Brochure - Letchworth Settlement


Brochure - Letchworth Settlement
Classes for Adults September 2016 to July 2017
Call 01462 682828 for details
Building Opening Times
Mobile Phones
The buildings are open from 9am on weekdays.
We ask students not to arrive before this time
unless by prior arrangement. Groups and
students are asked to leave the building by 10pm
during the week.
The use of mobile phones is not permitted
during classes and meetings, therefore we ask
that they are turned off during these times.
Weekend opening is made by special
There is free parking along the side and to the
rear of the buildings. At busy times it may still be
difficult to find a space. If you need to double
park, notices are available in each classroom for
you to display in your car.
Settlement Opening
The Settlement mainly follows the academic
calendar. Courses generally run for 10 or 12
weeks; 5 or 6 weeks for short courses.
We are open during half-terms for any classes or
groups that wish to meet plus workshops but the
office may not be open full time.
The Settlement will be closed for specific weeks
during the Christmas, Easter and Summer
holidays. Please see term dates for details.
Refreshments of tea, coffee, sweets and biscuits
are available from Canteen staff in the Common
Room on most weekday mornings. At other
times, students may serve themselves from the
Car Parking
We would recommend that where possible
students lift share to ease the pressure on car
parking space.
Additional parking is available at the Open Air
Swimming Pool on Norton Way North (5 minutes
walk) or the Bowling and Tennis Court car park
on Icknield Way (3 minutes walk).
It is important that students and members
respect the Tutor, Disabled and Staff parking
spaces. Failure to do so may result in being no
longer permitted to park on the premises.
Accuracy of Information
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure
the accuracy of information in this brochure,
Letchworth Settlement reserves the right to
cancel, reschedule or amend courses and
other details after publication. In any event,
courses are subject to the regulations
applicable to each particular course.
Some information may be held in a database
registered under the Data Protection Act. This will
be used for Letchworth Settlement purposes only.
Hearing Loops
There are hearing loops available in the
Brunt Room and the Hall.
2 • The Settlement • 2016-17
General Information
Enrolment & Fees
Settlement Visits
Settlement Membership
Daily Diary of Courses and Activities
Term Dates
Arts & Crafts
Creative Writing
Other Clubs at The Settlement
Enrolment Form
Special Interest Courses
Workshops & Lectures
Settlement Groups
Friends of The Settlement
Making Contact
Associated Organisations
Hiring Charges
Dates for your Diary
Travel Directions
The Settlement Story
Settlement Team
Sonia Weston
Site Maintenance:
Michael Andrews
Sally Rogers
Settlement Officers
John Bird
Pam Burn
Nigel Carrick
Hon. Treasurer:
Deniz Brown
Hon. Secretary:
Celia Twomey
Office Hours
(Term time only)
Monday to Thursday
9.00am – 4.00pm
9.00am – 12.30pm
Monday to Friday
7.00pm – 8.30pm
2016-17 • The Settlement • 3
Enrolment & Fees
All enrolments must be accompanied by an enrolment form found in the
centre of this brochure or available from the Settlement Office.
Enrolment opening
Enrolments will open on Monday 27th
June 2016. The office will not accept any
enrolments before that date.
For all courses beginning in September 2016,
course fees must be paid in advance in order to
secure a place. Annual Settlement Membership is
payable by all students at the time of enrolment.
Course fees can be found in this brochure under the
description for each course.
Enrolment by post
Places are available on a first come, first
served basis. We therefore encourage
students to enrol as soon as possible from
27th June either by posting or handing an
enrolment form in to the office. Postal
enrolments are dealt with in strict date
received order, including over the summer.
Please note The Settlement closes for the
summer break on Friday 15th July but
enrolments may still be posted after that
(see above).
Enrolment in person or by phone
Students may enrol in person at The
Settlement or over the phone from 27th June.
The office and phone line are likely to be
very busy that day so please do consider
completing and leaving your enrolment form.
Enrolments for September courses must be
accompanied by payment (cash, cheque or
debit/credit card).
If you wish to enrol on a course in the spring
or summer terms, please let the Office know
your name and contact details as soon as
possible. Payment will not be required until
towards the end of the previous term.
Methods of payment
We accept payment by cash, cheque (made
payable to ‘Letchworth Settlement’) and debit and
credit cards. If enrolling by post please include your
card details on the enrolment form.
Please note, we do not accept American Express,
Diners Club or Corporate Credit Cards.
To extend participation in Settlement courses a
small fund exists to help support students who can
provide evidence of financial hardship. Discounted
fees may be available to Settlement members for
one course each term. Concessionary application
forms are available from the Settlement Office.
Applications will be reviewed by the Concessions
Committee. During term time applications will be
processed and responded to within 7 working days.
Class Numbers
We require a minimum number of students for most
courses. Generally speaking, we require a minimum
of 12 students for Special Interest courses and 10 for
other courses.
Settlement Visits
Each year The Settlement organises a series of visits to places of
interest, the theatre, textile events, gardens & arboretums, museums
and galleries as well as stately homes. Details and booking forms
(advance booking is essential) can be found in the Common Room,
Cruse Room and via the website
You can add your name and contact details by calling in at the Office.
Suggestions for visits are always welcome as are volunteers to
organise visits. Guidance and help is given.
All correspondence should be addressed to:
The Visits Department, c/o Val Aitken, The Settlement, 229
Nevells Road, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 4UB.
4 • The Settlement • 2016-17
All students of Settlement courses and members of Settlement Groups
are required to be Settlement members.
Members have full voting rights at the AGM and
enjoy the benefits listed below. The annual fee
for 2016-2017 remains at £18 (£13 concession
for age 60+). Payments by Standing Order and
through Gift Aid are greatly encouraged.
A signed Gift Aid declaration (on the enrolment
form) will allow The Settlement to collect from
the Inland Revenue an additional 25% of the
value of the annual membership fee and any
donations made.
All Members receive the following benefits:
• No admin charge for coach visits and
theatre trips.
• Regular emailings and a Settlement
• Discounts are available at certain local
shops and businesses as listed below.
Please address membership enquiries to
The Office.
Discounts available to members
• A Touch of Glass, The Arcade
10% on spends over £10
• Advance Tanning Ltd, 38-40
Leys Avenue 01462 674773
£5 off £35 tanning sessions
• Amron’s School of Sewing,
6 The Arcade 07445 705673
10% off
• Annie’s Chocolate Emporium,
The Arcade 10% on spends
over £10
• Arena Stationers, Eastcheap
10% on spends over £5
excluding printer cartridges
• Aspidistra Flowers, 7 The
Arcade 01462 682388 10% off
• Diane Badstevener,
Beautician & Holistic Therapist
07899 924487 10% off
• Tom Badstevener, Corgi/Gas
Engineer 07970 958483 10% off
• Bloom Florist, 3 Leys Avenue
10% (excluding Christmas,
Valentine’s and Mother’s Day)
• Christian Bookshop, Leys
Avenue 01462 481285 10% off
• Countryside Ski & Climb,
118 High Street, Stevenage
01438 353086 10% off
• David’s Bookshop & Music,
Eastcheap 10% on spends
over £5
• Dot To Dot, 6-8 The Wynd
01462 339631 10% off
• Eric T Moore Books
01462 450497 10% off telephone
• Fairhaven Whole Foods, Jubilee
Trade Centre 01462 675300
5% off
• Garden City Crafts, 5 The
Wynd 01462 686869
10% off
• Halfords Autocentres, Birds Hill
01462 681552 £35 (flat rate)
MOT’s, 15% off services, 5% off
• Hermitage Rd & Co., 25
Hermitage Road, Hitchin
01462 433885 10% off
(excluding food)
• Icas Vilas Fine Art, Leys
Avenue 12% off framing
• Iz Café, 3-5 Eastcheap 10% off
• Jane’s Alterations, Bespoke,
Experienced, Professional
01462 671760 10% off
• Jewellery Box, 1 The Arcade
10% off excluding watches
• Just For Me, 30 Leys Avenue
01462 676688 10% off
• Letchworth Mobility, 18
Openshaw Way 01462 680000
Ask Andy for a deal
• Manor Pharmacy, Broadway
10% off non-medical items
• Penco (Art Supplies etc),
92 Hermitage Road, Hitchin
01462 455861 10% off, also ‘3 for
2’ tubes of paint
• Professional Dry Cleaners,
25 Eastcheap, Letchworth and
5 Brand Street, Hitchin
10% off Dry Cleaning
• Prontaprint, 59 Leys Avenue
01462 674674 10% off
• Revive Beauty Salon, 4 The
Wynd 01462 674888 10% off
• Shoebox, 45 Leys Avenue
01462 683190 10% off on
spends over £20
• System Restore U.K., 2 The
Wynd 01462 339101 10% off
labour costs
• The Crafty Vegetarian,
24-25 The Wynd 07858 331550
10% off
• The Deli, 19 The Wynd
07825 321778 10% off
• The Little Ironing Shop, 23 The
Wynd 01462 339128 10% off
• The Secret Wardrobe, 1 The
Wynd 07921 869771 Offers
available on multiple buys
• Tim’s Art Supplies, 17
Churchyard, Hitchin 01462
455376 10% off excluding loyalty
• Town & Garden, Sun Street,
Hitchin 01462 434440 10% off
2016-17 • The Settlement • 5
Daily Diary
Food & Feasting in Art
Living under the Tudors
Three Masterpieces of 19th
Century European Fiction
Get Writing for Starters and
Water Colour Classes
French – Intermediate 1
Italian – Intermediate 2
The Improvers: Capability
Brown & Others SC
Gardens in Tudor & Stuart
Times SC
Global Geopolitics
Patchwork & Quilting
Italian – Advanced
London in the 18th Century
A Touch of Grey
Food in Fiction
French – Beginners NEW
First Garden City
Ladies Group
The Settlement Singers NEW
Italian – Advanced
Chalk Pastels for
Beginners SC NEW
Knitting for Beginners SC NEW
Abstract Painting NEW
Spanish Tutors’ Certificate NEW
Settlement Players
Dance Steps Academy
Letchworth Garden
City Society
Table Tennis
Letchworth & Hitchin
Chess Club
6 • The Settlement • 2016-17
SC: Short Course
50+ Exercise to Music
Keep Fit
How Do Buildings Not
Fall Down? SC
What is Evolution? SC
Biology for Beginners
Architecture & Society
in 19th Century – Part 2
Cambridge – a Place of
Libraries, Gardens, Chapels
& Art Treasures SC
Patchwork & Quilting
Italian – Intermediate Plus
Rag Rugs SC
Chinese Brush Painting –
Seasonal Landscapes SC
Chinese Brush Painting –
Flower Painting SC
Beading Basics SC NEW
Functional Fitness – Fit ‘n’ Fifty
Pottery and Porcelain in
Britain, c. 4000 BC to AD 1900
A Couple of Song and Dance
Men: The Art and Genius of
Fred Astaire & Gene Kelly
How We Became a
Television Nation
Silver Jewellery SC NEW
Acrylic Painting SC NEW
Contemporary Sculpture SC
Photographic Collage SC
The Sketchbook SC
Machine Embroidery
Italian – Advanced 1
Italian – Advanced 2
Spanish – Beginners NEW
Still Life & Life Drawing
Letchworth Art Society
Italian – Intermediate 1
Cut Flowers for Beginners NEW 13
Letchworth Natural
History Society
Dance Steps Academy
Journey through Arab Culture SC 31
Handsome, Clever & Rich:
Jane Austen’s Emma SC
Boom & Binge: Disease &
Discoveries in the 19th Century 34
Walking with History – Part 1 SC 37
French Literature on Women SC 37
Ways with Watercolour Painting 9
French – Beginners 2
Get Writing for Returners
Introduction to Soapstone
Carving SC NEW
Introduction to Egg
Tempera SC
Introduction to
Papercutting SC NEW
Cake Decorating & Sugarcraft 12
Daytime Art Club
The Sexual Revolution on Stage
Life Drawing
Applied Arts
Daytime Art Club
Spanish – Intermediate
Spanish – Advanced
French – Advanced
Life Drawing
Patchwork and Quilting
Simply Sewing
Spanish – Beginners NEW
Spanish – Improvers
Italian – Beginners Plus
Get Writing Starters and
Dance Steps Academy
Settlement Players
Term Dates
Thursday 1 September 2016
(office open normal hours)
25 Club
26 Club
Sugarcraft: Private
Tutored Group
Textile Masterclass
Creative Stitchery
Architecture in France
1500 - 1700
World Music Appreciation
Japan: The Land of the
Rising Sun
French – Intermediate 2
Textile Masterclass
Creative Stitchery
French – Improvers
Oil Painting
Gorgio de Chirico SC
René Magritte SC
Betjeman & Larkin SC
Lucien Freud SC
Gardens in Literature:
Victorian to Edwardian
Corner Bridge Club
Hatha Yoga – Beginners
& Improvers
Hatha Yoga – Advanced
Wired and Unwired Sugar
Flowers for all Occasions
Water Colour Classes
Cut Flowers for All
Biochemistry for Beginners
Velasquez – An Unknown
Master SC
Picasso – The Artist of The
20th Century SC
Psychology Matters:
Approaches in Psychology
Psychology Matters:
Topics in Psychology
Psychology Matters:
Abnormal Psychology
Writing Fiction and
Getting Published SC
Lipreading Classes NEW
Monday 24 October to
Friday 28 October 2016
Christmas closure
Friday 16 December 2016
(from 12 noon) to
Wednesday 4 January 2017
Thursday 5 January 2017
(office open normal hours)
Monday 9 January 2017
(Spring Term starts)
Spring Term End
LALG Wine Appreciation
LALG Wine Discovery
Letchworth Recorded
Music Society
‘Bobbin’ Along’
Monday 12 September 2016
(Autumn Term starts)
Monday 13 February to
Friday 17 February 2017
Friday 31 March 2017
(at 10.00pm)
Easter Break
Monday 3 to Friday 7 April
2017 (open for workshops
and hirings)
Easter Closure
Saturday 8 April to
Monday 17 April 2017
Dance Steps Academy
North Herts & Beds
Embroiderers’ Guild
Tuesday 18 April 2017
(Summer Term starts)
Monday 1 May 2017 (closed
for Bank Holiday)
Monday 29th May 2017
(closed for Bank Holiday)
Simply Sewing
Settlement Players
Italian – Beginners NEW
Letchworth Sinfonia
Italian – Improvers
Monday 29 May to
2 June 2017
Spanish – Advanced
Poetry ID Group
Spinners and Weavers
Letchworth Camera Club
Rooms are available
for hire.
Please enquire in
the Office.
Summer closure
Saturday 22 July to
Sunday 13 August 2017
Please check the individual class
details as they may vary from
those above.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 7
Arts & Crafts
MONDAYS • 9.30am to 12noon
MONDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Water Colour Classes
Abstract Painting
Tutor: Fiona Pruden
Tutor: Chantelle Stephenson
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
12 Sept
9 Jan
24 Apr
Fees per term
Suitable for beginners
onwards, this course gives
students ample
opportunity to learn and
practise their skills and
preferred methods while
developing their
individual style to create
their own unique artworks.
Less experienced students will be taught the
basic steps they need to build their
confidence using a variety of subjects from
still life and flowers, to land and seascapes,
people and animals etc. Although basic
drawing skills are covered, we work with
minimal drawing to encourage an expressive
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Summer term
9 Jan
24 Apr
Fees per term
Each lesson begins with
an approachable practical
experiment that is later
developed using various
materials such as acrylic
paints, watercolours, pen
and ink and collage. All
will be demonstrated on
how the materials can be used in each
session and constant guidance will be given
throughout the course.
Contemporary artists are introduced and
discussed each week to aid as reference
material. This course is ideal for beginners
and amateur artists who are wanting to
experiment with materials and ideas further.
TUESDAYS • 7.00pm to 9.00pm
WEDNESDAYS • 1.15pm to 3.15pm
Still Life & Life Drawing
Life Drawing
Tutor: Collette Hoefkens
Tutor: Collette Hoefkens
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
13 Sept
10 Jan
18 Apr
Fees per term
Joining this positive and
supportive group gives
you the opportunity to
focus on developing your
observation and drawing
skills. Each week you will
work directly from life or
secondary sources and
will be encouraged to explore different
aspects and disciplines to create a successful
drawing. On alternate weeks you will work
directly from the life model. Guidance will be
given on colour and using different media.
Beginners and improvers welcome.
Please contact Collette for more details on
07942893457. Fees paid direct to tutor, in
advance of term.
8 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
Beginners and
experienced artists are
welcome to join this
friendly class. Working
directly with the model
you will be able to
explore and develop your
own skills and potential.
Exercises are suggested to enable you to
explore different ways of looking at your
subject matter and different ways of
conveying what you see. There is a particular
emphasis on observation skills and guidance
is available on using a range of media.
Fees include model’s fee.
‘Wonderful course, brilliant tutor!’
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
WEDNESDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.30pm
Ways with Watercolour Painting
Applied Arts
Tutor: Ken Woodruff
Tutor: Chantelle Stephenson
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
A class for students with
any level of competency.
Assistance and
demonstrations will be
available and you will be
encouraged to draw and
paint what you want. Help
with design for leaflets,
posters and book illustrations will also be
taught if students require.
A supply of photographs will be provided
from which to select a suitable scene to
interpret into your painting. Individual
attention is given frequently throughout the
morning if needed. Come and enjoy yourself!
This course is ideal for
amateurs and beginners.
The course will allow you
to experiment and
investigate the many
possibilities of using
various materials and
techniques on an array of
surfaces. The use of collage, photographs
and painting will all be explored in this
diverse course.
Fees include materials costs.
WEDNESDAYS • 7.00pm to 9.00pm
THURSDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.30pm
Life Drawing
Oil Painting
Tutor: Collette Hoefkens
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Tutor: Chantelle Stephenson
Fees per term
An excellent opportunity to
work in a friendly and
diverse group. Working
directly with the model you
will be able to develop and
explore your own unique
style. From beginners to
professional artists and
illustrators, these sessions are structured to enable
you to practise and experiment, allowing you to
broaden your creative potential. Support and
guidance is available in using a range of media
including charcoal, pencil and oils. Beginners
and experienced artists are welcome.
Please contact Collette for more details on
07942893457. Fees paid direct to tutor, in
advance of term.
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
15 Sept
12 Jan
20 Apr
Fees per term
A diverse and natural
approach to oil painting.
Ideal for anyone who is an
existing oil painter or a
complete beginner. This
course will allow you to
naturally develop your
unique style of working
under a calm and inviting approach. Allowing
you to investigate several outcomes in other
materials including acrylic and water colour
to then lead to final pieces in oil. Current and
past painters will be discussed throughout the
course for inspiration and ideas, along with
techniques in achieving your own personal
2016-17 • The Settlement • 9
Arts & Crafts
FRIDAYS • 9.30am to 12noon
Water Colour Classes
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
16 Sept
13 Jan
21 Apr
MONDAYS • 12.30pm to 3.00pm
WEDNESDAYS • 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Patchwork & Quilting
Tutor: Fiona Pruden
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
In this course, aimed at
those with some
experience, students are
encouraged to practise
their skills whilst
experimenting with
developing their own
style, creating artworks
that reflect their own creativity and vision.
Using demonstrations, discussions and a
basis of traditional methods we explore new
and interesting applications of watercolour.
We tend to work with minimal drawing to
encourage a free and expressive approach.
We use light and colour to promote
transparency, exploring uses and applications
of watercolour as its own exciting medium.
Tutor: Sally Ritchie
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
11 12 Sept £117
Spring term
11 9 Jan
Summer term 11 24 Apr £117
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
11 14 Sept £93.50
Spring term
11 11 Jan £93.50
Summer term 11 19 Apr £93.50
Learn the basics of
patchwork & quilting,
building your skills
towards making an
heirloom quilt and smaller
items. Suitable for
beginners and improvers
where you can work in a
relaxed and friendly environment.
TUESDAYS • 9.30am to 12noon
TUESDAYS • 1.15pm to 3.45pm
Patchwork & Quilting
Machine Embroidery
Tutor: Sheena Roberts
Tutor: Gina Ferrari
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
10 13 Sept £106.25
10 10 Jan £106.25
10 18 Apr £106.25
Have you ever wanted to
try machine patchwork
but not known how to
Learn the basic skills
required for successful
machine patchwork and
quilting. This course is
suitable for complete beginners and those
with some experience. A range of techniques
will be covered each term. These include
rotary cutting, getting the best from your
sewing machine, making colour choices,
hand and machine piecing, hand and
machine quilting, appliqué and basic
construction methods.
10 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Fees per term
10 13 Sept £106.25
10 10 Jan £106.25
A relaxed and informal
class for all levels of
ability in free machine
embroidery. We will use a
wide range of threads and
fabrics and use a variety
of techniques, enabling
even beginners to use
their sewing machines creatively.
Experienced stitchers may work their own
projects under the tutor’s guidance or join in
with class projects. Everyone is welcome and
the emphasis is on fun!
‘Enjoyed the student participation..’
WEDNESDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
THURSDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
THURSDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
THURSDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Simply Sewing
Creative Stitchery
Tutor: Jane Neesam
Tutor: Jan Simpson
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
12 14 Sept £102
Spring term
11 11 Jan £93.50
Summer term 12 19 Apr £102
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
12 15 Sept £102
Spring term
11 12 Jan £93.50
Summer term 12 20 Apr £102
Construct an item of
clothing with a commercial
pattern and gain
confidence to enjoy
sewing in a group and at
home on your own.
Develop your sewing skills
to achieve a professional
finish with zips, facings, hems, gathers, darts,
pressing and more. Come with a project ready
to sew or seek help before getting started on
Whether you are making your first skirt or
progressing to something more advanced. All
levels of experience are welcome.
For more information, please contact Jane
Neesam on 07742 292405 or
THURSDAYS • 9.30am to 3.30pm
Textile Masterclass
Tutor: Elisabeth Rutt
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
10 15 Sept £170
10 12 Jan £170
10 20 Apr £170
An established high level
class in stitched textiles for
those with experience
and/or qualifications.
There are occasional
places available, please
enquire in the office.
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
29 Sept £68
19 Jan £68
TBC £68
Classes run by a Royal
School of Needlework
trained teacher and
covering many aspects of
hand embroidery,
traditional and modern,
emphasizing techniques.
A project is offered each
term and students are encouraged to develop
their own design skills. For beginners and
intermediate, the morning class is a smaller
group and allows more individual tutoring.
The afternoon class is suited to those who
have experience and confidence in
embroidery. To enrol on the afternoon class
please contact Jan Simpson (via the office).
MONDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Tutor: David Goldsmith
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
12 Sept
9 Jan
Fees per term
Traditional and modern
upholstery. All levels of
experience welcome.
Advice given regarding
tools and materials
required. For those
without transport, limited
storage of smaller items
may be arranged.
For more information, please contact David
Goldsmith on 01462 620072
2016-17 • The Settlement • 11
Arts & Crafts
MONDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
1.30pm to 4.00pm
TUESDAYS • 9.45am to 12.15pm
WEDNESDAYS • 9.30am to 11.30am
Cake Decorating & Sugarcraft
Tutor: Celia Hasan
Weeks Starts
Tutor: Vanessa Pascan
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
10 12 Sept £106.25
Spring term
10 9 Jan
Summer term 10 24 Apr £106.25
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
10 13 Sept £106.25
Spring term
10 10 Jan £106.25
Summer term 10 18 Apr £106.25
Traditional and modern
upholstery for beginners
and more experienced.
Advice will be given on
materials and tools. For
those without transport,
limited storage of smaller
items may be arranged.
For more information, please contact Vanessa
Pascan on 01582 792513 or 07764 450236.
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
Develop skills in all aspects
of sugarcraft. Sugar paste –
gain knowledge of modern
design. Make hand
modelled flowers, model
figures, use cut out,
embossing, texturing and
marbling techniques.
Develop skills in royal icing techniques in line
piping, scrolling, embroidery, piped flowers,
basket weave and run out work.
Learn about design and the use of colour and
balance. Each medium will be covered
progressively, enabling students to develop to a
professional standard.
This course is suitable for learners of mixed
abilities and starting points.
THURSDAYS • 9.30am to 12noon
THURSDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Sugarcraft: Private Tutored Group
Wired and Unwired Sugar
Flowers for All Occasions
Tutor: Celia Hasan
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
10 15 Sept
10 12 Jan
10 20 Apr
This is an established
small class that
occasionally has
vacancies for new
For more information
please contact Celia
Hasan on 01462 456429.
12 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Tutor: Celia Hasan
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
10 15 Sept £85
10 12 Jan £85
10 20 Apr £85
This course is suitable for
students who wish to
develop flower modelling
skills to a professional
standard or for your own
pleasure. Botanical and
stylised forms will be
replicated. It is ideal for the
cake decorator wishing to improve their skills
and learn shortcuts to achieve perfection.
You will learn to make flower paste, use cutters
for flower modelling and develop the pulling
method. Make flowers with and without wire
and produce fineness in the finished flower.
This course is suitable for all abilities. Tutorial
sheets will accompany each flower studied.
Arts & Crafts
TUESDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
MONDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Cut Flowers for Beginners New!
Chalk Pastels for Beginners New!
Tutor: Helen Allen
NEW TUTOR: Anne Laidler
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
13 Sept
10 Jan
18 Apr
Fees per term
With no floristry
experience required you
will create simple yet
stylish floral designs in a
range of styles. Learn tips
to get the best from your
flowers and foliage and
how to buy them.
Absolute beginner level. Starter pack of basic
equipment and containers available. The tutor
will provide some flowers at a reasonable cost
whilst you are finding your feet. Please bring
£5 the first week for flowers.
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
12 Sept
Fees per term
If you've wanted to work
with chalk pastels but
were unsure where to
start – this basic
introductory course is just
right for you! During the
course you’ll learn many
of the techniques of chalk
pastel painting including mark making, tone
and colour blending. By the end of the course
you’ll have the necessary basic techniques to
go on to enjoy using chalk pastels.
Anne is a fun and enthusiastic tutor who
endeavours to be sympathetic and
encouraging to all her students, giving them
the confidence to improve and gain their own
style. She has been told by her students that
she has a “laid back” attitude towards her art.
Fees include material costs.
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
MONDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Cut Flowers for All
Knitting for Beginners
Tutor: Helen Allen
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
NEW TUTOR: Chris Taylor
Fees per term
10 16 Sept £85
10 13 Jan £85
10 21 Apr £85
Create wonderful,
seasonal floral designs on
this course and learn tips
to get the best from your
flowers and foliage. With a
range of floral designs
from vintage to
contemporary you will try
something different each week to enjoy fresh
for the weekend. Beginner to intermediate
level. Starter pack of basic containers and
equipment available. You will provide your
own flowers and foliage each week but the
tutor can provide some at a reasonable cost.
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
31 Oct £42.50
Learn to knit. Find out
more about a craft that is
hundreds of years old, yet
has a modern appeal to it.
You will learn basic Cast
On and Cast Off; also the
Knit and Purl stitches and
then on to work simple
lace patterns, cables and colour work.....yes,
they can be simple! We will also look at how
to follow patterns, what ball-bands are there
for and how to sew up and finish off items.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 13
Arts & Crafts
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 1.00pm
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Rag Rugs
Chinese Brush Painting –
Seasonal Landscapes
Tutor: Elspeth Jackson
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
13 Sept
Fees per term
Tutor: Marion Dearlove
Weeks Starts
Have fun turning old
t-shirts and fabric offcuts
into recycled works of art
with the age-old skill of
rag rugging. In this five
week series you will learn
all the skills you need to
be able to continue
making gorgeous rag rug products at home.
You will learn how to use the rag rug tools,
how to select and prepare materials and how
to do both rag rugging techniques (loopy and
shaggy). Suitable for all levels.
A further 5 week course is possible.
Fees include materials costs.
Spring term
10 Jan
Fees per term
Suitable for beginners and
improvers. In this module
we will be looking at the
ways in which Chinese
artists use colour to
modify the mood and the
season of their
landscapes. We will also
learn additional techniques for painting rocks
and trees and will consider man made
features and figures in the landscape.
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Chinese Brush Painting –
Flower Painting
Beading Basics
Tutor: Marion Dearlove
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
21 Feb £53
Suitable for beginners and
improvers. In this module
we will be looking at
Chinese flower painting
composition and the way
in which flowers are
represented in Chinese
art. We will learn the
techniques for representing some of the
traditional Chinese flowers – lotus, peony,
plum blossom, orchid and chrysanthemum.
Once you have mastered the techniques you
will be able to create your own compositions
using your favourite flowers.
14 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Tutor: Marion Dearlove
Summer term
6 Jun
Fees per term
This course is suitable for
those with no beading
experience or limited
The aim will be to
introduce you to beading
in peyote and herring
bone stitch using beads of
varying sizes to encase and decorate a Soft
Touch cabochon, create a bale, a chain, a flat
surface and attach a clasp. The end result will
be a pendant with a chain and bracelet made
in your choice of colours. A beaded ring may
also be possible if you would like to make
one. You will need a beading kit (can be
bought from the tutor).
Fees include materials costs.
‘I felt engaged and fascinated from the time I first met the tutor.’
TUESDAYS • 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Silver Jewellery Making
TUESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
NEW TUTOR: Kathy Taylor
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
13 Sept
Acrylic Painting
NEW TUTOR: Mike Rollins
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
1 Nov
Fees per term
On this course you will
learn how to work with
Sterling silver, through
preparing your piece,
texturising using
hammers and stamps, and
soldering. You will make a
range of jewellery items
including a pendant, earrings and rings. The
final couple of weeks will be spent on a
project of your choice. All materials and
equipment are provided. There will be an
opportunity to use small pieces of your own
silver or gold, e.g. an odd earring.
Fees include materials costs and use of
Acrylic paint is one of the
most exciting and
versatile mediums for
creating art.
In this course, suitable
for beginners and
improvers, students will
explore various
techniques and methods of application
through tutor demonstration and practice
using reference photos and still life. Students
will be encouraged to experiment and
develop their own personal style of painting
culminating in a piece of artwork that draws
on what they have learned and their personal
response to it.
Fees include some materials costs.
TUESDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.30pm
TUESDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.30pm
The Sketchbook
Contemporary Sculpture
Tutor: Chantelle Stephenson
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Tutor: Chantelle Stephenson
Fees per term
10 Jan £65
This course is ideal for
beginners and amateur
artists. The course will
allow you to build, collate
and develop a fine art
sketchbook with a single
ongoing idea.
It will allow you to build
and create either a traditional sketchbook or
even a concertina that can be displayed
standing up and open.
A range of media will be discussed at the
start of each lesson and at the end you will
have a beautiful fine art book.
A further 5 week course is possible.
Fees include materials costs.
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
18 Apr £70
This course is ideal for
amateurs and beginners
who have a keen interest
to explore the possibilities
in small scale sculpture.
Each week new sculptors
and artists will be
introduced as reference
material. Maquettes will be made throughout
each session with various materials from
Modrock to clay and wood.
Fees include materials costs.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 15
Arts & Crafts
TUESDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.30pm
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Photographic Collage
Introduction to
Soapstone Carving
Tutor: Chantelle Stephenson
Weeks Starts
Summer term
6 Jun
Fees per term
NEW TUTOR: Nicola Beattie
Weeks Starts
This course is ideal for
amateur and beginners
who want to experiment
and explore the various
possibilities of
photography collage.
Using your own
photographic images or
images from other artists, you will be able to
manipulate and re-arrange a new collage
each week.
Photographers and artists will be discussed
each week as reference material and the
source of starting points.
Fees include materials costs.
Autumn term
Fees per term
14 Sept £63
This course is designed
as a practical introduction
to soapstone carving, with
the aim of achieving the
skills of carving both in
relief and in the round.
We begin with relief
carving. Then there will
be the option of carving more relief carvings
each week and/or working on a bigger piece
in the round. No experience necessary. All
materials provided. Just bring an apron as it
gets dusty!
Fees include materials costs.
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Introduction to Egg Tempera
Introduction to
Tutor: Juliet Venter
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
2 Nov
Fees per term
16 • The Settlement • 2016-17
NEW TUTOR: Vanessa Stone
Weeks Starts
On this course Juliet will
teach everything you
need to be self-starting in
egg tempera, including
making a gesso panel,
mixing pigments and
different ways to apply the
paint. You will produce
your own small painting to your own design
or copied from examples. All specialist
materials supplied, all abilities welcome.
Spring term
11 Jan
Fees per term
During the five week
course you will learn a
variety of techniques from
layered collage,
silhouettes and single
sheet symmetrical paper
cutting. You will get one-to
one guidance from
Vanessa to create at the end of the five weeks
a rich and varied portfolio of cut paper
artworks. Vanessa will also teach you about
the history of the ancient art of cut paper and
introduce you to the work of contemporary
makers too.
A further 5 week course is possible.
Fees include materials costs.
MONDAYS • 2.00pm to 3.30pm
French – Beginners
NEW TUTOR: Wafa’ Tarnowska
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
12 Sept
9 Jan
24 Apr
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 11.30am
French – Beginners 2
Tutor: Martine Beecroft
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Would you like to be able
to speak French when you
go to France? Have you
forgotten all the French
you learnt at school and
almost feel like giving up
on languages? Then this
class is for you! We will
use audio visual methods and interactive
activities to facilitate learning and make the
class an enjoyable experience. We will also
learn about key aspects of French life, food
and culture. Homework is advisable but
This is a small friendly
class which will be
starting its third year in
September 2016. Hence
this class is not suitable
for complete beginners.
We are working our way
through French
Experience 1, a BBC course with an emphasis
on spoken French.
THURSDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.00pm
MONDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
French – Improvers
French – Intermediate 1
Tutor: Martine Beecroft
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
15 Sept
12 Jan
20 Apr
Tutor: Martine Beecroft
Fees per term
This small lively class will
be starting its fourth year in
September 2016. We have
started French Experience
2 with the aim of covering
the topics of Experience 1
in more depth and
improving our
understanding of spoken French.
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
12 Sept
9 Jan
24 Apr
Fees per term
This class has now
finished French
Experience 2. We’ll be
working on simple short
texts as a starting point for
discussion and revision of
grammar. The emphasis is
definitely on conversation
and to enjoy the class you must like to talk
about your activities and your opinions in
simple French. We aim to create a friendly
atmosphere so that everybody feels welcome
and comfortable.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 17
THURSDAYS • 9.30am to 11.30am
WEDNESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.00pm
French – Intermediate 2
French – Advanced Conversation
Tutor: Martine Beecroft
Tutor: Martine Beecroft
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
15 Sept
12 Jan
20 Apr
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
This well established class
started ten years ago as a
beginners’ course. I am
happy to say that a few of
those beginners are still
coming. The first part of
the class is normally
conversation as it comes
as people like to share what they heard, saw
or did during the week. After coffee we study
and comment on an article given out the
previous Thursday. Grammar and vocabulary
are learnt throughout the two hours as
People in this class speak
French without hesitation
but don’t be put off as they
still make mistakes! There
is chitchat, banter and
serious discussion based
on articles and books.
There is a friendly
ambience and above all a desire to keep
speaking French.
WEDNESDAYS • 6.30pm to 8.00pm
THURSDAYS • 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Italian – Beginners Plus
Italian – Improvers
Tutor: Annalisa Conway
Tutor: Annalisa Conway
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
A class for those who have
a basic knowledge of Italian
and are familiar with the
present tense. The aim is to
enable you to communicate
in a variety of situations
using visual aids. The native
Italian teacher also presents
aspects of Italian culture, history and art.
18 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
15 Sept
12 Jan
20 Apr
Fees per term
A class for those who are
familiar with the present
and the past tense. The
teacher uses a “magazine
style” textbook to
encourage conversation
skills. Topics covered are
modern day Italy, as well
as its history and history of art.
TUESDAYS • 6.15pm to 8.15pm
MONDAYS • 11.00am to 1.00pm
Italian – Intermediate 1
Italian – Intermediate 2
Tutor: Annalisa Conway
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
13 Sept
10 Jan
18 Apr
Tutor: Annalisa Conway
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
12 Sept
9 Jan
24 Apr
Fees per term
A class for those who can
use the present and past
tense. Lots of visual aids,
conversation and listening
to authentic recordings.
Topics covered are
modern day Italy and
Italians as well as famous
Italian works of art and Italian cities.
An informal and lively
class for those who can
use the present and past
tenses. Lots of visual aids,
conversation and listening
to authentic recordings.
Historical places in Italy,
art and current affairs are
topics we will utilise in order to increase
vocabulary and understanding of Italian
TUESDAYS • 9.30am to 11.30am
TUESDAYS • 12.15pm to 2.15pm
Italian – Intermediate Plus
Italian – Advanced 1
Tutor: Enza Guglielmucci
Tutor: Enza Guglielmucci
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
13 Sept
10 Jan
18 Apr
Fees per term
A lively class for those
already familiar with
present, past and imperfect
tenses and getting to grips
with the future tense. Plenty
of opportunity to practise
and enhance spoken Italian
as well as listening to
authentic recordings. Topics covered will be
Italian history, culture and society and new
elements of grammar.
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
13 Sept
10 Jan
18 Apr
Fees per term
A lively class for students
who want to practise the
language and improve
their fluency. A 'magazine
style' textbook is used in
order to encourage
general conversation.
Topics covered in class
will be Italian current affairs, traditions, history
and culture together with some advanced
2016-17 • The Settlement • 19
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
MONDAYS • 6.15pm to 8.15pm
TUESDAYS • 2.30pm to 4.00pm
Italian – Advanced
Tutor: Enza Guglielmucci
Italian – Advanced 2
Tutor: Annalisa Conway
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
12 12 Sept £102
11 9 Jan
11 24 Apr £93.50
A lively class for those
who are wish to practise
their conversation. Topics
used are current affairs
and Italian historical and
artistic treasures. A part of
each lesson is dedicated
to grammar exercises and
listening to authentic recordings.
THURSDAYS • 4.15pm to 5.45pm
Italian – Beginners
Tutor: Annalisa Conway
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
12 15 Sept £76.50
11 12 Jan £70.20
12 20 Apr £76.50
Would you like to be able to
speak Italian when you go
to Italy? This class is for
you! A class for complete
beginners with no
experience of the
language. Lots of visual aids
and interactive activities are
used. A “magazine style” textbook is used to
facilitate learning. The native Italian teacher also
presents aspects of Italian life, history and art.
20 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
13 Sept
10 Jan
18 Apr
Fees per term
A lively class for students
who are confident in
Italian and require the
opportunity to practise
and enhance their Italian
and improve their fluency.
A 'magazine style'
textbook is used in order
to encourage general conversation and
places a greater emphasis on spoken Italian.
Topics covered in class will be Italian current
affairs, history and culture and an opportunity
to develop further grammar and vocabulary.
TUESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.00pm
WEDNESDAYS • 5.45pm to 7.15pm
Spanish – Beginners
Tutor: Eduardo Bell
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
12 13 Sept £76.50
Spring term
11 10 Jan £70.20
Summer term 12 18 Apr £76.50
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
12 14 Sept £76.50
Spring term
11 11 Jan £70.20
Summer term 12 19 Apr £76.50
A course for absolute
beginners or those with
limited Spanish skills. You
will master basic everyday
topics. Homework is
expected. On-line tutoring
at no extra cost.
‘As always a lovely experience and a greal deal of learning.’
WEDNESDAYS • 7.30pm to 9.00pm
WEDNESDAYS • 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Spanish – Improvers
Spanish – Intermediate
Tutor: Eduardo Bell
Tutor: Eduardo Bell
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Improve your Spanish and
gain confidence in
conversation. Strong and
easy to understand
grammar. Homework is
expected. On-line tutoring
at no extra cost.
14 Sept
11 Jan
19 Apr
Fees per term
Acquire fluency in
Spanish. Exclusively
reading and conversation
supported by grammar
when needed. Homework
is expected. On-line
tutoring at no extra cost.
MONDAYS • 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Spanish Tutoring Certification
One Year Course
Tutor: Eduardo Bell
Weeks Starts
WEDNESDAYS • 12.15pm to 1.45pm
THURSDAYS • 7.45pm to 9.15pm
Spanish – Advanced
Tutor: Eduardo Bell
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
12 14 Sept £76.50
Spring term
11 11 Jan £70.20
Summer term 12 19 Apr £76.50
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
Autumn term
12 15 Sept £76.50
Spring term
11 12 Jan £70.20
Summer term 12 20 Apr £76.50
Consider a given topic and
learn how to express your
views about it, in order to
sustain a conversation
confidently. The study
material will be provided
by the tutor.
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per term
26 Sept £160*
16 Jan £160*
8 May £160*
Fluent in Spanish? Then
this course is for you.
Become a qualified
Spanish tutor and obtain
the "Certificado Docente
de Español" from the
"Instituto Universitario de
Córdoba" with our threein-one course which, due to financial support,
is offered at a very competitive price.
The course will cover Teaching Techniques,
Literature Analysis and Spanish Grammar for
Tutors. Teaching in the classroom will be
supplemented by on-line tutoring. This is a
year-long course with certification being
granted following successful completion of
the course and passing an examination at the
end. The course fee includes text material for
all three subjects plus online tutoring and the
examination fee.
*Fees £160 per term, or £410 for the year
if paid in full on enrolment.
Enrolment must be made in the first term,
no later than 17 October 2016.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 21
Creative Writing
MONDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
WEDNESDAYS • 7.30pm to 9.30pm
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
Get Writing for Starters
and Returners
Tutor: Elizabeth Barber
Tutor: Elizabeth Barber
Autumn term
Autumn term
Spring term
Spring term
Summer term
Summer term
Weeks Starts
Fees per block
Autumn term
6 12
Autumn term
6 31 Oct £51
Spring term
5 9 Jan
Spring term
6 20 Feb £51
Summer term
5 24 Apr £42.50
Summer term
6 12 Jun £51
Weeks Starts
Fees per block
Autumn term
6 14
Autumn term
6 2 Nov £51
Spring term
5 11 Jan £42.50
Spring term
6 22 Feb £51
Summer term
6 19 Apr £51
Summer term
6 7 Jun
New and former students
are welcome. This class is
ideal for anyone who enjoys
writing or would like to
start. No experience is
necessary and emphasis is
on building confidence in
writing fiction and nonfiction in a small, supportive group. Each five/six
week block covers new material offering
students the flexibility of enrolling at any half
term. Many students, however, enrol for the
autumn term and complete all three terms. We
look forward to welcoming you.
‘Enthusiastic and
22 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Get Writing for Returners
Weeks Starts
14 Sept
2 Nov
11 Jan
22 Feb
19 Apr
7 Jun
Fees per block
This class is open to all
former students of Get
Writing. Classes run
throughout the year on the
same workshop lines as
before with a variety of
exercises in writing fiction
and non-fiction. Each
five/six week block covers new material offering
students the flexibility of enrolling at any half
term. Many students, however, enrol for the
autumn term and complete all three terms. We
look forward to welcoming you back.
FRIDAYS • 9.30am to 12.30pm
Writing Fiction and
Getting Published
Tutor: Rosemary Hayes
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
11 Nov £64
Is there a novel inside you,
bursting to get out? Or
have you started writing
and got stuck? Either way,
this course is for you. In a
friendly and supportive
atmosphere and guided
by an experienced writer,
learn how to make your story take shape.
Gain the confidence to unlock your
imagination and produce taut, fast-moving,
plot-driven pieces with strong, credible
characters. And find out how to submit your
work to an agent or publisher.
There will be a follow-up workshop.
TUESDAYS • 9.45am to 10.45am
TUESDAYS • 11.15am to 12.15pm
50+ Exercise to Music
Keep Fit
Tutor: Claire Smith
Tutor: Jan Grimsey
Terms Weeks Starts
13 Sept
Fees per term
Terms Weeks Starts
13 Sept
Fees per term
This class will provide you
with one day’s worth of
the recommended 30
minutes moderate aerobic
exercise in a fun and
interesting workout to
music. A range of music
styles is used to add
variety and motivation. Floor work is included
– with standing or seated alternatives offered
– to work on muscular strength, endurance
and flexibility, important elements of exercise
to aid daily tasks and maintaining
independence. This class is designed for
active “older” adults and has a wide age
range from late 50’s to early 80’s!
Please contact Claire on 01462 686475 to
check for spaces and dates. Fees paid
directly to the tutor.
A gentle/medium paced
class of exercise to music,
aiming to move and
stretch the whole body.
Some floor work is usually
included, but you may sit
on a chair if you prefer
and sometimes we all use
chairs. To make the class more varied, some
weeks we use stretchy bands or homemade
“weights” for a small part of the session. The
music is varied and the main purpose of the
hour is to have fun and enjoy exercising. All
ages and abilities are welcome.
Please contact Jan on 01462 642248 for
more information. Fees paid termly directly
to the tutor.
TUESDAYS • 12.45pm to 1.30pm
TUESDAYS • 2.00pm to 3.00pm
NEW TUTOR: Sindy Austin
Terms Weeks Starts
Fees per class
12* 13 Sept £6/£5**
Come and join this small,
friendly Pilates class. We
will incorporate basic
moves for beginners, with
an option for more
advanced exercises for
those who have some
experience. We work on
building muscles gradually, concentrating on
strengthening the core, to gain a stronger
overall body. Please bring a mat.
Please contact Sindy Austin on
07930 484456.
* Usually 12 weeks per term
** Fees £6 per class, or £5 per class for
block bookings of 6 weeks or more
* Usually 12 weeks per term
Functional Fitness – Fit ‘n’ Fifty
Tutor: Margaret Brabrook
Terms Weeks Starts
10 TBC
Fees per term
This class is for people
who are interested in
keeping their bodies
moving and improving
health and well being. It is
aimed at the 50+ group or
those who would prefer
steady, safe but
invigorating exercise. There is emphasis on
posture and core stabilising using Pilates
exercises. We also have loads of fun and use
our face muscles often!
Please contact Margaret Brabrook on
01462 730277 or 0775 2769248 or email
* Fees £40 per term for the over 60’s and
£38 per term for the under 60’s.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 23
THURSDAYS • 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Hatha Yoga –
Beginners & Improvers
Tutor: Pat Castell
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per class
10 15 Sept £5
10 12 Jan £5
11 20 Apr £5
The practice of postures
to strengthen the body
and increase flexibility,
concentrating on correct
positioning of the body
and self-awareness within
the postures.
Please contact Pat
Castell for further information on 01462
Fees £5.00 per class, payable termly in
advance, direct to the tutor.
that meet
at The
Settlement Table
Tennis Group
Monday evenings in the Hall at 7.15pm.
Annual fee payable. League matches
played each week so not much
opportunity for informal practice.
Contact: Sandra Harper on
01767 315649
THURSDAYS • 8.10pm to 9.40pm
Hatha Yoga – Advanced
Tutor: Pat Castell
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
Fees per class
10 15 Sept £5
10 12 Jan £5
11 20 Apr £5
The practice with
awareness of precise
alignment and refinement
in all postures from basic
to the more difficult.
Please contact Pat
Castell for further
information on 01462
Fees £5 per class, payable termly in
advance, direct to the tutor.
24 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Corner Bridge Club
Duplicate Bridge every Thursday
afternoon 1.00pm for 1.15pm in the Main
Hall.Visiting pairs always welcome.
Contact: John Biggs on
01462 433393
Letchworth & Hitchin
Chess Club
Monday evenings at 7.30pm
from September to May.
Meet in Room 3
(at the top of the stairs).
Contact: Tim Thurstan
on 01462 459873
Membership, Enrolment
& Gift Aid form
September 2016 - July 2017
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and return to Letchworth Settlement
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overleaf so we can claim back an extra 25p for every £1 you give.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 25
Your courses
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Course Title
Course Title
Annual Membership Fee due:
£18 (standard) • £13 (concessions - over 60 years)
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treat all donations I have made since 6 April 2016 and all donations that I make
hereafter until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid Donations.
Please read the GIFT AID NOTES on last page of this form carefully.
26 • The Settlement • 2016-17
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*Letchworth Adult Education Settlement, Account No: 00011799, CAF Bank Ltd,
Sort Code 40-52-40
Member Authorisation:
2016-17 • The Settlement • 27
Gift Aid Notes
1. If your declaration covers donations you
may make in the future:
a) Please let Letchworth Settlement know if
you change your name or address while the
declaration is still in force.
b) Cancellation of declaration: You can do
this at any time by notifying Letchworth
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2. You must pay an amount of Income Tax
and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the
tax Letchworth Settlement reclaims on your
donations in the tax year (currently 25p for
each £1 you donate).
28 • The Settlement • 2016-17
3. If your circumstances change in the future
and you no longer pay tax on your income
and/or capital gains equal to the tax that
Letchworth Settlement reclaims, you can
cancel your declaration.
4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can
claim further tax relief in your self-assessment
tax return.
5. If you are unsure whether your donations
qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, consult
Letchworth Settlement. Alternatively leaflet
IR113 (Gift Aid) may be obtained from your
tax office.
Special Interest
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
The following courses are all run by
highly qualified tutors and lecturers.
Some of them have taught or are
teaching for The Cambridge University
Institute of Continuing Education or other
Institutes of Further or Higher Education
or the WEA. Students are encouraged to
take an active part in learning through
class discussion and reading. Some
tutors may give students the option to do
written work but this is entirely at the
tutor’s discretion and there may be a
marking fee payable directly to the tutor.
Other than for Creative Writing, written
work will NOT be compulsory on any
course. A syllabus and book list may be
provided by the tutor prior to the start of
the course. There must be a minimum of
12 students for each course to run.
NEW TUTOR: Lorna Reay
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
12 Sept
9 Jan
24 Apr
NEW TUTOR: Louise Reed
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term
16 Sept
13 Jan
21 Apr
Fees per term
Lipreading helps deaf and
hard of hearing people to
cope. In classes
lipreaders learn how to
interpret what can be
seen when people speak
to them. They look at the
entire speaker – facial
expression, gestures, gaze – all these are
valuable clues to understanding. In class
games, stories, exercises and, of course,
conversation all help students to enjoy
everyday life at home or at work.
MONDAYS • 10.30am to 12.30pm
MONDAYS • 7.30pm to 9.30pm
The Settlement Singers
Lipreading Classes
Food & Feasting in Art
Tutor: Fiona Lucraft
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
This course will provide an
encouraging, relaxed
environment, where singers
of all ages can gain
confidence through tuition
and practice. Absolute
beginners welcome as are
those with some
experience. Exercises will be great fun, and
songs will be varied (students can choose their
own too!) No knowledge of music theory is
Autumn term
Fees per term
10 12 Sept £85
Explore the role of food
and feasting through four
centuries of European art.
Included in our survey
will be 16th-20th century
paintings of markets,
kitchens, feasts and still
lives. We will consider
how the food and meals relate to historic
styles of dining. We will examine the work of
such masters as Chardin, Melendez, Cotán,
Claesz, Heda, Manet, Monet and Van Gogh.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 29
Special Interest
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
The Improvers:
Capability Brown & Others
An English Renaissance or
Medieval Legacy? Gardens
in Tudor & Stuart Times
Tutor: Kate Harwood
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
Tutor: Kate Harwood
Weeks Starts
12 Sept £42.50
2016 is the tercentenary
of the birth of Capability
Brown. He is often
credited with creating the
“English Landscape” style
of gardening but there
were many others. This
course will consider the
who, what, why and where of the 18th Century
Improvers and what we can still see today.
Autumn term
31 Oct
Fees per term
Ideas from the
Renaissance began to
seep into England in the
early 16th Century. Did
the Reformation put a
complete stop to them in
our gardens? This course
will look at meaning in
gardens of the period, linking it to medieval
ideas, Renaissance motifs, literature and art.
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
London in the 18th Century
How Do Buildings Not Fall Down?
Tutor: Sharon Priestley
NEW TUTOR: Tim Parrott
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
10 12 Sept £85
When you visit London, do
you wonder about who
lived there 200 years ago?
Where did people shop,
eat, drink and find
entertainment? What were
Frances Burney, Joshua
Reynolds and Samuel
Johnson really like? We discover the answers
in contemporary accounts, including Boswell’s
famous London Journal and other diaries,
newspapers, Old Bailey records and letters.
The rich diversity of Georgian London's
people, places and events is revealed as we
encounter some fascinating records of social
30 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
13 Sept £42.50
Buildings with arches,
such as the great
cathedrals, seem to defy
gravity as well as time.
How their designers
managed to keep the
forces in balance is not
only fascinating but
surprisingly easy to grasp from basic
principles. The course goes on to examine a
range of modern structures, including
‘Charming and humorous tutor with vast knowledge of his subject.’
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
TUESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
What is Evolution?
Pottery and Porcelain in Britain,
c. 4000 BC to AD 1900
NEW TUTOR: Tim Parrott
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
1 Nov
Fees per term
NEW TUTOR: Lloyd Laing
Weeks Starts
Everyone has some idea
of Evolution, from fish
somehow leaving the
water and coming on to
land, and people sharing
98% of their DNA with
chimpanzees (they do!),
and how there might not
have been any humans if the dinosaurs had
not been wiped out. But if you’ve ever wished
for a coherent presentation of the history of
the life on Earth, combining explanations with
video clips, this course could be just what
you’ve been waiting for.
Autumn term
Fees per term
10 13 Sept £85
We nearly all use pottery
every day of our lives,
and have mostly done
so since the first farmers
introduced it in Neolithic
times. This course traces
the development of
ceramics in Britain,
outlining the new fabrics and techniques
developed and the way imports influenced
changing fashions and tastes, from the first
pots, to the `golden age’ of Derby and
Worcester porcelain and Wedgwood
stoneware, and its use for not just utilitarian
items but ornaments and tiles .
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
Journey Through Arab Culture
Handsome, Clever and Rich:
A Closer Look at Jane Austen’s
NEW TUTOR: Wafa’ Tarnowska
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
14 Sept £51
Would you like to know
more about the Arab
World than the
stereotypes you read
about in the media? Then
join this course for a
fascinating journey
through the culture of the
Arab World from poetry to literature, carpets,
music, calligraphy, food, ceramics, perfumes
and jewellery. It is a short course packed with
nuggets of information about a controversial
part of the world.
Tutor: Margaret Norwich
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
2 Nov
Fees per term
An opportunity to take a
closer look at one of
literature’s most loved and
most imperfect heroines,
Emma Woodhouse, whose
beauty, intellect and social
position inspire Jane
Austen’s classic novel! Is
Emma a comedy of manners, a detective
story or a moral tale? Is the novel Austen’s
masterpiece? Is there more delightful
occupation than re-reading and reconsidering
2016-17 • The Settlement • 31
Special Interest
THURSDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
THURSDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Architecture in France 1500 - 1700
Gorgio de Chirico
Tutor: Madeline Edmead
Tutor: Gary Day
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
15 Sept
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
15 Sept
Fees per term
French architecture is little
known in this country but
it is full of achievements.
This course follows some
of the major developments
of French architecture,
town planning and garden
design from the age of
Fontainebleau to the age of Versailles. We will
examine outstanding examples of palaces,
chateaux and churches as well as key sites in
the growing capital of France.
The paintings of Gorgio
de Chirico are
mysterious, melancholy
and profoundly haunting.
Spaces, buildings – all
appear normal but then
we are disorientated by
the fall of light or an
architectural anomaly and find ourselves in a
serene dream. ‘What shall I love if not the
enigma?’ he once asked. De Chirico
influenced the French Surrealists, but later
disparaged them. This course will focus on de
Chirico’s metaphysical period and examine
his legacy in literature and art.
THURSDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
René Magritte
Biochemistry for Beginners
Tutor: Gary Day
Tutor: C Woolston
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
3 Nov
Fees per term
Famous for his precise
depictions of the
man in overcoats floating
down from the skyMagritte is certainly the
most famous and perhaps
the most challenging of all
the Surrealists. His paintings are instantly
accessible and yet infinitely elusive. Magritte
himself claimed that everything was
unknowable and that’s what he tried to convey
in his paintings. This course will try to throw
some light on the ‘unknowable’.
32 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
10 23 Sept £85
Biochemistry is the study
of substances present in
living things, such as
proteins, carbohydrates,
and nucleic acids. Before
looking at the chemical
structures of these
important substances, we
will review some fundamental organic
chemistry, discuss what is meant by life, and
examine cell structure. We will then go on to
discuss such topics as enzyme structure and
function, the processes of respiration, and the
importance of nucleic acids in protein
synthesis and heredity.
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
MONDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
Psychology Matters: (1)
Approaches in Psychology
Living under the Tudors
Tutor: Honor Ridout
Tutor: Lesley Ayres
Weeks Starts
Weeks Starts
Autumn term
Fees per term
16 Sept £85
A series of 3 courses on
Psychology which can be
studied as a whole course
over the year or taken
individually. Sessions
consist of a mix of
academic study, student
participation and a
relaxed environment to explore this
fascinating subject.
Take a trip into the history of the study of
human behaviour. What makes us do the
things we do? Is it nature or nurture? Find out
what influences the way we behave: from
Pavlov's dogs to Freud's Psychoanalysis.
Spring term
9 Jan
Fees per term
We’ll survey the lives of
Tudor folk of all classes,
and how changes brought
about by inventions
(printing), discoveries
(the New World) and
religion (the Reformation)
gradually impinged on
their activities and ideas. We’ll look at original
documents, to examine the very varied
sources of information about this period, and
there will be illustrations to look at the
material culture: buildings, manufactures, fine
art, clothing etc of the period.
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Global Geopolitics
A Touch of Grey: Fiction about
the ‘Older’ Generation
Tutor: Michael Williams
Weeks Starts
Spring term
10 9 Jan
Fees per term
Tutor: Sharon Priestley
Weeks Starts
Have you ever wanted to
know more about global
politics? This course
probes beneath day to
day events that fill the
media and focuses on the
reasons for competition
and conflict among states.
It begins with geopolitics as a way of
understanding international relations and
goes on to examine the foreign policies of
powers like the United States and China as
well as troubled regions like the Middle East.
There’ll be plenty of time for discussion.
Spring term
10 9 Jan
Fees per term
Do you feel that much
modern fiction is geared
towards readers younger
than you? This course
focuses on characters in
their senior years who
face life's major
challenges. We will
analyse and discuss some well-written short
stories by major writers of the genre and also
consider three excellent novels: Momento
Mori describes the afflictions of old age, a
troubled grandmother is depicted in Elizabeth
is Missing and the title of the third modern
novel to feature older characters will be
2016-17 • The Settlement • 33
Special Interest
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
TUESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Biology for Beginners
A Couple of Song and Dance Men:
The Art and Genius of Fred
Astaire & Gene Kelly
Tutor: Christopher Woolston
Weeks Starts
Spring term
10 Jan
Fees per term
This course is designed to
be of interest both to
absolute beginners and to
those with some prior
knowledge. It will be
presented as a collection
of such topics as the
classification of living
things; cell structure and function; DNA and
protein synthesis; the genetic code;
homeostasis, nerves and hormones; the
digestive system; excretion through the
kidney; respiration and photosynthesis; the
carbon and nitrogen cycles; plant and animal
communities; and animal behaviour.
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
Cambridge – A Place of
Libraries, Gardens, Chapels
& Art Treasures
Tutor: Nick Chrimes
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Fees per term
21 Feb £51
Cicero, wordsmith of
ancient Rome, wrote ‘all a
man should need to be
content is a library and a
garden’. Cambridge has
plenty of both, almost 150
libraries, and 50 public
1. Rare Books, Libraries, Illuminated
2. Visit College Gardens: Clare, Emmanuel
and Jesus
3. Cambridge Churches and Chapels
4. Cultural impact of Cambridge on English
5. Visit to Fitzwilliam Museum: the artist as
‘Propagandist or Subversive'
6. Foreign influences on Cambridge:
German, American and Chinese.
34 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Tutor: Stephen Barnard
Weeks Starts
Spring term
10 Jan
Fees per term
Fred Astaire and Gene
Kelly were more than just
dancers: they were
innovators and pioneers
who helped turn the
musical into the most
dazzling and fantastical of
all movie genres. Each
had their own style and approach – Astaire
debonair and jazz-based, Kelly muscular and
balletic – and each stamped their personality
and vision on some of the most popular films
of the 20th century, from ‘Top Hat’ to ‘Singin’ in
the Rain’. In this course we consider the work
and legacy of these two icons of cinema with
plenty of extracts from their era-defining films.
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
Boom & Binge: Disease &
Discoveries in the 19th Century
Tutor: Susan Mitchell
Weeks Starts
Spring term
10 11 Jan
Fees per term
The 19th Century is
remembered for great
advances in industry,
technology and medicine.
Pain was conquered and
the cause of disease
discovered, if not always
how it was transmitted.
However the word "slum" was first heard at
this time, describing a large part of London
through which coursed the Thames,
described by Faraday as "a fermenting
sewer." Disease flourished in the appalling
conditions, and people sought solace in
drugs and drink, in a period named “The
Great Binge".
‘The tutor is a master of his subject.’
WEDNESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
THURSDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
The Sexual Revolution on Stage –
1890s to the 1980s
World Music Appreciation
NEW TUTOR: Lorna Reay
Tutor: Paul Crossley
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
10 11 Jan £85
From the late Victorian
period onward the
dramatic depiction of the
changing relations
between men and women
became a pivotal and
controversial subject for
male and female
playwrights alike. This course will examine
the works of playwrights such as Ibsen, Shaw,
Hamilton, Coward, Delaney and Churchill
amongst others to explore this major topic for
the stage. The course will also look at the
emergence of film during this period and its
relation to the theatre in engaging with this
central theme.
Spring term
12 Jan
Fees per term
Each week we will
explore a different
region’s music, through
video clips, lecture and
demonstration of musical
instruments. Students will
be invited to handle or
play various instruments
themselves. I have approximately 30 different
instruments from many different countries. We
will explore styles, customs, instruments and
most notable musicians.
Regions studied will include Africa, India,
China, Scandinavia, Central Europe, South
America and the Andes.
THURSDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Betjeman & Larkin
Velasquez – An Unknown Master
Tutor: Gary Day
Tutor: James Willis
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Fees per term
23 Feb £42.50
Little Johnny and Big Phil
are two of Britain’s most
popular poets. Each week
we will read several of
their poems and compare
them. We will show what
they have in common,
where they differ and how
Betjeman influenced Larkin. We will also show
how Betjeman is much darker than his singsong verse suggests and how Larkin can be
quite jolly. Finally we will touch on how each
poet reflects the changing face of England
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Fees per term
20 Jan £42.50
The Spanish painter
DIego Velasquez is one of
the most influential old
masters in the history of
painting. His painting of
the Spanish court – Las
Meninas – has been voted
the greatest painting ever
painted and yet he remained almost unknown
until the end of the 19th century when Manet
discovered his work and adopted his
impressionistic technique.
Discover more about his life and works and
those of his contemporaries in this short
course designed as an introduction to the
2016-17 • The Settlement • 35
Special Interest
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Picasso – The Artist of The
Twentieth Century
Psychology Matters: (2)
Topics in Psychology
Tutor: James Willis
Tutor: Lesley Ayres
Weeks Starts
Spring term
Fees per term
24 Feb £42.50
Weeks Starts
Spring term
13 Jan
Fees per term
The name Pablo Picasso
immediately conjures up
images of all sorts – his
paintings, sculptures and
etchings as well as that of
the artist himself. Possibly
the most influential artist
of modern times, his
painting Guernica has been called the most
important work since the Sistine Chapel.
The creative diversity in his works is
overwhelming and his inventiveness and
influence unparalleled in modern times. This
short course looks at the way his work
responds to his life and times and how it
influences future movements and generations.
A series of 3 courses on
Psychology which can be
studied as a whole course
over the year or taken
individually. Sessions
consist of a mix of
academic study, student
participation and a
relaxed environment to explore this
fascinating subject.
What influences the way we think, what we
see and how we remember? Take a look at
perception, memory, eye witness testimony
(are they really reliable?). What are the
reasons for criminal behaviour?
MONDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
MONDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Three Masterpieces of 19th
Century European Fiction
Food in Fiction
Tutor: Sharon Priestley
Tutor: Fiona Lucraft
Weeks Starts
Summer term
8 May
Weeks Starts
Fees per term
In this course we will
study and compare
Flaubert’s Madame
Bovary, Eliot's
Middlemarch, and
Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.
During the course we will
consider such aspects as
the authors' lives and times; characters,
setting, storylines and set scenes; the web of
connections within and between the novels
and aspects of translation.
36 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Summer term
Fees per term
10 24 Apr £85
How is food described in
fiction? On this course, we
analyse three diverse
novels to find out. We have
Always Lived in the Castle
features a devastated
family and in Fried Green
Tomatoes at the Whistle
Stop Cafe, life brings many surprises. A family
in Old Mexico is highlighted in Like Water for
Chocolate [recipes included]. Finally, Chocolat
describes what happens when a young
mother opens a chocolate shop in France. We
hope this course whets your appetite for
reading and eating!
‘This course has been, without doubt, one of the best I have done.’
TUESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
TUESDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Architecture & Society in the
19th Century – Part 2
How We Became a
Television Nation
Tutor: Madeline Edmead
Tutor: Stephen Barnard
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
10 18 Apr £85
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
10 18 Apr £85
The nineteenth century
produced a vast array of
architectural types from
the temples of commerce
to the seaside, from
transport to theatres. We
will look at how the forms
of buildings reflected the
needs and interests not just of the traditional
patrons of architecture but also of a growing
mass society. Students who missed part 1
should have no trouble joining the class for
part 2.
Of all the changes that
confronted post war
Britain, the coming of
television was possibly
the most profound. How
did television evolve from
a rich man’s novelty into a
medium enjoyed by
virtually every household in Britain – and
what kind of impact did TV make on the way
we lived and on our view of the world? With
archive material to guide us, we will revisit the
programmes, personalities, genres and
moments that so transfixed the nation from the
early 1950s to the coming of colour.
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
WEDNESDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
Walking with History – Part 1
French Literature on Women
(a repeat of the walks done in 2014)
Tutor: Anne Rowe
NEW TUTOR: Wafa’ Tarnowska
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
19 Apr £42.50
A series of five walks
exploring the multifaceted history of the
Hertfordshire countryside.
Topics to be covered
during the walks will
include settlement history,
open fields, commons,
parks and the management of woodland and
hedgerows. Each walk will be in a different
area and will take about 2 hours and cover
approximately 2-4 miles, starting and finishing
at a point where cars can be parked.
Transport for non-drivers between The
Settlement and the walk start/end point can
be arranged for a small additional charge. A
detailed programme will be available in due
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
19 Apr £51
This course will
take you through six
seminal works of
French literature
(translated into English)
focusing on women.
We will learn about:
• Molière and the “Femmes Savantes”
• Gustave Flaubert and Madame Bovary
• Honoré de Balzac and Eugenie Grandet
• Victor Hugo and Lucrece Borgia
• George Sand and La Mare au Diable
• Simone de Beauvoir and Le Deuxième Sexe
2016-17 • The Settlement • 37
Special Interest
THURSDAYS • 10.00am to 12noon
THURSDAYS • 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Japan: The Land of the
Rising Sun
Gardens in Literature:
Victorian to Edwardian
Tutor: Victoria Cummins
Weeks Starts
Summer term
NEW TUTOR: Twigs Way
Fees per term
10 20 Apr £85
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
10 27 Apr £85
This course will explore
the history and civilization
of Japan. Thus we shall
examine the distinctive
culture the country
developed despite its
proximity to its larger
neighbour, China. Other
areas of particular interest will include its
response to the challenge from the industrial
powers in the nineteenth century (imitating
them) and, when this led to disaster, the
emergence after 1945 of a new, reinvigorated
Examining the way in
which authors use
gardens, plants and
pleasure grounds in their
development of plot,
character and settings in
both extended and
shorter works, we will
explore both individual texts and themes
across authors and also the context of garden
fashions as they are reflected in works. The
course will focus on the period from c1830
through the Edwardian, with some thematic
sessions venturing into the 1930s. Covering
Murder, Humour, Lust, Love and Garden
Fashions – and authors including Dickens,
Yonge, Collins, Hardy, Tennyson, Saki and
Sackville-West etc, this course appeals to
lovers of gardens and literature alike!
THURSDAYS • 1.30pm to 3.30pm
FRIDAYS • 10.00am to 12.30pm
Lucien Freud
Psychology Matters: (3)
Abnormal Psychology
Tutor: Gary Day
Weeks Starts
Summer term
Fees per term
Weeks Starts
20 Apr £42.50
Lucien Freud famously
said nothing about his
views of art. He wanted us
to look at his pictures. So
that is what we will be
doing in this course. By
the end of it we should
have some understanding
of what he meant by ‘art’ and where his
paintings fit into the tradition of particularly
British portraiture. We will also have learnt
something of Freud’s extraordinary life. He
was, for example, a man who never smiled.
38 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Tutor: Lesley Ayres
Summer term
Fees per term
21 Apr £85
A series of 3 courses on
Psychology which can be
studied as a whole course
over the year or taken
individually. Sessions
consist of a mix of
academic study, student
participation and a
relaxed environment to explore this
fascinating subject.
What causes abnormal behaviour? What is it
and how can it be treated? Delve into the
world of psychopathology, obsessive
compulsive disorders, schizophrenia and
& Lectures
For those too busy to commit to a
five or ten week course, we run a
series of ‘one-off’ workshops and
lectures covering a broad range
of subjects that may better suit
a demanding life-style.
During the year we have hosted Easter
Flower Basket, Encaustic Wax Art,
Pastels in the style of Degas, An
Introduction to Silver, plus lectures on
Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the
Heart Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci.
Ideas for workshops always welcome.
Call us on 01462 682828
Details of all our events can be found on
our website:
and on our Facebook page
Want to be one of the first to
know what is going on here?
to join our mailing list. Your email
address will not be shared with third
You can also Follow us on twitter
Gift Vouchers
Why not give the gift of learning to
someone you know?
We now offer Gift vouchers in £20, £10 and £5
denominations, along with a choice of two very
attractive gift cards.
The vouchers are valid for one year from date of
issue. They have to be presented at the time of
booking a course so cannot be used for telephone
bookings (or online in due course). No cash will be
given in exchange for vouchers.
If you order these over the phone we will post them
to you by Royal Mail 1st class, to be signed for and
there will be a £1.50 postal charge.
2016-17 • The Settlement • 39
Settlement Groups
Letchworth Art Society
In the Cruse and Spinks Rooms
Tuesday evenings 7.30pm-9.30pm, starting
in early September. Enrolment not required.
Annual fee plus Settlement membership.
A friendly group that meets to paint for
pleasure. Every week there is either a
demonstration, a model or a still life in one
room, and another room in which members
can “do their own thing”.
Two exhibitions per year, plus occasional
workshops on a Saturday or Sunday. New
members very welcome.
Contact: Jane Gibbs on 01462 673535
Daytime Art Club
In the Spinks Room
Wednesdays starting at 9.45am, finishing at
4.00pm with most members opting for the
morning or afternoon sessions with a few
attending both. This is a self-help group but
occasionally there are planned activities, tutored
sessions or workshop/demonstrations. Although
much of the current membership work is in
watercolour, other media may be used and is
Cost of membership is payable at the beginning
of each term plus £5 annual fee. In addition there
is a Settlement membership fee.
Contact: Bob Thorogood on 01462 672009 or
John Packham on 01462 635621
‘Bobbin Along’
In the Garden Room
‘Bobbin Along‘ is a social, self-help group
for ‘bobbin’ lace and associated crafts which
meets on 1st and 3rd Friday of each month
in the Garden Room from 7.15pm to 9.30pm,
starting 2nd September 2016.
Enrolment is not required but Settlement
membership and an annual group fee is
Contact: Anne Drew on 01462 482258
40 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Letchworth Camera Club
In the Brunt Room
Thursdays at 7.45pm from September until
early July. Annual fee of £47 plus Settlement
Our display of photographs in the Brunt Room
will give you a flavour of the work that we
produce. We have a varied programme of
lectures, competitions and instruction evenings,
whereby we hope to provide advice and
encouragement to our members, new and old,
to enjoy all aspects of photography in a friendly
environment. Please come and try us for a few
evenings before you decide to join. Enrolment
not required.
Contact: Gary Neesam on 07772 812353
‘Informative and interesting.’
In the Cruse Room
HUE is a group of artists who work with textiles.
We meet with our mentor Anthea Godfrey 4/6
times a year on a Saturday to share and critique
our work, have one-to-one conversations with
Anthea and plan exhibitions. There is no element
of teaching, we work independently. HUE will be
exhibiting in Bishop Stortford during April 2017.
Enquiries to Val Aitken on 01462 635386 or
Settlement Players
Monday, Wednesday and Sunday
In The Theatre
Main rehearsals on the stage on Mondays and
Wednesdays at 8.00pm, plus some Sundays
(either afternoon or evening). Stage crew meet
most Sunday mornings.
Annual fee £3 plus Settlement membership.
An active and friendly group performing several
plays every year and enjoying occasional social
events. Newcomers always welcome, both acting
and backstage. Experience not essential.
The Settlement Players Theatre Club provides
audience members with discounted tickets
and advanced booking information. Annual
subscription from September.
All enquiries contact:
Mr J Anderson on 07963 467398 or email
Friends of
The Settlement
The Settlement has a long tradition as
a self-sustaining, membership
As such it values the work of volunteers in
a wide range of roles: on the Management
Committee; organising outings; helping at
fund raising events; delivery of brochures;
distribution of advertising materials;
serving teas and coffees; gardening and
If you have some time to spare and would
like to be added to our list of ‘friends’
please speak to Sonia Weston or a
member of the Management Committee.
You are not committed to anything by
doing so but you would occasionally be
asked if you could help, e.g. with an event.
Making Contact
Want to be one of the first to know what’s
happening here?
and ask to be put on our emailing list.
Also keep an eye on our website and
find us on Facebook.
Not sure what course would suit you?
Contact the office on 01462 682828 and our
staff will be happy to help!
2016-17 • The Settlement • 41
Associated Organisations
Dance Steps Academy
The Letchworth Garden City Society
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
4.00pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
9.00am Saturdays. Ballet, Tap, Modern and Street
Jazz classes for children from 3 years upwards.
Contact: Sarah Johnson on 01462 642858 or
Monday The group meets approximately four
times a year on a Monday at 7.30pm. First
meeting is in September. Lectures and
discussions on all aspects of The First Garden
City and occasional visits. Membership fee is £5
per year plus £3 per meeting.
Contact: Philippa Parker on 01462 686828 or
email: or visit our
First Garden City Ladies’ Group
Monday This club meets on the second
Monday of each month (except August) from
2pm to 4pm. A social afternoon club for women
of all ages with guest speaker, raffle, occasional
sales table and coach outings.
Annual subscription £12, visitors £1.50
Contact: Mrs Wendy Gould on 01462 676068
L.A.L.G. Wine Appreciation Group
Friday This group was set up in 1994 with the
objective of providing people interested in wine,
from beginners to experts, the chance to
develop their knowledge of wine and to have the
opportunity to taste a wide variety of different
wines. We never take ourselves too seriously and
meet monthly at the Settlement. We occasionally
have vacancies for new members, so if you are
interested, please get in touch.
Contact: George Barnes on 01462 673710 or
John Raines on 01462 893059
L.A.L.G. Wine Discovery Group
Friday We are a very sociable group who also
have a shared passion for discovering new and
old wines from around the world. We meet every
third Friday usually at the Settlement where we
sample and experience wines chosen by one of
the group members. We also hold an annual
barbecue accompanied by wine in July. We have
a stable group of couples but we are always
keen to give new members the opportunity to
join us. If you are interested in joining our lively
group, please get in touch.
Contact: Nigel Rigby at or call 01462 686411
42 • The Settlement • 2016-17
Letchworth Natural History Society
Tuesday Meets on the second Tuesday of each
month from September to March, plus 18th April
at 7.30pm. Illustrated lectures on various aspects
of wildlife and conservation and on the
Hertfordshire countryside. Sunday rambles and
summer evening walks. Small charge for guests.
Annual subscription £10.00, visitors £2.50 (LALG
members £2 with valid membership card).
Contact: Judie Starkey on 01462 632171 or
email Find us on
Letchworth Recorded Music Society
Friday Fortnightly programmes of recorded
music presented by members of the Society on
alternate Fridays, 7.30pm to 10.00pm from 23rd
September 2016 to March 2017. Occasional
guest presenters. Annual subscription £20.00
minimum, visitors £2.00.
Contact: Judie Starkey on 01462 632171 or
Letchworth Sinfonia
Sunday A friendly amateur orchestra with
Professional Conductor and Leader, playing
mostly classical repertoire, but occasionally
playing lighter styles of music. The orchestra
generally rehearses on alternate Sunday
afternoons in winter, evenings in summer and
gives two main concerts a year. New members
are welcome, especially string players. Fees
£110 per year.
Contact: Don Shewan on 01763 244079 or visit
‘Brilliant, stimulating ideas.’
North Herts and Beds Branch
Embroiderers’ Guild
Saturday The Embroiderers’ Guild is a friendly
group who have an avid interest in textiles and
their embellishment. Techniques explored range
from traditional hand embroidery to the use of
machines and new materials. We meet on the
first Saturday of the month for informal
gatherings. Our workshops on the third
Saturdays are taught by nationally acclaimed
tutors, as are speakers who visit for Special
Events three times a year.
Contact: Gina Ferrari on 01763 852971
or email
Additionally the Branch welcomes young people
of all ages to join our Young Embroiderers’
Group who meet six times a year on Saturdays
from 10.30am-2.30pm.
Contact: Barbara Deacon on 01223 870359 or
North Herts Guild of Spinners,
Weavers and Dyers
Thursday First and third Thursdays of each
month at 7.45pm starting in September.
Enrolment is not required. Affiliated to the
Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and
Dyers. A friendly group committed to promoting
handspinning, weaving and dyeing. We aim to
preserve craftsmanship in these areas for the
benefit of the public. You do not need to be an
expert to join and visitors are welcome.
Contact: Helen Gale on 01438 226759 or email
Poetry ID Group
Thursday Poetry ID meets on Thursday
evenings from 7.30pm to 10.00pm in Room 1.
Here they conduct regular writing workshops
centred on various themes, after which there is a
read-round of the work produced. Later, there is
another read-round of members’ new work.
Once a month, usually on the last Thursday of the
month, the group holds a poetry ‘surgery’ where
any member who so wishes may bring in their
poems for analysis and treatment where
necessary. This is useful for those ‘problem’
poems. Occasionally guest poets are invited to
perform. Past guest poets include Jackie Kay,
Wendy Cope, Penelope Shuttle, Tamar Yoseloff,
George Szirtes, John Mole and, most recently,
Stuart Henson. New members are welcome.
Contact: Richard Copeland on 01438 217614
or email
Website is
and you can also like us on Facebook.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Friday The RSPB Hitchin and Letchworth local
group holds social meetings (normally) on the
first Friday of each month between September
and May, when an invited speaker will talk about
a wildlife-related topic. Our membership fee is
£12 per season.
Contact: Martin Johnson on 01763 249459
or email
Further information about the Group can be
obtained from our website:
25 Club
Thursday A group of retired professional and
business men who meet, usually with a speaker.
Meetings are on alternate Thursdays at 10.00am
for 10.30am. Membership is by invitation.
Contact: Peter Jackson on 01462 627713
26 Club
Thursday Formed in 1977, we are a club for
retired gentlemen meeting on alternate
Thursday mornings throughout the year with
guest speakers, often from a charity to which the
club donates. Membership is £40.00 per year
which can be paid 6 monthly.
Contact: John Tompkins on 01462 672938 or
2016-17 • The Settlement • 43
Hire a room
at The Settlement.
Despite our full programme of classes we do have
rooms available for occasional or regular hire.
If you or any group you know might be interested
please contact the office. We will be happy to
accommodate you if possible. See below for charges.
Lettings Charges
Sat Evening
£55 (per 3 hour session)
£130 (per evening session)
£120 (per day)
Brunt, Cruse & Spinks Rooms
Sat Daytime or Evening
£40 (per 3 hour session)
£75 (per 3 hour session)
£75 (per day)
Garden Room
Sat Daytime or Evening
£35 (per 3 hour session)
£40 (per 3 hour session)
£40 (per day)
There will be a £20 charge if
room set-up/clearing is
An additional charge of £20 is
made for the use of the
There is a discount on these
charges for Settlement
Groups and Associated
Room 1
Sat Daytime or Evening
£20 (per 3 hour session)
£25 (per 3 hour session)
£25 (per day)
Room 3
Sat Daytime or Evening
£30 (per 3 hour session)
£35 (per 3 hour session)
£35 (per day)
Green Room
44 • The Settlement • 2016-17
£20 (per 3 hour session)
Hire of Crockery,
Cutlery & Glasses
Dinner plate, side plate,
dessert bowl, cup & saucer –
50p per cover.
Including glasses and
cutlery, etc
75p per cover.
All breakages charged at
replacement cost.
Dates for your Diary
September 2016
March 2017
Thursday 1st
Office opens
Friday 31st
End of Spring Term
Saturday 10th
Settlement Players’ Open Evening
April 2017
Monday 12th
Most courses start
Thursday 18th
Settlement re-opens; all courses start
October 2016
May 2017
Saturday 22nd
Closed for Lace Day
Monday 29th to Friday 2nd June
Monday 24th to Friday 28th
June 2017
Saturday 29th
Hospice Craft Fair
November 2016
Thursday 17th to Saturday 19th
Settlement Players’ Production
Wednesday 23rd
Settlement AGM
Saturday 10th
Settlement Fair
Thursday 15th to Saturday 17th
Settlement Players’ Production
July/August 2017
Saturday 21st to Sunday 13th Aug
Settlement closed for Summer
Friday 25th
Settlement Quiz
December 2016
Friday 16th
Settlement closes for Christmas
January 2017
Thursday 5th
Office re-opens
Monday 9th
Courses start
February 2017
Monday 13th to Friday 17th
Thursday 23rd to Saturday 25th
Settlement Players’ Production
2016-17 • The Settlement • 45
How to find us
By car: From London, Stevenage and The
North – A1 (M). Leave A1 (M) motorway at
junction 9. Follow signs for Letchworth, A505.
From Cambridge. Via A505 from Royston, follow
Baldock bypass across Junction 9 (A1M)
roundabout on to A505 (Letchworth Gate).
From Milton Keynes, Bedford, Ampthill, A5, M1 –
(via A507). Leave M1 at Junction 13 (Ridgmont –
25 miles, 40mins). Follow A507, ignoring the first
turning for Letchworth. At a roundabout, take the
right turning signed ‘Norton, Letchworth’.
Continue along Norton Road, turning left at the
roundabout into Norton Way North.
Then follow the map below.
46 • The Settlement • 2016-17
By Train: Letchworth Garden City is on the
London (King’s Cross) – Stevenage – Royston –
Cambridge service. There are frequent trains
from King’s Cross (35-50mins) and from
Cambridge (30mins).
By Bus: Regular services from Hitchin, Baldock,
Stevenage and Stotfold stop close by on Norton
Way North near the railway bridge.
Postcode: If using SatNav/Multimap etc, use
The Settlement Story
Proud of our history at Letchworth Settlement, we
can trace our origins back to 1860's London,
when a group of eminent social reformers
including John Ruskin conceived the idea to
improve the lives of working class families who
were facing appalling hardship in what had
become a heavily industrialised society.*
The first attempts to put a ‘settlement’ idea into
practice were made by a number of young
wealthy Englishmen around 1867 but despite best
intentions the plans failed.
The next attempt was in 1875 when Arnold
Toynbee, an Oxford-educated economist, moved
to Whitechapel. There, together with the Vicar of
St. Jude’s Church, Canon Samuel Barnett, he
opened a centre for education and discussion,
where he lectured on political economy to the
workers of the neighbourhood.
Toynbee did not live to see his experiment bear
fruit but the example renewed attention to the
plight of the poor and in July 1884 a group of
Toynbee’s followers, led by Canon Barnett,
established Toynbee Hall in Whitechapel, as a
colony for university students dedicated to
continuing his work.
Under the auspices of a joint committee
representing Oxford and Cambridge Universities,
with Barnett serving as warden, Toynbee Hall
became the model for other settlements in
England and the United States.
In England they were assisted financially by,
among others, the well-known Rowntree and
Cadbury families, the latter having a major
role to play in the development of Letchworth
Garden City.
A Settlement community was active in Letchworth
in the early years of the 20th century, its aims of
fellowship and self-improvement chiming well
with the philosophy of the Garden City's founder,
Ebenezer Howard. Meetings were held in
various locations in the town and nearby villages
until 1920 when Letchworth Adult Education
Settlement was founded.
The original building is a fine example of the ‘arts
and crafts’ style so characteristic of Letchworth.
Over the years further buildings have been
added and today the site belongs to the Heritage
Foundation who lease it to The Settlement and
who continue to be extremely supportive of its
educational and recreational activities.
Operating as a charity The Settlement receives no
grant aid and is entirely financially independent.
Led by an annually elected Management
Committee working with our professional
management team, we strive to maintain and
enhance a rich and varied programme of
activities to appeal to a wide variety of interests.
It is our hope that members will continue to enjoy
the opportunity to meet, learn and create and be
part of our success story.
*Excerpted from Legacy of Light: University Settlement’s First Century by Jeffrey Scheuer
2016-17 • The Settlement • 47
Come along and meet like-minded
people on one of our courses.
Whatever your interest we probably
have something to tempt you. A wide
range of clubs and societies also
meet here – The Settlement Players,
the Camera Club and groups
ranging from art to embroidery to
wine appreciation – all enjoy
catching up at 229 Nevells Road.
Our supportive and friendly
approach provides the ideal
learning environment for our
students across a range of exciting
subjects which include modern
languages and practical craft
courses such as upholstery,
patchwork & quilting and sugarcraft.
Discover different authors and their
works, explore other cultures and
learn more about artists and their
lives and times.
Painting, writing, flower arranging
and more. Designed to be
thought-provoking and stimulating,
our courses will challenge your
creativity and reveal those
hidden skills……
We hope to see you at the
Settlement very soon!
Letchworth Settlement
229 Nevells Road
Letchworth Garden City
Herts SG6 4UB
Registered Charity No. 311085