their spouses, Mark and his wife
Kim Gaydosh, Marie and her
husband Timothy DeRuchie and
Nancy and her husband Lane Solak. In addition, Steve and Anna
are the proud grandparents of
Crystal, Nicole, Felicia, Kristina,
Bryan, Austin, Samantha and
Shannon. In addition they have
two great-grandchildren, Kaylee
and Madalin.
Stephen served in the United
States Army. He retired from the
U.S. Steel Corporation in Lo-
ing model airplanes, bowling
and waxing his 1965 Mustang.
Anna’s hobbies include baking, genealogy and photography
Their most cherished memories
are the time they spend with their
family and friends. Our congratulations and fraternal best wishes
go out to Steve and Anna, wonderful ambassadors of the Slovak
Catholic Sokol, as they celebrate
their golden wedding anniver sary. May God continue to bless
them with good health and happiness. May their love for each
other continue to grow as the
years go by.
Zdar Boh!
- 1962 rain, Ohio. Anna retired from the
Amherst Schools as a Teacher’s
Aide. Both have been active in
the Slovak Catholic Sokol on the
local and Group 5 level. Both are
active in Wreath 111 in Lorain
and have held offices. They have
served as delegates to several of
our national conventions. They
previously were active in the former Holy Trinity Slovak Parish
in Lorain. They continue to cherish their Slovak traditions, especially at Christmas and during the
Easter season.
Steve uses his free time mak-
- 2012 -
Slovak Heritage Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Newly elected officers and board members of the Slovak Heritage Society of Northeastern
Pennsylvania are shown above at the group’s annual meeting held recently at the Gus Genetti
Hotel and Conference Center in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The officers and board members were elected to serve the 2012-2013 term. Seated on the photo from the left, are: Financial Advisor Magdalen M. Benish, Plains, Pa.; Dorothy Sullivan, Nanticoke, Pa.; Society Chairperson, Professor
Philip R. Tuhy, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Secretary Anna M. Hudock, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; and Dinner
Chairperson Elaine Palischak, Plymouth, Pa. Standing, from the left: Constance Plewniak,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Corresponding Secretary Bernadette Yencha, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Michael
Stretanski, Kingston, Pa.; Andrew Sofranko, Hanover Township, Pa.; Joseph Kowatch, Kingston, Pa.; society Chaplain, Rev. John Albosta, Waymart, Pa. Treasurer Jackson Hendershot,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Anthony Palischak, Plymouth, Pa.; Membership Chairperson Mary Migatulski, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Public Relations Director William A. Zdancewicz, Edwardsville, Pa.
and Helen Savinski, Swoyersville, Pa. Founded in 1976 under the leadership of our Honorary
Supreme Officer, Monsignor Francis J. Beeda, S.T.L. the Slovak Heritage Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania has promoted numerous religious, cultural and civic projects celebrating our
Slovak heritage in the Keystone State.
JULY 27-29
Q Annual Pierogi Festival in downtown Whiting, Ind., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. - 10 p.m., Sunday, 11
a.m. - 5 p.m., for info visit www . or tel.1-800 6590292.
Q Group 17 Track & Field Family
Fun Day at Austintown Fitch High
School track, 4560 Falcon Drive,
Youngstown, Oh. from 12 noon - 3
p.m.; for reservations call Jim Jerek
Q 12th annual Slovak Day Picnic
hosted by the Slovak American
Cultural Center of New York at
Greenwich Point Park, Old Greenwich, Conn. beginning at 12 noon,
$35.00 adults, $15.00 for children,
6-18, children age 6 and under
free of charge; for reservations call
Q Wreath 81 Summer Picnic at the
Sacred Heart Rose Room, 1731
LaPorte Avenue, Whiting, Ind. beginning at 12 noon; free of charge
for members; for reservations call
Audrey Filipek(219)659-6444.
Q St. John the Evangelist Parish
Community street fair , Broad and
Church Streets, Pittston, Pa., 5:3010 p.m. daily; food, entertainment
games, etc.
AUGUST 10-12
Q 57th International Golf Tournament at Treasure Lake Golf Resort,
DuBois, Pa.
Q Slovak Family Day picnic hosted
by SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish
and Jednota Msgr. Shuba District at
Creditvale Park, Barbertown Rd.,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada be-
ginning with outdoor Mass at 12
noon, cultural program and BBQ
to follow, for information call
Q Annual Slovak day pilgrimage
at the Marian Shrine of Our Lady
Help of Christians, Filors Lane,
West Haverstraw, N.Y.; Slovak
confessions begin at 10 a.m., Mass
in Slovak at 1 1 a.m., luncheon to
follow with afternoon Rosary devotions at 2:30 p.m.; for information
call Jozef Bilik at (718)643-2084.
Q 7th annual Mahoning Valley
SlovakFest on the grounds of St.
Matthias Parish, 2800 Shady Run
Road, in the Lansingville section
of Youngstown, Oh. beginning
with Mass at 12 noon continuing
throughout the day , for information call Loretta Edoniak (330)5493760.
Q Annual Summer Festival of SS.
Cyril and Methodius Parish, 1315
Second Street, N.E., Minneapolis,
Minn., on the parish grounds beginning with Polka Mass at 10:30
a.m. with activities to follow until 5
p.m.; for additional information call
James T. Genosky (763)789-9196.
Q S.C.S. Supreme Auditors SemiAnnual Audit at the Slovak Catholic
Sokol Headquarters, Passaic, N.J.
Q 77th annual Pilgrimage-odpust
in honor of our Lady of Perpetual
Help at the Motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Basil the Great, Mount
Macrina, Uniontown, Pa.; begins
Saturday morning and concludes
on Sunday evening; for information call (724)438-8644.
Q 29th annual session of Slovak
language classes of fered by the
Western Pennsylvania Slovak
Cultural Association at Brashear
Association Hall, 2005 Sarah St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa. 6:30 - 8 p.m., for in-
ISSN: 0897-8107
Established April 15, 1911
Official Publication of the Slovak Catholic Sokol
Issued Bi-Weekly
Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor
Editorial office: (973) 777-4010
Annual Subscription Rates
United States $40.00 – All others countries $45.00
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Slovak Catholic Falcon,
P.O. Box 899, 205 Madison Street,
Passaic, New Jersey 07055
Member of the Catholic Press
Association and the Slovak Newspapermen's
Association of America
Proprietor and Publisher
P.O. Box 899
205 Madison Street, Passaic, N.J. 07055
Home Office: (973) 777-2605-06
formation call (412)431-2236.
Q 126th annual meeting of the
American Fraternal Alliance at the
Ritz Carlton Hotel, New Orleans,
Q Christmas in September craftmaking and cooking seminar at the
National Slovak Society Museum,
351 Valley Brook Road, McMur ray, Pa. beginning at 10 a.m., for
information call 1-800-488-1890.
Q 19th annual pilgrimage in honor
of Our Mother of Sorrows, patroness of the Slovak people, at the
Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon,
North Lipkey Road, North Jackson, Oh. with devotions beginning
at 3 p.m., Slovak Mass at 4 p.m.
followed by dinner; for information
call (330)782-9126.
Q Group 4 “Bishop Stefan Moyzes” annual meeting at the Casa Capri Restaurant, 2129 Birch Road,
Kenosha, Wis. beginning at 1 1
a.m., for information call July Ann
Dobbs at (262)681-1720.
Q Group 5 Golf Tournament at the
Chippewa Golf Club, 12147 Shank
Road, Doylestown, Oh. , Tee Time
at 10 a.m., for information contact
Joseph Underation (440)829-5942.
Q 35th annual New Jersey Slovak Heritage Festival at the PNC
Bank Arts Center, Exit 116, Garden State Parkway, Holmdel, N.J.;
exhibits open at 10 a.m., Pontifical
Slovak Mass at 1 1 a.m., cultural
program at 2 p.m., free admission
and parking.
Q Annual Midwest Slovak Pastoral Seminar hosted by the Slovak
Catholic Federation at the Mother house of the Sisters of St. Casimir ,
2601 West Marquette Rd., Chicago,
Ill. beginning at 1 p.m., buf fet dinner to be served at 3 p.m.; of fering
$15.00 per person; for reservations
call John Jurcenko (773)763-0810.
Q Group 2 annual meeting at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 116
Grove St., Torrington, Conn. beginning with Mass at 9 a.m.; meeting and luncheon to follow at the
Slovak Catholic Sokol Club, 171
Franklin Street.
Q 30th Annual St. Martin’s Day
Celebation hosted by Group 2 beginning with attendance at the 11
a.m. Mass at Holy Name of Jesus
Church, 1950 Barnum Ave., Stratford, Conn. luncheon and fraternal
program to follow at the Grassy
Hill Lodge, Derby, Conn.
In keeping with our biweekly publishing schedule, the next
issue of the Slovak Catholic
Falcon will be that ofWednesday, August 8th. Dead line for
all photos and infor ma tionfor
this issue will be Thursday,
August 2nd. View e-Falcon on
our website: Thanking you for
your continued coop eration in
this matter, I remain Zdar Boh!
– Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor
Thoughts from our Supreme Chaplain
“Year of Faith”
by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic
Pope Benedict XVI announced a special “Y ear of Faith” to help
Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God
and strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others. Celebrating Mass on October 16, 2011 with participants in
a Vatican conference on new evangelization, the
pope said the Year of Faith would give “renewed
energy to the mission of the whole Church to lead
men and women out of the desert they often are in
and toward a place of life: friendship with Christ
who gives us fullness of life.” The pope said the
observance would begin October 1 1, 2012 - the
50th anniversary of the opening of the Second
Vatican Council - and conclude on November 24,
2013 - the feast of Christ the King. “It will be a
moment of grace and commitment to an ever fuller conversion to God,
to reinforce our faith in him and to proclaim him with joy to the people
of our time, “ the pope said in his homily.
Pope Benedict explained his intention more fully in “Porta
Fidei”(The Door of Faith), an apostolic letter released October 17, 2011
to formally announce the special year . “Faith grows when it is lived
as an experience of love received and when it is communicated as an
experience of grace and joy,” the pope wrote. He said the Catechism of
the Catholic Church, first published in 1992, should serve as the handbook for helping Catholics rediscover the truths of faith and deepen
their understanding of Church teaching. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he said, will publish a “note to help people live the
year “in the most ef fective and appropriate ways at the service of belief and evangelization.” In his apostolic letter, the pope said the year’s
focus will be on Jesus Christ because “in him, all the anguish and all
the longing of the human heart finds fulfillment.” Pope Benedict said
that in addition to studying the catechism and gaining a greater under standing of the creed, the Year of Faith also must be accompanied with
more acts of charity. Faith helps people recognize the face of Christ in
those who are suffering, and “it is his love that impels us to assist him
whenever he becomes our neighbor along the journey of life,” the pope
wrote. Pope Benedict said Catholics cannot “grow lazy in the faith.”
What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness
of people enlightened in mind and heart by the word of the Lord, and
capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God
and for true life - life without end,” he wrote.
Bradley Hoeck
Home Office
Michael Horvath
Robert E. Leso
James C. Matlon
Michael T. Matras
Edward D. Moeller
Maryanne Palkovic
Janice Patterson
Tony L. Scuglik
Ann Marie Silinskie
Albert J. Suess Jr.
Milwaukee, WI
Passaic, NJ
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Boonton, NJ
Perryopolis, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Erie, PA
Erie, PA
Kenosha, WI
Port Griffith, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
$ 5,000
Group 5 Golf Tournament set for Sunday, September 23
The annual golf tournament hosted by Group 5 “Jan Holly” of Cleveland, Oh. is scheduled for Sunday ,
September 23. The competition will
be held at the scenic Chippewa Golf
Club located at 12147 Shank Road
in Doylestown, Oh. with Tee times
starting at 10 a.m.
Food and refreshments will be
served at the turn, followed by the
traditional victory buf fet dinner
following the competition on the
greens. Following the evening meal,
prizes and awards will be presented.
Cost will be $50.00 per golfer and
will cover golf, skins and meals.
Format for this year ’s competition
will again be a scramble/best ball.
We will allow one non-member per
four-some this year to increase attendance.
We have ten(10) tee times reserved currently. Hopefully, we
can blow away last year ’s number
and fill all 40 slots...and hopefully
add a few more. We ask that those
planning to participate let the tour nament director, Joseph Underation
at tel. (440)829-5942 know as soon
as possible. If there are any further
questions contact Brother Joe at the
number above for tee times available. Needless to say , an enjoyable
fraternal competition in the best traditions of Group 5 good sportsmanship and camaraderie is assured. We
look forward to seeing many of our
veteran golfers and anticipate many
new faces among us. A wonderful
time is assured.
Zdar Boh!
Joseph Underation
Jotings from Sokol
and Slovak life
In Johnstown, Pa.
Dolly Yankoski of Dunlo, Pa.voted
as the “Face of Polka Fest 2012”
Each year, in the Cambria City section of Johnstown, Pa., the annual Polka Fest is held. The weekend festivities include polka music from a variety of outstanding
bands, fun, good cheer , old fashioned ethnic food to delight the
palates of every Slovak or Pole in
the area. The celebration af fords
the opportunity for old friends and
new from around Pennsylvania
to celebrate the music traditions
of polka. This year’s event, held
over the Memorial Day weekend
attracted thousands of polka fans from across the Key
Stone State as well as neighboring states.
At the annual festival, an individual is selected
as “The Face of Polka Fest.” Honored as this year ’s
winner was our own well-known Dunlo, Pa. Sokolka,
Dolly(Dolores) Yonkoski. Our Dolly received a basketfull of prizes, merchandise and gift cards. Dolly has been
a polka fan all her life and is certainly deserving of this
tribute which included a half-page congratulatory note
and photo in the local newspaper.
Dolly, the daughter of the late Joseph and Susan
Rubal Richnavsky, married John(Y unk) Yonkoski in
1965. The couple will celebrate their 47th wedding
anniversary in September. They are the proud parents
of two children. Dolly and John are avid polka lovers
and attend polka festivals throughout the area. In fact,
Dolly taught Yunk the fine art of polka dancing in the
kitchen of their Dunlo, Pa. home and from then on, he
was hooked. Now there’s no problem getting him on the
dance floor.
Dolly has been an active Sokolka all her life. She
serves as an of ficer of Assembly 82 and is active in
Group 9. She has represented her lodge at several national conventions. Over the years, Dolly has been active in our various membership campaigns. We join
Dolly’s many friends and admirers throughout the or ganization in extending congratulations and best wishes
on this well-deserved tribute. You go girl and Zdar Boh!
97th Annual Milwaukee
Pilgrimage set for Labor Day
Continuing in a time-honored tradition of nearly
a century, the annual Holy Hill Pilgrimage by Milwaukee area Slovak Catholics honoring the Mother of God
will take place on Labor Day , Monday, September 3.
This year will mark the 98th annual pilgrimage. This
faith tradition of Milwaukee Slovaks had its beginning
in 1914 when the first pilgrimage took place at the Holy
Hill monastery of the Discalced Carmelites.
This year’s pilgrimage will be held at the Basilica
of Holy Hill located at 1525 Carmel Road in Hubertus,
Wis., just outside Milwaukee. The gathering recalls the
beloved pilgrimage traditions in Slovakia. For generations, the Milwaukee area Slovaks have honored Our
Lady at Holy Hill.
The program on September 3 begins with the celebration of outdoor Stations of the Cross beginning at
8:30 a.m. at the bottom of the hill. At 9:30 a.m., the
pilgrimage liturgy will be celebrated in the basilica in
A beautiful ritual takes place during the recitation
and singing of the Stations when several girls carry the
statue of Our Lady on their shoulders bedecked with
colorful streams of ribbons and rosemary. Area Sokols
and Sokolky, as has been their tradition spanning many
decades are invited to again participate in the beautiful
pilgrimage of the Milwaukee area Slovak community .
For additional information on this year ’s pilgrimage,
call Betty Valent at (414)425-6137 or Emily Kosso at
Slovak pilgrimage to Marian Shrine in
West Haverstraw, N.Y. on August 12
The annual Slovak Day pilgrimage at the Shrine
of Our Lady Help of Christians in West Haverstraw,
N.Y. is scheduled for Sunday , August 12. The wellknown Marian shrine, conducted by the Salesians of St.
John Bosco, is located at Filors Lane. The annual event
is hosted by the St. Stephen’ s Society, Branch 716 of
the First Catholic Slovak Union along with other area
Slovak Catholic fraternal societies and parishes in the
Archdiocese of New York. The pilgrimage begins with
the Sacrament of Reconciliation(confessions) at 10
a.m. At 11 a.m. a concelebrated Mass in Slovak will
Annual Slovak Pastoral
be offered at the shrine’ s outdoor altar. Following the
Seminar set for Chicago
liturgy, a luncheon featuring traditional Slovak culinary
The annual Slovak Pastoral Seminar hosted by the
specialities will be available in the shrine’s dining hall.
Midwest Region of the Slovak Catholic Federation will
Beginning at 2:30 p.m. the traditional Slovak Robe held on Sunday , September 23 at the Motherhouse sary devotions will take place along the Rosary Walk
of the Sisters of St. Casimir located at 2601 West Mar- outdoors. Sokols and Sokolky from across the New
quette Road in Chicago, Ill.
York metropolitan area are invited to join in this anAn interesting and enjoyable presentation will be
nual pilgrimage honoring the Mother of God near the
given by Eva Bustamante on the history of Our Lady of feast of the Assumption. The tradition of pilgrimage is
Sorrows Slovak Catholic Cemetery in the Archdiocese very popular in Slovakia and attracts great throngs of
of Chicago. The cemetery was founded in 1923 to serve the faithful to the country’ s many shrines throughout
the needs of the then 10 Slovak parishes in the Archdio- the summer season.
cese of Chicago. The presentation will be of particular
A bus will depart from St. John Nepomucene
interest to individuals doing genealogical research on
Church, located at the corner of First Avenue and 66th
their Slovak forebears. Following her lecture, Ms. Bus- Street in Manhattan. Those interested in traveling from
tamente will answer any questions and distribute book- New York city on this bus or for other details of this
lets. Many prominent Chicago area Slovak leaders are
year’s pilgrimage, should contact Jozef Bilik at tel.
buried in Our Lady of Sorrows Cemetery.
(718)463-2084. For travel directions, call the shrine ofRegistration for this year’s seminar will start at 1 p.m. fice at tel. (914)947-2200.
Ms. Bustamente will be welcomed at 1:45 p.m. with her
presentation following. A delicious buffet dinner will be 12th Slovak Day Picnic
enjoyed beginning at 3 p.m. The offering for this event in Old Greenwich, Conn.
is $15.00 per person. Pre-paid registration can be made
The Slovak American Cultural Center of New York
with John Jurcenko at tel. (773)763-0810. for additional will host its 12th annual Slovak Day Picnic on Sunday,
information on this year ’s seminar, contact Geraldine August 5 at Greenwich Point Park located on the sceHletko at tel. (708)387-7812 or contact the Seminar
nic banks of the Long Island Sound in Old Greenwich,
Publicity Chairperson, our Sokol Robert Tapak Magrud- Conn. Festivities begin at 12 noon and will include all
er at tel. (502)244-7743. The seminar is a must for those things Slovak - music, an abundance of delicious food,
interested in their Slovak faith traditions while enjoying imported beer, homemade pastries, along with sports
a wonderful afternoon of traditional Slovak fellowship activities for all ages. Tickets are $35.00 for adults
and camaraderie.
(Continued on page 5)
The Word
of God ...
Gospel for the Seventeenth Sunday
of the Year – July 29th
John 6:1-15
A reading from the holy Gospel
according to John
Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee.
A large crowd followed him,
because they saw the signs
he was performing on the sick.
Jesus went up on the mountain,
and there he sat down with his disciples.
The Jewish feast of Passover was near.
When Jesus raised his eyes
and saw that a large crowd was coming to him,
he said to Philip,
“Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?
He said this to test him,
because he himself knew
what he was going to do.
Philip answered him,
“Two hundred days’ wages worth of food
would not be enough
for each of them to have a little.”
One of his disciples,
Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter,
said to him,
“There is a boy here
who has five barley loaves and two fish;
but what good are these for so many?”
Jesus said, “Have the people recline.”
Now there was a great deal of grass
in that place.
So the men reclined,
about five thousand in number.
Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks,
and distributed them to those
who were reclining,
and also as much of the fish
as they wanted.
When they had had their fill,
he said to his disciples,
“Gather the fragments left over,
so that nothing will be wasted.”
So they collected them,
and filled twelve wicker baskets
with fragments
from the five barley loaves
that had been more
than they could eat.
When the people saw the sign
he had done,
they said,
“This is truly the Prophet,
the one who is to come into the world.”
Since Jesus knew
that they were going to come
and carry him off
to make him king,
he withdrew again to the mountain alone.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Gospel for the Eighteenth Sunday
of the Year – August 5th
John 6:24-35
A reading from the holy Gospel
according to John
When the crowd saw that neither Jesus
nor his disciples were there,
they themselves got into boats
and came to Capernaum looking for Jesus.
And when they found him across the sea
they said to him,
(Continued on page 15)
To be held at the Treasure Lake Golf Resort
Assisting the Church in Slovakia
Slovak Catholic Federation
Mid-Year Annual Appeal Report
by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic
Appeal Coordinator
Since 1978, the Slovak Catholic Federation has been conducting the SS. Cyril & Methodius Appeal which begins each year in the
month of February during the closest weekend to the Feast of SS. Cyril
& Methodius which is observed by the Universal Church on February 14th. To date I wish to report that this year ’s
appeal has collected a total of $17,514.89. Unfortunately this is roughly $5,000.00 short from last
year’s mid-year report. In its 34th year , the SS.
Cyril & Methodius Appeal has primarily been
taken up in parishes in the United States of Slovak heritage. As we are all very much aware, the
days of “ethnic parishes” are becoming a thing of
the past. More and more Slovaks now reside in
different parts of the country and no longer claim
to belong to a parish of Slovak heritage. For this
reason many Slovaks may not have the opportunity to hear about, let
alone participate in this Annual Appeal which assists the Church in
Slovakia. If it were not for the wonderful cooperation of our Slovak
Catholic Fraternal Societies and their publications, communication
to American and Canadian Slovaks would not be possible. In recent
years we have seen an increase in individual donations apart from the
parish collections. Also most of the Slovak Fraternal Societies have
also been making contributions to this collection from their National
Board of Directors, along with a number of local branches, wreaths,
assemblies, and lodges. The appeal continues during the entire calendar year 2012.
For as you know, this appeal assists the Church in Slovakia by
supporting the training mission of the Ponti fical Slovak College of
SS. Cyril & Methodius in Rome, Italy (formally known as the Slovak
Institute or Ustav). This fine institution was built a half century ago
through the generosity of American Catholics of Slovak ancestry . In
addition, funds are distributed to those Religious Communities of both
men and women which share a counterpart which belongs to the Conference of Slovak Religious in the United States. These Communities
include: the Vincentian Sisters of Charity (Ruzomberok); Dominican
Sisters (Dunajska Luzna); the School Sisters of St. Francis (Zilina);
the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi (Bratislava-Prievoz); the Byzantine Catholic Sisters of St. Basil the Great (Secovce and Presov);
Franciscan Friars Minor (Bratislava); and the Benedictine monks of
the House of St. Benedict (Bacurov).
As various groups will be holding summer picnics along with several
Fraternal National Conventions, I ask that consideration be given to
kindly taking up a collection in support of the Slovak Catholic Federation Appeal. All donations
are tax deductible. In 201 1
this Annual Appeal totaled
picnics, etc are all welcome
to make a donation to this appeal, make all checks payable
to: Slovak Catholic Federation
and send directly to Dolores
Evanko, National Secretary-Treasurer, 173 Berner Ave., Hazleton, PA
I pray that Almighty God reward all of us who participate in the support of the Church in Slovakia through the Slovak Catholic Federation 34th Annual SS. Cyril & Methodius Appeal. Thank you and Zdar
(Editor’s note: Father Hvozdovic, who serves as our Supreme
Chaplain is pastor of the Parish of the Epiphany in Sayre, Pa. He also
serves as the first vice president of the Slovak Catholic Federation and
has been the appeal coordinator for the past fifteen years.
12th Slovak Day Picnic in Old Greenwich, Conn.
(Continued from page 4)
and $15.00 for children ages 6 to
18. Children, age 6 and younger
are welcome free of char ge. Make
check payable to S-ACC and send
same to: Adelka Darula, 28 High
Street, Greenwich, CT
For additional information on this
year’s picnic, call Adelka at tel.
(203) 531-9532 or adelkadarula@ An enjoyable afternoon is
Greenwich Point Park is located
on Tod’s Driftway in Old Green-
wich. The park is conveniently located off Exit 5 of I-95. Turn right
at exit ramp/light. Turn right again
at next light onto Sound Beach
Avenue. Continue passing park on
right. Turn right onto Shore Road.
Follow Shore Road over causeway
into Greenwich Point. Area Sokol
members are cordially invited to
join us for a wonderful summer
afternoon with a distinct Slovak
Zdar Boh!
Rosemarie Golia
57th International Golf Tournament Set for
the Weekend of August 10-12 in DuBois, Pa.
by Edward D. Moeller
Supreme Director of Sports & Athletics
With the warm summer weather upon us, we find the traditional
golf season in full swing. Therefore, I am pleased to announce
that all is in readiness for our exciting 57th International Slovak
Catholic Sokol Tournament which
will be enjoyed on the weekend of
August 10-12 at the ever -popular
Treasure Lake Golf Resort in DuBois, Pa. A number of our golf
competitions have been held at
this popular facility over the years
with our golfers enjoying the
many amenities of fered by Treasure Lake. And this year’s competition will be no exception.
We are looking forward to
hosting a wonderful weekend of
traditional Sokol fraternalism and
good sportsmanship in August.
The participants of this year ’s
57th annual golf competition will
be housed at the Clarion Hotel
and golfing enjoyed at the Treasure Lake resort. Over the years,
Wreath 81
Summer is now in full swing and
its time for our traditional Wreath
81 picnic. The festivities begin at
12 noon on Sunday, August 5 at the
Sacred Heart Rose Room located
at 1731 LaPorte Avenue in Whiting. The chairperson of the picnic,
Audrey Filipek will be accepting reservations until the deadline
of Sunday, July 29. Reservations
are necessary in order that proper
preparations might be made. Please
contact Audrey at tel (219) 6596444. As is our fraternal tradition,
the picnic is free of charge to all our
members. Guests are welcome at
the cost of $5.00 per person. An enjoyable afternoon is assured. Come
out and enjoy good company and
a pleasant afternoon of food and
fellowship at this annual fraternal
As is our custom and in keeping
with our Care and Share project, we
will be collecting monetary donations to be given to our local food
pantry. The officers are grateful that
our members are always generous
and supportive of our Wreath’s
community project which is in the
best traditions of fraternal outreach.
Our prayers go out to our members who can’t join us because of
health or distance. Be assured you
are always remembered in our
thoughts and prayers. Happy summer - stay cool!
Zdar Boh!
Judy Strisko
Recording Secretary
many upgrades have been incorporated into this fine establishment. It will serve our members
extremely well.
This golf course facility is located just minutes of f of Inter state I-80 at exit 101. The Clarion
Hotel is located off of I-80 at exit
97. The surrounding area of fers
a selection of fine restaurants,
shopping centers and other local
Over the years, our gol fing
event has evolved to become
much more than a few simple
rounds of golf, but rather a true
fraternal family affair in the spirit
of friendship and Sokol good
sportsmanship. Many of our
Sokol members now attend the
tournament accompanied with
their respective families, which
has added to the richness of the
event and exhibits true Sokol camaraderie.
The tournament is shaping up
to have a tremendous turnout of
golfers and guests. The actual
tournament deadline is (postmarked) Monday, July 9th. We
therefore remind those planning
to join us for a memorable weekend to complete the golf application form and return same as soon
a possible to my home address:
Edward D. Moeller , 2812 Waterman Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
15227. If there are any questions
regarding this year ’s golf tour nament, feel free to contact me
directly at my home telephone
number at (412)881-3506.
The cost of this year ’s golf
event is $270.00 for golfers,
which includes your three(3)
full rounds of golf with carts,
two nights lodging at the resort,
two(2) breakfasts on Saturday
and Sunday mornings, one(1)
wonderful victory dinner scheduled for Saturday night, a com(Continued on page 6)
JUNE 2012
Michael T. Matras
Maryanne Palkovic
James C. Matlon
Robert E. Leso
Home Office
Albert J. Suess Jr.
Edward D. Moeller
Tony L. Scuglik
Janice Patterson
Ann Marie Silinskie
Bradley Hoeck
Michael Horvath
Perryopolis, PA
Erie, PA
Boonton, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
Passaic, NJ
Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Kenosha, WI
Erie, PA
Port Griffith, PA
Milwaukee, WI
Wilkes-Barre, PA
S.C.S Museum Donations for April – June 2012
We are pleased to acknowledge the following donations received
during April through June 2012 earmarked for our Slovak Catholic Sokol Museum located at our home of fice in Passaic, NJ. The monies
received from these donations fund our annual $500 Memorial Scholarships, which assist our young people in their educational endeavors.
The number of these scholarship grants is dependent upon the amount
of donations received. Because of the generosity of our members we
will be awarding three scholarships for 2012.
In Memory of
Tom Wallace
Tom Wallace
Margaret Birek
Robert Holan
Laurie Burrows
Krista Louise Glugosh
Krista Louise Glugosh
Krista Louise Glugosh
Laurie Burrows
Krista Louise Glugosh
Krista Louise Glugosh
Bruce Mazurkiewcz
Margaret Drapp
Theresa Hergan
Theresa Hergan
Total donations $ 760
Donated by
Ed & Janice Moeller
Assembly 16, Pittsburgh, PA
Wreath 22, Pittsburgh, PA
Assembly 16, Pittsburgh, PA
Supreme Physical Fitness Board
Supreme Physical Fitness Board
Denise DiMartino
Group 3, Douglas, MA
Julie Ann Dobbs
Group 14, Pittsburgh, PA
Thomas Molitor, Marianne Nalli,
Christine M. Sofranko
Assembly 16, Pittsburgh, PA
Wreath 22, Pittsburgh, PA
Supreme Physical Fitness Board
Julie and Jim Dobbs, Ed and
Janice Moeller
Thank you for your generosity. Zdar Boh!
Dennis J. Zifcak, Supreme Treasurer
57th International Golf Tournament Set for
the Weekend of August 10-12 in DuBois, Pa.
(Continued from page 5)
plimentary host bar on Saturday
night, your entry fee and prize
money. All taxes and gratuities
are included.
The non-golf weekend package for guests is $140.00. This is
all inclusive and includes meals
and lodging as listed above. Finally, for our local area Sokol
members, who may not require
the entire hotel accommodations
and meal package, there is a golfonly package for $145.00, which
includes the entry and tournament expense fees. All of these
are outstanding packages for the
service, quality of meals served
and golfing that will be enjoyed
throughout the weekend.
As in the past, those planning
to join us for the tournament must
make their own hotel arrangements. They should contact the
Clarion Hotel directly , leaving
a credit card for all incidentals.
This year a block of 75 rooms
has been reserved per night at
the Clarion Hotel on behalf of
our organization. The telephone
number at the hotel is (814)5038151. Golf reservations must be
placed at the golf course pro shop
at telephone (814)375-1808.
The 2012 prize money entry fee will be $15.00 per
golfer(included in the above
package) and the Board of Directors of the Supreme Assembly has recommended providing $20.00 per golfer towards
the tournament prize money . All
monies will be distributed to the
golfers and the allocation will be
based on the number of golf entries per flight.
A new option for women has
been added and will be an oppor-
tunity to participate in a Best Ball
Style of play . This will enable
some newer golfers to participate
in a non-competitive way. Those
wishing to participate in this option must declare their intentions
in advance. Those choosing this
option will not be eligible for
prize monies in the Women’s division but will continue to contribute their share of fees into the
overall pool.
This year we will experiment
with the option of bringing along
a non-Sokol guest to join us at
this year’s golf tournament. This
hopefully will show these guests
the Sokol hospitality at this event
with the hopes of welcoming
them as new members. These
guests will not be eligible for
prize monies. When filling out a
golf application for a guest, those
applying should be sure to mark
guest on that application.
All meals will be served at the
Clarion Hotel. However, the Saturday evening banquet will be
held at the Treasure Lake Resort.
There will be a char ge of $25.00
for those members who would
like to purchase additional banquet tickets for Saturday night
only. The banquet will feature a
wonderful four-course sit down
meal with host bar. All of this is
part of the golf or non-golf package. As is our tradition, Mass will
be celebrated at approximately
5:30 p.m. prior to the Saturday
evening banquet to satisfy the
Sunday obligation. Prior to the
dinner we will enjoy a cocktail
hour. A short speakers program
will follow dinner including the
announcement of the tournament
leaders and a welcome from our
keynote speaker. Our Supreme
Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec,
F.I.C. will once again present the
2012 Frank S. Petruf f Memorial Sports Award to a deserving
Sokol golfer. The evening will
conclude with a few hours of
hospitality and shared Sokol fraternalism and fellowship.
This summer’s 57th International Golf Tournament looks to
be a great fraternal golf event. I
hope to see many of our veteran
Sokol golf enthusiasts as well
as many new faces among us. I
look forward to seeing you all in
the beautiful and scenic community of DuBois, Pa. this August.
Thank you and Zdar Boh!
1. Every contestant must be a member of the Slovak Catholic Sokol in good
standing at least one (1) year or three (3) months with Single Premium Life
Insurance prior to the event with a minimum of $3,000.00 coverage. All new
members who are enrolled in the or ganization after January 1st 2008 will
require a new minimum of $5,000.00 worth of insurance coverage. No social
2. (A)The tournament will be held in six (6) flights as follows, prior to applying 75% to handicap:
“A” Flight 0 to 12 Handicap
“D” Flight Callaway System
“B” Flight 13 to 20 Handicap
“S” Flight Senior, 62 years and over
“C” Flight 21 and over
“W” Flight Women,
Callaway System
Maximum Handicap: Men - 40; Women - 50.
Only the Slovak Catholic Sokol Handicap will be accepted for all
3. The tournament shall be held with U.S.G.A. rules prevailing.
4. Callaway Flights: Golfers who do not have a Slovak Catholic Sokol Handicap (handicaps are determined after two years of Slovak Catholic Sokol play)
Callaway Modified System with two blind holes both days will be applied.
5. (A)All handicaps are subject to review and possible re-rating by “Handicap Committee”. In the case of ties, lowest handicap will be declared trophy
(B)Women golfers will compete in a separate flight. Modified Callaway System will be used both days.
(C)A new option for women will be the opportunity to participate in a Best
Ball Style type of play. This will enable some newer golfers to participate in a
non-competitive way. Those wishing to participate in this style must declare
in advance this option. Those choosing this option will not be eligible for
prize monies in the Women’s division but will continue to contribute their
share of fees into the overall pool.
6. All play will be 36 holes. 18 to be played when scheduled starting, Satur day August 11, 2012 and 18 on Sunday, August 12, 2012.
7. Entry Fee is $15.00. Tournament Expense is $10.00. A Banquet will be
held Saturday Evening.
8. Prizes: There will be a Championship Trophy in each flight. Other prizes
will be awarded according to the number of entries received. All entry fees
will be returned to contestants in the form of prizes, according to entries in
each flight.
9. Foursomes will be paired at the discretion of the Tournament Committee,
but those wishing for special starting times due to transportation issues should
notify Tournament Director at time of entry.
10. Penalty for being tardy at the starting tee will be according to U.S.G.A.
rules with loss of position.
11. Entries will close with a Postmark Date of July 9th, 2012.All tournament
fees must accompany Entry Form.
12. Send all entries to: Edward D. Moeller
2821 Waterman Ave
Pittsburgh, Pa 15227
Games of the XXX Olympiad to
open in London on July 27th
More than a half million people
will travel to London from all parts
of the world to participate in the
2012 international summer Olympic Games. The games of ficially
open on July 27th and will include
19 days of competition,
concluding on August
12th. While these individuals will physically
celebrate at live sites,
tens of millions more
across the globe will enjoy the competition and ceremonies via social
media sites.
Some of the key facts of this
summer’s Olympic Games include
the fact that a total of 26 sports and
39 disciplines will be featured at
34 venues around London. A total
of 8.8 million tickets have already
been sold with a total of 1,490 athletes from 204 countries competing. More than 21,000 broadcasters
and media of ficials will cover the
games with a total of 5,770 team
officials. More than 46,000 people
have worked on the construction
and preparation of the Olympic Park
and Village. A total of 10,000 cur rently serving troops from the U.S.
and Great Britain will attend the
games for free. More than 10,000
Britons are involved in the opening
and closing ceremonies.
The Olympic Games, of ficially
the Games of the XXX Olympiad
continue the historic celebration of
international athletic competition at
its best. It recalls the first Olympic
Games held in ancient Greece in
776 B.C. Those games were computed as the first year of the first
Olympiad. In ancient Greece, the
games were combined patriotic, religious and athletic festivals. These
included various contests in athletics, poetry and music held ever four
years at Olympia in honor of Zeus,
one of the twelve major deities of
the Greek religion. Originally , the
games were simple - the first is said
to have consisted merely of a foot
race of approximately 200 yards
on the plain near the small city of
Olympia - but they rapidly gained
both in scope and in popular acclaim
as demonstrations of national pride.
Competition was based on the highest ethical standards and only amateurs who also were Greek citizens
were allowed to participate. Winners
were awarded laurel, wild olive and
palm wreaths, and were accorded
many special privileges thereafter in
their individual communities. Under
the Roman emperors, the original
concept of the games was lost and
they deteriorated into professional
carnivals and circuses until they
were banned by the Emperor Theodosius(394 A.D.).
In 1894, Baron Pierre de Cou-
bertin, a French educator , to promote interest in education and
culture, also to foster better inter national understanding through the
universal medium of youth’s love of
athletics, began his efforts to revive
the Olympic Games.
He was able to enlist
nine nations to send
their athletes to the
first modern Olympics held in Athens
in 1896. The team from the United
States was the winner at those
games. The first time the Olympics
were held in the United States was
in 1904 in St. Louis, Mo. The United States has subsequently hosted
Olympic Games in 1932 in Los
Angeles, Ca., in 1984, again in Los
Angeles and in 1996 in Atlanta, Ga.
The concept of the games expanded to include the Winter Olympic
Games which began in 1924. Since
then, the games have been held every four years in various parts of the
world. The two world wars were
responsible for cancellations of the
games scheduled for 1916, 1940
and 1944. The first Olympics held
in London took place in 1908, with
the U.S. team again as the winners.
They were again held in London in
1948, again with the U.S. team as
the champions. Thus, this summer’s
games are the third to be hosted by
Great Britain in its capital.
It is interesting to note that representatives of the Sokol movement
have participated in the modern
Olympics since their restoration in
1896. As a matter of fact, the ageless
slogan of our organization “A Sound
Mind in a Sound Body” has its origins in the ancient Olympics and
continued to be promoted during the
period of the Roman Empire. This
wonderful slogan has re flected and
mirrored our or ganization’s commitment to physical fitness since our
founding in 1905. We salute those
Sokols who will compete at this
summer’s games as we celebrate the
150th anniversary of the founding of
the Sokol movement. It was during
the summer of 1862 that Sokol was
founded in Prague. A huge celebration marking this historic milestone
in the history of the Sokol movement is taking place in Prague this
month with Sokol participants from
around the world.
Finally, we salute our American athletes who will represent our
country in London. The American
team will include 271 women and
269 men. The oldest member of the
team is 54 and the youngest is 15.
We wish them all well. May they
represent our nation’s great athletic
traditions and good sportsmanship
as they compete at this summer ’s
exciting XXX Olympiad in London.
When was the last time you looked at your des ignated beneficiaries on your valuable Sokol insurance policy? How important
is it? Just think about how much your life has changed. Have you
married, divorced, had chil dren, maybe you lost a loved one?
This is an item you should con sider annually. If you do need to
make changes to any of your pol icies, contact the Home Of fice
at 800-886-7656.
7th Annual Mahoning Valley SlovakFest
Set for Sunday, August 12 in Youngstown, Oh.
It’s so hard to believe that it is
already time to start thinking about
what’s going on in August! But the
annual Mahoning Valley SlovakFest will be here before we know
it! And it’s even
harder to believe
that this will be
our seventh SlovakFest! But we
are expecting a
great turnout because there has
been so much
renewed interest
in our Slovak heritage in this area.
Between the Simply Slavic Heritage
Festival in downtown Youngstown
which just had its second successful
celebration in June and the publishing of a new book about The Slovaks of the Greater Mahoning Valley, there has been a real resur gence
in celebrating our heritage.
This year the SlovakFest will be
held on Sunday, August 12, 2012, on
the grounds of St. Matthias Parish
(now part of the newly merged Our
Lady of Sorrows Parish which also
includes two other Slovak churches,
SS. Cyril and Methodius, the oldest
Slovak parish in Youngstown and
Holy Name of Jesus) at 2800 Shady
Run Road in Youngstown Ohio.
And with parishes being mer ged
and churches being closed it is more
important then ever to support our
Slovak events! Monsignor Peter M.
Polando, our well-known Slovak
fraternalist, serves as pastor of the
The SlovakFest kicks of f as
usual with a wonderful Polka Mass
celebrated at
Southside, an
many Slovak
families settled
in the early
joyful Liturgy will be of fered at 12
noon with the music provided by
the Eddie Vallus Band. After the
celebration of Mass, the festivities
will move to the church parking lot
and the former school, in the Father
Snock Center. And of course there
will be plenty of Slovak foods and
baked goods available all day long!
All of these are made by the dedicated local men and women from
our local Slovak parishes including
St. Matthias, St. John the Baptist
in Campbell, Holy Name of Jesus,
Holy Trinity in Struthers and SS.
Cyril and Methodius! There will
also be indoor displays of Slovak
arts and crafts, out fits, pictures,
books and memorabilia. There will
be information about various Slovak
organizations and projects, cookbooks and recipes, and maps for you
to locate your ancestral villages.
Food will be available all day
outside including halušky, klobasy,
lamb, pirohy and much more. And
of course, imported Slovak pivo
(beer) will be available! Inside the
school hall dinners will be served
from noon till 3 p.m. with a choice
of lamb, chicken or halubky (stuffed
cabbage). There will also be wonderful Slovak baked goods for sale!
Musical entertainment will be
provided by the Eddie Vallus Band,
the Del Sinchak Orchestra and the
Living Traditions Folk Ensemble
which has always put on great traditional Slovak singing and folk dances inside the hall after the dinners are
The SlovakFest also has many
Slovak items on display or for sale
including a selection of beautiful
Slovak crystal and pottery . There
will be a silent auction of baskets
filled with all sorts of items, and a
raffle of $2,000 worth of Get Go/
Giant Eagle gift cards for gasoline
or food! There will be children’ s
games and other activities throughout the day . If you remember the
Slovak picnics of your childhood,
or if you don’ t, but would like to
make some new memories, plug us
into your GPS, jump in your car, and
join us on Sunday, August 12th for
a wonderful time at the 7th Annual
Mahoning Valley SlovakFest! We
especially look forward to seeing
many Group 17 Sokols and Sokolky
as we celebrate our Slovak heritage
in the Mahoning Valley.
For more information: Loretta
Ekoniak (330) 549-3760 or loretta.
Zdar Boh!
Do....and Stay Young
No one has a right to live in idleness and expect to live long and
be happy. The
ship anchored in
the harbor rots
faster than the
ship crossing the
ocean; a still pool
of water stagnates more rapidly
than a running stream. Our unused
muscles are subject to atrophy
much more rapidly than those in
use. The unused cells in our brains
deteriorate much faster than those
which are continually exercised.
Hence, to remain young we
must remain active.
Good Habits Better
Than Good Medicine
Simply by adopting good lifestyle habits, Americans are advancing their general state of health
beyond even what medical science
improvements can do for them,
according to a report that examined the findings of 130 studies on
health and wellness.
The report, released by Bringham and Women’s Hospital in
Boston, presented its data in light
of a dramatic 21 percent decline in
the national death rate from coronary artery disease. Major factors
cited for the decline were reduced
fat consumption leading to lower
blood cholesterol levels and reduced smoking.
Supreme Clinic - Kurz Attracts Representatives
from 7 Groups at Slippery Rock University
(Continued from page 1)
e-mail addresses of the Supreme
Physical Fitness Board and all
Clinic participants, information
about the drills, general rules, and
information for next year’s 46th International Slet. Also included was
a CD of the drill music. Lunch was
then served after which the of ficial
opening ceremonies of the Clinic
took place. The Supreme Physical
Fitness Board welcomed all in attendance and went over the schedule, which included dining times,
drill practice times, evening activities, general rules and the layout of
the campus.
In attendance at the year’s Clinic
were 13 Physical Directresses and
their assistants and 12 Physical
Directors and their assistants representing a total of seven participating Groups. The following represented their respective Groups:
Group 1 “Msgr. Stephen Krasula, Passaic, N.J., Kevin Matlon and
Gerard Freda.
Group 3 “Rev . Edmund Mochak”, East Doublas, Mass., Judy
Manyak, Mackenzie Cyr, Jaquelyn
Manyak, Gary Manyak, Zachary
Manyak and Timothy McConville.
Group 4 “Bishop Stefan Moyzes”, Chicago, Ill., Tricia Radtke,
Lisa Hoecke and William Gemoll.
Group 5 “Jan Holly”, Cleveland,
Oh., Chelsea Laury, Emily Underation, Steven Underation and Andrew Lipovsky.
Group 7 “Rev. Joseph Murgas”,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Danielle Zablotney, Kelly Palchanis, Philip Walsh
and Steven Hvozdovic.
Group 11 “St. John Nepomucene”, Superior, Wis., Rachel Matlon, Nicole Matlon, Charles Matlon
and Luke Matlon.
Group 14 “St. Francis of Assisi”,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Traci Walkowiak
and Kaitlyn Weiland.
The drill participants received a
drill video one month prior to the
Clinic so they could familiarize
themselves with the drills. The first
drill review session lasted approximately three hours. The boys’ drill
session began with a review of the
junior Slovak drill and the girls drill
session began withe new senior
Slovak Drill.
After dinner, a seminar on gymnastics was presented at the Mor row Field House. Additional seminars were given throughout the
week to inform Clinic participants
of important information for upcoming 46th Slet as well as other
Sokol sporting activities. After the
gymnastics information was presented and questions answered, the
male and female Clinic participants
resumed their drill practice. Following the evening drill practice,
all participants were assigned to
serve on teams for the evening’s activity. The 25 participants were divided into six groups, arranged strategically with veteran directors and
directresses with first time attendees. These groups were informed
that they would compete against
each other for the grand prize as the
end of the week. The first competition was an egg hunt. The Supreme
Physical Fitness Board hid plastic
Easter eggs in the Gazebo area of
the campus. Each egg contained a
name of one of the members of the
Supreme Physical Fitness Board.
The object was to collect the names
of all twelve members of the board.
The top three teams would each be
awarded points towards the activity
total for the week. The participants
ran around collecting eggs, laughing and “fraternalizing” while enjoying the friendly competition. Before finishing for the evening, each
activity group was given a paper
titled, “How Well do You Know the
Supreme Physical Fitness Board?”
Each Supreme Physical Fitness
Board member wrote two facts no
one knew about them. The groups
had 24 hours to figure out what fun
fact belonged to which board member. Facts included: won a bikini
contest, performed a gymnastic
routine on a local television show, a
Criminology/Pre-Law major when
starting college, once ate a guinea
pig, does not have a middle name,
collects kaleidoscopes, etc. Can
you guess to whom these apply to?
Friday, June 29th was a similar
format to the Thursday program,
but the day started bright and ear ly with a drill session. We began
by teaching the new mass drill
which is a music mix from Captain America and Avengers. Both
the male and female participants
practiced together in the Morrow
Field House. Everyone helped each
other, shared hints on what made
some moves easier to do and by
the middle of the first session of the
day, the entire drill was complete
and mastered. The morning drill
session concluded with the men
and women separating to review
and practice their own drills.
On Friday morning Supreme
Director of Sports and Athletics
Edward Moeller and Supreme Assistant Director of Sports and Athletics James C. Matlon arrived to
meet with the university regarding
the track and visit the track to access our needs for the Slet, etc.
The afternoon drill session began
with a review of the drills already
mastered and continued with the
teaching and practice of the new
drills. The senior women’ s drills
include: “Horehronie”(traditions
of the Horehronie region of central Slovakia) by Kristina Pelakova
and “Moment Like This” by Kelly
Clarkson. The junior girls’ drills
include: “Letne Rano”(summer
morning) by Holki and “Who
Says” by Selena Gomez. The senior
men’s drills include: “Bo Zbojnik
Unesie”(the Slovak robin hood) and
“Batman.” The junior boys’ drills
include: “Detstvo”(childhood) and
“Clash of the Titans.”
The afternoon session concluded with the men reviewing their
marching skills while the female
members of the Supreme Physical
Fitness Board taught the women
the new marching that will be implemented at the 2013 Slet. Over all, the female participants were
very pleases with the new marching format. It is not as long as the
previous marching, but it is just as
challenging. Each girl had a chance
to practice the commands with the
other participants.
Prior to the start of the evening
seminars, Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. welcomed
the Clinic participants and of fered
some encouraging words. The
seminars began with a few words
by the Supreme Director of Sports
and Athletics Edward D. Moeller .
Immediately following the conclusion of each seminar , we were
given an update and explanation
of the new and current insurance
products from our Director of Sales
and Marketing Albert J. Suess,
F.I.C. The participants had many
insightful questions regarding our
insurance options.
The evening concluded with
another team building activity for
the groups. All groups met back at
the dorm(Building B) to begin the
scavenger hunt. Each group was
given a clue that would lead them
to a particular site on the campus
whey would find the next clue and
so on. This activity proved to not
only fun and exciting but a workout for all since the campus is very
spread out and the clues were all
over the campus.
Saturday morning, June 30th
saw another drill session. We began
by reviewing the new mass drill
and then separated to review the
male and female drills in preparation for the evening’ s exhibition.
The morning was our time to tweak
the drills and finish preparing for
the exhibition.
The Building B dorm on the campus of Slippery Rock University
housed our Clinic participants.
A Saturday evening dress rehearsal was scheduled after lunch
in preparation for the evening’ s
events. The afternoon concluded
with the participants returning to
the dorms to get ready for the evening and the Supreme Physical Fitness Board performing the drills for
the video. The drill video is the final copy of all the drills and marching for the 46th Slet. This year, we
decided to tape the exhibition, so
that the DVD will include the exhibition, as well as the Supreme
Physical Fitness Board performing
the drills and marching. The drill
DVD will be sent out to all the participants so they can refer to it when
teaching the drills within their respective Groups.
Our Saturday evening began
by traveling to nearby St. Peter ’s
Church in Slippery Rock to attend the vigil Mass to satisfy the
Sunday obligation. Following the
conclusion of the litur gy, the par ticipants reported to the stadium for
the closing Clinic Exhibition. The
men marched on the field and performed two junior and two senior
drills and the women showcased
their new marching routine and
then also performed two junior and
two senior drills. The highlight of
the evening came with the perfor mance of the new mass drill. What
an outstanding performance by all
the participants!
Following the conclusion of the
exhibition, the participants were
treated to a picnic style dinner at
the “Fire Pit” located behind Building F. Not only did they enjoy
the dinner, but they got to roast
marshmallows and make smores.
Part of the evening entertainment
was the final team building activity. The participants did many skill
challenges to earn points for their
respective teams. The challenges
included things like, a beanbag
toss, a football toss, etc. When all
the challenges were complete, the
points were tallied and each member of the overall winning team was
awarded a Subway gift card.
Sunday, July 1st was departure
day. The Clinic participants filled
with enthusiasm and great Sokol
spirit would return home to share
what they had learned with their
fellow Sokols and Sokolky in their
respective Groups. All are looking
forward to next summer ’s 46th International Slet which will be held
at the Slippery Rock University
Campus, July 16 - 20, 2013.
As part of our traditional frater nal outreach, the Clinic participants
along with several Sokol lodges
donated over $400 to the Feed
My Sheep Food Bank in Slippery
Rock, Pa.
A special thank you goes out to
our Supreme President Larry M.
Glugosh and our Supreme Secretary Steven M. Pogorelec, F .I.C.
for all they support. Also, thanks
and gratitude go out each member
of the Supreme Physical Fitness
Board as well as all the Clinic par ticipants for their hard work and
dedication throughout the week.
All of us look forward to next summer’s Slet where we hope to see
many of our members enjoy Sokol
good sportsmanship and fraternal
fellowship at its best. So mark your
calendars and plan to be with us.
Zdar Boh!
Attending the Vigil Mass on Saturday at St. Peter’s Church in
Slippery Rock.
Scenes of the Jubilee Day Observance of the Sisters of SS. Cyril and Methodius
Basilica of SS. Cyril and Methodius + Villa Sacred Heart + Danville, Pa. + June 23
Each year, the Sisters of SS. Cyril and
Methodius host an annual Jubilee Day celebration at their Moththerhouse, Villa Sacred Heart
in Danville, Pa. honoring members who have
achieved milestones in their religious profession. This year’s celebration took place on
Saturday, June 23. The festivities began with a
concelebrated Mass in the Basilica of SS. Cyril
and Methodius at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Joseph
Fennessy as principal celebrant and homilist.
Assisting was Deacon Thomas Fedor. Serving
as lectors at the liturgy were Sister M. Rita Polchin and Sister M. Marcellina Milec.
Sister M. Marcellina Milec, our Philadelphia Sokolka, celebrated the 70th anniversary of her religious profession. She is
shown with the Rev. Francis G. Lendacky,
pastor of St. Agnes - St. John Nepomucene
Parish in Philadelphia.
Sisters honored this year included Sister M. Baptista Drdak and Sister Anna Marie
Flesher, both Diamond Jubilarians(75 Years);
Sister M. Marcellina Milec and Sister Mary
Bernadette Dolchak, both celebrating 70 years
of religious profession; and Sister M. Rita Polchin, Sister M. Mercedes Voytko, Sister Maria
Goretti Hudak, and Sister Mary Paul Kurator, each celebrating 60 years of profession.
Sister Merecedes is the former director of the
Jankola Library and Slovak Museum located
at the Motherhouse. At the conclusion of the
festive liturgy, the General Superior of the
Congregation, Sister M. Linda Marie Bolinski
addressed the congregation and thanked all for
participating in this tribute to the jubilarians
who collectively has given a total of 525 years
of ministry to the people of God. A luncheon
followed honoring the jubilarians and their
family and friends.
This year, the Sisters of SS. Cyril and
Methodius celebrate the 103rd anniversary of
their founding by the Rev. Matthew Jankola. It
was in 1909 that the first three members professed their vows following the of ficial papal
approbation of Pope St. Pius X. Their initial
ministry was teaching the children of Slovak
immigrants in parish schools in the East and
Midwest. At one time, they staf fed a total of
33 Slovak parish schools from
Conn. to Chicago, Ill. Today, the congregation
continues its educational apostolate along with
evangelization, elder care, and ecumenism. Our
congratulations to all 2012 jubilarians as well as
the entire community. May their ageless motto
“Thy Kingdom Come” continue to bear rich
spiritual fruit within the American Church.
Sister M. Mercedes Voytko a vocation of St. Joseph’s Parish in Hazleton, Pa., the oldest
Slovak parish in America and who is our Sokolka, is shown with members of her family
who traveled from Texas, Virginia and Illinois to participate in the jubilee day festivities.
Editor Daniel F. Tanzone is shown far right.
Representatives of the Slovak Heritage Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania from Wilkes-Barre, Pa. who have assisted Sister M. Mercedes, seated, during her years as the director of the Jankola Library and Slovak Museum are shown above with the jubilarian
and include, from the left, Anna Hudock, Magdalen Benish and Mary Migatulski.
Sister M. Mercedes Voytko, second from the left, observed her 60th anniversary of religious profession while Sister Anna Marie Flesher, seated, celebrated her 75th anniversary as a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of SS. Cyril and Methodius.
Other Sisters on the photo include, from the left, Sister Carol Marie Walsh, Sister Maria
Theresa Hronec, a frequent contributor to our publication; Sister Mary Ann Nemec and
Sister Irene Marie Gaydos.
The impressive Basilica of SS. Cyril and Methodius, the only basilica in the world dedicated to the Apostles of the Slavs, where the Mass of Thanksgiving honoring this year’s
jubilarians was celebrated.
Offering congratulations to Sister M. Mercedes at the luncheon honoring the jubilarians
are Sister M. Pamela Smith, a former General Superior; and Sister Linda Marie Bolinski, who completed her term of office as General Superior on July 1.
Highlights of the Supreme Clinic - Kurz in Preparation for Our 46th Slet
Slippery Rock University + Slippery Rock, Pa. + June 27 - July 1
Female Clinic participants representing six participating Groups pose for a photo.
Members of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board pose for a photo and include front
row, l-r, Jennifer A. Romine, Nancy Kropolinsky, Supreme Physical Directress Kathleen S. Watkins, Supreme Sports Director Edward D. Moeller, Assistant Physical
Directress Katie Swift and Denise DiMartino. Rear, l-r, Supreme Physical Director
Dusan Dorich, Assistant Sports Director James C. Matlon, Assistant Physical Director John M. Underation, Frank P. Laury, III, Damian J. Suess and Martin Degnan.
Group 4 sisters and leaders, including, l-r, Tricia Radtke, Lisa Hoecke and Jennifer
A. Romine.
Male members of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board along with the male Clinic
participants are shown above.
Female members of the Supreme Physical Fitness Board are shown above and include front row, l-r, Supreme Physical Directress Kathleen S. Watkins, Supreme
Assistant Physical Directress Katie Swift and Nancy Kropolinsky. Rear, l-r, Denise DiMartino and Jennifer A. Romine.
Group 5, Cleveland, Oh. was well-represented at the Clinic and included, from
the left, Frank E. Laury, III, Andrew Lipovsky, Steven Underation, Emily Underation, Chelsea Laury and John M. Underation.
What's making headlines in our ancestral homeland
reported a year ago, the Statistics Office announced on July 9th.
Overall exports of goods from Slovakia reached $5.7 billion in May 2012, which represents a 7.5 percent growth, yearon-year.
Total imports went down by 2.1 percent to $5 billion.When
it comes to the first five months of the year, Slovakia’s foreign
trade surplus stood at nearly $2.3 billion, which was $1.4 billion
more than in the given period of 2011. Overall exports of goods
were up by 9.3 percent, year-on-year to reach $27 billion, while
total imports increased by 3.8 percent to $25 billion.
News and Views from Slovakia...
U.S. Ambassador Sedgwick hosts
Independence Day reception
United States Ambassador to Slovakia, Theodore Sedgwick at a reception marking the U.S. Independence Day at
his residence in Bratislava on the Fourth of July expressed
Americans’ pride in gaining freedom and independence 236
years ago.
The reception was attended by Prime Minister Robert
Fico, Foreign Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak and other senior figures from the government and parliament.
Sedgwick also pointed to the special importance of the
236th birthday of the United States from his own personal
perspective - he became ambassador to Slovakia exactly
two years ago. He also noted that the U.S. Declaration of
Independence in 1776 was co-signed by his ancestor William Ellery.
The ambassador pointed to the role played by the United States in creating Czecho-Slovakia and in Slovakia’s later
efforts aimed at independence and accession to NA TO and
the European Union. He emphasized the fact that U.S. - Slovak relations remain strong regardless of which party is in
Year of SS. Cyril and Methodius
inaugurated at Nitra celebration
During a special Mass on July 5th with the Most Reverend Stanislav Zvolensky , Archbishop of Bratislava and
president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Slovakia,
the jubilee year honoring SS. Cyril and Methodius was inaugurated. Joining Archbishop Zvolensky at the liturgy were
bishops from across Slovakia. Present at the outdoor litur gy
celebrated in Nitra were senior representatives of the government, including President Ivan Gasparovic and the Prime
Minister Robert Fico.
The special jubilee year was announced to mark the
1,150th anniversary of the arrival of the Byzantine brothers,
who are the Apostles of the Slavs, to Great Moravia, a state
that included a significant part of the territory of modern-day
Slovakia, in 863.
Archbishop Zvolensky in his homily praised the accomplishments of the two saints, who laid the spiritual and
cultural groundwork for the country . He recalled a sermon
delivered by Cardinal Jan Chryzostom Korec, S.J., the retired Bishop of Nitra, who is currently recovering from an illness, in a ceremony exactly seven years ago on July 5, 2005.
“He asked - as a nation, do we want to live without
religion, Christianity, can we fully realize what this would
mean? Don’t we see the terrible dimension that can be
reached by a nation without a conscience, and with egoism,
greed and hate? Can’t we see what avarice in the economy ,
bribery and terrorism can cause? Can’ t we see what boundless liberty and people without moral scruples are able to
do?”, said Zvolensky.
Prime Minister Fico, in an address made during the ceremony stated that Nitra is most closely connected to the tradition of Saints Cyril and Methodius. He described the mission of the two brothers from Thessalonika as demonstrating
a unique ability to bolster Slovak spiritual richness that had
existed in the country even before their arrival.
“Archaeological finds from Bojna(Nitra region) have
shown that SS. Cyril and Methodius didn’t come among pagans but among people whose hearts were connected to the
ideas of Christian civilization,” said Fico.
The prime minister further praised the contribution of
the two brothers in the sphere of education, as “it’s education
that is the key to Slovakia’s success.”
Apart from serving as Christian missionaries among
the Slavs, Saints Cyril and Methodius are also credited with
devising the Glagolitic alphabet, the ancestor of the Cyrillic,
refining Great Moravia’s legal groundwork. The universal
Church celebrates the feast of the holy brothers on February
14th while in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, their feast
continues to is observed on July 5th.
100 foreigners to study the Slovak
language during summer course
More than 100 foreigners and people of Slovak ancestry
from around the world will participate in the annual Slovak
Language program at Comenius University in Bratislava according to Andrea Kucerova of the public relations department of the university. Participants in the 22nd edition of the
course hail from a number of countries including the United
States, Russia, Serbia, Thailand and Vietnam. The course is
organized by the Center for Continuing Education at Comenius University located in the Slovak capital.
“The significance and benefit of this course lies in one’s
acquisition of the basic knowledge of the Slovak language
or mastering one’s possession of it, as well as in one’ s getting familiar with Slovak culture and deepening ties with the
country of one’s ancestors located in the picturesque area of
the Small Carpathians,” said Klaudia Backaiova, head of the
Institute for Language and Academic Preparation of Foreign
Students at the center.
The course, which began on July 9th, will run for three
weeks. The age span of the students range from the youngest at age 18 and the oldest at age 68. The students will also
enjoy trips to the High Tatras and Slovakia’s mining towns as
part of the course.
In addition to the Slovak Language Summer University,
the faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University will or ganize the 48th edition of the Studia Academica Slovaca in August that includes classes in the Slovak language and culture.
Volkswagen extends non-stop
production for Touareg and Q7
Volkswagen Slovakia has extended the non-stop 24/7
regimen in the production of SUVs at the plant in Bratislava
until the end of 2012, VW Slovakia spokesman Vladimir
Machalik told TASR on July 6th.
The reason for the extension is continuing global demand for SUVs produced at Bratislava. The car-maker is set
to use its production capacities to the full, with the exception
of a company-wide vacation and certain public holidays.The
non-stop production concerns all facilities related to the production of SUVs - body shops, paint shops, assembly lines,
logistics, and suppliers.
Non-stop production of SUVs Volkswagen Touareg,
Audi Q7, and bodyworks for Porsche Cayenne at the plant
was launched in September 2010. It has been extended three
time already.
Volkswagen Slovakia is one of the lar gest investors,
exporters, and employers in the private sector in Slovakia,
employing more than 8,400 people.
The factory in Bratislava currently produces the following models: the Volkswagen Touareg, Audi Q7 Volkswagen
‘up!’,Skoda Citigo, SEAT Mii and bodywork for the Porsche
Cayenne and gearboxes. The factory in Martin in central Slovakia produces components for chassis and gearboxes, and in
Kosice, Volkswagen assembles cars destined for the Russian
The wellknown Hotel Zochova Chata in Modra, located
in western Slovakia, will celebrate its 80th anniversary in
April 1933. It was founded by members of a Slovak tourist club. The chalet was named for a prominent clergyman,
public official and politician, Samuel Zoch. During the formation of the first Czecho-Slovak Republic, he served as
the Bratislava district officer. The facility has grown and
expanded over the years. After the fall of Communism in
1989 and the privatization which followed, the new owner
who took over from the state and provided extensive restoration and expansion to the facility. By 2007, the Zochova
Foreign trade posted surplus
Chalet became one of the finest such facilities in all of Slovaof nearly $6.5 million in May
kia. Today, the chalet is a four-star hotel facility and attracts
Slovakia’s foreign trade surplus reached $6.5 million
visitors from across Europe and North America all seasons
in May 2012, which was $600 million more than the figure of the year. In 2011, the chalet was honored with the top
construction award by the Slovak government. Located in
Selected stories are provided by TASR-Slovakia, the
the lush countryside, the chalet is a picturesque and unique
Slovak Republic’s official News Agency.
facility offering top-notch service and amenities.
Sokol Birthdays
Carol Smar Fleming, West
Mifflin, Pa., president of Assembly 292, Duquesne, Pa.
Stephen J. Knoblock,Yonkers,
N.Y., a member of Assembly 219,
Yonkers, N.Y.
Kelly Connolly, Jensen Beach,
Fla., a member of Wreath 22,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
TamaraAnn Kaplan, Hopewell
Junction, N.Y., a member of Assembly 219, Yonkers, N.Y.
Kim Graham, Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., a member of Assembly 59,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Rev. Elimir J. Mikus, Skalica,
Slovakia, retired pastor of SS.
Cyril and Methodius Parish, Sterling Heights, Mich., a member of
Assembly 36, Detroit, Mich.
Rev. Placid F. Pientek, O.S.B.,
Cleveland, Oh., a member of Assembly 303, Cleveland, Oh.
Roseann Rakovan, Chardon,
Oh., a member of Wreath 111,
Lorain, Oh.
Joseph P. Sroba, Trevose,
Pa., a member of Assembly 48,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Julia Cernak, Windsor, Me.,
a member of Wreath 14, Johnstown, Pa.
J. Kevin Conway, Douglas,
Mass., financial secretary of Assembly 28, Douglas, Mass.
Alaina Mondik, Palm Beach
Gardens, Fla., a member of
Wreath 22, Pittsbugh, Pa.
Martha Sipka Parry, Bronx,
N.Y., a member of Assembly 219,
Yonkers, N.Y.
Judith Ann Glogovsky, Flushing, N.Y., a member of Wreath 168,
New York City.
Albert J. Suess, Jr., Pittsburgh,
Pa., President and Financial Secretary of Assembly 16, Pittsburgh,
Leonard Malshefski, Nanticoke, Pa., a member of Assembly
136, Nanticoke, Pa.
James G. Papcun, Livonia,
Twp., Mich., a member of Assembly 36, Detroit, Mich.
Anna M. Rollman, WilkesBarre, Pa., a member of Assembly
59, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Andrew G. Buck, Poland,
Oh., a member of Assembly 108,
Youngstown, Oh.
Pamela Ann Hess, Cedar
Grove, N.J., a member of Assembly 162, Clifton, N.J.
John Janetka, Philadelphia,
Pa., a member of Assembly 48,
Philadelphia, Pa.
John Yonkoski, Sr., Dunlo,
Pa., a member of Assembly 82,
Dunlo, Pa.
Bradley A. Schostok, Libertyville, Ill., a member of Assembly
257, Chicago, Ill.
Barbara Zalesny, Shickhinny,
Pa., a member of Assembly 219,
Yonkers, N.Y.
John Yonkoski, Jr., Dunlo,
Pa., a member of Assembly 82,
Dunlo, Pa.
David G. Blazek, McMuray,
Pa., a member of Assembly 16,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ruth Ann Cannell, Canfield,
Oh., a member of Wreath 107,
Youngstown, Oh.
Rev. Anthony J. Pleho, New
York, N.Y., a member of Assembly
182, New York City.
Victoria A. Kurak, Peekskill,
N.Y., a member of Assembly 219,
Yonkers, N.Y.
Paul M. Papcun, Clinton Township, Mich., a member of Assembly
36, Detroit, Mich.
Joseph A. Smak, High Point.
N.C., a member of Assembly 182,
New York City.
Dr. Lindy A. Kona, Ottawa
Hills, Oh., a member of Assembly
257, Chicago, Ill.
Ryan W. Beil, Boardman,
Oh., a member of Assembly 108,
Youngstown, Oh.
Evan R. Beil, Boardman, Oh.,
a member of Assembly 108,
Youngstown, Oh.
Ralph E. Crosby, Yonkers,
N.Y., a member of Assembly 219,
Yonkers, N.Y.
Kathleen Durham, Burton,
Oh., a member of Assembly 127,
Monessen, Pa.
Rudy J. Krack, Chesterfield,
VA., a member of Assembly 162,
Clifton, N.J.
Kenneth J. Razzano, Greenwood, Ind., a member of Assembly
127, Monessen, Pa.
Andrew Sedory, Jr., Monessen,
Pa., a member of Assembly 127,
Monessen, Pa.
Brian Durovic, Parker, Co., a
member of Assembly 313, Winter
Park, Fla.
John A. Grovola, Clifton
Heights, Pa., a member of Assembly 186, Drexel Hill, Pa.
Michael Chuba, Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., Assembly 59, Wilkes-Barre,
John W. Veternik, Fox Lake,
Ill., a member of Assembly 257,
Chicago, Ill.
Erica Mondik, Palm Beach
Gardens, Fla., a member of Wreath
22, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jason E. Banaszek, WilkesBarre, Pa., a member of Assembly
59, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Clare S. Puskar, Pittsburgh,
Pa., a member of Assembly 127,
Monessen, Pa.
Robert T. Sabol, McKinney,
Tx., a member of Assembly 127,
Monessen, Pa.
Streetfest on August 9-11
at Pittston, Pa. parish
St. John the Evangelist Parish Community of Pittston, Pa. will host a
traditional Street Festival, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday , August 9-11
outdoors on the parish grounds, located at Broad and Church Streets.
Festivities begin each evening at
5:30 p.m. and continue until 10 p.m.
The fest will include a flea market,
Bingo, a Bake Sale, a lottery and
grocery store voucher booth, traditional ethnic foods along with
American picnic favorites along
with games for children. An enjoyable evening is assured. Entertainment will be provided each evening
featuring Somethin’ Else on August
9, Hillbilly D’Luxe on August 10
and Flaxy Mor gan on August 11.
In addition the Pat Ward Magic Act
will be featured.
Monsignor John J. Bendik, the
pastor and long-time Sokol and
Father Richard Cirba, who serves
as chaplain of Group 7, extend a
cordial invitation to Group 7 Sokol
members to come out and enjoy an
evening at this year ’s parish street
Zdar Boh!
Stephen Vitek
Scholarships available for
New England members
The New England Fraternal Alliance, formerly known as the New
England Fraternal Congress, will
again offer three(3) $500 scholar ship grants to deserving students
in their sophomore, junior or senior year in college or in graduate
school. The first scholarship grant
is given in memory of Pearl Plante,
a loyal and tireless worker in support of fraternalism in the New
England States.
Applicants must be enrolled as
a full-time student at an accredited college/university or graduate
school and must be a resident of
one of the six New England States.
They must have a cumulative grade
average of at least 2.0(on a 4.0
system). Transcript of grades from
the spring 2012 semester must be
submitted along with the application. Deadline for submitting the
completed application is September 15, 2012. Incomplete and /or
late entries will be disqualified. Recipients of the 2012 grants will be
notified by October 15, 2012. The
$500 awards will be paid directly to
recipients and presented to the winners at the annual meeting of the
New England Fraternal Alliance
scheduled for November 2012 in
New Haven, Conn.
Criteria to be used in judging include: overall merits of applicant,
cumulative grade average, college
activities/honors, community activities, financial need and content
of an essay which is part of the application process. Any member of
the Slovak Catholic Sokol residing in Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont or
New Hampshire may apply for
these grants. For an application, call
Group 2 President Eileen S. Wilson
at tel. (203)378-8837. Members of
our organization have been recipients of these grants in the past.
Five School Sisters of St. Francis note
anniversaries of religious profession
Five School Sisters of the Third
Order Regular of St. Francis will celebrate anniversaries of their religious
profession on Saturday , August 11
with a Mass of Thanksgiving and dinner at their provincial headquarters,
Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pa.
The liturgy will be celebrated at 1 1
a.m. in the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Chapel with the Rev. Ray Bomberger
as the celebrant. The homilist will be
the Rev. Msgr. Richard LaVerghetta.
A dinner will follow for jubilarians,
their families and guests.
Celebrating her 60th anniversary
of religious profession will be Sister
Bernadette Ann Bozak, formerly
Sister Mary Thomas. A native of
Shenandoah, Pa. she is the daughter
of the late Michael and Anna Shalleck Bozak. She entered from St.
Stephen’s Parish in Shenandoah.
She entered the order Sept. 4, 1950
and professed her final vows Aug. 3,
1952 at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Chapel, Monocacy Manor . Sister
served in CCD, music ministry and
pastoral ministry at St. Peter ’s Parish
in Westfield, Mass., Claremont and
North Walpole, N.H. She also served
as elementary teacher and in music
ministry at parishes in Boonton, Clifton, Gutenberg and Jersey City , in
New Jersey; at Bethlehem, Emmaus,
Hellertown, Pittsburgh and Stowe in
Pennsylvania; and as an elementary
principal in Hellertown and Palmer ton.
Sister Mary Xavier Bomberger
will celebrate the 50th anniversary
of her final profession of vows. Born
Grace Elaine Bomber ger in Pottstown, Pa., she is the daughter of
Frances Murgia Bomberger and the
late Ray Bomberger. She entered the
order in September 1957 and professed her final vows Aug. 3, 1962.
Sister ministered as CCD teacher
and choir director at St. Peter ’s in
Westfield, Mass. 1962-64; elementary
teacher at SS. Peter and Paul, Phillipsburg, N.J.; Assumption of the BVM,
Northampton, SS. Cyril and Methodius, Bethlehem; secondary teacher at
St. Francis Academy; caregiver, Villa
Clare in Monocacy Manor; provincial
minister of the Bethlehem Province,
1989-1998; assistant novice director ,
Intercongregational Franciscan Novitiate, Kearny, N.J. and provincial minister of her order in Rome from 2001
to 20011. She is now a caregiver.
Sister M. Virginelle Makos, director of Villa Clare in Bethlehem,
Pa. will celebrate the 50th anniversary
of her final profession of vows. Born
Darlene Makos in Bethlehem, Pa.,
she is the daughter of the late John and
Mary Nakata Makos. Sister entered
the order July 16, 1960 and professed
her final vows Aug. 3, 1962.
During her ministry, she served as
a CCD instructor in the Diocese of
Springfield, Mass.; as an elementary
teacher in the Archdiocese of Newark
and the Diocese of Allentown; and
as a principal in the Archdiocese of
Sister Jean Makovsky, formerly
Sister Richard, will celebrate her 50th
anniversary of her final profession of
vows. Born Virginia Makovsky in Cementon, Pa., she is the daughter of the
late Michael and Suzanna Makovsky.
She entered from Assumption of the
BVM parish in Northampton, Pa.
She entered the order in August 1960
and professed her final vows Aug. 3,
Sister served as a teacher and principal at schools in Pennsylvania and
New Jersey; retreat team minister , at
St. Francis Retreat House in Easton,
Pa.; on the leadership team of her
order, as a pastoral associate at St.
Gregory Parish in Hamilton Square,
N.J. and in Somerset, N.J. She is now
a caregiver.
Sister M. Donna Pusch will celebrate the 50th anniversary of her
final religious profession. A native of
Bethlehem, Pa., she is the daughter of
the late John and Mar garet Bednarik
Pusch. She entered the order July 19,
1960 and professed her final vows
Aug. 3, 1962.
Sister served as an elementary
teacher in the Diocese of Allentown
and in the Archdioceses of Philadelphia and Newark; director of religious
education and pastoral minister in the
Dioceses of Allentown and Springfield, Mass.
Our congratulations and prayer ful best wishes go out to all the jubiliarians of the School Sisters of St.
Francis. The community began its
American ministry in 1913 when a
group of 12 sisters arrived from Slovakia to teach the children of Slovak
immigrants in the Pittsbur gh Diocese. Their first school was opened
that year at the former St. Gabriel
Slovak Parish on Pittsburgh’s North
Side. In 1928, they established their
Motherhouse at Mount Assisi in
Bellevue, Pa. Over the years, the
community grew and they established a second province with headquarters at Monocacy Manor in
Bethlehem, Pa. They taught in many
Slovak parish schools in Pennsylvania and New Jersey . Many have
hailed from Sokol families in various communities. Their many Sokol
alumni offer prayerful gratitude to
them for all their ef forts among us.
They continue to mirror our CyriloMethodian heritage of faith among
us. Zdar Boh!
Keep Your Slovak Catholic Sokol
Home Office Numbers Handy
– 1-800-886-7656
– (973) 777-2605 or 777-2606
– 1-888-381-5431 or (412) 381-5431
– (973) 777-4704
– (973) 777-4010
– (973) 779-8245
Archbishop Peter Leo Gerety
Celebrates 100th Birthday
NEWARK, N.J., July 16, 2012
- In the past 100 years, the United
States has seen 18 presidents, 2
world wars and
9 popes; all of
which Archbishop Gerety
has borne witness to. The
time has come
for Archbishop
Emeritus Gerety to mark
his own milestone as the
oldest Catholic Archbishop in the
United States with the celebration
of his 100th birthday. Hosted at the
Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred
Heart, Gerety was the principal
celebrant and homilist for a Mass
of thanksgiving on July 19th, his
actual birth date. The Archdiocese
of Newark invited all New Jersey
residents and Catholics alike to the
unique celebration of a century of
devotion to the Catholic Church.
Born in Shelton, Connecticut on
July 19th, 1912, Peter Leo Gerety
was the oldest of nine sons. Since
there were no local Catholic schools
in his town, he has credited his par ents as one of the major in fluences
on his decision to become a priest.
His mother introduced him to his
boyhood parish, St. Joseph’s in Shelton, which served as another source
of inspiration. The future Archbish-
op entered St. Thomas Seminary in
Bloomfield, CT, and was selected
to study abroad at St. Sulpice Seminary in Issy, France. Following his
ordination, on June 29, 1939, Father
Gerety returned to the United States
and was assigned to St. John the
Evangelist Parish in New Haven,
CT. There, in addition to his parish
duties, he ministered to the sick at
Yale New Haven Hospital.
Throughout his long life, Gerety
celebrated significant milestones
within the Catholic Church including being appointed a curate at St.
Brendan’s Parish and director of
the Blessed Martin de Porres Center, an interracial social and religious organization that ministered
to the African American Catholic
community. In 1956 the Center
became the St. Martin de Porres
Church and Gerety was named its
first Pastor. During his tenure he
became an outspoken advocate for
civil rights and supported programs
to eliminate poverty . In 1966 he
was ordained a bishop. He served
as Bishop of Portland, ME until
1969. That year, he was appointed
the third Archbishop of Newark.
Numerous other milestones led
to the Archbishop’s service to the
ministry, which remained active
until 1986. He remains an integral
part of the life of the local Church
of Newark, presiding over con firmation and Masses.
Reflecting on his century of
Catholic devotion, Gerety said of
his long life that it has strengthened his faith and his belief in the
Holy Spirit and its guidance of
the Church. The Holy Spirit, he
stressed, is “the soul” of the Church.
Archbishop Gerety is an old
friend of the Slovak community
beginning during his ministry in
the Archdiocese of Hartford, in the
Diocese of Portland and then in
the Archdiocese of Newark. When
the Slovak parish of St. Stephen in
inner-city Newark was closed, he
allowed a sizeable amount of money to be given to Slovak Catholic
charities. A large grant was given
to the newly established Slovak Institute of SS. Cyril and Methodius
in Rome, now known as the Pontifical Slovak College of SS. Cyril
and Methodius. Those of Slovak
ancestry join all Catholics of New
Jersey in expressing prayerful good
wishes to Archbishop Gerety on
the centenary of his birth. He has
been an outstanding Post-V atican
II shepherd. May God continue to
bless his ministry among us. Ad
multos annos!
Fixed Annuity – Part III
Fixed Annuity – Part I & II
In the initial series Fixed Annuity Part I, the discussion focused on
what is a fixed annuity is, how annuities work and the advantages of
tax deferral annuities. One particular features of the fixed annuity is
assurance that this financial investment can never lose money! Your
investment can only grow!
Part II of our Fixed
Series we explained the favorable
treatment of federal taxes, that there
are no associated char ges such for
initial services, contract, transaction or premium fees. So what that
translates to is that every dollar you
pay in premiums goes directly into
your annuity’s cash value and earns
interest immediately. Early Surrender and Withdrawal Charges were
discussed, along with the fact that
after the 1st anniversary date of the
annuity contract, the society allows
for penalty-free withdrawals of
up to 10% annually. The final two
items discussed were the two qualified plans currently offered the Traditional IRA and ROTH IRA, and
many of the payout options available to the annuitant.
Fixed Annuity – Part III
Hopefully the information presented in Part I and Part II of this series has provided enough information to understand fixed annuities
and their benefits. Here in Part III
the objective is to explain our cur rent annuity of ferings the known
as “The Vantage Collection of Annuity Financial Growth Products”.
Our Vantage Collection of Annuities is specifically designed to meet
the needs of our members.
Short-Term Investment Oppor tunities, we currently of fer three
annuity plans for someone who is
looking for a short-term investment
alternative. An individual who is
anticipating the financial climate
is due to improve within the next
couple of years or an alternative
to the low return of today’ s CDs
market. Each of these short-termed
plans the Vantage 1, Vantage 2 and
Vantage 3 require an initial lump
sum minimal deposit of $5,000 to
establish the annuity contract. Each
of these plans are considered as a
Single Premium Annuity, however
we do allow additional premiums
within 30-days of opening the contract, in the event monies are in the
process of rolling over from other
Vantage 1: A one-year contract that currently is guaranteeing
1.25% APY for one-year. There are
four options available at the conclusion of the 1st year of the contract,
the entire value of the contract can
be withdrawn without penalty , or
open/transfer contract to a longer
termed plan, or the contract can
continue for an additional 4 years
and will receive the same bene fits
of the longer termed Vantage 5
contract. The fourth option available is to settle the annuity contract,
choosing between the various options available.
Vantage 2: Is a two-year annuity
contract, that today guarantees an
interest rate of 1.50% APY for two
years. The Vantage 2 has three options available at the conclusion of
the contract’s 2nd year. The entire
value of the contract can be withdrawn without penalty , or open/
transfer the contract to a longer
termed plan, or select from the various settlement options offered.
Vantage 3: Our three-year annuity contract, that currently guar antees a very attractive interest rate
of 2.00% APY for three years. Like
the Vantage 2 annuity , the Vantage 3 has three options available
at the conclusion of the 3rd year ,
the entire value of the contract can
be withdrawn without penalty , or
open/transfer contract to a longer
termed plan, which typically earns
a higher interest return or select
from the various settlement options
Longer-Term Investment Opportunities, offered by the Slovak
Catholic Sokol include the Vantage
5 and Vantage 7. These two plans
allow for savings, investments or
retirement at a higher interest rate
as compared to our shot-term plans.
Both annuity plans require a longer
term of commitment and are flexible
annuities that allow for additional
premium deposits that will not affect
or extend the life of the contract or
withdrawal penalty period.
Vantage 5: Is a five-year annuity
contract, that today guarantees an
interest rate of 3.25% APY for the
first two years of the annuity . After
the initial two-year period the annuity will pay whatever the declared
interest rate for the Vantage 5 is at
that time and as of today will never
earn less than 2% APY. There are
three options available at the conclusion of the contract’ s 5th year.
The entire value of the contract can
be withdrawn without penalty , or
open/transfer the contract to a longer termed plan, or select from the
various settlement options offered.
Vantage 7: A seven-year annuity contract, that currently guarantees a very attractive interest rate of
3.50% APY for the 1st two-years of
the contract. After the initial twoyear period the Vantage 7 annuity will pay whatever the declared
interest rate is at that time by the
Board of directors and as of today
will never earn less than 2% APY.
The Vantage 5 has three options
available at the conclusion of the
3rd year, the entire value of the
contract can be withdrawn without
penalty, or open/transfer contract to
a longer termed plan, which typically earns a higher interest return
or select from the various settlement options available.
Early Withdrawal Penalties:
Each of our Vantage Annuity Plans
has a feature within the contract
that allows for an annual penaltyfree withdrawal of up to 10% of the
total account balance.
Vantage 1 – If withdrawn during
1st year 6%.
Vantage 2 - If withdrawn during
1st year 6% and during 2nd year
Vantage 3 - If withdrawn during
1st year 6%, during 2nd year 5%
and during 3rd year 4%.
Vantage 5 - If withdrawn during
1st year 6%, during 2nd year 5%,
during 3rd year 4% and during 4thyear 3%.
Vantage 7 - If withdrawn during
1st year 8%, during 2nd year 7%,
during 3rd year 6%, during 4thyear 5%, 5th year 4%, during 6th
year 3% and during 7th year 2%.
For additional information or if
you have questions, please contact
your authorized Slovak Catholic
Sokol agent, the Home Office (800)
886-7656 or the Sales and Marketing Office (888) 381.5431.
Beloved Slovak Franciscan
In Memoriam
Rev. Richard A. Portasik, O.F.M. passes
away peacefully in Pittsburgh, Pa.
One of our best known and
beloved spiritual leaders in the
American Slovak community ,
the Rev. Richard A. Portasik,
O.F.M., passed away after a brief
hospitalization in Pittsburgh, Pa. on
July 14. He
was 85.
of Ford City ,
Richard was
November 16, 1926, of Slovak
immigrant parents, Frank and
Mary Lalis Portasik who came to
the United States from Slovakia
and were married in the former
Holy Trinity Slovak Church in
Ford City on July 16, 1918. Father Richard was nourished by
the example of his parents who
beautifully mirrored our CyriloMethodian heritage of faith. As
a youth, he followed in the steps
of his maternal uncle, Brother
Florian Lalis, O.F.M. and joined
the newly established Franciscan
Vice Province of the Most Holy
Savior with its center among the
large enclave of Slovaks in the
Pittsburgh, Pa. area.
Following his philosophical
and theological studies in the Assumption Province of the Most
Blessed Virgin Mary, Father
Richard was ordained a priest on
June 14, 1952 at Stella Maris in
Cedar Lake, Ind. After ordination, he pursued graduate studies
at Duquesne University where he
received an M.A. in English Literature and at Notre Dame University where he earned an M.A.
in Liturgy.
He was a popular bi-lingual
preacher on the Franciscan missionband in both English and
Slovak, he devoted more than
20 years preaching missions,
forty hours devotions and special days of recollection at par ishes throughout the northeast
and Midwest. There was hardly
a Slovak parish in these states
which did not have Father Richard as a guest preacher . With a
pleasant personality, keen theological insight and traditional
Franciscan spirituality, he beautifully mirrored the Poverello
and brought the good news of the
Gospel to countless thousands of
the faithful.
A prolific and gifted writer ,
Father Richard published many
articles in both Slovak and English which appeared in many
Slovak publications, including
our Slovak Catholic Falcon. He
completed an important history of the Slovak Franciscan in
America, published in two volumes, encompassing the years
1926 to 2000. In 2005, the Slovak Vice Province of the Most
Holy Savior mer ged with the
Province of St. John the Baptist
in Cincinnati.
Most of Father Richard’ s
years in ministry were spent at
Holy Family Friary in Pittsburgh
and St. Anthony Friary in Uniontown. He served in a number of
the friaries of the Slovak Franciscans and devoted 21 years
of special ministry to the members of the Secular Franciscan
Order(Third Order). He was
elected as Custos(superior) of the
Vice Province of the Most Holy
Savior in 1976, serving until in
this position until 1982. During
these years, he had the opportunity to represent the Province of
the Most Holy Savior in Slovakia
during two General Chapters of
the world-wide Franciscan Order
in Assisi, Italy. The Franciscans
in Slovakia were unable to par ticipate due to the communist
domination of the Church there.
During the communist period,
the Franciscans pursued a clandestine existence and Father
Richard enjoyed close contact
with them and together with his
late brother, Rev. Joseph Portasik, O.F.M., provided American
support for their ministry . During these years, Father Richard
had the first opportunity to visit
Slovakia, traveling as a teacher
to insure his obtaining visa from
the Czecho-Slovak government.
He visited his ancestral village
meeting with his relatives there.
An active Slovak fraternalist,
Father Richard was our Sokol of
Assembly 69 in Smock, Pa. He
served as the chaplain of Group
6 “Msgr. Andrew Hlinka” for
many years. He participated as
a delegate at our 30th national
convention in Las Vegas, Nev. in
2007. He also was a member of
the First Catholic Slovak Ladies
Association and served as their
national chaplain from 1992 to
1995. He also enjoyed member ship in the First Catholic Slovak
Union and was a member of the
Executive Board of the Slovak
Catholic Federation.
The body of Father Richard
was received on July 20 at Holy
Family Friary with viewing taking place including a Wake Service. A concelebrated Mass of
Christian burial was of fered on
Saturday, July 21 at the chapel of
the Sisters of the Holy Family of
Nazareth in Pittsbur gh with the
Very Rev. Jeffrey J. Scheeler ,
O.F.M., provincial of the Province of St. John the Baptist as
celebrant. Interment followed in
the friars plot at Christ the Redeemer Cemetery.
So many of us have been
blessed through the ministry of
Father Richard. He so beautifully mirrored the Poverello
throughout his life and touched
hearts of so many of the faithful, especially those of Slovak
ancestry. May the priestly soul
of Father Richard now enjoy the
beatific vision. May he rest in
peace. Zdar Boh.
Slovak Catholic Sokol extends sincere sympathy to
the bereaved families of deceased members
JUNE 2012
Assembly 1
Assembly 9
Assembly 11
Assembly 16
Assembly 32
Assembly 32
Assembly 39
Assembly 48
Assembly 64
Assembly 71
Assembly 71
Assembly 78
Assembly 78
Assembly 79
Assembly 79
Assembly 79
Assembly 108
Assembly 182
Assembly 219
Assembly 219
Assembly 255
Assembly 261
Assembly 282
Assembly 303
Assembly 312
Assembly 312
Wreath 11
Wreath 14
Wreath 14
Wreath 39
Wreath 85
Wreath 93
Wreath 93
Wreath 93
Wreath 107
Wreath 111
Peter Varga, Jr., Passaic, NJ
Andrew D. Nemeth, Bridgeport, CT
Irene Organiscak, Chicago, IL
Bruce A. Mazurkiewicz, Pittsburgh, PA
Irene Homyak, Palmerton, PA
Stanley J. Senesy, Palmerton, PA
John W. Filipek, Jr., Bellaire, OH
Joseph Gura, Philadelphia, PA
Sylvia J. Berdis, Erie, PA
Paula Oscielowski, Edwardsville, PA
Arma Brown, Edwardsville, PA
Patricia A. Duh, Bethlehem, PA
Stephen F. Balshi, M.D., Bethlehem, PA
Julie Anna (Wilk) Yeckley, Lilly, PA
Shirley J. Phillips, Lilly, PA
Mary Slebodnick, Lilly, PA
Michael Sonoga, Youngstown, OH
Michael Boldizar, New York, NY
Walter P. Campion, Yonkers, NY
Virginia Mildred Dabney, Yonkers, NY
Andrew Krempasky, Egypt, PA
Janine Carl, Reading, PA
Matthew S. Cangelosi, Passaic, NJ
Rev Albert M. Martlak OSB, Cleveland, OH
Mary Shver, Passaic, NJ
Bill Romanko, Passaic, NJ
John William Brown, Johnstown, NY
Rosanne (Blough) Sesack, Johnstown, PA
Margaret Cretin, Johnstown, PA
Anne Bernice De Santis, Bridgeport, CT
John Nemcik, Me Kees Rocks, PA
Thomas J. Moritz, Milwaukee, WI
Frank Bucek, Milwaukee, WI
Joseph Zemanovic, Milwaukee, WI
Elizabeth Froom, Youngstown, OH
Myra A. Krafcik, Lorain, OH
Fr. Joachim to lead
8th adult retreat
The Lakewood, Ohio Cluster
of Parishes, which includes the
former SS. Cyril and Methodius
Slovak Parish, now the worship
site of the Parish of the Transfiguration, will host its 8th Annual
Adult Retreat titled “We Remember How You Loved Us” on Tuesday, September 11 from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. at St. Clement Church and
Hall located at 14401 Madison
Avenue. The presenter of the retreat will be the Rev . Joachim J.
Pastirik, O.S.B. a priest from St.
Andrew Svorad Benedictine Abbey in Cleveland. Father Joachim
also serves as chaplain of Group 5.
The program begins at 9 a.m.
with breakfast served in St. Clement Hall. Afterwards, Father
Joachim will speak about for giveness and remembrance. Mass
will then be celebrated in church
including anointing of the sick.
The program will conclude with a
catered hot chicken lunch served
in the church hall. Cost of the retreat, which includes the breakfast
and luncheon is $10.00 per person.
Reservations are necessary . For
reservations call Sylvia Namitka at
(216)228-1134. Deadline for reservations is September 7. Group 5
Sokols and Sokolky are cordially
invited to participate in the retreat
and enjoy a restful sojourn with
the Lord.
Norma J. Pohle
publicity chairperson
Date of Death
June 5, 2012
May 19, 2012
April 28, 2012
June 2, 2012
May 24, 2012
June 13, 2012
January 25, 2007
June 7, 2012
May 26, 2012
May 24, 2012
June 5, 2012
June 7, 2012
December 15, 2012
June 15, 2012
June 6, 2012
June 15, 2012
May 29, 2012
March 6, 2011
March 8, 2012
July 2, 2010
May 28, 2012
June 12, 2012
December 25, 2008
May 26, 2012
June 13, 2012
May 24, 2012
May 4, 2012
April 19, 2012
June 3, 2012
May 6, 2012
September 1, 2009
May 22, 2012
April 7, 2012
June 7, 2012
June 11, 2012
May 16, 2012
Gospel for the Eighteenth Sunday
of the Year
(Continued from page 4)
“Rabbi, when did you get here?”
Jesus answered them and said,
“Amen, amen, I say to you,
you are looking for me not because you saw signs
but because you ate the loaves and were filled.
Do not work for food that perishes
but for the food that endures for eternal life,
which the Son of Man will give you.
For on him the Father, God,
has set his seal.”
So they said to him,
“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them,
“This is the work of God,
that you believe in the one he sent.”
So they said to him,
“What sign can you do,
that we may see
and believe in you?
What can you do?
Our ancestors ate manna in the desert,
as it is written:
‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’”
So Jesus said to them,
“Amen, amen, I say to you,
it was not Moses
who gave the bread from heaven;
my Father gives you the true bread
from heaven.
For the bread of God
is that which comes down from heaven
and gives life to the world.”
So they said to him,
“Sir, give us this bread always.”
Jesus said to them,
“I am the bread of life;
whoever comes to me will never hunger,
and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
The Gospel of the Lord.
Held in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July 13, 2012
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Supreme
Board of Directors of the Slovak Catholic Sokol
Friday, July 13, 2012 – 9:00 a.m.
Supreme President, Larry M. Glugosh Called to Order the Quarterly Meeting of the
Supreme Board of Directors at 9:00 a.m. on Friday , July 13, 2012 in the Barre Room at
the Best Western Genetti Hotel and Conference Center in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and
extended a warm welcome to all of the Board of Directors.
Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic was called upon to lead the Directors
in the Opening Prayer which was the Prayer to Practice the Golden Rule.
Supreme Vice-President, Julie Ann Dobbs led the Board members in reciting the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Supreme Secretary, Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. was called upon to read the Roll Call
and the following members were present:
Supreme Chaplain ...................................................................Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic
Supreme President..................................................................................Larry M. Glugosh
SupremeVice-President............................................................................ Julie Ann Dobbs
Supreme Secretary .................................................................Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C.
Supreme Treasurer ....................................................................................Dennis J. Zifcak
General Counsel ........................................................................... John D. Pogorelec, Esq.
Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors................................................. Michael J. Horvath
Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics ..........................................Edward D. Moeller
Supreme Physical Director ...........................................................................Dusan Dorich
Supreme Physical Directress ............................................................. Kathleen S. Watkins
Brother Secretary reported that the record will show that all ten members of the Supreme Board of Directors are present.
Also present is the Slovak Catholic Sokol Director of Sales and Marketing, Albert J.
Suess, Jr., F.I.C.
There being no corrections, additions, or deletions to the minutes of the Supreme Board
of Directors meeting held March 23-24, 2012 at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Home Office in
Passaic, NJ, and published in the April 18, 2012 issue of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Falcon,
Supreme Treasurer, Dennis J. Zifcak moved for the Acceptance of the Minutes, seconded
by General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Esq.
President Glugosh inquired if any Communications were received for presentation.
The Supreme Secretary reported that a written communication extending greetings
and best wishes was received and presented from Brother Tony L. Scuglik, President of
Group 4 in Chicago, Illinois on behalf of the officers and members of Group 4.
Also, a written communication was received and presented from Sister Eileen Salamon Wilson on behalf of the officers and members of Group 2 in Bridgeport, Connecticut
extending their prayers, greetings and best wishes for a successful, productive and beneficial
meeting for the entire organization.
Lastly, a written communication was received and presented from Sister Kathleen S.
Watkins on behalf of the of ficers and members of Group 14 in Pittsbur gh, Pennsylvania
extending their greetings and best wishes for a successful and productive meeting.
All Acknowledged.
The Supreme President and Board members expressed their thanks to the three Groups
for their best wishes.
President Glugosh then called upon the Director of Sales and Marketing, Albert J.
Suess, Jr. to present the Membership Report. The Board members were informed that
as of July 1, 2012 the Organization has 31,156 certi ficates in force being held by 27,935
members. For the first six months of the year there was a decrease of 181 certi ficates and
93 members. Brother Suess further reported that 206 new members have been enrolled for
the year which included 95 juniors and 111 seniors. This is a great improvement from previous years and noted the progress the society is making to improve our membership ef forts.
Also reviewed and discussed were the number of deaths, surrenders, lapses, matures and
certificates that expired. The amount of premium income received for the first six months
was $2,476,670.00. Life insurance premiums totaled $247,709.00 and the annuity income
received totaled $2,228,961.00.
Brother Suess then reported on the statistical growth andYear-End projections, the Sokol Secure Fund, marketing updates, agent recruitment, web-site, administrative software,
and attendance at various meetings and participation in other business activities.
He affirmed that due to lower returns on investments and to reduce our exposure on
larger annuity deposits, it is recommended to reduce the maximum amount of deposits on
the Vantage 5, Vantage 7, and SPIA to $200,000.00 as of August 1, 2012. Brother Suess
reviewed the current maximum deposits on all the current annuity products.
After a brief discussion, Supreme Physical Director, Dusan Dorich moved to approve
the recommendation, seconded by Supreme Director of Sports andAthletics, Edward D. Mo
Brother Suess reviewed the approved Annuity interest rates effective July 1, 2012 for
the third quarter; For the Vantage 1 Annuity – 1.25%, Vantage 2 – 1.50%, Vantage 3 –
2.25%, Vantage 5 – 3.25% and for the Vantage 7 – 3.50%. Interest rates are declared quarterly as we currently do.
The Director of Sales and Marketing asked the Board members to consider running another life insurance campaign similar to the Heritage Life Membership Campaign that met
with great success in 2010. The only change to the original version would be to eliminate all
commissions and recommender fees.
After a brief discussion Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors, Michael J. Horvath
moved to approve the recommendation and have our Director of Sales and Marketing conduct such a campaign, seconded by SupremeVice-President, Julie Ann Dobbs. Approved.
Brother Suess reported that the responses to have the Falcon publication received via email versus a hard copy are coming in very slowly. To date there are only a total of 411 who
are receiving it via e-mail and around 500 have responded and requested to have the S.C.S.
publication sent to them in a hard copy format. Over 8,000 have not responded one way or
another and it is necessary to extend the deadline beyond September 1, 2012 and consider at
least to the end of the year before eliminating those who do not respond automatically.
A very lengthy discussion followed which resulted in Supreme Chaplain, Rev . Andrew S. Hvozdovic moving that a general letter or request form be sent to the 8,000 or total
amount of those who’ve yet to respond asking them to return the form or letter which will
be used to indicate which way they would prefer the publication.Those who do not respond
will be removed from the future mailing list for the Falcon ef fective January 1, 2013. Seconded by Supreme Treasurer, Dennis J. Zifcak.
The Director of Sales and Marketing concluded his lengthy report with a review of a
proposed statistical growth comparison for the next five years as it relates to asset growth,
surplus, life insurance and annuity premium income and certificates in force.
Supreme President, Larry M. Glugosh called for a motion to accept the Membership
Report/Sales Update for discussion purposes only . General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec,
Esq. so moved, seconded by Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins.
Numerous questions were presented by all the Board members and addressed by
Brother Suess. Some items will take time to put into place and will continue to be on-going.
We are looking into a possibility of sharing software and other areas which would be in the
best interests of the organization to consider for the future. Currently we are in the process of
discussing this with a similar organization and we are waiting to see what such costs would
be and if we should consider purchasing our own software if that proves too costly.
After a lively and lengthy discussion, President Glugosh called for the question, the
motion to accept the report was then approved.
President Glugosh thanked Brother Suess for his report as well as the entire Board for
all of their questions and suggestions.
Supreme President Glugosh and the Board members then welcomed Mr.Thomas Calimano, Vice-President/Marketing Director, and Portfolio Manager, from PNC Advisors who
reported on the Slovak Catholic Sokol Investment Portfolio.
Mr. Calimano’s presentation began by reviewing PNC’s Investment Policy Guidelines
which covered the Asset Allocation, Equity Securities, Market Capitalization, Fixed Income
Securities, Cash Equivalents and Benchmarks.
For the first six months of 2012, for the period ended June 30, 2012, the portfolio
returned 5.42%. The total return on Bonds was 4.90% versus 2.37% for the benchmark
Barclay Aggregate Bond Index. For stocks, the portfolio returned 9.11% compared with the
9.49% return reported for the Standard & Poor’s 500. Cash and equivalents returned 0.02%
compared to the 0.01% return for the Citigroup 90 day Treasury bill index.
Mr. Calimano reported that the Portfolio’s market value is $59,938,429.00 as of June
30, 2012. The portfolio structure consists of 3.5% or $2,134,626.00 in Cash Equivalents,
82.1% or $49,119,864.00 in U.S. Government/Federal Agencies and Corporate Bonds, and
14.4% or $8,683,938.00 in Equities. Estimated annual income is $2,709,548.00 or a current
yield of 4.55%.
Mr. Calimano and the Board members discussed selling some stocks and purchasing
others to capture some unrealized gains, in addition to several other options to improve the
portfolio returns. The Maturity and Credit Quality of the Bond Summary were reviewed and
comments were shared by the Board Members.
After a general discussion and addressing several other issues, the Board members expressed their thanks to Mr. Calimano for his report and he was then excused from the meeting.
Supreme Director of Sports andAthletics, Edward D. Moeller was called upon to present the Supreme Physical Fitness Board Report.
Brother Moeller reported that since the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors, the
22nd International Basketball Tournament was held on April 13-15, 2012 at Baldwin High
School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with five senior men’s teams from four participating
Groups in attendance. The First United Slovak Fraternals Bowling Tournament was held on
May 4-6, 2012 in Wickliffe, Ohio with 280 bowlers participating. The tournament was held
jointly with The First Catholic Slovak Union, The National Slovak Society and The Ladies
Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic Union.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding both of the above tournaments and some of the
improvements that should be considered in the future. It was mutually agreed that we should
continue to support and promote similar joint events with our brother and sister fraternal
organizations in the future.
The International Clinic/Kruz was held on June 28 – July 1, 2012 at Slippery Rock
University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Supreme Physical Director, Dusan Dorich and
Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins both offered their comments regarding
the event. A total of 25 individuals attended from 7 dif ferent Groups. There were 12 male
and 13 female participants. The facilities and staff at Slippery Rock were excellent and this
ensured for a successful event and we are looking forward to our Slet being held there on
July 16-20, 2013. So mark your calendar now for next year.
Brother Moeller then further reported that the 25th International Softball Tournament
will be held the weekend of July 13-15, 2012 inWiles-Barre, PA hosted by Group 7,WilkesBarre, PA. A total of 14 teams from six different Groups have registered. There are nine Men
teams and five Female teams.
The Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics reported that the 57th International Golf
Tournament will be held at Treasure Lake Resort in DuBois, PA the weekend of August 1012, 2012. A good number of golfers are expected.
Lastly Brother Ed updated the Board on the sites and dates being considered for the
2013 sports program.
Bowling – May 3-5, 2013 in Buf falo, NY. Softball – Wilkes-Barre, PA, June 28-30,
2013 and Golf – Peek-N-Peak Resort in Clymer, NY, August 9-11, 2013.
Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins reported on the progress of conducting background checks for our Board members and individuals involved with our youth
and sports programs. Sister Watkins will proceed with the necessary process to have this
accomplished and received the total support of the Board of Directors.
Brother Moeller thanked the Supreme Physical Directress for her efforts and concluded his report by thanking the Board of Directors for all of their support throughout the year.
President Glugosh asked for a motion to accept the report of the Supreme Director of
Sports and Athletics, so moved by Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, and seconded by Supreme Vice-President, Julie Ann Dobbs.
President Glugosh thanked the Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics for his report
and comments.
President Glugosh called upon General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Esq. for theLegal
Department Report.
Brother Counsel reported on the Assembly 206 Ambridge, PA and the Sokol Club litigation which is proceeding according to the Rules of Civil Procedure of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania. He brought the Board members up to date with the most recent events.
Additionally, Brother John reported that as directed by the Board of Directors in March
regarding the Slovak Catholic Sokol Mortgage with Assembly 261/Wreath 155 in Reading,
PA he has received a copy of the Statement of Operations for the six months ended June 30,
2012. Counsel distributed copies of the pro fit and loss report to each Board member and
offered his comments. We will receive these reports every six months.
Lastly, Counsel reported on the foreclosure proceedings with the one mortgage that is
in default with the organization; however we do continue to receive monthly payments even
though they are not being received in a timely manner.
President Glugosh asked for a motion to accept the report for discussion purposes,
so moved by Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics, Edward D. Moeller, seconded by
Supreme Physical Director, Dusan Dorich
After a brief general discussion regarding the report the motion to accept the report of
the General Counsel was approved.
President Glugosh thanked Brother John for his report and called up Supreme VicePresident, Julie Ann Dobbs for the Scholarship Committee Report.
Sister Dobbs reported that the committee met on Saturday, April 28, 2012, via a Conference Call, and made their selections.
The winners appeared in the May 16, 2012 issue of the Falcon publication. Checks
were mailed out from the Home Office on July 10, 2012 to the applicants who were selected
for a grant. Sister Dobbs, reported that 30 Slovak Catholic Sokol College Grant winners
were selected, 2 Theodore and Mary Jane Rich Memorial Grants were awarded, 1 Joseph
and Mary Spernoga Memorial Grant, 2 Emil Slavik Memorial Grants, 1 Doctors Lesko
Medical Memorial Grant and 3 Museum Memorial Grants were awarded.
In addition 15 Slovak Catholic Sokol Abbot Jerome M. Koval, O.S.B Memorial High
School Grants and 27 Slovak Catholic Sokol Grade School Grant recipients were selected.
Thank you letters acknowledging individual selections have been received at the home office and Sister Dobbs, as in the past, has forwarded the “essay quotes” received from the
winners to be included in the Falcon publication.
After a brief discussion, Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins moved to
accept the Scholarship Committee report, seconded by Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S.
President Glugosh thanked Sister Dobbs for her report and thefine work performed by
the selection committee.
Having completed all the business on the morning agenda, Supreme President, Larry
M. Glugosh called for a motion to Adjourn the morning session.
Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors, Michael J. Horvath so moved, seconded by
Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics, Edward D. Moeller.
Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic closed the morning session with a
Prayer and Grace before lunch.
The First Session was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Friday, July 13, 2012 – 12:45 p.m.
Supreme President, Larry M. Glugosh Called the Second Session of the Supreme
Board of Directors meeting to Order at 12:45 p.m. on Friday July 13, 2012.
Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic offered the Afternoon Prayer with a
special prayer for all the deceased members of our organization.
Supreme Secretary, Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. read the Roll Call and reported that
the record will show all ten members of the Supreme Board of Directors are present.
President Glugosh called upon the Supreme Secretary for the Mortgage Department
Brother Steve reported that as of July 1, 2012 the Or ganization has 4 existing mortgages totaling $627,701.44. Principal payments received for thefirst six months of 2012 total $17,132.50 and interest payments total $21,079.02. The Supreme Secretary also reported
that no new mortgage applications have been received for presentation.
After a brief discussion, Supreme Director of Sports andAthletics, Edward D. Moeller
moved to accept the Mortgage Department report, seconded by Supreme Treasurer, Dennis
J. Zifcak.
Brother Glugosh thanked Brother Steve and called upon Chairperson of the Supreme
Auditors, Michael J. Horvath to report on the Independent Auditor’s Report.
Brother Horvath informed the Board members that they were all sent a copy of the
CPA Audit Report for the years ending December 31, 201 1 and December 31, 2010 as
prepared by our Certified Public Accountants, Vision Financial Group, CPA’s, LLP.
Vision Financial Group through a written communication along with the report informed the Board that they have audited the financial statements of the Slovak Catholic
Sokol for the years ending 12-31-11 and 12-31-10 and issued their report thereon received
at the Home Office on May 28, 2012.The seventeen page report was discussed at length and
it is intended for the information of the management of the Slovak Catholic Sokol, the State
of New Jersey, and other state audit agencies.
Brother Horvath further informed the Board members that the Supreme Auditors will
conduct the Slovak Catholic Sokol 2012 Semi-Annual Audit at the Home Office on August
24-25, 2012.
There being no questions, Supreme Physical Directress, Kathleen S. Watkins moved
to have the minutes re flect that the Board members reviewed the report and accept it as
presented, seconded by Supreme Physical Director, Dusan Dorich.
President Glugosh thanked Brother Michael and inquired if any Donation requests
were received at the Home Office to be addressed at this meeting.
The Supreme Secretary happily reported that no petitions or donation requests were
received for the Board members to consider.
President Glugosh thanked the Supreme Secretary and the next item on the agenda was
the Analysis Comparison received from the American Fraternal Alliance (the Alliance) as
it pertains to our society.
Each Board member was previously sent the analysis for their review. It is designed to
calculate and evaluate the Slovak Catholic Sokol results for eleven relevant financial ratios.
The analysis also compares our organization’s financial ratios to a fraternal bene fit society
benchmark and a commercial life insurer benchmark. The objective of the analysis is to
provide the Board members with objective and impartial information to better understand
our society’s financial condition, identify areas of strengths and weaknesses, and take the
steps necessary to enhance the fiscal health of our organization where needed.
The Board members reviewed and discussed the report at length. Chairperson of the
Supreme Auditors, Michael J. Horvath moved to have the minutes reflect our review of this
analysis, seconded by General Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Esq.
Unfinished Business included the Chairperson of the Supreme Auditors, Michael J.
Horvath discussing the progress on the selection of the male Supreme Of ficers uniform as
approved per the Board of Directors. Several samples were presented for review. It was mutually agreed that the male Board members would visit a distributor on Saturday and agree
on a selection.
Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic informed the Board members that the
Slovak Catholic Federation is sponsoring a Pilgrimage of Faith to Rome, Italy and Slovakia. The dates of the pilgrimage are April 14-26, 2013, the Supreme Chaplain reviewed the
itinerary and addressed some questions.
The members of the Supreme Board of Directors extend their congratulations and best
wishes to Sister Joan J. Yanosick, a member of Wreath 22 in Pittsburgh, PA on being selected as the 2012 Slovak Catholic Sokol “Fraternalist of the Year.” She is very active in
Group 14 and Wreath 22 and other organizations. She is an example and mentor for all. A
beautiful article appeared in the July 11, 2012 issue of the Slovak Catholic Falcon for all to
Lastly, Supreme Vice-President, Julie Ann Dobbs informed the Board members that
the Slovak Catholic Sokol Disaster Relief Fund balance is now at $1,000.00 and thanked all
the contributors to date.
New Business discussed included hosting a Group Presidents meeting in 2013 and
sites that we should consider for our 2015 National Convention. Areas being looked into
are Las Vegas, NV, Florida, Buffalo, NY, Cleveland, OH, Pittsburgh, PA, New Orleans, LA,
Bethlehem, PA, and several other cities. This will be further discussed at our September
meeting, however each Director is asked to research any of the above areas presented or any
other sites they’d like considered.
President Glugosh expressed his thanks to all for their suggestions and informed the
Board members that the next Meeting of the Supreme Board of Directors will be on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. via a telephone Conference Call. Acknowledged.
Having completed all the business items on the afternoon agenda, the Supreme President inquired if there is any other business to be presented before the Board, there being
none, Brother Glugosh entertained a motion to Adjourn the meeting, so moved by General
Counsel, John D. Pogorelec, Esq., seconded by Supreme Vice-President, Julie Ann Dobbs.
Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic closed the meeting with a Prayer,
thanking the Good Lord for all of the many blessings we have received, which we are very
thankful for.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C.
Supreme Secretary
(Editor’s note: We have noticed a number of returned
copies of our Falcon due to incorrect addresses of our
members. We ask that when individuals move, that they
complete the form below for a change of address or
call the home office. We thank you for your continued
PASSAIC, N.J. 07055
Certificate No._____________________________________
New Address_____________________________________
City_________________State____________ Zip_________
Old Address_____________________________________
2012 Sokol Scholarship Recipients
Express thanks and gratitude....
Dear Mr. Pogorelec,
I am con firming that I received
your letter dated May 14, 2012 regarding this year’s Slovak Catholic
Sokol scholarship program. I also
currently attend Temple University
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I
would like to thank you for awarding me with one of the 2012 Slovak
Catholic Sokol Scholarship Grants.
It is truly an honor to be awarded
with such a prestigious award.
Jaclyn Ulichney
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
To whom it may concern,
In regards to the Emil Slavik
Memorial Scholarship Award
of the Slovak Catholic Sokol , I
would like to extend my upmost
thanks. To have someone supporting my pursuit of Catholic
education, to the extent of providing me with the money necessary to do so, is a comforting and
reassuring feeling. This Catholic
education has been a blessing in
many ways, leading me to pursue
degrees in Theology as well as
Peace and Justice. Thanks to your
support, my education has taken
me to new heights, giving me the
opportunity to study , volunteer,
and enrich my life experiences
in South Africa for the past six
months. I cannot express the gratitude I have for this generosity .
Thank you so much for your support in what is the most important
foundation for my future life and
career. I owe a lar ge part of my
present and future success to you.
Emma Scuglik
Waukegan, Ill.
Dear Steven M. Pogorelec,
I received your letter in the mail,
and I am honored to have been chosen as a recipient of a 2012 Slovak
Catholic Sokol Scholarship Grant.
This award has instilled great pride
in me and my family members, especially those who are part of our
Slovak Catholic Sokol family.
I will be attending the University
of Miami in the fall and this grant
will certainly help in furthering my
education. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to represent
our organization in the best way
Julia Giampaolo
Torrington, Conn.
Dear Mr. Pogorelec,
I just received your letter informing me that I have been selected as
a recipient of a 2012 Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship Grant.
I want you to know how grateful
I am to you and the Board of Directors/Scholarship Advisory Selection Committee for choosing me to
receive this generous gift.
I will be a senior in September at Duquesne University of the
Holy Spirit in Pittsbur gh, Pa. I am
a student in the McAnulty School
of Liberal Arts. My major is Media
Management and Production as
well as Film Studies.
Again, thank you for all the support you have given me in the past
and for this gift toward my college
Jeremy A. Lynch
Greencastle, Pa.
Dear Mr. Steven M. Pogorelec,
I wanted to thank you for selecting me as a recipient of a 2012
Slovak Catholic Sokol Scholarship
Grant. I am very grateful to have
been chosen, for this will help me
greatly as I prepare for my fall semester at Monmouth University .
My letter will be coming in the mail
shortly. I am very excited. Thank
you again.
Victoria Day
Parsippany, N.J.
Dear Slovak Catholic Sokol,
I was notified that I have earned
a 2012 Slovak Catholic Sokol
Scholarship Grant. I thank you
very much as it will help tremendously with my college costs.
I again will be attending The
Ohio State University at its Main
Campus in Columbus, Ohio.
Carson Cunningham
Brecksville, Oh.
Dear Mr. Pogorelec,
Good afternoon. I am excited
to have received a 2012 Slovak
Catholic Sokol Scholarship Grant.
It is an honor and a privilege. I am
acknowledging receipt of your letter and con firming that I will be
attending The College of William
and Mary next year . If any further
information is required of me, my
contact information is listed below.
Have a great day.
Adam Flore
West Mifflin, Pa.
Dear Mr. Steven M. Pogorelec,
Thank you so much for selecting me as a 2012 Slovak Catholic
Sokol Scholarship Grant recipient.
I have received noti fication of the
grant and will be attending The
College of New Jersey for the fall
semester. Thank you again.
Jeannine Termyna
Clifton, N.J.
Dear Mr. Steven M. Pogorelec,
Thank you for awarding me
a 2012 Slovak Catholic Sokol
Scholarship Grant. The money
is well received and will be put
towards a good cause. Also, I
would like to con firm that I will
continue to attend the University
of Scranton for the 2012-2013
school year.
Theresa E. Iannuzzi
Shrewsbury, Pa.
Slovenské letné podujatia
Piknik v Old Greenwich Point Park, CT
Slovensko-americké kultúrne stredisko v NY usporiada v
nedeľu 5. augusta v Greenwich Point Park, Old Greenwich, Connecticut piknik. Začiatok bude o 12.00 hodine. Počas popoludnia
budú podávané slovenské jedlá, slovenské pivo, domáce zákusky a
koláče a bude hrať slovenská hudba. Vstupné je $35.00 za dospelých
a 15.00 za deti vo veku od 6 do 18 rokov. Deti do 6 rokov majú vstup
bezplatný. Rezervácie vstupeniek (do 24. júla) a bližšie informácie
na telefónnom čísle: 203-531-9532, e-mail:
Šeky majú byť vystavené na S-ACC a odoslané na adresu: S-ACC,
c/o Adelka Darula, 28 High Street, Greenwich, CT 06870. V prípade,
že piknik bude pre nepriaznivé počasie zrušený, šeky budú vrátené.
Púť vo West Haverstraw, NY
V nedeľu 12. augusta sa bude konať púť do Mariánskej svätyne
vo West Haverstraw, NY. O 10.00 hodine bude spoved’ a o 11.00 hodine začne svätá omša. Po omši bude obed. O 2.30 bude nasledovať
ružencová modlitba.
Autobus bude odchádzať od Kostola sv. Jána Nepomuckého v
New Yorku na rohu First Avenue a 66th Street. Záujemcovia, ktorí
chcú na púť cestovať autobusom sa majú skontaktovať s Jozefom Bilikom na tel. č.: 718-463-2084.
Slovenský festival v Youngstown, OH
Slovenský festival (SlovakFest), ktorý usporiada farnosť sv.
Mateja na svojich pozemkoch na adrese 2800 Shady Run Road
v Youngstown, OH, bude v nedeľu 12. augusta. Svätá omša, ktorú
bude celebrovať Mons. Peter Polando, začne o 12.00 hodine. Po omši
budú podávané domáce slovenské jedlá, zákusky a slovenské pivo.
Počas popoludnia si návštevníci budú mať možnosť prezrieť a kúpiť
výrobky slovenského umenia, krojov, obrazov, kníh a ručných prác
atd’.. Náladu spestria viaceré hudobné skupiny a vystúpi aj folklórna
skupina. Bližšie informácie o podujatí: Lorreta Ekoniak, tel. č.: 330549-3760; email:
Vianoce v septembri
Múzeum Národného spolku slovenského dedičstva 351 Valley
Brook Road v McMurray, PA pripravuje podujatie, počas ktorého
bude ukážka výroby a zdobenia tradičných slovenských vianočných
ornamentov. Bude sa konať v sobotu 8. septembra od 10.00 do
2.00 hodiny. Účastníci podujatia budú mať možnosť sa naučiť ako
sa vyrábajú vianočné ozdoby, ako sa pečú medovníky, ako sa robia
známe slovenské vianočné cukríky - salónky a ako ozdobiť vianočný
stromček v slovenskom štýle. Vstupné je $20.00 za osobu. V cene ja
započítaný materál a občerstvenie. Záujemcovia o toto podujatie sa
majú prihlásiť na tel. č. 1-800-488-1890.
Slovenský festival v NJ bude 23. septembra
Výbor Festivalu slovenského dedičstva v New Jersey už pripravuje program na 35. festival v Holmdel, NJ. V programe vystúpi
folklórna skupina PAS z Pittsburghu a dve mládežnícke skupiny z
New Jersey a New Yorku. Na festivale sa zúčastnia aj prominentní
hostia zo Slovenska. Slovenský festival v NJ je už mnoho rokov
najväčším slovenským podujatím v Amerike.
Záujemcovia o predávanie potravín a nápojov sa môžu prihlásiť
u Milana Daita, tel. 201-641-8922. Záujemcovia o vystavovanie
alebo predávanie rôznych folklórnych výrobkov, kníh, atď., sa majú
hlásiť u Zuzany Krčmárovej, tel. 973-357-1209.
ISSN: 0897-8107
Úradn¥ ™asopis
Zalo¢en¥ 15. apríla 1911 – Vychádza ka¢dú druhú stredu
Majitel« a vydavatel«:
Daniel F. Tanzone, redaktor
Telefónne ™íslo: (973) 777-4010
V£etky ™lánky, príspevky a správy treba posielat« na adresu:
Editor, Slovak Catholic Sokol, P.O. Box 899
205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey 07055
Výročie Deklarácie
SNR o zvrchovanosti
Slovenskej republiky
(Pokračovanie zo str. 20)
ktoré boli hlavným medzníkom
začatia pokojného rozdelenia
Českej a Slovenskej federatívnej
republiky (ČSFR).
5. - 6. júna 1992 - Parlamentné voľby sa skončili v
Českej republike zdrvujúcim
víťazstvom koalície Občianska
demokratická strana (ODS) a
Kresťanskodemokratická strana
a v SR ešte prenikavejším víťazstvom Hnutia za demokratické Slovensko (37,26 %). Druhá
skončila SDĽ (14,70 %), KDH
(8,88 %), SNS (7,93 %), MKDH
- Spolužitie (7,42 %).
8. júna 1992 - V Brne sa
začala séria rokovaní vedúcich
predstaviteľov ODS a HZDS,
víťazných subjektov volieb. Medzi predstaviteľmi jednotlivých
delegácií došlo k rôznym dohovorom. Doteraz sa presne nevie,
o čom diskutovali obaja lídri
Václav Klaus a Vladimír Mečiar.
Niektorí predstavitelia HZDS
predložili návrh štátoprávneho
usporiadania oboch republík na
úrovni únie, respektíve konfederácie s medzinárodnou subjektivitou.
11. júna 1992 - Uskutočnilo
sa druhé rokovanie medzi predstaviteľmi HZDS a ODS v Prahe.
14. júna 1992 – V Bratislave
sa konal míting spojený s podpisovou akciu za zachovanie
spoločného štátu.
16. júna 1992 – Predstavitelia českých opozičných strán sa
stretli v Brne, kde sa zhodli na
požiadavke, aby sa o existencii
spoločného štátu rozhodlo prostredníctvom referenda.
17. júna 1992 – Uskutočnilo
sa tretie stretnutie medzi predstaviteľmi HZDS a ODS, na
ktorom viacerí zúčastnení dospeli k názoru, že federácia je na
dlhší čas neudržateľná. Z týchto
dôvodov Václav Klaus odmietol funkciu premiéra, ktorý bol
poverený zostavením federálnej
vlády. Došlo k dohode medzi
Václavom Klausom a Vladimírom Mečiarom o zostavení
vlády ČSFR s dočasným mandátom.
19. – 20. júna 1992 – V Bratislave sa uskutočnilo štvrté rokovanie medzi predstaviteľmi
HZDS a ODS. Zhodli sa, že
myšlienka federácie na českej
strane sa nezhoduje s predstavou konfederácie, respektíve
nejakej formy únie na slovenskej strane. Výsledky rokovaní
akceptovali existenciu federatívneho spoločného štátu, ale
nevylučovali možnosť jeho zániku. Vedenie oboch strán sa
zároveň zhodlo, že štátoprávne
usporiadanie vyriešia do 30.
septembra 1992.
23. júna 1992 - Konala sa
Na Sliač priletí americký gigantický
bombardér B-52
Na medzinárodných leteckých dňoch SIAF 2012, ktoré
sa uskutočnia na letisku Sliač v
dňoch 1. a 2. septembra, bude
mať slovenskú premiéru legendárny americký bombardér Boeing B-52 Stratofortress.
Lietadlo, ktoré má dĺžku takmer 49 metrov, rozpätie krídiel
viac ako 56 metrov a ktoré dokáže
niesť približne 32 ton bômb, priletí na Sliač z domovskej základne
v Louisiane.
Spolu s ním priletí aj 14 leteckých odborníkov, ktorí sa s
návštevníkmi leteckých dní podelia o skúsenosti s prevádzkou
Počas 90. rokov boli tieto lietadlá vypustené do niekoľkých
operácií, ako napríklad Operácia
Desert Storm a Operácia Iraqi
Freedom. Celkovo bolo vyrobených 744 kusov tohto lietadla.
Je veľmi ťažké získať tento legendárny bombardér na letecké
dni. Flotila B-52 je plne vyťažená
a ich účasť na leteckých dňoch
je dlhodobo plánovaná. Ide o
hlavné lákadlo.
V histórii leteckých dní je to
po prvý krát, čo bude americký
bombardér na statickej ukážke.
Doteraz sa to žiadnemu organizátorovi nepodarilo.
Prílet B-52 na Leteckú základňu Sliač je logisticky veľmi
náročný. Organizačný tím, Veliteľstvo Vzdušných síl a Letecká
základňa Sliač sa pripravujú už
niekoľko mesiacov. B-52 totiž
nemôže pristáť hocikde.
Letisková dráha musí uniesť
veľkú nosnosť a byť dostatočne
široká a dlhá. Letecká základňa
Sliač po modernizácii tieto kritéria spĺňa.
B-52 bude na leteckej základni Sliač najdlhšie zo všetkých
účinkujúcich lietadiel. Keďže rozmery lietadla sú gigantické, musí
ako prvé priletieť a posledné odletieť.
Medzičasom bude stáť na statickej ukážke, aby si ju mohlo
pozrieť čo najviac návštevníkov.
Záujem o vozidlá vyrábané na Slovensku rastie
Napriek šetreniu ľudí v neistých časoch rastie záujem o kúpu
vozidiel vyrábaných na Slovensku. Automobilky tento rok
vyrobia 925–tisíc vozidiel. Nastavený trend by mal pokračovať
i naďalej a tak všetky tri slovenské fabriky momentálne naplno
využívajú výrobné kapacity.
Prekvapením je najmä trnavská automobilka PSA Peugeot
Citroën. Tá na začiatku roku
plánovala vyrobiť 180–tisíc
automobilov, no po spustení
výroby nového modelu Peugeot
208 zvýšila odhad výroby až na
240–tisíc áut.
Podľa vyjadrenia Júliusa
Činčala, obchodného riaditeľa
Slovenskej marketingovej a
informačnej spoločnosti, utomobilky plánujú zvýšiť ročnú
produkciu v porovnaní s mi-
nulým rokom o 45 percent a
v tomto roku sa na Slovensku
vyrobí 925–tisíc nových automobilov,
Hlavnou výhodou slovenských závodov je, že dokážu
za nižšie výrobné náklady poskytovať rovnakú kvalitu vyrobených vozidiel ako závody na
Západe. Najväčšie investície
na Slovensku má bratislavský
Volkswagen, ktorý v 2. júla
položil základný kameň novej
karosárne. Výroba automobilov
sa tak stala hlavným motorom
slovenskej ekonomiky. Na porovnanie, kým v Taliansku minulý
rok vyrobili 485–tisíc automobilov, na Slovensku až 639–tisíc.
Najväčším výrobcom automobilov v SR je Volkswagen, ya
ním nasledujú Kia Motors Slovakia a PSA Peugeot Citroen.
Viete, že...
... reštauráciu rýchleho občerstvenia Burger King založili v
roku 1954 James W. McLamore a
David Edgerton otvorením prvej
reštaurácie v Miami, FL. Celosvetovo je druhou najväčšou reťazou
reštaurácií rýchleho občerstvenia.
Vo svojich prevádzkach obslúžia
denne 11 miliónov zákazníkov v
rámci 82 krajín sveta.
...sčítanie obyvateľov v SR v roku
2011 potvrdilo len 0,33-percentný
prírastok obyvateľov. Za posledných desať rokov bol najnižší v histórii sčítania ľudu na Slovensku.
ustanovujúca schôdza nového
slovenského parlamentu. Za
predsedu Slovenskej národnej
rady (SNR) bol zvolený Ivan
4. júna 1992 - SNR schválila
novú vládu SR na čele s Vladimírom Mečiarom. Oficiálne
to bola menšinová vláda, ale de
facto ju podporovala SNS, ktorej
jeden člen bol jej súčasťou. Do
určitej miery mala podporu aj
25. júna 1992 - Za predsedu
Federálneho zhromaždenia bol
zvolený Michal Kováč (HZDS).
2. júla 1992 - Václav Havel
vymenoval novú vládu ČSFR na
čele s Janom Stráskym (ODS).
Predsedom novoustanovenej
českej vlády sa stal Václav Klaus.
3. júla 1992 – Poslanci FZ po
dvoch kolách nezvolili prezidenta republiky.
17. júla 1992 - SNR prijala
Deklaráciu o zvrchovanosti SR.
Václav Havel odstúpil z postu
prezidenta ČSFR.
For God and Nation
Za Boha a národ
PASSAIC, N.J., 25. JÚLA 2012
V Martine vyvrcholili Národné
matičné slávnosti
V Martine vyvrcholili v sobotu 7. júla Národné matičné
slávnosti. V programe bol zahrnutý aj pestrý sprievodný
program - ukážky tradičných
ľudových remesiel, ľudový workshop, ukážky historického šermu,
ukážka historických vozidiel,
razenie mincí s logom Matice
slovenskej, prezentácia matičnej
a vydavateľskej činnosti, tvorivé
dielne, Matičná kvapka krvi atď.
Okrem predstaviteľov Matice slovenskej (MS) sa slávnostného vyvrcholenia Národných
matičných slávností zúčastnil aj
predseda vlády SR Rober Fico a
mnohé osobnosti slovenského
politického, spoločenského a kultúrneho života.
V kultúrnom programe sa
predstavili Umelecký súbor Lúčnica, orchester Zlaté husle a sólisti
opery SND Ján Babjak, Jolana
Fogašová a d’alší umelci.
Pri príležitosti 150. výročia
Matice slovenskej snem MS 17.
septembra 2011 vyhlásil Rok
Matice slovenskej. Počas jeho
trvania sa v programovej časti
uskutočnia viaceré celoslovenské, oblastné i miestne podujatia
(medzinárodná vedecká konferencia, semináre, umelecké
programy, výstavy, akadémie,
besedy, stretnutia s význam-
nými osobnosťami matičného,
umeleckého a vedeckého života,
kultúrno-spoločenské podujatia
a pod.).
Rok Matice Slovenskej
Podujatia v rámci Roku Matice
slovenskej 2012 – 2013 sa začnú
5. februára 2012 a ukončia sa v
auguste 2013. Budú sa orientovať
na poslanie a postavenie Matice
slovenskej v slovenskom národnom, kultúrno-spoločenskom
a vedeckom živote v jej histórii,
súčasnosti a budúcej orientácii.
Podujatia oslovia všetky vrstvy
slovenskej spoločnosti bez rozdielu politickej príslušnosti,
náboženského vierovyznania a
sociálneho postavenia.
Počas Roka MS sa uskutočnia
aj iné významné podujatia, a to
1150. výročie príchodu sv. Cyrila
a Metoda na naše územie, 150.
výročie vzniku Prvého slovenského gymnázia v Revúcej, 250.
výročie narodenia a 200. výročie
úmrtia Antona Bernoláka, 200.
výročie narodenia Jonáša Záborského, 20. výročie druhej Slovenskej republiky, Matičný svetový
festival slovenskej mládeže. Osobitná pozornosť v rámci Roka
MS sa bude venovať Slovákom v
zahraničí, slovanským Maticiam
a ich účasti na podujatiach na
Výročie Deklarácie
SNR o zvrchovanosti
Slovenskej republiky
Dňa 17. júla bolo 20. výročie
Deklarácie Slovenskej národnej rady (SNR) o zvrchovanosti
Slovenskej republiky, ktorá bola
predzvesťou rozpadu bývalého
Československa a vzniku dvoch
samostatných krajín Slovenskej
republiky a Českej republiky.
Na hlasovaní, ktoré sa konalo
17. júla 1992, sa zo 150 poslancov SNR zúčastnilo 147. Z nich
113 hlasovalo za a proti bolo 24
poslancov. Hlasovania sa zdržalo
10 poslancov.
Deň prijatia Deklarácie o
zvrchovanosti Slovenskej repoubliky je na základe zákona
NR SR z 20. októbra 1993 pamätným dňom Slovenskej republiky.
Slovenská národná rada (SNR)
ju schválila v roku 1992 v rámci
bývalej Českej a Slovenskej Federatívnej Republiky (ČSFR) a
vyhlásila ňou zvrchovanosť Slovenskej republiky (SR).
Text deklarácie
My, demokraticky zvolená Slovenská národná rada,
slávnostne vyhlasujeme, že tisícročné úsilie slovenského národa
o svojbytnosť sa naplnilo.
V tejto historickej chvíli deklarujeme prirodzené právo slovenského národa na sebaurčenie
tak, ako to zakotvujú aj všetky
medzinárodné dohody a zmluvy
o práve národov na sebaurčenie.
Uznávajúc právo národov na
sebaurčenie, vyhlasujeme, že aj
my si chceme slobodne utvárať
spôsob a formu národného a
štátneho života, pričom budeme
rešpektovať práva všetkých, každého občana, národov, národnostných menšín a etnických
skupín, demokratické a humanistické odkazy Európy a sveta.
Touto deklaráciou Slovenská
národná rada vyhlasuje zvrchovanosť Slovenskej republiky
ako základ suverénneho štátu
slovenského národa.
Od volieb k deklarácii
Chronológiu udalostí od parlamentných volieb v roku 1992,
(Pokračovanie na str. 19)
ČÍSLO 4969
Správy zo Slovenska
W Počas túry na Slavkovský štít vo
Vysokých Tatrách zasiahol blesk
18-ročného Belgičana, ktorý bol
na túre so skupinou d’alších turistov. Po zásahu bleskom zostal
mladý muž v bezvedomí a nepomohla ani restitúcia jeho kolegov.
Zachranná služba po príchode
pokračovala v oživovaní postihnutého, ale nepodarilo sa im ho
už oživiť.
W Letisko Milana Rastislava
Štefánika v Bratislave prešlo rozsiahlou rekonštrukciou, ktorú
ukončili 13. júla. Kapacita sa tak
zvýši z pôvodných 2,5 milióna
cestujúcich na 5 miliónov.
W Spotrebiteľské ceny podľa
údajov Štatistického úradu SR
vzrástli v júni 2012 medziročne
o 3,6 percenta a medzimesačne o
0,2 percenta. Hlavným faktorom
rastu celkovej cenovej hladiny
v porovnaní s májom 2012 bol
predovšetkým rast cien nespracovaných potravín. Pričinil sa o
to hlavne nárast cien zemiakov.
W Ceny potravín na Slovensku
budú v dôsledku nižšej úrody
nad’alej rásť. Hlavným dôvodom výpadkov v úrode boli
extrémne výkyvy počasia. Na
základe predbežných odhadov
poľnohospodárov príde hlavne k
zdražovaniu mäsa o 5 až 7 percent a múky o 3 až 5 percent.
W V období od januára do júna
2012 zaznamenala Národná banka Slovenska najväčší výskyt falzifikátov bankoviek nominálnej
hodnoty 20 eur, ktoré spolu s
50-eurovými bankovkami tvorili viac ako polovicu z celkového
počtu. Percentuálny podiel falzifikátov 100 a 200 eur meziročne
výrazne vzrástol na 114 kusov.
W Po mimoriane horúcich júlových týždňoch, na vcholoch
Tatier padal od 14. do 16. júla
sneh. Meteorológovia zaznmenali na celom Slovensku aj výrazné
ochladenie. Skoro 40-stupňové
teploty vystriedali podstatne nižšie teploty. Napríklad v Bratislave
namerali len 15,8 stupňa. Na
Chopku vo Vysokých Tatrách na-
merali 16. júla 4 stupne Celzia, na
Lomnickom štíte jeden stupeň.
W Od začiatku tohto roku do
konca mája podalo žiadosť o
udelenie azylu v Slovenskej republike 184 cudzincov. Pre porovnanie, v roku 2005 žiadalo o
azyl 3549 cudzincov.
W Počet liečených narkomanov
na Slovensku rastie. Ich počet
stúpol v minulom roku oproti
roku 2010 o 2313. Najväčšiu
skupinu tvoria užívatelia drog vo
veku od 20 do 34 rokov. Mierne
sa znížil počet drogovo závislých
detí do 14 rokov a nad 55 rokov
Najviac prípadov je v Bratislavskom kraji (684).
W Polícia a colníci odhalili na
slovensko-ukrajinskej hranici
700-metrový tunel, ktorým
sa minimálne rok pašovali na
Slovensko tabakové výrobky a
pravdepodobne aj osoby. Tunel
medzi Vyšným a Nižným Nemeckým a ukrajinským Užhorodom je v hĺbke asi 6 metrov.
W Nezamestnanosť na Slovensku v júni po predchádzajúcom
trojmesačnom poklese stúpla na
13,34 percenta. Počet registrovaných nezamestnaných, ktorí
mali nastúpiť do práce, v júni presiahol hranicu 360 000 ľudí.
W Do Bratislavy prichádza tento
rok viac turistov z Ruska, Ukrajiny, Srbska, Spojených štátov a
Slovinska. Počet turistov z Mad’arska, Španielska a Česka sa
W Od septembra tohto roku sa
má počet slovenských vojakov
podieľajúcich sa na výcviku Afganskej národnej armády a Afganskej národnej polície zvýšiť o
d’alších 10 príslušníkov Ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky.
V súčasnosti už v Afganistane
pôsobí 15-členný slovenský
operačný a výcvikový tím, pod
ktorého vedenie spadajú aj piati
vojaci Americkej národnej gardy
a dvaja príslušnící austrálskej armády. Úlohou tímu je skvalitniť
výcvik a činnosť afganského logistického práporu.