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PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 57, NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1998 Approximate relativistic optimized potential method T. Kreibich and E. K. U. Gross Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany E. Engel Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Frankfurt, Robert Mayer Straße 8-10, D-60054 Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Received 28 July 1997 Approximate semianalytical solutions of the integral equation for the relativistic optimized potential are constructed by extending a method recently proposed by Krieger, Li, and Iafrate Phys. Lett. A 146, 256 1990 to the relativistic regime. The quality of the approximation is tested in the longitudinal x -only limit where fully numerical solutions of the relativistic optimized effective potential integral equation are available for spherical atoms. The results obtained turn out to be in excellent agreement with the exact x -only values. The proposed method provides significant improvement over the conventional relativistic local density ap proximation and generalized gradient approximation schemes. S1050-2947 97 04912-3 PACS number s : 31.10. z, 71.10. w, 31.30.Jv, 31.15.Ew e RKLIf 3scheme is developed in Sec. IV before some limiting cases are discussed in Sec. V. In Sec. VI, numerical results 0 of the ROPM and RKLI methods are presented and com4 pared to other RDFT methods. I. INTRODUCTION , Since the seminal work of Hohenberg and Kohn 1 and " # & ' ( Kohn and Sham ! 2 $, density functional theory % DFT has ) become a powerful tool for *ab initio +electronic structure cal. / , culations of atoms, molecules, and solids - 3–5 . The devel0 opment of more and more refined approximations of the + exchange-correlation 1 xc2 +energy functional E xc has led to 3 significant improvement over the standard local density ap6 7 4 the so-called optimized proximation 5 LDA9 . In :<particular, > + ; = 4 potential method 6,7 employing explicitly orbital8 OPM ? dependent functionals rather than the traditional density? dependent functionals has achieved highly accurate results @ A 7–2 0 B . C Most of the advances in DFT have been made in the conE D text of nonrelativistic physics. For high-Z atoms, however, F relativistic contributions have to be considered. For example, ? D the ground-state energy of mercury G HgH decreases from its I nonrelativistic value J 18 408 a.u. to K 19 649 a.u. if relativistic effects are taken into account. Furthermore, even for E L 3 with moderate Z $, relativistic contributions to E M xc are systems N larger than the differences between the currently best xc en+ ergy functionals O 21P . Until now, the calculation of such relaD tivistic contributions has mostly been based on the relativisR S D tic local density approximation Q RLDA . To go beyond the of the OPM was formulated for RLDA, an T x -only version " V F relativistic systems U 22,21 . As in the nonrelativistic case, the 3 solution of the resulting equations is a rather demanding task and has been achieved so far only for systems of high symmetry, e.g., spherical atoms W 21,23–25X . The purpose of the present paperR is to develop a simpliY [ fied version of the relativistic OPM Z ROPM 3scheme leading D to a generalization of the approximation of Krieger, Li, and _ D Iafrate \ KLI]<^ 8 –10,26–36` to the realm of relativistic sysD tems. This will be done for systems subject to arbitrary static + external four-potentials. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we give a brief review of the foundations of relaD tivistic DFT a RDFTb . After that, in Sec. III, we develop the R F ROPM generalizing a nonrelativistic derivation of Görling . d D and Levy c 37 to the relativistic domain. The relativistic KLI 1050-2947/98/57 1 /138 11 /$15.00 57 II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 9 On its most general level, RDFT is based on quantum h i electrodynamics g QED and thus contains not only relativisD tic but also radiative effects. For a detailed derivation, also j including questions" of renormalization, the reader is referred l D to recent reviews k 23,38 . The central statement of RDFT — D D the relativistic version of the Hohenberg-Kohn m HKn theorem o . p 39 — can be stated in the following way: The renormalized r s t v q ground-state four-current j ( ur) of an interacting system of Dirac particles uniquely determines, up to gauge transformar {}| D xzy j tions, the external four-potential A w ext as well as the r } q ground-state wave function ~ j . As a consequence, any 0 observable of the relativistic many-body system under con3 is a functional of its ground-state four-current. As sideration j in the nonrelativistic case, the exact ground-state four-current including all quantum electrodynamical effects can in prin, ciple be obtained from an auxiliary noninteracting system— " R D the relativistic Kohn-Sham RKS 3system 21,38,40,41 : + r j r t r ª c 2 k F ¯ k r ¡ k r r¢ £ j V¤¦¥ r§ $, 1© ¨ v where j V« ( r) denotes the vacuum contribution to the fourt v current. The four-component spinors ¬ k ( r) are solutions of an effective single-particle Dirac equation in atomic units ®°¯ ± ² ³ ´ e m 1) , µ ¶ 0 ¸ ic ¹ r Ù}Ú t Ö ) ª · º¼» ¾ ¿ÁÀའ2 c r Ç}ÈÉ A Ä SÅÆ j rÊ Ë k Ì rÍÎÐÏ Ñ Ò k k rÓ $, 2Õ Ô v with A Ä S×Ø j ( ur) being the effective four-potential, which can be decomposed according to Ö 138 Ä ÛÜ r Ý}Þß u àá AS j r Ö u äå A ext r w âzã æ ç3è é d r r êìë j ð u ñ r íïî u òôó õ r r Ö r ùûúü u ý A xc öø÷ j r . þ . ÿ 3 © 1998 The American Physical Society 57 Here, Ö A w APPROXIMATE RELATIVISTIC OPTIMIZED . . . t u v E xL ,exact j ext( r) is a static but otherwise arbitrary external fourpotential, the second on the right-hand side represents a Hartree-like potential,term and the last term, defined by 4 j r : A M xc r EM j r xc j r L r r 139 1 2 2 c l , k ¡ e < F =d > 3 r = d > 3 r ¢ £¥¤ ¦l§©¨ rªL« k ¬ ¸ rL® k±¯ ° r ²`³L´ ¦l µ r ¶`· u ¹ u r rº » 4 9 One major advantage of such an exact treatment of the exchange energy lies in the fact that the spurious selfj interactions contained in the Hartree energy are fully canL , celed. The price to be paid for the orbital dependence of E M xc t v ¾ ( r) , defined is that the calculation of the xc four-potential A M xc ) by Eq. ¿ 4À $, is somewhat more complicated. It has to be deD by an integral equation, as will be shown in the (termined following. t u v ÃÄ ( r) , Eq.  4 $, we can Starting from the definition of A xc Á , calculate the xc four-potential corresponding to an orbital? xc energy functional by applying the chain rule (dependent for functional derviatives: ? , denotes the xc four-potential containing by construction all nontrivial many-body effects. Equations 1 – ! 4" represent the relativistic KS scheme D that has to be solved self-consistently. However, the calculat v r D tion of the vacuum contribution j V# ( ur) to the four-current requires the knowledge of an infinite number of $ 4positive and I negative energy% 3states, so that one would have to deal with an infinite system of coupled equations. Since such a proce? dure is highly impractical, we will, in the following, ignore all vacuum contributions to the various energy components and to the four-current, which is then given just by the first D term on the right-hand side of Eq. & 1' . This means that we restrict ourselves to the calculation of relativistic effects and neglect radiative corrections. Since we are aiming at elecD tronic structure calculations for atoms, molecules, and solids, ª we expect the neglected terms to be small. If one were after all interested in the radiative contributions, an *a posteriori 4 treatment should be sufficient and represents in (perturbative fact the standard approach. ROPM Æ Å rÇÈ A M xc É Ê c 2 ËÌ k Í9Î =d > 3 r Ï Ñ L Ò =d > 3 r Ð F ÓxÔtÕ inÖ × Ý±Þ ß r à`á k ±Ø Ù Ú ur Û`Ü â Ö A Ä ãEä uråEæ©ç k S E ROPM xc , è í Ar ÄSîéEï ê rëEì j urð c.c. )In order to derive a relativistic generalization of the OPM integral equation, we start out from the total-energy functional of a system of interacting Dirac particles * neglecting +vacuum contributions, 3subject to a static external fourv 4 - t( r): potential A w ext 0 r 1243 =d >3 r ¯? @ rACBED 5 k 6 c 2 798 k :; <F O =d >3 èr j PQ urR Ö Aw SUT urV ¸ ic F GIH ½ 2 c 1 2 =d > 3 r = d > 3 r X r j YZ r[ r j \] r ^`_ f a r b r ced / ROPM A M xc r c 2 k L lnm . op q $ _ 8 , =d > 3 r F i!#" ' u () k r / *&+ Ö , r -. 01 u 2354 k AÄS r , : c.c. 6 Ä S 97 18 ; r< $, r= . > ? @ 9 _ B D Acting with the response operator A 8 0on Eq. C 9 and using the identity 5 D )In contrast to the ordinary RDFT approach, the xc energy functional is given here as/ an explicit functional of the RKS vxwty four-spinors rts iu . Still, E M ROPM izn{ represents a functional xc 0 of the density: Via the HK theorem applied to noninteracting r | t v 3 systems, j ( r) uniquely determines the effective potential r A Ä S}~ j . With this very potential, the Dirac equation 2 is r 3 solved to obtain the set of single-particle orbitals t i j ª which are then used to calculate the quantity L / ROPM t r e E xc . Therefore every functional, depending ±exi j ¸ 0 plicitly on RKS spinors, is an implicit functional of the den3 sity, provided the orbitals come from a local potential. This allows us to use the exact expression for the longitudinal + exchange energy, i.e., the relativistic Fock term =d > 3 r ROPM E xc $&% i A S r Ä so that Eq. 9 ,can be rewritten as JLK k M rN gihkj E M ROPM xc j 3 ext W ü r j ý þ urÿ õ Ä kö ÷Eø r,$ r ù`ú : û S D / ñA ò 7 j III. RELATIVISTIC OPTIMIZED POTENTIAL METHOD ROPM E . tot j ô . The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. ó 7 is readily identified with the inverse of the static response function of a 3 system of noninteracting Dirac particles A j ¼ =6½ . =d > 3 r E Ä I 1 J FHG rK $, rLM Ä P N ORQ r,$ r STUWVYX[Z\V^] r_a` S S r bc d 10e we obtain f after rearranging the indicesg ª j =d> 3 r h A/M ROPM i r klm xc t D v c u q w x 2 k yz Ä nHoqp S r r $, rs =d > 3 r { F | L & }~ E ROPM i# xc k r Ö Ä q u ,c.c. 11 & u AS r k r To further evaluate this equation, we note that the first funcj tional derivative on the right-hand side of Eq. 11 is readily 140 57 T. KREIBICH, E. K. U. GROSS, AND E. ENGEL j L , IV. TRANSFORMATION OF THE ROPM INTEGRAL EQUATIONS m AND THE RELATIVISTIC KLI APPROXIMATION computed once an expression for E ROPM in terms of singlexc particle spinors is given. The remaining functional derivative j is calculated by using standard first-order perturbation D theory, yielding 4 & Ö In order to use the ROPM equations derived in the preceding section, we have to solve Eq. n 15o for the xc four4 Unfortunately, there is no known analytic solution (potential. Ö ROPMt u v for A xc ( r) depending explicitly on the set of singlep 4 particle spinors qsr it . We therefore have to deal with Eq. u 15v I numerically, which is a rather demanding task. Thus a simÖ ROPMt u v 4 plified scheme for the calculation of A xc w ( r) appears highly desirable. To this end we shall perform a transformation of the R integral equations similar to the one recently introROPM ? duced by KLI in the nonrelativistic domain x 29,31y . This will lead to an alternative but still exact form of the ROPM inteq equation which naturally lends itself as a starting point (gral for systematic approximations. We start out by defining , © ¦ ª u «¬ ur l r ¯ ¦ ² u a³ ´¶µ^· k ¸ ur¹ . u 5¡£¢ ¤ ® ¯ ¦ ± l r ° Ä q ¥l AS r k l ¦ §¨ k º 12» l k equation also enables us to give an explicit expression (This for the response function Ä ¼ ÄP ½ ¾À¿ $ S r, r Á : Ã Å Ê A Ä S ÆÇ r ÈÉ Ë c 2 ÌÍ Î Ï k <F ¯ k Ñ rÒÓ^Ô^Õ k Ö r× Ø Ð 13Ù in terms of the RKS spinors: Ú ÄP Û ÜÀÝ u Þ $ u ßà S r ,r â c , á ãqä 2 çè k åæ ý <F ¦ é ê ¥l k þ°ÿ ¦ L l 14 3 D 3 d r c 2 k r ! ¯ k r A M ROPM xc j F ROPM ¶ 1 23 u 506 , 7 8 + xc u - u .0/ 0 "$%' # E 4 r c.c. 0, & ( u )* G Ä Sk , r $, r k r k + ¯ k ur ¢¡¤£ <F t < G Ä Sk ? ur @ $, urA : B$C D ¦ EF ¥l © 18ª ¶ 19· 15= Since the RKS spinors ¸s¹ iº 3span an orthonormal set, one readily proves the orthogonality relation 3è » } ¾ ¿ À ur0Á  80. d r k¼ ½ urL k v + ¥ ur0¦ § ,c.c. ¨ 80, k ¶ ¬ u ® ' ² ³ u ´ µ 0 . ¯ k r : ¯±° k r where G Ä Sk ( ur > $, ur) is defined as ª t v where the adjoint spinor ¯ « k ( ur) is defined in the usual way, i.e., ª L 9;: 80,1,2,3 17 such that the ROPM integral equations can be rewritten as Finally, putting Eqs. 11 $, 12 $, and 14 together leads to the R ROPM integral equations for the local xc four-potential Ö ROPMt u v A xc ( r): c 2 k ROPM + xc u u $' E u G Ä Sk r $, r $, k r l k c.c. 3 è ¯ u Ö ROPM u d r A xc r k r z } { |u~ k r : ë ì ¦ò û ¯ ¯¦ ö k r íîaï¶ð^ñ l r óôPõ l r÷aø^ùú k rü G ¦ H ur IJLK ¦ M'N urO l l . P QSR ¦ k l Å + 20 We now use the fact that G Ä Sk ( ur Æ $, ur) is the Green function of thet RKS equation projected onto the subspace orthogonal to Ç ( urv) , i.e., it satisfies the equation k T 16U D l k V Now the ROPM scheme is complete: For a given approximation of the xc energy, the ROPM integral equations have D ROPMt v W ( r) simultaneously with the RKS to be solved for A M xc " Y Z + X equation 2 until self-consistency is achieved. Note that Eq. [ ? t u v Ö 15\ determines the xc four-potential A xc ] ( r) only up to an arbitrary constant, which can be specified by requiring ROPMt v ^ ( r) to vanish asymptotically _ for finite systems` . A M xc To conclude this section, we note that exchange and corF relation contributions can be treated separately within the ROPM scheme. This is most easily seen by starting out with 0 only the four-potential, defined as t v ced f g r exchange h t v E a x / j ( r) , instead of Eq. i 4j and repeating the A a xb ( r) 3 steps which lead to Eq. k 15l and likewise for the correlation 4 potential. Ã" Ä + t v Í G Ä Sk È ur É $, urÊÌË hˆ DÎ}Ï ur0Ð ÑSÒ k Ó ÔÖÕÖ×ÙØÚ ur ÙÛ Ü urÝ0Þàß k á ur â ãLä k' å æ urçéè . ê 21ë ì t v The operator hˆ í Dî ( r) denotes the Hermitian conjugate of the R RKS Hamiltonian, ìˆ h Dï}ð urñ : ò±ó ¶ ô 0 ¸ ic õ öø÷úù Ö c û±üý A Ä S þ ÿ u r $ , ½ 2 + t " 22 v acting from the right on the unprimed variable of G Ä Sk ( ur $, ur) D the arrow on top of the gradient indicates the direction in ª which the derivative has to be taken . Using Eq. 21 $, we can ( t v from the right on Eq. 17 $, act with the operator hˆ D ( ur) k N leading to 57 k APPROXIMATE RELATIVISTIC OPTIMIZED . . . 2 r hˆ D r! k $" #&% ' ( r)$*,+ A M -/. r01 ¯ k xc 798 : ; u k L @u ) . This fact also motipotential ÿ A xc ( 0 A ROPM xck xc +vates the boundary condition assumed above. In T x -only t v D theory, @u M xc k ( ur) is the local, orbital-dependent RHF exchange t v 4 potential so that k ( r) is the first-order shift of the RKS ª wave function towards the RHF wave function. However, 0 one has to realize that the first-order shift of the orbital? ( @ quantity u dependent has been neglected. xck i D Now we use Eq. 23 to further transform the ROPM + 18 . As a first step, we solve Eq. 23 for equations ¶ t v t v A Ä 0S ( r) k ( r) , leading to k 5 u r6 C " Ö ROPM ? @ M A $ ¯ r<>= ¯ A xck u xck , B 23 ROPM M where we have introduced Ā xck t vas a shorthand notation H for ROPM D the average value of DFE A M xcG ( r) with respect to the k th 0 orbital, i.e., ª D P 3 ¯ K d r J k rL$MFN A M ROPM rQSR xcO Ā M ROPM :I xck k T rU V 24W ¶ Ö ROPM 3 è Y E xc @ M ¯ u xck : X d r Z[ f " \ k r ]_^ ` k a u c ( Y The differential equation e 23 has the structure of a RKS equation with an additional inhomogeneity term. Together ª with the boundary condition m r npo hi 8 rjlk k q ) \ ¶ c 8 e k g rhikj+l k m rn#o ,c.c. p 0, A Ä 0S rdf¯ ] c 2 ^`_ k `a b <F . t D and employ Eq. s 32 to obtain ROPM u E M xc | } r~+ A M ROPM ¯ r# k xc wyx v c 2 k z`{ F k r Eq. s 23t Zuniquely determines u kv ( r) . To prove this statement, we assume that are two z t there | t v independent solutions of v the difference of Eq. w 23x $, namely, y k ,1( r) and { k ,2 ( r) . Then t v t v t v D ( r) these two solutions, } k~ ( r): k ,1 k ,2( r) , satisfies the ( homogeneous RKS equation t u v u ª k u $ 80, r> hˆ D k r " u k ¯ u # ¸ L ½ 2 O P Ä u #¡O¢ ¶ 0£ ¤ c AS r k r ic k ¥O¦ ¶ 0 §¨© ª , 8 k r«#¬ c.c. 0. " ur $, r9 k 28 j if the above boundary condition is fulfilled. However, this 3 solution leads to a contradiction to the orthogonality relation " 3 t u v 20 so that ¡ k¢ ( r) can only be the trivial solution of Eq. £ 27¤ $, ¥ ¦§ u k 8 ª r¨© 0, ½ 29 L E M xc $, ¾¿ u xck r³ : ´ ¹  À Á *º » r¼ k rà k and defining * Ñ ÌÎ Í a M xck rÏ : Ð Å . Ä 30 ? with Æ and Ç denoting spinor indices running from 1 to 4, we can rewrite Eq. È 17É as ª ª Ê ËÌ u k ÍÎÏ Ð r ¦ ÑÒ Ó ¦ ÔÕ l u rÖ ¥ l × k ØÙ ¦ l Ú Û 3 è ÜÞÝ d r u ß k* à ¶ æFç r á_â>ãåä 0 Ö u xck í urî ïñð$ò·ó ¦ l ôÂõ ur _ö ÷ $, ü ª û ¶ ÙÚÛ 0 Ü rÝ Ó Ô Õ k Ø Ö × r k ç è ¶ í Þ¯ß k à rá#â ¸ic ã äåLæ ½c ¾ 2 O AÄ S é rê#ëOì 0 k î ïOð ¶ 0 ñòó ô u õ $ ö .36÷ k r , . ù ú ûüþý u ÿ Ö ROPM u r A xc r é u ê_ë A ROPM r xc è @ Ò ROPM E M xc we rewrite Eq. ø 34 as ª l k ì 34 ¶ Ä ÅÆ u #È É , . Ë Ç r ¯ k À urÁ Â+à0 ¹ c.c. Ê 35 k 2 º c 2 »`¼ ` ½k ¾ <F ¿ which completes the proof. @ As an interesting aside, we briefly consider the physical t v ¬ meaning of the quantity k® ( ur) . Defining µ·¶$¸ ®. ¯ 1 ± ²´³¶µ u · r :¸ " ª ± @ M ¯$°² 33 Introducing the 4 ° 4 matrix « " q. r ¯ @ 8 Ā M ROPM u xck < k r xck 27 which has a unique solution r We then multiply the ROPM equations Z 18[ by¶ the zeroth t v , component of the effective RKS four-potential, A Ä S0 ( r) , yieldj ing 26r 0, k 687 ¯ M 9 ¯ A xck @u M xc k :<; k= > ur? @B¯A k C urDFE ¸ic G HJILK ½c ¾ 2 MON PAÄ S Q ur#R SOT ¶ 0U k V . W .32X 25 + g ROPM & ' ur( )+* Ö A ROPM - ur#. /10 2 E3 xc ¯ k xc, 4 u 5 Ö d " rb . v L u #! "%$ r k A Ä 0S ur and L t Ö 4 E ROPM xc 34 ¶ Ö 141 ø . ù c 2 k 31 j is implicitly understood. where summation over ú and t v From this equation, it is obvious that ý kþ ( ur) is the usual first-order shift in the wave function caused by a perturbing <F * r @ ¯ a M xck r j k r Ā M ROPM u xck ,c.c., xck . 37 H with j k! ( r) being the four-current with respect to the k th 0 orbital: ª r t u v D T. KREIBICH, E. K. U. GROSS, AND E. ENGEL 142 r j k"# ur$ : %'¯ & k ( ur) *,+.. k 4 . 2 1 38 / ur0 . t ? det >@?BA u C DEGF r ¶ 0 H u I J r j r 2 r j ÿ 1 @ @ ¯* Ð ì Ðk ¯ M lk Ā ¯ RKLI u Ð ¯ u xck , xc 2 xck Ä c 2 È k F ö ý þ Ā xcl¦ ü Ā ¯ Sxc¦ l v ROPM 5 ( r) , we first have to In order to solve Eq. 3 37 for A M xc t v investigate whether the 4 6 4 matrix 7 ( r) , defined by Eq. 8. 9 1t u v 35 $, is nonsingular, i.e., whether the inverset :< ( r ) exists. ; v Y We therefore calculate the determinant of = ( r) , yielding KL u M r NO u P Q R 4 S u T r j r n r 1U 57 44 øwhere we have defined ´ ¯ýS V ¾2 W 3 · 1 · d r jl r r A xcl : j rX $, c Rn 2 Y urZ [ . \ 39 ½ 2 1 º 2 ! Ä c 2 "# È $% k F ª where the last equality follows from the decomposition of the four-current into the scalar density and the vector com4 ponents according to & Ì ROPM E Õ -/.0 · 23 å Ð k 1 r c.c. '( xcÐ ) · *,+ 0 k r D r ]^ j V Rn a rb $, 1 V j c rd . ½ r_` t v ? t det H 1± @ ´ RKLI @ *Ð ² J ú Å2 ( ¯ The unknown coefficients G ¯ A xckÐ u ¯ xcÐ k I ¯ u xck ) are then K determined by the linear equation pà q t L M Ä c 2 NO Èk PQ 41 v and therefore that the matrix r ( r) is nonsingular. . t ROPMt v Solving then Eq. s 37 for A xc u ( r) yields w ROPM v A M xc rxy 1 1 r 2 z|{~} r 2 c k ROPM @ j kk r Ā M xc k Y <F [ * a M xck r ¯ u xck ,c.c. 42 D RKLI ¶ A xc µ ¿ ·r¸¹ º1 ' » ¼¾½ 1 À ·rÁ 2 Â Ã Ä cÅ2 Æ Ç Èk ÉÊ Ë Ì ROPM E xc Õ ÖØ×Ù · Û Ðk Ú r ÍÏÎ Ð Ñ · ÒÔÓ 0 F k r Ü Ý Ð Þkß @ Ð â ¯ j k ràá Ā ¯ RKLI u xckÐ ã ä åc.c. xck è æ 43ç This equation establishes the generalization of the nonrelativistic KLI approximation to the realm of relativistic sysé tems. ì í In î ï contrast ð to the ROPM equation ê 15ë , the relativistic KLI RKLI ñequation, although still being an integral equaé can be solved explicitly in terms of the RKS spinors ò~tion, ó ö ÷ Ý ± ² : Multiplication of Eq. õ 43 øwith j ¦ lù ( ·r) , summing over iô úall û ì, and integrating over space yields é F W 1 @ RTS U @ ¯* Ð Z V Ā ¯ RKLI Ð ¯ u Ð Y ¯ u xck lk M lk xck 2 X xck ´ ¯ýS \ 1 ¯ @ * _ A xcl º ] @u ¯ xc l ^ ¯ u xcl . 2 ö a ` 47 b We emphasize that Eq. 42 is an ±exact transformation of the ROPM equation 15 . In particular, Eq. 42 is still an inteq gral equation. However, its advantage lies in the fact that it I naturally lends itself as a starting point for deriving systemÖ ROPMt u v atic approximations of A xc ( r) : We only need approximate . ¢ ) t v ¡ ( r) in Eq. 36 by a suitable function of the set of RKS k 0 orbitals £~¤ i¥ . The simplest possible approximation is obt v D neglecting the terms involving ¦ k§ ( r) ¨tained byª completely « in Eq. © 36 . Although this approximation may seem to be ¬rather crude, it was shown to produce highly accurate results in the nonrelativistic case 29,31® . ROPM± ² ° ( r) is then approximately deterThe xc potential A ¯ xc ³mined by the following equation: ´ E 46F è v ikjBl u m no 8 r 0 3 78 > Ý d r j l r9:<;=1 ? r@ j Ð kACB rD . M lk : 6 Since the current j( r) divided by the density Rn ( r) is the +velocity field of the system, it follows from g t( urv) h ½c Dthat 455 úand e 40f c 4 Solving this equation and substituting the result into Eq. c 43d finally RKLI± ²leads to an expression for the xc four-potential e ( r) that depends explicitly on the set of single-particle A ¯ xc fspinors gh . We thus have obtained a method of calculating ii ROPM± ² é j ( r) in an approximate way, the xc four-potential A ¯ xc øwhich is numerically much less involved compared to the full solution of the ROPM integral equations. V. ELECTROSTATIC LIMIT The ROPM and RKLI methods, developed in the preceding sections, can be applied to systems subject to arbitrary fstatic external four-potentials. In particular, the methods alk low us to deal with external magnetic fields of arbitrary fstrength. Yet, in electronic structure calculations of atoms, molecules, and solids, we most commonly encounter situa¨ é where no magnetic fields are present in a suitable tions, l m Lorentz frame, typically the rest frame of the nuclein . Thus in this section we consider four-potentials whose fspatial components vanish, i.e., PAo ±( ·r²) p q0. r èThis also inåcludes a partial fixing of the gauge.ext s In this situation, a simtplified Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham scheme can be developed, fstating that the zeroth component un ±( ·r²) v Ý j Õ 0 ±( ·r²) of the groundfstate current density alone determines the external potential u x ú u | } V ~ o ext w n and the ground-state wave function y{z n uniquely for a discussion on this so-called ‘‘electrostatic case’’ cf. Refs. ± 21,23 ² . Consequently, only a scalarº effective potené tialY V ý S ( ·r) is present in the RKS equation 2 . When orbital-dependent functionals are used for the xc ñenergy in this context, the corresponding scalar xc potential ± ² V xc( r) can be calculated by repeating the steps of Sec. III. One then finds the ROPM integral equation for the ‘‘electrofstatic case’’: APPROXIMATE RELATIVISTIC OPTIMIZED 57 Ä cÅ2 Èk 3 Ð · ROPM · d r r k r V xc F ROPM ý · ì · ¢¡ Ð £ · ¤¥ å ¦ q xc E G Sk r , r k r c.c. 0. Ð k r Y §ö ¨ 48 V RKLI xc Ç ·rÈÊÉ V ROPM xc un Ð Ó ·rÔÊÕ×Ö k 1 º u Ë · Ì Å ÏÍ Ð 2 n r Î Ä c 2 È ÑÒ k Þ å @ Ð ØÚÙ V̄ ROPM Ð Û ¯ u xckÐ ÜTÝ xck xck F c.c., øwhere 1 á ¯ Ð â rã : ä un Ð å ræ xck k ç ß ª50à ROPM E ¯ xc õ Ð ö Ð k î rïð ñic òôóʯ Ðû èé Ð ê k r÷ùøú k rüTý þ í ë ì r k ª ÿ 51 úand Ð k ·r : Ì ROPM 3 Ð · ROPM · E xc d r r Ð · Gý Sk ·r ì, ·r k r V xc k r ª 52 fsimilar to Eq. 17 . Equation ª50! represents the ‘‘electrofstatic case’’ analog of Eq. " ö42# úand can also be approximated ¨ in the same way, namely, by neglecting all terms involving ª ' $ Ð% ± · ² k ( r) in Eq. & 51 . In the context of the ‘‘electrostatic case’’ considered here, fsome more insight into the nature of this approximation can ( be gained: It can be interpreted as a ‘‘mean-field’’-type aptproximation in the sense that the average of the neglected é Kterms with respect to the ground-state density vanishes. To demonstrate this, we note that the neglected terms averaged )over *n ±( r)² are given by + ñ ic Å / , Äc 2 . Èk 021 F 3 3547¯ d r 6 Ð k 8 ·r9;:< Ð k = ·r>@?;A åc.c. B ª53C Applying the divergence theorem, this integral can be transformed to a surface integral which vanishes for finite systems G ·rHI º 1 · K 2 *n J r M Ä c Å2 N/L O È P/Q k F W *n Ð X r7Y Z V̄ ¯RKLI Ð [ k xck ` R Ì ROPM E ST xcÐ U · V k @ ¯ u xckÐ \ r ] åc.c. ^ ª54_ From this form it is obvious that the RKLI potential closely S In · fact, K using this¹ approach, Shadwick, Talman, and Norman ¸ 22 derived the x -only limit of the ROPM integral equation º 48¼ » . Compared to the four ROPM integral equations ½ 15¾ ì, øwhich determine the xc four-potential ´ A ROPM ì, Eq. À ö48Á ¨is xc¿ åconsiderably simpler. Still, its numerical solution is a rather K demanding task which has been achieved so far only for fsystems of high symmetry, i.e., spherical atoms  º21–24à . Ä Again, an approximate ROPM scheme can be derived: Following the arguments of Sec. IV, the ROPM integral equaé Å tion 48Æ åcan be exactly rewritten as 143 if the surface is taken to infinity. Hence, neglecting the terms ± ² involving D Ð kE ( r) means replacing them by their average Fvalue, which is zero. è ROPM± · ² ( The xc potential V xc ( r) can therefore approximately ïbe determined by the following equation, leading to the RKLI equation for the ‘‘electrostatic case’’: We mention that the same result is obtained if one de³mands that V ý ±( r)² be the variationally best local effective S tpotential yielding single-particle spinors minimizing the ª « é total-energy functional © 5 ì, i.e., ¬ Ì ROPM E q ´ö µ ® tot 0. 49 V ý S ¯ ·r° V ± ² V± ROPM ³ S ¶ ... ¬resembles the relativistic Dirac-Slater potential as well as the nonrelativistic KLI potential. Whether the accuracy of the åcorresponding nonrelativistic scheme is maintained in the ¬relativistic domain will be investigated in the following secé tion. ¶ aVI. RESULTS In this section, we test the accuracy of the approximate ROPM scheme, derived within the framework of the ‘‘elecé trostatic case’’ in the last section, for atomic systems. In )order to assess the quality of this approximation, exact refsults either for the xc energy E )or for the xc potential xc ±·² where relativ¨V xc( r) would be useful. However, for systems b istic effects become important, e.g., high-Z úatoms, exact refsults are presently not available. Consequently, we have to look b for a different standard to compare with. is available within the ¹ x -only k Such a standard º reference d limit of RDFT c 21,23,24 . As in the nonrelativistic case, the ¹ x -only limit of the xc energy functional is defined by the use )of the exact exchange energy functional, i.e., by the relativfg istic h i Fockj term, Eq. e 6 ì,b in the case of only longitudinal Coulomb interactions. k Since, in the present context, our tprincipal goal is to the test the quality of the RKLI method, øwe restrict ourselves to this longitudinal case and neglect é transverse contributions.l As explained in the preceding sec± ² é tion, the exact longitudinal exchange potential V Lx ( ·r) can é then be obtained by solving the p full ROPM integral equation m 15n øwith E ¯ xc replaced by E o Lx ,exact . Simultaneous solution of é é the ROPM integral equation and the RKS equation q 2r therefore represents the exact implementation of the longitudinal ¹ x -only limit of RDFT. This scheme will serve as a reference fstandard in the following. It is first compared — of course — to the RKLI method, øwhich employs the same exact expression s f6t ufor the exåchange energy and only approximates the local exchange tpotential V o L ±( ·r²) by means of Eq. v ª54w . Besides that, we list x é the results from traditional RKS calculations obtained with é ¹ RLDAx úand two recently the longitudinal ¹ x -only RLDA (x introduced gradient approximation yï | z u relativistic{ º generalized RGGA functionals 24 : The first one is based on the ö ï } Becke88 GGA ~ 42 RB88 ì, the second one on a GGA funcé tional due to Engel, Chevary, MacDonald, and Vosko 11 . RECMV92 è These various approaches are analyzed for spherical å closed-shell úatoms. To this end, the spin-angular part of the T. KREIBICH, E. K. U. GROSS, AND E. ENGEL 144 57 ªTABLE I. Longitudinal ground-state energy « E ¬L from various self-consistent ® x -only and RHF calcula¯tions. ° ¯ denotes the mean absolute deviation and ¯± totthe average relative deviation ² in 0.1 percent³ from the ´exact ROPM values µ ¶all energies are in hartree units· ¸. ® x RLDA RHF ROPM RKLI RB88 RECMV92 ¹He ºBe »Ne ¼Mg Ar ½Ca Zn ¾Kr ¿Sr Pd ½Cd ÀXe Ba Yb ¹Hg Rn Ra »No ï Á¯  ¯ 2.862 14.576 128.692 199.935 528.684 679.710 1794.613 2788.861 3178.080 5044.400 5593.319 7446.895 8135.644 14067.669 19648.865 23602.005 25028.061 36740.682 2.862 14.575 128.690 199.932 528.678 679.704 1794.598 2788.848 3178.067 5044.384 5593.299 7446.876 8135.625 14067.621 19648.826 23601.969 25028.027 36740.625 2.862 14.575 128.690 199.931 528.677 679.702 1794.595 2788.845 3178.063 5044.380 5593.292 7446.869 8135.618 14067.609 19648.815 23601.959 25028.017 36740.609 2.864 14.569 128.735 199.952 528.666 679.704 1794.892 2788.907 3178.111 5044.494 5593.375 7446.838 8135.612 14068.569 19649.141 23602.038 25028.105 36741.900 2.864 14.577 128.747 199.970 528.678 679.719 1794.880 2788.876 3178.079 5044.442 5593.319 7446.761 8135.532 14068.452 19649.004 23601.892 25027.962 36741.783 2.724 14.226 127.628 198.556 526.337 677.047 1790.458 2783.282 3172.071 5036.677 5585.086 7437.076 8125.336 14054.349 19631.622 23582.293 25007.568 36714.839 0.006 0.189 0.168 8.668 0.002 0.103 0.108 6.20 tproaches and the variationally best local tpotential ö L,ROPM± · ² RKS wave function is treated analytically and the remaining ¬radial Dirac equation is solved numerically on a logarithmic V R nucl 1.0793 A 1/3 0.735 87 fm, åclosely: For the mean absolute deviation from the exact ï ª 55 ROPM data of the 18 neutral atoms listed in Table I, one only 5 mhartree. Thus the RKLI method impresfsively improves on the RLDA results, for which we find a ³mean absolute deviation of 6092 mhartree. The accuracy of é the RKLI scheme becomes even more obvious when comtpared to the RGGAs. Both RGGAs improve significantly )over the RLDA method. Still, their deviations from the exact ï ROPM data are more than one order of magnitude larger åcompared to the RKLI results. The trends found in the above discussion are almost idené tical to the ones found in the nonrelativistic case. In order to úanalyze the relativistic effects more directly, we additionally åconsider the relativistic contribution to ÌE L ì, defined by tot )obtains øwhere A is the atomic mass taken from 43 . We mention in tpassing that employing finite nuclei is not necessary to en- fsure convergent results as, for example, in the relativistic è Thomas-Fermi model. We incorporate finite nuclei because they represent the physically correct approach. In Table I, we show the longitudinal ground-state energy E Ltot )obtained from the various self-consistent ¹ x -only RDFT úapproaches and, in addition, from relativistic Hartree-Fock RHF åcalculations. Comparing the first two columns, we ¬recognize that the RHF and the ROPM data are very close. è The largest deviation is found for Be with 41 ppm. With increasing atomic number, the inner orbitals, contributing most to the total energy, become more and more localized fsuch that the difference between the nonlocal RHF potential úand the local ROPM decreases. In fact, for No, the difference Kis down to 2 ppm. We emphasize that these differences are ïdue to the different nature of the two approaches. While the RHF method, by construction, yields the variationally best ñenergy, the ROPM scheme additionally constrains the exåchange potential to be local. Consequently, we expect the ROPM results to always be somewhat higher, which is confirmed in Table I. In the third column, the total energies )obtained from the RKLI approximation are presented. They úalways lie above the corresponding ROPM values since the fsame exchange energy functional is employed in both ap- ( r) is approximated by Eq. 43 in the RKLI ap- xc tproach. However, the results are clearly seen to agree very mesh 21 . In all our calculations we use finite nuclei modñeled by a homogeneously charged sphere with radius é ¨ ¡;¢ L * R n E tot : E tot £ ¤ £ ¥ * NR . E NR tot n ª § ¦ 56 Via this decomposition, we are able to test the quality of the RKLI scheme independently of the accuracy of its nonrelaé tivistic equivalent. Yet, at first, we want to point out that the ¬relativistic treatment leads to drastic corrections especially for high-Z úatoms. For example, Table II shows that the relaé tivistic correction of Hg amounts for about 6.7% of the total ñenergy thus demonstrating the need for a fully relativistic é treatment. Furthermore, by comparing the second and third åcolumns of Table II, we realize that the ROPM and the RKLI ³method yield almost identical results for the relativistic coné © tribution E tot . In other words, almost no additional deviaé tions are introduced by the relativistic treatment of the KLI APPROXIMATE RELATIVISTIC OPTIMIZED 57 ... 145 ªTABLE II. Relativistic contribution Ì5Í ÎE ¬L from various self-consistent ® x -only and RHF calculations. Ï ¯ tot Ðdenotes the mean absolute deviation and ¯Ñ the Ó ÕROPM values Ö all energies are in hartree units× . average relative deviation Ò in 0.1 percentÔ from the exact ® x RLDA RHF ROPM RKLI RB88 RECMV92 ¹He »Be Ne ¼Mg Ar ½Ca ØZn ¾Kr ¿Sr ½Pd Cd Xe ÙBa Yb ¹Hg ÕRn Ra »No Ú¯ Û ¯ 0.000 0.003 0.145 0.320 1.867 2.953 16.771 36.821 46.554 106.527 128.245 214.860 252.223 676.559 1240.521 1736.153 1934.777 3953.172 0.000 0.003 0.145 0.320 1.867 2.953 16.770 36.820 46.553 106.526 128.243 214.858 252.222 676.551 1240.513 1736.144 1934.770 3953.155 0.000 0.003 0.145 0.320 1.867 2.953 16.770 36.820 46.553 106.526 128.243 214.858 252.221 676.549 1240.511 1736.142 1934.768 3953.151 0.000 0.003 0.145 0.321 1.867 2.952 16.779 36.822 46.552 106.526 128.243 214.825 252.176 676.590 1240.543 1736.151 1934.781 3953.979 0.000 0.003 0.145 0.321 1.867 2.953 16.779 36.821 46.551 106.525 128.241 214.822 252.173 676.588 1240.538 1736.151 1934.783 3954.015 0.000 0.002 0.138 0.308 1.821 2.888 16.555 36.432 46.092 105.715 127.323 213.522 250.725 673.785 1236.349 1730.890 1929.116 3944.569 0.001 0.056 0.058 1.788 0.009 1.14 1.35 33.7 fscheme. Considering now the relativistic corrections calcumethods, the conclusions Klated with the conventional RDFT L å drawn in the discussion of E tot can be repeated: Compared to the RKLI method, the RGGA results are worse by more than )one order of magnitude whereas the RLDA is the by far least úaccurate approximation. These trends also remain valid when other quantities of Ãinterest are considered. For example, in Tables III and IV we have listed the relativistic contributions to the longitudinal ñexchange energy, defined analogously to Eq. Ä ª56Å . Again, the RKLI method almost exactly reproduces the ROPM results. It is worthwhile noting that the exchange energy E Æ xL is influñenced quite substantially by relativistic effects, too. Taking úagain Hg as an example, we realize that the 5.8% contribu é tion to E Æ xL is of the same order as for the total energy. Furé thermore, even for lighter atoms such as Mg, the relativistic åcorrections to ÌE Æ L úare comparable or even larger than the x K differences between the currently best nonrelativistic exåchange functionals. As a consequence, a relativistic treat³ment is indispensable for the ultimate comparison with extperiments Ç 21È . Next, we turn our attention to the calculation )of É ÌEÆ ufrom the RGGA functionals listed in the third and x u fourth columns of Table III. With the exception of No, the results are also in excellent agreement with the exact ones. However, when we turn our attention to other systems like fsome ions of the neon-isoelectronic series shown in Table ¶ IV, we recognize that the RGGAs cannot reproduce the exact results to the same level of accuracy as obtained for the neutral atoms above Ê 24Ë . This can be explained by the fact é that the RGGAs are optimized for the neutral atoms. In coné trast, the agreement of the RKLI results with the exact ones for these ions is as good as for the neutral atoms. é ªTABLE Î III. Relativistic contribution Ü5Ý E Þ x to the exchange energy from various self-consistent ® x -only calculations. ß ¯ denotes the mean absolute deviation and ¯ à ¯the average relative deviation á Óin percentâ from the exact ROPM values ã all energies are in hartree unitsä ¸. He Be Ne Mg Ar Ca Zn Kr Sr Pd Cd Xe Ba Yb Hg Rn Ra No å¯ æ ¯ ROPM RKLI RB88 RECMV92 ® x ÕRLDA 0.000 0.001 0.015 0.029 0.118 0.172 0.627 1.215 1.478 2.785 3.264 5.021 5.739 12.043 19.963 26.637 29.241 52.403 0.000 0.001 0.015 0.029 0.118 0.172 0.626 1.214 1.477 2.787 3.264 5.020 5.736 12.024 19.956 26.620 29.218 52.402 0.000 0.001 0.015 0.029 0.117 0.171 0.632 1.212 1.473 2.782 3.255 4.977 5.684 12.027 19.965 26.612 29.225 53.168 0.000 0.001 0.015 0.029 0.118 0.171 0.632 1.211 1.472 2.780 3.252 4.974 5.680 12.024 19.957 26.610 29.224 53.205 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.015 0.069 0.104 0.402 0.814 1.005 1.958 2.322 3.657 4.215 9.194 15.734 21.307 23.513 43.683 0.004 0.053 0.056 1.819 0.079 1.03 0.857 35.9 T. KREIBICH, E. K. U. GROSS, AND E. ENGEL 146 57 TABLE IV. Relativistic contribution E Þ x to the exchange energy from various self-consistent ® x -only calculations for some Ð ions of the neon-isoelectronic series. ¯ denotes the mean absolute the average relative deviation in percent from the deviation and ¯ exact ROPM values all energies are in hartree units . Ca 10 Zr30 Nd 50 Hg70 ! " Fm90 ROPM RKLI RB88 RECMV92 ® x RLDA 0.159 1.528 5.780 15.599 # 36.475 0.160 1.528 5.783 15.606 36.494 0.158 1.507 5.667 15.293 36.258 0.158 1.509 5.675 15.325 36.366 0.093 0.983 3.970 11.365 28.173 0.006 0.132 0.102 2.992 0.041 1.34 1.17 31.8 $¯ % ¯ è To further proceed with our investigation, we next raise the question of how± well local properties such as the exåchange potential V Æ L ( r)² are reproduced within the different x ï uRDFT methods. In Fig. 1, the exchange potential is plotted for the case of Hg. As expected, the RKLI result follows the ñexact curve most closely. Yet, the pronounced shell structure úapparent in the ROPM curve is not fully reproduced, alé å ì éthough clearly visible ç cf. the more detailed plot in Fig. 2è , in the RKLI approximation. However, it again improves sigénificantly over the conventional RDFT results, where the intershell peaks are strongly smeared out or even absent. In Fig. 3, the asymptotic region, which is of particular imporé ètance for excitation properties, is plotted in greater detail. There we recover the known deficiencies of the conventional RDFT functionals: The RLDA as well as both RGGAs fall )off much too rapidly. In contrast, the RKLI and ROPM åcurves become indistinguishable in the asymptotic region, ( both decaying as 1/r úas r éëê úand thus reflecting the proper åcancellation of self-interaction effects. Since all these obserFvations are already known for the corresponding nonrelativistic functionals, we again consider the relativistic contribué tion separately. This relativistic contribution to the exchange tpotential, given by é & ' + ( FIG. 2. Longitudinal exchange potential V Þ Lx ( r) for Hg showing Ó the shell structure of Fig. 1 in more detail , in hartree units- . ì ð VÆx í r î : ï £ ö £ ÷ø ú û ñ £ NRüý V Æ OPM n rþ x ñn NR r ù V Æ Lx ñn R òó r ôõ V Æ NR x & ' ( ì, ÿ ª57 FIG. 1. Longitudinal exchange potential V Þ Lx (r) for Hg from various self-consistent ® x -only calculations ) in hartree units* . is plotted in Fig. 4. We first observe strong oscillations between 0.1 a.u. and 5 a.u. These oscillations are introduced by é the displacement of the density due to relativistic effects and é thus represent a direct consequence of the atomic shell strucé ture. As the shell structure of the exchange potential is not fully reproduced within the RKLI approach, the amplitudes )of the oscillations are somewhat smaller compared to ú OPM± ² V Æ x ( r ) . While these deviations are clearly visible, the RKLI curve is still closest to the exact one, especially in the kregion near the nucleus and in the asymptotic region, where large deviations occur for the conventional RDFT methods. The properties of the ¹ x tpotential in the large-r úasymptotic ¬region also strongly influence the eigenvalue of the highest )occupied orbital shown in Table V: Due to the correct asymptotics, the energies calculated within the RKLI scheme úare almost identical to the exact ROPM results. On the con( é trary, the lack of the correct 1/r behavior of the RGGAs and é the RLDA shows up in rather poorly reproduced eigenvalues )of the highest occupied state. Since in the exact nonrelativ istic theory, the highest occupied energy level coincides with é the potential 44 ì, we also list this quantity, given ( ionization Ì Ì by I E tot N 1 E tot N ì, in Table VI. Again, the RKLI úand ROPM methods provide almost identical results. In ad- é FIG. 3. Asymptotic region of the longitudinal exchange potential of Fig. 1 . in hartree units/ . 57 APPROXIMATE RELATIVISTIC OPTIMIZED . . . 147 TABLE VI. Ionization potential calulated from various selfconsistent ® x -only calculations. t ¯ denotes the mean absolute devia Ó tion and ¯ u the average relative deviation v in percentw from the exact ROPM values x ¶all energies are in hartree unitsy . Be Mg z Ca { Zn U Sr z ºCd Ba Hg ~ FIG. 4. Relativistic contribution V Þ x (r) , Eq. 57 , for Hg from various self-consistent ® x -only calculations in hartree units . ROPM OPM RKLI RB88 RECMV92 ® x RLDA 0.296 0.243 0.189 0.284 0.175 0.269 0.157 0.313 0.295 0.243 0.188 0.278 0.172 0.253 0.152 0.250 0.296 0.243 0.189 0.283 0.175 0.268 0.157 0.312 0.326 0.269 0.210 0.339 0.195 0.315 0.176 0.364 0.327 0.269 0.210 0.338 0.196 0.315 0.176 0.363 0.312 0.261 0.205 0.334 0.192 0.314 0.174 0.364 0.000 0.034 0.034 0.029 0.130 13.5 13.6 11.6 |¯ } ¯ 0 dition, when comparing the ionization potential to the ener1gies of the highest occupied level, we see that the relation I 243 £ N — which we of course expect to hold only approxi5mately, since correlation contributions are neglected — is 6 fulfilled within a few percent for the ROPM and RKLI data, 7whereas the results of the conventional ¹ x 6functional differ to 8a much larger extent. To conclude, we note that the inclusion 9of relativistic effects leads to large corrections for heavy at9oms even for the outermost orbitals: Taking Hg as an ex8ample, we find a 20% shift for the ionization potential. f TABLE V. Eigenenergy gih jN of the highest occupied orbital from various self-consistent ® x -only calculations. k ¯ denotes the ¯ l the average relative deviation m in mean absolute deviation and ¯ percentn from the exact ROPM values o all energies are in hartree unitsp . Be Mg Ca Zn Sr Cd Ba Hg OPM RKLI RB88 RECMV92 ® x RLDA 0.309 0.253 0.196 0.299 0.181 0.282 0.163 0.329 0.309 0.253 0.196 0.293 0.179 0.266 0.158 0.262 0.309 0.253 0.196 0.298 0.181 0.282 0.163 0.332 0.181 0.149 0.116 0.195 0.108 0.183 0.097 0.223 0.182 0.149 0.116 0.194 0.108 0.182 0.097 0.222 0.170 0.142 0.112 0.191 0.104 0.181 0.095 0.222 0.001 0.095 0.095 0.099 0.156 38.3 38.4 40.0 r q¯ s ¯ r G P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn, Phys. Rev. 136, B864 I 1964J . W. Kohn and L.J. Sham, Phys. Rev. 140,N A1133 O 1965P . S R.M. Dreizler and E.K.U. Gross, Density Functional Theory TU Springer, Berlin, 1990V . W S 4X R.G. Parr and W. Yang, Density-Functional Theory of Atoms K 1H 2L Q 3R ROPM M : ¶ VII. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we derived an approximate ROPM scheme 1generalizing the arguments of Krieger, Li, and Iafrate to the relativistic domain. As for the full ROPM, the advantage of ; the RKLI method lies in the fact that xc functionals depending explicitly on a set of RKS single-particle spinors can be ; treated within the framework of RDFT. This, in particular, 8allows us to employ the exact expression for the exchange <energy functional, i.e., the relativistic Fock term in the lon1gitudinal case. Therefore the RKLI approach satisfies a num= ber of important properties, most notably the freedom from >self-interactions implying the correct asymptotic decay. ¶ In numerical tests on spherical atoms within the longitu0 ¹ x -only limit of RDFT the RKLI method was found to dinal = be clearly superior to the known relativistic ¹ x -only function8als. The results obtained are seen to be in close agreement 7with the exact ROPM values, thus reducing the deviation of, 6 0for example, the widely used RLDA by more than three orders of magnitude. On the other hand, the numerical effort involved is considerably less compared to the solution of the full ROPM scheme. We therefore expect that the RKLI >scheme will be successfully used for larger ? @nonsphericalA >systems, e.g., molecules, including also correlation contribu; tions. B ACKNOWLEDGMENTS C Many 0 valuable discussions with K. Capelle, T. Grabo, and M. Lüders are greatly appreciated. One of us D T.K.E 8ac0knowledges financial support from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. This work was supported in part by the F Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Yand Molecules Z Oxford University Press, New York, 1989[ . ^ 5] Density Functional Theory,N Vol. 337 of NATO Advanced Study \ S Institute, Series B: Physics, edited by E.K.U. Gross and R.M. 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