DEMCON develops robot for automatic asparagus harvesting


DEMCON develops robot for automatic asparagus harvesting
LEO Robotics - RoboCafé, asparagus, labs and other developments in robotics
LEO, Center for Service Robotics - October
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LEO, Center for Service Robotics is a collaboration of companies and universities in robotics. Our mission
is to strengthen the eastern Netherlands as one of the leading innovation hubs in robotics. Visit our
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Succcessful RoboCafé at Demcon
Demcon Advanced Mechatronics was host to our latest RoboCafé. The 40
attendees were entertained with presentations on Demcon's medical
robotics program, two live demo's, and by the founder of KITE Robotics
who spoke in public for the first time.
DEMCON develops robot for automatic asparagus harvesting
Current asparagus harvest is very labor intensive as workers need to visit the field on a daily basis.
Automation of this process has proven to be challenging. Last year, a collaboration between Cerescon,
Tech for Future, Saxion college and DEMCON has demonstrated a robot that can harvest asparagus
automatically. The robot moves forward continuously, while harvesting asparagus on multiple rows
simultaneously. At this moment, DEMCON develops a full size robot for Cerescon that can harvest up to a
hectare per hour. More information? Visit their website.
LEO Robotics - RoboCafé, asparagus, labs and other developments in robotics
Next RoboCafé at ESPS - November 26, 2015
Our next RoboCafeé will be hosted by ESPS in Almelo. The central theme
will be flexible manufacturing robotics. With their newly opened 'Robotics
Experience Center', ESPS have a wonderfull exposition to demonstrate
the possibilities of robotics for SMEs..
University of Twente hosts 2nd year review for EASEL
The FP7 EASEL project investigates educational child-robot interactions in
inquiry learning. Last month internationally renowned roboticists subjected
the project to its 2nd year review. This event, hosted by UTwente, was
characterised by a fully integrated technical demo showcasing the
scientific and technical contributions to the field. More information can be
found here and here.
Saxion research Group Mechatronics opens new
research lab
Since September 2011 there is a Mechatronics course at Saxion
University of Applied Sciences in Enschede, The Netherlands. In
November 2012 a research group Mechatronics linked to that course has
started. Last month this opened its own research lab. It is located in the
new ‘city campus’ building Edith Stein.
LEO Robotics - RoboCafé, asparagus, labs and other developments in robotics
Innovative organizations connect to each other at NEW Industries – 8-10
December 2015
Developments in mechatronics and automatization are only possible by choosing the appropriate
technology, architecture, and topology for machines, applications or modules. This is exactly the topic of
‘NEW Industries’! Innovative organizations connect to each other and lay the groundwork for the industry
of the future. One of the partners for the trade fair 'NEW Industries' is ESPS from Almelo. Read more
Commercial feasibility study on a pipe crawler for small
diameter pipes
After years of research at the RaM group of the University of Twente the
project is entering a new phase. With the aim of starting a spin­off, a
proposal for STW phase 1 is submitted to finance a commercial feasibility
study. Great interest was received at the SPRINT Robotics seminar and
euRobotics workshop were a poster presentation was given.
Other news on robotics around the world
­ Facebook Invests In Artificial Intelligence Research Program
­ Robot ROSE finds new investor (Dutch article)
­ How to fall gracefully, if you're a robot
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