What`s on - Greenways Primary School


What`s on - Greenways Primary School
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
What's on ...
Monday 18th July
Y6 Production 1.30pm
Tuesday 19th July
Class parties—pm
Tuesday 19th July
Y6 Production 6.30pm
Thursday 21st July
Y6 Leaver’s Party
Friday 22nd July
2pm Y6 Leaver’s Service
Friday 22nd July
School closes for the summer holidays
Tuesday 6th September
School Opens for Autumn Ter
**Please see 2016/2017 Academic Calendar at the back of the newsletter **
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Dear parents and carers,
Again it is the end of the week and it has definitely passed quickly this week.. Again, lots to tell you
about so, I will just get on with telling you what all the children have been up to.
On Monday, Year 6 children all went off to Endon High (unless they are attending another High School)
and they got to experience two days of high school life. The children came back ‘buzzing’ from the experience
with far less anxiety about their upcoming move to their new school in September now. Children who are off to
Excel, then got to go on Thursday for the day, again to have a taste of high school life. Again they came back
feeling happier about their move.
To coincide with the Endon visits, we had our Transition Days in school too on Monday and Tuesday.
These were lovely days in school, where the children got the opportunity to really get to know their new class
teacher and show them what they are capable of. The children all studied the same book for the two days
across the school called ‘The Midnight Man’ by Berlie Doherty. The children really enjoyed this text,
completing some great writing based on it for their new teacher. I hope your child enjoyed their first two days
in their new class and came home feeling ready for September.
On Monday night, it was the Singing Stars Summer Concert at the Mitchel Memorial Hall in Hanley,
organised by Mr Hall and Mr Bromfield. For those of you that attended, I think you will agree that it was a
fabulous evening full of the rich music talents that are here in the city. Not only did the Singing Stars
perform, but so did ‘Rizzy’ (Remy and Izzy from Class 4), Lottie and Eve (from Class 6), Sol and the Olly Nolly
Bros (Oliver and Harvey from Class 6), Green4eva (our Rock Band) and our Djembe drummers and Ukulele
players too. Greenways children took the lions share of the stage and programme, which made us all very proud.
It was amazing to see all the talent we now have in school within the musical forum. I hope you have seen the
picture of all our performers on the app too. A huge congratulations to everyone that performed and a massive
thank you to all of you parents that supported the children by attending on the night.
On Wednesday afternoon, it was Reception Classes Showcase Assembly, which was incredible! The
children did so well talking all about their current mini-beast topic and sharing the learning and experiences
from this half term. It was great to see so many parents supporting the children by coming along and then Miss
Visser and Mrs Downes organised for the parents to come along and see the children’s profiles, after the
assembly. It was a very special afternoon for both the pupils and parents and it showed how confident and
grown up the children have become. A huge congratulations to all the children and they definitely all deserve to
be Star of the week this week.
This afternoon, Class 6 and KS2 have had their final dress rehearsal for their upcoming production of
‘Olivia’. The rehearsal has gone really well and the children are now very excited about performing it to all the
parents, friends, family and carers next week. Please be reminded that this is a ‘ticket only’ event.
Looking ahead to next week, as mentioned above, we have the performances of Olivia. Tickets have
been available for a while now. We still have some tickets for Monday afternoon’s performance at 1.30pm and
these will be available on a first come first serve basis. Unfortunately all seats have now gone for Tuesday
evening. Also, we are having an ‘Olympic’ theme next week in school all week. On Wednesday, it is our ‘Olympic
Day’ in school, where the kitchen are offering an Olympic menu (see attached flyer) and we will be asking the
pupils to come in sports clothes (more details to follow). Also on Tuesday afternoon, we have class parties
across the school, from Nursery to Y5 (see separate letter). On Thursday evening our Year 6’s have their
Leaver’s Party too. Finally, on Friday afternoon, it will be our Leaver’s Service, where we will celebrate the
wonderful years the Year 6 pupils have had at Greenways.
I hope to see you all at one or more of the events that are on next week, before we break up for the
summer . Let’s hope the sun comes out this weekend too!
Kind regards
Miss Brackstone
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Star of the week awards
Esme Muspasi
Whole Class
Year 1
Connor Tunstall
Year 2
Rex Spiller
Year 3
Isaac Harrison
Year 4
Paris Mountford
Year 5
Amber Fox
Year 6
Sophie Cliff
Attendance awards
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
96.56% - Class Award—Well done!
Whole School
Thinking outside of the box
A pirate had to bury his treasure on a desert island.
Draw a map to show where it is hidden.
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
City Catering Information
Booking System For School Meals
The new booking system for meals has seen some initial teething problems,
however things are resolving themselves, so we thank you for your patience with
this. Please could you ensure you book your child’s food choice before Midnight, the
evening before. Only a few parents are now not booking in advance. We encourage
you to book to ensure that your child gets the meal that they would enjoy the most.
If your child is off ill or is attending a school trip you will need to cancel their
booking or contact the office to do so. If you are having issues, please contact the
School Office for us to resolve them for you.
Many thanks
Please could all parents take care whilst driving and parking in the surrounding area of the school.
Please be respectful of the local residents and do not block drive ways. We understand that
there is limited parking for parents and we are doing our best to find a solution. Remember children
are encouraged through our walk to school campaign and badges are given for those that walk on a
regular basis, even if the children walk from a parked vehicle 10 minutes away from the school.
Beware ‘the CCTV Camera car has been working around the school and will issue fines. We also have
regular visits from Traffic Enforcement Officers too.
For the safety of the pupils, we are naming vehicles that we spot parking illegally or dropping
off in inappropriate places.
This week we have been made aware of two vehicles that have been parked blocking the
pavement for pedestrians;
If you see some poor parking behaviour, email or contact the office and we will include it on the next
newsletter—many thanks to all of you that have written in so far.
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
As an educational establishment, we have a duty of care to
protect children and young people in the city.
The landscape of Safeguarding is forever changing, and as such,
we are always evolving in the way we can protect the children in our
care. This means that we will continue to ensure that our staff are
fully trained and ready to spot any signs of neglect or abuse.
As an organisation within the city, we have to audit our
provision and safeguarding arrangements and produce an Action Plan,
based on the initiatives and priorities that the City Council has
identified. For this reason, you will now see a Safeguarding News
Page, each week on the newsletter as well as getting updates on any
safeguarding work we do with the children to ensure they keep
themselves safe (for example E Safety)
Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Board
Please see the Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Children Board
website for further information, advice and priorities for the city.
On this website you can also get details of who to contact, if you
think a child or young person is at risk.
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Our safeguarding lead staff have had Level 2 Safeguarding
Training, which is a three day course covering the 4 areas of abuse,
preparing for a child protection conference and formulating and
implementing child protection plans. All of our other staff are
trained to Level 1.
Over the last term all of the staff have received Prevent
Training, this training has given professional’s the skills to identify
individuals that show signs of vulnerability and to help and support
individuals not to become radicalised by persons or groups supporting
violent extremism or acts of terrorism.
Last term, our teaching staff have received training on Female
Genital Mutilation (FGM). This is another priority for the city. The
rest of our staff will be receiving training on this as part of our ongoing Safeguarding work.
Last term, Miss Brackstone attended training on Domestic
Violence and the effect this has on children. Also she has recently
attended Parental Mental Health and Parental Substance Misuse
training. These all form part of the toxic trio, which is a Stoke on
Trent priority for this academic year. Also, last term she was
trained on the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation. All this
information has now been cascaded to all the teaching staff in
Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Board
Please see the Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Children Board website
for further information, advice and priorities for the city. The key
priorities for Stoke on Trent 2015-2016 are Child Sexual Abuse and
Neglect including the Toxic Trio.
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Governors Information Page
are aware, we have advertised and appointed two Parent Governors
recently. These two people are your voice on the Governing body and
are there to represent the ideas and views of you as parents.
Your first Governor is Helen Meigh, who is the parent of Ben Meigh
in Nursery Class. Helen works for the Local Authority in the Finance
Department. Helen is not often on the playground, but she is very
happy to share your ideas and suggestions and will reply to any emails
or letters that she receives. If you wish to contact her, please email
the school at greenways@sgfl.org.uk and we will happily pass your
email onto her. Alternatively, you can send a letter into school and
we will ensure she gets it.
Your second Governor is Peter Bostock. He has two boys in the
school, Toby in Class 2 and Charlie in Class 6. Peter has his own
business and as a result, he is often on the school playground and will
happily chat to you as parents on a one to one basis and bring any of
your thoughts and suggestions to the Governing body. Alternatively,
you can email him through the school email address or send him a
Many thanks
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Academy Information
As you are aware, we were hoping to convert on the 1st May,
however legal issues are slowing the process so, academy conversion
will now be later in the Summer term. It is possible we will convert in
September, however this could change again.
From your votes and ideas the academy now has this moto:
The Learning Village Academy Trust :
Inspiring minds of the future.
This is the logo for
the Trust – the stripes
represent a “V” for
village, a symbol for
working together and we have chosen primary colours for a primary
As you should also have seen from the letter sent recently, it
has been agreed by the DFE that Greenways is a suitable school to
sponsor and support another academy. This is fantastic news for us
as a school and for The Learning Village Academy Trust. It is also
fantastic news that the first school that ‘The Trust’ will sponsor is as
you know, Milton Primary, which we have very strong links with.
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Academy Information
As the date for conversion approaches, we would like your views
as stakeholders as to whether we change the name of the school,
uniform or logo. This week your child hould have bought home the
following form. Please could you complete it with your views and
retun to us asap.
Once we have compiled the results we will inform you of the
views of parents as a collective.
School name please tick your preference.
Greenways Primary
Greenways Primary School
Greenways Primary Academy
School logo please tick your preference
No Change
School uniform
No Change
What changes would you like to see:
Keep checking the
newsletter for further
Aim high and be a Star”
Greenways Primary School Newsletter
15th July 2016
Aim high and be a Star”