Expression Of Interest for Operation
Expression Of Interest for Operation
.; .T :l .I I Office of thb Member Secretary, Society for IHM, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, AnandanagarrAgartala. (Camp office :- O/O the MD, TTDCL, Swet Mahal, Palace Compound, Agartala). Contact - (0381) 23L-7a7a I 222-3893 I 232-5930 Fax - (0381) 23L-7474. :! I t if .iiir 'li ilii r:l i il i FORMAT _ A pRESS NOTICE INVITING EOI NO: 6/MS/SIHMCTAN/Academic/20 L6-L7 Dt. L0-08-16. A state Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition is being set up at Anandanagar, Agartala by the Department of Tourism, Government of Tripura 2. Sealed Expression of Interest (EOI) are invited by the Member, Secretary, Society for institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Anandanagar, Agartala from the bonafide registered Institutions / Firms having experience in running and managing a similar Institution for operation & management in Public-Private-Partnership mode of the state Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Anandanagar, Agartala including commencement of academic activities from the academic year 2017-18. 3. The relevant details about the Institution-and the academic courses planned, the desired qualifications of the Interested bidders, the process qf furnishing the EOI and information to be furnished along with and the out line of the selection process to be followed may be obtained from the Draft-EOI. 4, Earnest money for an amount of Rs.10,000,00 only shall have to be deposited in any scheduled Bank of India guaranteed by the RBI in the shape of "Deposit-at-Call" or Demand Draft (with at least 3 months validity) in favour of the Member Secretary, and Society for IHM, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Anandanagar, Agartala. 5. The EOI forms can be obtained on or after LO/OBI2O16 from the office of the Member Secretary, Society for IHM, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Anandanagar, Agartala,Tripura on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand) only in cash (Non-Refundable) on any working day & hour up to 27108/2016 on subrnission of written application along with documentary proofs (in the shape of photocopy attested by Gazetted Officer) of PAN (Permanent Account Number) card issued by the Income Tax Department, copy of registration certificate, i 6. The EOI document can be downloaded from the website & website www, And in that caser the cost of EOI documents shall have to be deposited separately along with the EOI thr:ough demand draft of Rs.10001-(Non-Refundable) in favour of the Member Secretary, Society for IHM, .Catering Technology & hpplied Nutrition, Anandanagar, Agartala,Tripura, payable at SBI, Tripura Legislative Assembly House Branch, Agartala (Code No. 5559) and bidder should Officer) of PAN submit documentary proof (in a shape of photocopy attested by Department, copy of (Permanent Account Number)-card issued by the Income registration certificate. 'j -..J i 7, The EOI can be sent through Register.ed Post /' Speed post/Courier or dropped in the Box specified for this PNI-EOI at the office of the Member secretary, Society for SIHM, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition,'Anandanagar, Agartala,Tripura up to -15.00 Hrs of 30/0S12016. The bidder shall ensure the receipt of.EoI in the office of the undersigned within the specified date & time. In no circumstances, the EoI received after the specified hour & date shall be entertained' ',F'" p ', S'+, f' r! jl ' ,, ri' il . - l-i i: :: g, for IHM, Sealed EOI(s) received shall be opened by the Member Secretary, Society presence of catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Anandanagar, Agartala,Tripura in possible, lntending bidders and other concerned persons at 15.30 Hrs on 3A/08120L6, if otherwise on the date & time to be notified later'on' 9. The EoI submitted without the earnest money as in the manner prescribed will be summarilY rejected. (T. day, TCS, Member SecretarY, Society for SIHM, Anandanaga rrAgarta la, No.F. 2(6)-prtrf/2010(Part-IV) I 2$A0 I .-:o k . . or /.o/ r/ tg Copy to: 1. The Director of Tourism, Agartala, Tripura for favour kind information please. 2. The Director, ICA Department, Agartala, Tripura for favour kind information please. 3. The Technical Director, NIC, Agartala Centre, Tripura, for information & with request to publish the notice though NIC' 4, The Officer on Spl Duty (Nodal Offlcer), IHMCTAN, for information & with request to arrange a Box specified for receiving the EOI & to arrange selling of publication of EOI documents to th'e intending tenderers. He will also arrange for EOI (single insertion) in 3 (three) local Newspaper as well as in 2 (two) national English Newspaper namely 'The Times of India' &'The Economics Times' in its all ..-{. ,. l ,Ll.Lvl lr. r. Partha chakraborty, Nodal officer, iT, TTDCL to upload into the website TTDCL &'in & websit9 of NIC' of The cashier, TTDCL, fOr information & necessary action. Copy also to the, 1. PS to the Minister, for kind apprisal of the Honourable. Minister, Department of Tourism, 2. PS to the PrinciPal Secretary, for kind apprisal of tl'ie Secretary, Department oj}rb " Tourism. . 6. i 4Pfl'tqs /,R\J" \ (T. Rai, Tcs, ssc) Member SecretarY, SocietY for I!-IMCTAN/ Ana nda naga rrAga rtala. ! INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITTON, ANANDANAGA& AGARTALA. 1. Background: 1.1 Agartala, the State Capital of Tripura is the second largest City in the North-East India. The City has undergone rapid growth in its infrastructure and economic activities. It is also emerging as a potential centre for Tourism and Hospitality sector in the region. 'msr .HATIPAUUAA l,aihl'i.; Er' .,-.r.r i lllirip AraALl^ ri t,1.1".i-ltx.1r1 -: L.rlnrF t' .: t JO6fl,OAr il/lclfi" '.lDoenc,ranaoar Batl*iy Stalron ...(r IHMCTAN Anandanagar Tulakona L,2 As an initiative for growth supporting the of Tourism and Hospitality sector, Government of Tripura is setting up an Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition (IHMCTAN) with suppoft from Ministry of Tourism, Government of India ,uii*E$ (H RD Division). The ' :Ei "*€g .-rg_ ! j't 1, ***o -1,:--: fgi Institute Campus, Main building, Hostels and other Infrastructural facilities are coming up in an area of 5.30 Acres on the NH-44 (Bypass) at Anandanagar, Agartala. I Front View of IHMCTAN, Anandanagar lr.o - affie;sr mcmili rrfictrl.Itiler 2. Course Details : 2.1. The Project for setting up of the Institute envisages the following courses to be conducted at the IHMCTAN, Agartala:- sl. Courses No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. Indicated Student Intake Three Year B. Sc Deqree One and Half year Trade Production One and Half year Trade Beverage Service One and Half year Trade Confectionary One and Half year Trade Housekeeoinq One and Half year Trade Office Operations Diploma in Food LzA 40 Diploma in Food & 40 Diploma in Bakery & 40 Diploma in 40 Diploma in Front 40 Scooe of Opg!'ation & Manasement Under PPP:- 3.1. The IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society, responsible for management and administration of the Institute. The operation and management is proposed to be agency done in a Public-Private- Partnership mode for a period of 05 (Five) years to begin with. 3,2. q .. il,+6 ! . r i ='t? o.s,*",*d{Sid ,.{ At the conclusion of the Period for right of use or on the termination of the Period for right of use with mutual agreement at any time prior to the end of that period, whichever is earlier, the IHMCTAN, Anandanagar together with the existing facilities thereupon shall stand transferred to the IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society on as is where is basis, free from all encumbrances, with effect from the Date of Transfer. 3.3. The IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society, shall be at liberty to select the mode of operation and the terms and conditions that may be prescribed on expiry of the period of right of uses for operation & maintenance of the IHMCTAN, Anandanagar, thereafter, subject to that if the IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society decides to operate further the IHMCTAN, Anandanagar by engagement of a capable Public or Private Paftner, the successful private partner on the date of transfer shall have the first right of refusal. 3,4, The Civil assets owned by the Society at the Institute, including the land and the buildings constructed, together with the equipments and utilities thereupon, are proposed to be handed over with Right of use, to the.o selected private partner for operation of the Institute. ffi 3.5. The private partner is to ensure compliance with the prescribed guide lines of National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology (NCHMCT), Noida, Uttar Pradesh inter alia for the institute and related courses for i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) : Obtaining and rnaintaining proper recognition / affiliation. Supplementing any further civil construction or equipments required for running the courses mentioned; Engaging administrative and academic manpower as per prescribed qualifications and guidelines; Ensuring entrance of Candidates for courses through prescribed Entrance Test as per qualification and fee norms; Engaging service providers for ancillary services and amenities related to the Institute and its students; Mobilizing investment to cover all recurring expenditure for operating and management of the Institute; Complying with all required statutory provisions as may be applicable for operation and management of the Institute. 4. 4.1. The EOI to be furnished shall consist of the following documents in a Sealed Envelope: i) A Covering letter addressed to the Member Secretary, IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society expressing the interest to operate and manage the Institute for 05 (Five),years; ii) Documents in support of credentials of the interested Institution/Firm, including the Profile, Registration details, Organization Structure, Years of Operation, Financial Turnover and Profit in Previous Years, Board of Directors etc. iii) Document in support of having experience of at least 03(three) years of operating/managing similar Institute in the Hospitality Sector, including Hotel Management or Catering Technology or Applied Nutrition iv) A brief concept note indicating how the interested party proposes to operate and manage the Institute, clearly indicating inter alia the resource mobilization for recurring expenditure and additional capital expenditure, faculty engagement, seats distribution proposed, provision of ancillary services and amenities, and any specific support requirements. v) Any additional Activities lCourses proposed to be conducted through the Institute; vi) An Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) in the form of D-call/Demand Draft to be drawn from any nationalized Bank of India in favour of Institute _i{ -I"&, Management, Catering Technology Society, payable at Agartala' & Applied Nutrition (Tripura) vii) Interested parties shall also furnish a demand draft (DD) of Rs 1O0O.O0 (Rupees One Thousand Only), in favour of the Member Secretary. Society for IHMCTAN, Anandanagar payable at Agartala on any scheduled bank towards the cost of EOI documents. Proposals unaccompanied by this DD will not be evaluated. viii) A lump sum security deposit for an amount of Rs.50/=Lakhs (Rupees Fifty Lakhs) only in the shape of bank guarantee (BG) from a nationalized bank shall have to be produced by the selected interested party at the time of signing of 'Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). ix) An Evaluation Committee to be constituted by the Government of Tripura in the Department of Tourism shall evaluate the proposals furnished in response to this notice inviting EOI. x) The interested parties shall produce all necessary documents which will inter alia includes the documentary proof required for evaluation of EOI as detailed at Cl. No..6.3. 4.2. to be produced as EMD &, cost of gOt documents shall have to be signed by an authorized signatory of the interested Institution/Firm' Each page of the furnished EOI, except the DDs -{ d. c' 6,' d 'i, dti ..1, < t 9/::i1 ;i! 1 , l":;1=?:': _lli ,,i '.;- _i ,.ir ' ' l i .; *'"'r$i*l,f - lE-:i Tg cd* iE$ffL &A ffit EB ET E$ #--- I : g\-i:eO ,,,.::*j"-;',:*I".,"" 5. Process of Furnishing Exoression of Interest (EOI): 5.1. The interested Institution/Firm should furnish the EOI so as to reach the office of the Member Secretary, IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society, Camp office at the Office of the Managing Director, TTDCL, Swetmahal, Palace Compound, Agaftala, West Tripura, Pin799OOL, on or before 30-08-2O16 and up to 15.OO Hours' 5.2. The EOI may be furnished by Registered PosVSpeed Post/Courier Service so as to reach within due date and time. No EOtr shall be entertained after due date and time and delay shall not be condoned on any account. 5.3. On the Top Left side of the envelope, the EOI reference number and date of submission should be clearly mentioned. 6. Outline of Process for Short-Listing of fnterested Parties: 6,1, Expression of Interest received may be opened on the same day if possible in the chamber of the Member Secretary, IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society, Camp office at the office of the Managing Director, TTDCL, Swetmahal, Palace Compound, Agartala, West Tripura, PIN -799001. 6.2, For short-listing of interested parties/selection of the potential private partner, the time and date for an opportunity for discussions and presentation would be indicated / published by the undersigned at the time of opening the EOI. 6.3. The short-listing'of interested parties and selection of the potential private paftner shall be made on the basis of weighted criteria based on the documentary credentials attached along with the Expression of Interest (EOI) and the presentation of the concept as indicated in Cl. 5.2. 6.4. The weighted criteria for evaluation of EOI adding up to a score of 100 (One Hundred) shall be as follows: tt(U Scoring Methodology .^ a* ov {e .o x9 Experience of the interested party in setting up, operation & maintenance of an Institution of Hotel Management I Catering Technology / Applied Nutrition or equivalent in Hospitality sector as per the guide lines of NCHMCT/ AICTE. (Credentials of successful running & maintenance of such activities). cUl = i) Up to 3 years, 6OVo of the maximum assigned score (AS); ii) Beyond 3 years, additional20o/o of AS; iii) Accreditation with NCHMCT/ ATCTE, additional 20o/o of AS. ios$ r..tit* *::[.T".xl!l';1 Experience of running & operation of additional academic programs related with hospitality sector other than the courses mentioned in Clause No. 2.L of this EOI documents. 3. Soundness of Concept and Scope of work of the project. i) Engagement of Administrative as well as Academic ManPower. ii) Services to be provided for ancillaries & amenities to the institution & its students. iii) Provision for future expansion & upgradation. i) At least two years and up to three years - 6A0/o 2. iv) Overall evaluation i) Maximum 10 out of 40. ii) Maximum 10 out of 40 iii) Maximum 10 out of 40 iv) Maximum 10 out of 40 - Financial tie ups for the requisite capital costs & operation & maintenance costs of Institution meeting NCHMCT 5. 4A of AS. ii) Beyond three Years 100o/o of AS. of Post EOI presentation. Soundness of revenue model 4. 10 15 Norryq- Assessment on success story as attached with the EOI on Placement of passed out students of different courses at the Institutions presently being run by interested party. i) Placement up to ZOa/o, ' 'Nil'; ' AS; iii) 50 to 7Aa/o, - ii) 2L to 15 50o/o, AS; iv) Beyond 7Ao/o, of AS. 4Ao/o of 7Ao/o of - 100o/o 6.5. THIS PROCESS IS PRIMARILY INTENDED FOR ELICITING THE INTEREST TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY EOI AT ANY STAGE. 6.6. The issue of this Notice for inviting EOI does not imply that the IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society is bound to select and short-list prequalified interested parties for entering into an MOU. 6.7. The interested party shall bear all costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its EOI and the IHMCTAN (Tripura) Society shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same. \$ '$q's\ w, (T, TCS SsG), Member Secretary, Society for IHMCTAN, Anandanagar, Agartala. t'- $r' a qlu .$*
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