8 May - Western Heights College
8 May - Western Heights College
8 May 2015 We s t e r n H e i g h t s C o l l e g e PARENT NEWSLETTER Learning Community Reports Maths Competition 5277 1177 5215 0245 www.whc.vic.edu.au UPCOMING EVENTS: Some of the items inside this issue College Principal’s Report Phone: Fax: 1 3-9 5 May 13 - 15 Year 8 Camp at Wensleydale May 13 - 15 VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies Otways Camp Monday May 18 Year 7 Immunisation Friday 29 May Mufti Day - Gold coin donation June 9 & 10 Year 10 Mid Year Exams Library News 9-10 Wednesday June 10 GAT Exam for all students doing VCE Units 3 & 4 Pathways 10-11 Monday June 15 First day of Semester 1 - Year 10, 11 & 12 students Community News 12-13 To provide and sustain an inclusive, stimulating and supportive community of skilled and creative learners which enhances opportunities and pathways, personal growth and well-being of all its members. FROM THE MIDDLE YEARS PRINCIPAL - ROBYN ANDERSON Our students praise the college for many different reasons. The top two that I hear are; the great teachers and the close connection the students have with them, especially their mentors, and the breadth of opportunities are offered to students. There is certainly a vast array of opportunities and we encourage students to grab hold of these and try something new, challenge themselves and just see how much they can achieve. In writing this article and listing the current opportunities I am reminded how this is integral to our college philosophy of encouraging students to achieve their best in which ever arena of student life they’re competing. An example this week is the third of our College Sports Carnivals, the College Cross Country. Students all completed the course along the Barwon River from Fyansford to Balyang Sanctuary. Many students, and some staff, ran the course, 3 or 5 km depending on their age, while others enjoyed the chance for a brisk walk and talk along the river banks with class mates and staff. Students then enjoyed a BBQ lunch and house activities where the healthy house rivalry was evident. The perfect weather topped off this perfect day for both students and staff. Once again the combination of a cross country run, BBQ lunch and afternoon of activities was very successful. I thank Ms McCarthy, House Leaders and Student Leaders for their organisation of the day and to the staff and students for their willing participation reinforcing this event as another college tradition. Students across many levels are competing in interschool sport for a range of teams. Our sports report indicates the success of these teams and individuals and I congratulate them all, coaches and participants. Next week our Year 8 students set off on their Year 8 Camp to Wensleydale. This is a fantastic adventure camp and I wish the Year 8 students and their teachers all the best for their camp. A reminder that students who are not attending camp are expected to attend school as usual. A learning program will be running during the 3 days of camp, and as we expect every other day of the school year, students are required too attend. On Wednesday, staff were involved in a day of professional learning, and being our ‘Year of Writing’ we focussed on improving writing across the curriculum; in each learning area and year level. Having the day to work together to learn and develop learning strategies and materials together is invaluable and very productive. Time was also spent on consolidating our Positive Behaviours Approach, the way in which we teach our SOAR (Safety, Organisation, Achievement and Respect) expectations to everyone, and also encourage and reward when students are meeting the college expectations. Page 2 P r i n c i p a l ’s N e w s NAPLAN testing is held next week on Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May for all students in Year 7 and Year 9. A letter has been circulated with the details and I encourage any parents who have questions to contact their child’s mentor teacher or myself at the college. Students across all year levels have also recently completed the Students Attitude to School Survey, a DET survey that is administered at all government schools. At Western Heights College our planning and improvement strategies are based on data and these two data sets contribute to this.. The Student Attitudes to School data provides information on the connection of students with their college and their engagement in their learning which we use to inform our planning of learning tasks and activities within the learning communities. The NAPLAN testing provides data on literacy and numeracy skills which are used directly by teachers to plan appropriately levelled learning tasks to cater for students learning needs. The NAPLAN report to parents will be available at the end of term 3 and will be distributed at the end of term 3 Student Led Conferences. Our MyLe program, slate computers which continues to be an essential element of the learning program across all year levels. The use of OneNote, where teachers save curriculum programs and learning tasks for students, is constantly growing and being refined. The curriculum and learning activities are accessible to all students at any time on OneNote. The best aspect of this is that students can access their learning on OneNote 24/7 and it is updated whenever they are connected to wifi. We are providing learning opportunities for staff to build their expertise in using OneNote so that the programs delivered to our students are second to none, stimulating your child’s learning and encouraging their achievement. The extent of the slates indispensability has been tested recently with a delay in slate repairs from our supplier, LENOVO. We apologise for any delay that a few students are experiencing and we are doing everything that we can to ensure that the effect of this situation is minimized and rectified by the supplier quickly. Students are expected to charge their slates each night and bring it to school each day. When your child does not have their slate, they should borrow a ‘day loan’ computer from the library before the start of the school day and return it after school. The student selection process for 2016 Year 7 has begun, with Year 6 students currently completing preference forms before the end of May. Following our most successful Information Evening at the end of last term, tours for prospective Year 7 students and their families are being held each Tuesday morning at 9:15am during May, beginning from the Administration Centre. Once again Western Heights College is offering scholarships to incoming Year 7 students for Academic Excellence, Performance Art and Community Leadership. The scholarships are valued at $3500 and include the cost of the MyLe Slate PC and the Year 7 camp for successful applicants. If you have a family member beginning in Year 7 next year or you are aware of other Year 6 students who are considering Western Heights College, please encourage them to apply for a scholarship and if they did not attend the Information Evening to participate in a tour of the college. Scholarship Application Forms and further information are available from the College Office or phone 5277 1177. A reminder as the weather is growing colder about our college uniform. In colder weather students are encourage to wear the college jumper and for extra warmth and protection the college jacket. Hoodies are not permitted, with the exception being the Year 12 students with their Year 12 College tops. A reminder also that socks should be white. In winter girls have the option of the Western Heights College kilt or grey tailored pants, both available from Bellarine Uniforms in Moorabool Street. Please note that navy pants or leggings are not part of the college uniform. If you are unsure of the uniform requirements please contact your child's mentor teacher. Robyn Anderson Middle Years Campus Principal COLLEGE ABSENCE LINE Please note that the college absence line phone number has changed. Please phone 5277 1177 to report all student absences. Page 3 Ye a r 7 N e w s STEPPING IT UP IN TERM 2! RAISING THE BAR TO GET THE MOST FROM STIMULATING LEARNING: The Year 7 attendance has been excellent, with most weeks having over 90 per cent of our students at school. We can improve in the area of approved absences. We are having an attendance competition in the Year 7 Learning Community between the mentor groups Congratulations to 7RD and 7KS students for having the highest attendance over the past two weeks. Students were rewarded with an extended recess. Students who are absent and who have called in to let us know what is happening for that day or subsequent days if unwell or injured etc. are marked as explained absences. This means that for their mentor group, the absence is not UNAPPROVED. For known absences please record these in your child’s planner stating the date(s) your child will be absent. If your child is absent for any reason please phone the college. PREP: Students in Year 7 should be spending 1 hour each night on PREP which is being prepared for all classes by completing work at home or spending time revising completed work for a deeper understanding. The following is an outline of what students should currently be working on at home from their OneNote in Year 7 for Literacy, Numeracy and MESH. Literacy – Working on the narrative essay, following the rubric and adding in elements that have been suggested in the feedback rubric. Due 19 May. Reading the chunk section of novels each week, completing their role for the week. Numeracy – Completion of work unfinished in class. Math Space questions each week. MESH – Just because we can, should we? Applying Climograph, completing introduction – including why the topic was chosen (from Monday Week 1) , applying longitude and latitude co-ordinates for the area being investigated, designing a food web for the environment. If students have any questions or difficulties when completing their PREP at home they are encouraged to discuss this as soon as possible with their Mentor Teacher. SPORT: Year 7 Inter – school sport is approaching fast. If your child has signed up for a sport, they will attend compulsory training sessions in order to attend the selected sport. Students must attend all sessions to be eligible for selection. Students will commence training this week on Friday. If your child has training they may wear their sports uniform to school or bring their PE Uniform to change into at lunchtime. UNIFORMS: Alanah, Kaitlin and Emily Zac in perfect uniform. wearing the uniform with pride. Year 7 students and parents are to be thanked for the exceptional wearing of our uniform with pride. It is very rare for students to be out of uniform and I encourage everyone to keep this up. This term, there have been a number of woollen jumpers left around the space or in the yard. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly written on the tag so that we can have the jumper returned to the correct student. CO–LEADERS & PATHWAYS: Our co-leaders met with Tracey (MIPs Coordinator) last Friday to discuss career pathways. This leadership group will be meeting on a regular basis and talk about the future and options for careers. The students will lead the visit to Deakin University later in the year, outlining areas of interest they will set up to view at the university. Well done to Tracey and all of our co–leaders. DOJO and SOAR AMBASSADORS: We are reaching exciting times in our reward system in the Year 7 Learning Community. Our weekly assemblies continue to excite our students, with 5 or more students drawn out every week for following our SOAR expectations. The raffle bowl is overflowing every week, meaning that most of our students are meeting the expectations and receiving multiple raffle tickets for this weekly draw. When students demonstrate behaviours above and beyond our expectations, they are rewarded DOJO points which will be no surprise in the households of our Year 7 students. Page 4 Ye a r 7 N e w s C o n t i n u e d … . We have now reached over 10 students who have accumulated 25 points which entitles them to a SOAR AMBASSADOR card. Students place this in their lanyard and special privileges are given to these students who have worked hard to earn this card. I will meet with all students who have received over 25 points this Friday to discuss the first privileges they will be entitled to. Students will have major input in this process. In addition to the daily privileges that students will certainly have a voice into. I have also surveyed 14 students on where they would like to go for an ambassador’s excursion to further acknowledge and thank those students who have demonstrated our SOAR expectations to the highest level. Once we get 20 students at this status, their first excursion will run. I am confident that by the end of this week we will have our 20 students! Congratulations to our current SOAR ambassadors and well done to all students who have received multiple points, who are currently working hard to join the ambassadors. YEAR SEVEN ART: Students are putting the finishing touches on to the collaborative painting they have been working on for the ‘Reconciliation in the Park’ event. Their work will be on display in the Geelong Art Gallery from 16 May to the 8 June. Leading up to this students have studied Indigenous art and participated in an incursion with Narana about Aboriginal culture and history. Ye a r 8 N e w s Over the past week our students have had the opportunity to participate in our College Cross-Country along the Barwon River, a break dancing workshop for Performing Arts and have begun their new unit in MESH on the ‘Environment’. Additionally in Health and Physical Education, our students have begun the Sports Education Physical Education Program (SEPEP) unit organising a round robin competition with and for their peers. As we look to week five, excitement is growing as our students prepare for our Year 8 camp at Wensleydale, North of Anglesea. The camp is from Wednesday 13 May until Friday 15 and will provide learning experiences around camping, initiative activities and adventure sports. Our students will learn to provide shelter and meals for themselves. My day at cross country On 4 May 2015 we had cross country. We had the first 2 sessions of normal classes then during recess we had to go to our house meetings and get our name ticked off and get our name tags. The name tags were also used for our free lunch. After we got our name tags we had to go to the bus stop. When the bus came, Yellow house got the first bus and we went to our starting point near the Fyansford hotel. We had to go in to separate groups, the runners and the walkers. The walkers had to wait for the runners to go first so the runners had to run 3km and walk 2km or they could run the whole distance. The walkers went and the rest of the students enjoyed the 5km walk and when they finished, they could choose a sausage or a burger and a water. Next we had some games. The first game was the sack race for the juniors and the intermediates then seniors. After the sack races, we had the 3 legged race then the water balloons toss. The winning house was green house in the novelty events. The winner of the whole day was red house. Brandon Cottle YEAR 8 ART TONAL DRAWINGS IN CRAYON: In Year 8 Art, students are drawing portraits of famous people and learning how to use light, medium and dark tones. They will also be choosing a portrait from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Modern Masters or Australian Archibald competitors to analyse. They will be looking at techniques, styles and the use of art elements. Annette Urquhart Art Teacher Michelle Roth Year 7 Learning Community Leader Mr Nicholas Chudoschnik Year 8 Learning Community Leader Page 5 Ye a r 9 N e w s TERTIARY FUTURES PROGRAM: This year, Western Heights Year 9 staff and students, in conjunction with The Gordon Technical College, have been involved in a trade taster trial program. Each Thursday, all of Year 9 attends the East Geelong and City campuses and experience a day’s training in trades as diverse as Painting and Decorating, Hair and Beauty, Brick laying, Interactive Digital Media and Automotive crash repair. The course runs for ten weeks and students trial five different trades. Students wear standard safety equipment for their trade and have an introductory theory session for each trial trade every second week. Students have learnt a lot about the trades they chose to trial and have formed some strong opinions about whether trades are right for them. Ye a r 1 0 N e w s CAFÉ Q: We have been looking into different cooking methods in class and identifying the correct methods for which foods to cook. We have investigated and presented menus to the class that consisted of 5 different cooking methods. The class then voted on the best Entrée, Main and Dessert. The winning dishes were: beef sliders, chicken parmys and chocolate mousse éclairs. We invited one special guest for the 3 course meal last Tuesday. To wash it all down we made mocktails with apple, pineapple, lime, mint and sugar syrup. The room was set with table cloths, cutlery and fancy napkins. All the quests loved the food and the feedback was awesome. Mr Luke Scott YEAR 10 FOCUS ON WORK WORK EXPERIENCE: We have seen students demonstrate some fantastic skills. There are some students that show the attention to detail and persistence to be great at the skills they were trialling. The staff have been really happy with the students’ positive approach to the opportunity and would like to thank the students that demonstrated their maturity. Mr Dale Thomson and Miss Tamika Lee All students are currently securing their work experience placements. Please have a conversation about where your child is intending to do their work experience during August 3-7. Students have dates and the time line to return their work experience forms. Students are completing a range of tasks in Advisory to prepare themselves. Ask them to share these tasks with you on their ONeNote. These are important weeks in the Year 10 Community. This week and next sees the culmination of several weeks of hard work and reflection as we publish our two written pieces in English. Our Writers’ Notebook task, which allows students to choose a type of writing, is due to be published at the next lesson. Additionally, our text responses to the novel ‘Wonder’ are also due this week, Any student who feels that they would benefit from any extra support is welcome to come to the offices in the Year 10 Community and speak with any English teacher. Good luck! Mr Roger Conron Year 10 Learning Community Leader Page 6 Ye a r 1 0 N e w s C o n t i n u e d … . ALCOA FUTURE LEADERS OF INDUSTRY: The Alcoa Future Leaders of Industry (AFLOI) is a great program for students in Years 9 and 10 who would like to make a career in engineering and advanced manufacturing. On Tuesday 28 April I went to the launch of the AFLOI program. The program participants met at Geelong station in the morning. We then got on a bus and went to Deakin University at Waurn Ponds. We did some work readiness skills and then we went on a tour of the engineering and computer science facilities at Deakin. The computer science facilities were very interesting. One of the gadgets we used was to simulate the force required to move a ball through jelly. A small robot arm was connected to a pen which was connected to a computer screen. We had to hold the pen and move the ball through the jelly piece on the computer screen. We could actually feel the force of moving the ball through the jelly just by holding the pen. Next, we saw a much bigger robot arm which is used for driving and flying simulations. Later in the afternoon we had the official launch of the program, which was also attended by parents and teachers. Each participant was presented a high visibility vest which we get to keep. Dr Mandy D’Souza gave a very inspiring speech about career options in engineering. We were then given a tour of the Carbon Nexus Facility at Deakin. This is a pilot plant for manufacturing carbon fibres for further research and development on performance and usage applications. By Farzan Karkaria - Year 10 Student DEAKIN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CHALLENGE: On Friday, March 26, nine students from Years 9 and 10 competed at the Deakin Science and Engineering Challenge against students from six other schools around Geelong. Seven students completed two activities such as building a bionic hand and building the strongest tower. Two students built a bridge with limited materials and then demonstrated how strong it was in front of everyone at the challenge. All activities required students to brainstorm, construct and test their creations. Each activity was given a particular amount of points and were added up in the end. WHC came second in the bridge building competition and sixth overall on the day. Students who attended the Challenge said they had ‘a fantastic day experiencing the world of science and engineering’, ‘a great day and fun experience’ and ‘a lot of fun’. YEAR 10 SILVER DUKE OF EDINBURGH CAMP: The students involved in Silver Duke of Edinburgh participated in their recent Qualifying Adventurous Journey Camp which involved 3 days of bushwalking & camping along the Great Ocean Walk. The second day was the hardest which involved walking 14km up and down hills and along the beach with our heavy packs on. We also were involved in picking up plastic rubbish along the beach which highlights to us the problem with plastic in our society. We all enjoyed the warm campfire, toasted marshmallows, yummy damper and campfire stories on the last night. Mr Gary Beasley Duke of Ed Teacher PLAYERS WANTED FOR NEWTOWN HOCKEY CLUB Players wanted for U13, U15 and U17 teams. Competition April to August, matches Saturday/ Sunday morning. No experience necessary. All welcome. Enquiries - Claire Barnes, 0417 015130, www.newtownhockeyclub.com.au Page 7 Ye a r 1 1 N e w s Although Term 2 is only been three weeks, I can’t help but think how eventful this term has been already, and how much we still have to fit in! Semester One is rapidly coming to a close as we approach the GAT on Wednesday, June 10. Shortly students will be issued with the exam timetable for semester one subjects. These will be held on Tuesday 9 and Thursday the 11 June and are arranged around the GAT. Any VCE Unit 1 subject will have an exam. The importance of students preparing and attending these types of assessments cannot be over stated. It is expected that all students completing VCE Unit 1 subject sit the subject’s exam. Over the next few weeks, we will provide advice and help in Advisory to assist students with there preparation. Last Thursday in Advisory Paul and Sarah from Deakin University facilitated study skills programs for the VCE and VCAL students. Sarah worked through a program to help the VCAL students in completing their VET logbooks and work in their applied learning program. Paul Newitt from Deakin University worked with the VCE students. Two of our VCE students Adam Freestone and Alex Lapore were asked to reflect on this presentation. “Paul from Deakin University came down to give us tips on how we can improve on our study, keeping organized and on top of all our work successfully. We went through a book called “Study Success” where we were instructed to read these little questions and then depending on what you chose, it reflected if you needed to improve on time management, concentration or reading for example. Adam Freestone - Year 11 Student “Secrets and tips to effectively studying and being successful in school were explored last Thursday morning delivered by a guest speaker from Deakin University. I first identified areas of my strengths and weaknesses through activities in the booklet we received followed by how to improve what we lacked. Other activities, including behavioral traits and study habits common among students were also explored. Time management and prioritizing work, management of and factors that cause stress, coping with distractions, preparation tips in for exams and organizational strategies including weekly and yearly planners were also explored. Ultimately, the common study and behavioral traits among young students were identified and how to improve your school life balance was explored. Mainly the ability to successfully and effectively study in order to achieve the best possible outcomes in school and still have adequate hours outside of study in one’s life, such as time with family, recreational activities, working and more. I now aim to apply the study and behavioral strategies I got out of the program into my schooling in hope I can achieve the best outcome.” A special thanks to Tracey Jeffery for organizing this. Alex Lepore - Year 11 Student. This week we received a water vending machine from the Unite Geelong Foundation, the charity arm of the Cotton On company. This was placed in the foyer of the VCE building. For $2 students and staff can purchase bottled water with all proceeds going towards homeless youth in Geelong to “empower them to learn more, participate more and understand more.” Further posters and information will also be provided to improve the students understanding of this project. A special thanks must go to Matt Kinnia from Year 11 who organized this great idea. I must also thank Kiana Van Der Pol for providing a microwave oven for the student kitchenette. Matt and Kiana’s actions are just a few examples of how the Year 11 students support each other. Congratulations must also go to group of Year 11 students who debuted during week one of this term. These students helped organize and ran this event which is a fantastic effort. Finally, congratulations to all those who attended the Cross Country last Monday. This was an excellent day thanks to Marli McCarthy for her organization of this event, made even more difficult after having her wisdom teeth out! YEAR 11 STUDIO ARTS EXCURSION: VCE Unit 1 Studio Arts class visited Federation Square on Friday to view ‘Start Up’, the VCE TOP ARTS. They also spent time photographing the streets of Melbourne and developing their confidence using Digital SLR cameras. It was a fantastic day out and the Western Heights College can be proud of the way these students represented our community. Mr Brett Bullock Year 11 Learning Community Leader Page 8 Ye a r 1 2 N e w s ENGLISH ORAL ASSESSMENTS: Congratulations to all Year 12 English students who recently completed their oral assessments. These took place in the PAF Theatre, with each student scheduled a time over a two day period. Each student prepared and delivered an oral presentation on a current topic to a panel of assessors and guests. It was a privilege to be a panel member, I was impressed with the obvious research, preparation and poise evident in each of the speakers. Many complimented their oral presentation with visual props. School Captains Courtney Simpson and Nick Christiansen representing Western Heights College in the War Memorial for the Geelong Schools Anzac Day Service Michael James gives the panel the thumbs up at the completion of his presentation. CROSS COUNTRY: Well done to the Year 12 students who supported our recent College Cross Country event. We had students who led the way running in a very competitive manner and others that enjoyed the walk along the Barwon River on a beautiful autumn day. Aaron Down led the way, as first runner over the line in the 5km event. Congratulations to each of these Year 12 students who were once again great role models. Kellie Goodall presenting her English Oral Assessment to the panel comprising Mrs. Tyzack, Ms. Sirotich and Mrs. Jansen GEELONG SCHOOLS ANZAC SERVICE: On 24 April, Nick and I went to Johnson Park to celebrate the Anzacs with a range of other secondary and primary schools from all over the Geelong region. The war memorial was filled to the brim with students, teachers and guests who were all there to pay their respects with 2 students from each school laying a wreath. The ceremony showed that the Anzac sprit is still alive in the younger community with a memorable celebration of the Anzacs life and their sacrifice for us. It was a great pleasure to be involved and Nick and I are very proud of the youths in our community and their participation is a special celebration such as this. Thanks to Ms. Hammond for taking us to the event. Courtney Simpson College Captain GAT: General Achievement Test (GAT) for all students studying at least one VCE 3 & 4 Study The GAT will be held on Wednesday June 10, 2015. It is an important part of VCE assessment procedures and all students enrolled in one or more VCE Studies or a scored VCE VET Unit 3 and 4 must sit the GAT (that includes Year 11 students enrolled in one VCE unit 3&4 study). It is a test of general knowledge and skills in the areas of Written communication Mathematics, science and technology Humanities, the arts and social sciences Page 9 Ye a r 1 2 N e w s C o n t i nu e d … . While the GAT results do not contribute directly to a student’s VCE results, they play an important role in checking that school based assessments and examinations have been accurately assessed. This means that GAT scores may be used to even out marking differences that may occur from school to school. The GAT will be used as part of a final check on examination scores. If a student’s final examination score is significantly different from the score predicted by the GAT, school indicative grades and any other examination scores for the study, their examination will be assessed again by the Chief Assessor. A student whose performance on an examination is affected by the onset of illness, accident or personal trauma may apply for a Derived Examination Score. All applications for a Derived Examination Score are assessed by a trained, external panel. If an application is approved, a student’s GAT scores will be used in the calculation of the Derived Examination Score. Also Monash University may use the GAT in their selection process. So as you can see the GAT is a valuable assessment devise and it is important that all students take it seriously and try their hardest when completing the GAT. The GAT is a 3 hour exam and is made up of 3 parts Writing task 1 (30 minutes) Writing task 2 ( 30 minutes) 70 multiple –choice questions ( 2 hours) Students are to remain in the examination room for the entire 3 hours. Student doing the GAT will receive further information regarding the GAT in the coming weeks, but if you want further information it can be accessed at http:// www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Pages/vce/exams/gat/ aboutgat.aspx#H2N10055 Here you will find information about the use of the GAT, instructions for completing the GAT as well as being able to access previous GAT papers. Nicole Henry Year 12 Teacher Ms Kerrie Hammond Year 12 Learning Community Leade S t u d e n t We l l b e i n g & E n ga ge m e n t N e w s Another fantastic fortnight has passed here at WHC and another is well on its way! From our perspective as the Wellbeing Team, the college collectively is moving full steam ahead – in every Learning Community, our students are busy and the staff are working hard. Staff this week are eagerly involved in a Professional Development Day. This day was a fantastic opportunity for staff to increase their skills and understandings around the Positive Behaviours Approach, Writing and Instructional Practices. The College Cross Country was also held this week and was a fantastic day. Student were in great spirits, in full voice and there was a colorful array blue, green red and yellow as students supported their team. The college continues to stress the absolute importance of attendance – it is NOT OK to be away! We will make every reasonable effort possible to ensure students are here, are learning and receive the best supports we can offer. Please do not hesitate to contact the college with any concern, no matter how small or insignificant you may think it is, regarding student engagement. Your student’s mentor, learning community staff and the wellbeing team are always keen to listen and assist. Mr Paul Rogers and the Wellbeing Team Page 10 L i b ra r y N e w s @ THE LIBRARY: Parents and our local community are very important members of our College Library. Did you know that in addition to our excellent Western Heights College collection, we are also a branch of the Geelong Regional Library Corporation? We are one of many branches serving Geelong, with most of the features of any other Regional Library branch. If you aren’t a Library member, please come in and visit us, where the staff can assist you in joining the Library and explaining all it has to offer. In addition to the three clubs we run for students Bookworms Book Club, Chess Club and Craft Club, we also run a popular Parents and Friends Book Club, and you are very welcome to join us! This adult Book Club runs in the College Library on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 7pm – 8pm. There is no specific book to read – we chat about our favourite books and authors, recommend good reads to each other, share our reading, have a laugh and of course borrow some books for leisure reading. You are very welcome to attend! At the moment I am reading “Summer House with Swimming Pool” by Herman Koch, what are you reading? Ms. Kerrie Sirotich College Librarian Sports News SENIOR BOYS FOOTBALL REPORT: On Tuesday 5 of May, the Year 11 and 12 boys set out to McDonalds Reserve to represent Western Heights College and to play football against other schools. At the beginning of the day, the senior boys didn't really have high expectations of themselves. However, they were all wanting to play as a team, not as individuals, and play hard football. Which is exactly what the boys did on the day. All of the team members worked hard together and did their part, whether it was on the field or off the field, and this was definitely evident in the games they played. The first football game they played was against Geelong High School and it was a very exciting game for the team to start off the day with as they were able to win the game with the score of 3:4 (3 goals and 4 behinds) to 2:2 (2 goals and 2 behinds). So the boys were on a high when they played their second game against Lara Secondary College which they were also able to win with the score of 4:4 to 0:1. After their second win, the boys had a bit of a lunch break, which gave them the opportunity to also watch the next school they were going to play against which was Surf Coast Secondary College. And this school was a team to beat, but that didn't worry the boys too much and they ended up winning the game with the score of 0:2 to 0:0. So it was definitely a hard game to win, but that didn't matter anymore to the boys because now they were in the Grand Final. However, they were against even a harder school which was the Grovedale College, but the boys held their heads up high and when the Grand Final began, the boys immediately put their heads down to work and played hard football as a team. This helped them to win the game with the score of 3:1 to 0:0. The Senior boys had a massive celebration after and before coming back home to Western Heights College, they were all spoiled with a meal at good old 'Maccas.' Elijah Robinson - Year 11 Student. Pat h w a y s N e w s CAREERS IN SPORTS MEDICINE EVENING WEDNESDAY 27 MAY 2015: Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre is conducting their annual Careers in Sports Medicine evening. It is an excellent introduction to the world of sports medicine for secondary school students and we encourage parents and teachers to attend. For students to register for this event please go to: http://www.trybooking.com/HCCF For further information please see the website: www.opsmc.com.au YEAR 12 MANAGED INDIVIDUAL PATHWAYS (MIPS) APPOINTMENTS: The Year 12 Managed Individual Pathways (MIPs) appointments will be commencing this Thursday 7 May 2015. Each student will receive a letter with an individual appointment time from their mentor teacher. Here's a list of all Year 12 MIPs Appointments. A copy of this list will be available on the Year 12 bulletin board. I will make the booking online for each student and they will receive a web message as confirmation. Students will also receive a web message reminder closer to your appointment date. Page 11 Pat h w a y s N e w s C o n t i n u e d … . As always, SACs, excursions etc. take precedence so if your child needs to reschedule their MIPs appointment they can do this online from the College Home Page under Curriculum > MIPS Interviews. Barwon Health Work Experience Program Application Form I am asking students please bring their laptop and make their way to my office for their scheduled appointment time, in the Administration Centre on the side closest to the VCE Centre. Students and parents can enter my office via the external back door, however if I am in an appointment please enter the back door of the building and take a seat on the comfy red couch! Here's a copy of the Year 12 Career Action Plan 2015 that each student will be completing. I am asking that students please complete the first section before their MIPs appointment. This will ensure that we can make the best use of our time together. Parents are invited to come along to the interview so I would encourage you to come along and support your son or daughter. Parents are the most influential adults in your child’s career choices so it would be great if we could have as many parents as possible attending the MIPs interviews. I can be contacted by email (jeffery.tracey.c@edumail.vic.gov.au) or on the College number if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting with the Year 12 students this term. YEAR 10 MANAGED INDIVIDUAL PATHWAYS (MIPS) APPOINTMENTS: The Year 10 MIPs appointments are coming to an end. It has been a great pleasure to meet with all of the Year 10 students throughout Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2. If you have any questions or concerns about your Year 10 son or daughters MIPs appointment, please let me know. YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM – SOME HELPFUL RESOURCES: The Year 10 students are making great process with their work experience. If you have a child in Year 10 who is having trouble finding a placement, there are some helpful resources on the school home page under Curriculum > MIPs-Careers > Students MIPs Resources and Links > Year 10. The Careers in Health Work Experience program is open for applications. This is a competitive program, so I would encourage students who are interested to get started on their application. Please return application forms to me by Friday 19th June 2015. UMAT REMINDER: A reminder to Year 12 students – if you are thinking of applying to study medicine, dentistry or a health science at University next year, you will need to register to sit the UMAT this year. Registrations close at 5pm on 5 June and the UMAT is on 29 July 2015. Check out the website for more information, including practice exams: www.umat.acer.edu.au. Victoria University’s Work Experience of a Lifetime program gives Year 10 and 11 students the chance to win an unforgettable work experience placement at one of Australia’s top companies. This exclusive access to an exciting company that matches their study interests could powerfully shape their future career and help them build industry networks. Last year was a huge success, with the winning students gaining hands-on experience with leading companies such as Leo Burnett, The Just Group, Nova, Honda and The Mushroom Group. The companies participating this year will be announced shortly. At Victoria University we are renowned for presenting our tertiary students with outstanding with outstanding work placements through high profile industry connections - now we are offering your students the same opportunity to achieve their full potential. Page 12 EXPLORE YOUR FUTURE PROGRAM: During Term 2 and 3 we look forward to welcoming a range of guest speakers into our College to speak to students. Please see below for upcoming dates, including the Australian Catholic University, Deakin University and The Gordon. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend these events. REMINDER – THE VCE CAREERS EXPO 2015: A reminder that the VCE and Careers Expo for this year is coming up this weekend, Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May from 10am to 4pm at the Caulfield Racecourse. This is Australia’s biggest Careers Expo with 170 exhibitors providing VCE, tertiary course, career, study skills and gap year information and resources. Admission is $10 or $25 for families and includes all seminars. For more details visit www.vceandcareers.com.au REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE WESTERN HEIGHTS COLLEGE CAREERS BLOG! www.careerswhc.edublogs.org Including monthly updates from each University, updates from VTAC, work experience opportunities and lots of other useful information. SOME IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR: Date Time Event Friday 15 May Lunchtime Friday 1 June 12.45 – 2.30pm Australian Catholic University (ACU) Hosted by a representative from ACU Deakin and The Gordon in your Careers Office 1 (Appointments with Sarah Stares, Deakin University and Kirsty Cassidy, The Gordon) VTAC Course Applications, SEAS and Scholarship Applications Open VTAC Applications Student Workshop 1 SEAS Applications – Parent and Student Information Evening Hosted by Sarah Stares, Deakin University Deakin and The Gordon in your Careers Office 2 (Appointments with Sarah Stares, Deakin University and Kirsty Cassidy, The Gordon) Monday 3 August Thursday 13 August Lunchtime Monday 17 August 7pm Friday 21 August 12.45 – 2.30pm Monday 24 August Lunchtime Monday 31 August Lunchtime Thursday 3 September Lunchtime Tuesday 8 September Lunchtime Thursday 10 September Lunchtime Wednesday 30 September SEAS Student Workshop 1 Hosted by Sarah Stares, Deakin University SEAS Student Workshop 2 Hosted by Sarah Stares, Deakin University VTAC Applications Student Workshop 2 VTAC Applications Student Workshop 3 VTAC Applications Student Workshop 4 VTAC Applications Close Tuesday 6 October SEAS Applications Close Friday 16 October Scholarships Applications Close Friday 30 October Change of Preference Closes Monday 23 November Change of Preference Re-opens Monday 14 December ATARs Released Monday 21 December Change of Preference Closes Monday 18 January 2016 1st Round Offers Thursday 4 February 2016 2nd Round Offers Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Community News At Second Hand School Specialists you can buy and sell your second hand school stuff through us. We are always in need of uniforms or other school items for Western Heights College. We sell on consignment which is a safe and secure way to sell your unwanted or school stuff. Just drop it off to us and we'll sell it on your behalf. Please check out our consignment terms and conditions on our website outgrown www.secondhandschoolspecialists.com.au or email us on info@secondhandschoolspecialists.com.au WE ACCEPT CASH, EFTPOS, VISA AND MASTERCARD. Trading hours: Tuesday 3.30pm - 5.00pm Wednesday 3.30pm - 5.00pm Thursday 3.30pm - 5.00pm Saturday (1st and 3rd of each month) 9am – 11am EXPECT TO SAVE FROM 30% – 80% OFF NEW PURCHASE UNIFORM COSTS AT OUR STORE!!! …..RECYCLE AND SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT….. FREE PARKING OUTSIDE OF STORE 21b FAIRLIE STREET, HAMLYN HEIGHTS, 3215 Mobile 0400 350 652