Untitled - ModaFusion
Untitled - ModaFusion
commercial contacts Nadine Gonzalez Andrea Fasanello modafusion@yahoo.fr Wanderson Mathyas T +55 (21) 2509 2910 8817 2151 wanderson@modafusion.org ModaFusion, a project which aims at joining Brazilian NGOs and French designers, presents “Anjos da Favela” (“Slums Angels”), its first ethical fashion collection. Its aim is joining popular art with design and fashion, leading to the commercial viability of the product created and providing the handicraftsmen with a living. The ModaFusion project signals the liaison of Rio de Janeiro’s NGOs with French haute-couture and its major social aim is to value the creativity of the communities’ works; to help their artistic development; and turn their handicraft product into a fashion product. The ModaFusion project was created in 2005, during Brazil’s year in France, by the French journalist, Nadine Gonzalez, and by the Brazilian business woman, Andrea Fasanello. It is a French-Brazilian association with the assigned duty of identifying and publicizing the fashion and design talents within Rio de Janeiro’s disfavored communities. One of its major goals is to help commercializing these works abroad. Its social component consists of three main actions: value what is produced within these communities; organize workshops on fashion topics for the artists from Rio de Janeiro’s slums; work as a show room, that is, be like a clothing window display, and help commercializing and publicizing the designers’ works. Its first collection, called “Anjos da Favela”, was designed by Odely Teboul, a French designer, graduated in haute-couture, and manufactured by four NGOs: Coosturarte, Crocheteiras da Maré, (The Crochet Makers of Maré), Justa Cor (The Correct Color) and Santa Agulha (The Holy Needle).International trends inspired the theme chosen based on the major concept pillars of ethical fashion, social consciousness and fair commerce. The work was carried out for one year, a result from joint works and preparation of different disfavored communities. It was also a result of the opportunities created by ModaFusion project, based on three thematic focuses: art, music and ethical fashion. For one year, the communities manufacturing fashion in Rio de Janeiro’s slums were able to attend workshops delivered by French artists and could acquire some experience with the ateliers work. “The main purpose of this exchange program is to learn about luxury fashion management with French artists and show them the creativity characteristic of Rio de Janeiro’s fashion coops”, says journalist Nadine Gonzalez. The green is the new black Environmental concern, ecology highlighted, greenish pieces. What “Anjos da Favela” collection mainly approaches are the social and environmental issues of the contemporary world, expressing the ModaFusion effervescence and exposing its expertise in “ethical fashion”. This term can be considered as one of the major pillars of the works carried out last year by the ModaFusion project. Ethical fashion is mainly concerned about environmental awareness, and makes use of ecologically correct materials; it is based on both human and cultural respect, on fair commerce, and on social consciousness; always aiming at valuing the identity and “savoir faire” of the handicraft techniques. In the pieces to be exhibited, the ecological materials are presented in corselet dresses, dresses with frills, boleros and bloomers, highly inspired in the 40’s. The use of delicate handicraft techniques of fuxico (little rosettes), crochet, painting and embroidery is made with fabric leftovers from the dressmaker’s workshops and making use of a number of different organic cottons, fibers and ecological leather, where lively colors prevail when matched with black. “Green is the new black”, reveals Nadine, who strongly believe that ecology is in fashion. “Anjos da Favela” collection joins and expresses the values and specificities of four communities. In addition, it expresses the power and values the talent of all women involved: The Crochet Makers of Maré, specialized in crochet; Vida Real (Real Life), a NGO from Favela Nova Holanda, which presents silk painting; Coosturarte, clothing making co-ops in Santa Cruz, whose creations’ main focus are embroideries and fuxicos (a handicraft technique in the form of Littles Rosettes); and Santa Agulha (The Holy Needle), from the inland of the state of Rio de Janeiro, with embroideries and superpositions which turn clothes and accessories into delicate colorful pictures. “We want to operate as a catalyzer of what is happening within these communities”, explains Andrea Fasanello. www.modafusion.org Ref: MF1C07 Ref. MF1C07 Vestido de algodão plumetis com aplicação de fuxicos no busto, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Dress with Fuxicos (Littles Rosettes) Tamanhos: Plumetis cotton dress with bust fuxicos superpositions, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. Ref: MF1C07 Cores: Sizes S / M / L Colors P M G Vestido de algodão plumetis com R$ 94 eco aplicação R$ 89 P.E.T.de fuxicos no busto, confecionado pela cooperativa de R$ 83 mulheres Coosturarte. Tamanhos: P M G Cores: R$ 94 eco R$ 89 P.E.T. R$ 83 vestido fuxico Ref: MF1C08 Bolero dupla face de tafetá com aplicação de fuxicos e bordados, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Face com fuxico, e outra lisa. vestido fuxico Ref. MF1C08 Bolero with Fuxicos (Littles Rosettes) Taffeta double-face bolero with fuxicos and embroideries superpositions, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. One side is with fuxico, and the other is solid. bolero de fuxico Sizes S / M / L Colors bolero de fuxico Tamanhos: P M G Ref: MF1C08 Cores: Bolero dupla face de tafetá com aplicação R$ 106 de fuxicos e bordados, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Face com fuxico, e outra lisa. Tamanhos: Cores: R$ 106 P M G Ref: MF1C12 Ref. MF1C15V Dress with scale shoulder pads Ecological cotton dress made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op, with shoulder pads made of fabric scales. Sizes S / M / L Colors Vestido de algodão ecológico confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com ombreiras de escama de tecido. Tamanhos: Ref: MF1C12 P M G Vestido de algodão ecológico confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com ombreiras Opções: T shirt ou vestido. de escama de tecido. Cores: R$ 64 T shirt eco R$ 71 vestido eco R$ 48 T shirtTamanhos: R$ 53 vestido P M G Options T-shirt or dress Cores: Opções: T shirt ou vestido. R$ 64 T shirt eco R$ 71 vestido eco R$ 48 T shirt R$ 53 vestido vestido ombreiras escama Ref: MF1C11 Cinto de escama feito com retalhos de diversos tecidos, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Tamanhos: vestido ombreiras escama G Ref: MF1C11 Ref. MF1C11 Cinto de escama feito com retalhos de diversos tecidos, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Scale belt produced with different kinds of fabric leftovers, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. Tamanhos: SCALE BELT Sizes S / M / L cinto escama M Opções: T shirt ou vestido. R$ 80 cinto escama P P M G Opções: T shirt ou vestido. R$ 80 Ref. MF1C12 SCALES DResS Ref: MF1C12 Ecological cotton scales dress embroidered with paillettes, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. Sizes S / M / L Vestido em escamas de algodão ecológico bordado com paetês pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Tamanhos: Colors P M G Cores: opçao de medidas R$ 165 eco R$ 154 P.E.T. R$ 128 vestido escama Ref. MF1C09 Embroidered dress Ref: MF1C09 Vestido de algodão plumetis com bordados feitos a mão. Plumetis cotton dress with hand-made embroideries, Confecionado pela cooperativa de Ref: MF1C09 made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. mulheres Coosturarte. Sizes S / M / L Colors Vestido de algodão plumetis com P M G bordados feitos a mão. Confecionado pela cooperativa de Cores: mulheres Coosturarte. Tamanhos: Tamanhos: R$ 152 eco R$ 140 plumetis P M G Cores: vestido trapézio R$ 152 eco R$ 140 plumetis Ref: MF1C10 vestido trapézio Cinto de tafeta com bordados feitos a mão, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Ref: MF1C10 P M G Tamanhos: Ref. MF1C10 Embroidered belt cinto bordado Cinto de tafeta com bordados feitos a mão, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Taffeta belt with hand-made embroideries, made R$ by77 Tamanhos: Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. Sizes S / M / L Colors cinto bordado Cores: Cores: R$ 77 P M G Ref. MF1C13 Ref: MF1C13 Paillettes Dress Vestido de tafetá com bordados de paetês e pedras brasileiras feito Taffeta dress with hand-made embroideries with a mão, confecionado pela cooperativa paillettes and Brazilian stones, made by Coosturarte, de mulheres Coosturarte. a women’s co-op. Tamanhos: Sizes S / M / L Cores: Colors R$ 163 vestido paetê P M G Coosturarte At the Coosturarte Co-op Atelier, in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, women, sewing machines and needles work unceasingly since 2002, aiming at increasing family income and reducing the social gap existing within their community. With no funds to start the enterprise, they had to look for fabric donations from local companies to initiate their production. It was then that fabric leftovers started to gain new forms in the hands of the embroiderers. The lack of funds stimulated these women’s creativity that started to develop a kind of unique and innovating fashion. Customizing their clothing items with patches of cloth and hand embroideries that would tell the history of that place, they created a colorful and rather daring kind of fashion. This initiative led to such positive results that the production of the first Coostuarte collection started, in a joint project with ModaFusion. T shirt Ref. MF1C14 T-shirt WITH FUXICOS Ref: MF1C05 (A handicraft technique in the form of Littles Rosettes) Blusa de algodão ecológico confeccionada pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com ombreiras de fuxico. Ecological cotton blouse with shoulder pads of fuxico, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. T shirt Sizes S / M / L Tamanhos: P M G Cores: Ref: MF1C05 Colors Options T-shirt or dress T shirt shirt ou vestido. Blusa deOpções: algodãoT ecológico confeccionada pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte R$ 64 T de shirt eco R$ 71 vestido eco com ombreiras fuxico. R$ 50 T shirt R$ 58 vestido Tamanhos: Ref: P MF1C05 M G Cores: Blusa de algodão ecológico confeccionada pela de mulheres Coosturarte Opções: T shirt oucooperativa vestido. Ref: MF1M04 com ombreiras de fuxico. Ref. MF1M05A HIGH bloomer bloomer Shorts made with hand-made crochet by crochet makers from Maré. bloomer Cores: P Tamanhos: M G Cores:Opções: T shirt ou vestido. fio com lurex prata. Ref: MF1M04 Opções: alta ou baixa. R$ Cintura 64 Tem shirt eco R$feito 71 avestido eco Short confeccionado crochet todo mão pelas crocheteiras da favela da maré. R$ 50 T shirt R$ 58 vestido Sizes S / M / L Colors R$ 64 Short T shirtconfeccionado eco R$ 71 vestido eco todo feito a em crochet R$ 50 mão T shirtpelas R$ 58 P vestido Tamanhos: Mfavela G da maré. crocheteiras da or black with silver lurex. Options High waist or dropped waist. Made-to-order, with recycled line of P.E.T. bottles. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada Tamanhos: P M de garrafa P.E.T.G Cores: R$ 208 cinturaoualta fio com prata. R$lurex 92,40 cintura baixa Ref:P.E.T. MF1M04 R$ 236 Opções: Cintura alta ou baixa. R$ 112 P.E.T. Short confeccionado em crochet todo feito a Sob encomenda, reciclada da favela da maré. mão com pelaslinha crocheteiras Ref:P.E.T. MF1C06 de garrafa Tamanhos: P cintura M pela Gbaixa Leggings cooperativa R$ 208 cintura altaconfeccionados R$ 92,40 de mulheres Coosturarte R$ 236 P.E.T. R$ 112 P.E.T. com fuxicos. bloomer Ref. MF1C06 LEGGING Leggings with fuxicos (little rosettes) made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. One size fits all Colors Cores: ou fio com lurex prata. Tamanhos: único Ref: MF1C06Opções: Cintura alta ou baixa. Cores: Sob encomenda, linha reciclada Leggings confeccionados pela com cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com fuxicos. de garrafa P.E.T. Opções: Sob encomenda, com malha ecológica de fibra de bambú. Tamanhos: R$único 208 cintura alta R$ 92,40 cintura baixa R$ 20,29 24 P.E.T. R$ 236R$P.E.T. R$ 112 P.E.T. Cores: Opções: Sob encomenda, com malha ecológica deRef: fibraMF1C06 de bambú. R$ 20,29 R$Leggings 24 P.E.T. confeccionados pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com fuxicos. leggings Tamanhos: Cores: único Ref: MF1J06 T shirt Ref. MF1C04 DOTTED T-SHIRT Blusa de algodão ecológico pintada com técnica de grafiti pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor. Ref: MF1C05 Tamanhos: P M G Ecological cotton blouse with fuxico (little rosettes) Cores: shoulder pads, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. R$ 52 eco / R$ 41 Tamanhos: Sizes S / M / L Tee-shirt grafiti M G Opções: T shirt ou vestido. R$ 64 T shirt eco R$ 50 T shirt Ref: MF1C05 Ref: MF1M05 T shirt R$ 71 vestido eco R$ 58 vestido Short confeccionado em crochet todo feito a mão pelas crocheteiras da favela da Maré. Tamanhos: Ref. MF1M04 Cores: BLOOMER bloomer P Cores: Colors Options T-shirt or dress bloomer Blusa de algodão ecológico confeccionada pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com ombreiras de fuxico. P Blusa de algodão ecológico confeccionada pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte Ref: MF1M04 M G com ombreiras de fuxico. Short ou fio com lurex prata. confeccionado em crochet todo feito a Tamanhos: P da Mfavela G da maré. mão pelas crocheteiras Opções: Cintura alta o baixa. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada Shorts made with hand-made crochet by crochet makers de garrafa P.E.T. from Maré. R$ 69 cintura baixa / R$ 82 P.E.T. R$ 156 cintura alta / R$ 183 P.E.T. Sizes S / M / L Colors or black with silver lurex. Options High waist or dropped waist. Made-to-order, with recycled line of P.E.T. bottles. Cores: P Tamanhos: M G Cores:Opções: T shirt ou vestido. fio com lurex prata. Opções: altaeco ou baixa. R$ Cintura 64 T shirt R$ 71 vestido eco R$ 50 T shirt R$ 58 vestido Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada de garrafa P.E.T. R$ 208 cintura alta Ref:P.E.T. MF1M04 R$ 236 R$ 92,40 cintura baixa R$ 112 P.E.T. Short confeccionado em crochet todo feito a mão pelas crocheteiras da favela da maré. Ref: MF1C06 bloomer Ref. MF1C06 LEGGING Leggings with fuxicos (Littles Rosettes) made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. One size fits all Colors Tamanhos: P M pela G cooperativa Leggings confeccionados de mulheres Coosturarte com fuxicos. Cores: ou fio com lurex prata. Tamanhos: único Opções: Cintura alta ou baixa. Cores: Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada de garrafa P.E.T. Opções: Sob encomenda, com malha ecológica de fibra de bambú. R$ 208 cintura alta R$ 92,40 cintura baixa R$ 20,29 24 P.E.T. R$ 236R$P.E.T. R$ 112 P.E.T. Ref: MF1C06 Leggings confeccionados pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte com fuxicos. leggings Tamanhos: Cores: único crocheteiras da favela da Maré. Tamanhos: blusa de crochet blusa de crochet M G Cores: Ref. MF1M01 Crochet Blouse Crochet blouse with shoulder pads, hand-made by crochet makers from Maré. P Opções: Com ou sem aplicações de bolinhas de crochet nas ombreiras. Ref: MF1M01 Material: Linha de algodão. Sizes S / M / L Sob encomenda, com linha Blusa confeccionada em crochet com ombreiras, toda feita a mão pelas P.E.T. de garrafa crocheteiras da favela da Maré. Colors Tamanhos: Options With or without crochet balls superpositions on the shoulder pads. Material Cotton thread Made-to-order, with recycled line of P.E.T. bottles. P M R$ G 92 R$ 107 P.E.T. reciclada R$ 96 com bolinhas R$ 129 P.E.T. bolinhas Cores: Opções: Com ou sem aplicações de bolinhas de crochet nas ombreiras. Material: Linha de algodão. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada de garrafa P.E.T. Ref: MF1C01 R$ 92 R$ 107 P.E.T. R$ 96 com bolinhas Vestido de cetim com aplicação de R$ 129 P.E.T. bolinhas bolinhas bordadas, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Ref. MF1C01 Corselet dress Satin dress with embroidered ballsuperpositions, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. vestido bustier Ref: MF1C01 P M G Cores: Vestido de cetim com aplicação de Opções: pela Cintura franzida bolinhas bordadas, confecionado cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Sizes S / M / L Tamanhos: Colors Cores: Options Pleated waist vestido bustier Tamanhos: P M R$ 154 G Opções: Cintura franzida R$ 154 Ref: MF1M01 Blusa confeccionada em crochet com ombreiras, toda feita a mão pelas crocheteiras da favela da Maré. Ref. MF1M01 CROCHET BLOUSE blusa de crochet blusa de crochet Tamanhos: P M G Crochet blouse with shoulder pads, hand-made by crochet makers from Maré. Ref: MF1M02 Sizes S / M / L Blusa confeccionada em crochet com ombreiras, toda feitaOpções: a mão pelas Com ou sem aplicações de crocheteiras da favela da Maré. de crochet nas ombreiras. bolinhas Colors Tamanhos: Options With or without crochet balls superpositions on the shoulder pads. Cores: Material Cotton thread Made-to-order, with recycled line of P.E.T. bottles. Cores: P M G Material: Linha de algodão. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada de garrafa P.E.T. Opções: Com ou sem aplicações de bolinhas de crochet nas ombreiras. R$ 92 R$ 107 P.E.T. Material: Linha de algodão. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada de garrafa P.E.T. R$ 92 R$ 107 P.E.T. R$ 96 com bolinhas R$ 129 P.E.T. bolinhas R$ 96 com bolinhas R$129 P.E.T. bolinhas Ref: MF1C01 Vestido de cetim com aplicação de bolinhas bordadas, confecionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Ref: MF1C02 Ref. MF1C01 Corselet dress Satin dress with embroidered balls superpositions, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. Sizes S / M / L Colors Opções Pleated waist vestido bustier vestido bustier Vestido de cetim com aplicação de bolinhas bordadas, confecionado pela Tamanhos: cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte.P Tamanhos: Cores: P G MCores: G Opções: Cintura franzida Opções: Cintura franzida R$ 154 M R$ 154 Ref: MF1J06 Ref. MF1J06 grafittI T-shirt Ecological cotton blouse painted with the graffiti technique by the boys from Justa Cor co-op. Sizes S / M / L Colors Blusa de algodão ecológico pintada com técnica de grafiti pelos meninos da Ref: MF1J06 cooperativa Justa Cor. Blusa de algodão ecológico pintada com Tamanhos: P meninos M G da técnica de grafiti pelos cooperativa Justa Cor. Cores: Tamanhos: P M G R$ 52 eco / R$ 41 Cores: R$ 52 eco / R$ 41 Tee-shirt grafiti Tee-shirt grafiti Ref: MF1M05 Short confeccionado em crochet todo feito a Ref: MF1M05 mão pelas crocheteiras da favela da Maré. ShortTamanhos: confeccionado P emMcrochet G todo feito a mão pelas crocheteiras da favela da Maré. Ref. MF1M05 LUREX BLOOMER Hand-made crochet shorts by crochet makers from Maré. Sizes S / M / L bloomer bloomer Colors or black with silver lurex. Opções High waist or dropped waist. Made-to-order, with recycled line of P.E.T. bottles. Cores: Tamanhos: P M G ou fio com lurex prata. Opções: Cintura alta o baixa. Cores: ou fio com lurex prata. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada de garrafa P.E.T. Opções: Cintura alta o baixa. Sob encomenda, com linha reciclada R$ 69 cintura de garrafa P.E.T. baixa / R$ 82 P.E.T. R$ 156 cintura alta / R$ 183 P.E.T. R$ 69 cintura baixa / R$ 82 P.E.T. R$ 156 cintura alta / R$ 183 P.E.T. The crochet makers of Maré Adriana de Lima has worked with crochet for more than ten years. Ever since she was a child she has received compliments for her special skills and style. Living in the slum of Maré with her two children, she decided to start teaching crochet work to complement her family income. With this work Adriana realized that the vast majority of her students were already familiar with the techniques passed on from mother to daughter for many generations. After all, with such lack of funds available, what could be more original than a self-made gift?! Due to her students’ successful results with their first large order, this group of women organized the Crocheteiras da Maré Co-op (The Crochet Makers of Maré), whose basic aim with this ModaFusion collection is to modernize the crochet work and its use in the fashion market. Ref. MF1J03 DRESS WITH FABRIC LEFTOVERS Dress with frills made with silk leftovers hand-painted by the boys from Justa Cor Co-op and an ecological cotton lining. Sizes S / M / L Ref: MF1J03 Ref: MF1J03 Vestido de babados feito com sobras de Vestido de babados feito com sobras de seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor e forro de algodão cooperativa Justa Cor e forro de algodão ecológico. Ref: MF1J03 Tamanhos: P M G Vestido de babados feito com sobras de seda pintada a mão pelos meninosR$ da 345 cooperativa Justa Cor e forro de algodão ecológico. vestido frufru Tamanhos: vestido frufru P M ecológico. Tamanhos: P M G R$ 345 G R$ 345 vestido frufru Ref: MF1A02 Ref. MF1A02 SPIRAL PURSE Ref: MF1A02 Ref: MF1A02 Spiral taboa straw purse with leather handles. R$ 146 One size fits all (Ø 50 cm) R$ 146 Ref: MF1J06 Ref: MF1J06 R$ 146 lenço de seda pintada a mão pelos meninos lenço de seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor. bolsa bolsa da cooperativa Justa Cor. R$ 28 Ref. MF1J06 SCARF R$ 28 Ref: MF1J06 Silk scarf, hand-painted by the boys from Justa Cor Co-op. bolsa lenço One size fits all (20 x 20 cm) lenço de seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor. R$ 28 Ref. MF1J04 BLACK AND WHITE DRESS Dress with a silk bust, hand-painted by the boys from Justa Cor Co-op and a ecological cotton knitted skirt. Sizes S / M / L Colors Ref: MF1J04 Vestido com busto de seda pintado a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor e saia em malha de algodão ecológico. Ref: MF1J04 Tamanhos: P M G Vestido com busto de seda pintado a Cores saia:meninos da cooperativa mão da pelos Justa Cor e saia em malha de algodão R$ecológico. 177 Tamanhos: vestido preto e branco P M G Cores da saia: R$ 177 vestido preto e branco Ref: MF1J05 Ref. MF1J05 PAINTED BOLERO Tamanhos: P Ref: MF1J05 Cores: Double-face bolero made of silk hand-painted by the boys from Justa Cor co-op and back of ecological cotton. R$Bolero 126 dupla face de seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor e verso de algodão ecológico. Sizes S / M / L bolero pintado bolero pintado Bolero dupla face de seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor e verso de algodão ecológico. Tamanhos: Cores: Colors R$ 126 M P M G G Ref. MF1J01 TIE AND DYE DRESS Satin dress made of pure silk, hand-painted, and made with the tie and dye technique by the boys from Justa Cor Ref: MF1J01 co-op. Sizes S / M / L Vestido de cetim de seda pintado a mão confeccionado com técnica de tie and die pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor. Tamanhos: P M G R$ 375 Ref. MF1J02 TRAPEZIUM DRESS Satin dress made of pure silk with drawings hand-painted by the boys from Justa Cor co-op. Sizes S / M / L Ref: MF1J02 Vestido de cetim de seda com desenhos Ref: MF1J02 pintados a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor. Vestido de cetim de seda com desenhos pintados a mão pelos meninos da Tamanhos: P M G cooperativa Justa Cor. R$ 375 Tamanhos: P M G R$ 375 vestido trapézio vestido trapézio Ref: MF1A01 Ref. MF1A01 BELT Double-face belt made of tilapia leather and silk handpainted by the boys from Justa Cor co-op. Colors Cinto dupla face em couro de Tilápia Ref: MF1A01 e seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da cooperativa Justa Cor. Cinto dupla face em couro de Tilápia e seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da Cores: cooperativa Justa Cor. R$ 84 Cores: R$ 84 cinto cinto Justa Cor (The Correct Color) In 2005, the silk painting Atelier of the artist Ana Cristina Castro, which had been opened for over 12 years with its production targeted to the fashion market, moved to the slums of Maré. The objective was to hire adolescents registered in Vida Real (Real Life) project where Ana was a teacher since these adolescents led a life with a high level of social risk. The Vida Real (Real Life) Institute offers workshops in arts, graffiti, ceramics, drawing, fabric painting and embroidering fro young people. In addition to its artistic vocation, the project also offers free courses on informatics, graphic design, mathematics, Portuguese and English. Young people from this project were selected based on their hand and artistic abilities to work at Ana Cristina’s atelier. This partnership gave birth to the fair commerce co-op – Justa Cor (The Correct Color), which has its art represented both on the clothes and accessories of ModaFusion collection. Ref. MF1S0 FLOWER DRESS Ecological cotton dress hand-embroidered by the women from Santa Agulha (The Holy Needle) co-op. Sizes S / M / L Ref: MF1S03 Color Vestido de algodão ecológico bordado a mão, pelas mulheres da cooperativa Santa Agulha. Tamanhos: vestido flores G Ref: MF1S03 R$ 316 eco Vestido de algodão ecológico R$ 295 a mão, pelas mulheres da bordado Vestido de algodão ecológico cooperativa Santa Agulha. bordado a mão, pelas mulheres da cooperativa Tamanhos: Santa P Agulha. M G Tamanhos: Cores: Ref. MF1C08 PAINTED BOLERO Tafeta double-face bolero, one side solid and the other with fuxicos (Littles Rosettes) and embroideries superpositions, made by Coosturarte, a women’s co-op. Sizes S / M / L Colors bolero de fuxico bolero de fuxico Ref. MF1A01 BIBI Double-face Bibi made with ecological tilapia leather and silk, hand-painted by the boys from Justa Cor co-op. bibi M Cores: Ref: MF1S03 vestido flores vestido flores bolero de fuxico P One size fits all Colors P M G Cores: Ref: MF1C08 R$ 316 eco R$ 295 R$ 316 eco Bolero dupla face de tafetá com um lado R$ 295 liso e outro com aplicação de fuxicos e bordados, confeccionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Tamanhos: Ref: MF1C08 P M G Ref: MF1C08 Cores: Bolero dupla face de tafetá com um lado liso e outro com aplicação de fuxicos e Bolero face de tafetá pela com cooperativa um lado R$ 106 dupla bordados, confeccionado liso e outro com aplicação de fuxicos e de mulheres Coosturarte. bordados, confeccionado pela cooperativa de mulheres Coosturarte. Tamanhos: P M G Ref: MF1A01 P M G Tamanhos: Cores: Bibi dupla face em couro ecológico de Cores: R$ 106e seda pintada a mão pelos tilápia meninos R$ 106 da cooperativa Justa Cor. Tamanho: único Cores: Ref: MF1A01 Ref: R$ BibiMF1A01 dupla face em couro ecológico de tilápia e seda pintada a mão pelos Bibi dupla face em couro Justa ecológico meninos da cooperativa Cor. de tilápia e seda pintada a mão pelos meninos Justa Cor. Tamanho:da cooperativa único Tamanho: único Cores: Cores: R$ Ref. MF1S02 FROUFROU DRESS Ecological cotton knitted dress, hand-embroidered by the women from Santa Agulha (The Holy Needle) co-op. Sizes S / M / L Colors Ref: MF1S02 Vestido de malha de algodão ecológico Ref: MF1S02 bordado a mão, pelas mulheres da cooperativa Agulha.ecológico Vestido de malhaSanta de algodão bordado a mão, pelas mulheres da Tamanhos: P M G cooperativa Santa Agulha. Cores: Tamanhos: P M G R$ 272 eco Cores: R$ 240 R$ 272 eco R$ 240 vestido froufrou vestido froufrou Ref: MF1A02 Ref. MF1A02 Gola dupla face em pele de peixe Ref: MF1A02 e seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da Justa Cor. Golacooperativa dupla face em pele de peixe e seda pintada a mão pelos meninos da Tamanhos: cooperativa Justa PCor.M G Double-face collar made with fish leather and silk handpainted by the boys from Justa Cor co-op. Cores: P M G Tamanhos: COLLAR One size fits all Colors gola gola R$ 84 Cores: R$ 84 Ref. MF1S01 ANGELS DRESS Ecological cotton dress with hand-made embroideries, made by the women from Santa Agulha co-op. Sizes S / M / L Ref: MF1S01 Colors Vestido de algodão ecológico com bordados feito a mão, confecionado pelas mulheres da cooperativa Santa Agulha. Tamanhos: Cores: vestido anjos R$ 192 eco R$ 171 P M G Santa Agulha (The Holy Needle) In Três Rios municipality, in the countryside of Rio de Janeiro, Ieda Campos and Regina Elmór joined other retired teachers, housewives and women from disfavored communities. They all wished to turn their daily routine into something productive, self-rewarding and financially effective. This way the embroidery team was formed. The team attempts to create unique items using a blend of different techniques and materials. Vibrant colors are combined in embroideries with thread, stones, buttons, ribbons and superpositions, creating an exclusive and distinguished outcome. In a partnership with SEBRAE, Santa Agulha has already taken part in a number of events, fashion fairs and shows in Rio de Janeiro. Its clothes have already been used as part of the wardrobes of renowned Brazilian artists in television productions, and with this first collection with Moda Fusion aims at reaching many other people. Ref: MF1LB Ref: MF1LB01 Bustier de fibra de bambú, estampado com imagens do kama sutra. Ref. MF1LB01 CORSELET Corselet made of cotton with bamboo fiber with Kama Sutra prints. Sizes S / M / L Tamanhos: P M G Cores do fundo: Soutien de imagens d Ref. MF1LB03 Tamanhos: SOUTIEN Soutien made of cotton with bamboo fiber with Kama Sutra prints. Cores do fu R$ Sizes S / M / L R$ Colors Colors esta estampa Ref: MF1LB Calcinha d imagens d Ref: MF1LB02 Calcinha de fibra de bambú, estampada com imagens do kama sutra. Ref. MF1LB02 THONG PANTY Tamanhos: P M G Tamanhos Ref. MF1LB04 Cores do f THONG R$ Bamboo fiber cotton thong printed with Kama Sutra prints. Cores du fundo: Bamboo fiber cotton thong printed with Kama Sutra prints. Sizes S / M / L R$ Sizes S / M / L Ref: MF1LB01 Colors Bustier de fibra de bambú, estampado com imagens do kama sutra. Colors Ref: MF1LB01 Bustier de fibra de bambú, estampado com imagens do kama sutra. Tamanhos: P M Tamanhos: G M G Cores do fundo: Cores do fundo: R$ R$ estampa estampa white fabric with green prints and green fabric with white prints P white fabric with green prints and green fabric with white prints Ref: MF1LB02 Calcinha de fibra de bambú, estampada com imagens do kama sutra. Tamanhos: P M G Ref: MF1LB02 Calcinha de fibra de bambú, estampada com imagens do kama sutra. Tamanhos: P M G Cotton with bamboo fiber Highly praised during the latest European fashion season, the knitted fabric derived from the bamboo fiber, thanks to its beauty and softness, seduced even the Italian designer Giorgio Armani. It consists of a de 100%-ecological knitted fabric, which provides finesse, touch and versatility besides the characteristic attributes of the bamboo fiber, that is: it offers protection against UV rays; it is anti-bacterial, and therefore eliminating sweat odors; it easily absorbs humidity, guaranteeing total transpirability. Moreover, it presents a thermodynamic capacity which makes it remain cold during the summer and hot during the winter. Finally, it does not get the undesirable little balls on it. Ecological cotton Today it is widely known that cotton plantations are the world’s big agrotoxics user. Although the cotton cultures cover only around 2% to 3% of the planet’s cultivated area, between 1983 and 1994, this culture was responsible for the use of 10% to 12% of the agrotoxics sold in the world. The ecological/organic cotton is grown without agrotoxics, chemical fertilizers, or other elements harmful for the environment and for the human being. Cotton with P.E.T. fiber The PET knitted fabric is characterized for its innovating attributes and distinguished performance. The poliester fiber manufactured with 100% recycled PET presents excellent technical characteristics and a strong environmental appeal due to its origin. Combined with cotton, improves the fabric flexibility providing more comfort, resilience, beauty, pleasant texture, fine touch and a level of comfort suitable to the Brazilian climate. In addition to being a means of saving both natural and energetic resources, and thus preserving the environment, the production of knitted fabric out of PET recycled bottles fiber promotes social inclusion, since 35% of the packaging are, all over Brazil, reutilized and collected by catchers and co-ops that to make a living out of this activity. This kinf of cotton is genetically engineered, which means it is already colorful when it germinates. This brings other advantages as the dyeing and bleaching stages are skipped in the industrial production and these are considered highly polluting processes. The models / Dream lens The Lente dos Sonhos (Dream Lens) project was designed by photographer Tony Barros in 2004 aiming at improving the self-esteem of the young people from Cidade de Deus (The City of God) slums, besides presenting the fashion market profiles that would match more perfectly with Brazilian characteristics than the constant blue-eyed blondes, overly frequent in advertisements and fashion shows. After rigorously qualifying the potential talents found in different slums of Rio de Janeiro, Lente dos Sonhos promote the insertion of those models into the job market. In 2006 the partnership with Moda Fusion was born and from then on the models have been engaged in fashion editorials for the most important magazines worldwide, such as: Marie Claire, Vogue, Icon, Le Officiel, WAD, Collezioni and others. art direction Ana Fortes anafortes@pobox.com assistant designer Lygia Santiago lygiasantiago@gmail.com photos Ricardo Fasanello rfasanello@terra.com.br logo and art direction of the website Geoffroy Renard geoffroy.renard@neuf.fr illustrations Juinze juinzeworld@neuf.fr model agency Dream Lens / Lente dos Sonhos lentedossonhos@oi.com.br Nadine Gonzalez Andrea Fasanello modafusion@yahoo.fr Wanderson Mathyas T +55 (21) 2509 2910 / 8817 2151 wanderson@modafusion.org www.modafusion.org