Introductions to Heritage Assets - Pre-Industrial


Introductions to Heritage Assets - Pre-Industrial
Pre-industrial Mines and Quarries
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Introductions to
Heritage Assets
Mines and Quarries
May 2011
Fig. 1. An aerial view of the Late Neolithic flint mines at Grime’s Graves, Norfolk. Each hollow represents the location of a former mine or pit, and mounded up between them lie the
spoil dumps of chalk which came from the shafts and galleries.
People have mined and quarried stone and minerals
for many thousands of years for a wide range of uses
from crafting tools to producing building stone. The
earliest extraction sites are now known to be some
of the first archaeological monuments to appear in
the landscape, and these mines and quarries were
used at, or immediately before, the time when the first
enclosures and burial mounds were being constructed
during the Early Neolithic period.
The Neolithic axe quarries and flint mines developed
around 4000BC at the very beginning of the Neolithic
period and faded from use when the first metal
objects were being introduced about 2400BC. The axe
quarries are located in the uplands of the north and
west, whereas the flint mines are largely restricted to
the low-lying chalk of southern England.
The inherent dangers of this early stage of stone/flint
extraction probably gave these ‘exotic’ raw materials
a greater cultural value than more easily obtained
varieties of stone. This is graphically illustrated at the
dangerously exposed quarry sites on the near vertical
mountain faces at Langdale. It was the combination of
difficult quarrying and the procurement of rare, but
recognisable, types of stone from culturally important
sources that created a value to the community.
Artefacts crafted from these raw materials were then
used in important ceremonies, and some were found
buried in pits. Studies of the stone artefacts from the
South Downs, for example, have shown that flint axes
made of mined flint were hoarded or buried in such
pits, whereas the more functional tool kits of these
communities were knapped from surface collected
flint. Consequently, mining and quarrying was often a
special activity during this early period.
Later in prehistory, extraction became a more
functional activity, when raw materials such as tin
and copper were important in their own right and
as components in the production of bronze, which
introduced a new metalworking technology that
supplanted the earlier stone tools. Bronze working
eventually gave way to iron working, all supported by
specialist mines and quarries. Alongside such industrial
activities were others which mined or quarried
for lead, building stone and coal. These industries
continued through the Roman period and into the
medieval, some leaving behind more evidence of their
former presence than others.
The geology and topography at extraction sites have defined
their form and the remains which have survived. Many
mines and quarries are prominently located, overlooking the
surrounding landscape. This is true of both the flint mines in the
South Downs at sites such as Harrow Hill and Blackpatch in
Sussex, and the axe quarries at Langdale in Cumbria. However,
others could be relatively hidden in their landscape setting such
as the flint mines at Grime’s Graves in Norfolk (Figure 1).
English Heritage
A recent survey of flint mines in England has found that there
may be as few as ten such sites, although others probably await
discovery. Of the known sites, only six survive as earthworks
and these are typified by various sized pits, which upon
excavation can reveal both simple pits and deep shafts, some
of the latter with galleries radiating from the base of the shaft.
The pits can be as shallow as 0.6 to 2.0m as at Durrington in
Wiltshire, whereas mines have been recorded up to 12m deep
at Greenwell’s Pit at Grime’s Graves (Figure 2).
Introductions to Heritage Assets
Pre-industrial Mines and Quarries
Fig. 2. A view of one of the underground galleries in Greenwell’s Pit at Grime’s Graves,
Norfolk. The low ceiling stands roughly 1m high, and the black flint which the miners
sought can be seen on the right hand side of the gallery entrance.
Fig. 3. The Langdale Neolithic axe quarries in Cumbria lie near the skyline on dangerous
ledges, and were designed to collect stone from the band of green Seathwaite Tuff which
outcrops around the valley sides.
Amongst the Neolithic axe quarries, Langdale in Cumbria
(Figure 3) is arguably the most studied site in England. Here
the mountain top workings take the form of both shallow pits
on the relatively level areas, to near vertical surface quarries
which exploit the outcropping green Seathwaite Tuff. Many of
these quarries not only have sharply fractured surfaces, but also
rippling, concoidal fractures scarring the quarry face recording
where individual slabs of stone have been removed. Some
of the apparent scree slopes lying below these quarries are
actually debris from the quarrying activities, but sadly some have
been severely damaged by scree runners and axe collectors.
were required, and quarries developed along the frontier to
service this need. To the east of Chesters fort, for example,
at Fallowfield Fell a Roman quarry was discovered with the
inscription ‘(P)ETRA FLAVI CARANTINI’ or ‘the rock of Flavius
Carantinus’ . Great linear groups of quarries (Figure 4) survive
to the south of Housesteads fort where not only a major
military installation had been built but an attendant vicus or
civilian settlement sprang up immediately south of the fort –
all requiring building stone. Other major Roman quarries have
been discovered on the western part of the Hadrianic frontier
in Cumbria at Irthington, Bleatarn and Grinsdale. During the
medieval period the construction of the great cathedrals,
monasteries, castles and houses for the rich and poor all
required various amounts of stone. Quarries such as Barnack
in Cambridgeshire with its distinctive limestone supplied many
of the major building projects in the east of England such as
Peterborough cathedral. These quarries were dug as open
trenches which removed the topsoil to expose the limestone,
which was then skilfully prised out using hand tools; the topsoil
was dumped along the edge of the trenches.
Other types of early mining sites dating from the Bronze Age
through to the end of the Roman period are more problematic
in terms of field remains. This situation is largely due to the later
use of the same locations by more intensive industries which
have disturbed, hidden or destroyed the evidence for earlier
activity. Examples of this are the tin and copper industries
which had clearly developed during the Bronze and Iron Ages,
particularly in the south-west, but have largely been obscured
by more recent streaming activities.
However, recent discoveries at Alderly Edge in Cheshire
suggest that evidence for quarrying for copper may survive
here. Similarly, other industries referred to by Strabo (a Greek
geographer and historian, writing about 44BC-AD23) in his
description of Britain such as gold, silver and iron are now
also largely lost in England. However, some early activity does
survive such as the quern (millstones) quarries at places such
as Wharncliffe near Sheffield, where many circular depressions
remain in the millstone grit defining the imprint of a quern
since removed; other partly completed querns are still attached
to the bedrock or lie detached and abandoned. Similar
quern quarries occur at Pen Pits in Wiltshire and Col’s Pits
in Berkshire.
Stone for building purposes is a basic requisite and quarries
or borrow pits can be seen adjacent to certain archaeological
sites. Some of the most prominent quarries survive close to
frontier works such as Hadrian’s Wall, which required vast
quantities of dressed stone for both the Wall itself and for its
forts, milecastles and turrets. For the Wall, relatively uniform
facing stones 18cms high by 28cms wide and 51cms deep
English Heritage
Coal mining also has a long history but has not always left
behind distinctive earthworks. In the earliest periods coal
was exploited by quarrying outcrops, particularly in the
northern counties, so little visible remains of this activity due
to erosion or later mining. However, by the medieval period
quite distinctive earthworks occur known as bellpits, which as
the name implies have a bell-like profile below ground. Good
examples of such mining can be seen on Cockfield Fell in
County Durham and Clee Hill in Shropshire, but can also be
found - surprisingly - on some urban commons such as the
Town Moor in Newcastle.
Long-term mining for iron ore is well attested in various parts
of the country such as the Weald of Kent and Sussex, the
Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire and the Furness area of
southern Cumbria. Much of this industry was water-powered,
and such archaeological remains are typified by leats and dams
(or hammer ponds) which were used to collect water to drive
the forging hammers via water wheels.
Introductions to Heritage Assets
Pre-industrial Mines and Quarries
Fig. 4. Roman quarries on the Hadrian’s Wall frontier near Housesteads. The Wall
runs amongst the trees on top of Cuddy’s Crag in the foreground, and the irregular,
shadow-filled quarries which supplied the stone for the Wall and the various military
installations lie upon Deafley Rigg near the top of the photograph.
Flint mining re-emerged in the later periods when flint was
firstly used in the construction of many medieval churches in the
chalkland areas of eastern England. One of the finest examples
of this is at Long Melford in Suffolk, which exhibits remarkably
elaborate flint flushwork with ashlar tracery, most of which is
15th-century although the tower was rebuilt between 1898
and 1903 using flint from Brandon and Acton. However, with
the invention of the flintlock gun around 1600 a new industry
developed to service the needs of the military and Brandon
in Suffolk became one of the major centres for gunflint mining
from 1790 onwards, supplying the army with over a million
gunflints per month by the end of the Napoleonic Wars.
Although sadly many of the gunflint mines have been lost, some
still survive in Thetford Forest, where their sub-circular mansized shafts are encircled by waste dumps which always have
one or two entrance breaks to allow easy access to the mine;
these mines are always spaced at 5m to 10m intervals – unlike
the Neolithic mines which are often tightly packed together. The
gunflint mines reflect the way the later industry was managed
and mining plots leased to the miners on a commercial basis.
In the medieval period the traditional industries were joined
by silver mines in the 14th century at Bere Alston in the Tamar
Valley and Combe Martin in north Devon. Zinc was mined at
Rowberrow in the Mendips. The tin industry of the south-west
is recorded by the accounts of the Stannary Courts which
list the stream works and mines of this industry which is now
largely represented by the survival of ‘blowing houses’, small
robust buildings where the tin was smelted.
The earliest evidence for mining and quarrying occurs during
the Early Neolithic period around 4000BC at a time when
many innovations were being introduced into the UK. Pottery
making, small-scale farming, the construction of the earliest
enclosures, and tombs for the dead all appeared at this time
to create something of both a cultural and a technological
revolution. Changing or developing technologies then led to
further extraction as flint and stone gave way to the first use of
metals during the Bronze Age, when initial copper use and the
appearance of the first gold artefacts occurred around 2400BC,
creating what is known in Europe as a Chalcolithic phase.
Gradually this emergent technology developed the new alloy
of bronze from the combination of tin and copper, which was
then used for some 1,400 years until iron working eclipsed it at
roughly 800BC to herald the advent of the next technological
advance and the start of the Iron Age.
Alongside iron working, lead mining appears to have developed
English Heritage
during the Iron Age, if not before, from the evidence of
artefacts such as the lead net weights from the Meare Lake
village in Somerset, which probably came from mines in the
Mendips. During the Iron Age stone quarries continued to
produce stone for building purposes, such as the shallow
quarries on the summit of Brough Law in Northumberland
which provided the raw material for both the ramparts of the
hillfort and its few roundhouses, and other more specialised
quarries used for quernstones for milling flour. Such quarrying
continued into the Roman period and beyond.
Amongst the earliest mines and quarries there is little evidence
for permanent settlement, which suggests that the miners
may have travelled to these sites from a distance, used them
seasonally while the weather was kinder, and only stayed for
a short time which would explain the lack of accumulated
settlement debris. Alternatively, archaeology could be
suggesting that these sites were used by local groups who
did not need settlements at the extraction sites. One of the
few excavations to have revealed ephemeral structural traces
lay at Thunacar Knott close to the Langdale axe quarries.
This site had a hearth, scatters of knapping debris and
broken axe rough-outs and could represent the remains of a
knapping workshop with a temporary shelter. Little evidence
for domestic activity survived, although the acid soils may
have removed this evidence. A similarly ambiguous picture is
provided by excavations at the Harrow Hill flint mines, where
slight structural evidence was recorded around the mouth of
Shaft 13.
Introductions to Heritage Assets
Pre-industrial Mines and Quarries
Archaeology demonstrates the importance of the axe
quarries from the evidence of extensive trade networks
which distributed widely many types of stone axe, especially
the abundant Group VI axes from Cumbria which were
transported throughout the UK and also crossed the Irish
Sea to Ireland and the Isle of Man. In contrast the Group IX
axes originating in Northern Ireland, travelled in the opposite
direction eastwards over the Irish Sea to UK, illustrating the
cultural value placed upon these special tools.
In Greenwell’s Pit, a flint mine at Grime’s Graves (Norfolk),
a Cornish stone axe was discovered in one of the galleries,
evidencing a journey of roughly 540km [335 miles], so the flint
mines must also have had extensive trade networks too. The
distribution of flint axes contrasts with that of stone axes, each
inevitably reflecting the location of the parent material: flint has
a predominantly southern British distribution and in certain
areas such as Sussex, Norfolk and Kent 80 per cent of axes
are of flint. North of Yorkshire, however, flint axes are far fewer,
perhaps suggesting that different cultural values prevailed in
northern Britain where stone axes predominate.
Many of the other forms of prehistoric mines and quarries
have been adversely affected by later workings which have
hidden or destroyed the earlier evidence. However, the
later extraction sites of the medieval period such as the
tin streaming sites in the south-west have left behind some
structural evidence such as the smelting houses, and much
evidence survives from the iron industries in the Weald and
beyond, particularly the water catchment systems designed to
power the forging hammers.
Very little evidence for settlements occurs at the earliest
mines and quarries, suggesting that they were special places to
which the miners travelled from a distance. Later in prehistory,
the metalliferrous mines were located in areas which were
subsequently re-used by more intensive industrial activity which
has largely obscured or destroyed the evidence of the earlier
mining. However, the medieval industries have left behind some
elements of the infrastructure such as the smelt mills from the
tin industry in the south-west and the stone quarries
at Barnack.
Where materials were extracted in bulk, like building stone,
efficient transport networks were essential, and where possible
waterways were employed and modified to facilitate easy
passage. In the 16th and 17th centuries, as seen in Shropshire
at settlements like Broseley, larger-scale mineral extraction
began, facilitated by a skilled mining workforce imported from
elsewhere. These miners were accommodated on commons
outside the ancient villages: new settlements for a new age.
Similarly, the coal industry in the north-east had to develop a
transport infrastructure to get its coal to the various markets;
thus in the northern part of County Durham an extensive
network of railways was developed by the Bowes family to
transport coal from their collieries to the staithes on the River
English Heritage
Tyne. Here the coal was loaded onto boats to ship it to both
industrial centres and cities such as London.
The earliest Neolithic flint mining is described in the following
books and journal papers: M Barber, D Field, and P Topping,
The Neolithic Flint Mines of England (1999); Longworth, and
G Varndell, Excavations at Grimes Graves, Norfolk 1972-1976:
Fascicule 5: Mining in the Deeper Mines (1996); M Pitts, ‘The
Stone Axe in Neolithic Britain’ Proceedings of the Prehistoric
Society 62 (1996), 311-71; and P Topping and M Lynott, The
Cultural Landscape of Prehistoric Mines (2005).
The Neolithic axe quarries are discussed in the following
publications: R Bradley and M Edmonds, M, Interpreting the Axe
Trade: Production and Exchange in Neolithic Britain (1993); P
Claris and J Quartermaine, ‘The Neolithic Quarries and Axe
Factory Sites of Great Langdale and Scafell Pike: A New Field
Survey’, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 55 (1989), 1-25;
T H McK Clough, ‘Excavations on a Langdale Axe Chipping
Site in 1969 and 1970’, Transactions of the Cumberland and
Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society New Series
73 (1973), 25-46.
The Iron Age quarries on Brough Law are discussed and
illustrated in A Oswald, S Ainsworth and T Pearson, T, Hillforts:
Prehistoric Strongholds of Northumberland National Park (2006),
46-7. The quern quarries at Wharncliffe are considered in
T Pearson and A Oswald, ‘Quern Quarries at Wharncliffe
Rocks, Sheffield (SK 29 NE 7)’, English Heritage Archaeological
Investigation Report Series 20/2000 (2000; available fron the
NMR). Several Roman quarries associated with Hadrian’s Wall
are described in C Daniels (ed), Handbook to the Roman Wall
with the Cumbrian Coast and Outpost Forts (2008). The postmedieval gunflint industry is treated by A J Forrest, Masters
of Flint (1983), while a survey of some of the few surviving
gunflint mines is in T Pearson, ‘Lingheath Farm, Brandon, Suffolk’,
unpublished English Heritage survey report (TL 78 NE 81;
available fron the NMR).
Author: Pete Topping
Cover: Grime’s Graves, Norfolk (as Figures 1 and 2)
Figure 1-3: © Peter Topping
Figure 4: © English Heritage.NMR
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Introductions to Heritage Assets
Pre-industrial Mines and Quarries