hogwash - My Chapter Manager
hogwash - My Chapter Manager
Raleigh Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.) Activities SPONSORED BY RAY PRICE HARLEY- DAVIDSON, INC. 1126 South Saunders St., Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 832-2261 or online at www.rayprice.com HOGWASH Upcoming Activities: NC100 Iron Butt Ride: 5/18 - 5/25 Winery Tour: 6/7 - 6/9 Tame the Dragon IV: 6/12 - 6/16 NC State HOG Rally: 8/7 - 8/10 HD 110th Anniversary Celebration & HOG 30th Birthday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 8/29 - 9/1 Octoberfest Ride: 9/27 - 9/29 MARCH 2013 RALEIGH H.O.G.® CHAPTER #3540 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Officers Contacts, Road Captains, & HOG Info 2 Minute-By-Minute, Officers’ Articles 3-10 Chapter News & Articles 11-20 Biker Fun 21 More Chapter News & Articles 22-25 Activities & Calendars 25-27 2013 Board Members Primary & Non-Primary Positions Director Jim Williams, (919) 676-2142, jawjr@outlook.com Assistant Director Tim Bretz, (919) 567-8183, tbretz@nc.rr.com Secretary Brenda J. Terry, (919) 932-7107, bjterry@bellsouth.net Treasurer & Chairperson Linwood Barrow, (919) 365-9309, lebarrow@aol.com Raffle Chair Richard Barfield, (919) 455-1321, panthersfan17@yahoo.com Activities Director Paula Lassiter, (919) 202-9220, plassite@embarqmail.com Social Chair LOH Director Shannon Barschaw, (919) 749-0663, sbarschaw@nc.rr.com Gail Bartz, (603) 520-1669, gail.bartz@gmail.com Lynne McKerlie, (919) 363-2549, lmckerlie@gmail.com Assistant LOH Director Delta Giles, (919) 744-7071, simplydelta@hotmail.com LOH Recording Secretary Terri Bennett, (919) 967-8249, terribennett2@mac.com Safety Officer Stan Simmerson, (919) 810-6243, prodigalrn@aol.com Road Captain Officer Jake Sanok, (919) 749-4389, sanok@bellsouth.net Dealership Liaison Carolyn Parker, (919) 880-0234, csp@nc.rr.com HOG Recording Secretary Eula M. B. Turner, (919) 247-3656, ebturner3@yahoo.com Newsletter Editor D. Huck, (919) 718-9696, dhuck@windstream.net Historian Mike Page, (919)787-2563, pagemichael1@aol.com Chaplains Bruce Brown, (919) 469-5966, brucebrown@nc.rr.com Floyd Baker, (919) 779-9481, fbaker0356@att.net Chapter Photographer Jake Sanok, (919) 749-4389, sanok@bellsouth.net Membership Officer & Team Members Chairperson: Joyce Holmes, (919) 721-0308, holmesjoyce@hotmail.com Members: Robert & Muriel Bijeau, Siim Eiland, Butch Evans, Roger Holmes, John & Lynne McKerlie, Kristi Sivonen, Thurman Turner HOG Room Coordinators Bill and Sally Squier, (919) 821-2831, squierbands@netzero.com HOG Merchandise Charlie Everett, (919) 772-6316, everett_charlie@emc.com 50/50 Coordinators Harold Panel and Greg Nichols, hpanel@travelxperts.com 2013 Road Captains (Updates in April issue) Richard Barfield Allen Boyer Tim Bretz Daniel Davis Siim Eiland Butch Evans Charlie Everett Dean Gilbert Terri Gilbert Rogers Holmes Billy Marshall Sandy Marshall Steve Metz Melinda Miller Kevin Mooney John Murphy Marc O'Grady Mike Page Karen Peterson Steve Roma Mike Russo Jake Sanok Jeff Shearer Stan Simmerson Roger Smith Matt Terrill Gary Turner Thurman Turner Mike Uhl Larry Watson Jim Williams Finance Committee: Director, Asst. Director, Treasurer, Secretary, Activities Director, and Raffle Chair THE HARLEY OWNERS GROUP The Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.) is an organization founded and sponsored by Harley-Davidson Motor Company. The group was established to offer motorcycling benefits and services to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts throughout the world, and to develop a close relationship between the HarleyDavidson rider, the Harley-Davidson dealer and the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. The opportunity to start an independent chapter affiliated with the Harley Owners Group is offered to bring members together for the common interest of promoting motorcycling activities. The goal of each chapter is to generate an increased level of enthusiasm for riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The chapter shall be a family-oriented and nonpolitical organization. All events are Open Events unless otherwise noted. 2 The Director: February Activities and the Future We held two of our annual events in February – our Chili Challenge on Super Bowl Sunday at John and Lynne McKerlie’s house and our Valentines Party at the Peddler Steak House. John and Lynne did an outstanding job hosting the chili challenge. Our thanks to both of you! 13 pots of chili competed for first, second, and third place. Paula Lassiter tied for first place with Roger Holmes and Rich Heider took home third place. Congratulations to the 3 winners and a big thank you to all who competed with their special recipe. Other guests brought great appetizers and some helped with moving tables and chairs to and from the dealership. The food was great and everybody chipped in and had a super time. The Peddler Steak House is one of my all-time favorite places for beef. Shannon Barschaw and Gail Bartz did a super job of planning our Valentines Party and hosting as our masters of ceremony. Thank you both! A huge thank-you goes to one of our members who donated a case of wine for the 50/50 drawing. I haven’t been able to get anyone to tell me who our Santa Claus is. It was a wonderful gift to the chapter and 12 winning members went home with a nice bottle of wine! The Finance Committee has a budget in place and we’ve added a number of social events to this year’s calendar. They include 2 general meeting picnics and a weekend lunch picnic at Morrow Mountain State Park, a Halloween Party hosted by Autie and Teena Cochran, and a New Year’s Eve Party. We also allocated funds for 4 Game Nights – one each quarter of the year. Check out the chapter calendar for dates and be sure to place them on your personal calendar well in advance. We want you there! The budget is posted on our Rewards web site so feel free to take a look. We are down to less than 8 weeks for selling raffle tickets and we have a long way to go. At last count, we had 407 members and 92 members had checked out at least 1 book of raffle tickets to sell. If you’re one of the 315 members who have not checked out a book of tickets, I encourage you to do so and help us meet our goal. There are 3 groups of winners in this raffle. The first, of course are the charities that we will make a donation to. The second winner is our chapter. Last March, 2013 year our chapter was honored by the city of Raleigh for our charitable philanthropy and that recognition drew the attention of WRAL television. Thursday, February 21, Marc presented the award to this year’s recipient and I attended as his guest. This type of recognition goes a long way in reshaping public opinion about who we are and what we do! Jim Williams, Raleigh H.O.G.® Director Road Captain Instructor, Harley-Davidson Riders Edge Rider Coach, Motorcycle Safety Foundation The third winner is our sponsoring dealership. The raffle drawing plays a significant role in the large numbers of people who attend the dealership’s annual Open House in April. Everyone is a winner by selling tickets. Our dealership is building an inventory of previously owned Dyna and Sportster motorcycles. Their intent is to position the Harley brand in the younger market’s price range. We would like every one of those sales to bring a new member into our chapter. Tim is leading an effort on ways we can reach out to those younger Harley owners when they buy. Facebook has been a very effective marketing tool for the dealership and we’re looking into Facebook and other media as well. Got an idea on this effort? We’d love to hear it! Thanks to Mike Page for volunteering to be our Historian. Jesse did a great job of selling the position at February’s general meeting. Several of you volunteered to take the position and I thank you all for stepping up. Spring is just around the corner and I’m ready to ride! I’m rusty on my swerve and quick stop skills so I’m planning to practice them. What riding skills are you going to work on? HOGWASH 3 Minute-by-Minute MinutesoftheRaleighH.O.G.®Meeting—February7,2013 SubmittedbyEulaM.B.Turner,HOGRecordingSecretary OPENING: Jim Williams opened the meeting at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. PRAYER: Bruce Brown petitioned for blessings. Jim recognized one visitor, three new members, and six new bike owners. GUEST SPEAKER: N/A DEALERSHIP: Kris Weiss said LED Lighting is the topic for the Saturday Seminar. Sign-up for the Rides of March start February 21 Prizes for the five highest mileage riders Raffle for riders who rack up 500+ miles Members are invited to wear retro/vintage Harley clothing on March 9 for the 110th Harley Davidson Anniversary Clothing Show. Richard Barfield, 2012 HOG Member of the Year, got a plaque and an RPHD gift certificate. Richard was recognized as the HOG member who best represents the Group and the dealership. Dave Hushek asked that suggestions of a new location for the 2013 Riders Edge classes beginning mid-February thru November be sent to dave@rayprice.com. MONTHLY OFFICERS REPORT ACTIVITIES: Paula Lassiter’s overview of 2013 activities: Three picnics Game Nights New Year’s Eve Party Halloween Party hosted by Autie and Teena Cochran Valentine’s Dinner Rides Inform ride leaders when joining a ride on the road. The calendar, now password protected, will include rider leaders’ contact information. Call Paula if you have questions about the calendar. SAFETY: Stan Simmerson invited current and prospective Road Captains to meet on Saturday, February 23 at 11:00 am. He encouraged riders to have maintenance checks performed now so it will not interfere with rides later. On Saturday, Jim Williams and Linwood Lassiter will conduct a “Lunch ‘n Learn” on proper usage of a Stan pleaded with riders to purchase adequate safety bike’s GPS. gear. The 13 pot Chili Challenge, hosted by Lynne & John McKerlie 1st Place, Paula Lassiter and Roger Holmes 3rd Place, Rich Heider Riders should “Consider getting new tires” for bikes that have been sitting even if their mileage is low. The loss of plasticizer reduces the tire’s handling stability. Safety Question: “What does the four digit number John Sullivan has ordered the patches for the "Ride on the tire mean?” Answer: The date the tire was Your Hog; Eat some Hog Ride". Jerry Hart of Ole manufactured. Time Barbeque paid for the patches. TREASURER: Lin Barrow noted that the Finance Kevin Mooney will cover about 2,300 miles during Committee met three times and prepared a budget the weekend of May 18 on a 100-County Iron Butt that is on the Rewards website. He offered to answer Ride. questions from members. 4 Minute-by-Minute MinutesoftheRaleighH.O.G.®Meeting—February7,2013 (Continued) SECRETARY: Brenda J. Terry asked HOG members to sign cards for recuperating comrades: Alan Haynes, Roger Holmes, and Gary Goldstein. Raleigh HOG has 408 active members. DIRECTOR: Jim Williams recognized outgoing officers – Marc O’Grady, Brenda Evans, Jesse Moore, Dean Gilbert, and Melinda Miller – with a plaque for their diligent and faithful service. One’s national membership must be current to be active in Raleigh HOG. A highlighted name indicates that one’s national membership will soon expire. BJ is compiling a new member packet. The packet will be mailed only if no email address is available. LADIES OF HARLEY: Lynne McKerlie shared information from the last LOH meeting. She invited LOH’s 64 members, riders or passengers, to join rides and attend LOH meetings. LOH will discuss how they can do more with the HOG at Tuesday’s meeting. RAFFLE CHAIR: Of 255 books signed out, 411 have been returned. Richard Barfield requested that all sold books be turned in ASAP with seller contact information. OLD BUSINESS: The Cushman Motorcycle has not been authenticated. Daniel Davis filled all slots for the North Carolina International Auto Expo. Volunteer passes will be available on Thursday, February 14 at RPHD. Wanted: Historian to organize/maintain copies of Raleigh HOG documents and pictures. Contact Jesse Moore or Jim Williams. Richard asked for volunteers for the Dixie Deer Classic, March 1-3 and the North Carolina RV Dealers Association Show, March 15-17. NEW BUSINESS: Huck will share the April HOGWASH with attendees at the 2013 HOG Officers Training (HOT) in Raleigh. He requested a picture of Raffle ticket sellers for the next issue. January’s Top Raffle Ticket Sellers John Cavins and Marc O’Grady, 1st place Kristi Sivonen, 3rd. Open House is April 20. See Janet Metz if you are interested in modeling opportunities. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Tim Bretz discussed the Harley Smart Program and asked experienced riders who are willing to mentor new riders, to meet February 23. The Mount Airy, NC Hampton Inn has $98/night rooms for the State Rally. Tim will lead a 3½ - 4-day ride to the National 110 Celebration. th Members signed up with Charlie Everett for HOG merchandise. An order may be placed next month. Contact Merrick Buffaloe of FTA (Firearms Training & Associates) to take advantage of a $125 “conceal carry class” for $75. DOOR PRIZE: Melvin Haynes won the Gift Card from RPHD. Ray Price Harley-Davidson Open House!! April 20, 2013—All Day Fashion Show, Bike Show, Vendors, Live Music, Prizes & much more! March, 2013 HOGWASH 5 Assistant Director: NC State Rally has recognized that the rides are limited in space and will be putting the route up on the Rally website for download. This is a great option as I’m planning to lead a couple of rides while we’re at the rally. I have secured 12 rooms at the host hotel, The Hampton Inn Mount Airy. The great thing about staying at this hotel is this is where all the action begins. All the rides and bus tours leave from here as well as a shuttle bus running back and forth between the hotel and the Rally site. The hotel information is as follows: Hampton Inn Mt. Airy 2029 Rockford Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 Phone: 336-789-5999 Rooms are held under “RALEIGH HOG” The rate is $98.10/night Tim Bretz Assistant Director Road Captain As I’ve noted previously, the 2013 State HOG Rally is being held this year in Mount Airy, NC. It is being held from Thursday August 8th through Saturday August 10th. If you haven’t had the opportunity to view the website (http://www.ncstatehogrally.com/) for this event, please take the time to visit the site and see all the exciting events they planned. There are several Winery Taste and Tours, two each day from Thursday thru Saturday, as well as a couple of group rides (limited to 20 riders) each day. These rides will vary in difficulty ranging from riding the Blue Ridge Parkway to riding some of the most extreme roads in the area. The committee 6 As of this writing, there are currently 9 rooms still available. Please let me know as you secure a room so I can determine if we need more rooms than we already have blocked. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. As always, Ride Safe and Have FUN!!! Tim Secretary: Get Your Rewards As Raleigh Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G. ®) members, you start at the 5% rewards level. To move to the 8% level, you must attend 3 meetings and have 4 hours store work credit OR 8 hours of store work credit. January 1, your rewards level is reset to 5%. However, store work credit and meeting attendance in October, November, and December of the prior year count toward building your rewards level back to the 8% level. Primary officers are at the 10% level. You are responsible for logging in your start and stop time in the Volunteer Work Log Notebook which is kept at the front desk at RPHD. When you signup to sell raffle tickets in the shop or other venues, you must sign in and out in the “Raffle notebook” AND in the Volunteer Work Log notebook to increase your rewards level from 5% to 8%. Credit for Meeting Attendance and Store Work Hours: Once a month, the Secretary takes the logs from the Volunteer Work Log Notebook and records member’s hours so the dealership can assign the percentage of member’s credit. The hours will be recorded on the general meeting sign-in sheet and that sheet is turned in to the dealership monthly. In the first quarter of 2013, volunteers have logged more than 400 hours. Credit for Special Events: The shop will credit us $5 per hour to our Rewards account or to dealership gift cards when we volunteer to work at dealership special events such as the Open House and/or the Ray Price Capital City Bikefest. The sign-up sheets for volunteer work will be on the back table during the monthly general meeting a few months prior to the event. The hours you work will be turned in to the dealership and your rewards account will be credited. March, 2013 Brenda Terry Secretary Expressions of Concern Primary officers depend on you to inform us when Raleigh H.O.G. members are in distress (extended illnesses, accidents or hospitalizations) so we can send expressions of concern and share this information with Miss Jean. Active Members Our membership has grown to 408 active members. We have 3 members set to expire in March and unfortunately 2 members were archived in February. You must stay active with National HOG to be a Raleigh H.O.G. ® member. I will alert you to upcoming expirations by email, phone, and I will highlight your name on the check-in list for general meetings. Brenda HOGWASH 7 Safety Officer: You Go Where You Look Flat as a pancake, Top-Optional beaches in Aussie, I like Daniel Davis’s accent, He manages money, Need to talk to him, Money won’t buy you happiness. I’m already happy. Wish I had more Last summer, I led a return-ride money. to Aunt Bee’s Grave in Siler Car turning. Nope. Maybe. Nope. Need to put City. It was a great day, and as speakers in the saddlebags so Patti can hear the we headed out of the dealership music. Not fair that I’m the only one to hear tunes. and down towards Highway 64, I Wish I was going to MB Bike Week. was just sitting there thinking how lovely a day it was and how That girl with all the beads at the bar there was great the weather was and all of funny. I asked her how she got all those beads—she a sudden, I missed a turn for the flashed me and laughed. She sure was well-qualified. ride I was (allegedly) leading. Beaches are top-optional in Aussie. I would have given her my beads.” I admit, it was a bit embarrassing to do that but it also made me realize that as you are riding, whether Ok, so you get the idea. Sorry about the lack of it’s by yourself or leading a group, you have to have proper punctuation and spacing, but that’s kinda like your head in the game before you even raise the how my thoughts all run together sometimes. Any of kickstand. So, without further ado, I invite you into my the above thought-stream strike a nerve? The point head in instances when I’m riding and not doing the I’m trying to make here is, have you ever went riding proper thing. Enjoy my madness. and did the same thing? “Man, what a great day it is. Sure hope the weather If you have, then welcome to my club. But as we’ve stays dry. Wonder if this whole climate-thing is for seen all-too-much lately, riding a motorcycle takes real. God, I hate that Al Gore nonsense. Wonder if 100% of your attention 100% of the time. And don’t he’s still in Tennessee. My ex was from forget, car drivers are doing the same thing, Tennessee. Stop sign. thought-wise, only worse. Hey there’s a hot-dog place I didn’t know was there. We all love to take a ride and let it clear our heads Wonder if their dogs are any good. Wish I had a dog and recharge our batteries, so to speak. And that’s again. Labs are too active. Got to remember to refill the nitrogen tanks in the lab. Wonder if nitrogen works one of the things motorcycles are great at. But if better in motorcycle tires. I hate our tires don’t last you’re going through a tough situation at work or very long. feuding with your spouse/ girlfriend/ boyfriend/ boss/ dog/ etc. then you really need to take a serious Marc O’Grady’s tires were shot that one time. I moment and decide if now is a good time to take a sure like him. Rodney Parker sure is funny. I hate brussels sprouts. I wonder if these pipes are too loud. ride. Because if you aren’t going to have your head in I wish there was no speed limit. Car signaling ahead. it, then you’re basically just rolling the dice and hoping Does a possum snore? I like Daniel Davis’s accent, you don’t have ‘snake-eyes’ come up. Get your head in the game. Or don’t play. I only offer this advice he’s an Aussie you know. Public beaches are because there have been times I didn’t heed it myself. top-optional there. My wife would hate it if I went. I’d love it. What’s the speed limit here? I missed the turn leading my ride. Thankfully, that Approaching a car driver facing the sun. Hope it’s moment of mental-vacation didn’t cost me dearly. sunny all weekend. Oh, love that song. Wish I’d Don’t let a moment’s indecision cost you either. bought the whole album on iTunes. Wonder why they Please ride safe. You are all a crazy lot but you’re don’t have albums anymore. I have a ton of old LP’s growing on me. I kinda like you. Stick around. in the attic. Head East “Flat as a Pancake” was a Thanks! good album. Stan Stan Simmerson, Safety Officer Road Captain 8 LOH: Ridin’ With the Ladies... We had 31 LOH members in attendance at our February meeting at Ray Price Harley-Davidson. We began our February LOH meeting with Jim Williams (Raleigh HOG Director) as our guest speaker. With all the social activities planned for 2013, the LOH will have plenty of opportunities to get involved. We are planning to serve dessert at the picnic on May 2nd to thank the general club membership for their support of our fundraisers. We learned from Jim that the club will try to reach out to younger membership this year as one of its goals. Several of us ladies have children that are part of the HOG club. Our survey was completed by 27 LOH members to give input on what direction they want to see the club going in. The survey returned a lot of positives! We all agreed that it was great fun and friendship and camaraderie to meet with other lady riders. The survey asked who is riding what rides? The responses were varied, some preferred LOH rides and others preferred HOG rides. Some said they would ride all rides including the parades. It is also OK to drive. The activities identified that the ladies want to participate in: Lunch Rides: 88% SPCA donation ride: 73% Games night: 69% Fundraising: 69% Beach and Mountain Trips: were an even split at 65% Dinner Meetings: 35% Suggestions for other activities included a Canoe Trip or Whitewater Rafting and Laser Tag. LynneMcKerlie LOH Director We are making plans for a local Scavenger Hunt Ride, an Ice Cream Ride, a trip to the Lemur Center in Durham, and of course our Weekend Beach Trip in the fall. We are also talking to the Lonerider Brewery about a Poker Run to benefit charity. The March meeting will be a dinner meeting at Ragazzi’s in Garner at 6:00 PM on March 12th. New Ladies of Harley Members The main goals for 2013 identified from the survey: increase membership improve riding skills increased interaction with club Nicole Coleman March, 2013 HOGWASH Wendy Puckett Bridget Zazzara 9 Chaplain’s Corner: Does Wisdom A Safe Rider Make? I've always wondered why they call them Wisdom teeth. Have you ever had one or more removed? Were you less wise? If you want some cheap entertainment Google “Why do they call them wisdom teeth” and see what comes backBruceBrown sorry I digress... Chaplain Do we automatically get wiser as we age? Is that where the term “wise old man” comes from? Are wisdom and common sense the same thing? What about simple practical experience? Have you ever sought wisdom? If so where did you look? Did you find it? Would it be helpful to be a wise person when riding a motorcycle; to know everything there is to know about your specific model and to know practical things like slowing down at intersections? The dictionary defines wisdom this way: “Understanding of what is true, right, or lasting; insight. Common sense; good judgment. The sum of scholarly learning through the ages; knowledge.” I know a lot of really smart and well educated people but less frequently truly wise people. So where exactly does wisdom come from? As with most questions I generally go to the Bible (God's words to us) to see what God has to say about the topic; In the case of wisdom there is a lot of information and many verses to reference. Here are some of my favorites. King Solomon was one of the wisest men that ever walked on the earth, here is where his wisdom came from: 1 Kings 10:23 King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. 24 The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart. God gave him wisdom! Then there is this verse: Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Are you Interested in gaining wisdom, knowledge and understanding? James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. I really enjoy the book of James, very practical information; He writes: James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. Whether or not wisdom affects our motorcycle riding skills, I would say probably so; Wisdom comes from God alone and having a right relationship with Him will benefit us in many ways. This wisdom will help us make decisions based on what the Lord would have us do instead of trying to make those decisions on our own especially since life can sometimes be a time of emptiness and perplexity. Trust Him-ask for His wisdom and when He provides it walk in His ways. Please ask Floyd or I how to know Him personally. Raleigh H.O.G.® sends Condolences to all who have suffered loss. Our thoughts are with you and we send a “get well soon” to those bumped and bruised and on the mend! 10 We made a slight increase in raffle sales this month but still have a long ways to go with only two months left. There were 250 books sold as of February 1, 2013 putting us at around 42% of our goal. There are currently 443 books signed out and we need them all to be sold with the money turned in as soon as possible. It’s time to put on our rally caps and sprint to the finish line! Let’s make next month the biggest sale month ever so “Sell, sell, sell!” HAVE A GREAT DAY! RICHARD We will be taking order requests at the March meeting and placing an order if there is enough interest. You can also order your HOG merchandise on-line as shown below. Ordering Harley Owners Group Merchandise from Norscotsites.com Go on-line to “http://www.members.hog.com” 1. In the “LOGIN” window enter: Email Address – enter your registered HOG Email Address Password – enter your HOG password (7 or greater letters) 2. In the “SHOW YOUR H.O.G. PRIDE” window – click “Start shopping!” (lower left of screen) This will take to you the “http://www.norscotsites.com/hogmembers/....” web page You are on your own now – have fun!!! Charlie Everett Phone: (919) 796-6569 March, 2013 HOGWASH 11 Welcome to Raleigh H.O.G.® - New Members Corner Bob Andrick: Bob is originally from Maryland. He is married and works with computers. Bob’s been riding since 1985. Welcome! Joe Spontenelli: Joe is single and hails from Pennsylvania. He is a court reporter and been riding since he was 16 years old. Joe also enjoys movies & music. Joe, check out this month’s Biker Fun section for a movie trivia challenge. Matt Jones: Matt is from Raleigh and works in Information Technology at a local Help Desk. Relatively new to riding, Matt started riding in 2012. He also enjoys movies & music and is looking forward to riding with other members. You certainly came to the right place for fun, friendship, and riding. Nick Bartz: Nick is from New Hampshire and works as a mechanic. He enjoys riding and has been on two wheels since 2008. His parents brought him to the club. Thanks mom and dad! 12 Articles & Photos by Jake Sanok, HOG Photographer Articles by Huck with assistance from Jim Williams Photos by Ray Price HD & Jake Sanok, HOG Photographer The years 1989-93 did not have names on the plaque. Raleigh HOG Raffle Chairs 1988: J B Switzer 1989: 1990: 1991: 1992: 1993: 1994: Lois Leslie 1995: Gene Breton With the bike raffle right around the corner, I felt it 1996: Gene Breton would be appropriate to recognize and honor the 1997: Bill Tally Raffle Chairmen and Chairwomen who have spent 1998: Terry Campbell long hours over the years managing and selling the 1999: Rick Leavitt raffle tickets that makes this program a financial 2000: Phil D’Agostino success and provides significant income for the club 2001: Ralph Hargis to allow us to function and continue to make 2002: Autie Cochran donations to the charities in our community. 2003: Dave Hamilton The list of past and present Raffle Chairs was taken 2004: Michael O’Brian/Terry O’Brian 2005: Jerry & Debbie Gause from the wall plaques in the Raleigh HOG meeting 2006: Doug Braxton room. When you see any of these members or past members, please make sure you thank them for their 2007: Lynda Booker/Brenda Evans hard work and extensive efforts to organize the raffle, 2008: Marc O’Grady/Terry O’Brian purchase the bike, sell tickets, promote others to sell 2009: Rick Ivey tickets, schedule bike showings, promote the Raleigh 2010: Tom Morris 2011: Mark DaPonte HOG club as well as the Ray Price HD dealership, 2012: Mark DaPonte and countless other behind-the-scenes activities. 2013: Richard Barfield A sincere thank you is also needed for all those members who spend their free time at the dealership or elsewhere selling the raffle tickets. The photo, right shows several of the members who have sold and continue to sell raffle tickets for a chance to win the 2013 Harley-Davidson Raffle Bike. Thanks! March, 2013 HOGWASH 13 On Saturday, February 2nd, Terry Iverson led a nice back roads ride to Nunnery-Freeman BBQ in Henderson. It was a little chilly but four of us still braved the cold (with electric help of course). The place is not fancy but the food is good. We then headed back to Raleigh, a little over a 100 miles total. A good time was had by all with no incidents to report. Article & Photos by Jake Sanok, HOG Photographer Congratulations to Richard Barfield on being honored by the dealership and the members of the Raleigh Harley Owners Group as the 2012 HOG Member of the Year. The annual award is voted on by the Raleigh HOG members and given to the member who best personifies the goals of the club and the dealership. This year, the honor couldn’t have gone to a more deserving person. In his first year as Raffle Chairman, Richard has enthusiastically taken on the very challenging position with a drive and focus not often seen. He truly enjoys what he is doing, always has a smile and willingness to shake your hand or help out in any way possible. Richard is frequently seen on HOG rides and RPHD dealership events. As you can tell from these pictures, he is also a devoted Carolina Hurricanes fan and family man, shown below with his wife, Jennifer at the 2012 Raleigh HOG Christmas Dinner. Again, Congratulations and thanks for all you do. — Huck 14 On Sunday, February 3rd, 54 members were guests at John & Lynne McKerlie's home where they hosted the 24th HOG Chili Challenge. Paula Lassiter mentioned that she believes it is the longest running event for the Chapter!!!!! 13 persons brought pots of chili for the contest. There was a tie for 1st place between Paula Lassiter & Roger Holmes. Third place was won by Rich Heider. Congratulations and thanks to all who also brought appetizers & desserts. From this writers point of view it was a very good event (and filling too!!!) Article & Photos by Jake Sanok, HOG Photographer The Winners: Paula Lassiter & Roger Holmes tie for 1st Place with Rich Heider taking 3rd Place March, 2013 HOGWASH 15 On Sunday, February 10, the Peddlers Steak House on Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh closed its doors to the public to host the Raleigh HOG annual Valentines Dinner. There were 53 members & spouses in attendance with a lot of people wearing red. The evening began with drinks at the bar and conversations among members. There were crackers and cheese to satisfy the hunger before dinner. Once everyone was seated, the tables took turns going up to the salad bar while the waitresses took each person’s order. With four different choices, I took the rib eye and my wife selected the prime rib. Both were outstanding!! Dinner was followed by a delicious Valentines Day cake before it was time for games and door prizes. Everyone had a lot of fun with good food and close friends. Social Chairs Shannon Barschaw and Gail Bartz did an excellent job planning, preparing, and hosting the Valentines Dinner. Thank you for a great time!! 16 Article & Photos by Huck, Editor March, 2013 HOGWASH 17 On Sunday, February 10th, Jim Williams led a ride to Ye Old Country Kitchen in Snow Camp, NC. It was not a big group but it was still a good ride for some good food!!! Article & Photos by Jake Sanok, HOG Photographer Starting Thursday, February 21st, bring your bike into the Service Department to sign up for the Rides of March! Ride as many miles as you can the month of March! Record your end miles at Ray Price by 4pm Saturday, March 30th. Top 10 Riders will win prizes! Winners announced April 20th at our Open House! On Saturday, February 16th, Marc O’Grady was to lead a lunch ride leaving Ray Price HD at 10AM. He left his home in Johnston county and rode into rain as he approached the dealership. That rain turned to snow just before the departure time and went from uncomfortable to dangerous riding conditions. The ride was therefore cancelled and instead, Marc gave his bike to the RPHD Service Department to detail while Marc, Butch Evans, and I decided to head to Angie’s Grill in Garner (on four wheels) for breakfast. Just because the ride had to be cancelled didn’t mean that a couple of friendly Raleigh HOG members couldn’t share some good food and good conversation! Thanks, Marc for following through on a ride that wasn’t. 18 — Huck Ride Your HOG --Eat Some HOG In last month’s HOGWASH, we outlined this patch ride where you must find all the BBQ Restaurants in Wake County. At each location, take a photo of your motorcycle and the restaurant sign. The word “Barbeque”, “BBQ”, or “Smoked” must appear on the restaurant sign. Two more restaurants, numbers 27 & 28 listed below in red have been added. Current list of BBQ Establishments: 1. Aviator Smokehouse 2. Barbeque Lodge 3. Big Al's BBQ 4. Carolina Barbecue 5. Carolina Smokehouse Grill 6. Clyde Cooper's BBQ 7. Danny's BBQ 8. Danny's BBQ 9. Dickey's Barbecue Pit 10. Dickey's Barbecue Pit 11. Dickey's Barbecue Pit 12. Dickey's Barbecue Pit 13. Dixie Bells BBQ 14. Fire Pit BBQ 15. Ole Time Barbecue 16. The Pit 17. Prime Smoke House 18. The Q Shack 19. Seoul Garden Korean BBQ 20. Smithfield's Chicken 'n Bar-B-Q 21. Smithfield's Chicken 'n Bar-B-Q 22. Smithfield's Chicken 'n Bar-B-Q 23. Smithfield's Chicken 'n Bar-B-Q 24. Smithfield's Chicken 'n Bar-B-Q 25. Smithfield's Chicken 'n Bar-B-Q 26. Smokey's BBQ Shack 27. Knightdale BBQ and Seafood 28. Route 1 Capital BBQ 525 E Broad Street, Fuquay-Varina 4600 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh 2920 Forestville Road, Raleigh 733 Highway 70 W, Garner 11216 Capital Boulevard, Wake Forest 6309 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh 311 Ashville Avenue, Cary 9561 Chapel Hill Road, Morrisville 200 Crossroads Boulevard, Cary 6552 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh 170 East Davie Street, Raleigh 2001-C Widewaters Parkway, Knightdale 1001 Davis Drive, Apex 950 Gateway Commons Drive, Wake Forest 6309 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh 328 W Davie Street, Raleigh 2800 Rock Quarry Road, Raleigh 4120 Main at North Hills Street, Raleigh 4701 Atlantic Avenue, Raleigh 7304 Knightdale Boulevard, Knightdale 3578 Davis Drive, Morrisville 7911 Fayetteville Road, Raleigh 12504 Capital Boulevard, Wake Forest 121 Wakelon Street, Zebulon 1440 E Broad Street, Fuquay-Varina 10800 Chapel Hill Road, Morrisville 706 Money Court, Knightdale 10012 Capital Boulevard, Wake Forest What to do with your pictures? You can post your pictures on www.photobucket.com. This site allows you to create folders and post photos for free to share with others. For photo examples, here is a link to my last year’s photos: http://s1003.beta.photobucket.com/user/bikersully/library/SmokeChasers The patch shown above will be awarded for completion of the Ride Hog/ Eat Hog Program and to the patch on the right will be awarded for completion of the Civil War Battlefield Program. March, 2013 HOGWASH 19 A native of North Carolina, Bruce grew up in New Bern before moving to Raleigh in 1984. That year, he began working at the dealership in its earlier building with Ray Price himself as his mentor. Bruce learned to work on Shovelheads and the Evolution engines at the time. He also has had formal training at the Harley-Davidson factory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin earning his Master Level Technician certification. Two years ago, Bruce was promoted to Shop Foreman. Randy Hamm, RPHD Service Manager Spring is right around the corner and the time is now to get your bike ready for riding. Many of us ride less often during the winter months or leave our bike in the garage for an extended period of time. Now is the time to bring it to the Service Department at Ray Price HD for a tune-up, safety check, or installation of those accessories that you’ve been wanting. They’re not as busy now as they will be if you wait a month so you can get in and out quickly. Bruce stresses that the team of service technicians are constantly updating their skills to stay up to date on all of the technological advances on the new motorcycle models. Each technician has their own set of skills and the combination allows the Service Department to provide the customer with the best possible service. Whether it is installing accessories, tires and brakes check up, digital technical analysis, fuel injection work, Dyno testing the motor, changing the oil and fluids, simple repairs, or a total engine overhaul, these guys can do it and live for the challenge. They have even taken on complete custom fabrication projects for that rider who is looking for a competition race or show bike. The Service Department (only) will begin being open on Wednesdays as well as the rest of the Randy Hamm, the Service Manager has over 10 years at Ray Price HD with the last 8 years managing week starting in March. Stop by to drop off your bike and tell the Service Dept. staff that you read about the team of technicians that work on your bike. He has been riding all his life and bought his first Harley- them in the Raleigh HOG “HOGWASH” newsletter. Davidson in 1999. Randy enjoys what he does and — Huck the Ray Price HD family which includes not only the employees but each and every customer that goes through the shop. Randy explains that the use of genuine HD parts backed by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, along with the extensive knowledge, skills, and education of his staff of service technicians are good reasons to bring your bike here as opposed to elsewhere. Leading the team of 8 to 12 service employees is Bruce Downs, Shop Foreman. Bruce started riding mini-bikes and dirt bikes when he was 8 years old. His father was a big influence on his interest in motorcycles in general and in Harley-Davidsons in particular. Bruce bought his first Harley in 1981, one year after his dad had bought one. 20 Bruce Downs, RPHD Shop Foreman with his current project, a 1953 Panhead motor G. (1971) This British film, also known as “The Death Wheelers”, is a story is about a mom who sold her son to the devil. The son terrorizes innocent townfolk as he convinces the members of his radical bike gang to follow him into immortality. H. (1971) A biker gang visits a monastery where they find monks worshipping Satan. After an attempt by Match the titles of 22 famous motorcycle movies listed below to their descriptions. Once you’ve match the monks to sacrifice one of the female bikers, the bikers retaliate. them correctly, rent those that interest you. Good I. (1971) Documentary showing hill climbs, ice racing, luck and Enjoy!! Steve McQueen, camera-in-the-fairing, and all the crazy and fantastic things that people do on bikes. Solutions are on page 25. — Huck J. (1973) A short Arizona motorcycle cop is promoted to Homicide following the mysterious murder of a 1. Beyond the Law hermit. 2. Biker Boyz K. (1985) Based on a true story of Rocky Dennis, a 3. CC and Company teenage boy with Elephant Man’s disease and his 4. Easy Rider dreams of touring Europe some day on a Harley. 5. Electra Glide in Blue L. (1991) Two friends from different backgrounds rob 6. Freebird a bank to help a third friend. Movie opens with the 7. Ghost Rider song, “Dead or Alive” by Bon Jovi. 8. The Glory Stompers M. (1991) A tough, go-it-alone cop infiltrates a 9. The Great Escape dangerous biker gang while the FBI tries to blackmail 10. Harley-Davidson and the Marlboro Man the cop to get an undercover sting. 11. Hell Ride N. (1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger rides a HD Fatboy 12. Mask as he helps John Connor outrun the T-1000. 13. Missionary Man O. (1993) An undercover cop infiltrates a biker gang 14. On Any Sunday to nail the scum behind a drug smuggling operation. 15. Psychomania P. (2003) Starring Laurence Fishburne, this is a story 16. Stone Cold of the son of the leader of a legendary group of urban 17. Terminator 2: Judgment Day biker gang who tries to retain his championship title. 18. Werewolves on Wheels Q. (2005) The true story of Burt Munro played by 19. The Wild Angels Anthony Hopkins as a bike racer from New Zealand 20. Wild Hogs goes for the world record in 1967. 21. The Wild One R. (2007) Starring Dennis Hopper, this film deals with 22. World’s Fastest Indian Pistolero, “the Gent”, and Comanche and the deadly unfinished business among them. S. (2007) Comedy about four middle aged friends A. (1953) A classic starring Marlon Brando as a who decide to take their Harley-Davidsons on a cross rebellious young man riding a Triumph Thunderbird country trip to find out what it feels like to be a “real” 6T motorcycle. biker. B. (1963) Struggle of a WWII POW against a repressive regime. The movie has a great motorcycle T. (2007) A mysterious stranger (Dolph Lundgren) rolls into town on a unique motorcycle carrying a bible chase with Steve McQueen. C. (1966) Peter Fonda stars as the gang leader of the and a desire for justice. Heavenly Blues MC with Bruce Dern as his sidekick. U. (2007) While hiding in Eastern Europe, Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) is called upon to stop the devil The movie resulted in a lawsuit by the Hells Angels who is trying to take human form. for defamation of character. V. (2008) Comedy about three friends out for a D. (1967) Chino is the tough leader of a motorcycle gang who starts a war when he abducts and mistreats weekend motorcycle ride through Wales when they stumble upon a marijuana field and biker gang war. the leader of the enemy biker gang. E. (1969) Classic film of Wyatt and Billy searching for freedom on custom Harleys against the backdrop of the hippie movement. F. (1970) A motorcycle mechanic joins “The Heads”, an outlaw biker gang with a love story backdrop. March, 2013 HOGWASH 21 Saturday May 18 -- Saturday May 25 2,300 miles Ride in all 100 North Carolina counties in one week. Start in the Piedmont, ride along the sounds, tour the Sandhills, experience the Outer Banks, stay at an inn 5,000 feet above sea level, see waterfalls and much more. Plus you can earn your NC100 patch! *** Mountain riding experience is essential as there will be many very challenging roads. Tentative Itinerary RPHD to Little Washington Washington to Nags Head Nags Head to Mt. Airy Mt. Airy to Mt. Pisgah Loop out of Mt. Pisgah Mt. Pisgah to Wilmington Wilmington to Lenoir Lenoir to RPHD Total Miles: 2,277 304mi 324mi 352mi 222mi 231mi 338mi 296mi 210mi Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat (subject to change) Due to the mileages plus challenges of food and gas stops for a group, the number of riders will be limited! Sign up details with motel particulars provided upon request. If interested in joining the ride, please contact Kevin Mooney at kevinmooney@earthlink.net or at (919) 846-7712. Last month, Larry Gray suggested to me that we compile a list of the favorite restaurants in the area to share with others. It sounded like a great idea so, in the February HOGWASH, I asked the members to submit their favorite restaurants with their comments. The eateries listed in the table on the next page are the recommendations that you, the members sent in. Thank you for your responses. We all now have some new places to try. Great idea, Larry. — Huck **News Flash: Due to cancellations, there are two private rooms that have become available. Please contact Lin Lassiter at llassite@us.ibm.com for details. 22 March, 2013 HOGWASH 23 104 E. Industry Drive 2000 Fearington Village George's The Grainery City / State Phone Number Larry Gray Pittsboro, NC 3122 S, Horner Blvd Ron's Barn Barbecue & Seafood The Saxapahaw General Store S & T Soda Shoppe 85 Hillsboro Street Pittsboro, (919) 545‐0007 NC 1735 Saxapahaw‐ Saxapahaw, (336) 376‐5332 Bethlehem Church Road NC Sanford, NC (919) 774‐8143 6609 Falls of Neuse Road Raleigh, NC (919) 847‐0326 Benson, NC (919) 894‐5430 Good food at good prices in a cafeteria/ buffet style atmosphere. A novel combination of dinner and a movie. Near first run movies, Monday Night Football, Super Bowl and other events on the big screen while sitting at tables with your order of burgers, wings, pizza, or other items. The Friday evening seafood buffet is to die for…get there no later than 4:45PM They have great food no matter what time of day and we especially love their brunches. It has quite a menu from pizza to Mediterranean dishes that are all good. Sandwich type food and wonderful desserts at reasonable prices. Great place to eat and a neat atmosphere. Nothing Larry Gray fancy here but the food is outstanding. Larry Gray Huck Huck Bill Barham Bill Barham (919) 542‐2121 An interesting alternative to normal fancy restaurants. Make reservations and plan on spending some time enjoying the food and presentation. Expensive but good for a special occasion experience. Comments Comments This is near the 40/42 intersection (exit 312). The staff is great. The menu is typical bar food selections. The wings are excellent. I recommend Jim Miller getting the Carolina Tangy mixed with the Hot for a happy medium between hot and flavorful. My wife claims they have the best onion rings within 100 miles. Traditional Southern cooking available on the buffet or Bill Barham menu. Raleigh HOG Member Huck Raleigh HOG Member Oxford, NC (919) 603‐3760 South (434) 572‐3423 Boston, VA Garner, NC (919) 662‐2207 City / State Phone Number Raleighwood Cinema Grill Meadows Village 7400 North Carolina Restaurant Rte 50 1010 John Randolph Boulevard 51‐A Technology Drive Address Ernie's The Clubhouse Restaurant Name Address 3100 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC (919) 878‐0477 Casual Dining The Melting Pot Restaurant Name Fine Dining It’s time to start planning now for our Annual Fall ride in the mountains. Our new host hotel last year was the Big Lynn Lodge and the unanimous opinion was that it’s a great place to stay and the hospitality couldn’t have been more friendly to our HOG members. The Lodge is located adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway and convenient to a ton of scenic roads in the area. The Big Lynn Lodge started out as a collection of cabins on an old dahlia farm over 70 years ago and has grown into the current 42 room Inn. It features a main Lodge and separate cottages overlooking a beautiful valley with Big Lynn Lodge on Hwy 226-A in Little Switzerland, NC 28749 views for miles on a clear day. Those who confirm early can reserve the valley view cottages and there are some valley view rooms available in the Inn. The special Raleigh HOG rate (ask for it) is $115 per night plus tax and that includes breakfast and dinner daily. It’s home cooking with breakfast to order and a set meal in the evening including dessert and beverage. In the evening you do have a choice – eat what you are served or go hungry! But I didn’t hear any complaints last year. Call 800-654-5232 to make your reservation. The cut-off date for our room block is July 1. There is a $20 cancellation fee and if you cancel within 10 days of arrival, it is non-refundable. They will ask for a credit card to confirm the reservation. **Special Bonus** - if we book 30 rooms we get a complimentary Pig-Picking and a Bluegrass Band to entertain us on Saturday night. So, book now and let’s make it happen! The Inn has a hospitality room with fireplace and pool table we can use in the evenings and an outdoor porch perfect for the bon fire and enjoying your favorite libation. Beer and wine is served in the Lodge and if you want to bring your own, you can partake discreetly at our outdoor venue. It seems some deep intellectual dialog is always forthcoming as the evening lengthens – go figure? Big stories, bodacious lies and bad jokes are abundant. Jim Williams will lead the ride up departing at a time to be announced later. Greg Nichols and Jim will have some interesting rides on Saturday and don’t forget to bring your leathers as the mornings and evenings are cool at the higher elevations. No need to worry about mounting your snow tires or chains. We’ve had some flakes in the past (but they don’t ride with us anymore) oops! I meant snow flakes! Anyhow – be cool but ride warm. When you make your reservations, shoot me an email at hpanel@travelxperts.com so we can keep up with the room count. Many thanks and we look forward to having you on the ride. Harold, Jim and Greg 24 Solution from Biker Fun on Page 17 1=O 2=P 3=F 4=E 5=J 6=V 7=U 8=D 9=B 10 = L 11 = R 12 = K 13 = T 14 = I 15 = G 16 = M 17 = N 18 = H 19 = C 20 = S 21 = A 22 = Q Brunswick Stew Cook-Off March 16, 2013 11:00am Ray Price HD Fundraiser Join us for the Brunswick Stew Cook-Off! $5 donation to charity gets you all you can eat! Serving & judging begins at 12 noon. Live music, blood drive & more! Mark your calendar for these and other upcoming events from Ray Price Harley-Davidson Easter Basket Ride March 30, 2013 STANDING MONTHLY EVENTS Where can I find the HOG activities calendar? (All are Closed to the Public Unless Otherwise Noted) 1ST THU GENERAL MEETING - 7 PM at Ray Price HarleyDavidson 1ST or LOH MEETING - 6:30 PM (1st Tuesday after the 2ND TUE general meeting) The direct link is: http://www.rayprice-hd.com/ default.asp? page=xcalendar&db=hog&cat=all& 1ST SAT BREAKFAST/LUNCH RIDE The login ID and password are the same as before. 2ND SUN BREAKFAST/LUNCH RIDE HOGWASH input due (mailed Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, 3RD WED Oct, Dec) 3RD WED If you prefer to maneuver your way from the home page to the calendar, follow these instructions: DINNER RIDE - Time TBD (During Daylight Savings months only) 3RD SAT BREAKFAST/LUNCH RIDE 4TH SUN BREAKFAST/LUNCH RIDE 5TH SAT/ 5th SATURDAY/SUNDAY (When occurring) SUN BREAKFAST/LUNCH RIDE March, 2013 HOGWASH 1. Go to www.RayPrice.com and select “Ray Price” in the upper left corner. 2. Within the blue bar place your mouse over H.O.G. (Don’t Click!) 3. Within the popup select “HOG Activities Calendar” 4. To get the details on any event place the mouse over the item, no clicking needed. 25 7 Sun 1 8 Mon 2 9 23 16 22 30 15 21 LOH Meeting Lynda Booker’s home 2 pm, 919-630-8156 Ride leaves RPHD at 1 pm 29 14 Lunch Ride Dean Gilbert, 10 am 919-753-7102 28 Lunch Ride Jake Sanok, 11 am 919-749-4389 Tue April 2013 Sat 6 Fri 5 Thu 4 General Meeting 7 pm @ RPHD 12 Wed 3 11 26 27 Bike Raffle 19 10 18 25 20 Ray Price Open House 13 Lunch Ride Allen Boyer, 9:30 am Percy’s BBQ, Graham 919-460-8146 LOH Pancake Breakfast 17 Dinner Ride Steve Metz, 6:30pm 919-280-2172 HOGWASH Info Due by 6 pm 24 26 3 Sun Dixie Deer Classic 10 Lunch Ride Jake Sanok, 10 am Meadow Restaurant 919-749-4389 Daytona Bike Week 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day Daytona Bike Week 24 Lunch Ride Tim Bretz, 10 am 919-602-7175 31 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service @ Lake Wheeler. Leave RPHD @ 6:45 am 4 11 Mon Daytona Bike Week 18 25 5 Tue Wed March 2013 6 19 27 20 Dinner Ride Butch Evans, 6:30 919-772-6797 HOGWASH Info Due by 6 pm 12 LOH Meeting @ 13 6:30 pm, Ragazzi’s 1514 Hwy 70W Garner, NC Dinner @ 6 pm Daytona Bike Wk 26 Thu Dixie Deer 9 2 Lunch Ride Bill Young, 10 am 919-349-5958 Salemburg Pizza Dixie Deer Classic Sat 8 Daytona Bike Week Fri Daytona Bike Wk 1 15 7 General Meeting 7 pm @ RPHD 14 16 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 11 am Ice Cream Ride Pops Thomas, 2 pm 919-612-4837 22 23 Lunch Ride (T&T) Steve Metz, 8 am 919-280-2172 Daytona Bike Wk 29 Daytona Bike Wk 21 28 30 Easter Basket Ride, Register @ 9am Ride Leaves @ 11 am Game Night, 7 pm John McKerlie’s Home 27 HOGWASH March, 2013 Harley Owners Group Raleigh, NC Chapter Editor 444 Buck Roe Drive Sanford, NC 27330