United StateS Marine CorpS Civilian Marine profeSSional reading


United StateS Marine CorpS Civilian Marine profeSSional reading
U n ited States Mar ine Corps
C i v i l i a n M a r i n e P r o f e ss i o n a l
Reading Progr am
Acculturation Reading List
Titles selected to broaden horizons on the history, ethos and traditions of the Marine Corps, the nature and
values of the American military and key political, social and geopolitical issues facing the United States,
and the forces and civilians that serve it.
Organizational Culture and Leadership.....................Edgar H. Schein
Longitudes and Attitudes..........................................Thomas Friedman
International Dimensions of
Organizational Behavior................................................ Nancy J. Alder
My Mexican American Journey........................................ Nava Julian
China and the New World Order: How Entrepreneurship,
Globalization, and Borderless Business are Reshaping
China and the World.................................................. George Zhibin Gu
Competitive Frontiers: Women Managers
In a Global Economy.......................................................Nancy J. Alder
The World is Flat........................................................Thomas Friedman
The Arab Mind.................................................................. Raphael Patai
The Bridges at Dong Ha.......................................................John Miller
The Coming Anarchy................................................... Robert D Kaplan
With the Old Breed at Pelelieu and Okinawa................... E.B. Sledge
The Crisis of Islam.......................................................... Bernard Lewis
Breakout: The Chosin Reservoir
Campaign Korea 1950.......................................................... Martin Russ
The Truth About Muhammad: The Founder of
the World’s Most Intolerant Religion..........................Robert Spencer
Utmost Savagery.......................................................Joseph Alexander
From Beirut to Jerusalem.........................................Thomas Friedman
Keeping the Faith......................... John Schaeffer & Frank Schaeffer
The Gift of Valor......................................................Michael M. Phillips
First to Fight................................................................... Victor H. Krulak
A Message to Garcia.....................................................Hubbard Elbert
Flags of Our Fathers.......................................................James Bradley
Don’t Bunch Up...................................................... William Van Zanten
Company Commander......................................Charles B. MacDonald
Inventing Grand Strategy and
Teaching Command..........................................................Jon T. Sumida
Imperial Grunts............................................................ Robert D. Kaplan
The Armed Forces Officer............................................. S.L.A Marshall
Flyboys: A True Story of Courage Heroes...................James Bradley
Acts of War: The Behavior of Men in Battle............Richard Holmes
The American Way of War......................................... Russell Weigley
Code of the Warrior: Exploring Warrior Values
Past and Present.......................................................... Shannon French
The Just War.................................................................... Peter S Temes
Russia’s Capitalist Revolution: Why Market
Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed................ Anders Aslund
Most titles available now at MCA
Book and ONLINE Stores and the
remainder available shortly!
Marine Corps