AutoCAD 3D - Vianova Systems
AutoCAD 3D - Vianova Systems
5/21/2012 AutoCAD i 3D Samordningsmodell Tips og Triks for tegning i 3D med AutoCAD Tesfaye Kebede Vianova systems Novapoint brukermøte 2012 AutoCAD 3D AutoCAD - 3D Samordningsmodell - Course Contents - New Features 3D AutoCAD 2013 - Sheet set Manager More easy to draw a 3D model dimensionally using AutoCAD 2013 Novapoint brukermøte 2012 1 5/21/2012 Course Contents 3D ENVIRONMENT FOR DRAWING 3D MODELS RECOMMENDED UNITS FOR 3D DRAWING OPTIONS DIALOG BOX, OTRACK AND POINT FILTERING CREATING A BASIC 3D OBJECTS CREATING A 3D SOLID PRIMITIVES and BASIC 3D OBJECTS EXTENDING A 2D OR 3D FACE INTO 3D CREATING A COMPOSITE 3D OBJECTS EDITING SOLID UNION, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT, REGION, INTERFER THE USER COORDINATE SYSTEM (UCS) , WORK WITH THE DYNAMIC, NAMED UCS LOFT 2D OBJECTS and SWEEP AND REVOLVE TO CREATE 3D SOLID CREATING A 3D MESH OBJECTS 3D MESH PRIMITIVES CREATE A MESH BY REVOLVING, CONTIGUOUS EDGES , RULED and TABULATED SURFACE CREATING A COMPOSITE 3D (MEASURE) ALIGNING THE BRIDGE FOOTING USING MEASURE FUNCTION DRAWING A TUNNEL FRONT PERFORMANCE TUNNING AND RENDERING. SETTING A CAMERA AND RENDERING PERFORMANCE TUNING (GRAPHICS CARD AND 3D DISPLAY) Novapoint brukermøte 2012 3D- Environment Model space can be created by viewports and change the viewports to display different views Navigate (orbit) (Shift key + mouse wheel). RECOMMENDED UNITS Direction example East specifies the compass direction east (the default) NAVBARDISPLAY - - Entry of angles Display format Entry of polar , cylindrical, and spherical coordinates Direction setting for the zero angles. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 2 5/21/2012 Performance Tunning Graphics Card & 3D display Novapoint brukermøte 2012 Creating a composite (Editing objects) EDITING SOLID UNION, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT, REGION, INTERFER LOFT SWEEP REVOLVE 2D THE USER OORDINATE SYSTEM (UCS) , work with the DYNAMIC and NAMED UCS Novapoint brukermøte 2012 3 5/21/2012 Creating a 3D Mesh Primitives REVOLVING (1) CONTIGUOUS EDGES (2) TABULATED (3) and RULED (4) SURFACE A mesh model consists of vertices, edges, and faces that use polygonal representation (including triangles) to define a 3D shape. Can be converted to 3D Faces 1 2 3 4 Novapoint brukermøte 2012 Creating a Composite 3D Drawing a Tunnel front and Bridge footing (Live Section) Novapoint brukermøte 2012 4 5/21/2012 Arrays (Associative Arrays) Editing Associative Arrays Propagate changes throughout an array by maintaining relationships between items. Changes made to one object in the array changes all objects in array - Array properties, - Item overrides, - Editing source objects - Replacing selected items ARRAYEDIT command can be used Novapoint brukermøte 2012 New Features AutoCAD 2013 Novapoint brukermøte 2012 5 5/21/2012 Welcoming Screen Work, Learn and Extend Autodesk Exchange Apps Autodesk 360 - Enable cloud storage - Syncronise settings - Render in Cloud Novapoint brukermøte 2012 Autodesk 360 What is Autodesk 360? Autodesk® 360 is a cloud-based platform that gives you access to storage, a collaboration workspace, and cloud services to help you dramatically improve the way you design, visualize, simulate, and share your work with others anytime, anywhere. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 6 5/21/2012 New Layout Tool (section Plane in 2012) SECTION PLANE (2012) Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects. New Layout Tool (2013) - Make a New layout - Open from Template Section Plane Flatshot Extract Edges Styles and Standards for (Section and Detail) Novapoint brukermøte 2012 New Layout Tool New Layout Tool Create orthogonal, and isometric projected views from an existing drawing view. Base View layout A base view is the first view created in a drawing. All other views are derived from the base view. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 7 5/21/2012 Pointcloud cliping Pointcloudclip - Clipping boundaries filter out areas of the point cloud Clipped portions are not removed and can be turned on and off. Rectangular or polygonal clipping boundaries Combine them with a 3D clipping box to customize General ASCIII Leica Faro LIDAR data exchange Topcon XYZ, TXT, ASC PTG, PTS, PTX FLS, FWS, XYB LAS CLR, CL3 Defining clipping boundaries for large point clouds improves program performance. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 Reassociate a dimension Associate or reassociate a dimension New annotation editing (Dimension) Associative, Nonassociative Exploded. Associative dimensions adjust to changes in the geometric objects that they measure. Dimension associativity Is a relationship between geometric objects and the dimensions that give their distance and angles. There are three types of associativity between Right Click geometric objects and dimensions. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 8 5/21/2012 AutoCAD 3D Plan Production - Sheet set Manager Novapoint brukermøte 2012 AutoCAD Sheet set Manager What is Sheet set manager Method used to create or bring sheets(layout) and adding different views in group. Shortcut menu (Drag & Drop) The tab buttons. You can drag and drop a layout tab directly from the DWG. Modifying a sheet should always be done from an open sheet set. The associations and information that define a sheet set are stored in a sheet set data (DST) file. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 9 5/21/2012 AutoCAD Sheet set Manager Opening a DWG from a sheet set Open a drawing from the sheet set use double-click. Use SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple sheets. To review a sheet, use the shortcut menu to open a drawing in read-only mode. Novapoint brukermøte 2012 AutoCAD Sheet set Manager Modify a sheet, Import, publish and eTransmit etc… Novapoint brukermøte 2012 10 5/21/2012 Takk for oppmerksomeheten!! Tesfaye Kebede (Siv.Ing. MS.c.) Produktansvarlig Civil-3D Novapoint brukermøte 2012 11