What You Need to Know About the New Classic Permit
What You Need to Know About the New Classic Permit
ONTARIO FEDERATION OF SNOWMOBILE CLUBS www.ofsc.on.ca What You Need to Know About the New Classic Permit • The new 2010 Classic Permit fee is $125 • Sleds 1995 or older qualify for this permit. The purchaser must provide a photocopy of the valid MSV Registration Slip for verification (copy can be provided by fax or mail) and must accompany the order form • Classic Trail Permits are only available through OFSC District offices (see attached map and contact information) • Download the Order Form, complete it fully and be sure to specify which District and Club are to be credited for the sale • Use separate order form for each Classic Permit required • Mail or Fax your completed order form to the District Office of your choice as noted on the attached map • Permits cannot be purchased through the OFSC office in Barrie • Please remember to always “Buy Where You Ride!” Thank you for your continued support of organized snowmobiling ONTARIO FEDERATION OF SNOWMOBILE CLUBS CLASSIC TRAIL PERMIT Order Form www.ofsc.on.ca OFSC CLASSIC TRAIL PERMITS ARE AVAILABLE FOR "REGISTERED SNOWMOBILES 15 YEARS OLD OR OLDER" OFSC CLASSIC TRAIL PERMITS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH "OFSC DISTRICT OFFICES ONLY" (See attached map for locations and contact information) "COPY OF VALID MSV REGISTRATION SLIP MUST BE PROVIDED WITH THIS ORDER FORM" Instructions for the purchase of a Classic Trail Permit: 1) Print this document and complete all sections, 2) Use a seperate order for each Classic permit required, 3) Identify the OFSC District and Club that you wish to support, 4) Provide the snowmobile VIN in section provided, 5) Sign at X for the Classic Permit purchase, 6) Sign at XX for OFSC Member Benefits, 7) Sign at XXX if paying by credit card, 8) Attach a photocopy of MSV Registration Slip for the sled, 9) Mail or fax the completed order form to district selected, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: "Buy Where You Ride" Support Your Local Snowmobile Club and/or Become a Volunteer! PURCHASER MUST NAME OFSC CLUB BEING SUPPORTED Please use the registered owner's address on the order form for the Trail Permit for mailing and OFSC Member Benefits DISTRICT #: Please use the following name and address for someone other than the registered owner listed on the order form for the Trail Permit to receive mailings and OFSC Member Benefits CLUB NAME: NAME (If different than the registered owner previously listed) ORDER FORM - 2010 CLASSIC TRAIL PERMIT MAILING ADDRESS (If different than the registered owner previously listed) NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER (separate form for each snowmobile): City, Town or Village ADDRESS OF REGISTERED OWNER (as listed on Vehicle Registration) Home Telephone City, Town or Village Email Address: Home Telephone Postal Code Work Telephone Postal Code Work Telephone Please do not send the member magazine (See reverse side for OFSC Terms and Conditions - "B") Yes, I am interested in learning about the club and/or helping out - please contact me by either phone or email Email Address: Vehicle Identification (VIN) (Copy of Ownership Required) # I have read, understood and agree to the Terms & Conditions on reverse YR ______ XX MAKE _____________________ MODEL ______________ By Signing where specified below, I would like to access applicable OFSC Benefits and Offers. The OFSC values your privacy and the protection of your personal information. By authorizing the release of the name and address information as indicated below, I consent to the OFSC's use of this information for purposes related to the mandate of the OFSC (www.ofsc.on.ca). I further understand that any information provided to the OFSC is out of the custody and control of the Ministry of Transportation and that the OFSC will have sole responsibility of the information. MMM DD $125.00 Classic Permit Club Membership Club Donation Trails Donation Total Remittance Canadian Funds $ PAYMENT METHOD (check one) Note: Name and address on this application form must be the same as the name and address of the registered owner. Cash Cheque Visa Mastercard Name on Card: X Information in this form is collected under the authority of the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act and is used for administration and enforcement of the trail permit program only, unless consent to use this information for other purposes is otherwise provided by the person to whom this information relates. Direct enquiries to MTO Supervisor, General Enquiry Unit, Licensing Administration Office, Bldg. A., 1201 Wilson Ave., Downsview, On M3M 1J8 (416) 235-2999 or 1-800-387-3445. YYYY PERMIT ORDER INFORMATION By completing this order form, I understand that I am making application for the purchase of a 2010 Classic Trail Permit I understand that the trail permit(s) for which I am applying is valid only for the motorized snow vehicle identified in this application and is valid only where the sticker (permit) issued under this application is permanently affixed in the required position on that motorized snow vehicle. The Trail Permit provides access to trails prescribed under the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act. I certify that the information contained in this application is true and acknowledge and accept the responsibilities imposed by law. Applicant's Signature Date: Applicant's Signature Card Number: Expiry Date Month: _________ Credit Card Authorization Signature Office Use Only: Permit # XXX See reverse for Terms and Conditions / Trail Permit Information Year: _________ TERMS & CONDITIONS CLASSIC TRAIL PERMITS 1. Classic Trail Permits are only "VALID" when affixed to a MSV that is 15 years old or older according to the model year shown on its MSV Registration Slip. 2. Classic Trail Permit must be issued in the name of the registered owner of the snowmobile as shown on the MSV Registration slip. (ownership) 3. Orders for Classic Trail Permits must be accompanied by a photocopy of the MSV Registration slip. (ownership) 4. Purchaser must provide the name of the OFSC Snowmobile Club that is to receive the net permit revenue on the Classic Trail Permit Order Form. 5. Purchaser will allow 3 weeks for delivery of the Classic Trail Permit. The applicant acknowledges that the applicant has read, understood and agrees to the following Terms and Conditions, whether or not the applicant has provided his / her signature: 1. By using the trail system, the purchaser agrees to save harmless and keep indemnified any landowners from which the OFSC's trail system operates, and the OFSC, its volunteers, members, directors, officers, employees and their respective agents, officials, servants, and representatives from and against all claims, actions, costs and expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property of any driver or passenger operating the aforementioned permitted snowmobile, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with the use of the OFSC trail system, notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of said bodies, or any of them, their agents, officials, servants, or representative. It is further understood and agreed that this agreement is binding upon myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. 2. The vendor snowmobile club or the OFSC may deny the permit purchaser or the snowmobile driver access to the OFSC trails if either fails to comply with any OFSC Terms and Conditions or Bylaws. 3. The applicant identified on the Application for Trail Permit shall ensure that all operators and passengers of the snowmobile to which the permit is affixed are made aware of these conditions before accessing an OFSC trail. 4. Stop when requested to do so. Report all damage to property to the nearest snowmobile club and police officer. Know and adhere to the Snowmobilers Code of Ethics. 5. If the Trail Permit is lost, stolen or damaged and needs to be replaced, contact the vendor snowmobile club. You must present the original trail permit, receipt along with the original permit or portion thereof, if available. Additional information pertaining to a police report (incident #) for stolen or lost permits may be required. 6. Where a person has accessed OFSC Benefits and Offers, report a change of address within 6 days to the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs 9-501 Welham Rd., Barrie, Ontario, L4N 8Z6. Telephone (705) 739-7669, Fax: (705) 739-5005, Email Address: permits@ofsc.on.ca Website: www.ofsc.on.ca 7. I understand that my OFSC Benefits include a subscription to a snowmobile magazine. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS Snowmobiling is an inherently risky off-road activity that occurs in an unpredictable natural environment, so every rider enters OFSC Prescribed trails at their own risk. Snowmobilers must know the "Assumptions for OFSC Trail Use" listed below prior to using an OFSC Trail: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. All snowmobiles will be operated under a lawful trail use permit; All operators and passengers willingly use the trails at their own risk; Operators and passengers know and will obey the law, including, The Occupiers' Liability Act , The Motorized Snow Vehicles Act and the Trespass to Property Act; It is recognized and accepted that snowmobiling is essentially an off-road activity taking place in the natural environment; The OFSC is a volunteer-based organization with finite resources and manpower; It is not practical, possible or desirable to maintain all trails uniformly or to remove all potential hazards; The OFSC is providing the privilege of trail access without any guarantee of service or quality; Operators and passengers will not consume alcohol prior to or while using the trails; Operators and passengers will be prudent and responsible and shall ensure that snowmobiles are operated with appropriate care and control at all times; Operators and passengers know how to snowmobile competently and understand that the operation of snowmobiles requires full cognitive abilities; Weather conditions affect trails and snowmobile operation and they may change without warning; The maximum speed on trails is 50 km/h unless reduced by law or conditions; There may be permitted users on the trail other than snowmobilers; Operators will stay to the right of the trail notwithstanding that there are no centre lines; Operators know that there may be grooming or other maintenance activities under way at any time of the day or night which may take up the whole or any part of the trail and have the right of way; Operators and passengers know that snowmobile trails are not engineered highways; All operators and passengers know and will adhere to the principles published as the Safe Riders Pledge by the International Snowmobile Manufacturers' Association; Operators and passengers are aware that emergency and cell phone service may not be available; Operators and passengers are aware that there are generally no legal requirements for signage on trails and, when provided, it is only for assistance and convenience; Operators and passengers know that snowmobiling on OFSC trails is regarded as a family-oriented activity; Operators and passengers know the unique and particular dangers of ice crossing; The grooming and maintenance of trails, when provided, is meant solely to enhance the comfort and enjoyment of the safe and prudent operators and passengers; Operators and passengers will dress appropriately for all conditions and will have appropriate safety and emergency equipment at all times. The applicant understands that they are not required to complete the OFSC form in order to get a Trail Permit but do access applicable OFSC Benefits and Offers, including a subscription to a member magazine for seasonal permit purchasers. All sections must be completed. OFSC MEMBER CLUBS & DISTRICTS District 1: District 1 Snowmobile Association Tel: 613-543-0374 Fax: 613-543-3644 Email: info@district1ofsc.ca Address: PO Box 1432 141 Main Street, Morrisburg K0C 1X0 Athens & District BEAST Calabogie & District S/C Carleton Regional S/C Eastern Ontario S/C Elizabethtown Snowmobile Club Finch North Star S/C Glengarry S/C Grenville Snowmobile S/A Kemptville Snowmobile Klub Kingston & Pembroke Trails Asociation Leeds & Grenville S/A Lennox & Addington Ridge Runners Mountain Trail Blazers Nation Valley S/A Osgoode Carleton S/A Rideau Ridge Riders Rideau S/C Riverside S/C Seaway Valley S/A Sharbot Lake District Snow Riders Snow Road S/C South Dundas S/C West Carleton Snow Trails S/A Winchester Twsp S/C District 2: Central Eastern Area Snowmobile Region (CEASR) Tel: 613-478-5916 Fax: 613-478-5916 Email: dist2@snowbase.ca Address: RR 1, 878 Old Hungerford Rd, Thomasburg K0K 3H0 Buckhorn District S/C Havelock & District S/C Kawartha Lakes S/C Mazinaw Powerline S/C Old Hastings Snow Riders Paudash Trail blazers S/C Stoney Lakes Sno Riders S/C Twin Mountains S/C District 3: OFSC District Tel: 705-653-1560 Fax: 705-653-4139 Email: shamilton@personainternet.com Address: 6764 County Road 50 R. R. #4, Campbellford K0L 1L0 Cartwright Dyno’s S/C Centre Hastings S/C Ganaraska S/C Great Pine Ridge S/A Heart of Ontario S/C Long Sault Ridge Runners S/C Percy Boom River Rats Port Perry SC Prince Edwards Trail Riders Rice Lake Snow Drifters South of Seven S/A Tweed Snoskooters S/C ! 16 17 Kenora ! Geraldton Dryden ! Hornepayne ! 15 Hearst ! ! Kapuskasing ! ! Rainy River Fort Frances ! Atikokan ! Nipigon! Marathon Iroquois Falls ! ! Thunder Bay! ! Wawa ! 13 District 4: Southern Ontario Trail Builder Association (SOTBA) Tel: 888-550-0335 Fax: 519-855-9686 Email: rbendle@rocnet.ca Address: 10 Elizabeth Crescent, Orton L0N 1N0 Alliston & District S/C Bonsecour Track and Trail S/C Dufferin Drift Busters S/C Georgina Trail Riders Hillsburgh Snow Roamers Holland Landing S/C Huronia Snowmobile South Zone Orangeville & District S/C District 5: OFSC District 5 Tel: 519-349-2000 Fax: 519-349-2008 Email: manager@ontariosnowmobiletrails.com Address: RR #4 St. Marys N4x 1C7 Bridgeport S/C Burford Area S/C Cambridge Sno-Gliders S/C District 5 - OFSC Drumbo S/C Elgin Trail Riders Ellice Swampers S/C Elmira S/C Glencoe & District S/C Golden Triangle S/A Greenwood Sno Cruisers New Dundee S/C Nith Valley Sno Surfers North East Hope S/A Pineridge S/C Plattsville S/C Poplar Ridge Riders S/C Science Hill Drifters Southern Sno Riders St. Clements S/C Strathroy Sno-Blizzards Thamesford S/C Warwick S/C Waterloo Rod & Gun Drift Riders Wellesley Sno-Sports Westwood Hills Snowmobilers 14 Chapleau Cochrane ! Timmins New Liskeard ! ! Sault Ste.!Marie 12 Elliot Lake! ! Sudbury ! Temagami North! Bay Mattawa ! 11 Sundridge Massey Parry Sound! 10 ! 7 Bracebridge Tobermory ! District 7: Muskoka Snowmobile Region Tel: 800-328-7245 Fax: 705-645-3451 Email: permits@msrsnowtrails.com Address: 1 Robert Dollar Dr Box 987, Bracebridge P1L 1V2 Algonquin S/C Baxter Snow Riders Corp. Du-Ya-Wana Trail Riders Happy Wanderers S/C Highlighd Rovers S/C Hill & Gully Riders Muskoka Lakes Snow Trails Association Muskoka Sno-Bombers Muskoka Snowombile Region SMART Snowmobile Association Snowcrest Riders S/C Tall Pines S/C Pembroke ! Haliburton ! Bancroft 1 ! ! 2 Lindsay Barrie8 Hanover Oshawa 3 4 9 Toronto District 6: Snow Country Snowmobile Association (SCSA) Tel: 877-376-7669 Fax: 613-735-7646 Email: snowcountry@nrtco.net Address: 40484 Hwy 41, Pembroke K8A 6W5 Bonn-Trae Snowmobile Club Eganville Sno-Drifters Griffith Matawatchan Sno-Dusters Haliburton County S/A Keetna Snowmobile & Recreation Club Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers Missing Link S/C North Renfrew S/A Opeongo Snowbirds S/C Peterson Pathfiders S/C Snow Country S/A Timberline S/C White Water SnoGoers 6 ! Owen Sound ! ! ! ! ! ! Belleville Ottawa Kingston ! ! ! ! Sarnia ! 5 Stratford Windsor SEE REVERSE FOR DISTRICTS 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 “BUY WHERE YOU RIDE” ONTARIO FEDERATION OF SNOWMOBILE CLUBS www.ofsc.on.ca REVISED JULY 2009 OFSC MEMBER CLUBS & DISTRICTS District 8: OFSC District 8 Tel: 800-347-7220 Fax: 705-322-5955 Email: manager@most.on.ca Address: 10 Yonge St South Unit 2, Elmvale L0L 1P0 District 10: OFSC District 10 Tel: 888-213-8134 Fax: 705-746-7829 Email: admin@pssd.ca Address: 70 Church Street, Parry Sound P2A 1Y9 District 13: Algoma Sno-Plan Affiliation (ASPA) Tel: 866-225-4662 Fax: 866-734-0598 Email: marc.mckinnon@algomatrails.com Address: PO Box 1508 15 Hudson Street, Blind River P0R 1B0 District 16: North of Superior Snowmobile Association (NOSSA) Tel: 800-526-7522 Fax: 866-765-1581 Email: nossa@bellnet.ca Address: P.O. Box 87, 1 Manitou Road, Minitouwadge P0T 2C0 Barrie S/C Blue Mountain Snow Drifters Carden Sno Drifters S/C Georgian Bay SnoRiders Orillia District Snowmobile Club Osprey Snowhawks S/C Sno Voyageur S/C Wasaga SC Carling Trail Blazers Cramadog Snowriders Dun-Ahmic Snow Riders Magnetawan Ridge Runners North East Georgian Bay S/C Parry Sound Snowmobile District Six Star Snow Riders South Sequin Snowmobile Club West Muskoka Trail Riders S/C Algoma Sno-Plan Affiliation Blind River Sno-Riders S/C Bruce Mines SnoGlyders S/C Club Alouette Dubreuilville Echo Bay Snow Falcons S/C Elliot Lake Snowbirds S/C Iron Bridge Nighthawks Sault Trail Blazers Spanish River S/C St. Joseph Island Voyageurs SC Wawa Sno Riders Club Hornepayne S/C Kenogamisis Fish & Game S/C Lake Superior Family Snow Goers Longlac Snowmobile Club Inc. Manitou Sno-Drifters Marathon Sno-Kickers S/C Nakina Sno Club Nipigon Bay S/C North Of Superior S/A Thunder Bay Adventure Trails White River Snowbank Riders District 9: District 9 Snowmobile Association Tel: 800-387-7669 Fax: 519-986-4051 Email: kburatynski@bmts.com Address: Box 850, Markdale N0C 1H0 Arthur Snowblazers Inc. Bluewater Town & Country Brussels & Walton Trailblazers Central Peninsula Sno-Drifters Chesley & District Easy Riders Durham & District Trailblazers Fergus Elora Belwood S/C Grey Bruce Snow Trails Grey Bruce East S/C Grey Bruce West-Sauble Sno Riders Hanover S/C Hill & Dale Riders Klondyke Trail Groomers Lake Conestoga Snowmobilers Maitland Valley S/C Meaford & District Ridge Runners Milverton & District S/C Mount Forest Drifters S/C North Huron Trails Association Owen Sound Eastside S/C Palmerston & District Snowkings Saugeen S/C South Bruce Trail Groomers South Grey Regional S/A Southampton S/C Stoney Keppel Riders Teeswater Knight Riders Tobermory S/C Wiarton Trail Blazers Wingham & District S/A District 11: Near North Trail Association (NNTA) Tel: 705-495-4333 Fax: 705-495-0002 Email: nnta@vianet.on.ca District 14: Timiskaming Abitibi Trails Association (TATA) Address: PO Box 237 160 Pinewood Park Dr, North Bay P1B 8H2 Tel: 888-828-2766 Fax: 705-268-7547 Email: tata@ntl.sympatico.ca Almaguin District S/C Address: P.O. Box 1144 11 Station Rd. South, Kirland Lake P2N 3M7 Argyle Riders S/C Bonfield S/C 101 Trailmakers S/C French River Snow Devils A-14 Task Force S/C French River Snow Voyageurs S/C Chapleau Arctic Watershed Snowmobilers Mattawa & Area S/C Club Echo Near North Snowdrifters Inc Elk Lake Trail Blazers S/C Near North Trail Association Gogama S/C Nipissing/Veuve River S/C Golden Corridor Snowdrifters North Bay Snowmobilers Club Jackpine S/C South Shore/Restoule S/C Shining Tree S/C West Nipissing S/C Timiskaming Abitibi Trail Association District 12: District 12 Snowmobile Association Tel: 705-693-7669 Fax: 705-693-7668 Email: nhein@sudburytrailplan.on.ca Address: Box 250, Garson P3L 1S6 Broder-Dill S/A Capreol Ridge Riders S/C Coniston Wahnapitae Drift Busters Espanola & District S/C Killarney S/C Manitoulin Snowdusters S/C Massey & District S/C Nickel Belt Snow Spirits Northbound Sno-Drifters Onaping Falls SC Rainbow Country S/A Sudbury Trail Plan Valley Trailmasters S/C Walden Sno Runners S/C Wolverines S/C District 17: North Western Ontario Snowmobile Trails (NWOSTA) Tel: 807-937-2137 Fax: 807-223-2626 Email: nwosta@gmail.com Address: 341 Johnston Road, Ste 220 Box 10 RR #2, Dryden P8N 2Y5 Atikokan Sno-Ho S/C Dryden Power Toboggan Club Emo Borderland S/C Ignace Otters S/C North Western Ontario Snowmobile Trails Ojibway Power Toboggan Inc. Red Lake District Trail Masters Sunset Trail Riders S/C White Knight Riders S/C Timmins S/C Tri Town Sno Travellers District 15: Northern Corridor Du Nord Tel: 877-287-2457 Fax: 705-335-2112 Email: corridor@nt.net Address: 77 Brunelle Road North, Kapuskasing P5N 2M1 Arctic Riders S/C Club Promeneur d’Opasatika Club Voyageur de Hearst Kap Sno-Rovers Les Grondeurs S/C Mattice Sno Devils Moonbeam S/C Northern Corridor du Nord Polar Bear Riders S/C “BUY WHERE YOU RIDE” ONTARIO FEDERATION OF SNOWMOBILE CLUBS www.ofsc.on.ca REVISED JULY 2009