For Your Vacation Pleasure - Hampton Historical Society
For Your Vacation Pleasure - Hampton Historical Society
PAGE 16 To A ll Advertisers . . . For Your Vacation Pleasure The Beachcomber is pub« band concerts r jniiy __ Tuesday through Saturday. Aft Evenings 7-8. 8:30-9:30 p.m. Organ cor and 8:80-9:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday 3 p.m. Elmer Henneka, Organist. f ir e w o r k s lished thru VOL. X X X V II, N O . 4 noon. She then joined the Hampton Beach Concert Band which also played over the (Continued from Page 1) weekend a n d will continue tertainment by several vari throughout the summer. The ous groups on Saturday and first talent show was held on Sunday. Scheduled for four out Monday evening, July 5th. door concerts in the Sea Shell No one seems to know ex area, the first on Saturday af ternoon was forced indoors. actly what happened hut it But the group moved back certainly looked like the Hamp onto the Sea Shell stage for ton Beach of old over the first the evening performance and big weekend of the 1965 sea again Sunday in both the af son. ternoon and evening. Entertaining on one or both of the two days were the fol lowing groups: New Lost City Ramblers, B o n n i e Dobson, In order to bring as com Erich Von Schmidt and the plete a coverage of beach White Mountain Singers. events as possible during the Rae Nichols, organist for the coming weeks the staff of the season, returned for the sec iBEACHCOMBER is urging ond consecutive year with her that you notify a staff mem first concert Saturday after- ber immediately if you feel QUIET 4TH AMATEUR ARCHITECTS a t work, these North Hampton, N. H. youths take part in fi pasttime of many beach visitors, that of constructing sand castles. Pictured above, It right, are Sally Minutelli, Phylis Barber. Nancy Minutelli, Chuck M inutelli, Sheila Min Elaine Blackden. Dianne Andrews and Marilyn Anthony. Photo by COM BER use if he feels are news worthy. Let’s keep the news n in all summer. H a m p to n AUTO REPAIRS S to r a g e o n d R o a d Service A r t h u r B ic k f o r d & Son M o n .-F ri., 8 A .M . - 8 P.M '6 4 R am bler $2045 4 Dr- ? 70 P.B.. Auto. Trent. ’ 64 Dodge $2245 PICKUP. 4 WD ft Plow PICKUP. 10.000 O r i g . m l t t | 63 C orva ir Cpe $1245 R ft H. I 62 R am bler 4D. r $845 c Y*ln «t«r, Stcndard iro n*. 62 Pontiac 4D. $1145 jTem pvtt. Radio ft Heeler. 61 R am bler 4 D. $745 I 6 Cd • *"< « © 1 H e a te r. I 61 Ford C o u p e ■ H a rd to p . V 8 . S ta n d QUALITY C hevrolet Im p o lo 2 O r. A u to m a tic 64 64 Jeep FC150 $2045 (C lub C o u p e 64 o p e r. V a lia n t V - 2 0 0 , S.$. P.S., < o n *o le P lym outh S a tu rd a y 8 A .M . - 5 P.M INTEGRITY $2575 H .T . ’6 4 Falcon C onv. $ 1 9 9 5 SPRINT 4 Speed $1795 61 $ 1095 Tr o n * le S a b r e . S tudebak C ° nV * M l clude* w in d o w * tn « 63 63 in ft s* o l 4 A || Chevy || *■ S ,d ° " $1345 J E c o n o m ic ) D r. F u ll $2695 P w r. ft L ik e N ew . H d to p . „ hr $1995 R ed. 250 6 0 Chev. Im p C on. N e w p o rt 62 C p e . V 8 . P.G $ 1195 p .s T riu m p h p,r,r *d. Mileage FOSS MOTORS, Chrysler, P|ym .. 61 C om e t D e lu x e , 4 D. A u to . L ik e N e w . A u t o m o f ic . E x tra C le a n . E" 9 $895 64 2 c h ro m e s h G a la x ie H a rd to u . V -8 . 500 S yn tr a n s m is s io n . 62 Ford G a la x ie , H.T. 2 O r. ’ ' E n g in e w i t h OD 63 C hevy l|, 4 D o o r, 5 C y lin d e r w it h S td . *58 F o rd , 4 D r. Co., Inc ___ !' 41 $39i V 8 . A u t o . A -P U F F * ' ’6 5 R a m b le r A m e rica C o n v t. 1 1 .0 0 0 C ar W a rra n ty . ped S500 1 0 .0 0 0 S ta n d a r d Ir o n s . Ford D oor * 3 3 0 ’ . 6 C y l. A u t o . P.S. M ile * . lH F u lly S a v in g * 6 4 C o r v a ir C pe. Aufe 63 Falcon W a g o n , *, 0 r $14p* T r a n ,. M i le s . W a r r o n ly . S a ve m a n y 60 C hev. & N ew 51®®' Im p a la / ^ 4 D r. H a r d t o p . L o o d e d . N R e a s o n a b le O ffe r R e fu **^1 C n try . 5edc' 6 3 F o rd W it h O v o r d r iv e . W agon 3 - at ’63 P a n o ls . d«* $1695. V o lk s w a g e n 1 Low Low R eal M ile a g e . 1 °*' P ric e s . cheVy k in g Voliont P«r1s. Av« - A W h ite 2 T o n e 9 r ig h t R e d ’6 3 D o d g e 4 D . lo w , INC lm p e rio I *63 F alcon, 4 D r. C le a n H P. k o o d lle r . R , d . o j p « d . MEHER BUICK. Co., |nc S te e rin g N ew . $ i,9 s * 0r fwrd low mi|,og. ** Pow er '6 3 C om e t 4 Dr. D e lu x e '60 Olds 88 61 Buick Conv. $1395 A u to . C o n v e rtib le A ir C o n d 63 Chev. Im p . $ 2095 D' V 8. Ford P w rd . e8 O ld s <-onv. C p e . 2 Dr. Full Power * P w rd . *62 C hev. SS • 'K k , h , f t 4 9 o , l o v |n 9 6 P S.. PB. 500. W a rra n ty . ft*V ra t. D o o r. Ford, 4 Dr. $ 1 0 9 5 F o ir la n e *63 Buick Elec. $2795 4 61 19000m 62 Buick, H fo p $ 1 9 9 5 61 ■61 Buick Elec. $1595 $945 6 kJ Falcon C pe. $ 1 3 9 5 F u tu re C o n v t. 6 , t d . ugeot 4 D r. S e d a n . A u to ., r o d io . w w . . 3 5 ,0 0 0 m i. fa c to r y w a r r a n t y le f t . 2.2 t 92 i~ I n c o r p o r a t in g th e H a m o t o n D e a th A d v o c o t * WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1965 FREE 18tli Miss Beach Contest Tuesday SQUARE DANCING j.m. at the Hampton Beach State Park. Dances k«. Rpp-innnl Siiuare Dance Association. * 8. Call resentative. TALENT SHOW v Sea Shell stage beginning June 28th. be held latter part of August Junior Division following, 7 p.m. Senior Division immediately i ........ -ith Henry Hamel at Chamber of Commerce. RELIABILITY Sept. W ednesday 3322 fo r a d vertising rep throughout re in front of the nesdays, following first shoot on duly mnindi'r of the season if weather permit each r « ih . A v. PATTERSON FORD W ENTW ORTH R am bler 'o r t i Awe. 7 7 2-5 T Approximately 40 girls from COMBER, HAMPTON UNION f many areas of the United and ROCKINGHAM COUNTY f States are expected to partici- GAZETTE, Edward S. Seavey. k'pate in the upcoming 18th An- Jr. nuol M i s s Hampton Bmu-h During the summer of liMfi h* Beauty Pageant to be held at and 1947, Mr. Seavey organ M the Casino Ballroom next Tues- ized the Miss Cover Girl Conlay, July 20th. One noticeable tests. In 1948 the local chamfeature in the pageant during her of commerce took over the recent years is th a t it has at- lead given by Mr. Seavey and tracted many local area girls, thus was born 18 years ago This year is no exception with the Miss Hampton Beach Beauseveral girls from New Hamp- ty Pageant. shire already being registered. The story of the contesl [ For four consecutive years down through the years has 1 the home state of New Hamp- been nothing short of fabulous shire has dominated the local to say the least. Each year beauty scene. Last year pretty new history has been made. «, Sheila Scott, a Hampton Beach A s e a r c h of the BEACH- [ resident a t the time, took top COMBER files has revealed a | honors on her first try. A year few interesting statistics worth previous. Beverly Ann Hebert mentioning in conjunction with of Manchester was the win- the upcoming 18th contest, ner. Beverly later went on to Perhaps one of the most in- represent New Hampshire in credible stories connected with the Miss I nlverse Contest at the contest over the vears was Miami Beach, Florida. Still a brought to light three years year earlier, Jonnye McLeod, ago by one 0f the previous tia Hampton girl walked off with tleholders, Miss Sandie Kaye. (?*-£• the title and to make it four Competing in th** 1 gram in the program years in a row, Sandie Kaye i960, after urging from her of Plaistow, one of the few friends. Sandie placed second, girl.**- tv hold both the Miss A month later in- August she F Hampton Beach and Miss New was back a t the Casino to take England title also won. Sandie top honors in the Miss New and Jonnye also represented England Contest. The very next New Hampshire at the Miss year she returned to cop the Universe Contest. Sheila, one Miss Hampton Beach title thus of few girls to cop the title becoming the first girl to hold at the age of 16, was deemed both titles simultaneously. Not satisfied w i t h these too young to compete in the Miss Universe Contest. achievements, Sandie later beOver the years the BEACH- came Miss New Hampshire in COMBER has had more than 1962 for the Miss Universe u*vj TUESDAY NIGHTone of these beach beautiesmay be named Miss Hampton Beacb. L S n ? 'ntereSt in *h* sh°w Contest and set a sparkling ' the eontest which attracts bathing suit clad beauties which has become probably the example for other girls to fol- Ine Kir,:> . , . . _ Ca,. b v h greatest single attraction in iow as she placed fifth in the from all over the United States. Left to right are hran Houlihan. L , ^eabrook. 2 . the Hampton Beach summer Miss USA Contest. a former Miss New England; Rachel Horton, 21. Boston. Mass.; and Doreen Amiro. 1 . o£ program. One of the Eastern Equally exciting has been Haverhill, Mass. ___________________________________________ ___________________-___ Seaboard’s largest and most the story of the first l o c a l fascinating beauty show’s, the jnrl to rise to beauty contest ^ .. . „ „ c0nrir« p nmcPv Sandra SaMiss Hampton Beach pageant frame. Jonnye McLeod likewise Miss Hampton Beach crown. More recently Fran Houli- sandra Kamsey. Sand a Sa as it is known today got its p aced among the top five girls At Miami she was one of the han or Seabrook recent Win- dowsk, and among start on anDor r 'B E A C H ^ 'd i k i n g the coveted he Miss Universe Contest uate took the Miss New Eng- has seen his girls bring honors the late editor itor of the BEACH- p n or to taking the co landcrown two years ago. Last not only to themselves but alsummer, trying to become the so to their respective states in second girl to hold both titles, achieving national fame. AU K Fran was edged by her fellow the above mentioned girls parclassmate Sheila Scott. ticipated in the Miss America [ A or Miss Universe Contests folI_r/ [ Y ^ V’ v * Over the years the contest lowing their starts at Hamp, zSSSazm has been both large and small, ton Beach. In 1950 only 11 girls competed — * but in 195* a record high which Another man who has w oristill stands, 44 young ladies ed exceedingly hard on the took part. The early contests productions and promotions ac were held on the now historic Hampton Beach is the execubandstand which was demolish- tive secretary, “Bill” Elliot. ed two years ago to make way Mr. Elliot, each year, serves for the new Sea Shell facili- a5 a ‘‘father” away from home ties. The pageant is now held £or ^he girls. His pre-pagear.ts each year in the Casino Ball- backstage talks with the girls room. just prior to the actual per* Another outstanding- feature *>™ «ce has disspelled much of the Miss Hampton Beach nervousness on the parts of storv is the work of ProducS,r's- Mr- Elliot la a nutlon Manager Henrv Hamel. man ,l-vn!,nl° of energy wnen In his 13th vear with the local ' f comes to final preparations chamber. Henry, year after for the productions at tha year, has persuaded itirls to beach. Both he and Mr. Hamel enter the contest with many have put in many long hours being reluctant to do But to keep the shows moving Girls from all sections of fur .he lifeguards at Hampton Beach, in the case of Beverly Hebert, Jonnye McLeod, Sandie Kaye. FROM THE POINT OF THE CONTEST Dianne Lipson. Carolyn KoJ'»hn Lyford, w a t e r s a fe ty supervisor, left, beach as the State of New Hampshire asPhoto 'by Elliot mant. Sally .Ann Freedman. r i?h t. The two a r e shown looking out tow ards the C o n t i n u e d o n P uQ ti l o t sunied supervision of th e g u a rd s this past week. PRESCOTT SUPER RAYMOND, \ H MARKET Miss Coca Crla of 1965, Cindy Croteau, pretty Keene State College Sophomore, has been named to lead the daily calis thenics program sponsored each summer by the Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Cindy started the program on July 6 with a small crowd par ticipating. By the second day the group had swelled consider ably and Cindy is inviting everyone, young and old alike to participate each morning in front of the Sea Shell at 10:39 a.m. The program is designed for All age groups and during past years many oldsters as well as youngsters have participated. Miss Coca Cola is a native of Marlborough. New Hamp shire. She recently graduated from Becker Junior College in Worcester, Mass, and is now well on her way towards be coming a teacher of English. She is majoring in this subject at Keene. Cindy likes to write poetry and confesses that she is per haps "guilty of over rhyming.” Her hobbies include reading And water skiing. She is em ployed for the summer months as a booth attendant at the Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce. SEA6GOOK, N.H. NEXT TO LIOUOR STORE SWIFT'S PREMIUM STATE O ’ M A IN E FANCY JL < b y p o p u la r d e m a n d PLAIN OR PEPPER TOP wrljy ■ Production Manager H e n r y Hamel who is lining up his 13th annual beauty contest in the form of the 18th Miss Hampton Beach pageunt this week announced that he expect? to have close to 40 girls by next Tuesday evening, July 20. Some of the latest to join those already registered include tJ,e following girls: Candye C Walker, 19. Paris, France and 20 Nudd Avenue; Lynda John-1 *on. 17, West Bovlston. Mass.; Sharyn Donahue, 18, 45 Buck-; iHPham Road. North Andover. Mass and 22 N Street. Hamp ton Beach; Barbara Jaston, 16, Worcester. Mass.; Sandra Gibree, 16, Worcester. Mass.; Ra chel Horton, 21. 113 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.; Joanna MeGarry, 19. 74 Richard Street ! Lowell Mass.; Mary Ann Dug’ 1 ©an, 18, Lowel*. Mass.; and Ca therine Bisnette. 18. Worces-I tor. Mass. The contest will bfc hdd at 1 the Casino Ballroom on Tues day evening, July 20 „t 8-30 BENNETTS QUART SIZE G6ISH BRAND (Save 22c) Cv f ^ AN E X E T E R . N. H. LA SS, L ynne W ade, 18, one of th e ta lle s t g irls to re g iste r fo r th e Miss H am pton Beach C o n test to d a te p rep ares to ta k e part in th e July 20th a ffa ir. L ynne is 5 f t. 7 inches in h eig h t. P h o to by E llio t SAVE 6< V y. k GALLON SIZE DUNCAN HINES SAVE 64c BETWEEN “ F” ST 8UTTERNUT CALIFORNIA * M in ItitKtHS g o ld en THERE'S O N LY ONE! * MURRAYS COTTON CANDY sw eet M any lo choose from k r - .. T. V. Rentals AND "G ” THE BIG ONE! SCOTT JUMBO JUMBO SIZE (Save 40c) B r DAY OR WEEK All Portable Sets PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 15-16-17 HEAD ON OVER TO lo r i v c l o u r p n e * o n e e q u a l o u r q u a l i t y o n e s o v i e t r t w « s e rv e y o u »h« BEST T A S T IN G c o tto n c a n d y t h a t y o u c p r ic e y o u c o n e f f o r t ] , w i t h a c e n tu r y * t r a d i t i o n in o ld m a k in g . Y e u r c o tto n c a n d y is m a d e w h h o c e n tu r y o ld R e c ip e . W « u r * o n ly th e p u r e s t a n d m o s t d e lic io u s f lo v c y o u r c o tto n c e r t if y t h a t is o m a r v e lo u s ly w h o le s o m e e n d ni PRESCOTT'S KIMBALL REAL ESTATE aymond Store Hours * The Best TA S TIN G * The Best FLAVOR * The Best Q U A LITY * * The Best PRICE The Best SERVICE “ THE O R IG IN A L . SECOND TO N O N E GEORGE R. MURRAY * * 4 on S u n do * » "a rn p to n Bsoch Tel. 926-2359 QUANriFIES lIMirEO •NCIUOINC U. l o 5>m . SUNDAY MURRAY’S COTTON CANDY SEABROOK RAYMOND NEXT TO PLAYIAND O C E A N BLVD N e a r “ C " St. H A M P T O N BEACH vtet 4 •use m iM iin t d J J i i i SHOWS 2 - 7 - 9 P.M. NOW THRU TUES. BOTH THEATRES •THE YEAR’S MOST GLITTERING CAST! •' That \ V Whoop-it-up \ : funny ■ western!;";: / •• delayed debut was not ’only The Into Pulitzer Prize win ning playwright, Robert Sher better than never. It was tre wood, once wrote that a man mendous. Born in Boston in 1920, he who wants to be a playwright had better have his first play left high school before g et produced by the time he is ting a diploma and went to work as a printer’s devil. Feel thirty, or give up. It was this dire warning ing that the printers’ trade that made George Axelrod rush had no future for him, he en his comedy “The Seven Year listed in the Navy in 1940, Itch" to completion to barely and was at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese dropped their beat the deadline. Rut Sherwood's dictum didn’t bombs there in December 1941. hold for Sumner Arthur Long. I Discharged a fte r five naval author of the enormously pop years, he could not take ad ular Broadway comedy hit. vantage of the GI bill to get “Never Too Late", which is a college education because he coming to the Hampton Play had no high school diploma. He decided that he must gam house next week. For Long was 42 when his ble for big stakes in his ca comedy was first presented in reer. To take the kind of job New York in the fall of 1962 for which he was qualified, (it ran to continuously large such as a gas station atten audiences until April 1965). dant, would never be his spring He proved that it was indeed board. He concluded th a t be “never too late” for him. His ing a writer was his only op- ju illliplOII /tfotffattk uXUUKJ PICTURES IlCBb Cmrdq J id HAMPTON, N. H. * HAROLD HECHT U C U « * r IN AMATOU K GRUMWAID PRODUCTION hi f o r o m v t U* '’cCOlO* B A U O iS w p ^ l in C O L U M B IA C O L O R - JANE FONDA HARRISON BERGMAN MacLAINE MOREAU by S u m n ir A rth u r L one N e w E n g lo n d s Finest S um m er T heatre JULY 12 th ru JULY 17 D ire c t fr o m T h re e Y e a rs o n B r o a d w a y THE COMEDY H IT by SUMNER A R TH U R R eservations 9 2 6 -3 0 7 3 LO NG C u rta in 8 :4 0 S ca le o f P ric e s : M o n . th r u F ri., S 3 .1 0 , 2 . 9 0 , 2 . 5 0 . S a t. S 3 . 3 0 , 3 . 1 0 , 2 . 9 0 . M a tin e e W e d . a t 2 : 3 0 PU U TZER Next Week: A ll S e o ts R e s e rv e d — PR IZE W IN N E R S I.80 A R T H U R M IL L E R S " A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE” HAMPTON BEACH THE SCREEN’S MOST EXCITING CASt T T SHOWS AT BOTH THEATRES portunity to go a quick, high He didn’t know about w riting but he he could teach himself his service suvingg he m , a Quonset hut on the jLj of Provincetown, Mas, 'f Cape Cod, lived largely 0j fish he caught by and fo r nearly three w ent on a reading binge also wrote two novels as pr. tice runs th a t he ni*f burned later. Abandoning the beach u he set ofT for the lige ‘ w riters’ m arket — Holly** He arrived with just $22 resources. It turned out to enough, for almost imined* Iv he sold a story outline Columbia Pictures and cop a steady $200-a-week job w riting the outline into a film scenario. Thus launched, Long con ued fo r twelve years to a good livelihood as a wn in film and TV studios in Hlywood, until the success “Never Too L ate” made ‘ rich. At the end of the comi first prosperous year on Bi way Long told an intervu a little smugly, th a t “the has made a bum out of ml By which he meant that had enjoyed all the rewar of success w ithout doing mi else — he had gone to all parties to which a success playw right is invited, he enjoyed visits to the oper of the road company and the London opening, attend: to the sale of the movie rigi and the foreign rights, i otherwise “m anaging his pr erty.” The rewards have been far ly tidy — over half a mills so far. with more constat accruing from the foreign pp ductions, stock and amatr. presentations and his royi ties when “Never Too L*3 I plays a t the Hampton Phi house this week. N O W PLAYING | ITH EYEA R ’S MOST MAGNIFICENT MOVIE! HANS CONRIED Is this the w ay to make a funny movie? / ) i youbet it is! IN PtCTURQ. j HAROLD HECHT T V ALL Oil W JHFflHDAlEEMJffll MICKULCUUN-INV& YREHlChKlH HM KIHGCQIT'STUBBYKAYE i \*mra vnw «*nm *«.«■•*_ —. —*« o»*. COLUMBIAm S R \ fee BEEF HOUSE W H ER E TH E ARE H IG H M EATS SURE ST. TO YOU To The Isles O f Shoals BUY S A T IS F Y HAM PTON Ceres W h a r f (og M a rk e t Street) P o rts m o u th , N . H. T e l. 4 3 6 -7 9 2 7 Fare S 3 .5 0 R ound T rip , C h ild re n $ 2 .5 0 Leave P o rts m o u th 1 1 :0 0 a .m ., 5 :1 0 p .m . S a tu rd a y 1 1 :0 0 a .m ., 2 :4 0 p .m ., 5 :4 0 p .m . U .s. CHO ICE CHUCK STEAK OUR O W N „ 4/ CORNED BEEF 57 NEW G R A D E A POTATOES 6 7 C 5 Id. 3AG IN MANCHESTER NEW NOW CAR PRICES START BELOW $ 1 2 5 0 * • F IA T G ood The 1964 by 2 D r ., f u l l y e q u i p p e d * GATES LITTLE TWISTER brought 2nd place honors for its proud owners Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelley of Chester as it showed at the 11th Annual All Arabian New England Horse Show held at Deerfield Fair Grounds. Nancy Dro*ne of Ray mond holds the 2 month old beauty for photo. DAY - WEEK - MONTH Downer Appliance Co CAVE 822 Lafayette Road A fter the Labor Day dis turbances of September, 1964, the Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce launched a year long program designed to im prove the image of Hampton Beach. At that time, the TAP (Teen Age Problems) Commit tee was established, from this effort emerged the TAR (Teen Age R e l a t i o n s ) Committee. CAVE (Committee to Avoid Violent Eruptions) developed as the youth sponsored - sup ported program as a result of the TAR Committee's interest; in promoting better communi cation and understanding be tween the youth and adult com munities. With a grant from the Federal Government to fi nance the program, the Hamp ton Beach Project assumed a definitive form approximately four months ago, and began its work at the Beach for the C.A.V.E. (C o n tin u e d on Hampton, N. H 9 2 6 -2 3 4 0 or 92 6 -8 1 0 0 LOBSTER COMPANY LOBSTER POUND AND Page t il • A live AIR CONDITIONED DINING ROOM FLAVOR CRISP CHICKEN Native Lobsters, Clams and Fish TUBS TO GO S I . 5 0 - $2.50 - 5 3 .5 0 Just Call 926-3811 FRESH DAILY Visitors S te a m e d o r G rille d H o t D ogs, D in n e rs, Snacks, S e a fo o d s & Lobster Rolls BREAKFAST SERVED 8 : 3 0 - 1 1 A M . Iro Telephone (Ham pton) 92 6-3424 Corner o f “ G ” & A shw orth Avenue TRIUMPH WEATERVILLE, W a l la c h 1 9 -2 4 the m ost unusual store in N ew H am pshire The H a p p ie s t M illio n a ire INGRID BERGMAN T h e H a p p y H it F o r A b s o lu t e l y E v e r y o n e HARRISON » 8 GEOROEC. DELON q V C SCOn TEL. (2 0 7 ) 6 4 6 -5 5 1 1 G U N Q U Il PLAYH O U SE 3 5 N e w Im p o rts 1 0 0 U se d C a rs 7 5 N e w O ld s SWEATERS and SPORTSWEAR QUALITY REPAIR CALL 6 2 3 -8 0 1 5 For The Entire Family 8 A .M . — 5 :3 0 P M . "YOU KNOW YOU SAVE — M o n d a y - F rid a y MOREAU M ” SHARIF [Katen|J)«lc SHintEY MsclAINE ★ D R IV E -IN 'S” ROUTE 0NE4BS! NOnlH Of P0R TW 1" COMING DIAL 439-9328 N O w THRU TUESDAY T*arm m hours' IN CO LO R PRESIM T IC K L E ME AlUiOAAHSJS P lu s A c t io n C o - H it M a in F e a tu r e S h o w n Fi»*r Tuesday and Thursday_ ir ii STAR TS W E D ., C o r r o ll ta k e r JU LY " 2 1 “ H ARLO W MERRIMACK YOU KNOW IT'S QUALITY" Hours: M onday through Saturday, 10 A .M . to 10 P.M. Air-Conditioned STREET G A R A G E 4 0 * 5 6 M e r r im a c k St. In th e H e a rt o f D o w n to w n M a n c h e s te r A ls o : P le a se V is it o u r GALLERY OF O R IG IN A L G R A P H IC ART S e le c tio n and of w o o d cu ts, e t c h in g * , lit h o g r a p h s . 8y Buffet, M lnom i, Gunther. H il aire, Summers, Creo. Schre«ber, Gllet. Cyril, Koppelm oa, Silverman, Doris Leet, etc. Gallery Open ’Til 9 P.M. Weekdays - T il 5:30 Sal. Alt OttpH. Closed Sundays Free Parking Factory Store Portsmouth Mills M a p le w o o d A v e n u e fro m $ 1 2 to $ 2 5 0 ,t “ The Thin Red jjn e L a rg e P a rts D e p t. D o m e s tic a n d Im p o rts H ow to Reach S w e a te rv ille , U.S.A. W elcome QUALITY UNSURPASSED | ALPINE W ALTER P ID G E O N OLEDE # Boiled To O rder Foot of Bridge at Smith & G ilm ore W h a rf W e F e a tu re : SAAB • ALFA - FISH MARKET McCOY'S DRIVE-IN C o m e d y H if JU LY __ • METROGOLDWYN.MAYER •5HI2ANANATOIEDECRUNWM.DPRODUCTIONitt a x . T. V . Rentals CURE F A N C Y ^ WHERE VIKING on th e n e w C EN TER ABSENCE OF A CELLO - BOAT TRIPS M A R TY'S THRU SAT. EVE., JULY 17 2 - 7 - 9 P.M. CttUMBA PAGE Portsmouth, N. H. From H a m p to n C e n te r p ro c e e d North on R o u te I . U se P o r ts m o u th b y - p o i s a s i f to g o to M a in e . J u s t b e fo r e T o ll B r id g e u s e o v e r p a s s t o r e v e rs e d ir e c t io n . P ro c e e d 2 0 0 yards l e f t o n M a p le w o o d A v e n u e . t PAGE 7 PAGE 6 THE SHO E 131 L a fa y e tte R d., U.S. 1, N o . H C a n c e lla tio n S hoes Farrow — D IS C O U N T PRICE Man O pen Tuei Wed Thun. Sot, 10 orr-5 Early American Fine Furniture SHOWROOM & G if! SHOPPE W I V I L ^ To DURKEE'S ■ i n, jt : 1 ™ Min our own wp orkshops on the ° ° . mpremises. " i" HoF » » * ................... ■ K i ng s to icn W ood w o rk in g HOME OF ANCESTRY PINE Vocolionm w .ko m e - 20 m in .... ROUTE 125 JUNIOR DIVISION CONTESTANTS ''h o took part in the recent July 7th talent show are pictured above following the contest. The Wilders. young and talented instrumentalist group, took t«»p honors. On the left, flanking the winners is Christopher Picone, Swampscott, Mass., second place winner. Gerald Brady, Exeter. N. H.# third place winner is at the right while Mary Ann Farquhar, Leominster. Mass., fourth, is in the back at the right. Photo by Elliot H“ " p*"n 8<“ ‘‘ KINGSTON, N. w. The Wilders, a singing group »of youngsters from Lowell. Mass, and a pretty young ba-, ton twirler took top honors during the competition of the first talent show of the 1965 season. American Legion - W ith Fine Set of Buildings HIGH STREET. H AM PTO N ALSO ACREAGE AND FARM ON GREAT BAY For Further Inform ation FRIDAYS 7 .3 0 P.M. Big Specials — D oor Prizes Plenty o f Free P a rk in g FREE BUSSES FROM BEACH CALL 926-3322 ACRES OF FREE P A R K IM SERVICE CIGARETTES, ALES, BEERS AT LOWER N . H. PRICES ! S o r e n to ." In the Senior Division, a vis itor from Houlton, Maine, Ka ren Eleiott. 14. walked off with place honors with her baton twirling exhibition. Candy went to the losers and all other competitors compli ments of Margaret Junkins Can dy Store. Assisting with the program were “Bill” Elliot as master of ceremonies and or ganist Kae Nichols as accom panist. * MEATS CUT TO ORDER! DISPLAYED UNWRAPPED. See W hat You Buy! ★DAIRY PRODUCTS ★ ORCHARD FRESH FRUITS ★ GARDEN VEGETABLES ★ FROZEN FOOD DEPT. AND SCORES OF ALLIED DEPTS ★ BABY FOOD DEPT. ★ GROCERY DEPT. ★ BARBECUE DEPT. ★ COSMETICS & DRUGS Strictly Fresh Fiery Red Ripe Maine TW IN-PAK <■* r PLUMP' TENDER / J Mary Ann Farquhar. 13, took third place. She recited a poem. Mary resides in Amesbury, Mass. Trophies were presented to the first, second and third place winners in each division by Mr. Henry Hamel, production man ager at the chamber. Quality Guaranteed the HIGHEST ★ FRESH MEATS ★ SMOKED MEATS ★ DELICATESSEN ★ COOKED MEATS Gerald L . Brady, 11, ExeterHampton Trailer Court. Exeter, took third place with his trum pet version of “Come Back to ROAD Our EVERYDAY LOW PRICES CAR “ HO P” ib WATER MELON CHICKENS Th. . . . . . . . . . « . fa . fa rtf* . . . p l . „ h . . . . ° . p , h _p o , th e d . * •« ' • » « I * ™ - “ " T > - - * "» " T - COME AS YO U A R E , FROM BEACH COTTAGE TO IG A . . . f a . i . the . . . — f a . h lg h u t a * . d ?nds p a id in th is a re a . latest • Just South o f H am pton Fells Line Grange Hall Second place went, to Chris topher Picone, 10, Swump3COtt, Moss. He played “Maria. Ma ria” and “Helena Polka” on the accordian. Lucille Machado, Dr&cut, Mass, sang “You’re Nobody Til Somebody Loves You.” This brought her the third place trophy. + Route 1 — LAFAYETTE BINGO FOR S A L E 90 A CRE FARM John Bedard, Marc Beauhaense, Dan Trudel and Dave Tmdel. 3ll 12 years of age or under, walked off with the first place trophy for their version of “Mrs. Brown.” The hoys sang and were accompanied on the guitar as they took junior division honors. Barbara O'Neil, Andover, Mass, placed second a3 she played the organ. m IGA FOODLINER 3 0 GAME P A R T / The Wilders' Are ^ inners • d iv id e n d annually M ORE PEOPLE THAN EVER SHOPPING IG A PAGE 8 Mate Takes Control square nance Exhibitions Of Beach Lifeguards The equipping, payinjr and rapervision «>f the life guards i f Hampton Beach formerly changed hands from the Town (f Hamplon to the State of New Hampshire last week on July 7. A long time in coming, the 77( vo was finally made possible through legislative action with the House, Senate and finally the Governor concurring. Offi cial announcement was made bv John Lyford, Water Safety Su pervisor for the Division of Parks for the State of New Hampshire. Lyford has been at the beach f ir the past several days work ing with the local life guards ir. setting up the new program. Bringing the life guards under the jurisdiction of the state will i. so bring to the beach several changes in the future. Some will ccme in the immediate future while others will probably not be noticed until next year and tr.suing seasons. i yford announced that the hval guard contingent which been handling the main btach and the North Reach Lre* has now absorbed the life guards already on duty at the h. amp ton State Park and who were under the jurisdiction of Me state. The new guard comI rnient will be a total of 17 guards. Tuesday Nights r phase of the varied chamber of commerce program m olt of which is held free of charge to the public during the summer months was held Tuesday evening a t the Sea Shell and will be held on en suing Tuesday evenings. STORE HOURS N orth Corner Lafayette Road and ^ , h o d s. The “ D aily and Sunday Papers Ansel Palmer, president of the group, is a Hampton man. For many years this group ha3 been very active in the Seacoast area and has held many winter square dancing classes during the winter months. Al ways a colorful, fun filled eve ning, the Friday evening en tertainm ent a t the state park is attended by persons from far and wide. m e group, in giving its Tuesday evening performances at the Sea Shell is in hopes that many other persons will become interested in Square dancing. The exhibitions will be held from 7-8 at the Sea Shell. Plan to take this function in while staying at the leach. Packed 3 lo a Bag THREE LEGGED OR DC (July 14 to July 21) July 14 — Fireworks dis play. 9:05 p.m., sand in front of Sea Shell. POPULAR 3 '/, b a k e r y dept. SWIFT’S BROOKFIELD BEACH SCHEDULE OF EVENTS COLUMBIA GEM CHUNK July IP — Square Dancing, Hampton Beach State Park, 8:30 p.m. July 20 — Miss Hampton Beach Contest. Casino Ball room, 8:30 p.m. SCOTTIES "ew th® t t e T tv, e; Vouys ^ A USED NEW in — kin* , nt hnIv! Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m SPECIALS FOR WEEK OF Z l mnrn.ntr calisthenics pro. pram preparatory for the dav’s review o f l feU« P- Proffram D aily 9 a.m . to 9 p.m . A tlantic Avenue in addition to the regular guards Lyford announced that D-e head guard will he Dan ; :0ne who will be retained in P°sl’tion that he has held SeV?r*! rears while under v L aT ° f the town. Head Guard Stone will be mov, ,n!° more of « supervisory capacity, under the new set up - *o will assume several new CJk,es and responsibilities. r*«cC r f uthe most n°ticeable Farts of the new program for ntfnUffrdS Wu 1 ^ a Pro^ ram of ton turning physical fitness and pv.ew of hfe saving techniques [L * e ^ uards- Each morning 1 fc ***** will meet for an-1 i an6*™ * an h° Ur between '■ dfnd 10 a.m. on the beach rend °f th° Sea Shell« De-1 Fending on the siZe of 17 j at th' beach the *uardt U r n T J ° th r° UEh th e ir repu - 1 H am pton Members of the Seacoast Regional Square Dance group demonstrated square dancing as it is done each Friday eve ning a t the Hampton Beach State Park under the star*. DUNCAN HINES th e ton>edo RAYMOND s Lyford . * 3 1is also f M . vs r d Sea sL i. ht'ad(Iua^ r s a, th e1 w.MannnPd by « " • Me- 64 S is A T iF r * 64 CHEV. Im p a la , 4 Dr. H .T ., P .G - B ro n z e FORD C ustom 500 A D o o r. 8 . F .O .M 6 4 FALCON, 2 D r D e lu xe 6 . S ta n d a r d 63 CADILLAC ‘62’, 4 Dr. F u ll P o w e r 63 BUICK S k y la rk , C onvt. JS " rrv GEISHA S' £ WHITE MEAT 8 . A u to . T ra n s . 63 CHEVY V2 T o n . 62 P ickup Truck 6 C y lin d e r CADILLAC *6 2 \ 4 Dr. 6 2 CHEVY Bel A ir, 4 Dr 8 , P .G . 6 2 E co n o lin e , Vi Ton P. U, 62 CHEVY B iscayne, 2 D r 6 S ta n d a r d M u s ta n g T ra v e l T ra ile r S e llin g O u t A t C o s t W a y fa re r Tent C am pers F ro m * 4 9 5 to $ 3 ,0 0 0 PAGE 10 done from fish,hr party boats, „Ul. >np 01 from the bridJ“ Earh fish mast ^ Cr ’r an official weiKhine ' 2 i ( the Smith nnH anti n:»J NOW OPEN! LAMSONS LAZY PENQUIN PARLOR CAR Sea fish i„c l* *V*4tXs' * 1 ters. Certification then brought to th» of commerce where |V members are presentM their certificates, and wallet cards. Why T your luck. y 1,1 Z Try c P csho’s Pride o r y o u r fa v o rite C ockta il in A LA D D IN ’ S LOUNGE W e Specialize in E verything W e Serve 32 LAFAYETTE RD., RT. 1 h,, , NORTH HAMPTON HAM PTON BAT S w r M M IN G SCHOOL for A lt AGES Vcinc, « ' * ■ » A Sp.eiolr, B ill G i l l i „ „ e v itn ti o r. in v it c lio n to v a c a tio n e rs lo v is it N o rth e rn N e w E n g la n d 's W« la r g e s t E xclusive I m p c r t r c A u to m o b ile D e a le rs h ip . 9 2 M RESNIK MOTORS, INC RIDING LAWN MOWERS NEW & USED S im p lic ity . 3 3 !en> a n d In te rn a tio n a l T r a c e r * E n g in e * a rts For A ll M a k e s A LS O COMPLETE LINE OF NURSERY TREES, SHRUBS A N D EVERGREENS G A R D E N SUPPLIES, GRASS SEED A N D FERTILIZERS T E l. 6 2 2 -9 2 8 1 192 M a m m o th Road M anchester, N. H S 3 " - C.A.V.E. (Continued front Pag*; FfrcJ summer season a month and a half ago. The project to-, ordinates two phases: a re search program nnd a demon stration program. CAVE is an organization of interested youth who show their willingness to co-operate in making Hampton Beach a bettor place for everyone by committing themselves to an attitude and a program which involves them in meaningful activity. CAV E now ha> over H00 registered members who feel that such activities as teen self-government within n fest with entertainment provided by The New Lost City Fiarnbler*. The White Mountain Singer*. Bonnie Dobson, Erich Von Schmidt, Danny Gravis, and Bill McGinnis. Due to the rain on Saturday, July 3rd, the afternoon portion of Hampton Beach Sea Shell. Both adult ind young people par D A N IE L CHAR BROILED M c s e rc ti - Porsche 55 7 Second Street M anchester Road fRt. 101) SUMMER Tel. 6 2 5 -6 9 0 8 PBO3 Raym ond, N. H DUPO OUPON P A IN T S P A IN * FESTIVAL MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE STEAK J u ly 15 a t 10 A.M. K ID D IE S TRACTORS, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT R id e j , & D onkey G am es, C o u n try H and ROOF ROTARY MOWERS A d u lt s CAI CHT FR0M THE SIDEWALK was this beautiful 22-lb stnped bass. Andy Lcssard. Woonsocket. Rhode Island, proudly 1 displays his catch which qualified him for the Old Salts Club. Manchester, N. K. 623-7153 tell us how much you nood d w .0 0 0 D MiBOO □ $4,000 □ 14,009 □ 15,000 □ and more Juft efieok the amount of extra caih voa &***>««* K , ™ w "O X. You to ™ «v«l ™ r . I » h o t h . r 1 , h More Old Salts Join Fish Club * ° &r n0t* 50a*)oard Acceptance will ammo* * « " " " " "" CCODnnnn Y“ ' « * G oods. lev* Formerly the Red Feather S n a c k Ceil, A r t E x h ib it SALE LAFAYETTE RD.f RT. 1 SALISBURY, MASS 5 1 .2 5 5 :3 0 to 7 P.M. E cked »» Mn , » * w ,n a W "« B IP or men f t * ______ SERBORRD RCCEPTRNCE COMPRNZj L I ____ 36 Hanover Street MANCHESTER Phone 625-9766 i • B e a n s , M e a t Lc-of Kom c 12 Tolre F o o ls th a t w o n N a fio n o l A w c r d ra in e d m e ch a n ics fro m in 1 9 6 3 , a f priu a co n ce rn w ith fo rty BUFFET $ 3 .5 0 132 Bridge St. • D .'N IN G O N THE TERRACE • PINE R O O M LOUNGE - O F 6N N IG H TLY C a rry in g a c o m p le te lin e o f M e a ts , Frozen Fooa P ro d u c e , G ro c e rie s r Toys, S u n d rie s & B eer 1 A. j SEAFOOD AT ITS BEST C o o k e d to T a ke O u t M anchester, l\'. H C o ll 6 2 5 -9 2 7 3 _ 6 2 2 -4 9 4 1 OCEAN BLVD Both Located at SEABROOK 3EACH l BALLROOM DEEP SEA FISHING - R ocfio T e le p h o n e s in ttnic tified by a ] S 'J CatCh " aS 1 TockTeP ShopV! l Ba'ri q8b°° AM- Dnd 1:30 P M ° u ,B D A ; o s 1 S m ith & G ilm a r e Pit » •* H e m p , p n B e a c h ______________________ ^ S ? w r \- 1 ^ Homplon Booch REPAIRS * ’ h r '0^ „ HAM PTON BEACH M A R IN A A » » * an°«r O c ^ s n w lin . o n d d l . , , 1 BT v rfH e n,P^ ' ’ , E' C r K f(* s a r- -- — .... r j T " ° ’ ,h * P o u rd ' ‘ ‘ “ " ‘ b in s ™ m p _ |u m ' s lip reol ~ 926-3338 ‘ ^ V c t o f e or3d h a p p y b o o <,| ! n a ° n d C c , k c c , d G e c r g r A . S m |th< M a n a g e r 9 ’ e C l0 r * g PETER. PAUL & MARY Coming Attractions PARTY b o a t s 6 S‘ at€ fm °f a ST p e r p e rso i ye o .s ». CALL PHIL or GERRY PAQUETTE K o ^ st br N^ r n;: I T Z N IG H T 2 n „„ Fmal qualification q u a lify SUNDAY p e rie n ce in c o n s tru c tio n . Capta,ne<1 * tL at, « y o u con e ffo rd . L in e r g u a ra n te e d b y C a s c a d e . In s ta lle d h UneS a n d BDi' * " » . « - Pier and 6-lb. Haddock. SMORGASBORD A O ne Stop S hopping Spot p™y Zzznzii TJj-i Bill .Mahoney N IG H T SEAFOOD A * C hosen f o r E x h ib it a t N e w Y o rk W o r ld ’ s F a ir *■ s " i,h - W elsh. FRIDAY J $ 3 .5 0 p e r person Pioi M ade Richard Glick. RFD j Thetord \ ermont. cautrht the larp- j !'n \Lf,Sh retris,cred to date a ! 40-lb. Blue Hake. This catch came on , uIy 5 and ^ \ sss;Sr* The fin e st steaks a n d chops c h a rc o a i-b rs i ?c to y o u r in d iv id u a l ta ste o v e r an o p e n h e a rth . C h ild re n 60< The Swimming Pool of Tomorrow Membership in the, famed Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce Old Salts Club be gan to climb slowly during the past week as several newcom ers attained membership. Four new members brought the total 1965 membership to six. This figure is slightlv be-1 hind former years but should spiral upwards during the commg weeks. The newcomers were Joseph Roy. 13. Ryan Terrace, Housatomc, Mass. On July 6 he pulled in an 8-lb. Haddock. Certi fication was made through the. Smith and Gilmore pier. W illia m | K5 “* .r B o o k s & Goi*s Repairs HOMEOWNERS: ’ CW| SUPPER DUNBAR COM PANY1 □ $ 1,5 0 0 C o tto n RUMMAGE MiCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS □ n ^o o ic t roach ! Fire- f r H om em ade S i d e w a lk IRRIGATION - SPRAYERS 4 W. Hole Ave. P o n ie s , G ifts , K n it — C a r t R id e * , $ * S to r e , MOTT HAMMER KNIFE MOWERS Service — M ID W A Y TABLES — BOLENS - TORO - JARI Soies — i C h ris H o n CKJW 3 6 th Annual Rover C A M P B E L L, HAMPTON north C o r .o r tc c lio n o l Mercedes B e n i - Ja g u a r C.A.V.EL (Continued on Page 1 Native & Western Lumb BM W A ustin H ealey - MG C. the pr Casino courtes Casino Saturd perfori ticipatd enjoy m ^ c rs . Let us Phone hel 9 1C CANADA 9 I DRY> V p • « JL-fjfyS DOROTHE’ MATERNITY FASHIONS B A T H IN G SUITS — SHORTS 1 Pc. lin g e r ie s , Si*es 6 - 4 6 P e tiio W IL D GOOSE PARTY BOAT Tel. 4 3 6-1602 112 Star-' St. P o rts m o u th , N. H Tel. 4 3 6 -4 4 6 2 Fishing Trip SINGING MACS 8 COM PLETE IT A L IA N M ENU A .M . - Ttvipnm 9EACH POP C O * N SUPPLIES GIFTS & SO U VEN IR S • • SPECIAL LU N C H E O N S D A ILY FULL COURSE D IN N E R S SUNDRIES BOOKS 28S STEAKS - CHOPS - LOBSTERS 1 M A G A Z IN E S % m ile e a st o f H a m p to n P la y h o u s e W IN N A C U N N E T R O A D P M. — $ 4 .0 0 W e e kd a y Cruise 2 :1 5 S N O -X O N E S 1 s are not Beach; second. Frances Houli han. 17, Seabrock; third. Frananci i»A£LFTL, in conjunction ces .lam «♦ 18, Lynn, Mass. with the 18th annual Miss — 37 girls competed Hampton Beach beauty contest Beverly Ann Hebert. 18, Manhas compiled a list of previous Chester; Frances Houlihan, Sea winners. They include the fol brook; second. Lvnda Handing lowing girls; 1964 — 38 girls competed. Sheila Scott, 10, H a m p t o n P M. $ 2 .5 0 W eekend Fishing A ll D a y $ 6 .0 0 F ir e w o r k s C ru is e W e d . N i p h f Rye H a rb o r State Pier A m p le Free Parkin HAM PTO N rcar RAND ALL O c e a n B lv d ., H a m p to n B e a ch We M ake O ur O w n Ice Crecm R estaurant AT RYE HARBOR UPSIDE DOWN or right side up — any way is O.K. in the John White Memorial playground maintained by the Hamp ton Beach Village Precinct each year. Hanging by his knees is Sandy Campbell, 12, North Andover, Mass. Looking on is David Lynch, II, also of North Andover. Photo hv Elliot * On The Ocean Front • GREYSTONE HOTEL 81 Ocean Blvd . Cor. ‘K’ Si Open Year Round 17th Season WALK-IN SERVICE 926-2498 C.A.V.E. (Continued From Page l\) In contrast to last year’s Fourth of July, this year’s weekend displayed less tension, and unlike other areas of the U. S., Hampton Beach suffered no disturbances. Personal in terviews gathered from the merchant population at the Beach reveal some interesting opinions about the Fourth. For example, Lt. McLeavy, of the Hampton Beach Police Force, said that in his opinion, ‘‘the kids were verv w p I I SEE THE 1965 NEW SIZE FORD TRACTORS • TOTALLY NEW • MORE EC O N O M IC AL e q u ip m e n t Today's m ost advanced Farm Tractor r See Them A t SEAC0AST TRACTOR '"9 St. 895-3302 & EQUIPMENT I Current Dividend ------L Mr. Walter Robinson, said that the police handled the Fourth of July crowds very well, but that upsetting the scheduled Band Concerts to accomodate the folksinging program was unnecessary. Bill Watson, of the Casino Market, said that this July 4th weekend in com parison to last year’s was “much quieter, there was a better class 0f kids at the Beach this year”. Watson also felt that the folksinging program was an excellent idea and that it contributed to a good 4th of July weekend. Norman Grandmaison, reported that he is TOOCr in favor of C.W E and that he congratu lates the youth on a “well or ganized July 4th program”. Mr. Roberts said that such en tertainment as the free folk singing program showed evi dence of the community’s “ca tering to the teenager” and that such behavior might be detrimental to the Beach since it could attract too large a crowd. Labonte said that this year’s 4th of July was “much quieter”. Mrs. Kurrier. direc tor of the playground, said of the weekend, “it was marvel ous! The behavior of the teen agers .reveals a vast improve ment and I think CAVE is a fine organization”. William Elu the HamPton Beach Chamber of Commerce, reported that so far as he Was con. cerned this year’s July Fourth weekend was “ f n r .. 275 D. W . H IG H W A Y , NORTH MANCHESTER, N . H. S pecializing in Farragut Hotel T A S T Y STE A M E D CLAM S a n d Luscious W hen in M anchester, g ive y o u r car a ba th , A RAPID, 5 M in u te Car W ash "B A T H ” Rye Beach, N ew Ham pshire B A K E D STU FFED LO BSTER DIRECTLY O N THE O C E A N Served in a Relaxed A tm osphere Rt. 1A, Rye Beach < S W IM M IN G PO O L — A d jo in in g an 18 Hole G o lf Course Every Room w ith Granite State Fishing Parties N e w H a m p s h ir e ’ s L a rg e s t D e a le r 2 Boats D a ily Seafood F ro m Rye H a r b o r R e s ta u r a n t FO R des - M otor Scooters - R E S E R V A T IO N S C c p t. M in d y C opt R a lp h R it te r 9 2 6 -2 1 0 6 C u r t is 4 8 3 -2 7 2 3 T icket O ffic e H O N D A — Al l models Tub S h o w e r. Steam H e a t, T e le p h o n e & T e le v is io n (Rest. Liquor License) RT. 1A 9 6 4 -5 3 0 3 Rye Beach SCHW INN VESPA our tweeas are nere and we invite you to 2et a head start on the coming season by choosing yours now RALEIGH lam bretta C O C K T A IL L O U N G E — 40 Bridge StreeT D IN IN G R O O M Rye Beach MANCHESTER, N. H T e l. 9 6 4 -5 5 2 0 Washington Road W est SEAGATE SHO PPING CENTER I A M E R IC A N D IN IN G UR BEACH D ISC O U N T • S p e c ia l L u n c h e o n s d a i l y ROOM 1 1 :3 0 - 3 P m - DRIVE-IN THEATRE NO. HAMPTON, PHON E 964-8011 • C h in e s e B u f f e t W e d n e s d a y s , 6 I c 8 :3 C p .m ' & 10 SERVIN G Y O U . . . WITH TH O U SA N D S OF ITEM S A N D TO P a l l y o u c a n e e l o n ly $ 2 . 9 5 . • D in n e r D a n c in g S a tu r d a y E v e n in g s . • R e s e r v a tio n s s u g g e s te d . P eg N o rto n a t th e H a m m o n d - HELD OVER 3RD BIG WEEK TO JULY 2 0 th ! W ednesday The most delightful entertainment of youMifeL^.,^ T h u r s d a y o n d F r id a y e v e n in g s • T o k e o u t s e r v ic e . Ting-c-Ling 964-5545 on Regular Savij INSURED BY FSL1C ° U-S Government Agency Rye. N. H CHINESE Route 1 Accounts C O C KTAIL LOUNGE u H C fo is N lY s ! **VE GREAT STIAN STORES •••• Starring WORLD’S FINEST SEAFOODS JULIE ANDREW S • DICK VAN DYKE S H O W N A T 8 :4 5 E A C H N IT E — I n T e c h n ic o lo r A d u lt s $ 1 . 5 0 — C h ild r e n 7 5 c |6 to I I y c o r s j ALL C H ILD R E N U N D E R 6 YEARS O LD FREE I *ioe Vs The B u y in g P ow er To P a ss On PLUS A D D E D SHOP endous S a vin g s To You bastian stores Surfboards and Rentals 0F A" & ASHWORTH ST. ;ean Blvd. Fishing Tackle W a te r Sports E quipm ent 43 6-4287 MISS CATHERINE BISWELL, another beauty, has just recenth signed up to participate in the Miss Hampton Beach rentes t ti> be held on July FEATURETTE P K & J A * * 4fS T T C H N .’COLOR" Starts ’ Wed.. J u ly 2 \ Walt D isn e y s “ CINDERELLA A ll C h ild re n Free * -* t Mass.; Barbara Ann l urrmi, Waltham. Mass.; Beverly BrinWINNERS dnmour, 18, Hampton. (Cmtinufd from Papt Thirteen) 1953 — No data available other than the fact that Joan Kittery. Maine; Judy Andarson, Ahont n wn> the first place winWoburn, Mass. 1954 — 21 girls competed, Jenkins c-iio MrW.lIv. 20 Haverhill, M o n tre a l, ( onne; B ever H a m p to n . HAYLOFT HAMPTON FALLS, NEW HAMPSHIRE THOROUGHBREDS FROM ENGLAND . . . FOR CAMPUS OR CASUAL WEAR girls c o m p e te a . S o n j a - H n n t v • Romer, 20. Montreat, Canada; Doris Findley, -I* Dorchester% Mass.; Betty Marshall, 21, Brookline, Mass. 1950 - 11 girls competed, Sally A1 nson, 18. Ipswich, tty Marshall, 20, Mass.; Brookline Mass.; Barbara MeLeod, 19. Portsmouth. 12 girls competed 1949 Carylo Cadario i s . A i d i n g ton. Mass.; Sally Atkinson, 1 ? Ipswich, Mnss.; Virginia Stubbs Cuba. 1948 — 12 girls competed. Lorraine Doucette, 19, Caryle Cadario, 17, Arlington, Mass.; Dolly Cassone, Lawrence, Mass. 1951 — 2 fi SCUTE 1A, BEACH ROAD oeaen. l ne mayors name is Tom Evans. Tom works as a 13.1 for u Boston radio station WCOP. Tom will be complet ing his 10th year with WCOP very shortly. Tom has a sum- SALISBURY TEL. 4 6 5 - 0 9 5 2 n irK Boats L e a v j L.M. a n d 1 ? .M COLORbv D c LUXE W ^ n e s d o y N i g h t F is h in g 5 :3 0 T ic k e ts S o ld A t O range n n d G reen B u ild in g Tel. GRover 4-3461 Car Trouble? EXPERT A U T O presents AJOEPASTERNAK SHELLEY AM styles available in sites SB-46. On Olde U.S. Rt. 1 Open Doily Except Sundays — Evenings Till 9 P.M Committee members include Mrs. Karl Woerker, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Everett Thomas, Mrs. Peter Bergfors. Mrs. Curtis Albee, Mrs. John Soothwick. Mrs. David Magee and Well the big weekend S - also YELLOW CUSS G AURO N Throe B o a ts T rip s A v a ila b le T w ice . THE EXETER HANDKERCHIEF CO. iT / G A U kO m S P E C IA L C O M P L E T E — L in t s A B a il F u rn — F rte P o rk m g DO LLAR M O R N IN G K lfiftE N E T T E after no o n APTS PHONE A .M 9 2 6 -2 4 6 9 .7 5 PLATTERS SEAFOOD - C H IL D R E N ’ S Lcccfed a t the A q u a Rama M o te l CHARLIE SHA VERS H A R B O R S ID E MOTEL and PLA TE S Jet. I A* T e l. 9 2 6 -2 5 8 7 IT A L IA N AND HIS ORCHESTRA Lincoln Street, Exeter, N. H. yr > 1 . li] ■ ■ ■ | W H | hr, | fjn • DINNERS SERVED, 5 - 1 0 P.M. - Real T reasures a t Prices T h a t W ill S urprise Y o u ! D a ily ACROSS FR O M THE STATE PARK O N SI BREAKFAST SERVED, 7 : 3 0 - 1 1 ARE M A D E . R em n a n t & D rapery S tore S h ip l o S h o re R a d io Old New England Atmosphere For Your Dining Pleasure F A S H IO N FA B R IC S DEEP SEA FISHING S r o c k B a r & T a c k le S h o p STEAKS RESTA U RA N T 5tore H o u rs' M o n .-F ri., 9 -4 :3 0 , Sat., 9 -1 2 :3 0 Production Manager Henry Hamel announced just before press time that several more girls have registered to participate in the Miss Hampton Beach Contest. The number of girls who will definitely par ticipate approached 30 with Mr. Hamel expecting to regis ter between 35 and 40 girls before the deadline next Mon day evening. Some of the recent entrants are Kathleen K. Crofton, 17, Greenfield, Mass.; Cheryl Lynn Marini, 18, Greenfield. Mass.; Donna Mae Mitchell, 17, Green field, Mass.; Margaret L. Favale. 18, New Ipswich. N. H.; and Judy Soucy, 16, 103 North Shore Boulevard, H a m p t o n Beach. A l s o Jean Cameron, 16, G r e e n fie ld . Mass.; Gloria M. Menard, 18. Cabot, Vermont; -^ — UNTIL THURSDAY, JULY 15 & “ B,f STREET TH RO UG H OUR S H O W R O O M W H ER E T h e 5 5 F o o l P a r ty B o a t " A N S W E R C H A R B R O IL E D SUNDRIES IF Y O U E N J O Y A N O LD FA S H BE A CM HELEN FORREST — THE PIED PIPERS TONICS - H U N T , Y O U ’ LL E N J O Y A TRIP €>€^^»€><§><r'«>3>3><S><$><s><3><s><^S>3>^^ $ A * % <,"3 I \K ' f i P lx P __ . X -L X X ^X V A ^ 1| /V I V A C A T IO N E R ICE CREA IO N E D TREASURE STARTS W E D ., JULY 21 • LUNCHES - V D a ys A W e e k • SALISBUR Y M A D E TO ORDER D iffe re n t V a rie tie s REPAIRS Al “ M ARY POPPINS" Bill Hendrickson, “S p l a s h Splosh” ; to Cindy at the CC office. Whats New. A Final Comment; If the moon isn't made of green cheese how come there such u rat race to see who gets ne gives nampton Beacti many to it first. good words. I am sure the RLC C. of C. likes your work Mr. Evans. A fast check at the Hamp ton Playhouse sees that a comedy is now front and cen ter. The play titled “ Never Too Late” should be a good take in. Your reporter made a visit to the Playground here at the beach that is run by Hampton Precinct Comm, ami this year the Playground has really been improved. -We will have more to say on this later but I was shocked to learn that the pay scale was only $35 a week! This reporter is very glad to see that Henry Hamel has returned to Hampton Beach. Henry works very hard plan OCEAN BOULEVARD ning the many beauty contests that are held here at Hamp ton Beach. We mentioned a —• Dave Saulmer — 24 HOUR SERVICE — 2 N D B IG H IT — J a n e F o n d a - A la in D e lo w Auction Saturday Road” ; 14 MG ” S tre e t H a m p to n B each in P A N A V I S I O N a n d M E T R O C O tO f? Hampstead Women’fe th e 926-5322 ScfiSsfeifil o i M The Hampstead W o m e n's Club is completing plans for its auction to be held July 17 at the gymnasium beginning at 10 a.m.* SERVICE B o n 't R a v e . . . C all D a ve l • M-B-M 1 of OPEN YEAR ROUND EMERGENCY ROAD “ K in g : VARIETY STOI ,ecihrook Beach, N. H 1947 — 10 girls competed. Lois Yell, 17, Hampton Reach; Caryle Cadario, lfi. Arlington, Mass.; Jean Bilodeau, 18, Wal- t . Handsome v-neck Umbswool pullover, saddle shoulder. Blue, bordeaux. green end na\y. 13.95 b. Authentic crew-neck Shetland all-wool pullover. Mixtures of blues, greens and heathers. 12.95 C. Traditional ciTdigan, saddle shoulder. Natural, blue and green mixtures. 17.95 'T i l D o r k S o a b ro o k E n d of H a m p to n B r id g e The winners of the BEACH COMBER Cover Girl contest which directly proceed ed the Miss Hampton Beach contest were as follows: 194»* — 16 girls competed Mari lan Eaton. 20 Durham; Virginia Stubbs. 17, Cuba; Ms rilyn Sheehan, 19, Arlington Mass. COM.INS h o te l, L o o k in g fo r th e Finest in S e a co o st W * Dining? J im m y C a n ty 's RESTAURANT I al Memorial SnAgo PORTSMOUTH, N . H. H ig h w a y • S P E C IA L LUN C HEO NS • S e rv e d 11 $ a .m .-4 O p e n D a ily 1 I a .m S u n d a y . I I a .m . f a 3 p .m , I • O o c k s .d a D . f lin g R a a m ’ • C a p t a in 's C a b in l o u n g e p.m . 1.00 S e le c tio n o f th e d a y P o ta to e s - V e g e t a b le s o « ll* s. B u tte r - ------- -- — SERVING STARTING JULY 16 FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY THE FINEST IT A L IA N - A M E B re a k fa s t • Lunch - D in n e r L o c a te d in Full Course D in n e rs G riffen Show & THE G R EYST O N E H O T E L ^ T^ L . % • H . H a m p t o n Beach, N . 5C.KAN B O U LE V A R D * , Of - K " S treet STARTING MONDAY 9 2 6 -5 4 4 1 HUDO N’S RESTAURANT 7 * " ' Sauces fro m our ow n fa m ily r ^ ° * a g n e , V e a l a n d C h ic k e n C a c c la lo r a H a m p to n B each, N . H r - Cn B o u le v a rd HAMPTON BEACH BEAUTY SALON 1 ASHWORTH AVE. * U,«rco«l B r o ile d S ir lo in S te a k , C h ic k e n « WITH OR WITHOUT APPOINTMENT - 11 | Mmi — - lu rs d a y & Friday, July 2 2 A t the Seacoast’s O nly Junction Rt. 86 & 1A PAGE •mm 16 act produces m e ot the brightje st spots in th e play and Ian ! Sullivan, who plays- a vary J amusing son-in-law, gets into the shouting and roaring huto have a baby in the “evening" irritated by the news. His un of her procreative lite. rhe gracious acceptance of the pros ] mor, too! Deidre Owen, as the daugh news generates considerable pective baby gives comedian turmoil in the disquieted a t Dick Kennedy u wonderful op ter, and Anthony Palm er, play mosphere of four people try portunity to grasp the best in ing the role o f Mayor Crane, ing to live under the same roof. boisterous lines throughout lend some strong support to which he can rant and rave and the cast. In minor roles were Dick e'Knnedy. as the “father i yes—get drunk. De French, Louis Beachner, to-be" a t the age of sixty, has The drunk scene in the third Thomas Bahring, and Dick $ahis choleric disposition further t and Funny Evening ‘Never Too Late Comedy continues to doniin* nti* the boards at the Hampton Playhouse as the boisterously amusing “Never Too Late” gives the "fun and games" ac ting combination of Richard Kennedy and Inn Sullivan an other laugh-filled vehicle from which to scatter entertainment Subtle humor is oast aside in "Never Too Late" for the more blatant and noisy type. The script pulls heavily on the domestic problems that de velop between in-laws for its laughter rather than from the central problems of the play in which a middle-aged woman, skillfully played by Rue McCla* nnhan, finds that she is going The girls are chosen on a modified point system modeled after the Miss Universe Con t e s t . Following elimination rounds, the girls then continue to accumulate points for poise, personality, face and form. No talent is required although many of the girls who have won in the past have much talent. Girls are attired in bathing suits and high heeel shoes. Evening gowns are not displayed until the Coronation Ball. ---------— Once again h. Pluyhousu is ,„r ,Je «,1Ur J * . can enjoy n *r of Pl“y that on^ " “ *. H ear ye. H e a r ye . . Wt> a r a v id * fn s e fo rm s ar»d pay p a s ta g u b jlh w ays. AsU fo r $1545 ?*' Al! 4 Dc>0'- 6. ltd. RAH. 63 C orvair 2 D. $1245 63 Chevrolet d e r a ils to d a y . s e ria l shares, p a id up a n d in v e s tm e n t ce rtifica te s. T h e b o n k t h a t is “ o n th e g r o w * ' w i t h 64 P lym outh V a lia n t V - 2 0 0 . ” - 3 P.M . P l a is t jj w t ROUTE 101 EXETER, N. H. S a tu rd a y 3 A .M . - $ p . ^ ★ INTEGRITY 6 J R am bler 4D $ 144 $ W agon 6 C yl 61 Pontiac ” 4 O aa, .h i( , ’6 2 C hevy W« U ? $ 1295 ra n . i gai 3 -a d e b a ke r $695 Eco(, r IBadio A H-a?er f<>* Trani‘ V 8 $945 C o n v » A ll P o w e r. '6 3 Pontiac 2 D $1345 S’ « C v .,o m . 4 M o , , a ll , x l r o , •63 Chev.-det $ , 695 2 Oa3- -4 r u<k’' 4 w S a b r, r o t r lo n e '6 3 D oor 4 D. $1595 500. f“ " ;6i $2295 $ 2695 A i , c 6o ! d s ct v' imp 52095 H d '° ? ^><4 N e w 62 Chev SS $1995 Cp'’ *5<1 350 H p 4 O ld s 88 ^2 <i|or . p c 2 » _ « W 6 .s W h ,,'; 3 Cyl ,,nd a ^ " i n i n 9 W o r r a r i. A u to 40 U k, N *w . 63 S a m b le r M o d . 770 B u c k -' 3ad° n * ° UCk9r S i0 ,»- Real 3 « fg o n d y . Sharp. B6.2 X l ' 2 D r- H a rd to p < 3 9 *; T riu m p h ’6 ! M onza 3 la c l< - C oupe S vcke, „ o tt 26 > F°/„d G.Q,° x ie , H.T. E n g in e w i t h ,n c . ^ ° r inc. - - -*>773-370 141 00 W agan, '6 3 9 P ass. V8. resenfative. WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1965 FREE D odge 4D. 1 1 ,0 0 0 C or V /a rra n ty . pud. $500 M ilt s . F u lly m v- ( m S1 i i* a & * (C ontinued on Page S ix te e n 7 ' mg r. /-V-' L ife $3m J w MISS JUDY REYNOLDS. 18, of Manchester. N. H. became the ISth Miss Hampton Beach at the annual contest held Tuesday nitrht at the beach. First runner-up. and for the third consecutive vear. was Fran Houlihan. 18. of Seabrook. X. H„ left. Second runner-up awards were presented to Miss Carole Ann SeeKa, 18. Worcester, Mass., at ripht. A Colt Photo N r* f q 0'?1 S a v in g s ’ 6 4 C o rv n ir C pe. A ul ®1 10 0 0 0 M ile s . W a rra n ty S ave m a n y C h e v. & N ew S I 013' Im p a la , ‘t O r H a r d t o p . L o a d e d , R e a s o n a b le O f f e r Refused ’6 3 F o rd W it h O v e r d r iv e . W agon at C n try . Sedo R eal d *3 $1695 C y H n c .r P a n e ls . T ra m . Uk R a m b le r Am eri<°r C o n v f. f t : Sr 2 - '63 Volkswagen Sf d v $ 1^ ‘ 3 3 0 ‘ . 6 C y l. A o t o . P.5. 65 ning. During the ceremonies she received her official sash, cape and crown. Miss Hamp ton Beach 1964, Sheila Scott, placed the crown upon the head of the new Miss Hamp ton Beach. Continuing in the ceremon ies, the first and second place runners - up a l s o received crowns. Trophies were pre sented to all three girls by Jay Dinneen, Rick Darrah and W alter Vanderpool, president of the sponsoring Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Each oi the, top girls was also presented with Savings bonds. Miss Hampton Beach also re ceived her official bouquet of roses. This marked the fifth con secutive year that a New Hampshire girl has taken the top honors and the second in three years for a Manchester lass. Judges for the pageant were Roger Harris, New England BEAUTY l'**"*i •*nd Sfd ■63 C hevy ||, 4 D o o r, 5 w it h Frances Houlihan. Seabrook, N. H., gained the runner-up honors for the third consecu tive year. Fran, form er Miss New England, recently grad uated from W innacunnet High School and was sponsored by the Tides Hotel and Motel. She is 18 years of age, is 5 fleet 4 inches tall, weighes 110 lbs. and her measurements are 34-23-34. Second runner - up honors were accorded Carol Ann Seega, Worcestor, Mass. She is 18 years old. weighs 105 lbs., is 5 feqt> 2 inches tali and is 35*21*56. Third and fourth runnersup were Anita Finnegan, Hyde Park, Mass' and Can dye Walk er, Paris, France. A large audience looked on during the brief coronation ceremonies which followed the judging. Although .ludy will officially receive her crown jand begin her year’s reign on August 20, the night of the Coronation ball, she was royally treated Tuesday eve ’ 5 8 P ly m o u th 60 L o ^ r, KlNG CHEVY-OLDS. P ods. H T = 1 Com et D e lu x e ps •M ile a g e OWNER BUICK^onfiocCn l_- l wV,H 500 5 60 Chev. | m p V 8. G a fa x ie $1195 Law C onv. Cp , S ^ hryS,#r fw , 3“9hr Red i Whi„ 2 ro„o 4 P w rd O ld s 83 ’6 3 F a lco n, 4 D r. C le a n '6 3 p w id Wnrran.y Uk. Naw °0 63 ?'V!n a .tr $895 Sp„ d Sp" d *wLFoid Conv’ s,«o U^,K8UlCk’ H' OP 51995 JL ° f $1345 lo v |n 9 P.S., A u to . C le o n . 61 Ford, 4 Or. $ 1095 ■6 ' S .d o n 63 Ford G a la x . $1795 * Of 1 5e0, A|| Sfd $945 T e m p . i i V/ago n u rv P e w ., 4 Whe.l OriV4 is Our Business $1595 $94S Rodio A Heofyr- to 60 Plym outh M l '6 3 Scout ?°i pB3 icl< Conv S ' 395 5 y l' SldL T'On«- RSh jC lo js ic c— ’63 Chevy || e ? Cy' SW- * i H fo lto n 4 D. $1045 I 6 1 Ram bler Sedan. e * tro > . 63 Falcon 2 D. $1145 F63 R0"1 J!°dh 4 H,° " ‘ $1795 Or 63 Buick Elec. $2795 ['Ud. ‘ ' r . 1 *odi° * KaT 4 r o d ,° ' " w . , 3 5 , 0 0 0 f ° € t® ry w o r r a n r y | , f t . * 3322 fo r a d v e rltirn g rep- Rolling up a record of 89 out of 100 possible points on the judges tally sheets, pretty Judy Rey nolds, Manchester, N. H. became Miss Hampton Beach for 1965 Tuesday evening at the Casino Ballroom. Judy took the top honors from 37 of an originallyscheduled 41 girls who competed for the top honors in the 18th consecutive contest. She is 18 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 127 lbs. and her vital statistics are 36-24-35. She was sponsored byHale Shoe Store of Hampton Beach. On s a vin g s a cco u n ts, * QUALITY fn ,‘ I n c o r p o r a t in g th e H a m p t o n B e a c h A d v o c a te 8. Cell ? 2 i- Judy Reynolds Miss Hampton Beacli EXETER NEW CAR DEALER^Good Trans. N Sept. M iss H o u lih a n R u n n eru p M o n .- fr i., 8 A M 3 . A u to thru Tv VOL. X X X V II, N O . 5 OPEN r lished each W e d fie s d r/ out or the theatre savi^'W t u u Wr,s fun!-. nnd t £ Ml tly forget what it Wa, “f l .Th>‘ , ‘■’" 'y ‘•■motion 4 S J laughter and that J H for all of us. ^ MU X AUTOMOBILE ’ 64 Dodge 4W D $2245 P'C KU P. With P lo w . 64 D odge 4 D. $1945 The Beachcomber ;s pub . # CONTEST (Continued from Page 1) the United States, Canada and Cuba have competed over the years. Massachusetts holds the honor of having the most win ners with eight. New Hamp shire is rapidly closing in with four winners now, nil in suc cession while Maine, Rhode Is-, land and Canadian girls have all placed first once. The pageant will be held Tuesday evening July 20th at the Casino Ballroom beginning promptly at 8:30 p.m. * RELIABILITY To A ll A dvertisers . . . pATTERSON Low Low M ile a g e , t 5" P ric e s . W ENTW ORTH 777.373, R a m b le r. MO F » « t» A vc. 7 7 J -5 f; .v. History, Art Displayed A t Library teresting historical documents of the town of Hampton. T h e earliest is dater 1735 and is a A Town Warrant calling for elec tio n of a representative to the •;ieafvProvincial General Assembly. Other documents displayed are: Town Warrant to vote for a del egate to the New Hampshire Constitutional Congress. 1,75: T E U R E N G I N E E R S a t work recently were m em bers of Apprentice Indenture, 1 •03: HcDiarmid fam ily from W ilbrah am , Mass. John. an Town Warrant to exempt sol le worked n e a r ly all m orning to construct their sand casdiers f**om taxes from the cur *hown above. Boys and girls visiting the beach later this rent year 1776: Bill and Town ler " i l l have th e o p p o rtu n ity to vie for the sand casUc On display in the cases at W arrant for the payment of P ions hips d u rin g th e C hildren's activities. Hampton’s share cf the cost of PhoU) by Elliot .he library is a collection of inMrs. Gertrude Dole of Haver hill, Mass., has a varied display of her charcoal, pastel, and oil paintings on exhibit at t h e Lane Memorial Library through July and August. The paintings include still life, andscapes, and portraits; also, Mrs. Dole has used the sea and coast as ubje % ts for several of her paint ings. Among the larger paint ings are two of Mt. Chocorua. one in summer and one in win- the Revolutionary War: Town W arrant to vote for delegates tto the First Continental Con gress a t Philadelphia, 1774; Town Warrant to send a dele gate to the General Assembly from the Province of N e w Hampshire, 1762; several no tices of Town Meetings during and immediately after the Rev olutionary War; Town Invoices for 1762. 1765. 1773, and 1789; a document dated April. 1776, and another dated Dec'Jnber, 1779. pertaining to the “future” ownership of marsh lands.