2004 - 2010 - Long Way Home


2004 - 2010 - Long Way Home
2004 - 2010
Dear Supporters of Long Way Home,
My first exposure to San Juan Comalapa, Guatemala was in August 2005. I was a passenger in a three-wheeled,
exhaust-spewing, beetle-like taxi called a tuc tuc. My teenage gel-coifed driver accelerated around a corner on
two wheels announcing our visit to the dusty hillside headquarters of a community development organization
called Long Way Home.
Armed with the motto “from the ground up” and a five-acre patch of raw land plus the dedicated service of a few,
Long Way Home (LWH) began in 2004. Volunteers soon joined LWH in its mission to create a better life for the
local residents through educational opportunites, civic engagement and environmental stewardship. At first LWH
established a park containing a terraced organic garden, soccer field, basketball court and volunteer and staff
housing in a community lacking in recreational options. In January of 2009 LWH began construction on a 17building educational complex built from earth-packed tires and trash-filled plasic bottles.
Elizabeth Rose
Evan Johnson
Michael Dougherty
Matteo Arnold
Lars Battle
David Colvin
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Volunteers with LWH have the chance to experiene the cultural and social challenges of everyday life in a country
that has only marginally changed over the last 500 years. As a nation struggling with poverty, lack of educational
opportunities, government corruption, environmental degradation and a recent history of civil unrest, a stay in
Comalapa affords the volunteer all the joys and miseries of a grassroots economic and social development
project. LWH home is not only building a school, but also reinvesting in the earth through wide-scale
environmental cleanup.
LWH has faced numerous challenges over the years...an intermittent lack of resources including water, electricity
and operating capital along with a changing volunteer base with shifting skills. Despite these LWH has remained
steady, thriving today due to the dedication of a constant, innovative crew who have upheld the vision of a future
world complete with educational and employment opportunities under the mantle of environmental stewardship.
While the tuc tuc rides have remained harrowing, a lot of change has come to this dusty hilltop town in the last
seven years. The streets are cleaner because children pay for park admission with inorganic trash-filled bottles.
Tires that used to lie in ditches have been transformed into walls for an otherwordly educational complex made of
solid earth and waste materials. The school can be seen from many vantage points and is a constant reminder to
the community that they are no longer invisible and marginalized.
The addition of this organization to my life has humbled and stretched me in unforseen ways and given me gifts
beyond anything I have personally contributed. It thrills me to see Long Way Home drawing beings of light and
genius into its expanding flame as it impacts Comalapa and the world beyond.
A warm thank you,
Dear Friends,
People often raise the question, “How do you know if what you are doing is working?” Let me answer by sharing
some recent experiences...A few days ago I was sitting on the curb in Comalapa waiting for a tire to be repaired
when a group of kids stopped and said, “Mateo, buy us a soda.” I told them I’d be happy to provided at least one
of them was carrying an empty plastic bottle for stuffing trash. Imagine my delight when all five reached into their
backpacks and produced bottles! Their enormous smiles and obvious pride made the moment even more special.
We drank our sodas, toasting their success as environmental stewards. When we finished I threw my bottle on
the ground, just to see their reaction. They dog-piled me, pulled on my ears and shouted, “How dare you?”
giggling all the while.
Last week the local cops brought us their used tire stash from the Comalapa police station...Recently, a group of
high school students from a town an hour away brought us 115 glass bottles. Several months ago a woman from
Guatemala City contacted us to arrange for delivery of the tires littering her neighborhood streets. Our idea is
spreading now that people have been given an alternative to throwing their trash on the ground. It’s contagious.
It’s change. It’s what keeps me inspired.
This change had humble beginnings. When I moved back to Comalapa in 2005 to start Parque Chimiyá, I knew
the park would be the start of something huge...I just wasn’t sure what. When we built the soccer field we could
see the connection we were making with the community. When 25 local volunteers showed up to help pour the
basketball court, we had tangible evidence of that connection. As we’ve added to the park and begun the school,
we’ve seen this relationship grow in strength. The park remains a popular place for family picnics and pick-up
games and the construction site has a regular stream of visitors wanting to know when their children can begin
attending classes.
Matt Paneitz
Executive Director
Lisa Massey
Director of Administration
Parque Chimiyá remains our direct link to San Juan Comalapa. Through years of working and playing with our
neighbors, we have been able to learn about community needs directly from the source. Most express similar
concerns: clean water, better jobs and more educational opportunities. Building Escuela Técnico Maya from
re-purposed materials is LWH’s solution to these challenges. When we started construction in January 2009
it seemed hard to imagine children actually in the classrooms. Now that time is upon us. We are excited and
inspired by the fact that our first students will be joining us in January 2012.
I hope you enjoy this summary of LWH’s first seven years of operation. We are honored to share this powerful
testament to the impact of your support. A million thanks to all of you, the individuals and groups who have made
this dream a reality.
Hasta la Victoria!
Genevieve Croker
Director of Operations
Adam Howland
Construction Manager
Liz Howland
Construction Assistant/Group Liaison
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
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Long Way Home’s flagship
project is a recreational oasis on
five acres approximately one mile
from San Juan Comalapa’s city
center. It is here, nestled on a hill
in the village of Chimiyá that our
organizational story begins…
In 2004 Mateo Paneitz finished
his US Peace Corps service
but was not yet finished with his
adopted community of Comalapa.
He was approached by his counterpart organization, Guatemalan
NGO Chuwi Tinamit, with a proposal. They had land that they
wished to turn into a community
park but lacked the funds to get
the project off the ground.
Filled with purpose, Mateo returned to the United States, enrolled in nonprofit management classes, began the legal process of
forming a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity, and, perhaps most difficult of all, started raising funds.
After successfully auctioning off his 1973 Chevy Capri Classic convertible, Mateo and a handful of volunteers purchased a beatup van, loaded it with supplies and drove through the United States, Mexico, Hurricane Mitch and the northern half of Guatemala.
They arrived tired, without the van (which broke down shortly after they crossed in to Guatemala) and short on funds. But they had
reserves of energy, compassion and good humor – essential qualities for development workers.
Safe and accessible recreational space leads to a myriad of positive community outcomes: improved health, reduced gang activity
and increased environmental awareness. In addition, providing a place for children and families to play and learn increases civic
ties, strengthening the fabric of the community and significantly impacting its capacity to meet modern challenges. By enabling
area residents to bring trash-stuffed bottles or used tires in lieu of the entrance fee, the park is truly open to everyone.
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“I’m proud to have helped
provide a safe recreational
space for Comalapan youth to
further develop their physical
and mental well-being.”
Valeriano Pichiya, Director of Chuwi Tinamit
As Long Way Home puts final touches on Parque Chimiyá and prepares to hand the administrative reins back to Chuwi Tinamit,
we’re certain that the facility we’ve created will last well into the future. Through the nominal entrance fee, sale of plants and trees
from the nursery, and the hosting of community events, funds are generated for maintenance, utilities and the salary for a park caretaker. With over 85,000 visitors to date, we are confident that the community is invested in the park’s long term success.
• 84,550 Visitors
• 23,200 Bottles Collected
• $58,700 in Facility Development
What began as a block storage structure and two thatched roof cabanas has been transformed into a community treasure. After
six years and over $50,000 dollars, the park now boasts a regulation sized grass soccer field, basketball court, community kitchen,
• 60 Local Laborers Employed
playground, outdoor classroom, organic gardens, tree nursery and recycling center. It was in the creation of the recycling center that
Part-Time in Construction
Long Way Home began to refine its purpose as an organization: to break the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
• 33,500 Volunteer Hours Invested
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
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By 2008 Parque Chimiyá was
a popular spot in Comalapa
and the trash bottle revenue
was mounting. One of the local
groups taking regular advantage
of the recreational space was
Técnico Maya, a small primary
school struggling with funding.
The school’s decision to teach
the government-approved
curriculum in Kaqchikel and
Spanish, rather than just
Spanish, meant that they were
ineligible for full government
support. Herminia, Técnico
Maya’s Director, approached
Mateo and Long Way Home for
The Long Way Home team had been discussing their next steps for some time. The park
was nearly complete and while proud of the result, we were wondering how we could
begin to address Comalapa’s more systemic problems: unemployment,
environmental degradation and lack of educational opportunities. The combination of
bottle accumulation, an interest in alternative construction and Herminia’s request led the
organization in a bold new direction – school construction.
Long Way Home employs five full-time local laborers.
Romeo Apen, Foreman
Juan Chex Elio Tuyuc
Fredy Orlando Gerson Churuchich
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It is a model where truly the
medium is the message.
We believe that cleaning
the environment through the
building of homes or schools
with waste materials
communicates both a
respect for the earth and the
people who inhabit it.
Ground broke on our 17 building educational facility in the village of Paxan, one-half mile from downtown Comalapa, in January
2009. Progress was slow at first; volunteers and staff spent four months digging out the hillside by hand in order to have level land
to begin construction of the first set of vocational workshops. In August 2009 a $50,000 grant from the Juan Bautista Guitierrez
Foundation provided a welcome boost to the project and Long Way Home was able to move more swiftly. Among other things it
enabled us to purchase more materials, hire a crew of ten local Mayan laborers, purchase a concrete mixer and rent a backhoe.
This last item allowed the excavation for the second set of vocational workshops to be completed in just ONE day.
“With the change to the new facility, the students will become innovators and will have a better
understanding of technology, environmentalism and other cultures. This will nourish a
harmonious coexistence based in principles and values of the Mayan culture.”
Herminia Son Bal, Directora of Escuela Técnico Maya
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
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For three years, from 2005 to 2007, field technicians from the Alliance for International Reforestation (AIR), trained Long Way Home staff in agroforestry. This
relationship was very important to our early development. LWH staff accompanied AIR’s staff to visit schools, youth groups and church meetings to give
presentations about the importance of reforestation.
While working with the AIR’s staff LWH volunteers acquired the skills necessary to start a tree nursery from scratch. We did everything from harvesting the soil
necessary for filling planter bags to planting trees in Comalapa’s villages with local leaders. They also taught us which trees were appropriate trees for our region:
Roman Cypress, Cypress, Elm, Pine, Apple, Lime and Gravilea (used to shade coffee plants).
In addition to reforestation we learned how a tree nursery could be managed as micro-enterprise to sustain Parque Chimiyá. The sale of over 35,000 trees was used
to provide part-time jobs for local residents to build the park. The Simajuleu Civic Committee bought 3000 elm trees which we planted with them on a hillside near a
natural spring. Almost 300 people participated in this reforestation effort.
After our third year with AIR they told us we had graduated from their reforestation course as technicians with “flying colors.” A tree nursery will be a fundamental
element of the education provided at Escuela Tecnico Maya in addition to contributing to the school’s financial sustainability.
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“One of the most difficult
challenges for our
organization is to relate to a
community of which we have
very little inside knowledge;
therefore we need people we
can trust to work as
ambassadors between
ourselves and members of
the community. Long Way
Home has served this role
David Buck, EWB - Twin Cities Chapter
Long Way Home has long had an interest in tackling the problem of potable water in San Juan Comalapa but lacked the resources to
address the issue. In 2006 we were fortunate to form a partnership with the Twin Cities Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB).
They had the professional skills and funds to implement a sustainable project but weren’t intimately familiar with the ins-and-outs of
doing business in Guatemala. We were able to offer the translating services, materials procurement, lodging and guidance in cultural
details that helps make a project successful. As EWB is only able to send groups a couple of times each year, LWH maintains communication with local leaders so that
they can maximize their on-the-ground impact.
Since our first meeting, EWB has been able to conduct a detailed investigation of the existing water distribution system in the village of Simajuleu and construct a
130,000L tank and rainwater harvesting system at the local school. Improvements to the spring line responsible for distributing water to the entire village are scheduled
for 2011. LWH also owes them a debt of gratitude for our pump system and electricity at Parque Chimiyá, without which we wouldn’t have been able to operate there.
In 2008, LWH began a relationship with the EWB - North Texas Chapter. We’ve been honored to help them as they’ve implemented a drip irrigation system at the
elementary school in the village of Panimicac. They have designed and will soon construct a new holding tank as well as implement improvements to the water
distribution system. The students and professionals associated with both chapters continue to offer invaluable advice as LWH manages the water issues in the
construction of Técnico Maya.
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
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2004 - 2010Expenses
Total = $276,489.92
2004 - 2010Income
Total = $308,175.92
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Re-Purposed Materials
Purchased Materials
Paid Labor
Volunteer Labor
• 2576 Tires Used
• 2652 Trash Bottles Used
• Re-Purposed Materials are Valued at the Cost Saved from not Purchasing
Materials to Achieve the Same End
• 2220 Glass Bottles Used
• Volunteer Labor is Valued at the Cost per Hour of Unskilled Labor in Guatemala
• Above Numbers Represent 61.6 Tons of
Garbage Used
• Paid Labor Includes Guatemalan and American Staff and Represents Dollars
Invested into the Local Economy
• 700+ Volunteers from 20 Countries
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
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Individual Contributions
Total Income
Program Services
Not Specified
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
General Expenses
Travel & Meetings Expenses
Fundraising Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income
Page 12
Business Expenses & Taxes
Total Nonpersonnel Related
Salaries and Contract Services
Expenses are Split According to the
Overall Staff Time Spent on
Fundraising, Operations and All
Program Services
All Program Services Includes Parque
Chimiya, Vocational School,
Reforestation, Appropriate Technologies
and Environmental Education
General Expenses Include
Supplies, Telephone/Internet, Website
Expenses, etc.
All monies reported in USD.
Individual Contributions
Related Organizations
Total Income
Salaries & Related Expenses
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Business Expenses & Taxes
Total Nonpersonnel Related
Facility & Equipment Expenses
Travel & Meetings Expenses
Not Specified
Project Costs - Materials
General Expenses
All Program Services
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
Parque Chimiya
Net Income
Individual Contributions
Related Organizations
Total Income
Salaries & Related Expenses
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
All Program Serives
Travel & Meetings Expenses
Other Expenses
Total Nonpersonnel Related
Business Expenses & Taxes
Net Income
Uncategorized Expense
Total Expenses
Facility & Equipment Expenses
Not Specified
Project Costs - Materials
General Expenses
Parque Chimiya
Passion is needed for
any great work, and
for the revolution
passion and
audacity are required
in big doses.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
Page 13
Individual Contributions
Volunteer Contributions
Related Organizations
Total Contributed Income
Earned Revenue
Total Income
Salaries & Related Expenses
Parque Chimiya
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
Project Costs - Materials
Project Costs - Labor
General Expenses
Total Nonpersonnel Related
Business Expenses & Taxes
Other Expenses
Not Specified
Uncategorized Expense
Total Expenses
Net Income
Page 14
Facility & Equipment Expenses
Travel & Meetings Expenses
All Program Services
Individual Contributions
Volunteer Contributions
Total Contributed Income
Earned Revenue
Total Income
Salaries & Related Expenses
Contract Services
Operations All Program Services Parque Chimiya
Project Costs - Labor
Facility & Equipment Expenses
Travel & Meetings Expenses
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income
Business Expenses & Taxes
Total Nonpersonnel Related
Project Costs - Materials
General Expenses
Not Specified
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
Vocational School
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
Poverty does not
belong in civilized
human society. Its
proper place is in a
museum...I have
always believed that
the elimination of
poverty from the world
is a matter of will.
Muhammad Yunus
Page 15
Individual contribution
Volunteer Contributions
NFPO Grants*
Total Contributed Income
Earned Revenue
Total Income
Salaries & Related Expenses
Other Program Services
Fire Truck
Parque Chimiya
Vocational School
Not Specified
Staff Development
Contract Services
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
Project Costs - Materials
Project Costs - Labor
Project Costs - Land
Gifts to Other Organizations
General Expenses
Facility & Equipment Expenses
Travel & Meetings Expenses
Fundraising Expenses
Other Expenses
Business Expenses & Taxes
Total Nonpersonnel related
Uncategorized Expense
Total Expenses
Net Income
*Juan Bautista Gutierrez Foundation Award - Managed by Chuwi Tinamit
To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.
Mahatma Gandhi
Page 16
Individual Contributions
Volunteer Contributions
Corporate Contributions
NFPO Grants*
Foundation & Trust Grants
GAAP In-Kind Services
Contributed Income
Earned Revenue
Total Income
Salaries & Related Expenses
Contract Services
Fundraising Expenses
Business Expenses & Taxes
Other Expenses
Total Nonpersonnel Related
Not Specified
Uncategorized Expenses
Total Expenses
Gifts to Individuals**
Travel & Meetings Expenses
Construction Costs - Labor
Facility & Equipment Expenses
Vocational School
Construction Costs - Materials
General Expenses
Parque Chimiya
Services for Volunteers
Total Personnel Related
Program Services
Net Income
*Juan Bautista Gutierrez Foundation Award - Managed by Chuwi Tinamit
**Six families received rainwater harvesting systems.
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
Page 17
After their visit to Guatemala in May 2010,
friends Kelli Nielsen and Kristin Meyer
Lovell returned to the United States filled
with a purpose: to help the people they
had met in San Juan Comalapa realize a
brighter future. The ladies hosted 88 of
their friends for an evening at the Sakgit
Country Club in Burlington, Washington
and raised over $10,000 to benefit Long
Way Home! Funds from their event paid
for the bond beam that now ties the roof to
the walls of the second set of vocational
classrooms, a burly work truck, boots for
the Guatemalan construction crew and a
variety of other necessary materials. Kelli
and her husband, Henrik, took their support
to a new level when they included a testamentary gift to Long Way Home in their will.
Long Way Home is able to fulfill its mission
through the generosity and dedication of
friends like Kelli, Kristin and Henrik. Hard
hats off to you!
Page 18
Denon Alderson
Sonia Alejandro-Mattson
Ruth Alkons-Wolinsky
William Amidon
Edwin Amidon, Jr
Kathy Anderson
Robert Anderson
Hollie Anthonys
Teresa Arcangel
Lynda Armbruster
Gerald Ashland
Pamela Ashland
Monica Avina
Randall & Carol Ayers
Jennifer & Timothy Babcock
Douglas & Barbara Babkirk
Brent & Susan Baeslack
Julia Bailey
John Barksdale
April Barnet
Gwen Barrett
Patti & Michael Batchelder
Arnie Baucher & Eda Spielman
Mark Bauserman
Mary Diane Beaton
Ellen Becker
Ann Behling
Gerald & Sally Beil
Patricia Beissel
Perry Beltrame & Anne Strong
Joseph Benesh
Kelly Benham
Arthur & Sharon Benjamin
Emily Bergantino
Allen Bergeron
Mona Jean Berkenbush
Sandra Berkenbush
Claude Blackburn
RE & Wendy Blomberg
Richard Bombaci
Carolyn & Saul Bornstein
Julien Bouisset
Joseph Bowen
Lindsey Bowen
Diane Kim Bowman
Melinda & Adam Bracken
Kathleen Bradley
Joseph & Janet Brandon
Jennifer Bridges
Elizabeth Brockland
Gene Brockland
Mary & Richard Brockland
Rick Brockland
Brian Brogan
Debbie Bronson
Bronwen Brown
Francis Brown
Michael & Melinda Bryan
Andrew Buialski
John Burns
Emil & Janie Butler
John Butts
Tina Byrd-Sarchett
Lendol Calder
Charles & Charlotte Calhoun, Jr.
Kimberly & Michael Callan
Amanda Camp
Samantha Caron
Alan Carter, Sr.
J. Isabella & A. Casebier
Don Center
Merridi Chase
William & Nancy Cherry
Gina Chiuminatto
Gerald & Susan Christensen
Dianne Chumley
David & Anne Clark
Philip Clemens
Tamara Cobbin
Joyce Cohen
Josh Colvin
Thomas Colvin
Christine & George Comiskey
Paige Conroy
David & Sharon Cores
Lorraine Coscia-Ackerman
Danielle Cousineau
BN & Mary Anna Cox
Willard Cox, Jr.
Jackie & Jeffrey Cress
Stephen & Virginia Croker
Jo Cromwell
Ellen Cross
Chris Culifer
Joseph & Maureen Cullen
Jessi Culp
Paula Nicho Cumez
Elvira Cummins
Susan Dahl
Pam Dargitz
John & Jamie Dark
Jonathan Daugherty
Charlotte Davet
Linda Davidson
Bob & Janet Davis
Daniel Davis
Jillian Davis
Thomas & Shirley Davis
Glecy De Leon
Antonio Delgado
Peter & Elizabeth Denly
Mary & Richard DePriest
Darcie Devlin
C. Lloyd & Cora Diamond
Carlos Diez-Fonnegra
Barbara Dougan
Kristin Douglas
Mark Downhour
Lynn Dreyfuss-Martin
Jennifer & Peter Dryden
Delaney Dryfoos
Reagan & Jim Dryfoos
Victoria Dryfoos
Robert DuBois, Jr.
Joshua Duffy
Everett Duncan
Joshua Dupree
Amy Durham
Barbara Lee Ebs
Katie Edwards
Knut Ek
Eileen Elledge
Maureen Ellsworth
Kelsey Engel-Collins
Anne Erde
Deborah Esparza
David Espey
Deanne Estrada
Joshua Eveleth
Elizabeth Ewaskio
Steve Fahrer
Marek Falk
Martin Fencl
Doris Ferrer Roach
Lisa Finley & Paul Foxwell
Susanna Finn
Zahava Fisch
Terrence Fister
Richard Fitzgerald
Thomas & Frances Flaherty
Marie Fletcher
Gerrish Flynn
Danielle Folger
John Forbes
David & Allyson Fournier
Lesley & David Fouts
Ronda Franklin
Renee Freid
Kyle Freund
Ariana Froh
James Fuller, Jr.
DS Gallagher
Brenda & Charles Gansenberg
Ursala Garbrecht
Michael Garcia
Jean Garnett
Kelley Gaskill
Richard & Judy Gigot
Steven & Cindy Gilks
Katherine Golub
Rosio Gonzalez
Sandra Goodwin
Lindsay Gordon
Jane Gorski
Janet Gottler
Sue Gries
Kristin Groder
Carolyn Groos
Paula & Thomas Grover
Pierre Guillaume
Barbara Haack
Roxana Hadad
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hall
Tiffany Hallett
Keith Halverson
Dianne Hammer
Megan Hanner
Scott Hanson
Renee Harms
Ann Marie Harrington
Ann Harris
Janet, Walton & David Harris
Richard Harris
Robert Harvill, Jr.
Steve Hatanaka
Michael Hatch
Kirsten Haug
Sara Heaton
Nancy Hellman
Margot Hewitt
Catherine Higdon
Megan Hill
Chuck & Marci Hinks
Amelia Holmes
Michaela Holmes
Jacob Howland
Melvin & Carol Howland
Roger Hughes
Joe Hull
Cheryl Hurley
Scott Hynek
Danya Inman
Darrel & Carolyn Janssen
Christopher Jarrett
Michele Jeffers
Terry Johnsen
Cecilia & Robert Johnson
Victoria Johnson
Jordan & Elizabeth Jones
Shannon Jones
Patricia Joyce
Ruth Kahnau
Frances & Robert Kaplan
Gary & Linda Karelis
John & Mary-Lynn Karolewski
Lori Katsounakis
Lisa & James Kawski
Sally Keating
Sarah Kellard
Kimberly Kellett
Phil Kelly
Kathleen & David Kenvin
Brenda Kern
Melanie Kheidr
Terri King
Lynn-Marie Kinsella
Paul Kittredge
Marie Kivett
Leslee Klein
Alma Klinetsky
Anne & Stephen Kobasa
Gregory & Allison Koenig
Nicholas Kopas
Ira & Gail Korinow
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
John Koskinen
Megan & Dan Kovanen
Vyacheslav Kremerman
Darrick & Katie Kroon
Warren Lada
Scott Lagger
Cynthia & Paul Lakus
Meredith Landis
Sharon Lantzy
Joseph & Patricia Lapolla
Dan Laursen
Tilly Lavenas
Kevin Lawless
Samuel Lawton
Mark Leatherman
Mandy LeBlanc
Jac Lee
Patricia Lehan & Randall Keeping
Pierre Lesieur
Marty Leunen
Debra & Paul Levasseur
Lizabeth Levine
Martin Levine
Tracey & Rick Levine
Ellen Levy
Linda Lewi
Judith Liben
Ben Liberman
Margot Lindau
Suanne Lindau
Dana & Penny Littlefield
Ingrid Lor
Kathy & Ron Lovell
Scott & Juliann Lovell
Naomi Lown
Marjorie & Roger Loyer
Jerry & Tamara Luckhardt
Juliann & Steven Macdonald
Raymond Maciejewski
Rodica & Ioan Macinca
Thomas & Andrea Maginnis
Page 19
David & Lisa Mahoney
Michael Mahoney
Betty & Max Malone
Vrinda Manglik
Floyd & Ruth Many
Jennifer Marguiles
Deborah Marshall-Brown
Andrea & Willard Martin
Courtney Mason
Emily Mason
Cynthia & Paul Lakus
Meredith Landis
Phil Mason
Randall & Sherry Massey
Challis Mathes
James Matthews
Jean Maxwell
Mary McCoy
MaryEllen McCurley
Nancy McDonald
Christine McElroy & Howard Bauchner
Garrett McKelvey
Mike McKissen
Emolene McKnight
Andrew & Cynthia McLaughlin
Michael & Debbie McLeod
George & Sharon McWilliam
Gordon Meadows
Shira Mendes-Deleon
Sherrie & Daniel Meyer
Lisa Micley
Rob & Kim Miller
Scott & Susan Miller
Sharon Miller
Mike Minns
Barnaby & Renee Misch
Patrick Moore
Robert Moore
Vanusa Moore
Jim Mor
Grace & Geoffrey Moran
Page 20
Andrea Morton
Bob Moss
Aleshia Mueller
Laura Mullin
Nicholas Munday
Monique Murad
Heather Murphy
Melvin & Joan Nagler
Mary Anne Nance
Virginia Naso
Katie Neal-Rizzo
Helen Nelson
Michael Ness
Lynea Newcomer
Tuyet Nguyen
Jane & John Nickodemus
Kelli & Henrik Nielsen
Susan Nutter
Lee-Ann Oczak
Ryan Oliver
Andrew Olney
Regina Ord
Shann Ormsbee
Guy Ottewell
Hans Paap
Vita Paladino-McElroy
Elizabeth Palmer
Jenny Pan
Janet Paneitz
Cheryl & Louis Papandrea
Christopher Park
Melahn Parker
Donna Parrish
Richard Parsons
Derrick Passe
Lucie Patrowicz
Barbara Paul
Eric Pavri
Sheila Pearce & Susan McCann
Paul & Amy Pedersen
Jonathan Pederson
Leslie Pederson
William & Susan Pederson
Earle-Nathan & Tanya Pence
Brian Pendergast
George Pendergast
Lynette Pendergast
Marc Pendergast
Rory Pendergast♣
Scott Pendergast
Susan & William Penderson
Laura Pendygraft
Marcia Perry
Carolyn Petek
Marilyn Peterson
Charmaine Pettersen
Rochelle Phelps
Kelly Phillips
Jacqueline Pine
Kyra Pittelli
Kathleen Ploss
Christina Polcari
Dagmar Pollex
Kristia Poppe
Hale Powell & Susan Perry
Fernando Poyon
John Prosser
Magdalena Puniewska
Kristine Pyle
Tilak Pyle
Timothy Pyle
Jill Quatrale
Debra Ramos
Charles Rasmussen
Kim & Pat Rawlins
Stephen & MaryAnn Ready
Judy Redmayne
Sameen Rehman
Betsy Reinhart-Williams
Sheila & Jack Resendes
Rhonda Richie
Michael Ricks
Lisa Rinehart
Kelly & John Ring
Richard & Jean Roaf
Cara Roberts
Dave Roberts
Penny Roberts
Sanford Roberts
Dorothy Robin
Laura & Paul Rodman
Thomas & Jani Rollins
Alan Jay Rom
Adam Rose
Sarah Rose
Andrea & Thomas Rosebach
Denise Rosenbaum
Lawerence & Judith Rosenberg
BJ Rudman
Kathleen & Michael Ryan
Constance Saldana
Cannon Sales
Barbara & John Salladay
Valerie Sandberg
Jay & Deborah Sarason
Judy Scales
William & Jacqueline Scanlon
Cynthia Schartman
Deborrah Schutt
Claire Shaby
Adrienne Sharp
Eleanor Shaw
Edna & Michael Shirley
Raymond Shockey & Deborah Allen Carey
Cassie Short
Jennifer Showe
Louise Showe
Michael Showe
Madelyn Shyavitz
Andrew Silipo
Starla Simmons
Tyson Simmons
Daniel Sinton
Michael Six
David & Abbe Smerling
Jeffrey Smith
Lea Snyder
Judith Somberg
Agnes Sparks
Christian Sparks
E. E. Spencer
Hans & Wiete Spiller
Heidi & Austin Spinella
Susan Stackhouse
Ryan Stanley
Ashley Staracke
Joan Steinberg & Russell Clift
Carolyn Stewart
John Stewart
Robert & Carolyn Stewart
Walter & Paulette Stiver
Michelle & Ann Marie Stomboly-Lorenzo
Jane Stonner
Lisa Storer
Jody Stroh
Christopher Strom
Katie Sullivan
Gillian Swart
Sheila Swart
Rose & Brian Sweeney
Tim Sweeney
Thomas & Deborah Szabo
Donna Tadler
Katherine Tait
Brian & Nicole Talley
Carole Taut
Lace Thornberg
Catherine Todd
Kate Tollefson
Christine Trecartin
Jim & Elaine Trumble
Kevin Uno
Jay & Julia Van Putten
Abigail Van Slyck
Mitchell & Lori Vaught
Brittany Vigil
Meg Vilavicencio
Matthew & Susan Vincent
Sandra Wagoner
Emily Wahl
Kaitlyn Walker
Sarah Walker
Angela Wall
Sarah Wallace
Terry Ward
Cassidy Warkentin
Jeffrey & Kristen Warren
Donna Waselyshen
Angela Watson
Bradley Watson
Deborah Waybright
Adam Webster
Maxine & Earl Webster
Neal & Lesli Weiner
Carol Weinrib
Katherine Weinstock
Allan Wellenstein
Regina Wells
Sue Wheaton
Joyce White
Susanne Wieder
Diane Wigmore
Pamela Wilkie
Stephen John Wilkins
Eric Williams
Eric Wilner
Thomas Winters & Lori Mandler
Helen Wirin
Rachel Woita
Susan Woodsworth
Earla Woodwarth
Linda & Robert Worden
Lara Wright
Morgan Wright
Woodside & Judith Wright
Christopher Yandle
Jacquie Young
Donald & Cynthia Zabriskie
Latifa Zaid
Trudy & Mitchell Zakin
Janet Zeller
Daniel Zitomer
Adventure Life
Anacortes Yacht Charters
Anna Jaques Hospital Gift Shop
Asher Homes, Inc.
Ashland Paint & Body
Atlas Realty Inc.
Bridge to Health
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
California Pizza Kitchen
Carina & Co
Casa Leaders Huntingtion Park
Casa Leaders Wilmington
Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Chuwi Tinamit
Cromwell Plumbing
Davis, Hearn, Saladoff & Houston
Elbaz Family Foundation
First Parish Church of Newburyport
First United Methodist Church
Florence Mercer
Foundation for Environmental Solutions
Hallelande Lewis Nilan & Johnson
Harpersfield United Mthodist Church
Harriet & Aaron Turchin Trust
Higland Investments
Hobart United Methodist Church
Independence First United Methodist Church
Joshua Ray Construction
Juan Bautista Gutierrez Foundation
Karhu North America
Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
Little Mountain Laser, LLC
Melody Smythe’s Second Grade Class
Moxie Consignment
Olivet Presbyterian Church
Omaha Community Foundation
Passe Engineering Inc.
Paula Estey Studio
Rosemount United Methodist Church
Rotary Club of Guatemala
San Juan Lanes Inc
Seaport Companies
Shaker Heights City School District
Southern Oregon Multicultural Association
Temple Emanu-El of Haverhill
Temple Emanu-El of Newburyport
The America the Beautiful Fund
The Daedalus Foundation
The Main Source
The Steele Foundation
Thrive Nonprofit
Township United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church of Stamford
William Scanlon’s Eigth Grade Class
World Community Service
YEH Interact Club
In the event that you donated to Long Way
Home between 2004 and 2010 but do not
see your name, please contact us. We
have recently migrated to a new database
and want to capture any information that
did not survive the transition. We sincerely
apologize in advance if we have neglected
to mention you. Gifts of all sizes are
tremndously important to our success!
Page 21
Ben Lancette came to Long Way Home with
a mission: to build water catchement
systems for the poorest families in
Comalapa. In the summer of 2010, we
were concentrating the majority of our
resources, financial and otherwise, on the
construction of Técnico Maya. With that in
mind, Ben applied to long-time LWH team
member, Mark Luckhardt, to use monies
Mark had raised to pay for the materials
Ben needed to construct six cisterns. LWH
helped to facilitate the selection of families,
provided guidance on the design and lent a
helping hand with building, but it’s Ben and
Mark that our neighbors can thank for
easing the burden of a daily trek for water.
In addition to his independent efforts, Ben
went above-and-beyond at the school site.
He showed up early, stayed late and never
lost his temper. For all this and more, Ben
was inducted into our Order of the Golden
Machete...one way that Long Way Home
honors the cream of the volunteer crop.
Page 22
Johnson Aderohunmu
Norma Alejandro
Alexia Allen
Mark Allender
Koda Amadon
Lauren Amato
Eric Anderson
Michael Anderson
Steve Anderson
Beatriz Angeles
Virginia Angeles
Emily Ann Lemnah-Warner
Jason Asher
Kaela Asher
Cameron Ayers
Claudel Babineau-Boule
Liila Bagby
Trent Bailey
Veronica Barrera
Judy Barrett
Peter Baryshnikov
Peter Bass
Levi Bechtel
Jake Beil
Brain Bell
Chantal Berot
Ryan Beyer
Elena Bishop
Margaret Blair
Meghan Blair
Rachael Blasbalg
Kevin Bohn
Dorcha Boisen
Matt Boisen
Angela Bombaci
Adam Boshe
Sam Both
John Bottcher
Melanie Bouchard
Laura Boyle
Cat Brandon♠
Jennifer Bridges
Ryan Brinkworth
Lesley Brown
Iza Bruen
Krystal Brun
Tina Bruns
Jeanine Buller
Eben Burkholder
Joy Burton
Laura Busby
Peter Busher
David Byrne
Terry Carter
Andy Case♠
Noemi Castellanos
Joanna Castro
Manu Chau
Jessica Chavez
Jacquie Cheung
Jenny Cheung
Ara Choi
Renee Chong
Kimberly Church
Phil Cici
Robin Clancy
Phil Clemens
Maya Cohen
Leslie Colvin
Aaron Colvin♠ ♦
Carolyn Corbin
Karen Courington
Daneille Cousineau
Josef Crosby
Sara Crosby
Ellie Cross
Shaun Crumb
Lina Cruz-Ripple
Sarah Cuddy
Rachel Cullingham
Kristen Damon
Park DaSom
Naryn Davar
Nicole Davies
Aubrey Davis
Jeff Davis
Lindsey Davis
Meryll Davis
Pascal De Grandpre
John Degner
Kristina Delgado
Colby Dennis
Hilary Dibdin
Cassie Dillman
Colleen Donahue
Shannon Donahue
Amy Downs
Daniel Dumovich
Katelin Dutton
Noreen Eddy
Maureen Eden
Jesse Eidrich
Nick Elledge
Jordan Emerson
Samuel Emery
David Espey
Brian Estes
Paul Feather
Terra Feather
Dustin Feider
Justin Feklund
Nicki Ferguson
Sarah Fernandez
Christina Figueroa
Josh Finkler
Nate Fleischhacher
Onice Flores
Anthony Foehrenbacher
Marie Fraisse
Matthias Francey
Chad Frankin
Neil Freeman
Simone Freeman
Lucas Frels
John Frieseke
Kyla Gallagher
Alison Garcia
Jane Gascoigne
Whitney Gaskill
Heather Gerstmar
Camila Gillman
Rachelle Giradin
Felipe-Silva Gomes
Liset Gonzalez
Janna Goodwille
Jenny Goodwin
Elizabeth Gorman
Victor Gracio-Olivera
Phil Graeve
Travis Graham
Gemma Granados
Emily Green
Max Greenwald
Kristin Gregory
Brittn Grey
Ben Grimes
Melanie Grimes
Shea Hagy
Rebecca Hamman
Mike Harding
Summer Harlow
Jessica Harris
Terry Hart
Nick Haupt
Ray Hayden
Anne Hayward
Amy Hedges
Kelsey Heeringa
Billy Hennrickus
Hannah Hermanson
Matt Hernick
Kaisa Herschleb
Laen Hershler
Laura Hitt
Dietrich Ho
Claire Hoch
Emily Holt
Thomas Horlitz
Amelia Howitt
Ashley Hudak
Chelsea Hufford
Alex Hull
Alissa Hunsacker
Abigail Huster♦
Peter Hutchins
Sam Hyde
Elena Iordanopoulos
Nicolette Irayk
Jozef Irzyk
Chris Jackson
Heather Jackson
Hyoseon Jang
Naomi Jasper
Jeremiah Jazdzewski
Ben Jefferson-Dow
Lee Jeonghwa
Sarah Jepperson
Aaron Jewell
David Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Nick Jones
Jung Jonngkun
Zoey Joyce
Phil Juan Felipe
Haemin Jung
Mark K
Katrina Kacirek
Hannah Kaiser
Michael Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Katie Kenefick
Joseph Kennedy
Kelly Kennedy
Morgan Kiel
Rick Kimbrough
Jeff King
Laura Kinowski
Manuela Klann
Nickolas Kleespie
Zach Klein
Jacob Kopas♣ Emily Korven
Dylan Kreiss
Peter Krige
Mathias Kruger
Ruth Kuhnua
April Kusmierczyk
Meihua Lam
Ben Lancette♦
Claire Lanning
Claire Lanning
Ken Laubmeyer
Sophie Laughrea
Phil Leamon
Ashley Ledford
Vincent Legall
Carolin Lender
Martina Leovac
Martin Levine
Rafael Lindau
Kenny Lo
Craig Lockhart
Kirsten Longmeier
Alec Lorraine
Imani Lucas♣ Mark Luckhart
Maya Lukoff
Abigail Lutz
Soeren Madsen
Calvin Maginel
Abby Malman
Jadon Marianetti
Andrea Martin
Patricia Maskew
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
Patrick Maskew
Courtney Mason
Kayleigh Mason
Rae Mathieu
Mackenzie Mathieu-Busher
Mellanie Mayol
Adam McBurnie♦
Suzanne McBurnie
Monica McClain-Smith
Matt McClure
Kelly McCracken
Brooke McFair
Taylor McKenney
Jacqui Mckenzie
Sean McKenzie
Fred McLeary
Dave McLeod
Melanie Mcmeans
Ben McNary
Scott Michaud
Jeremy Micley
Keshia Milbauer
Jessie Milstead
Jacque Minarik
Gael Minville
Anastasia Mohammed
Oirana Monteiro
Lien Moonen
Kelsey Moore
Matt Moore
Jonathan Morgan
Dave Muldoon
Kirsty Muldoon
Brendan Murn
Tom Murphy
Sarah Mykkanen
Aaron Nakano
Michael Nash
Liz Needham
Nick Nelson
Molly Noel
Page 23
Anindiati Nurhapsari Sally O’Sullivan
Derick Ocampo
Lisa Oczak
Cali Olds
Tara Olfert
Sergio Oliva
Silvana Oliveira
Jamie Olmstead
Cynthia Ord
Alexandre Ouellet
Jeremiah Page
Clara Painchaud
Greg Paneitz
Joey Paneitz
Siu Tuen Pang
Kanani Paritt
Yun Park
Jenny Parker
Dustin Parks
Joe Parnell
Sara Parnell
Guillaume Pascual
Derrick Passe
Anna Patterson
Javen Pauly
Sarah Payne
Danny Paz♦
Grace Pedersen
Kyle Peets
Jenni Pekkarinen
Zeke Perkins
Leah Petermeier
Kelly Phillips
Jordi Pich-Caneda
Damien Pichereau
Holly Pierson
Gilda Pikelin
Cody Pine
Jonathan Pineault
Montina Pittman
Page 24
Ben Poston
Johanna Poston
Joe Pryor
Greg Querel
Ana Quiroz
Rekha Ramacandran
Amy Ramirty
Reyna Ramolete
Kari Ramsey
Nadia Ranney
Lauren Rasch
Nadeige Raymonvil
Mike Razzano
Kim Reijs
Anne Reiland
Dylan Rhea-Fournier
Rosie Richards
Michelle Ripple
Chelsea Rittchen
Faiza Rizvi
Bonnie Robinson
Anthony Rochel
Richie Rochel
Carolina Rojas
Hannah Rolston
Jason Roth
Tina Rounsch
Gabe Rowland
Mark Ryan
Bryon Salaz
Connie Saldana
Rebecca Sanchez♠
Andrew Sander
Ilis Santillan
Ben Schlamb
Peter Schlamb
Jordi Scholten
Melanie Schrull
Linde Schuylenburg
Nick Scott
Alex Seidel
LeeYoon Seo
Aubrey Sharp
Laila Sharp
Dylan Sheldon
Darius Shemaria
Owen Sheperd
Ellen Sherck
Steve Shisler
Kenny Short
Renee Sibera
Ryan Sierra
Tone Sigrell
Lena Silver
Eric Sizemore
Mark Skeith
Jeremiah Skender
Mary-Ann Skender
Theodora Skolnik
Grady Sloan
Bella Smith
Nicky Smith
Ben Smith♦
Hana-Akalani Smythe
Miles Smythe
Brandon Sotiroff
Lindsey Souza
Analise Spacucello
Michael Spacucello
Liam Sperl
The Stacey Family
Kryssi Staikidis♣
Laurene Stanton
Michael Stanton
Andrew Stevens
Ben Stevens
Peter Stewhardt
Kathleen Stuart
Trillium Swanson
Dominic Sweeting♦
Ericka Temple♠ ♦
Ani Thomasson
Thomas Thorin
Gabriella Thurman
Matt Tiedemann
Ali Tilly
Christin Tomy
Laura Torres
Cecilia Toscana
Forrest Townsend
Ariel Trahan
Ryan Truxton
Nicole Uhre
Cindie Unger
Daniela Uribe-Juarez
Andrea Valladares
Catherine Van Dyke
Lauren Versagli
AnnaBeatriz Vilela-Moreira
Heidi Vogel
Paula Von Haaren
Lindsey Weinberger
Joshua Weinzettel
Matthew Wenino
Alva Westlund
Morgen Wettergren
Jenny Wetzel
Mary-Kate Wheeler
Brittany Whitaker
Ben Wilcox
Taira Wilhelm
Monique M Williams
Kevin Winiarz
Michael Wisniewski
Sandra Wisniewski
Tony Witkowski
Angeline Wolski
David Yletalo
Alit Zaganjor
Hatidza Zaganjor
Mari Zagarins
Deena Zeplowitz
Max Zipursky
Bomberos Municipaes de Comalapa
Cocode de Simajuleu
Colegio Americano de Guatemala
Colegio Maya
College of St. Benedict & St. John’s University
Engineers Without Borders - Minnesota
Engineers Without Borders - North Texas
Florida International University
George Washington University
Institute for International Cooperation &
University of Illinois
Long Way Home would like to give a special
thanks to IE3 Global Internships. They
continually send us academic interns from
their network of colleges and universities in
the western United States. Their students
have helped us in the areas of construction,
organic gardening, program evaluation and
♠ Indicates former LWH Staff.
♣ Indicates former LWH Board
♦ Indicates those inducted into the
Order of the Golden Machete.
We, who have so much, must do more to help those in need. And most
of all, we must live simply, so that others may simply live.
Ed Begley, Jr.
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
Page 25
You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in
order to enable the world to live more
amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and
You are here to enrich the world, and you
impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.
Woodrow Wilson
Long Way Home
Breaking the cycle of poverty through sustainable construction.
For more information on how you can be involved with Long Way Home, please contact genevieve@longwayhomeinc.org.
Published 14 July 2011