2016 Conference Program - County Commissioners Association of


2016 Conference Program - County Commissioners Association of
County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania Presents the
2016 County Administration Conference
Welcome to the 2016 CCAP County Administration Conference! The following pages contain the Conference schedule, a map of the hotel, a list of sponsors and speakers and other Conference information.
If you have any questions, please visit the staff at the CCAP registration desk.
There are numerous sessions, in varying tracks, so you have your pick of different topics the entire way
through the Conference. This program includes details to help you decide which session is most appealing or helpful. Feel free to stay in your track or gain insight into something you don’t work with every
day. With so many choices, the sky’s the limit, so enjoy!
We all know cell phones are essential, but they can be distracting to those around you. As a courtesy to
all attendees, please refrain from using your cell phone while in sessions. We realize this is sometimes
difficult, but ringing phones, or people talking on them, can be extremely disruptive to other attendees
and also discourteous to our speakers. If you must use your phone, please step outside the room.
Today’s mobile device environment also offers a unique opportunity to record and rebroadcast events.
Before taping, please consider possible copyright infringement and general respectful behavior shown
towards those being recorded. It is advised to obtain permission before recording or rebroadcasting a
session or a Conference event out of respect for copyright laws and your professional colleagues.
We are pleased to offer four elective Academy credits for each day of this Conference. If you are a current Academy participant or plan to join in the future, please complete the forms in your packet and
return them to the Conference registration desk. Full daily attendance is required to receive each day’s
credits. Early departure or early submission of the attendance forms may result in forfeiture of that day’s
Academy credits. If you have any questions, please see Mandi Glantz during the Conference.
CCAP’s policy is to hold meetings only at facilities that are barrier-free. In accordance with Title III of the
Americans With Disabilities Act, please advise us of any special accommodation requests for disabilityrelated needs. Please see a CCAP staff member as soon as possible if you need assistance.
Look for our post-Conference email which will include a link to session handouts as well as an evaluation. As always, your input helps us plan future events. Thank you for your thoughts.
Enjoy State College and the Conference!
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To find out what we can do for you,
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telephone: (412) 395-1280
Conference Information
Available Via Mobile App
Access information about the Conference from the convenience of your mobile device
including the Conference schedule, directory of speakers, sponsor listings and more!
Simply install the Grupio App on your mobile device, then search for
2016 CCAP County Administration Conference:
iPhone/iPad - search for Grupio in the App Store
Android - search for Grupio in the Android Market
Blackberry Storm and Torch - search for Grupio in
App World
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have previously logged in to Grupio, you will need to search for
the new event - 2016 CCAP County Administration Conference. You can also access the mobile
website at any time at http://www.grupio.com/events/?event_id=10304.
To see the Conference attendee list or create a personalized Conference schedule, you will need
to login. Type in your email address as the username and caconf as the password.
If you have questions or need assistance, please visit the CCAP registration desk.
With the exception of lunch both days in the Gardens Restaurant on the lower level, all
Conference events will occur on the main level of the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center.
Wednesday, June 1
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
9 - 11 a.m.
Hotel Break/Lounge Area
Bakery items, bagels, spreads, fruit, yogurt, granola, assorted hot and cold beverages; beverages available all day
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Current Programs, Hot Topics and Updates from CCAP
Douglas Hill, Executive Director, CCAP
Co-Exist and Succeed: Millennials and Other Generations in the
Mary Kay Williams, Owner, MindShift Consulting
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12:30 - 1 p.m.
Gardens Restaurant, Lower Level
Lunch buffet includes salads, soup, hot and cold entrees, variety of side
dishes, breads, desserts, beverages
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Registration Desk, Main Hallway
Deans Hall 1-2
Welcome and Introductions
Linda Rosito, Risk Management Training Director, CCAP
Hotel Break/Lounge Area
Join the Conference vendors and Enterprise Partners in the hotel’s break
area for a post-lunch beverage and conversation. Learn how they can
help you and your county!
Drones: Useful Tools or Toys? Risk and Insurance Considerations
(Administration Track)
Room 105
The hottest Christmas present of 2015 is becoming a hot risk management topic, and concern. From
law enforcement use, to mapping, inspecting cell towers, search and rescue and emergency management uses, drones present some new challenges. Insurance coverage is NOT automatic. Regulation by
the FAA is strict, and is changing over time. This session will get you up to date on drones and how to
make sure your risk is covered by insurance.
Karen Cohen, Insurance and Reinsurance Manager, CCAP
Dennis Cutler, Senior Risk Control Specialist, CCAP
Wednesday, June 1 (continued)
Bullying in the Workplace
(HR/Personnel Track)
Room 108
An estimated 54 million Americans have been bullied at work. Gossip, rumor mills, backstabbing,
cliques – all of these can be considered workplace bullying, and they all contribute to a hostile working
environment. So what do you do about it? This training will define workplace bullying and will review
the prevalence of this epidemic, why it happens, and how to identify it. We will also discuss how it affects employees and what individuals – and management – can do to confront and stop it.
Moderator: Desiree J. Nguyen, Deputy Director, Insurance Pool Operations, CCAP
Speaker: Cheryl B. Raudenbush, M.Ed., Director of Corporate Development, Mazzitti & Sullivan
EAP Services, Inc.
IRS Compliance: 1099 Reporting, Payroll and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting
Room 112
(Budget/Finance Track)
The IRS has been very active lately with some changes that are presenting challenges for county governments and other employers. New IT capabilities allow the IRS to track TIN addresses on 1099 forms,
and if the address on the 1099 you issue does not match the address on file with the IRS, fines are being assessed. This session will examine this issue, ACA reporting and other payroll issues.
Moderator: Pamela Szajnuk, Chief Financial Officer, CCAP
Speaker: Deborah E. Crum, Esquire, Smigel, Anderson & Sacks
Mobile Device Management
(IT Track)
Room 104
This session will explore the rise in the mobile workforce and mobile devices. Along with mobility
comes the need to manage device locations at in any given moment, as well as how to protect the
devices and the county contents that may be stored on them. Learn how to effectively allow the use of
mobile devices by your employees.
Rita Reynolds, CGCIO, Chief Information Officer, CCAP
2 - 4 p.m.
Hotel Break/Lounge Area
Assorted candies, dry snacks, cookies, brownies, assorted hot and cold beverages; beverages available all day
2:30 - 2:45 p.m.
Various food and beverages available for Conference attendees
2:45 - 4:15 p.m.
Right to Know: Handling Requests, Fees and Appeals
(Administration Track)
Room 105
The Pennsylvania Right to Know Law (“RTKL”) promotes access to official government information in
order to prohibit secrets and scrutinize the actions of public officials. Indeed, the RTKL presumes that
Wednesday, June 1 (continued)
all records held by state or local agencies are public records unless disclosure is barred by law, judicial
order, privilege, or one of the exceptions specifically set forth in the RTKL itself. Members of the public can make open records requests under the law to an agency’s open records officer and receive an
official response within five days. Moreover, the requestor has a right to appeal a denial of a request
to the Office of Open Records within 15 business days thereafter. While the purpose of RTKL is government transparency, the General Assembly did not provide for carte blanche access by a requester to
all public records in possession of a government agency. The law reflects a clear legislative intent to
protect specific types of information from disclosure. An emerging body of case law is developing as
the courts of our commonwealth grapple with these competing interests under the RTKL.
This presentation will accordingly provide an overview of the RTKL, walk you through the procedural
aspects of the law, and summarize several recent RTKL decisions from the Pennsylvania courts.
Moderator: Jennifer Hamilton, Director of Human Resources, Mercer County
Speakers: Christopher Gabriel, Attorney, Campbell Durrant Beatty Palombo & Miller, P.C.
Richard D. Miller, Attorney, Campbell Durrant Beatty Palombo & Miller, P.C.
Workers’ Comp and Return to Work: Policies, Procedures and Successes
Room 108
(HR/Personnel Track)
When an employee becomes injured or ill from a work-related injury, workers’ compensation benefits
are available to cover the medical costs and lost wages related to that injury. This session will cover
important return to work policies that employers should consider implementing. The panel will include
experts within and outside of CCAP to discuss hot topics including return to work policy and procedure
suggestions, claims processing procedures and recommendations to help minimize the hassle and
maximize the results, legal issues with return to work, and real time return to work strategies and success experiences.
Jeanie Henry, RN, Risk Control Wellness Nurse, CCAP
Marian Mark, PComp Senior Claims Representative, CCAP
Thomas Ollason, Esquire, Lavery Law
Marc Rice, Risk Manager, Tioga County
Keeping Your Internal Controls Up-to-Date While Preparing for the County’s Annual Audit
(Budget/Finance Track)
Room 112
County audits seem to come around so fast -- it feels like you just completed the last one when it’s
time to start again! This session will explore why your county needs internal controls, what is involved
and what you need to consider, and what exactly the auditors are looking for when they ask you about
your internal control process.
Diane Edelstein, CPA, Partner, Maher Duessel
County Websites: ADA Compliance, Best Practices, Legal Obligations
(IT Track)
Room 104
Are you using your website for access to government services, information and programs? Is your
website compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? To achieve ADA website compli6
Wednesday, June 1 (continued)
ance, an organization must ensure that all information and features of its site can be accessed easily
by persons with disabilities. Come to this presentation to learn more of the steps you can take now to
make your website more accessible!
Rita Reynolds, CGCIO, Chief Information Officer, CCAP
4:15 - 5:15 p.m.
Break/Lounge Area and Courtyard
Special Prize Drawing at 4:45 p.m.
This reception is for all Conference attendees, and provides one last
opportunity to visit with our vendors. Enjoy a variety of hors d’oeuvres
and beverages with your colleagues. Don’t miss the special prize drawing at 4:45 p.m. - the winner will receive a certificate for one free overnight stay at The Hotel Hershey during the 2016 CCAP Fall Conference in
November! You must be present to win.
Thursday, June 2
8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Hotel Break/Lounge Area
Bakery items, bagels, spreads, fruit, yogurt, granola, assorted hot and cold beverages; beverages available all day
9 - 10:30 a.m.
Registration Desk, Main Hallway
The Secret to Managing Workplace Morale ... Is Right Under Your Nose!
(Administration Track)
Room 109
One of the biggest challenges facing county government is the issue of workplace morale. When all of
us are struggling with getting more done with fewer resources, it can be easy to lose sight of this issue
as we focus on tasks. Unfortunately, by the time low workplace morale rears its ugly head, much of the
damage has been done, but recognizing the dynamics and key contributors to this game changing
function can help turn things around. It’s not always easy or pleasant, but the results can be remarkable, and the benefits will far outweigh the challenges you face getting there.
Chuck Mazzitti, Executive Director, Mazzitti and Sullivan EAP Services, Inc.
Legal Protections for Small HR Departments (HR/Personnel Track)
Room 106
Does having a lot on your plate sound familiar? If the answer is yes, join us for this session focusing on
ideas and strategies for employment processes and legal issues that arise for HR personnel who have a
lot on their plate and not a lot of people to get the job done.
Desiree J. Nguyen, Deputy Director, Insurance Pool Operations, CCAP
Marie Milie Jones, Attorney at Law, Founding Partner, JonesPassodelis
Thursday, June 2 (continued)
Market Forces and Economic Trends Impacting Counties
(Budget/Finance Track)
Room 105
This breakout will focus on recent economic events across the global markets and their effects on
borrowing rates and investment rates for operating and reserve funds. Mr. Molloy will discuss the current outlook and market expectations for interest rates in 2016 and what factors play into the Fed’s
decisions regarding interest rate changes. Mr. Molloy will also discuss recent changes in PA permitted
investment legislation (Act 10) and how these new securities can factor into a conservative investment
strategy for a public sector investor.
John W. Molloy, CFA, Managing Director, PFM Asset Management LLC
Cyber Security: Prevention, Improved Policies, Incident Handling (IT Track)
Room 108
There are more and more bad guys trying to gain access to computer systems and information than
ever before. Practically on a daily basis we hear national or international news about an organization
which has been hacked or been held ransom – and this includes counties! This session will explore why
every county needs to take an assessment of their security posture today. In this session, CCAP and
Chester County will discuss their collaboration to develop a County Security Framework and Toolkit
that can be used by all counties to do an assessment of not only their security posture, but also where
they stand in compliance with regulations and standards such as HIPAA, Criminal Justice Information
Security and the IRS. Additional statewide county activities will be covered as well.
Moderator: Rita Reynolds, CGCIO, Chief Information Officer, CCAP
Mary Jane McCluskey, Deputy Director of Technology Operations, CCAP
Bill McConnell, Information Security Officer, Chester County
Glenn Angstadt, Chief Information Officer, Chester County
10:30 - 10:45 a.m. BEVERAGE BREAK Hotel Break/Lounge Area
Assorted hot and cold beverages
10:45 - 11:45 a.m.
Chief Clerks’/Administrators’ Roundtable
Room 108
With a facilitator, chief clerks and county administrators will have the opportunity to discuss their most
pressing issues, challenges and successes.
Chuck Mazzitti, Executive Director, Mazzitti and Sullivan EAP Services, Inc.
HR/Personnel Directors’ Roundtable
Room 109
With a facilitator, county human resource and personnel directors will have the opportunity to discuss
their most pressing issues, challenges and successes.
Mark Agutter, Human Resources Director, Bradford County and SCHRPP President
Thursday, June 2 (continued)
Budget/Finance Directors’ Roundtable
Room 105
With a facilitator, county finance and budget directors will discuss their most pressing issues, challenges and successes, and how their counties are dealing financially during these tough economic times.
Brian Sanker, Senior Managing Consultant, PFM Asset Management LLC
IT Directors’ Roundtable Room 106
With a facilitator, county IT directors will have the opportunity to discuss their most pressing issues,
challenges and successes, including IT strategic planning, and recruitment and retention.
Rita Reynolds, CGCIO, Chief Information Officer, CCAP
11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Gardens Restaurant, Lower Level
Lunch buffet includes salads, soup, hot and cold entrees, variety of side
dishes, breads, desserts, beverages
12:45 - 2:15 p.m.
Deans Hall 1-2
Welcome and Introductions
Linda Rosito, Risk Management Training Director, CCAP
Modernizing the County Workplace on a Budget
Rita Reynolds, CGCIO, Chief Information Officer, CCAP
Special Conference Prize Drawing at Conclusion of Session!
All Conference attendees are eligible for the grand prize - an Apple
Watch! You must be present to win.
Thank you for attending the 2016 CCAP County Administration Conference.
Have a safe trip home and we hope to see you in August
at Split Rock Resort for the 2016 CCAP Annual Conference!
Register Now for the CCAP 2016 Annual Conference!
August 7 to 10
Split Rock Resort
Lake Harmony
Carbon County
Lehigh Scenic Gorge Railway
Visit the CCAP website, www.pacounties.org, to:
Register for the Conference
Reserve Your Hotel Room
RSVP to Conference-wide Events
Download Awards Nomination Forms
Get Updates on Breakout Sessions
Early Bird Registration Deadline is June 30!
Reserve Your Hotel Room by July 16!
Pocono Mountains Scenery
Downtown Historic Jim Thorpe
Conference Sponsors
CCAP’s sponsorship program offers great opportunities for our associate members and other interested vendors to support the Conference and the membership based on their desired level of involvement. The four levels, in order of highest to lowest, are Blue Ribbon, Red Ribbon, White Ribbon and
Patron Conference Sponsors. The vendor benefits and exposure are directly related to the sponsorship level chosen.
If you would like more information on sponsorship opportunities or vendor participation of any kind,
please contact Mandi Glantz, CCAP director of member and vendor relations, mglantz@pacounties.org,
(717) 736-4739.
The following list is of sponsors who were confirmed as of May 23, 2016. Please join us in thanking our
2016 County Administration Conference Sponsors!
Blue Ribbon Conference Sponsor
The CCAP UC Trust
PO Box 60769
Harrisburg, PA 17106-0769
Contact: Desiree J. Nguyen
(717) 736-4779
The CCAP Unemployment Compensation (UC) Trust was the first insurance product designed and operated by CCAP and continues to be among its most successful. A totally self-insured program, the Trust
provides unemployment compensation insurance for 42 counties and five county related entities.
Members receive a full service benefit package to include: the processing of all unemployment claims
filed against the entity, hearing coordination for all claims appealed to a referee, auditing of all unemployment charges, real-time online claims reports, onsite and online training, and ongoing support from
both CCAP and Equifax Workforce Solutions staff, claims administrator for the Trust.
Additionally, membership includes an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). All employees and all members of an employees’ household are eligible for up to three counseling sessions annually for each
separate issue, concern or problem. A toll free number and website are provided, along with a separate
toll free line for supervisors to seek assistance with EAP issues and referrals.
The EAP benefit also includes Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Response Services. When a
crisis occurs, it can affect staff in an entire department or even the organization as a whole. Although
many Trust members have a system in place for such an occurrence, the after-effects of a traumatic
event can last for days or weeks beyond the original event. CISM is designed to provide secondary crisis
response services to your organization’s first responders and/or employees after a critical incident has
taken place.
UC Trust
Unemployment Compensation Trust
Owned by Members
Governed by Members
Service to Members
Providing Unemployment Compensation Coverage
and Service to Pennsylvania Counties and
County Related Entities Since 1980
For more information contact
Desiree J. Nguyen, Deputy Director
of Insurance Pool Operations, by
phone (717) 736-4779 or email
Blue Ribbon Conference Sponsor
PCoRP (The Pennsylvania Counties Risk Pool)
PO Box 60769
Harrisburg, PA 17106-0769
Contact: Karen Cohen
(717) 736-4707
The Pennsylvania Counties Risk Pool (PCoRP) was created in 1987 by counties, for counties. Counties
asked CCAP for a solution for liability and property insurance, at a time when the commercial market
abandoned public entities. PCoRP provides coverage and services to 49 counties and four county-related entities.
Coverage includes property, auto, crime and all lines of liability–general liability, employment practices,
public officials liability, law enforcement liability and cyber liability.
Members receive a full-service benefit package including: claims administration including online claims
reporting, risk control services, onsite and online training, property appraisals, public officials bond coverage, specialized training programs including prison risk management, facilities management, defensive driving and numerous HR workshops.
PCoRP’s Coverage Document provides members with extensive coverage tailored to county government, not available from the commercial market, and at competitive pricing. In addition, PCoRP’s strong
financial condition has allowed dividend distributions and loss prevention grants for the members.
For more information, contact Karen Cohen at CCAP, (800) 895-9039 or kcohen@pacounties.org.
Property, Auto, Crime and All Lines of Liability Coverage
(800) 895-9039
White Ribbon Conference Sponsors
Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC
Campbell Durrant Beatty Palombo
& Miller, P.C.
535 Smithfield Street, Suite 700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: Janet Isler
(412) 395-1277
Certified Public Accountants and Management Consultants
Greater Philadelphia Office
Jeffrey Weiss, CPA, Managing Partner
2370 York Road, Ste. A-5
Jamison, PA 18929
P: 215-918-2277 F: 215-918-2302
Harrisburg Office
Patrick Kirk, CPA, CGFM, CGMA
Managing Partner
Corey Troutman, CPA, CGMA, Partner
830 Sir Thomas Court, Ste. 100
Harrisburg, PA 17109
P: 717-561-9200 F: 717-561-9202
Mazzitti & Sullivan EAP Services, Inc.
3207 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Nelson Breisch
(800) 241-5740
Pittsburgh Office
Cory W. Johnson, CPA, Partner
3800 McKnight E. Dr., Ste. 3805
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
P: 412-367-7102 F: 412-367-7103
Greensburg Office
Jared Ewing, CPA, Director
210 TollGate Hill Road
Greensburg, PA 15601
P: 724-834-2151 F: 724-834-5969
Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC
830 Sir Thomas Court, Suite 100
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Contact: Patrick Kirk
(717) 561-9200 x 5003
Serving the Accounting,
Auditing, and Consulting
Needs of the Public Sector
Financial & Compliance
Performance Audits &
Health Care & Pension Cost
Bond Verifications
Management & MIS
GASB Implementation
Cost Allocation Plans
Subrecipient Monitoring
Visit us at www.zallc.org
Public Sector Financial and
ManageMent adviSory ServiceS exPertS
Patron Conference Sponsors
Cornerstone Advisors Asset Management, Inc.
74 West Broad Street, Suite 340
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Contact: Angela Oste
(610) 694-0900
Nationwide Retirement Solutions
385 Jordan Road
Troy, NY 12180
Contact: Emanuel Mahand
(609) 923-8859
Pennsylvania County Health Insurance
Purchasing Cooperative
147 West Airport Road
Lititz, PA 17543
Contact: Kathy Cook
(717) 723-4600
PO Box 1027
Harrisburg, PA 17108-1027
Contact: Brian Sanker
(800) 572-1472
Conference Speakers
The following list is of speakers who were confirmed as of May 23, 2016. Addresses for speakers who
are CCAP members or staff can be found in the CCAP Membership Directory.
Deborah E. Crum, Esquire
Smigel, Anderson & Sacks, LLP
4431 North Front Street, 3rd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 234-2401
Diane Edelstein, CPA
Maher Duessel
503 Martindale Street, Suite 600
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
(412) 535-5506
Christopher Gabriel, Attorney
Campbell Durrant Beatty Palombo & Miller, P.C.
535 Smithfield Street, Suite 700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 395-1295
Marie Milie Jones, Attorney at Law
Founding Partner
707 Grant Street, Suite 3510
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 315-7272
Chuck Mazzitti
Executive Director
Mazzitti & Sullivan EAP Services, Inc.
3207 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 901-5031
Richard Miller, Attorney
Campbell Durrant Beatty Palombo & Miller, P.C.
535 Smithfield Street, Suite 700
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 395-1266
John W. Molloy, CFA
Managing Director
PFM Asset Management LLC
One Keystone Plaza, Suite 300
North Front and Market Streets
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 232-2723
Thomas Ollason, Esquire
Lavery Law
225 Market Street, Suite 304
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 233-6633
Cheryl B. Raudenbush, M.Ed.
Director of Corporate Development
Mazzitti & Sullivan EAP Services, Inc.
3207 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
(800) 241-5740
Brian Sanker
Senior Managing Consultant
PFM Asset Management LLC
One Keystone Plaza, Suite 300
North Front and Market Streets
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 232-2723
Mary Kay Williams
MindShift Consulting
4158 Penns Valley Road
Spring Mills, PA 16875-8306
(814) 422-8611
Conference Vendors and Informational Tables
CCAP’s Enterprise Partner Programs (organizations that have a special business relationship with
CCAP), along with our Conference sponsors, will have informational display tables in the main
level refreshment area during Conference hours. Stop by to learn more about what products
and services these companies offer, and please thank them for their support!
CCAP Insurance Programs
PO Box 60769
Harrisburg, PA 17106-0769
Contact: John Sallade
(717) 736-4709
Mazzitti & Sullivan EAP Services, Inc.
3207 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Nelson Breisch
(800) 241-5740
Colonial Life
1574 Lititz Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
Contact: Nash Skiles
(717) 517-7016
Nationwide Retirement Solutions
385 Jordan Road
Troy, NY 12180
Contact: Emanuel Mahand
(609) 923-8859
Equinox HR Solutions, LLC
1275 Glenlivet Drive
Suite 340
Allentown, PA 18106
Contact: Jared McEvoy
(610) 366-3777
PO Box 1027
Harrisburg, PA 17108-1027
Contact: Brian Sanker
(800) 572-1472
Voluntary Workplace Benefits
39 E. Main Street
Suite 119
New Albany, OH 43054
Contact: David Graham
(740) 817-2542
First Data
5555 Glenridge Connector NE
Suite 2000
Atlanta, GA 30342
Contact: Daniel McCurdy
(717) 576-7200