International Multidisciplinary Research Journal


International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISSN No :2231-5063
Vol 5 Issue 6 Dec 2015
International Multidisciplinary
Research Journal
Golden Research
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RNI MAHMUL/2011/38595
ISSN No.2231-5063
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ISSN: 2231-5063
Impact Factor : 3.4052(UIF)
Volume - 5 | Issue - 6 | Dec - 2015
Golden Research Thoughts
Jukale Shivraj Kallappa
Lecturer in History
Although the khiligi’s army{ Mallik kaffar, commanderin-chief of Allauddin khiligi} was the first muslim force to invade
the Deccan. The Tughluq were the first to include the Deccan in
their empire. Mahammad-Bin-Tughluq practically conquered
the entire peninsular India and set-up a regular administration
in the south. The empire is vast. Daualtabad [devagiri] became
the centre of Tughluq activity. In order to look after the
administeration of Devagiri Mahammad-Bin- Tughluq
appointed his brother [Nizamuddin] as a provincial governer.
But he was despotic people hated
him. Under the leadership of an
Afghan Ismailmuck, the muslim
rosed a revolt against Nizamuddin.
Nizamuddin ran away. So, Ismailmukh proclaimed as a king of
Devagiri under the title Nasir-ud-din
shah. By hearing this news,
Mahhammad-bin-Tughluq came to
Devagiri with huge army and
crushed the revolt very soon.
KEYWORDS :Bahamani Kingdom ,
regular administration , provincial
Some of them escaped to
Gulbarga under the leadership of
one Hassan Gangu or Jafar khan. At
the same time he went to Gujarat to
supress the revolt and left for Delhi.
Ismail-mukh ,though brave and
competent was too old to manage
the affairs of the state efficiently and therefore, he made room for another capable leader of the
dissident group Hassan by name. He declared himself sultan of the Deccan on 3rd August c.e.1347
and assumed the title Hassan Gangu Bahaman shaha and set up his own dynasty called Bahamani
dynasty. He made Gulbarga as his capital.
The history of this kingdom may be commenced from c.e.1347 and lasted upto c.e. 1527. In
its history of 180 years 15 kings ruled over the kingdom . Its history can be studied under two stages,
viz 1]. Gulbarga as the seat of the government from c.e. 1347 to c.e. 1422. [2]. Bidar was the seat of
the government from c.e. 1422 to 1527.
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Gulbarga period c. e. 1347-1422.
•Allauddin Hassan Gangu Bahamanshaha c.e. 1347-1358.
•Allauddin Mijahidshaha
•Mohammadshaha II
BIDAR PERIOD C.E.1422-1527.
•Allauddin II
•Mohammudshaha III
•Allauddin III
•Amir Ali Kalimulla
MAHAMMUD GAWAN C.E. 1463-1481.
Mohammud Gawan was ever to be remembered in the history of Bahamani kingdom. He was a
great warrior, great administrator and great patron of learning. He was an original resident of very
unknown township Gawan of Persia. He was born in c.e. 1411 in a noble family. His earlier name was
Immammuddin mahamud.2 He studied in Kairo became a famous scholar.2 By 1453 he came to meet
ShahmuiBulla Kiramani, a religious and pious sufi muslim saint in Bidar. He visited the court of Allauddin
II [1435-1458]. The sultan was attracted by the sterling qualities and extraordinary wisdom of
Mahmmud Gawan, enrolled him as a courtier. Soon he proved to be trustworthy and a sincer worker.
After the death of Allauddin, Humayun [1458-1461] became the sultan. Humayun honoured
Gawan by appointing him as a minister. Nizamshaha, [1461-1463], succeeded by Humayun , was a boy
of 8 years. So queen mother by name Maghdumhjahan became the regent. Gawan became the
advisor and elevated to the rank of vazir-us-sultan.3 Nizam shaha died in 1463 in 1463 on the very day
of his marriage and succeeded by his young brother Mohammud shaha III [1463-1482]. Mahammud
Gawan by shirdint of merit earned the title ‘khawaja-e-jahan’ , lord of the earth, representative of
empire, secretary of royal palace. For his position two thousand Mughal soldiers were his bodyguards.4
1463-1481 was called as Gawan era. During this period Gawan made the kingdom to reach zenith of its
Mahammud Gawan enjoyed the conifidence of the new sultan also. Gawan became prime
minister and as such left indelible impression as a General Commander and as well as administrator
and sultan
CONQUESTS;- Mahmmud Gawan made many conquests, as a result , the limits of his kingdom were
extended. With his well equipped army he marched towards Khalsa fort near Kolahapur and
defeated its king Sangmeswara and captured it.5
Secondly, he captured Goa from Vijaynagr. And annexed it to his kingdom.6 Thirdly, in 1472 he
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invaded on Belgavi captured Bagalkot, Hubli and rushed to Andhra Pradesh, captured Rajamundry and
Fourthly, he interfeared in the affairs of Orissa. After the death of Kapileswara, Mangalray and
Hammir struggled for power.With the help of Gawan , Hammir ascended the throne of Orissa. Gawan
took the tribute from him in the form of elephant,horses,camels ,gold and diamonds. He destroyed
Hindu temple and took the title Gazi8 [destroyer of idols].
Fifthly Gawan defeated Vijayanagar king Salva Narasimha and captured Machalipattana and
kandkuru. In c.e. 1481 he marched against Kanchi and Rameshwaram. He sacked the city and temples,
gained enoromous amount of treasure.9
Gawan driven the army of Malwa, which was invaded on Bidar, with the help of Gujarat king.10
He took the title Luskars.
Extent;- Because of his wars the kingdom was extended up to Khandesh in north , river Krishna in the
south.In the eastern side upto Orissa and in west upto Konkan. According to Sherwani Gawan was
more famous in wars than in statesmanship.
• Gawan was notonly a great conqurer, he was also a great administrator. For the purpose of
administrative convenience, he divided Bahamani kingdom into eight tarafs or provinces.11 They
were as follws; Bidar, Gulbarga, Bijapur, Daulatabad, Warrangal, Rajmundry, Berar [junar] and
• He divided Tarafs or provinces into sarkar and parghana. He reduced the power of Tarafdar. He
brought the system of transfer to them, as they should not revolt against center.13
• Land reforms;- Land of the kingdom was surveyed and land record system was brought.14 On the
basis of fertility land revenue was fixed. It should be in cash. His land revenue system was a model for
future land reformer like Todermalla and others.15 Land revenue was main source of income .
Professional Tax, sale tax , booty etc were the other source of income.
• Mahammud Gawan put down the corrupt practices in administration.16
• Military reforms ;- He reorganised the army , as all the power should be in the hands of Sultan. He
increased the salary of soldiers. According to Ferista peace and tranqulity was existed in his
• Economic reforms;- In order to increase the living standard of his subjects , he gave encouragement to
Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Commerce. He constructed wells, canals, reservoirs, etc for the
improvement of Agriculture. As a result economic condition of the kingdom was improved. In famine
he spent money from his treasury for the welfare of his people.18
Gawan was himself was a great scholar. He was patron of education, fond of learning and the
society of learned. He constructed a magnificent college and vast library at his own cost, in the year
c.e. 1472 at Bidar.19 It is known as Gawan Madarsa. It is three storeyed building , consists of four units;
like library, auditorium, masjid and accommodation for professors and students. Here one thousand
teachers and students got accommodation .20 Library consists of 3000 manuscripts. Gawan himself
was an eminent scholar in religion, literature, medicine, maths, etc. His most famous work were
Manzir-ul-Insha and Riyaz-ul-Insha.21 Geography, philosophy, maths, Arabic, Persian etc., were taught.
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Mahammud Gawans military records were one of triumph. Selfish intrigues of the nobles of his
court hinder the progress and ultimately caused the ruin of the kingdom.23 Mahammud shaha
addicts to hard drink and became mentally unbalanced. He passed death sentence to Mahammud
Gawan on 5th April c.e. 1481, at the instigation of his enemies, the Deccani nobles, under the
leadership of Mallik Hassan. They were jealous of Gawn’s progress. They produced a forged letter to
persuade the sultan to believe in the Gawan’s treasonable correspondence with the Gajapati
purusothama of Orissa. He fell a prey to conspiracy hatched by a rival nobles Affaki and Dakkani.24 He
pleaded non guilty and tried to convenience his innocence, but he was not heard. With a smiling face,
he accepted the order of his sovereign like faithful and obedient servant but with prophency-‘The
death of a old man like me is of little moment to myself, but to you [mohammud shaha III] it will prove
the ruin of an empire and of your glory’.25
These prophetic words proved true and sultan’ was so much sorry of his misdeed that he too
succumbed to his folly within a year and it is said that Mahammud Gawan was slaying him’. Meadows
Taylor was justly remarked that ‘the murder of Gawan was the beginning of the end of the [Bahamani
dynasty ], with him departed all the cohesion and power of the Bahamani kingdom’. He was buried at
Gornalli village at Bidar.
Eventhough Mahammud Gawan was the prime-minister of Bahamani Kingdom, he led a simple
life. He sleeps on a mat in a room. His food was also very simple. He wore clothes like a Fakir. He helps
to the poor and needy and give alms to the people on Friday. He was a man of simple living and high
thinking 26
Mahammud Gawan by sheer dint of merit rose to the highest position of prime-minister. He
extended the frontiers of his kingdom , by waging many conquests. He gave good and efficient
administration to the people of his kingdom. The economic condition of his kingdom was improved. He
was lover of education , established Gawan Madars college at Bidar, which was the attractive centre of
knowledge to students of different countries of the world. Even today it attracts tourists .The
weakness of Gawan was his intolerance to other faith.27 According to Iswari Prasad he was ‘loyal and
faithful’ Isami says ‘he treats his people of Bidar as his family’. Prassy Brown says ‘he was man of merit’.
Tragic death of Gawan was tragic death of Bahamani Kingdom.
The Russian Traveller Niketin visited Bidar in c.e. 1470, says that the country was populous
and that roads were safe. The city was adorned with Gardens, parks and praised the pomp and wealth
of Bidar. He regarded Bidar as an important city of Islam in India. ‘ Mahammud Gawan was a hero of
many battles, able administrator, scholar loyal and selfless person of moral integrity.
Mohammud shaha III died in the year c..e.1482. his son and successor Mahammud II ruled
from c.e.1482-1518. He was weak and incapable ruler. Ambitious Trafdas or provincial governors took
this advantage, declared themselves as independent. 1. Imad shahi dynasty of Berar was founded by
Imad-ul-mulk. in c.e. 1484. 2.] The Adil shahi dynasty of Bijapur was founded byYusuf Adil shaha in c.e.
1489. 3] The Nizam shahi dynasty of Ahamadnagar was founded by Malik Ahamad Niza-ul-mulkin c.e.
1490. 4]. The Qutab shahi dynasty of Golkunda was founded by Kutub-ul-mulk in c.e. 1512. 5]. Barid
shshi dynasty of Bidar was founded by Kasim Barid in c.e.1527.29
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1. M . Raghvendra prabhu- History-I,-JaiBhart publication, Mangalore. 2004. page no;159.
2. Dr. K. Jagdish-History-I- Chiraga publication Dharwad. 2010. page no; 305.
3]. Ibid
4]. Ibid.
5]. Prof. B.P. Hugar- History-Siddhalingeswara publication Gulbarga. 2005. page no; 288.
6]. K.N. Aswathappa- Indian History- Sapna Book House, Banaluru. 2005. page No; 212.
7]. Smt. B.R. Parineetha- History- United Publication, Mangalore. 2006. page no; 232.
8]. 6]. K.N. Aswathappa- Indian History- Sapna Book House, Banaluru. 2005. page No; 212.
9]. Ibid.
10]. Phalaksha- Introduction to History- Shashi publication, Tiptur, Tumkur dist. 2005 page no; 282.
11]. prof. B.J.Mathus, prof. R.Mangala- History-I Sarswati house Bangaluru. 2005. page no; 124.
12].Prof. B.P. Huhar Ibid page no; 289.
13]. Ibid.
14]. M.Raghvendra Ibid page no; 161.
15]. Ibid.
16]. Ibid.
17]. Prof. Mathus Ibid page no ; 124.
18]. Prof. B.P. Hugar Ibid page no; 290.
19]. R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Rayachaudhri, Kaliknar Datta - An Advanced History of India-Macmilan India
Limited. 1985. page no; 355.
20]. Prof. B.J.Mathus Ibid page no; 124.
21]. Phalaksha Ibid. page no;283.
22]. M. Raghavendra Ibid. page no; 161.
23]. R.C,Majumdar Ibid page no 255.
24]. Ibid.
25]. K. Jagdish.Ibid. page no; 306.
26]. Ibid.
27]. Prof B.P.Hugar Ibid. page no;291.
28]. K.N.Aswathappa. Ibid page no; 213.
29]. K.Jagdish Ibid page no; 307.
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