Untitled - Oscar of Sweden
Untitled - Oscar of Sweden
SPRIN G /S UMMER 2 016 Knowing your ancestry, respecting your origin and previous generations who developed and refined trade and craft. This is a great asset when tradition is merged with the volatile and unpredictable nature of the fashion industry. We have chosen to present the 2016 spring and summer collection against a historic and seductively beautiful Swedish background – Gotland. An island in the middle of the Baltic Sea that has been a lively trading place ever since Viking times. The city of Visby, with its fairy-tale landscape of a bailey, handsome stone houses and church towers, was founded in the Middle Ages. At this time, there was already a well functioning European market by way of the Hanseatic League. Today, nearly 1000 years after the foundation of the Hanseatic League, at Oscar of Sweden we also buy our most important goods in Europe. All our fabrics are from Italy, Austria and Switzerland. Quality is timeless. The unique natural light on the island of Gotland is also perfect for the 2016 focus on colours and patterns. We work with strong statements from the most dressy to the most casual. Apart from the favourite colour of blue, we will see a lot of yellow, orange and red. Within the red spectrum there are also new nuances such as raspberry tones. The patterns represent everything from bicycles to billiard balls. Playful and elegant, well dressed with a twist. The stark landscape on the island of Gotland is also a perfect complement to our new, earthy series Linen Edition. 2 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 3 # 8745 4 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN # 8708 OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 5 # 8746 6 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN # 8739 OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 7 # 8739 8 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 9 # 8745 # 8733 10 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 11 # 8749 12 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 13 # 8734 14 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN # 8742 OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 15 # 8702 16 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN # 8730 OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 17 # 8736 # 8734 18 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN # 8749 OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 19 # 8728 20 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 21 WALL STREET # 8700-013 URBAN TREND # 8701-233 # 8709-010 # 8705-340 # 8704-118 URBAN CITY # 8713-135 # 8710-154 # 8716-220 # 8715-033 # 8711-218 22 | OSCAR OF SWEDEN # 8734-010 # 8737-015 # 8739-340 # 8738-319 LINEN EDITION # 8743-318 # 8741-320 # 8740-015 # 8747-228 # 8748-034 # 8748-084 # 8748-075 # 8748-012 LINEN EDITION # 8720-114 # 8723-254 # 8724-330 # 8725-293 URBAN TREND # 8729-313 # 8734-062 PITTI TREND URBAN SUMMER # 8718-254 # 8735-120 GENOA TREND # 8748-032 CITY SUMMER # 8727-274 # 8728-335 # 8730-315 # 8728-306 # 8751-010 CASUAL SUMMER # 8752-275 # 8755-240 # 8766-235 # 8768-218 OSCAR OF SWEDEN | 23 canada Altitextil Canada Inc. 511 Castlefield Ave. ON M5N 1L7 Toronto Phone: +1 416 565 7950 c.altinius@rogers.com the netherlands Verloop Agenturen Dorpsstraat 68, 2995 XJ Heerjansdam Phone: +31 78 684 0764 info@verloopagenturen.nl ireland Richard Flanagan, Reef Fashions 70 Waterloo Road, Dublin 4 Phone: +353 87 997 9969 richard@reeffashion.com finland Selected Brands Finland OY Tietäjäntie 2, 02130 Espoo Phone: +358 400 411 179 jaakko.katajainen@sbfi.fi norway Erland Fagernes Bottegård & Livar Askø Norsk Moteforum Room 316 Sjølyst Plass 3, 0278 Oslo Erland: Phone: +47 950 27844 erland@eb-tekstilagentur.no Livar: Phone: +47 994 83542 livar@lyse.net belgium Dyco nv/sa Fashion Park Boechoutlaan 107 1853 Strombeek-Bever Phone: +32 2 263 21 41 tj@dyco.be REKYL. PHOTO: MIKAEL KENTA. STYLING, HAIR & MAKEUP: JOHANNA GERTLER. LOCATION: GOTLAND. | united kingdom Oscar of Sweden AB Klintegatan 12, 506 40 Borås, Sweden Phone: +46 33 108580 info@oscarofsweden.se sweden
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