3D - Sacramento Bee
3D - Sacramento Bee
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Plasma, LCD & LED TVs We also offer TV Calibration, Networking of your TV, Installation of Surround Sound 5.1 & 7.1 Systems Complete Surveillance System Installs SAVE $40 r1MFBTFTFFPVSTBMFTBTTPDJBUFGPSNPSFEFUBJMT 3999 $ 5x OPTICAL ZOOM 26-130mm LENS EQUIV 59" 14.1 MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA rQ)%7JEFPr-$%4DSFFO r'BDF%FUFDUJPO'VODUJPO r:PV5VCF7*EFP $BQUVSF.PEF 99 $ #6619014/ #6619034 AFTER SAVINGS 12 MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA 7" ARTFORME DIGITAL PICTURE FRAME 10.1" DIGITAL PHOTO FRAME rY3FTPMVUJPO r.#*OUFSOBM.FNPSZ r3PUBUFTBOE 3FTJ[FT *NBHFT r4UPSF6Q5P1IPUPT r3FBEZ5P6TF8JUI 1SFJOTUBMMFE1IPUP-JCSBSZ #6487422 34 $ 89 $ 99 SAVE 30 $ 169 $ AFTER SAVINGS )4 #FGPSF4BWJOHT 10 MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA r%*(*$*NBHF1SPDFTTPS rYQ)%7JEFP$BQUVSF r7BSJ"OHMFE-$% r+1&(BOE3"8 'JMF*NBHF$BQUVSF r)ZCSJE*40QUJDBM*NBHF 4UBCJMJ[BUJPO 5x OPTICAL ZOOM WITH 28mm LENS 468 $ AFTER SAVINGS ( r1BOIFBE5SJQPE r4VJUBCMF'PS 5BLJOH7JEFP 0S1IPUPT r&YUFOET'SPN 5P #6490982 999 99 $ $ AFTER SAVINGS AFTER SAVINGS #6144999 14.1 MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA #6389441 #FGPSF4BWJOHT 11999 AFTER SAVINGS #6660704 AFTER SAVINGS .1(#-, #6225740 r'VMM$PMPS5'54DSFFO r.1%JHJUBM$BNFSB "OE7JEFP3FDPSEFS r#VJMU*O.JDSPQIPOF'PS 7PJDF3FDPSEJOHT r)JHI4QFFE64# *OUFSGBDF 29 $ PLASMA HDTV 99 x4 EACH AFTER SAVINGS #FGPSF4BWJOHT #6684104/#6684084 #FGPSF4BWJOHT $ x2 1/% #6546283 SAVE 60 $ 119 $ AFTER SAVINGS #FGPSF4BWJOHT 1499 r ".'.3BEJP r "VY*O3FNPUF $ 5-IN-1 3.5mm AUDIO ADAPTER KIT r'VMM)%YJ )%YQ r4DIOFJEFS,SFV[OBDI 7BSJPQMBO)%MFOT rY0QUJDBM;PPN r-$%5PVDI4DSFFO r)%5JNF-BQT3FDPSEJOH r0QUJDBM*NBHF4UBCJMJ[FS r#BDLTJEF*MMVNJOBUFE 4FOTPS 249 $ AFTER SAVINGS #FGPSF4BWJOHT #6536063 #FGPSF4BWJOHT MAJOR APPLIANCES 9 $ #6688814 99 26 CU. FT. STAINLESS STEEL FRENCH DOOR REFRIGERATOR 1SPNP$PEF "VUPNBUJDBMMZ "QQMJFE*O4UPSF FREE DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION 2999 $ 2299 $ 99 BEFORE PROMO CODE 1000* -'945 #6639954 1SPNP$PEF "VUPNBUJDBMMZ "QQMJFE*O4UPSF 1SPNP$PEF "VUPNBUJDBMMZ "QQMJFE*O4UPSF 899 3.1 CU. FT. TOP LOAD WASHER WITH STAINLESS STEEL DRUM & 6.6 CU. FT. CAPACITY ELECTRIC DRYER BEFORE PROMO CODE 450* 99 1SJDF -4$48 #6660644 1099 99 $ 249 $ EACH AFTER SAVINGS 199 99 r"OTXFSJOH4ZTUFN r&YQBOEBCMF5P ,95(5 $ 17999 4 $ 29 99 89 - 40 = 99 $ 3FHVMBS *OTUBOU 1SJDF 4BWJOHT 5SBWFM4J[FE$MPUIT 4BGF6MUSB4PGU.BUFSJBM $ 95 3FHVMBS 1SJDF 00 *OTUBOU 4BWJOHT FREE* 49 99 "GUFS*OTUBOU 4BWJOHT 2GB DIGITAL VOICE RECORDER r%JHJU%JTQMBZ %JHJU AQQSPYJNBUJPOT r-BSHF EBTZ5PRFBE #JH%JTQMBZ r4PMBS1MVT8JUI r&YQBOEBCMF .FNPSZ$BSE4MPU 6Q5P(# r#VJMU*O64#$POOFDUJPO r4UFSFP.JD#VJMU*O 1 $ 99 $ 9995 - 30 = 3FHVMBS *OTUBOU 1SJDF 4BWJOHT 9 -5 $ 95 4 #6565973 "GUFS *OTUBOU 4BWJOHT $ 6995 "GUFS*OTUBOU 4BWJOHT #6548443/#6548453 WildFire™ 5-HANDSET CORDLESS PHONE ,95(/ BASIC CALCULATOR 89999 $ 7 $ &4384 179 - 40 = 3FHVMBS *OTUBOU 1SJDF 4BWJOHT 139 "GUFS*OTUBOU 4BWJOHT -BSHF#FESPPNT0S-JWJOH"SFBT r5ISFF4QFFET-PX.FEJVN)JHI r4UVSEZ.FUBM$SPTT#BTF ru#MBEF%JBNFUFS $ #6551953 29 - 10 = 99 $ 99 LAKEWOOD 16" OSCILLATING STAND FAN $ $ r%JHJUBM"OTXFSJOH4ZTUFN r5BMLJOH$BMMFS*% r#BTF,FZQBE $ 139 - 50 = 99 3FHVMBS 1SJDF $ *OTUBOU 4BWJOHT 89 UNLOCKED PHONE r $IFDL'BDFCPPL5XJUUFS 'MJDLS"U5IF4BNF5JNF r .FHBQJYFM$BNFSB r '.4TUFSFP#VMJU*O 99 "GUFS*OTUBOU 4BWJOHT ,95(# -JNJU1FS $VTUPNFS #6708455 2GB DIGITAL VOICE RECORDER 29 95 *$%#9 239 $ 99 A107 NO CONTRACT PREPAID MOBILE FLIP PHONE r.13FDPSEJOH ,CQT)JHI2VBMJUZ r-BSHF-$%%JTQMBZ r4UPSF"VEJP'JMFT*O r$VTUPN'PMEFST $ Before Additional In-Store Savings 19 99 3FHVMBS *OTUBOU "GUFS*OTUBOU 1SJDF 4BWJOHT 4BWJOHT 5499 - 15 = $ 39 HDTV ULTRA SLIM t" Actual Diagonal Screen Size AVAILABLE ON BLACK OR WHITE 119 $ PC INPUT r%VBM.JDSPQIPOFT &OIBODF4PVOE2VBMJUZ r%413FEVDFT #BDLHSPVOE/PJTF r8JOE/PJTF3FEVDUJPO $ WATTS 3FHVMBS *OTUBOU 1SJDF 4BWJOHT 39 99 9 1999 - 1000 $ 99 $ AVAILABLE IN RED, BLACK, BLUE, PINK, SILVER, MERLOT, OR WHITE 9 EACH 3FHVMBS 1SJDF *OTUBOU 4BWJOHT "GUFS *OTUBOU 4BWJOHT WIRELESS PHONES 599 SUBWOOFER WITH 6.5" MULTI-FIT SPEAKERS r1MBZT$%$%3$%38.1BOE8."'PSNBUT r4FMFDUBCMF&21SFTFUT r'SPOU"69BOE64#*OQVUT r1BJSTPG1SFBNQ0VUQVUT SAVE $80 4999 $ AFTER SAVINGS #FGPSF4BWJOHT CD/MP3/USB CAR STEREO -JNJU1FS $VTUPNFS #6461472 4 $ 99 SHOP ONLINE www.FRYS.com 1SJDFTBOETFMFDUJPOTIPXOJOUIJTBEWFSUJTFNFOUNBZOPUCF BWBJMBCMFPOMJOFBU'SZTXFCTJUFXXX'3:4DPN Prices Good Friday, August 5, 2011 through Thursday, August 11, 2011. Prices subject to change after Thursday, August 11, 2011. 5FYU7JEFPBOEF.BJM r&BTZ*OUFSOFU"DDFTT r$POWFOJFOU .FHBQJYFM$BNFSB -JNJU1FS $VTUPNFS #6509893 44 $ 99 QWERTY CAMERA PHONE HPPE(00GGFST 6OMJNJUFE5BML5FYU "OE8FC4FSWJDFGPS .POUI0O" -FBEJOH/BUJPOXJEF (/FUXPSL 39 $ 99 #6445262 -JNJU1FS$VTUPNFS SAVE $30 119 $ r.VMUJ$PMPS-$%%JTQMBZ r'SPOU64#BOE"69*OQVU r3$"1SF0VU After Savings %&)6# #6470632 $ SAVE $150 "GUFS*OTUBOU "DUJWBUJPO4BWJOHTFor New Or Upgrade Customers "GUFS*OTUBOU"DUJWBUJPO4BWJOHT For New Or Upgrade Customers 8JUIOFXZFBSBDUJWBUJPOPO #6694824 (.PCJMF#SPBECBOE1MBO #6578293 FREE * "GUFS*OTUBOU"DUJWBUJPO4BWJOHT 4FF4UPSF'PS%FUBJMT "GUFS*OTUBOU"DUJWBUJPO4BWJOHT For New Or Upgrade Customers For New Or Upgrade Customers 8JUIOFXZFBSBDUJWBUJPOEBUBQBDL 8JUIOFXZFBSBDUJWBUJPOEBUBQBDL #6578553 SAVE $50 4999 $ #6389211 -JNJUFE5P2VBOUJUJFTPO)BOE/P4VCTUJUVUJPOT /P3BJODIFDLTPOUIJTJUFN *OTUBOU BDUJWBUJPO EJTDPVOU SFRVJSFT BDUJWBUJPO UISPVHI 'SZT &MFDUSPOJDT PO OFX MJOFT PG TFSWJDF XJUI ZFBS BHSFFNFOU PO FBDI MJOF -JNJU QIPOFT QFS DVTUPNFS /P %FBMFST 4VCKFDU UP UFSNT BOE DPOEJUJPOT PG DBSSJFS BHSFFNFOUJODMVEJOHJGBQQMJDBCMFBDUJWBUJPOGFFTDSFEJUBQQSPWBMBOEFBSMZUFSNJOBUJPOGFFT5IF2VBMJGJFEVQHSBEF EJTDPVOUSFRVJSFTBOFXZFBSBHSFFNFOUGPSRVBMJGJFEFYJTUJOHDVTUPNFST4NBSUQIPOFTSFRVJSFBEBUBQBDL( .PCJMF )PUTQPU SFRVJSFT B .PCJMF #SPBECBOE QMBO 4FF DPOUSBDU BOE SBUF QMBO CSPDIVSFT GPS BEEJUJPOBM EFUBJMT $BMJGPSOJBDVTUPNFSTUPCFDIBSHFETBMFTUBYCBTFEPOQSJDFXJUIPVUBDUJWBUJPOJODMVEJOHJUFNTEFTJHOBUFEBTiGSFFu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fter Savings #6064608 99 149 $ 99 LCD+BUILT-IN DVD LCD+BUILT-IN DVD LCD ONLY #FGPSF4BWJOHT DROID CHARGE by Samsung Fascinate™ Samsung a Galaxy S™ phone PRICES TOO LOW TO PRINT* SAVE 100 $ 9999* FREE* 1SJDF After Savings INSTALLED* After Savings 3FHVMBS1SJDFJG1VSDIBTFE 3FHVMBS1SJDFJG1VSDIBTFE 4FQBSBUFMZ 4FQBSBUFMZ #6430102 #6438172 EXTREME RANGE RADAR/LASER DETECTOR r6Q5PY3BOHF 0WFS0UIFS.PEFMT r%JHJUBM1013BEBS"MFSU r%JHJUBM7PJDF0S"VEJP"MFSUT r#SJHIU)JHI%FGJOJUJPO%JTQMBZ SAVE $100 149 249 - 100 = $ 3FGVSCJTIFEUP0SJHJOBM $ 'BDUPSZ4QFDJGJDBUJPOT 3FHVMBS 393FE 1SJDF *OTUBOU 4BWJOHT SACRAMENTO "GUFS*OTUBOU 4BWJOHT LED HDTV Free 3D Starter Kit and blu-ray player with Purchase of this HDTV r"DUVBM4DSFFOTJ[F 120W 10" 3769 Before Additional In-Store Savings *OTUBOU 3FCBUF SUBWOOFER 240Hz INTERNET WEB BROWSER CLEAR PICTURE $ 599 $ 6/% #6543493 Before Savings )54 2429 $ 3199 - 770 = 3FHVMBS Before Additional In-Store Savings *OTUBOU 3FCBUF 1SJDF MAJOR NAME BRAND 3D LED LED 22" HDTV 46" HDTV 55" HDTV SLIM CLASS USB INPUT FOR MUSIC & PHOTOS PC INPUT 129 3 $ CLASS r"DUVBM4DSFFO4J[F r4IBSF7JEFPTBOE.VTJDXJUIZPVS)PNF$PNQVUFS r*OUFSOFU#VJMU*O t"DUVBM%JBHPOBM4DSFFO4J[F SAVE $530 120Hz 99 After Savings #6686804 -JNJU1FS$VTUPNFS SAVE $20 CD/MP3 CAR STEREO 50W x4 MOSFET r'SPOU"69'PS*QPE.Q1MBZCBDL r$IBOOFM0VUQVUT 79 $ ,%$.1 #6471402 "EEJUJPOBM QBSUTBOE MBCPSFYUSB QMVT NBUFSJBMGFF #6510503 969 #FGPSF4BWJOHT 99 $ CLEAR PICTURE * INSTALLED... After Savings 3FHVMBS1SJDF r#VJMU*O)%3BEJP5VOFS r64#'PSJ1PE$IBSHJOH "OE$POUSPM r8BUUTY1PXFS ,%$)%6 r1BUFOUFE%4VSSPVOE4PVOE #SFBLUISPVHI4%"4VSSPVOE r4JOHMF4QFBLFS4VSSPVOE4PVOE 4ZTUFNTGPS8BGFS5IJO'MBU1BOFM57T SAVE 10% ON THIS SYSTEM WITH PURCHASE OF ANY 40" OR LARGER HDTV 49999 $ #6490972 SAVE 30 $ SAVE $15 14499 $ After Savings "EEJUJPOBM QBSUTBOE MBCPSFYUSB QMVT NBUFSJBMGFF 169 $ 99 INSTALLED... 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