European Union.
European Union.
2009 REPORT CONTENTS 1. Key Facts 2009 2. Media Coverage 3. The Toolkit 4. Reasons for success 5. Neighbours’ day all around the world 6. The E.F.L.S. in action 7. E.F.L.S. partners 8. National & regional partners 9. 2010 Objectives 10. Contacts -2- KEY FACTS 2009 9 Million participants (6.5 million in France). 1 100 local authorities and housing organizations officially registered. 29 participating countries (20 countries of the EU). An event placed under the patronage of the European Union. A communication campaign with the theme of Europe. -3- KEY FACTS 2009 Partners 1200 1100 980 1000 809 800 608 600 374 400 224 200 30 60 126 157 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 1 100 national & regional partners 29 participating countries 9 million participants EUROPEAN UNION Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Cyprus - France - Czech Republic - Germany Italy - Ireland - Greece - Latvia - Luxemburg - Poland - Portugal - Romania Slovakia - Spain - Sweden - UK INTERNATIONAL Bosnia - Canada - Croatia - Japan - Norway - Switzerland- Taiwan- Turkey Ukraine -4- MEDIA COVERAGE 170 TV new items 4 500 press articles and quotes 450 Radio stories *EFLS estimate Sellanen ol NAAPURI Nie zna sz sw oic h sąsia d ó w ? Za p roś ic h d ziś na ob ia d -5- TOOLKIT Communication tools A CD ROM containing all the communication tools in high definition format of the leaflet, invitation, postcard and poster (in different formats) available in 26 languages. A press kit containing one press file and one press release in French and in english . An operational guide, a timetable and tips to optimize the mobilization of the inhabitants. A promotional video Animation of the network Permanent support and advice from the association to help you implement the project at a local level. A dedicated website presenting our communication tools, our advice and support for the preparation, our 1100 city and housing association partners in 29 countries, along with reports, testimonies and photos of Neighbours’ day celebrations in order to learn more about community practices in other countries. -6- REASONS OF SUCCESS An answer to people profound expectations o The need to meet and to know each other better. o The need to live in a more friendly and inclusive society. A simple mechanism: an event organised by the neighbours. A taylor made event for the partners: easy to implement. An event providing considerable advantages: inhances the feeling of security, develops mutual help and the meaning of common belonging, involves different cultures and generations, and develops conviviality and human relations. The only event which main objective is for people to meet up and create bonds. -7- NEIGHBOURS’ STORIES “Neighbours’ Day went really well in Roncq dans le Nord, even though it was cold!!!! Everybody, grown-ups and children got together and had a great time. Neighbours have got to know each other a little bit more down through the years and are more interested in each other. It’s just wonderful!!” Roselyne A., square Alexandre Desrousseaux ,France “This has been a great chance to get out and meet people, social events like this should happen more often. It’s a great opportunity to get involved with the community.” Hilda Harris, Carver Court, Royaume Uni “We voted and elected the Neighbourhood Queen (for a year): the most friendly, most cheery, most helpful, most sympathetic neighbour out of all the neighbours... Then the Queen chose her King: and it was Maxime... really proud to bear this Title... and its Diploma. This all happened last Tuesday, under a sun... which was really worthy of its name! The "Golden Key of Success” was handed over to the Queen, for a year...” Freddy B. Villeneuve d'Ascq , France “It’s not always easy to invite your neighbours when you’ve had a disagreement with them. But, I must admit, when everyone gets together, it can be a real opportunity to wipe the slate clean and move on. I believe this type of get-together is essential. Sometimes I say to myself that this could be a universal party, celebrated everywhere in the world. At a time when people are divided everywhere, we need something like this to bring us together.” Arthur, testimony in web site -8- ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TESTIMONIES "Developing good relations with your neighbours is an important part of making our communities a safer, happier place to live.The week is a great opportunity for people to get to know their fellow residents and celebrate the importance of community life.And, of course, this is a chance for people to get involved in the city's green year by doing something together which can only benefit their neighbourhood and the city as a whole." MF, City Council executive member of Liverpool, united Kingdom « For the fourth consecutive year, the municipality launched the event with the objective: « to promote and develop the solidarity between neighbours. This is one of the major objectives of the municipality for this year. Neighbours’ day perfecty fits this effort as it invites people to meet each other and promotes conviviality. There is no miraculous way to reinforce the mutual help all along the year. But we believe that the more people communicate, the more they get to know and provide help to each other.» AM, Vice Mayor in charge of the environment Saint André les Vergers, France « For this first edition of the Neighbours’ day, we decided to organise the event in two Local Communities, Podhum and Brankovac, involving citizens of the two principal nationalities. The coffee being both the most popular beverage in Bosnia Herzegovina and the means used by people to stay together and chat, we decided to focus the event around the idea to take a coffee with neighbours and local authorities representatives. Everyone was satisfied and we intend to expand the event in the whole city next year. » LDA, Mostar,Bosnia Herzegovina -9- HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS TESTIMONIES « European Neighbours' Day is a day when people are encouraged to go out and meet their neighbours, talk to them and establish a first contact with them that will help foster nicer and more supportive neighbourhoods. Housing associations have been very active in promoting this initiative as it helps develop sustainable communities. At a time when everyone is leading increasingly hectic lives, with little time for anything else than themselves and their families, days like that bring the emphasis back onto the importance of the community which is there to support the individual.” DO, President of the National Housing Federation,United Kingdom “In 2009 we brought together between 100 and 130 people from different backgrounds and different generations. Although it was raining, both children and grown-ups were able to participate in the various activities, such as the shooting range and making painted pottery figures. There was also a Neighbourhood Quiz, a goal shoot competition, and a DJ to play for us as we all celebrated together in great spirits”. I.M Quartiersmanagement High-Deck-Siedlung, Berlin, Allemagne « The event has been so much fun this year. We own and manage 3,000 properties on the island and place great importance on supporting our communities. European Neighbours’ Day is a great way to bring people together in an inviting atmosphere and reinforce good relationships between neighbours and with our staff.» M. S Resident Services Coordinator, Island pulse, United Kingdom “This year two film projects were highlighted during the celebrations. In the first one, a group of young people presented their district. A “Greetings Box” was set up for participants to greet their neighbours and to describe what their perfect neighbour would be like. One of the schools in the district organized a gigantic buffet and 120 people attended the celebrations that afternoon. And, to top it off, the local sports clubs all met up for the first time in years!” H.B, Gesobau, Berlin, Germany - 10 - THE E.F.S.P. IN ACTION Since 2004, more than 80 cities and housing organizations have received the diploma « European Neighbours’ Day » with the label « Friendly and Cohesive City » delivered by the president of E.F.L.S., Atanase PERIFAN, in recognition of their implication in the development of «a common well being ».This year 14 partners in Europe and all around the world have been awarded: Cities : Breuillet (France) Metz (France) Macon (France) Tokyo (Japan) Odessa (Ukraine) Vienne (Austria) Nicosie (Cyprus) Chemnitz(Germany) Wroclaw (Poland) Housing Associations : Macon Habitat(France) Semac (France) ICF (France) Opievoy (France) Batigère (France) Wroclaw, May 2009 Chemnitz, May 2009 The 9th of May, on the occasion of Europe day, the E.F.L.S. participated in the Open Days of the European Parliament in Brussels in order to present her activities. More than 65.000 people attended this event, which was promoting this year the European elections. - 11 - E.F.L.S. PARTNERS European partners European Commission: DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities European Parliament Committee of the Regions National partners in Europe National Housing Federation (United Kingdom) FEDERCASA/ ANCI (Italy) Association Immeubles en Fête (Belgium) Svátek sousedu, O.S.( Czech Republic) FECOVI (Spain) CECODHAS P. (Portugal) LocalPoint V.O.F. (Netherlands) Association Luxembourgeoise des Solidarités de Proximité (Luxembourg) Association Immeubles en Fête (France) City of Geneva (Switzerland) National partners in the rest of the world Réseau Québécois des Villes et Villages en Santé (Canada) Rinjin Matsyri (Japan) - 12 - NATIONAL AND REGIONAL PARTNERS European Union Pays / Country ALLEMAGNE / GERMANY Raison Sociale/ Organization Ville / City Stadt Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt Am Main Stadt Chemnitz Chemnitz Landeshauptstadt Bremen Bremen Kieler Immobilienverwaltung GmbH Kiel Hallo Nachbar - a Projekt of the Stadtteilgespräch Roderbruch Hannover e.v Stadtverwaltung Würzburg Am Main Entwicklungsgesellschaft Duisburg mBH Duisburg-Marxloh Gesellschaft für Bauen und Wohnen Hannover Hannover Gesobau AG Berlin Rabenhaus Berlin Stadt Osterholz – Scharmbeck Osterholz – Scharmbeck Quartiersarbeit Eichholz Sindelfingen Quartier Management Berlin AUTRICHE / AUSTRIA Stadt Wien Vienne BELGIQUE / BELGIUM Association Immeubles en Fête - Dag Van de Buren (Coordinateur National) 54 villes partenaires – Liste disponible sur demande Bruxelles BULGARIE / BULGARIA Ville de Bourgas Bourgas CHYPRE/ CYPRUS Maison de l’Europe / Bureau du Parlement Européen à Chypre/ Ville de Nicosie Ville de Pano Lefkara Nicosie Lefkara FRANCE Association Immeubles en Fête (Coordinateur National) > 670 Paris villes partenaires : liste disponible sur demande ESPAGNE / SPAIN CONCOVI / FECOVI (Coordinateur National) Ayuntamiento de Bilbao Ayuntamiento de Alboraya Ayuntamiento de Catarroja Ayuntamiento de Albal Ayuntamiento de Massanassa Ayuntamiento de Beniparrel Ayuntamiento de Silla Ayuntamiento de Els Poblets Ayuntamiento de Lliria Ayuntamiento de Crespins Ayuntamiento de Picanya Ayuntamiento de Horno de Alcedo Ayuntamiento de El Palmar Ayuntamiento de Xirivella - 13 - Valencia Bilbao Alboraya Catarroja Albal Massanassa Beniparrel Silla Els Poblets Lliria Crespins Picanya Horno de Alcedo El Palmar Xirivella ITALIE / ITALY IRELANDE / IRELAND FEDERCASA / ANCI (Coordinateur National) Fête reportée au 12 septembre 2009, liste non communiquée à ce jour) Dublin City Council Rome Dublin Cultural Organisation of Pyrgetos "Proodos" Trikala Ville de Chania Chania LETTONIE / LATVIA City of Riga Riga LUXEMBOURG / LUXEMBURG Association Luxembourgeoise des Solidarités de Proximité (Coordinateur National) Commune de Steinsel Commune de Mamer Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette Ville de Luxembourg Le Fonds du Logement Commune de Beckerich Ville de Differdange Ville de Dudelange Commune d’Hesperange Commune d’Hobscheid Commune de Leudelange Commune de Mondercange Ville de Nordstad Commune de Reckange/Mess Ville de Remich Commune de Rumelange GRECE / GREECE PORTUGAL Comité Português de Coordenação da Habitação Social (Coordinateur National) Câmara municipal Nazaré Câmara Municipal da Horta Junta de Freguesia de Belém Câmara Municipal de Aveiro Junta de Freguesia de S. Estevão Gebalis Câmara Municipal da Trofa Câmara Municipal Silves Câmara Municipal Tavira Câmara Municipal Peso de Régua Câmara Municipal Castro Marim Câmara Municipal Santarém Junta de Freguesia S.Francisco Xavier Junta de Freguesia Monteiras Instituto Habitacional de Madeira EMGHA SocioHabitaFunchal Câmara Municipal de Coimbra Câmara Municipal de Evora Câmara Municipal da Amadora Junta de Freguesia Azinhal Junta de Freguesia de Santo André Junta de Freguesia de Altura Câmara Municipal de Setúbal - 14 - Ingeldorf Steinsel Mamer Esch sur Alzette Luxembourg Luxembourg Beckerich Differdange Dudelange Hesperange Hobscheid Leudelange Mondercange Nordstad Reckange/Mess Remich Rumelange Lisboa Nazaré Açores Lisboa Aveiro Lisboa Lisboa Trofa Silves Tavira Peso de Régua Castro Marim Santarém S.Francisco Xavier Monteiras Madeira Cascais Funchal, Madeira Coimbra Evora Amadora Azinhal Santiago do Cacém Altura Setúbal POLOGNE / POLAND Urzad Miasta Lodz Urzad Miasta Wroclaw Slaski Zwiazek Gmin i Powiatow Urzad Miasta Katowice Urzad Miasta Gdansk LocalPoint (Coordinateur National) PAYS-BAS / NETHERLANDS Gemeente Leidschendam-Voorburg Gemeente Veendam Lodz Wroclaw Swietochlowice Katowice Gdansk Voorburg Leidschendam-Voorburg Veendam National Housing Federation (Coordinateur National) Accord Housing Group Home North West Liverpool London Manchester City Council Newcastle upon Tyne City Council Tower Hamlets Community Housing New Charter Housing Trust Group New Fylde Housing York Housing Association Muir Group Housing Association Home Group Limited Southway Housing Trust Housing Hartlepool Gateshead Council Cosmopolitan Housing Liverpool Housing Trust Wirral Partnership Homes Daventry&district Housing Shoreline Housing Partnership New Progress Housing Association Maidstone Housing Trust Southern Housing Group Wallsall Housing Group Circle Anglia NH Housing London Wesr Bromwich Whitehaven, Cumbria Liverpool Manchester Newcastle upon Tyne London Ashton-under-Lyne St Annes, Lancashire Huntington, city of York Helsby, Chester South Harrow Manchester Hartlepool Gateshead Liverpool Liverpool Wirral Daventry N.E Lincs Leyland Lancashire Maidstone Londres Walsall Londres Dugdale Association Svátek sousedu, o.s. (Coordinateur National) Prague ROUMANIE / ROUMANIA Primaria Municipuilui Timisoara Primaria Municipuilui Arad Timis Arad SUEDE / SWEDEN Engelbrekt parish of Stockholm Jesu Kristi Kyrka av SDH Stockholm Stockholm SLOVAQUIE / SLOVAQUIA City of Považská Bystrica City of Banska Bystrica Považská Bystrica Banska Bystrica ROYAUME-UNI / UNITEDKINGDOM REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE / CZECH REPUBLIC - 15 - International BOSNIE HERZEGOVINE City of Mostar / Local Democracy Agency of Mostar Mostar CANADA Réseau Québécois Villes et Villages en Santé (Coordinateur National) > 200 villes partenaires : liste disponible sur demande Québec CROATIE / CROATIA City of Dubrovnik Dubrovnik JAPON / JAPAN RINJIN MATSYRI (Coordinateur National) Tokyo NORVEGE / NORWAY City of Bergen Bergen SUISSE / SWITZERLAND Ville de Genève (Coordinateur National) Ville de Vevey Municipalité de Nyon Ville de Gland Ville de Lausanne Citta di Lugano Ville d’Yverdon-les-Bains Ville de Sion Commune du Chêne-Bourges Commune du Chêne-Bourgeries Ville de Sierre Ville de Meyrin Ville d’Onex Commune du Grand-Saconnex Commune du Thonex Commune du Vernier Nachbarschaftshilfe Genève Vevey Nyon Gland Lausanne Lugano Yverdon les Bains Sion Chêne-Bourges Chênes-Bourgeries Sierre Meyrin Onex Grand-Saconnex Thonex Vernier Zurich UKRAINE City of Odessa Odessa TURQUIE / TURQUEY City of Düzce Düzce TAIWAN The Green Consumer’s Foundation Taipei - 16 - 2010 OBJECTIVES Quantitative objectives in 2010 : o 1300 cities and housing associations registered partners o 30 countries o 9.5 million participants Launch the « Voisins Solidaires- Neighbours Together» program in Europe in the context of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. Reinforce cooperation institutions. with European Let’s celebrate together the 10th anniversary of Neighbours’ Day in 2010! - 17 - and International CONTACTS E.F.L.S. European Federation of Local Solidarity European Neighbours’ Day Coordination 26, rue Saussier Leroy 75017 PARIS Tel : +33 (0) Fax : +33 (0) CONTACTS Atanase PERIFAN - President Vincent CAYOL – General Manager Christel RATHLE : Development Manager - 18 -
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