`Laissez les bon temps rouler` @ NECUSA 2015


`Laissez les bon temps rouler` @ NECUSA 2015
 'Laissez les bon temps rouler' @ NECUSA 2015
ia u ss
Mardi Gras in June
62nd Annual NECUSA Conference –June 21-24, 2015
Wyndham – Exton/Valley Forge -PA.
Katie Koestner to give Keynote Address
“No-­‐Yes: When Resistance Isn’t Required” Ka#e Koestner h1p://www.usafa.edu/34trw/cwc/cwcx/ncls/bios/koestnerbio.htm?catname=ncls She shares her story growing up as the daughter of an FBI Agent and the granddaughter of a police chief. She reveals how heavy arJllery in the dad department couldn’t protect her from Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome when she went off to college. Her story conJnues as she takes us from vicJm to survivor on her journey to pass federal laws and make changes on all sides of this crime of silence. •
Workshop: “Asking Tough Ques#ons with Composure and Grace” Presenter: KaJe Koestner o Police and Security Techniques to Ask Ques#ons of Vic#ms to Obtain the Best Answers Kristina Anderson shares her story. “Lessons Learned as a Survivor of the Virginia Tech Tragedy” • The Active Shooter Awareness Program with emphasis in Violent Extremism, Lone
Wolves/Lone Offenders, their Behavioral Characteristics and Law Enforcement Response.
o Special Agent Joseph F. Metzinger, Ac;ve Shooter Program Coordinator, Campus Liaison Agent, ▪
Mari;me Liaison Agent, FBI Philadelphia. Domes;c Terrorism/Joint Terrorism Task Force
Transgender on campus: Moderator: Alan Stormann Speaker: Dr. Wayne M. Maines o “Soon my daughter will be at doorstep – Is your campus ready? Are you ready?” •
“Appreciating Differences: A Racial Diversity Workshop” WSM Trainers & Consultants
for University Police Officers, Security Officers, Administrators & Supervisor
The Clery Center for Service on Campus—Panel Discussion o Samantha Z. Kouch,, Clery Center Director of Development – Moderator “Compliance 101: Managing what keeps us up at night by using a collaborative institutional approach”
Jen Lucas, Co-­‐Director of Human Resources-­‐Ge1ysburg College o
William Lafferty, Associate Dean of College Life and ExecuJve Director of Public Safety , Vice President Elect of NECUSA QuesJons regarding programing for the conference should be directed to: Timon.Linn@sjc.edu Timon K. Linn, NECUSA conference chai NECUSA 62nd Annual Conference June 21-­‐24, 2015 MEMBER
Registration form:
Wyndham – Exton/Valley Forge, PA Due by the end of Business Friday May 29th, 2015
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Institution: _____________________________________ Title: ___________________
Address: ___________________________ City: ____________________ State: ______
Cell Phone #____________________________ e-mail: _________________________
(In case of an emergency during the conference)
Conference Attendee ___Past President___ Life Member ___Member ___Associate Member
Guest name: ________________________________________________________
Conference Fees
(include total number below)
____Member ($450.00)***
______ Member Guest ($250.00)
____ Non-member ($555.00)______ Non-Member Guest ($250.00)
____ Life Member ($130.00) ______ Life Member Guest ($130.00)
____ Child ($125.00)
____ Child ($125.00)
***Conference Early Bird Special - Register BEFORE MAY 1st-Member $425.00
*** Registration @ $450.00 cut off is May 29th, 2015.
***After May 29th Registration is $475.00.
Total $_________________
Banquet: _____ Beef ______Chicken _____ Fish ____Veggie (# you and Guest)
Send registration to: NECUSA
P O Box 226
Marlborough, CT 06447
815 North Pottstown Pike
Exton, PA 19341
Code: n e c u s a
Room Rate: $99.00
Rate held until May 29th 2015
(Single or double occupancy & includes continental breakfast
Questions: Timon K. Linn, Conference Chair Timon.Linn@sjc.EDU
“Lessons Learned as a Survivor of the Virginia Tech Tragedy” Kris#na Anderson is a survivor of the Virginia Tech tragedy and the founder of Koshka FoundaJon for Safe Schools, a non-­‐profit which creates resources and content for raising the level of awareness toward campus safety for students, parents and educators. The foundaJon also works to provide resources and support for survivors of trauma. KrisJna started the non-­‐profit aber surviving the worst school shooJng commi1ed by a single perpetrator on April 16th, 2007. KrisJna was shot 3 Jmes during the Virginia Tech shooJng – twice in her back and once in her toe -­‐ while a1ending an Intermediate French class. She became one of the most criJcally injured survivors with the largest number of casualJes in her classroom. Thanks to a genius surgeon, strong family, and an immense outpouring of support, KrisJna made a full recovery and proudly returned to Virginia Tech to finish her degree in InternaJonal Studies and Foreign Languages. As her perspecJve on life has significantly changed, KrisJna travels extensively for trainings and presentaJons on emergency preparedness, safety, and moJvaJonal speaking with law enforcement and corporate audiences. Ms. Anderson is also co-­‐founder of Live Safe, a personal safety mobile applicaJon that promotes a crowd sourced approach in prevenJng crime. The name of Kris;na’s founda;on (pronounced co-­‐shhh-­‐ca) translates to “LiRle KiRen” in Russian, a nod to her Russian mother’s nickname for her growing up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “The Ac#ve Shooter Awareness Program with emphasis in Violent Extremism, Lone Wolves/
Lone Offenders, their Behavioral Characteris#cs and Law Enforcement Response.” Joe Metzinger, a gregarious FBI agent who has invesJgated terror cases since 1996, is assigned to one of the more sensiJve tasks. He is the FBI liaison to the region's colleges and universiJes, meeJng oben with campus safety directors and other officials. He offers training, helping schools recognize potenJal signs of terrorist acJvity and how to react to a Virginia Tech-­‐style mass shooJng. But he's also busy making contacts, collecJng informaJon. "You have to be careful because campuses by their very nature are supposed to be open and accessible," he said, though he also added: "We thrive on informaJon." 62nd NECUSA Conference Program 2015 June 21-­‐24, 2015 Exton-­‐Valley Forge, PA. SUNDAY – 21 JUNE 2015 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 11:30 pm RegistraJon Networking with old friends and making new friends. 1st Time Conference A1endees RecepJon-­‐ Opening RecepJon Hospitality Room Closes Hospitality Room Hospitality Room Hospitality Room See You at Breakfast MONDAY – 22 JUNE 2015 8:30 am Breakfast 9:30 am Opening Ceremonies 10:00 am Keynote Speaker – Kathie KOESTNER h1p://www.usafa.edu/34trw/cwc/cwcx/ncls/bios/koestnerbio.htm?catname=ncls 11:00 am Grand Opening Vendor Hall. (each vendor will introduce their product from their booth) 12:00 noon Past President’s Luncheon 1:00 pm Kathie KOESTNER: “ The Courage to Speak: A VicJm’s Story about a Crime of Silence” 2:00 pm Break and Raffles in the vendor area (must be present to win) 2:30 pm “AcJve Shooter Awareness Program”, Special Agent Joseph F. Metzinger Federal Bureau of InvesJgaJon 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Vendor Hall Open Mardi-­‐Gras Party TUESDAY 23-­‐JUE-­‐2105 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 am Breakfast NECUSA Business MeeJng Last Chance with the vendors “Cracker Barrel Free abernoon and evening (on your own) !!! 8:00 pm 11:30 pm SEE THINGS TI DO –Inside the back cover.
Networking – Hospitality Room Hospitality Room Closes NECUSA One Day Conference Special -­‐ WEDNESDAY 24-­‐JUNE-­‐2015 “Special One Day Open to the Whole Campus Community” “DIVERSITY on Campus” and a presenta#on from Kris#na Anderson who was a vic#m at the Virginia Tech ac#ve shooter incident. 7:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:15 12:00 noon 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:15 pm 3:15 pm ONE-­‐DAY Program registraJon. Transgender on campus: Moderator: Alan Storman Speaker: Dr. Wayne M. Maines “Soon my daughter will be at doorstep – Is your campus ready? Are you ready?” Break “AppreciaJng Differences: A Racial Diversity Workshop” WSM Trainers & Consultants for University Police Officers, Security Officers, Administrators & Supervisor Lunch & PresentaJon of 2016 Conference in Cape Cod. KrisJna Anderson , Shares Her Story -­‐ “Lessons Learned as a Survivor of the Virginia Tech Tragedy” Break The Clery Center for Service on Campus—Panel Discussion Samantha Z. Kouch, Clery Center Director of Development – Moderator “Compliance 101: Managing what keeps us up at night by using a collaboraJve insJtuJonal approach” Jen Lucas, Co-­‐Director of Human Resources-­‐Ge1ysburg College William Lafferty, Associate Dean of College Life and ExecuJve Director of Public Safety, Vice President Elect of NECUSA NECUSA -­‐ One Day Program One-Day Fees: ___ $125.00 Program Only
___ $150.00 Program and Banquet
Banquet: _____ Beef ______Chicken _____ Fish ____Veggie Total $ _______
Registration cut off is May 29th, 2015
Send registration to: NECUSA. P O Box 226 Marlborough, CT 06447
815 North Pottstown Pike
Exton, PA 19341
Code: n e c u s a
Room Rate: $99.00
Rate held until May 29th 2015
“Apprecia#ng Differences: A Racial Diversity Workshop”
WSM Trainers & Consultants
Lee Struble is President of WSM Trainers and Consultants (est. 1996). He recently reJred aber a 30-­‐year career in higher educaJon public safety (Nazareth College, Monroe Community College, and the Rochester Ins;tute of Technology). He is also a senior trainer for the NaJonal Crime PrevenJon Council (NCPC) and provides security assessment and consulJng services to colleges and universiJes throughout the United States. Lee resides in Rochester, New York. Steve Grant is President of LAMAD, Inc. and reJred from the Rochester Police Department where he served several years as a hostage negoJator and defensive tacJcs instructor for the 700+ member department. He is a frequent naJonal and internaJonal trainer on the topics of officer safety, self-­‐defense and verbal judo. His clients include law enforcement, hospitals, K-­‐12 and higher educaJon. Steve resides in South Carolina. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Compliance 101: Managing what keeps us up at night by using a
collaborative institutional approach” Bill Lafferty is the Associate Dean of College Life and ExecuJve Director of Public Safety responsible for direct strategic management oversight of all public safety, Clery compliance, and emergency management operaJons for the college as well as management of the following student development areas within college life: Greek Life, Student AcJviJes, ExperienJal EducaJon, and the Garthwait Leadership Center. Jennifer Lucas is the Co-­‐Director of Human Resources at Ge1ysburg College and is responsible for supporJng and furthering Ge1ysburg College’s strategic iniJaJves by providing oversight and leadership in a variety of Human Resource funcJons. Jennifer is also Chair of the Eastern PA/DE CUPA-­‐HR Chapter. “Soon my daughter will be at doorstep – Is your campus ready? Are you ready?”
Wayne Maines is currently the ExecuJve Director of Safety, Health Services, TransportaJon and Security at the University of Maine. He recently has been selected to provide safety services for all of the University of Maines system insJtuJons. He also spent 10 years as the Corporate EHS Manager for a global chemical company in New York and 4 years as the Director of The InsJtute for Safety and Health Training at West Virginia University. Wayne has a BS degree from Cornell University and a master and doctorate from West Virginia University. Wayne has over 800 hours of Industrial ICS, High Angle Rescue, HazMat, FirefighJng, and Confined Space Rescue Training, Incident Command. Wayne is a naJonally known speaker in the field of safety management, leadership and emergency response. During this past few years he has begun to use these same excellent communicaJon and moJvaJonal skills to speak out as an emerging expert in the field of transgender children. He has wri1en a number of published arJcles relaJng to transgender youth and fatherhood. He has worked with Judy and Dennis Shepard, the Department of JusJce, the FBI and the Maine A1orney General’s office to provide Hate Crime EducaJon. He has conducted a number of lectures at the university level regarding transgender youth, transgender rights and leadership. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Clery Center for Service on Campus—Panel Discussion o
Samantha Z. Koch,, Clery Center Director of Development – Moderator Samantha Koch is Director of Development at the Clery Center for Security On Campus, focusing on fundraising, corporate relaJons, and special events. Before joining the Clery Center, Samantha served as a client services and outreach associate at The Investment Fund for FoundaJons (TIFF), a cooperaJve-­‐style investment firm that serves endowed nonprofits. In her spare Jme, Samantha also volunteers for the Career Wardrobe, a Philadelphia-­‐based nonprofit that assists low-­‐income women transiJoning into the workforce by providing professional clothing & professional development programs. Samantha is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Saint Joseph's University, where she earned her B.A. in PoliJcal Science. Laissez les bon temps roulez
NECUSA goes to Mardi gras
Music and dancing - 7 pm
Bring your best Bourbon Street attire!
Things to Do Near Wyndham Garden Exton Valley Forge
Arts and Cultural
American Helicopter Museum--Dedicated to the preservation and display of historic rotorcraft.
Brandywine River Museum--Exhibiting American art in a 19th-century grist mill, the museum is known for its
unparalleled collection of works by three generations of Wyeths and its fine collection of American illustration, still life
and landscape painting.
Valley Forge National Historic Park--The site of the 1777-1778 winter encampment of the Continental Army, the park
commemorates the sacrifices and perseverance of the Revolutionary War generation with guided tours, interpretive
programs and educational programs throughout the year.
Points of Interest
Chaddsford Winery--Discover the wonderful wines of Brandywine Valley at Chaddsford Winery, Pennsylvania's largest
and best known winery.
The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at Oaks--DHost to tradeshows, concerts, town hall meetings, corporate
gatherings, athletic competitions, dog shows and much more. The Expo Center is one of the largest on the East Coast with
up to 240,000 square feet of exhibition space on a single floor.
Historic Philadelphia--A world-famous historic city with everything from the Liberty Bell to world-renowned
Longwood Gardens--From the four acre Conservatory to the splendor of the outdoor gardens to majestic fountains,
Longwood Gardens offers visitors a place to relax and reconnect with nature.
QVC Studio Tours (WE HAVE FREE PASSES)--Since opening in the fall of 1997, QVC Studio Park in West Chester,
PA, has become a popular destination for thousands of visitors. The QVC Studio Tour is a guided walking tour through the
fantastic world of multimedia retailing.
Exton Square Mall--Exton Square Mall is an enclosed shopping center in Chester County offering over 130 stores such
as Victoria's Secret, LOFT, Gap, Banana Republic and more.
King of Prussia Mall--The largest mall on the East Coast, with more than 400 stores and restaurants.
Philadelphia Premium Outlets--More than 150 designer and brand-name outlet stores, with upscale merchants such as
Calvin Klein, Coach, J. Crew and Sony.
Sports and Entertainment
Harrah's Casino Chester--Harrah's Philadelphia Casino & Racetrack is open 24 hours 7 days a week - 365 days a year!
Simulcasting is available every day and live racing is underway!
United Sports Training Center
A 127,000-square-foot indoor and 60-acrew outdoor sports facility with programs for all ages.
VF Casino
A luxurious and exciting casino floor features 600 of the latest and most popular slot machines, along with 50 of the best
table games, including Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Pai Gow Poker and Baccarat.