Ares Catalogue Addendum 2014
Ares Catalogue Addendum 2014
2014 M A D E I N I TA LY 1994-2014 20th Anniversar y “ T H E B E S T H A S Y E T TO C O M E ! ” COMPANY Established in 1994, Ares is a manufacturing company specialized in architectural outdoor lighting. Our Aim is to offer to our customers products of actual design representative of our time, thanks to a strong commitment and great creativity. The attentive selection of materials and accurate finishing, as well as the research and development of the manufacturing process; make our products durable and reliable; a cutting – edge for the market worldwide. Each creation is a challenge: understanding, analyzing and projecting to reach harmony and fusion of structure, light, architecture and setting. SHOW ROOM Our Show Room offers a sensorial experience with Ares products. The customer has the possibility to touch the materials, observe the colours, and the luminous effects of our luminaires. ARES feel the light as an emotional element. LIGHTING DESIGN OFFICE Light is an essential tool in the Architectural language. Our Lighting Design projects are the results of a careful analysis of the spaces, along with the attention to the customer’s need; in order to offer comfort, safety and efficiency. TECHNICAL OFFICE When engineering a new luminaire, there are several factors to consider: aesthetic and functional needs of the final fixture; accurate selection of the light sources, the materials and their heat sink capacity, and technologies to be used; achievement of the best lighting emission. The creation of a functional prototype is an important step, that allows the improvements of all the elements and a precise balance of the creative stages progression. LABORATORY In our laboratory we test lighting fixtures safety and performances, to refine both technical and quality characteristics of all our products. ALUMINIUM DIE CASTING Die casting process is one of the most considerable and important steps during the manufacturing of our products. With passion, we follow each step of productive process, from the mould manufacturing to the die casted item and the quality checks that assure the solidity and the mechanical property. We choose Aluminium as main material and we only use top quality alloy with low-copper content, to guarantee an high resistance to corrosion. TURNING Versatility and definition are the basic elements of our production. What identify and characterize our Luminaires, is the High quality and the elaborate manufacturing that requires the application of different material such as, primary aluminium, 316L stainless steel and methacrylate. RAW MATERIALS STOCK The raw material is attentively selected, all the incoming goods are tested following the in force directives, and stored in the main warehouse for direct use. PAINTING PROCESS ARES done an important investment in a new and implemented painting facility and coating procedure, that guarantees good resistance even in extreme climatic conditions. A controlled conversion treatment, a first layer of epoxy powder coating and a second layer of polyester powder coating, offer high mechanical solidity and UV resistance, a warranty of high quality and performances for the whole selection of 5 standard colours . •the thickness and the adherence of the film are constantly measured by specific tests. • It is our commitment to respect the environment and the directives in force; Coating procedures are followed by daily careful tests. LED A direct and deep knowledge of LED light sources, of the engineering and assembly of printed circuits and boards, allows Ares to take care of each productive step: from the design of the circuit, to the realization of the luminaire. “Ares LED” is an internal productive unit , entirely dedicated to the development, production and assembly of high technology LED fixtures. The main characteristics are an high efficiency in lighting emission and reduced power consumption. A warehouse where thousands of LED and components are stored is precisely managed and controlled in order to offer products with the high colour uniformity and quality possible. The unit consist into different and specialized areas and each of these areas is focused on a single step of the production. ASSEMBLY Electrical and Mechanical assembly lines follow procedures and operating instructions to realize luminaires. A trained and specialized staff is in charge for the tests of quality of the products that have to be in compliance with the actual required standards. Particular attention is given to the electrical safety checks on the luminaires. PACKING AND DELIVERY Each single products is prepared and packed with extremely care. A piece of truly Italian style is now ready to be delivered all over the world. Ares sales distribution reaches all 5 continents, which represents the 75% of the turnover. LED TECHNOLOGY In order to get a white LED, nowadays just as 20 years ago, one is made which emits a light blue known as royal blue, and it is given a coating by mixing phosphorus types, that is a mix of components which are excited by the wave length of Royal Blue and can emit white light, the color temperature (CCT) depends on the specifics of the mix. Diode technology underlies LEDs, a diode being an electronic component whose functioning depends on the behavior of two regions next to each other with different chemical characteristics. On the basis of the various twinned regions, a LED will be able to emit a precise wave length, in other words generate a specific color; as white is not a color but a mix of all of them together, it is clear why conversions of some kind cannot be avoided. Given the growth in the availability of different selections of CCT, and the market’s desire for quality, a universal and standardized method of cataloging was soon codified as ANSI 78.377-2008. It was necessary to define a space on which the light emitted by a LED could be defined, and within this space a series of regions could 100 4000 3000 590 6000 2000 2500 1500 10000 Relative Radiant Power (%) 580 nm 80 60 40 20 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Relative Radiant Power (%) Wavelengh (nm) be delimited in order to define their different color temperatures. The space of the colors C.I.E. xyz was used, one of the first to be defined mathematically (1931), while to delimit the different color regions, it was natural to extend the Plankian place (in other words, the group of various shades of white which a Black Body assumes if taken to various temperatures), and thus a series of rhombuses was created, each of which was next to another and centered on the black body curve known as the ANSI BIN. By means of the mathematics of conversion of the same color space and the spectral distribution of the light emitted by a LED, it can be inserted into the graph and then described precisely. While in so-called cold LEDs the blue contribution is greater (obviously on the 460nm characteristics of the LED on which the white has been constructed), as the temperature is reduced if a warm LED is observed it is clear that the phosphorus have a more important role to play in lowering the blue component and gene rating a new component at the same time, 100 which becomes predominant around 600nm (typical of yellow). For these purposes the percentage of ‘Rare Lands’ in the phosphorus mix is altered. Warm White 80 3000K As is normal for any Energy transformation when the conversion work is increased the efficiency decreases, and this explains why warm white LEDs are less efficient 60 Natural White than cold ones. This is also true for LEDs with a high color rendering index (CRI). The 4000K CRI, as its name suggests, is an index and it expresses how a light source, when 40 compared to a reference sample, can reproduce colors. By definition the reference Cool White 6000K sample should be Plank’s Black Body, obviously in the same CCT conditions. In 20 any event, for practical purposes it is possible to use an incandescent lamp which by definition and construction is very similar to the Black Body. There are also 0 different color tables which can be used for the comparison and increasing the 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 number of ‘color samples’ obviously improves the definition of the CRI. As well as Wavelengh (nm) the standard, nowadays the LED leads 3000K Colour temperature area (AINSI C78.377) = 3000K Standard selection for the LED industry the main manufacturers to compare 4000K 0.42 themselves to each other and improve the light efficiency and quality on a ian daily basis. Two different strategies are 0.41 k c Plan s becoming important for the selection of 6000K locu the BINs. The simpler, which has been 0.40 more commonly used for some time, 3 Step MacAdam ellipse divides the ANSI BINs into narrower 0.39 5 Step and narrower sub-regions in order to Cool White 6000K MacAdam ellipse Natural White 4000K obtain portions which are 1/16 the size 7 Step Warm White 3000K MacAdam ellipse 0.38 of the standard. This gives companies 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.41 assembling LEDs a refined degree of selection for the finished product. The second possibility undertaken by manufacturers was that of reintroducing an old model based on a more favorable geometry, namely MacAdam’s Ellipses. The advantage of this proposal is the geometry involved which, with the same surface area as ANSI automatically excludes the points which are further from the geometric center, that is the tops of the rhombuses which as a result of their construction are the regions with more variation in chromatic homogeneity. Clearly this is not sufficient to guarantee that the selections have a high degree of precision. In fact the quality of this system depends once again on the dimensions of the geometric places themselves and to complete the model different ellipses must be type-tested, all of them centered on precise chromatic coordinates (and so always referable to C.I.E. 1931), more and more reduced in surface area. For these purposes they are defined as MacAdam’s Steps. Step3 is currently important in the marketplace since, if directly compared to the ANSI Standard, it is equal to half an ANSI BIN. FINISHING COLOURS Double layer coating for high resistance to corrosion: chemical conversion coating on the aluminium surface followed by a first layer of epoxy powder and a second finishing layer of polyester powder. Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres salt spray test passed at 1000 hrs .1 White .2 Aluminium .3 Anthracite .4 Black .9 Rust Red DOUBLE LAYER COATING 1) Conversion Treatment 2) Epoxy Coating 3) Polyester Coating Naboo p.8 Leila p.32 Klein Kamino p.24 Dorothy p.48 Dooku p.52 p.58 Kirk Spock p.68 p.74 Eclipse p.84 Skylight p.90 Naboo AISI 316L frame Integrated aluminium Heat-sink 8 Adjustable LEDs Naboo LED 67 Design by Ares Concept • LED recessed inground walk over/drive over. • Ground recessed for use on footpaths or ground, suitable for LED functional and stylish architectural illumination. The light can be oriented completely, making this luminaire very versatile, and its low temperature means it can be put anywhere. Its double source CoB or POWER LED emphasise the versatility of its design. • Made of die-cast aluminium with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; 8mm-thick extraclear glass; gasket made of pressed silicon; finishing frame made of INOX AISI316L stainless steel; the luminaire is supplied with cable with IP67 - M12 connector for fast connection to IP 67 supply BOX; this box can be placed inside the casing. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A L E D Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 0. Inox kg Static load: 2000Kg walk over Recessed ground fitting Do not install in hollow areas Glass surface temperature <70°C Installation requires a 30cm water drainage layer (gravel) Protection against impact Pre-wired with approx 250mm of cable IK 09- 10,00 joule 50Nm 50Nm Drive over 5kN WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 9 10 11 12 13 IP67 REMOTE BALLAST INCLUDED 14 355° -15° +15° 15 Naboo Power LED / Ø 145mm - Adjustable Optic - Narrow Beam 12° 534001 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 680 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 1,05 m Ø 0,84 m Ø 0,63 m Ø 0,42 m Ø 0,21 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 6˚+ 6˚ = 6˚+ 6˚ 534002 12° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 1x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 600 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534003 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 530 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo Power LED / Ø 145mm - Adjustable Optic - Medium Beam 24° 534004 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 680 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 2,13 m Ø 1,7 m Ø 1,28 m Ø 0,85 m Ø 0,43 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ 534005 24° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 1x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 600 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534006 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 530 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo Power LED / Ø 145mm - Adjustable Optic - Wide Beam 65° 534007 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 680 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 534008 65° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 1x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 600 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534009 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 530 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 16 2014 H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 6,13 m Ø 4,9 m Ø 3,68 m Ø 2,45 m Ø 1,23 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 32˚+ 32˚ = 32˚+ 32˚ Naboo Power LED / Ø 145mm - Adjustable Optic - Asymmetric Optic 32°x28° 534010 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 680 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 5.3/8.0 m Ø 4.2/6.4 m Ø 3.2/4.8 m Ø 2.1/3.2 m Ø 1.1/1.6 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 16˚+ 16˚ = 14˚+ 14˚ 15° 32x2 8° 534011 15° 355° POWER LED 1x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 600 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534012 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 10W LED lm 530 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo CoB LED / Ø 145mm - Adjustable Optic - Medium Beam 24° 534013 180˚ COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 780 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 2,13 m Ø 1,7 m Ø 1,28 m Ø 0,85 m Ø 0,43 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ 534014 24° 15° 15° 355° CoB LED 1x NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 700 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534015 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 670 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo CoB LED / Ø 145mm - Adjustable Optic - Wide Beam 40° 534016 180˚ COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 780 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 3,64 m Ø 2,91 m Ø 2,18 m Ø 1,46 m Ø 0,73 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 534017 40° 15° 15° 355° CoB LED 1x NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 700 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534018 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 670 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 17 Naboo Power LED / Ø 225mm - Adjustable Optic - Narrow Beam 10° 534019 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1420 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 0,87 m Ø 0,70 m Ø 0,52 m Ø 0,35 m Ø 0,17 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 5˚+ 5˚ = 5˚+ 5˚ 534020 10° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 6x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1340 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534021 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1250 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo Power LED / Ø 225mm - Adjustable Optic - Medium Beam 30° 534022 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1420 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 2,59 m Ø 2,07 m Ø 1,55 m Ø 1,03 m Ø 0,52 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 15˚+ 15˚ = 15˚+ 15˚ 534023 30° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 6x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1340 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534024 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1250 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo Power LED / Ø 225mm - Adjustable Optic - Wide Beam 65° 534025 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1420 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 534026 65° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 6x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1340 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534027 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1250 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 18 2014 H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 6,13 m Ø 4,9 m Ø 3,68 m Ø 2,45 m Ø 1,23 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 32˚+ 32˚ = 32˚+ 32˚ Naboo Power LED / Ø 225mm - Adjustable Optic - Asymmetric Optic 32°x28° 534028 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1420 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 5.3/8.0 m Ø 4.2/6.4 m Ø 3.2/4.8 m Ø 2.1/3.2 m Ø 1.1/1.6 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 16˚+ 16˚ = 14˚+ 14˚ 15° 32x2 8° 534029 15° 355° POWER LED 6x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1340 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534030 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 13W/220÷240V Total power 17W LED lm 1250 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Adjustable Optic - Medium Beam 24° 534031 180˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 2,13 m Ø 1,7 m Ø 1,28 m Ø 0,85 m Ø 0,43 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ 534032 24° 15° 15° 355° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Adjustable Optic - Wide Beam 40° 534033 180˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 3,64 m Ø 2,91 m Ø 2,18 m Ø 1,46 m Ø 0,73 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 534034 40° 15° 15° 355° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 19 Naboo Power LED / Ø 290mm - Adjustable Optic - Narrow Beam 10° 534035 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2850 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 0,87 m Ø 0,70 m Ø 0,52 m Ø 0,35 m Ø 0,17 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 5˚+ 5˚ = 5˚+ 5˚ 534036 10° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 12x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2680 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534037 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2500 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo Power LED / Ø 290mm - Adjustable Optic - Medium Beam 30° 534038 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2850 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 2,59 m Ø 2,07 m Ø 1,55 m Ø 1,03 m Ø 0,52 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 15˚+ 15˚ = 15˚+ 15˚ 534039 30° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 12x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2680 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534040 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2500 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo Power LED / Ø 290mm - Adjustable Optic - Wide Beam 65° 534041 180˚ COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2850 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 534042 65° 15° 15° 355° POWER LED 12x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2680 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534043 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2500 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 20 2014 H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 5,77 m Ø 4,62 m Ø 3,46 m Ø 2,31 m Ø 1,15 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 32˚+ 32˚ = 32˚+ 32˚ Naboo Power LED / Ø 290mm - Adjustable Optic - Asymmetric Optic 32°x28° 534044 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2850 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 180˚ H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 5.3/8.0 m Ø 4.2/6.4 m Ø 3.2/4.8 m Ø 2.1/3.2 m Ø 1.1/1.6 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 16˚+ 16˚ = 14˚+ 14˚ 15° 32x2 8° 534045 15° 355° POWER LED 12x NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2680 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 534046 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 26W/220÷240V Total power 32W LED lm 2500 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Naboo CoB LED / Ø 290mm - Adjustable Optic - Wide Beam 40° 534047 NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 180˚ H. 5.00 m H. 4.00 m H. 3.00 m H. 2.00 m H. 1.00 m 120˚ Ø 3,64 m Ø 2,91 m Ø 2,18 m Ø 1,46 m Ø 0,73 m 90˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 534048 40° 15° 15° 355° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 21 ø225 160 ø145 115 NABOO ø145 NABOO ø225 Accessories: Naboo LED 188 189 190 75 76 191 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) BOX FOR INSTALLATION FOR NABOO Ø290 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø7÷12mm cable) 70 32 3 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) BOX FOR INSTALLATION FOR NABOO Ø225 22 BOX FOR INSTALLATION FOR NABOO Ø145 65 75 90 22 2014 ø290 200 NABOO ø290 Accessories chart acc. code 188 189 190 Accessories chart 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code 534001 534002 534003 534004 534005 534006 534007 534008 534009 534010 534011 534012 534013 534014 534015 534016 534017 534018 534019 534020 534021 534022 534023 534024 acc. code 188 189 190 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 534025 534026 534027 534028 534029 534030 534031 534032 534033 534034 534035 534036 534037 534038 534039 534040 534041 534042 534043 534044 534045 534046 534047 534048 2014 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 23 Kamino Die-cast aluminium structure Aluminium Heat-sink Borosilicate Glass diffuser 24 Kamino LED 67 Design by Ares Concept • LED ground recessed with radial light • LED ground recessed with radial light with single window, double windows or four windows and suitable for indicating passages and lanes and the skimming effect of the light. The frontal LED ensures the best results and effectiveness in illuminating the ground. The light shining upwards has been limited solely to indication purposes. It is easily movable and can be used in more complex settings. • Made of die-cast aluminium block with low copper alloy EN-AB47100 to prevent anode rusting; the glass is made of tubular borosilicate, 3mm thick; the luminaire has a cable with M12 connector, which can be connected to the electricity supply box supplied with the luminaire which should be positioned inside the case. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black 9. Rust-red kg Static load: 2000Kg walk over Recessed ground fitting Do not install in hollow areas 50Nm 50Nm Drive over 5kN Installation requires a 30cm water drainage layer (gravel) Glass surface temperature <70°C Pre-wired with approx 250mm of cable Protection against impact IK 09 - 10,00 joule WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 25 26 27 Kamino Power LED / Ø 130mm - Unidirectional 535001 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LED 1x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 5W LED lm 1x139 ≠ FIXT lm 1x38 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 535002 POWER LED 1x Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LED 1x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 5W LED lm 1x130 ≠ FIXT lm 1x36 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 0.5 120° 1200 90° 91 1 51 11 0 60° cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -1 -0.5 0 m -0.5 0.5 535003 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LED 1x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 5W LED lm 1x122 ≠ FIXT lm 1x34 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Kamino Power LED / Ø 130mm - Bidirectional 535004 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 6W LED lm 2x139 ≠ FIXT lm 2x38 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 535005 POWER LED 2x Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 6W LED lm 2x130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x36 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 0.5 120° 600 90° 91 51 0 11 1 60° cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -1 -0.5 0 m -0.5 0.5 535006 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 6W LED lm 2x122 ≠ FIXT lm 2x34 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Kamino Power LED / Ø 130mm - Omnidirectional 535007 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 4x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 8W LED lm 4x139 ≠ FIXT lm 4x38 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 535008 POWER LED 4x Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 4x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 8W LED lm 4x130 ≠ FIXT lm 4x36 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 535009 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 4x1,2W/220÷240V Total power 8W LED lm 4x122 ≠ FIXT lm 4x34 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 28 2014 0.5 120° 1 300 11 51 91 90° 0 60° cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -1 -0.5 0 m 0.5 -0.5 Kamino Power LED / Ø 180mm - Unidirectional 535010 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LED 1x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 7W LED lm 1x265 ≠ FIXT lm 1x60 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 535011 POWER LED 1x Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LED 1x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 7W LED lm 1x250 ≠ FIXT lm 1x57 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 0.5 120° 1500 90° 91 11 4 1 0 60° cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -1 -0.5 0 m -0.5 0.5 535012 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LED 1x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 7W LED lm 1x240 ≠ FIXT lm 1x54 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Kamino Power LED / Ø 180mm - Bidirectional 535013 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 2x265 ≠ FIXT lm 2x60 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 535014 POWER LED 2x Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 2x250 ≠ FIXT lm 2x57 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 0.5 120° 750 90° 91 11 4 1 0 60° cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -1 -0.5 0 m -0.5 0.5 535015 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 2x240 ≠ FIXT lm 2x54 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Kamino Power LED / Ø 180mm - Omnidirectional 535016 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 4x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 4x265 ≠ FIXT lm 4x60 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 535017 POWER LED 4x Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 4x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 4x250 ≠ FIXT lm 4x57 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 0.5 120° 300 90° 91 11 4 1 0 60° cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -1 -0.5 0 m 0.5 -0.5 535018 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 4x2,4W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 4x240≠ FIXT lm 4x54 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 29 47 30 ø130 ø130 KAMINO ø130 KAMINO ø130 KAMINO ø130 omnidirectional bidirectional 30 unidirectional 47 ø130 ø180 ø180 ø180 KAMINO ø180 KAMINO ø180 unidirectional KAMINO ø180 bidirectional omnidirectional Accessories: Kamino LED 192 BOX FOR INSTALLATION 128 X 225 H 85mm 193 HIGH RESISTANCE INGROUND FIXING BASE Ø 125 H 150mm 194 BOX FOR INSTALLATION 263 X 173 H 85mm 195 HIGH RESISTANCE INGROUND FIXING BASE Ø 170 H 150mm 125 ø127 173 150 85 ø95 128 150 85 90 ø170 ø125 225 263 Accessories chart 76 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) 191 acc. code 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø7÷12mm cable) 70 32 3 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) 22 75 65 75 90 30 2014 192 193 194 195 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code 535001 535002 535003 535004 535005 535006 535007 535008 535009 535010 535011 535012 535013 535014 535015 535016 535017 535018 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● HIGH RESISTANCE INGROUND FIXING BASE RECESSED INSTALLATION BOX 31 Leila Aluminium Heat- sink structure Fixing hook Textured glass diffuser 32 Leila LED 66 Design by Ares Concept • LED ceiling recessed. • Recessed usable with false ceilings of maximum thickness 35mm for LED functional illumination. Light receded to avoid dazzling and ensure greater visual comfort. Light space is waterproof due to sealing with glass silicon glue (the luminaire cannot be opened). 12° degree asymmetric optic available. • Made of die-cast aluminium with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; extraclear textured glass; finishing frame available in two different versions: satin or white stainless steel; the luminaire is supplied with cable with IP67 - M12 connector for fast connection to IP 67 supply BOX; this box can be placed inside the false ceiling. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 0. Inox L E D Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 1. White Recessed ceiling fitting Pre-wired with approx 250mm of cable Protection against impact IK 06 - 1,00 joule WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 33 34 Stainless Steel Painted Stainless Steel 35 Structure 36 SYMMETRIC OPTIC ASYMMETRIC OPTIC Power supply box 37 Leila CoB LED / Ø 105mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 24° 536001 COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 780 ≠ FIXT lm 611 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 536002 Ø 93 mm 24° CoB LED 1x 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 700 ≠ FIXT lm 548 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 3200 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1976 494 220 124 79 lux Med 1196 299 133 75 48 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ 536003 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 670 ≠ FIXT lm 525 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 105mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Wide Beam 45° 536004 COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 780 ≠ FIXT lm 688 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 536005 Ø 93 mm 45° CoB LED 1x 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 700 ≠ FIXT lm 617 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 986 246 110 62 39 lux Med 592 148 66 37 24 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 23˚+ 23˚ = 23˚+ 23˚ 536006 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 670 ≠ FIXT lm 591 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 105mm - Painted Frame - Medium Beam 24° 536007 COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 780 ≠ FIXT lm 611 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 536008 Ø 93 mm 24° CoB LED 1x 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 700 ≠ FIXT lm 548 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 536009 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 670 ≠ FIXT lm 525 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 38 2014 60˚ 3200 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1976 494 220 124 79 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ lux Med 1196 299 133 75 48 Leila CoB LED / Ø 105mm - Painted Frame - Wide Beam 45° 536010 COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 780 ≠ FIXT lm 688 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply included 536011 Ø 93 mm 45° CoB LED 1x 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 700 ≠ FIXT lm 617 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 986 246 110 62 39 lux Med 592 148 66 37 24 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 23˚+ 23˚ = 23˚+ 23˚ 536012 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 6W/220÷240V Total power 9W LED lm 670 ≠ FIXT lm 591 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 20° 536013 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 992 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 5000 30˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 4554 1138 506 285 182 lux Med 2789 697 310 174 112 cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 536014 Ø 123 mm 20° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 872 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Wide Beam 40° 536015 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 1011 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 2000 30˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1924 481 214 120 77 lux Med 1125 281 125 70 45 cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 536016 Ø123 mm 40° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 888 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 39 Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 24° 536017 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 992 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 3200 lux Max 3232 808 359 202 129 lux Med 1947 487 216 122 78 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ 536018 Ø 123 mm 24° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 872 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Wide Beam 45° 536019 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 1011 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 1600 lux Max 1455 364 162 91 58 lux Med 815 204 91 51 33 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 23˚+ 23˚ = 23˚+ 23˚ 536020 Ø 123 mm 45° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 888 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Painted Frame - Medium Beam 20° 536021 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 992 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 536022 Ø 123 mm 20° 40 CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 872 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 60˚ 5000 30˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 4554 1138 506 285 182 cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ lux Med 2789 697 310 174 112 Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Painted Frame - Wide Beam 40° 536023 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 1011 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 2000 30˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1924 481 214 120 77 lux Med 1125 281 125 70 45 cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 536024 Ø 123 mm CoB LED 1x 40° WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 888 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Painted Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 24° 536025 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 992 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 3200 lux Max 3232 808 359 202 129 lux Med 1947 487 216 122 78 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 12˚+ 12˚ = 12˚+ 12˚ 536026 Ø 123 mm 24° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 872 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 135mm - Painted Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Wide Beam 45° 536027 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1480 ≠ FIXT lm 1011 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 1600 lux Max 1455 364 162 91 58 lux Med 815 204 91 51 33 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 23˚+ 23˚ = 23˚+ 23˚ 536028 Ø123 mm 45° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 12W/220÷240V Total power 16W LED lm 1300 ≠ FIXT lm 888 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 41 Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 20° 536029 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2364 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 4500 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux lux Max Med 12885 8023 3221 2006 1432 891 805 501 515 321 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 536030 Ø 153 mm CoB LED 1x 20° WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2122 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Wide Beam 45° 536031 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2275 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 4012 1003 446 251 160 lux Med 2261 565 251 141 90 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 22˚+ 22˚ = 22˚+ 22˚ 536032 Ø 153 mm CoB LED 1x 45° WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2043 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 20° 536033 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2364 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 536034 Ø 153 mm 20° 12° 42 CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2122 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 4000 lux Max 9780 2445 1087 611 391 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ lux Med 5963 1491 663 373 239 Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Wide Beam 40° 536035 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2275 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 1600 lux Max 4016 1004 446 251 161 lux Med 2275 569 253 142 91 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 536036 Ø 153 mm 40° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2043 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Painted Frame - Medium Beam 20° 536037 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2364 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 4500 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux lux Max Med 12885 8023 3221 2006 1432 891 805 501 515 321 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 536038 Ø 153 mm 20° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2122 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Painted Frame - Wide Beam 45° 536039 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2275 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 4012 1003 446 251 160 lux Med 2261 565 251 141 90 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 22˚+ 22˚ = 22˚+ 22˚ 536040 Ø153 mm 45° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2043 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 43 Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Painted Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 20° 536041 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2364 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 4000 lux Max 9780 2445 1087 611 391 lux Med 5963 1491 663 373 239 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 536042 Ø 153 mm 20° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2122 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 165mm - Painted Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Wide Beam 40° 536043 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2740 ≠ FIXT lm 2275 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 1600 lux Max 4016 1004 446 251 161 lux Med 2275 569 253 142 91 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 536044 Ø 153 mm 40° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 26W/220÷240V Total power 30W LED lm 2460 ≠ FIXT lm 2043 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Wide Beam 45° 536047 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 4000 ≠ FIXT lm 3321 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 536048 Ø 208 mm 45° 44 CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 3600 ≠ FIXT lm 2990 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 5857 1464 651 366 234 lux Med 3300 825 367 206 132 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 22˚+ 22˚ = 22˚+ 22˚ Leila CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 20° 536049 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 4000 ≠ FIXT lm 3451 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 4000 lux lux Max Med 14281 8708 3570 2177 1587 968 893 544 571 348 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 536050 Ø 208 mm 20° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 3600 ≠ FIXT lm 3106 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Wide Beam 40° 536051 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 4000 ≠ FIXT lm 3321 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 1600 lux Max 5862 1466 651 366 234 lux Med 3321 830 369 208 133 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 536052 Ø 208 mm 40° 12° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 3600 ≠ FIXT lm 2990 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Leila CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Painted Frame - Wide Beam 45° 536055 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 4000 ≠ FIXT lm 3321 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 5857 1464 651 366 234 lux Med 3300 825 367 206 132 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 22˚+ 22˚ = 22˚+ 22˚ 536056 Ø 208 mm 45° CoB LED 1x WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 3600 ≠ FIXT lm 2990 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included 2014 45 Leila CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Painted Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 20° 536057 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 4000 ≠ FIXT lm 3451 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included lux lux Max Med 14281 8708 3570 2177 1587 968 893 544 571 348 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 4000 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 536058 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 3600 ≠ FIXT lm 3106 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Ø 208 mm 20° 12° CoB LED 1x Leila CoB LED / Ø 225mm - Painted Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Wide Beam 40° 536059 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 4000 ≠ FIXT lm 3321 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included lux Max 5862 1466 651 366 234 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 60˚ 1600 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 536060 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 38W/220÷240V Total power 43W LED lm 3600 ≠ FIXT lm 2990 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply included Ø 208 mm 40° 12° CoB LED 1x Accessories: Leila LED 196 197 198 75 76 191 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) METAL INSTALLATION BOX FOR CONCRETE CEILING FOR LEILA Ø165 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø7÷12mm cable) 70 32 3 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) METAL INSTALLATION BOX FOR CONCRETE CEILING FOR LEILA Ø135 22 METAL INSTALLATION BOX FOR CONCRETE CEILING FOR LEILA Ø105 65 75 90 46 2014 lux Med 3321 830 369 208 133 199 METAL INSTALLATION BOX FOR CONCRETE CEILING FOR LEILA Ø225 ø135 87 113 ø105 Accessories: ..... LEILA ø105 LEILA ø135 ø225 145 163 ø165 LEILA ø165 Accessories chart acc. code 196 197 198 199 Accessories chart 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code 536001 536002 536003 536004 536005 536006 536007 536008 536009 536010 536011 536012 536013 536014 536015 536016 536017 536018 536019 536020 536021 LEILA ø225 acc. code Accessories chart 196 197 198 199 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 536022 536023 536024 536025 536026 536027 536028 536029 536030 536031 536032 536033 536034 536035 536036 536037 536038 536039 536040 536041 536042 acc. code 196 197 198 199 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2014 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 536043 536044 536047 536048 536049 536050 536051 536052 536055 536056 536057 536058 536059 536060 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 47 Dorothy LED board Die-cast aluminium structure On board power supply 48 Dorothy LED Design by Ares Concept 66 Registered Community Design • Bollard LED • Ground luminaire ideal for LED illumination in gardens, parks, footpaths and outdoor recreation and meeting places. The gentle lines contain a strong character and uniformity of light, making it possible to give illuminated areas the integration necessary for any architectural setting. • Body, base, cap and fixing ring created with pressure die-casting with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; transparent polycarbonate diffuser; sealed with silicon foam. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black 9. Rust-red Glow wire test: 650°C Bollard Light The fitting is equipped with 2 cable input Protection against impact IK 07 - 2,00 joule WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 49 Dorothy Mid-Power LED 537001 COOL WHITE 6000K MID-POWER LEDs 9,5W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1200 ≠ FIXT lm 1052 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 537002 Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K MID-POWER LEDs 9,5W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1100 ≠ FIXT lm 964 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included MID-POWER LED 2 120˚ 5 25 90˚ 105 345 60 300 60˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -4 -2 537003 WARM WHITE 3000K MID-POWER LEDs 9,5W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1050 ≠ FIXT lm 921 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Accessories: Dorothy LED Accessories chart 200 acc. code 99x120° Ø 120 160 BASE PLATE AND FIXING BOLTS Ø 120 x H 160mm 200 prod. code 537001 537002 537003 ● ● ● Correct Fixing Method Correct Fixing Method Incorrect Fixing Method Bollard fixed on plinth + plug Bollard fixed on plinth + fixing bolts Do not fix the bollard directly on the ground 50 2014 0 0 m 2 -2 325 ø217 ø140 DOROTHY Middle power LED 51 Klein Die-cast aluminium Closing End Extruded aluminium structure Die-cast aluminium Closing End 52 Klein LED 66 Design by Ares Concept • LED bollard. • Used for ground mounting on paving or otherwise to illuminate outdoor areas, gardens and paths; the light emerges from the side of the pole and has a 120° opening; available in two versions: with fixing flange for assembly with inlays and screws with base which disappears completely. • Made of die-cast aluminium, head and assembly base without flange made of aluminium; the LED space is hermetically sealed with transparent polyurethane resin; screws are made of INOX A2 stainless steel. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black 9. Rust-red Bollard Light Pre-wired with approx 100mm of cable Protection against impact IK07 - 2,00 joule WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 53 Klein CoB LED / H 500 mm - Installation With Base 538001 Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 370 ≠ FIXT lm 78 CRI >80 1 90˚ 60˚ 4 10 49 0 19 1000 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -2 -1 0 m -1 1 538002 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 350 ≠ FIXT lm 74 CRI >80 CoB LED 1x Klein CoB LED / H 900 mm - Installation With Base 538003 Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 370 ≠ FIXT lm 78 CRI >80 1 90˚ 3 49 60˚ 7 0 1000 25 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -2 -1 0 m 1 -1 538004 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 350 ≠ FIXT lm 74 CRI >80 CoB LED 1x Correct Fixing Method Correct Fixing Method Bollard fixed on plinth + base and plug Bollard fixed on plinth + fixing bolts Klein installation with base: 54 2014 Kle ins wit Klein CoB LED / H 500 mm - Installation With Fixing Bolts 538005 Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 370 ≠ FIXT lm 78 CRI >80 1 90˚ 60˚ 4 10 49 0 19 1000 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -2 -1 0 m -1 1 538006 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 350 ≠ FIXT lm 74 CRI >80 CoB LED 1x Klein CoB LED / H 900 mm - Installation With Fixing Bolts 538007 Lux NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 370 ≠ FIXT lm 78 CRI >80 1 90˚ 3 49 60˚ 7 0 1000 25 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -2 -1 0 m 1 -1 538008 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LEDs 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 350 ≠ FIXT lm 74 CRI >80 CoB LED 1x Correct Fixing Method Correct Fixing Method Incorrect Fixing Met Bollard fixed on plinth + base and plug Bollard fixed on plinth + fixing bolts Do not fix the bollard directly on th Klein installation with base: 2014 Klein installation with fixing bolts 55 85 85 500 / 900 50 500 / 900 60 KLEIN installation with base 60 50 KLEIN installation with fixing bolts WIRING DIAGRAM 220-240V KALC KALC 56 KALC KALC 57 Dooku Extruded aluminium structure LEDs with optic Die-cast aluminium fixing closing ends 58 Dooku LED 65 Design by Ares Concept • Pole-top LED luminaire. • Pole-top LED luminaire suitable for private spaces, parking areas, cycle paths and footpaths. A variety of versions enable the luminaire to be positioned on poles with cross-sections 102mm and 76mm. Two luminaires can be positioned on the same pole. A number of optical variants are available, depending on the type of illumination desired: wide-beam optics, front-on assymetrical and street. • Made of extruded aluminium, fixing closing end created with pressure die-casting with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; front silk-screened extraclear glass attached with silicon glue; pressed silicon gaskets; screws made of INOX A2; the luminaire has a neoprene cable 1000mm long with terminal board for IP connection inside the pole. PMMA lenses. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 2. Aluminium L E D Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite Protection against impact Installation on pole IK 09 - 10,00 joule Pre-wired with approx 1000mm of cable Full cut-off luminaire (no light pollution) WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 59 60 61 Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 76mm - Single Top Pole - Wide Beam 130° (Wide Spaces - Public Areas - Parking Areas) 539001 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7580 ≠ FIXT lm 5800 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539002 POWER LED 32x FOR POLE Ø 76mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7130 ≠ FIXT lm 5456 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 280 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1309 327 145 82 52 lux Med 265 66 29 17 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 65˚+ 65˚ = 65˚+ 65˚ 539003 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 6650 ≠ FIXT lm 5089 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 76mm - Single Top Pole - Street Light Optic 539004 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7580 ≠ FIXT lm 5926 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539005 POWER LED 32x FOR POLE Ø 76mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7130 ≠ FIXT lm 5574 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 1878 469 209 117 78 lux Med 286 71 32 18 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 36˚+ 25˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ 539006 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 6650 ≠ FIXT lm 5199 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 76mm - Single Top Pole - Street Light Optic (Foot and Cycle Paths) 539007 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7580 ≠ FIXT lm 5729 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539008 POWER LED 32x FOR POLE Ø 76mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7130 ≠ FIXT lm 5389 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 539009 2014 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 2243 561 249 140 90 lux Med 454 114 50 28 18 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 6650 ≠ FIXT lm 5026 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 62 60˚ C90 / C270 = 11˚+ 30˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 76mm - Double Top Pole - Wide Beam 130° (Wide Spaces - Public Areas - Parking Areas) 539010 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7580 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5800 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539011 POWER LED 64x FOR POLE Ø 76mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5456 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 280 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1309 327 145 82 52 lux Med 265 66 29 17 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 65˚+ 65˚ = 65˚+ 65˚ 539012 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x6650 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5089 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 76mm - Double Top Pole - Street Light Optic 539013 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7580 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5926 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539014 POWER LED 64x FOR POLE Ø 76mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5574 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 1878 469 209 117 78 lux Med 286 71 32 18 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 36˚+ 25˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ 539015 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x6650 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5199 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 76mm - Double Top Pole - Street Light Optic (Foot and Cycle Paths) 539016 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7580 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5729 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539017 POWER LED 64x FOR POLE Ø 76mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5389 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 2243 561 249 140 90 lux Med 454 114 50 28 18 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 11˚+ 30˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ 539018 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x6650 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5026 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 2014 63 Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 102mm - Single Top Pole - Wide Beam 130° (Wide Spaces - Public Areas - Parking Areas) 539019 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7580 ≠ FIXT lm 5800 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539020 POWER LED 32x FOR POLE Ø 102mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7130 ≠ FIXT lm 5456 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 280 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1309 327 145 82 52 lux Med 265 66 29 17 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 65˚+ 65˚ = 65˚+ 65˚ 539021 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 6650 ≠ FIXT lm 5089 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 102mm - Single Top Pole - Street Light Optic 539022 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7580 ≠ FIXT lm 5926 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539023 POWER LED 32x FOR POLE Ø 102mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7130 ≠ FIXT lm 5574 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 1878 469 209 117 78 lux Med 286 71 32 18 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 36˚+ 25˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ 539024 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 6650 ≠ FIXT lm 5199 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 102mm - Single Top Pole - Street Light Optic (Foot and Cycle Paths) 539025 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7580 ≠ FIXT lm 5729 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539026 POWER LED 32x FOR POLE Ø 102mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 7130 ≠ FIXT lm 5389 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 539027 2014 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 2243 561 249 140 90 lux Med 454 114 50 28 18 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 76W/220÷240V Total power 85W LED lm 6650 ≠ FIXT lm 5026 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 64 60˚ C90 / C270 = 11˚+ 30˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 102mm - Double Top Pole - Wide Beam 130° (Wide Spaces - Public Areas - Parking Areas) 539028 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7580 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5800 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539029 POWER LED 64x FOR POLE Ø 102mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5456 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 280 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1309 327 145 82 52 lux Med 265 66 29 17 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 65˚+ 65˚ = 65˚+ 65˚ 539030 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x6650 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5089 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 102mm - Double Top Pole - Street Light Optic 539031 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7580 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5926 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539032 POWER LED 64x FOR POLE Ø 102mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5574 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 1878 469 209 117 78 lux Med 286 71 32 18 11 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 36˚+ 25˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ 539033 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x6650 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5199 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Dooku Power LED / Pole Ø 102mm - Double Top Pole - Street Light Optic (Foot and Cycle Paths) 539034 COOL WHITE 6000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7580 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5729 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 539035 POWER LED 64x FOR POLE Ø 102mm 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x7130 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5389 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 400 lux Max 2243 561 249 140 90 lux Med 454 114 50 28 18 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 11˚+ 30˚ = 77˚+ 77˚ 539036 WARM WHITE 3000K POWER LEDs 2x76W/220÷240V Total power 2x85W LED lm 2x6650 ≠ FIXT lm 2x5026 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 2014 65 Dooku LED / ø 102mm - Poles with base and access door 4140 Available colours H 4000 mm 4150 H 5000 mm 2. Aluminium 3. Anthracite Dooku LED / ø 102mm - Poles in-Ground (+500mm root) with access door 4145 H 4000 mm (+500mm) Available colours 4155 H 5000 mm (+500mm) 2. Aluminium DOOKU Single top pole 66 1412 788 70 130 163 3. Anthracite DOOKU Double top pole 67 Kirk Pure Aluminium reflector Silicon Gel connection Box Die-cast aluminium structure 68 Kirk LED Design by Ares Concept 65 Registered Community Design • Adjustable LED projector. • Can be mounted on walls and on the ground as well as on ceilings, to get the best possible architectural illumination with a functional and stylish LED. The minimalist design is suited to any setting, enabling its geometrical outlines to be seen to their best. • Made of die-cast aluminium with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; 3mm-thick extraclear glass; fixing plate made of INOX AISI 316L stainless steel; the luminaire has an IP 68 connecting system with silicon gel. The LED space is hermetically sealed and cannot be opened. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black Floor installation 9. Rust-red Protection against impact IK 06 - 1,00 joule Wall fitting Ceiling fitting WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 69 70 71 Kirk CoB LED / Ø 70mm - Adjustable - Medium Beam 40° 540001 90˚ WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 4,5W/220÷230V Total power 6W LED lm 370 ≠ FIXT lm 327 CRI >80 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 637 159 71 40 25 lux Med 380 95 42 24 15 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 21˚+ 21˚ = 21˚+ 21˚ 30° 40° 90° CoB LED 1x Kirk CoB LED / Ø 90mm - Adjustable - Medium Beam 40° 540002 90˚ WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 13W/220÷230V Total power 15W LED lm 900 ≠ FIXT lm 548 CRI >80 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1003 251 111 63 40 lux Med 593 148 66 37 24 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 20˚+ 20˚ = 20˚+ 20˚ 30° 40° 90° CoB LED 1x Kirk CoB LED / Ø 120mm - Adjustable - Medium Beam 40° 540003 90˚ WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 24W/220÷230V Total power 28W LED lm 2300 ≠ FIXT lm 1598 CRI >80 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 3023 756 336 189 121 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 30° 40° 90° CoB LED 1x Accessories: Kirk LED 201 GROUND SPIKE - H 200mm Accessories chart 202 acc. code GROUND SPIKE - H 250mm 201 202 540001 540002 540003 250 200 prod. code 20 30 72 2014 ● ● ● = 21˚+ 21˚ = 21˚+ 21˚ lux Med 1734 433 193 108 69 ø90 ø70 148 110 128 115 KIRK ø70 KIRK ø90 ø122 30° 90° 170 206 KIRK ø120 -45° / +45° 73 Spock -Optic Power Supply AISI 316L bracket 74 Spock LED 66 Design by Ares Concept Registered Community Design • LED projector. • LED projector which can be placed on the ground, wall or ceiling, suitable for outdoor use. The various bands and accessories available enable it to be used in situations where unusual lighting is necessary. Ideal for stylish lighting and also general outdoor lighting. The design is hi-tech and the heat dissipator makes this model truly unique and recognisable. • Made of die-cast aluminium with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy, to prevent anode rusting; gasket made of stamped silicon; fixing plate made of INOX AISI316L stainless steel; the luminaire has a neoprene cable 1 metre long. Adjustment ranges from +90° to -30° horizontally and +/-25° vertically. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black 9. Rust-red Floor installation Pre-wired with approx 1000mm of cable Wall fitting Protection against impact IK 07 -2,00 joule Ceiling fitting WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 75 76 77 78 79 Spock CoB LED / Ø 75mm - Adjustable - Medium Beam 20° 541001 COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 8,7W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1135 ≠ FIXT lm 820 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 541002 30° 20° 90° 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 8,7W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1030 ≠ FIXT lm 744 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included CoB LED 1x 60˚ 4000 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 3501 875 389 219 140 lux Med 2162 540 240 135 86 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 10˚+ 10˚ = 10˚+ 10˚ 541003 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 8,7W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 875 ≠ FIXT lm 632 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Spock CoB LED / Ø 75mm - Adjustable - Wide Beam 50° 541004 COOL WHITE 5000K CoB LED 8,7W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1135 ≠ FIXT lm 787 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 541005 30° 50° 90° 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 8,7W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 1030 ≠ FIXT lm 714 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included CoB LED 1x 60˚ 1200 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 1038 260 115 65 42 lux Med 631 158 70 39 25 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 25˚+ 25˚ = 25˚+ 25˚ 541006 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 8,7W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 875 ≠ FIXT lm 607 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Spock CoB LED / Ø 95mm - Adjustable - Narrow Beam 15° 541007 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 24W/220÷240V Total power 28W LED lm 2700 ≠ FIXT lm 2051 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 4500 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 24W/220÷240V Total power 28W LED lm 2400 ≠ FIXT lm 1823 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 30° 15° 90° 80 CoB LED 1x 2014 lux lux Max Med 10339 6901 2585 1725 1149 767 646 431 414 276 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 541008 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 C90 / C270 = 8˚+ 8˚ = 8˚+ 8˚ Spock CoB LED / Ø 95mm - Adjustable - Medium Beam 40° 541009 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 24W/220÷240V Total power 28W LED lm 2700 ≠ FIXT lm 1952 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 2000 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 4145 1036 461 259 166 lux Med 2448 612 272 153 98 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 18˚+ 18˚ = 18˚+ 18˚ 541010 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 24W/220÷240V Total power 28W LED lm 2400 ≠ FIXT lm 1735 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 30° 40° 90° CoB LED 1x Spock CoB LED / Ø 130mm - Adjustable - Medium Beam 20° 541011 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 50W/220÷240V Total power 55W LED lm 5300 ≠ FIXT lm 3493 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 6000 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux lux Max Med 20981 13311 5245 3328 2331 1479 1311 832 839 532 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 9˚+ 9˚ = 9˚+ 9˚ 541012 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 50W/220÷240V Total power 55W LED lm 4800 ≠ FIXT lm 3163 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 30° 20° 90° CoB LED 1x Spock CoB LED / Ø 130mm - Adjustable - Wide Beam 45° 541013 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K CoB LED 50W/220÷240V Total power 55W LED lm 5300 ≠ FIXT lm 3426 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 60˚ 1600 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 5902 1476 656 369 236 lux Med 3398 850 378 212 136 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 23˚+ 23˚ = 23˚+ 23˚ 541014 WARM WHITE 3000K CoB LED 50W/220÷240V Total power 55W LED lm 4800 ≠ FIXT lm 3103 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included 30° 45° 90° CoB LED 1x 2014 81 Accessories: Spock LED 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 191 75 76 VISOR Ø75 VISOR Ø95 FLOOD DIFFUSER Ø95 FLOOD DIFFUSER Ø75 ANTI-GLARE LOUVRE Ø75 203 KIT OF 2 GROUND SPIKES VISOR Ø130 ANTI-GLARE LOUVRE Ø95 3 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø5÷13mm cable) 32 65 75 20 90 Accessories chart acc. code 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 75 76 191 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prod. code 541001 541002 541003 541004 541005 541006 541007 541008 541009 541010 541011 541012 541013 541014 82 ANTI-GLARE LOUVRE Ø130 70 220 22 2 way terminal block 3 poles IP68 (Ø7÷12mm cable) FLOOD DIFFUSER Ø130 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2014 160 120 166 115 184 ø75 ø95 148 SPOCK ø75 SPOCK ø95 202 212 30° 90° ø130 240 SPOCK ø130 -25° / +25° 83 Eclipse Heat-sink and LED board 84 Power Supply Eclipse LED 65 Design by Ares Concept • LED wall luminaire. • LED illumination wall luminaire ideal for general lighting and passages, corridors and paths. Owing to the purity of its shape, the luminaire offers considerable flexibility and satisfies the lighting requirements of all sectors, from residential through industrial to contract. • Made of pressure die-cast aluminium with low-copper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; diffusor made of pressed transparent polycarbonate; sealed with silicon foam; fixing rod made of INOX AISI316L stainless steel; the luminaire has a neoprene cable 200mm long for connection. • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black Wall fitting 9. Rust-red Protection against impact IK 09 - 10,00 joule Glow wire test: 650°C Pre-wired with approx 200mm of cable WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 85 86 Eclipse Mid-Power LED - Class II 542001 COOL WHITE 6000K MID-POWER LEDs 7,5W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 580 ≠ FIXT lm 454 CRI >70 Electronic power supply included 542002 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K MID-POWER LEDs 7,5W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 551 ≠ FIXT lm 431 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included MID-POWER LED Lux H = 0,3 m 2 60˚ 45 5 15 0 145 600 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -4 -2 0 m 2 -2 542003 WARM WHITE 3000K MID-POWER LEDs 7,5W/220÷240V Total power 13W LED lm 523 ≠ FIXT lm 409 CRI >80 Electronic power supply included Eclipse Mid-Power LED - Class III 542004 COOL WHITE 6000K MID-POWER LEDs 7,5W/24V Total power 7,5W LED lm 580 ≠ FIXT lm 454 CRI >70 Remote electronic power supply to be ordered Acc. 144 or 176 542005 MID-POWER LED Lux 90˚ NATURAL WHITE 4000K MID-POWER LEDs 7,5W/24V Total power 7,5W LED lm 551 ≠ FIXT lm 431 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply to be ordered Acc. 144 or 176 H = 0,3 m 2 60˚ 45 5 15 0 145 600 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 -4 -2 0 m 2 -2 542006 WARM WHITE 3000K MID-POWER LEDs 7,5W/24V Total power 7,5W LED lm 523 ≠ FIXT lm 409 CRI >80 Remote electronic power supply to be ordered Acc. 144 or 176 2014 87 175 POWER SUPPLY 10W/110÷240V - 24V d.c. IP67 CLASS II SELV. 144 176 POWER SUPPLY 17W/110÷240V - 24V d.c. (15W@110V) IP20 CLASS II SELV. POWER SUPPLY 17W/110÷240V - 24V d.c. IP67 CLASS II SELV. 32 60 20 POWER SUPPLY 10W/110÷240V - 24V d.c. IP20 CLASS II SELV. 95 87 21 Accessories: Eclipse LED 240 67 180 50 40 124 103 DIMMABLE: PUSH-DIM OR 1...10V 147 155 POWER SUPPLY 50W/120÷240V - 24V d.c. IP67 CLASS II SELV. 110 POWER SUPPLY 70W/220÷240V - 24V d.c. IP67 CLASS II. SELV EQ. 156 POWER SUPPLY 100W /120÷240V - 24V d.c. IP67 CLASS II SELV. 95 240 66 95 95 51 POWER SUPPLY 20W/220÷240V - 24V d.c. IP67 CLASS II SELV. DIMMABLE: PUSH-DIM OR 1...10V 50 330 50 50 330 265 Accessories chart acc. code 87 175 144 176 147 155 110 156 prod. code 542001 542002 542003 542004 542005 542006 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ø233 ECLIPSE 88 32 89 Skylight Die-cast aluminium closing ends Extruded aluminium structure Die-cast aluminium frame 90 Skylight LED 65 Design by Rocco Este • Outdoor suspended LED. • Outdoor suspended LED with direct and indirect light, wholly orientable and suitable for assembly on porticos, tree branches, exhibition areas and religious places. The luminaire consists of two orientable side tubes which can be single or double lights, and two types of curved bar enable the best light to be chosen for the setting in question. Fixing is done by means of screws or strips which can be altered. This model is also suitable for seating areas outdoors. • Body made of extruded aluminium with die-cast heads made of lowcopper EN-AB47100 alloy to prevent anode rusting; front extraclear glass attached with silicon glue; gaskets made of stamped silicon; fixing rods made of steel; the luminaire has a neoprene cable and IP67 connection system. Regulation can be up to 350° vertically and for each tube +/-80° horizontally. Extruded aluminium structure • Ares effects the entire process of aluminium painting internally, starting with components which have been sand-blasted to make the surface more porous, moving on to alkaline and acid washing to clean the surfaces completely, and then rinsing with water to remove any residue particles; subsequently, a metal oxide film is laid in order to protect against rusting, then a double coat first of epoxy-based paint (with excellent chemical and mechanical resistance) and then a polyester finish (resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents). Powders used are compliant with QUALICOAT standards. A++ A+ A IP65 Junction 1. White L E D 2. Aluminium Luminaire supplied with integrated LED modules which cannot be replaced (EU Regulation 874/2012 - Illumination equipment energy classes) 3. Anthracite 4. Black Suspended fitting 9. Rust-red Protection against impact IK 07 - 2,00 joule Pre-wired with approx 250mm of cable WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE PRODUCT 91 92 790 247 360 342 ø110 SKYLIGHT 93 Skylight CoB LED / Adjustable SKYLIGHT CoB LED: cod 543... Single ignition fixture The following technical informations refer to the single source.* *12W/220÷240V Total power 15W CRI >80 Electronic power supply included MODULE SELECTION OPTIONS: *MODULE “A” Natural White 4000K CoB LED Narrow Beam 15° LED lm 1600 ≠ FIXT lm 1095 *MODULE “B” Natural White 4000K CoB LED Medium Beam 40° LED lm 1600 ≠ FIXT lm 1119 *MODULE “C” Warm White 3000K CoB LED Narrow Beam 15° LED lm 1450 ≠ FIXT lm 993 90˚ Narrow Beam 60˚ 4500 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 6168 1542 685 386 247 lux Med 4028 1007 448 252 161 30˚ 90˚ Medium Beam 60˚ 2000 m 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 lux Max 2272 568 252 142 91 lux Med 1326 332 147 83 53 30˚ cd / 1000 lm C0 / C180 C90 / C270 cd / 1000 lm = 8.0˚+ 8.0˚ = 8.0˚+ 8.0˚ C0 / C180 C90 / C270 = 18.0˚+ 18.0˚ = 18.0˚+ 18.0˚ *MODULE “D” Warm White 3000K CoB LED Medium Beam 40° LED lm 1450 ≠ FIXT lm 1014 *MODULE “Ø” = no light source *FINISHING COLOUR SELECTION “.1 White - .2 Alumium - .3 Anthracite .4 Black - . 9 Rust-Red” MAKE YOUR OWN SKYLIGHT Follow the position of the light sources as per the image ( X1 - X2 - X3 - X4) And match to each one the module you prefer (A - B - C - D - Ø - Finishing colour) Accessories: Skylight LED Example: 543ADØC.4 214 SELF-LOCKING VELCRO STRAP (ALLOWED DIAMETERS FOR FIXING STRAP 70-120mm) 94 X1 X3 X2 X4 28 543 = Skylight reference code Position X1 = module A Position X2 = module D Position X3 = module Ø Position X4 = module C Colour finishing.4 3 543 X1- X2 - X3 - X4 - .4 in this case becomes 543 A - D - Ø - C - .4 457 Ø 70-120mm 2014 95 Made in Italy ARES s.r.l. - ARESled ARES ITALIA s.r.l. viale dell’artigianato, 24 20881 Bernareggio -MB- ITALY Tel. +39 039 6900892 Fax +39 039 6901855 e-mail: via dell’artigianato, 29 20882 Bellusco -MB- ITALY Tel. +39 039 6840144 Fax +39 039 6883365 e-mail: Copyright © 2014 by Ares S.r.l. We are not responsible for printing errors, wrong dimensions, descriptions or technical data. The company reserves the right to amend all products herein detailed, any time and without prior notice. Unauthorized reproductions and copies are prohibited
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