Club Times - Wexford Plantation


Club Times - Wexford Plantation
Club Times
Volu me XXI X, I s s u e 3 •M ARC H 2 0 1 5
Welcome to Extraordinary
111 Wexford Club Drive | Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 | (843) 686-8810 |
Table of
Letter from the GM, 2
Security News, 3
Welcome New Property Owners, 3
Clubhouse Corner, 4-7
Harbour News, 8
Member Services, 9
Golf News, 10-11
Greens News, 12
Common Area News, 12
Croquet News, 12
Tennis News, 13
Wexford Library, 14
Wexford Wellness, 14
Did You Know?, 14
Ladies Bridge, 15
Wexford Foundation News, 15
Calendar, 16
The Club Times • 2
Board of Directors — Officers:
President: Fred Noonan
Vice President: Paul Klasing
Secretary: Jack Lane
Treasurer: Sue MacCormack
Thor Burns
Bill Busch
Frank Fernalld
Harry Mellon
Jill Reed
Administration Office:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dear Wexford Property Owners:
Subsequent to last year’s vote by the
the Wexford Yacht Club Committee (a
Wexford Plantation Yacht Club (WPYC)
new Advisory Committee established
members to terminate their
this year). Two Vice CommoMulti-Family covenants, there
dores have been selected: Rick
has been a lot of activity surAnderson and Ron Ruzic. The
rounding the Harbour! At the
Vice Commodores each lead a
end of December, the Wexford
sub-committee of the Wexford
Plantation Homeowners AsYacht Club Committee. Rick
sociation (WPHOA) delivered
Anderson is leading the Social
individual License Agreements
and Education sub-Committee,
executed by the Homeowners
with Joe Jacobs, Anne Esposito,
Susan Fishel
Association, as required by the General Manager Liddie Murray and Doug Eck
Wexford Yacht Club vote, to
as committee members. Ron
the 87 WPYC members. The WPHOA
Ruzic leads the Facilities and Services
received the executed Quit Claim Deed
sub-committee with Bob Stone, Butch
transferring to the WPHOA all property
Branson, Jason Bullock and Thom Hill as
and all rights held by the WPYC, and the
committee members. Mark Dryden, Harexecuted Certificate of Termination from
bourMaster is the staff member, and Bill
the WPYC attorney.
Busch is the Board member liaison for the
Our WPHOA attorney sent each LiWexford Yacht Club Committee.
censee a License Agreement by certified
One of our 4 key Strategies in our Stramail on behalf of the WPHOA. As we go
tegic Plan is to “Optimize the utilization
to press, most of the License Agreements
of all Wexford’s amenities and services by
have been returned, and the originals are
members and guests.” Another key Straton file in the Administration office. We are
egy is to “Continue to enhance the awarefollowing up on Agreements that haven’t
ness and reputation of Wexford as one of
been returned or are missing information,
the top residential Gated communities.”
such as witness signatures.
What better way to work toward accomSince January 1st, any transfers of lease
plishments in those two strategies than to
rights on Piers 2 through 7 will be prohighlight Wexford’s unique harbour with
cessed through the Administration staff.
a lock system. We will emphasize our spePlease note that Michele Scott, Chief Ficial asset in our Marketing program this
nancial Officer, is responsible for handling
the legal paperwork for such transfers.
Mark Dryden, with oversight from the
Please contact Michele at mscott@wexcommittee, is developing new educational for additional inforand social activities. Watch for new classmation.
es, such as “First Mate” boat handling and
Under the prior Yacht Club rules, only
dock training, heavy weather preparation,
members with lease rights on Piers 2
and paddle board and kayak operation and
through 7 were part of the Wexford Plansafety training.
tation Yacht Club. We maintain our memA new season of Docktails will be startbership in the Yachting Club of America.
at the end of this month. Bring your
With this 2015 change, ALL Wexford
drink of choice and an appetizer to share
property owners are members of the Wexto the Harbour Center at 5 pm on Tuesford Yacht Club.
day, March 31st. This event is open to
We are all working toward one coheALL Wexford property owners. We look
sive organization. Many of your neighbors
forward to seeing you there!
have been working hard over the past few
months to get a plan in place for an exBest Regards,
panded Harbour experience. Bill Haverland is Wexford’s Commodore and leads
Security News
Steve Switzer
Chief of Security
843-686-6950, ext. 109
Traffic Laws
exford Security Officers
routinely stop drivers
that are in violation of
traffic laws. In the early
stages of development,
South Carolina traffic
laws were adopted for the
plantation. This means
that posted traffic signs,
such as stop signs and
speed limits, are enforced.
Wexford Security Officers are SLED registered and have
the same authority as a deputy sheriff
on the Plantation. Officers can issue
both warnings and tickets that have a
fine for the violation. The ticket can
be either a Wexford Violation Notice
or a South Carolina Uniform Ticket.
The goal is not to collect funds, rather the compliance with traffic rules.
Wexford is a compact community and traffic can often
become congested and dangerous. It is not uncommon
to see trucks, cars, golf carts
and pedestrians in the same
intersection at the same time.
Please remember to obey all traffic signs and drive with caution at all
Chris Outlaw
e are
proud to
that on Thursday,
February 26th,
Assistant Chief of
Security Chris Outlaw
was awarded Security
Officer of the Year by
the Rotary Club of
Hilton Head. Chris
was nominated and
recognized for his
service and leadership in 2014.
ETC/3D Sponsored Discussion
Living and Working in Russia
Andre and Kim Naniche
Wednesday, March 4th
4:30 pm: Cocktails & Bar Snacks
5 pm: Presentation
6:15 pm: Wexford OneEleven
All Wexford Members are Invited to join this special discussion in the Wexford Clubhouse. To help plan seating,
let Grog know you are coming:
3 • The Club Times
Reserve your dinner with the Club
by calling (843) 715-0912.
Clubhouse Corner
Frank M. Copeland III
Elise Witman
Amanda Schultz
Executive Chef
Food & Beverage Manager
Special Events Coordinator
843-686-8810, ext. 160
843-686-8810, ext. 165
843-686-8810, ext. 162
Reservations are welcomed at the Clubhouse, online through Club Dining or
by calling our Reservations Line directly at (843) 715-0912.
Reservations are greatly appreciated and cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours in advance of events unless otherwise stated.
Music to Your Ears!
Saturday, March 7th from 6-8 pm
March 4th
Dabble in Scrabble! Each person selects a Scrabble tile after the
meal and the lowest number selected is the most your table will pay
for each beverage (up to $12 beverages)! So, if you choose the letter K
with a value of 5 points, the most you’ll pay for a glass of wine is $5!!!
Here’s to drinking Mt. Veeder and having someone pull an H with a
value of 4 points!!!
March 11th
Several Beer specials for $3.11 and incredible wine specials for
$31.10 in honor of today’s date!
March 18th
Taco & Margarita Specials in addition to the full a la carte menu.
The OneEleven menu is available online and changes weekly.
Go online to check it out!
Join us for dinner and enjoy beautiful piano music as the ivories are tickled during dinner! Plus, if
you’re a boater
and completing
your necessary
paperwork —
that certainly
floats our boat
— so we’ll be
happy to offer
you a Mizzenmast Martini
or Port Punch compliments of the Harbour Center! Harbour Master Mark will provide you with the
golden ticket once your boating paperwork receives
his anchor-of-approval!
Omelet & Bloody Mary Extravaganza!
The Club Times • 4
Sunday, March 8th from 11 am – 1 pm
You’re the Chef and you’re the Bartender!!! Well, sort of. Choose
what you’d like in your omelet from a Chef-attended omelet station and
your meal will be made-to-order along with roasted potatoes and fruit
for $12. Plus you’ll have the opportunity to meet JJ and try his famous
— and local — Your Mom’s Bloody Mary Mix as you create your own
(very fancy) Bloody Mary for $6.
We tip our glass to reservations and we will require a minimum of
30 Brunch reservations by Friday, March 6th, in order to offer the omelet station. Thank you in advance for your reservations for this highly
requested Brunch special!
Our full a la carte Brunch menu and Bloody Mary bar will be offered from
11 am – 2 pm.
St. Patrick’s
Pub Night
Wexford Ristorante!
Sunday, March 15th
The a la carte Pub menu will be offered
from 5:30-8 pm
Wednesday, March 25th with reservations available
from 5:45-6:45 pm
You’re in luck! Our a la carte menu
will feature some traditional Irish specialties along with liquid specials for
leprechauns of all ages! Alongside the
pot o’gold there will be Shepherd’s Pie,
Corned Beef & Cabbage, Fish & Chips
and Bangers & Mash! Jameson, Guinness and Shamrocktinis — oh my!
A toast:
Here’s to a great parade,
Weather that’s warm and clear,
Cheers to reservations in advance…
our thanks… sincere!
A full Clubhouse is the image of St. Pat’s in the past,
A direct line to make your reservations, fast — 715-0912!
Eirinn go Brach!
It’s Italian Night at the Club! Your dinner will begin with
an Antipasto Salad of lettuce, olives, salami, provolone, cherry tomatoes and Italian dressing followed by your choice of
Spaghetti and Meatballs ~or~ Lasagna with Meat Ragu and
entrées will be served with Garlic Bread. Vegetarian? We’ve
got you covered with a salad and fab Spring Vegetable Pasta
dish! We’ll also offer an a la carte dessert menu featuring Tiramisu and Gelato!
Dine-In or Take-Out!
Please note your entrée selection when you make your reservation online, over the phone or in person. Please place your Take-Out
order by 3 pm for pick-up at 6 pm (which will allow us time to
properly prepare for the evening).
Adults: $17++, Children 5-12: $10++,
Children under 5 are complimentary
You Can Cook: Gnocchi and Pork Chops 101!
Friday, March 27th
Lesson and Demonstration in Wexford’s Kitchen, 6 pm • Dinner in Waterford Room, 6:45 pm
Put on your Chef hat and apron and join Chef Frank as he
transforms you into a Master Gnocchi and Pork Chop Chef!
You’ll learn how to prepare Gnocchi two ways: Sorrentina and
Sautéed with Wild Mushrooms. Plus, you’ll learn how to properly prepare and brine Rosemary Pork Chops.
Your special dinner menu will include Gnocchi Sorrentina,
Grilled Rosemary Pork Chop with Wild Mushroom Risotto
and Marsala Mushroom Sauce and a Gelato Trio.
Please make your reservation by noon on Tuesday, March
24th, which will allow for proper ordering. Reservations for the
special meal are available from 6-7:30 p.m.
*Our full a la carte dinner menu will also be available tonight.
A minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 Members will be required for
the Cooking Class. Wexford’s 72-hour cancellation policy applies to
this event.
Adults: $50++ per person for class and dinner;
$40++ per person for dinner only
Complimentary Beer & Wine Tasting
Wednesday, March 11th from 6-7:30 pm
5 • The Club Times
Local breweries are popping up in Bluffton
left and right! You’ll have the opportunity to
taste some of River Dog Brewery’s finest, and
you can indulge in a wine tasting, too! We will
feature several Italian wines (including a Grillo)
and a Chardonnay and Pinot Noir (Wexford
Spring Carnival
BBQ Buffet
Saturday, April 4th from 12-2 pm
Pop up to the Club for a Wex-a-que after
the Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Carnival activities!
The special lunch will include fresh fruit, all
sorts of salads, burgers, hotdogs, fried chicken
tenders, fries, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans and
more! We’ll have ice cream and goodies, too!
We are hoppily accepting reservations for
this very popular event!
Adults: $17++
Children 5-12: $10++
Children 3-5: $8++
Did You Know?
There’s a comment box outside the Food & Beverage offices… but we’d love to speak with you in person!
We have Peter Luger’s famous steak sauce available for your enjoyment with your meal!
You’re welcome to order meals “to go” whether it’s during brunch, lunch or dinner!
All of the a la carte menus are available on the Member website.
We love to hear your comments while you’re dining with us! Compliments and constructive tidbits will keep us
If you have a favorite food item that you love at the Club and would like to make a special purchase for yourself or an
event, please contact Chef Frank for availability and pricing!
Wish List
The Club Times • 6
When you wish upon a food & beverage star — what are you wishing for? Frog legs? Caffeine-free Diet Coke?
(Tricked you — we already have it!) Cold soup?
Our wheels are always turning and we greatly appreciated your input! We are here to make your Club the very best it
can be!! Shoot us an email or drop your Wish List in the box outside the Food & Beverage offices at the Clubhouse!
Grand Easter Brunch Buffet
Sunday, April 5th
Reservations offered at 11, 11:30, 12, 1, 1:30 and 2
Sharpe Diem
Friday, April 3rd
Hours of
Carpe Diem with Sharpe Diem!!! Did
you know that sharpening your knives will
sharpen your cooking skills? Join us at the
Club for lunch and have your knives sharpened by a professional company for $1.25
per blade inch, billed to your Member Account.
Please bring your knives to the Clubhouse by 12 pm on Friday, April 3rd, and
they will be ready by 4 pm. Or, feel free to
bring them to the Clubhouse on Thursday
wrapped in a towel or newspaper, add your
name… and voila… we’ll have them ready
for you on Friday!
Chef Frank also will have some fancy fish
features in honor of Good Friday along with
our a la carte menu! Reservations are greatly
encouraged and rewarded!
Lunch reservations made for this date by
Thursday at 5 pm will receive a complimentary glass of house wine or a scoop of gelato
— your choice after lunch!!
Easter at Wexford’s Clubhouse is
a grand celebration — complete with
the Easter Bunny! The buffet gives our
culinary eggs-perts every eggs-cuse to
go all out! A tisket, a tasket, a croissant-cinnamon roll-cornbread basket,
lobster bisque, salads galore, a tremendous raw bar, carving stations of triple
smoked ham, leg of lamb and roast beef
and egg-stravagant brunch delights!
And for peep’s sake — there will be carrot cake along with key lime pie, banana
pudding, an ice cream bar and more!
We’d love to welcome everybunny
so please make your reservations early
as this is an egg-stra special day! All reservations will be confirmed by Elise and
Amanda by 12 pm on Thursday, April
2nd and our 72-hour cancellation policy applies to the Grand Easter Buffet.
Please indicate the ages of all the children in your party and let us know in
advance if you’ll need a booster seat or
highchair please.
Adults: $39.50++, Children 5-12: $18++, Children 3-5: $9++,
Children 2 and under are complimentary
Lunch: Wednesday - Saturday, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Dinner: Thursday - Saturday, 5:30 - 8 pm
Special Menu: Wednesday, 5:30 - 7:15 pm
Sunday Brunch: 11 am - 2 pm
Sunday Pub Night: 5:30 - 8 pm
To go orders can be placed by calling (843) 686-8821.
Reservations are welcomed at the Clubhouse, online
through Club Dining or by calling our Reservations Line
at (843) 715-0912. Reservations are greatly appreciated
and cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours in advance
of events unless otherwise stated.
Bar hours are subject to change depending on volume.
Bar Service
Wednesday - Saturday: 11:30 am – 9 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 8 pm
Complimentary Coffee Service:
Wednesday - Sunday mornings until 10 am
Traditional Happy Hour:
Complimentary Hors D’oeuvres:Thursdays from 6-7pm
Please note that the Clubhouse will be closed on Tuesdays during the first quarter of 2015.
The Clubhouse will serve lunch until 1:30 pm on Saturday, March 28th with a 2 pm closure (private
event during the evening). The Clubhouse will reopen for Brunch on Sunday, March 29th at 11 am.
7 • The Club Times
Special Clubhouse Hours
Mark Dryden
(843) 686-8813
The Art of Navigation
am sure some of you have already
heard me say that navigation is going
through a fundamental change. In the
next generation of professional or amateur
sailors, no one will be taught how to navigate by the stars or the sun. The use of a
sextant will become a lost art and the accurate and beautiful pieces of craftsmanship
will become art or museum pieces. I hope
I’m wrong, but I would like to dedicate this
new month to something very old.
Man has always been a curious and observant creature. He is always interested
in what is over the next hill or around the
point, so he would set out to explore and
perhaps profit from what he found. Note
the word profit. That is what really drove
celestial navigation, the ability to go somewhere and then get back with a ship load
of profitable goods and then return to the
same place to fill up again.
The Phoenicians were probably the first
to really go beyond their shore and sail at
night; they traded with the Greeks and the
Egyptians, not only taking note of where
they went but how best to make a profit
from their risk. They used the North Star
or Ursa Major (the Bear) to guide them at
night, plus a few other stars in the northern
sky. The Polynesians used ocean current
and prevailing winds at different times of
the year to help navigate. But it wasn’t till
the 1700s that navigation really took off.
The Portuguese were probably one of
the first nations to take an interest in the
ability to accurately get from one place to
another. They used books called “Rutters.”
Highly prized and heavily guarded by their
owners, they contained meticulous directions on depth and landmarks that could be
used to navigate. A typical entry could be as
precise as “ steer West by North West (the
degrees based compass is relatively new to
navigation) for a distance of 5 leagues, till
you approach a sounding of 3 fathoms then
make a heading of West by Nor Nor West,
aarrgh” — sorry, couldn’t resist.
Everyone was using various instruments to calculate latitude but the hard one
was longitude; this required accurate time
keeping. It was a guess at best, and because
you were on a mobile platform, time of day
was not a constant. The race was on! The
English were the first to build an accurate
ship chronometer; John Harrison spent 31
years of his life perfecting a clock movement that was not affected by the motion
of a vessel. Now a position could be taken
accurately. Recently, some of the Admiralty
charts have been revised and it was found
that in many cases the charts were very accurate indeed. (To be fair, some were wildly
inaccurate as well; it depended on the skill
of the person doing the position.) You can’t
just pick up a sextant and use it. The correct use takes time and skill, particularly on
a moving platform like the deck of a ship.
Now we come to the 21st Century
where our position on the face of the earth
is available to anyone who carries a phone.
We have come a long way; I wonder where
we are headed next. Navigation is of course
a much more complex history than a single
page can do justice to. If you are interested,
I would be happy to talk about the details at
the harbour any time.
The Club Times • 8
Mark Your Calendar
Pier Paperwork Party
Saturday, March 7th at 5 pm in the Waterford Room
In order to get the marina up-to-date on required documentation and
policy agreements, we are holding a small party for all the boat owners.
Alcoholic libation will be provided. Please bring the following documents:
• Signed vessel policy (which will be available on the website or on the
• Your insurance certificate (for all vessels you have in the harbor,
PWC’s as well)
• Any vessel documentation (like federal documents, state registration,
Also if you are looking to sell your slips, Mark would like to update his listing so please let him know.
Commodore’s Docktail Party
Tuesday, March 31st at 5 pm at the Harbour Center
Bring something to share and a libation of your choice. Remember that
this is open to all Yacht Club members.Yes, if you are reading this you are a
member of Wexford Yacht Club — all Wexford property owners are Yacht
Club members.This is the beginning of the season, let’s Moomba (native
Australian for),“let’s get together and have fun!”
Save the Date: Beaufort Water Festival July 24th – 26th
A few of your fellow captains are planning an overnight cruise to the Beaufort Water Festival. Let the Harbour Center know if you’re interested in
joining! (The sooner we know how many are interested, the sooner we can
make arrangements and work out the details!)
Member Services
Sarah Smith
(843) 686-8810, ext. 114
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Tuesday, March 17th
$78 per person (reservations required)
Join us for one of the BIGGEST St. Patrick’s Day Parades in the U.S.
On Tuesday, March 17th, Wexford will be taking a charter bus to Savannah to watch the parade in our very own reserved seating area. The trip
includes party favors, transportation, bleacher seats, lunch and all day beverages (beer, wine, soda & water).
Reserve your spot today with Sarah Smith — (843) 686-8810!
Carnival &
Easter Egg
Saturday, April 4th
from 10 am – 12 pm
(Reservations Required)
Sunday, April 12th
The Blue Angels airshow was
cancelled back in 2013 and luckily
THEY’RE BACK! This will be a fantastic and unique event that you won’t want
to miss. Join your neighbors on a fantastic trip to the Marine Corps Air Station
in Beaufort for their airshow. This trip
will include:
Transportation by charter bus
A front row seat at the airshow in a private chalet with no obstructed views
Private restrooms
A freshly prepared lunch with beverages
This is a first come, first served event
so sign up with Sarah Smith today!
Heritage Skybox with Long Cove
April 14th-19th
This six-day Sponsor Badge includes
the following:
Food and full bar on Saturday, April
18th & Sunday, April 19th
Transportation to and from Long
Cove Club to SkyBox on Saturday and
Unrestricted use of facilities at the
Clubhouse Food Pavilion
Use of separate Sky Boxes at the 7th
& 15th holes Thursday through Sunday
(food & drink separate)
Entry into raffle for selected parking
near the tournament
Best views of the course
The cost is $350 per person; this offer is valid until April 3rd. Contact Sarah
Smith to sign up TODAY!
9 • The Club Times
The biggest event of the year
is BACK! Join Sarah Smith down
at the playground area for another
exciting morning of activities, music, bunny hop races, bounce houses
and of course the Easter Egg Hunt.
We will have the Easter Bunny back
for pictures, and as always the hunt
will be divided into three groups to
maximize egg collections.
All events are weather permitting.
Don’t forget to join us for brunch
Please note that reservations are
required this year, so contact Sarah
Smith at 843-686-8810 to sign up
your children and grandchildren.
Blue Angels Airshow
Scott Hunter
Director of Golf
(843) 686-8812, ext. 141
Golf News
Top 100 Residential Course
in the U.S.
Golfweek — 2014 & 2015
Casey Jones
Head Golf Professional
(843) 686-8812, ext. 142
Registering with the Golf Shop
he Golf Staff, along with the Golf
Committee, is encouraging the
membership to register with the
Golf Shop prior to play. A quick stop at or
phone call to the Golf Shop can help keep
you safe on the course, as well as avoid any
potential member conflicts. The following
are a few benefits/reasons why you should
register with the shop.
Safety: Golfers who proceed directly
from their home to the course may not be
aware of current or potential dangerous
situations unless they contact the Golf Shop.
Lightning is not your friend.
Care for the Course: The Golf Shop is
able to inform the golfer of any maintenance
issues, such as Cart Path Only, Chemical
Spraying and/or special work situations that
aid in caring for the course and workers.
Remember those foot prints on the putting
Emergency Situations: On occasion,
members will need to contact golfers on
the course in case of emergency, and if the
Golf Staff accurately knows the “Play of
the Day” then we can assist when these
types of emergency situations arise.
Member Enjoyment: The more
information that the Golf Staff has, the
more we can help. For example, if you’d
like to start on a hole other than the 1st
or if you’re looking for a time that is less
crowded or stressful. We want you to enjoy
your round of golf, let us help!
Member Billing: Did you ride or walk?
Did you play 9 or 18? Did you have a family
guest or accompanied guest? Registering
with the Golf Shop can help prevent billing
The Club Times • 10
Mark Your Calendar
March 1st
HHIPGA Junior — Partial Course
closed, Check with Golf Staff
March 3rd
Ladies 1 Day Bootcamp
March 4th
Men’s Interclub — Partial Course
March 5th
Ladies Guest Day & Winter Ringer
March 5th-6th
Men’s 2 Day Beginner Bootcamp
March 10th-11th
Ladies 2 Day Bootcamp
March 12th
WWGA Spring Opener
March 14th
Sadie Hawkins
March 17th
WWGA:The First Tee of The
Lowcountry Field Trip to Wexford
March 19th
Flightscope X2 Day
March 20th
Nike Demo Day
March 20th
Men’s One-Day Clinic
March 21st
Blue Tee Event
March 25th
Dr.Alligator Event — Partial Course
closed, check with Golf Staff
March 30th
Senior Men’s Golf Association Event
— Partial Course closed, check with
Golf Staff
ongratulations to Terry Moore,
who made a hole in one Thursday,
February 12th, on the 13th hole!
She used a hybrid club. Witnessed by Helen
Pro’s Tip:
Practice Not Paying Off?
o you feel like you’ve been
normal, and you have just
not seen any results?
Maybe it’s time to step back and
reevaluate how you practice. You can
accomplish a QUALITY practice
session without beating balls for hours
on end. Have a plan of attack when
you walk onto the practice tee. Have
your notebook ready with the swing
suggestions and drills that you received
in your private lessons or clinics. Take
a few practice swings, using them to
rehearse those drills/positions that
you are working on. Make each golf
ball that you hit count. Worry less
about the actual outcome of the shot
for a bit and worry about the swing
you are making. Practicing the right
things beats out practicing the wrong
techniques. Take this tip out to the
practice range and you will notice an
improvement within your practice
routines and eventually rounds on the
WWGA Teams up with First Tee of the Lowcountry
he WWGA recently donated $2,820 to The First Tee of The
Lowcountry. Funds were raised at the WWGA’s Annual
Holiday golf tournament, “Naughty or Nice,” on December
4th, 2014. Event Co-Chairs were Bobbie Arlotta and Shari Anderson.
The donation was presented to Mike Davis, Executive Director of The
First Tee of The Lowcountry.
Third to fifth grade level student participants of the program will be
joining us for golf instruction and play on the course on the afternoon
of Tuesday, March 17th. Volunteers needed!! Come out and help these
youngsters experience golf instruction and the thrill of being on the
course, while learning the importance of golf etiquette. Call the Golf
Shop or Sue MacCormack for more info.
Wexford Intercollegiate
Amateur Tournament
he Golf Staff wishes to thank everyone who participated in
the Intercollegiate Amateur Tournament on February 22nd. Congratulations to our tournament co-champions: Yale Bray/Jim
Stock/Georgia Southern and Jim Hicks/Frank Fernalld/Radford.
11 • The Club Times
Tournament Results
T-1st — Yale Bray / Jim Stock & Georgia Southern University
T-1st — Frank Fernalld / Jim Hicks & Radford University
3rd — Paul Klasing / Kevin Fader & Campbell University
4th — Ron Ruzic / Ed Marcella & Furman University
Croquet News
Bunker Maintenance
hether it’s about a bad lie or poor color, bunkers are once again
the hot topic in the golf industry. As a staff, we have been working
to provide you with ideal bunker conditions daily. We have
implemented two new practices over the winter. Both practices will help in the
long run to improve color and playability. The first
practice is to help break-up the black layer that
sometimes forms in the top inch of sand. Every
two months we have been using a roto-tiller on
the bottom of the bunkers. This process displaces
the sand, bringing the cleaner/whiter sand to the
surface. As you can see in the pictures, it has been
very successful so far.
Just recently we have tweaked the way we rake
bunkers daily. We continue to rake the bottom
of the bunkers using a normal leaf rake. We then
smooth out the bunker face using the backside
Golf Course Superintendent of the plastic bunker rakes. This will prevent the
sand from moving towards the bottom, which will
help preserve the bunker liner underneath. More
importantly this practice will help prevent the
buried lie that can sometimes occur in the face. When a ball hits the side, it
should roll to the bottom providing a nice lie for your sand saving attempt. We
hope to see you out on the course as the weather continues to warm up!
Greens News
Jaime Matthews
The Club Times • 12
pring is in the air! A few players have
braved the winter chill on the lawn and
have had some invigorating play. Fleeing
from the winter cold, Harvey Geiger played in
the Beach Club Invitational in Palm Beach in
mid-January where he defeated all five players
in his block play, but lost by a point in his first
final. Kent Jones, Alan Sutton and Harvey have
recently been playing with our best regional
player, Bill Escher of Sun City, each Thursday
in a doubles event.
In March, Sandy Berthelsen and Jan Jones,
along with Sharon and Leighs Church, will be
joining Harvey and Pam Geiger at a golf croquet tournament at Spring Island. Sharon and
Leighs Church will also be attending a clinic at
Spring Island with teaching pro Bob Kroeger.
On March 8th, Bob Kroeger will be available
on our Wexford Lawn for private instruction
and group lessons for both Golf Croquet and
Six Wicket Players.
The monthly golf croquet social will be
on Sunday, March 29th at 4 p.m. Join your
neighbors for a friendly game. No experience
required. Bring a beverage and a snack to share
and meet at the club after croquet for dinner.
Please make dinner reservations with the club.
Golf croquet practice sessions are held every Tuesday at 10 a.m. Beginner and intermediate six-wicket play takes place Mondays at 10
a.m. Contact Jan Jones or Harvey Geiger if you
have questions about playing croquet.
Spring is in the Air
elieve it or not, springtime is just around the corner. After being at the mercy of old man winter for the past few
months, I think it’s safe to say that everyone is itching to
get back outside and enjoy some beautiful weather. With that in
mind, I wanted to share a few tips that we are doing throughout the
plantation to get ready for spring, which will hopefully help you
and your home landscape thrive also.
By now, all of our perennials and ornamental grasses have been
cut back and will soon begin putting out new growth. We just put
out a slow-release granular fertilizer on all of our plant material that
will slowly feed them over the course of the next few months. We
are also putting out a fresh layer of new pine straw and mulch. As
far as annual flowers, we are applying a slow-release foliar fertilizer
to them about every 10 days (dependent on weather conditions) to
help promote new growth and budding potential.
We just finished putting out our pre-emergent on the turf,
Common Area News
Billy Dearman
Landscape Superintendent
which will stop weeds from germinating in the spring and to allow
us to have a purer stand of turfgrass this summer. On all of our
over-seeded turf areas, we will also be applying a granular fertilizer application in mid to late March to green everything back up
heading into the summer. Turf areas that were not over-seeded will
be fertilized once they begin to break dormancy and start actively
These practices, and a little help from Mother Nature, will provide us all with a spring to remember!
Patrick Mason
Director of Tennis
Tennis News
Mike Pollard
Head Tennis Professional
2014 USTA
Outstanding Tennis Facility
(843) 686-8816, ext. 150
PTR Certified
We are proud to announce that all four of
your Wexford tennis staff members are Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) certified tennis instructors.
Tennis Trivia
Q: How many tennis balls are produced
each year?
A: Approximately 300 million balls, which
contributes roughly 22,000 tons of waste!
Check out
our Wexford
Tennis page
to keep up
with all our
tennis events!
Weekly Schedule
9-10:30 am 3.5 Ladies Doubles Clinic
10:30-12 pm 3.0 Ladies Doubles Clinic
10-11 am Singles Clinic
4-4:30 pm 10 and under Junior Clinic
4:30-5:30 pm Junior Intermediate/
9-10:30 am 3.0 Ladies Doubles Clinic
10:30-12 pm 3.5 Ladies Doubles Clinic
9-10 am Cardio Tennis
4-4:30 pm 10 and under Junior Clinic
4:30-5:30 pm Junior Intermediate/
9-10 am Power Hour
11 am-12 pm Adult Beginner Clinic
9-10 am Cardio Tennis
(843) 686-8816, ext. 152
Mark Your
Complimentary Tennis Clinic
Monday, March 2nd at 2 pm
Men’s Doubles Strategy – with a
focus on court positioning; all levels
St. Patrick’s Round Robin
Friday, March 13th at 3 pm
Come join us for our annual St.
Patrick’s Mixed Doubles Round Robin!
The cost of the event is $20 per
person – which includes balls, food,
beverages and prizes. Call Patrick or
Mike to sign up!
Tennis Social at Spanish Wells
Friday, March 20th at 3 pm
Join us for our tennis social at Spanish
Wells! The sign-up sheet is in the
downstairs bulletin board. See Patrick
or Mike for more details.
Complimentary Tennis Clinic
Tuesday, March 24th at 11 am
Women’s Doubles Strategy – with an
emphasis on the serve and return; all
levels welcome!
Tennis Tip: Restring Your Racquet
the level of your game.
The general rule of thumb is to restring your racquet as many times a
year as you play in a week! What tension should you string your racquet?
Well, there’s some physics involved here
(what a surprise!) that you’ve got to understand in order to pick the tension
that’s right for you. In general, lower
string tensions provide more power, a
larger sweet spot and are easier on the
arm, and higher string tensions provide
more control and spin. Picking a tension
might take some trial and error, but in
the long run, this decision is crucial to
your game!
13 • The Club Times
ennis racquets are built to
withstand intense activity on
the court — absorbing sunshine, sweat, water and the force of tennis balls traveling at high speeds. The
strings are the most important part of
a tennis racquet and maintaining them
will increase the life of your racquet and
Did You Know?
Save the Date
Wednesday, March 18th
Beach Walk at 9 a.m.
Contact Sarah Smith to learn more and
sign up — (843) 686-8810!
The Club Times • 14
Your friend and neighbor, Dr. Neil Green, former director and chief of the Division of Pediatric Orthopedics at the
Monroe Carrel Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, retired
after 38 years of service to Vanderbilt.
Dr. Green joined Vanderbilt in
1976 as an assistant professor in the
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, and quickly rose through
the ranks. He served as vice chair of
the department for 11 years, and was
director of Pediatric Orthopaedics
from 1981 until 2006. From 2006
until January of this year, Dr. Green
remained on faculty as a professor of
Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation and
associate professor of Pediatrics.
Throughout his career, Green
authored and co-authored more than
100 journal articles and book chapters, and gave more than 200 presentations and guest lectures in the
United States and across the world.
He has also been a visiting professor
at various institutions, including a visiting professor in residence in Paris.
Through his research and work,
Green left an indelible mark on
orthopaedics and treatments for
children. He helped change the
way orthopaedic surgeons cared for
pediatric patients with femur and
forearm fractures. In addition, his
research on bracing for children
with scoliosis (an abnormal curving
of the spine) helped introduce parttime bracing as an effective treatment for the condition.
Over the years, Green has served
as president of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America,
the American Board of Orthopaedic
Surgery, the Southern Orthopaedic
Association, the Tennessee Orthopaedics Society, and the Nashville
Orthopaedic Society, among others.
ead any good books lately? As a reminder, the Wexford Library (located
next to the Golf Shop) is available
to YOU! You are welcome to bring and take
books as you wish. We also have a books on
tape section, which is great for the traveler!
The next time you’re in the Clubhouse, stop
by and check out what we’ve got!
Ladies Bridge
The Bridge group meets every Wednesday at
1pm in the Clubhouse. Players of all levels are
encouraged to join this fun group! If you want
to join, contact Thor Burns or Donna Eberl to
learn more. Congratulations to our recent winners!
Jan. 21
Jan. 28
Feb. 4
Feb. 11
Feb. 18
Missy Bell & Chris Baehr
Diane Clark and Missy Bell
Audrey Fritske and Edna Felix
Edna Felix & Mary Kay Poinsette
Mary Bradley and Maryellen Cooper
Foundation Holds
3rd Annual Grants
Award Luncheon
Your Wexford Foundation recently awarded $85,630 in
grants to 14 local charities, representing our continued support of the Health, Housing, Hunger and Educational needs
of the Lowcountry. Thanks to the support of our members, in
just three short years we have awarded nearly one quarter of a
million dollars.
Wexford Foundation Charities
Boys & Girls Club, The Children’s Center, Children’s Relief
Fund, Family Promise Beaufort County, Hilton Head Island
Safe Harbor, Hope Haven, Low Country Coalition Against
Human Trafficking, Meals on Wheels, National Alliance on
Mental Illness, Neighborhood Outreach Connection, Programs for Exceptional People, Sandalwood Food Pantry,
Second Helpings, Wish Upon a Horse
Save the Date
Zip for Charity
Monday, May 4th
Wexford Foundation Board
Pictured from left to right front row: Mary Faas, Andi
Purple, Sue MacCormack, Thom Hill
Pictured from left to right back row: Jim Hicks, Terry Baehr,
Brian Marlowe, Bruce Murchison
15 • The Club Times
The Wexford Plantation Charitable Foundation invites
you to save the date for a special day of fun and fundraising
at ZipLine Hilton Head and AerialAdventure Hilton Head
on Monday, May 4th. Help make a difference in the lives of
your neighbors — all proceeds will benefit charities providing humanitarian services to children, families and adults
locally. Stay tuned for details!
March 2015
The Club Times • 16
Junior Series
Daylight Savings
Omelet & Bloody Mary
St. Patrick’s
Pub Night
Clubhouse &
Golf Course Closure
3D Discussion
Tennis Clinic
Clubhouse &
Golf Course Closure
3D Discussion Group
Clubhouse &
Golf Course Closure
3D Discussion
Pool Opens for the
Wine & Wickets
Clubhouse &
Golf Course Closure
3D Discussion Group
WWGA Golf Trip:
Ponte Vedra
Clubhouse &
Golf Course Closure
3D Discussion Group
Clubhouse Closure
Ladies One-Day
Golf Bootcamp
Clubhouse Closure
Ladies 2 Day
Golf Bootcamp
St. Patrick’s
Day Parade Trip
Clubhouse Closure
WWGA:The First Tee
of The Lowcountry
Field Trip to Wexford
Clubhouse Closure
Tennis Clinic
WWGA Golf Trip:
Ponte Vedra
Ladies Bridge
ETC/3D Sponsored
Wexford OneEleven
Ladies Bridge
Ladies 2 Day
Golf Bootcamp
Complimentary Beer &
Wine Tasting
Wexford OneEleven
Wexford Wellness:
Beach Walk
Ladies Bridge
Wexford OneEleven
Ladies Bridge
Ladies Guest Day
& Winter Ringer
Men’s 2 Day Beginner
Golf Bootcamp
Traditional Happy Hour
Spring Opener
Happy Hour
Flightscope X2 Day
Happy Hour
Men’s 2 Day
Beginner Golf
Pier Paperwork
Music To Your Ears!
St. Patrick’s
Round Robin
Board Meeting
Nike Demo Day
Tennis Social at
Spanish Wells
Men’s One-Day
Golf Bootcamp
Sadie Hawkins
Men’s Blue Tee Event
Gnocchi and Pork Chops
2 pm Clubhouse Closure
Dr.Alligator Tournament
Benvenuti Wexford
Happy Hour
WWGA Golf Trip
Clubhouse Closure
Dock Party
Visit for weekly golf and tennis schedules.