Main office R. Macedonia 2400 Strumica “Dimitar Vlahov” 18 tel +


Main office R. Macedonia 2400 Strumica “Dimitar Vlahov” 18 tel +
Main office
R. Macedonia
2400 Strumica
“Dimitar Vlahov” 18
tel +389 34 345 212
Republic of MACEDONIA
Cradle of culture, Land of nature
Macedonia Cradle of Culture, Land of Nature
Macedonia is a country located in the central Balkan Peninsula in South-eastern Europe. It is one of the successor states of
the former
Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in 1991. It became a member of the United Nations.
A landlocked country, the Republic of Macedonia is bordered by Kosovo to the northwest, Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the
east, Greece to the south and Albania to the west. The country's capital is Skopje, with 506.926 inhabitants according to a
2002 census. Other cities include Bitola, Kumanovo, Prilep, Tetovo, Ohrid, Veles, Štip, Kočani, Gostivar and Strumica. It has
more than 50 lakes and sixteen mountains higher than 2.000 m (6.562 ft). In the Republic of Macedonia there are 1.100
larger sources of water. The rivers flow into three different basins: the Aegean, the Adriatic and that Black Sea basin.
The terrain is mostly rugged, located between the Šar Mountains and Osogovo, which frame the valley of the Vardar river.
Three large lakes — Lake Ohrid, Lake Prespa and Dojran Lake — lie on the southern borders, bisected by the frontiers with
Albania and Greece. Ohrid is considered to be one of the oldest lakes and biotopes in the world.
Republic of Macedonia has more number of mountains and mountain peaks than any
other ountry in the world. The country has as many as 34 mountain peaks each more than
2.000 meters above the sea-level. The highest peak among the mountains in the region is
Mount Golem Korab, which is about 2.753 metres above the sea level. Most of the peaks
in the country have never been visited by the people and the rare visitors to these
mountain peaks have been mostly wolves and eagles.
The country is not only the home for many mountains but also for a number of lakes. As
many as 53 lakes are there in this mountainous country. The scenic beauty that the
country provides to the avid visitors would be breathtaking, to say the least.
Macedonia has a transitional climate from Mediterranean to continental. The summers are hot and dry and the winters are moderately
cold. Average annual precipitation varies from 1,700 mm (66.9 in) in the western mountainous area to 500 mm (19.7 in) in the eastern
area. There are three main climatic zones in the country: temperate Mediterranean, mountainous and mildly Continental. Along the
valleys of the Vardar and Strumica rivers, in the regions of Gevgelija, Valandovo, Dojran, Strumica and Radoviš the climate is temperate
Mediterranean. The warmest regions are Demir Kapija and Gevgelija, where the temperature in July and August frequently exceeds 40
°C (104 °F). The mountainous climate is present in the mountainous regions of the country and it is characterised by long and snowy
winters and short and cold summers. The spring is colder than the fall. The majority of Macedonia has a moderate continental climate
with warm and dry summers and relatively cold and wet winters.
Macedonia has a total area of 25,713 km2 (9,928 sq mi). It has some 748 km (465 mi) of boundaries, shared with Serbia (62 km or 39 mi)
to the North, Kosovo (159 km or 99 mi) to the northwest, Bulgaria (148 km or 92 mi) to the east, Greece (228 km or 142 mi) to the south,
and Albania (151 km or 94 mi) to the west. It is a transit way for shipment of goods from Greece, through the Balkans, towards Eastern,
Western and Central Europe and through Bulgaria to the East.
Macedonia is a parliamentary democracy with an executive government composed of a coalition of parties from the unicameral
legislature and an independent judicial branch with a constitutional court. The Assembly is made up of 120 seats and the members are
elected every four years. The role of the President of the Republic is mostly ceremonial, with the real power resting in the hands of the
President of the Government. The President is the commander-in-chief of the state armed forces and a president of the state Security
Council. The President is elected every five years and he or she can be elected twice at most.
Macedonian denar (MKD) is the official currency of the Republic of Macedonia. Money supply and interest rates are dictated by the
exchange rate target, which (as of mid-2005) is set at 61 denars to one euro, and has remained more or less constant at that level. With
this exchange rate target, the country's central bank (the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia) has been maintained a stable
denar exchange rate against the euro.
Macedonian cuisine is a representative of the cuisine of the Balkans—reflecting Mediterranean (Greek and Turkish) and Middle Eastern
influences, and to a lesser extent Italian, German and Eastern European (especially Hungarian) ones. The relatively warm climate in
Macedonia provides excellent growth conditions for a variety of vegetables, herbs and fruits. Thus, Macedonian cuisine is particularly
Famous for its rich Šopska salad, an appetizer and side dish which accompanies almost every meal, Macedonian cuisine is also noted for
the diversity and quality of its dairy products, wines, and local alcoholic beverages, such as rakija. Tavče Gravče and mastika are
considered the national dish and drink of the Republic of Macedonia, respectively.
Macedonia is a member of the UN and the Council of Europe. Since December 2005 it has also been a candidate for joining the
European Union and has applied for NATO membership.
Quick Facts and Figures
Official Name Republic of Macedonian
Capital City Skopje (506,926)
Population 2,114,550
Latitude/Longitude 41 50'N, 22 00'E n
Official Language Macedonian
Official Currency Macedonian Denar
Land Area 25,715 sq km (9,929 sq miles)
Religion Macedonian Orthodox 65%,
Muslim 33%, other 2%
By Land, By Air
Macedonia is aesy accessible. Macedonia is close!
Why you should know Macedonia!
Why you should visit Macedonia!
Places to be visited in Macedonia!
Alexander the Great (of Macedonia),
king of Macedonia 4th century B.C. –
one of the biggest emperors who
created one of the biggest empire in the
world – Macedonian Empire
Born in Pella in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by
the famed philosopher Aristotle. In 336 BC he
succeeded his father Philip II of Macedon to the
throne after he was assassinated. Philip had
brought most of the city-states of mainland
Greece under Macedonian hegemony, using both
military and diplomatic means. Upon Philip's
death, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and
an experienced army.
In 334 BC he invaded Persian-ruled Asia Minor and
began a series of campaigns lasting ten years.
Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of
decisive battles, most notably the battles of Issus
and Gaugamela. Subsequently he overthrew the
Persian king Darius III and conquered the entirety
of the Persian Empire. The Macedonian Empire
now stretched from the Adriatic sea to the Indus
river. Following his desire to reach the "ends of the
world and the Great Outer Sea", he invaded India
in 326 BC, but was eventually forced to turn back
by the near-mutiny of his troops.
Megalithic Observatory Kokino (Macedonian Stonehenge), 20th century B.C. NASA in 2005
officially ranged it fourth place in the world, of its accuracy and importance. PLACE TO VISIT
Kokino is an important archaeological site and a megalithic observatory discovered in 2001 in the
ortheastern Republic of Macedonia, near the town of Kumanovo. The site is more than 3800 years old. The
oldest archaeological finds date from the Early Bronze Age.
Kokino consists of two parts. It includes special
stone markers used to track the movement of the
Sun and Moon on the eastern horizon. The
observatory used the method of stationary
observation, marking positions of the Sun at the
winter and summer solstice, as well as the
equinox. Kokino is located approximately 30 km
from the town of Kumanovo, near the village of
Staro Nagoričane It is situated 1030 m above sea
level on the Tatićev
Kamen Summit and covers an area of a 100-meter
According to the Holly Book (Bible, the New Testament) 1st century A.D. First country
on European soil to be Christianized (the chapter “The Apostle Paul in Macedonia”);
Lydia from Macedonia – the first lady to be Christianized on European soil (by the
Apostle Paul)
“During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to
Macedonia and help us’. After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia,
concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”
Justinian the First (Justinian Prima) (Flavius Petrus Sabbatius
Justinianus), 5th–6th century A.D., a Byzantine Emperor (In
the history of law the famous Justinian’s Codex is still
taught), born in today’s Macedonian capital Skopje
Justinian’s Codex is a collection of laws, which Justinian created and
in acted as replacement of the old, most of the time confusing old
Roman laws.
Homeland of St. Cyril and Methodius brothers and St. Clement of Ohrid
St. Clement of Ohrid - University in Ohrid 9th
century A.D., it is believed the First University in
Macedonia and
in the New Testament
of the Bible are
secondly most mentioned
after Israel and
Jewish people.
He hired 10 experts under
the guidance of John of
Kapadokia, who prepared
these laws. The
ended its work on
the 7th of April 529 and
the Codex Justinianus
was published. After that
a number of other laws
were enacted concerning
taxes and etc.
He was founder of the
Slavic literacy and
culture in Macedonia,
also founder of the first
Slavic university in Ohrid.
St. Clement of Ohrid is
the first Slavic writer.
In the historic science, this early-middle-age educational and
cultural institution was called the First Slavic University, which
is the oldest in Europe. It is known that St. Clement and his
associates had educated over 3,500 students who, after his
death, spread among the Slavic countries and expanded the
Christian religion, literacy,
and science among the peoples of Slavic origin. The reflections of this
University were felt throughout the Middle Age, and they are felt even today in the frameworks of the spiritual
traditions that are our cultural and spiritual heritage.
Ohrid, the city and the lake of UNESCO, European Jerusalem, a town of 365 churches PLACE
Ohrid is a city on the eastern shore of
Lake Ohrid in the Republic of
Macedonia. Ohrid is notable for
having once had 365 churches, one
for each day of the year and has been
referred to as a "Jerusalem".
The city is rich in picturesque houses
and monuments, and tourism is
Ohrid – the old city of light
“This is not a story, But a reality, an
eternal one, and one which so far no
one has managed to retell. Probably
no one hasn’t even tried. There are
Proto Renaissance frescoes in some of the
churches 12-13 century A.D., years before
official Giotto’s Renaissance in Italy
The existing church of St.Bogorodica Perivleptos (Mother of God
the Most Glorious/Peribleptos), is a completely preserved
medieval monument located in Ohrid, famous for its
extraordinary architecture and fresco paintings.
The church was built in 1295 by the Byzantine military
commander, Progon Zgur, a relative of the Emperor Andronicus II
Palalogus. After the church of St. Sophia had been converted into
mosque, this church became the cathedral church of the
Archbishopric of Ohrid.
In the old part of the town, near the Upper Gate, in 1295 the
church of St. Bogorodica Perivlepta, known as St. Clement, was
built. It is one of the oldest churches in Ohrid, and concurrently
one of the most beautiful, above all for its frescoes.
Ohrid Icon Galery Macedonia, icon collection from 11th till 19th century, among the first
four in the world of its importance and value, part of many world wide exhibitions PLACE
The Ohrid Icon Gallery is located in the museum
complex of the church Holy Mother of God Peribleptos.
It's collection of over sixty icons with the greatest
artistic qualities places the gallery among the top two
of its kind in the world.
The large number of churches that began to spread by
the medieval period prescribed the need of producing
numerous icons. Most icons in this collection were
created from the 11th till 19th century by the Ohrid
medieval zographs (icon-painters) while some of them
were sent in from the workshops of Constantinople
(Istanbul) and Salonika (Thessalonica). The unknown
painters have achieved a real perfection in the painting
of the icons characterized with refine drawing, soft
modelling and harmonious colouring. The Ohrid Icons
have been exhibited on numerous exhibitions in many
countries, and have always caused admiration and
respect from the public worldwide.
A special place in this
collection belongs to the
processional icons
painted on both sides,
which impress with their
plastic treatment and
the expression of the
inner life of the Saints.
14th century
Church "St. Jovan Bigorski"
Church with one of the mos iconostasis in Europe. The monastery church is
dedicated to St. John the Baptist. According to the monastery's 1833
chronicle, it was built in 1020 by Ivan I Debranin. The Ottomans destroyed
the monastery in the 16th century. The monastery was restored in 1743 by
the monk Ilarion, who also built several monk cells. Later, in the period
from 1812 to 1825 the monastery was expanded by archimandrite
Arsenius. One of the most valuable treasures of the monastery is the
iconostasis created by Petre Filipovski Garkata from the nearby village of
Gari. This iconostasis is considered one of the most beautiful and most
valuable wood-carved iconostasis in the Orthodox religion. Another
valuable monastery treasure is an icon dating from 1020 with supposedly
miraculous healing power.
Ohrid was enriched with another cultural and historical
landmark as well as with a tourist attraction - Museum on Water an exceptional archaeological complex, which is one of a kind in
the region. On the southern coast of Gradiste Peninsula in the
Bay of Bones, a pile-dwelling settlement has been erected, which
in the past was spreading at a total surface of 8.500 m2. It is an
authentic reconstruction of a part of the pile-dwelling
settlement, dating back between 1200 and 700 BC.
Mustafa Kemal Attaturk Bitola Museum (Macedonia)
Mother Teresa grew famous for humbly
ministering to lepers, the homeless and
the poorest of the poor in the slums of
Calcutta. In 1928 Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu
joined the Sisters of Our Lady of Lareto, a
Catholic order that did charity work in
India. She took the name Sister Teresa and
for 17 years taught school in the country.
In 1950 she founded the Missionaries of
Charity, a new order devoted to helping
the sick and poor; the order grew to
include branches in more than 100 cities
around the world, and Mother Teresa
became a worldwide symbol of charity,
meeting with Princess Diana and many
other public figures.
She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on
19 October 2003, placing her one step
from sainthood in the Catholic faith; after
beatification she became known as the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta... Though her parents were
ethnic Albanians, Mother Teresa was born in what is now Macedonia and what was then part of the
Ottoman Empire. Some sources give her date of birth as August 26th, not August 27th.
In 1979 Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, and in 1985 she was awarded the Medal of
Freedom from the United States.
Smolare Waterfall is the tallest waterfall in the Republic of Macedonia,
falling from a height of 39.5 metres (129.5 feet). It is located above the
village of Smolare in the Municipality of Novo Selo in the southeastern
region of the country. The waterfall is part of the Lomnica River and is
located deep in the Belasica Mountain at an elevation of 630 metres.
Crashing down the smooth, black rock face, and surrounded by 100year-old beech trees. To reach the majestic beauty of the Smolare
Waterfall, visitors must wind their way up a nature path which includes
300 stone steps made from natural materials. Once at the site, deep
within the forest, tourists can gaze at the waterfall from a wooden bridge
constructed in front of the crashing water.
The Valley of Stone Dolls (Kuklica), Kratovo
Wineries "Tikves" or "Popova kula" in Demir Kapija (degustation of Macedonian wines) PLACE
sight on the river Black Drim. Check in the
hotel in Ohrid. In the afternoon, we visit
the old part of Ohrid (St. Sophia, Antique
Theatre, St. Holly Mother of God
Perivleptos, Icon Gallery, St. Clement of
Ohrid - Plaoshnik, and at the church St.
Jovan Kaneo. Back to the centre by small
fishermen boats.
Day 5 Ohrid-Bitola
Breakfast in hotel in Ohrid. After the
breakfast, we visit the monastery “St.
Naum of ohrid” (27 km). We visit the
springs of Black Drim by small rowing
to Tetovo (45 km) to visit boats. We continue by driving through
Day 2 - Skopje
Breakfast in the hotel. After the Sarena Mosque. Then we the National Park “Galicica”, rich with flora
breakfast we start the tour with continue the trip to Mavrovo and fauna and with unforgettable
visiting the Old Railway station. (50 km), to check in hotel.
Than we visit Monument and After the check in, we visit the sightseeing (if the excursions take place
Museum of Mother Theresa tea hut, then the village from May till October), to Bitola (70 km).
and Central Square of Skopje Galicnik 2000 m above sea Check in the hotel in Bitola, after we visit
and born house of Mother level (if there isn't a snow in Heraklea Linkestis (town found by the
Theresa. We continue to the the village). On the way back Macedonian king Philipus the Great,
Old town (Turkish street and we visit the cave Sharkova
Bazaar) and here we visit the Dupka. (optional tour – 15 Alexander’s Father). In the afternoon we
church “Holly Savior” and euro). The rest may enjoy in visit Bitola City Museum. After the
N a t i o n a l M u s e u m o f the spa centre (included in the Museum, there are options to go in to
Macedonia. In the afternoon price).
town or by bus to Pelister for a walk in the
we have an optional tour –Lake Day 4 Mavrovo-Ohrid
park (optional tour – 10 euro).
Matka, cave Vrelo, river Treska Breakfast in the hotel in
and monastery “St.Andrew” Mavrovo. We drive to Ohrid After this, free time (possibility for Spa
(15 euro), or free activities in 105 km). On the way we visit centre).
the church “St. Jovan Bigorski”, Day 6 Bitola–Prilep–Demir Kapija.
D ay 3 – S ko p j e - Tetovo - with the most beautiful Breakfast in the hotel. We leave Bitola and
iconostasis in Europe. There is
drive to Prilep (42 km). We visit the
Breakfast in the hotel. We drive a spectacular
monument of Alexander the Great and
the city centre including the tower and
shopping street. Optional lunch in ethno
(national) restaurant “Macedonian
house” (10 euro menu), or free time. We
continue to the Winery “Popova kula” in
Demir Kapija (80 km), degustation of
wines (tourists own expense). We check in
the Winery “Popova kula” hotel.
Day 7 Demir Kapija-Strumica We leave
Demir Kapija and travel to Strumica (57
km). In Strumiica we visit monasteries “St.
Leontij” Vodoca and “Holly Mother
Merciful” Veljusa. We check in a hotel in
the town. In the afternoon we visit the
centre in Strumica, there is a free time for
lunch, own expense. After the lunch we
visit Roman bath in village Bansko and the
highest waterfall in Macedonia – Smolare
(39 metres).
Day 8 Strumica-Berovo
Breakfast in the hotel. We leave the hotel
and drive to Berovo (45 km).
9.40-10.15 * The Church of St.
Sophia - one of the largest
medieval churches on this
territory. For a long time it was
the cathedral church ("Great
Church") of the Ohrid
Archiepiscopate whose
ecclesiastical authority covered
the territories up to the river
Danube to the north, the
Albanian coast to the west, and
the Bay of Thessalonica to the
11.30-11.45 * The Ohrid Icon Galery.
The Collection comprises numerous
icons; however only about 30 of them
have been
10.30-10.50 *Macedonian-Roman
Anthique theatre.
11.00-11.30 *St. Mother of God
Perivleptos. The existing church of St.
Clement, built in 1295 and named St.
Bogorodica Perivleptos (Mother of
God the Most Glorious), is a
completely preserved medieval
monument located in Ohrid, famous
for its extraordinary architecture and
fresco paintings. estimated as
masterworks created in a longer
period that lasted from 11th to 19th
century. The collection is among the
first four icon collection in the world of
its importance and vallue. 12.00-12.20
Samuel's Fortress. The castle of
Macedonian ruler Samuel whose
family rebeled against Bulgarian and
Byzantine rule, forging lliances with
Rome and Hungary. At its height, this
medieaval empire extended from the
Adriatic to the Black Sea, which existed
between 969 and 1018. Ohrid was one
of the capitals, and the impressive
fortress was built on top of ancient
citadel where archeologists recently
discovered tombs of generals from
Ancient Macedon (5th - 4th century
B.C.). The fortress presents restored
walls on a hill overlooking the whole
Ohrid valley, enabling excellent photo
12.30-12.50 *St. Clement's monastery
"St. Pantheleimon". Located at
Plaosnik (known as
Imaret during the Ottoman times),
southwards from the Samuel Fortress.
This monastery is the oldest Slavic
monument of culture. It had an
extremely important role in the
of the Macedonians during the period
of strong influence of the Byzantine
Empire. St. Clement of Ohrid is paton
and protector of the town and the
Macedonian Orthodox Church.
12.50-13.15 * Coffee break at the
St. Pantheleimon cafe
13.30-13.45 * The church of St John the
Theologian – Kaneo (the entrance is
optional, 2 Eur p. p.) Located on the
southwestern side of the hill
surmounting Lake Ohrid is the church
dedicated to St. John the Theologian Kaneo. It is not certain when it was built
and fresco painted. However, a
document about the church property
suggests that it was built before 1447.
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destination management
Besides the main services the other services which complete AtlantiS are:
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• Western Union Money Transfer
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• Work & Travel
• Work & Study
• Au Pair
• Internship programs
AtlantiS is a specialist in organization and handling transportation. Tourism is all about travel; and the role of
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order to satisfy the high demands of the industry.
AtlantiS posses own technical service and parking lot for its own high quality travel vehicles:
• 4 tourist buses NEOPLAN with commercial number of seats 49; 53; 59 and 61.
• Mini bus VOLKSWAGEN CRAFTER with commercial number of seats 19
• Mini bus IVECO with commercial number of seats 20
• Mini bus HYUNDAI with commercial number of seats 8
• Mini bus FIAT Doblo with commercial number of seats 4.
They are all equipped according to the highest standards.
AtlantiS also gives you the opportunity to provide transfer services with your own brand and image
destination management
General manager
Represent for management of quality
Manager of
Manager of
Sales department
Manager for sector tourism
Manager of
Manager of
Manager of
Rent a car
Rent a car agents
Manager of
Western Union
Manager of
Manager of
Operator of
western Union