ellman poster 03 kondilomi.indd
ellman poster 03 kondilomi.indd
SUCCESSFUL RADIOSURGICAL TREATMENT OF EXTENSIVE RECALCITRANT CONDYLOMA Miodrag MILOJEVIC MD, PhD Proffesor of Dermatology Igor JEREMIC MD, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Licensed Radio-wave Surgery Instructor THIS IS A REPORT ABOUT OF CONDYLOMA RECALCITRANT TO THE CONVENTIONAL THERAPY IN TWO FEMALE PATIENTS. Anally and perianally giant condylomata before radiosurgeri treatment The first patient was a 45-year-old woman with an extensive, more or less giant, cauliflower-like tumor which was obtruding the perianal region, with flat condylomatous plaques covering her external genitalia. Anally and perianally giant condylomata before radiosurgeri treatment Giant condylomata plana regio vulvaris bilateralis before radiosurgeri treatment 10 minutes after intervention under local anestehesia (inj. Lidocaine 2% with adrenaline) 10 minutes after intervention under local anestehesia (inj. Lidocaine 2% with adrenaline) 3 months after intervention no observable relaps 10 days after intervention 3 months after intervention no observable relaps 3 months after intervention no observable relaps CIN III Anally and perianally localized condylomata before radio wave treatment Anally and perianally localized condylomata before radio wave treatment 10 minutes after radiosurgical treatment 10 minutes after radiosurgical treatment 4 months after intervention no observable relaps 4 months after intervention no observable relaps 10 minutes after LOOP conization withaut anestehesia The other patient was a 31-year-old woman with a particularly extensive acuminate and cauliflower-like condylomata spreading over and obtruding her external genitalia/perineum, as well as the perianal region in continuum. The colposcopic examination revealed Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia grade III, while the HPV 17 infection has been confirmed by means of the PCR. PVU 4 months after intervention The two patients have been previously treated with multiple procedures such as podophyllotoxin, cryosurgery, electrosurgery and CO2 laser surgery. The above treatments were either partially successful or resulted in the early relapses.The observed recalcitrant lesions in both patients have been successfully re- moved with ELLMAN’s Surgitron HIGH RF source at 4.0 MHz.. The patient with CIN III underwent the LOOP conization with the identical device. The complete healing was observed in just 10 days, with no observable relapses during the follow up period which lasted for 8 and 10 months, respectively.