School! - Pittsburgh Colfax PTO


School! - Pittsburgh Colfax PTO
Colfax Communicator
The monthly newsletter of the Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 PTO
Vol. 3, No. 1: September 2009
Welcome Back to School!
Lots of eager students and parents came
to school Wednesday, August 26th, to
‘meet and greet’ with Colfax staff and
administration. Many returning families
and new ones enjoyed the pizza while
browsing through tables of information
in the cafeteria. Representatives from
the JCC, our new partner in on-site after
school child care, and Market Day, a
year-long, school-wide fundraiser, were
on hand to answer parent concerns and
questions. Staff from Grow Pittsburgh
not only had information about the
Colfax garden but passed out samples of
the sweet yellow ground cherries, grown
right in our front yard!
each in grades K-4! Teachers and staff
were introduced by teams, with 14 new
staff members added to faculty (see
staff directory on Page 8). PTO copresidents, Tom Juring and Kymberlee
Principal David May-Stein then
gathered everyone in the gym to make
introductions. Assistant Principal, Cora
Wallace, and PELA Resident (principalin-training) Deonne Arrington were
also on hand to welcome students and
parents. Mr. May-Stein noted that
Colfax enrollment this year will be
close to 700 students, with 4 classrooms
Frischmann, asked parents to become
an integral part of their children’s
education and to engage in the Colfax
experience this year. For further
information on all Colfax events, check
out our website
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page1
After-school program now available
right here at Colfax!
Written by Gabriella Gonzalez
After years of parent interest, Colfax
now has an on-site after school program
available! Over the course of spring
2009, parents reviewed proposals from
two after-school programs, met to discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of
each, and made suggestions to school
administrators for selection. After
reviewing all the information, school
administrators selected Kids Club, an
after school program operated by the
Children’s Department Program of the
Jewish Community Center (JCC).
We’re very excited to have an after
school program directly available on
the Colfax campus. No need to worry
about your child getting on a bus to go
to another site. This also provides a
good option for child care if an at-home
caregiver becomes ill at the last minute
or a planned play date falls through.
Overview of the Program
Students in Kindergarten through Grade
6 are welcome to join Kids Club. Kids
Club offers fun activities for your child
including arts and crafts, nature, and
Staffing and Daily Schedule
A program coordinator will be on site
at Colfax at all times to oversee the
program and ensure that the Kids Club
is a safe, nurturing, and fun experience
for our children. Counselors of Kids
Club are high school and college aged
students that are hired and trained by the
JCC. Students will have a snack upon
arrival, complete their homework (if
parents wish), and can then select among
a variety of activities to participate in.
Operating Hours
Kids Club runs from the end of the
school day until 5:30 pm and it will be
open every day that Colfax is in session.
Care can not be provided when Colfax is
not in session since the program makes
use of school facilities. A calendar is
available upon request.
Registration & Fees
Registration for Kids Club started
August 1.
To register, contact Jayme Vertullo,
Program Coordinator, at
(412) 521-8011, ext. 852 or email
her at
A credit card number will be taken and
charged on the 5th of each month for the
prior month’s usage. A $100 deposit will
be required at the time of registration,
and will be put towards the first month’s
charges. Parents can choose between the
daily rate and the weekly rate. Once you
select which rate makes the most sense
for you and your family, you will be
able to make one change free of charge
(from daily rate to weekly rate or vice
versa). Future changes beyond that will
be subject to a $25 fee. A cancellation
fee of $100 will be issued if a child
discontinues use of the program during
the school year.
• Daily rate: $21 (JCC Members $18)
• Weekly rate: $84 (JCC Members $72)
For any other questions or concerns,
parents can contact Jayme or Sarah
Glascom, Program Coordinator (412)
521-8011 at ext. 228 or speak with the
Director of The Children/Teen/Family
Division, Liza Baron, at ext. 241.
Parental Involvement
Kids Club is a program for the children
of our school. Program coordinators
have so far been very open to our
suggestions for modifications so that
the program can be tailored to fit the
needs of Colfax parents and students.
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 2
We can ensure Kids Club’s success
and sustainability by keeping lines of
communication open with the staff and
voicing opinions or suggestions for
further improvement. We encourage
anyone looking for an after school care
option to try out Kids Club. Colfax
students can also still participate
in the after school programs at the
Clubhouse, located at the JCC facility
on Darlington Avenue.
personal coaching for
loving parents
who want to grow caring,
confident, resilient children
Household rules that really work
Strategies for single and divorced parenting
Ways to end whining & begging
Workshops & group coaching available
Susan G. Berman, Ph.D.
One of the biggest changes you may have
noticed when you came back to Colfax
is the amazing progress of our Edible
School Yard project. In collaboration
with Mr. Josh Burnett, Director of
Education at Grow Pittsburgh, the
Colfax garden came together during the
spring of last year. By the beginning
of summer, raised beds with little
seedlings of lettuce and broccoli were
on their way. During the last weeks of
school, the team planted the three sisters
(popcorn, cranberry dry beans, and mini
pumpkins), tomatoes, potatoes, peppers,
basil, marjoram, parsley, ground cherries,
sweet potato, raspberries, melons, and
cotton. Over the summer, a volunteer
Edible School Yard
group of Colfax families took weekly
turns to water and weed, in hopes of
harvesting some yummy produce. All
their hard work has helped to make
this first summer of gardening very
productive. See the timetable
below for a fun look back
at how the garden grew this
are facing the garden, they are in the
front-row-farthest left box.
Another benefit of the garden
was the interest it got from
the people who live near
the school. Some volunteer
families noted that ‘the
neighbors commented on how
wonderful they thought the
garden was, and they asked
many questions. They were
most curious about the ground
cherries as they had never seen
anything like them before.
They walked right up to the
garden to get a close look
and really seemed pleased.’
If you don’t know what a
ground cherry is, walk out to
the garden on your way out
of school one day and take a
look! Hint: If you have your
back to the art room door and
Week of
June 22
June 29
July 6
July 13
July 20
July 27
August 3
August 10
August 17
August 24
Plants Harvested
Broccoli, Lettuce
Broccoli, Lettuce
Broccoli, Lettuce
Carrots, Beets, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers,
Basil, Marjoram, Parsley
Basil, Marjoram, Parsley
Basil, Marjoram, Parsley, Tomatoes, Raspberries
Basil, Marjoram, Parsley, Tomatoes, Raspberries,
Ground Cherries
Basil, Marjoram, Parsley, Tomatoes, Raspberries,
Ground Cherries, Peppers
Basil, Marjoram, Parsley, Tomatoes, Raspberries,
Ground Cherries, Peppers, Melons
But wait there’s more…the Edible
School Yard still needs help.
Cauliflower will be available late
September, along with carrots,
cucumbers, cabbage, beets, potatoes,
sweet potato, and the three sisters.
During this fall, a harvest team of
parents is needed to be in operation until
mid-October. The harvest team will be
responsible for coming to the garden
once or twice a week to harvest the
produce, wash and cut it if necessary,
and deliver it to a classroom as a snack.
Harvest team volunteers must be
available during the school day for 1 ½
hour visits to the garden. If your family
would like to participate, please contact
Josh Burnett (jburnett@growpittsburgh.
org)! For a full list of the garden
activities that students and classrooms
will be involved in, please visit the
Colfax website.
Volunteer family
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 3
Carnaval 2009:
What a way to
the year!
For student and parents alike, last year’s
Carnaval was really a fun-filled event.
The entire Squirrel Hill community
enjoyed all the festivities from the Global
Café to the Cultural Tents to the vast
array of games and amusements. Music
and a rousing drumming circle was
provided by C.E. Pino and PITT African
Music and Dance Club and over 100
parent volunteers participated.
We could not have done without
everyone’s participation!
Some lucky families went home as lucky
winners of goodie-filled baskets, thanks to
the generosity of our local partners. The
following area businesses donated items
for the Kangaroo Auction that raised
nearly $800 to support the activities of
the PTO. We are most grateful for their
support of Pittsburgh Colfax K-8.
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 4
Allegheny Valley School
Baskin Robbins, Squirrel Hill
Carol H Designs
Cheryl W
Color Me Mine
Crazy Mocha
Dee Parr Jewelry
Embellishments by Evelyn
Forward Lanes
Frick Art & Historical Center
Gemini Children's Theater
Gymkhana Gymnastics
La Cucina Flegrea
Littles Shoe Store
Maggie Dobkin Cham, madDesigns
Make Your Mark
Mexico Lindo, Mercado y Galeria de Artesanias
Philip Pelusi, Squirrel Hill
Pino's Contemporary Italian Restaurant
Pittsburgh Penguins
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Steelers
Relax the Back
Rita's Italian Ice, Squirrel Hill
Schoolhouse Yoga
Starbucks, Murray Avenue
The Chocolate Moose
Upcycled Designs
Squirrel Hill Baseball
Last chance to sign up!
Practice starts after
Labor Day
Call Randi Frankel to sign up
at 412.306.0369
Check out for more
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 5
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Look for the 10¢ Box Tops for Education coupon on
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Tops on brands such as General Mills cereals such as
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clip the Box Top coupons, and send them in an envelope
or plastic bag to your child’s homeroom. We’ll collect
them and send them in to earn cash for the school. For
now, just save them: we’ll be publishing reminders in
future editions of the Newsletter.
Get five extra box tops for Colfax just for signing up at, where you’ll also find
recipes and coupons. See the site for more information
on qualifying products.
Questions? Contact Shannon Ewing at
Y After-School Jewish Education for children
of pre-school age through Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Your Ad could be HERE!
Small in-home classes that are warm and welcoming
Y Professional Faculty
Looking for an affordable way to advertise your
business or program?
We welcome interfaith and non-traditional families
Reach hundreds of Colfax Families and support the
Colfax PTO by placing an ad in this newsletter!
Reconstructionist Judaism is gender neutral and egalitarian.
We strive to enrich our children’s learning by teaching them
about our Jewish heritage and exploring ways to embody
Judaism in contemporary, complex life. We emphasize
learning Hebrew, the prayer service, and the integration of
Jewish values in everyday living. Our graduates are able to
comfortably participate in and even lead services. We help our
students become informed and questioning, not ideological.
Approximate size of ad
(width x height)
Advertisements of non-rectangular shape will also be
considered if space allows.
Price for one issue
(10% discount will be
applied for 3 or more
Business Card Size
3.75” x 2.25”
Quarter Page Size
3.75” x 5”
Half Page Size
7.5” x 5”
Whole Page Size
7.5 “ x 10”
Please Contact
Advertising Guidelines
Sukanya Srinivasan
 Acceptance of an advertisement for
Microsoft Publisher files
publication is subject to the approval of the
Simply submit the text and a custom
Colfax PTO Executive Board
advertisement can be created for you at
 Submitted advertisements that exceed the size
 Advertisements should be submitted as jpeg or
Dor Hadash Religious School
(The School of the Dor Hadash Reconstructionist Congregation)
additional charge
 There will be 10 total issues of this newsletter,
one each month between September 2009 and
June 2010
 Submissions are due the first Friday of each
month prior to the month of desired publication
guidelines may be reduced
 Advertisements may be enlarged by editor (at
no extra cost) to fill available space
Sukanya Srinivasan
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September
2009, page 6
For further information about class times, fees, etc.
Contact Hal Grinberg, Principal
(412) 242- 6335 •
We teach respect and tolerance for all people.
Parent Corner
If you are fully cleared to volunteer
and would like to help a student
in Grades K-2, please contact
Diane Condie at 412-422-2037 or
With 4 classes in each of these grades,
parent volunteers are needed to make
sure the littlest of Colfax students have
an enjoyable break from the busy day
of learning. As in the past, half of the
period is spent in the lunchroom and
the other half is recess. Volunteers are
needed to help supervise the lunch/
recess hour for K-2.
Outdoor recess is usually in the upper
playground where the turf field and
basketball hoops are located. Due to
change in scheduling, the gym will
be able to be OPEN during all lunch
periods. So, all indoor recesses will
be held in the gym rather than in
classrooms if weather issues arise.
Parent volunteers may bring a class
down the the lower playground where
the play equipment is located. There
are also picnic tables outside this year,
so there may be an opportunity for
kids to eat outside if supervision is
If you can help out, contact
Cate Axtman at 412-665-8662 or
All volunteers must have their
clearances. If we are successful with
getting the volunteers for k-2, we could
try to expand it to grades 3-5.
Principal’s Note from David May-Stein
THE 2009/2010
We have just
completed our
first week of school and I can honestly
say that it did not feel like the first
week of school. It felt like we picked
up right where we left off last year.
Our goal was to start strong. Teachers
and students did not waste any time
in reestablishing our classroom and
school-wide rituals and routines. In
every classroom, I have observed
highly engaged and enthusiastic
students. Thank you teachers, support
staff and parents for such a strong and
wonderful start to our school year. It
could not have happened without your
commitment and dedication to all
Colfax students.
This year our school motto is, “If we
are serious…” If we are serious about
meeting the needs of all students; if
we are serious about making AYP;
if we are serious about reducing the
African American achievement gap;
if we are serious about successfully
implementing the gifted pilot program;
if we are serious about improving
our instructional practices; if we are
serious about welcoming parents into
our school and classrooms, etc, then
Our Vision States:
At Pittsburgh Colfax
K-8, we focus on
implementation of the
America’s Choice School
Reform Model to raise
all students’
performance levels.
This is achieved under
the guidance of the high
performance leadership
team in tandem with
involved parent/
community members
who embraceprofessional
learning communities
and is interdependent
with effective classroom
rituals and routines
that are aligned with
the standards-based,
workshop model.
all of our school-based decisions must
be deliberate and purposeful. All of
our decisions must center on student
As we enter our fourth year of being
an accelerated learning academy, I am
proud to state that 100% of our staff
members have chosen to be at Colfax.
Between teachers and office personnel,
we have 14 new staff members who
range in experience from new hire
to being 20 year veterans. The one
thing they all have in common is their
willingness to do what it takes to help
kids succeed.
It is my continued goal that the Colfax
community commits to our school’s
vision to increase the academic
performance of all students.
Throughout the school-year, starting
with our first PSCC (Parent School
Community Council) meeting, we will
explore the implications of our vision,
the America’s Choice Model, and how
we as a school community can better
support all of our students to be more
academically and socially successful.
Our First PSCC meeting will be
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 7:00
PM in the cafeteria. Babysitting will
be provided for school aged students.
I hope to see there!
David May-Stein, Principal
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 7
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 ALA
2009-2010 Staff Directory Information
(412) 422-3525
Revised August 20, 2009
Title/Subject Taught
Acie, Paula
3rd Grade Reading
Adams (Cook), Meredith 6th & 7th Grade Reading Teacher
PELA (Pittsburgh Emerging Leadership
Arrington, Deonne
Academy) Resident
Bails, Sandi
Banycky, Lee Ann
4th Grade Math Teacher
Bickerstaff, April
5nd Grade Math Teacher
Cohen, Mark
8th Grade Math
Condie, Diane
Parent Engagement
Conroy, Joie
1st Grade Teacher
Crist, Amanda
K-2 Learning Support Teacher
Dawson, Kipp
7th Grade Reading Teacher
Devine, Michael
Filipek, Kaela
Kindergarten Teacher
Fine, Nathan
7th Grade Math & Algebra Teacher
Freed, Betsy
Social Worker K-5, Attendance K-8
George, Janice
Glick, Marilee
Math Coach Grades K-8
Goerk, Gary
6th - 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Greco, Raffaella
6th Grade Reading Teacher & Ramp-Up
Griffith, Bethany
3-5 Learning Support Teacher
Herr, Jennifer
8th Grade Reading Teacher
Hills, Crissy
2nd Grade Teacher
Hricik, Marci
Kindergarten Teacher
Juhas, Betsy
Gifted Resource Teacher
King, Mary
ESL Teacher
King, Sharon
1st Grade Teacher
LaVelle, Erika
Physical Education Teacher, Grades 5-8
Lepinsky, Joanne
2nd Grade Teacher
Long, Susan
Special Education Teacher
Lowe, Cindi
Educational Assistant
Lydon, Danny
Physical Education Teacher, Grades K-4
Malvin, Denise
3rd -4th Grade Science Teacher
Marcus, Lori
8th Grade Communications Teacher
Mayer, Alli
3rd - 5th Grade Social Studies Teacher
May-Stein, David
McCartney, Donna
5th & 6th Grade Science Teacher
McElhattan, Susan
Speech Teacher
McKee, Jane
Librarian Grades K-8
Montgomery, Julie
(Malvin, Kari – Sub)
6th Grade Math Teacher
Morgano, Melissa
1st Grade Teacher
Moule, Vicky
Music Teacher Grades K-5
3rd Grade Math
Murray, Nicole
Pellegrini, Beth
Literacy (Reading) Coach
Special Education Grades 6-8 & Activities
Pfleger, Meghan
Plum, Pricilla
Quesen, Conrad
Art Teacher (Grades K-8)
Reed, Kimberly
Paraprofessional – Learning Support
Repine, Holly
Counselor and School Social Worker,
Rettger, Cheryl
Grades 6-8
Ricketts, Sarah
Gifted Resource Teacher
Rothman, Rhonda
Cafeteria Manager
Rudkin, Shelley Katz
1st Grade Teacher
Sarkin, Randi
2nd Grade Teacher
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 8
Room 205
Room 129
Email address (all end with
Room 202
Room 209
darrington1 412-422-3527
sbails1 412-422-2079
dcondie1 412-422-2037
efreed1 412-422-4863
jgeorge1 412-422-3529
Room 214
Room 111
Room 108
Room 201
Room 228
Room 231
Main Office
Room 206
Room 212
Room 223
Room 108
Room 102
Room 128
Room 127
Room 106
Room 126
Room 209
Room 101
Room 228
Room 210
Room 226
Room 128
Room 227
Room 014
Room 104
Room 006
Room 113
Gym office
Room 016
Room 230
Gym office
Room 203
Room 222
Room 302B
Room 015
Main Office
Room 229
Room 103
Room 105
rrothman1 412-622-6708
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 ALA
2009-2010 Staff Directory Information (cont)
(412) 422-3525
Revised August 20, 2009
Saunders, Craig
Scoratow, Ilene
Seeley, Sandy
Smith, Francine
Stefanyak, Robyn
Taylor, Lynda
Theiss-Wovchko, Tina
Torkos, Maria
Tough, Lorraine
Tuchin, Tracy
Underwood, Jackie
Walker, Leslie
Wallace, Cora
Wolfe, Doug
Woloschuk, Sue
Woods, Tony
3-8th Grade Instrumental Itinerant
6-8th Grade General Music Teacher
4-8 Grade Spanish Teacher
4th Grade Reading Teacher,
Paraprofessional – Learning Support
5th Grade Reading Teacher
Student Data Systems Specialist
4th Grade Reaching Teacher
Lunch Aide
5th Grade Reading Teacher
2nd Grade Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
3rd Grade Reading Teacher
Assistant Principal
7-8 Grade Science Teacher
ESL Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
Room 122
Room 302A
Room 213
Room 211
Main Office
Room 204
Room 208 Rear
Room 018
Room 110
Room 301
Room 230
Room 219
Room 006
Room 112
ltaylor1 412-422-3526
cwallace1 412-422-3513
Please feel free to keep this directory of faculty and staff for your
reference. This is your Colfax family, please use this information to
keep in touch with all those working with you and your children.
2009-2010 Bell Schedule
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4/Lunch
Period 5/Lunch
Period 6/Lunch
Period 7
Period 8
Period 9
Begin Time
8:15 AM
8:27 AM
9:13 AM
1:00 PM
1:46 PM
2:32 PM
3:18 PM
End Time
8:27 AM
9:13 AM
9:59 AM
1:00 PM
1:46 PM
2:32 PM
3:18 PM
3:25 PM
Instructional Time
Instructional Time is not transition, lunch or recess. It is homeroom, classroom, DEAR (drop everything and read) Time, etc.
Daily instructional time should be a minimum of 341 minutes.
Full Day Kindergarten: 900 hours yearly and 180 days
Elementary (Grades 1-6): 900 hours yearly and 180 days
Secondary: (Grades 7-12) 990 hours yearly and 180 days
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 9
Keep in Touch & Get Involved!
Sign up for PTO - Yahoo Group E-mail Announcement List
In addition to the the website and the monthly newsletter, the Colfax
PTO maintains an announcement group for e-mail messages. Announcements are
typically sent out 1-2 time a week regarding upcoming PTO or school events. This is
the best way to receive PTO email announcements. ColfaxPTO is NOT a discussion
group--it is for announcements only.
To receive an invitation to join this group, send an e-mail to
Sukanya Srinivasan at
Save the Date! Fiesta!
September 29th, 5:30-7:30pm
It’s that time, again, to bring our
Colfax Community together to
celebrate the start of a new year!
Volunteer to bring a dish, come
and enjoy all the foods and
company of our Colfax friends.
The Communicator is looking for a few good people....
Are you good at writing and editing? Skilled at accounting and organizing? We
could use your help - we are looking for:
•Writers: teacher features, classroom notes, and general coverage of Colfax events
•Copy Editors/Proofreaders
•Advertising Solicitor and Coordinator
Please contact Sukanya Srinivasan ( if you can volunteer.
Important Dates to Remember!
Sept 2-21
Sept 7
Sept 8
Sept 8
Sept 12
Sept 23
Sept 24
Sept 25
Sept 28
Sept 29
Sept 30
“Lifestyle Market Day” Fundraiser, look in your backpack mail
Labor Day, No School
TENTATIVE: PTO Meeting, Details to be Announced
“Play 60 Challenge” Field Trip for 8th Graders
“Story Walk”, Blue Slide Park starting at 10am
Early Dismissal
No School. All PPS closed for the G-20
No School. All PPS closed for the G-20
No School
FIESTA, Colfax 5:30-7:30pm
Market Day Delivery, 3:30-5:30pm
2009-2010 PTO Executive Board Member Contact Info
Colfax PTO is selling the Enjoy Book.
The book has over 1200 “Two-forone” & “50% Off ” discount offers.
The books can be used immediately
and coupons on Valid through
November 1, 2010. It sells for $27.00
and we will accept cash or credit card
payments. A brochure and order form
are being sent home with each child
and we will be selling throughout the
month of September.
Tom Juring, Co-President
Kymberlee Frischman, Co-President
Sukanya Srinivasan, V.P. Communications
Lisa Chotiner, V.P. Fundraising
Ida Simpson, Co-V.P. Special Events
Nora Simpson, Co-V.P. Special Events
Newsletter Staff
Leigh Winston, Secretary
Editorial Board: PTO Executive Board
Katherin Cosentino, Treasurer
Layout: Maggie Cham
Cheryl Seeley, Volunteer Coordinator
Diane Condie, Parent Engagement
Randi Sarkin, Teacher Liaison
Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 Newsletter, September 2009, page 10
Editor: Sukanya Srinivasan
Sports Editor: Meghan Pfleger
Photos: Maren Cooke, Lorrie Cranor