our fundraising guide
our fundraising guide
MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE Creating a positive circle of support for people with high needs disabilities. Multicap 269 Padstow Road, Eight Mile Plains QLD | PO Box 4013, Eight Mile Plains, QLD 4113 T 07 3340 9000 F 07 3341 3115 www.multicap.org.au WE ARE A PLACE WHERE POSSIBILTY, OPPORTUNITY AND EQUALITY ARE CELEBRATED AND CHAMPIONED. THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR YOUR OFFER TO HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR MULTICAP. Since 1962, Multicap has supported people with disabilities, their families and carers in Queensland. Our aim is to provide the best possible service using the best possible model to suit the needs of individuals within their local communities. Multicap provides high needs disability, individual, respite and family support for people with disabilities, their families and carers. We are a place where possibility, opportunity and equality are celebrated and championed. A place where our door is open... in all ways and always. This Guide will help you plan and manage your fundraising initiative to make sure it is a success. Plus, inform you about your responsibilities as a fundraiser and ensure your activity meets with fundraising regulations and Multicap’s values. 01 MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE OUR DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN. TOGETHER WE ARE A POSITIVE CIRCLE OF SUPPORT... IN ALL WAYS AND ALWAYS. MULTICAP’S GUIDING PRINCIPLES OUR VISION To be the leading source of creative and sustainable support options for people with multiple disabilities, and challenging and complex behaviours, and their families and carers in Queensland. OUR VALUES In order to achieve this vision Multicap > Recognises the quality of life of our clients is the sole purpose of our service delivery > Respects the right of each client to self determination, privacy, and dignity > Is committed to individuals achieving their goals > Is a committed advocate for people living with a disability > Is committed to a sustainable future >M aintains transparency and integrity throughout 02 MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE >S upports the ongoing training and development of all personnel to contribute towards best practice support for our clients. Our passion for every individual’s right to connect and realise the possibilities available to them, drives us to believe there is always a way. We create opportunity. We are champions of possibility. We inspire partnerships of support. Disability touches the lives of most Queenslanders in some way, through experiences with our friends, our family, at school, in the workplace, and in the community. With over fifty service facilities across Queensland, Multicap seeks to improve the lives of individuals and their families through building connection and engagement with local communities. There are over 490 dedicated staff, countless volunteers, corporate supporters and members of the community in our circle of support. MULTICAP CONTINUES TO RESPOND TO THE NEEDS OF FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS FOR SUPPORT IN THEIR LOCAL COMMUNITIES. HOW YOUR FUNDRAISING WILL HELP SERVICES ACROSS QUEENSLAND Multicap provides a wide range of support options for people with high needs disabilities, their families and carers across Queensland in their local community. These include: 03 > Centre Based Respite > Short Term Emergency Placement > Day and Post School Services > Social Support > Music and Sensory Therapy > Social Enterprises > Supported Employment Opportunities MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE FUNDRAISING IDEAS There are endless ways that you can help provide a positive circle of support for people with high needs disabilities. Here are some fun and creative ideas to get you started: UNIFORMS ARE OUT! Organise a free dress day at school or your workplace and collect a gold coin donation. LABELS AND LUXURY Host a fashion sale or parade. Use local suppliers and outlets in your community. IN IT TOGETHER! Organise a corporate team building challenge. Ask your networks to donate to you online. See www.multicap.org.au for more details. LET’S DO LUNCH! Host a lunch at a local restaurant, collect donations from your guests and hold a raffle. DON’T SAY THAT! Create a swear jar in the workplace or home and make gold coin donations each time ‘those’ words creep out. Or join the fun of Chatterbox Challenge each September. SPOTLIGHT ON DISABILITY International Day of People with a Disability is a great chance to host a morning tea or raffle to help raise awareness and encourage support for people with disabilities. 04 MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE A NIGHT IN! Warm up the Xbox or Wii, prepare some nibbles and refreshments and enjoy a great night in with your friends. Donate the money saved by staying in to Multicap. I CHOOSE MULTICAP! Make Multicap the charity of choice for your company’s annual ball or next gala dinner. Consider choosing Multicap as your charity if you or a team are participating in any major running or sporting events. LONG DRIVE Golf days are a great way to get people together and raise much needed money. Talk to local businesses about sponsoring each hole on the day. I’LL HAVE MINE WITH SAUCE Host a BBQ or Sausage Sizzle and charge a gold coin donation. Chat to local businesses about setting up at their shop front on the weekend. WHO NEEDS PRESENTS! Consider collecting donations for Multicap from your friends and family in lieu of gifts at your wedding or special birthday. ART OF FUNDRAISING Get a collection of local artists’ works together and charge entry to attend the exhibition. Chat to our team about how Monte Lupo, an innovation of Multicap, could be included! “ONCE WE SAW THE GOOD WORK THEY DO HERE AT MULTICAP IT WAS AN EASY DECISION FOR US TO DONATE. THE KNAPPICK FOUNDATION ARE VERY PLEASED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH MULTICAP” - MATTHEW KNAPPICK, DIRECTOR, KNAPPICK FOUNDATION WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW STEP 1 PICK YOUR FUNDRAISING IDEA Decide what type of fundraising initiative you will be undertaking on behalf of Multicap. Make sure that you are aware of and comfortable with your responsibilities as the organiser. (See T&Cs on page eight) STEP 2 SUBMIT YOUR FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY REGISTRATION FORM Multicap asks all supporters to complete and sign the Fundraising Activity Registration Form (on page 8 of this Guide) and return if via post to Community Fundraising, Multicap, PO Box 4013, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 or email fundraising@multicap.org.au. Please ensure you have an ‘Authority to Fundraise’ letter from Multicap before you hold your event. STEP 3 START ORGANISING YOUR EVENT Set some goals for your fundraising activity and write a ‘to do’ list. If you are planning to host a major event, consider forming a committee and utilising the skills of your loved ones or colleagues. Create a budget and track the expenditure and income as you go along. NOTE – Multicap is not financially accountable for any third party fundraising activities and will not pay expenses incurred in the running of your event. You are allowed to deduct necessary expenses from the proceeds you raise if you maintain appropriate records. (Acceptable benchmark is 25% admin fees) STEP 4 ASSESS THE RISK Think about what could potentially be a risk to your fundraising efforts. Consider the actions or planning that you can put in place to reduce or remove these risks to ensure that your initiative is a wonderful success. Confirm what insurances and permits (if any) are required before holding your event. Investigate through your local and state councils for further details. NOTE – Multicap’s insurance does not cover community fundraising/third party events. We can provide you with details of Queensland laws that will apply to your fundraising. STEP 5HOLD YOUR FUNDRAISING INITIATIVE OR EVENT AND HAVE FUN! STEP 6 DEPOSIT YOUR FUNDS Within a month of finishing your event/initiative, pay the monies raised to Multicap. Choose the easiest option for you: Direct Deposit: Account Number: 00 0901 200 BSB: 064 130 Account Name: CBA Multicap Reference – Your name and LOA Number Cheque or Money Order: Please make payable to Multicap and return to us via post: Community Fundraising Multicap, PO Box 4013 Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Drop into Multicap: We would love to hear how your fundraising efforts went first hand! Please feel free to drop the monies to our Fundraising Team in person at our Eight Mile Plains Office. Simply call 07 3340 9000 to arrange a time. ONLINE FUNDRAISING A great way to boost your fundraising goal and offer transparent real time feedback to your supporters about how your fundraising efforts are tracking is with Online Fundraising. Creating your own sponsorship page online is free, quick and easy. Visit www.multicap.org.au and click on How You Can Help to set-up in minutes. Follow the easy steps to create your ‘Hero Page’ including personal messages, fundraising targets and personalised targets. Be sure to send your web link to as many people as you can! 05 MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE MULTICAP’S LOGO & BRAND IDENTITY USE OF MULTICAP’S LOGO & BRAND IDENTITY Once your fundraising activity has been approved by Multicap you can request permission to use the logo. This will be sent electronically with a Style Guide illustrating how it is to be used. All materials featuring the logo must be approved by Multicap prior to publication. Fundraising activities and all fundraising campaigns must be conducted in the organiser’s name and not create any confusion between your fundraising activity and Multicap. Your fundraising is being conducted in support of Multicap and any wording should reflect this. Some suggestions are ‘inspirational supporter of Multicap’ or ‘proudly supporting Multicap’. You are not permitted to represent or speak on behalf of Multicap in an official capacity; however you can speak on behalf of your fundraising initiative. We would be happy to assist you with any promotional opportunities, simply contact us on 07 3340 9000. 06 MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE HELPFUL BITS INSURANCE AND LEGAL MATTERS TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPTS As the organiser you must ensure that any fundraising activities meet best practice requirements for the relevant fundraising guidelines. It is the sole responsibility of the organiser to ensure relevant permits, authorities and/ or licences are obtained. Our friendly Fundraising Team can advise on requirements. However, other great sources include Fundraising Institute of Australia (www.fia.org.au) or Queensland Government Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (www.olgr.qld.gov.au). You should ensure that there is adequate public liabilty insurance to cover any incidents that occur of any venue where fundraising occrs. Tax deductible receipts can be provided for direct donations over $2.00 (as Multicap is a registered DGR Charity). WISHING WELLS Multicap is happy to support your fundraising efforts further by providing our secure and lightweight ‘Wishing Well’ collection vessels as needed. 07 MULTICAP FUNDRAISING GUIDE Tax deductible receipts can be provided for direct donations over $2.00 (as Multicap is a registered DGR Charity). We will need a comprehensive list of the recipients that specifies donation amount, purpose of donation, full name, full postal address or current email. This receipt will not be issued before the donations specified have been reconciled by our Accounts Team. NOTE – That tax deductibility only applies to donations - not purchases (e.g of goods, or raffle tickets or anything in connection with a prize) TALK WITH OUR TEAM Please feel free to contact our Fundraising Team by phone 07 3340 9000 or email fundraising@multicap.org.au at any time. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO MULTICAP VIA POST: Community Fundraising Multicap PO Box 4013 Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Thank you for your wonderful support. Together we make a positive circle of support...In all ways and always. Please remember, you are unable to proceed with your fundraising activity until Multicap has issued you a Letter of Authority. FUNDRAISING AGREEMENT I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions as specified to Fundraise as a third party for the benefit of Multicap. I agree to conduct my Fundraising Event/Initiative in accordance with those Terms & Conditions and in a manner that upholds the integrity of Multicap. I indemnify Multicap from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with the Fundraising Event/ Initiative that is the subject of this Activity Registration. Print Name:.............................................................................................................. SUPPORTER DETAILS Signature:................................................................................................................. Contact Name:......................................................................................................... Date:.................../.................... /........................ Company(If Applicable):......................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ABN/ACN:................................................................................................................. Address:.................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Email:......................................................................................................................... Phone (in business hours):.................................................................................... Mobile:....................................................................................................................... Fax:............................................................................................................................ FUNDRAISER/EVENT DETAILS Event Name:............................................................................................................. Event Description:................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Proposed Date:........................................................................................................ Proposed Venue:..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Do you intend to seek public liability insurance for your fundraiser? Yes No Insurance type:........................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Note – Multicap is not liable for the event and bears no responsibility for any loss, damage or liability for injuries caused or associated with the said event. By what methods will the funds be raised:........................................................ ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... How much money do you aim to raise for Multicap:....................................... ................................................................................................................................... TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. These terms and conditions govern the Fundraising Event/Initiative described in the Fundraising Activity Registration Form being organised by the Fundraiser on behalf of Multicap. The Fundraiser agrees to be bound by and accepts these Terms & Conditions by signing and returning to Multicap the Fundraising Activity Registration Form. 2. ‘Fundraiser’ means the individual or organisation holding the Fundraising Event/Initiative on behalf of Multicap as detailed in the Fundraising Activity Registration Form. Fundraisers do not represent Multicap but are acting on their behalf to raise funds that will be forwarded to Multicap. A fundraiser has no power to bind Multicap in any manner or to take any action or do any act or thing in the name of Multicap. Fundraisers must make this clear in all dealings with the public, sponsors and supporters. 3. The Fundraising Event/ Initiative must be conducted in the Fundraiser’s name and is the sole responsibility of the Fundraiser. The financial aspects, fundraising, raffles, record keeping and management of the Fundraising Event/Initiative are entirely the responsibility of the Fundraiser. Costs and debts associated with the fundraising activity are the responsibility of the Fundraiser. Multicap is not able to take a co-ordination or management role in these activities; however, will provide whatever support and advice possible. The Fundraiser must not act in a way which has the effect of impacting adversely on the image, reputation or brand of Multicap. 4. The Fundraiser agrees that they are solely responsible for the organisation, management and conduct of the Fundraising Event/Initiative and all associated costs and liabilities. They warrant that the Fundraising Event/Initiative will be promoted and conducted by the Fundraiser in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Without limiting the above, the Fundraiser acknowledges and agrees that, to the full extent permitted by law, Multicap (including its officers,directors, employees and agents) will not be in any way liable, whether solely or jointly, for any loss, damage or injury however sustained (including without limitation, for negligence or breach of statutory duty) to any person or property, arising out of or in respect of the Fundraising Event/ Initiative. 5. Any person or organisation fundraising in Queensland is required by law to have an ‘authority to fundraise’. Multicap will send the Fundraiser an authorisation letter confirming Multicap’s involvement when: (a) a written and signed Fundraising Activity Registration Form has been received; (b) Multicap is satisfied that the Fundraising Event/ Initiative will produce an appropriate return after expenses are deducted; (c) Multicap is satisfied that the Fundraising Event/Initiative fits in with the aims and values of Multicap; (d) Multicap is satisfied that the Fundraising Event/Initiative is not high risk. The Fundraiser is not authorised to use Multicap as its beneficiary charity until the Fundraiser has received a letter of authorisation from Multicap. 6. All publicity: (a) must clearly state that funds raised will be forwarded to Multicap; (b) must be approved by Multicap prior to it being publically displayed; (c) must be forwarded to Multicap so that they may answer enquiries from the public with confidence about the Fundraising Event/Initiative. 7. Multicap grants to each Fundraiser a licence for the duration of the Fundraising Event/Initiative to display and use the Multicap logo as permitted in the fundraising letter of authorisation from Multicap. Approval of a fundraising activity and use of the Multicap logo is not and must not be used in any way to indicate an endorsement by Multicap of a product or service 8. Multicap may immediately withdraw approval to the Fundraiser and its Fundraising Event/Initiative in its absolute discretion if it considers it necessary to protect the reputation of Multicap. In this event, fundraising and promotion must cease immediately. The fundraising authorisation and all money raised must be returned to Multicap within seven days of the withdrawal of the approval. PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS Do you require the use of Multicap’s brand identity/logo: Yes No Office Use Only What promotional material will the logo be used on: Date Received:......................................................................................................... Posters Flyers Date of Approval:.................................................................................................... Web hotlink Banners Invitations PowerPoint Please provide the URL of your website (if relevant):..................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... LOA No:..................................................................................................................... Authorisation Signature:........................................................................................ Print Name:..............................................................................................................