Tornado Times - Reynoldsburg City Schools
Tornado Times - Reynoldsburg City Schools
First Quarter 2010 Volume 3, Issue 1 Take Note: Friday Nov. 19th • 4th grade field trip To OSU Marching Band • Youth Concert OSU Alumni Band Assembly 11:45am Thursday Nov. 25th Friday Nov. 26th Thanksgiving! No School! Friday Dec. 3rd • 3rd grade field trip to Mershon Auditorium 6:30-8:30pm Cookies with Santa Thursday Dec. 9th Winter Choir Musical “Once on a House Top” 7:00pm Wednesday Dec. 22nd Classroom winter parties Tornado Times SEPTEMBER’s RESPECT Students-of-the-Month Ms.Brinkmeyer (a.m.) Parker B. Ms. Brinkmeyer (p.m.) Hunter D. Ms. Bracone Emili P. Ms. Gibson Kennadi H. Ms. Hosste Kobey W. Mr. Kanzigg Andy R. Grace C. Ms. Calkins Justin D. Ms. Crego Makaela F. Ms. Lambert (a.m.) Lindsay C. Ms. DeBellis Ms. Lambert (p.m.) Andrew H. Ms. McGlumphy Alem G. Ms. LaPrad Camden E. Ms. Hopkins Jayden S. Ms.Kanzigg Kevin E. Ms. Love Abby S. Ms. Widdoes Leah G. Ms.Shipton Max C. Ms. Gibbons Carlton W. Ms. S-T Nate R. Ms. Ripple Alexa-Belle P. Ms. Smith Paul B.. OCTOBER’s OCTOBER’s RESPONSIBILITY Students-of-the-Month Ms.Brinkmeyer (a.m.) Jordan W. Ms. Bracone Troy N. Ms. Gibson Javon E. Ms. Brinkmeyer (p.m.) Isabelle W. Ms. Hosste Tannor L. Mr. Kanzigg Casi D. Ms. Lambert (a.m.) Ava M. Ms. DeBellis Nick C. Ms. Calkins Nathaniel B. Ms. Lambert (p.m.) Emily T. Ms. McGlumphy Devin V. Ms. Crego Bradley T. Ms. LaPrad Carli R. Ms. Hopkins Courtney E. Ms.Kanzigg Loniel J. Ms. Love Anna H. Ms. Widdoes Garrett B. Ms.Shipton Kyleigh C. Ms. Gibbons Serrin W. Ms. S-T Mihaleigh G. Ms. Ripple Angelina Z. Ms. Smith Colette G. Congratulations to the 2010-2011 Taylor Road Character Council! rd T T h u D 2 3 ~ hu urrrsss... D Deeeccc... 2 23 3rrdd ~ ~ Th FFFrrriii... D D 3 1 Deeeccc... 3 31 1sssttt W Wiinntteerr BBrreeaakk!! N Noo SScchhooooll!! Hey Twittering Tornadoes! If you have a Twitter account, you can follow tweets from PrincipalPropst regarding events and important reminders from Taylor Road! Tweet Tweet! Taylor Road Elementary 2010-2011 Character Council: Emily M. (Treasurer), Delaney K. (Treasurer), Luka W., Amanda M., Taylor L., Cameron D., Gunnar G., Max C. (President), Bryden S., Lindsey L. (Vice President), Anna S. (Secretary), Mackenzie M., Rachel P., Camby G., and Aishwarya A. Since their election by fellow classmates at the beginning of the year, these fourth graders have been working hard to help make Taylor Road Elementary an awesome place to learn! So far this year they have been operating the school store and leading the Pledge of Allegiance during morning announcements. They’ve also been great hosts! They enjoyed lunch with our visiting author, Steve Harpster, and meet-and-greet lunches with our new students. Their service isn’t limited to just our school, though. During Red Ribbon Week, they collected and sorted over 700 soap products for our donation to Reynoldsburg Helping Hands. This month Character Council will be counting box tops and collecting Thanksgiving food donations for Reynoldsburg Helping Hands during the week of November th th 15 –19 . They are a great group of hardworking students! Congratulations and thank you! Taylor Road Elementary From Mrs. Wright, School Nurse: Health Notes Central Ohio has seen a rise in Pertussis (whooping cough) cases over the last several months. With children now in school, the risk for even more cases is high. Whooping cough is a disease that is passed easily from person to person. It can cause coughing so severe that it leads to vomiting or broken ribs. Children diagnosed with whooping cough are required to stay out of school for at least five (5) days and may miss weeks of school. Even worse, children with whooping cough can spread it to babies at home. It can be deadly for babies, causing them to cough so much that they cannot breathe. Pertussis usually begins with cold-like symptoms and often proceeds to a severe, constant cough that ends with a “whoop” sound. Older children, teens, and adults may not have the “whoop.” Therefore, it is important that parents: • Make sure your children are up-to-date on their immunizations. (A DULTS CAN ALSO GET A BOOSTER FOR WHOOPING COUGH .) • Cover your cough and wash your hands. • Stay home when sick. • Call your doctor if you or your child have any of the above symptoms. Library News Go Ahead... Name Names! From Mrs. Smith >>When sending in attendance notes or any correspondence regarding your child, PLEASE write your child’s first and last name on the note. >>If you write a check to the school or to our PTO, please be sure to include your child’s name on the memo line. If the check is for lunch money, please also include the student’s 6-digit ID number (note the catchy poem to the right). It is especially hard to identify the correct student if your last name is different from your child’s. >>Be sure to send in a note or email (even after you have called in an absence) when your child returns to school so the absence will be excused. You may email Ms. Morgan at Thank you! Diid dY Yo ou uK Kn no ow w?? D THANK YOU to those who worked at our book fair last month! Book Fair Chairperson, Kristin St. Clair, and her co-chairs Kristi Anderson-Dean and Lisa Dulay, deserve an extra-special Tornado “thank you” for their superb job of coordinating the entire event. And what a successful event it was! Because of the incredible support of our Taylor Road families, our library will have approximately $4500 to spend on Scholastic Books! Thank you, Taylor Road! The United States is not the only country that celebrates Thanksgiving. Canada holds its Thanksgiving celebration on the 2nd Monday in October. Interesting, eh? CONGRATULATIONS TO TAYLOR ROAD ELEMENTARY STUDENTS, STAFF, AND FAMILIES! ,Taylor Road Elementary is the proud recipient of the Battelle for Kids 2010 SOAR Award! This prestigious award is given to the top two percent (2%!!) of 541 participating SOAR schools in Ohio and recognizes high academic progress across multiple grade levels and subjects during the 2009-2010 school year. This is the second time our school has earned the Battelle for Kids SOAR award through tremendous growth and high student achievement. We were also proud recipients of this honor in 2008. Everyone at Taylor Road Elementary should be extremely proud of this exceptional honor! CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss to the winners of the Red Ribbon Week Eat Right Coloring Contest These healthy-eating artists each received a Subway gift card for a healthy meal, and a special pencil from our wonderful PTO. Their artwork is displayed next to Mrs. Brown’s R e d R i b b o n W e e k Pledge Wall where over 300 students committed to make healthy choices with their heart pledge cards. (from left to right) J e n i b e lla N. -1st g ra de Gavin S. – 3rd grade Adelaide D. – 4th grade C a i t l i n D - Kindergarten Jordan B. – 2nd grade Ode to Lunch Money The School Store is When sending in lunch money It’s important to feature Your KID’S FULLNAME As well as the name of their TEACHER. Students ’ 6-digit ID NUMBER The lunch ladies also need, After all, they have Hundreds of students to feed. The AMOUNT you’re sending Should be clearly written, So there’s no question How much their account should be gettin’. Wednesday and Friday mornings BEFORE the bell rings!