H O L I D AY G I F T IDEAS 2005 GIFT BASKETS C . 2 0 0 5 S o ph i st i cat e d S nac k s A Raspberry Honey Mustard, Champagne Garlic Mustard, Braised Sweet Onion Horseradish Sauce, Olive Fennel/Black Pepper Biscuits, Sundried Tomato Pistachio Biscuits, Dipping Pretzels, Party Hearty Nut Mix Code: GB05SS Price: $58.95 D B C d. 2 0 0 5 G re at G ri lli n g Pkg II A.2005 Chef's Choice Raspberry Honey Mustard, Hot Pepper Peach Spread, Wild Maine Blueberry Preserves, Buttermilk Dill Sauce, Braised Sweet Onion Horseradish, Poppy & Sesame Carr's Crackers, Peppermint Rimmer, Chocolate Crisps, High Society Snack Mix, Penne Pasta, Bruschetta Breadsticks, Tea Towel, Salad Tongs Code: GB05CC Price: $105.00 Raspberry Asian Sauce, Southwest Chipotle Sauce, Thai-Chile with Ginger Sauce, Apricot Ginger Mustard, Horseradish Sauce, Buttermilk Dill Sauce, Grilled Pineapple Habanero, Fish & Seafood Rub, Cocktail Sauce, Carr's Crackers, Tea Towel Code: GB05GG2 Price: $85.95 B . 2 0 0 5 S o ph i st i cat e d S nac k s Raspberry Honey Mustard, Champagne Garlic Mustard, Braised Sweet Onion Horseradish Sauce, Hot Pepper Peach Spread, Apricot Ginger Mustard, Olive Fennel/Black Pepper Biscuits, Sundried Tomato Pistachio Crackers, Dipping Pretzels, Party Hearty Nut Mix Code: GB05SB Price: $85.95 T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 1 GIFT BASKETS E G F F. 2 0 0 5 T e a T i m e Stash Black Tea Sampler, White Chocolate Cocoa, Orange Blossom Marmalade, Brandied Blackberry Preserves, Lemon Crisps, Borders Petticoat Shortbread Code: GB05TT Price: $39.95 G . 2 0 0 5 T h e Eve n i n g H ou r Champagne Garlic Mustard, High Society Snack Mix, Almond Fig and Balsamic Vinegar Biscuits, Picholine Olives, Olive Fork, Cocktail Rimmer Code: GB05EH Price: $39.95 E. 2005 Great Grilling Pkg I Raspberry Asian Sauce, Southwest Chipotle Sauce, ThaiChile with Ginger Sauce, Apricot Ginger Mustard, Fish & Seafood Rub, Cocktail Sauce, Carr's Crackers, Tea Towel Code: GB05GG Price: $58.95 T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 2 SAUCE COLLECTIONS H J J. individual Dips and Spreads I T oa st e d S e s a m e D re s s i n g (12 fl.oz./360 ml) For over 25 years this has been our signature product. Other than on your salads, we recommend trying our dressing as a dip for vegetables, on cold pasta salads, French fries, or as a substitute for mayonnaise in your favorite slaw recipes or on sandwiches. Code: TSDS Price: $4.25 W i l d M a i n e B lu e b e r ry Pre s e rve s For the true blueberry lover, wild blueberries combine with a hint of lemon for a flavorful preserve. Makes a tasty topper for thumbprint cookies, but can also be used in a cobbler or pie. Serve over ice cream, pancakes, waffles and French toast. Code: WMBP Price: $7.50 (11 oz./312 grams) H o t Pe p pe r Pe ac h S pre a d (11 oz./312 grams) H. Brown Sauce Collection Madeira Sauce, Bordeaux Sauce, Peppercorn Sauce, Hunter Sauce Code: GB05BSC Price: $27.00 I . G ri lli n g S au c e S e t Thai-Chile with Ginger Sauce, Southwest Chipotle Sauce, Raspberry Asian Sauce Code: GB05GSS Price: $23.00 Serve over cream cheese or warm brie accompanied by a variety of crackers. Use as a basting for chicken or ham. Warm and use as a dip for grilled chicken or egg rolls. Use as a dip fro grilled shrimp or assorted sausages and cheese. Code: HPPS Price: $7.25 A pri c o t Pu m p k i n But t e R (10.7 oz./304 grams) Serve over hot cereal, crepes, waffles, pancakes or cottage cheese. Use as a dessert topping for ice cream or cheese cake. Add to warm milk, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon for a delicious fall drink. Code: APB Price: $7.50 T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 3 SAUCE COLLECTIONS to salad. Whisk a small amount into eggs when preparing omelets. Baste on meat when grilling or broiling. Use as a spread for a variety of hot and cold sandwiches. Use as a dip for assorted cheeses. Warm with a small amount of olive oil and top steamed or grilled vegetables. Code: CGM Price: $6.50 A pri c o t G i n g e r M u sta r d (10.5 oz./298 grams) Serve as a dip for pretzels. Use as a baste for most meats. Warm with a small amount of olive oil and top steamed or grilled vegetables. Use as a dip for grilled chicken, grilled shrimp, assorted sausages or cheeses. Add to your favorite potato salad recipe. Add to mayonnaise, vinegar and sour cream for a great dipping sauce for spring rolls. Use as a spread for a variety of hot or cold sandwiches. Code: AGM Price: $6.50 C re a m y H o r s e r a d i s h S au c e H . D i p s a n d S pre a d s B r a n d i e d B l ac k b e r ry Pre s e rve s (10.3 oz./292 grams) Add to softened cream cheese for a delicious spread on fresh bagels. Can also be used as a dip for fruit, or as an extra layer between pound cake. For a quick and easy elegant touch, pour over cheese cake or ice cream. Code: BBP Price: $7.25 O r a n g e B lo s s o m M a r m a l a d e (10.5 oz./298 grams) The combination of oranges, candied ginger and spices offers an exciting alternative to traditional spreads. Serve over warm brie or cream cheese. Great on all the traditional breakfast breads. Code: OBM Price: $7.25 R a s p b e r ry H o n ey M u sta r d D i p (14 oz./396 grams) Outstanding dip for pretzels. Use as a dip for grilled chicken, egg rolls, assorted sausages and cheeses. Mix with raspberry vinegar to produce a sweet/hot dressing. Warm with a small amount of olive oil and top steamed or grilled vegetables. Use as a spread for a variety of hot or cold sandwiches. Code: RHMD Price: $7.75 C h a m pag n e Ga r li c M u sta r d (9.6 oz./272 grams) Baste on pizza crust and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Mix with vinegar and olive oil and serve on tossed salad. Use as a pretzel dip. Jazz up your favorite pota- (9.5 oz./269 grams) Use with broiled swordfish, shark, or halibut. Use with roasted beef, whipped potatoes, smoked salmon, cream cheese and bagels, or grilled sirloin steak. Add bread crumbs for crust with veal chops, pork, or salmon. Mix with sour cream and serve with fresh vegetables. Excellent as a sandwich spread. Combine with Dilworthtown Raspberry Salsa to create a delicious cocktail sauce. Mix with relish and mayonnaise to create a zesty tartar sauce. Code: CHS Price: $6.50 R a s p b e r ry S a l s a (10.5 oz/310 ML) Blend with cream cheese, add cocktail shrimp and serve with crackers. Mix with Dilworthtown Creamy Horseradish to make a delicious dip for shrimp. Brush on meat or fish when grilling or broiling. Use as a sauce for your favorite homemade pizza. Simmer in a crock pot with party franks for a great hors d’oeuvre. Serve with tortilla chips or over taco salad. Blend ? cup salsa and one cup cottage cheese for a great dip. Code: RS Price: $7.50 But t e r m i l k D i ll S au c e (11.5 oz/326g) An excellent sauce for steamed asparagus, artichokes, grilled salmon or other fish. Use as a light dip for fresh vegetables or a dressing for your salad. Add horseradish to make an extreme dip for your wings, shrimp or chicken tenders. Code: BDS Price: $7.25 T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 4 SAUCE COLLECTIONS H . D i p s a n d S pre a d s G ri ll e d Pi n e a p pl e w i t h H a ba n e r o Pe p pe r (10.5 0z/310mL) A unique and flavorful combination of roasted pineapple, onions, mangos and habanero peppers. Baste on chicken, port or seafood. Use as a spread, salsa or chutney. Code: GPHP Price: $7.75 B r a i s e d Sw e e t O n i o n H o r s e r a d i s h S au c e (11.2 oz/318 g) Enjoy horseradish, herbs and spices. Serve with fresh chilled vegetables. Top steamed vegetables, baked potato or whip into mashed potatoes. Use as a sauce for shrimp or salmon, or a dip for chicken wings, nuggets, potato wedges and chips. Substitute for mayonnaise in tuna salad. Code: BSOHS Price: $7.50 K . I n d i v i dua l S au c e s H u n t e r S au c e (8 oz/236 mL) Western European in origin, our version of this classic rich brown sauce is made with red wine, imported wild mushrooms and black truffles. Serves well with all wild game and other meat dishes including veal chops, baked chicken, beef or pork. Code: HS Price: $5.00 M a d e i r a S au c e (8 oz/236 mL) A delicate brown sauce made with Madeira wine. Ours with the addition of black truffles is also known as the classic gourmet French sauce Periguex. This sauce is fabulous over any meat or vegetable in puff pastry. Code: MS Price: $5.00 K Pe p pe r c o r n S au c e (8 oz/236 mL) Our version of this rich peppery sauce is the traditional European style made with brandy, sour cream, whole green peppercorns and black truffles. A classic with any meat dish. Code: PS Price: $5.00 B o r d e au x S au c e (8 oz/236mL) A classic French red wine sauce with black truffles. Also known as Sauce Bordelaise, hearty and robust in flavor, this sauce will enhance all meat dishes without overpowering the natural flavors. Code: BS Price: $5.00 R a s p b e r ry A s i a n S au c e (10 oz/283g) Pacific Rim flavors infused with ginger and spicy chilies. Use as a dipping, marinade and stir-fry sauce. Also good on grilled seafood, chicken wings and dressing for salads. Code: RAS Price: $5.25 S out h w e st C h i p o t l e S au c e (9.5 oz/269g) A gourmet sauce and glaze with a southwest flair. Use as a grilling, roasting and finishing sauce. Also a great addition to summer salads and pasta dishes. Code: SCS Price: $5.25 T h a i - C h i l e w it h G i n g e r S au c e (10 oz/283g)This grilling sauce is an infusion of sweet ginger and spicy chilies. Use for grilling, baking and stir-fry dishes. Also can be used in rice and bean salads, baked casseroles and poured over cream cheese. Code: TCGS Price: $5.25 T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 5 SPICES &RUBS L M M . RU B S Tower of Four Meat Rubs L . S PI C E K IT S S pi c e S e t - E s s e n t i a l Herbs de Provence, Curry Comfort, Roma Code: GB05SSE Price: $18.50 S pi c e S e t - S e a f o o d Love r s Welcome in any kitchen or at the backyard grill, our rubs are available individually in 1.5 - 2 oz tins, or in a pre-wrapped tower of 4. Fish & Seafood Rub, Mesa Rosa Chicken Rub, Pork Rub and Philly Steak & Chop Rub each are easy to use yet add that extra flavor to your recipes. Just add a little oil, rub on the spice and grill or roast! The results will be delicious. SRT $17.00 Fisherman's Fix, Shallots, Sonoma Pepper Code: GB05SSSL Price: $18.50 Fi s h & S e a f o o d Ru b S pi c e S e t - S pi c e Rout e L a m b & Ve g g i e Ru b Asian Pepper Fusion, Thai Garden, Jamaican Bite Code: GB05SSSR Price: $18.50 FSR $4.25 LVR $4.25 M e s a Ro s a C h i c k e n Ru b MRCR $4.25 P O R K RU B PR $4.25 Ph i lly St e a k & C h o p Ru b PSCR $4.25 T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 6 ORDERING INFO O r d e r o n li n e at : w w w. d i lwo rt h t ow n. c o m Other Purchasing Locations Our products, as well as others not listed above, are available at the following locations: Dilworthtown Inn Kiosks at Exton, Concord, and Springfield Malls from Mid-November thru Christmas. Dilworthtown Inn Food Products are Available at the Following Locations: Barrel Store 610-692-5544 929 South High Street Parkway Center West Chester, PA 19382 Chester County Book & Music Company 610-696-1661 975 Paoli Pike West Chester, PA 19380 Donnolo's Florist 610-269-6656 130 Wallace Ave Downingtown, PA 19355 Dee's Flowers 610-696-6056 929 South High Street Parkway Center West Chester, PA 19382 Eagles Crest Enterprises 610-458-1595 1853 Eagle Farms Road Chester Springs, PA 19425 Giunta's Thriftway 610-518-3720 817 E. Lancaster Ave Downingtown, PA 19335 Haldas Meat Market 302-475-7600 2201 Silverside Rd Wilmington, DE 19810 Heavenly Ham 610-353-4000 2054 Sproul Road Broomall, PA 19008 Kabloom! The Shoppes at Dilworthtown Crossing 1357 Wilmington Pike West Chester, PA 19382 610-399-3400 La Delicatesse 610-687-2221 Strafford Farmers Market Wayne, PA 19087 QVC Studio Park Store QVC Studio Park West Chester, PA 19380 484-701-6789 Waterloo Gardens 136 Lancaster Ave. Devon, PA 19333 610-293-0800 Westtown Meat Market 610-696-5588 1030 Old Wilmington Pike West Chester, PA 19382 F o r t h e c o ll e c t o r , s o m e t h i n g ve ry s pe c i a l W i n t e r' s Eve On a dazzling, snowy evening the newly risen moon is casting its gentle radiance over Dilworthtown Inn. This quiet serene evening is enhanced by the Inn's warmly lit windows welcoming visitors to share in its merriment as winter comes to call in this C. Phillip Wikoff painting. The original water color, on display at the Inn, has been lithographed using only the highest quality printing and craftsmanship, and the finest neutral pH balanced paper. The edition includes 500 signed and numbered prints and 15 artist's proofs. Also available in three sizes the limited edition, signed and numbered prints of C. Philip Wicoff's "Winter Calls on Dilworthtown Inn": Framed 23 x 33 1/2 ($245) Framed 17 x 23 ($175) Unframed 29 x 18 ($120) Unframed 13 x 19 ($85) Framed 8 x 10 ($65) T O O R D E R PL E A S E G O T O W W W. D I LWO RT H T OW N. C O M H O LI DAY S 2 0 0 5 PAG E 7