Agenda reports pack PDF 5 MB
Agenda reports pack PDF 5 MB
Public Document Pack SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL SCOTTISH BORDERS LICENSING BOARD Council Offices Newton St Boswells Melrose 12 February 2016 To: The Members of the Licensing Board A hearing of Scottish Borders Licensing Board will be held in Committee Rooms 2 and 3, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells on Friday, 19 February, 2016 at 10.00 am. The Business is as undernoted. Clerk to the Licensing Board BUSINESS 1. Apologies for Absence. 2. Order of Business. 3. Declarations of Interest. 4. Minute. (Pages 1 - 6) Minute of Meeting of 22 January 2016 for approval. (Copy attached.) 5. Licences Dealt with under Delegates Powers (Pages 7 - 12) (Copy attached.) 6. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 (Pages 13 - 26) Section 20: Application for Premises Licence. Consider the following application for Grant/Provisional Grant of Premises Licence (applicant cited to attend.) (Copies attached.) Adam Purves Galashiels Ltd Shop Premises 44 Tweed Road Galashiels Provisional Grant Operating Plan includes provision of off sale facility Representations received: Police Scotland – none Licensing Standards Officer – none Health – none Other – representation in support received from Alistair Lings 7. Any other items which the Convener decides are urgent. 8. Date of Next Meeting. 9. Items Likely to be taken in Private Before proceeding with the private business, the following motion should be approved: “That under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the aforementioned Act.” 10. Minute (Pages 27 - 28) Private Section of Minute of Meeting held on 22 January 2016 for approval. (Copy attached.) Membership of Licensing Board: Councillors W. Archibald (Convener), J. Campbell, J. Greenwell, B. Herd, G. Logan, D. Paterson, R. Stewart, J. Torrance, T. Weatherston, B. White. Please direct any enquiries to Kathleen Mason Tel: 01835 826772 Email: Agenda Item 4 MINUTE of MEETING of the SCOTTISH BORDERS LICENSING BOARD held in Committee Rooms 2/3, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells on Friday, 22 January 2016 at 10.00 a.m. _________ Present:Apology:In Attendance:- Councillors W. Archibald (Convener), J. Campbell, J. Greenwell, B. Herd, G. Logan, D. Paterson, T. Weatherston, B. White. Councillors J. Torrance, R. Stewart. Mr R. Kirk, Solicitor, J. Wilson, Licensing Team Leader, Mr I. Tunnah, Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer, Mr M. Wynne, Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer, K. Mason, Democratic Services Officer, Inspector M. Bennett, PC Robertson - Police Scotland. 1. ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chairman varied the order of business as shown on the agenda and the Minute reflects the order in which the items were considered at the meeting. 2. ALCOHOL PROFILE 2014/2015 There had been circulated copies of the Alcohol Profile 2014/15, the aim of which was to support the Licensing Board by providing evidence to support decision making and inform development of future Licensing Policy Statement. Mrs Susan Walker ADP Development Officer, Alcohol & Drugs Partnership reminded Members that the draft Alcohol Profile 2014/2015 had been discussed at the joint meeting of the Licensing Forum and the Licensing Board held on 1 December 2015 Members at that meeting had requested a number of amendments and the Alcohol Profile 2014/2015 reflected this. Mrs Walker answered Members’ questions in relation to the Alcohol Profile and in particular the information contained therein relating to those areas highlighted as overprovision. Mrs Walker was thanked for all her work in compiling the Alcohol Profile. DECISION NOTED. 3. MINUTE The Minute of Meeting of 18 December 2015 had been circulated. DECISION APPROVED and signed by the Convener. 4. LICENCES DEALT WITH UNDER DELEGATED POWERS For Members’ information there had been circulated copies of a list of licences dealt with under delegated powers for the period 9 December 2015 – to 13 January 2016. DECISION NOTED. 5. LICENSING (SCOTLAND) ACT 2005: (a) Section 20: Application for Premises Licence. The Board considered the following application for Provisional Grant of Licence:- Page 1 (i) Duns Rugby Football Club Duns Rugby Football Clubrooms Castle Park Langtongate Duns Provisional Grant Operating Plan includes provision of on and off sale facility. No representations had been received. Mr Richardson, Duns Rugby Football Club was present and advised that the Club were looking to reinstate the licence which they had for their old premises to their new premises. DECISION APPROVED. (b) Section 29: Application for Variation of Premises Licence. The Board considered the following application for Variation of Premises Licence:(i) Nachos Fiesta 95 High Street Galashiels TD1 1RZ Amendments to operating plan: Change to existing on and off sale core hours on Sunday Current Proposed On Sale 12noon – 12midnight On Sale 11.00am – 12midnight Off Sale 12noon – 10.00pm Off Sale 11.00am – 10.00pm Change the terms of the seasonal variation to include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Amend the listed activities to include conference facilities, restaurant facilities and films to be provided both during and outwith core licensed hours Extend existing listed activities namely, bar meals, club or other group meetings, live performance and indoor/outdoor sport to be provided outwith core licensed hours Amend the explanation of activities to be provided outwith core licensed hours Amend the supporting statement in relation to additional activities Amend the terms, times and parts of the premises permitted within the existing children and young persons statement There had been circulated copies of notices of Objection/Representation from:(a) Keith J. Elliot (Landlord) advising that as the joint owner of the garden attached to their property at High Street, Galashiels, he would strongly object to the premises being granted permissions to allow “outdoor” entertainment, due to the potential of being subjected to amplified music blaring out at the back, outdoor big screens, outdoor pool tables, live bands, drunken shouting, swearing etc., the risk of unwanted intrusion, litter, cigarette smoke, loud conversations on mobiles etc., maybe even people urinating or vomiting within earshot if the worse for wear. This would almost definitely limit their use of the garden jointly owned by Mr Elliot. The current tenants used the garden regularly for a safe area to Page 2 play with their children and enjoyed the area as a peaceful, safe place to relax during nice weather. Mr Elliot objected totally to an area (literally through the fence) being granted permission to allow any form of outdoor use. His tenants had already stated that if this was granted, they would give up their tenancy and move; (b) Jeanna Hutcheson and Campbell Hutcheson advising there was a misrepresentation regarding the list of named “existing” activities. At no point in the history of these premises, whilst trading with a licence, had there been outdoor activity of any kind: no live performance; no live sport, no terrace or beer garden, no consumption of alcohol, and no designated smoking area. Reference was made to the problems experienced by Mr and Mrs Hutcheson because of the proximity of Reivers Bar, Hunters Hall (J D Wetherspoons), and Buddies (formerly Nachos Fiesta) which were currently confined to the front and side of their property. One of the few things that kept them sane in this, otherwise convenient, town–centre location was the oasis of green and calm space they enjoyed to the rear, valued most highly for the tranquility it offered them on a daily basis; and (c) Richard Kenney on behalf of Galashiels Community Council advising they had no adverse comments to make regarding the application and were supportive of efforts to get another business established in the town. Cindy Davie, Designated Premises Manager was present accompanied by Mr Michael Stewart, Solicitor. Mr Stewart advised that the family run business was American food style based. He confirmed there would be no outdoor activities of any kind. Mr Tunnah advised that the premises which had been closed for some time had been taken over by Miss Davie, and as the previous operating plan was no longer fit for purpose an amended operating plan had been lodged with the Board. He drew the Board’s attention to the existing licensing condition that no alcohol be permitted in the outside area to the rear of the premises and confirmed that there was no application to change that condition. Mrs Hutcheson was present and she advised that she had been led to understand that the application was seeking permission for outdoor activities. On hearing that the premises would be operated along the same lines as previously she was content. Members asked questions relating to the location of premises. DECISION GRANTED. (c) Section 36: Application for Review of Premises Licence. The Board considered applications received from Scottish Borders Council’s Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer for review of Premises Licence in respect of the following premises:(i) Pasquale di Fiore Fiore Unit 7, 2 Douglas Bridge Galashiels There had been circulated copies of a report by the Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer requesting a review of the premises known as Fiores, Unit 7, Douglas Bridge, Galashiels. The report detailed that the annual licensing fee for the premises, £280, fell due on 1 October 2015. As a result of failure to pay the fee a reminder letter was issued to the licence holder, Pasquale di Fiore in Page 3 September 2015. The premises licence was previously suspended by the Board on 21 November 2014 as a result of the annual fee, which was due for payment on 1 October 2014 remaining unpaid. The total annual fees outstanding for 2014 and 2015 amounted to £560. Members were advised that the licence had been surrendered. DECISION NOTED that the licence had been surrendered. (ii) Malgorrata Dabska The Polish Shop 101 High Street Galashiels There had been circulated copies of a report by the Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer requesting a review of the premises known as The Polish Shop, High Street, Galashiels. The report detailed that the annual licensing fee for the premises, £220, fell due on 1 October 2015. As a result of failure to pay the fee a reminder letter was issued to the licence holder, Malgorrata Dabska on 5 November 2015. The licensee arranged to pay the annual fee by quarterly instalments, the first instalment, £55 was paid at that time, the second instalment payment of £55 was due for payment on 1 January 2016 but to date remained outstanding. The Solicitor provided an update that Malgorrata Dabska had now made payment of the outstanding amount and had been advised she was required to attend the meeting. In her absence, he suggested it would be appropriate to issue a written warning. DECISION AGREED to issue a written warning to the licence holder, Malgorrata Dabska for late payment of the annual licence fee. (iii) Andria Gardner George & Abbotsford Hotel High Street Melrose There had been circulated copies of a report by the Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer requesting a review of the premises known as The George and Abbotsford Hotel, High Street, Melrose. The report detailed that the annual licensing fee for the premises, £500, fell due on 1 October 2015. As a result of failure to pay the fee a reminder letter was issued to the licence holder, Andria Gardner on 4 November 2015. The licensee arranged to pay the annual fee by quarterly instalments, the first instalment, £125 was paid at that time, the second instalment payment of £125 was due for payment on 1 January 2016 but to date remained outstanding. The Solicitor advised that the fee remained unpaid. DECISION AGREED that the Premises Licence for the George & Abbotsford Hotel, High Street, Melrose be suspended with effect from 29 January 2016, pending payment of outstanding fees. Page 4 (iv) Martin Keegan Greenlaw Store West High Street Greenlaw There had been circulated copies of a report by the Licensing Standards and Enforcement Officer requesting a review of the premises known as Greenlaw Store, West High Street, Greenlaw. The report detailed that the annual licensing fee for the premises, £220, fell due on 1 October 2015. As a result of failure to pay the fee a reminder letter was issued to the licence holder, Martin Keegan on 4 November 2015. The licensee arranged to pay the annual fee by quarterly instalments, the first instalment, £55 was paid at that time, the second instalment payment of £55 was due for payment on 1 January 2016 but to date remained outstanding. The Solicitor provided an update that payment of the outstanding amount had now been made. He advised that a letter explaining the circumstances in relation to non payment and providing an undertaking to ensure future instalments were paid on time had been submitted on behalf of the licence holder. DECISON AGREED to issue a written warning to the licence holder, Martin Keegan for late payment of the annual licence fee. 6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be held on 19 February 2016. DECISION NOTED. 7. PRIVATE BUSINESS DECISION AGREED under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the business detailed in the Appendix to this Minute on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part I of Schedule 7A to the Act. SUMMARY OF PRIVATE BUSINESS 8. LICENSING (SCOTLAND) ACT 2005 Section 84A: The Board considered a review of Mr Alan Turnbull’s Personal Licence received from Police Scotland. DECISION AGREED to continue the matter for consideration at a future meeting. Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank SCOTTISH BORDERS LICENSING BOARD LICENCES ISSUED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS 14 January 2016 - 10 February 2016 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Broughton Ales Limited, Broughton Iceland Foods Limited 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Iceland Foods Ltd, Galashiels Derek Purvis 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Golden Lion, Galashiels Marks & Spencer Simply Foods Ltd 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Marks & Spencer, Galashiels The Abbotsford Trust 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Abbotsford Visitors Centre, Melrose Bridge Leisure Management North Ltd 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Hayloft Bar & Restaurant, Peebles Co-operative Group Food Limited 31 Substitution of Designated Premises Manager Co-Op, Old Town, Peebles Hawthorn Leisure Limited 33 Transfer of Premises Licence Nachos Fiesta, Galashiels Craig Reid 33 Transfer of Premises Licence Golden Lion, Galashiels Naureen Ashiq 29 Minor Variation to Premises Licence - Change of Name Keystore, Lauder Co-operative Group Food Limited 29 Minor Variation to Premises Licence - Reduction in Capacity Co-op, Newtown St Boswells Page 7 Broughton Ales Limited Automatic Entitlement to Gaming Machine Nachos Fiesta, Galashiels Emma Thoms Personal Licence - Grant n/a John Paterson Personal Licence - Grant n/a Sarah Dalrymple Personal Licence - Grant n/a Andrew Erwee Personal Licence - Grant n/a Agenda Item 5 Hawthorn Leisure Limited 1 Jacqueline Love Personal Licence - Grant n/a Melvin Gess Personal Licence - Grant n/a John Anderson Personal Licence - Refresher n/a Vol Carlops Village Centre Vol Denholm Folk Festival Vol Berwickshire Hunt Ball Committee Vol Ex Braw Lads & Lasses Association Vol Galashiels Amateur Operatic Society Vol Gavinton Village Hall Association Vol Hawick Amateur Operatic Society Vol Hawick Rotary Club Vol Hermitage Hall Voluntary Organisation Vol Save the Children Vol Burgh Primary School Vol Kelso Amateur Operatic Society Vol Jedforest Hunt Supporters Vol Duke of Buccleuch's Point to Point Vol The Cheviot Sheep Society Vol Lauder Amateur Dramatic Society Vol Page 8 St Marys Hall, Cappercleuch Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Friday 18 March 2016 7.00pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Burns Supper Saturday 23 January 2016 7.30pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Burns Supper Saturday 13 February 2016 7.00pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Ceilidh Saturday 6 February 2016 10.30pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Race Night & Disco Saturday 5 March 2016 7.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Annual Production Monday 7 to Saturday 12 March 2016 7pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Burns Supper Saturday 30 January 2016 6.30pm - 11.30pm Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Saturday 30 January 2016 7.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Quiz Evening Friday 12 February 2016 6.30pm - 10.30pm Occasional Licence for Ceilidh Saturday 6 February 2016 7.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Burns Supper & Family Ceilidh Saturday 30 January 2016 7.00pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Friday 19 February 2016 7.00pm - 10.00pm Occasional Licence for Annual Production Tuesday 22 to Saturday 26 March 2016 7pm - 11.00pm (Tues to Fri) and 6.00pm - 11.00pm (Saturday) Occasional Licence for Point to Point Sunday 31 January 2016 11.00am - 6.00pm Occasional Licence for Point to Point Saturday 12 March 2016 11.30am - 5.45pm Occasional Licence for Annual Stockjudging Event Sunday 5 June 2016 6.00pm - 10.00pm Occasional Licence for Amateur Production Wednesday 23 to Saturday 26 March 2016 7.00pm - 10.30pm St Mary's Hall, Cappercleuch Carlops Village Centre, Carlops Village Hall, Denholm Manderston House, Duns Galashiels Academy, Galashiels Volunteer Hall, Galashiels Village Hall, Gavinton Town Hall, Hawick Catholic Church Halls, Hawick Hermitage Hall, Hawick Macfie Hall, Heriot Burgh Primary School, Galashiels Tait Hall, Kelso Friars Haugh, Kelso Friars Haugh, Kelso Mainside Farm, Kelso Public Hall, Lauder 2 Ben Motor & Allied Trade Benevolent Fund Vol Newcastleton School Partnership Vol Roxburgh Village Committee Vol Selkirk Amateur Operatic Society Vol Mary's Annual Charity Party Vol Stichill Village Hall Vol Sound Out Morebattle & Yetholm Playgroup Association Vol Tweedbank Fair Committee Vol Vol Page 9 Wilson Wellbeing Fund Vol Whipman Play Society Vol Yarrowford Public Hall Vol Yarrowford Public Hall Vol Yarrowford Public Hall Vol Alex Fotheringham PLH Jim Leifer PLH Susan Upton PLH Susan Upton PLH Michael Burns PLH Occasional Licence for Charity Dance Friday 4 March 2016 7.30pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Fundraising Pamper Night Friday 19 February 2016 6.30pm - 10.00pm Occasional Licence for Burns Supper & Beetle Drive Saturday 23 January 2016 6.00pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Annual Stage Production Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 March 2016 6.00pm - 10.30 (Tues to Fri) and 1.30pm - 11.00pm (Saturday) Occasional Licence for Annual Party Saturday 20 February 2016 6.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Friday 4 March 2016 6.30pm - 11.30pm Occasional Licence for Live Music and Spoken Word Event Saturday 30 January 2016 7.30pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Race Night Saturday 6 February 2016 6.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Family Disco Saturday 6 February 2016 7.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Pamper Evening Friday 11 March 2016 7.00pm - 9.30pm Occasional Licence for Burns Supper Saturday 23 January 20167.00pm - 12.30am Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Saturday 20 February 2016 7.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Play with Music Sunday 13 March 2016 5.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Film Evening Friday 6 May 2016 6.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Ceilidh Saturday 30 January 2016 7.00pm - 12.30am Occasional Licence for Football Match Hospitality Saturday 30 January 2016 12.30pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Dinner Friday 4 March 2016 7.00pm - 11.30pm Occasional Licence for Dinner Saturday 5 March 2016 7.00pm - 11.30pm Occasional Licence for Rugby Match Hospitality Friday 29 January 2016 6.00pm - 12.00midnight Saturday 30 January 2016 12.00noon - 12.00midnight Village Hall, Leitholm Primary School, Newcastleton Village Hall, Roxburgh Victoria Halls, Selkirk Village Hall, Stichill Village Hall, Stichill Town Hall, Stow Yetholm Youth Hall, Town Yetholm Community Centre, Tweedbank Village Hall, Westruther Graham Institute, West Linton Yarrowford Public Hall, Yarrow Yarrowford Public Hall, Yarrow Yarrowford Public Hall, Yarrow Village Hall, Caddonfoot Jim Paterson Pavilion, Coldstream Wedderburn Castle, Duns Wedderburn Castle, Duns Duns Rugby Football Club, Duns 3 Michael Burns PLH Michael Burns PLH Neil Poole PLH Neil Poole PLH Neil Poole PLH Neil Poole PLH Laurence Reid PLH Laurence Reid PLH John McDevitt PLH Robert Hope Page 10 PLH John Currie PLH Mark Hay PLH Philip Hedley PLH Eric Paterson PLH Sarah Laing PLH Andrew Brunton PLH David Buglass David Buglass David Buglass Robin Lees Occasional Licence for Rugby Match Hospitality Saturday 6 February 2016 12.00noon - 12.00midnight Sunday 7 February 2016 12.00noon - 8.00pm Occasional Licence for Rugby Match Hospitality & Birthday Party Saturday 13 February 2016 12.00noon - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Live-By-Satellite Arts Event Saturday 30 January 2016 4.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Live-By-Satellite Arts Event Saturday 5 March 2016 4.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Live-By-Satellite Arts Event Saturday 2 April 2016 4.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Live-By-Satellite Arts Event Saturday 16 April 2016 4.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Theatre Performance Friday 22 January 2016 7.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Film Screening Tuesday 9 February 2016 6.30pm - 11.30pm Occasional Licence for Live Band Night Saturday 27 February 2016 6.00pm - 12.00am Occasional Licence for Young Farmers Ball Friday 12 February 2016 7.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Community Burns Supper Saturday 13 February 2016 7.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Long Service Awards Presentation Friday 19 February 2016 12.00noon - 6.00pm Occasional Licence for Scottish Dance Band & Stovies Friday 4 March 2016 7.00pm - 12.30am Occasional Licence for Burns Supper Friday 29 January 2016 6.30pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Saturday 20 February 2016 6.30pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Saturday 23 January 2016 1.00pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Fundraising Bingo Night Prem Friday 19 February 2016 6.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Fundraising Bingo Night Prem Friday 18 March 2016 6.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Fundraising Bingo Night Prem Friday 15 April 2016 6.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Birthday Party Prem Saturday 30 January 2016 7.30pm - 1.00am Duns Rugby Football Club, Duns Duns Rugby Football Club, Duns Pavilion Cinema, Galashiels Pavilion Cinema, Galashiels Pavilion Cinema, Galashiels Pavilion Cinema, Galashiels MacArts Centre, Galashiels MacArts Centre, Galashiels Town Hall, Hawick Town Hall, Hawick Glen Douglas Community Hall, Jedburgh Border Union Showground, Kelso VK Rock, Newcastleton Victoria Halls, Selkirk Village Hall, Teviothead Village Hall, Traquair Bowling Club, Chirnside Bowling Club, Chirnside Bowling Club, Chirnside Community Centre, Coldstream 4 Elizabeth Jent Occasional Licence for Social Evening with Live Music Prem Friday 11 March 2016 6.30pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Gala Burns Club Supper Prem Saturday 30 January 2016 5.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Farmers Market Stall (Off Sales) Prem Friday 29 & Saturday 30 January 2016 10.00am - 6.00pm Occasional Licence for Funeral Tea Prem Friday 5 February 2016 2.00pm - 7.00pm Occasional Licence for Orange Lodge Party/Social Day Prem Saturday 27 February 2016 3.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Social Event & Disco Prem Thursday 28 January 2016 7.00pm - 12.00midnight Occasional Licence for Burns Lunch Prem Monday 8 February 2016 11.00am - 5.00pm Occasional Licence for Mosstroopers Burns Supper Prem Saturday 23 January 2016 7.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Birthday Party Prem Sunday 24 January 2016 1.00pm - 8.00pm Occasional Licence for Charity Quiz Prem Friday 29 January 2016 6.00pm - 11.00pm Occasional Licence for Farmers Market Stall (Off Sales) Prem Saturday 23 January 2016 10.00am - 2.00pm Occasional Licence for Charity Ride Presentation Event Prem Saturday 5 March 2016 7.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Birthday Party Prem Saturday 6 February 2016 6.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Birthday Party Prem Saturday 12 March 2016 6.00pm - 1.00am Occasional Licence for Birthday Party Prem Friday 12 February 2016 7.00pm - 12.00midnight Elizabeth Hodnett Ext Elizabeth Hodnett Ext William Purvis Douglas Paterson Nicola Duffy James Hall Derek Ramage Kevin Ferguson Kevin Ferguson Caja Sharkey Caja Sharkey John Taylor Page 11 Nicola Duffy William Gordon Robert Wilson Robert Wilson Licence for Extended Hours for Wedding Reception Monday 20 June 2016 11.00pm - 12.00midnight Licence for Extended Hours for Wedding Reception Thursday 23 June 2016 11.00pm - 1.00am Masonic Lodge, Duns Volunteer Hall, Galashiels Gala Interchange, Galashiels Bowling Club, Greenlaw Hawick Angling Club, Hawick Lodge St James BURA No.424, Hawick Lodge St James BURA No.424, Hawick Town Hall, Hawick Catholic Church Halls, Hawick Bowling Club, Jedburgh The Square, Kelso Conservative Club, Selkirk Walkerburn RFC, Walkerburn Walkerburn RFC, Walkerburn Bowling Club, West Linton Dryburgh Abbey Hotel, St Boswells Dryburgh Abbey Hotel, St Boswells Notes: Transfers S33 - transfer by current licensee S34 - transfer by new licensee 5 Occasional Licences - Categories of Applicant PLH - Personal Licence Holder Prem - Premises Licence Holder Vol - Voluntary Organisation Page 12 6 Agenda Item 6 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 This page is intentionally left blank Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 This page is intentionally left blank Page 23 This page is intentionally left blank Page 25 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10 Document is Restricted Page 27 This page is intentionally left blank