May - Ulysses Glasshouse Mountains
May - Ulysses Glasshouse Mountains
M A Y 2014 - I S S U E 196 G l a ss h o u s e M o u n t a i n s U l yssi a n N e w sl e t t e r o f t h e U l y ss es C l u b I n c. G l a ss h o u se M o u n t a i n s B r a n c h P O B o x 380 M o r a y f i e l d Q L D 4506 g l a ss h o u se m o u n t a i n s. u l y ss esc l u b .o r g 2014 A G M A l i c e S p r i n gs M a y 12 – 18 For all Glasshouse Mtns Members going to the Alice AGM. XT & Su are taking our Glasshouse Mtns Branch Banner and erecting it beside their tent in the camp area at Alice. The usual A G M P h o t o is planned for 4.30 p m S a t u r d a y 17 t h so remember this date & time and be at XT’s tent with cameras rolling. Contents 2. 3. Committee President Report Brain Teasers 4 Secretary Report 5. Social Coordinators Report 6. Treasurers Report 7. Birthdays/Steve’s Ride Report 8. 2014 Valley Rally Flyer 9 Cliff’s Ride Report 10 Cartwheel Ride 2014 flyer 11 Cliff’s Woodburn Ride Report 12/13 Sturgis 2013 Cont 14 Glasshousefieds/ BT Answers 15 Advertisements 16 Ride Calendar & Sponsor QR Barcode Glasshouse Mountains Branch Committee 2014 P r es i d e n t V i c e P r es i d e n t Terry ’Dartss’ Sheppard M o b i l e: 0418 711 249 t j. d a r tss@g m a i l.c o m Lyndell ‘Storm’ Ward M o b i l e: 0439 106 954 t r i k e r c h i c k 57@h o t m a i l.c o m Secr et a r y T r e asu r e r Christine ‘MissBehavin’ Sheppard M o b i l e: 0416 937 960 m y c o f f e e c u p is r e d@g m a i l.c o m Don ‘The Don’ Gregory M o b i l e: 0427 326 944 d o n g r e g@o p t u s n e t .c o m . a u R affle C oo r d i n a to r Soci a l C oo r d i n a to r Lyndell ‘Storm’ Ward M o b i l e: 0439 106 954 t r i k e r c h i c k 57@h o t m a i l.c o m T i e n a ' K e r m i t' O ' H a n l o n M o b i l e: 0402 507 600 t i e n a o h a n l o n@h o t m a i l.c o m B r a n c h W elco m i n g O ffice r Welfa re O ffice r Annette ‘Lucky’ Lock M o b i l e: 0401 828 712 o d r u n k n 1. a l@g m a i l.c o m Hilary ‘Hilly’ Carrozza M o b i l e: 0407 887 670 h i l a r y .c a r r o z z a@g m a i l.c o m Exofficio Committee 2014 R i d e C o-o r d i n a t o r A ss is t a n t R i d e C o-o r d i n a t o r Bill ‘Nuts’ Westaway Don ‘Hacker’ Hadley M o b i l e: 0404 575 158 h a c k e r 13 d o n@h o t m a i l.c o m M o b i l e: 0416 042 520 R egali a O ffice r W e b A d m i n is t r a t o r & H is t o r i a n Rosemary ’Rosy’ Jarvis M o b i l e: 0433 316 410 r os y .58@h o t m a i l.c o m Averil ‘Slogga’ Hingley DM M o b i l e: 0419 787 302 a v e r i l g r o p e r@o p t u s n e t .c o m . a u A ss is t a n t R a f f l e C h i c N e w sl e t t e r E d i t o r Myra ’Toots’ E c k a r t M o b i l e: 0448 903 866 k e r r y e c k a r t@b i g p o n d .c o m R ob y n M iller M o b i l e: 0422 566 853 g h m n e w sl e t t e r@g m a i l.c o m A ss is t a n t T r e a s u r e r Carol ’LennyThePikachu’ Jeffrey M o b i l e: 0412 260 083 Disclaimer: Newsletters are produced monthly. Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Ulysses Club Inc Glasshouse Mountains Branch. The Editor and the Ulysses Club Inc. Glasshouse Mountains Committee accepts no responsibility for any article or advertisement in this publication and have the right to refuse any piece for publication if he/she feels that it will breach any advertising laws or offend any person/persons. It is assumed that any photos submitted for the Newsletter have the permission of the subjects. 2 Presidents Report – May 2014 To all the members travelling to the Alice for this year’s AGM, we trust they will have an uneventful trip to and fro and a great week in-between and bring back some pictures and stories for us to read in the newsletter next month! Last month we reviewed some sample club shirts and the debate was spirited with a wide variety of options people wanted, whether or not the brands of shirts we have available to us will have any hope of coming within cooee of satisfying all of those preferences is another thing. At the end of the day, if a consensus can’t be reached the committee will have to shoulder the burden and try to make the best selection it can, based on the closest possible balance between what everyone wants and what is actually available to secure and put simply “manage the business of the branch” as mandated in the Ulysses Club Inc constitution. While I personally prefer to work with a consensus on issues discussed with the members, I recognise that on some topics there will be no consensus and decisions are still needed. Due to my absence this month Lyndell “Storm” Ward will be chairing the meeting and I’d like to thank her for taking on the role in my stead. I’m sure she will do a wonderful job as I have all confidence in her understanding of the position. Disgracefully yours, Terry Sheppard (Dartss #53697) Brain Teasers 1. You’re riding a horse. To the right of you is a cliff and in front of you is any elephant moving at the same pace and you can’t overtake it. To the left of you is a hippo running at the same speed and a lion is chasing you. How do you get to safety? 2. What number comes next? 2, 2, 4, 12, 48, ___ 3. A man was killed on Sunday morning. His wife found the body and called the police. The police arrived and questioned the chef, maid, butler, and gardener. Their alibis were; Chef – making breakfast, Maid – getting mail, Butler – setting the table, Gardener – watering the plants The police immediately arrested the guilty person. Who was it and how did they know? E d i t o r s R e p o r t: HI All To all those lucky people travelling to the AGM “SAFE TRAVELS & HAVE A BLAST”. I will expect the stories & pics when you get back, and don’‛t tell me ‘what goes on at the AGM stays at the AGM’‛. Thank you to Steve & Cliff for their ride reports. So sit back, relax and have a read…...Enjoy!! Closing date for submissions for June newsletter: Wed 28th May N O T E : C l os i n g d a t e f o r a l l s u b m i ss i o n s t o t h e n e w sl e t t e r i s t h e 4 t h W e d n es d a y o f e a c h m o n t h . Any material received after this date will be printed in the following month’s Newsletter unless i t i s u r g e n t a n d r e q u i r es t o b e i n t h e c o m i n g i ss u e. 3 Ulysses Glasshouse Mountains Branch Secretary Report MAY 2014 If you missed the last meeting here is where you can catch up and read your Secretary’s report to find out what has been happening at your Branch. Last Members Meeting was held on the 2nd April 2014 Its that time of the year again the Annual AGM this year at Alice Springs. What a day week that should be. To all those attending come back to us safely and take care on the roads. Plenty of pictures would be a bonus too. Trip of a life time for some. Enjoy! A good turn out on Anzac day was observed, thanks to all who joined us. I have noticed in attending the Woodford Anzac day that the crowns are not as big as when I first started attending. Hopefully next year the crowds will be great for the "100 years of Gallipoli" Correspondence in: Post: Bank Statements Emails: Email from Barra in regards to Valley Rally, she was considering becoming the Organiser. Email from Judy Allen, with Bank account details setting up an account for Members to Donate Monies if they wish to help her financially. Forward to President. Email from Robyn in regards to closing date to send newsletter to Printer for April. Email from Sheila Merchant the Publicity and Promotions Officer for Woodford Golf Club enquiring as to whether or not the members of our Branch would consider a run to Woodford on a Sunday afternoon in 2014?. Email from Averil announcing the death of Two Dogs, funeral to be announced. Several Emails from Averil in regards to Valley Rally Information Several emails from Don regarding financial matters. Enquiry from Bruce Berghioltz new member asking about a ride that was on the website David Whitworth from the UK sent us an email enquiring after a Badge or patch of GHM or Ulysses. He is a badge collector and is looking to collect these from around the world. Email from Savaugn, letting us know of date for the Presidents meeting. Email to Dartss in response to his correspondence about Shirts for Members. Happy to help out and samples can be collected. Email from Paul Schmidt, the Detective Inspector of Moreton District offering to provide us a contact point should any members have concerns about the new legislation and provide advice where he is able to. Correspondence out: Email sent to North side embroidery from Dartss enquiring after shirt samples to take along to next Members meeting. Email sent to William asking for samples of shirts to offer Members different designs and colours. Email forwarded to - David Whitworth explaining that old Member of the Ulysses can obtain the badges with old man logo on them. Explained if he wanted to join there are numerous Branches over seas Correspondences forwarded to Averil in regards to Information for Valley Rally Disgracefully yours MissBehavin (Christine Sheppard) #53774 4 Michelle receiving her “Spyder’ tag. Harry received his ‘60’ badge. John won the easter egg basket donated by Tina. Bill won another easter raffle donated by June. Michelle won the easter hamper. Rodney receiving his ‘Snot’ tag. And the raffle chicks doing what they do best. Dartss receiving his easter ears. Anne & Royal receive their 15yr Badge Social Coordinator’s Report: I would like to thank everyone that has held a Social Day for Glasshouse Members at the their home. They have been a lovely enjoyable day and I am sure all that have attended have enjoyed themselves too. A lso I would like to thank all that bought tickets in our ‘No Frills House Cleaning or Lawn Mow’ raffle, we made $153. 0 0 which was a great effort, which will go towards a communication system for our rides. The prize was first won by Berger, which he kindly donated back, so we re drew it and the next winner was ‘Fab’, who is very happy he won. Lucky and myself will be cleaning Fab’s home when we get back from the A G M. The ride Toppy led to the markets and then back to his and Pam’s home for a BBQ and drinks was truly a lovely day. Thank you again Toppy & Pam for a great day. O ur Social Days for members are a great way of getting together to have something to eat, drink, chat & have a laugh in a relaxed place. This is why we ask for names for catering and if for some reason you are unable to come at last minute because of personal reasons, a quick call to the host or myself would be nice, just to let us know for cooking on the day. I understand things pop up unexpectedly out of our control, so please keep that in mind for future Social Days, as they are truly lovely days to have. Thank you everyone again and I will see you all after the A G M. Cheers Tiena ’Kermit’ 5 U l y sses C l u b I n c – G l a ss h o u se M o u n t a i n s B r a n c h I n c o m e a n d P a y m e n t s S u m m a r y f o r – A p r i l 2014 B r a n c h F u n d s a s a t 31 s t M a r c h 2014 ( B a n k ) P l u s I n c o m e f o r A p r i l 2014 :GST received Raffles Regalia Functions Membership Donations Bank Interest Advertising Sundry Events (VR RegaliaSales) ATO $1,016.24 I n c ( G S T $86.68) 86.68 780.86 128.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.34 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 = $7,127.39 (Excludes GST) “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ L ess E x p e n ses f o r A p r i l 2014 :- -(($466.30) I n c ( G S T $36.47)) GST paid out Raffles Regalia Function Membership Donations (RFS) Newsletters Stationery Bank Fees Sundry Events (VR Kilcoy Deposit) ATO (Quarterly BAS-GST) $6,111.15 = $6,661.09 36.47 27.28 (Excludes GST) 133.91 “ “ 82.73 “ “ 0.00 “ “ 0.00 “ “ 86.36 “ “ 0.00 “ “ 5.00 “ “ 54.55 “ “ 40.00 “ “ 0.00 N e t B r a n c h f u n d s a s a t 30 t h A p r i l 2014 ( B a n k ) :M a de up of :E veryd ay Accou nt S ub Accou nt (I nterest B ea r i ng) M eeti ng 300414 – R affles C ash to B a n k = = = = $6,661.09 $549.02 $6,056.07 $56.00 O t h e r f u n d s t o be a d d e d t h a t a r e n ot i n c l u d e d i n a bove t ot a ls :C ash F loat - hel d by Rega l i a O fficer as at 020414 = $60.00 T o t a l B r a n c h f u n d s a s a t 30 t h A p r i l 2014 :- = $6,721.09+ V R S h i rts S a les & O ther Rega l i a S a les proceeds hel d by Rega l i a O fficer = $???.?? A cco u n ts to P a y 1. 2. 3. ATO-BAS GST for Qr1 (010114-310314) Due 280414 := Expenses incurred by - Committee & Members not yet submitted Beachmere Butchery – April Meat Trays 4x5x$20.00 = -($113.00) - -($ ??.??) -($400.00) I n co m e E x p ecte d 1. Nil I believe this to be a statement detailing the true financial situation for T h e G l a ss h o u se M o u n t a i n s B r a n c h o f T h e U l y sses C l u b I n c, as at 30th April 2014. D o n G r e g o r y (# 47659) G l a ss h o u se M o u n t a i n s B r a n c h T r e a s u r e r - D a t e:- 010514 6 4 T H T o m G u i l l esse r 5TtHh LlOoUuIiıSs ‘SsPpAaNnNnEeRr’ SsPpAaNnNn 28TtHh DdOoNn ‘HhAaCcKkEeRr’ HhAaDdLlEeYy 30TtHh DdOoRrOoTtHhYy ‘DdOoRrRrIiıEe’ HhUuNnTtEeRr Don’t forget to get your Birthday Voucher from ‘MissBehavin’ when your name is announced on the night Ride Report 30th March 2014 Well we started off from BP North with 8 people, 5 bikes and 1 trike. So we headed off up Old Gympie Rd. 1st stop was the lookout near Woodford, for a toilet break, Hacker was the first to head for the loo, he got waylayed on the way by a good looking biker women for a friendly chat, he then turned around and proceeded to enter the girls toilet, (we think he had a flash back to before the sex change operation and he thought he was still a women). So after that we hit the road again and headed up to Cooroy, on the way there, there was a fishing rod & reel lying across the road which everyone ran over one after the other, when June hit it with the trike, she flicked it off the road straight at me, luckily I just managed to dodge it, however I do realise it was just June trying to hook up with me, (but we cant blame her for that cause I am a good catch!) well we eventually found our way up to Cooroy. After finding our way around a train parked across the road. So got to the pub at Cooroy for lunch, Peta and I were first to the bar and grabbed a quick couple of beers. Lunch together in the pub was pretty damn good, so after the 2nd beer and with full bellies, we hit the road home, I’m sure we all had a great day. Because of Hilly’s sore shoulder and Hackers fatigue, we decided to take the highway home. The weather was great (hot even) up until Hilly & I got 10ks from home. When the rain decided to happen (SHIT). Thanks to Nuts for leading a very pleasant day & Thanks to our Brothers & Sisters for the awesome company & laughs. Cheers Steve ‘Frogga’ 7 8 M yst e r y R i d e - S u n d a y A p r i l 6th Five bikes one Trike gathered @ BP North Morayfield 8am for an 8,30am Leave Riders and passengers: Don Hadley’Hacker’, Pillion: young eleven year old ‘Locky’, Myself ‘Diesel’ & Robyn, Ian ‘Judge’ Joyce, Louise ‘Loose wheel’, Burger, June & Pete. Off we went up the Bruce H/way veering left down the D’Aguilar H/Way the Judge tagged on the end @ Wamuran then through Woodford where Louise ‘Loose Wheel’ joined in, continuing on turning left into Neurum Rd out past the Woodford detention centre, by this time the ride had got into a good rhythm, continuing on to the D’Aguilar H/ way, turning left heading in through Kilcoy, on then left into the Somerset Dam Rd for a few K’s turning right into Gregors Creek Rd another road with some great flowing corners, continuing onto the T intersection turning left and heading into Esk where June and Loose Wheel fueled up, we headed to the local park where we had a morning tea break. Return Run: after some discussion we head out of Crows Nest heading back towards Toowoomba, turning left into a road that none of us had ever been down before, winding down past or beside Lake Perseverance, joining us back onto the Hampton-Esk Rd, we headed back down to Esk where a few fueled up, we then continued on turning right out through Coles Creek and around the Somerset Dam back to the D’Aguilar H/Way turning right and headed into Kilcoy, stopping for a chat and a photo, we then said our good byes and head off, most back through Woodford and home, myself Robyn and Louise turning of @ Woodford up over the range and home Ride then continued up the Esk-Hampton Rd, once again some great scenery and some more flowing corners, about half way up we had to stop @ some traffic light as the Road was down to one way, never mind, we then continued turning right into New England H/ Way to Crows Nest for lunch and a chat. I guess most doing about 355klm, for us 425Klm I would like to thank Don (Hacker ) for a great ride that was well led and no U TURNS, I would also like to thank every one that came along and made this a great ride , for those that didn’t come, “YOU MISSED A GREAT RIDE”! Disgracefully Yours Diesel THE THREE AMIGOS 9 10 S u n d a y 02/02/2014 W o o d b u r n N S W R i d e Robyn and Myself were the first to arrive at BP South, Morayfield at about 7am, by departure time we had nine bikes. List of Protagonist’s: Rider Cliff Hacker Dorrie June Brett Lucky Jury Judge Ray Rays Mate Joe & Passenger Robyn Teina Pete Friend Bike BMW Harley Suzuki cruiser Trike BMW Honda Cruiser Honda Cruiser BMW Triumph ? ( car ) After a coffee and a chinwag, Hacker - our ride leader for the day. At approximately 8am the ride headed off south along the Bruce highway towards the Gold Coast where we were going to stop at BP Chinderah for June to fuel up and everyone to have a short coffee break, the ride had been uneventful up till then, but as we approached the BP, Hacker was busy watching in his mirror and rode straight past, so like lost sheep we followed him, then I thought he would turn off and head to Murwillumbah, but he rode past the turn off, so I rode up beside him and signaled him to stop, after much discussion we decided to stop at Ocean Shores so June and anyone else could fuel up and have a coffee, we then head off again down the Pacific Highway towards Woodburn, it is a nice ride along the Pacific Highway now that it is divided most of the way, myself and Ray stopped and fueled up at BP Broadwater and continued on catching up with everyone at the rear of the Woodburn Hotel, a few headed off up the main street to the local café for some lunch and others had lunch at the hotel. We had arrived about half an hour too late to catch up with The Don and Harry, they had passed through on their way home from finishing a far ride. Finishing lunch we headed off over to the other side of the Pacific Highway on the bank of the Richmond River for our ride photo and so we could check the local map before we head out of town. We left Woodburn and headed out toward Casino, a good road, the team keeping a nice pace as there was only the occasional house till we got to Casino, we then headed out towards Kyogle then on to Lions Rd (THE GOAT TRACK) lol, on the NSW side anyway, we then made our way up to the top of the range and into QLD were strangely enough the road was nice, we head down and into Beaudesert, stopping at a local garage, some fueled up again and took some time to have a drink, after some discussion some decided to head home out through Boonah and the rest of us heading straight back towards Brisbane, time was getting on and the roads were getting busy some of us stopped at the Shell Nudgee for a chat and another coffee then headed off home. All in all a great ride for Robyn and myself covering about 700 odd ks and others about 600ks. I would like to thank Hacker for leading a gr8 ride and all who attended for the wonderful company. Cheers Diesel Member# 55776 11 Elite Special Event Tours Sturgis 2013 By: Bear (Glenn McKay) # 15309 Continued from April Aug 08 Mt. Rushmore and Crazyhorse Monuments - Cont I had never heard of the Crazyhorse Monument before, it seems the local Indian Chiefs got together and decided that they should set up a monument dedicated to the Indian Tribes of the area in remembrance of the rich Indian History throughout these lands. If you are interested in some American Indian History this is the place to go. The staff here are very helpful and can answer any questions you may have. There was an Indian Ceremony held out on the observation deck. Crazyhorse is funded entirely from public donations, the US Government has offered to help and been refused on a couple of occasions. It is estimated the monument will still take another 60 years to complete. This Mountain carving dwarfs the Mount Rushmore Monument. From Crazyhorse we headed back completing the loop from Rapid City out to Mount Rushmore around to Crazyhorse back through Custer to Rapid City. This had us back at our motel early afternoon to get ready for another trip back to Sturgis on the bus. This night is the night a few of us decided it was time to hit the famous Full Throttle Saloon. I don’t know if you have seen the TV show depicting the goings on there or not. The show was a bit sensationalised although for the owner I suppose he would be a bit nervous about recouping his outlays during the week of Sturgis. Full Throttle was as it suggests full throttle any which way you turn there was something happening. There seemed to be a bar every 10 feet with girls coming around offering shots. Had a blast got a tee-Shirt and a really good night even though we got a bit of a storm during the night. We managed to catch up with quite a few of our group during the night. Distance travelled approx 70 miles on the bike. Aug 09 Deadwood and Spearfish Canyon For those who were interested we had a ride out to Deadwood then onto Spear We rode out from Rapid City fish Canyon today.along the interstate to the Sturgis exit where we turned right and headed for Deadwood. As we came into Deadwood we turned up and into the old town main street of Deadwood. This was a step back in time the place had been kept in good repair to showcase what it would have been like back in its heyday. Deadwood named from all the dead trees found around 12 its gulch and is noted for its lawlessness during the gold rush period where gambling, murders and prostitution were rampant in the wild frontier town. We made our way to the Old Saloon No10 noted as the place where Wild Bill Hickok was murdered. Had a good look around through the place, it was a cross between a working bar and a museum. Wild Bill’s original tomb stone was mounted on the wall adjacent to where he was shot and we actually got to sit at the table where he was murdered. Wild Bill’s deadmans hand was prominent throughout the building being incorporated on most signage and souvenirs. A walk up and down the street revealed quite a bit of interesting history. From my childhood days I was always interested in the Cowboys and Indians this just added to the intrigue. From the main street we then headed off up the hill to the famous Mount Moriah Cemetery final resting places for Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Potato Creek Johnny to name a few. We moved off from Mount Moriah Cemetery and headed back out of town to head off to Spearfish Canyon. I had been talking with a local at Friday’s the previous night he warned me that the road to Spearfish was a bit dangerous single lane and very tight turns. As we headed for Spearfish the road began climbing and twisting and turning. I couldn’t really see what he was warning me about. The road was single lane but both ways, certainly wide enough for a B Double to manoeuvre around and the sharp turns were well sign posted. I suppose we are used to some fairly ordinary roads here in Australia for me to think that this was a pretty good road. Into the canyon we rode, this was the time of year to visit such a place as in winter there would be no way you would be able to access in a car let alone on a bike with the amount of snow that collects in the area. We finished up at Spearfish and the group broke up to find their own way back. A few of us headed back through Sturgis then onto Buffalo Chip where the Guns of Freedom Shooting Range was. What an opportunity here all machine guns here except for the massive revolver a Barret 50 cal. We were all encouraged to shoot on full auto as they said anyone can shoot single shots the fun is in letting them go all at once. I had a go on an AK47 and on Ma Duce the 50Cal machine gun ( shear devastation ). The attendant told us that for safety when they loaded the Barret pistol they slotted in the slugs in with a spare slot between each slug as they found with novices they tend to pull the trigger again on the recoil from the first shot thus normally blowing a hole in the roof or worse. The whole setup was well run with safety always at the forefront and they made sure you really enjoyed your experience. They did offer we could for an extra dollar take one of the 50cal shells back home with us. We declined as I don’t think we would be allowed on the plane with such a souvenir. After the fun we headed back through Sturgis back to Rapid City to get ready for another night out on the bus. Distance travelled approx 90 miles on the bike. TO BE CONTINUED 13 2009 S U Z U K I B O U L E V A R D - 1800 R T C L A SS I C FOR SA L E $11,000 Well Maintained - Serviced Regularly (just had major service), 2 New Tyres, Auxiliary Plug, Driving Lights, Very Comfy Pillion Seat Ph: Cliff “Deisel” 0423 506 034 Email: WE ARE CURRENTLY TRYING TO RAISE FUNDS TO BUY A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR CLUB RIDES. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT THERE WILL BE A DONATION TIN FOR THIS PURPOSE. YOUR DONATIONS WILL BE GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED. ALSO IF YOU HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THESE SYSTEMS, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH NUTS April Brain Teaser Answers 1. What is special about the following number sequence? 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 6, 10, 3, 2, 0 The numbers are in alphabetical order (Eight, Five, Four, Nine, One, Seven, Six, Ten, Three, Two, Zero) 2. A Completely black dog was strolling down the main street during a total blackout affecting the entire town. Not a single streetlight had been on for hours. As the dog crossed the centre of the road a car with two broken headlights almost hits it but swerves at the last minute. How could the driver see the dog to swerve in time? It was during the day 3. A prisoner is told “if you tell a lie we will hang you;; if you tell the truth we will shoot you”. What can he say to neither be shot nor hanged? You will hang me. MOTORBIKES ARE LIKE BABIES IT SUCKS WHEN YOU DROP ONE 14 A d v e r t i s i n g p r i c es a s o f F e b r u a r y 2014 S i m p l y p u t $1.00 p e r w e e k B u s i n ess C a r d –1/8 of p a g e $52.00 A n n u a l l y s i z e p a g e $104.00 A n n u a l l y s i z e p a g e $208.00 A n n u a l l y ⇠ s i z e p a g e $312.00 y e a r l y A n n u a l l y F u l l p a g e $416.00 y e a r l y A n n u a l l y F or a l l you r F astback S uppl ier T r i mmers Sta plers B i nd i ng P rod ucts S h red ders G u i l loti nes L a m i n a tors P aper D r i l ls C o n t a c t N i e c e y 0732986444 0407 073 919 E m a i l d e n i s e@a o m d i r e c t .c o m . a u M t M ee B us Owner/Operator Don Hadley -Hacker #50558 20 Seater bus Available for half & full day tours Group transfers, Airport Transfers, Holiday tours Or get a group together and organize a fun day out Contact Don for a quote. Very reasonable prices Mobile 0404 575 158 Fax 07 54990003 Email: Husband: Oh, come on. Wife: Leave me alone! Husband: It won't take long. Wife: I won't be able to sleep a erwards. Husband: I can't sleep without it. Wife: Why do you think of things like this in the middle of the night? Husband: Because I'm hot. Wife: You get hot at the darnedest mes. Husband: If you love me I wouldn't have to beg you Wife: If you love me you'd be more considerate. Husband: You don't love me anymore. Wife: Yes I do, but let's forget it for tonight. Husband: Please...go on. Wife: All right, I'll do it. Husband: What's the ma er? You need a flashlight? Wife: I can't find it in the dark. Husband: Oh, for heaven's sake, feel for it! Wife: There! Are you sa sfied? Husband: Oh, yes. Wife: Is it up far enough? Husband: Yeah! that's good. Wife: Right! Now go to sleep. And the next me you want the bloody window open, do it yourself. Advertising Prices Business Card - $ 52.00 Annually 1/4 page - $104.00 Annually 1/2 page - $208.00 Annually 3/4 page - $312.00 Annually Full Page - $416.00 Annually That = $1.00 per week We still have space for advertising. If you know anyone with a business, let them know how cheap it is to advertise in our newsletter. 15 35 M O R A Y F I E L D R D C A B O O L T U R E 4510 10% o f f f o r a l l U l y sses C l u b G l a ss h o u se Mou ntains B r a nch M e m be rs Josh Hooper Bike Sales & Accessories Phone 07 5495 1466 Email: RIDE CALE NDAR MAY For more info. Contact Ride Coordinators Nutts: 0416 042 520 or Hacker: 0404 575 158 DATE D ESTIN ATION ME ETING TIM E D ESC RIPTIO N Sunday 18th Kilcoy / Mt Glorious BP North 7.30am Fundraiser Just Ride 8.00am Dep Sunday 25th Kia Ora Silky Oak Tea Gardens BP North 8.30am Via Beerwah 9.00am Dep BP North 7.30am Lockyer Poker Run 8.00am Dep Run starts 9.30am Saturday 31st At time of printing this was all the rides on offer. Check the web site incase of any changes or other rides that come to hand. OR you can always put one forward yourself on club nights. The image below is a QR (Quick Response) barcode. It allows people with smart phones to scan it and go straight to our web site. Ulysses Club Glasshouse Mountains Branch Meets Socially at ‘The BIG FISH Tavern’/459 Pumicestone Rd, Caboolture Approximately 6 pm every Wednesday evening The Branch ‘Members Meeting’ is held the 1st Wednesday of each month at 16