the WILD GAME DINNER - Marlborough Hunt Club
the WILD GAME DINNER - Marlborough Hunt Club
Volume XLX #1 Marlborough Hunt Club “Tally-Ho” January 2011 Bringing in the New Year with a Bang! by Leslie Long I feel like every article starts the same way – what a great time we have at all of the social events but it is true and the shoot on January 1st was no exception. Approximately 35 people came out and seemed to focus more on eating than anything else. Billy Bunting was busy frying oysters while Rick Long would shuck raw ones. There were several people that only came to eat oysters I’m afraid! That wasn’t all we had though – there were so many choices of pot luck food that it makes me hungry just thinking about it. The black-eyed peas were perfect as was the sauerkraut, meatballs, buffalo chicken dip, garlic bread, bread pudding, deviled eggs, various dips and desserts. I’m sure I have left things off, but I can assure you, we ate a lot. After we ate (as you can see, we were more concerned with food than anything else), there was quite a bit of shooting too. We had some first timers that did a great job and even some veterans learned that some guns have 2 triggers (I won’t mention any names because I don’t want to embarrass him – feel free to call me though and I’ll be sure to give him up). The day wasn’t all fun and games though – special thanks to Matt Dyer and Bill Galleher for cutting up some of the old fence boards so they could be burned, Freddie and Rick for providing the burn barrel, Gil Hill for helping put away tables and Matt and Freddie for cutting up the remaining wood the next day so it can be burned at our next function. Thanks also to everyone that helped pick up the trash following the event. Caroline and I wouldn’t be able to do it all without everyone’s help. Big thanks to our two instructors too – we wouldn’t be such good shots without the help of Freddie Sasscer and Billy Bunting. After the sun went down, we sat around the burn barrel and did our part to get rid of some of the debris. All in all, it was a successful day – not only fun but profitable as well. Back by popular demand . . . the WILD GAME DINNER … always an ELEGANT EVENT! Friday, March 18th, 2011 As always, the evening will feature a Silent Auction. Please search through your hidden treasurers for items to donate. It can be anything from . . . A to Z or Jewelry to “Junque”! More details to follow in the Next issue of “Tally-Ho” & via e-mail. In the meantime, if you find items to donate, contact: Judy Hopkins 301-627-6125 or JoEllyn Bunting 301-627-6536 1 PLEASE SUPPORT MFHA AND MAWC Once again we are asking you to please make your yearly donation to The Masters of Foxhounds Association and the Maryland Association for Wildlife conservation. Your contributions of $35 for MFHA and $25 for MAWC will help tremendously in the efforts to protect our field sports. If you have not already done so, please include your contribution of $60 total in your next dues payment. If you did not include the donation in your yearly payment, please consider sending it to Box 1250 or giving your check to one of the Masters. MAWC was formed in 1976 to promote and protect hunters’ rights, particularly in the legislative and regulatory arenas. MAWC seeks not only to educate the country sport community, but also to play a vital role in the formation of the laws and regulations that affect our sports. MAWC currently has a 20-member board of governors who meet approximately every six weeks, and over 1,000 members including foxchasing clubs, basseting clubs, coon hunters, and beaglers throughout Maryland. The board of directors encourages all members to become actively involved in issues that could impact our field sports. CLUBHOUSE RENTAL RATES Rental Rates for the Clubhouse and the Pavilion are as follows: Member rate for the clubhouse is $450, non member rate is $1000. The security deposit for the clubhouse, member or non member is $250. Member rate for the pavilion is $150 non member rate is $500. The security deposit for a member is $150, for a non member is $250. Please note: your date is not reserved until the security deposit and contract are returned. The security deposit will be deposited in addition to the rental fee. The appropriate reimbursement will be made after the event. Your date will not be reserved before the contract and deposit are received. The House Committee CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy to Sally Marshall and her family on the loss of her husband, Bud. They owned Seldom Seen farm adjacent to Mt. Airy and hosted many hunt meets before moving to West River 10 years ago. Bud was a very interesting host at these gatherings. He helped maintained our hunt country around Seldom Seen and Mt. Airy by mowing and clearing trails. Early in his life he was a Korean War hero who fought in the Battle of Pork Chop Hill. After retiring from the service, Bud worked as States Attorney for Prince George's County for over 20 years. He leaves us with found memories. Our sincerest condolences as well to Phil Hutchinson and family, who recently lost his mother. Mary Ann Hutchinson was in her nineties. PUPPIES NAMED Congratulations and many thanks to those who named our Onyx /Lavish puppies at our last auction. Here are the results: Riordan, - Claire Simpson-Jones Rafferty - Christy Clagett Rufus - Jo Ellyn Bunting Rachel - Bob Wythulis and Vickie O'Hara Rolex, - Isabel Kurek Rosie - Isabel Kurek They brought us over $1300.00 Argentina Dove Hunt Anyone interested in 5 days, 3 days of hunting in Feb. of 2012 call or e-mail David Kolb @ 410-8674077 or Went in 2009 with 10 hunters and shot 38,000 rounds and killed 26,000 birds in three days. Great Hunt! Let him 2 know ASAP if interested. Need to book. WELL UPDATE We have received very few donations from our members to offset the $5,500 expense for our much needed new well. If you have not done so all ready, please donate at least $50 towards this extraordinary expense. We will continue this appeal and in the next issue of Tally-Ho, we will have an update on our progress and a list of our generous donors. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Peddicord via my email address: Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Governors Of the Marlborough Hunt Club December 14th, 2010 Present: Greg Bush (Treasurer), Katherine Cawood, Christy Clagett, Leo Courtney, Caroline Galleher, Michael Peddicord (President), Eugene Roberts, Patty Sasscer, Sharon Schroer, Claire Simpson-Jones (Secretary), Maggie Sliker, Liz Yewell (Vice-President). Minutes: The minutes from the previous board meeting were approved as read. An offer has been made by one of our members to match a $500 donation. Would someone please take this challenge! Secretary’s Report: Marion Warren Kelly, proposed by Isabel Kurek and seconded by Kathy Farley, has been approved for hunting membership. LaMont Hall, proposed by Gil Hill and seconded by Brecht Buchheister, has been approved for nonhunting membership The membership now stands at 56 hunting, 62 non-hunting, 6 honorary, 13 absentee and no descendant members. We have 9 junior associate members. INDIAN CREEK SCHOOL Absent: None Treasurer’s Report: A Balance Sheet as of 11/30/09 and cash basis Income Statement for the eleven months ending 11/30/09 were presented to the board. Total revenue year to date of $183,180.70 consists primarily of member dues of $114,959.21, Roedown management fees of $31,831.38, social income of $18,566.27, member donations of $7,124.00, and clubhouse rentals of $6,100.00. Total expenses year to date of $187,093.81 resulted in a net loss year to date of $3,913.11. Our cash balance as of 11/30/09 was $22,275.44 which should be sufficient to fund operations until 2010 dues start coming in. The board reviewed past due accounts. We have not had to draw down on our line of credit. Presents the Musical Committee Reports: Social Committee: The Holiday wine tasting party is planned for December 17 th. A Shoot & (oysters) Shuck is planned for New Year’s Day. Five puppies will be auctioned at each function, names to begin with the letter “R”. Roedown: Alternative fundraisers were discussed since we will not be able to hold the races in 2011. Clubhouse Committee: After review of the bids, the board approved $5,380 for a new well and well pump. February 12, 3:00 PM February 13, 3:30 PM February 16 & 17, 7:00 PM 2011 Master’s Report: The Hunt Bowl is scheduled for November 21st. The landowner’s Christmas gift will again be a donation to The Rosaryville Conservancy in their name. Adults $8.00 Children $6.00 New Business: It was suggested that we have directions to all the hunt fixtures available to members who need that information. Based on the Works of Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be a dinner meeting on Tuesday, January 25th, at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Liz Yewell. Please inform the Secretary if you plan to be absent. Dr. Seuss Produced by Greg Bush Respectfully submitted, Claire Simpson-Jones, Secretary. For tickets call (410) 923-3660 3 and, in some places, icy ground conditions as we started from the Dove Hill fixture on January 23rd. Quickly, one fox was picked up on the far side of Carters hayfield and gave our very steady pack a good run. This fox was viewed more than once until he decided to escape the pack in Middleton's icy swamp. After the hunt, the Carter family entertained friends and warmed the frozen foxhunters with a wonderful buffet at their lovely home. Hunting Notes The snow, ice, rain, wind and ground conditions have greatly impacted our fixtures. Our Dodon hunt on December 22nd ended on a high note after what could have proved a disaster for one of our good hunting hounds, Ophelia. Jim was drawing along Stockett's Run, the same area where we previously found a good running fox in early November, as hounds hunted along the stream bed, a steel trap caught Ophelia. All hounds were quickly moved forward as whipper-in Greg Bush, assisted by Jeff Denny, freed her from the trap. With the help of Steuart Pittman, Jr., road whips Snowie Myers and Nancy Helmly came to the rescue and loaded Ophelia into the car. She was hurt, but would survive. Meanwhile, we chased the November fox who was full of run and again made a big loop thru the country. Later in the day, as we were heading toward the power line and Obligation farm, the hounds came upon a coyote feasting on a deer carcass buffet. Hounds were quickly called off and roaded home. The field and many of her friends wished Patti Hutchinson a happy birthday at her home after the meet. It was quite an eventful and memorable hunt. On January 2nd at our Junior Hunt, two of our juniors, Kara Levin and Eric Poretz, had the privilege of riding with staff. The sky was threatening rain when we found our first fox. He went in quickly, but the second fox, found in the “gray fox field”, provided a good run across the power line, past Mrs. Magruder's barn, thru the playground at the far end of the park, then along Charles branch. Our pilot headed toward Osborne Road. Dangerously close to traffic, the pack was stopped by Jason. Our good running fox was viewed numerous times by staff and field members as he made his trek across country. The hunt was well worth getting a little wet because by that time we got in the rain was steady. Sherry Portez and Val Levin hosted a very lavish and welcomed hot lunch under the Rosaryville pavilion, including chili and the Swedish drink, Glogg. On a cold Sunday, January 16th, our hounds hunted the Howard County Harwood fixture. Too cold for many of our members, MHC staff outnumbered MHC field. Hounds picked up a fox right out of the trailer and provided a great run until they went to the forest preserve, a restricted area, where they were called off. In addition to the cold, the wind picked up and the fox seemed to disappear into their dens. Our host hunt provided an outstanding breakfast at the Pleasant Prospect Lodge. It was another cold day with hard Memorable moments from the hunt with HCIB. Photos by Val Levin CANDIDATE Jackson Gamble has been proposed for Junior Associate membership by Steve Rabbitt and seconded by Diane Treiber. This candidate will be considered by the Board of Governors at the next meeting after thirty days. Any comments concerning the eligibility of a candidate should be sent before February 30, 2011 to the Secretary, Claire Simpson-Jones, 3300 Old Point Road, Edgewater, MD 21037 or directly to any member of the Board of Governors, and will be held in confidence. MHC DIRECTORY Your new directory is attached. Please print and/ or save it on your computer. Upon Request it is available in an excel file: 4 2011 MARYLAND HUNTER PACE SPRING SERIES Steeplechase 101 You know you want to do it! You know you’ve had a secret yen to – just once – know what it is like…to race, to fly those jumps, to let your horse out, the thundering herd, the final stretch run! But where do you start? How do you start? You know it would be crazy to try to start with the “real” timber races. So, you start with Steeplechasing 101, then you enter the NAPPA Field Master Chases, and then you set your sights on The Maryland Governor’s Cup Series Foxhunter Awards! Enjoy riding cross country and jumping, but not interested in eventing? Come try a hunter pace! You do not need not be a member of a hunt club in order to participate just get a friend or two and come have fun! Sunday, March 27 Host: Potomac Hunt Location: The Potomac Hunt Kennels, 21315 Peachtree Road, Dickerson MD 20842 Contact: Nelli Hanagan 301-367-3703 • Sunday, March 13 Pleasant Prospect Farm 4389 Jennings Chapel Road • Brookeville, MD 20833 S AN ICI N I L C Sunday, April 3 Host: Howard County-Iron Bridge Hounds Location:HCIB Kennels, 18821 Windsor Forest Rd., Mt. Airy MD 21771 Contact: Karen Reilly 301-980-8268 • Joseph Gillet Davies The most highly traveled amateur steeplchase jockey in US history, Joe spent years working his day job in California and flying home to Maryland on the weekends to ride, ultimately winning 104 races. Career highlights include three Maryland Hunt Cup wins (Florida Law, Swayo, and Make Me a Champ), three Manor Race wins and a Butler Grand National win on Welterweight. Joe retired from racing after the 2005 Hunt Cup but he still hunts avidly, trains and commutes. Rod Cameron First with Hornblower, then Long legged Paul, followed by Messommania and now Midnight Classic, Rod Cameron defines the “gentleman foxhunter” races, so much so that he earned the Maryland Governor’s Cup Series Foxhunter Awards 4 times. Sunday, April 17 Host: New Market-Middletown Valley Hounds Location: 1600 Marker Rd., Middletown, MD 21769 Contact: Jackie Hoffman 240-818-0208 • Patrick Worrall After his incredible career with Von Csadek in the late 80s/early 90s (which included two Virginia Gold Cups wins and one Hunt Cup victory), Patrick Worrall did what so many others do…he took a break. For 12 years he was off the circuit, traveling, launching a career, getting married, having kids. Finally, he began fitting in the horses around his work doing project financing and corporate turnarounds, returning to the sport in 2007, and eventually back to the winner’s circle with Bon Caddo. Sunday, April 10 Host: Marlborough Hunt Club Location: MHC Kennels, 5999 Green Landing Rd, Upper Marlboro MD 20772 Contact: Iris Wagner 410-991-5209 Burley Cocks Saturday, April 30 Host: Goshen Hounds Location: Brooke Grove Farm,18420 Brooke Grove Rd. Olney , MD 20832 Contacts: Rebecca Drengwitz 240-888-2232 • Having grown up around steeplechasers, Burley was bound to get into the sport. After graduating high school, he started foxhunting regularly with EHHC, which – of course, led him to want to do something a little more daring! So, Burley rode in some point-to-points and was hooked. After two years of riding in point-to-points, he took a stab at riding in sanctioned races, including two of Maryland’s big three timber meets. With some mild success over the years, he gained enough confidence to ride in the granddaddy of them all – the Maryland Hunt Cup. Having a go in the big race on two occasions, he was unable to cross the wire either time, yet he still describes the experience as the thrill of a lifetime and a dream come true. If you have a dream to race, Burley will understand. Saturday, May 14 Host: The Carrollton Hounds Location: Berry Patch Farm, 5500 Emory Rd, Upperco, MD 21150 Contact: Jason Dudderar 4430794-4315 • Mounted Clinic followed by lunch, race DVDs and more info on “How to get in the Steeplechase Game” – with or without a horse! $40 ($20 for members of NAPPA, see for more details); includes lunch $20 to attend clinic (without a horse), includes lunch To register, contact Regina Welsh at 410-329-3749 or All hunter paces start at 10 a.m. Entry fee $15 per ride Collector mugs for all winners 5 Perfect for foxhunters, eventers, anyone who wants to know more about pacing and control while galloping in a group of horses… MARLBOROUGH HUNT CLUB FIXTURES February-March, 2011 Wed., Feb. 2 Sun., Feb. 6 Wed., Feb. 9 Sun., Feb. 13 Wed., Feb. 16 Sun., Feb. 20 Wed., Feb. 23 Sun., Feb. 27 Wed., Mar. 2 Sun., Mar.6 Wed., Mar.9 Sun., Mar. 13 Wed., Mar. 16 Sun. Mar. 20 Wed. Mar. 23 Sun., Mar. 27 Fenno Farm 11:00 a.m. “Mary’s Mount” - Junior Hunt 11:00 a.m. Aquasco Farm 11:00 a.m. “Hawthorn Ridge” 11:00 a.m. Rosaryville State Park 11:00 a.m. “Essex” 11:00 a.m. Patuxent River Park 11:00 a.m. Moreland Sons Farm 11:00 a.m. “Hawthorne Ridge” 10:00 a.m. “Lloyd’s Landing”-Junior Hunt 11:00 a.m. Jt. Meet at Fairfax - location tba 11:00 a.m. “Mary’s Mount”-Jt. Meet DeLaBrooke 11:00 a.m. Moreland Sons Farm 10:00 a.m. “Mary’s Mount” 10:00 a.m. The Long’s Farm at Croom 10:00 a.m. “Mt. Airy” 10:00 a.m. Closing Hunt Breakfast at Clubhouse 3:30 p.m. Sun., April 10 Hunter Pace at Club grounds 10:00 a. m. Sat., Sept. 17 The Dodon Run at “Dodon” Farm 10:00 a.m. Masters of Fox Hounds Katherine K. Cawood Patricia C. Sasscer Christine F Clagett 410-867-2816 301-627-3584 410-703-7998 Call the Hunt Monitor @ 301-627-1653, #5 to confirm 2 hours before meet Honorary Secretary: Claire Simpson-Jones 410-798-5051 Field Secretaries: Nancy Kelly Helmly Andrea Kay Barnes Huntsman, James E. Faber Cell 301-801-0503 Kennel phone 301-627-5446 Editor: Patty Sasscer….....301-627-3594 E-mail……… Contributing Artist………….Barbie Sonnett Solicitations Welcome ! UPCOMING EVENTS 2011 Wild Game Dinner - Friday, March 18th Closing Hunt Breakfast - Sun., March 27th Please e-mail your articles, classified adds, news, poems or prose, achievements of yours, your friends, relatives, children or grandchildren. Hunter Pace - Sunday, April 10th No Roedown Hoedown - Sunday, May 1st DEADLINE for articles: 20th of the month 6
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