Niner News Issue 68 - August 2013


Niner News Issue 68 - August 2013
The Official Newsletter of the 9th Battalion,
The Royal Australian Regiment Association (Qld)
National Patron: General P. Cosgrove AC, MC (Rtd)
Issue 68
August 2013
ANZAC Day March - Brisbane
Bruce Sutherland ready to give the order to move off,
with Dennis Lowe and Ian Irwin in reflection mode.
See reports from other centres on pages 7 & 8.
Bulletin Board
46th Anniversary Memorial Service
and Birthday Celebrations, Brisbane
Wednesday 13 November 2013
The Memorial Service will be conducted within the Contemplation Building, The RAR
National Memorial Walk at the Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, Brisbane. The 8th/9th
Battalion will be providing support to our Association for the Service
The Service will commence at 11.30am and
will honour the 35 who were killed in South
Vietnam and the 5 who were killed whilst on
non-operational duties in the period 1970-73.
Everyone is welcome to lay a personal wreath
or tribute. Those who have died subsequently
will also be remembered.
Service will be
the:Tankard Ceremony amongst the trees,
cutting the cake and
then a light lunch will be provided. Some drinks will be
on sale but otherwise BYO.
More details in the next Niner News.
Morning tea will be available at Diggers Rest, NMW from 10.30am.
If you are planning to attend please advise me by email or telephone and I will
create a list to be given to the front gate; this will allow you to drive up and gain
access to the base by showing your driver’s licence - overcomes the need to get out
and arrange pass. I will confirm this in the next Niner News due out in October
If you decide to attend at the last moment then make sure you allow enough time to
get your pass.
Any queries please contact Dan Penman or Dave McDonald.
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
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A Word from Kevin
Hello again to Niners both near
and far, I would hope you are in
good health and enjoying what
you are doing in your lives.
This Newsletter will be advertising
our coming activities in the coming months and we
need your help to make them happen.
Firstly on Saturday November 9th we have the
Anniversary of 9th Battalion being taken off the
Order of Battle and the linking of 8/9 RAR, can you
believe it is 40 years. Details will be in this edition
and what I am attempting to do is track down as
many ex 9 RAR with the focus being on post 1970.
The purpose of this is to try and pay due respect
who were on the cusp of taking the unit for it's
second tour of South Vietnam. All the training had
been done and the were fit, willing and ready to
Over time, unfortunately, the soldiers have
somehow been forgotten and as such not always
been in included when speaking of our proud unit.
We are known as the "Family" Battalion so the
committee feels it is about time this was rectified.
Wives and partners a especially invited to make
this day one to talk about in terms, "you should
have been there".
This is where I need your help, we do not have any
contact list so word of mouth or the old bush
telegraph will be back in vogue, so if you are aware
of anyone, have contact details, please pass them
onto me so I may be sure they are invited, I thank
you in advance.
The day will also see the Association's Biennial
General Meeting. This will take place early so as
festivities of the Anniversary will not be interrupted.
The role of a member on the committee is not time
consuming, not over taxing, you do not require and
special skills, just a willingness to assist as
required, attend the odd meeting and most
importantly have an input.
Wednesday November 13th is the day we
celebrate the 46th Birthday of the forming of 9 RAR
at Woodside Barracks in Adelaide. It is also a
ceremony to reflect on the sacrifice made by our
fallen and pay them due homage in the form of a
traditional tankard ceremony.
This is a reflective day in our year and I would
encourage all and sundry to make the time to
attend. There will be information on timings in this
I look forward to meeting some old mates and
making some new ones on the 9th and also to take
the time to honour our fallen on the 13th, till then,
Kevin Lynch
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
Members’ Update
I was talking to Eric Philip today and he advises
that he is still doing quite well although he does
have pain in his spine after several operations and
is losing sight in his left eye.
For those who didn’t hear, his wife Margaret (many
called her Marmie) passed away in March 2012.
Eric is keeping busy and says he has wonderful
support from his family. I mentioned he would be
remembered at the mini reunion in November 2013
in Brisbane.
I rang Mrs Margaret Morrison to see how she is
doing and to pass on our regards. She said that
she is very comfortable and that the doctors are
quite amazed at just how well she is. In fact
Margaret told me she even entertained her bridge
group in her home the other day - busy than ever.
Margaret sends her best wishes to everyone in the
Association and says she will be thinking of us
during the November celebrations
John Essex-Clark would like also to send his best
wishes to the members of the Association.
spoke to John the other day to ask how the
publication of his books was going. John said that
he has finally published the two books we were
discussing last time. The first book was “Maverick
Soldier: an infantryman’s story”. The second book
was “Hassett - An Australian Leader: a biography
of General Sir Francis Hassett”.
Both are
published by Melbourne University Press
John also mentioned he was writing another book
about the feats of Jim Burke.
He is keeping well even though he had a month in
hospital recently. As with many of us, he is very
busy with his family. I passed on our regards to
Danny Grimes is very slowly recovering from a
severe infection, which in turn has triggered
Guillaime-Barre syndrome. This has left Danny
extremely weakened and requiring physiotherapy.
He can use his arms and hands but is very weak.
He is able to be lifted out of bed and put into a
wheelchair but is unable to push himself around.
Feathers has begun a move to have Danny
transferred to Repat for ongoing physio care when
medically cleared.
We will notify any changes in Danny's condition or
Lyn & Jim Fisher South Australia
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Biennial General Meeting
Saturday 09 November 2013
Ram’s Retreat, Uruzgan Lines, 8/9 RAR
Meeting to commence at 4.00pm.
There will be afternoon tea available at the Ram’s
Retreat from 3.00pm.
All financial members are invited to attend and
participate in the discussions and vote on the
agenda items. If you are not financial, that is fine
please come along and see what is being planned
for the next few years.
The main agenda item is the election of the new
committee. Even if you do not wish to become part
of the committee, we would still ask you to attend
and join in the discussions on the matters raised.
Your support will be very much appreciated.
If you wish any ideas to be presented or discussed
please advise Dan Penman or Dave McDonald.
Some items that have been presented already
the next two Reunions in Melbourne 2015
and Adelaide 2017
the 9 RAR Museum and need for a subcommittee
9th Battalions Museum and the ANZAC
membership fees
future of Niner News
future of website
merchandise stock
It is proposed to place some of the agenda items in
the next Niner News with some preliminary
comments on the scope of the topic.
Remember, if you are unable to attend we also
would like to receive your comments prior to the
BGM so everyone’s ideas can be discussed.
Thank you for you support over the last two years.
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
9 RAR Association
Anniversary Get together
Saturday 09 November 2013
Ram’s Retreat, Uruzgan Lines, 8/9 RAR
The function will commence at 5.00pm with a
happy hour and meet and greet.
This will start after the conclusion of the BGM
The function marks the 40th Anniversary of 9 RAR
being taken off the Australian Order of Battle, when
the battalion linked with 8 RAR to become 8/9
This function will have the usual emphasis on the
whole 9 RAR family from 1967 but with particular
focus on those members from the 1970-73 period.
Over the years, we have lost contact with many of
these members as some felt they were pushed to
the side with all the attention on the South Vietnam
tour. We do not have any rolls of members from
that period so we are asking you to let all your
mates and other contacts know of the function and
that all will be welcome.
For catering and planning please advise of your
attendance or not to Kim Mongan on 0437 798 185
and Dave McDonald on 0458 943 212 no later than
Thursday 31 October 2013.
Please mark your diaries and spread the word to
make this reunion a one to remember and set the
scene for a healthy Association.
Thank you to all those members for keeping
us informed of any deaths and sickness
throughout our 9 RAR family.
Our thoughts are with everyone.
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Last Post
Departed Comrades
“They too shall not be forgotten.”
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning,
We will remember them.
John (Jack) SELMES (April 2013)
George V. McGOVERN (April 2013)
“Lest We Forget”
George V.
John (JACK) Selmes OAM
Born January 1926
Died April 2013
Married - had 8 children, 16 grandchildren and 2
great grandchildren.
His army service included
enlisting in army in 1944 and
being posted to the 2/33
Battalion - serv ed in
He joined the
Special Force and went to
Japan and Korea; he was
wounded with 3 RAR. After a
break from the army he again
joined the regular army and
had 2 tours of Malaya/Borneo
and went to South Vietnam with 8 RAR.
He joined 9 RAR at Enoggera and then went on to
8/9 RAR. A truly impressive career as his medal
set shows.
Ron Woodrow from Dad’s Army said Scruffy (this
was George’s nickname) had a wonderful sense of
humour which is needed in a unit for good morale
and said Scruffy was a very fit man and did serious
wrestling at the Festival Hall.
Many there spoke of George being one who would
offer a hand to others in need but still was a very
private person. He was a singer, coin collector and
just loved his grandchildren.
Rest in peace
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
SAD NEWS, It is with deep regret that I inform
you of the death of John (Jack) Selmes at
Bungendore NSW. “Jack” was the son of AATTV
Member Jack Selmes DCM and would have been
known to a number of your Members. Jack had
been discharged from hospital on 21Apr13 after a
bout of salmonella poisoning. He was found dead
in his bed by his wife Kaye during the evening.
Could you please pass onto your Members.
I will pass additional information as it comes to
LEST WE FORGET Anthony (Blackie) REID
(Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Blackie Reid was
killed in a motorcycle accident in Western Qld
just prior to the Memorial Service.)
A Coy and Fred Force members of 9 RAR.
Jack served with A Coy and Fred Force in the 70s.
I last saw him when he joined a group of us at
Goondiwindi on an ANZAC day a few years ago. I
knew his father through several courses with
Commandos and when he also served with AATTV
at the same time as me. Jack was on our
maintaining contact list for emails.
Regards Bruce Sutherland
Jack served with 3 RAR as RSM 1988-89, with
6 RAR in SVN (2nd Tour) & CSM 1982-83, in
9 RAR 1970-73. Jock Gordon & his Dad were good
mates. We first met in Brisbane circa 1963 as he
was a cousin of my best mates from Mitchy/
Grovely/Keperra days, and was a pretty good
Rugby Hooker - 1st XV for 9 RAR. He is survived
by Kaye, Stephanie & son Gregory …. RIP Jack
From Rod Slater
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Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
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ANZAC Day in Hervey Bay
Des Blazely, Russ Clayton, Peter Cowan, Kim Mongan
(both Kim and Russ served with 9 RAR in the 1970-73
Marching down the main street
with Liz Clayton in the middle.
See page 2 on the proposed get together on the
9 November 2013)
ANZAC Day in Springbrook
John Craufurd
Jeff Bowthorpe
Marching down the highway leading to the Memorial
John & Jeff in front of the Memorial together with
members of 8/9 RAR support team and the local police
ANZAC Day in Melbourne
Keith Bink on left talking to Bill Forrest on right.
(Keith is brother to Martin Bink KIA)
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
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Harry Birrell, Ted Chitham, Jack English
Jack English, Jeff Strawbridge, Harry Birrell,
John Leahy, Dan Penman
at the Dawn Service, National Memorial Walk
Ken Hurling, Dennis Lowe
Kevin Lynch, Edward Lynch, Cooper Urquhart,
William Lynch
Mick Shave, Harry Birrell, John Vautin, Jeff Strawbridge
Eric Michael, Moira McKay, Sheridan Murphy
(granddaughter of Les Salmon)
Andrew Hunter, Russell Johns
Garry Mayer, Gavin McKay
Rock Hudson, Toby Trebilco
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
Blue Hammond, Andrew Hunter, Doug Dobbin, Garry Mayer,
Russell Johns, Gavin McKay, Mick Shave, Barry Broderick
Page 8 of 16
newest war
has opened
in far north
to honour
the 39
diggers who
have been killed in Afghanistan.
Thousands of people attended the opening of the
Avenue of Honour memorial at Lake Tinaroo at
Yungaburra on the Atherton Tablelands.
Private Ben Chuck, one of three commandos killed
in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan in 2010, was
from Yungaburra. His family tirelessly
campaigned to raise the $300,000 needed to build
the memorial, which many people say is a place of
healing and closure. The memorial was formally
opened during a ceremony attended by Defence
chief General David Hurley.
A roll of honour for the soldiers killed in
Afghanistan was read out, while doves were
released with a hope for peace and wreaths were
laid at the memorial by the families of the fallen
diggers. Victoria Cross recipient Corporal Ben
Roberts-Smith urged people to remember the
impact war has on the soldiers who do return
"Many men have gone to Afghanistan, many will
come home with issues and problems that we
cannot forget," he said. "We need to remember
the sacrifices that have been made. Mateship to
me is now about remembering the mates we have
lost, and the mates who are going to need our help
in the future."
"There are plaques for
the fallen soldiers on
an honour board." Mr
Chuck says there is
underground lighting
the whole way down
the avenue, a
memorial monument
and also a monument for the bomb detection dogs.
'Flight of spirit'
He says there is a 2.6 metre-high shade structure
made of beaten steel by a local firm in Cairns in the
shape of two "beautiful wings". Mr Chuck says
one wing is substantially damaged on purpose. "It's
quite powerful, it's very strong and the theme is on
flight of spirit," he said. "The symbolism there is to
represent undaunted spirit, which we believe
encompasses what these men go to war with."
Mr Chuck says the avenue has a different strength
to other war memorials.
"The great thing about this is it's here all day and
all night, every day and every night, for whoever,"
he said. "Its significance there is its accessibility
and its usability by everybody - that I think will be
its great strength.
"I think a lot of the returned servicemen,
particularly from this conflict, particularly coming
both with both internal and external injuries, will
choose to come here and enjoy the calm, the
tranquility, and reflect on their mates and
themselves and who they are."
Story courtesy of ABC News; Photos from Kel Ryan
Mr Chuck says
the avenue
stretches about
350 metres along
the side of the
banks of Lake
Tinaroo on a
peninsula, with a
backdrop of water
and mountains.
"There are about 70 flame trees
planted here and although not mature yet, in the
years to come they will flower for three or four
months of the year, specifically around November Remembrance Day," he said.
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
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9 RAR Ladies Get Togethers
The ladies are still meeting regularly to meet up for
a chat, a nice meal and to support each other.
Two recent outings have been at the Hawkins
Garden Centre and the Esplanade, Redcliffe.
The next luncheon is planned for Monday
02 September 2013 at the Aspley Hornets AFL
Club, Carseldine. Meet at 11.30am. Please direct
any queries to Dawn on 0437 872 634. If you
need a lift give Dawn a call and hopefully someone
lives nearby.
has accepted all
made by the Anzac
Centenary Advisory
Board (ACAB) on
the Anzac Centenary program 2014-2018.
The program will be based around the central
themes of Education and Research,
Commemoration and Arts and Culture. One of the
major features is a large-scale interactive travelling
L-R sitting: Barbara Prince, Merilyn Sanders, Dawn Stalder,
Karyn Treadwell, Kathy Penman Jan English, Di Gage.
L-R standing Lynn Kennedy Rosemary Smith
To help communities across Australia
commemorate the Centenary of Anzac, $100,000
in funding is available to each electorate under the
Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program.
For more information on the commemorative
program or grants.
9th Battalions Museum
Dawn, Rosie Gourley, Jan, Kathy, Lynn, Diane
For the ANZAC Centenary, the 9th Battalions
Museum is planning to locate a significant
display at the Milne Bay Memorial Library and
Research Library Centre at Chermside. It will
include the many historical items from its
collection and will focus on many of the men
who enlisted in Queensland.
More information will be presented in future
Niner News.
The ladies also gathered at the Dawn Service NMW.
Lynn, Jan, Zoe, Dawn, Jill Gow, Barbara,
Moira McKay, Kathy
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
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8th/9th Battalion, The Royal
Australian Regiment
Uruzgan Lines, Gallipoli Barracks,
To 9 RAR Association Members,
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you
some quick details on what 8/9 RAR have been
conducting in 2013. Firstly, I want to discuss the
move from our Long Hai Lines to our new facilities,
proudly named 'Uruzgan Lines'. The transition was
very successful for our members, including 'Stan'
LCPL MacArthur. The Honour Roll now stands
watch over the parade ground as a proud reminder
to all members of our predecessors who served
and died in past conflicts. COE Platoon have also
done some excellent work in preparing the
Battalion museum, which is now open at the Ram's
Retreat for everyone to visit. I have attached some
photos for you that were taken on the official
opening day.
2013 has been a busy year for the Battalion so far,
albeit quieter from an operational deployment
perspective. From the very start, members of B
Company were recalled on short notice in support
of Operation FLOOD ASSIST II. Fortunately their
services were ultimately not required, however
their readiness and professionalism speaks
volumes for the quality of our soldiers. The
Battalion then commenced preparing for the year's
challenges with a full training program for the Rifle
Companies, Support and Admin Company.
Training ranged from live firing, field exercises,
Obstacle Courses, Duke of Gloucester Cup and
Jungle training for Rifle Company Butterworth.
Specialist course for mortars, recon and DFSW
were also conducted in the arduous training period
up to ANZAC Day.
Our ANZAC Day remembrance ceremony started
with our traditional Dawn Service on the Battalion
Parade ground. Friends and families of the unit
members attended and honoured our fallen from
previous conflicts. The Brigade then marched
through the streets of Brisbane and then continued
socialising at the Ram's Retreat. Following ANZAC
day we bid B Company farewell as they embarked
on their three month deployment to Rifle Company
Butterworth. Rifle Company Butterworth in
Malaysia is the ongoing training exercise where
RAR Companies work alongside the Malaysian
Army to practice and develop advanced jungle
tactics and techniques. The activity consists of a
large number of live fire practices and culminates
in a combined exercise with the Malaysian
contingent to reinforce all the skills developed. and
Whilst B Company has deployed, Alpha and
Support Companies have busied themselves with
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
preparation for Exercise Talisman Sabre 13.
Exercise Minh Dam and Koster River tested the
Battalion's new digitised Battle Management
System alongside the other units within 7 Brigade.
Under the command of 2nd/14th Light Horse
Regiment, the Task Force tested skills and
techniques in preparation for battling 3 Bde as part
of Exercise Hamel 13. All reports indicate that the
8th/9th Battalion element performed very well and
are in an excellent position to combat their light
infantry counterparts. I look forward to the results
of the upcoming exercise.
On a smaller scale, the Battalion put forward a
section to compete in the Duke of Gloucester Cup.
CPL Cooke commanded the Duke of Gloucester
Cup section, known as the 'DOG Squad 2013'. The
section followed a demanding training regime
consisting of countless hours on the range,
obstacle course and training areas in preparation
for the RAR competition. Their hard work came to
fruition with the team bringing home two of the five
trophies and placing third overall. The section won
the Ghurkha trophy, awarded for battle shooting
and battle fitness; and the OSCMAR trophy, which
is awarded to the team who has the best combined
obstacle and bayonet course time. As you can see
we have had a busy year, with some excellent
results by our soldiers both in training and in
competition. Our next big event is our major
exercise period consisting of Talisman Sabre 13
and the culmination of B Company's training in
Butterworth. The biggest social event we are
looking forward to is the Battalion Birthday Week
which the Regimental Sergeant Major is currently
busy preparing, and I am very impressed with the
plan so far.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support and
I look forward to seeing you at our next unit
Yours sincerely,
KAHLIL FEGAN Lieutenant Colonel
Commanding Officer 10. June 2013
Stop Press
Advice just in from the RSM 8/9 RAR.
Very sadly, a Corporal, a current serving Section
Commander of the Battalion was tragically killed in
a vehicle accident on 20 August 2013 in Thailand
whilst on leave. His body was returned to Australia
on Friday.
A Memorial Service will be held on the Battalion
Parade Ground, Enoggera - Wed 28 August 2013.
The funeral is to be held in Maleny this week. The
RSM has said that Association members are more
than welcome to attend either Service.
Kev Lynch has passed on our condolences to the
family and to the members of the Battalion.
Page 11 of 16
Back Row: Stuart Keys, x Pringle, Ray Sparke, Lindsay Scully, ??, Matthew Pustelnik, Peter Adams,
Bruce Douglas, Pat Scullin, Geoff Carpenter, ??,
Middle Row: Nigel Cubit, Mick Humphries, Norm Wolfe, David Warner, x Mackay, Instructor, Instructor,
Mick Bawden, Instructor, Instructor
Front Row: Barry Mellison, Greg Chisholm, Ray Mulree, ?? ,x Ryan
Back Row: Kerry Sorrenson, Harry Musicka, Les Emerson, Alan Salmon, Bill Awcock,
Gordan Winzar, Alan Connellan, David Geale
Middle Row: Instructor, Smilie Jenkins, x Fleming, Bob Morton, Don Hampton, Barry Boocker
Front Row: Jeff Rice, David Ede, ?? , ?? , Bluey Moore, Ray Kemp
9 RAR Museum News
More of Getting Older part 2
1. Mortar Platoon Photo
Nurses aren't supposed to laugh...
See photo on opposite page.
Recently, I was talking to Bruce
Douglas from North Queensland about some
Mortar Platoon photos for the Museum. He said he
also had a photo from the Basic Mortar Course.
Bruce said not all on that course served with the
Mortar Platoon in South Vietnam but the majority
Thanks to Bruce as he has provided most of the
names. If any other member can add to this I would
be very interested in hearing from you.
2. Wanted - Desk Top Computer
Does anyone have a desk top computer that they
no longer require? Our computer in the museum
is now a few years old and is no longer working
If you have one or know of one that could be
donated to the Museum I would very much like to
hear from you. Dan - 0409 067 646
….."Of course I won't laugh," said the nurse. "I'm a
professional. In over twenty years I've never
laughed at a patient..."
"Okay then," said Bob, and he proceeded to drop
his trousers, revealing the smallest male part the
nurse had ever seen. In length and width it was
almost identical to a AAA battery.
Unable to control herself, the nurse tried to stop a
giggle, but it just came out. And then she started
laughing at the fact that she was laughing.
Feeling very bad that she had laughed at the man's
part, she composed herself as well as she could.
"I am so sorry," she said.. "I don't know what came
over me.
On my honor as a nurse and a lady, I promise that
won't happen again.
Now, tell me, what seems to be the problem?"
"It's swollen," Bob replied.
She ran out of the room.
3. Recent Additions
Mick Shave has donated his Mess Dress Blues
Uniform to the collection plus he has given us a
copy of several his poems - these should appear in
the next Niner News.
Dawn Stalder has donated Barry’s Mess Dress
Winter (Scarlet) Uniform to the collection.
02 Sept 13
Ladies Lunch - Aspley Hornets
AFL Club , Carseldine. Give
Dawn a ring for details
0437 872 634
09 Nov 13
Biennial General Meeting - to
elect a new committee and
discuss future activities.
Tex Bruce has given us a full M60 machine gun
cleaning kit. He has also donated a photo and a
press clipping.
The BGM will be followed by a
function to remember the 40th
Anniversary of when 9 RAR
ceased as a separate unit and
was linked with 8 RAR to
become 8/9 RAR. There is a
real emphasis to involve all
those from the 1970-73 period.
See page 4 for details.
Peter Nummy has donated a 9 RAR Flag (has
numeral 9 in corner) which was flown over the
Battalion in Woodside.
Thanks to all these and others who have donated
various items to the collection; it will assist in
maintaining the heritage of the Battalion.
13 Nov 13
NOTE: In the next issue of the Niner
News, there will be a four page
report on the 9 RAR Museum
together with photos of all the recent
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
46th Anniversary Memorial
Celebrations - NMW Brisbane
Let Secretary know of any change of details to
your home address and/or email address.
Page 13 of 16
ANZAC Voices
"My tunic is rotten with other men’s blood, and partly
splattered with a dead man’s brains."
Lieutenant John Raws
"They had little appetite for the over-salted ‘bully,’
which, in the heat of midday or afternoon, slipped in
its own fat across the platter or mess-tin, swamping
stray flies as it went"
Charles Bean, Official Correspondent
"Mr Shout is badly wounded. A bomb exploded in his
hand, blew off his hand and badly lacerated his face
and body. He was only made Capt. yesterday."
Private Reginald Donkin
ANZAC voices is a new exhibition opening on
Friday, 29 November 2013 until Sunday, 30
November 2014 marking the centenary of the First
World War. The exhibition features treasures from
the Memorial’s archives.
The voices of the ANZACs will be presented
through their letters and diaries.
What the Australians endured on Gallipoli and the
Western Front, in the mud of Flanders and the
deserts of Sinai-Palestine, was almost
indescribably horrific and can never be fully
comprehended by those who did not fight in these
campaigns or witness them at first hand.
And yet we can get at least an inkling of what it
was like for the ANZACs by reading their own
accounts. Their experience of war emerges
compellingly from the pages of their letters and
This exhibition brings you the voices of the
60th Anniversary of Korea War Armistice
In late July, fifteen Australian veterans travelled to
the Republic of Korea to commemorate the 60th
anniversary of the Korean War armistice.
The veterans participated in a series of
commemorative activities, including the armistice
ceremony on 27 July, Korean Veterans Day. The
ceremony gave the veterans the chance to
reconnect with their former allies from countries
such as Canada, New Zealand, the United States
and the United Kingdom.
A National Commemorative Service was also held
at the National Korean War Memorial on ANZAC
Parade, Canberra, where hundreds braved the
cold start to the morning to pay their respects.
Veterans then joined the Korean Ambassador for a
luncheon following the service.
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
Veterans visit the Republic of Korea and remember
the loss of 340 Australian lives
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9th Battalion
The Royal Australian Regiment Association (Queensland)
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Associate Member: $45.00 for 3 years □
(Please tick appropriate box)
Enclosed is cheque/money order for $............
[Make payable to Nine RAR Association (Qld-br)]
Please return application form and payment to :
9 RAR Association (Qld)
P.O. Box 1221
Stafford City, Qld. 4053
Battalion Plaque
Battalion Tie
Bunker Assault Print
9 RAR mini Banner 90x70cm
Australian Flag 140x90cm
9 RAR Flag (small) 45x30cm
Back Pack with Ram emblem
Shoulder Bag with Ram emblem
Stubby Holder with Shaggy Ram
Cloth Patches with Shaggy Ram
@ $45.00
@ $30.00
@ $15.00
@ $75.00
@ $10.00
@ $10.00
@ $20.00
@ $20.00
@ $ 7.50
@ $10.00
NOTE: from October 2013 postage will be applied to the
publication Proud to Serve.
9 RAR Cap (matching) @ $20.00
Polo Shirt
@ $32.50
Sizes (please specify number):
See note in previous column
Publication: 9th Battalion,
The Royal Australian Regiment
“Proud to Serve” @ $35.00
(Please make all Cheques or Money Orders payable to Nine RAR Association (Qld-Br)
Please find enclosed a cheque /money order for the sum of $_________, being payment for the items
Mail my Order to:
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Postcode: …………………….
Telephone No: (H) …………………………………………….…….(Mob) ……………………………………………..…..
Email: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
Page 15 of 16
Laid up in the All Saints Chapel,
Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera
Duty First
The Official Newsletter of
9 RAR Association (QLD)
Issue 68 - August 2013
If undeliverable return to
9 RAR Association (Qld)
PO Box 1221
PP 415919/ 00001
9 RAR Association (Qld) Committee Contacts - 2013
Newsletter Editor:
Committee Members:
Mail Address:
9 RAR Association (Qld)
PO Box 1221
Kevin Lynch ………………...
Dave McDonald ...........
Dave McDonald ……………...
Dan Penman ..............
Ian Sanders…………………
Kim Mongan ...............
Derek Nixon-Smith .....
Email Address
Niner News - Issue 68 (August 2013)
(07) 5493 6129
0458 943 212
0458 943 212
(07) 3397 0087
(07) 3822 3019
0437 798 185
(07) 3352 6752
Internet Websites
9 RAR Association (Qld)
9 RAR Association National
RAR Association (Qld)
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